ISSN 2414-05-62

NGO “Ukrainian Assembly Interregional Academy of doctors of science of personal management in public administration”


№ 3 (8) – June 2017 (Special edition)

Collection is trained in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Technological Academy

Kyiv ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” 2017

1 Редакція Editorial Головний редактор Editorial in Chief Романенко Євген Олександрович, Yevgen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, доктор наук з державного управління, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, професор, академік Української Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Технологічної Академії, академік Міжнародної Academician of the International Personnel Academy Кадрової Академії та Академії наук and Academy of Sciences of Public Administration, публічного управління, заслужений юрист України Honored Lawyer of Заступник головного редактора Deputy Editor Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, кандидат наук з державного управління PhD in Public Administration Випусковий редактор Ю. А. Носанчук Managing Editor Y. A. Hosanchuk Комп’ютерне макетування А. П. Нечипорук Computer modeling A. P. Hechyporuk

Публічне урядування Public management Свідоцтво КВ 21596-11496 Р Certificate КВ 21596-11496 Р Видається з листопада 2015 року Published from november 2015 Періодичність: 1 раз на квартал + 1 на рік Pereodisity: 4 times on a year + one Друкується за рішенням Вченої ради Published by the decision of Academic council of Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Протокол № 5 від 31.05.2017) (Рrotocol № 5 from 31.05.2017) Видання є таким, що реферується в міжнародних The edition is such that is reviewed in the interna- наукометричних базах Index Copernicus, tional scientometric bases Index Copernicus, РИНЦ, РИНЦ та КіберЛенінка, у вітчизняній КіберЛенінка and in the domestic abstract database реферативній базі даних “Україніка наукова” “Україніка наукова” and ukrainian abstract journal та українському реферативному журналі “Джерело” (Series 3. Social and Human “Джерело”. Sciences. Arts). Збірник внесено до Переліку наукових фахових The collection included in the list of scientific видань з державного управління professional edition from Public Administration (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine від 10.05.2017 № 693). from 10.05.2017 № 693). Відповідальність за зміст, достовірність фактів, The authors are responsible for the content, цитат, цифр несуть автори матеріалів. Редакція accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers. The editors залишає за собою право на незначне редагування reserves the right for a little change and reduction і скорочення (зі збереженням авторського стилю та (with preservation of the author’s style and main головних висновків). Редакція не завжди поділяє conclusions). Editors can not share the world думки авторів та не несе відповідальність за надану views of the authors and are not responsible for the ними інформацію. Матеріали подано information provided. Materials filed в авторській редакції. in the author’s edition. Передрук — тільки з дозволу редакції. Reprinting — with the editorial’s permission strictly. Адреса редакційної колегії: Андріївський узвіз, Address of the editorial board: 11, Andriyivskyy буд. 11, оф. 68, м. Київ, Україна, 04070 Descent, office 68, , Ukraine, 04070 Е-mail: [email protected] Е-mail: [email protected] Адреса видавництва: Addres of the editorial: ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” просп. Червонозоряний, 119, літ. ХХ, ave. Chervonozoryanyj, 119 lit. XX, Київ, Україна, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039

Public management : collection. — № 3 (8) – June 2017 (Special edition). — Kyiv : ДП “Видавни- чий дім “Персонал”, 2017. — 392 p.

2 Головний редактор — Романенко Євген Олександрович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української Технологічної Академії, академік Міжнародної Кадрової Академії та Академії наук публічного управління, заслужений юрист України. Заступник головного редактора — Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління.

Редакційна колегія 9. Ващенко Костянтин Олександро- вич — доктор політичних наук, Голова На- 1. Андрущенко Тетяна Вікторівна — док- ціонального агентства України з питань тор політичних наук, професор, провідний державної служби, член-кореспондент На- науковий співробітник Інституту вищої осві- ціональної академії педагогічних наук Украї- ти Національної академії педагогічних наук ни, Заслужений економіст України. України. 10. Вендт Ян Анджей — доктор хабілі- 2. Афонін Едуард Андрійович — доктор тований наук про Землю у сфері географії, соціологічних наук, професор, професор ка- професор, заступник директора з питань на- федри політичної аналітики та прогнозуван- уки та розвитку Інституту океанографії та ня Національної академії державного управ- географії Гданського університету (Польща). ління при Президентові України. 11. Гаєвська Лариса Анатоліївна — док- 3. Балашов Анатолій Миколайович — тор наук з державного управління, доцент, доктор наук з державного управління, про- заступник начальника управління з навчаль- фесор, професор кафедри публічного ад- ної роботи — начальник відділу менеджмен- міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії ту знань Національної академії державного управління персоналом, Президент Всеукра- управління при Президентові України, про- їнської академії наук публічного управління. фесор кафедри управління освітою. 4. Бова Тетяна В’ячеславівна — док- 12. Гвожьджєвіч Сильвія — кандидат тор наук з державного управління, доцент, наук, кафедра адміністрації та національної Херсонський національний технічний уні- безпеки Державної професійної вищої школи верситет, професор кафедри державного ім. Якуба з Парадижу в Гожуві-Великополь- управління і місцевого самоврядування. cькому (Гожув-Великопольський, Польща). 5. Бодров Володимир Григорович — док- 13. Гечбайя Бадри Нодарович — доктор тор економічних наук, професор, завідувач економічних наук, Асоційований професор, кафедри управління національним господар- Батумський державний університет ім. Шота ством та економічної політики Національної Руставелі, факультет економіки і бізнесу. Ке- академії державного управління при Прези- руючий департаментом управління бізнесом дентові України. (Грузія). 6. Бульба Володимир Григорович — док- 14. Гурковський Володимир Ігорович — тор наук з державного управління, професор, доктор наук з державного управління, пер- декан факультету підготовки магістрів дер- ший заступник директора ВГО “Центр дослі- жавного управління Харківського регіональ- дження проблем публічного управління”. ного інституту державного управління На- 15. Дацій Надія Василівна — доктор наук ціональної академії державного управління з державного управління, професор кафедри при Президентові України. менеджменту зовнішньоекономічної діяль- 7. Бутирська Тетяна Олександрів- ності та адміністративного менеджменту на — доктор наук з державного управлін- Академії муніципального управління. ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного 16. Девадзе Анзор Хемидович — кан- управління та місцевого самоврядування дидат економічних наук, доктор економіки, Івано-Франківського національного техніч- професор, Батумський державний універси- ного університету нафти і газу. тет ім. Шота Руставелі, факультет туризму 8. Валевський Олексій Леонідович — (Грузія). доктор наук з державного управління, стар- 17. Денисюк Світлана Георгіївна — док- ший науковий співробітник, провідний нау- тор політичних наук, професор кафедри су­ ковий співробітник Національного інституту спільно-політичних наук Вінницького націо- стратегічних досліджень. нального технічного університету.

3 18. Довгань Валерій Іванович — доктор місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетров- наук з державного управління, доцент, про- ського регіонального інституту державного фесор кафедри державного управління та управління Національної академії держав- місцевого самоврядування Хмельницького ного управління при Президентові України. університету управління та права. 29. Крюков Олексій Ігорович — доктор 19. Драган Іван Олександрович — док- наук з державного управління, професор ка- тор наук з державного управління, старший федри політології та філософії Харківського науковий співробітник, проректор з наукової регіонального інституту державного управ- роботи та міжнародних зв’язків Академії му- ління Національної академії державного ніципального управління. управління при Президентові України. 20. Драгомирецька Наталія Михайлів- 30. Литвин Юрій Олексійович — доктор на — доктор наук з державного управління, наук з державного управління, професор, за- професор кафедри філософських та соціаль- відувач кафедри державного управління та но-політичних наук Одеського регіонально- місцевого самоврядування Академії муніци- го інституту державного управління Націо- пального управління. нальної академії державного управління при 31. Лопушинський Іван Петрович — док- Президентові України. тор наук з державного управління, профе- 21. Жулева Гергана — Доктор PhD, вико- сор, Херсонський національний технічний навчий директор болгарської урядової “Про- університет, завідувач кафедри державного грами доступу до інформації” (Болгарія). управління і місцевого самоврядування. 22. Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна — док- 32. Мамічев Олексій Юрійович — доктор тор наук з державного управління, професор політичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри кафедри маркетингу та реклами Київського теорії та історії російського та зарубіжного національного торговельно-економічного­ права Владивостоцького державного універ- університету. ситету економіки і сервісу (Росія). 23. Ірвін Студін — Доктор PhD, професор 33. Миколайчук Микола Миколайо- Школи державної політики та управління вич — доктор наук з державного управління, Університету Торонто, Президент Інституту професор, Одеський регіональний інститут питань ХХІ століття, головний редактор і ви- державного управління Національної акаде- давець журналу Global Brief (Канада). мії державного управління при Президенто- 24. Кайдашев Роман Петрович — доктор ві України, професор кафедри економічної та юридичних наук, професор кафедри публіч- фінансової політики. ного адміністрування Міжрегіональної Ака- 34. Мікеладзе Едуард Важаєвич — кан- демії управління персоналом. дидат економічних наук, професор, Хіча- 25. Кіслов Денис Васильович — док- урський навчальний університет ім. святої тор наук з державного управління, доцент, Тбел Абусерідзе, факультет економіки та біз- член-кореспондент Української Академії На- несу (Грузія). ук, доцент кафедри маркетингу та реклами, 35. Молодцов Олександр Володимиро- Київський національний торговельно-еконо- вич — доктор наук з державного управлін- мічний університет. ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного 26. Козаков Володимир Миколайович — управління та місцевого самоврядування доктор наук з державного управління, профе- Івано-Франківського національного техніч- сор, професор кафедри державної політики та ного університету нафти та газу. су­спільного розвитку Національної академії 36. Науменко Раїса Андріївна — доктор державного управління при Президентові наук з державного управління, старший на- України. уковий співробітник, Київський національ- 27. Корнієвський Олександр Анатолійо- ний торговельно-економічний університет, вич — доктор політичних наук, доцент, завіду- професор кафедри менеджменту. вач сектору громадянського суспільства Націо- 37. Наумкіна Світлана Михайлівна — док- нального інституту стратегічних досліджень. тор політичних наук, професор Державного 28. Кринична Ірина Петрівна — доктор закладу “Південноукраїнський національний наук з державного управління, доцент, про- педагогічний університет ім. К. Д. Ушинсько- фесор кафедри державного управління та го” (м. Одеса).

4 38. Непомнящий Олександр Михайло- директор Науково-дослідного інституту пу- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, блічного адміністрування та менеджменту академік Академії будівництва України, про- Чернігівського національного технологічно- фесор кафедри публічного адміністрування го університету. Міжрегіональної Академії управління пер- 49. Ручка Анатолій Олександрович — соналом. доктор соціологічних наук, професор, Інсти- 39. Новак-Каляєва Лариса Миколаїв- тут соціології НАН України, головний нау- на — доктор наук з державного управління, ковий співробітник. доцент, професор кафедри державного управ- 50. Саханєнко Сергій Єгорович — док- ління та місцевого самоврядування Львів- тор наук з державного управління, професор ського регіонального­ інституту державного кафедри державного управління і місцевого управління Національної академії державно- самоврядування Одеського регіонального ін- го управління при Президентові України. ституту державного управління НАДУ при 40. Новаченко Тетяна Василівна — док- Президентові України. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 51. Сіцінська Майя Володимирівна — професор кафедри парламентаризму та полі- доктор наук з державного управління, про- тичного менеджменту Національної академії фесор кафедри філософії та політології державного управління при Президентові Національного університету державної по- України. даткової служби України. 41. Олуйко Віталій Миколайович — док- 52. Слінько Олександр Анатолійович — тор наук з державного управління, професор, доктор політичних наук, професор, завідувач голова Хмельницького обласного територіаль- кафедри політології та політичного управ- ного відділення Антимонопольного комітету ління Воронезької філії Російської академії України. народного господарства та державної служ- 42. Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорів- би при Президенті Російської Федерації на — доктор наук з державного управління, (Росія). Радник Голови Національного агентства з 53. Соболєва Наталя Іванівна — доктор питань запобігання корупції. соціологічних наук, старший науковий спів- 43. Пірен Марія Іванівна — доктор со- робітник, Інститут соціології НАН України, ціологічних наук, професор, Чернівець- провідний науковий співробітник. кий націо­нальний університет імені Юрія 54. Сурай Інна Геннадіївна — доктор наук Федьковича, завідуюча кафедрою. з державного управління, доцент, професор 44. Плющ Руслан Миколайович — док- кафедри парламентаризму та політичного тор наук з державного управління, доцент, менеджменту Національної академії держав- професор кафедри державного управління і ного управління при Президентові України. місцевого самоврядування Херсонського на- 55. Суший Олена Володимирівна — док- ціонального технічного університету. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 45. Половцев Олег Валентинович — док- Інститут соціальної та політичної психології тор наук з державного управління, професор НАПН України, завідувач лабораторії. кафедри державного управління і місцевого 56. Тадеуш Троціковскі — доктор наук самоврядування Херсонського національно- про управління, професор, член-кореспон- го технічного університету. дент Регіональної­ Академії Менеджменту, 46. Радченко Олександр Віталійович — Голова Правління Регіонального Центру Єв- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ропейської Інтеграції (Польща). фесор надзвичайний Поморської академії в 57. Усаченко Лариса Михайлівна — док- Слупську (Польща). тор наук з державного управління, професор, 47. Ромат Євгеній Вікторович — доктор професор кафедри публічного адміністру- наук з державного управління, завідувач ка- вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління федри маркетингу та реклами Київського на- персоналом, заслужений діяч науки і техніки ціонального торговельно-економічного уні- України, кавалер ордена “За заслуги ІІІ сту- верситету. пеня”, державний службовець І рангу. 48. Руденко Ольга Мстиславівна — док- 58. Халецька Аліна Анатоліївна — тор наук з державного управління, доцент, доктор наук з державного управління, про-

5 фесор, завідувач кафедри менеджменту ор- кафедри Алтайського державного універси- ганізацій та зовнішньоекономічної діяль- тету, директор Алтайської школи політичних ності Волинського інституту економіки та досліджень (Росія). менеджменту. 63. Шайгородський Юрій Жанович — 59. Філіпенко Тетяна В’ячеславівна — доктор політичних наук, доцент, головний доктор наук з державного управління, про- науковий співробітник Інституту політичних і фесор Міжрегіональної Академії управління етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса персоналом. НАН України. 60. Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна — кандидат 64. Шпак Юрій Валерійович — доктор наук з державного управління, доцент кафе- наук з державного управління, професор дри публічного адміністрування Міжрегіо- кафедри економіки підприємства Східно- нальної Академії управління персоналом, європейського університету економіки і Виконавчий директор Президії громадської менеджменту. організації “Всеукраїнська асамблея докто- 65. Якимчук Аліна Юріївна — доктор рів наук з державного управління”. економічних наук, професор, професор ка- 61. Червякова Ольга Володимирівна — федри державного управління, документо- доктор наук з державного управління, про- знавства та інформаційної діяльності Націо- фесор кафедри публічного адміністрування нального університету водного господарства Міжрегіональної Академії управління пер- та природокористування. соналом. 66. Яутріте Бріеде — доктор юридичних 62. Чернишов Юрій Георгійович — док- наук, професор, Латвійський університет, тор політичних наук, професор, завідувач юридичний факультет (Латвія).

6 Editor in Chief — Yevhen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, Doctor of sciences in Public Admi- nistration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Academician of the International Personnel Academy and Academy of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine. Deputy Editor — Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, PhD in Public Administration. Editorial board National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, 1. Tetiana Viktorivna Andrushchenko — member-correspondent of the National Acade- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, leading my of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored researcher of the Institute of Higher Education Economist of Ukraine. of National Academy of Educational Sciences of 10. Andrzej Jan Wendt — Habilitovanyy Ukraine. doctor of Earth Sciences in the field of geogra- 2. Eduard Andriiovych Afonin — Doc- phy, professor, Deputy Director from questions tor of sociological science, Professor, Professor of Science and Development of Institute of the of the Department of Political Analysis and Oceanography and Geography of the Gdansk Forecastingof the National Academy for Public University (Poland). Administration under the . 11. Larysa Anatoliivna Haievska — Doc- 3. Anatolii Mykolaiovych Balashov — tor of science in Public Administration, Asso- Doctor of science in Public Administration, ciate Professor, Depchief of Management from Professor, Professor of the Department of Pub- Educational Work is a Chief of Department lic Administration of the Interregional Aca- of Management of Knowledge of the National demy of Personnel Management, President of Academy of State Administration at President the Ukrainian Academy of Science of Public of Ukraine, Professor of Department of Man- Administration. agement Education. 4. Tetiana Viacheslavivna Bova — Doctor 12. Sylvia Hvozhdzhyevich — Candidate of science in Public Administration, Associate of Science, Dept. of Administration and the Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration National Security of State Higher Professional and Local Self-Government of the Kherson Na- School named Jakub from Paradyzhu in Lublin- tional Technical University. Velykopolckomu (Gorzow Wielkopolski, Po- 5. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bodrov — Doc- land). tor of economic science, Professor, Head of the 13. Badry Nodarovych Hechbayya — Doc- Dept. of administration of National Economy tor of Economics, Professor Asotsiirovanyy, and Economic Policy of the National Academy Batumi State University of Shota Rustaveli. of Public Administration under the President of Faculty of Economics and Business. Managing Ukraine. of the Dept. of business management (Georgia). 6. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bulba — Doc- 14. Volodymyr Ihorovych Hurkovskyi — tor of Science in Public Administration, Pro- Doctor of science in Public Administration, fessor, Dean of the Faculty of Masters Prepara- First Deputy Director of the NGO “Center of tion of Public Administration of the Kharkov studies of problems of public administration”. Regional Institute of Public Administration of 15. Nadiia Vasylivna Datsii — Doctor of the National Academy of Public Administra- science in Public Administration, Professor of tion under the President of Ukraine. the Dept. of Management of Foreign Activity 7. Tetiana Oleksandrivna Butyrska — Doc- and administrative management of the Acade- tor of science in Public Administration, As- my of Municipal Management. sociate Professor of the Dept. of Public Ad- 16. Anzor Hemydovych Devadze — Can- ministration and Local Self-government of the didate of economic science, Doctor of Econo- Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University mics, professor, Sh. Rustaveli Batumi State of Oil and Gas. University, Dept. of Tourism (Georgia). 8. Oleksii Leonidovych Valevskyi — Doc- 17. Svitlana Heorhiivna Denysiuk — Doc- tor of science in Public Administration, Senior tor of Political Science, Professor of the Dept. Researcher, Senior Research of the National In- Sociopolitical Sciences of the Vinnitsa National stitute for Strategic Studies. Technical University. 9. Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych Vashchen- 18. Valerii Ivanovych Dovhan — Doctor ko — Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of the of science in Public Administration, Associate

7 Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration lic Administration of the National Academy of and Local Self — government of Khmelnytsky Public Administration under the President of University of Management and Law. Ukraine. 19. Ivan Oleksandrovych Drahan — Doc- 29. Oleksii Igorevych Kryukov — Doctor tor of science in Public Administration, Senior of science in Public Administration, Professor Researcher, Vice-Rector of Research and Inter- of the Dept. of Political Science and Philosophy national Relations of the Academy of Municipal of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Ad- Management. ministration of the National Academy of Public 20. Natalіia Mykhailivna Drahomiret- Administration under the President of Ukraine. ska — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 30. Yurii Oleksiyovych Lytvyn — Doctor tion, Professor of the Dept. of Philosophy and of science in Public Administration, Professor, Social and Political Sciences of the Odessa Re- Head of the Dept. of Public Administration and gional Institute of Public Administration of the Local government of the Academy of Municipal National Academy of Public Administration un- Management. der the President of Ukraine. 31. Ivan Petrovych Lopushynskyi — Doc- 21. Gargana Zhuleva — Doctor PhD, Exe- tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- cutive Director of the Bulgarian government’s sor, Head of the Dept. of public administration “Program of access to information” (Bulgaria). and local government of the Kherson National 22. Olha Mykhailivna Ivanytska — Doctor Technical University. of science in Public Administration, Professor 32. Oleksii Yuriyovich Mamichev — Doc- of the Dept. marketing and advertising of Kyiv tor of Political Science, Associate professor, National University of Trade and Economics. Head of the Department of Theory and history 23. Irvin Studin — PhD, Professor in the of Russian and international law of the Vladi- School of Public Policy and Governance of the vostok State University of Economics and Ser- University of Toronto, President of the Institute vice (). for ХХІ Century Questions, and also Editor-in- 33. Mykola Mykolaiovych Mykolaichuk — Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine Doctor of science in Public Administration, (Canada). Professor of the Dept. of economic and financial 24. Roman Petrovych Kaidashev — Doc- policy of the Odessa Regional Institute of Pub- tor of juridical science, Professor of the Depart- lic Administration of the National Academy of ment of public administration of the Interre- Public Administration under the President of gional Academy of Personnel Management. Ukraine. 25. Denis Vasilievich Kislov — Doctor of 34. Edward Vazhayevych Mikeladze — Science in Public Administration, Associate Candidate of Economic Science, Professor, Tbel Professor, associate fellow of the Ukrainian Abuseridze Hichaurskiy University. Faculty of Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Economics and Business (Georgia). Department of Marketing and Advertising, Kyiv 35. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Molodt-­ National University of Trade and Economics. sov — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 26. Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Kozakov — tion, Professor of the Dept. of Public Adminis- Doctor of science in Public Administration, tration and Local Self-government of the Iva- Professor of public policy and social develop- no-Frankivsk National Technical University of ment of the National Academy of Public Ad- Oil and Gas. ministration under the President of Ukraine. 36. Raisa Andrіivna Naumenko — Doctor 27. Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Kornievs- of science in Public Administration, Senior Re- kyy — Doctor of Political Science, Associate search, Professor of the Dept. of management of professor, the Heard of the Dept. of civil society the Kyiv National University of Trade and Eco- of the National Institute for Strategic Studies nomics. (NISS). 37. Svіtlana Mykhailivna Naumkina — 28. Iryna Petrіvna Krynychna — Doctor Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the of science in Public Administration, Associ- South Ukrainian National Pedagogical Univer- ate Professor, Professor Department of Public sity named after K. D. Ushynsky. Administration and Local Self-Government of 38. Oleksandr Mykhailovych Nepom­ the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- niashchyi — Doctor of science in Public Ad-

8 ministration, Academician of Academy of buil­ researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- ding of Ukraine, Professor of the Department tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. of Public Administration of the Interregional 50. Serhii Yehorovych Sahanienko — Doc- Academy of Personnel Management. tor of science in Public Administration, Pro- 39. Larysa Mykolaivna Novak-Kaliaieva — fessor of the Dept. of public administration Doctor of science in Public Administration, As- and local government of the Odessa Regional sociate Professor, Professor of the Dept. of Pub- Institute of Public Administration under the lic Administration and Local Self-government President of Ukraine of the National of Public of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Ad- Administration under the President of Ukraine. ministration of the National Academy of Public 51. Maiia Volodymyrivna Sitsinska — Doc- Administration under the President of Ukraine. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 40. Tetiana Vasylivna Novachenko — Doc- sor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Political Sci- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- ence of the National University of the State Tax ate Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and Service of Ukraine. political management of the National Academy 52. Alexander Anatoliiovych Slinko — Doc- of Public Administration under the President of tor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Ukraine. Department of political science and political ad- 41. Vitalii Mykolaiovych Oluiko — Doctor ministration of the Voronezh branch of the Rus- of science in Public Administration, Professor, sian Academy of National Economy and Public Head of Khmelnitsky regional territorial office Service under the President of the Russian Fe- of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. deration (Russia). 42. Oksana Ihorivna Parkhomenko-Kut- 53. Natalia Ivanivna Sobolieva — Doctor sevil — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- of Social Sciences, senior researcher, leading tration, Advisor of the Head of the National researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- Agency on corruption prevention. tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. 43. Maria Ivanivna Piren — Doctor of So- 54. Inna Hennadіivna Suraі — Doctor of cial Sciences, Professor, Head of the Dept. of science in Public Administration, Associate the Chernivtsi National University. Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and 44. Ruslan Mykolaiovych Pliushch — Doc- political management of the of the National of tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- Public Administration under the President of ate Professor of the Dept. of Public Administra- Ukraine. tion and Local Self-government of the Kherson 55. Olena Volodymyrivna Sushyi — Doc- National Technical University. tor of science in Public Administration, Asso- 45. Oleh Valentynovych Polovtsev — Doc- ciate Professor, head of the laboratory of the tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Institute of Social and Political Psychology of sor of the Dept. of Public Administration and the National Academy of Political Science of Local Self-government of the Kherson National Ukraine. Technical University. 56. Tadeusz Trocikowski — Doctor of 46. Oleksandr Vitaliiovych Radchenko — Management Sciences, professor, correspond- Doctor of science in Public Administration, ing member of the Regional Academy of Man- Professor of the emergency Pomeranian Aca- agement, Chairman of the Regional Centre for demy in Slupsk (Poland). (Poland). 47. Yevhenii Viktorovych Romat — Doctor 57. Larysa Mykhailivna Usachenko — of science in Public Administration, Head of the Doctor of science in Public Administration, Dept. of marketing and advertising of the Kyiv Professor, Professor of the Department of National University of Trade and Economics. Public Administration of the Interregional 48. Olha Mstyslavivna Rudenko — Doctor Academy of Personnel Management, Honored of science in Public Administration, Associate Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Holder of the Order "For Merit III degree," Public Administration and Management of the public official of the I rank. Chernihiv National Technological University. 58. Alina Anatoliivna Khaletska — Doctor 49. Anatolii Oleksandrovych Ruchka — of science in Public Administration, Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chief Head of the Dept. of Management of Organiza-

9 tions and Foreign Activity of the Volyn Insti- Department of Altai State University, Director tute of Economics and Management. of the Altai School of Political Studies (Russia). 59. Tetiana Viacheslavіvna Filipenko — 63. Yurii Zhanovych Shaigorodskyi — Doctor of science in Public Administration, Doctor of Political Science, Associate professor, Professor of the Interregional Academy of Per- Chief Research Scientist of the I. F. Kuras Insti- sonnel Management. tute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS 60. Iryna Vіtalіivna Chaplai — PhD in of Ukraine. Public Administration, Associate Professor of 64. Yurii Valeriiovych Shpak — Doctor of the Department of Public Administration of science in Public Administration, Professor of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Man- the Dept. of Economics of the enterprise of the agement, Executive Director of the Presidium East European University of economics and of the NGO “Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of management. science in public administration”. 65. Alina Yuriivna Yakymchuk — Doctor 61. Olha Volodymyrivna Chervyakova — of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of Doctor of science in Public Administration, the Dept. of public administration, documenta- Professor of the Department of public adminis- tion and information activities of the National tration of thwe Interregional Academy of Per- University of Water Household and Environ- sonnel Management. ment. 62. Yurii Heorhiiovych Chernyshev — Doc- 66. Jautrite Briede — Dr. iur, Professor, Uni- tor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the versity of Latvia, Faculty of Law (Latvia).

10 Content

Afonin E. A., Kozak V. I. Martynov A. Y. Formation of the archetypal Arhetypyka of the sociopolitical paradigm of public administration conflicts: from modern to in the current conflict situation postmodern...... 18 in Ukraine...... 112 Bielska T. V., Коzakov V. N. Khasanov R. R. Ukrainian mentality as archetypal Functional institutional behavior of factor of harmonization of social global civil society in conflict zones. 33 power relations...... 122 Valevskyi O. L. Kozlova L. V. Institutional and psychosocial Psychosociocultural preconditions analysis of ukrainian reforms...... 43 for overcoming of conflict in the context Voronа P. V. of the implementation Archetypal strategy for overcoming of the decentralization policy...... 131 ideological conflict: of Israel...... 53 Kotovska O. P. Haharinov O. V. Social conflicts in the postmodern The strategy of transformation era and their influence on the sphere of the post-soviet state system of public administration: of Ukraine as a necessary condition archetypal-value approach...... 140 for the resolution and prevention Lapina V. V. of social conflicts Over-consumption archetype (archetypal approach)...... 63 globalization as a new source of social Dovgan' O. V. conflicts and social tension...... 158 Understanding the text in the Lashkina M. H. context of neural networks Communicative component (archetypal approach)...... 75 of conflict in the modern world: Evdokimova E. I. the birth of the archetype Archetypal approach to the study of the selfness (Das Selbst)...... 167 of conflict between the leader Yaghi Mahmoud Musa, and the team...... 82 Garnyk L. P. Zozulia V. O. Archetypes of economic The conflict within the concepts behaviour and their origins of needs Abraham Maslow and John in scientific-philosophic thought Burton: archetypal analysis...... 91 of middle Eastern countries...... 178 Kozhemiakina O. M. Naplyokov Y. V. Language of trust in resolving Archetypal principles as a basis of social conflicts for non-conflicting (archetypal approach)...... 102 decision-making...... 194

11 Novachenko T. V. the state and society (an arhetypical Synergetic concept of samoorhanyzation approach)...... 306 of subjects of social development: Siriy E. V. archetypal discourse...... 204 Social deprivation in contact Ovchynnikova O. V. and mutual condition to mental Violence as a factor of conflict in the archetypal factors in the study family is an archetypal approach...... 214 of the nature of social tension Omelyanenko V. A. in Ukrainian society: Archetypical analysis of modern theoretical research...... 315 economic conflicts in the context Solovyov Y. V. of national security ...... 224 Value-semantic archetypes Plakhtiy T. O. of forced migration as a basis Archetypal model of emergence, for developing of their adaptation.... 328 escalation and resolution Sudakov V. I. of social conflicts...... 235 The global determinants of the conflict Ponomarenko L. V. interactions in the contemporary National idea as a symbolic prerequisite models of employment of the revolutions of the 19th–20th (archetypical analysis)...... 335 centuries and equifinal model of social Urbanova Eva, st transformation of the 21 century.... 249 Mayevskaya Petra, Romanenko Y. A., Pasnichenko Viktor Chaplay I. V., Loyalty, reliabilityand resistance Hurkovskyy V. І. to corruption: psychological aspects Theoretical and methodological of diagnostic options (the experience identification of the concept of the Czech Republic)...... 343 of “marketing communications” Tsegelnik O. V. (archetypal approach)...... 259 “Investment conflict”: Rybaklycheva O. Z. strategy and ways of the resolving Archetype strategy for solving of the psychological social conflicts in work with the and social contradictions personnel of the bodies of the internal in the modern world...... 353 affairs of the Republic of Belarus...... 267 Chernoivanenko A. V. Semenets-Orlova I. A. The role of political parties in origin Transformation in education institutions and starting of political conflicts in a context of social conflicts: upon in Ukraine: archetypical analysis...... 361 m. Maffesoli’s concept of the “neo-tribalism” archetype...... 276 Iakushko N. A. Dialectics of leadership in terms Serdechna L. V. of education in Ukraine: The concept of advertising as a solution to contradiction archetypical analysis...... 371 between cocial justice and economic Yaremenko N. V., efficiency (archetypal approach)...... 296 Kolomiiets N. Y. Sychova A. O. The “divine child” archetype as the Political trust as a resource matrix of overcoming the crisis of the of cooperation between socio-humanitarian space...... 378

12 Dear friends and colleagues!

On behalf of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and from me per- sonally congratulate all of us with the final phase of one year work of the of the most powerful scientific schools of our academy — Ukrainian School of Archetypics. This year, the main of the event of Ukrainian School of Archetypics in Kiev, became the V international com- petition of young scientists and VIII theoretical and methodological semi- nar with international participation, focused on the most urgent problem for Ukraine — developing of the strategy and mechanisms for resolving conflicts in the world today. It’s nice that the do- mestic scientific school is open to the vior of which today is too complicat- ideas of our European colleagues, that ed. Consequently, there is a lot of so- are presenting in the forum Professor cial struggles and conflicts, which also of the glorious Paris Sorbonne Michel feeds the total lack of trust in society. Maffesoli. He read public lectures in Under these conditions of extreme se- National Academy of Public Adminis- verity gets the problem of restoring of tration — for managers and the Insti- social dialogue on the new principles tute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine — of mutual understanding and mutual for sociologists. I am confident that respect. Considerable potential for developments of participants of Ukrai- solving of this problem lies in the ar- nian School of Archetypes regularly chetypal nature of man and society. serve as important for today affair, Despite on the initial overall level of peace and security. elaborated of archetypal perspective in Overall activities of the local and various subject areas of social and hu- foreign participants of the forum of man knowledge, it is still appropriate the archetypes of public administra- justification within the state and ma- tion occur on the background of the nagement science. powerful reform of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes and its public institutions. The basis that eight years sharpened its metho- of these changes, as would have told dology on the issues of public admin- French psychologist Serge Moscovici, istration, unites more than 200 lead- constitute a new type of human na- ing scientists from 14 countries. It is ture, identity and institutional beha- open to interdisciplinary research and

13 dissemination of results of doctoral Please accept my sincere wish of students, graduate students, under- new achievements in the study of cur- graduates, students, representatives rent trends of the development of the of state and local governments, the science and practice of public adminis- public and the media. This multilate- tration, particularly in the context ar- ral exchange of scientific ideas will chetypal paradigm. certainly push to the further research I wish you, dear participants and within the archetypal approach and guests of the scientific forum of the overall for the development of the sci- archetypes of public administration, entific field of public administration in health, happiness, inspiration, perse- Ukraine. verance and success!

