City Clerk File No. Res. 12-116

Agenda No. 10.C

Approved: rrB 22 2012



COUNCIL offered and moved adoption of the following resolution:

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Jersey City to prepare an annual budget identifing all of the appropriations and revenues needed to support those appropriations forCalendar Year 2012; and

WHEREAS, N.J.SA 40A:4-5 provides for the introduction of the annual Municipal Budget, and

WHEREAS, upon approval of the introduction, a public hearing will be scheduled for comments; and

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Municipal Council of the City of Jersey City that in accordance with the aforementioned statute;

1. The Municipal Council approvesthe introduction of the Calendar Year 2012 Municipal Budget of the City of Jersey City. .





JERRAMIAH HEALY Governing Body Members Mayor's Name Name Term Expires

Municipal Officials PETER BRENNAN, PRESIDENT 06/30/13

ROBERT BYRNE 01/12/89 DAVID DONNEL Y 06/30/13 Municipal Clerk Date of Orig. Appt. 635 06/30/13 Cer!. No. MAUREEN COSGROVE 1302 WILLIAM GAUGHAN 06/30/13 Tax Collector Cer!. No. RONALD LOVARRO 06/30/13

DONNA MAUER N-0647 Chief Financial Officer Cert. No. NIDIALOPEZ 06/30/13

FREDERICK J. TOMKINS 327 MICHELLE MASSEY (Appointed) Special Election Nov '12 Registered Municipal Accountant License No. VIOLA RICHARDSON 06/30/13 WILLIAM MATSIKOUDIS Corporation Counsel MICHAEL SOTTOLANO 06/30/13 - Official Mailng Address of Municipality Please attach this to your CY 2012 Budget and Mail to : Director CITY OF JERSEY CITY FAX #: (201 )547-4955 Division of Local Government Services 280 GROVE STREET Department of Community Affairs JERSEY CITY, N.J. 07302 P.O. Box 803 Trenton, 08625 SHEET A 2012 MUNICIPAL BUDGET CALENDAR YEAR

Municipal Budget of the CITY of JERSEY CITY, County of HUDSON for the Calendar Year 2012.

It is hereby certified that the Budget and Capital Budget annexed hereto and hereby made a part hereof is a true copy of the Budget and Capital Budget approved by resolution of the Governing Body on thE ROBERT BYRNE, City Clerk 280 Grove Street ;)~,. day of r:~Ø~iJA~Y ,2012 Jersey City, NJ 07302 (2'01) 547-5149 'and that public advertisement will be made in accordance with the provisions of NJS 40A:4-6 and NJAC 5:30-4.4(d). Certified by me, this.;3,.) day of fiuAAY, 2012 á

It is hereby certified that the approved Budget annexed hereto and hereby made a part is an exact copy of the original on file with the Clerk of the Governing Body, that all additions are' correct, all statements contained herein are in proof and the total of anticipated revenues equals the total of appropriations.

Cert,dbym"fu¡, P-~12 Certified by me, this .i.;~oLday of ~2012

Frederick J. Tomkins, RMA # 327 Donna Mauer .. Donohue, Gironda & Doria, CPAs ~~Chief Financial Offcer, # N-0647 310 Broadway Bayonne, NJ 07002 DO NOT USE THESE SPACES

100 not advertise this Certification form' CERTIFICATION OF ADOPTED BUDGET CERTIFICATION OF APPROVED BUDGET It is hereby certifed that the amount to be raised by taxation for local purposes has been compared with It Is hereby certified that the Approved Budget made part hereof complies with the requirements of law. and the approved Budget previously certifed by me and any changes required as a condition to such approvai approval Is given pursuant to NJS 40A:4.79. have been made. The adopted budget is certified with respect to the foregoing only. STATE OF NEW JERSEY STATE OF NEW JERSEY Department of Community Affairs Department of Community Affairs Director of the Division of Local Govemment Services Director of the Division of Local Government Services

Dated: .ê Dated: .ê SHEET 1 0() s; s; m -;z (J 0 :; ::-i () CD I 0 ;i II:: Z :: lC (j CD m Ul (J ..0 ;i (J 0 3 ;i 3 () ::CD 0 () íi 0Z :: :::æ :: ~ ë'i "0 :: zë5 C- Q: m o 0 :æ " :; 3 (J' i: () m ~ m -c 0- :; () CD :: 0 en :: 0 " :: (5 Im .: Ul m a: -l () CD ~ 0 m ë5 ;i c a. Z Z S' 0 -; 0 -c :: " :: 0 .0" CD :; ~ m cI ::õ' () 0 ~. -; (J :T 0 0 i:- :; Z ;::: "0 ..CD II 0r 0g () :: ;i 0 r :: (j :T 0 iii 0: 0- m .i:a. :; lC Z S. s; m -;z (J m:; 0: (5 m (J MUNICIPAL BUDGET NOTICE

Section 1

Municipal Budget of the CITY OF JERSEY CITY, County of HUDSON for the Calendar Year 2012

13e it Resolved, that the following statements of revenues and appropriations shall constitute the Municipal Budget for the Calendar Year 2012;

Be it Further Resolved, that said Budget be published in the JERSEY JOURNAL in the issue of THURSDAY, MARCH 15,2012 The Governing Body of the CITY OF JERSEY CITY, does hereby approve the following as the Budget for the Calendar Year 2012

RECORDED VOTE- Ayes: Nays: Abstained: Absent: Sottolano Donnelly Lopez' Gaughan Massey Fulop Richards.on Lovarro Brennan, President

Sheet 2 t:At"Lr\I'Ir\ I VM; T ;;1 r\ I t:IVIt:I'I I SUMMARY OF CURRENT FUND SECTION OF APPROVED BUDGET ======~======~======j======CALENDAR YEAR 2012 ~~~;:i~;;~;~~;~;;~~;======~ 1. Appropriations within "CAP" -

'(a) Municipal Purposes (Item H-1, Sheet 19, NJS 40A:4-45.2) 380,036,192

2. Appropriations excluded from "CAP" - 74,787,295 ______..____..______..______...._.._..__-..------_..------~-_.:_------~-----I------.---'(a) Municipal Purposes (Item H-2, Sheet 28, NJS 40A:4-45.3 as amended) '(b) Local District School Purposes in Municipal Budget (Item K, Sheet 29A) 12,574,607 ..______.._Total General Appropriations excluded from "CAP" (Item 0,------_...._------_..-_-_--1.. Sheet 29A) 87,361,902 3. Reserve for Uncollected Taxes (Item M, Sheet 29A) - Based on Estimated 94.00% of Tax Coiiections . 1,902,246

4. Total General Appropriations (Item 9, Sheet 29A) 469,300,340 5. Less: Anticipated Revenues. Other Than Current Propert Tax (Item 5, Sheet 11) 255,156,305

6. Difference: Amounf to be Raised by Taxes for Support of Municipal Budget (as follows)

'(a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Including Reserve for Uncollected Taxes (Item 6a, Sheet 11) 201,988,256 ____..______..______------_....-----1------_..'(b) Addition to Local District School Tax (Item 6b, Sheet 11) 5,946,153 '(c) Minimum Library Tax 6,209,626 __..______...._____.._____..______.._..____------.._------_____-1------______..______..______..____..__....______..__------______1------Building Aid Allowance for Schools. State 6,62B.p4 ------..------Aid 2012 6,628,454 -_.._------~-_...... _------..------_...... _------2011



======GENERAL BUDGET EXPLANATIONS OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR ------_.._- ---_.....-...... ---.._-_._.-- "OTHER EXPENSES" BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - ADOPTED 490,497,380 ------The amounts appropriated under the title APPROPRIATIONS ADDED BY NJS 40A:4.87 10,233,665 of "Other Expenses" are for operating ------7------costs other than "Salaries & Wages", EMERGENCY APPROPRIATIONS 0 ------.._------Some of the Items Included In "Other TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 500,731,045 Expenses" are: ------_..- Materials, supplies and non-bondable EXPENDITURES - PAID OR CHARGED equIpment; INCLUDING RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES 476,049,790 Repairs and maintenance of buildings, _...... _---_...._------equipment, roads, etc.; RESERVED 12,970,053 Contractual ServIces for garbage and ------_._------trsh removal, fire hydrant services. aid UNEXPENDED BALANCES CANCELED to volunteer fire companies, etc.; ------.._-'------...._...._----- Printing and advertisIng, utiity services, TOTAL EXPENDITURES & UNEXPENDED Insurance and many other Items BALANCES CANCELED 489,019,843 essential to the services rendered by' ------_.._------_..--- municipal government. OVEREXPENDITURES* 0 -- - - .. ---_.. - - - -





Total General Appropriations for 2011 500,731,045

CAP Base Adjustment In order to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements, the amounts appropnated for' Subtotal 500,731,045 The final CAP for the City of Jersey ce.rtain departments orfunctlons have been split City is determined by. the Division and their parts appear in several places. Those Exceptions to CAP: of Local Govemmnet Services as appropriations Which have been split are as Total Other Operations 8,582,237 part of Its review process. The follows: Total Capital Improvements 544,000 calculations presented below are as Total Debt Service 53,687,046 provided by the Division of Local Total Approp for School Purpose 14,755,982 Government Services pnor to Total Public & Private Programs 38,970,101 introduction of the budget. Judgments . 0 "Total Deferred Charges 3,668,108 Reserve for Uncollected Taxes 1,869,313 The City is cap compliant with Total Additional Appropriations both the propert tax levy cap Total Exceptions 122,077,387 and the appropriations cap.

Amount on which 2.5% CAP is Applied 378,653,658 2.5% CAP 9,466,341 CAP Bank 10,807,716 Value of New Construction 1,793,976 Allowable Operating Appropriations before Additional Exceptions per NJS 40A:4-45.3 400,721,691 Additional1.0% if Ordinance Approved 3,786,537 Allowable Operathig Appropriations NJSA 40A:4~45.14 404,508,228 Fiscal Year In-CAP Appropriations 380,036,192 -

Mandatory Minimum Budget Message Must Include a Summary of: 1. How the CAP was Calculated 2. A Summary by Functions of Appropriations spread among more than one Offcial Line








SHEET 38_' EXPLANATORY STATEMENT BUDGET MESSAGE. STRUCTURAL BUDGET IMBALANCES ~~ 1#t/ ./ !i./1 u ~ '"q, .!!,e ~g §~ !Z~ t6'l~IJ s~ .§(j Line Item. Put "X" in cell to the left that Amount 'Comment/Explanation r;¡ f& !g. .g~ & !) "t ~ corresponds to the type of imbalance. ~ f;: ~:. .§to ~~U ..~ r:~ ~ ,,:: . X Sale of Municipal Property. Land Sales $3,800,000.00 Sale of Police Headquaters - 8 Erie Street X Department of Police- Salary and Wage $720,000.00 Expiration of UEZ funding used to hire Police officers X Department of Fire - Salary and Wage $1,400,000.00 Contractual and Step Increases in 2013 (Local 1066 = 2.5%) X Department of Police - Salary and Wage $1,500,000.00 Contractual Step Increase ONLY (CBAs expire 12/31/12) X Employee Group Health Insurance $6,700,000.00 10% increase in health care costs in 2013. X All Civilan Unions - Salary and Wage $1,000,000.00 All civilain CBAs expired 6/30/11 X Municipal Court Fines $1,000,000.00 Expansion of Red Camera Program fines X Sale of Municipal Property - Land Sales $10,000,000.00 Sale of Grand/Jèrsey property (formerly City Hall Annex) X Either JCIA or DPW Appropriation $5,000,000.00 Consolidation of JCIA and DPW

X Eith Dept of Fire or Dept of Police $1,000,000.00 Creation of Department of Public Safety X' Jersey City Parking Authority $250,000.00 Consolidate with Dept of Public Safety

Page 3 (B)(2) Explanatory Statement - (continued) Budget Message

Analysis of Compensated Absence Liabilty

Legal basis for benefit (check applicable items) .. Gross Days of Value of Approved Local Individual Accumulated. Compensated Labor Ordinance Employment OrQanizationllndividuals Eligible for Benefit Absence Absences Aareement Aareements Uniformed Police 62,818 29440,015 x Uniformed Fire 83,222 26,579,247 x Manaaement 12,008 3,960,133 x

Local 246 12,962 2,145,232 x

Local 245 7,123 1,196,487 x .' . Jersev City Supervisor's Association 5,242 1,150.950 x

Local 68 98 19,729 x School Traffic Guards 2,057 97,995 x

. .

Totals days 185,530 $64,589,788 Total Funds Reserved as of end of 2011: 0 Total Funds Appropriated inCY2012: $0

SHEET3B(3) CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES 1 ANTICIPATED I BUDGETED 1 REALIZED 1 1 /------1 'CY2012' 1 -I ------1 GENERAL REVENUES I FCOA 'CY2011' 1 . CY 2011 . 1 ------I ------1 ------1 -I 1 1 I (1.) SURPLUS ANTICIPATED I 08-100 13,000,000 1 15,000,000 1 15,000,000 I ------1 ------1 (2.) SURPLUS ANTICIPATED W/PRIOR CONSENT OF DIRECTOR I 08-101 ------.1810,000 1 j------1 . 802,000 I 802,000 TOTAL - SURPLUS ANTICIPATED 13,810,000 I 15,802,000 1 15,802,000 ======~======I. ======xx ======I XX======~======~=: I I XX======(3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION A: LOCAL REVENUES 1 xx =1 XX ------1=1 XX JOXJ Alcoholic Beverage Licenses I 08-141 302,300 I 294,700 302,300 OTHER LICENSES: I xx =------I XX XJ Marriage Licenses -~-I08-103 I 4,779 4,593 4,779 Cable T.V. Franchise Fees 08-612 I 1,176,199 789,770 789,770 ---.:- I Franchise Payment - Port Authority --I08-110 I 40,000 40,000 40,000 ------Hackensack Meadowlands Adjustment --- I 08-609 1,126,524 1,025,271 1,025,271 Local School Aid I 09-207 4,286,900 4,286,899 4,286,890 ------~------I Advertising Ordinance Fees I 08-105 250,000 198.757 464,525 ------I ------Search Fees :;------I I 08-106 488 1,000 08-123 135,874 165,793 ------.------.---.------,------Lot Cleaning Charges II 08-124 14,033 80,121 ------Tax Collector's Fees 1 1 Hotel Occupancy Tax 1 08-107 5,965,218 4,900,000 ------1 ------'--1 1 1 ------~--~------I ------1 I 1

SHEET 4 02/1712 CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES I ANTICIPATED I BUDGETED I REALIZED I I ------.------I ------1 --I GENERAL REVENUES I FCOA *CY2012*. I * CY 2011 * I * CY 2011 * I ------.------.--~- -- I --I ------1 -----~--I (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- SECTION A: LOCAL REVENUES I xx xx 1 xx I xx I I xx xx I xx 1 xx I ------FEES & PERMITS: I I ------I ------1 ------1 ------I xx ------XX 1 I xx xx I Interest & Cost on Taxes I 08-111 850,000 1 943,277 1,193,773 ------._------,.------.- I ------1 Interest on Investments & Deposits I 08-112 294,640 I 250,000 294,639 "--.-----..------1 ------I Assessor Application Fees . I 08-125 87,064 I 47,015 87,064 ------I ------1 . Sewer & Street Opening Pennits I 08-127 249,0841 233,926 249,083 ------i 1 Swimming Pool Fees 08-129 110,000 1 114,548 127,372 1 Skating Rink Fees 08-130 30,000 1 67,684 42,893 ------1 Laundry Licenses 08-131 ------114,500 I 11,450 14,500 Vending Machine Licenses --I08-132 . ------133,537 I 19:260 33,537 Food Establishment Licenses 08-133 ------270,865 I1 221,160 270,865 Hotel/Motel Licenses 08-156 78,302 78,128 78,301

Dine & Dance Permits 08-138 15,900 23,725 15,900

Police Reports 10 Bureau Fees 08-135 126,946 85,688 126,946

Hack Licenses 08-140 92,665 82,543 92,665

Elevator Inspection Fees 08-139 725,000 624,430 725,540

Site Plan Review Fees 08-145 338,621 232,951 338,621

Bingo & Raffe Licenses 08-142 20,140 22,310 20,140

------I I. I I ------.------~------.--.------1 . 02/17/12 SHEET 4A 'CURRENT FUNDS - ANTic~pATED REVENUES1 11 I -----.---1ANTICIPATED 1 _._------1BUDGETED I RËALlZED.---1 1 GENERAL REVENUES 1 FCOA 1 'CY2012* 1 . CY 2011 . 1 . CY 2011 . ,i -..-----.---.------.------=--.----.- 1 ---- 1 ------xx 1 1 ---.-.------1 "'-----._.-1 (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION A: LOCAL REVENUESI XX 1 XX II XX I xx 1I xx I ------.-....------...-...-.----.---.----.------.---..--.------1 ----- I ------.-.-,- I -...--..------1 .------1 Mechanical Amusement Devices I 08-660 I 20,550 1 18,275 1 20,550 I ------.-..------...-- - .---- 1 .--. 1 ------.--- 1 I Parking Lot Licenses 1 08-143 I 348,155 1 352,645 I 348,155 ------.------.----.----.-.----..------.-----.-- I ----- I ---.--~I _._---_.-----1 Used Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses 1 08-661 1 97,1001 67,400 1 97,100 --.------.----..-.------...... ------.--.--...-.------_. 1 ..--.- 1 ---.------1 ----.-.-..------1 Parking LotT ax I 08-136 I 6,908,794 1 . 6,696,884 6,908,794 ---_.-----1 _.------11 Municipal Court Fines 08-108 ------.--12,750,000 I I 9,931,834 9,931,834 I

Interstate Waste 465,000 334,195 491,698

Secure Buidlings 08-116 22,085 18,000 22,085

PILOT. County Service Charge 08-246 27,000 27,000 27,000 08-624 I 50,056 26,000 50,056 Dumpster Fee .---. I. Certified Copies Marriage Licenses 16-602 1 40,725 28,000 40,725 --_..------._-- 1 Zoning Permits & Ordinance Copies 16-676 I 125,059 70,000 125,OS¡J -.,--.-1 Reimbursement for Damaged Propert -.-116-694 1 54,642 54,000 54,642 Death Certificates ----I16-696 I 91,515 65,000 91,515 ----I1 ------.--.- II ------1 I 1 . I --:"--1 I ------1 1 1 I -.------1 I 08 1 37,640,260 1 32,534,232 34,950,200 1 TOTAL-..-----..------_...._------.;---_.._------SECTION A: LOCAL REVENUES ---_..-..-I -- _..._------. ---- -_.._--, 0l/17/12 SHEET 4B CURRENT FUNDS. ANTICIPATED REVENUES I 1 ANTICIPATED 1 BUDGETED REALIZED I GENERAL REVENUES 1 FCOA 1 -'CY2012' I I . CY 2011 . 'CY2011' ------.------i --- 1 ------1 (3.)OFFSETIING MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- APPROPRIATIONS SECTION B: STATE AID WITHOUT 1 )( 1 xx II xx xx xx ----.--.------.------.---..------i ---- I xx xx xx I

Consolidated Municipal Properl Tax Relief Aid i 09~206 15,852,988 15,852,988 15,852,988

Energy Receipts Tax 09-202 47,991,697 47,991,697 47,991,697

______.._._.______-C______._ I . In Lieu of Tax Payment - Garden State Preservation Trust I 08-158 15,837 15,837 15,837 ------.-.------.,------I ------1 . 1 I ------..-.----.------~------.------~-----.-- 1 _._------1 ------.1I 1 -.---..--.------., ----- I I I 1 -.-.------..------.------, ------I -.--".------1 -.------.------..------i .,--- II ------_._------1I Building Aid Allowances for School Aid I 09-203 I 6,628,454 8,298,847 6,628,54 1 ------.-----..-"---.-..,----~------.-----.-.------I. ---.--- I --.-.--.------I Building Aid Allowances (Ch74, P.L.1980) 1 09"204 I ------.--...------.-.--.----.--.------.-.-..--- I ..-.-----. I ..--._._-...~--- II -----...------..------.------, ~- 11 ------11 I ---.------.-.-.-...... ------.---..------.-----.------, .--.----. i ------.---1I i . I ----.------.------.---.------.-....----.--- I ---. I ----_._------1 ----.---.-.-..-- I 1 1 1 -.------"------.------. I ---~- 1 ------.--1 ----.-----.----- 1 . TOTAL SECTION B: STATE AID WITHOUT OFFSETIING APPROPRIATIONS I 09 I 70,488,976 72,159,369 I 70,488,976 I

