Case Study in Albania)
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1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, AIIC 2013, 24-26 April, Azores, Portugal - Proceedings- GEOGRAPHICAL ASSESSMENTS ON THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN AGRAIAN ECONOMY AND POPULATION AFTER 1990S (CASE STUDY IN ALBANIA) Jostina Dhimitri, PhD University of Tirana/Department of Geography, Faculty of History and Philology, Albania Abstract: Western Lowland, being under the influence of a growing humanization, has been evolved all along the agricultural ecosystem. Physical environmental factors have played an important role in the structure,, composition and dynamics in general and in agricultural environment in particular. This ecosystem dynamics is associated with the evolution of agricultural space, agrarian relations and property statements. In terms of small land property it is characterized a private output with few investments and a competitive market. As one of the main economic sectors, the agricultural production provides a good part of its income in Lushnja district, as part of the Western Lowland. Due to the geographical position, its favorable climatic factors, soil quality, etc., in the district of Lushnja, grains, vegetables, fodder are cultivated mainly in the plains and the various cultures in greenhouses. While in hilly areas olives, vineyards and tobacco are being cultivated. It is distinguished for an agriculture potential, who has conditioned the living community in this district. Population by her presence has constantly exerted pressure on the working land space. This pressure is expressed through the calculation of the physiological density. Free movement of population after 1990s, established a good part of the population in the Western Lowland and Lushnja district (mainly coming from mountainous areas and eastern parts of Albania). The article aims at presenting a geographical assessment of case study area, certain aspects of the agricultural economy and relations with demographic developments in recent years Key Words: GIS, population, agriculture economy, physiological density, flat landform Introduction: Geographical area under the study and the applied methodology. The area taken under study (Lushnja district), geographically is located in Myzeqe e Madhe Field, (part of the Western Lowland), with access to the Adriatic Sea. It is located in the west-central coast of Albania, and it is bordered to the north by the district of Kavaja (Shkumbin River), to the northeast by Peqin district, on the east by the district of Elbasan, by Berat and Kucova district (at a length of borderline 25.0 km from which land 1.2 km, 20.5 km river, Seman river, 3.2 km lake, reservoir of Thana) and in the southeast and south by the district of Fier (land border and the river, the river Seman). Lushnja district on the west is located by the Adriatic Sea. It is part of the prefecture of Fier. Located between the geographical coordinates: N 41°03'01 "(village of Çerme e Siperme), N 40º16'01" (village of Imsht); E 19°30'01 (Karavasta e Re); E 19°51'01 (village of Murrizë-Kozare). District area is 712 km²;53. This position facilitates communication with marine port areas of Durres and Vlora and Tirana capital, within a short time. Methodology of work. Methodology of work has been selected in accordance with the objectives of each stage of work. The comparative method is used to served explanatory study, in terms of time and quantity; mathematical-statistical methods of analysis served quantitative problems, qualitative assessments, in various aspects of population. For spatial analysis and treatment has served the implementation of GIS technology, which through an extensive database created in Arc Map program, has enabled the mapping of elements in the agricultural economy and population. Integrating GIS served cameral work to map creation. 53 Data gather from administrative map of Albania (1:200 000) 33 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, AIIC 2013, 24-26 April, Azores, Portugal - Proceedings- 1. Assessments of physical and geographical features of the area in favor of the agricultural economy Geographical coordinates and the geographical location of the study area determine the prevalence of a group of favorable factors regarding the population and agricultural economic activities development. Tectonics. Most of Lushnja district land is consisted of the quaternary deposits. Construction and composition of Quaternary deposits in the downstream of river Seman and Shkumbin (rivers that limit in the north and south area), is of river-swamp and river-lagoon nature54. In the eastern part, the area of Lushnja district, is bounded by the so-called Dumre Diapir, consisting of anhydrites, limestone, dolomite, gypsum and clay. Hilly landscape on the west of the area is represented by the hilly coastal range where greater heights are 192 m above sea level in Gomares Gur hills of Divjaka, and Ardenica 211 m. Hypsometry: 568 km² of the whole