Regards, President of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored lawyer of Ukraine V. S. Kuybida

14 Dear participants of theoretical and methodological seminar 2017, colleagues, friends! I am glad to welcome You — the leading experts and beginners, repre- sentatives of science of public adminis- tration, sociology, history, psychology, philosophy and political science, re- searchers and authors of social and hu- manitarian knowledge about current society on the of Ukrainian School of Archetypics of 2017! Especially nice to see at this year's meeting the representatives of the European and Americas continents. We are honored to accept the world- famous sociologist, professor of the famous French Sorbonne Excellency Mr. Michel Maffesoli. This was pos- sible thanks to the support from the local and the threat of global conflict. side of the leadership of the National The response to these challenges will Academy of Public Administration our scientific archetypal research and under the President of Ukraine, rep- intellectual reflections. resented by President of Academy During our plenary and overall dis- Excellency Mr. Vasyl Kuybida and cussions we try to touch of deap natu- Director of the Institute of civil ser- ral threats, to deal with a broad palette vice and local government, Mr. Sergei of new motifs of human development, Teleshun. predict the likely future scenarios and Dear friends, today more than ever main — offer full consensus vision of under countries of the XXI century ap- possible solutions of key problems of pear too serious challenges that shape today and tomorrow. the future scenario. National states I wish all of us would say as Sigmund and the international community face Bauman, fluidity of thought, freedom of with the imbalance and warps, primary mind and conscience, tat based on the of the control systems, private, public- scientific principles of honor, humanis- private interaction and public-political tic, man measurable progress our with processes. Above us hang the numerous you aspirations!

Co-founder of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes, Doctor of social science, professor Eduard Andriiovych Afonin

15 Dear colleagues!

tion and optimization using modern archetypal approach. In the files of the collection “Public management” the influence of archetypal factor on the solution of problems of public admini- stration, central and local government bodies, their intrinsic functions but also social forces that create these structures is comprehensively examines. I want to personally thanks to the leaders of the Ukrainian School of Ar- chetypics, Doctor of science in Public Administration, Professor, Afonin Edu- ard Andreyevich, who organized the conduction of the eighth theoretical seminar of the of archetypics. We must On behalf of the editorial of the col- pay tribute to those efforts that make lection “Public management” accept scientists of the Ukrainian School of my sincere congratulations with the Archetypics, together with colleagues release of a special issue containing the from different countries for updating, content of the reports VIII theoretical streamlining and modernizing public and methodological seminar with inter- administration. national participation “ARHETYPIKA Also, take this opportunity express AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: sincere thanks to the co-founders of the STRATEGY AND MECHANISMS collection — the Interregional Acade- OF RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS my of Personnel Management, Ukrai- IN THE MODERN WORLD”, that nian Technological Academy, editorial held on 28–30 May 2017 in the Kiev board, authors and all those who con- (Ukraine). tributed to the publication of issue and At the present stage of develop- invite in the future, to actively partici- ment, public administration of Ukraine pate in the creation of his new numbers. is characterized by constant changes I wish all the creative ideas, good in the power-management activities, health, happiness, prosperity and fami- which in turn requires its moderniza- ly well-being! Regards, Chief editor, Head of the Department of Public Administration of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of Science in Public Administration of Ukraine, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored lawyer of Ukraine Y. A. Romanenko

16 UDC: 316.012:141.7 Afonin Eduard Andriyuvych, Doctor of sociological science, Professor, Pro- fessor of the Department of Political Analy- sis and Forecasting, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Eugene Pottier, 20, tel.: (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: bpafonin@ ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонін Едуард Андрійович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри політичної аналітики та прогнозування, Національна академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: bpafonin@ ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонин Эдуард Андреевич, доктор социологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры политической анали- тики и прогнозирования, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Martynov Andriy Yuriyovych, Doctor of historical science, professor, leading researcher of the the Department of history of international relations and foreign policy of Ukraine, Institute of , 01001, Kyiv, Str. Grushevskogo, 4, tel.: (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: martynov.andriy@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980 Мартинов Андрій Юрійович, доктор історичних наук, професор, провідний науковий співробітник відділу історії міжнародних відносин і зовнішньої політики України, Інститут історії України НАН України, 01001, Київ, вул. Грушевського, 4, тел.: (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: martynov.andriy@ ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980 Мартынов Андрей Юрьевич, доктор исторических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела истории международных отношений и внешней политики Украины, Институт истории Укра-

17 ины НАН Украины, 01001, Киев, ул. Грушевского, 4, (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: martynov. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980


Abstract. The article presents a problem of interpretation of social-political conflict in the archetype theory context. The paper analyses the evolution of ar- chetype in example conflicts of modern and postmodern. In conclusion, the au- thor’s discusses the institutionalization of management of conflict potential and the problems that accompany it. Keywords: archetype, social-political conflict, modern, postmodern. АРХЕТИПІКА СОЦІАЛЬНО-ПОЛІТИЧНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ: ВІД МОДЕРНУ ДО ПОСТМОДЕРНУ Анотація. У статті розглядається проблема тлумачення соціально-полі- тичних конфліктів з точки зору теорії архетипів. Показано історичний фон зміни архетипів розвитку соціально-політичних конфліктів за часів модер- ну і постмодерну. Виявлено проблеми інституційного регулювання кон- фліктного потенціалу. Ключові слова: архетип, соціально-політичний конфлікт, модерн, пост- модерн. АРХЕТИПИКА СОЦИАЛЬНО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ КОНФЛИКТОВ: ОТ МОДЕРНА К ПОСТМОДЕРНУ Аннотация. В статье рассматривается проблема интерпретации социаль- но-политических конфликтов с точки зрения теории архетипов. Показано исторический фон изменений архетипов развития социально-политических конфликтов от времен модерна и постмодерна. Рассмотрена проблема ин- ституционального регулирования конфликтного потенциала. Ключевые слова: архетип, социально-политический конфликт, модерн, постмодерн.

Target setting. The age of the Euro- that the conflict is an inevitable social pean Enlightenment actually summed phenomenon. The French sociologist up during the discussion about the Raymond Aron, referring to inheri- social and historical nature of the con- tance of Thucydides, who described flicts. From Antiquity it was believed the vicissitudes of the Peloponnesian

18 War, said that war is a consequence of tion, about which the parties enter into the judgment of the fate, the embodi- a dispute. ment of the contradictions designed In general we can say about the to stimulate the inevitable changes [1, chaos of the conflict as the most likely p. 73]. The Middle Ages Italian phi- state of the current complex social sys- losopher Niccolo Machiavelli also be- tem in low efforts at organizing manner. lieved that the conflict is an objective In the modern world picture it took on feature of the political life. Instead, real meaning and testified to the real the English philosopher and states- clash of different social interests. The man Thomas More, who is considered Postmodern world view, based on sig- to be the founder of the utopian ideas, nificant simulacrum, turned the conflict admitted the possibility of such an or- in the absurd devoid of moral and his- der that minimizes the number of con- torical sense. Given the contemporary flicts. His compatriot, Thomas Hob- postmodern democracy the minority bes, who witnessed the events of the determines how to resolve conflicts on beginning of the English Revolution of the background of the silent majority, the seventeenth century, claimed that but often at the expense of speculative only a strong state government is able financial practices. A striking example to stop the permanent war of all serve the poor Ukrainian who were against all. betrayed by “their own” elite experi- Next — the modern social and his- encing the clotting of own production, torical era that it is launching the destruction of education, medicine, sci- French Revolution (1789–1794) was ence, transfer of the ownership of the considered the most acute form of con- Ukrainian resources to globalized elites. flict detection of the social conflicts as Those who destroy the state are call- a clash of opposites that show various ing into question the very existence of social and class interests and they can the civil society that needs support in satisfy only the winning of one of the the public infrastructure, even if it is a parties to the conflict. long-established civil society. A weak Modernity offers a slightly different state in the current Ukrainian condi- agenda when the conflict is understood tions becomes from a liberal democracy as a permanent state of the social rela- into the nomenclature-oligarchic insti- tions. Even without conflict relation- tution that ignores the interests of the ships carry a latent potential for con- majority of the society. flict that manifests itself in the struggle The Third World today consists of for values, claims a special social status, societies where the state institutions power or insufficient wealth for all. To- are underdeveloped or destroyed, as a day we have a wide variety of conflicts: result the level of the political culture is between individuals, groups within so- so low that the practice of everyday life ciety, inter-state conflicts, civilization is permanent violence. The old and new and even inter-civilization conflict. For peripherals inability does not demon- its object appears as a conflict existing strate either manifestations of interna- objectively or a subjectively imaginary tional social solidarity, nor civilizational problem serving the cause of confronta- solidarity in the areas of the world re-

19 ligions. The Arab “revolutions” in 2011 civilizations, which is a contradiction eloquently demonstrate that the stones between the center and the colonized in the hands of the “revolutionary” be- periphery [2, p. 172]. come a symbol of the invitation to the In the scientific literature on con- Stone Age society. The poor are pushed flict is elaborated the theoretical and into reservations, where they are practical problems of essence, nature destined to quiet economic genocide. and mechanisms of the social conflicts, There is no spiritual resistance, which is disclosed the probabilistic nature of is the basis of the political support. Un- causality [3, p. 56] and argued that with- der these conditions, the conflict has a out effective institutions, the practice chance to be regulated if the regulatory of the conflict resolution is in decline mechanisms are institutionalized and [4]. The Russian-American sociologist the actions of the conflicting parties are Pitirim Sorokin analyzed in detail the formalized. The security can be secured phenomenon of the social revolution as if the it is provided to the both conflict- the embodiment of the system clash of ing parties. different social interests. He concluded Analysis of recent research and that the prescription to avoid revolu- publications. Revealing the social real- tions is a timely reform. However, it is ity of postmodern, the American soci- the lack of effectiveness of the reform ologist Lewis Coser in his book “Func- that creates the preconditions for an tions of the Social Conflict” (1956) explosion of the revolution. According draws our attention to the idea that the to P. Sorokin, the reforms can be suc- more different the conflicts in the society, cessful if: 1) the reforms do not destroy the more difficult to divide the society in- human nature and do not contradict the to two hostile clear camps between which basic human instincts, 2) the practical there are no common values and norms. phase of reforms is preceded by a thor- Therefore, the more “independent” from ough scientific study of the specific so- each the conflicts, the better for the so- cial conditions, 3) each reform precedes cial cohesion. A peculiar addition to the the test on the objects at a smaller social above is the view of the German-British scale, 4) the reforms are implemented sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf, who in by legal and constitutional means [5, the works “Class Structure and Class p. 271]. Instead, such a perfect reform Conflict” (1965) and “Social Conflict plan too rarely occurs in the real history. in the Modern Times” (1988) considers The chaos and destruction of the the presence of the conflict as a natural transition period of the social develop- state of the society which is everywhere ment is accompanied by the destruction permeated by error and conflict. There- of the social contract based on a desire fore, “not the presence but the absence to “take” any means the most, having of the conflict is something strange and used for it a minimum of effort. Such abnormal”. Apparently no conflict can conflicts and the reconstruction of the testify to its movement in the internal whole social and power relations are ex- (latent) plan, to manage which is more tremely difficult to solve by non-radical complicated than the open one. Equally means. So now more than ever is actual- model is the hidden global conflict of ized the Institutionalized of the mecha-

20 nisms of the conflicts resolution which is can flare up, but not when the masses ahead of their appearance. are living worse in absolute sense, but The purpose of the article is to when their situation improves signifi- highlight the features of the conflicts of cantly and stimulates intense growth the modern and postmodern era given of new expectations. The value-norma- the archetypal nature of the social con- tive conflict has, compared to conflicts sciousness. caused by needs and interests, a more The statement of basic materials. pronounced ideological nature. It faces One of the most visible symptoms of the the opposite interpretation of the social unresolved conflict is the state of the development. People believe in some social anomie, which reflects a negative chance of recovery, believe in a version attitude towards the norms and moral of the idea of justice and freedom. Eco- values of a social system. Contently, the nomic and political conflicts. Ethnic anomie is the conflict between the cul- conflicts, legal conflicts, religious con- turally arisen content and socially fixed flicts. The systemic public conflict in the form, the display of the disputes be- revolutionary stage of the development tween the objectives of the people and the most exacerbates all of these types their inability to reach them by usual of conflicts and apply at the individual, means. social and civilizational level. Political During modern period the social conflicts of the uncontrolled emotions, conflict was seen as social communities ideological doctrines, conflicts of politi- struggle with the social and irreconcil- cal institutions. able class interests for domination or The key meaning during the deploy- raising the status of the social actors in ment process of the social transforma- the hierarchical structure of the society. tion plays the crucial elements first of The structure of the social conflict was all of the institutional social control — submitted to be traditional: authority-organizational, ideological • the pre-crisis state of the social sys- and power, and self-control of the vari- tem that detects the first symptoms of ous social actors. the crisis related to the exhaustion of its In general, the concept of the social capacity; control is one of the most controversial • the culmination of the crisis of the in the modern system of the sociological social system is linked to the escalation terminology. Here are some interpreta- of a disaster; tions of the term that somehow we use • the final stage of the crisis — a revo- in this article. lution or a transition of the social rela- The most common of them is the tions that spawned the crisis in its new understanding of the social control as state. a set of norms and values of the society The social modern conflict — post- and the sanctions applicable for their modern era, transforming the social implementation. This point of view on system in a variety of self-sufficient in- the mechanism of the social control dividuals, is inherent the struggle over was followed by including E. Durkheim the needs, interests, values and norms. (1858–1917) who in his social theory Revolution under such conditions assigned prominently the control social

21 norms, stressing that their deformation er. During the late Middle Ages, when leads to anomie, i. e. paralysis of the for- the Reformation radically changed the mation of the mechanisms of the social spiritual horizon of the average Western norms and to crises in society that are European, and thanks to the efforts of related to the dismantling of the social ideological N. Machiavelli was held the solidarity. Thus the public will in a state differentiation of the religious life and of anomie is paralyzed [6, p. 64]. That is, the secularization of the civil politics. these social and historical circumstanc- This ability to provide effective social es, one can observe the condition where control for Machiavellian Lord that be- institutional force still exists, the indi- came particularly important. vidual will exists, but a total strength of In general, for the organic commu- will of a single entity aimed at monitor- nity — Gemeinschaft, using the termi- ing compliance with social norms that nology of German sociologist F. Tonisa form the basis of the mechanism of so- (1855–1936) and Gesellschaft — socie- cial control does not exist. ties has various types of social control. In this context M. Weber (1864– For even poorly structured community 1920) in the classic work “The Protes- importance in this case is the authority, tant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” and especially for modern society law. stressed the importance of mutual in- M. Weber stressed that the traditional fluence between the norms of the social rule is based on the belief in the sanctity control and self-control, in particular in of orders that existed for a long time. the form of various forms of religious as- The charismatic domination is based ceticism. on commitment to the charisma of the Gradually are formed new, above all, leader. The legal rule exists because of moral and ethical standards designed the established rules. Its purest type is to regulate from outside the everyday the bureaucratic domination [8, p. 157– social life. Standing thus, a new mecha- 160]. nism of social control is fixed through In this context, in the modern soci- the formation of appropriate social in- ety where are developing new means stitutions such as government security of artistic creation, accumulation and forces and means to establish an ade- dissemination of the information as an quate reality of the public opinion. important power resources, especially Often the concept of social control is with the development of the modern identified with political power. For ex- communication technologies signifi- ample, the American political scientist cantly important becomes the social P. Morgenthau by this term in political manipulation as a method of control science understands the control over that is to develop latent influence on the mind and activities of others [7, mass consciousness and behaviour of p. 140]. This method of social control the people forcing them to act (or be is used from the initially known writ- passive) in the interests of certain social ten history. For example, it has been forces [9, p. 296]. Often, such a mecha- widely developed in ancient Egypt, nism of social control is implemented Mesopotamia, where the priestly caste through the media. Describing it as a thus was implementing the sacred pow- manifestation of mass culture, Winston

22 Churchill in his memoirs notes that af- circle legally achievable, resulting in a ter the First World War in the condi- weakening of the rules and institutions tions of acute social crisis Britain was that regulate and discipline the behavi- saved from destructive social revolu- our that eventually leads to the denial tion by the public opinion, football and of the authority of the social regulations traditional beer pubs. and various forms of deviant behaviour During the twentieth century the [12, p. 292]. organization of institutions designed With the development of the global to implement the social manipulation promotion of the moral standards of the became more complex and widespread. consumer society, this trend gradually, The sociotechnics of management in- but relentlessly, is covering the growing creasingly focused on the direct forma- number of countries. Thus Iraq in 1990 tion, adoption and implementation of was trying to recover from the defeat the politics decisions. The tools of this in the war with Iran by capturing the process, as one of the most important wealth of neighboring Kuwait. Since forms of the social control, involves then against Baghdad act international various methods of regulating effects. sanctions, which demonstrate the pres- Among them, such as law, power pres- ence of problems with the control of the sure, rational or irrational arguments, deviant behaviour not only of the indi- even direct manipulation. Its objects viduals, but also of the complex social are man as the main object of the in- organisms — states, which in American fluence of the communication and the diplomacy slang are called rouge. public opinion as a vehicle of the com- Thus, in addition to forms of the munication [10, p. 234]. social control as certain governmental Since what is named the public opi- mechanisms that operate at the nation- nion, as a fact of knowledge emphasized al level and in the structures of the civil the famous British statesman B. Dis- society, as well as control of the deviant raeli, rather deserves the name of social behaviour, equally important category emotions — this area is the subject of which determines the two previous is constant manipulation that are univer- the self-control of the individual. This sal mechanism of effective social control concept successfully captures the term over the existence of the information of the social psychology — locus of society [11, p. 100]. control, which is to fix the degree and A highly specialized understanding extent of how the person perceives his of the social control has developed the life is one that is controlled by his own American sociological thought. It is re- efforts and actions, or controlled from lated to the interpretation of control by outside — by case or anonymous exter- various incarnations, especially the de- nal forces [13, p. 74]. viant behaviour. The classic American Another type of the social control sociologist Robert Merton, in particu- is associated with the conflict manage- lar, believes that the American society ment. The fundamentals of the modern rapidly generates significant contradic- conflictology as a theory of manage- tion between the inspired by advanced ment of various conflicts was laid by consumer psychology desires and the R. Dahrendorf (born 1929). He pro-

23 posed the theory of the rational settle- pretation. From the first point of view ment of the protracted conflict, subject we should pay attention to the radi- to management, and hence to the social cal change first of all of the set of rules control. Thus, the political conflicts are and procedures for decision-making. defined as a way to broadcast frequently On the other hand, noteworthy are the the destructive power of the civil con- changes in the social ethics and morals, frontation that defies the regulation including the authority of certain status at a controlled political class energy groups or authorities, primarily related constructive search for ways out of the to the social control. This is particularly crisis. The specific technology of this important for such traditionally public approach to monitoring the conflict re- institutions like school, church, police mains beyond the topic of this article. and army. All the above mentioned forms of the Rather conventionally the structure social control always interact in a com- of the social reform can be represent- plex system and can not be considered ed as a complex model of interaction separately. The mechanism of the social between its various components, such control functions due to a complex in- as: teraction between the relevant institu- • economic reforms, which are the tions that regulate the social relation- quintessence of changes in property re- ships and the moral and ethical norms lations, tax, land, monetary reforms; of the self-control of the individuals • equally important are the politi- whose decisions significantly affect the cal reforms — a change of the political institutional social control. system, new political players, adminis- However, any functional type of the trative reform, which affects the foun- social control is always relative, because dations of the state bureaucracy, re- the actions of the historical subjects in forming electoral legislation related to a “modern” time, of course, are deter- guaranteeing fair opportunities for vot- mined by the past, and they can deter- ers to correct past mistakes of the previ- mine the future, but future events can ous choice for the new elections; not yet influence these actions. There- • third on the list, but not in impor- fore, the social control is always depend- tance, part of the social change is actu- ent on the unstable balance between the ally a socio-cultural reform, the most social statics and dynamics. The unique important of which is the educational historical events have a decisive influ- one, which determines the so-called ence on the subsequent changes in the ideological providing of the new socio- prevailing social conditions, which in political system and its reproduction turn recognize the direction of the so- in future generations. The transforma- cial and historical development. tions in the spiritual life of the society The structure of the social lead a line under the old mechanism transformations. of the social control and launch a new The socio-historical significance of one. the social reform can be understood Generally the impetus for reforms al- through a combination of structural and ways gives the actual cancellation of the functionalist approaches to their inter- operating for a while mechanisms of the

24 social control. Accordingly, the period control over the formation of the public of social reforms usually ends with the opinion. establishment of the new rules of the so- Generally, in our view, the structure cial control, which are the result of the of the social reform in certain stages of systemic change. Critical meaning thus the historical development of the soci- have the new social values that are, so ety is fundamentally different. Consider to speak, the heart of any system of the these processes in a state of social stat- social control. ics and dynamics. The most appropriate So, the objective criterion of the be- model for this description is the idea of ginning of some transformations is the the universal epochal cycle. It consists attack of the various social agents on of two periods: the regulatory and the the existing social values, the mental unstable. In the stable (regulatory) field of which actually holds the exist- phases of the cycle — of the involution ing social order. and evolution is stored the existing for a Explaining this process, the Italian certain period of time the system of the Communist A. Gramsci, whose theo- social control. The reforms thus have retical developments of the first half of partial character, as it were a cosmetic the twentieth century played an impor- one, generally they do not change the tant role in the development of the new existing mechanisms of the social con- concepts of the social control, unlike trol and are directed to its perfection the orthodox Marxists that constantly and improvement. emphasized mainly the force control But in the evolutionary stage of the power in a class society, emphasized cycle there is accumulation of signifi- that the mechanism of power is not cant social innovations. After reaching only compulsion but also conviction. a critical number of innovative changes Any ruling elite has to legitimize and can be observed the quality changes. maintain the power through conviction The dynamic (transient) phases of of the society in justice of the existing the cycle of the landmark are associ- social order. ated with the preparation and imple- Of course, the importance of the mentation of the social reforms. Thus public opinion for effective social con- at the co-evolutionary stage of the cy- trol was emphasized by the “father” of cle we can observe the loosening of the the modern sociological thought Au- old system of the social control that guste Comte. In particular, he noted reaches such a degree of intensity that that the entire social mechanism opera- is objectively fixed by the mass con- tes from different points of view [14, sciousness. p. 68]. Therefore, the formation of the The radical systemic changes usually independent public opinion, which oc- occur at the stage of the revolutionary curs mainly in the structures of the civil stage of the epochal cycle, which brings society, is a critical step for the effective an end to the historic “spent” cycle, and functioning of the democratic mecha- initiates a completely new one. nisms of the social control. At the same Let’s see how the proposed model time the critical reforms are the power “works” in the analysis of the known so- levers of the influence on society and cial transformation.

25 Historical experience of the social religion, but as a sudden exploiter of reforms. the Dutch wealth gradually accumu- We will focus on the most famous lated from the development of the com- revolutions that eventually formed the modity-money relations. In England modern social conditions in the fore- such enemy, emerging from the course front of the history. These are the Dutch, of the social and political processes of British, American and French Revolu- capitalization, was the old semi-feudal tion of the XVI–XVIII centuries. All of monarchy that with their inadequate them, despite the rather significant dif- actions violated an unspoken social ferences, were caused by different his- agreement on the taxation, pursued the torical circumstances of their deploy- radical dissidents (so called themselves ment, rate of changes, their radicalism, followers of the religious Reformation). sustainability formation of a new social After they moved to the North Ameri- order, have important analogies. ca, where created new settlements, but First of all, it concerns the impact of were not yet delivered from the control the religious factor as a key in the tra- system of the metropolis. ditional form of s organization of the The American Revolution, which social control, for radical social trans- coincided with the birth of the process formations. Especially revealing in this corresponding to the so-called Ameri- respect are the first three revolutions. can way of development of the capita- They were made under the influence of lism, synchronized with the struggle for the Reformation’s value, their entities the independence of the North Ameri- consolidated around the ideas of dif- can colonies from the British crown. On ferent branches of Protestantism and the other hand, it influenced the launch Catholicism. As a result, about a gen- of the French Revolution, which in fact eration underwent a process of forming opened a new global cycle of the social new institutions of the social control in- and historical development and formed herent in bourgeois society. the modern institutions of the social The French Revolution of the late control. eighteenth century was brought up in However, we at the beginning of the the ideas of the Enlightenment. It even article stressed that the process of glo- formed a basis for the secularization of balization, which intensified after the the civil society on the basis of its trans- collapse of the socialist bloc, creates in- formation into an object of almost re- novative trends of the social transfor- ligious worship. It is sufficient to men- mations. At the same time, Soros sees tion the Jacobins attempts to introduce the threat to open society from the in- the cult of the Reason. stability caused by the lack of the deve- The legitimization of the transfor- loped social values. To save the situa- mations in each case took place on the tion, he proposes to act correctly and basis of the rejection of the traditional morally, even if it sometimes seems in- mechanisms of the social control. In the appropriate, i.e. convert the means to case of the Netherlands it was the domi- achieve the goal on the same goal. nation of the Catholic Spain, which was The problem of monitoring the seen as an obstacle to free not only of changes, the known sociologist and

26 futurologist A. Toffler, offers a means Further progress of the rebuilding to resolve clear understanding of long- project was associated with the de-le- term social problems and democra- gitimization of the most active at that tization ways of achieving them [15, time law (to this has contributed the p. 392]. At the same time, we can not postulate — “everything that is not pro- observe the intensive humanization of hibited by law, it is permissible”) that the social transformations, because the contributed to the creation of favour- consequences of the social moderniza- able conditions for the development tion are still connected with the tangi- not only of the legal nihilism but also of ble depopulation of the population and various methods of privatization by the the whole complex of negative social former Soviet ruling elite of the public phenomena that are intensively deve- property. After, gradually, by relatively loping in an environment of anomie and little blood was made a real social re- permanent stress favorable for most volution, confirming a radical change sectors of societies that are in a state of status and social roles of the “working transformation. class”, “working peasantry”, “intelli- However, the historical experience gence” and the ruling elite. of the social reforms shows that their The whole process was accompanied result ultimately is to establish new by demobilization of the collectivist at- mechanisms of society and renewal titudes mass behaviour and the active of the social institutions that are de- promotion of the hedonistic individu- signed to perform the permanent social alistic morality ultimately aimed not at control. Let’s consider from this point “Protestant asceticism” originally capi- of view the recent experience of our tal accumulation (in Weber’s sense of country and our great northern neigh- the term), but a new form of “robbery of bour. the loot” with simultaneous destruction Ukrainian and Russian ways of the of the industrial and scientific potential. reforms and social control. The consequence of these transforma- The dismantling of the Soviet so- tions began the dismantling basic of the cial system in both countries took place social security and all the social servic- with certain specific features, but also es from kindergarten (due to genuine in the process of restructuring. Gradu- demographic disaster) to schools and ally, step by step, there was a departure higher education. from the traditional mechanism of the The social institutions which, be- social control and its gradual destruc- cause of their functions should provide tion. In particular, the refusal of the continuous reproduction of the social sixth article of the Soviet , control — school, church, science, mili- which enshrines the leading role of the tary, executive and the legislature, the Communist Party, became a real “quiet” media — were in a deep systemic cri- revolution. Thus was actually removed sis. The school mired in ill-considered the core structure-creating of the So- reforms that leveled the approach to viet political system, which provided providing universal primary knowledge legitimization and the meaning of its and led to rigid class stratification of existence. the students. The church appeared un-

27 prepared to answer the moral crisis of industrial groups and express the opini- the society, by the Byzantine tradition on of their new owners, while avoiding it has entered into an alliance with the to perform the functions of the “watch- government. In Ukraine the Orthodox dog” of democracy, becoming a decora- Church in general because of political tive dog which delivers the voice only reasons was divided into warring de- by the instructions of the team owner. nominations. The science was disorient- Moreover, another component of ed by the market approach to its activi- the formation of the independent pub- ties as scholasticism of the plan of the lic opinion — the so-called “public re- scientific discoveries replaced the prose lations” also turned into a function of of the commodity-money relations. big business and are based on the well- The executive and legislative branches known postulate of Mark Twain about of the government took up the sharing that honesty is the best policy, especial- of the power. In Russia, this “constitu- ly if it brings money. tional process” in October 1993 needed Thus, the common problems of both a bloody naturalistic performance with post-communist countries is the lack the shooting of the White House. In of the effective civil society structures, Ukraine, the Constitution was adopted because of the existing shortage of ef- after lengthy clarifications of the rela- fective, not communist, constructive tions between branches of the govern- opposition. The social control of the ment in one night. But its “reform” after state institutions in the political sphere the April 2000 referendum will last for should ideally consist of an incorrup- a long time. tible and impartial judge, designed not Finally, the media has not turned to play on the side of certain political into the fourth power designed to im- forces, but only see to it that all political plement the so-called informal control players followed the rules of the game. over the activities of the authorities. However, as stressed the Russian Thus, they did not become the eyes political scientist O. S. Panarin, the and voice of the civil society. Last, if politics serves as an innovative produc- we understand under this term various tion process for new power status and social groups, the differentiation which influence within the universal legal occurs as a result of certain social divi- norms. Based on these considerations, sion of the labour in Ukraine and Russia this author come to the reasonable idea also still in the stage of self-awareness that the basis of the political revolution and determine their functions in social is not a conflict between the produc- control by the state, which in turn is in tive forces and the production relations, no hurry to delegate to it such a right. but the conflict between the subsystem At the same time, the naturally languid mass production of the new require- civil society can not defend its right, ments and the existing subsystem of the constantly flirting with the state. political decision-making. One of the many reasons for this sit- In the Ukrainian and Russian re- uation is that most media in the market alities of the transition period, contrary conditions of existing quickly came un- the dismantle of the effective state con- der the control of various financial and trol with simultaneous crisis control

28 mechanisms mobilized the public opi- election of V. Putin to the highest office nion, has created a peculiar pheno- in the executive power. Opposition for menon of “privatization” of the public various reasons, the media were taken authorities which for taxpayer money under control. often acted against their interests. At The first steps of the President the same time, the society was assigned V. Putin, as a non-acting, but absolute the role of a passive observer for clarify- president, noted the need to establish ing the relationship between the vari- a “dictatorship of law”, were associated ous groups of the newly formed elite. with the restoration of the mechanisms The dialogue between the govern- for monitoring the course of the social ment institutions and the civil society transformations in Russia. This pro- structures as a form of exercise of effec- cess has been linked to the formation tive mutual social control still has not of the pro-presidential majority in the emerged. By virtue of this factor, the Duma, the actual political isolation process of institutionalization of the of the Communist Party because the corresponding political field is slowly authorities intercepted its national- proceeding. patriotic rhetoric restructurization The lack of effective political sup- of the Federation Council. Further port for social reforms significantly strengthening of the vertical of the slows down their pace, hinders the crys- federal government is associated with tallization and differentiation of various the complex process of changes to the social interests, that should lead to a current Constitution of 1993 that stable political structure and a substi- could be one of the priorities during tution of a small party for a multi-party Putin’s second term. system, when several parties of a clear However, during the first period ideological orientation become active of his stay in the Kremlin office were political actors that will represent the made very noticeable steps in the new objective interests of different strata of phase of reforms that unlike during the the society. presidency of B. Yeltsin, were not aimed The recent political battles in Rus- at destroying the remnants of the old sia — the State Duma elections in De- mechanisms of the social control, but cember 1999 and the early presidential the formation of new ones. Specifically, elections in March 2000 again revealed were adopted the Tax Code, the Land the conservation of the deficit dialogue Code, which provided private owner- between the authorities and society. ship of the land for the first time in Rus- This clearly showed the lack of the pub- sian history without blood, were initi- lic debate between the candidates for ated the judicial and military reforms. various governmental mandates. This At the same time, the pro-presidential democratic mechanism was replaced by political forces again do not have a various compromising materials, which constructive opposition. In this role only undermined the remnants of citi- is trying to pretend the “Yabloko” of zens’ trust in the existing political class. G. Yavlinsky and newly established in On the other hand, the entire state ma- December 2001 B. Berezovsky’s party chinery worked actively to ensure the “Liberal Russia”.