02/17/12 SHEET 5 CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES I ANTICIPATED 1 BUDGETED 1 REALIZED 1 1 ~----~----I ------1 GENERAL REVENUES 1 FcoA ------1'CY2012' I . CY 2011 . 1 . CY 2011 . 1 ------.------..-~------1 ------I .---.-----~----- 1 -_.----~i (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION C: DEDICATED UNIFORM 1 xx XX I xx 1 CONSTRUCTION CODE FEES OFFSET WITH APPROPRIATIONS I xx XX i xx I xx 1 (NJS 40A:4-36 and NJAC 5:32-4.17) xx xx 1 -----~--IXX I xx I -..---- -_... Uniform Construction Code Fees 08-137 3,085,000 I 2,672,937 3,294,844 1 ------11 --_----_00-.._---. . ------~.I1 I ------I I Special. Item of Revenue.Anticipated with Prior Written --~~--~--I Consent of Director of Local Govemment Services: I Additional Dedication Uniform Construction Code Fee offset ~------I With Appropriations (NJS 40A:4-36 and NJAC 5:32-4.17) xx XX xx xx Uniform Construction Code Fees 08-137


TOTAL SECTION C: DEDICATED UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION CODE FEES xx OFFSET WITH APPROPRIATIONS xx 3,085,000 2,672,937 3,294,844 02/17/12 SHEET 6 CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES I 1 ANTICIPATED I BUDGETED REALIZED I 1 1 --,------I 1 GENERAL REVENUES 1 FCOA 1 *CY2012* I *CY2011* . CY 2011 * 1 ------1 ----- 1 ------I -----1 (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION D: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS I XX I XX I xx 1 ANTICIPATED WITH PRIOR CONSENT OF THE DIRECTOR OF I xx I XX 1 XX xx I LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - INTERLOCAL MUNICIPAL SERVICE I xx I XX 1 Xl XX I AGREEMENTS OFFSET WITH APPROPRIATIONS I xx I XX 1 Xl xx I ------i --- i ------1 xx I 1 1 1 1 ------,------1 ------1 -----'-1 1 '. 1 1 ------I ----- 1 ._.------1 ------i ----- i.I 1 --,------1 ------I ----- 11 ------.1.I ------i ---- II ------1I i 1 ------i ------I ------'------1 1 ------1i I

1 ------I ----- 1 ------_._------i --- iI ------_._------i ------11 ------I -- I1 ------1 TOTAL SECTION D: INTERLOCAL MUNICIPAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS I I I OFFSET WITH WITH APPROPRIATIONS i I o o o I


------.------, ----- I ------1 -----.,--1I ------1 ------1I ------1I ---,----"'---- I.I ._._------1I ------c----,------II ------.1I ------I I TOTAL SECTION E: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS ANTICIPATED WITH PRIOR I ------.----1 WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIRECTOR OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - 1 I ADDITIONAL------_..------..-- REVENUES -.. ------I --_..__.._----_...... _.._..._--o ------o I o 02/17/12 SHEET 8 CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES i ANTiCIPATED I BUDGETED REALIZED I i ------I ------1 GENERAL REVENUES FCOA I *CY2012* I * CY 2011 * * CY 2011 * I ------I ------~------I ------1 (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION F: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS ANTICII xx I XJ.I xx I ANTICIPATED WITH PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIRECTOR OF xx I XJ I xx XX I LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - PUBLIC AND PRIVATE REVENUES xx I XJ I XX xx I OFFSET WITH APPROPRIATIONS xx I XJ I xx ------I ------I xx xx Town Hall Meeting 08-860 I ------.500 I I UEZ - Police Program Year 4 10-781 I 1,649,101 1,649,101 ------I Project Glad (ROID) 10-161 I ...... ------_..------_.._---_.._--..------_.. ------I UEZ Apple Tree House 08-264 600,000 600,000

UEZ - CCTV Camera Installation (West Side Ave) 310,192 310,192

ASPCA 10-861 10,000 ------MUTCD Traffc Sign Inventory ----- I 10-862 133,000 ------._------~------~------.iHCOS - Hackensack River Waterfront Park Acquisition I 10-806 ----- I 1,000,000 Petsmart Charities I 10-859 79,500 ------_.------1 -- NJDOT - Newark Avenue Ph 4 I 1 0~851 300,000 300,000 ------1 Bullet Proof Vest Partnership Program I 110,907 110,907 ------I UEZ- Police Program I 10-202 1,255,777 1,255,777 50,000 __...... _____....______..______..______UEZ - Main St Match I 8-269 I ______I ______..__ 50,000 TOR Planning Assistance 40,000 40,000

GSHPT - West Bergen Historic District 50,000 50,000

NJ Dept.of Labor -Job Training Partnership Act (J.T.P.A.) 10-502 4,153,256 4,153,256

UEZ- Jackson Hill Main Street 10-857 50,000 o UEZ - Second Chance Maintenance Program I 10-858 580,917 o

SHEET 9 i a a a a a a a a a a a i 0 a a a a a PJ a i a 8 ,I ~ a a a a Na I' a a a Ita ô cD in in ÔIt It 00 g I' aÔ aÔ -. I'Ô ItÔ ItÔ ¡; i ~ It "1 N '" N I. I II; I i

i i I

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Journal Square UEZ 10-621 50,000 50,000 168,603 168,603 UEZ - Woman Rising Community Partnership 10-795 . ------1 NJDOH - Women, Infants & Children (WIC) 10-624 1,494,000 1,494,000

Summer Food Program 10-625 418,635 418,635

Public Health Priority Funding (PHPF) 10-626 o

Senior Nutrition 10-627 128,363 1,085,906 1,085,906 ------..------_..__.._..------~----_.._------CCTV- Public Security Project 10-737 ------1 Undérage Drinking Enforcement 10-738 o

NJDOT - Sip Avenue Resurfacing 10-812 o

UEZ - Monticello Main Street Challenge Grant 10-793 o Clean Communities Program 1 10-789 I o ------..------1 ------1 ------I Subregional Studies Program -Libert St Park Circulator Cust Benefi Analysis I 1 I 176,000 I 176,000 ------..------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 Subregional Studies Program - Morris Canal Greenway Plan 1 1 1 176,000 1 176,000 ------..------.------1 ------I ------I ------1 o Jersey City Graffti Removal 1 10-792 I I 1 ------_.._------..------_..------' ------_....------02/17/12 SHEET 9C I ______~______I i ii 0 I 01 0 0 0" 0 Ii g gig ¡ gig ii g I 0 I ~ i 0 log I 0 iIßI~1I ~-' 0 I0I0 ¡ N i0 I I 10 iIi l~gl*~Ølg I0i ii0 I,'IC' i I I~ i~i i,. I 01Ii ~I'ii ¡i "~¡ .·!, G¡I', ¡I i,i I i i i, iI iII iI ii! I¡! I I iI i1 i I___~__------~------Ii ßti ~ i 0I I IIii iii II ~ I Il ~i ~ II li l Ii ~ ¡i ~i I iiilOG' Iff19 i. i!N I i I! " ,I I IiiI i ¡ iI iI 'I II iI I Ii ______~______. .. .1 i ßi- I. IIi NII I, i i Iii I'I i ¡I I i II iI ii ~ ii iI §i= i I~ GI i' iI Ii Ii iI iI I II 1,1I i iI I ~ ,I' ii i Ii I'I 'i ii I II i ,I ! ii

I 1______------0)o i -i ! l~ioo'm 0 ~ NlM N m 0 NI~ m MI~'NI~ M wi- 81 I.I.I.I~ ~ ~1,~icol~l~i~I~I~¡~lo!~I~I~ W u. i i I'¿ ~.I' i¿ I'¿ 1',I ¿ COl'¿ I ¿ I'00 I' I 'I'00 I00 't lI' 00I ' 00,co l ¿I 00I' Il , 6I .,co ¿ t ro 6 Illil'TI~I"tI~ I 'Ti 'Tl-r I a 0 I0IO.O,'T 1 ° ¡ ¡col' ¡ , 'I 'I'TI"'ID ! ' IT" eni 1 Ü N~ ~¡; N I ~ en o I !:ozaJu.~ .1 W 0: w ¡ =i 0;: I, wzi-w Ü 0: i fß I ;:wW i =i i w o:!; i i in I 0: ¡s ;: . ;: i i I ~ I ;: u. ei enI wBOo. i- 0 i i I ß =ilenw-iW'o.Zz z i .. en ü I ~ Wiu.z_ o10 ;: z 0-' I B w ,oü~ i i= O:Ii=zo. ~ z I~ I :2 CD -i i i -' I üW , i 'õ I ~ en wi~ i ll,O:üo t: fß ~ . 0. CD 1£ o z w$:5i= ~ i ,. ~ z i~ 10 =i ¡g =io:o:-i , '" C5 1 ~ u. , ~ II I in a ll ei . 19 i ü ~ i- CD 'i I.g z ì ~ ~ l! E , 0 w ¡ Gíg:~g, , c en "ê' ~ ~ I û) O:iWo: I '" CD Cl 0: :: 0. ! ~ i :§ ë 0: eni-:2o. 10 l I ~ Cl gi I '-0. e CD c ¡ ã5 ~ I i: =i ,I ~II u: '._.ii=_ ! o 0. E ü I -i 0: I ~ -' '10 '0 CD 6~z~ ~ ~ ~ -i ~ ~ - ,B CD :: Cl WOffi ! ro .= I CD 'õ 10 u ;: :g I' ~ zw;:!: ~ a. I :: u: ., CD '" ~ ~ ~ l æ , II Ul -' 1i 10 i .§- o i æ .8 en '" :5!;0$: 2 i ~ .I.. CD -g ¡ E 1: 0. :2 -g ,. ~ -' 0. 19 i- ¡ '2 ~ i E ii ,~I ~ Q) i o§ ~ o 'õ .= I :ê =ê I .. CD ,. ., l! I :: z ~ i ü '5 i .~ ïñ ! ~ l .!: 0. 'i: U J2 i Q) ~Q;:ll , :2 , i i ~ I ~ i en i .~ ii -, :: 10 E i 0. ~ ~ g tt I ,i ~ I . i 0: ~ I ~ Z , :2 CD :2-i-,0 ! () b en i - en )- 10 ~ a i ~ i :2 I.Q, 10 ,iiI 19 I N' o : E o Z CD o g i g i I ~ E -2 i 8 ! ;: I -, -, -, , -, I ~ I en " w ü i ~ ü I ;= I~ , z z Z i Z en , =i 1$ i u. i () I ~ I 1-' i ;t . u. w $ ! i CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES I I ANTICIPATED I BUDGETED 1 REALIZED 1 1 1 ------I ------1 ------1 GENERAL REVENUES I FCOA I 'CY2012' 1 . CY2011' 1 . CY 2011 . I -----.------"------I ------1 ------.---- 1 ------1 xx------1 1 (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION F: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS ANTICIII XX XX 1 xx I ANTICIPATED WITH PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIRECTOR OF i XX XX I XX 1 Xx I LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - PUBLIC AND PRIVATE REVENUES 1 XX OFFSET WITH APPROPRIATIONS I XX XX I xx xx ------.---"------I ------1 xx xx Justice Assistance Grant - 2 . i o , ------1 DOT - 3 Traffc Signals I 08-835 600,000 600,000 ---~------~------.--.. I ------1DOT - Deadend St Safety Improvements i 08-836 200,000 200,000 ------Citywide Intersection Improvements II 08-837 220,000 220,000 Ed Byme JAG (LETS) I 08-838 500,000 500,000 ------_------c------.1 Business Improvement Phase 2 I 08-840 265,000 265,000 ---_------c------1 -I 125,0001 Small Business Development Center 1 08-771 I I 125,000 ------~------_:._------I ----.:------1 ------1 --I 250,000 I 250,000 UEZ. Liberty House I 08-841 1 I I ---1 8,158,925 8,158,925 FEMA- SAFER 08-842 I ------II ---I 1,950,000 1,950,000 UEZ- Police Program 7 I ------II UEZ- DeBragga & Spitler Inc Loan 500,000 500,000

10-776 o ______Chemical Buffer Zone Protection Program ______.._ I ______.. ______...... ______...._..______Recycling Tonnage I 10-777 _____ I ______534,997 534,997 Homeland Security Grant Program 10-778 o

HCOS - Boyd McGuiness Park Restoration 10-779 o

TOTAL - SECTION F: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS ANTICIPATED WITH PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE DIRECTOR OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT 10,12,19 4,343,637 38,213,877 38,213,877 SERVICES- PUBLIC/PRIVATE REVENUES OFFSET WITH APPROPRIATIONS:'..------.._-~------SHEET9E CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES 1 I ANTICIPATED I BUDGETED I REALIZED 1 1 ------.- 1 ------.-1 ------GENERAL ------REVENUES 1I ---IFCOA 1 ------1*CY2012* 1 ------1* CY 2011 * 1 * CY 2011 * (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION G: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS I xx I XX I ANTICIPATi:D WITH PRIOR WRITIEN CONSENT OF DIRECTOR OF 1 xx I =1 XX 1 XX LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS 1 xx I ~I XX 1 XX ------_.-.--.------1 ------1 ------=1 1 ------"------I xx Payments In lieu of Taxes (P.I.L.a.T.) 1 1 1 ------1 ----I ------.--- I I 1 1 ------1 .-----1 ------1 Athena JC UR 1 08-224 I 2,318,536 1 2,648,321 2,318,536 ------.------.------1 --~--I ------I Grove Point Condo Urban Renewal 1 08-225 1 450,858 I 447,976 450,858 ------.------I .------1 ---._------1 Erie-Tenth Urban Renewal I 08-226 1 390,988 1 365,675 390,988 ----I -----...------I Greene Street UR, LLC 08-227 1 233,987 I 217,942 233,987 ------1 .------I Libert Harbor North. UR (Metro Homes) (Gulls Cove) 08-229 1 2,428,315 I 2,874,049 2,428,315 ------1 ------I Liberty Harbor North Condo UR 4 LLC 08-231 I 927,657 I 840,399 927,657 I ------I ------. i Libery Harbor North Brownstones 08-234 ------1560,716 1 593,749 560,716 9'5 Van Dam SI. UR, LLC (The Foundry) 08-236 468,161 I .421,220 468,161 ------1 Lafayette Community LP 08-237 110,716 1 85,300 110,716 ------1 159 Second St UR, LLC (Waldo Lofts) 08-238 676,536 I 655,435 676,536 .------.---- I Centex Homes (475 Claremont Lofts) 08-240 443,231 I 566,141 443,231 ....------I Newport Shore Club South 08-242 2,109,598 I 2,051,094 2,109,598 ------1 Montgomery Greene UR, LLC 08-282 889,424 1 1,084,678 889,424 ------.-....--- 1 H.P. Roosevelt UR, LLC 08-283 469,151 1 449,533 469,151 ------1 K. Hovnanian 08-285 598,2851 576,958 598,285 ------.------1 LF. Fam~ P3 (Barbara Place) 08-298 41,633 I 31,783 41,633 I --.------1 ------I SHEET 10 CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES ANTICIPATED 1 BUDGETED I REALIZED "i ---I GENERAL REVENUES...._----_----.._- FCOA ------1. CY2012. 1 ------1. CY 2011 . I . CY 2011. (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION G: SPECIAL REVENUE ItEMS xx XX ANTICIPATED WITH PRIOR WRITIEN CONSENT OF DIRECTOR OF xx =1xx I xiXX 1I XX LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS xx XX ------1XX 1 XX Second Street Waterfront 08-289 998,892 601,569 I 998,892

Storms Ave.Elderly Apts LP (YWCA Apts) 08-291 52,228 52,277 52,228

08-292 720,934 257,203 720,934 I Block 284 North U.R. LLC AKA ST. FRANCIS ------I Polar Logistics East 08-297 14,869 9,898 14,869 I ------I Lafayette Sr. Living 08-299 10,524 10,524 10,524 1 ------1 254 Bergen Avenue 08-300 18,223 13,862 18,223 1 ------1 Keystone Greenville 08-301 251,553 250,000 251,553 I Salem Lafayette Associates 1 08-302 394,758 367,922 ---394,758 i I ------~------I Unico Apartments I 08-303 294,356 268,320 I 294,356 ------I ------.1 ------~-.-I Mt Carmel Guild (Ocean Towers) I 08-304 127,186 I 131,298 1 127,186 ------1 ------I ------1 Vector U.R. Assoc. I (Harborspire I) 1 08-305 3,847,624 4,394,908 1 3,847,624 ------1 ------.------1 Villa Borinquen (Puerto Rican'Luteran) 1 08-306 361,825 . 361,824 1 361,825 ------"------1 ------1 Van Wagenen I . 1 08-307 244,000 243,999 1 244,000 ------1 ------57,000 56,999 57,000 ------..------_.._----_..--.._------_....-..-..-..------..------Plaza Apartments I 08-308 --_...... _....-..----.._-..- Path 08-309 86,729 86,729 86,729 I ------_....-_.._------..-----_...._----_.._------_.._--..------_.." ----..---....------1 Battery View Seniors 08-310 I 261,962 243,467 271,210 1 ------I ------1 Jones Hall Associates 08-312 I 119,825 117,774 119,825 1 ------I ------_...._------______c_ 1 Summit Plaza Apartments I 08-313 I 220,000 220,000 220,000 1 ------i ------i ---..------""------1 02/17/12 SHEET 10A CURRENT FUNDS -ANTICIPATED REVENUES 1 ANTICIPATED 1 BUDGETED I REALIZED 1 1 ------1 ------1 ------1* ------1GENERAL REVENUES 1 FCOA i * CY 2012* I ------1*CY2011 * I --~-----I*CY2011 I Jersey Heights Realty I 08-314 i 54,070 1 ------153,999 1 ------154,070 I Port Authority of New York/New Jersey 08-316 I 736,305 736,305 1 736,305 1 ------1 ~------1 ------1 Muehlenberg Gardens Seniors 08-317 i 116,71 116,71 I 116,71 I _..------....- -- 1 ------1 Bergen Manor Associates 08-318 i 53,266 43,600 1 53,266 1 ------1 ------Kennedy Manor Associates 08-319 I 26,796 21,998 I 33,287 -----_...... _------I -----..----_.._--- Montgomery Gateway I 08-320 I ------236,321 ------1232,246 I .._---..--_..-....-252,737 Montgomery Gateway II 08-321 I ------237,520 ------195,615 ..--..------270,431 ..------~-Fairview Associates 08-323 I ------167,311 ------139,000 ------216,165 Kennedy Blvd. Associates I 08-327 I 253,394 300,000 371,012 ------I ------..-..------.._------Brunswick Estates I 08-328 I 141,000 140,999 141,000 ------.1 ------2854 Kennedy Blvd LLC 1 08-330 I 51,984 44,422 51,984 ------~------1 ------.._------_.------ChowanedUR:LLC I 08-333 I ------14,564 ------17,019 ------14,564 PHM Associates 08-336 I ------769,103 -_...... _------764,500 ------769,103 475 Claremont Lofts 08-339 I -_...... _----223,962 ------212,241 ---_..-...... _---223,962 NC Housing Associates #100 08-340 I ------_..845,873 ...._.._----_..-881,826 .._.._...._-845,873 NC Housing Associates #200 08-341 1,163,690 1,166,993 1,163,690 ------1I -- .._.._------412-420 MLK Drive, LLC (TheAuburn) 08-342 9,793 7,401 9,793 ------_...... -_..------_...._..-..------II ------_.._---..-_.. ------'-_...._..------1,529,525 2,108,939 Port Liberte' 08-343-----11 .._----2,108,939 -_..----..---_.._- -_.._-_.._--- Hotel at Newport UR, LLC (Westin) 08-344 683,867 671,719 683,867 ------i1 ..__.._------_.._-- Volunteers of America 08-346 1 87,000 86,999 87,000

