264 WHITCHURCH. SHROPSHIRE. [KELLY'S considerable shoots of water, together about 80 acres, Peel-Ethelston esq. J.P. of Hinton, are the principal land­ and is chiefly in this township. Edgeley House, the seat owners. The soil is chiefly loam; subsoil, sandstone. of Harry Kevill-Davies esq. is aUso in this township. The chief crops are wheat and oats and some land in Earl Brownlow, who is lord of the manor, and Mrs. pasture; it contains 498a. or 36P. of land. Churton, 3JI'e pI"incipal landO'WneIls. The land is rich, WIRSALL, or Wirswall, is a township and village, 2~ ,loQ,se soil; subsoil, gravel. "Dhe chief crops are barley, miles north, belonging to Whitchurch parish, but situated oats and pasture. It oontari.ns 416a. or. 4p. in Cheshire. The principal landowners are C. H. Poole HINTON is a to;wnship bordering upon Cheshire, I esq. J.P. and R. Peel-Ethelston esq. J.P. The soil is mile north from the town, on the road to Tarporley. day; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are Earl Brownlow is lord of the manor; the representatives wheat and oats. The area is 971 acres; rateable value, of the Rev. Oharles Wicksted Ethelston M.A. and Robert £1,742; the populati{)ll. in 1891 was 106. OFFICIAL ES'I'ABLISHMEN'rS, LOCAL INSTITUTION S, &c. POSIt, M. O. & T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity court is held every month in the Working Men's hall, & Insurance Office, High street.-Mrs. Martha Amelia at 10 a.m. The district oomprises the following Wycherley, postmistress places:---tAgden, Alkington, Ash Magna, Ash Parva, Letters fr()m London & all parts from Crewe per rail, via Audlem, Bettisfield, Bickley, Black Park, Blackoe,Brade­ Nantwich, a~rive at 2.15 a.m.; dispatched at 10 p.m ley, Bradenheatth, Bronington, BrOlUghall, Buerton, London & all parts per rail from Crewe at ~.45 a.m. Bunsley Bank, Burley Dam, Castle Town, Chidlow, 2.40 & 6.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. 12.10, 2.30, Ohorlbon, Cuddington, Cocks Bank, Ohinnel, Didcott­ 7.50 & IQ p.m.; & to Shrewsbury, West of England & cum-Wilkesley, Dodingt<Jn, Edw.aroson Green, Edgeley, Prees, 11.15 a.m. & 3.35 p.m'. FrO'Ill Malpas, arrive Eibnall, Fens, Grindley Brook, Hollinswood, Hollyhurst, 3;t 10 p.m.; dispaliched at 2.25 a.m. & 2 p.m Hampton, Hanmer, Halght<ln, Higher ""Y'ch, Hinion, Rural let.ter carriers leave Whitchurch for Bettisfield, Igh,tfield, Iscoyd, Kinsey Heath, Lower Wych, Long Burleydam, Calverhall, Croxton Green, Grindley Brook, Rill, Little Heath, Light Wood Green, Marbury,Malpas, Hanmer, Marbury, Prees, Whixall & intermediate MaTley Green, Macefen, Newton, NOl'lbury, NOT'ID1l.I1's places at 6 a.m Heath, Oldcastle, Ov-erton, Pinsley Green,Quoisley,Red­ Town delivery at 7 a.m. & 2.10 & 6.30 p.m. week days; brook, Royals Green, Shockla'ch Clhurch, Shocklach sundays at 7 a.m Oviatt, Swanbach, Stockton, Tallant Green, Tilstock, M,oney order3 granted & paid daily (sundays excepted) Threrupwood, TY'broughton, Tushingham-cum-Grindley, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; on saturdays to 8 p.m Wirswall, Willington, Whitchurch, Wichaugh, Wig-land, Sundays-Arrive at 2.30 a.m.; dispatched at 10 p.m.; Woodhouses Old, Woodhouses New, Whitchurch Heath office open from 8 to 10 a.m. for post & telegraph busi­ For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that ness; week days, telegraph office open from 8 a.m. to of NantJwich & Crewe; Thomas Bullock, King street, 8 p.m Newcastle, Staffs, official receiver; Frank CAu-iss, St. J ohn',s cham'bers, St. John's. hill, Shrewsfbury, assistant County Magistrates for Whitchurch Division of Bradford offioial receiver Hundred. Certified Bailiffs app()inoted under the "Law of Dis,treS9 Gods-al Philip William esq. Iscoed park, Whitchurch, Arrnendment Act" are :~enry Highfield Etches, Bark chairman Hill house; Edward Oooper, High street, Whitchurch Cottion 001. the Hon. Richard Southwe:l George Staple­ & Alfred Cooper, High street, WhitJchUiI"Ch ton-, Brewood hall, Brewood, Staffs Cemetery Board, J(}hn Weaver Churton, clerk Kenyon Hon. George Th()mas M.A. Llanereh