29 From our point of view, the next controlled by the Upper Chamber, elections to the Duma, where different whose senators will be appointed by political forces bear in mind the pros- virtually non-partisan executive power. pect of Putin’s re-election in 2004, will And there will not be far away the time be the challenge for new mechanisms of the 2004 elections, when the inevita- of the social control that so far only ble aggravation of the political strug- manifested as a trend, but not yet fully gle around the post of the president of formed. Ukraine will occur. A similar test around the same time So, all this shows that the search for was waiting for Ukraine too. Here, after the optimal model for organizing the the 1999 presidential elections a year distribution of power and the organi- later blew loud the “cassette scandal” zation of institutional social control in that became one of the symptoms of the Ukraine and Russia will last at least in lasting anomie, of the lack of effective the nearest first decade of the 21st cen- mechanisms of the social control. How- tury, does not give us grounds to talk ever, as with any crisis, it stimulated about the end of the transformation certain positive trends reanimating the processes in both countries and the political activity of different actors. As completion of the transitional time re- a result of the pressure of the April 2000 forms, a symbol of what should be the referendum was formed the majority in formation of new mechanisms of the the of Ukraine that in social control. However, this does not difficult political conditions could hold mean that the trend will not increase. a number of important bills. In particu- In Ukraine the evidence of attempting lar, at the last session before elections to restore its power control function were adopted the Land, Civil, Penal was, in particular, the December 2001 Codes. Another thing is how is over- census. Next year a similar event is to be come the legal nihilism, so the existing held in Russia. legislation to be enforced by all the sub- But in general should also take into jects and worked for the reform. account the impact on the transforma- However, a stable sample structuri- tion process in both countries of the zation of the Ukrainian parliament like external factors related to the complex- the elections of 1998 did not happen. ity of the global transformation and The strengthening of the trend towards the formation of the new rules of the the final transformation of Ukraine into international game. These factors can a presidential republic as a result of the significantly affect the future course possible adoption by the next composi- of events in Ukraine and Russia. After tion of the parliament during 2002 of the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the the changes in the Constitution (with is rapidly changing the the early elections of the lower house balance of power in the international of the parliament in our country can arena. Russia politically actively sup- become as frequent as in Italy), for the ports the United States in conducting time will remove the problem of the po- the anti-terrorist operations. However, litical structuralization, since the new its implementation has stimulated the type of the Verkhovna Rada is more sharpening contradictions in Eurasia,

30 especially between the nuclear India The first decade of the 21st century and Pakistan. The terrorist attacks in offers an opportunity to choose the December 2001 of the Indian Parlia- strategic priorities and areas of deve- ment further aggravated the situation lopment that can open up space for in- of the Indian subcontinent. Controver- novative capacity or finally bury hope, sial remains the situation in the Middle even the last. East. Conclusions. The socio-historical All these events complicate the for- analysis can identify the conflict in the eign politics positioning of Ukraine and troubled field of two archetypal model Russia. The question remains to ensure interpretation of the causes of conflict — the place of these countries in the new the modern and the postmodern. global system, in particular from the The modern archetypal model of point of view of their subordination conflict is associated with the ideas of to the external control. The US with Thomas Hobbes, who said that the con- the withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic flict is generic (“war of all against all”). Missile Treaty, officially to be held in Therefore, the public administration June 2002, is actively preparing for the entities based in these conditions on role of the global policeman. After all, hatred as part of the human nature are if the national missile defense system is looking for social and political mobili- deployed, the United States will have zation irreconcilable enemies, competi- the opportunity to defend its territory tors, rivals, opponents and others. The in the event of a missile response of the political action is seen as resistance. so-called rogue countries with military They warn the society against external pressure from the superpowers. In this ones that they consider as a threat to case, the role of “deputy sheriff” is rath- their own security. er claimed not by Russia, but by Britain. The postmodern archetypal model The resource possibility of Ukraine of conflict is associated with the ideas in the context of protecting the national of John Locke, who believed that man interests from the external control of to- is by nature good and bad due to cir- day are rather limited. The preservation cumstances and social environment. of the negative demographic growth, Accordingly, the basic categories of the the accumulation of the problems with public administration here is a coope- the population aging, as well as the un- ration mechanism and concessions and solved social, economic, political, envi- the general consensus in decision mak- ronmental and other problems, can fur- ing. The public-regulatory practices are ther weaken the competitive ability of aimed at minimizing the adverse condi- our state in the context of globalization. tions for the implementation of deci- One of the possible solutions to this sions. problem can be the synchronization of In general, we can say that the sub- reforms in Ukraine and Russia, the mu- jects of the modern era, due to the dom- tual strengthening of the positions in inant extroverted psychosocial proper- the world, without shifting their prob- ties of people, act in the context of the lems to the shoulders of the strategic universals and social-class intransi- allies. gence. However, postmodern moderni-

31 ty, with access to the arena of the social A. Yu. Sogomonov; Translation from life of the introvert psychotype, puts a English. — M.: Politizdat, 1992. — person in dependence on the pressure of 543 p. the social segregation, mass practices of 6. Korte Hermann. Einführung in die Ge- gradualness, mutuality of actions with schichte der Soziologie / H. Korte. — München. — 1992. — 216 с. detente of the social conflict tension. 7. Politics / ed. by O. I. Semkiv. — Lviv: World, 1994. — 592 p. 8. Weber Max. Sociology. General His- References torical Analysis. Politics / Max 1. Aron R. Selected: Measurements of the Weber; translated from German by Historical Consciousness / R. Aron. — O. Pogorilyy. — K: Osnovy, 1998. — M.: The Russian Political Encyclo- 534 p. pedia (ROSSPEN), 2004. — 528 p. 9. Sociology: a Brief Encyclopaedic Dic- (Series “Book of Light”). tionary / Concluded: V. I. Volovich, 2. Panarin A. S. Strategic Instability in V. I. Tarasenko M. V. Zakharchenko the XXI Century / A. S. Panarin. — and others; edited by V. Volovich. — M.: Algorithm, 2003. — 559 p. K., 1998. — 736 p. 3. Conflictology [Textbook for Students 10. Matvienko V. Ya. Social Technologies / of Higher Educational Establishment V. Ya. Matvienko. — K.: Ukrainian of the Legal Profession] / L. M. He- Propylaea, 2001. — 446 p. rasina, M. I. Panov, N. P. Osipova and 11. Kara-Murza S. Manipulation of Con- others; edited by Professor L. M. He- sciousness / S. Kara-Murza. — M.: Al- rasina and M. I. Panov. — Kharkiv: gorithm, 2000. — 464 p. Right, 2002. — 256 p. 12. American Sociology. Prospects. Prob- 4. Zdravomyslov A. G. Studies of the lems. Methods / Under the general Conflict at the Macro Level: Theo- editorship of G. V. Osipov. — M.: Pro- retical Premises / A. G. Zdravo- gress, 1972. — 390 p. myslov; Sociological Association, 13. Myers David. Social Psychology / Da- Volgo-Vyatsky Personnel Center. — vid Myers. — St. Petersburg. : Peter, Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house 1997. — 688 p. — (Series of ”Masters of of the Volga-Vyatka Personnel Center, Psychology”). 1994. — 79 p. 14. History of the Theoretical Sociology. — 5. Sorokin P. A. The Man. Civilization. M., 1997. Society / P. A. Sorokin; General edi- 15. Toffler A. Futuroshok / A. Toffler. — tion, composition and foreword by St. Petersburg, 1997. — 464 p.

32 UDC: 35.077

Bielska Tetiana Valentynіvna, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Manage- ment and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Mar- shal Bazhanov, 17, tel.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бєльська Тетяна Валентинівна, кандидат наук з державного управлін- ня, доцент кафедри менеджменту і ад- міністрування, Харківський національ- ний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, Україна, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры менеджмен- та и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, Украина, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

Khasanov Ruslan Rafisovych, graduate student of the Dept. of Political Analysis and Forecasting, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv, 03057, Str. Eu- gene Pottier, 20, tel.: (067) 418 26 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950 Хасанов Руслан Рафісович, аспірант кафедри політичної аналітики та прогнозування, Національна академія державного управління при Президентові України, Україна, 03057, Київ, вул. Ежена По- тьє, 20, тел.: (067) 418 26 42, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950

33 Хасанов Руслан Рафисович, аспирант кафедры политической аналитики и прогнозирования, Национальная ака- демия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, Украина, 03057, Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (067) 418 26 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2029-3950


Abstracts. The article specifies that during the conflict in the east of Ukraine there is an increase in the activity of the institutions of the global civil society and, as a result, an increase in the level of trust in public associations; It is stated that in the situation active activities are carried out by both the institutions of the global civil society, and by the national public associations and state in- stitutions; It is argued that the cooperation of international non-governmental organizations with the governments of national states and public organiza- tions is marked by the phenomenon of “mutual influence”; It is focused on the fact that this phenomenon contributes to the emergence of a global civil society that is more consolidated in comparison with the international community of states. Keywords: conflict, global civil society, public associations, international non-governmental organizations, public administration. ФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ІНСТИТУЦІЙНОЇ ПОВЕДІНКИ СУБ’ЄКТІВ ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО ГРОМАДЯНСЬКОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА В ЗОНАХ КОНФЛІКТНОСТІ Анотація. У статті визначено, що в період конфлікту на сході України спостерігається зростання активності інституцій глобального громадян- ського суспільства та, як наслідок, підвищення рівня довіри до громадських об’єднань; вказано, що у кризовій ситуації активну діяльність здійснюють як інституції глобального громадянського суспільства, так і національні громадські об’єднання та державні установи; аргументовано, що співпраця міжнародних неурядових організацій з урядами національних держав та гро- мадськими організаціями відзначається феноменом “обопільного впливу”; акцентовано увагу на тому, що це явище сприяє становленню глобального громадянського суспільства, яке є більш консолідованим порівняно з міжна- родним співтовариством держав. Ключові слова: конфлікт, глобальне громадянське суспільство, громад- ські об’єднання, міжнародні неурядові організації, публічне управління.

34 ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ СУБЪЕКТОВ ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО ГРАЖДАНСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА В ЗОНАХ КОНФЛИКТНОСТИ Аннотация. В статье определено, что в период конфликта на востоке Ук- раины наблюдается рост активности институтов глобального гражданско- го общества и, как следствие, повышение уровня доверия к общественным объединениям; указано, что в кризисной ситуации активную деятельность осуществляют как институты глобального гражданского общества, так и национальные общественные объединения и государственные учреждения; аргументировано, что сотрудничество международных неправительствен- ных организаций с правительствами национальных государств и общест- венными организациями отмечается феноменом “обоюдного влияния”; ак- центировано внимание на том, что это явление способствует становлению глобального гражданского общества, которое является более консолидиро- ванным по сравнению с международным сообществом государств. Ключевые слова: конфликт, глобальное гражданское общество, общест- венные объединения, международные неправительственные организации, публичное управление.

Target setting. For a society where [1], A. Naumov [2], I. Tokhtarov [6], there is a change in the political sys- I. Yurchenko [8] and others have done tem, economic relations, geopolitical the research of the development of its space and culture, there is an increase separate components — the functioning in conflict, which should be understood of international public organizations, as a societal crisis. The modern Ukraini- volunteering and charity. S. Tolstov, an society is characterized by grow- when he has been comparing the oppor- ing uncertainty and instability, which tunities and effectiveness of the influ- is primarily caused by the influence of ence of intergovernmental and interna- globalization, the expansion of the con- tional non-governmental organizations flict space, increased tensions in inter- on stabilization in conflict zones, noted national relations, the destruction of es- that “intergovernmental structures tablished structures, and the changing have great financial and organizational nature of relations in human society. capabilities, but the range of means of Analysis of recent research and influence used by international non- publications. In the scientific environ- governmental organizations is usually ment, the various aspects of the mani- much more flexible and dynamic. festation of a global civil society are In general participants in such struc- explored. A significant scientific con- tures should not coordinate their activi- tribution to the study of issues of global ties with government departments and civil society was made by V. Stepanenko seek a consensus between the approach- [5] and M. Kaldor [10; 11], D. Homerov es of various national governments, as

35 stipulated by the procedural norms of other actors who are engaged in inter- the OSCE, NATO, EU and other inter- national activities. state institutions” [6, p. 12]. To solve social contradictions and The purpose of the article is to create comfortable relations in society define the features of the activities of is an important task of civil society. The the institutions of the global civil so- social activity, integration and adapta- ciety during the conflict in the east of tion of people in a certain society are Ukraine and the features of coopera- stimulating with public associations. tion of international non-governmental Their activities are directed on the vari- organizations with the governments of ous spheres of public life: the protection national states and public organizations of human rights, education, health, so- in conditions of uncertainty. cial protection of the population, eco- The statement of basic materials. In logy, culture, etc. the conflict zones of the modern world, The degree of involvement of inter- governments are in need of contacts national non-governmental organiza- and interaction with non-governmental tions (hereinafter — INGOs) in world organizations. Special relationships are politics, including in internal and inter- formed between state and non-state national conflicts, depends on the con- actors. In conflict situations, qualities tent of the activities of the non-govern- such as the ability to adapt quickly to a mental organizations themselves. changed situation, skills, pursuing one’s International NGOs perform the fol- own interests, attracting opponents to lowing important functions in the con- one’s side, as well as the ability to react flict zones of the modern world: flexibly and develop qualities such as • the control over the observance of skill, remembering one’s own interests, human rights; attracting to one’s side opponents and • the protection against threats, quickly adapt to the situation, which search for individuals, groups and mi- is developing leads to changes in tradi- norities of refugees; tional approaches and requires an ex- • the documenting of war crimes, traordinary and creative state of mind. facts and identifying missing persons; Unable to respond to the challenges • the introduction of alternative me- that arise in the situation in connection dia on incidents not involved in the in- with the conflict in eastern Ukraine, formation war; Proposals for dialogue, governmental departments interact reconciliation and relations; with private individuals and organiza- • the propagation of peace, overcom- tions, optimize the possibilities for col- ing the cult of war through art, music, lecting information. An employee of films and cultural events; governmental departments must neces- • the establishment and implemen- sarily possess the qualities of a coordi- tation of demobilization, disarmament nator and an idea generator. It requires and demilitarization initiatives; the ability to identify and mobilize non- • the reintegration of returnees into governmental resources to achieve go- places of permanent residence after the vernment goals. He also needs to evalu- end of hostilities, restoration of territo- ate at what time and how to attract ries;

36 • Psychological and medical assis- Significant attention in the work of tance to persons who were in the con- humanitarian INGOs in the conflict flict zone. zones of the modern world is given to The greatest interest in solving providing targeted charitable assistance problems related to conflict situations, to people experiencing physical and demonstrate INGOs of human rights, emotional suffering and financial dif- humanitarian, environmental and po- ficulties. As a rule, there is not enough litical nature. national resources to support refugees Humanitarian non-governmental and internally displaced persons, so co- organizations provide material assis- operation with international organiza- tance and support refugees and victims tions is being carried out to solve the of wars and natural disasters. Since the problems of IDP. end of the XXI century. Humanitarian The work and coordination of inter- INGOs work practically in all hot spots national organizations takes place on of the world. To provide information to the basis of the Humanitarian Response the world community on the state of Plan [4]. This plan is intended solely to affairs in the zones of military conflicts assist victims in Ukraine. Ukraine be- is an important direction of their work. longs to middle-income countries and So, after the statements of the Interna- has national and local capacity, but as tional Red Cross, the world commu- it is quickly exhausted, the humanita- nity drew attention to the conditions rian community is ready to help. It in- for the accommodation of refugees, as cludes an assessment of the situation of well as providing security to the war- internally displaced persons and an as- affected population. Widely known, sessment of the resources that need to for example, the actions of humani- be drawn. The analysis is carried out tarian INGOs during the conflict in on the basis of the cluster approach. Rwanda in 1994, when activists built a This approach identifies a set of prob- camp for 750,000 refugees in just a few lem areas (education, temporary shel- days. ter, food security, health, nutrition, The most significant international livelihoods, early recovery, protection, event of recent times, in which huma- water supply, sanitation, hygiene and nitarian NGOs participated, the inter- overall coordination); within which national campaign on the banning of the responsible organizations work and anti-personnel mines was, initiated by the target group that will receive assis- a number of large non-governmental tance is determined. According to this organizations, which saved millions of approach, during August–December lives in different parts of the world. Ac- 2014, 33 million dollars were raised for tivists of humanitarian INGOs help to the needs of clusters. Strategic Human- restore peace to people who survived itarian Response Plan for 2015. Defines in armed conflicts and act as interme- 5,000,000 people in need of assistance, diaries between yesterday’s opponents, and 3,2 million people, who will receive monitor elections, promote the forma- assistance in accordance with planned tion of civil society in post-conflict re- activities within the clusters. To imple- gions, and so on. [2, p. 53]. ment this plan, it is necessary to raise

37 $ 316,000,000. These datas are the only organization registered in the UK as a available description of the situation, charitable organization. It works main- containing both an assessment of ma- ly in the Caucasus, Uganda and West terial needs, and indicators of achieve- Africa in partnership with local and ment of results for each cluster. There international civil society organizations are international organizations work- and authorities; ing in the field of peaceful construction, • The Center for Humanitarian Di- conflict resolution, mediation and re- alogue is an independent and impartial lated activities, including: organization based in Geneva, Switzer- • The Alliance for Peacebuild- land, which work is aimed at promoting ing (AfP) is an association of various humanitarian principles, preventing organizations working together to conflicts and mitigating their conse- create sustainable peace and security quences through dialogue; throughout the world. Its headquarters • International Conflict Research is in Washington, DC. AfP members are (INCORE) is a joint project of the directly involved in the application of United Nations University and the conflict prevention and resolution; University of Ulster. Association of • The British American Security scientific research, education and com- Information Council (BASIC) — аn parative analysis; information and propaganda organiza- • International Alert is an independ- tion, which explores and carries out a ent international non-governmental critical analysis of global security is- organization that works at the local, sues, including nuclear policy, military national, regional and global levels to strategy, armaments and disarmament; create conditions and processes that • The Carnegie Endowment for contribute to ending the war and deve- International Peace is a private, non- loping sustainable peace; profit organization designed to promote • The International Crisis Group is cooperation between countries and en- an independent, non-profit, non-govern- courage active international participa- mental organization dedicated to the tion by the United States; prevention and resolution of deadly • The Center for International Poli- conflicts; cy is a nonprofit research and advocacy • The International Institute for organization based in Washington, DC Strategic Studies is the world’s lead- dealing with advocacy and policy re- ing authority in the field of global search; security, political risk and military con- • The Center for Strategic and In- flict; ternational Studies (CSIS) is aimed at • The International Rescue Com- to enhance global security and prosper- mittee (IRC) responds to humanitari- ity in the era of economic and political an crises in the world and helps people transformation by providing strategic to survive and rebuild their lives. This ideas and practical policy decisions for includes the protection and empower- decision-makers; ment of women and girls, the reunifica- • Conciliation Resources (CR) is tion of families separated as a result of an international non-governmental conflict.

38 Among the humanitarian INGOs in People’s Republic) and LNR, (Luhansk the conflict zones, the oldest organiza- People’s Republic) and the fate of pri- tion, the International Committee of soners of armed conflict. the Red Cross, should be mentioned. INGOs dealing with science, cul- This organization in 2014 confirmed ture and education, with headquarters and said that in Ukraine there is in the United States, Germany, the a military conflict, after which the and other community recognized the exis- countries, such as the Ford Founda- tence of the conflict in the east of tion, the MacArthur Foundation, the Ukraine. Carnegie Foundation, the Konrad A relatively new organization, Mé- Adenauer Foundation and others, of- decins Sans Frontières, was founded fer training for internally displaced in 1971 by a group of French doctors persons in particular on how to open a working in inpatient medical institu- business, courses of a foreign language, tions, organizing mass vaccination use of computer technology, financial of the population and other preven- literacy and others. At the same time, tive measures. In the conflict zones they are the hotbeds of Western cul- of the world, including Afghanistan, ture, a way of thinking and living, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chechnya, Western-style democracy. Kosovo and Burundi, Médecins Sans Human Rights INGOs actively Frontières participate in the delivery and fairly successfully carry out pub- and distribution of humanitarian aid, lic awareness measures to change the as well as seek to influence public policy and the introduction of new laws opinion, work with the media in con- on internally displaced persons, which flict zones with to improve the human carry out legal education of the popula- rights situation in the territories cove- tion under international law and their red by internal and international con- personal rights. In Ukraine, for exam- flicts. ple, the NGO “Freedom House” helped The widely known international organize the so-called largest regional NGO International Amnesty, founded election monitoring system in which in 1961 by the English lawyer P. Benen- more than 1,000 trained observers were son, aimed at combating human rights involved. abuses throughout the world, especially Since the use of weapons during con- in prisons, which also deals with the fate flicts (not only chemical and nuclear) of captured participants in military con- affects the environment, environmental flicts. Its representatives investigated organizations, as far as possible, cont- the fate of prisoners of the American ribute to reducing tensions and con- base of Guantanamo and secret pri- flicts in the world. sons of the CIA in European countries. Among the INGOs of the ecological In Ukrainian realities, the unresolved trend, the most known organization is issue that the Amnesty International Greenpeace, which was formed back in NGO is dealing with remains the fate the late 60s. XX century. In the frame- of prisoners in prisons in the territo- work of protest campaigns against nu- ries under their control DNR (Donetsk clear weapon tests.

39 It should be noted that today quan- ment of strategies, social networks and tity of opponents of “Greenpeace” is other initiatives for establishing cross- nothing less than his supporters, but as cultural relations. So, in the late 90’s. a result of shares held by “Greenpeace” XX century. The United Nations and out of work, and thus the livelihood of Research Institutes and INGO Interna- the remaining Norwegian whalers, Ca- tional Alert (UK), the PIOOM Foun- nadian lumberjacks, workers from other dation (Netherlands), the Academy of companies, public and political figures Sciences and the Institute of Ethnology whose car ’ Pierre broken through the (Russia), the American Council on Fo- actions of “green” [2, p. 56–57]. INGO reign Relations (USA), York University “Greenpeace International” has a hier- and Swisspeace (Canada) to warning archical global structure, built on the and early response. model of military units from the special Research Institute Swisspeace de- squad and support units, uniform and veloped early warning methodology, autonomous means of communication. according to which it monitors conflict The degree of preparation for a particu- in North and South America, Africa and lar action in Greenpeace corresponds Asia. The International Crisis Group to the planning of an army operation, provides regular reports and briefings and hundreds of scientific laboratories, on conflict zones. CARE International computer centers, analytical depart- has launched several early warning pro- ments and marketing groups coopera- grams in high-risk areas — El Salvador, te with it, whose work is coordinated Honduras and Nicaragua. In Africa, the from a single center of the organiza- WANEP network is setting the stage tion. “Greenpeace” highlights the ac- for civil society initiatives, called the tions in the local and world press. At Network Warning and Response Net- the same time, none of the shares can work (WARN), which will operate in pass without the approval of the board 12 of the 15 member countries of the of Greenpeace International. Moreover, Economic Community of West African Greenpeace managed to develop and States (ECOWAS). Multilateral diplo- widely advertise its own moral prin- macy, or Trank 1,5 interventions are ciples regarding the norms of ecologi- used by International Alert (UK), the cal behavior, which sometimes impose Carter Center (USA) and the church of their ecological ideals “to every normal the Sant’Egidiya community. person on the planet”. It should be said INGOs also specialize in the recon- that environmental NGOs (Greenpeace struction of territories after conflicts. International, World Wildlife Fund, INGOs conduct arms export control Friends of the Earth, etc.) have a real campaigns and advocate raising public impact on the solution of a number of awareness about the economy of war. global problems of mankind. INGO Eurostep, (Belgium, Brussels) INGOs also deal with conflict worked to draw the attention of EU prevention, or the so-called preven- institutions to the need for monitor- tive diplomacy: promote dialogue be- ing and analysis in the field of trade in tween conflicting parties, using various forests, diamonds and oil, as this could means- seminars, negotiations, develop- cause wars for the creation of military

40 economies. The Diamond International so talk about “official power” and “real campaign exerted pressure on politi- power”, as well as artificial boundaries cians and private companies to prevent of power and the natural boundaries of illicit diamond trade, which contributes power. to the financing of the war, as it was, for In Ukraine in the second half of example, in Angola. In 1998, 100 NGOs 2014 there was a situation that can be founded the International Action Net- described as a “limit of power”. The au- work against Small Arms (IANSA), thorities were unable to solve the prob- aimed at limiting the proliferation of lems with IDP, the conflict in the east of small arms and reducing illicit arms Ukraine and the mobilization issues. In trade. Cooperation with NGOs is also these conditions, the role of civil soci- actively encouraged by state structures ety is growing. As a result, confidence in and international organizations, in par- public associations has increased in the ticular from the UN and the EU. Since society and confidence in the authori- the late 1990s, for example, EU parlia- ties has decreased, as evidenced by the mentarians have started regular meet- data of sociological research. ings with NGOs in the framework of the Conclusions: During the conflict in Contact Group on Human Rights and eastern Ukraine, there has been an in- Civil Society. crease in the activity of institutions of In the current situation in Ukraine, the global civil society and, as a result, which has developed in the east of the an increase in the level of trust in public country in connection with the military associations. In a situation, both global conflict, a large number of internally civil society institutions and national displaced persons have appeared. In the public associations and government in- situation, active activities are carried stitutions are active. The cooperation of out both by the institutions of the glo- international non-governmental orga- bal civil society, and by Ukrainian pub- nizations with the governments of na- lic associations and state institutions. tional states and public organizations is International experts note the rapid marked by the phenomenon of “mutual growth of volunteerism in Ukraine. influence”. Exactly this phenomenon This became possible on the one hand, contributes to the formation of a global because in our country there is a long civil society, which is more consolidated tradition of social labor, mutual assis- in comparison with the international tance, caring for the neighbor. Persons community of states. who were working in this field has been called public figures, altruists, benefac- References tors, volunteers, and the like. On the other hand, there was a situation in 1. Gomerov I. N Political culture as a modeling system / I. N. Gomerov. — some Western studies called “limits to Novosibirsk, 1995. — 122 p. power” or “power limit” or “power lim- 2. Naumov A. A. International non-go- its” (Jack V. Cox [9]). Theoretically, the vernmental organizations and prob- power can not be limited without the lems of global governance [Electronic consent of society, which establishes resource] / A. O. Naumov // Public certain limits of this power. One can al- administration. Electronic bulletin. —

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42 UDC: 32:316.7.001.73(477)

Valevskyi Oleksii Leonidovich, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Stra- tegic Studies, 01030, Kyiv, Str. Pirogov, 7A, (050) 654 38 98, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевський Олексій Леонідович, доктор наук з державного управління, про- відний науковий співробітник, Національ- ний інститут стратегічних досліджень, 01030, м. Київ, вул. Пирогова, 7А, (050) 654 38 98, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевский Алексей Леонидович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, ведущий научный сотрудник, На- циональный институт стратегических исследований, 01030, г. Киев, ул. Пирого- ва, 7А, (050) 654 38 98, e-mail: walewsk@ ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277


Abstract. Sociocultural reasons for failures in implementing structural re- forms in Ukraine are analyzed. It is concluded that the administrative-oligar- chical model, which was formed in Ukraine, is not able to provide sustainable economic growth and social well-being. An analysis is made of the psychosocial components of the institutional trap of reform. The structure of competencies necessary for the successful implementation of reforms is considered. The ur- gency of creating the institutional foundations of innovative cultural policy is substantiated. Keywords: cultural policy, institutional trap, modernization, reforms in Ukraine. ІНСТИТУЦІЙНИЙ ТА ПСИХОСОЦІАЛЬНИЙ АНАЛІЗ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ РЕФОРМ Анотація. Аналізуються соціокультурні причини невдач у реалізації структурних реформ в Україні. Узагальнено, що адміністративно-олігархічна

43 модель, яка сформована в Україні, не здатна забезпечити стійке економічне зростання і соціальне благополуччя. Аналізуються психосоціальні складо- ві інституціональної пастки реформ. Розглядається структура компетенцій, необхідних для успішного впровадження реформ. Обґрунтовується акту- альність створення інституційних засад інноваційної культурної політики. Ключові слова: культурна політика, інституціональна пастка, модерніза- ція, реформи в Україні. ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ И ПСИХОСОЦИАЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ УКРАИНСКИХ РЕФОРМ Аннотация. Анализируются социокультурные причины неудач в реали- зации структурных реформ в Украине. Делается вывод о том, что админи- стративно-олигархическая модель, которая сформировалась в Украине, не способна обеспечить устойчивый экономический рост и социальное благо- получие. Проводится анализ психосоциальных составляющих институцио- нальной ловушки реформ. Рассматривается структура компетенций, не- обходимых для успешной реализации реформ. Обосновывается актуаль- ность создания институциональних основ инновационной культурной по- литики. Ключевые слова: культурная политика, институциональная ловушка, модернизация, реформы в Украине.

Target setting. Ukrainian society Analysis of recent research and always keeps in sight the task of imple- publications. Studies of the prob- menting reforms. They became particu- lem related with the implementation larly relevant after the dramatic events of the reforms were always in sight in 2014, which are related to the Euro- of Ukrainian scientists. Due to the maidan. However, if we summarize the tasks of of this publication its point to result of over the past 25 years of trans- study those authors who studied formation, we must recognize that there the socio-economic aspect of reform. are no too many positive changes that This includes work of Halchynskiy, have pointed to a new quality of society. A. Vlasyuk, V. Symonenko, V. Hey- Thus, political class face the challenge, eytsya, E. Libanovoy, E. Golovakha, on the one hand, to assess progress E. Afonin, S. Korablina V. Shulga and made in the historical trajectory, and others. It is also necessary to called on the other hand — to understand the foreign scientists who have studied state building errors, which apparently the processes of global socio-economic were done more than enough. And the transformation. In particular, V. Pol- most important part is to create realis- terovych, J. Stiglitz, J. Perkins, John. tic agenda for prospective reforms for Sachs, F. Fukuyama, E. Reinert and the near future. others.

