Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy Prospectus

Together we grow, learn and succeed

Dear Parent Principal's welcome

As Principal, it is my great privilege and pleasure Our recent inspection by Ofsted gave us a challenging to welcome you to Lord Lawson of Beamish message. Staff and governors are absolutely united Academy. You are looking to join the academy at with me in our mission to transform this school for the an exciting time in its history and development. benefit of our pupils. Parents support us in this drive. The academy is improving fast, and I am firmly This rapid improvement journey has already started, committed to provide every pupil here with as the inspectors noted. As the next generation at the very best education possible. This promise Lord Lawson, you will benefit the most from this includes exciting academic courses, excellent transformation. pastoral support, and inspiring extra-curricular opportunities. “Positive changes in the school’s culture are evident around the school. Parents, staff and pupils are The education we offer here is ambitious – we pleased with the changes made.” (Ofsted, 2019) want every pupil to achieve extraordinary success. This may be academic success, I hope you will take the opportunity to visit us, to enjoyable in itself and so important for the see for yourselves how we are bringing to life our future. It may be sporting and artistic success, vision for outstanding education, based on trust and areas in which our academy already excels. And respect, courage and ambition. And I look forward to personal success, where children grow, flourish welcoming you personally when you join Lord Lawson and discover who they are. For our pupils, of Beamish Academy. success will come in many different forms.

Best wishes

Andrew Fowler, Principal

03 Dear Parent Dear Parent Vision and values

Our vision for outstanding education

“Together we grow, learn and succeed”

2019 marks the start of a new chapter in the life of Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy. Pupils, staff and governors have set an inspiring new vision for the school. This vision shows our belief that, when we work together as a

community, every child and adult can reach the very highest standards.

Strong values for growth and success Respect, trust, courage, ambition ‘‘

Our academy’s strong values capture the spirit of our vision. By showing respect for each other, we learn to trust and be trusted. We show courage in tackling new and complex tasks. We are ambitious for ourselves, and we encourage one another to attain ambitious goals.

02 Dear Parent Dear Parent Dear Parent "The" The best best thing thing about about Lord Lord Lawson Lawson of Beamishof Beamish is that is that you you get get good, good, high quality lessonshigh quality with thelessons best withteachers the best in the world." teachers in the world." (Year 7 pupil) Year 7 Pupil"The best thing about Lord Lawson of Beamish is that you get good, high quality lessons with the best teachers in the world"

Year 7

5 05 "Pupils are polite, helpful, enthusiastic and great ambassadors for the academy."


02 Lord Lawson – making your voice heard

Jack Lawson (1881-1965), after whom this school is named, believed passionately in the power of education to transform lives. After working as a miner near Birtley, educating himself and his brother, he was given the opportunity to study at Ruskin College, University. He had no money, but he cared about education so much that he and his family sold all they had – including their furniture – to pay his way. As a union worker and then as a member of parliament, faithfully represented the views and interests of working people in this area. The school today aims to capture Jack Lawson’s commitment to education and to public service.

“There are good opportunities for pupils to share their views through the school’s democratic systems. Consequently, pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.” (Ofsted, 2019)

The views of pupils and parents are essential in our drive to improve the school. Pupils can become part of House Councils, and can stand for election as Head Girl, Head Boy and their deputies. Parents are invited to attend meetings of the Parents’ Forum, where they hear updates and share their views and concerns with the Principal and other senior members of staff.


school life. school

all ready to help each pupil (and parent) get the best out of of out best the get parent) (and pupil each help to ready all

the Student Welfare and Family Liaison Officer in each house are are house each in Officer Liaison Family and Welfare Student the

pupils and parents. Heads of House, Deputy Heads of House and and House of Heads Deputy House, of Heads parents. and pupils

who they see every day. The tutor is the first point of contact for for contact of point first the is tutor The day. every see they who to be known and cared for as individuals. Each pupil has a tutor, tutor, a has pupil Each individuals. as for cared and known be to

The house system creates a sense of belonging, and allows pupils pupils allows ‘‘and belonging, of sense a creates system house The

(Ofsted, 2019) (Ofsted,

is fostered effectively.” effectively.” fostered is

support. Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development development cultural and social moral, spiritual, Their support.

“The school's pastoral system provide pupils with good care and and care good with pupils provide system pastoral school's “The

houses, each one a family of around 300 pupils. pupils. 300 around of family a one each houses,

the academy is very good. Pupils belong to one of four different different four of one to belong Pupils good. very is academy the

learn effectively, and to grow as human beings. Pastoral care at at care Pastoral beings. human as grow to and effectively, learn

concern. Children need to feel safe, secure and happy in order to to order in happy and secure safe, feel to need Children concern.

The wellbeing of pupils at Lord Lawson is our number one one number our is Lawson Lord at pupils of wellbeing The

- our house system house our -

Safe, secure and happy happy and secure Safe,

Dear Parent Dear Dear Parent Dear Dear Parent Dear Parent

"I feel extremely safe and comfortable. I enjoy all the lessons as teachers are kind."

(Year 7 pupil)

09 Uniform and behaviour - high expectations

"This is a very respectful school and teachers are friendly and try to help you as much as possible."

