Cryogenics and Ultra Low Temperatures - Yuriy M
PHYSICAL METHODS, INSTRUMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS – Vol. III - Cryogenics and Ultra Low Temperatures - Yuriy M. Bunkov CRYOGENICS AND ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURES Yuriy M. Bunkov Centre de Recherches sur les Tres Basses Temperatures (CRTBT), Grenoble, France Keywords: absolute (Kelvin) temperature scale, absolute zero of temperature, adiabatic demagnetization, negative temperature, cryogenics, dilution refrigeration, Joule– Thomson effect, Pomeranchuk effect, superconductivity, superconductivity, superfluid 4He (He-II), superfluid 3He, low temperature physics, ultra low temperature physics, vortex line Contents 1. Introduction 2. Temperature Scales 3. History 4. The Methods of Refrigeration 4.1. Evaporation Cryostats 4.1.1. 3He Evaporation Cryostat 4.2. Dilution Refrigeration 4.3 Pomeranchuk Cooling 4.4. Adiabatic Demagnetization 5. Physics at Lower Temperatures 5.1 Low Temperatures Physics and Cosmology 6. Applications Glossary Bibliography Biographical Sketch Summary This article describes the scientific and technical aspects of low and ultra low temperatures. The article includes the historical background, explanation of temperature scales, description of different cooling methods, and the modern problems of ultra low temperature UNESCOphysics as well low temperature – applications. EOLSS 1. Introduction Cryogenics is theSAMPLE technical discipline whic hCHAPTERS studies and uses materials at very low temperatures, as well as the methods for producing low temperatures. The temperature achieved depends on the type of liquefied gas, known as “cryogens.” This word, formed from the Greek κρυοζ (cold) and γευεζ (generated from,) was introduced by Kamerlingh Onnes, who liquefied helium for the first time and who can thus be regarded as the progenitor of cryogenics as known today. The field of cryogenics involves the production and application of low temperatures in science and technology.
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