44 The aim of this article is an analy- 7,5 thousand dollars against 8,2 thou- sis of institutional and psychosocial as- sand dollars in the previous 2014 [3]. pects of reforms that were implemented This is 5 times less than the average in Ukraine. As historical experience has amount in the EU, 3,4 times — than shown, the activity of the reformers in Russia, 3,2 times — than in Kazakh- took place in conditions of the histori- stan, 2,3 times — than in Belarus. Dur- cally developed social institutions and ing the biennium of 2014–2015 GDP under the influence of certain values of the country declined by 17,5 %. In (archetypes) that did not fall in sight of 2016 Ukrainian economy has shown an their goal-setting, but at the same time increase of 2,2 %, which is absolutely “silently” contributed to the degrada- not enough to reach the pre-crisis level. tion of reform projects. Thus, the task The economy is gaining momentum in of the research paper is to identify psy- deindustrialization and strengthening chosocial and institutional factors in the low-tech orientation of production. implementation reform projects. There is an increasing trend in growth The statement of basic materials. of outdated production capacity. Thus, By the time when Ukraine became an over the past 15 years, the degree of independent state, it was a highly de- wear and tear of basic means of produc- veloped industrial-agrarian republic. tion increased from 43,7 % in 2000 to Its share in foreign economic relations 85 % in 2015. However, in 2015 Ukraine of the USSR was about 20 %. It is be- has strengthened the agricultural spe- lieved that Ukraine wealth expressed cialization of its economy. Agricultural in value terms in 1991 was amounted production generates almost 39 % of to 6,8 trillion dollars [1]. The share of GDP. For comparison, in the EU coun- industry in the structure of the eco- tries the share of agriculture in GDP is nomy in 1990 was 37,9 %. In 1990 the much lower and in 2015 it was 1,5 %. At industry of Ukraine was equivalent to the same time in the EU the contribu- 32,8 billion dollars and ranked 27 in the tion of professional, scientific and tech- world. Agriculture of Ukraine in 1990 nical activities to GDP is almost three was estimated at 22,1 billion dollars and times higher compared to the Ukraini- was ranked 12th place in the world [2]. an indexes (average 10,9 % of GDP in During 26 years Ukraine largely lost the EU and only 3,8 % in Ukraine). As its economic potential. Over the years noted by the experts, such structural since the acquisition of sovereignty its imbalances between Ukrainian and Eu- real GDP declined by 35 %. According ropean economies limit the competitive to the World Bank, this is the worst re- opportunities of the national economy sult in the world for the past 24 years. in the process of European integration. Dramatic years for the economy Technological backwardness and con- were in the biennium of 2014–2016. servation of low-tech production struc- Nominal GDP in Ukraine in 2015 was ture suggest a crisis of the national in- amounted to 90,6 billion dollars, while dustrial policy [4]. Experts said “since in 2014 — 133,5 billion dollars. In 2015 independence the country has lost not in purchasing power standards of GDP just individual enterprises and research per capita Ukraine figures decreased to centers, but the whole industries. Tech-

45 nological decline “gave” Ukraine not In 1992 Parliament approved the just a commodity and small economy, program “Fundamentals of National but the damped economy. Since inde- Economy of Ukraine”, presented by the pendence, its weight in the world pro- President Leonid Kravchuk. In 1996, duction decreased by 4–5 times. Hav- the President made ing lost former technology base, the the program “Through radical reforms”. domestic economy was tied to world In 2000 former prime minister Viktor markets for raw materials” [5]. Despite Yushchenko presented to the Parlia- the huge amount of government debt, ment the program “Reforms for welfare”. according to experts since 1991 from During the premiership of Yanuko- Ukraine to offshore zone was with- vych the parliament has approved two drawn the amount of capital equal to programs — “Openness, effectiveness, 148 billion dollars [6]. These negative and efficiency” (2003) and “Sequence. trends have contributed to the spread Efficiency. And Responsibility” (2004). of poverty in the country. GDP per ca- However, the second one was canceled pita fell from $ 4,186 in 2013 to $ 2,067 in December 2004 after the “Orange in 2015. In 2017 according to the UN Revolution”. Since his premiership of about 80 % of Ukraine’s population was Yulia Tymoshenko were presented the below the poverty line [7]. following programs “Meet the People” In 1991, when Ukraine gained inde- (2005), composed in continuation of pendence was proclaimed withdrawal Yushchenko’s election program “Ten from totalitarian administrative com- steps towards people”, and “Ukrain- mand model to build a socially oriented ian Breakthrough: for People, not for market economy. However, analyzing Politicians” (2008). Reference is also the socio-economic results of what has made to a program of economic re- been achieved, we have conclude that forms of former President Viktor Ya- none of the stated goals was achieved. nukovych “Prosperous Society, Com- Over 26 years were approved many gov- petitive Economy, and Effective State” ernment programs that were designed (2012). Post-maidan power was “dis- to prevent destructive processes. In tinguished” by active program-making. each of them with different levels of de- Here, in particular, can be specified tail were proposed measures to stimu- a Poroshenko’s program “Ukraine – late economic growth and improve the 2020” and the coalition agreement of social situation of citizens. As an illus- deputy factions “European Ukraine”. tration, we mention the most important In addition to the presidential and pre- ones. mier programs in the last decade, the It is believed that the first document government approved dozens of target- of the public policy that defined the ob- ed industry concepts and development jectives of reforms was a ruling by the programs. However, as can be seen from Supreme Council dated October 25, the socio-economic results of what has 1991. “The main directions of economic been achieved, none of the attempts policy of Ukraine in conditions of in- to implement approved programs or dependence”, prepared by the Govern- strategies failed to stop the accumula- ment V. Fokin. tion of negative trends. Discrepancies

46 between the proposed by political class ideology of the International Monetary reform programs and socio-economic Fund and the World Bank, interna- reality were amazing — resulting in a tional financial organizations, which socio-economic model, which nobody since the early 1990s govern affairs in has planned. In the country was formed most poor countries. In many countries an administrative-oligarchic model sys- this management led to a disaster. His- tem [8]. In fact, the country is facing the tory reveals us how the rich countries threat of socio-economic disaster, bal- became wealthy by methods that are ancing on the verge of bankruptcy, from now almost completely banned by the which saves us financial contributions conditions of Washington Consensus” of the IMF and other international fi- [9, p. 5, 18]. History of Ukraine proves nancial institutions. Gradually, the so- the correctness of this opinion. called external control is being alleged The transformation of post-totali- when the key decisions in the economic tarian society based on neoliberal mod- and political spheres shall be agreed els contributed to the economic and upon the foreign “friends”. Based on cultural pathologies. Thus, privatiza- the results of 26 years of experience in tion of socialist property has led not to implementing reforms, Ukraine can be the formation of an “effective owner”, called a “loser country”. but to the looting and destruction of in- Establishing the administrative dustrial assets. Even economically sus- oligarchic model in Ukraine is not the tainable enterprises after privatization result of some historical accidents. For did not evolve, social status of workers many years, understanding reforms did not improve, and the fixed assets for political and administrative elite did not renew. Refusal of state regula- was associated with importing mod- tion and opening the domestic market els that are based on the principles of for ostensibly stimulate investment and the so-called Washington consensus. competition led to decrease in national However, implementation of these production. Short-term successes of the models in practice led to opposite re- “trophy economy”, which were shown, sults. Modernization that was carried for example, in a partial GDP growth out under the ideological influence of and partly improving people’s welfare “market fundamentalism”, has resulted after the next political cycle (for ex- in the formation of so-called “trophy ample, the next presidential election) economy” — a system of socio-econom- changed to recession and increased ic relations, based on the use of previ- poverty. One of the reasons for the fail- ous era accumulated material wealth ure in implementing reforms is that in order to obtain short-term benefits the political and administrative classes and not able to create conditions for were the victims of an institution cul- the dynamic development. As Erik tural trap. Its essence is that by declar- Reinert noted, “in 1989, the fact of the ing the need to create new forms of fall of the Berlin Wall created almost social and economic structure, it func- religious euphoria about the free mar- tioned in other coordinates of rationali- ket, has revived the dream of the world ties (corrupt rent, “trophy economy”). economy. This belief is the basis of the Development programs, which were

47 aimed at creating new forms of eco- society, who served a protective func- nomic and social activity, were carried tion for those sectors of the population out in the old socio-cultural conditions who did not understand the content of of the (archetype) institutions. This led the reforms. Even when the power of- to the formation of a strong anti-reform fered quite reasonable reform projects, potential in society, which has always still in a crisis of confidence they were “put out” modernization impulses. perceived by the population mostly in a The impact of institutional cultural negative way. trap lies in the fact that ignoring the • organizational failure. In the exe- problems of cultural development has cutive branch was not formed a sepa- led to the destruction of reform pro- rate body that would be responsible for jects. The point is that without intro- implementing reforms. All ministries ducing changes in the cultural sphere and departments were engaged in the it is impossible to achieve a successful process, but there was no system work transformation in society. In recent of a separate structure that would have years, reformers have proposed in their authority to evaluate the effectiveness projects a new system of socio-eco- of policy reforms and would be respon- nomic relations, but post-totalitarian sible for its implementation. When such society, sharing the old system of val- structures are created in a variety of ues neither did perceive changes nor “advisory boards” or “reform commit- implementation of liberal doctrines tees”, they performed mostly secondary had opposite effects, helping to create functions. Thus, often there often arose anti-reform attitudes in the public con- a situation where for implementing re- sciousness. Cultural trap is a situation forms at the same time all seemed to be where the harmful and outdated values responsible, but no one did. become resistant norms of life, making • it was a common imitation of any modernization strategy ineffective. reform projects when programs were We will provide psychosocial com- created to mobilize voters during elec- ponents of the institutional trap of the tion campaigns or to obtain external reform: financing. Often promoting reform • absence of passionarity in authors projects were only part of broad ma- of reform projects. Dealing with re- nipulative efforts to create a positive forms was a matter usually performed image of individual leaders or political by officials or political leaders for whom parties. the reformist trend actually was not a • significant disadvantage of reform priority. For them, it was the implemen- projects was their declarative charac- tation of an approved “outside” plan or ter, which was the result of low-level performing a specific role. These “re- design of public policy. Typically, these formers” sought the formal evidence of projects were created without proper the impact of their efforts, not realizing calculation of material, institutional the strategic goals of social develop- and human resources required for their ment. implementation. There was neither cre- • low legitimacy of power contri- ated mechanism of identifying priori- buted to the anti-reform potential in ties nor proper evaluation of required

48 resources for the implementation of ity to identify priority segments or ar- government programs. eas that need urgent positive change; • conflict of interest prevented the 3) the ability to prepare a realistic plan implementation of reforms. Successful of action, which would contain the could be only those changes that meet calculation of the required human, fi- the interests of specific politicians or nancial and organizational resources; business groups. If the proposed chang- 4) presence of motivation for concert- es did not meet corporate or personal ed actions, the ability to consistently interests, they were strongly held back, implement the programs and achieve or even did not implement at all. identified goals; 5) the ability to mo- • there should be indicated a factor bilize supporters, presence in society a of lacking the continuity in the imple- critical number of actors who support mentation of reform projects. Winners reforms, an opportunity to establish a of the next parliamentary and presiden- productive communication with them; tial elections refused to develop posi- 6) knowing when make evaluations of tive achievements of their predecessors. the achieved results and the need for Guided by considerations of creating understanding the mistakes, the abil- a positive public image, they wanted ity to make quick adjustments to pre- to start from scratch that is why even vious plans; 7) the presence of positive small positive experiences of predeces- results that can be presented to public sors were lost. Due to the strategic in- awareness, and by which increase the competence of establishment manage- number of supporters; 8) loyalty of so- ment plans were created based on one ciety to innovative changes, focus of political cycle. public awareness on the development • finally, it should be noted that con- and rejection of retrograde psychology; ceptual failure of many reform projects, 9) the ability to positive borrowing the which is why they were based on false positive reform experiences of other postulates of the Washington Consen- countries, knowledge of successful and sus, which were imposed from outside. unsuccessful reforms in other countries. Implementation of the ideology of The transformation of post-totali- “market fundamentalism” has led to the tarian society over the past two decades fact that the domestic economy deterio- did not produce the largely expected rated and there was a conservation of result because the inefficient cultural backwardness. policy could not form a social con- Summarizing the psychosocial com- sciousness fixing on the innovative de- ponents of the institutional trap can be velopment. Thus, in order to form the argued that they can be overcome by task in the public consciousness, espe- forming competencies that are neces- cially the political class, strategic vision sary for successful reforms. of culture importance for the success of In summary form, these compe- the implementation of reform projects. tencies can be summarized as follows However, the political class does not items: 1) the possession of an exhaus- fully recognize the need for appropriate tive knowledge of the facility, which cultural policy during the implementa- is planning to be changed; 2) the abil- tion of reform projects. It must be noted

49 that the political class has no strategic ately needs positive social and cultural vision on the role of culture in the suc- development that will be ground for cessful implementation of reform pro- successful economic and technological jects. development. The concept of culture In this respect it should be noted of innovation should receive wide dis- that the cultural and creative resources tribution in the minds of political and are one source of socio-economic de- administrative class. Purposeful deve- velopment of the developed countries. lopment of innovative culture is a Innovations in the field of culture and means to overcome outdated mental the creative economy contribute to the and organizational forms. This type of sustainable development of society. For culture creates new norms and beha- developed countries one of the priori- viors that contribute to the implemen- ties is investment in the development tation of reform and renewal of society. of innovative potential of culture with International experience demon- new ideas and promotes creative econo- strates that Ukraine is now facing a my that functions with new ideas and is problem of understanding the role of capable to implement them in compet- cultural policies in reforming society, ing products and services. For example, which has to become an instrument in the United Kingdom creative indus- of formation innovative installations try provides for about 1,7 million jobs in public consciousness. In this sense, with a turnover of 77 billion pounds. In there is an actual government support 2015 in the EU creative industries were of innovations in culture as a prereq- employed 7 million workers. Revenue uisite for the development of creative from the creative industries in the US environment and the socio-economic is about 51 % of GDP [10]. development. The role of state cultural Current global trends, including policy in the implementation of reforms great recession showed the decline of is determined primarily by the fact that the neoliberal model. Instead, the posi- culture is the valuable basis where pos- tive effects are evident growing influ- sible consolidation of Ukrainian society ence of state regulation of market pro- to overcome the socio-economic crisis cesses. Experience of Ukrainian reforms and sustainable development. shows that positive results are possible Conclusions: only under total condition of moderni- 1. Administrative-oligarchic model zation of society. Calculating that since that formed in Ukraine is not able to it is necessary to reform the economy, ensure sustainable economic growth and then socio-cultural sphere was false. and social welfare. Transformation Economic and technological transfor- that were carried out in terms of this mation must take place simultaneously model, in fact, put the country on the with the socio-cultural. That is why, the brink of disaster, that is why success- priority should be forming in the pub- ful reform of the socio-economic sys- lic consciousness of innovative cultural tem of Ukraine should be considered facilities, which would be the basis for as a necessary process of survival of the economic, technological and political country in the long-term strategic per- innovations. Ukrainian society desper- spective.

50 2. One of the reasons for the collapse of society and the cultural competences of Ukrainian reforms is phenomenon of the individual. On the agenda there of the institutional cultural trap. This is a need for a meaningful state strategy concept indicates that without changes reform aimed at Reindustrialization of in the cultural sector, especially, in sys- Ukrainian economy and the develop- tem of values and motivations in soci- ment of cultural competence of citizens. ety are impossible productive drastic 5. The dynamic development of reforms. The reformers proposed a new culture is key to successful reforms in system of socio-economic relations, but Ukraine. It is necessary to give up the post-totalitarian institutions function- false view that the success of the re- ing in the old coordinate values or per- forms lies only in the economic and so- ceived changes in or implementation of cial dimensions. Successful transforma- liberal doctrine had the opposite effect. tion can be only when it is accompanied Cultural trap is a situation where the by effective state policy in the spiritual harmful values become resistant norms and cultural sphere, primarily due to the of life and make ineffective any strategy formation of an innovative culture. The of modernization. priorities of the cultural policy strategy 3. Institutional socio-cultural trap for reform society should be associated contributed to the loss of subjectivity with the need of human creative poten- of reformers. Modernization projects tial and create conditions for the forma- evolved under the influence of neoli- tion of creative environment and new beralism attitudes (Washington Con- forms of social organization. sensus) that were unacceptable to soci- ety that functions in the coordinates of post-totalitarianism. Thus, it is neces- References sary to reject false practice of borrowing these attitudes. Reformers should focus 1. Simonenko V. 25 shagov navstrechu samolikvidatsii [25 steps towards self- on creating incentives that promote the destruction]/ V. Simonenko // Gaze- development of domestic industry and ta “2000”. — 2016. — № 8 (761). — protectionist policies to strengthen the 26 febr. — 3 march [Elektronniy re- domestic market. Without this realiza- surs]. — Available at: http://www.2000. tion of neoliberal units (such as “mar- ua/blogi/avtorskie-kolonki_blogi/25- ket itself will bring the country out of shagov-navstrechu-samolikvidacii. crisis”) lead to the preservation of the htm (accessed May 3, 2017). technological backwardness. 2. Makroekonomika Ukrainyi, 1990– 4. You must give up superficial ideas 2013 [Macroeconomics of Ukraine, about the reform. Without a compre- 1990–2013] [Elektronniy resurs]. — Available at: hensive analysis of the economic and makroekonomika/profile/profile_ cultural realities it is impossible to de- ukraine.html (accessed May 3, 2017). termine priority areas of public policy 3. World economic outlook. April 2016 reforms. Specifically, when efficiency [Elektronniy resurs] // IMF Data reforms should be understood not only mapper. — Available at: http://www. improving macroeconomic indicators, but also enhance the creative potential php (accessed May 3, 2017).

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52 UDC: 316.48:17.024.4(569.4)

Voronа Petr Vasilyevich, Doctor of science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Deputy of Poltava Re- gional Council, professor of the Department of parliamentary and political management, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Eugene Potier, 20, apartment. 215, tel.: (066) 699 75 99, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6755-9023 Ворона Петро Васильович, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, депутат Полтавської обласної ради, професор кафедри парламентариз- му та політичного менеджменту, Націо- нальна академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, кімн. 215, тел.: (066) 699 75 99, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6755-9023 Ворона Петр Васильевич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, депутат Полтавского об- ластного совета, профессор кафедры парламентаризма и политического мене- джмента, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, комн. 215, тел.: (066) 699 75 99, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6755-9023


Abstract. In the article lessons are reflected creations of the state Israel, that deserve the use in practice of state building of Ukraine. It is marked that proceed- ing in the mother tongue and fixing became basis of educational politics of the young state her as languages of the state. In the first decade of development, Israel continued to assist three basic educational directions of country: so-called “gene- ral”; “working”; “religious”, that спряло to the association of all possible commu- nity groups and even groups round the idea of creation of the state. The state through the educational sphere put maximum efforts to weaken the influence on the development of society of the main contradictions: ethnic, religious and in-

53 terethnic — the main tools in this were politics and ideology, and technology — educational influence. Keywords: The State of Israel, the Knesset, Hebrew, the kibbutz, the Israeli Workers’ Party, the Mizrahi, the moshavs, ulpans, educational destinations, re- patriates, zionism. АРХЕТИПНА СТРАТЕГІЯ ДОЛАННЯ СВІТОГЛЯДНОГО КОНФЛІКТУ: ДОСВІД ІЗРАЇЛЮ Анотація. У статті висвітлено уроки державотворення Ізраїлю, що за- слуговують на використання на практиці державного будівництва Украї- ни. Зазначено, що основою освітньої політики молодої держави стало від- новлення рідної мови і безальтернативне закріплення її як мови держави. У перше десятиріччя розвитку Ізраїль продовжував сприяти трьом ос- новним освітнім напрямам країни: так званого “загального”, “робітничого”, “релігійного”, що сприяло об’єднанню всіх можливих суспільних груп і на- віть групок навколо ідеї державотворення. Держава через освітню сферу до- кладала максимум зусиль для ослаблення впливу на розвиток суспільства основних протиріч: етнічних, релігійних та міжнаціональних — головними інструментами у цьому стали політика й ідеологія, а технологією — освітній вплив. Ключові слова: держава Ізраїль, Кнесет, іврит, кібуци, Робітнича партія Ізраїлю, Мізрахи, мошави, ульпани, освітні напрями, репатріанти, сіонізм. АРХЕТИПНАЯ СТРАТЕГИЯ ПРЕОДОЛЕНИЯ МИРОВОЗЗРЕНЧЕСКОГО КОНФЛИКТА: ОПЫТ ИЗРАИЛЯ Аннотация. В статье отражены уроки создания государства Израиля, ко- торые стоит использовать на практике государственного создания Украины. Отмечено, что основой образовательной политики молодого государства стало возобновление родного языка и безальтернативное его закрепление как языка государства. В первое десятилетие развития Израиль продолжал способствовать трем основным образовательным направлениям страны: так называемого “общего”, “рабочего”, “религиозного”, что способствовало объ- единению всех возможных общественных груп и даже групок вокруг идеи создания государства. Государство через образовательную сферу прикла- дывало максимум усилий для ослабления влияния на развитие общества основных противоречий: этнических, религиозных и межнациональных — главными инструментами в этом служили политика и идеология, а техноло- гией — образовательное влияние. Ключевые слова: государство Израиль, Кнессет, иврит, кибуцы, Рабочая партия Израиля, Мизрахи, мошавы, ульпаны, образовательные направле- ния, репатрианты, сионизм.

54 Target setting. The proclamation of and skills. For 15 years of the twenty- the state of Israel on14th of Mayin 1948 first century (from 2002 to 2017), eight has completed a long period of struggle Israeli citizens have become awardees of Zionist movement for the creation of of Nobel Prize in scientific disciplines, a Jewish cell settlements in Palestine in addition, the country ranks the third and then the state. Israel has become a place in the world in the number of sci- unique example of the materialization entific publications per capita and the of a political idea. Just “the political second place in the number of people movement that set out a goal to restore with higher education [8]. But, despite a Jewish state in Palestine has become such high achievements, the Israeli ed- the reason and mechanism of the state”. ucation system has a number of specific Its leaders designedconceptual frames unresolved problems caused by the dif- of national building, provided social ficulties in implementing the internal mobilization, set priorities of practical state policy and hostile attitude of the implementation of the formed ideas us- majority of the Arab neighboring coun- ing diplomatic, military, political and tries. economic means for its implementa- On the base of the experience ofna- tion” [6, p. 7]. tion-forming archetypal strategies of The history of this country is of a foreign countries using their and own particular interest to the Ukrainian re- experience of overcome ideological con- searchers of the history of state build- flicts (East-West Ukraine) we have to ing. It was created in the center of Arab adjust our educational strategy so that world and it had had been unrecogniz- it ideologically “cement” the popula- ed by its neighbors for many years, it tion of Ukraine in Ukrainian multieth- faced serious threats and it was forced nic and multicultural nationon the base to use extraordinary measures to ensure of the idea of a prosperous Ukraine. the security, and its citizens still live Analysis of recent research and in constant tension and on this back- publications. In the science of public ground they have developed economy administration, a number of the nation- and civil society with a high level of al scientists and educators give their at- social protection and justice. The expe- tention to the problems of development rience of serious security, social, ethnic, of national education (V. Andrushchen- economic challenges is instructive and ko, I. Vakarchuk, L. Hubernsky, S. Dov- useful for Ukrainian officials. Particu- gyi, M. Zgurovsky, V. Kremin, V. Lu- larly instructive is the experience of govyi, P. Talanchuk, G. Shevchenko), Israel's national education system that but the experience of participation of could integrate all public educational educational policy in the consolidation movements and send them into the of the nation state in the process of state mainstream of state creation and state creation in relatively “young” democra- affirmation, to create one of the most cies and countries is being studied not effective educational systems in the enough. Little attention is focused on world that allows every citizen of the the exclusive role of education (in our country if he wants to release his poten- opinion, the main one) in the nation- tial and later implement his knowledge building processes. It is important to

55 pay attention to the works of foreign deep layers of the human psyche and researchers of this subject in Israel that they havestable features of the ancient determines the development of state human experience. [16] This way, by processes, Aran Zalman [1], А. Gluzman K. Jung, the unconscious consists of [5], I. Zvyahelskaya [6], O. Karpenko three layers: the personal unconscious [10], N. Nardy [9], N. Rozenshteyn as its surface layer, the collective uncon- [12], I. Tversky [7] T. Tsameret [14], scious of innate deep layer and that one N. Sheynyn [15], and others. that have not an individual but a gene- The purpose of the article is to ral nature, it includes the experience of identify the key points of experience previous generations of mankind and it of implementationof Israeli strategies covers overpersonaluniversal pattern, in the formation of educational policy performingas a common basis of the and educational space for the Ukrain- spiritual life of humanity [16]. ian realities. We define the direction of the de- The statement of basic materials. velopment of the controlled object by The historical lessons of state build- a management strategy (organization, ing of Israel, the country which actu- country) in accordance with the stated ally revived its statehood after a break purpose, and it appears not only in the of two thousand years deserves not development programs, but also in spe- only for the scientific interest, and in cial quality of management functions many cases emulation in the history of and management solutions, personnel state-building of the modern history of and management organization. The Ukraine. The archetypal strategy for management strategy finds the actual overcoming the ideological conflict de- implementation in the program of the serves particularly interest. development, purpose and mission, First, let us discuss the very defi- principles of practical management, nition of “archetypal strategy”. The personnel requirements, themethods of word “archetype” came from the Greek development of management decisions. words “arshe” — origin and “typos” — Using the term strategy, we understand shape, pattern. In the late ancient phi- a set of guidelines and restrictions that losophy the word was used to define the determine the direction of development prototype, ideas. The Greek philoso- in accordance with the set purpose [13]. phers interpreted “άρχαί” as the begin- The use of the archetypes of national ning or the primary principles, such as traditions in Israel during the formation water, fire what they called “αττειρον”, of the national education system made “endless”. Thus, it is about the primary it possible to build a strong, self-suffi- states that never get old, can never be cient and self-organized national com- surpassed, and always exist [2]. munitywhich authentic model depends Archetype is, first of all, a result of on a man as the greatest value [11]. The creative work of the human brain and, freedom, in its turn,appears through the maybe, in a less degree, it was influ- empathy as a way of understanding the enced by the environmental conditions. essence and the image of man’s lifeand The archetypes of the collective uncon- also tolerance asa respectful attitude to scious of K. G. Jung mean the sphere of every person regardless his physical ad-

56 vantages or disadvantages. The arche- state. The language policy in the state typal educational strategythat carried ideology, especially today, in the con- out in Israel allowed to unite all cul- ditions of the Russian aggression must tural public trends, both local residents become a part of its archetypal strategy of settlements and repatriates. Thus, of the formation of a national model of the “archetypal strategy” is one of the the education of Ukrainian state. most advanced management features, Knesset (the parliament of the coun- especially if it is based on the mental- try — 120 deputies) passed a law on ity and cultural heritage of the ethnic compulsory education at one of its first group, reflecting its cultural history of meetings in 1949. According to this law, ontogenesis [11; 13]. all children in Israel, whether Jews or In the early years of the state exist- Arabs, children of native population or ence, the great attention was paid to the repatriates, ordinary students or chil- development of the native languages, dren who need special educational and Hebrew and the study of hundred thou- social approachmust have the right on sands of repatriates, as most of them free eight-year education. In parallel came to the country and spoke other with the development of primary edu- languages. The staff teachers and volun- cation the state applied maximum ef- teers were engaged in this matter a long forts for the development of secondary time. The hundreds of Ulpans (schools education and teacher training in those for teaching Hebrew) have been es- years (the percentage of women among tablished throughout the country. The teacher’s audience was quite signifi- need for rapid language mastering pro- cant and it was growing). The ideology moted the development of the unique and politics played an important role methods and techniques of teaching. in those years in education, as educa- The most part of migrants-repatriates tion was actually ruled by the parties showed the persistence and a strong de- and political movements, rather than sire to learn the native but not forgot- authorities. The schools often formed ten language and to achieve greatpro- that worldviewto which ideology the gress. There were no similar examples dominant party belonged, the minister in the world of the state which in such of education of the country was ap- a short period of time could so quickly pointed with a delay of one year. It was convert actually “dead” language in a famous writer of the country, journal- alive, spoken and the one that is deve- ist and historian ZalmanShazar [14, loping [14, p. 8]. It may be claimed that p. 9]. Subsequently, he was elected as the educational policy of the young Is- the third president of Israel. raeli state began with the restoration of Around six months before the decla- the native language and its uncontested ration of the state of Israel, Israel's La- consolidation as a state language. This bor Party, the most influential Jewish experience and the political will were settlements in the territory of Palestine, not enough, and by this time, it is still preparing to become the leading politi- not enough for the Ukrainian authori- cal force in the country, has created sev- ties in the formation of state ideology eral committees on planning the vari- and linguistic space of the Ukrainian ous spheres of social life of the future

57 state. One of these committees was the ued, so-called “general” direction as- Commission planning in education of sociated with the Labor Party and the 20 people. An important issue that the Federation of trade unions — “working” committee considered was to preserve direction; the direction made by the re- the state after the creation of the struc- ligious Zionists of Mizrahi movement ture of the education system, which ex- (in the political history of Zionism — isted till statehood on the territory of political and ideological national-reli- the abovementioned settlements (kib- gious movement). butzim, towns, etc.). That referred to The main reason for this decision was the consolidation of the various politi- the caution that too stronginfluence of cal and ideological trends. An alterna- the state in education sphere faced a tive would be to create a unified public sharply negative reaction from the rep- education system, along with the pos- resentatives of the parties and move- sibility of the existence of some private ments, who ruled the three aforemen- schools and colleges. Some members of tioned education systems at that time, the Commission called to the radical and the main task of the government changes in the education system, to the structures of the young country was the abolition of the principle of party affili- union of all possible social groups and ation and the gradual creation of a uni- even little groups around the idea of the fied state system of schools that work state building at the beginning of work. by the same programs. The first prime Therefore, the impact of the manage- minister of the country David Ben-Gu- ment educational institutions in some rion stood on this position [3; 4]. But areas of the country was generally mini- the majority of the Commission was mal. About 97 thousand of young peo- afraid of losing close to them accord- ple wentto the schools of the mentioned ing to the comprehensive directions of three directions in the 1948/1949 and its specificity schools and the sympathy only a few hundredsof students went of parents-voters and voted against the to schools of not these directions: tra- integration of the various “branches” ditional religious schools,international into a single educational space (one sys- Jewish organization “All Jews are tem). As a result,the separate existence friends” (the first agricultural school of each of the three major appeared in “Mikve Israel was established by it” (in the pre-state period branches contin- 1870) and others (see. tab.):

The distribution of the students in Jewish schools in Israel in 1948/1948 academic year, by type of educational institution [14, p. 20] Elementary Kinder- Direction andsecond- High School Total In % gartens ary schools “General” 7,024 32,104 9,850 48,978 50,2 “Labour” 6,038 17,727 2,874 26,639 27,3 “Religious-Zionist” 2,633 17,457 1,822 21,912 22,5 Total 15,695 67,288 14,546 97,529 100,0

58 This situation kept until 1953 when May Day has always been a day off for the law on public education was adopt- teachers and students. In the environ- ed by the Knesset. ment of this direction the religious and The teachers working at schools of proletarian movement existed, which “general” direction saw its goal in edu- had its training programs. They gave cating students in the spirit of loyalty to both general education and a tradition- the values of the Jewish national move- al religious education. ment, while paying great attention to The third direction in the education the familiarity with the achievements operated under the auspices of the reli- of modern science. The leaders of the gious Zionist parties. As a rule, the chil- “general” direction based their work dren of religious Zionists, both old-tim- on the basis of the spirit of “spiritual ers and new repatriates went to these heritage which is common to all peo- schools. The schools in this direction ple”. They stated that education should tried to combine the spirit and the let- serve as a “workshop of national unity” ter of the Jewish tradition with raising [7, p. 197] and hoped that their schools the Zionist ideology and the study of can reach children from the secular, modern scientific achievements. Unlike traditional and religious-based schools, the traditional ultra-religious schools in people from all communities and social these educational institutions, the stu- classes and groups. dents obtained also common, including The second largest in scale was natural and science education, learned “working” direction that united all ed- foreign languages. At the time of crea- ucational program structure of all the tion of the state almost a quarter of the parties that belonged to the Federation students (Table) attended schools of of Trade Unions, first of all — the La- religious-Zionist direction. bor Party and later MAPAM (of United After establishment of the state, Working Party). Their work was direct- in the result of state support notby ed to give proletarian education to their Zionist ultra-religious circles and students by creating “an independent also leaving the religion by many active Jewish identity” infiltrated by repatriates’children, the share of pupils the Zionist and socialist ideals.Their at schools of this direction in the educa- students were ready to implement the tion system of the country as a whole goals of the Jewish working and social- was steadily decreasing [14, p. 25]. ist movement in Israel” [12, p. 366]. In So, the fourth ultra-religious not Zi- addition, that “working direction” gave onist direction was added to the three general education in its institutions, its pre-existing directions in the education administration was proud of involving system. One of the major arguments their students in the youth movements of solving about the recognition of the and their work and practice in the Kib- fourth educational direction in the butz and Moshav (agricultural settle- country was attempt of the politicians ments of the socialist type and coopera- to include the movement of the Ortho- tives). Along with the national flag over dox Jews in the processes of state build- the educational institution of this type ing and hope that it will help the go- there was always a red flag, and the first vernment to strengthen the influence

59 in the atmosphere of the Jewish dias- dignity of the citizens of Israel. This is pora. Many politicians believed that a worthy lesson-example for our leaders over time this movement in the nation- of the country in the matters of forma- al education would leave from its anti- tion of self-identity and self-esteem of Zionist position that orthodox religion the Ukrainian nation, especially in the is doomed to extinction during the pro- current period of external Russian ag- cesses of modernization and progress. gression. The experience of the educa- This direction is stillone of the most in- tional work and the army in Israel as fluential in the education system in Is- “a workshop on creating people” must rael in the system of private education. be also used. “For the life in your coun- At the beginning of its revival, the try, for yourself, for freedom, for Jew- state paid great attention to the educa- ish unity, for mutual aid, for collective tion. In 1951, at a meeting of the Knes- responsibility ... We have to turn the set, the first Prime Minister of Israel whole country, the whole nation, the D. Ben-Gurion spoke in his speech whole image of our life” — David Ben- about the importance of education in Gurion said [17, p. 30–32]. The first achieving peace: “We want peace be- Prime Minister of the country was a tween Jews and Arabs. We see his abili- supporter of a single system of public ty, authenticity and historical necessity education in the country and he con- in the future, and we need to educate sidered the preservation of different people and young people with the faith directions to be a danger for the unity in the future. We need to educate two of the Jewish people, because they ce- principles with all the contradictions mented its differences. He recorded his in people and young people that exists children only in the school of “general” between us: the readiness to defend the direction and not “working” which the country in any battles and wars; will- Labor Party supported to which he be- ingness to cooperate and genuine alli- longed. ances between the two Semitic peoples There were also sharp debates re- which were doomed by the history for garding the role and place of the teach- co-existence alongside each other in er in the society in the country. “The the biblical countries, which are called state needs a teacher-activist, not a Middle East now” [3; 4, p. 254; 17]. teacher with an academic degree”. The In his speeches, Ben-Gurion empha- heads of educational directions in the sized “Israeli child, an Israeli teenager education system that existed in the ... should feel that our story begins not first decade of the historystood for the from 1948 ... and from biblical times, preservation of the ideological values of from the period of Jewish pride and in- the educational process. For example, dependence ... especially the independ- J. R. Etsion, the chief Inspector of the ence of spiritual creativity that created network of religious Zionist education the Jewish people and allowed them to said: “The institutions ontrainingteach- live till today” [14, p. 36]. In fact, in his ers should not only provide professional speeches, he, as a leader of the coun- training in the field of knowledge of the try and recognized national authority, subject and teaching methods, but also formed the self-respect and national the ideological training for the educa-

60 tion thatthe teacher dedicateshis lives gap between different communities was for” [14]. The state applied maximum greatly reduced. efforts forfacilitatingof the basic differ- REFERENCES ences on the development of the soci- ety: ethnic, religious and international. 1. Aran Zalman. Ways of pedagogy / Zal- The main tools in this case became the man Aran; Ministry of education and policy and ideology and the technology culture. — Jerusalem, 1971. — Р. 111. was an educational impact. 2. Archetype [Еlectronic resource] // Conclusions. Israel does not define Wikipedia. — Access: https://Архетип (re- itself either secular or theocratic state. quest date: 09.04.2017). Its main feature is in the profound con- 3. Bar-Zohar M. Ben Hurion. Biography. tradiction between the democratic and Book 1–2 / Makael Bar-Zohar. — political system and ethno religious na- Israel, 1991. — Book. 1. — 417 p.; ture of the state which identifies itself book 2. — 299 p. as Israeli. The decision to keep, even 4. Ben Hurion D. Ideal and Way / D. Ben- after the establishment of the state, the Hurion. — Tel Aviv: Publishing of La- existence of diversity in education sys- bour party of Israel, 1962. — Vol. 3. — tem should be seen as the archetypal Р. 254. strategy for overcoming ideological 5. Gluzman A. The features of modern higher education abroad (England, conflict as there was a spirit of the at- Belgium, France, USA, Israel) / mosphere of almost fanatical devotion A. Gluzman // Culture of the Black to a particular ideology among the resi- Sea people. — 2005. — № 58. — Р. 8–11. dents of the young state that prevailed 6. State Israel / ed. by I. Zvyahelsksys, at that time in Israel. The government T. Karasova, A. Fedorchenko. — Mos- of the state decided that the existence cow: Institute of oriental studies RAS, of certain directions in the education 2005. — 560 p. system would not prevent the shocks 7. Ideology and activities in pedagogy / and unnecessary debates in the soci- ed. By I. Tversky, Tel Aviv, 1963. — ety and would allow do other impor- Р. 197. 8. Israel [Electronic resource] // Wiki- tant nationwide things–first of all, the pedia: free encyclopedia. — Elektron. problems of security of the country and data — 2017. — 8 Apr. — from contents.: economic development. Yet,there were Science and education. — Access: htt- attempts to hold a unification of gene- ps://Израиль ral educational programs to level the (request date: 09.04.2017). — Title major existing differences in the qual- from screen. ity of knowledge of schools of differ- 9. Information of Central statistical bu- ent educational directions of the state. reau // Culture and Education / ed. by These differences reflected the social N. Nardi, M. Avyhal and I. Hanton. — problems of the country in the first dec- Jerusalem: Ministry of Education and Culture, 1952. — Vol. I. — Р. 247. ade of existence in the modern times. 10. Karpenko O. V. Decentralized pro- Through the differentiated approach cesses in the field of giving educational in the education system of the country, services of Israel / O. V. Karpenko, it was possible to solve the problem of E. F. Demida // Pedagogy and Psy- ethnic conflicts, and social and cultural chology. — 2013. — № 1. — Р. 92–96.