02/17/12 SHEET 10B ______------iI LO ' 0 I mi ~ I ~ i m I ~ o I LO 10 I i- ~ N ~ 00 0 ~ 00 m ~ 0 . ~ "' i- N 0 i oi ~ ~ i ~ m CD 0 a.v N 00 in 0 "' 0 ~ I i n) i- 00 Ñ I cõ0 cõ~ 0i- II COi- "' .. (' Ñ cõ cõ cõ I ~ N ~ N LO LO 0 ~ 0 I . ~I g i '4 N N in ~ in N I ~ i- i- I g¡ 101g I W 10 i ~ 10 i in i 0 N i ~0 1.. CO __ T" ., ., T" ": ! "l i in . :: N I i ~ I I iN I ~ I I c: )0 i I~itõ.i~i¡aI I ¡a I ~ w u i I I I 0: I i i I i. I I i I i I I i I I I i I I .I 'I, I I I I

~ 10 I 8 in i g I ~ :: 0;:"' "' ~ 10~ 10 ~i~i~i~i~ ,.- Ñ l ~ LO , in I I ß i ~ i I ~ i ~ r; in "' I ~ 1 ~ I ~ 01.1 Iai I! I :ß "' I ~ ia inii- I ~ co; 1.. ~ i ~ 'i ~ i i n~ ~ I ~ I i I ~I~I~I~ ! ! I I I i.I i i i i. I 1I I I I i I i 1- I I ! I i I I I I

, ~in I ~ I ~ I i I ~ IN' LO 10 00 o. I q ~ q tt a.ia. 81 ~ i ~ I i- I 00 N n) i ~ I ~ in , m ai fa i ~ &:~ co1:6 ii i.8 N I.ini~ Ng CD181;; i-ILOco 1(;i r- I q i q m ~ I ~ I"' gl;;I~I~"l N I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ IN in a-~ i ~ I ~- i ~ "I 1- T" "I I i- ~ U I ~ I Ñ I 1.. 1.. i Ñ iI .! ï= I b l¡ 1I I I I I ~ I ~ iinli-.1iaiq I1 !i Ii I ~ I ~ I' I, I, 1 I :! I lI Ii I I I; Ii I. I i II ______iI ______. i u '(3ul~ I 00 .1~l~ miN 'I.~ 0 ii~I~I~I~ ~ I N I ~ " LO ~I, in~ II i-~l~ II 00 I m~ I 0~.~i~i~ii~i~i~ ii1 ~ I N I ~ I in I 00 i 0 ì' ~ ~w u. 00 00 1100 ------00,0000!oo 100 a1100 010100100 0,0.0oo'iooloolooioo¡ooloo 0 010 ! 0------00100,00'100100010 0,0 W I i ~N I' ~ i ii I ii ! 'i i l,' i I i I -~ oN i iiI I'; II II I,Ii I;I 'II I'i I i iIi I i en ,i w:: I I II ¡! I i1 I i I I I iii i i i ii' I I i I ~ i W I ~a- i U ï= I i l Ii, I I i Ii i " en ~ .. I i I i I I ::' I ~ I .1 en w& ~!~ II III I 1.1'I i 0ë I 'õ zo z 0 r i i i, i t i ! :: wØI!1 01 ~II 1-I i Ii CDi ~ i u. I ~ i !z w I 0:5i II ~ 0: fa I ~ ::0: 11 ) € i c: U :; I ~ '~'i 1:f .._!ro~'igi c: 1roICDI(J,j IDlff .. l~ i i I~ c: I c: ~ ~ ~ .I~;~ ~ wl~lu ~ID ~ I i ~ ! Q; Q) o l,l '~,l c: .5!1:i1~ ¡i ~I'§I~ °1:51~ I-~ , :: i . m g 2o i' :5~ u. :5 ~ ~¡ a i c: D U 18 ! 0 ~ I § - I "0g II-I 0 :i en I CD I. rn i:E -g t:o I ii. l.:;:§ ~ æu.~ 10m Æ! c:~ IIl .~ ~ l ~-0:2: ~ I- ! ~8.' I 8.t iit :i~ ",~.i ~ 15g l ro ~ . a. 0: '" ~ ail:¡l. c:1.0:, 1.1. I ~ t: I ~'I ß , Ol i ø i ~ ! q ~ ~ ~ öl~l~ ~lgi~I~I~I~I~ ~ 18 I ~ ¡ al i ~ i Z I I- CURRENT FUNDS. ANTICIPATED REVENUES 1 I ANTICIPATED I BUDGETED--I 1 REALIZED--- 1 1 GENERAL REVENUES 11 FCOA I ------..- I . CY 2012 * Ii *CY2011* 1 *CY2011* 1 Arlington-----.--- ._------1 Arms Apts. 1 .--.--.08-385 II ------43,902 II 43,901-,-1 ----_.------1 1 43,902 I -.--.--..------~-.,'-.-..~-..-----.------Padua Court 1 08-386 11 ------23,209 1 ------.---.- 1I ._--.-.--122,914 ------.--:--1 1 23,209 i . ------..-~_.._----.._...... ------_.._--_..------.....------..------..------.--- ..-.-.....------i Paulus Hook Community Housing 1 08-388 1 320,587 295,567 I 320,587 i .-.-.-.------....------.---.------..-----.------..----..--- 1 -- 1 .----..------.-..-.-.------1 --_._------1 James Monroe I. 08-397 1 2,123,339 1,892,965 I 2,123,339 I ------.--.-.----.--.---~---.------.--...---..------Grandview Terrace I 08-390 I ------I 197,593 1 ----.-.---- ..---.--1180,641 1 197,593 --I I .c__~____..___..______.__._.__.____.____._____._._._-...-- I ----'- I . ------.------111,999 1 112,863---"'- 1 I ----.-----.------.-.-----.------.-Equality Housing 08-391 1 -._-.-112,863 1 ----.--.------.-----.------"------.------Audubon Park Associates 08-392 -- 11 ------.--145,000 139,999 ------145,000 Lafayette Family URA LLC (Woodward Terrace) 08-393 1 39,208 38,855 39,208 --.----..-.------.-----"-- ~--- I ----.------_.._- .---.----.------.---.,--Van Wagenen II 08-394 ------.- 11 -----.---....155,586 124,160 -----155,586 ------.----.------.------Mid City Apt. UR II 08-402 --.-- 1 6,5631 ----- 6,563 ..__..----6,563 ------..--.Fairmount Housing Group -'-'---'---'- (Bergen & Grant) ---- 08-4031 --.-.--- I 5,876 I 5,876 5,876 Resurectlon ._-----_._--,House 08-404 I 14,518 14,517 I -----14,518 Euell Development 08-405 4,316 2,651 4,316 Arlington Gardens ------.---1 08-406 28,775 48,113 28,775 Villa Borinquen II 08-407 15,394 12,000 15,394

Lutheran Residence Corp. 08-408 7,620 7,620 7,620

Town Cove North Urban Renewal 08-411 1,359,717 1;068,085 1,359;717 Mid-City Apartments UR I I 08-412 12,100 11,800 12,100 -- I .-.------.--.-. ii -_.------1. 1 02/1712 SHEET 10D ..~-----~_..------_.._-...... -..------_.._------_.._.._---_.... ------_...._------':~------CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES 1 I ANTICIPATED BUDGETED REALIZED 1 I GENERAL REVENUES i . FCOA I * CY 2012* * CY 2011 * * CY 2011 * ------.------"------.:------~------I -----1 Essex Waterfront 1 08-437 I 2,960,883 2,909,526 2,960,883 ------~------1 ----- i Pilot Application Fees 1 08-438 1 1,607,586 704,999 1,607,586 ------1 ----I Caven Point Urban Renewal. 1 08-439 1 146,264 140,562 146,264 ------I -----,-1 Cali Harbor Plaza IV I 08-440 1 849,634 839,784 . 849,634 .------.------i .----1 -----_._------1 08-441 I 3,247,136 3,235,175 3,247,136 I ------.------,------Cali Harbor Plaza V I i _..----1 ------.--1 Cali Harbor South Pier 1 08-442 1 595;600 572,825 595,600 --,------.------I ------1 08-443 1 12,698 12,347 12,698 --,------~----.---.------99 Rutgers Avenue 1 I -----1 Bramhall Urban Renewal I 08-445 I . 49,299 48,777 49,299 ------_.._---..------~----~-----~ --I Macy's-Department Store #3 08-446 I 287,994 282,125 287,994 --..- i Plaza #10 Urban Renewal 08-447 '. 1,617,138 1,609,619 1,617,138

Raine Court Urban Renewal 08-448 142,681 134,263 142,681

Atiium Hamilon Park 08-450 153,950 153,360 153,950

H.P. Lincoln Urban Renewal 08-452 485,241 426,51 485,241 ------_.._.._-----~-----_...... _-_.._-----..------Fulton's Landing (PulteHomes UR, LLC) 08-453 716,025 658,198 716,025 224,731 234,296 Majestic Theatre .----108-457 I _.._------1234,296 i ---,---,-1 769 Montgomery Street U.R., LLC I 08-351 i 87,436 1 33,420 87,436- r ------~--~----.------.-.- i -----1 . .------1 ------.----... 1 ------1 AH Moore Phz 1 . 08-335 1 55,920 1 49,403 1 55,9201 ------.-.------..------~------1 ----I .------1 ------1 ------1 Forrest Sr Citizens 1 08-476 .1 122,950 I 102,999 1 122,950 1 ------...-.---"'------.------.:----.....------.---- I ------1 ------1 ---~------I ------._.-1 I i I 1 I .------.------I .------1 ._------1 ---"--'---1 ._---~----I 1 1 i 1 I

SHEET 10E BUDGETED REALIZED CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES I 1 ANTICIPATED 1 .._--~--_...._-- ._- I I 1 ------~-I I GENERAL REVENUES 1 FCOA 1 .CY2012. 1 . CY 2011 . .CY2011. 1 ------.------.-.------1 ----I ------1 ------1 199,959 204,659 1 Hudson Hospitality 1 08-414 1 204,659 I ------.:.---- 1 ------:--1 --_':--- 1 ..------.------I 5,744 8,569 Fairmount Hotel 1 08-415 I 8,569 I -----..-----.-----.------._------I ------1 ------.---- I ------6,952 1 6,952 Summit Urban .Renewal . I 08-416 1 8,355 --..------_.._....-----~------_....-.._------1 ------1 ------New Community Hl,dson Seniors - 33 Orchard Street 08-417 1 29,440 1 10,000 29,440 --'---- 1 ---.,----- 1 ------..-..------Town Cove South Urban Renewal (Pinnacle Towers) 08-418 1 1,812,845 1 2,002,733 1,812,845 -----.--1 ------,-----.----- I ------..------..--- I I ---'------I ------I ------..------_.. 1,607,823 1 1,740,122 1,607,823 Newport Offce Center V ----~-I08-420 1 ------I _. ------Newport Offce Center Vi 08-421 I 783,186 I 767,041 783,186 ------1 ------1 -- - --_..-- Newport Offce Center VII 08-422 1 2,792,066 1 2,781,251 2,792,066 ------1 ------I - - ..------Libert Waterfront 08-423 1 1,400,785 I 1,373,733 1,400,785 ----I -._------1 ------4,010,129 1 ----3,977,373 4,010,129 30 Hudson Street 08-425 I ------_.---"'- 1 ------..---- Project HOME Urban Renewal --I08-427 1 13,786 1 25,010 13,786 ------1 ______.__._____ i ------I ---.------1 .------._---- i ------.. I ------631,255 1 Hudson Point Apartments 08-429 1 688,800 1 688,800 _.._..------1 1 ------,- 1 ------1,163,029 1 1,219,346 North Pier Apartments ------108.430 I ------....--1,219,346 I I -----,.---1 ------709,272 1 T.C.R. JC I Urban Renewal 08.431 1 794,160 I 794,160 __c__.______1 ------i ------1 --_...._---- 1,537,521 1 25 River Drive Urban Renewal 08-432 1 1,566,952 I 1,566,952 -----.1 ------.,--. i ______._ i ------1 I ------1 ------.------1 ------1 ------3,421,384 1 Port Libérte II 08-435 1 3,739,734 1 3,739,734 ---- I. ------I .-.------1 ------_.._.... 08-436 110,098 1 105,340 I 110,Q8 .._-----_...._-_...... __...._------_...._---_..SummiVGreenwich Urban Renewal ....- --...._---..----I ..- ---_....------_.. ------SHEET 10F REALIZED CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES I ANTICIPATED 1 BUDGETED 1 1 1 I -----~--.--I ._...-----1 'CY 2012' . CY 2011 . . CY 2011 . GENERAL REVENUES ---IFCOA 1 -.------II ~-----.----II ------11 (3.) MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - SECTION G: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS xx 1I xx 1 XX 1 XX 1 ANTICIPATED WITH PRIOR WRITIEN CONSENT OF DIRECTOR OF xx 1 XX I xx 1 xx 1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES - OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS xx I xx 1 -----xx 1 ----I ---_..._.-1 ---- 1 1 1 ----I1 .-----.--- II _..._._._------11 -_.------1 1 ______....__..______-i______------.----1 ---I 3,560 1 Lets Celebrate 08-458 1 3,560 3,5491 '~-I ------I ----_.-'---.1 380,862 363,983 1 380,862 I 140 Bay Street 08-459 1 -----_....------_.._------1 ------1 ------..-.-.------....-.----- .- I ----I 1,920,681 I 700 Grove Street 1 08-460 i 1,920,681 1,935,016 1 ---.------.------.------.-.------.------1 --..------.'----...----.--.--- 1 ------199,882 171,506 1 199,882 Libert Point 1 08-461 1 ------..-....------.---...-.------.--.-.---.------1 ------..---1 --I 281,704 264,424 I ------.------"-Bostwick Court UR Assoc. --_.-----1 LLP 1 08-462----I1 ------281,704 ._---.----1 ------453,566 643,529 1 453,566 Henderson Lofts I 08-463 I -..-..----.-..-.---.------.--.-.------.------1 --,-1 ------_._--.----1 -..------1,700,864 1,836,000 I 1,700,864 -.-----.------K. Hovnanian at 77 Hudson ----.--'---.------St., UR, Co., LLC I I 08-467---1I ..-----_.._-- .'-______- I _..------_....- I I -.------.------...--.-.--.---.---....--.------.------i --.-- 1 ------.------..------.-.----.--,- 1 1,622,732 1,593,732 1,622,732 1 EQR at 77 Hudson Street 1 08-466 1 ------.--.----....-.--~---.-.------.--.-.------...--.--- I ------1 ------1 2,299,013 2,003,703 1 Shore Club North UR LLC . 1 08-470 1 2,003,703 ------..------.----.--.------.--.----- 1 ----I --_.._------_..------1 348,680 323,29 I ACC Tower 1A (American Can) 1 08-472 1 323,429 .-.------.----.------.--.-'------.-. 1 ---I ------_.._------I F I ---.-----.--.....--.-..------..-.--.----..------.-, 1 1 ..--_...... _--_..- ----_..__.._------.------I ----I 913,094 996,730 913,094 I Aqua UR Co, LlC 1 08-477 1 ------_...... ------.-.------.----.----.-----..---~.--.----.--- 1 -.-1 ..--_.._------.--.- I 6,317 4,721 6,3171 Greenville Steering Committee 1 08-605 1 ..-.------..------.-.------.---- I ----I ------_._-----..---1 ---.------1 1 1 I I -----.-.------.------.-.---.--.---.-----..-.-.----,. 1 ---.--- 1 ____.._00------1 ------.---- 1 100,077,085 1 TOTAL P.I.L.O.T. 1 08-150 1 99,848,200 96,898,182 I ...._------_....------_.._------_..------..-..------..--- -_....----_..- ..------02/17/12 SHEET 10G ___._____....______- - __ - ______- ______0.

ANTICIPATED I BUDGETED I REALIZED . CURRENT FUNDS - ANTICIPATED REVENUES 1 ------GENERAL REVENUES 1 I ------.-1 ------.-----. I ----.----.------.-.------:.-----.------.- 1 FCOA I *CY2012* 1 * CY2011 * 1 *CY2011* (3.) MISC REVENUE - SECTION G: SPECIAL REVENUE ITEMS ANTIC WITH PRIOR 1 --.--.-1 ---.------1 -----.--1 ------WRITTEN CONSENT OF DIRECTOR OF DLGS.OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS I XX 1 XX I XX 1 XX ----.-.--~:-..---.-.-...------.------,i -----1 ---.------I --.----1 ---- Sale of Municipal Prop - Land Sales . 1 08-121 I 4,950,000 1 1,183,4101 1,498,160 ------.-.-----.-----.----.-----.--.------1 ------1 ------1 --_.--..--1 ------United Water Reimbursement Water Operations I 08-117 I 871,049 1 800,000 I ..------894,038 --..------.------.----.------..------1 I ------_.\ ~----I 08-113 I 12,500,000 1 12,000,000 1 12,000,000 .._-----_...... ------_..~------..---_..MUA Franchise Concession Payment -----1 --_.-~-..i ------1 ------MUA Water Debt Seivice Payment 08-114 . I 5,520,940 I 5,736,917 1 5,736,916 ------1 ----..-----.-. 1 ___I" ------.-11 -_.------11 Uniform Fire Safety Act 08-134 I 250,000 1 250,000 250,000 __R_____...... ______.._____.._____....______.. ------1 .---.---.- 1 ------_.._-----_.._--_.._------..------11 ------11 ----_...._---_..-"".._--_.._--_.._------_.._------..----1I _..------11 -.--1I 844,291 1 844,291 844,291 I Added------_.._...._------_.._.._------and Omitted Taxes ------11 ------1 ,____._____-c_____ I ------11 ------...--- II I. 1 I ----.-----.------.---.------.--.---. 1 -.------1 ---.----1 ----_., ..-..------~--...------.------.------.--I 1 --.---- 1 I ------11 -.---.-...--,--.------..------.--.------.---1 1 -.----I I .------...--, ------1 I ------1 I ----- 1 ---"-, ------.---....------...------.-----:---...1 1 I1 --. I .---, ------.------...-..-....-----..------i I -----i 1 --.-----, -----..------.---.-----.-----.------..-----.----- 1 ----,----'- 1 ------i -.------Abatement Transfer Fee 1 1 0 I 2,848,686 2,848,686 ------....----.------.-- 1 --.---- 1 ------1 ---.------_..------_._---_..------1 ------1 ....------_..-1 - -_.._-0 - -_.._.._- TOTAL SECT G: SPC REV ITEMS ANTIC Wi PRIOR CONSENT OF DIR OF DLGS - 1 08 1 124,784,480 I 120,561,486 I 124,149,176 1 ..______..______. 1 -----..-1 .------I --,------I ------1 02/17/12 SHEET 10H o IN N i g o i g I ió ¡ß I ~ N o ° N .~ M I t: ~ CO i C\ CO Ô Ñ Ô 1M!r- ir~ I 1m"" I. l(~ cô ., o l( CO M o I ~ I ° g en ° ;; CO w i ~ I iõ r- ir cD~ I I ~~ Ô t: I ~ i II.~~ ;;1.I ~ I ° ii ° ii~ ~ ¡ei ~en l(o ~ r- i II i~::i ..Igi~ I ~ ~ I~ II II , i I i ¡ i II II I i , I i ! I N I IN I II ~ I;' i II II .n II II II II __-'_ IIII o CX I en l( I CX Il(l ~ Ii ~! ~ ° i i: I CXCO ;; M I en CX ~ II I ~ I ~' I ~ ~- q Ie I l2 I ii ~ ~ ~.-~n I i I ~ in ~ cD ô l( l( 0'1 N II o i CO i I; l( ~ rõ ~ ~ CO ~ i r- o I. Ô cD et ui 'I g i ~ I i ~ N CO CX i~ ~ I ~ I ~. ~ N N ~ I ~ iI ~¡ II i i i; IcDlcDi .11 ~i~ m§ i lb 1M I I i ¡ i I I i I !i ;I ii . 'I I I I I i i i , I. I I! i

-0 ¡O¡¡e'O¡O Il( ,1 Ml( ~ II I o Mil o o 10 igiióii~_ I ~ - II w ~ Ii i! Ö I ô~ , i CXq I I gir ;I I ~ . CO '~I~I!N-_ i, ~.. 011 a; I CD "I 10 I ~ I ~ I~ i~. ;; , ~ I. ro .1 CO I I! i ~ i'.§ LOll ~ g i ~ CO II Õ i ¡; i':2 ii C' I ~ N IN ~ II i= ~ I ! I i,' ~ 'i' l( ¡CO I ~nII i ~ ! ~ I z I ~ I II 0: Ii I! 'i iI ¡I I i , ,11 I IIII . I i i ¡ i I i , ! i I !