(Year 10 pupil) Uniform and behaviour - high expectations

Expectations are high at the academy. We respect pupils’ individuality, but we expect all pupils to wear uniform correctly, and to behave appropriately at all times. In this way they show respect for others, and learn self-respect too. The use of mobile phones is not allowed anywhere in school, except under the specific direction of a teacher.

“Most pupils conduct themselves well across the day. They use social areas respectfully.” (Ofsted, 2019)

Where pupils make mistakes, we operate a restorative system. We expect pupils to think about what they have done, and who has been affected by their actions. They may need to take time out to do this, including possibly a period in the inclusion unit or detention. We then expect pupils to repair the relationships they have damaged, with teachers or other pupils. We expect to receive the support of parents in putting things right in this way.

11 Curriculum

The curriculum at Lord Lawson is broad and “Pupils are responding well to more difficult subject demanding. By ‘curriculum’ we mean not only what content.” (Ofsted, 2019) is taught, when and how it is taught, but also the amazing range of extra-curricular opportunities the The curriculum at Key Stage 3 helps pupils progress academy provides. These include trips and visits, from the high demands of the primary school clubs and activities, sports and performing arts. By curriculum. The breadth of the subjects, and the depth taking advantage of the full curriculum offer, pupils of study offered, provides a wonderfully rounded can be ambitious for themselves and enjoy success education. It also prepares pupils to select their in many different forms. options for GCSE and the sixth form. Further details of the curriculum are available on our website. From year 7, pupils study the core subjects of English, In the sixth form, a rich choice of vocational and mathematics and science, and the broadest range academic subjects is offered. Sixth form students of other subjects, including history, geography benefit from specialist teachers, who are able to and religious education, the arts – music, art, and stretch their understanding and help them prepare for performing arts – languages, technology and university, college, careers or apprenticeships. physical education. The curriculum for Key Stage 3 (years 7 to 9) has been recently revised, to give “Sixth form lessons are well planned and well further challenge and depth. delivered. The quality of discussion and debate in lessons is good, with students confident about participating and extending their thinking.” (Ofsted, 2019)

The school offers impartial specialist careers guidance, with work experience in years 10 and 12. Pupils benefit from frequent links with local employers and businesses. "Performing arts makes me feel like one big happy family."

(Year 7 pupil)

13 "The staff are absolutely incredible. Everyone goes that extra mile to support you."

(Year 12 student) Dear Parent Successful sixth form

We have a large and successful sixth form offering All sixth form students benefit from independent a wide range of subject choice. The vast majority of advice regarding university and vocational options. students who apply for university places enter their Our team of experienced tutors assist with university university of first choice. and college applications and help prepare students for work, interviews and life after Lord Lawson. We offer taster days at universities, work experience Our sixth form opportunities and practice interviews with employers, and the academy has well-established Our students benefit from expert subject teaching links with businesses. and an experienced pastoral team. Students regularly excel in their studies and go on to pursue their chosen subjects at university.

We are an inclusive sixth form that provides opportunities for students to take a wide range of academic courses. Students have the opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification and other accredited qualifications in addition to their A levels. We work with students to develop their independent learning skills and help prepare them for university and employment. We aim to give students greater responsibility for their own learning and encourage students to make well informed decisions about their futures.

15 FIRST AID Dear Parent BUILDING Successful sixth form MY SKILLS Independent learners PROGRAM Many students now take the Extended Project Qualification, which helps them develop their independent learning skills. APPRENTICESHIPADVICE "We are also proud that part of our provision is MOCK a £1 million Independent Learning Centre.

This building is for the exclusive use of sixth form students and provides a high quality learning INTERVIEWS

environment. The building contains state of the art facilities and has been designed to help prepare LIFE students for learning at university level.‘‘ We can honestly say that our sixth form facilities are AFTER among the best in the region." LORD LAWSON (Head of Sixth Form) EVENT SUPPORTING MENTAL HEALTH

02 FIRST AID Dear Parent BUILDING Successful sixth form TALENTED STUDENTS








Courses our students go on to study

• Air Transport Management • Architecture • Art • Biology • Biomedical Science • Business and Management • Chemistry • Childhood Studies • Civil Engineering • Computer Science • Creative Media • Engineering Apprenticeship • English Language • Film and Screenwriting • Game Development • Geography • History • Illustration • Interior Design • Journalism • Law • Local Government Apprenticeship • Marine Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Media Production • Nursing • Primary Education • Psychology • Social Sciences


• Bristol • Cambridge • Central Lancashire • Durham • East Anglia • Edinburgh Napier • Huddersfield

• Leeds Beckett • Liverpool John Moores • Loughborough • Newcastle • Newcastle College • Northumbria • Nottingham Trent • Oxford • Project Trust • • Surrey • Swansea • Teesside • York

19 Visit us

Prospective Year 7 Open Evening for students currently in Year 6 Thursday 3 October 2019

Year 4/5 Open Evening Thursday 30 April 2020

Contact us

Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy, Birtley Lane, Birtley, Chester - le - Street, Co. Durham, DH3 2LP T: 0191 433 4026 F: 0191 433 4027 E: [email protected] W: www.lordlawson.org.uk or follow us on @llobacademy