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62 UDC: 351.9(457)

Haharinov Olexii Valerevich, post-graduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Public Administra- tion and Regional Economics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine, 61166, Kharkiv, Nauky avenue, 9-A, tel.: (063) 262 52 73, e-mail: gaga- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3886-8388 Гагарінов Олексій Валерійович, аспірант кафедри державного управлін- ня, публічного адміністрування та регіо- нальної економіки, Харківський націо- нальний економічний університет ім. Се- мена Кузнеця, Україна, 61000, Харків, пр. Науки, 9А, тел.: (063) 262 52 73, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3886-8388 Гагаринов Алексей Валерьевич, аспирант кафедры государственного управления, публичного администрирования и региональной экономики, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. Семена Кузнеца, Украина, 61000, Харь- ков, пр. Науки, 9А, тел.: (063) 262 52 73, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3886-8388


Abstract. The article is devoted to the scientific problem of the transforma- tion strategy of post-Soviet state system of Ukraine as a necessary condition for the resolution and prevention of social conflicts. The author developed con- ceptual provisions concerning the essence of the transformation strategy of the post-Soviet state system as a necessary condition for the resolution and preven- tion of social conflicts. It’s based primarily on the principals of the archetypal approach, system theory and public management. According to the author the transformation strategy of the post-Soviet state system should be based on: the

63 state of the governmental system and the character of the culture as a “way of life” which support each other’s state by forming the reinforcing feedback. Keywords: transformation strategy, post-Soviet state system of Ukraine, so- cial conflict, archetypal approach, culture as a “way of life”, systemic crisis. СТРАТЕГІЯ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ ПОСТРАДЯНСЬКОЇ СИСТЕМИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ УКРАЇНИ ЯК НЕОБХІДНА УМОВА ВИРІШЕННЯ ТА ЗАПОБІГАННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Статтю присвячено науковій проблемі — стратегії трансфор- мації пострадянської системи державного управління України як необхідної умови вирішення та запобігання соціальних конфліктів. Базуючись насам- перед на принципових положеннях архетипного підходу, теорії систем та публічного управління, автором були розроблені концептуальні положен- ня щодо змісту стратегії трансформації пострадянської системи державного управління як необхідної умови вирішення та запобігання соціальних кон- фліктів. В основу стратегії трансформації пострадянської системи держав- ного управління, на думку автора, повинні лягти: стан системи державного управління та характер культури як “спосіб життєдіяльності”, які, формую- чи петлю посилюючого зворотного зв’язку, підтримують стан один одного. Ключові слова: стратегія трансформації, пострадянська система держав- ного управління України, соціальний конфлікт, архетиповий підхід, культура як “спосіб життєдіяльності”, системна криза. СТРАТЕГИЯ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ ПОСТСОВЕТСКОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ УКРАИНЫ КАК НЕОБХОДИМОЕ УСЛОВИЕ РЕШЕНИЯ И ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ КОНФЛИКТОВ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Статья посвящена научной проблеме — стратегии транс- формации постсоветской системы государственного управления Украины как необходимого условия решения и предотвращения социальных кон- фликтов. Основываясь в первую очередь на принципиальных положениях архетипного подхода, теории систем и публичного управления, автором были разработаны концептуальные положения относительно содержания стратегии трансформации постсоветской системы государственного управ- ления как необходимого условия решения и предотвращения социальных конфликтов. В основу стратегии трансформации постсоветской системы государственного управления, по мнению автора, должны лечь: состояние системы государственного управления и характер культуры как “образ жиз- недеятельности”, которые, формируя петлю усиливающей обратной связи, поддерживают состояние друг друга. Ключевые слова: стратегия трансформации, постсоветская система го- сударственного управления Украины, социальный конфликт, архетипиче- ский подход, культура как “образ жизнедеятельности”, системный кризис.

64 Target setting. The world, in which on moral fatigue and low purchasing mankind are living now, is interesting power in most sections of the popu- from a scientific point of view, and lation and underdevelopment of the hyper turbulent in terms of dynamics Ukrainian economy, becomes a power- and character of changes. N. I. Hraz- ful challenge to the system of govern- hevska defines this period as the Age ance Ukraine. of Bifurcations and N. Talieb — as the There are only two ways: build sys- Age of Unpredictable Events, which tematically developed state, includ- he calls ‘the black swans’. In turn, the ing widely applying the tools of pub- state, in which the humanity is today lic management and achievements of with all global system of international the Ukrainian School of Archetypics, interaction, was very aptly reflected or loss of statehood and subsequent by the well known Ukrainian scientist factorisation of the system state, its and activist Ya. I. Grytsak. 'There will stagnation and degradation from the not be any confidence in the world. It perspective of modern challenges. is probably the most honest prediction Therefore you need to choose between that can be made over the next 15, 25 the path of order and chaos. and even 100 years,’ he wrote in his A constructive solution of these article in one of the Ukrainian media. problems is impossible without the World order of transformation be- transformation of post-Soviet system ginning fell to the events in Ukraine, of state management of Ukraine into which became its catalyst. The social a state of progressive systematization conflict, occurred in Ukraine, had re- on the basis of systems theory, public sulted in the Revolution of Dignity administration, and on the basis of the of 2013–2014. It have launched a archetypical methodology. This syn- comprehensive process of structural thesis will provide an opportunity not change as the average country as in only to solve but also to prevent large- the world geopolitical arena. Intra- scale social conflicts, including with state conflict escalated into inter- tragic consequences. state and led to direct military opera- Understanding the systemic caus- tions on the territory of Ukraine and es of today’s conditions through the annexation of its territory by the Rus- prism of historicity and archetypes sian Federation. will give the opportunity to form a Today the transformation process strategy of transformation, which can taking place in Ukraine in public ad- lead to constructive systemic changes ministration and reform of key public in the social and political sphere of spheres of life of the Ukrainian people Ukraine when it is embodied. ‘What are not systematic and do not have a can and should we do to keep the clear strategic direction. This situ- Ukraine and with it the whole world ation is dangerous in terms of avail- from the worst?’ Ya. I. Hrytsak said. ability of highly destructive factors Analysis of recent researches and both internally and in its external publications. The described problem environment. Social pressure, which is not new to domestic science and is currently formed primarily based practice however; the relevance of its

65 solution is difficult to overestimate. the works of the following scientists The complexity of the problem needs and researchers: I. I. Kopaihora [15], to focus efforts of various schools and O. Kuchabskyi, I. Parabchak [16], methodological developments out- I. Yasna [17], V. Kotyhorenko [18] standing scientists and practitioners and others. for its solution. Scientific and practi- Of course, the described problems cal problem of transformation of post- are not confined by the above men- Soviet public administration system tioned works of researchers and scien- of Ukraine is multifactorial and inter- tists, we probably also need to remem- disciplinary, and therefore is a system. ber the following names: C. G. Jung, According to the author, it requires T. Parsons, R. Darenderf, Yu. P. Sur- the use of a systematic approach to its min, Yu. Romanenko and others. solution, applying all constructive in- However, despite the wide range of terdisciplinary scientific and practical publications and researches, the prob- tools. lem of transformation of the post-So- Many works of domestic and for- viet system of public administration eign scientists are devoted the prob- of Ukraine, as a necessary condition lems of public administration and re- of solution and preventing social con- solving social conflicts. Our national flicts, requires further research and scientists, namely: B. D. Havrylyshyn constructive of theoretical and practi- [1], L. Yu. Gordienko [2], N. I. Hraz- cal developments in this area in order hevska [3], P. M. Kobziev [4] and oth- to guarantee the transition of Ukraine ers devoted their works of transforma- to the path of system development tions aspects of social and economic and orderliness in all aspects of life systems, including in public adminis- on which efforts of the author of this tration. Public administration in the work are aimed. light of the theory and practice of pub- So, the purpose of the work, in the lic administration is disclosed in the context of the mentioned above study, following works of: O. Yu. Obolenskyi is to enhance scientific and theoretical [5], O. A. Dehtiar [6], O. I. Hrytsiak foundations of post-Soviet transfor- [7], O. Moroz [8] and others. In turn, mation strategy of public administra- the public administration through tion of Ukraine as a necessary condi- the prism of the archetypical ap- tion of resolving and preventing social proach is considered in the works of conflicts on the basis of the archetypi- O. Yu. Amosova and N. L. Havkalova cal approach. [9; 10]. The methodological provisions The statement of basic materials. of Archetypics, in the context of the Human, an individual are on the one described problems, are considered by hand the basis of entire hierarchy of the following scientists and research- subjects of social and economic rela- ers: E. A. Afonin and A. Martynov [11; tions from the individual to the mega 12], M. Lashkin [13], V. Haniak [14] level. On the other hand, people act as and others. The problem nature of so- designers and create social and eco- cial conflict and the origin of the no- nomic systems, such as for example, tion ‘social conflict’ are dedicated in the state. On the other hand, they are

66 functionaries and performers in sys- their social statuses and roles, income, tems that are created by them. This educational level, etc. [17, p. 140]. feedback loop or causal relationships In turn, a bright representative of has great potential of varied both in the opposite position is G. Dahren- terms of laying the foundations for the dorf with his ‘the functional theory generation of social conflicts and re- of conflict’. The central element of solve them and prevent acquiring into conflict model of society, built by force of opportunities in practice ba- this researcher, is a recognition tight lancing or reinforcing nature. interdependency between ‘conflict’ Conflictology as an area of research and ‘system’: the second does not ex- has not received their recognition for ist without the first, but without the a long time. Therefore it was unable to second does not exist the first [17, develop. First and foremost, this situ- p. 141]. Proponents’ views of social ation was connected due to the fact conflict as a positive phenomenon in that ‘theory of conflict absence’ was social development are also G. Sim- totally dominated in the Soviet times. mel, L. Coser, V. Speranskyi and Modern Ukrainian Conflictology, others. like Conflictology of all post-Soviet The notion ‘social conflict’, accord- states, was formed and developed un- ing to [14, p. 79], is regarded as the der the influence of the heritage of the confrontation between two or more Soviet social science and the concepts entities, due to the opposite (incom- that have emerged in the West. In par- patibility) their interests, needs and ticular, the negatives of the Soviet era, value systems. Typically, confronta- its late compared with the foreign sci- tion is based on certain social norms. ence, appeal to social conflict still af- Therefore, the social conflict is one fects [17, р. 138]. of the characteristic phenomena of the Now, we can conclude that there society development that embraces a are two major schools of Conflictology diverse range of contradictory reality, that are based on the works [14–17]. and that is the peak expression of in- This conclusion was made by Robert ability to solution of various contra- Pretorius back in 1960. He noted that dictions. conflictologists divided into ‘the con- Despite the fact, through the prism sensus school’ and ‘the school of con- of this theory to consider the social flict’ in the US. conflict in any case it has negative For example, T. Parsons believed consequences in the form of aggres- that conflict is a social anomaly, ab- sion, war, direct confrontation, human normal phenomenon, which points casualties, etc. In fact social conflicts to certain deviations in the course of are the tools of revolutionary develop- normal development of a society that ment of social and economic systems. happens due to a gain in it of social dif- In turn, the well known fact that ferentiation in its structural-function- the best properties of the system are al theory. And if this differentiation formed from the perspective of evo- is bigger, the deeper becomes the dis- lutionary development, and therefore tinction between people according to more conducive to scientific and prac-

67 tical point of view is conflict-free way transform organizational system from of life, based on a gradual evolution. the initial chaotic situation in the tar- It should also be understood that get system condition, that is, one in absence of conflicts are based on evo- which negentropy is produced [18, lutionary development. It requires p. 9]. building sophisticated social and eco- In turn anthropogenic system nomic system of the ‘state’ on the one crash, occurred with the USSR, had hand and a high level of consciousness led to a rapid and unsystematic crea- among the population (active ele- tion of independent state systems, ments) on the other hand. From the including the public administration position that, if we are talking about system of Ukraine. As a result, the social conflicts, the public administra- systemic crisis has emerged, begun to tion system of a country is a primary increase. It has continued for now. tool for their resolution and preven- Systemic crisis are both state and tion. behaviour of established in violation The notion ‘public administration’ of system principles and organized to is a multidimensional and complex. function with deviations from system- It combines a composition of all en- ic patterns of organizational and eco- tities of public administration, such nomic system. External and internal as: executive bodies, which carrying exposures to these can cause the mode out the management process, interact of generation of the problems and un- with each other and the environment, stable condition in internal environ- forming a unified whole. According to ment of crisis [4, p. 14]. law of required diversity by William Thus the need for post-Soviet R. Ashby, the future of the object man- transformation of public administra- agement, primarily in terms of conflict tion system of Ukraine is caused due, or conflict-free way of development first of all, ineffective functioning at depends on from the quality of public earlier stages of transformation, from administration and its ability to pro- the time when Ukraine gained inde- duce management impacts. pendence, and became a democratic Talking about the state of public state with developed market economy. administration system of Ukraine, we On the one hand, in turn the main rea- should note that it is in a state of sys- son for its inefficiency is the systemic temic crisis. We will provide a more crisis. These crisis have not resolved detailed analysis, based on systematic until now. It forms a large destructive and historical approach. potential for the occurrence and exac- In 1991 the state mega system of erbation of new social conflicts. the USSR was held anthropogenic On the other hand, it should be un- system crash, by which it should be derstood that a long period of social understood: the result of uncontrolled and economic system of the USSR as process of increase of entropy in an part of the USSR has formed a culture artificial organizational system that as ‘the way of life activity’ of the ac- causes its collapse (self-destruction) tive elements (people). It significantly due to failure to control subsystem differs from the active elements of the

68 Western society according to the basic the powerful destructive forces in the characteristics. form of culture as ‘the way life activ- Culture as ‘the way of life activity’ ity’ was formed. is a system of values, norms, attitudes, Thus we should take into account customs and traditions which deve- the impact of culture as ‘the way life loped in the course of historical deve- activity’ from the position of manag- lopment of a particular group of active ing by transformation processes in elements, and which affects all aspects addition to systemic crisis in the post- of their individual and group behav- Soviet system of public administration iour [19, p. 9; 20]. of Ukraine. Its destructive nature was Comparative characteristics of the dominant in the most active elements, active elements of the socialist and acting as creators of a new system of capitalist systems, as alternative hierar- public administration as its function- chies that emerged in the 20th century, aries. Founded fundamental contra- are presented in [21, p. 26]. Consider dictions as a consequence had led to them for convenience in tabular form. two revolutionary events of 2004 and Based on Table, we can conclude 2013–2014. The events of 2013–2014 that according to the classification of with tragic consequences had caused culture as ‘the way of life activity’ pre- the military action on the territory of sented in the work [19, р. 9–10], on Ukraine. The military actions have the basis of the nature of the impact also gone for today. on the functioning and development Thus it can be argued that the of state systems and territories; based certain archetypes influenced the on the position of the correct market creation of a new state system of inde- conditions and democratic system, pendent Ukraine. It had been formed

Comparative characteristics of active elements (people) of capitalist and socialist alternative hierarchies The active The capitalist system The socialist system element Progressive dominant of hereditary Dominant recessive hereditary characteristics; market mentality; pri- traits; non-market mentality (So- vate owner; entrepreneur; carrier of high viet); conditional co-owner of moral and human values; quality prior- state property; the carrier of col- ity of products and services produced; lective values; atheist; priority of creator of their own destiny; focus on public interests over personal; success; faith in God; law-abiding; mar- fate and human well-being in the ket, economic, financial and political hands of the state; a low level of literacy; correctness of external busi- economic, financial and political ness and external validity of formal and literacy; lack of purposefulness; HU MAN informal human relations; high quality of poor quality of life; lack of entre- life; self-discipline; culture and self-or- preneurship; low self-discipline, ganization; priority of the interests of the culture and self-organization; the super system over the individual; desire low level of openness; financial for financial independence; a high level dependence; low quality of pro- of openness; presence of systemic and ducts and produced services; lack strategic thinking of systemic and strategic thinking

69 during the period of Ukraine was the tion), and the process of adaptation part of the USSR. These events have to the new system trajectories and the also affected to the course of transfor- accumulation of factors that will lead mation processes and defined its re- to future crisis and disasters. It is also sults in general for now. determined by a process of evolution- The archetype is the collective ary development (evolutionary trans- memory of humanity inherent in each formation). person a priori. Archetypes affect to all Thus, in a broad sense ‘the trans- of social constructs. These are sphere formation strategy’ is the plan, guide, of everyday life, habits, traditions and landmark or direction of development, norms of social control. These are also the path from the present to the future social organization, relevant social through evolutionary or revolution- institutions, political organization of ary change in the context of social and society. These are public perceptions economic system of the ‘state’. of themselves and the surrounding According to the research, con- world. These are also motivation, so- ducted by the author, the results pre- cial and interactive process of struc- sented above two key factors in the turing [12, р. 15]. development of transformation strat- Thus it is the post-Soviet trans- egy of the post-Soviet system of pub- formation strategy of public adminis- lic administration, should be the same: tration in the state of progressive or- the state of public administration and ganizing, where there will not be any the nature of culture as ‘the way of life place for social conflicts, and will be activity’. It supports the status of each implemented the evolutionary process other, forming a reinforcing feedback of development. It should be based on loop. the principles of systems theory, pub- This is a known fact that public lic administration and archetypical systems are created to meet the needs methodology. of all the people living on its territory, One of the alternative interpreta- regardless of nationality in democra- tion of the notion ‘strategy’ that is tic countries. These needs are to cre- suitable for use, in the context of social ate the favourable conditions for har- and economic systems of the ‘state’ ac- monious development life activity and cording to [22], is a plan, guide, land- people, ensuring their personal rights mark or direction of development, the and freedoms, protection of property path from the present to the future. In and territory, as well as participation turn, based on [3, p. 95], the transfor- in government. These basic provisions mation is broadly understood as the should act just the guidance and di- process of transformation that com- rection that the post-Soviet system of bines both evolutionary and revolu- public administration should include. tionary form of economic system. The Realizing this appointment, it auto- moment of transition to the new sys- matically minimizes the likelihood of tem development trajectory is inter- social conflicts appearance. preted as the sphere of revolutionary Tools of the system improvement changes (revolutionary transforma- of public administration of Ukraine

70 should become the models of public and humanitarian components, cre- administration in the context of the ates a new approach to understanding strategy of transformation as the ne- the necessary self-government, which cessary condition of solving and pre- now has not only to meet the require- venting social conflicts. ments of efficiency, but also be open, According to [9, p. 7], a public ad- accessible, accountable, controlled ministration can be defined as the in- and sensitive to the demands of citi- teraction of management subject and zens, their needs and requests. bearer of power in social processes and The author agrees with the posi- relationships accordingly to socially tion of the authors [9] about the fact significant functions and powers. In that there is the existence of models of the narrow sense, public administra- the Old Public Management and the tion is connected with the executive New Public Management in Ukraine. branch of government and is seen as The author also offers as benchmarks the following: in the strategy of transformation to 1) Professional activities of state consider steady transition to the mo- employees, which cover all activities, del of the New Public Management on are aimed at the implementation of the first stage, and to consider steady government decisions; transition to the models of public ad- 2) Research, development and im- ministration as the ‘Good Govern- plementation of state policy. In a broad ance’ on the second stage. sense, a public administration under- In turn, as a benchmark for the stands management system provided management of culture as ‘the image by administrative institutions within of life activity’ need take the character the adopted structures of power. of its manifestation in progressive so- Today there are three models of cieties as a landmark, according to the public administration that have im- model given in [19, p. 12]. According proved and developed, including the to this model, a culture as an image of archetypal paradigm [9, p. 9]: ‘the life activity’. It is divided into the • Old Public Management is the five estimated parameters, namely: classic bureaucratic form of organiza- 1. The ideology state level of active tion, described by Max Weber as an elements. ideal type of rational form of govern- 2. The virtues values state level of ment that due to the principle of legal active elements. state indicated a high level of predict- 3. The social behaviour state level ability for politicians and citizens. of active elements • New Public Management is a 4. The economic behaviour state composition of administrative and po- level of active elements. litical reform strategy, which is based 5. The environmental behaviour on interpretations mostly administra- state level of active elements. tive activities in the light of the pri- Each of these five groups, repre- vate economy. senting the first level of the model, is • ‘Good Governance’ fills the con- divided into subgroups within their cept of public administration social group and during conduction expert

71 research and evaluation, and build- the USSR, have been moved. They had ing the resulting graphic profile. It the impact on creation of a new state makes it possible turn out the system system of independent Ukraine. They solutions in from the point of view the also have continued for now, affecting formation of strategic change plan for the course of the transformation pro- this unit within the post-Soviet trans- cess and identifying results overall. formation strategy of public adminis- The destructive culture as ‘a way of tration in Ukraine. life activity’ was moved to it from the Benchmarks should become a cul- democracy perspective development ture as ‘the way of life activity’ for this and building of a developed market block of the transformation strategy. economy. It is characterized by a neutral, not Based on the principle of system destructive in terms of promoting the theory, public administration and states and territories development, methodology of Archetypics were de- and by the transformational changes veloped the conceptual provisions due as constructive on the second stage. to the content of post-Soviet transfor- Conclusions. The post-Soviet mation strategy of public administra- system of public administration of tion as a necessary condition of solu- Ukraine is in the state of systemic cri- tion and prevention of social conflicts. sis. It is dangerous from the perspective So the transformation strategy of of appearance and exacerbation of so- the post-Soviet system of public ad- cial conflicts and the possibility of its ministration is based on both the state further existence as a whole in a situ- of public administration and the nature ation of non-system transformations of culture as ‘the way of life activity’, and the lack of a clear strategic direc- which support the state of each other, tion, including taking into account the forming a reinforcing feedback loop. challenges of the modern world. We proposed to consider the steady Therefore, the social conflict is one transition to model of the New Public of the characteristic phenomena of the Management on the first stage, and to society development that embraces a consider steady transition to models diverse range of contradictory reality, of public administration as the ‘Good and that is the peak expression of ina- Governance’ on the second stage as bility to solution of various contradic- benchmarks in the transformation tions. It is the system of governance of strategy. The benchmark in the block the country. It plays one of the most ‘Culture’ as ‘the way of life activity’ in important roles in solving and pre- the transformation strategy should be venting social conflict. the move to neutral in the first stage, The anthropogenic system disas- rather than destructive, and the trans- ter, occurred with the formational changes as constructive in 1991 in addition to the occurrence on the second stage. of a systemic crisis in the new estab- The author’s further researches lished system of state governance of will be focused on deepening theoreti- Ukraine, led to the fact that certain cal and practical provisions for the de- archetypes, formed during the stay in velopment of system transformation

72 of constructive tools of the social and 8. Moroz O. Public Administration in economic system of the ‘state’, based Ukraine: problems of establishment on the principles of systems theory, and effectiveness / O. Moroz // Col- public administration and methodol- lection of scientific works ‘THE EF- ogy of Archetypics. FICIENCY OF PUBLIC ADMIN- ISTRATION’. — 2013. Edition 34. — P. 41–47. REFERENCES 9. Amosov O. Yu. Models of public admin- istration (archetypical paradigm) / 1. Havrylyshyn В. To the efficient so- O. Yu. Amosov, N. L. Havkalova // cieties: pointers to the future : sup- Public Management: theory and prac- plemented by the Rome Club / tice. — 2013. — Special Edition. — B. Havrylyshyn; compiler V. Rubt- P. 6–13. sov. — еd. 4, unchanged. — K.: Uni- 10. Amosov O. Yu. Conceptual princi- versity Publishing House ‘THE PUL- ples of public administration: arche- SARY’, 2013. — 248 p. typical approach / O. Yu. Amosov, 2. Gordiienko L. Yu. Management of Or- N. V. Havkalova // Public Manage- ganizational Transformation: theo- ment: theory and practice. — 2015. — retical and methodological principles Special Edition. — P. 8–12. and management tools: monograph / 11. Afonin E. Universal and unique in L. Yu. Gordiienko. — Kharkiv: The the process of social transformation / Publishing House of KHNEU, 2011. — E. Afonin, A. Martynov // Public 440 p. Management: theory and practice. — 3. Hrazhevska N. I. Evolution of mod- Ed. 3–4. — Kharkiv, 2010. — P. 250– ern economies : textbook / N. I. Hra- 263. zhevska. — K: The Knowledge, 2011. — 12. Afonin E. Theoretical and methodo- 286 p. logical aspects of the development of 4. Kobziev P. M. Systemic approach for the Ukrainian School of Archetypics / the Improvement of the state man- E. Afonin, A. Martynov // Public agement and local government / Management: theory and practice. — P. M. Kobziev // Management Devel- 2015. — Special Edition. — P. 13–18. opment. — KHNEU. — 2005. — № 2. — 13. Lashkina M. Chaos, self-organization P. 13–16. and cooperation as archetypes of state- 5. Obolenskyi O. Yu. Development of hood for Ukraine / M. Lashkina // society and public administration / Public Administration: theory and O. Yu. Obolenskyi // Bulletin NAPA. — practice. — 2015. — Edition 1 (Special 2013. — P. 27–33. edition). — P. 162–167. 6. Dehtiar O. A. The role of public admin- 14. Kopaihora I. I. Historical back- istration in the social sphere of socie- ground of the notion ‘social conflict’ / ty / O. A. Dehtiar // Public Govern- I. I. Kopaihora // Forum of law. — ance. — 2016. — P. 89–94. 2007. — № 2. — P. 82–79. 7. Hrytsiak I. A. Public administration 15. Kuchubskyi О. Features of social con- in Ukraine: establishment of the Eu- flict as a relevant factor in state regu- ropean standards / I. A. Hrytsiak // lation of public relations / O. Ku- Bulletin of the Academy of the Cus- chabskyi, I. Parubchak // Collection toms Service of Ukraine. Series: Pub- of scientific works ‘EFFICIENCY OF lic administration. — 2010. — № 2. — PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION’. — P. 5–11. 2012. — Ed. 32. — P. 13–19.

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74 UDC: 124.2:004.032.26

Dovgan' Oleksіj Valentinovich, PhD of philological sciences, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Education, Deputy Director, Scientific Lib- rary of the National Academy of Culture and Arts, 02000, Kyiv, Str. Lavra, 9, tel.: (050) 720 20 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6728-818X Довгань Олексій Валентинович, кандидат філологічних наук, член-корес- пондент Міжнародної академії освіти і науки, заступник директора, Наукова бібліотека Національної академії керів- них кадрів культури й мистецтв, 02000, м. Київ, вул. Лаврська, 9, тел.: (050) 720 20 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6728-818X Довгань Алексей Валентинович, кандидат филологических наук, член- корреспондент Международной академии образования и науки, заместитель дирек- тора, Научная библиотека Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств, 02000, г. Киев, ул. Лаврская, 9, тел.: (050) 720 20 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6728-818X


Abstract. The peculiarities of the place and role of neural networks are con- sidered in the article; the specificity of the existence of this process is correlated with their work. The nature, the principle of the neural network functioning, which is considered as a means of cognitive triangulation (localization) of the sense, laid in the text by means of pseudo-biological education, is represented. Archetypal nature of the sense of the text is asserted, which is proved by the nature of this phenomenon. Attention is focused on the fact that the study of the methods of training a neural network (pseudobiological education), positioned as a result of a biological foundation, becomes a sens of constructing a reading device, actually a self, conformable to the human self. Keywords: archetype, sense, sense of text, neural networks, the work of neu- ral networks, information, data processing.

75 ОСМИСЛЕННЯ ТЕКСТУ В КОНТЕКСТІ НЕЙРОННИХ МЕРЕЖ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. У статті розглянуто особливості місця й ролі нейронних мереж в осмисленні тексту; представлено специфіку побутування цього процесу співвідносно з їх роботою. Репрезентовано природу, принцип роботи ней- ронної мережі, яка розглядається як засіб когнітивної тріангуляції (локаліза- ції) смислу, покладеного в тексті за посередництва псевдобіологічного утво- рення. Стверджується архетипічна природа смислу тексту, що доводиться суттю цього явища. Акцентується увага на тому, що вивчення способів нав- чання нейронної мережі (псевдобіологічного утворення), позиціонованого, як такого, що перебуває на біологічному підґрунті, стає засобом побудови пристрою для зчитування власне самості, співвідносною людському Я. Ключові слова: смисл, смисл тексту, нейронні мережі, робота нейронних мереж, інформація, обробка інформації. ОСМЫСЛЕНИЕ ТЕКСТА В КОНТЕКСТЕ НЕЙРОННЫХ СЕТЕЙ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены особенности места и роли нейронных сетей в осмыслении текста; представлена специфика бытования этого про- цесса соотносимо с их работой. Репрезентирована природа, принцип работы нейронной сети, которая рассматривается как средство когнитивной триан- гуляции (локализации) смысла, положенного в тексте посредством псевдо- биологического образования. Утверждается архетипическая природа смы- сла текста, что доказывается сутью этого явления. Акцентируется внимание, что изучение способов обучения нейронной сети (псевдобиологического образования), позиционируемого как проистекающее на биологическом ос- новании, становится средством построения считывающего устройства соб- ственно самости, сообразной человеческому Я. Ключевые слова: смысл, смысл текста, нейронные сети, работа нейрон- ных сетей, информация, обработка информации.