Panna, Oottage Hospital & Dispensary, Brownl'Ow street, Samuel Penley, Ellesmere Tayleur Gwynn M.D, Am.JbrCJoSle Brooke GeoTlg-e M.R.C.S. Ormsby-Gore Hon. Geo. Ralph Charles, Malpas, Cheshire Eng. Charles Henry Gwynn M.D., C.M. William Ring­ Beckett Joseph esq. Belvedere, Whitchurch rose Gore M.B., RCh. & Arthur Muriel Watkins Dugdale Charles Tertius esq. Terrick hall. lVhit.church L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons; Grenville Horati() Jones Ethe:ston Robert Peel- esq. Hinton, Whit.church L.D.S.R.C.S.I. dent'll!1 sUI'lgoon; Spencer E. Smith, Harrison John German esg. Doding-ton, Whitchurch hon. sec Heywood-Lo,nsdale Arthur Pemberton esq. RA., D.L. County Police Station, Green end, Thomas Edwards, Shavington, Market Dra:yt<Jn superintendent; I sergeant & 5 cons.talbles Inl'and Revenue Office, Green end, Thomas Bradley Honvman• Rev. Sir William Macdonald' bart. M.A. Ooton hall, Whitchurch S:tevens, supervi'SO;r; John Laycock, officer JoneSl John esq. Mossfields, Whitchurch Public Baths, Brownlow st. Robt. Hy. Marshall, supt Poole Cudworth Halsted esq. Marbury hall, Whitchurch Town Rall, lligh street, William Crewe, caretaker Sandbach Samuel Hy.esq. M.A.Cherry hl.Malpas,Chester Volunteer Fire Brigade, eIlJgine house, St. Mary's street; Smith Ro'ber,t Thursfield esq. Highfield, Whitchurch Robert Pearson, Dodington, capt'ain & 20 men Topham Thomas TwemloW's esq. Whitchurch Williams Chas. Hy. Bennett esq. Knoulton hall, Ruabon VoluIllteers. Clerk to the Magistrates,Chas.Sbuart Brooke,Brownlow 2nd Volunteer Battalion The King's (ShrO'{)shire Light street; & at Nanbwich Infantry) (B Co.), Town h81'1, Hon.Majo.r Henry Kntight Petty sessions are held at the Working Men's hall, 'Mousley, commandant; Surg.-Major C. H.Gwynn M.D. monthly, at II a.m. The following parishes are in­ medical officer; Rev. Wm. Hy. EgeIltxm, hon. chaplain cluded in the division :-Ightfield" Prees, Tilstock & Whitchurch Whitchurch Union. Board day, alternate fridays at the Workhouse, at II s.m. Whitchurch Urban Dist·rict Council. The Union comprises the following parishes, viz. :-Ight­ Offices, Town hall, High street. field & Whitohurch; & in Oheshire Agden, Bickley, Meeting day, first tuesday in each month at II a.m. Bradley, Chidlow, Chorlton, OUddington, Ducking-km, Members. Edge, Hampton, Larkton, Macefen, Maltpas, Marbury Chairman, pohn German Harrison. with Quoisley, New:ton-juxta-Malpas, No,:rbury, Old­ "John EIliott ~Rev. Wm. H. Egerton M.A castle, Ove1"ton, Soockron, Tushingham with Gringley, 11 William Ledsham '-Robert Thmsfield Smith Wichaugh, Wigland & Wirswall; & Iscoyd in Flint­ 11 Edward Philips Thompson 1Hemy Hig-hfield Etches shire. The population in 1891 was II,699; area -,rGeorge Dodd pohn Walker 4°,3°7 ae,res; rateable value in 1895, £89,804 Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Geo. Marked thus 11 retire in 1896. 'Richardson, 6 New Town street, Whikhurch Marked thus ,- retire in 1897. Treasurer, John Ravenshaw, Nat·ional Provincial Bank, Marked thus + retire in 1898. Whitchureh Clerk, John Weaver Churton, 91a, Green end Relieving & School Inquiry Officer & Collector to the Treasurer, John Ravenshaw, National Provincial Bank Guardians for the Union, Thos. Taylor Chubib,Talbot st Medica.l Officer of Health, William Nealor Thursfield Vaccination Officer, Robert Furber, Hligh st.Whitchurch M.D., D.P.H. 'ShrewS'bury , Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Malpas district, Surveyo,r & Sanitary Inspector, Richard Baxter,Town hall Robert Parker, Malpas; Marbury district, Willoiam Oollector, George Richardson, 6 Newt<lwn, street Thomson L.R.C.P.Edin. Wrenbury; Whitehurch dis­ t.rict, Amibrose Brooke George L.R.C.P.Edin.29 Doding­ Public Establishmenots. ton, Whitchurch County Court (}ffices, Borownlow street. Superintendent Registrar, R()berrt Barrow Jones, 44 High His Honor Thomas Rughes Q.O. judze; Chflrles Stnart street, Whikhurch; deputy, RoJbert Barrow Jones, Brooke, registrar & acting high bailiff. The county jun. 44 High skeet, Whitchurch.
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