1______I ~ I i ' ;: 00:i I 10° I 0,~ I -I N 0 ~ 0 ü I '~i ~ , I I ,i - , -t I- l( I ., , ii~ gl '70;' I"7 Sl iiign~ ! â ti LL I cò r: l ICX¡I' 'ien 'ICXI~i en Ii~I 1~IICXlgI g I i II~ g ig I II Ib It; it; it; ¡eUcn i 10 0 I ,0 0 Oi~ Ol~ 0 ~ ~ ~ " i ______~------~-- IIII N I II ~ i ¡ I ~ I ~ :: ~ ¡ II .! .1 i .11 N I I I i 11.0 I i § ~ II I i i 1 m 15 II I i I ~ ii ~ II II I i~i i II I ij I' II I I II i :: I I ~ i I i II i U) II I :B ! II , .r , II I 0. I . i ~ I~I I e UJ ! ~ I g I en ¡ 8:" E Q):: I :;fß I, I 0~ ~ Õ~ ~,I' f- , i W 10 e: 1m i~ I- 2 ,g i r i ! 0: i:; I ~ u. cli m i U) ~ en I W i o¡ 0 '" w I ~ I fi :: I la. I I ¡i: i ~ ~ i: ~ E õ 1 0 i z I ii C' I It ,g w ~i,g ;f ~ ~ :; II m~ i 0. I 0 ~ ~ ~ ~.i Õ w U) i 0: I _2 I fl ii Q. i ~ ß i E ~ E I w . i= z I ~ i ~ I ~ -5. z o L:io¡ I 0.~ i~ fßIÆl1ft I-~ ~ i i ig i 0: ü e:i:3!~ ;i ii i i ~ I Æ i 'I::,w gW ;¡ iin ~I-g'" U) ., o I ~ I ~ ~o i ::E I I-Z I 10. 0 U) II o 1D ii E I. E :: z Q) ci ~ o ~ 1'2 i ~ "I CI i ,U) '01,=10 W II :: .r 0. w:: e::: ~ ~ ~i~i; '0 .- :: ~ Ii i u. i i ~ !:: I ~ i E I ~ I ~ 'I~ ~ ~li-,-, I- ~ ~ '-, ~ ~io! ~i~io: w Ii Z i in o o 181 § ! l I ~ ~ ! ~ .c i ó I.. :; II W w w i ¥ I * i i I ~ ~ i eã w I ~ :: ~i'': ¡ 0: ~ ~ z ~ ~ i I l i 2 ~ I .~ ~ l.~ ê ~ ~ I ~ I iI I 10l- -' :: w en , .3 U) i 0. ü Õ Õ I c7 i c' i:§ i ~ I U) ~ m ~. ii ~ ¡¡ i= i= 6 I .. i l- w ~ z z W 10: låiIÖIÖI,u. Ii I cD B: (! 0 z u. 0: 0: e: , e: en -' l- , 1 w o I 0 I 0 i 0 , a i 0 i ' (! o U) 1e:1e:,e: e: Ii ~ 1-, I ~ 5 i ~ I ~ I ~ ~ Ii ~ !i ,i -' & 13 ~I ~ i en I U) i U) v, I ~ i ~ üW ~mOl 5 ¡ I I. 0: ,I ~ ë5 ! (i w l:: :: ii I , i :: i, &:: U) I :i I m 1m' m l:i I U) , U) ii U) 0: ê i :: i :: i õ I õ ! ~ ~ ! ~ ¡I-,I-II-if-I õ i õ ! õ I 0 ! ~ i ~ I ~ M ! I I- i I- îie ;e1 iI Ii is Expended CY 2011 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 1 Appropriated 1 1 ------...... ------:------....------1 1 1 I CY 2011 By 1 Total CY 2011 1 (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 1 FCOA 1 *CY2012* I * CY 2011 * 1 Emerg. Approp. 1 Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged Reserved ------'------ ------1 ------I -I ------.,----1 ------1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR I 1 1 ------1 -----1 ------1 ------11 ------1 ------11 I 20-110 1 MAYOR'S OFFICE 1 I 1 1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------I ------.----- 1 100 - Salaries & Wages 20-110-1 1 938,27 1 970,000 I I 970,000 I 903,905 66,095 ------1 ------1 ------I ------1 ------1 101 - Other Expenses 20-110-2 1 19,650 1 20,200 1 1 20,200 1 9,233 10,967 ._.------1 ------1 ------1 ------,-1 ------1 1 1 1 1 1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 --~--I TOTAL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR I 957,677 I 990,200 I 0 I 990,200 I 913,138 77,062 I ------1 ------..- 1 ------I . I 1 L ------1 ------1 ------. I CITY CLERK & MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 1 1 I ------1 ------1 --I20-120 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 ------I ------.1 -I ------200 - Salaries & Wages 20-120-1 1 ------1822,392 1 810,000 ------810,000 794,580 15,420 201 - Other Expenses 20-120-2 96,600 I 98,600 98,600 67,147 31,453 1 ------_.. ------202 - General & Primary Election 20-120-2 ------1100,000 1 100,000 ------_...... 100,000 93,486 6,514 20-120-2 o 1 o o o o 203 - Municipal Election ---..------...- -_.._---_.. - 2.123 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL --....----_.._.. 210 - Salaries & Wages 20-123-1 . 566,956 570,000 570,000 540,743 29,257 ------~------I -----1 ...._------211 - Other Expenses 1 20-123~2 I 79,250 79,250 79,250 60,282 18,968 ------1 -----1 ------_.._....._-- I I -.---~------i -.,-----1 _.._--_.._----_.._------_.. ANNUAL AUDIT - 214 - Other Expenses 1 20-135-2 1 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 o ------1 ----I ------1 ------_..---- TOTAL CITY CLERK & COUNCIL I - I 2,025,198 I 2,017,850 o 2,017,850 1,916,238 101,612 .._----..------..------~--- --.._~------.._- 02/17/12 SHEET 12 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 -----..-- -_--_---Appropriated ..---_..------_.._----Expended CY 2011 CY2011 By . 1 1 Total CY 2011 Modified By Trans. Paid or Charged Reserved ------1(A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" I FCOA * CY 2012 * * CY 2011 * Emerg. Approp. ------1DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION I ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE 1 20-100 ------1 250 - Salaries & Wages. I 20-100-1 1,511,911 1,775,000 1,775,000 1,732,742 42,258 _.-.------_._------1 251 - Other Expenses I 20-100-2 88,200 99,550 99,550 67,760 . 31,790 ------1 ------1 1 I ------.------I ------1 ° I I 1 --._------i ------1 ------I ------1 i I I ° 1 ------I ------I ------"------I ------1 MANAGEMENT & BUDGET I 20-101 I 1 I ------1 -.------I ------I ------I ------~-- I . 3,466 I 255 - Salaries & Wages I 20-101-1 492,463 I 400,000 I 1 400,000 396,534 1------.-.------1 ------1 ------_. I ------1 ------1 ------I 267,231 1 54,119 I 256 - Other Expenses I 20-101-2 . 321,350 1 321,350 1 1 321,350 ------1 ------1 ------I ------1 ------1 ------I I I I i I ------I ------I ~------I ---.------I ------I 1 I ° I I ------I ------I ------1 ------I ------1 1 I I ° I I ------..------1 ------I ------1 ------1 ------I PURCHASING & CENTRAL SERVICES 20-102 1 1 1 1 I ----_....-.... .------1 ------_.-- 1 ------1 ._------1 ------I 260 - Salaries & Wages 20-102-1. 621,674 I 565,000 I 565,000 I 553,303 1 11,697 I ..------I ------.----- I -_._------1 ------1 ------1 261 - Other Expenses 20-102-2 45,550 I 42,750 I 42,750 I 35,771 1 6,979 1 ------I ------i I ------i ------_.---- 1 REAL ESTATE 20-103 1 1 I 1 1 ------.----- 1 ------1 ------I ------..--- 1 ------.1 272 - Salaries & Wages 20.103-1 167,161 1 180,000 I 180,000 1 . 176,744 1 3,256 I -_.._------1 ------I ------1 ------1 ---"------I 273 - Other Expenses 20-103-2 10,600 1 11,600 1 11,600 1 7,804 I 3,796 1 ------..--1 ------I ------1 ------1 ------1 I I 1 1 1 ----..------_..------_...._-_..------_...... ------_..- ..------_..------_..------02/17/12 SHEET 13 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I Appropriated Expended CY 2011 1 1 1 CY2011 By . Total CY 2011 I I FCOA I . CY 2012' 'CY2011' 1 Emerg. Approp. Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged I Reserved .------.(A.) OPERATIONS .-.--..--.-- within "CAPS" 1 1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ----.- MAYOR'S ACTION BUREAU 1 20-104 I 1 ------~-.------.-...--- 1 ------~ I ------1 275 - Salaries & Wages 1 20:104-1 I 359,760 414,000 1 414,000 1 400,506 I 13,494 -----...------.------.-_..------1 _._------1 -----_._.------1 276 - Other Expenses I 20-104.2 I 2,000 2,000 1 2,000 1 -705 I 2,705 -..------.---.-.-.------.-~----- I ----I ---.--.-1 . COMMUNICATIONS 1 20-106 1 1 ------1 ------1 --_._-_.-----1 277 - Salaries & Wages 20-106-1 i 427,131 -----1. 398,000 I ------398,000 I 388,831 1 9,169 278 - Other Expenses 20-106-2 2,800 . 2,800 1 2,800 -4,656 1 7,456 ---_._------1 ------1 ------1 ...._------UTILITY MANAGEMENT 20-107 ------1I ------.. 624,859 1 624,859 624,859 I 0 284 - Salaries & Wages 20-107-1 --_..------557,623 ------1 285 - Other Expenses 20-107-2 o o 1 ---o o ------.--1 ------PERSONNEL 20-105 1 ------_.__._.--.-1 470,000 1 470,000 461,762 I 8,238 290 . Salaries & Wages 20.105-1 ------448,737 ------1 ------114,731 1 114,731 90,991 I 23,740 291 . Other Expenses 20-105-2 ------1122,350 ------1 ------ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 20-108 I 1 1 ------.., ----I - -,_.--.--1 ------1 ------20-108-1 I o 1 190,000 1 190,000 183,169 I 6,831 292- Salaries & Wages ------1 ------1 ._------1 ------293 - Other Expenses 20-108-2 1 o 1 5,700 I 5,700 8451 4,855 ._-.----1 ---_.__._-.--.-1 ._--_.-----1 ------.-.-----.-- 1 ----....--- 1 1 1 1 ._----.-1 -_._-~--~------I ------1 .._------.------1 ------1 1 1 1 -----....1 ..._.---_.._-----.-1 ------.---.-.--..-- 1 ------.-.--. I ------. 1 _..------.-- I 1 I I I ------1 --...-.-..,------1 ---_.__.__..._.---1 ---_.-----1 -----.-.-.----.-- I -----.------.- i 1 I 1 I -----._.1 --_._----_._._.-1 ------..--.-..-.-.. 1 ------.-1 --.----- I ---.------1 1 1 1 I ------_...... -_..-..-----_.._-----_.._------....--02/17/12 ------_.._-----..-_....- SHEET .._-.. ---_.._------13A ------..------_..------.._--..-- 1 I 1 I CY2011 By Total CY2011 1 (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 1 FCOA 1 . CY 2012' 1 'CY2011' I Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged 1 Reserved .-.-..------.-----.------ 1 --I ----.-1 - I ----I _..----1 - ---- RISK MANAGEMENT 1 20-109 1 1 I I 1 1 __.______-C______i ---I ,-_._.---1 ------1 ------1 ---I -----.---1 ---_.._-- 294 - Salaries & Waglls 1 20-109-1 I 241,270 I 223,000 223,000 1 213,656 1 9,344 -....--.------.-..-..--.---.------.---.------1 -.------.-- I ------.------i --.-.------.- 1 ------I 2,650 1 2,281 I 369 295 - Othèr Expenses 1 20-109-2 i 4,525 I 2,650 -_._------_._-----_._------1 -----1 -.-.-.--.------.- 1 ------_.__.__.---,-1 -.--.-..--- 1 ----_.. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 20-140 I I 1 1 c..--._------.-.------.-.----J -----.----.. I -----.------I ----..------1 -----.c:-- I ------298 - Salaries & Wages 1 20.140-1 I 950,600 923,000 923,000 1 908,20 I 14,580 ------_._._.-'---_._-_..._._---_._--.---1 ------1 ------..----.------1 -.------1 ---- 20-140-2 I 887,000 983,800'1 761,439 1 222,361 299 - Other Expenses I 983,800 ----_..__.._- _._----_._------_._.-~-I -.------. I 1 -----1 ----- MUNICIPAL COURT I 43-490 I 1 1 --_._--~-_.._------I --._.--1 ---..------_.-----1 ------1 ------2280 - Salaries & Wages I 43-490-1 I 3,541,780 3,475,000 3,475,000 1 3,331,523 143,477 ._------_._------1 ---I ------_..--- -.------1 ------~-- 2281 - Other Expenses I 43-490-2 1 196,200 231,700 231,700 I 115,378 116,322 ------1 ---I ------1 ---.----- PUBLIC DEFENDER I 43-495 1 I I ----_.__._------~-I -I _..----1 ------43-495-1 1 ----I90,000 1 89,107 893 A282 - Salaries & Wages 1 92,000 90,000 I -C__I ------1 1 -._------A283 . Other Expenses 43-495-2 1 256,700 256,100 I 256,100 I 250,567 5,533 ----I I ~----.. COLLECTIONS 1 I .c.___.__.__ I ------.--.- 1 310 - Salaries & Wages 20-1451 762,339 770,000 I 770,000 764,784 5,216 -----.---1 -.:------I 311 - Other Expenses 20-145 1 194,950 142,900 I 142,900 87,863 55,037 -"'.,-1 .---.----.---- I I . I ----.--._-- I ---..-----..---- I I I --_.._----_._------_._._------1 ------1 ------1 I I 1 -_._------_.._---_.__..._----_.--..-1 ------1 .---.----.----. 1 I J 1 I ------_._-_.._----_._._------1 ----.----1 ------.-- 1 ------.-- I -_._._------_._----_.------1I ------1I ------11 .----1I 02/17/12 SHEET 14 'i co(l' Ii It..1 (l I to 'It a I ! ... i co COI~ I-V ~i " I .1 I ~ I I10N"1N"1' I ~It II i IN"toI 10 iñl . i i i I II i I I i ! I i I ! I i i i I j I i I !, I, ! i I i ¡

i ~ ~a in I It I i~i~! Igj¡:! I,!ã\ 1~I~i~1 i § -c ~ i :: I cõ ;i I ~ I ~ Q) en I .- ~ 1121~1 ~n 151, I~II~I~I i ______~---~------ii! i I I I i ! I! i I I I I ~ I ~', I § ! i ~ II 18 II II N II I ' ~ Ii..~ I ! I I1 I ~ ¡ ~ I ~ ii ~ ro i~ ro ~ i ~ ~ El 'I~ ~ ~ ûji ~Ii0. ~iI I' i iii IIII IIi~ii iiI I IIIi I.-II I'i ¡ i¡Ñ i i'liÑ1I I .1 ¡gig! .¡glg! 1:611 igig¡gl I'~g_ ~g-i'~g-i' ::i;!~~~¡ ~ l°t(-IixiI . Niinì I -.,1°",-1131' m¡ ,, ",I I i..g i1.- iim ~011'11'1 i,"'I"! ~ ! ~. I~ ~ti~ i()~l I I I i I I, Iii. I ,i'-i N '1"'1 'I- - ~Q) ¡ I ii iI ¡ :i ¡I!I i II I 'ii Ii I I I i I ~!E i I i i I I i I i I I! I i I i ______~_~______". g. i i I I I I I I , I i. ' I - i i I 'i ,I i i i I i I I I I . j i I o: .-t( i- . W IHIIII I IIIII i ii i i II W :i Ii üW E l.I I ¡!i' II I I iI II ,. i. ! I II ii Ii'I en I _ _ _~__~______~ - ---~------~------* I I I 8 i~ i i .8 ! 8 I i § i I i 8 'i R i R1 I 'i 8 i g ! ~ I -- .! 061..1 Icõ11ÑI 'IÑ 16110 cõ1còl I 6IÑ!ÑI 5. ~0T"1 ~ (J - i 0 IT" IT' ¡ ~ ~Itn 0.e N' i II ., I I !!:¡¡ i 1.- 1m I"'!I~i I I' I,, IÑ i'~ fi .() iI',' I .1 I I Ii 1¡ I I¡ iiI,' I i ii I i i ------_------I I i I ! ! i I I I i i! I i, ¡ . i i ~ i ê! i ° I ° ¡ I ~ i I I æ ! ~I ~ i I i § I' ~ i ~ ! iIN: III i-T" I 06 I I iN ii co'ro'cøi .. .1 i i 06 i C' 1C"i cô! i coI 6 cõ enlI cõ ! I ~il() It(I I ii I i!i iiai I II ICOINI::1i I i i II Ii~!"'!~i I I i --¡IiI - --i ---- iI I - ii-- i!------, I!I I -- '!'I ------i II 1 i'-- I--- iI ------'i I , I I i I ! I I! I'-IN! I I~INI êli l~i~1I~l~i I~II~I i~ ~l i' !~I~ 1~1~II~i ~I ~ il§lêlêl ~i~i ------1------1'iz -1-1-11---T------11------I i! § g 1 ~ I j I Ii 2en i ~ I i' I ~ I o in0. I II. .:II ~,I i I1)( ! ~ I1 ~ ~ ou. ii ~ 0: I g¡! en Cl" ~l ig¡ en en i- o0. II- I~ ig¡ ~Q) WZ 0: ~iô!en, ~ 'Q)~fti u.! 'ii ¡en i~ len 0. eni8~ 1 oöiz ~~ I- ~~. oö ~'iff I :æiI i ~!o:loö ê I t5Q) W:; Iu.iz IW:oö ~ 0. ~ ~ o: iSloö ~ w § en w, $1' 10 en ~,u.!l 101- ~Ien w I ~ -' I- i-'¡¡ 1?1;j'¡¡~! 0.1 iini~ 1?1t5 iff o:l.~ 1? ~ -ien o: Q)..i .. lenlQ) o:!.¡g 2W ~12w :: en 012 enlOIai '11 -..en ai - Wi ien 'ienII o-j, '.. ':2Ii- 0.w1en, '" Õ W Q. 10 1 0: i I: .. i 1 c: I I I i( 10: 0 i i ~ S2 o I ü g ~ I ~ i ¡: I ~ ¡ ~! i ~ I ~ ~I b i o: ~ I gi ~ e ~!~'" "'1!fI"'j"'l ~I Ii-I'" "'ii- I~ -..I'" '" i! i-0 Appropriated 1 Expended CY 2011 I (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS . I ------c______------_ ------._---- I I I I CY2011 By Total CY 2011 1 I .1 (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" I FCOA *CY2012* I *CY2011* Emerg. Approp. Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged 1 Reserved I ______0______00__ I ------1 ------i ------1 ----~---- I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 ------i ------1 ------i ------1 1 1 I 1 ------, --.------1 1 ---.----- I I DIRECTOR'S OFFiCE 26-290 -~,------1 0------1 1 ------I I 26-290-1 483,661 1 440,000 440,000 1 436,442 1 3,558 I 400 - Salaries & Wages ------1 ------I --_-0--'--- I 401 - Other Expenses 26-290-2 I 88,400 1 84,100 84,100 1 10,107 I 73,993 I ------~-I ------_____-0_-__-- i ______0__ I ------I 1 I ------1 ------, ------, ------I ARCHITECTURE 26-112 1 'I I ------1 ---__--0__0_- I ------1 ------i ------.- I ------I 253 - Salaries & Wages 26-112-1 1 399,278 1 440,000 1 440,000 1 403,634 1 36,366 I ------1 _0__---_------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------.-0--- i 254 - Other Expenses 26-112-2 I 27,200 1 27,200 1 27,200 1 18,781 1 8,419 I ------1 ------i ------I ------i ___0______I ------I ----II ------, -_-0------II PARK MAINTENANCE 28-375 I __0_------i ------I 408 - Salaries & Wages 28-375-1 1,907,073 1 1,975,000 1,975,000 I 1,921,484 1 53,516 ______..______I .._____ I ______I ______..______I ______I ..___.._..______I ______....____ I --~--- 409 - Other Expenses 28-375-2 717,200 662,500 662,500 574,268 88,232