Target setting. Modern society, po- In this light, the Internet can be rep- sitioned as information or aspiring to it, resented as a large-scale storage of in- presents information as its basic, funda- formation data (we will not focus on re- mental component. In our opinion, this liability, doubletness, features of formal is due to the fact that the latter (infor- representation or anything else), bor- mation) in the modern world acquires rowing the archetypal characteristics of a role departing from an exclusively the symbol lying at the origins of innate epistemological vector, modifying the mental structures that make up the col- strategic significance in the horizon of lective unconscious. Unfortunately, or events of ontological reality. fortunately, the knowledge based on

76 the Internet is not always stored in a research material in this case is in direct computer-friendly form of databases; connection with the specifics of its re- most often these are texts intended for sults, forecasting prospects and others. human readings [5]. The latter is a sig- Analysis of recent research and nificant problem due to the fact that publications. Archetypical sense is the anthropocentrism of the perception unquestionable, due to its very nature: of information, in particular — the text, in this light, it (sense) is not just an seems to be an obstacle to the process of archetype originating from the haze of globalization, cosmopolitanization and the nameless, but threads that perme- others, which are nowadays the basic ate this substance. The latter we postu- trends of modern society. late, because the sense, coming from the In this context, it seems interest- chaos (nonlinearity) of the unnamed ing that in 2013, engineers at Google brings the order to it, built according to Corp. published a number of articles on the senseful fragments of the first. the new model for solving a fairly well- Neural networks — this section studied problem — predicting the word of artificial intelligence, in which for according to its context in the text. The the processing of signals using pheno- problem is well studied, for it there are mena similar to those occurring in the a number of standard methods, but the neurons of living beings. The most publication of Google engineers dif- important feature of neural networks, fered in two features: first, to solve a evidencing their wide capabilities and similar problem, they used deep neural huge potential, is the parallel process- networks; Secondly, as a training infor- ing of data in the hardware implemen- mation, a huge body of texts was up- tation. In addition, with a large number dated, comparable to the volume of the of interneuronal connections, the net- English-language Wikipedia [11]. work acquires resistance to errors that Note that, in the framework of in- occur on certain lines [15, p. 7]. dividual studies conducted with the In our opinion, the work of such a help of neural networks, in our opinion, network with the text is particularly bulkiness is an inaccessible constant, interesting, in particular — with its due to the fact that for the above deve- senses, since success in this will precede lopments it becomes the key to a great- the appearance of full-featured artificial er degree of reliability of the result. intelligence (AI). However, it should This is due to the fact that the scale be remembered that a significant break- of the texts involved provides a “space through in this area should not be ex- for maneuver”, which, due to the fre- pected in the near future due to its rela- quency of the “hot/cold” type, teaches tive underdevelopment. We are forced the network the right choice of sense. If to postulate such a number of studies, we talk about individual studies, with which, despite obvious revolutionary relatively modest volumes of factual nature, do not contain such important material, which is more than common, points from which the practices could then much more important are the cri- be based: the clear architecture of neu- terial parameters of the input informa- ral networks, the dogmatic system of tion, that is, texts. Thus, the choice of their learning, and the like.

77 Speaking about researchers deal- which seems inevitable in the process ing with neural network problems, it of researching the sense of the text. The is worth mentioning such scientists as: sense is not considered as a category of N. Alefirenko, A. Alizar, A. Bego- being, although the latter is, of course, jan, D. Vetrov, V. Voronin, Z. Dudar’, so to say “by default”, but as an aggre- L. Zhukov, M. Kovalev, Ju. Lifshic, gate of different-caliber sense, contex- Ju. Natochin, A. Rys’mjatova, T. Cher- tually and semantically motivated. nigovskaja, V. Tarasenko, O. Shevelev, Thus, it is not just an abstract ca- D. Shuklin, E. Shhurevichand others. tegory of ontological reality, but an ap- The purpose of the article is to ex- plied aspect of text analysis of any style, amine the features of the place and role form, and so on. In this light, it should of neural networks in comprehending be noted that in practice for many prob- the text. The subject — the specificity lems we can type a sufficiently large of the existence of this process is corre- number of objects for which we do not lated with their work. know the exact value of the hidden vari- The statement of basic materials. able, but we know a subset of its possi- As we have already mentioned, in recent ble values, as a rule, not very large [11]. years the activity of neural networks is The most clearly mentioned tenden- directly connected with the phenome- cy can be traced on the features of the non of AI, built on the basis of machine neural network Yandex–Palekh, which learning technologies of various search was mentioned earlier, when working engines (from Google to Yandex), in with the algorithm with user requests particular, the neural network of the instead of pictures using headings and latter — Palekh. Thus, the above-men- texts on the pages of sites. At the same tioned neural network during training time, in the learning process, pairs “re- analyzes significant volumes of both quest-header” are used, which are used positive and negative examples. Based as a platform for “understanding” the on the results of training, a high prob- neural network of sense between what ability of recognizing the given objects the user is looking for and the inscrip- on any graphic images is achieved [6]. tion in the header of the text [6]. Here it is necessary to mention that Similarly, the Palekh algorithm this is the algorithm of any neural net- translates the text of the search phrase work, which, like a child, learns by trial into a set of numbers. Simply put, the and error, fixing the correct algorithm request and the text of the web page are and avoiding inaccuracies committed placed in an identical coordinate space. in previous cycles. However, the main This way of analyzing and processing problem of constructing a training sys- search queries with subsequent com- tem for such networks immediately fol- parison with possible answers is called lows, namely: what examples will be “semantic vector”. The latter identifies most successful for their development. those pages that best respond to user Note that the neural network is an requests. The semantic vector can work excellent tool for forecasting if we are with low-frequency phrases and pro- going to proceed to the analysis of vides relevant pages for complex phras- large and super-large training samples, es from the “long tail”. Even in the most

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81 UDC: 316.472.3+159.9.07.

Evdokimova Elizaveta Ivanivna, third year student of the faculty of hu- manities and social technologies, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytech- nic Institute”, Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Kirpicheva, 2, tel.: (098) 265 24 96, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8152-0328 Євдокимова Єлизавета Іванівна, студентка факультету соціально- гуманітарних технологій, Національний технічний університет “Харківський по- літехнічний інститут”, Україна, 61002, Харків, вул. Кирпичова, 2, тел.: (098) 265 24 96, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8152-0328 Евдокимова Елизавета Ивановна, студентка факультета социально-гу- манитарных технологий, Националь- ный технический университет “Харьковский политехнический институт”, Украина, 61002, Харьков, ул. Кирпичева, 2, тел.: (098) 265 24 96, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8152-0328


Abstract. The article highlighted the problem of conflicts and analyzed in terms of traditional images of the collective unconscious that appear between the leader and the team during their interaction. Today the topic is very interest- ing, because the phenomenon of leadership as a component of public administra- tion and social life takes development. Archetypal approach to this issue makes it possible to find a new way to solve it. During research the Sachs Lions’ design method “Unfinished sentence” was used. So on the basis of empirical data author reveals the basic archetypes’ conflict of the leader and his team. Keywords: archetype, leadership, leader, modern problems of leadership, leadership conflict. АРХЕТИПІЧНИЙ ПІДХІД ДО ВИВЧЕННЯ КОНФЛІКТУ МІЖ ЛІДЕРОМ ТА КОМАНДОЮ Анотація. У статті висвітлено та проаналізовано проблему конфліктів з точки зору традиційних образів колективного несвідомого, які з’являються

82 між лідером та командою під час їх взаємодії. На сьогодні ця тема дуже ці- кава, адже феномен лідерства, як компонент суспільного управління та соці- ального життя, набуває розвитку. Архетипічний підхід до цього питання дає змогу знайти новий спосіб його вирішення. Під час роботи було проведено дослідження за проектувальною методикою Сакса Леві “Незакінчені речен- ня”. Таким чином, на підставі емпіричних даних автор виявляє основні архе- типи конфлікту лідера та його команди. Ключові слова: архетип, лідерство, лідер, сучасні проблеми лідерства, кон- флікт лідерства. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД К ИЗУЧЕНИЮ КОНФЛИКТА МЕЖДУ ЛИДЕРОМ И КОМАНДОЙ Аннотация. В статье освещена и проанализирована проблема конфлик- тов с точки зрения традиционных образов коллективного бессознательного, которые появляются между лидером и командой во время их взаимодей- ствия. На сегодняшний день эта тема очень интересна, поскольку феномен лидерства, как компонент общественного управления и социальной жизни, развивается. Архетипический подход к этому вопросу позволяет найти но- вый способ ее решения. Во время работы было проведено исследование при помощи проективной методики Сакса Леви “Незаконченные предложения”. Таким образом, на основании эмпирических данных автор определяет ос- новные архетипы конфликта лидера и его команды. Ключевые слова: архетип, лидерство, лидер, современные проблемы ли- дерства, конфликт лидерства.

Target setting. Leadership is always the fate of the task and productivity. a cooperation with a certain group, it But every manager sooner or later met is a unique phenomenon of public life, with some problems of cooperation. primarily serves to achieve goals. In any Archetypes are the foundations of society it is inevitable, interacting with human existence, outlining the place of all areas of social life. man in space, time and history. Usage Everywhere where gathers together the archetypal study of leadership is an two or more persons, appears question opportunity to find a new way to solve of the appearance of leaders. During the problem in the ethical dimension the formation of the team, some par- in national and global. What exactly ticipants has a greater role than others, archetypes conflicts occur between the other — listen to their words with re- leader and the team? That is the ques- spect, that is they get a strong position tion we will try to find the answer in in the group. That is the separation of this paper. the band on. the leaders and followers. Analysis of recent research and The identity of the leader and his inter- publications. Despite the fact that action with subordinates determines the issue of leadership was explored by

83 various scientists for a long time, a subject of the public in terms of arche- certain consensus on this concept, the types [8]. method of its study does not exists. The archetypal phenomenon was This issue was considered in various explored The Ukrainian researchers is fields of science such as psychology, so- to provide: A. Krym [15], A. Afonin [1], ciology, political science, education and L. Baziv [2], N. Kovtun [13], Y. Me- others. dynska [17] and A. Kohut [13]. This issue was considered in vari- Yemelyanov U. described subgroups ous fields of science such as psychol- leaders conflicts and gave a definition ogy, sociology, political science, educa- of the functions of the leader, in which tion and others. Among the studies of he appears judge and peacemaker [11]. modern scientists can identify the work The theme of corporate conflicts office of B. Bass [26], R. Boyatsys [3], A. Ro- “hazing” in the work showed U. Fu- manovsky [22], E. Shane [24], A. Po- kolova. US scientists Kenneth Thomas nomarev [20], etc. and Ralph Kilmen described and sys- In the works of contemporary tematized signs of different behaviors Ukrainian scientist O. G. Romanovsky conflict in organizations with the data contains detailed analysis of the forma- offered in teaching managers to use tion of the personality of the leader. schematic grid so-called model Tho- Problems resonant leadership aimed at mas — Kilmenna that demonstrates the self-improvement and building produc- dependence of behavioral strategies in tive relationships with people through conflict of interests of the parties of the active consciousness, optimism and conflict labor [23]. Also on the topic of empathy explore R. Boyatsys and leader and the the team conflict work E. Mackey. E. H. Shane examines the such scientists: E. Rehnet [21], A. Er- relationship between leadership and shov [10], Y. Vinogradov, I. Kozin [6] organizational culture. A. S. Ponomarev and others. in his work studying the phenome- The purpose of the article is consid- non of leadership in the area of social eration of the the basic archetypes con- values. flict between the leader and the team. Subject archetype of leadership The statement of basic materi- hardly processed. The article analyzes als. In the early twentieth century, the archetypes A. Lesik national mo- K. G. Jung [25] in his research uses the del of public administration, their role, term “archetype” to refer to the origi- identifying key strengths and weak- nal models contained in the collective nesses [16]. Vladimir Vilizhinskyy unconscious. Archetype is conceived conducted comparative analysis the as the original spirit of the image. Ac- examples of modern Ukrainian Soviet- cording to Jung, the unconscious there imperial and Polish-gentry managerial is a group of permanent items that are cultures explored archetypes manage- binding set of images of the uncon- ment of national traditions and their scious, the source common to all people impact on local government reform in the basic motifs and images of primitive Ukraine [7]. S. Galich reviewed and memories. Now archetypal analysis is analyzed the process of the youth as the the methodological principles study of

84 the functioning of identical images in In this latter days there is a question different cultures. Yes, Norton Fry de- of leadership as the main part of public veloped his own theory of literary ar- administrative activity. This issue has chetypes. Yelezar Meletynskyy defines a special place in the social structure archetypes as codes that allow decod- because of its importance and influ- ing texts [18]. ence on society. This is where the mass Of course archetypes are interesting of scientific papers, concepts, methods not only as unconscious mental struc- and theories was accumulated. But the ture, but also as a cultural phenomenon. theme of conflict between the leader The archetypes of the collective uncon- and the team almost never considered. scious is primarily a mental structures, Today there are several interpreta- prototypes. Eventually, according to tions of leadership, the main act as fol- the site, environmental conditions, lows: time — they are symbols and images, • the process of organizing a group picking forms of creativity. There are decision; two dimensions of existence of arche- • the ability to influence individuals types, the first — it is artistic presenta- and groups of people to force them to tion and translation into the todays lan- work for a particular purpose; guage. The second — a memory that is • historically — formed cultural the basis of social and historical course needs of people in the organization pro- of life. Performing the function of social cess activities; memory, archetypes contain the know- • in personal interaction, whose ob- ledge and experience of the people “Ar- jective is to achieve a certain goal by chetype is unique because it appears certain communication skills and be not only in the context of a wise man seen in a certain situation [22]. of the past, but also helps build bench- Most are three kinds of archetypal marks of modern” [14, p. 23]. style of leadership: authoritarian, libe- At various times various archetypes ral and democratic. In authoritarian that meet the demands of the modern style leader personally approves all de- understanding of people is faced. Re- cisions, giving orders, making instruc- search, update operation archetypal im- tions, there is a hierarchical division ages, scripts — serve as a kind descrip- between the team and management. tions of the individual nation, nations, Democratic style includes collective families or groups. All depends on what decision-making, highly active team is ordered archetypes will eventually informed all the participants about form in which they re-open in people’s the problems and merits of the work. minds. Each participant interaction voluntar- From the standpoint of archetypal ily assumes responsibility for solving analysis can consider the notion of lead- the problem and understands its im- ership, which is the core group needs. portance in achieving a common goal. Defining characteristics of a team and They are not just executing foreign de- its individual features are displayed in cisions, and have their own values and a kind of embodiment of a cultural ar- interests, discover their own initiative. chetypes. And while liberal management style,

85 characterized by low activity leader, cate personal, interpersonal, between the problems discussed formally trans- groups in the time criterion conflicts ferred responsibilities solving the prob- are divided into short-term and pro- lems the team also characterized the tracted, but without specific reference avoidance of responsibility [19]. to the precise timing. The nature of the Leader as a social manager occurs conflict is sharp and lifeless; in the form in all social organizations, functioning of manifestation — apparent and latent. in the system of goals, constraints, pro- Given the prevalence and importance cesses, requirements, rules and interests of feature emit a number of conflicts on of the working activity. Its role is to en- the grounds of “subject and scope”: the sure the normal life of the team. family, the military, industrial, school, A. S. Ponomarev said that since hu- ethnic, religious and others. man nature is controversial because of Given the consequences (for indi- its biological, sociality and materiality viduals, groups and/or its members) of thinking, the conflict between the sometimes emit destructive, construc- individual and social being is obvious. tive and stabilizing types. Destruc- Personality conflicts with common tive shake and destroy the established goals, aspirations and desires. This con- structure and function, individual and flict first, which is a manager’s work to group norms, values devalue exacerbate overcome what he needs normal coex- conflict problem situation. Construc- istence and cooperation with the team tive conflicts are rebuilding, renewal that coordination mechanisms aimed at structure, acquisition of new functions, individual and social interests. These establishing new relationships, pro- mechanisms may make the system of mote life personality or functioning of legal norms and rules, traditions and the organization. Stabilizing also lead customs, a set of moral standards and to positive results, but not through in- requirements. In this paper, the process novation and by eliminating deviations takes an important place of spiritual and consolidate existing [9]. and cultural sphere. Carriers of these Leadership — one of the areas of mechanisms also appear generally re- social areas and associated with many cognized leaders, their authority is able problems and contradictions that cause to provide the appropriate values in life. conflicts. Management team includes Although leaders do not always take planning, motivation, organization and this social role [20]. other processes, which in turn reduced Conflict — a term widely used in to provide focused, coordinated activi- psychology, sociology, philosophy, Con- ties of the team. And during this dif- flict and everyday consciousness. In ficult work the interests of individual psychology often refers Modified con- members of the group do not always flicts, clashes opposing interests, goals, coincide, are opposed, which can cause attitudes, opinions, views or the sub- conflict. jects of interaction opponents [12]. There are several manifestations of According to the typology of con- conflicts in management, and they are flicts — differentiated criteria for cause of disruption in the leadership ac- subject interaction — internally allo- tivities. Disorganization is manifested

86 in various forms of struggle between Leaders conflicts with the team governing entities that keep various working there during the interaction principles of administrative relations. and communication between people In the course of this controversy, the during clashes goals, interests, attitudes fight turns into a conflict that can oc- and opinions, attitudes of two or more cur in the form of disagreement, tension persons. At the heart of the conflict is a and confrontation. situation that involves or contradictory Disagreement is a rejection of the positions of the parties on any drive proposed templates or coordinated col- (opposite goals or means to achieve lective behavior, failure to some extent them) or divergence of interests, oppo- their duties. Disagreement as a form nents’ desires, etc. of conflict between the leader and the Our work was conducted, which team involves intentional violation of was attended by 40 reporters and stu- the agreed actions related to the per- dents of the third course of Psychol- formance of the functions of life of the ogy (15 boys and 25 girls). For data, we group. used the method Sachs Lions’ “unfin- A more severe form of leadership ished sentence”, during which was dis- conflict stands tension that affects the covered such conflicts archetypes and foundation adopted management sys- team leader: tem and provides a sharp increase in • Leadership style; conscious malfunction of the various • Introversion or extroversion; members of the team. • Gender features of leaders and Profound form of conflict is confron- team members; tation, which in turn is characterized by • External and internal locus of con- wild competition based on career plans trol; of certain members of the team and un- • Responsibility; wanted tools and methods to counter- • Hierarchy; act: the organization of group protests • Conflict of several leaders. harassment “dissidents”, the release of The first emphasis archetypal con- the group. This form of conflict, which flict is the locus of control. All respond- can meet the leader, leads to division ents found it in 27 participants, includ- and liquidation of the existing system ing 10 boys and 17 girls. Locus of control activity [12]. as the archetypal cause of the conflict

Boys Girls Average № Conflicts archetype amt % amt % amt % 1 Locus of control 10 37,03 17 62,96 27 67,5 2 Gender 13 52 12 48 25 62,5 3 Leadership style 9 39,13 14 60,86 23 57,5 4 Responsibility 10 55,55 8 44,44 18 45 5 Hierarchy 11 68,75 5 31,25 16 40 6 Introversion or extroversion 2 15,38 11 84,61 13 32,5 7 Conflict of several leaders 4 57,14 3 42,85 7 17,5

87 and the team leader, understood that ties which have difficulty in humans. there is a transfer of responsibilities In the process of quantitative growth, and achievements of the team’s leader increasing the number of features and and vice versa. There are two types of specification of group goals hierarchy locus of control: external and internal. develops the degree of influence among The external locus of control is a locus members. On the upper level of the where responsibility typical attributes hierarchy appears paramount leader, to external forces, environment, luck or leaders are in the middle of the second fate. In case of internal locus, responsi- and third levels and lower levels are fol- bility attributed to own actions and ef- lowers [11]. forts [4]. Extroversion or introversion de- Gender features the team leader scribes 13 people, 2 boys and 11 girls. and the second frequency indication Basically, introversion and extrover- type archetypal conflict in this study. sion as archetypal conflict occurs in a Describes 25 correspondents (13 boys component in the direction of a team and 12 girls). Most women reported or individually, without making team- that to work in a team with their gen- work as assistant leader. der, and running as a woman. The boys Last archetypal problem of our also comply that do not want to run the study, it is a conflict of several leaders in women on the team overall homogene- one team. This criterion was found very ity was found tolerant attitude. rarely, it describes only 9 study partici- According to Table 1, the archetypal pants, 4 boys and 3 girls. This archetype conflict style of leadership marked 23 appears in the presence of two or more respondents, including 9 boys and 14 team leaders. girls. The style of leadership is a very Conclusions. We identify seven important part of leadership and very types of archetypes leader and team difficult, because precisely identify ap- conflict, including locus of control, propriate leadership style is not always which affects the transfer of respon- easy. sibility for the mistakes and achieve- Responsibility as a cause of conflict ments found in 67,5 % of the sample. between the leader and the team has Another component of gender differ- been detected in 18 people, 10 boys and ences appear. In what role gender plays 8 girls. Responsibility often becomes an a leader and the homogeneity of the attribute of fear, because usually people team. This archetype is mentioned in do not want to bear the brunt of the 62,5 %. The third archetype (leader- problem is too severe, and even more ship style) and it occurs in 57,5 % of solitary solve them. respondents. Participants do not want Archetypal hierarchy found in 16 re- to take over responsibility because they spondents, 11 boys and 5 girls. Under are afraid of possible consequences, the hierarchy refers to segregation of duties fifth archetype and he described 45 % based on hierarchical roles of team gen- of correspondents. Hierarchy is found eral availability of the hierarchy, the hi- in 40 % of the sample. Before last arche- erarchy information sharing, work shall type is introversion and extroversion, obtain a suitable role or responsibili- which has a frequency of 32,5 % of re-

88 spondents. And seven archetype of con- ставлениях российских работни- flict between the leader and the team is ков / Е. В. Виноградова, И. М. Ко- the presence of two or more leaders in зина // Социс. — 2011. — № 9. — one group of 17,5 %. С. 30–41. The obtained data describing the 7. Вилижинский В. Архетип нацио- нальной традиции управления как most widespread archetypes conflict аутентичная основа реформиро- between the leader and the team. The вания местного самоуправления в list above these archetypes gives rise to Украине / В. Вилижинский // Ар- a more thorough study of the problem хетипика и государственное управ- of larger sample. ление: рационализация и норматив- ные практики. – 2014. – С. 23–33. 8. Галич С. Место молодежи как су- REFERENCES бъекта государственного управ- ления / С. Галич // Архетипика и 1. Афонін Е. А. Людська ідентичність государственное управление: рацио- та особливості її впливу на політику нализация и нормативные практи- й державне управління / Е. А. Афо- ки. — 2014. — С. 34–38. нін // Концептуальні засади взає- 9. Герасіна Л. М. Конфліктологія: під- модії політики й управління: навч. руч. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / посіб. / за заг. ред. В. А. Ребкала, Л. М. Герасіна, М. І. Панов, Н. П. Осі- В. А. Шахова. — К. : НАДУ, 2010. — пова та ін. — Харків : Право, 2002. С. 265–289. 10. Ершов А. А. Личность и коллектив: 2. Базів Л. М. Амбівалентність архе- (Межличностные конфликты в кол- типу матері в українській модерній лективе, их разрешение) / А. А. Ер- літературі (на матеріалі творчості шов. — Л.: Знание, 1976. — 40 с. Лесі Українки, М. Коцюбинського, 11. Ємельянов Ю. Н. Керівництво ко- В. Винниченка та О. Кобилянської): лективом як проблема соціальної автореф. дис. ... канд. філол. наук : психології. — М., 1971 — 346 с. Л. М. Базів ; Київ. ун-т ім. Б. Д. Грін- 12. Зінченко В. П. Великий психоло- ченка. — Київ, 2013. — 18 с. гічний словник / В. П. Зінченко, 3. Бояцис Р. Резонансное лидерство: Б. Г. Мещеряков. — К., 2002. самосовершенствование и постро- 13. Ковтун Н. М. Архетип культурного ение плодотворных отношений с героя в українській духовній тра- людьми на основе активного созна- диції: історико-філософський кон- ния, оптимизма и эмпатии / Р. Бо- текст: автореф. дис. ... канд. філол. яцис, Е. Макки; пер. с англ. — М.: наук: 09.00.05 / Н. М. Ковтун ; Київ. Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2007. — 300 с. — нац. ун-т ім. Т. Шевченка. — Київ, (Серия “Классика Harvard Business 2008. — 20 с. Review”). 14. Когут О. В. Архетипні сюжети й об- 4. Варій М. Й. Психологія: навч. по- рази в сучасній українській драма- сіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. — К.: тургії (1997–2007 рр.) : монографія / Центр учбової л-ри, 2007. — 288 с. О. В. Когут ; Нац. ун-т вод. госп-ва 5. Величко В. В. Економіка підприєм- та природокористування. — Рівне : ства: конспект лекцій / В. В. Велич- НУВГП, 2010. — 440 с. ко. — Харків : ХНАМГ, 2004. — 114 с. 15. Кримський С. Архетипи української 6. Виноградова Е. В. Отношения со- культури / С. Кримський // Вісн. трудничества и конфликта в пред- НАН України. — № 7–8. — С. 74–87.

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90 UDC: 159.9 + 316.6

Zozulia Victoria Olexandrivna, student of the faculty of humanities and social technologies, National Technical Uni- versity “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Kirpicheva, 2, tel.: (095) 410 34 57, e-mail: vikki1936@ ORCID: 0000-0001-7241-6564 Зозуля Вікторія Олександрівна, студентка факультету соціально- гуманітарних технологій, Національний технічний університет “Харківський по- літехнічний інститут”, Україна, 61002, Харків, вул. Кирпичова, 2, тел.: (095) 410 34 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7241-6564 Зозуля Виктория Александровна, студентка факультета социально- гуманитарных технологий, Националь- ный технический университет “Харь- ковский политехнический институт”, Украина, 61002, Харьков, ул. Кирпичева, 2, тел.: (095) 410 34 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7241-6564


Abstract. The article contains the current information for the modern world on the topic of conflict needs and its impact on all aspects of human activity. The conflict of needs is seen not only as intrapersonal aspect, but also as a way of interpersonal interaction at the individual and a society. It reveals a causal relationship conflict and needs, their essence, the beginning of the analyzed those concepts by analyzing Abraham Maslow and John Burton. Also, given the arche- typal analysis of conflict of needs considered in our investigation, which acts as an archetype ancient form filled with hereditary requirement value and type of interaction with the environment. Keywords: conflict, conflict situation, need, hierarchy, unconscious, concept, archetype, archetypal analysis.

91 КОНФЛІКТ ПОТРЕБ У МЕЖАХ КОНЦЕПЦІЙ АБРАХАМА МАСЛОУ І ДЖОНА БЕРТОНА: АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ Анотація. Стаття містить актуальну для сучасного світу інформацію щодо конфлікту потреб і його впливу на всі аспекти людської життєдіяль- ності. Конфлікт потреб розглядається не тільки як внутрішньоособистісний аспект, а й як спосіб міжособистісної взаємодії на рівні конкретного інди- віда і суспільства в цілому. Розкривається причинно-наслідковий зв’язок конфлікту і потреби, їх сутність, початок розвитку аналізованих тем за до- помогою аналізу концепцій Абрахама Маслоу і Джона Бертона. Також наве- дено архетипний аналіз конфлікту потреб, розглянутий у проведеному нами дослідженні, де архетип виступає давньою формою, наповненою спадковим значенням і потребнісним видом взаємодії з навколишнім світом. Ключові слова: конфлікт, конфліктна ситуація, потреба, ієрархія, несві- доме, концепція, архетип, архетипний аналіз. КОНФЛИКТ ПОТРЕБНОСТЕЙ В РАМКАХ КОНЦЕПЦИЙ АБРАХАМА МАСЛОУ И ДЖОНА БЕРТОНА: АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ Аннотация. Статья содержит в себе актуальную для современного мира информацию относительно конфликта потребностей и его влияния на все стороны человеческой жизнедеятельности. Конфликт потребностей рассма- тривается не только как внутриличностный аспект, но и как способ меж- личностного взаимодействия на уровне конкретного индивида и общества в целом. Также приводится архетипический анализ конфликта потребностей, рассматриваемый в проведенном нами исследовании, где архетип выступа- ет древней формой, наполненной наследственным значением и потребност- ным видом взаимодействия с окружающим миром. Ключевые слова: конфликт, конфликтная ситуация, потребность, иерар- хия, бессознательное, концепция, архетип, архетипический анализ.

Target setting. The non-realized- Complexity consists that the individual need quite often is the main cause of has subjective painting at dialogue, de- conflict situations, as at a level inside cision-making, therefore to predict ac- personal and levels of interoperability curacy of the actions accomplished by of the person with the environment, it in the future to predict difficultly and and in group communication. Perma- it is possible even to tell, impossible. nent stay in public places and interac- The given factor becomes complicated tion with other subjects of communica- also that value, that disputed process tion induces the person to be connected frequently is present at interrelation to disputed situations, finding separate with a problem of demands, at their ways to solve destructive moments. inevitable impact inside of the person

92 or outside of it, at verbal interoper- whole person.Unmet need is often the ability with other individuals. To come cause of poor efficiency of people in to understanding in such conditions managerial activities. extremely difficultly, each member of Often, the unresolved issue of ad- dialogue looks at a situation from the dressing simultaneously two require- point of view and is deforming, acting ments may affect to result of a work of of outside of, the information and re- man, lead to depressive states of any producing already obviously deformed man, as politicians, academics and lead- version of the required answer.It is a lot ers of big companies and the people of conflicts, a world scale arose between who work in the factories, teachers, ma- groups of people with different ideas, chinists.The issue of conflict of needs desires, ideals and demands. The need has no ethnic, racial restrictions includ- is a constant of the human being, with ing all social strata of the population all it, we should be considered and we are over the world [1]. Dissatisfaction with obliged to consider it at various actions. the two needs at the same time points The urgency of the given question to mutually factor this concept; if dis- gives impetus on more constructive satisfied with one need, then other will studying and understanding of all as- be impossible to meet. It is important pects of the conflict of needs. Ques- to point out the change in human be- tionsof the primary and deep are raised, havior because of dissatisfaction: irri- therefore the conflict of needs will be tability and anxiety, the appearance of considered specifically in doctrines of physical ailments (headache, stomach Abraham Maslow and John Burton pain), the so-called psychosomatic. during the archetypal analysis. Psychosomatic is a branch of medicine Analysis of researches and publi- and psychology, contains the idea of the cations. The current situation in the initial occurrence of diseases because world raises the problem of resources or of psychological problems and unmet necessities of life to one of first places. needs, ignoring the existence of any One of the most important and urgent conflict [5]. problems affecting the whole of human- Beginning of the conflict of needs is ity and personality is the problem of difficult to solve in the working envi- lack of resources or dissatisfaction with ronment and to come to the necessary the necessities of life. Constant ten- consensus as such, as it violates the per- sion, that caused dissatisfaction of need sonal values and one of the parties will sphere, can lead to muscle stiffness, and have to give way to another to bring ultimately, splash accumulated emotion back to normal indicator of conflict, but interactions in subjects, or to intraper- the consequences can be very undesir- sonal conflicts that threaten human ex- able for both the company and for the istence. most employee аt refusal of basic needs, Conflict needs primarily affects not when they are recognized as groundless, only the intrapersonal aspect, but also a person observed dissociation occurs provides a permanent impact on inter- and translating unmet need in another, personal and intergroup relations, both often in the security sphere, in this case, at the state level and at the level of the triggered the so-called mechanisms of

93 attack or retreat. The criteria for con- human with an animal, they are always flict as a factor contributing to its start, unsatisfied, led their desires. is the most common attack, which is a The primary physiological need self-instinct [3]. stands on the first place, a necessary Studying scientific propositions part of the survival of the human spe- Maslow, we have identified an ex- cies. People are hungry does not see ample, when a person does not have a the need for higher than a hearty meal. fully reliable information, see its con- When hunger takes a secondary chara- tradictions and doubts in its primary cter to replace him comes the need for sources, he develops characteristic fea- security as stability. When this need tures of the cynical type of character. is unrealized, the human mind takes a Lost faith in the dogma, disappear neurotic character type, the existence confidence in people, nothing is per- of an imaginary enemy and the threat manent (relationships, position). of constant negative context by others (Abraham Maslow ‘Motivation and takes global. Presence and stability it- Personality’). self prompts the individual to engage in According to the teachings of social contact with people. Social level Maslow needs have a hierarchical mo- implies an affiliation with a group of del of construction, due to genetic ori- people, their love and acceptance. The gin. The entire hierarchy is a pyramid influence of a sense of lack of integrity and has a progressive character: of the search is on for associates, friends 1. Physiological needs — thirst, with whom it will be possible to imple- sleep, hunger, shelter. ment this requirement. The thirst for 2. The need for safety — longevity more informed and closer relationship and stability. enhances the overall circle of acquain- 3. The need for affiliation — respect tances of the person, his mental and and acceptance on the part of the world psychological development in a social and people. and personal level. The existence of 4. The need for self-esteem — impor- the concept of morality and taboos can tance and competence. significantly reduce the rate dynamics 5. The need for self-actualization — meet the need for social contact, but the realization of their potential, talents well-formed positions of the individual and skills fully. are able to overcome such a barrier is In each time interval, a person will built by mankind for centuries. respond to the needs of more important On the penultimate place, there than everyone else to her. Promotion of is the need for respect for others and the pyramid of needs can be uneven and self-esteem. A normal individual with intermittent, but so far not implement- no pathology, will always seek recog- ed all the requirements of this struc- nition of others to maintain their own ture, personal potential is hidden from self-esteem and of their position. The man вefore the next rank will need the need to be always at the height causes most significant factor in governing the a person to cultivate to reach prohibi- behavior of man, to be satisfied the need tive heights and discover previously of a lower level. A. Maslow compares unknown.

