Arctic Believed to Have Claimed 20 Lives

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Arctic Believed to Have Claimed 20 Lives FIN A L Winnipeg Wheat EDITION Oct. close >:•'• VOL. XXL—No. 178. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1928 12 PAGES Arctic Believed To Have Claimed 20 Lives ^$40,000 OUT OF Italian Fliers Who Made Record Non-Stop Flight to Brazil FEARS ARE ENTERTAINED $100,000 MAIL 10 OF NOBILE CREW AND TEN RESCUERS VICTIMS ROBBERY HAS Tragedy of Modern Polar Exploration Heightened as One Relief Expedition After Another Fails to Rescue BEENJLaCATED Marooned Men—Amundsen and Five Com­ panions Are Practically Given Up Detroit Police Helping Tor­ KINGS BAY, Spitzbergen, July 11—Indications increased onto Officers to Round today that a tragedy of modern polar exploration had claimed Up Suspects the lives of 20 men. Grave fears were entertained for five others. Those believed dead were: TRACING BANDITS BY Ten members of General Umberto Nobile's party of 16 which was aboard the dirigible Italia when it crashed May 25, RECOVERED MONEY returning from the north pole. ; ' DETROIT, July 11—Detroit police re­ Roald Amundsen, L. Dietrichsen, Captain Guilbaud and a vealed today that they are assisting crew of three of a French seaplane which tried to find Nobile's Toronto detectives in searching for a party. man formerly employed in a barber shop here In connection with the $100,- The Italian Alpine chasseur, Capt. Zora, and two Norweg­ 006 mail robbery at Toronto recently. ians, Varming and Van Dongen, guides, who also started They also disclosed that seventy-five search. • " Canadian five dollar bills, believed to Commander Nobile is the only one of the party rescued. be part of the loot, have been recov­ 22 Cars Pile Up In AIRPLANE BEING One man was killed in the crash. ered here. Four suspects and three women are in custody in Toronto in Fear was increased for the safety of five fever-stricken connection with the robbery, according Wreck On C. P. R.; USED TO SEARCH and partially insane men. marooned on the ice by the crash of to Detroit police, who also said they the airship. nave been given information that ap­ There appeared to be no immediate prospect of their proximately $40,000 of the loot has been rescue for four days, attempts to communicate with them by recovered. Two Men Missing FOR LOST CHILD radio having failed. Toronto detectives investigating the Lnndborg's Story WALKING PARTY FOUND? robbery here are said to have told De­ Spurred on by their recent success in establishing a new. aviation endur­ This silence today was attributed troit officers that two Detroit men took Smash-Up of Freight Train LONDON, July 11.—A Renter's ance record, Major Arturo Ferrarin (1) and Carlo Del Prete (3), Italian fliers, Little Eddie Hamilton of El- rather to weakness of Radio Operator dispatch from Moscow states that part In the robbery. One of these, ac­ left Rome at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, in the Marchettl, a Savoia monoplane Biogi or atmospheric conditions. Lt. cording to police information, obtained is Reported From the walking party of the dirigible (2) on a 7,000-mile non-stop flight to Pernambuco, Brazil, and on Thursday rose District Missing Lundborg. Swedish airman, who was Italia has been found. The group only one thousand dollars of the loot. Caron, Sask. they landed at Port Natal, Brazil. They flew southward along the Brazil rescued from among the marooned Police said they found the Canadian of tMree men, headed by Dr. Finn coast at about 122 miles an hour, after having attained an average speed ot Since Last Friday men off Foyne Island, said that Blogl Malmgren, Swedish scientist, which money here in a brick wall of the base­ 135 miles an hour for the trip. The aviators kept in constant touch with was weak with fever, but managed previously had been referred to as ment of the shop in which the other MOOSE JAW, July 11—Twenty, ships and vessels along the route shown in the map (4), and reported that SASKATOON. July 11.—The Elrose twice daily to send out radio reports. the "walking party," had been miss­ Detroit member of the gang had been two freight cars laden with grain, everything was going all right. They have made a new distance record for district today is the scene of one of The floe on which they are drifting ing and practically given up for lost employed. lumber and coal are piled in a trans-oceanic flying. the mdst highly organized and thor­ was growing soft, preventing planes . ever since May 30, when they left Seven Held heap and between 150 and 200 ough searches for a missing person from landing to take them off. The the nine men of the Nobile group TORONTO. July 11.