------1 ------ENGINEERING I 26-113 I ------1 ------257 - Salaries & Wages I 26-113-1 1,764,442 I 1,495,000 1,495,000 1,429,031 I 65,969 ------I ------258 - Other Expenses I 26-113-2 1,671,700 1 1,579,001 1,579,001 1,213,753 I 365,248 ------1 ------1 ------._------.1 -.------BUILDING & STREET MAINTENANCE I 26-291 I ------_._------'--1 -0------1 ------.----1 ------1 ------.---.------I ------412 - Salaries & Wages I 26-291-1 2,077,432 1 2,150,000 1 2,150,000 2,143,953 I 6,047 _._-----_._------1 ------1 -----.------_._------1 ------_.----- I ------413 - Other Expenses. I 26-291-2 1,404,600 1 1,404,600 1 1,404,600 1,337,587 1 67,013 ----_0_------1 ------I ------1 ------1 -----._------.- 02/17/12 SHEET 15B ------..------..------I Appropriated Expended CY 2011 I (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I ------.------I I I I CY2011 By I Total CY2011 I FCOA I . CY 2012 . 1 . CY 2011 . 1 Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. Paid or Charged Reserved I (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" ------1 _.------1 -----1 --..----.- ______, --__i AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES 26-315 I I I I ----I ------1 --..------. I ------1 ------, -..------.------1 8,544 I 415- Salaries & Wages 26-315-1 I . 839,094 1 779,000 I 779,000 770,456 ------1 ------1 ------i ------1 .------, ------66,103 416 - Other Expenses 26-315-2 I 2,815,620 I 2,673,600 I 2,673,600 2,607,497 --I .------i ------1 --____--1 ------.--, ------NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT I II .----1 ----_..------1 ---.------I ------1 .------I -----~- 12,192 422 - Salaries & Wages 20-175~1 I I 270,000 I 270,000 257,808 ----I ------.--1 ._------1 ------, -.------.---~------I 20-175-2 1 I 10,200 1 10,200 427 I 9,773 423 - Other Expenses ---I ---I ------..--1 ------, .------1 I I I .----, ------1 .--~------I --.------, --.----~------1 ------_._-~._------._.-I 13,990,201 13,125,2281 864,973 ----_.'------.------1TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I ----.--, --~----I14,195,700 I ------113,990,201 I --_.--, ---.------I I I I I ------~-----~'-----.--I ..---.-, ------_.-----1 ------.. I ------, ------I I I I ._---_._------_.__.__._------~-I .____., ------I ------1 ------1 -.------1 ------DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION I _._------_.._-_._~------~------I _._____, ------1I ------I I ------i _____.1 ---..------DIRECTOR'S OFFICE I 28-370 I I --_._------_._------_._------,.--1 ----..----- I ------I ---.------. I ------1 ---.----._------, ------.---- 455 - Salaries & Wages I 28-370-1 I 2,323,000 I 2,489,000 1 2,489,000 I 2,351,524 137,476 ------.------.-----.------.----.---- I ------1 ------1 ---.------1 ----.---- 1 ------, ------456 - Other Expenses I 28-370-2 I 439,235 i 439,235 I 439,235 414,049 25,186 ._------_:._-_._------'-.-1 ______, ______I -----~-...--- i --.------i ------, ------..- TOTAL- DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION I 2,762,235 I 2,928,235 2,928,235 . 2,765,573 162,662 ---_.__.._------._----_.----_._--_.-----1 ..______i ______R___ I ______i ______I ..------i ------..---..---- I I ------_._---.------_._---_._-----_.-----1 ______i _..__...._...... ----1 ______..;,_.._____.._ i -----..-- I ------I ------..- DEPARTMENT- HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES I i ------.------...-.- i ____..__ i .._..______....___.. I __.._____...... __, -....------..-..----.. I ------..------i ------DIRECTOR'S OFFICE I 27-330 I -.------.------..--.---~---.-----.:----- I ______.. i __..______I -..------..---..---- i ______i --..------i ------.. 500 - Salaries & Wages I 27-330-1 724,845 I 808,539 808,539 736,43 1 72,096 ----....------.------.---'------I -.-----, -.:------I --.------I ---_._-----.--1 ------..------.-----.. 1 501 - Other Expenses I 27-330-2 4,450 I 64,750 I I 64,750 I 2,002 I 62,748 -----_...._------.._------.. -- ---_.._------_.._------_.....-_.._- _.. .._---_..__.._-_.. ..------_.._------_.._..------_...._-_.. 02/17/12 SHEET 15C (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 Appropriated Expended CY 2011------~-- I I 1 CY2011 By Total CY 2011 I FCOA 'CY;!012* . CY2011 * . 1 Emerg'. Approp. Modified ByTrans. Paid or Charged I Reserved ------~------I(A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 1 ..__..------1 -----1 ------27-331 I ------~------IH~~H 1 ------.--- I 510 - Salaries & Wages 1 27-331-1 1,879,277 1,933,635 I 1,933,635 1,882,4831 51,152 ~------:------I ------1 511 - Other Expenses 1 27-331.2 551,600 529,940 I 529,940 482,611 47,329 --_._------1 --- CULTURAL AFFAIRS 1 27-332 ------1 -_.--..------.------I ------I ------I ------i ---.------_.-- I ------581,263 1 525,969 1 55,294 512 - Salaries & Wages I 27-332-1 559,173 I 581,263 1 I ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------179,000 1 55,825 1 123,175 513 - Other Expenses 1 27-332-2 77,000 1 179,000 1 1 -----.------I ----I ______i ______I ----- I -.------______I ______CLINICAL SERVICES 1 27-333 1 ------1 ------1 ------I c----~-I ------.._--~-_.. I ------1 304,699 I 27,241 515 - Salaries & Wages I 27-333-1 I 376,449 I 331,940 1 1 331,940 ------1 ------1 ------~ I ------c-I ------1 -- -~-----".- 1 ------46,270 36,555 1 9,715 516 - Other Expenses 1 27-333-2 I 62,770 1 46,270 1 1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------____ I ______._ AIDS EDUCATION PROGRAM 1 27-334 1 I 1 ------1 ------1 ------I ------1 ------20,000 1 20;000 15,891 1 4,109 581 - Other Expenses 1 27-334-2 20,000 I 1 ------.--c------.-I ------1 ------1 -___---1 ------______I ______SENIOR CITIZEN AFFAIRS . 1 . 1 1 ------1 ------1 -----c---- 1 ------1 ---..------I -----~-- I ------323,785 I 11,153 511 - Salaries & Wages I 27-335 367,919 1 334,9381 1 334,938 I ------1 __--__1 -----~-'"--1 ------1 ------I ----- 37,748 I 28,252 Other Expenses I 27-335 66,000 1 66,000 1 I 66,000 I ------1 --_._------1 ------1' ------1 ------I ------TOTAL . HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 4,689,483 I 4,896,275 I 1 4,896,275 I 4,404,011 I 492,264 ______..______~__ I ______--~------1 ---_.------.1 ------1 ------i ------.---- I ------DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & EMERGENCY SVCS. 1 1 1 -----1 ------1 ------1 ------1 --- i ------350,000 1 601- FIRE OE O.S.HA (PL 1983,c 516) I 25-267-2 350,000 1 350,000 1 1 350,000 1 0 ------I ------1 --_._------1 .------i .------I ------UNIFORM FIRE SAFETY ACT (PL83,c.383) I 25-266 ------.1 ------I I I ------11 ------i. ----~-.---- I ------235,000 1 235,000 I 0 602 - Salaries & Wages I 25-266-1 250,000 1 235,000 1 I ------1 ------1 -~------I -----1 ------I ------7,500 1 o I 7,500 603 - Other Expenses I 25-266-2 01 7,500 1 1 ------1 -----__ 1 ------1 ------1 ------.1 ------02/17/12 SHEET 15D (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I 1 Appropriated I Expended CY 2011 i I I ------1 I. 1 I I CY2011 By I Total CY 2011 1 I I (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" I FCOA 1 'CY2012' I 'CY2011' 1 Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged I Reserved I -----c------I ---I ------I ------I I -I FIRE . I 25-265 I I I --II I I - II ------1 ----I ------I ------1 ------I .:-----1 605 - Salaries & Wages I 25-265-1 I 60,976,000 60,300,000 I 60,300,0001 59,873,966 I 426,034 1 ------~------I ------1 ------I ------1 -----~-I ------1 606 - Other Expenses 1 25-265-2 I 1,800,000 1,915,100 1,915,100 I 1,423,004 I 492,096 I ------..------I ----I I ------I I I I ------1I ------1 -I ----I 61,881,970 925,630 I TOTAL - FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES 1 1 63,376,000 62,807,600 o 62,807,600 I ------1 -----1 ------1 I 1 I ------1 -----1 ------1 DEPARTMENT OF POLICE I I 1 ------_.._------1 -----1 ------1 ------I 25-240 I I POLICE I I ------1 ------1 ------I ---~~-I ------1650 - Salaries & Wages I 25-240-1 ------195,120,875 I 90,430,350 90,430,350 I 90,121,123 I 309,227 I 651- Other Expenses 25-240-2 2,919;100 2,918,033 2,918,033 I 2,655,669 262,364 -----'1 ------1I I .------571,591 TOTAl- DEPARTMENT OF POLICE I 98,039,975 93,348,383 I o 93,348,383 I 92,776,792 1 ------I I 1 ------_._----_:_------1 ------1 ------I -~--~---l HOUSING, ECON. DEV. & COMMERCE I I I ------.,---- 1 ------1. I ------1 ------1 DIRECTOR'S OFFICE I 20-170 I I I _.._--~--_.. ------I I .------1 ----I 11,234 700 - Salaries & Wages I 20-170-1 I 576,348 I 570,000 I I 570,000 1 558,766 ------~------I ------I ------1 ------1 --I 35,200 1 33,200 I 33;200 I 15,712 17,488 701 - Other Expenses I 20-170-2 1 I .------_..------...-----_.... - --..--..------..------_..-"------_.._-_.._--- -- ..------0211712 SHEET 15E ------_....------.._------Expended CY 2011 i (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 . I Appropriated 1 1 1 ------.------.-- - ..----- i 1 1 i 1 CY 2011 By Total CY 2011 I 1 1 . CY 2012. . CY 2011 . 1 Emerg. Approp. Modifed By Trans. I Paid or Charged 1 Reserved 1 ------1(A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 1 FCOA -.------i. ------,-----1 ----..-.------1 ----- 1 -_.-----.1 Uniform Construction Code - I XX' 1 xx 1 xx xx 1 xx 1 XX 1 Appropriations Offset by Dedicated I ------1 -----.----- 1 ------.- -I -- 1 ------1 Revenues (N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.17) I ._------_._------_._------1 ------xx 1 ixx _____------1 1 xx ---- xx~---...----I 1 xx ----- 1 ------xx CONSTRUCTION CODE OFFICIAL I 22-195 --.------, ------1 1------11 -.------1 1 ------_._------.-"--1 702 - Salaries & Wages i 22-195-1 1,865,978 1,870,000 I 1,870,000 I 1,774,266 I 95,734 ------.--.------.------1 ------, ------1 ------I ..------I ------703 - Other Expenses I 22-195-2 105,900 103,200 1 103,200 1 62,806 I 40,394 ------_._------1 ______, ______I ------.------I ------.-'--- I ------TENANT/LANDLORD RELATIONS 1 22-196 I ---_.._------_.._------~_._---.---I ------1 ______, ------1 ----..-..-- i ----..---- i ------I ------712 - Salaries & Wages 1 22-196-1 I 225,297 I 45.000 1 45,000 40,416 4,584 ---_._---_._------_-._------1 ------1 1 -.----- 713 - Other Expenses 1 22-196-2 I 10,250 10,350 1 10,350 5,300 5,050 ------_.._--_._-----....-1 ---,---1 ------, -.-----1 ------, ------COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I 27-360 1 I -.-~----...------1 ______i -----1 ------i ______i ----- I ------715 - Other Expenses 1 27-360-2 4,250 4,250 1 4,250 2,000 2,250 ------I ______i ______'i. ------i ______i ------I ------COMMERCE 1 22-197 I 1 --_.---, -----1 ------718 - Salaries & Wages 1 22-197-1 575,402 850,OPO 1 850,000 689,877 160,123 ------_._------.--1 ------, -.-..--.---- I ------, .. 719 - Other Expenses 22-197-2 32,400 35,900 I 35,900 24,924 10,976 ______...._____..______I ____ I _..______.... I ______I ______.. I ..------ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 22-171

720 - Salaries & Wages .22-171-1 253,591 246,000 2:46,000 239,709 6,291 __..__..______.._ I _____ I _...... _.._____ I ______I ______i _____.. i ______i ---..----. 721 . Other Expenses 22-171-2 2,500 2,000 2,000 1,799 201 ____.._...._....______.._..___.._____..______CITY PLANNING 1 21-180 I __.. I ..______I ______------_._------.----1 ----I ----,------.. i ------.----1 722- Salaries & Wages I 21-180-1 I 735,866 I 770,000 770,000 I 725,130 44,870 I ----_._------1 --"----1 ------..- I ------1 --- - I ------I 723 - Other Expenses 1 21-180-2 I 8,700 i 6,200 1 6,200 i 3,273 2,927 I ..______.______.___....______.__.....__. I ___._---1 ..------1 ..------_...---1 ------i -----.-..------1 I I i ------_:.__....__.._-----_..__..------_.. _...... ------_..------~ - --_....._------02/17/12 SHEET 15F (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 1 Appropriated . 1 Expended CY 2011 1 1 ------1 1 1 1 CY 2011 By I Total CY 2011 I 1 (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 1 FCOA 1 . CY 2012 . 1 . CY 2011 . 1 Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged 1 Reserved .---..------.------I ------1 ------.- 1 ------.-- I ------1 ------1 ----.------1 ------.---- HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT 1 22-198 1 I I 1 1 I -----...------.------.-.--- 1 ------1 ------1 --.---c----- I ------1 ------"-~--I ---.-'------.-- I ------724- Salaries & Wages 1 22-198-1 1 656,268 1 725,000 I 1 725,000 1 641,232 1 83,768 ------1 ------.-- 1 ------..---.- 1 ------I ------'- 1 ------1 --.------1 .------725 - Other Expenses 1 22-198-2 1 49,200 1 55,500 1 1 55,500 1 35,545 I 19,955 ------1PLANNING BOARD 1 21.181------1 .------I ------i 1 ------1I 1 ._------1 I 1 .------~.i I ------~------_.-----I -----~--I ------.--.--. i ------"-..--- i ------.---1 ------1 .------.-- 1 ------729 - Other Expenses 1 21-181-2 1 82,800 1 82,000 1 1 82,000 1 68,606 1 13,394 ------'._------1 ------1 . --.- 1 ._------1 ------.-1 ------1 .-.------~ BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1 21-185 1 1 . I 1 . I ------I .------I .------" I ------1 ------_.------1 .------.. I ------730 - Other Expenses 1 21-185-2 68,500 I 68,200 1 1 68,200 64,457 1 3,743 -_._------_._------1 ------.------i --.-.:--- I ------1 -.------.---- .------1 ------HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION 1 21-175 1 i 1 1 --_.._------_._------1 -----.------1 ------1 ------:-----1 ------1 ------. 737 - Other Expenses I 21-175-2 100 1 100 1 i 100 0 I 100 ------1ZONING OFFICER 1 21-186--.------1 .------I ------1 1 ------I ------.-----i I I ------.--...---- -:-~-_._-----_._------_._------I ------1 --:.------1 ------1 ------1 ------732 - Salaries &Wages 1 21.186.1 231.575 I 246,000 1 1 246,000 209,975 1 36,025 ------_._------1 .------.-----.----.---- i ------~ 1 ------1 ------.------.------I ------733 - Other Expenses 1 21.186-2 12,400 1 14,900 i 1 14,900 9,614 I 5,286 ------.------_._------1 .---1 ------.-1 .------1 ------1 .------I ------1 1 . i 1 1 I ---_.._-----_._------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------I ----..----- TOTAL HOUSING, ECON. DEV. & COMMERCE I 1 5,532,525 i 5,737,800 I 0 I 5,737,800 5,173,407 564,393 -----1 ------1I 1 ------.I I ------i ------, ...---.----- ____-.1 I------1 I ------.--..---- 'i I ------i ------. l ------, -....------__------1 _._------1 ------1 .-.------l -..----- i .------i ------__------1I1 ------IL I ------II I -----.------l -~------l ------_..-----, ------.-.------11 ------1 1 -.----..------1 I -~---- i ----..----.- l ------._-, --.------1 ----.--.-1 ------1 -----.------.--1 .------1I ------I i ---.------1 i ---.------1I 02/17/12 SHEET 15G (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I Appropriated i Expended CY 2011 I I ,------~------~- I I I I CY2011 By Total CY 2011 I 1 I (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 1 FCOA *CY2012* i * CY 2011 * 1 Emerg. Approp. ------1Modified By Trans. I Paid---I or Charged ------1 1 Reseived I ------1UNCLASSIFIED I -- -~------I ------1 ------'------1 ---_...._-..- xx ------1xx I xx xx i xx i xx 1 ---- 87A - INSURANCE ALL DEPARTMENTS ---23-210 6;410,000 6,404,550 i i 6,404,550 I 6,140,655 I 263,895 87B - EMPLOYEE GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 23.220 67,975,000 67,324,460 I 1 67,324,460 I 62,199,052 1 5,125,408 ..------23-221 1,140,000 1,200,000 I I 1,200,000 1 0 1 70,616 HEALTH BENEFIT WAIVER ------1 ------i JCI - JC INCINERATOR AUTHORITY 26-305 27,900,000 26,300,000 ------1 -----=26,300,000 26,050,000 250,000 -----1 1--- 879 - MUNICIPAL PUBLICITY 30-410 1 20,000 10,000 1 10,000 .9,532 468 ------I --I 880- OTHER MUNICIPAL ADVERTISING 30-411 1 20,000 10,000 ------1 - 10,000 I 1,000 9,000 ---I ------1 I ------1 884 - PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 30-413 20,000 24,000 I 24,000 9,096 14,904