area is up to 0-99 m above sea level and 144 km² located at 100-299 m above sea level. Most of the surface, is occupied by the areas of Myzeqe e Madhe. The average height above sea level is estimated 20 m in the eastern part and 3 m in the western part. This field has a small slope and its maximum height does not exceed 35 m55. Lushnja is featured by Mediterranean subtropical sub area climate. Due to its geographical position and protection from cold winds east, it is warm throughout Myzeqe area. This geo-space has a climate with mild and short winters, with low rainfalls, maritime influence and long hot and dry summers. Local climatic factors affecting more are: 1. Proximity to the Adriatic Sea, which softens the climate. Adriatic influence surpasses the area penetrated inland. The Sea preserves the earth's surface from intense colds turning cold air into a warm humid air. His influence is expressed throughout the year. 2. Low relief plain with no high hills, allows the course of the winds laden with moisture. Fluctuations in temperature values in field areas versus the hilly areas are up to 1.5°C-1.8°C. Climate Elements. Lushnja territory weather values with no windy days are smaller about 7% compared to the national average of 50%. This refers to the movement of earth, air - water. In Lushnja territory is mostly noted the impact of marine winds and exactly marine breeze. The maximum speed of these winds reach to 5 - 6 m/sec (in Karavasta) and is also the country's maximum speed compared to the average wind speed in the country 2 - 4 m/sec56. For higher values of the average monthly air temperature mention the months of July and August (24˚C - 25˚C), while the coldest months are January and February (6°C - 9°C), which are related to the impact of factors and climatic elements. High air temperatures require that measures be taken to eliminate the negative consequences throughout life and economic activity. With regard to agricultural activities: Temperature of vegetation starts on average in the first ten days of March and continues until the beginning of the first ten days of December. Climate is an important element of plant activity, those influenced by two main factors: drought and cold, which refers to the length of the dry season and the duration of the winter. These two elements are connected to the biological activity of plants in such a way that an increase in monthly temperature of 6°C, the plant needs water are doubled. These needs are conditioned by the evaporation of water from soil and plant transpiration. Monthly evaporation - transpiration is equal to 70 mm in the provinces, where the temperature fluctuates around 20°C, where it belongs and Lushnja district57. Big changes in temperature are harmful to agriculture and flora in general. Lower values and temperatures bigger than 30ºC require special attention especially for the agricultural economy, which is one of the main economic activities of the district. Precipitation is an important climatic element. The months with greater rainfall amounts are November-December, and less rainfall are June-July-August. Multi annual average value is 635.7 mm - 1002 mm and is considered small, positioned Lushnja as a country with low rainfall. If we correlate the average monthly air temperatures and average monthly precipitation amounts, we will conclude 54 Grup autorësh, “Gjeologjia e Përgjithshme”, Tiranë, 1982, pg. 139. 55 Ziu, T., Journal “Myzeqeja”, Vo.1 Dicember, 2004, pg. 4. 56 Qiriazi, Perikli, Gjeografia fizike e pergjithshme, pg 68,70 57 Geço, P., “Klima dhe bimët”, Tiranë, 1977. 34 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, AIIC 2013, 24-26 April, Azores, Portugal - Proceedings- that precipitation amounts are acceptable in the economy of the district for the winter season. The situation is most critical versus low amounts of rainfall during the summer season, where air temperatures are higher and greater drought. Agriculture during the summer helped with artificial irrigation. As climate asset for this area estimated large thermal property, which makes it possible for many plant vegetative cycles is not interrupted throughout the year, which is a milestone in the agricultural activity. There is enough light and predominantly clear weather. It is estimated as a negative moment the small amount of precipitation mainly during the summer (mainly 2 - 2.5 months dryness). In this period it is used the artificial irrigation In the study area is bounded by the downstream parts of the river Shkumbin and Seman (Adriatic Sea watershed streams), who are meandrous. They are water sources for irrigation, especially during the summer season. In their flow they have transported eroded material from the mainland to form very fertile land, especially in the fields of Divjaka. The transported material has served for the formation of beaches of Divjaka, Spille and Seman. Hydrography is consisted also from: Tërbufi and Myzeqe reservoirs; Lagoon of Karavasta; a part of the Adriatic Sea and Thana reservoir.