264 WHITCHURCH. . [KELLY'S considerable shoots of water, together about 80 acres, Peel-Ethelston esq. J.P. of Hinton, are the principal land­ and is chiefly in this township. Edgeley House, the seat owners. The soil is chiefly loam; subsoil, sandstone. of Harry Kevill-Davies esq. is aUso in this township. The chief crops are wheat and oats and some land in Earl Brownlow, who is lord of the manor, and Mrs. pasture; it contains 498a. or 36P. of land. Churton, 3JI'e pI"incipal landO'WneIls. The land is rich, WIRSALL, or Wirswall, is a township and village, 2~ ,loQ,se soil; subsoil, gravel. "Dhe chief crops are barley, miles north, belonging to Whitchurch parish, but situated oats and pasture. It oontari.ns 416a. or. 4p. in . The principal landowners are C. H. Poole HINTON is a to;wnship bordering upon Cheshire, I esq. J.P. and R. Peel-Ethelston esq. J.P. The soil is mile north from the town, on the road to Tarporley. day; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are Earl Brownlow is lord of the manor; the representatives wheat and oats. The area is 971 acres; rateable value, of the Rev. Oharles Wicksted Ethelston M.A. and Robert £1,742; the populati{)ll. in 1891 was 106.

OFFICIAL ES'I'ABLISHMEN'rS, LOCAL INSTITUTION S, &c. POSIt, M. O. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity court is held every month in the Working Men's hall, & Insurance Office, High street.-Mrs. Martha Amelia at 10 a.m. The district oomprises the following Wycherley, postmistress places:---tAgden, Alkington, Ash Magna, Ash Parva, Letters fr()m London & all parts from per rail, via Audlem, Bettisfield, Bickley, Black Park, Blackoe,Brade­ Nantwich, a~rive at 2.15 a.m.; dispatched at 10 p.m ley, Bradenheatth, Bronington, BrOlUghall, Buerton, London & all parts per rail from Crewe at ~.45 a.m. Bunsley Bank, Burley Dam, Castle Town, Chidlow, 2.40 & 6.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. 12.10, 2.30, Ohorlbon, Cuddington, Cocks Bank, Ohinnel, Didcott­ 7.50 & IQ p.m.; & to , West of & cum-Wilkesley, Dodingt