AMBULANCE SERVICE 25-260 3,811,432 3,700,419 3,700,419 3;700,419 o

ETHICAL STANDARDS BOARD 30~418 20,000 20,000 20,000 4,500 15,500 ------I I ------.--.------1 ---.------I .1 I ------.------._------1 ------I 1 - 1 _____ I ------I ------1 I ------1 -==___ I ------1 ------1 1 I ------I ------I I I I ------1 ---"------1 ------I ------1 . 1 1 1 I -----___...._00..--..------..-----..-..------______..___ ...._ ..______...... ______..______=~i~==: -- -...... ------..------..-. -..------02/17/12 SHEET 16 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 1 Appropnated 1 Expended CY 2011 I 1 1 ------. ------"'1 1 1 1 CY2011 By 1 Total CY 2011 1 1 1 (A.) OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 1 FCOA' 1 . CY 2012' I . CY 2011* Emerg. Approp. 1 Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged . 1 Reserved 1 ------ ------1 ------1 ------I ----- I ----I -----1 UNCLASSIFIED (CONTINUED) I xx 1 xx 1 xx 1 XX xx r )( 1 = ------1 ------1 ------1 ------~- 1 -, ------1 883 - ELECTRICITY 31-430-2 3,400,000 I' 3,30,000 1 3,430,000 1 3,260,322 169,678 1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 885 - STREET LIGHTING 31-431-2 '3,400,000 1 3,450,000 1 3,50,000 1 3,299,674 150,326 I ------~----I ------...._------1 ------I 886 - MUNICIPAL RENT 31-432-2 ------2,100,000 ------I 2,600,000 -_....------12,600,000 1------2,066,510 -----533,490 I 888 - GASOLINE 31-434-2 1,600,000 1,518,415 1,518,415 I 1,420,269 98,146 ..------..._--_..------_.._--- 1 889 - COMMUNICATIONS 31-435-2 . 1,476,000 1 ;557,000 1,557,000 1 1,345,950 . 211,050 ------~ _.._--_....- -;------1 ------1 ------1 ------887 - OFFICE SERVICES 31-433-2 ------1,425,000 -~.._----- 1,504,000 ------11,504,000 1 ------1,074,113 I I -----429,887 970 - SALARY ADJUSTMENT 30-414-2 01 ------1 ------1 ------, ------11 ------I ------11 ------11 -----1 ------1 ------1 1 ------1 TOTAL-UNCLASSIFIED I I 120,717,432 I 119,052,844 119,052,844 1 110¡581,092 I 7,342,368 ------:------1 ----I ---I ---~""--I° I ------1 -~----I -I -400 1 ------875 - ACCUMULATED ABSENCES --I 1 30-415 I ------o i ------1 0 II ------"'-01 i _------1° 1 ------I ------400 1 . I I ------~------I -----, ------I ------I ------TOTAL OPERATIONS within "CAPS" 32315-00 330,284,581 324,220,768 1 324,220,768 1 310,824,586 I 12,266,798 ----- ..__...... _...._------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------(B.) CONTINGENT 35-470 50,000 50,000 I XX I 50,000 1 o 1 50,000 --..-- _.._------1 ------1 -----1 -I ______i I 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS incl.CONTINGENT -_....__.._..__....- ---I ------1 ------1 ------, within "CAPS" 30001-QO 330,334,581 324,270,768 1 ° 1 324,270,768 1 310,824,586 I 12,316,798 ...... ------1 ------i ------I ------I ._------1 DETAIL: I 1 1 SALARIES & WAGES 30001-11 191,911,510 I 187,444,524 1 187,444,524 1 185,223,879 1 2,220,645 1 ______, ______I ______i' ______--- .;------1 ------1 1 OTHER EXPENSES 1 1 1 c '136,826,244 1 (incl. Contingent) 30001-99 I 138,423,071 1 136,826,2441 o I 125,600,707 1 10,096,153 1

02/17/12 SHEET 17 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS1 11 1 Appropriated .------Expended ----I CY 2011 I (E) DEFERRED CHARGES & STATUTORY 1 1 1 I CY2011 By Total CY 2011 I I I --.--..------EXPENDITURES within "CAPS" 1 FCOA----I 1 ------..-1. CY 2012 * I ._-----.1. CY 2011 * I Emerg. Approp. ------'-Modified By Trans. 1i Paid._.------1 or Charged I Reserved ---I 1 (1.) DEFERRED CHARGES: 1 XX 1 xx I = 1 )( XX xx I ------.------.~-..-I -----1 ------1 ---~-.---- I -.---- xx ------EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATIONS I 46-870 I xx xx------_._---_._.._._._._------_.------1 ------1 Special Emergency Authorizations I 1 5 Years (40A:4-55) I 1 xx xx------.--.------i . --~ 1 Special Emergency Authorizations 1 1 3 Years(40A:4-55.1 )(40A:4-55.13) 1 1 ______c-______I _-_._--1 xx xx I' I xx ----_.._._---_._------1I ~--.-I 1 XX xx ------~------I ----- xx------_._------1 1--'--- XX ------xx I I i xx -.------1 xx ._-----_._---_._------1 ------.--- I ------..------Overexpended Grant Reserves I I i xi 01 - I xx ------.-.--.-Overexpenditures I 46-890-2 I ---- . I ---.--..------.---- I --- -.---.....--.---xi 1 ------.------.----.---.- I xx Expenditure without Appropriation 1 46-891-2 1 XX I ----_.._------_._~.----~-I --. .-----.-'1 ------.-~ 1 I xx-----_.. 1 . I XX 1 I ....------.--.------.----.--.. Ii ._------1 1 -----.-1I ------1 xx 1 xx ...---_.---.-.-.------.------. ..' i1 ------1 1 '--.--1 ----I -----xx ..--...--..------.-----'--.--~--"~-I1 ----.--1 1 _.-----1I1 ------1, XX I1 xi----- _._._----_._-----_._------1 - I ---.--.-.------1 '. I io 923 - PRIOR YEARS BILLS 1 30-471-2 1 1,668 23,708 1 xi I 23,708 15,69 1 ------._---_.---._-11 -.--1. I -_.------11 ------1 1 ------..._--_.._--_._------1 .._------1 ...------1 ----I ----xx SUBTOTAL - DEFERRED CHARGES I 1 1,668 . 23,708 I xx 1 23,708 15,469 xx 02/17/12 .' SHEET 18 PRIOR YEARS BILLS - DETAILS 1 .' FY SERVICES 1 VOUCHER NO. AMOUNT VENDOR ------1 ------Vincent Costanza 2010 Medicare Reimbursement . I B077778 221 ------"--1 ------Supply Distribution Center 2009 Toner Cartridges . I B075653 460 ------i ------Family Medical Supply 2008 Medical Supplies i B076593 302 ------1 ------Logan Towan, Inc 2010 Towing Services 1 B077563 685 ------1 ------I 1 ------1 ------1 ------11 ------1 I ------1 1 ------1 ------1 ------1 I ------1 -,------1 ------I ------1 ------I 1

______c I ------1I ----- 1 ------1 ------.11 ------~ i I ------i ------1 ------1 ------I _..---;.---, (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 Appropriated I Expended CY 2Ò11 1 1 ------1 (E) DEFERRED CHARGES & STATUTORY 1 1 1 CY2011 By I Total CY 2011 I 1 1 EXPENDITURES within "CAPS" FCOA 1 *CY2012* 1 * CY 2011 * 1 Emerg. Approp. 1 Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged 1 Reserved 1 --:-----1 ------I ------1 -----1 ------I ------1 ------1 (2.) STATUTORY EXPENDITURES: 1 XJ I XX I XJ xx 1 XX xx I ------1 ------1 -,------1 1 . 1 I ------.- L ------I 928- Social Security System (O.A.S.!.) 36-473-2 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 1 3,710,583 489,417 I ------1 ------I 36-474-2 167,303 128,541 128,541 1 128,540 1 1 929 - Consol.Police/Fire Pension ------1 ------'- I Police/Fire Retirement System NJ 36-488 33,208,042 39,372,827 39,372,827 1 39,353,907 18,920 I ------1 ------1 926- Mun. Employees Pension Fund 36-478 7,800,000 7,307,923 7,307,923 1 7,307,923 01 ------1 --.------I 931 - Employees Non-Contributory 1 1 Pension (NJS43:88-7) 36-475-2 225,000 238,000 238,000 1 189,607 48,393 I ------1 ---I 932 - Pensioned Employees 36-476-2 72,000 I 99,972 I 99,972 1 61,080 38,892 I ------.- I ------1 ------1 933 - Payments To Widows & Dependents I I I 1 Deceased Public Safety Members(NJ40:11 ,43:8B) 36-477-2 720 720 720 599 121 1 ------1 935 - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPo INSURANCE 1 N.J.S. 43:31 et seq 23-225-2 1,500,000 494,066 494,066 494,066 ------101 Public'Employees' Retirement System (PERS) 36-472-2 2,526,878 2,540,841 2,540,841 2,533,330 ------17,511 1 I . ------_.. I 49,699,943 54,382,890 54,382,890 53,779,635 ---I603,255 1 SUBTOTAL STATUTORY EXPENDITURES - 1 1 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGES & STATUTORY --" I ------1 49,701,611 1 54,406,598 01 54,406,598 53,795,104 ---I611,4941 EXPENDITURES - MUNiC~pAL within CAPS' 30004-00 ---.------I - I ------1 ------1 ------1 (G.) CASH DEFICIT OF PRECEEDING YEAR 1 46-885-02 I 1 I 1 -----"------~-;------I -----1 ------1 ------1 ----"-----1 ------1 (H-1) TOTAL GENERAL I 1 I I I 1 APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN "CAPS" I 30005-00 1 380,036,192 1 378,677,366 I 01 378,677,366 364,619,690 12,928,292 1

02/17/12 SHEET 19 a i o 101 i 0 10 i I i I i I "0 I a I ~ i i 3l I I i I : i ~ I! I! i , I I I ~ I , I i o o .. N i ~ ¡ o '" i"! i o i 0 10 I i,IO iot i N G al I Ò ,i i, i I ' Ñ co "0 !i I a Q) i ~ , ll 11,1 I, I ii I i 11, ll "0 . q i cõ I: B I i ~ , ,. 0.Q) 5 X i i W ! I i i ili ",11 II: iii i ~ I ! , I I ¡ I I I ------¡ ~I:Iel I '~iNI ga 10 10 ¡ ¡ .. 10 I s~ ~ i ~ I iiiI i i, ~~ 1- al i I i 1 15 ig I i I I I iI ______~------f- ~ i I ¡ I I i I i I! I ,.~! Ii i'! I i¡ i 0 o lo "t 0. ¡ I i i o ,.~~ r: 'i l ! ii iI i¡ N I ai 0. I ' I I ti o E I ! i ¡ I W I :i I Wi!r ~i ii,i iI Ii ! i If I ------_-- 10 "0 a , i I ~ I 8 i 0 I I lJ I i I ~ .1:0. ! ~ 0.e 0. r~ I i II~ Ii ~ I I iI II .. ü 1¡ i ¡' i, I I I I I i i I ~ 10 o '".. ,I N~ o 10 N . ,I N" Ò Ñ N I CX o 10 co 10 ll ! ll N.o i., ,. cõ G I I I I i ------i i i '0 I I.. 10I .. I I e I ~ I Ii N~ I ! co i .. 8 I I i lL , l N I i 't I I i.. , ~ i I ~ i i'" i ~ i. I