—It is understood feet of trackage on the C.P.R. that has ever been made' In the pro­ hope of rescue appeared to rest on who bad been thrown on the Ice that four men and three women have torn up about half a mile west of vince, the quarry being little Eddie the ability of the ice-breakers Krassin when the Italla's gondola was been held here by the Toronto police Caron station as the result of an Hamilton, 2%-year-old child, who dis­ and Braganza, forcing their way smashed on May 25. for some time in connection with the accident that occurred at 7.13 this appeared last Friday when he was out through the pack ice to them. The With Dr. Malmgren were Capt, Toronto mall robbery, which occurred morning. The freight was travel­ berry picking with his family and Krassin reported no progress yesterday, ling eastward toward Moose Jaw Accident Insurance some neighbors. being held In the ice about 30 miles Alberto Mariano, pilot of the Italia, in Jtae early morning of June 20 last. when something from the fifth car away from the survivors. and Captain Zappl, Italian navy Six armed bandits pulled up to the car • • • • • • • • . Today all available forces are being navigator. In the union station and at the point struck the track tearing up ties concentrated on the hunt. The Sas­ A dog team expedition of Captaip These men stayed five days with of pistols, robbed the Canadian Na­ and steel, the result being that katoon Aero club has sent one ot their Zora with the Norwegians, Varming the marooned party of Northeast tional Railway Montreal-Chicago train the cars piled upon one another Companies Mulcted $3,000,000 Year Moth planes to the scene of activity. and Van Dongin started across the ice and spread across the right of All places of business in surrounding several weeks ago to rescue the ma­ Land and then decided to make aa mail car of about $125,000. NEW YORK. July 11.—An elaborate One man, the "Hopper," he said, way. towns, and villages have declared, a rooned men. also warned that such an effort to reach land and then walk 3 system of faking accident claims, es­ would find a defect In a sidewalk of At the point where the acci­ holiday to Join in the hunt. The attempt was fraught with great peril. across Northeast Land to Kings timated to cost insurance companies an'insured building, trip, over it and dent occurred the line is double mounted police have sent fenforce­ They were swallowed up by the Arctic Bay. They carried approximately $3,000,000 a year, was described in an then make a false claim of injury- The tracked and the box cars in their ments from nearby detachments to ' Scene Beggars Description fifty pounds of provisions, bvt set investigation into ambulance chasing "flopper," he said, rarely went to a far as known had no arms. Viscount Byng headlong flight ripped up all the before Supreme Court Justice Wasser- hospital but a second man would direct operations. A veritable caval­ Lt Lundborg said on landing on the A message was received in Moscow steel In the vicinity including the vogel. gather the names of witnesses to the cade of autos is roaming over the ice on June 24 he was met by General main line of the C.P.R. Of five countryside and hundreds of search Nobile who fell into his arms in the today stating that the. Russian flier Thirteen lawyers and five physicians accident; Chukhnovsky, who has been making men riding In the cars only three were named as members of a ring that The claim would be placed in the ers are swarming over.the hills, cbv tent. He wept from mingled Joy and Highly Praised have been accounted for. ering every inch of the ground. distress, as he embraced and kissed flights from the ice-breaker Krassin, employed men and women to fake fails hands of one of the attorneys of the now near. Foyne Island, made the dis­ The train crew escaped unhurt. The airplane left Saskatoon at 12:30 thi Swedish airman. Lundborg said over manhole covers and other sidewalk ring while a, physician; also affiliated covery in the course of a series -of today, arriving at Elrose about one the condition of the tent baffled de obstructions. with the ring,' would furnish a false flights. hour later. scription. All.of the Italians were more London Times and Post Both Operation of the alleged ring was medical certificate. Suit would be filed The Russian airman found Dr. Mal­ against the insurance company. The Aero club, in response to appeal or less physically and mentally weak described by Daniel Laulich, alleged mgren and his two companions at 80.42 Pleased Over New Ap­ lawyer's runner, who now is serving a from friends of the family, is supply­ from strain, exposure and lack of prop­ British Party to Laulich said the ring had arranged er food.
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