Minority Commercial Radio Broadcasters Sandoval MMTC 2009 Final Report
1 Minority Commercial Radio Ownership in 2009: FCC Licensing and Consolidation Policies, Entry Windows, and the Nexus Between Ownership, Diversity and Service in the Public Interest By CATHERINE J.K. SANDOVAL Assistant Professor Santa Clara University School of Law November 2009 Study Conducted through a Research Partnership between The Minority Media and Telecommunications Council, David Honig, Executive Director; Catherine J.K. Sandoval, Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University School of Law; Allen S. Hammond, IV, Professor, Santa Clara University School of Law Supported by Funding from the Social Sciences Research Council, Necessary Knowledge for a Democratic Public Sphere 2 Minority Commercial Radio Ownership in 2009: FCC Licensing and Consolidation Policies, Entry Windows, and the Nexus Between Ownership, Diversity and Service in the Public Interest CATHERINE J.K. SANDOVAL1 I. Introduction: Minority Commercial Radio Ownership and the Public Interest This study examines more than 11,000 records from the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Consolidated Database System (CDBS) and Internet sources on radio ownership and program formats in mid-2009 to analyze the effect of FCC licensing and multiple ownership policies on minority ownership of commercial radio stations, program diversification, and service to the American public.2 This analysis is timely and important as the FCC prepares for its quadrennial review of broadcasting rules in 2010, mandated by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (§202(h)). Analyzing media ownership is critical because "[i]t is upon ownership that public policy places primarily reliance with respect to diversification of content, and that has proven to be significantly influential with respect to editorial comment and the presentation of news" (TV9, 1994, p.
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