I N i I ~ ~¡: I Ñ I o

I ,11~ J l I ! 1 i -, I~I en 'ii i Z ..Gl ~ i i I: I et If If ~ ii ~ ~ , r ~ i Z Z i t eo :i ! If -; i o o ,1- i: I/ ~ I ¡: ,0 I f E i !z If ~' i W ií , ,I :if- :5 ~ wa. ii i ií a. .. a. I :: ii I 15 ii o Ii W..,~ Gl , i: i: ,00 :i ! ¡: i: 1.. "I/ i: ' a. i C) i ~ Sl Q. Q) w:: a. , Z :i l ~ :iO i ~ 15 i W ~ .. II i S2 , W:: ~ o f- i: -l Cl l 0: e. o lL i ~ i f- a. Gl ¡ ü: -l 0 ií ~ ¡ , Zw E ..W W I ;:w ~ ! W W f- 0 Z ,I ~-, o .Q O:: W ~ I ! :2 a: e. I g :0 f- -l ,I co' : 0 :i ai 0 S2 ~I I ~ i E : a. ! ~ I coi w a. IfW::x é :: I IN i ~ ; ¡ _...... __...._---_..._.._------_.... (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 Appropriated 1 Expended CY 2011 I1 ------'-I 1 CY2011 ------By . ------1 Total CY2011 ----- 1 --I --" FCOA I . CY 2012 * 1 . CY 2011 . 1 Emerg. Approp. 1 Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged 1 Reserved (A.)______.______OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" i --I -~------I ------1 - ----I -I .- I ----- 1 UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION CODE XX I xx 1 xx I xx 1 xx 1 xx 1 XJ 1 INCREASED FEE REVENUES (NJAC 5:23-4.17) XX 1 xx 1 xx 1 XX 1 xx 1 XX 1 xx 1 ______i ---II ..------1I --_.------.:-1I' ------11 .------1I ------I I -----1I ___.,._____.__.______.______i ------I ------1 ------I ------.----1 ---_..----1 ---.-.--- I . ---I ______.______TOTAL. INCREASED -- ____. CONSTRUCTION -0211712 .______CODE - ______FEE~ I XX-SHEET -----.----- I 0 I- ---.-----0 I 0- --.------.--- I 210 I 0 ------11 0I I ______,.______(8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS _' ---.-- -' -c------~------.I 1 . -"------....---I Expended ------SFY------2010 -. ------1 I I I .------:------.------1 ------. ------..---- 1 1 . I 1 SFY 2010 By I Total SFY2010 I 1 Reserved (A.) OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" I FCOA I * CY 2012' I . CY 2011 . I Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. I Paio or Charged I ______.______~_------I ----I ._"------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 -----.-- I ----'-"-----1 INTERLOCAL MUNICIPAL SERVICE AG.REEMENTS I XX I xx I XX I xx 1 xx I xx I ----_._._------1 1 ----,-1 ------~"-I ------1 -~--I ------I xx .I I I I I II I I ------.----11 ------_.._------1 ----I -----1 --- I ------.-1 _.------1 ------1 TOTAL -INTERLOCAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS 1 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 1 ------1o 1 ..______..______..__..__02/17/12 - ___.._ __ ..______..SHEET 22 00_-__00-_------11 I Expended SFY 2010 I (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATlONS I 1 I 1 --______------_.----,.-1 1 I I I I CY 2011 By I Total CY 2011 1 FCOA I * CY 2012' I . CY 2011 . I Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged 1 Reserved ------(A:) OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" II ------1 --_._------1 ------.1 ------1 ------1 --.------I ----_.__.------1 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS OFFSET BY I XX I XX I xx 1 XX I XX I xx I xx REVENUES (N.J.S. 40A:4-45.3H) 1 xx .1 xx I xx I XX 1 xx I Xx ------I ------I ------,--.--1 ------1 xx ------..------.------I .----1 o I I o I 0 I 1 0 I ------.----- I ------1 ------1 ------~ I ---_.._------.------"------.------I ------1 o I I o I 0 i i 0 I ------. I ----.------I ._------_.-----1 ------I ---_..------_..------.------..----.-.------I ---~---I o I I o I 0 I I 0 I ------.----..------~---- I -_..----1 ------i ------"---- I ------.1 ------1 ---_..------I 1 I 1 I ---_.._------. I ---'--- I ------, ------.------I ------1 ------1 o o o TOTAL - ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS I I o I 0 1 01 ----_..------02/17/12 SHEET 23 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I I Appropriated 1 Expended CY 2011 i1 ------1 I ---..-----CY2011 By------I Total CY2011 ----- 1 ------I (A.) OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" . FCOA 1 . CY 2012 . 1 . CY 2011 . i Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged 1 Reserved ------1 ------1 ----- i ------1 ---~---I ------1 ------I BYPUBLIC REVENUES & PRIVATE (NJS PROGRAMS 40A:4-43.3h) OFFSET XXXX 11 xxxx II XXxx 1XX xx I 1xx xx II XXxi xxXX 1I ______c______GSPTF Apple Tree House -----1 ------41-311 ------1 ------11 575,0001 ------1 575,000-~------1 0 1 ------Summer Food Service 41-114 ----I -~-I 1------418,635 ------418,635 ------1--.------I 418,635 I------0-- 1 11 Women, Infant & Children (W.i.C.) 41-158 1 .1,494,000 I 1,494,000 01 ------Child Health - PORSCHE 41-019---I ------1 97,500 --- 97,500 ------97,500 I- 97,500I ------0 ii ------UEZ - Appie Tree House -----1 41-175 ------1 600,000 ------600,000 ------~---I 1 600,000 ------.1.. 0 I -----~------~------Petsmart Charities -.----. ------41-322 ------79,500 ------1 -----I 0------1 ° l ------1 ------"------_0. ------.,.'"~---~--i' Sexually Transmitted Disease Control I 41-112 75,183 0 I 01 ------.-1Mun.Alliance-Drug ------& Alcohol ------Abuse ------1 1 41-056------302,174 ------1-----1. ° 1 ------'-UEZ - Hudson---~-- I ------Community ------Enterprise ------I ------141-301 125,000 ------1 125,000 ------125,000 ------1 ° 1 ---_-:_------'-1UEZ - Jackson Hill Main --- Street ------I ------41-319 ------1 50,000 ------I ---0 °---I 1 ------1UEZ - Second Chance Maintenance------Programj ------1 .41-320 ------580,917 ----- ~------° 0 ii ------MUTCD Traffc Sign -- Inventory------41-328 --..------133,000 ------0 -----° 1i Job------Training Partnership ------Act ------.-- 41-058 ------4,153,256 ------4,153,256------0 1 i ---.------GSHPT West Bergen Historic ------district ------50,000 ------50,000 --- 50,000 ------° I.I ------..------.--.------JTPA-R 41-260 ------186,750 ------186,750 ------.------186,750 ---.------1 0 I ------Senior Citizen ------Services ------41-120 ------.-1 ------1 ------..-1° 0 I ------.----UEZ CCTV Camera (West ------.-- Side Ave) -----310,192 ------310,192 -- I ---.----- I 310,192 ------° i Town------Hall Meeling------.-41-325 ------.-1 500 ------i ------10 0 1 ------.------0211712 -- -~------.------SHEET------~- .---..------24 . -,------11 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS i i Appropriated Expended CY 2011 i1 11 ------.....----r-1 1 CY 2011 By 1----- Total ------CY 2011------.- I ._------:--1(A.) OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" 1 ----IFCOA 1 .------.----1 CY 2012' 1 'CY 2011 ------1. 1 Emerg. Approp. .-----1 1 Modified By ------Trans. Paid ------or Charged 1 1 Reserved-."-.--1 BYPUBLIC REVENUES & PRIVATE (NJS PROGRAMS40A:4-43.3h) OFFSET 1 xxI xxXX I1 xxxx I1 ~xx i 1xxi xx xxxx xx1 xx 1 ---"------1Community Service Block -----. Grant ------1 I 41-015---.------1i ------1581,498 1------.-- I 940,516 ------"----- 940,516 1 ------.--- I ° 1J ------Local Safety ---- ProgramL ------1 - MLK Drive --_._--':---1 Intersections ------1 1 41-267------1 1 I 0 I i 0- 11 ------"------.----Senior Nutrition 1 41-113 128,363 1 ------1 1,334,570 --'---,.-- 11 i----.,- 1,352,820 1 --.. I1,352,820 ------I -~----II 0 1 ----.------..State Health ----I ---Service ------1 (H1N1)--'------1 41-262 i ------1 -----.----i 0 i I 0- --I1 ._------1EPA Brownfields Cleanup --- 200,000 --_..----1 1-- 200,0001 ------.-200,000 II -----1 ° 1 .______------1 ------1 -- 1 --.-UEZ ------.--Woman Rising Community------ParÚiershlp ----- 41"257 -I .-----1 168,603 ------168,603 -- 0 11 --.------"'----HCOS- Hackensack Riverfront ------Park ------1 41-268 1,000,000 ---:--.- ---- 1 ~-'---I0 ° 1 HCOS - Berr Lane Expansion 41-221 1 0 0 1 -.------Recycling Tonnage ---I ------41-2391 ------534,997 ------1 I 534,997 ------534,997 ------1 0 1 ---~_.__.______..__Bullet Proof Vest Partnership Program.------.---89,009 ------1 I 110,907 . --.------110,907 ------1 ° I ------Ed Byrne JAG (LETS) 41-300 ------1500,000 ------I 500,000 - -1 ----- . ------500,000 ---,--1 0 1 ______.__..______Business Improvement Phase -- --,.------2 41-302 ------1 265,000 ------1 I 265,000 .------265,000 -----1 ° 1 ------_.__._--~----FEMA SAFER 41-304 ------8,158,925------_._-_.-----8,158,925 ----8,158,925 ------~----I ° 1 -.---.------,.------.-"C------Learn to Swim 41-831 ---- 120,000------120,000 ------. 120,000 ----.------I. ------1 ° 1 _.___,.______Homeland Security -- And------Prep ------Grant ----._----- 41-240 ------' 0 1 1° -- I1 ______.__UEZ- Rising Tide Capital --. ------41-292 ------.--- 125,000 ------.---- 125,000 ------125,000 ------1 ------11 ° I ______UEZ - Liberty House ------.-.----- 41-303 ------250,000 ------250,000 ------250,000------.--- I ------1I ° 1 ------UEZ-CustomerServicesSkilsCenter --- ._------1 ------41~116 .--._-----.--- I 150,000 ------150,000 ------I ------1I 01 ______....__.______02/17/12 ------.- SHEET ------"--- --24A ------.---11 . Expended CY 2011 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I 1 Appropriated 1 1 1 1 1 CY2011 By 1 TotalCY2011 1 1 (A.) OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" . 1 FCOA 1 . CY 2012' . CY 2011 . 1 Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. 1 Paid or Charged 1 Reserved ------1 ------1 ------~---- 1 ------1 ------1 ---~ 1 ------1 PUBLIC & PRIVATE PROGRAMS OFFSET 1 xx I XX XXiO()()()()()()()()()()il xx I xx I xx BY REVENUES (NJS 40A:4-43.3h) 1 xx I XX xx 1 xx I xx I xx 1 xx~I 1 --.------~------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 ------.:--1 -----'---- 1 -i' 01 Safe Routes to Schools 1 41-700 I 1 1 0 1 0 1 ------I ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 EDC Administration 41-140 I 2,293,835 1 2,293,835 1 2,293,835 1 01 ------1 ------~---i ------1 CSBG-R 41.259 1 0 1 o 01 ------1 ------.;1 ------'------1 Subregional Studies Program - Liberty St Park 220,000 1 220,000 1 220,000 01 ------1 ----___---1 ------_._------1 Subregional Studies Program - Morris Canal 220,000 , 1 220,000 220,000 01 ------I ------1 ------'------1 . 0 1 Central Avenue SID 41-138 1 1 50,000 50,000 ------r ------1 ------.----, ------1 Senior Farmer's Market 41-215 1 3,000 3,00 o 1 ------1 ------1 Historic Downtown SID 41-047 -~------I1 ------,50,000 ------50,000 o I McGinley Square SID 41-071 1 50,000 50,000 o ------1 ------;-' ------UEZ- Monticello Main St Challenge Grant 19-400 ------11 ----0 o o Lead Identification & Field Training Pro (LIFT) 19-400 ------1. 1 0 o o o Joumal Square SID 41-142 ------_..-_..,1 50,000 50,000 1,950,000 1,950,000 o UEZ Police Program 7 ------1I 1,950,000 ------UEZ _ DeBraggen & Spltier Inc Loan I 1 500,000 500,000 500,000 o ------I ------1 ...._-..-_. ------UEZ - Main Street 1 41-129 1 50,000 1 50,000 I 0 ------.1 ------1 ------_._-_....------I . 1 ------..--1 TDR Planning Assistance 1 i 40,000 40,000 1 40,000 1 0 1 ------_.------'------1 ------1 -----1 -- --I ----I NJDOT - 5 Intersection Program 1 41-210 1 o I 0 I 0 1 ------~------1 ------1 -_.._------I -----1 --,------1 ----~------I . 50,000 I 50,000 i Ö 1 HCOS - Reservoir #3 1 1 1 ---.;~------1 02/17/12 SHEET 24B . 1 ------.._------..------_.. Appropriated Expended CY 2011 (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS - ---_..------_.... ---_.._------1 1 CY2011 By I Total CY 2011 1 I Emerg. Approp. 1 Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged 1 Reserved (A.) OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" FCOA 'CY2012' 1 . CY 2011' 1 -----.--1 ------1 1 -..--1 ---"-I xx 1I PUBLIC & PRIVATE PROGRAMS OFFSET xx xx I xx 1 xx 1 xx 1 XX BY REVENUES (NJS 40A:4-43.3h) xx xx I xx xx 1 xx i -XX ----_..-xx ------1 ------1 180,000 I 180,000 o HCOS - Friends of Loews 41.294 1 180,000 ------11 ------1,300,000 1 1,300,000 o NJ DOT MAP Various Sts 41-312 .;------11 ----- o ASPCA 41-326 10,000 I o 1 0 ------1 ------_...... _------1 ° Body Armor Replacement - Arson 41-223 1 o 1 0 ------I -----1 ------1 o 41-295 1 514,737 I 1,127,357 I 1,127,357 PANYNJ Port Security ------1 _._-_.-----1 ----~------__00------1 o 41-203 I 5,00 I 65,000 1 70,000 1 70,000 Senior Info and Assist ------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 o Justice Assistance Grant 41-184 I 1 o 1 0 ------1 -----.------I ------1 o 36,000 1 63,000 1 63,000 Comprehensive Traffc Safety Grant 41-021 1 --..------1 ------..----- 1,649,101 1 1,649,101 ° UEZ - Police Program Year 4 41-243 1,649,101 ------1 ------, ------1 o Local Law Enforcement Training & Equipment(LEOTEF) 1 41-067 I 01 0 ------.-- I ------, ------1 ------..- ---~--I ------_..- Body Armor Replacement 1 41-004 69,6481 139,166 I 139,166 --_...._-.._-o ------"------1 ------i ------1 ---..------1 ------o Small Business Development Center 1 41-233 . 125,000 I 125,000 1 125,000 ------, ------1 .._------1 ------I o CCTV Public Security Project 1 41-146 1 o I 0 ------.-----_.----_.------, 1 ------i ------1 ------1 ------DOT - 3 Traffc Signals 1 41-297 I 600,000 I 600,000 1 600,000 o ------.------I ------1 ------.----- 1 ------_.....------..---1 --_.-.------41-198 o I 0 o OJJDP Underage Drinking Enforcement 1 I 1 ------1 ------1 ---._.----.------.------1 ------1 ------1 3,385,500 1 3,385,500 o Urban Areas Security Initiative - Fire 1 41.172 I 1,881,500 I 3,385,500 1 1 .------.- 1 ------. 1 ------1 ------1 ------.-----~------.-- I ------1 24,022 I 24,022 o Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund I 41-086 1 1 13,52 1 1 ------.------1 -_.-----1 ------1 -----_.-----1 ------..--.------I ------I 200,000 1 200,000 o DOT - Deadend St Safety Improvements I 41-298 I 1 200,000 1 I ------_.._------_....-----_.._------_.._------.._------..------_..------_..------0211712 SHEET 24C . ------_.._----..-....------(8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 1 Appropriated 1 ExpendedCY 2011 1 ---.---1 I CY ----.------.------~------2011 By 1 Total CY 2011 1 1 (A.) OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" FCOA I " CY 2012" 1 " CY 2011" I Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged 1 Reserved ______..____----.PUBLIC & PRIVATE PROGRAMS -- i -_.------1 OFFSET ------1JO 1 XX .---.--~ i xx 1 I XJ. -..1 XX i -----1 XX1 i lOl- I __._.______BY REVENUES _____(NJS ___------140A:4-43.3h) --..-----.-- io ___C-___..i I XX 1 JO ----_..----1 lO 1 XX ----.--.- 1 lO -.-----lO i i ______.____.______._.___CSBG _ Speclallnitative ------1 41-291 -.-._--. 1 :---_.-----1 310,000 ----.--1 I 310,000 ------..- I 310,000 ------~-----I 0 1 Subregional Transportation Planning 41-123 I 71,977 I 71,977 1 71,977 0 1 ______Peer Grouping Grant --'- -_._------1 41-261 -.------. I 85,000 _._------1 I 85,000 ..._------1 I -.------85,000 .------1 0 1 ______._.______.____JCEDC - Corp Marketing -- _.-----1 41-317 ---.----- 1 ---1 1370,000 -~--..--I .-'----.-.-.. I 370,0000 _.------1 1 -_._------_._------_...----1UEZ-Police Program I 41-176 ---.-- 1------.-- 1,572,691 I ------1------1 1,572,691 .-.---"-~-I i 1,572,691----.------:------1 0 1 ______.___.______.__._____.NJ DOT Newark Ave 1Ph ----.- 4 _._------.--1I 41-313 ------1 I ------..-1300,000 ------1 1 300,000 ----..-.- ---..---1 0 I _.__.___._____._____.______1 ---- -_._-_.------1 ..-.------1 --.---.--.. i ------. ---_..------1 NJ DOT Summit Ave 3 Int 1 41-314 I I 250,000 1 250,000 0 1 ______~______._.______.______Metropolitan Medical Response I ------c- System ------.-- I 41-074 --.---..~ 317,419 1 _._------'1 I 1 317,419--.---..1 ------I 317,419 ---._.----1 0 1 ------_._--_._.------1FEMA Assist to fire Fighters-..---- -.--.-.- 1 -.-.----.-..-41-290 100,000 1 ------1 I 1 -_._----..--1100,000 ---~-----1 100,000 -_._._------1 0 1 Tanning______c______._c.______.': Reg & Inspec I 1...--.:1 41-315 ------______C-I. I .._-----.---1 I I 200i ------.- 1 200 i ---_.-----1 0 I ______._.____c______.___.___.______Central Ave Holiday Decor1 .------1 .------I 41-316 ------,.-.--1 i 1 ------.---1I . 45,732 ------1 I --.:----- 45,732 ---_.------1 0 1 .______...____~_____.______.___.___Citywide Intersection Improvement 1 -----1 ------1 41-299 ------.--- 1 1220,000 _._---_.---.-1 I 1-----.-1 220,000 ----._----.--.- I 220,000 _...------1 0 1 .______.______.______.;..___..__.____Matching Funds For Grants 1 ...--.- I I41-899 ---.-.------.-- I 50,000 --.----.----.-. 50,000 I ----.--- i 1I _.__.."----1 50,000 .---_..--- 1 0 50,000 -_._------.-1 1 ______.___--______...______...._ 1 ------1 ------~-----I -----_.-.---.--1 --~----I ------.------1 . TOTAL - PUBLIC & PRIVATE PROGRAMS 1 40,41,19 1 4,393,637 28,736,36 I 0 1 38,970,101 I 38,920,101 50,000 i ======i ======I ======I ======i ======i ======1 ====~======1 TOTAL OPERATIONS-EXCLUDED "CAPS" 1 60023.00 1 12,975,874 1 37,318,673 1 0 I 47,552,338 1 47,502,33850,000 1 ..______..____...______~-.------.------DETAIL: i -..- 1 I'--.-.------. 1 -.---.------.--1 1 1 ----_._-..--;1 I --_._------1 I -.------.--- 1 ------,--1I ______.______.____..____.__Salaries & I ------Wages I ------.------I 60023-11 1 -----.------iI _._------.--.1 0 I 0 ---_.-----1 1 0 ------.---I 0 I ------10 0 i ___.______..______-'______-- 1 ------1 ------I ---.-----..---. 1 --_.._.-----1 ------.---1 -.---.----.----- ___._-C_.___I Other Expenses I 60023-99 I 12,975,8741 37,318,673 i 0 i 47,552,338 I 47,502,338 50,0001 ._.___..______..______.....___.___._02/17/12 ______- _.___.____ - -..------.-- SHEET ~ -----.------.----..--. - 25------.----11 Ii a 10 10 Ii 10 10 Ii a 10 ! a a I a 10 I a i a ! a 10-1 a I a ! a ! a I "0ai~ III II ! II iIi i, IIi Ii IiI iiI'I ! i II'¡ i I I II ii II' ~i II I ii Ii II I i, II' I 1i i '!I I Ii'I i I.I i ~ ______~~------~------I C; i ~ :.1 Ii' i l ii l i II a I a I a a I a I a a II a II a I a I, 0 I 0 I 0 i 0 ii a tl I

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in,I ~~ i I i I i I! I I i i I I i i . i I ! ______i I~ IN i i ii i I __~______i ' I II i i ii Ii' ill I i I ~~ I i I I i, I Ii' I I I ii a i I'~! II I' II I I I i I I i i ~ I wb i ~I II I Ii II iI iI !i i¡ I iI .Iii i .¡ ii ttI ~ i 1------______------~ Iii I .1I 'i ,s1âl a 101 i iI II I i,I i I.1 I i iiI 1i I ~ig .§.a.0, ;: N, Ia ~ II,i ~ iI I' i i!i i'¡, iI LI I, I ,ii I ¡i "" I ¡i i ;:, ~ i ~_~------~------~--~ I i I ! I i I I .-- i ------~--~---~----- I I I i I ., ii ¡I i '. i i g g I i i I ! I I i I I i I I i g , ~ I I ~ ~ i I i !' i " i I ! I I i ii ~ I . i Ia. a. 1 I i ! i i I' i I I a. I ,! ~~ iI Ii i iI i! ii II :I' I II Ii iI I!! i I ______~______~___~_~_i I ¡ i ¡ ,i I --i:! ------~------i I i I I I ~ i~iol~1 I i II11011010101101'0 i I i I! I Ia 010I Ia i010 I o'io!o'i~i i II' iI ~iiiiliiüi~i~i~i ~1~1~'~I~,~~I~I~:~ ~ ~ ~~I~ ~!~I~!~ ~i~i~ ~i~~i~ ~!~~I~ ig : ------1,:1 I------¡ I L § (/1 I~ ~ ,I ii ~o § (/ 00~'n !zl ~ wiIg. ~!~ 0I~ I ~ D:~ II i:1, I~z(/w If 5~ ~:2 ~~61z:.o øD:1~i~ 8 I 1:2 I~ n ~I~iii J i i II --~ ~~--W :2~Ii~ 1l1D: ~; ~ II ~¡!:I ~èSS2.w ~ 1l1;J:2~'o ~i~¡i¿ß oloicioõZI~I$.2 ~ig:Õi it II¡ .! '15\'æ11~'I!' l~¡~ (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS Appropriated Expended CY 2011 (D.) MUNICIPAL DEBT SERVICE 1 1 1 CY 2011 By 1 Total CY 2011 1 1 ------.------EXCLUDED FROM .------1 "CAPS" 1 FCOA------. CY ~------I2012 . L . CY 2011 ------1 . I Emerg. Approp. _._------1 1 Modified By Trans. ._------1. 1 Paid or Charged 1 ------1 I"~served ------900 MATURING SERIAL BONDS --._.1 GEN. QUAL. --- -I1 45-900------1 4,823,000 ------1 1 4,590,000 ------.--1 I 1 . 4,590,000 ------1 3,685,000 1 ---.----1 I 0 1 902 MATURING SERIAL BONDS- GEN. REFUNDINC i 45-901 12,968,000 I 7,974,751 I 1 7,974,751 I 3,703,957 1 0 1 ----.------1 -- --- I ------.---1 _..-----1 ----.---1 --..---.--- 1 ------1 ---.---.-----.------.--964 FIRE PENSION REF. BONDS 1 ------INTEREST ----_._--..--1 1 45-918 --'---1 948,989 --_.._----_._------1 1 949,562 1 1 949,562 -.-----.-- I 949,562 1 ._------1 1 0 1 --.------.------..-965 POLICE PENSION REF. BONDS--INTEREST 1 --.---1 45-919 ----- 1,400,835 I -----.--- I 1,414,875 I -. ------1 I 1,414,875 ------I 1,414,875 I ------1 I . 01 --.....-.---..-.---~------I906 INTEREST ON BONDS-GENERAL .--- QUAL. ------_.._------1 I 45-902 5,203,889 ----.--- 1 5,909,752 ------.----- 1 5,909,752 -- i -----..-- I 5,772,224 1 ------1 1 0 1 907 INTEREST ON BONDS-GEN.REFUNDING 1 45-903 11,449,740 1 15,117,334 15,117,334 1 15,299,778 1 0 I ----_...------.------1 ----.--..- --_.------1 ------.. -- --.- 1 ~------I 908 INTEREST ON NOTES - GEN. & REFUNDING 1 45-904 1,608,799 1,228,251 1,228,251 1,152,465 1 0 1 ------GREENTRUST-MONTGOMERYGATEWAY -----1 ------.._------1 45-925 ------. 3,110 --.------.---3,110 3,110 ------13,110 01 . ------_._------1 ------_.-----1 936 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES - PRINCIPAL 1 45-906 5,879,121 6,263,455 6,263,455 4,823,164 0 1 --._------GREEN TRUST MULTI ----I PARKS ------1 45-924 ------38,243 -"---'"'138,243 1 .---38,243 -- 38,243------1 0 1 ------1963 DEMOLITION .---BOND ----..--.-- LOAN ------45-917 ------..1 I ---77,376' -.------,--10 1 WAYNE____ .------STREET -.-._-PARK ------45-916 ------9,021 -----19,021 ------1 9,021 - -. 9,021 ------.1 0 1 APPLE______.______TREE HOUSE 45-920 ------14,669 -----.------I 14,669 -----_.._.-----11 14,669 14,669 ------0 . II ------ROBERTO CLEMENTE PARK ------1 45-921 17,661 ------I 17,661 ------1 I 17,661 ------17,661 -----1 0 I SGT..--.------.------ANTHONY PARK ---I45-922 ------..-..---- 1 9,017 i ------1 9,017 ---_._------1 I 9,017 ------9,017 -_.------0 I I -.-----.._-.------MARION PAVONIA POOL -_..----1 45-923 ---..-1 1 26,28 ------1 26,28-----.1 ------.-I 1 26,28 -.-----....-- 26,28 ------1, 0 1 .HCIA.-....------.------.------POOLED LOAN 45-927 ._------1 1 -----.-1399,200 ------_..._.:-1 i 480,000 ------1 1 1 480,000 ----.------.- 480,000 ------..--'-1 0 I ------.-.------~.---..---.--I ------1 -----~.-..----I ------.--.-- 1 ------1 ------.----1 SUBTOTALMUNDEBTSVC.GENEXLFROMCAP I "49,571,4811 47,950,1291 01 47,950,129 37,476,550 01 ______..______.___.02/17/12 - ______._ ------._--- SHEETZ7 ------.--.------. ----_._..--1 I 10 i 0 10 o i 0 10 o i 0 i. i 0 o i loll o i. "0 10 I I i ~ I i ii I OJ , i Ul I i æ i ' I i I i I i I i i I ~ ------No , l" 10 ! 0 i gig i i ;r \' ¡a i i ~ I i I i ! â I â I m l" b ei i I I gi I &l. i ~ "l I!. s:'" i;r ~ I ~ I I -g I' i i ' t" I ~ i I i I, I ~ I IlO i i IIw , i 1 I i I á ~ I I i i , i i I I i i I i 1 I i ¡ ----1 ------I----- i I------1 ------~~I~'ilgl~¡OI Ig g' ~i¡gl i~i' IA ~ ~ iii 00 , § I ~ I i I ~ ~ ~i ~ I 'i ~ Ii! J§~ 'e~ II i1 iI I! I' ! iI ~1 I,I i i1'1 1 IlOi I ------~------~ I i I I i l It, I i I l ¡