94 Need to realize their potential is the mental physiology, in the sense in which highest point of a healthy person. The they are used to take before. Everybody individual must constantly move to- needs exist in equal positions and influ- wards self-actualization to reach their ence motivations, behaviors and human maximum capacity. Abraham Maslow targets, you cannot carve out the neces- singled out that the binder is intra- sity, which is not part of an individual personal conflict between the desire for at any given time. These needs are not self and real index [4]. suppressed and do not disappear from The famous conflict analyst John the human mind cannot be the subject Burton, that won World popularity of the appeal, serving a subsidiary un- due to their research in the field of pre- dertaking in the decision long and hard vention and prevention of long-term conflicts occurring. The final decision conflict situations between groups and will be taken in accordance with the countries, saw problem of needs di- satisfaction or dissatisfaction of needs rectly depends on theconflict. The basis and if one of the bottom will not be re- and foundation of the teachings of Bur- alized, then the accuracy of the decision ton was the study and modification of cannot be taken for truth, since it may the pyramid of needs Abraham Maslow. not be accurate and final. After investigatingthe pyramid Bur- J. Burton criticizes ideological views ton concluded that human needs are of Freud's followers, who unquestion- the root cause of conflict interaction ingly accepted as the truth, the dogma between people. Burton also describes about the causes of social conflict. One the interaction of human conflicts and such reason could serve as human ag- how they affect the result of conflict, gression, which, according to Burton is including conflicts and the individual unchanged, there will always be present or group of individuals. So, Burton in people and this fact overshadows the transferred research and data to a new theme of conflict resolution. The same level, highlighted the conflict needs as a is no less compelling cause of inferiority separate topic worthy of consideration and imperfection sociological institu- by the public and the scientific world. tions that do not change over the cen- J. Burton considers suppressed, un- turies, and have been around for many met needs as the main agents of the years. Here there is a way out of this conflict beginning, as in the original, situation, as the institutions can adjust and in modern society throughout his- and introduce appropriate changes, but tory. In his researcheshe distinguished what they will be and what needs to addition to the existing Maslow’s con- change is unknown. First, the individ- cept of how the individual parts, which ual cannot properly adjust their actions require more detailed consideration, and only adjusting to the conventional and added: the desire for free choice, human standards, he can normally in- cultural route, the correct allocation teract with society and his actions, only of resources, a full social life.Unlike then considered correct when the be- Maslow, J. Burton thought that needs havior is correct. It was not initially all are not hierarchical sequence, self-ac- that the human sphere of communica- tualization and the vertex of the funda- tion and can be considered only when

95 direct interaction between human be- Some uncertainty is a question re- ings of origin in which the actions are lating to the concept of basic needs, and considered criminal and wrong, if there the adjacent sides. Burton does not de- is a discrepancy between the common scribe or dependent needs of each other, standards, they do not have reinforce- how to determine what constitutes a ments and are not supported in human basic need, it can be realized only one behavior. These dogmas were allocated requirement for the realization of all followers of Freud’s teachings and have the others. been criticized by Burton, which in To summarize, according to the the- addition to two rhizomes singled and ories and concepts of John Burton, can third, more significant and more impor- identify a significant contribution to tantly, is able to, according to Burton, the description and understanding of to resolve the conflict — a view of the the causes of conflict in the social envi- changes taking place at the social le- ronment, and it is clear, we should hope vel with the basic needs of human. The for a more detailed and structured to problem, whatever it may be, cannot be test his teachings. solved until all the basic needs, which Under the theme of conflict needs are the foundation and the resistance for more advanced understanding of of the human and social health, both the causes and nature of the human physical and mental, will not be met factor was isolated archetypal aspect and implemented. This concept was of the investigation, presented the presented by J. Burton in his theoryof theory of Carl Gustav Jung’s arche- warning and the end of conflict action, types and their values. Analyzing the where the main condition for the com- works of Jung, we have identified the mission of the act is urgent and indis- archetype that represents the action pensable basic needs [2]. of the unconscious to the conscious. Much, also have the ability not to The archetype is the primal nature of discuss the topic of complex conflict the human element and contains the situations when the probability of pur- primitive instincts, impulses that seek poseful action, and when the lack of the conscious part. Being born, people involvement of other is a triumph for already contains all the elements of all one of the team members. Probable the archetypes, we can say that every- and reasonable to end the conflict con- one is a living complexity archetypes, frontation win all participants, with- the collective unconscious of his part, out exception, with a positive result. and wisdom of the people. Proper negotiation strategy, partner- Jung described three parts, which ships, logically constructed complete represent an idea of the human soul: discussion, which replaces the pres- • the unconscious — a memory; ence of any violent methods of the in- • ego — the conscious part of the teraction leads to a satisfactory result, personality; which is characterized by, and is an es- • collective unconscious — a unique sential feature of satisfaction and full- structure in nature, including the ex- ness in all spheres of life, in particular, perience and skills that exist in each of the need sphere. the biological substance. It is a kind of

96 inheritance, passed down from genera- Person — this is the archetype of tion to generation. the image mask, in the likeness of that As mentioned earlier, the arche- which we put on the interaction with types unconscious part of the psyche, society. Human is always striving to be manifesting itself in the outside world, better than what it is, in fact, trying to in human behavior, emotions, feelings, match the idea that there was about it motives, having at the beginning of a from others. Jung describes a mask like projection [9]. the one that is not part of man, his real Archetype, although an element of ‘I’, but it is the beginning of a social, the unconscious, yet can be realized in external aspect of interaction with the real life and when this happens, there outside world. At the same time, there is unconsciousness and the impact on is the archetype of this reticence ‘I’, ig- human archetype wanes. When the ar- noring the individual qualities of the chetype is not aware of its impact on person, to feed themselves in the best human remains unchanged until the light, to be like all the others, and not ‘solidification’ in Person. Archetypes to stand out from the crowd. are transmitted directly as the form, fill Shadow — the center of the human that individual still belongs. unconscious, it is a negative one, a deep It was Carl Jung who introduced the part of his personality. concept of the archetype, describing Last and Animus — archetypes, that his characteristic features.Jung distin- are representing the male and female guished two areas of the unconscious side of everyone. personality, which contains experiences The self — the integrity of human of one person, as well as collective, rep- nature, combines conscious and uncon- resented by a hereditary factor, unique scious, goals and aspirations of the in- representatives of the species. Two main dividual. layers in the unconscious: the personal Jung pointed out in his writings that unconscious, draws its content from the the archetypes are the expression of the experience of the life of a particular per- human need for information culture. son and the collective unconscious, the Besides the above Carl Jung allocated content of which is inherited and is uni- such archetypes: Governor, Hero, Sage, versal among representatives of certain Lover, Seeker, Child, Curator, Glorious species [10]. small. More detail will be considered Archetypes exist since ancient times, archetypes in our study, which will be sometimes consciously, but do not have written below [11]. an accurate description of the relation- The purpose of the article. The ship and the peoples of the world. It is purpose of this scientific article is a found in legends and images of differ- study of the scope of human needs and ent ethnic groups, differing history and of possible conflicts due to the mis- content, but having at a certain mean- match of needs in interpersonal and in- ing [7]. trapersonal aspect, as well as to inves- Ego — the archetype that repre- tigate the relationship of the archetype sents the central part of the conscious and needs with the help of archetypal world. analysis.

97 The statement of basic materi- Managers of large companies often als. For a more fundamental study of use this test to identify the basic needs the topic of the conflict needs of our of their employees. The information ob- study was conducted in which was re- tained is a conversion mechanism to de- vealed the level of implementation of tect and prevent conflicts in the work- the requirements and their relevance ing environment [6]. Firms that take as for students of humanitarian and tech- their basis the principle of long-term nical specialties, it was also held arche- and high-quality cooperation, consider- typal analysis of the required needs. ing the availability of relevant needs of The sample included representatives their employees and business partners. of technical focus — programmers and Therefore, the value and the relevance representatives of humanitarian profes- of this technique, as in the professional sions — linguists. This sample was as- life, and personally, is significant impor- sembled not by chance, because to con- tance [8]. duct a detailed study requires a reliable Method consists of 15 claims to be and versatile data showing the com- compared with each other pairwise parative analysis of two diverse areas of manner, the first to the second, the first human activity and mental focus. The to the third, the first to the fourth, and research was conducted in Kharkivin so on. D., gradually transition from one 2017 which was attended by 60 sub- column to another. As a result, process- jects (n = 60) ranging in age from 29 to ing the received information in accor- 35 years. For information base was used dance with the scales — indicators that technique of ‘Hierarchy of Need’ (mod- are basic needs Maslow (Table 1). ification Akindinova I. A.) is often used We have found that demand, which in worksthat relating to theme of needs. is typical for the two groups of subjects This test has been constructed based on aged 29 to 35 have a need for self-actu- the work of Maslow and philosophi- alization, the uppermost degree of re- cal teachings of his followers to iden- alization of human potential, reaching tify material relevant to the individual which the individual develops at a per- needs of self-actualized nature, includ- sonal and spirit levels. Having passed ing also the need for security. Motiva- all the previous degrees and reaching tional sphere of human activity is also the top man acquires life wisdom, ana- included in the method of ‘Hierarchy of lyzing sums up, trying to create some- Needs’, as part of the research area. thing useful for the good of the whole

Table 1 Need of the scale methodology “Hierarchy of Needs” № Needs 1 Financial position 2 The need for security 3 The need for interpersonal relations 4 The need for respect by the social environment 5 The need for self-fulfillment

98 society, is looking for the meaning of his For a more detailed study of the own existence. results of our research table was com- But as can be seen from the table piled, showing the results of the feasi- below (Table 2), representing a per- bility of the required scale in rank order centage of the results of all the partici- (Table 3). pants in the experiment, a sales group For a comprehensive analysis of hu- of subjects, based on the work of Abra- man needs and the causes of conflict be- ham Maslow is linguists that material- tween them, we have carried out a com- ize the need of a higher rank than the parison of the basic needs of the basic programmers have not implemented archetypes that are classified and de- the second place in the hierarchy as- scribed in the works K. G. Yung. Each sociated, primarily, with the initial archetype Jung attributed to the need, instinct. accordingly, we could draw a parallel You can observe in the group in- between the archetypes and the needs cludes programmers, intrapersonal and identify what the need of the ar- conflict between the needs of an unmet chetype which responds by making the need for certainty, security and the de- archetypal analysis. sire to realize.This conflict can manifest Need for ‘financial position’ corre- itself in the interpersonal level in the sponds to the Lover, who is a represen- first place, it is more manifest in the ex- tative of the physiological character- ternal behavior of the person and can istics, embodies the sexual side of life. create interpersonal conflict. The archetype of the Guardian, contain

Table 2 The percentage of survey results Scale needs Programmers Linguists 1. Financial position 27 % 46 % 2. The need for security 74 % 33 % 3. The need for interpersonal relations 42 % 62 % 4. The need for respect by the social environment 58 % 69 % 5. The need for self-fulfillment 82 % 76 %

Table 3 Feasibility requirement scales in the sense of rank Rank Programmers Linguists 1 The need for self-fulfillment The need for self-fulfillment 2 The need for security Requirements in respect of the social environment 3 Requirements in respect of the social Need for interpersonal relations environment 4 Need for interpersonal relations Financial position 5 Financial position The need for security

99 the necessary comfort and tranquility look at the needs of a higher level, is pri- of life, the possibility to relax and stay marily responsible for the non-material in a safe place there is a need for secu- and spiritual, they are the first places rity, stability and confidence. The need where the more primitive and instinc- for interpersonal dialogue is reflected in tual shown in the past. the archetype of a good fellow, for which In technical focus group represented an important social link, the ability to by programmers notice some inconsis- verbally speak with other individu- tencies observed topics actualization als, persistence, relationships built on associated with the implementation of friendship, loyalty, morality, spirituality their potential and self-actualization, and kindness. The man with the arche- but because of the data revealed that type of the Hero will be sought in the the need, which is responsible for the first place of respect among their own safety, ranks second in the results (yield kind, seeks always and in everything to 8 % of self-actualization). It is located win, to show their skills and superior- on the lower level, is not satisfied at a ity. By necessity, aimed at building re- sufficient level and therefore, to talk spect for self and neighbor, we can carry about the full realization of self-actu- the archetype of the Sage. Using logi- alization is not necessary. Dissatisfac- cal conclusions, ability to take a sober tion with low demand is not allowed to look at things and spontaneity of mind, implement a higher level of need and it is gaining recognition around them. will ‘slow down’ its development, per- The implementation of these objectives secuted feelings of inadequacy and in- inevitably leads to self-actualization, completeness of action. which can serve as a representative of Because of analysis of the activities the Seeker and Child. The first deals of Abraham Maslow and John Burton with the constant and continuous de- unmet basic needs has been considered, velopment of its capabilities, finding its which can involve a conflict situation way and life purpose, makes discove- affects the privacy of individuals and ries, thus exhibiting its uniqueness. society. The research of archetypes in Child interacts intuitively constantly the key needs given a clear and struc- finding novelty in the old, enjoying tured understanding of the causes of every day, creating a friendly atmo- the conflict, to predict the duration and sphere around him. flow of the conflict. It became clearer Conclusions and prospects for fu- picture of pathogens and intrapersonal ture research. The study observed the setting individual, its historical signifi- implementation phase, in which there cance and natural principle, which also were individuals who were identified as contains the archetype. Of course, this urgent needs, based on which it is pos- observation is science-based, but it also sible to speculate on the status and pro- requires further development to under- cesses in the personal and professional stand the nature of the conflict in the spheres. The need for self-actualization archetypal keys. is an important part of the people in- I would like to also emphasize one- volved in this study. The group of lin- sided study, I was able to provide us a guists seen a clear distinction: if you method of ‘hierarchy of needs’. Scale

100 scientific problem is the lack of em- References pirical data, since it is impossible to 1. Belyaev I. A. The integrity of man in accurately determine the extent im- the aspect of the interrelation of his plemented one or the other need and abilities and needs / I. A. Belyaev. — figure out how these needs interact Orenburg: OGIM, 2011. — 360 р. on intrapersonal and interpersonal le- 2. Burton J. Conflict and Communica- vels, although the latter can apply the tion / J. Burton // Socio-Humani- method of observation, as a key source tarian Knowledge. — 1999. — № 2. — of information. O, and subsequent 209–228 р. requests can serve to study topics of 3. Zharikov E. S. Psychology of Manage- ment. The book for the head and the the conflict needs, individual needs personnel manager / E. S. Zharikov. — and related, in this paper, archetypes, М.: МЦФЭР, 2002. — 512 p. that is subject to investigation and 4. Maslow A. Motivation and personali- detailed analysis from all angles and ty / A. Maslow; Per. With the directions. English. — Pb.: Eurasia, 1999. — 478 p.

101 UDC: 316.752.4:159.964.2

Kozhemiakina Oksana Mikolayivna, PhD of philosophical science, assistant pro- fessor, assistant professor of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science, Cher- kasy State Technological University, 18024, Cherkasy, Str. '30 Victory, b. 62, 213, tel.: (097) 530 37 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7196-4857 Кожем’якіна Оксана Миколаївна, кандидат філософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри філософських і політич- них наук, Черкаський державний техно- логічний університет, 18024, м. Черкаси, вул. 30 років Перемоги, б. 62, кв. 213, тел.: (097) 530 37 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7196-4857 Кожемякина Оксана Николаевна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, до- цент кафедры философских и политичес- ких наук, Черкасский государственный технологический университет, 18024, г. Чер- кассы, ул. 30 лет Победы, д. 62, кв. 213, тел.: (097) 530 37 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7196-4857


Abstract. The article is being considered the stabilization and regulatory po- tential of communication strategies of trust in resolving social conflicts in the context of the value changes of the modernity, taking into account the priorities of self-realization, freedom of choice, human development. On the basis of the methodological potential of communication practical philosophy and analytical psychology, the analysis of the constructive effects of social conflicts in the search for ways of value coordination of a pluralistic society and expansion of nonviolent communication practices is carried out. The language of trust in resolving social conflicts is viewed in the aspect of problems of mutual understanding on the basis of the creation of joint meanings, the establishment of the value bases of mutual recognition, personal significance and awareness of one’s own subjectivity (both individual and social). In the sense of humanistic self-realization, trust as a positive action and value response helps to minimize the destructive potential of social conflicts, initiating

102 the search for semantic horizons of understanding, affirming the norms of moral goodness, mutual recognition and ethos of care based on the symbolic actualiza- tion of the prototypes of life, stately good and light. Keywords: trust, social conflict, archetype, value, communicative strategy, responsibility, self-realization, value response, nonviolent communication. МОВА ДОВІРИ У ВИРІШЕННІ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. У статті розглянуто стабілізаційно-регулятивний потенціал комунікативних стратегій довіри у вирішенні соціальних конфліктів в умо- вах ціннісних змін сучасності з урахуванням пріоритетів самовираження, свободи вибору, людського розвитку. На основі методологічного потенціалу комунікативної практичної філософії та аналітичної психології здійснено аналіз конструктивних ефектів соціальних конфліктів у перспективі пошу- ку шляхів ціннісного узгодження плюралістичного суспільства та розши- рення практик ненасильницького спілкування. Мова довіри у врегулюванні соціальних конфліктів розглядається в аспекті проблем порозуміння на ос- нові витворення спільних смислів, утвердження ціннісних засад взаємного визнання, особистісної значущості та усвідомлення власної суб’єктності (як індивідуальної, так і суспільної). У сенсі гуманістичної самореалізації довіра як благоорієнтована дія та ціннісна відповідь сприяє мінімізації руйнівного потенціалу соціальних кон- фліктів, ініціюючи пошук смислових горизонтів порозуміння, утвердження норм морального добра, взаємного визнання та етосу турботи на основі сим- волічної актуалізації праобразів життя, величного добра та світла. Ключові слова: довіра, соціальний конфлікт, архетип, цінність, комуні- кативна стратегія, відповідальність, самореалізація, ціннісна відповідь, не- насильницьке спілкування. ЯЗЫК ДОВЕРИЯ В РАЗРЕШЕНИИ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ КОНФЛИКТОВ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. В статье рассмотрен стабилизационно-регулятивный по- тенциал коммуникативных стратегий доверия в разрешении социальных конфликтов в условиях ценностных изменений современности с учетом приоритетов самовыражения, свободы выбора, человеческого развития. На основе методологического потенциала коммуникативной практиче- ской философии и аналитической психологии осуществлен анализ кон- структивных эффектов социальных конфликтов в перспективе поиска путей ценностного согласования плюралистического общества и расшире- ния практик ненасильственного общения. Язык доверия в урегулировании социальных конфликтов рассматривается в аспекте проблем взаимопони- мания на основе сотворчества совместных смыслов, утверждения ценност- ных основ взаимного признания, личностной значимости и осознания соб- ственной субъектности (как индивидуальной, так и общественной).

103 В смысле гуманистической самореализации доверие как благоориенти- рованное действие и ценностный ответ способствует минимизации разру- шительного потенциала социальных конфликтов, инициируя поиск смы- словых горизонтов понимания, утверждения норм нравственного добра, взаимного признания и этоса заботы на основе символической актуализа- ции прообразов жизни, величественного добра и света. Ключевые слова: доверие, социальный конфликт, архетип, ценность, коммуникативная стратегия, ответственность, самореализация, ценностный ответ, ненасильственное общение.

Target setting. Contradictory, dy- engagement, contribute to widespread namic, and ambiguity of the modern perception of social conflicts as reality, social development in the era of glo- which should not be avoided, instead balization significantly updates the one need to learn how to adjust and problems of harmonious coexistence settle them by civilized means, mini- in many conflict situations in diver- mizing negative effects and making it sity of human relations that somehow possible to apply the search strategies causes a paradigm shift from the phi- of optimal alternatives, and humanistic losophy of mind to the philosophy of meanings which have archetypal na- communication. The communicative ture. According to Ronald Inglehart, turn in modern scientific discourse values of self-expression promote a leads to intersubjective color of the humanistic transformation of the mo- moral and ethical issues, focused on the dernization processes, illustrating the strengthening the principles of fair- process of human development with ness, responsibility and solidarity in priority emphasis on the formation of order to achieve mutual understanding a society in which people occupy the on the basis of universal ethics, based center stage [1, p. 13]. The new human- on universally valid moral belongings. istic culture of the pluralistic society is Within the discourse of a (dialogically- dominated by the ideals of freedom of argumentative) paradigm exactly the choice, confidence, tolerance, responsi- confidence plays a key role in harmo- bility, demonstrating the importance of nizing society, especially given the gen- cultural diversity with humanistic pri- eral moral crisis, growing technological orities, rather than self-centeredness. power of humanity and colorful field Especially important, in terms of of conflict (values, needs, interests, in- the transformations of communica- tentions, etc.), which generally creates tion strategies of modern time, raise new risk profiles of modern times. the questions of value-normative jus- Value changes of our time, accom- tification of the humanistic culture panied by the formation of personality, of confidence as the basis of social or- strong sense of subjectivity, increasing der in potential conflict relationships, the values of self-expression and civic building on the basis of the priorities of

104 individual and social self-realization a An important contribution to the worthy human social environment. In development of theoretical and meth- addition, significant problematisation odological foundations of modern con- in establishment of the culture of con- flictology made G. Simmel, M. Weber, fidence causes a situation of total crisis L. Coser, R. Dahrendorf, J. Lockwood, of confidence as a lack of confidence P. Sorokin, A. Giddens, A. Touraine, resources highlighted the search of K. Boulding, et at., in the their works universal sources of reliability and au- social conflict is seen in its universal thenticity contained in the sense-mak- and ambivalent features that are im- ing patterns of collective experience in portant for the social development. social interaction. However, despite a significant num- Analysis of recent research and ber of works on the said issues, there publications. Addressing the issues remain insufficiently highlighted ques- for changing the priorities in the in- tions of archetypal nature of the cul- terpretation perspective of confidence, ture of confidence and identifying its its communicative role in a globalized dialogue potential in conflict environ- society can be find in the works of ment. K.-O. Apel, I. Habermap, K. Ionas, The aim of this article is a concep- V. Hosle, D. Bioler, F. Fukuiama, tualization of integrative, humanist A. Selihmen, A. Giddens, N. Luman, and stabilizing potential of the com- P. Shtompka et al., where the confi- munication strategies of confidence dence is seen as a key feature of modern in solving social conflicts, paying at- times that is getting more problematic tention to the archetypal principles of due to the growing uncontrollability value-normative bases of the culture of and social complexity. confidence. Current issues of confidence for The statement of basic materi- potential conflict of indeterminate na- als. The contradictory globalization ture of Other, recognizing it as Own, processes are significantly and rapidly Alien, Hostile, Third and construct- changing the contemporary architec- ing methods related to it are the sub- ture, creating a large-scale opportuni- ject of philosophical reflection since ties and prospects, and previously uni- ancient times, but it most consistently maginable risks and hazards, erasing is developed in the work of M. Stirner, boundaries and expanding the range of Y.-H. Fichte, E. Husserl, W. Dilthey, interactions with the uncertain Other, M. Heidegger, E. Levinas, M. Mer- which generally causes a decrease in leau-Ponty, M. Buber, G. Deleuze, confidence due to reduced controlla- B.Valdenfels, et al. Research of the bility and predictability of social inter- archetypal principles of social interac- actions. According to Ulrich Beck, the tion and specific of their manifestation author of the theory of “Risk society”, in different areas of society are devot- along with globalization is taking place ed the works of C. Jung, E. Fromm, a destruction of key principles which M. Eliade, A. Augustinavichute, have been organizing the life of societ- A. Bolshakova, P. Crimsky, E. Afonin, ies and states as geographically bound- A. Donchenko, et al. ed from each other entities, at the same

105 time, there have been emerged new problems based on finding common power and competitive relationships, meanings, establishing value principles conflicts and overlapping between na- of mutual recognition, personal impor- tional and state unities and transna- tance and awareness of own subjectiv- tional actors, new identities and social ity (both individual and social). spaces [2]. There is an intense search for new Awareness of the need for interdis- principles of life, its value-normative ciplinary scientific justification of con- justification in terms of the rapid com- flict issues in terms of the developing plication of social coexistence, lack of strategies in order to effectively ad- legitimation, and numerous crises in dress them, recognizing both destruc- various spheres of society. Communi- tive and constructive effects of various cative practical philosophy with its confrontations and contradictions in transcendental pragmatics allows re- the pluralistic social environment re- defining sources of social integration quires recourse to conflict analysis as a and intersubjective harmonization prerequisite for the functioning of so- through the development of universal ciety in its diversity and development. ethics of responsibility. Social theory of Axiological conceptualization of so- communicative action is aimed at iden- cial conflict in the sense of enhancing tifying “the fundamental principles confrontation of social actors as a re- for determining… correctness, general sult of resource deficiency and a sense importance and universality of ethical of injustice about their distribution standards and values” [4, p. 14]. Com- involves structural possibility of in- municative ethics is exploring the re- terpretations of competitive situations humanization possibility of the social over scarce resources, power, prestige, development as ethical responsibility and so on, in terms of presence/absence in terms of urgent matters of the mo- of reconciliation grounds for opposing dern times, namely — loss of meanings, interests [3]. Stabilizing or destabiliz- orientations, values, expansion of tech- ing effects of social conflicts depend nical intelligence in all areas of human on existing in social structures ways of life, which leads to the total dehuman- harassment expression, tolerance level ization of reality [4, p. 15]. and the culture of confidence in soci- Confidence, being a cultural re- ety, demonstrating the ability to adapt source that stimulates the implementa- to social norms to changed conditions tion of potential interaction, promotes of the modern society. These factors the renewal of society and indicates generally make it possible to form the such person orientation that is relative humanistic culture of confidence, in to the actions of other people that we the process of consolidation of which act, despite the situation of uncertain- social actors form a coherent pluralistic ty and risk. Thus, confidence is an es- society, and at the same time changing sential value foundation of social inter- themselves. action, indicating orientation not only The language of confidence in re- on own interests, which leads to a cor- solving social conflicts can be consi- rection of own behavior in accordance dered in terms of understanding the or with reconciling the interests of oth-

106 ers. Communication as semantic aspect technological capabilities of mankind, of social interaction, aiming at under- the only possible way of peaceful coex- standing, is based on subject–subject istence is dialogue aimed at achieving relations that are possible only if the understanding and value support of re- consideration and respect for Other is lationships of mutual confidence. provided. This attitude is ensured by Correlation with another subjec- the confidence to Other, that is, when tivity as a phenomenon of presence- you know that you can normally ex- for-me-another-I provides for the con- pect from him. stituting of Other, similar to my own Confidence appears as a form of intentionally modified sense of self, spiritual experience, intuitive exis- making possible a shift to the sense of tence comprehension, and certain ex- transcendental We and the constantly periences, which sets limits to coexis- meaningful universal living world. tence with its own entity, with other In this context a transcendental people, and with the world in general. confidence, conceptualized as an in- This is an overlap of individual and tersubjective attitude of possibility social, rational and irrational, past (as to reach agreement between the sub- experience of previous interactions, in- jects of social interaction, is perceived cluding such phenomena represented within the context of conditions for as gratitude, giving, and caring) and fu- confidence, ways to build means of ture (mainly implemented in the hope understanding of valuable basis for of a certain expectation). Confidence confidence in terms of finding univer- is a special grade moral force that real- sal reasons of the intersubjective link- izes the potential and is based on the ing, regardless of social and cultural feeling of moral values and dignity of distinctions. Transcendental essence another person. That moral value is the of confidence is based on a subjective criterion that regulates the spontane- feeling of authenticity that constitutes ity motives and uncontrolled feelings. itself and the necessary form of social The inner experience of confidence reality. is a socially coordinated field of con- Motivational and semantic aspects scious evidence that provides a gene- of social interactions to some extent ral mood of openness and willingness are due to the potential of irrational to rely on the will of Other subject in factors that are available, particularly terms of inability or lack of control over in the archetypes of the collective un- his actions when the transcendental I conscious. In Jungian tradition the found his own Not-I in another I. Em- archetype is understood as some old phasizing the exacerbation in the mo- forms that form the unity of rational dern world of conflicts, namely be- and irrational, external and internal tween value systems, Anthony Gid- experience, and are a kind of cogni- dens distinguishes at least four means tive models that organize the psychic for their solution: isolationism, vol- reality according to certain cultural untary exile, dialogue, and use of vio- references [6]. In represented in socio- lence [5, p. 78]. Given the dynamics of cultural practices symbols and images globalization processes and increasing as the archetype derivatives are recog-

107 nized value-normative regulatives of value: in terms of positively affirmative human activity, reflecting the goals of this answer itself is a value, in terms of individual and social self-realization. denial and destruction this answer be- In the terms of this research ar- come evil owing to denial of this value. chetypes can be conceptualized as the Justified confidence, therefore, is the crystal structures of the collective un- valuable answer to shown confidence conscious, which is the central image- as an act that is directed towards the semantic determinants that determine future, contributing to the distribution and direct behavior in crisis situations. of the benefit oriented action. Abuse of In addition, according to the Jungian confidence, failure to meet its values is understanding of the impact of suffered a negative significance, affecting the conflicts that is based on around the ontological foundation of human life, collision of opposites that have natural destroying the sense of reliability and qualities to meet in the middle, promot- security. ing through the right of self-expression Specificity of confidence is also re- to acquire integrity, reconciliation and flected in a kind of “transfer of author- sense-making. ity”: the subject of confidence is its The archetype of Holy as a kind of initiator, but the result of a confidence numinous is a basal guarantee of confi- relationship depends mainly on Other dence, which gives self-confidence and as a perfect object, on which are put at the same time faith in other people our expectations specifying around that comes out form the needs in Other, intentions, honesty, competence and his recognition that is realized through security. In confidence as a valuable existential worries, mutual empathy, answer the content is on the side of empathy and so on. the subject, we are “full” of confidence, Confidence in this context is un- we are not empty, this content of our derstood as an organized experience soul we are guiding to the object. Con- of socio-cultural space of meaningful fidence, like joy or love, combining in- interactions of Own and Alien (Other, ternal and external experience is itself a Another), which stimulates the search conscious reality in terms of adoption, for constructive alternatives and uni- deliberately committed reality, “qual- fying meaning. This complementary ity content contains in our act, that is, process of personal theming Other as on the side of the subject, not the ob- credible for confidence, which in turn ject” [7, p. 189]. Like other valuable an- leads him to appropriate behavior, ex- swers, confidence is the prerequisite for pression of the expected virtues, form- the personal importance of the object, ing the necessary characteristics and awareness of this importance and be- their realization in activity, it is very ing motivated by it. The ability to trust clearly revealed in the context of the as a rootedness in common values is an concept of value answer by Dietrich essential condition for spiritual fellow- von Hildebrand. The scientist pro- ship and understanding [8, p. 49]. poses every embodiment of virtue and Therefore, confidence is always a every action consider in terms of an- valuable answer, as it is not possible swer to moral or morally significant to trust the subject that is not consid-

108 ered to be endowed with certain vir- showing integrative potential of con- tues (loyalty, honesty, integrity, etc.). fidence in implementation of the prin- Valuable answer in the confidence ciple of reciprocity that enables em- relationship has its own moral value, pathy and effective cooperation with confidence opens up a human to the the needs of others. The basis of this world, revealing his inner riches as a concept is self-awareness of an indi- “entrusted to human the unfathomable vidual, providing a measure of cogni- treasure of goodness” [7, p. 436]. Con- tive complexity, level of differentiation fidence arises as a conscious behavioral image of I internal integrity, stability, paradigm, and as an affective subcon- self-acceptance and genuine expression scious attitude, combining in different [9]. This reassuring communication is proportions rational, emotional and based on the language of confidence, mental. acceptance, and empathy rather than Thus, confidence is understood as on the language of condemnation, ac- an internal act of sense-making of the cusation, violence, humiliation, and importance-in-itself, as endowed with evaluative sorting that is manifested in value of benefit in mutual actualiza- different stereotypes, extreme catego- tion of those features that provide the rization, reproaches, labels, diagnoses, ability of Other to give something that and so on, being a tragic expression of needs the object of confidence for the unmet needs. full to discover his own potential, im- Nonviolent communication is es- plementing ethos of care and responsi- sentially the “language of life” that is bility and creating a sensation of har- based on an internal dialogue, empa- mony. thy and readiness for creativity, ac- Actualization of communication tive cooperation, dialogue communi- strategies of the dialogue potential of cation, distinguish between strategies confidence requires involvement in of domination and social partnership, conflict areas the social practices of monitoring and evaluation, demand structural flexibility, inner balance, and request, feeling and interpreta- valuable depth, and synergy mecha- tion, emotional bondage and emotional nisms, demonstrating the need of ad- freedom, powerlessness and empower- vantage of culture peace standards, ment, physical strength, and the power nonviolent communication, priorities of self-esteem and responsibility. Lan- of the open society. Communication- guage of peace and nonviolence trans- in-trust is the basis of so-called “peace forms the social reality, and life in con- programs” aimed at nonviolent conflict fidence appears as the ability to open resolution, particularly in the political, yourself, have the power to be vulner- interethnic, interreligious tensions and able, give a part of yourself, that is gen- confrontations. erally the key to the enrichment of life As a model of coordinated commu- and effectively addressing conflicts by nicative interaction for effectively ad- nonviolent means [10]. dressing of social conflicts can be used To illustrate the communicative a nonviolent communication concept, manner of aggression/acceptance and developed by Marshall Rosenberg, visual perception of socio-cultural

109 guidelines in perception of Other in unity, and ideals of fear, submission, the form of I-statements, Marshall death, darkness, immaturity, and alien- Rosenberg uses the metaphor of “jackal ation, requiring further analysis on the language” and “giraffe language”, sym- material of socio-cultural practices of bolizing the appropriate archetypal specific country to develop optimal guidelines of predatory destruction strategies of solving social conflicts. and perspective creation and foresight. The language of confidence as com- Jackal language is distinguished by municative action is a means of ex- demonstrating coercion values that in pressing valuable recognition of Other, conflict situations focuses on humilia- determining in advance the interpreta- tion, repression, weakening Other and tion of reality in terms of active cooper- exaltation of self. In giraffe language ation, unlike the instrumental concepts (which has a “great” heart) valuably of domination, power, manipulation, prevail guidelines of nonviolence, cre- and categorization. Moral foundation ating positive relationships between of confidence culture, as benefit orient- people, confidence, tolerance, and ed action, is the ethics of responsibility support, resulting in flexibility in the based on jointly produced intersubjec- choice of strategies to resolve conflicts tive norms that determine the motiva- in the prospective of personal self-real- tion and orientation of mutually re- ization, creating a sense of self-impor- cognized voluntary standards of modal tance for Other in the grounds of help, and mandatory in public actions, find- care, empathy, openness and so on. ing generalized expectations of accept- Conclusions. Thus, nonviolent ed by this community commitments. strategies for resolving social conflicts In terms of humanistic self-realiza- have greater prospects in building ef- tion the language of confidence helps fective social interactions, reducing to minimize the destructive potential social tensions and establishing struc- of social conflicts, initiating the search tures of self-realization, freedom and semantic horizons of understanding, confidence. Experience of confidence/ establishing standards of moral good- non-confidence as the first social ex- ness, mutual recognition and caring perience of child is a productive result ethos based on symbolic actualization of a typical conflict between the desire of life prototypes, grand goodness and to meet the needs and the possibilities light. of their resourcing that demonstrates constructiveness in the formation of References new skills and self-confidence. This basal confidence, establishing a sense 1. Inglhart R., Veltsel K. Modernizatsiya, of moral goodness and strength later kulturnyie izmeneniya i demokratiya: Posledovatelnost chelovecheskogo in life, are the cumulative implemen- razvitiya [Modernization, cultural tation of archetypes of Holy, Mother, change and democracy: The sequence and Father, which generally provides of human development] / R. Inglhart, guarantees of reliability, symbolizing K. Veltsel: [per. s angl. M. Korob- the ambivalent projections as ideals of ochkina]. — M.: Novoe izdatelstvo, kindness, care, birth, light, strength, 2011. — 464 p.

