Case Study Market: Transportation Region : Company: Transtec Gotthard Deal implemented: 2008-2016 # of users: 325 per day

Running through the in Switzerland, the Gotthard “This is designed to last for 100 years. I am Base Tunnel is a feat of engineering. It is the longest and sure that the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise colleagues deepest traffic tunnel in the world. The tunnel opened will manage it successfully. They had the last 8 in June 2016, with full services starting in December years well under control. They will continue for the next 2016. It took as many as 2400 workers at peak times to 92 years, or longer. We are also very proud of the AVA construct two 57-kilometer-long tunnel tubes, with 152 Digital award and Muse Creative Award won by kilometers in total when you include access and Koenigsfilm for our video promoting the partnership cross passages. The Gotthard Base Tunnel is one of the between Gotthard tunnel and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.” first major global engineering projects to incorporate Peter Huber, Project Leader, Transtec Gotthard. advanced Internet of Things (IoT) technology to transform the delivery of essential services. Benefits Challenges Technical The tunnel uses a web of IoT devices to manage passenger The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switches are critical and vehicle safety 24/7 in an extremely challenging to the operation of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. For 8 years environment, including up to 40°C+ heat and over 70% now, the extremely resilient and reliable network has humidity. An extremely stable and reliable data network consistently powered the Gotthard Base Tunnel’s web of was needed to ensure transmission of essential IoT devices and services such as door monitoring, sensors, operational data via automated technology. cameras, ventilation and drainage infrastructure, It was critical that the 152-kilometer tunnel area, communications, and control and monitoring systems, all including 168 cross passages, be connected and secured of which send and/or receive real-time data. Nothing in with IP network connectivity as even minimal network the Gotthard Base Tunnel works without Alcatel-Lucent disruption could cause delays and potentially impact Enterprise switches. worker and passenger safety. The almost 1000 OmniSwitch® 6855 switches that make up the industrial-grade hardened network connect all of the Product and services tunnel’s 70,000 data points successfully in a very harsh Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch® 6855 Hardened LAN Switch and difficult operational environment.

What made the difference? Financial User Experience The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solution demonstrated the The tunnel’s The specialized reliability required as well as the capability to function extreme environment (i.e. hardened network enables optimally in Gotthard Base Tunnel’s challenging high temperatures and the Gotthard Base Tunnel to environmental conditions. humidity, remote location, take IoT where standard The solution offered the most modern functionalities as metal dust from trains, networking cannot, well as the highest standard of durability. It was also the etc.) would easily damage guaranteeing the level of only option to include fanless switches. normal switches. The service required for the Lastly, the solution was selected after tests proved that rugged components that longest, safest and best the OmniSwitch® 6855 Hardened LAN Switch more than make up the network are connected tunnel in the met the tunnel’s needs. built to last, employing a world, which transports passive cooling mechanism 9,000 passengers every day that ensures low in safety and comfort. Awards won for reference video: maintenance needs and equipment longevity, which leads to lower costs. (April 2017)