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I ~ -- ! lt i ff i,0. ~ l!z ~ Ii!z !z .~, i Ii' iwe ':. :' 1- :' -1-1:'1 i ' l~.g.(9 D !~I II- iêÎia;ICñi:.jenlr- enltOlN g ml~l~l! 01, ! I -----~------~------I ______._ ------~------1I (8.) GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 1 Appropriated 1 Expended CY 2011 1 1 --.------LOCAL DISTRICT SCHOOL PURPOSES 1 I 1 1 CY 2011 By 1 Total CY 2011 1 1 EXCLUDED FROM "CAPS" I FCOA 1 . CY 2012. I . CY 2011 . I Emerg. Approp. I Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged I Reserved ------.------1 ------1 ------1 ------1 -~----I --I I ---.--1 (J)DeferredExpenditures Charges Local & Statuatory School 11 xx I xx 1 xx 1 = I XX 1 XX 1 xx 1 ------I -..--1xx I------1 lO 1 ------.--xx XX -;----1 1 xx ------1 1 XX ----- xx -----1 1 Emergency Authorization-Schools . I 29-406-2 1 I 1 1 xx 1 ------.------,------I __------1 ------1 .-- --____c_-1 ------1 -~------1 Capital Project for Land, Bldg, Equip(NJS 18A:22-2) 1 29-407-2 I 1 1 XX . 1 ------.;------~---.------I --.----1 ------~--I ------.------1 Total - Deferred Charges & Statutory Expenditures 1 . I I ------.------~Local Schools Excluded from "CAPS" 60007-001 i ------11 1 ------1 0I 1 ------0 --.----0 0 ---~---0 xx --- I1 ------i -----11 c------i 1 ---..------~ ------I ------~---I (K)TOTAL-Local District School Purposes 60008-00 1 12,574,607 1 14,755,982 0 14,755,982 4,835,544 xx 1 ------..------(item(1) & 9J)) Excluded "CAPS" i ----II ------:1 1 -.----~ I ------1 ______.______i -----11 ------1 11 ------IXX .-'---'~-I I -.:----1xx1 -- .------11 ------i -----1 ------1 ------1 -_._------1 ------I (0)EXCLUDED TOTAL FROM "CAPS" GENERAL 1 60010-00 1 87,361,902 APPROPRIATIONS 1 109,950,701 1 0 1 120,184,366 1 1I 99,640,349 1 I 50,000I I I (L)---.,-_.------SUBTOTAL -I ---I ------1 GENERAL -----..-1 ------1 I. ------1 1 ,------,1 1 1 ------1 1 I APPROPRIATIONS (items (H1) & (0)) I 3000-00 I 467,398,94 I 488,628,067 1 0 1 498,861,732 464,260,039 1 12,978,292 I _._------..1TAXES 1------1 50-899 ------..1 1 1,902,246 ------1 1 1,869,3131 ------1 XX------1 1,869,313 ------1,869,313 1 ------1 1 01 ------1(M) RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED 1 1 ------1 XX ------1 1 xx ------1 1 XX -_._------1 1 xx ------XX ----- xx I --- 1 I ______.__.____.._____.______1 1 xx 1 ------1 xx ------11 XX ---- 1I ------1 xx ------~ I- I ------1xx I _.._------_.._------1 ----I ------1 ------1 --~---.i ------....----- 1 ------1 9. TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I 30,000 1 469,300,340 I 490,497,380 1 0 1 500,731,045 466,129,352 1 12,978,292 1 ======~ ======, ======SHEET29A ======1 1 ______.______------.:1I (8.)GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS I i Appropriated 1 Expended CY 2011 1I 11 ------1 I CY 2011 ------By Total ------CY 2011 1 1 ------SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 1 FCOA 1 . CY 2012' 1 . CY 2011 . I Emerg. Approp. Modified By Trans. I Paid or Charged I Reserved .__.______(A) OPERATIONS: 1 ----I --- 1 - ---- i ------1 I~.------I I ------..-:-- 1 I 1 -----.---I i i Within CAPS . Including Contingent (a+b) I 30001-00 i 330,334,581 1 324,270,768 1 0 324,270,768 I 310,824,586 I 12,316)98 i ______i ---~ 1 -----.---1 --"" I ------1 ---- 1 _....--1 STATUTORY EXPENDITÙRES 1 xx 1 49,699,943 1 54,382,890 I 0 54,382,890 1 53,779,635 1 603,255 1 ______~______IOperations Excluded from --I CAPS ------(a) ------1 1 xx 1 xx------XX ------1i XX XX----- 1 XXI - xx----I I ------_._------1 ---I -----'-1 ------1 ------I Other Operations 1 xx 1 8,582,237 8,582,237 1 0 8,582,237 1 8,582,237 0 1 ______----__------.-1Uniform Construction Code Increased--I ------Fees 1 iXXI ------1 0 0 1------1 0 1 0 --I 0---" 0 I1 ______._____Interlocal Municipal 1 ----- i ------Service Agreements ------1 - ---II xx ------1 1 0 0------I 0 i 0 ._---.---1i 0 0 i ______.Additional Appropriations --- i 1 ------Offset --,---- by New i ------1 Revenues I ------xx 1 0 -.-.------0 1 - 1 0 ------1 0 0 1 ------1 ------1 ------..- ----.----1 ------.-1 ----~------1 Public & Private Revenues Offset by Appropriations' xx 1 4,393,637 28,736,436 i 0 i .38,970,101 38,920,101 50,000 i ______._____'- ---I ------1 ------1 ------.------1 OPERATIONS - Excluded from CAPS 60023-00 I 12,975,874 I 37,318,673 1 0 1 47,552,338 . 47,502,338 50,000 1 ______.______---I ------1 ------1 ------1 (C) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 60002-77 i 544,000 544,000 I 0 I 544,000 544,000 0 I ______.______. --I ------..------1 ------..----- ..----1 (D) MUNICIPAL DEBT SERVICE 60003-00 1 55,092,421 53,687,046 1 0 53,687,046 43,213,467 0 I ______.______----I -..------1 ------i (E) TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGES xx 1 6,176,668 3,668,708 1 0 3,668,708 3,560,469 0 1 ______----I --- --.------..- .------1 ______~______..______(F) JUDGMENTS 37-480-2 1 -.------1 ------0 0 ---I0 ------0 0 ------.-1 0 1 _.___..______~______._____(G) CASH DEFICIT 146-885-2 ------1 0 ------10 0 0..------1 0 0 .-11 .______(K) LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PURPOSES - ._.----1 60008-00 -----1 12,574,607 -- ---~--.- 14,755,982 ------10 14,755,9821 ------14,755,982 ---. 0-I 1 (N) TRANSFERRED TO BOARD OF EDUCATION 29-405-2 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I __.______.___.______---I -----~-I ------1 - ._------1 ___.______(M)RESERVEFORUNCOLLECTEDTAXES ----I 50-899------1 1 1,902,2461 ------1,869,313 ------0 1,869,3131 -----1 1,869,3131 ---'- I 0-I I TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 30000-00 I 469,300,340 1 490,497,380 0 500,731,045 1 476,049,790 I 12,970,053 I ======02/17/12 ======SHEET ======30 Sheets -======31 ======-37 Not ======Applicable ======i I DEDICATED ASSESSMENT BUDGET UTILITY

Anticipated Realized in Cash 14. DEDICATED REVENUES FROM in CY 2011 CY2012 CY2011 I Assessment Cash 0 0 0 . 0 0 0

Deficit ( Utilty Budget) 0 0 0 Total Utilty Budget Assessment Revenues 0 0 0 , Appropriated Expended CY 2011

15. APPROPRIATIONS FOR ASSESSMENT DEBT Paid or Charged CY2012 CY2011 Payment of Bond Principal Payment of Bond Anticipation Notes Total Utiltv Assessment Appropriations

Dedicated by Rider - (N.J.S. 40A:4-39) "The dedicated revenues anticipated during the Calendar Year 2012 from Animal Control, State or' Federal Aid for Maintenance of LIbraries, Bequest, Escheat;

Construction Code Fees Due Hackensack Meadowlands Development Commission; Outside Employment of Off-Duty Municipal Police Officers; Unemployment Compensation Insurance; Reimburseme.nt of Sale of Gasoline to State Automobiles; State Training Fees - Uniform Construction Code Act; Older Americans Act - Program Contributions; Municipal Allance on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse - Program

Income; Housing and Community Development Act of 1974: Parking Offenses Adjudication Act (PL 1989, C. 137); Disposal of Forfeited Property (PL 1986, C135): Municipal Traffc Fines: Donations NJSA 40A:5-29

Open Space, Public Parks or Recreational Facilities: Operation Lifesaver Program: Tsunami Relief Effort Outside Employment of Off Duty Officers: Project Lifesaver: Self Insurance Programs (NJSA 40A:1 0-1 et seg.

Joan Moore Art for Kids Memorial Fund NJSA 40A:5-29: Various Cultural Events Donations N.J.S.A. 40A:5-29: Senior Nutrition Program Donations 40A:5-29 are hereby anticipated as revenue and are hereby appropriated for the purposes to which said revenue is dedicated statute or other legal requirement."

(Insert additional. appropriate tites in space above when applicable. if resolution for rider has been approved by the Director)



.ASSETS ._-_.- CY:Z011_. -_. . TY. . 2010- .- Cash and Investments 1110100 39009717 Surolus Balance Januarv 1 st 2310100 21 187365 4318949 Due from State of NJ (c.20, PL 1981) 1111000 0 Current Revenue on a Cash Basis: Federal and State Grants Receivable 1110200 0 Current Taxes 2310200 402663,338 198303,233 Receivables with Offsetlna Reserves: xx XX Percentaae Collected XXXX Taxes Receivable 1110300 1,624,213 Delinauent Taxes 2310300 4,065,306 139129 Tax Title Liens Receivable 1110400 1 468,623 Other Revenue & Additions to Income 2310400 287,775,068 185,598,118 Prooerl Acauired bv TTL L1auidation 1110500 2,258,000 Total Funds 2310500 694,503712 384,040480 Other Receivables 1110600 14914547 EXDenditures & Tax Reaulrements: Preoaid Debt Service 16,690,982 Municioal Aoorooriations 2310600 500,731,045 262,169240 Soecial Emeraencv Note 20,090,000 School Taxes (Local & Renional\ 2310700 103,459,162 57,295422 Total Assets 1110900 96,056,082 Countv Taxes (Added Included) 2310800 93,363,495 47707,402 Soecial District Taxes 2310900 0 0 L1ABILITES. RESERVES & SURPLUS Other Exnenses/Deductlons from Income 2311000 0 " Cash Liabilities 2110100 57,653.324 Total Exoenditures, Tax Renuirements 2311100 697553702 367,172,064 Reserve for Receivables 2110200 20,265.383 Less: Exoenditures for Future Years 2311200 0 0 Surolus 2110300 18137,375 Total Adiusted Exoenditures Taxes 2311300 697;553702 367172,064 Total Liabiliies Reserves Surolus 96056,082 Surnlus Balance, December 31st 2311400 18.137,375 21,187365

i '..Ulv;,vu \J.;v Vi ..""1l'õl IL 1'-11\, ..uIUh..o; U' .....,..",". .""...... , ...... School Tax Lew Unoaid 2220100 0 Surolus Balance December 31st 2311500 18137.375 Less: Sch.ool Tax Deferred 2220200 0 Current Sumlus Anticinated 2311600 13000000 "Balance Included In Cash Liabilties 2220300 0 Surolus Balance Remalnina 2311700 5,137,375 .

(This appendix must be Included in advertisement of budget, if entire document Is advertised) SHEET 39 CY2012 CAPITAL BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM

This section is included with the Annual Budget pursuant to NJAC 5:30-4. It does not In itself confer any authorization to raise or expend funds. Rather it is a document used as part of the local unit's plarinlng and management program. Specific authorization to expend funds for purposes described In this section must be granted elsewhere, by a separate bond ordinance, by Inclusion of à line In the Capital Improvement Section of this budget, by an ordinance taking the money from the Capital Improvement Fund, or other lawful means.

CAPITAL BUDGET A plan for all capital expenditures for the current fiscal year If no Capital Budget is included, check the reason why:

_ Total capital expenditures this year do not exceed $25,000 including appropriations for Capital Improvement Fund, Capital Line Items & DOwn Payments on Improvements.

_ No Bond Ordinances are planned this year.

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A multi-year list of planned capital projects, including the current year. currentCheck appropriate box for number year: of years covered, including .

_ 3 years. (Population under 10,000)

XX 6 years. (Over 10,000 and all county governments)

_ _ years. (Exceeding mlnimlim time period)

Check if municipality Is i¡nder 10,000, has not expen.ded more than $25,000 anually for capital purposes in immediate three previous years, and Is not adopting CIP.

SHEET 40 L;Y ;,W1:¿ L;AI-II AL t:UUGt:1 (L;UKKt:N I Yt:AK AL; IIUi\) Local Unit: City of Jersey City

------.. YEAR- CY12 6 ----..------_..1 ..----2 -_..---3 -_._-..4 ---PLANNED FUNDING SERVICES FOR CURRENT ------5E TO BE ESTIMATED RESERVED 5A --5B 5C 5D PROJECT TITLE # -- TOTAL COST PRIOR YEARS CY12 CAPITAL CAPITAL GRANTS & DEBT FUNDED IN BUDGET IMP. FUND SURPLUS OTHER FUNDS AUTHORIZED FUTUREYRS. ------_.._------.------..._--- _. - 15,001,000 2,251,000 12,750,000 ...._------PUBLIC PARKS ------2,150,000 MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 3,350,000 --1,200,000 ------___a ------_...- ---- _...._------FIRE HOUSES 8,495,000 450,000 8,045,000 ------_....- ..._------.------POLICE FACILITIES 28,850,000 850,000 28,000,000 _.---..-...---- -_.....- ._----'"------_._..- -_....._-_._---_. ..._.------STREETS/INFRASTRIETC 76,835,000 11,400,000 65,435,000 -_..._--- --_._-- ---_..._------INFORMATION TECHNOLOG 3,100,000 1,100,000 -- 2,000,000 ...._..--_.._._----.. --_.------.._...... __.- _....- ._- ._._------_..._- AUTOMOTIVE & EQUIP. 5,810,000 882,000 4,928,000 ------_..._...------380,000 3,230,000 3,610,000 ------FIRE APPARATUS .- -_..._---- ..------TRAFFIC SIGNALS/SIGNS -- 4,300,000 800,000 3,500,000 ---_._------_._- ._----_.. .~~-----~-~._------_.-- ---_._-- 14,470,000 ~_.._-_._-~--LIBRARY BUILDINGS ---.------19,617,000 ---~------5,147,000 ------JCIA 16,239,446 5,937,350 --10,302,096 -~------_.---_.- ._.--:------_.------~-- ._------_._------.- -- .-_.__._.~ ---_.~-~-_. ------_.- --'-- ---.._------_._- ---_..------_.._-_._----- ._-----_.-- --- _.- _. ---_..------_.._------_.__..------_.-- _._--_.------_.-._._._-- ._------~-_. --_.....~._------185,207,446 o 30,397,350 0 0 0 0 154,810,096 - --- - .. -..- ._-- -- - _. -_. -- .

SHEET 40b 10 I' I~ I ~ I ~ i I§ I U. ~ .I~ N I I go~.1 in o)- I§ ~ I, i I I I~ I~ i â i r l I ~ I I ~ I õ o I g g ! g o ~ o 010 gig o i g l (0 Ö ! ., ., f! Il oÖ Il ¿ i â (0Ö N Ql I ~ w~in )- in ~ ~ ., l I i~ ri Ñ~ i'si ri Õ i ~ o I~ g I ~ N I IN i i I I I I ~ o Õ i g i g.t g D.o .¡ l i~ i l Il ci I â ~ I I ~ ï: lll in C' I gig -. :: e ~ I ö! 0 I ö q I ~ &l !~ I I .. in o)- ;i ,. B' ~ I ~ I :: o I ~ I ~ I~ I ~ ~ I~ I g :' .. i a. I I ! i I i i i i 1 )- 10 010 o o o 0 :) I g g i g o o o 0 ,0i g Ii (0~ i "' l I l i- Ö . c5 ~ oÖ C' o (0 g i m i I :' o~in )- 0; g "l in ai Ii"' ,. 5 i~ ~ I ~ iñ ~ ri :61;;1 r£ :: :2 o ~ "' :' i C' 10: i iN 1 ~ i i i )- o o o g i 0 i No :¿ (9 il qg g 18 o o q o \ z C' Ö l I l OJ~ g f ~ I ~ g N i t ~ is in )- "' g ~ ¡a I &3 (0 Z i~ r£ ~. ! II'~ I ö :2 .:J o ~ "' ~ I u. i ~ IC' I ~ i ! ~ I ! :) 10 o 010 I 1: 18 8 'i §.i g o ogig '0 1- q N U; lâo ~ aiö ci0 u .. o:~ N ll ~ ai C' ai "'o c: in )- Ñ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ i I- o g 'i ~ i W W i i i c: i i I~ I I ¡ I en :) o I z. I ! 1: wO (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 c: I :2 ¡: z z ~ I~ z z z z z z .1 "' ¡:~ Õ Õ õ I õ I ~ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ i (9 )- I- a. (9 (9 (9 i (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 en :2 z z z z z z z wo oz o z ,z o o o o ~ o 010 010 'J i I ô i . I ! l- o o 0 gig o i 0 o (0 i e en o o 0 o 0 010 o ~ wo q l I l âi q i- c£ ~i- II o gig inå iñC' C' o ! C' !;o o C' "' ai ai a; N N :2 .. ei a5' cõ cD ri~ I in~ iñ I--0: I- ~iñ ~c£ ~r£ ai en 0 N I' ~ I ~ ~ wi- i i I i I ! ! ! I i I i :¡ i I I i IN I i i I I (9 10 ..o i! enz I en I o a: (9 ti z (9 oc :5 z i en ¡¡ 8 is w wa en ~ z I .. w ¡: ~ o/ :J 0: i is en :J u. I! w z I=! ~0: I, ~.. w ë3 Z i Q ;: ~ S2 i :J i ~ Ii, ~ , en en I OJ)- ! ct ¡ ct i :J it i !; ct w ! :2 § a. o i 0: t 10 ~ :2 0: i i W , i o W i 0: H: i ;2 g I Q ! w :J ! 0 w 0: OJ i Z 0: i u. ~ 0: 0: IOJ :J 1:J o I- i Z ë3 ! I I I ~ a. !:2 ,I u.Q; a. en i _ ~ u: ~ i: -, i i MUNCIPAL OPEN SPACE, RECREATION, FARMLAND AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION TRUST FUND

DEDICATED REVENUES Anticipated Realized in APPROPRIATIONS Aooro riated Expended CY11 FROM TRUST FUND CY2012 CY2011 Cash, CY11 CY2012 CY11 Pd/Chad Reserved Land Deveiopment for Amount to be Raised by Taxation Recreation & Conservation XX ------_..._...------_._------_.._..----,--- xx--- --,..------xx NOT APPLICABLE Salaries & Wages ------..._...----_._-----_....------_..._------Other Expenses --_....----..--_._------_....------....._...... -.------._---_._._- ----..------..--- Land Maintenance for xxxx xx Interest Income Recreation & Conservation -----_...._------.------.----- _._-_.... ------_.- _._....._------Salaries & Wages --_.._...... _--.-_...._...... _.._----_.- .------_... ------_..----_.._---_..------.__.------Other Expenses .. ------.-_..._------_...- ._------_..- ----.- Historic Preservation -----_.-.------Reserve Funds ------_..- -- _. Salaries & Wages ---- . . ------_...-_. ._-- _.._._- ---- Other Expenses ------_._------.-- .._------Land Acquisition for ------_..- --_.- ..._-- -- Recreation--_._---- & Conservation ------.....__..-._....__._---- _._--- ._- --_._-- Acquisition of Farmland ._. _.- ...,-- ._-.- Down Payments-Improveme ----_.._-_.----_._-----_. ------_._-_. ...._-_.~-- --.._-- ---_.- --~ -_..- Debt Service: ..._._..------_._------_._.._--_. ....-- --- ._-- - Bond Principal -_._------_.__.._------_...... _------_. BondAnticipation Notes & Capital Notes ._------_._._-----_. ._------._------_..._---~------_. ---- Interest on Bonds ------_.._-_.._.._..--- _._..- ..._.---.------_.._-- - --_. Interest on Notes ---_..-..---..----_._.._.._---- _._------.._-_.._-_... ------._--- _._------_.-.-... ------_..... Reserve for Future------Use Total Trust Fund Revenues Total Trust Fund Aooroos. SHEET 43 Annual List of Change Orders Approved CY 11 Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:30-11

Year Ending: December 31, 2011 Contracting Unit: City of Jersey City

The following is a complete list of all change orders which caused the originally awarded contract to be exceeded by more than 20 percent. For regulatory details please consult N.JAC. 5:30-11.1. et. seq. Please identify each change order by name of the project.

1. Contract amendment with Granite Telecommunications - Resolution 11-814. 2. Contract amendment with RBA Group, Inc - Resolution 11- 816. 3. Contract extension with Liberty Humane Society, Inc- Resolution 11 - 737. 4. Contract extension with Finch Fuel Oil .co. - Resolution - 11- 708. 5. Contract amendment with Green Construction, Inc- Resolution 11 -685. 6. Contract amendment with Goldstein Partnership - ResolutiOn 11 -495. 7. Contract amendment with RSC Architects- Resolution 11-392 8. Contract amendment with Joseph M. Sanari - Resolution 11-181 9. Contract amendment with Certified Products - Resolution 11-184 10. Contract amendment with Zoland Corporation - Resolution 11-185 11. Contract amendment with Generator Exchange - Resolution 11-117 12. Contract amendment with Urbahn Architects - Resolution 11-042 13. Contract amendments with Dresdner Robin - Resolution 11-045 14. Contract amendment with AirBrake and Equipment - Resolution 11-025

For each change order listed above, submit with introduced budget a copy of the governing body resolution authorizing the change order and an Affidavit of Publication for the newspaper notice required by N.JAC. 5:30-11.9(d). (Affidavit must include a copy of the newspaper notice.) If you have not had a change order exceeding the 20 percent threshold for the year indicated above, pleas~check here ic and certify below.

FEB 23 2012 Date Sheet 44