Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 75 2016 International Seminar on Education, Innovation and Economic Management (SEIEM 2016) Research and Practice of College Education System Zhao Xianglian Sun Bin Center for Teaching and Learning Development Graduate School of Jilin Agricultural University Jilin Agricultural University Changchun, China Changchun, China
[email protected] Zhou Jianzhong Center for Teaching and Learning Development Jilin Agricultural University Changchun, China Abstract—To serve the society and economy of Jilin Province university education and talent of macro management and "three rural" development as the purpose and to respond to control functions, enterprise is the main employment of college major national strategic needs for the ultimate goal brings graduates training quality and source of feedback, the together universities, local governments and enterprises university is among the three main local government and tripartite forces to build a "multi-dimensional" cooperative cooperative enterprises, the combining site is talent cultivation. education man system. Multidimensional refers to talent training Based on the above universities and local governments, for combining site, the coordination and cooperation with local between enterprises to build a base (special type of school, governments and enterprises; Stereo refers to students all-round type of school and enterprise, science and technology development as the goal, students' knowledge, ability and quality demonstration zone type), shared resources (space, funding, of three-dimensional, coordinated development. The system is research and development equipment, production environment, driven by joint training, motivation, and diverse interactive stereoscopic structure of three kinds of mechanisms to support, scholarships, scientific research platform, senior experts in Jilin agricultural university.