110 2. Bek U. Chto takoe globalizatsiya? obsch. red. L. G. Ionina. — M.: Ideya- Oshibki globalizma — otvetyi na glo- Press, Dom intellektual. knigi, 2000. — balizatsiyu [What is globalization? 205 p. The mistakes of globalism — the an- 4. Ermolenko A. N. Etika otvetstvennosti swers to globalization] / U. Bek; [per. i sotsialnoe byitie cheloveka (sovre- s nem. A. Grigoreva, V. Sedelnika]. — mennaya nemetskaya prakticheskaya M.: Progress-Traditsiya, 2001. — filosofiya) [Ethics of responsibility 304 p. and the social being of man (modern 3. Kozer L. A. Funktsii sotsialnogo kon- German practical philosophy)] / flikta [Functions of social conflict]/ A. N. Ermolenko. — K.: Naukova dum- Per. s angl. O. A. Nazarovoy; Pod ka, 1994. — 200 p.

111 UDC: 351: 392 Kozak Viacheslav Ivanovych, PhD in Public Administration, post-doctoral fellow of Public Administration and Lo- cal Self-Government Department of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Institute of Pub- lic Administration of National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine, 49044, Dnipro, Hohol- ya Str., 29, 314-316, tel.: (044) 383 83 77, e.mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0850-4831 Козак В’ячеслав Іванович, кандидат наук з державного управління, докторант кафедри державного управ- ління та місцевого самоврядування Дні- пропетровського регіонального інститу- ту державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Пре- зидентові України, 49044, м. Дніпро, вул. Гоголя, 29, кімн. 314-316, тел.: (044) 383 83 77, e.mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0850-4831 Козак Вячеслав Иванович, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант кафедры государствен- ного управления и местного самоуправления Днепропетровского регионального инсти- тута государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управ- ления при Президенте Украины, 49044, г. Днепр, ул. Гоголя, 29, комн. 314-316, тел.: (044) 383 83 77, e.mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0850-4831


Abstract. The article is dedicated to definition of the archetypal paradigm of the development of public management in Ukraine in its conflict state. The existence of the various archetypes of public administration in the context of implementation of various management concepts is argued. The necessity of new approaches to management influence, for the safety of the development of system of public management and society as a whole from the effects caused by nega- tive factors as well as reducing the impact of the crisis is proved. The author’s vision is proposed for solving the crisis state of the public management through

112 the creation of the arch-typical paradigms of public management through the synergistic integration of the administrative mechanisms of the concept of “new public management”, “socio-political networks” theory and the concept of “good governance”. The description of each concept is given; the principles of their in- tegration to the national system of public management based on the archetypes of the existing management paradigm are substantiated. Keywords: paradigm, archetype, archetypal paradigm, public management, new public management, public-policy networks, good governance. СТАНОВЛЕННЯ АРХЕТИПНОЇ ПАРАДИГМИ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ В НИНІШНЬОМУ КОНФЛІКТНОМУ СТАНІ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Стаття присвячена визначенню архетипної парадигми розвит- ку публічного управління в Україні в її конфліктному стані. Аргументовано існування різних архетипів публічного управління в умовах реалізації різ- них управлінських концепцій. Доведено необхідність застосування нових підходів управлінського впливу, які б убезпечили розвиток системи публіч- ного управління і всього суспільства від дії негативних факторів та змен- шили вплив кризових явищ. Представлено авторське бачення розв’язання кризового стану публічного управління шляхом створення архетипної пара- дигми публічного управління через синергетичне поєднання управлінських механізмів концепції “нового державного менеджменту”, теорії “суспіль- но-політичних мереж” та концепції “належного врядування”. Надано опис кожної з концепцій та обґрунтовано засади їх вбудови у національну систе- му публічного управління з урахуванням архетипів існуючої управлінської парадигми. Ключові слова: парадигма, архетип, архетипна парадигма, публічне управління, новий державний менеджмент, суспільно-політичні мережі, на- лежне врядування. СТАНОВЛЕНИЕ АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКОЙ ПАРАДИГМЫ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В НЫНЕШНЕМ КОНФЛИКТНОМ ПОЛОЖЕНИИ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Статья посвящена определению архетипной парадигмы развития публичного управления в Украине в ее конфликтном состоянии. Аргументировано существование различных архетипов публичного управ- ления в условиях реализации различных управленческих концепций. Дока- зана необходимость применения новых подходов управленческого воздей- ствия, которые обезопасили бы развитие системы публичного управления и всего общества от воздействия негативных факторов и уменьшили влияние кризисных явлений. Предложено авторское видение решения кризисного состояния публичного управления путем создания архетипной парадиг- мы публичного управления через синергетическое объединение управлен- ческих механизмов концепции “нового государственного менеджмента”,

113 теории “общественно-политических сетей” и концепции “надлежащего управления”. Предоставлено описание каждой из концепций и обосновано принципы их встраивания в национальную систему публичного управления с учетом архетипов существующей управленческой парадигмы. Ключевые слова: парадигма, архетип, архетипическая парадигма, пу- бличное управление, новый государственный менеджмент, общественно- политические сети, надлежащее управление.

Target setting. It should be noted public administration in Ukraine, state that the history doesn’t know examples of development and transformation in of countries that have avoided the crises modern conditions were described in and conflicts. These crises and conflicts the research papers of: V. B. Averyanov, have always been linked with both in- V. D. Bakumenko, T. O. Bilozerska, ternal and external factors. The current R. V. Voytovych, I. I. Hanushchak, changes in the modern state and social Z. S. Hladun, N. T. Goncharuk, development, fleeting powerful process- V. B. Dziundziuk, V. M. Kniazev, es of globalization, the emergence of in- I. B. Koliushko, V. K. Kolpakov, novative information technology, exter- S. O. Kravchenko, V. M. Martynenko, nal threats and internal conflicts pose N. R. Nyzhnyk, O. I. Obolensky, challenges for Ukraine to identify and I. A. Radzievsky, S. M. Seriogin, use new approaches of the management V. P. Tymoshchuk, A. F. Tkachuk, influence, which would secure develop- Y. P. Sharov and other Ukrainian re- ment of the system of public adminis- searchers. The following domestic tration and the whole country from the scientists directed their attention to effects of negative factors and reduce the study of archetypes of public ad- the impact of the crises. Modern science ministration: V. P. Andrushchenko, of public administration considers re- E. A. Afonin, I. V. Berezhny, T. O. Bu- ducing crises and conflicts on the state tyrska, O. I. Vasilieva, O. S. Vlasenko, level of the social development in gene- O. A. Donchenko, O. P. Lukyanov, ral and public administration system in O. V. Sushy and others. While ac- particular through the use of new man- knowledging the scientific heritage of agement concepts (new public manage- these scientists, it should be noted that ment, good governance, socio-political researches on the subject of becom- networks, etc.). That is why Ukraine, in ing the archetypal paradigm of public its conflict state, faces the challenge of administration in the current conflict designing a modernization of the exist- situation in Ukraine is a new area of ing instruments of public administra- research in solving the problem of tion on the basis of new management modernization and development of the concepts in the paradigm of relations Ukrainian state. based on the national archetypes. The purpose of the article. The Analysis of the recent researches study is based on the objective deter- and publications. Research issues of mination of the main instruments and

114 mechanisms of new management con- types are called the archaic cultural cepts in the context of their impact on concepts — characters of man that the development of the archetypal pa- are historically included on a subcon- radigm of public administration in the scious level, “filtered” through layers of current conflict situation in Ukraine. centuries of cultural transformations. The statement of basic materi- They relate to ideas about man’s place als. To facilitate understanding of the in the world and society, normative subject of study let us be define some and value preferences, determine pat- of the terms. Firstly, a paradigm is a set terns of human activity and retain their of philosophical, general theoretical, value” [7, p. 105]. However, the closest methodological, worldview, scientific, suitable definition to the subject of our administrative and other guidelines study is given in the Encyclopaedia of that have emerged historically and tak- Public Administration where under en in a particular community as a sam- the archetype is understood the collec- ple, rule, standard for addressing issues; tive unconscious that is being project- system of the basic scientific achieve- ed on the basic values of society, forms ments (theories, methods), according a system of social norms, standards to which is organized a research prac- of behavior and lifestyle in general tice in a particular field of knowledge [3, p. 502]. in a given period [3, p. 507]. Public ad- It follows that the archetypical ministration determines diverse mean- paradigm of public administration is a ingful contexts of the paradigm, such description of management models and as: institutional; active, legal and regu- rationale the principles of their con- latory, scientismic, systemic, social, so- struction at the level of a certain soci- cio-political, instrumental, innovative, ety, which in turn corresponds to the paternalistic, liberal [3, p. 508]. classification criteria of scientific and To formulate the concept of arche- state paradigm. It should be noted that type, let us use more definitions. Thus, in this study the archetypical paradigm in the classic definition of archetype will affect, first of all, the management is — (from the Greek Archetipos — pro- models that evolved and became the totype) — a way of connection of ima- basis for the emergence of new man- ges that are transferred from genera- agement concepts, and further, due to tion to generation. According to Jung, the reception, have proliferated in the archetypes are the structural elements system of public relations. of the human psyche, which are hidden In recent years, in the modern sci- in the collective unconscious, in gene- entific literature was placed funda- ral, for all mankind. They are inherited mentally important issue that led to in the same way, as the structure of the the modern development research — a body. Archetypes define the overall change of government and manage- personality structure and sequence of ment capabilities of the state and its images, poping-up in mind upon awak- institutions in the conditions of grow- ening creative activity that is why the ing uncertainty and unpredictability spiritual life bears the archetypal im- of the results and consequences of go- print [1]. In modern literature arche- vernment decisions in various fields.

115 In worsening conditions, in which self-orientation and self-management the state is forced to operate by imple- of ethnicity, containing principles of menting basic functions that have been formation of moral values, norms of caused by the processes of globaliza- behavior and activity, principles of up- tion, accelerated technological devel- bringing, relationship between people, opment, emergence and exacerbation the organization of everyday life. The of environmental problems which complex structure of human relations exert a direct effect on the quality of that exist in society is reflected in the life, internal and foreign stability (cli- public sector and revealed through ar- mate change, spreading of people who chetypes — the system of recognition have diseases that are difficult to treat of the collective unconscious, which is and so on). For the Ukrainian state, influenced by objective and subjective besides the above-listed factors, the factors. Thus, the objective factors are additional burden is caused by the cri- targeted the socio-historical and his- sis processes of external threat coming torical-cultural incentives of impact on from Russian Federation, and internal personality, whereas the subjective fac- political conflicts. tors form his cognitive emotional and According to J. Koppenyan and volitional behavior. E. Kliyn the existence of such threats Globalization and transformation requires the development of a new ar- of the socio-cultural realities lead to a chitecture of public administration, change of the management paradigms. based on the latest knowledge, specific There have been similar changes to the competencies and skills of politicians paradigm of public administration in and officials in order to create new op- Ukraine. The transformation processes portunities for cooperation between that are taking place in Ukraine need state and non-state actors both at na- to form a new management paradigm tional and at supranational levels [14]. based on such democratic principles: Thus, changes in the architecture recognition of democratic principles of public administration are influenced and norms of governance, trust in the by the fundamental civilization chang- main political institutions and lead- es occurring during the late XX – the ers, interpersonal trust, tolerance and beginning of XXI century, affected the consolidation of political and social development of world scientific opin- activities. Today there is a steady need ion on the state, society and man in for establishing a new paradigm of pub- the context of forming such modern lic administration, based on authentic theories and management concepts as archetypes inherent to Ukrainian so- “new public management”, “social and ciety, at the same time these arche- political networks”, “good governance” types should be influenced by imposed et al., which provided theoretical and prospects of the global management of methodological basis of the “global existing trends. revolution in the public sector” [4]. For a long time most developed In addition, the development of the countries for the organization of the public sector in this or that country is public sector used the traditional bu- under pressure of the latent system of reaucratic management model, which

116 had a great success on the stage of tive, territorial, and decentralized) that industrial society. This management occurred in Europe and the developed model was based on: dichotomy prin- world in recent decades, changed atti- ciple of politics and administration; tude towards fundamental and decisive hierarchies; centralization; stability of role of the state as an institution and state institutions and public service; transformed the archetype paradigm formalization of principles and pro- of public administration from the state cedures; direct organization for the bureaucracy to public administration. provision of goods and services to go- Search for an efficient state adminis- vernment agencies; bureaucratic form trative model has led to the emergence of administration. For some time this in the science and practice of public management model has its advantag- administration the new theoretical and es and achievements. However, this methodological approaches, including: model of public administration is not the concept and practice of “new pub- perceived by the civilized world as the lic management”, the theory of “social- “ideal model” of the organization at the political networks” and the concept of private and public sectors because of “good governance” [9–13; 17; 18]. Each its inherent inertia, bureaucracy, focus of these conceptual directions claims to on organizational structures and pro- universality and the status of the new cesses, being characterized by remote- paradigm of public administration. ness from civil society, lack of flexibil- For the purpose of the study, we ity and innovation [6]. will try to imagine a brief description Globalized and unified world set of each of the concepts and justify the the target to scientists of creating principles for their embedding in the new multilevel approaches and multi- national system of public management faceted concepts of developing society taking into account the authentic ar- and the state, basis of which was the chetypal paradigm. settlement of relations and interests of Analyzing various definitions of the local, sub-national, national and global new public management and the di- levels. This determinant was designed vergence of specific forms of its practi- to ensure social well-being and effi- cal application in the system of public ciency of the state as the institution as administration it may be noted that a whole. the developers put aim to achieve ef- The end of the 90s of the XX century ficiency of governance of the state and was marked by the fact that Western efficient use of public funds by creat- scientific environment understood the ing a “small size and competitive public need to change the archetypal para- sector, improve the quality of manage- digm on the level of the public sector. ment of public services and the rapid This was caused by the fact that the reaction of the state to meet the needs world’s global processes stimulated of citizens” [16, p. 9]. Defined prin- the development of administrative and ciples of the new public management bureaucratic dysfunction of public ad- were characterized by apparent shift ministration. In addition, structural attention from the structure and man- political and legal reforms (administra- agement process (in the coordinate

117 system of rational bureaucracy) on the the essence of the relationship between outcome of management. The tool to the public and community institu- achieve optimal results of the new pub- tions. According to this concept they lic management was the adaptation of are not based on hierarchical, subor- successful business management tech- dinate relationships, and the system of niques for the purpose of managing so- cooperation and co-government built cial development [8]. on horizontal relations, equal statuses, However, with time, it became network structures, precluding the use clear that privatization, outsourcing of enforcement mechanisms and direct and other practices of the new public pressure. management require excessive force In the context of the developing to control, monitor and regulate, that paradigm of public management based therefore requires additional financial on the concept of socio-political net- and human resources. After some time works is the dominant mechanism of appeared scientific justifications that public involvement in the decision- the concept is “intellectually dead” making and policy management. and attempts to implement its ideas Equally important is the use of the spe- in practice led to excessive complica- cific type of resource as social capital in tions in the political and administra- solving social problems, which signifi- tive process [12]. Since then, the grow- cantly affects the dynamics of public ing interest in the theory of “social and administration [5]. Building a system political networks” has begun, whose of public administration according to development was marked by the ur- the network architecture allows acti- gent need to address the priority socio- vating informal relationship channels, economic political issues in the context providing motivation, and creating a of globalization and informatization favorable environment for interaction and the need to adapt to the uncertain- and accumulating resources to address ty and unpredictability of the external national and supranational issues. environment and the fragmentation of However, there are certain limi- the political system. tations to the widespread use of the As the concept of the new of state concept of the social and political net- management, the paradigm of socio- works. The network management ob- political networks is coming out of the jectively weakens not only the respon- formation of the provision of social sibility, but the coordination that is needs. It is a special type of archetypes important for any government institu- based on the culture of consensus in tion and the state as a whole. Accord- public and private entities that inter- ing to G. Peters, only “strong vertical act with each other in certain areas connections between social groups and of policy on the basis of resource de- NGOs provide effective coordination” pendency to reach agreement on the [15]. issue in the solution of which all are Identified over time deficiencies interested. But, unlike the new public of the theory and practice of the new management, socio-political networks public management and also awareness at fundamentally different level reveal of inability of the amorphous network

118 structures to form a long-term strategy in mind is that there is some mental, of the social development, implement- professional lack of training of citizens ing focused management and settling to use the principles of transparency, conflicts between political actors en- accountability, involvement to control couraged to develop a new conception the actions of government and other of “good governance”. administrative structures. Moreover, Management archetype of this con- the good governance implies the ap- cept is based on common democratic plication of the principles of “quality rules and relationships, just for the control” and therefore collaboration of good governance of the state, society power, civil and expert communities in and the world at large. The good gov- developing high standards in providing ernance is a mechanism to ensure the administrative services. functioning of society as a whole self- We believe that for Ukraine, which regulating system, a way to implement is in the crisis-conflict state, and which public authority, which is achieved is still in the policy-making of the mo- through: compliance with public poli- del of public administration would be cy needs of the social development; real appropriate to use a synergistic combi- participation of citizens in the formu- nation of best management mechanism lation and implementation of public concepts of the rational bureaucracy, policy; combining the capacity of all new public management, socio-politi- three sectors (government, business, cal networks and good governance. and public); continuous monitoring of Analyzing the management mecha- various segments of society for public nisms that are used in Ukraine, it may authorities, etc. [2]. be noted that the system of public ad- Ignoring the principles of the good ministration inherent in periodic and/ governance has resulted in the forma- or permanent use of various instru- tion of weak (improper) management, ments without exception management the main elements of which are ineffec- concepts and theories. This is due to a tive, secrecy and corruption. In coun- typical state of current Ukraine, its po- tries where for a long period functioned litical and state system. Being a part of both centralized system and improper the Soviet Union, Ukraine for a long corrupt administration, which might time was eliminated from civilized be included the Central European democratic governance that affected countries, including Ukraine, there is the course of its archetypal manage- no effective scenario of rapid and radi- ment paradigm. Change in concept in cal transition to the principles of the the management paradigm from cen- good governance. This is due to the tralized management to decentralized impossibility and undesirability of fir- governance occurs slowly. This is due ing all the employees who have oper- to the different archetype of the socio- ated with prior management system, cultural groups representing various and this is objectively conditioned to regions of Ukraine and their vision of the length of time, necessary to estab- development of the state. The mental- lish the new management principles. ity of these groups affects on the for- However, the important reality to bear mation of the archetype in the center

119 of the public administration system, 2. Bezverkhniuk T. Yevropeiski standarty especially regional and local self-man- vriaduvannia na rehionalnomu rivni: agement elites. monohrafiia [European standards Conclusions. It was determined of governance at the regional level: that the archetype as the collective un- Monograph] / T. M. Bezverkhniuk, S. E. Sakhanenko, E. K. Topalova; za conscious phenomenon, that has cer- zah. red. T. M. Bezverkhniuk. — Odesa : tain characteristic features for Ukrai- ORIDU NADU, 2008. — P. 328. nian society inherent in archetypes of 3. Entsyklopedychnyi slovnyk z der- public administration. zhavnoho upravlinnia [Collegiate It was determined that the strategy Dictionary from the public adminis- of becoming the archetypal paradigm tration] [Electronic resource] / uk- of the development of public adminis- lad.: Yu. P. Surmin, V. D. Bakumen- tration should be based on the preser- ko, A. M. Mykhnenko ta in. ; za red. vation of national identity under con- Yu. V. Kovbasiuka, V. P. Troshchyn- ditions of globalization management skoho, Yu. P. Surmina. — K.: NADU, 2010. — 820 s. — Available at: http:// trends and should be based on the modernization of authentic manage- library_nadu/ Encycloped_vydanniy/ ment values. 14ff57eb-06bd-4b2b-8bfb- It is noted that without forming ead7f286d5dd.pdf (accessed April 24, own national authentic archetypical 2017). paradigm of the development of pub- 4. Kettl Donald. Hlobalnaia revoliutsyia lic administration Ukraine will remain v hosudarstvennom upravlenyy [The a permanent crisis-state conflict and Global Revolution in Public Adminis- cannot be properly integrated into the tration] [Electronic resource] / Donald civilized community. Its ability to meet F. Kettl. — Available at: http://maga- the challenges of the modern world html (accessed April 24, 2017). and the ability to implement effective 5. Molodtsov O. V. Sutnist politychnoi economic, social, and modernization merezhi yak modeli predstavnytstva ta policy will be characterized by the realizatsii interesiv subiektiv terytori- emergence of authentic archetypes of alnoho rozvytku [The essence of po- public administration and their imple- litical network as a model representa- mentation in the areas of livelihood of tion and realization of interests of the the state and society. territorial development] [Electronic resource] / O. V. Molodtsov // Der- zhavne upravlinnia: teoriia ta prakty- References ka : elektron. nauk. fakh. vyd. — 2006. — № 1. — Available at: http://www.nbuv. 1. Archetyp // Slovar literaturovedches-–journals/ DUTP/2006–1/ kich terminov [Archetype // Diction- txts/POLITICHNI/06movstr.pdf ary of literary terms] [Electronic re- (accessed April 24, 2017). source] / Eksperymentalnaia hruppa 6. Radziievskyi I. A. Fenomen hlobal- Lib-Ra; red. Rudnev Yu. B. — Elektron. izatsii i derzhavne upravlinnia [The dan. — Kyev, 2001–2005. — Available phenomenon of globalization and at: governance] [Electronic resource] / hetip.htm (accessed April 24, 2017). I. A. Radziievskyi // Derzhavne

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121 UDC: 321:352 Коzakov Volodymyr Nikolaevich, Doctor of Sciences in public administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of state policy and social development, Nation- al Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Str. Eugеne Pottier, 20, tel.: (050) 393 12 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1330-5244 Козаков Володимир Миколайович, доктор наук з державного управління, про- фесор, професор кафедри державної полі- тики та суспільного розвитку, Національ- на академія державного управління при Президентові України, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (050) 393 12 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1330-5244 Козаков Владимир Николаевич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, профессор кафедры госу- дарственной политики и общественного развития, Национальная академия государ- ственного управления при Президенте Украины, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (050) 393 12 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1330-5244


Abstract. The article explained the theoretical bases of influence Ukraini- an mentality as archetypal factor to harmonize the social and power relations, it turns archetypes influence national conscious and unconscious on social and governmental processes in Ukraine, the theoretical approaches to reduce mental and value conflicts in the Ukrainian society and Directions improving social and power relations with the peculiarities of national mentality. Keywords: archetypes, mental, social and power relations, public administra- tion, the values of civil society, political culture. УКРАЇНСЬКА МЕНТАЛЬНІСТЬ ЯК АРХЕТИПНИЙ ФАКТОР ГАРМОНІЗАЦІЇ СУСПІЛЬНО-ВЛАДНИХ ВІДНОСИН Анотація. У статті обґрунтовуються теоретичні засади впливу української ментальності як архетипового фактора на гармонізацію суспільно-владних

122 відносин. З’ясовується вплив архетипів національного свідомого та підсві- домого на суспільно-владні процеси в Україні. Розглянуто теоретичні під- ходи щодо скорочення ментальних та ціннісних протиріч в українському соціумі й визначено напрями вдосконалення суспільно-владних відносин з урахуванням особливостей національного менталітету. Ключові слова: архетипи, ментальність, суспільно-владні відносини, пу- блічне управління, цінності громадянського суспільства, політична культура. УКРАИНСКАЯ МЕНТАЛЬНОСТЬ КАК АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ФАКТОР ГАРМОНИЗАЦИИ ОБЩЕСТВЕННО-ВЛАСТНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ Аннотация. В статье обосновываются теоретические основы украинской ментальности как архетипового фактора гармонизации общественно-власт- ных отношений. Выясняется влияние архетипов национального сознания и подсознания на общественно-властные процессы в Украине. Рассмотрены теоретические подходы к сокращению ментальных и ценностных противо- речий в украинском социуме и определены направления совершенствова- ния общественно-властных отношений с учетом особенностей националь- ного менталитета. Ключевые слова: архетипы, ментальность, общественно-властные отно- шения, публичное управление, ценности гражданского общества, политиче- ская культура.

Target setting. For centuries, for- sible political manipulation of public eign elites have imposed on Ukraine consciousness, increases political apa- and its regions various principles and thy and disbelief of the population in principles for organizing life. Therefore, political power. In the absence of genu- we entered the independent phase with ine democratic institutions of public different goals and views, which were administration and social cooperation, formed on the basis of regional, cultur- with a low ability of the population to al, ideological, religious and linguistic organize themselves and with a lack of dividing lines. We met independence common systemically important social broken to sometimes warring segments. values, political forces are able to con- Such an inheritance contains a poten- duct “administrative” methods by the tial threat to social conflicts and ten- will of isolated groups of citizens, using sions. The divisions of society into al- language, ethnic and mental tensions, ienated groups — according to the level in bad faith, to obtain political capital. of self-consciousness, religious confes- Analysis of recent research and sions, political views, social orienta- publications. The question of arche- tions, mentality — are one of the factors types and mentality has been studied that significantly, which impedes their for a long time. Within the framework of consolidation. This, in turn, makes pos- national and ethnic psychology, specific

123 features of the national character and three approaches: the first — the men- mentality are analyzed (A. Blazheny, tality is considered as a set of conscious G. Gegel, C. Gelvetius, N. Danilevsky, representations, symbolic images and I. Kant, M. Latsarus, Platon, I. Fichte, values; The second — the emphasis is D. Hum, K.-G. Young and others) on the collective-subconscious compo- A significant contribution to the nents; The third — emphasizes that the study of the Ukrainian mentality and mentality is a sphere of both conscious its influence on public-power rela- and subconscious, connected with each tions was made by E. Afonin, V. Gor- other. Based on the generalization of sky, V. Dziundziuk, V. Donchenko, the characteristics of this phenomenon, B. Kravchenko, S. Krimsky, V. Kryukov, the following definition is proposed: J. Kuts, A. Mayboroda, P. Nadolishny, mentality is a stable way of percep- M. Pirenn, A. Radchenko, V. Rebkalo, tion of the world, which determines the O. Sushi, V. Troshchinsky and others. form of the person's response, the com- However, the content-functional munity to various social irritants, has boundaries of the concept of “mental- a collective manifestation and assumes ity” as an archetypal factorogarmoniza- an active perception of the world that tion of social-power relations have not is characteristic of those who live in a yet been adequately determined. The particular culture and refers to one Na- points mentioned above determine the tion and directly affects the form and relevance of the topic of the article, its political-legal regime of the state sys- main purpose and objective. tem. Archetypes, stereotypes, mytholo- The purpose of the article is to sub- gies, traditions, hierarchical norms and stantiate the theoretical foundations of values are the core of the mentality the influence of the Ukrainian mentali- that set certain guidelines for the indi- ty as an archetypal factor on the harmo- vidual's behavior. Mentality is the basis nization of social and power relations in for ideology and politics. Over time, it Ukraine. can change due to changes in the fac- Achieving this goal has made it ne- tors of its formation [1; 5]. It is condi- cessary to solve the following problems: tioned by socio-cultural and historical • toconsider the theoretical ap- contexts with characteristic axiological proaches to reducing the mental and concepts, but the archetype does not value contradictions in the Ukrainian depend on time and place, that is, axio- society logically neutral. Mentality is a nation- • to substantiate the directions of ally colored archetype. Therefore, this improving social-power relations tak- concept in its meaning is broader than ing into account the peculiarities of the the concept of “archetype”. In each national mentality. such society (national culture) their The statement of basic materials. archetypes dominate, which determine The concept of “mentality” is inter- the features of the functioning of men- preted ambiguously in the framework tality [2]. of various scientific approaches. In mo- In general, the concept of “mental- dern science, according to the research- ity” is not an identical world view, na- er O. Terentyevoy, there are at least tional character, consciousness, etc.

124 Since it is considered in the context of values in the interaction of the state of the collective consciousness, we can and сivil society. talk about the existence of a national The values of Ukrainian culture are mentality with its subspecies, оne of especially archetypal, among which, which is the political mentality — a in our opinion, for the harmonization steady, conscious and unconscious rep- of social and power relations in the resentation of a certain group of people country, the following mental values: about the political and social reality 1) individualism as an essential feature based on memory that is reflected in of Ukrainian life. Ukrainian individu- value political orientations and influ- alism is based on a certain attitude to ences the formation of a new social and society — it is Khutorian individu- power paradigm in Ukraine. alism, the correlate of which is the It should be noted that the current immediate community. Such individu- stage of development of Ukrainian so- alism is based not on the autonomy of ciety and its culture are in a situation the individual, on the sovereignty of of value chaos and uncertainty. There his mind, on the ability to discursive- is a process of changing the value para- ly legitimize social and ethical norms digm: the previous system of values is that would ensure social integration, being forced out of the mass conscious- but on a direct opposition to society ness, and the new one has not been suf- [3]. ficiently formed. Ukrainian society is At the same time, one can not agree built not so much on the common val- with the opinion of I. Polishchuk that ues that are rooted in the life world, but “peculiar Ukrainian individualism can rather on a certain regulatory system be an important prerequisite for the de- that is a certain compromise between velopment of an extensive civil society the interests of certain social, political based on liberal principles in Ukraine. and ethnic groups. And even the basic But for this, a substantial transforma- classical values of modern society, such tion of the substantive essence of indi- as equality, freedom, justice, solidarity, vidualism itself must take place, which which have become slogans of demo- must go beyond the domestic level and cratic revolutions around the world encompass the higher, socio-political and basic for modern democracy, are level of relations” [4]. actually formal. It is clear that liberal individualism Therefore, in these new conditions, is fundamentally incompatible with at the level of philosophical reflec- the principle of integration based on tion, it is necessary to comprehend the common universal values, which demo- situation and carry out a scientific and cratic solidarity needs, and therefore theoretical analysis of the influence of this contradiction is a logical result of the mentality of the Ukrainian people Ukraine’s political development. Be- on the harmonization of social and go- cause of this state of the value basis of vernment relations in the country, society in Ukraine, it is not surprising which will allow to provide a new level that the phenomenon of citizens’ dis- of political culture, and, most impor- trust of power arises and is constantly tantly, to form a new understanding growing.

125 And here there is an objective ex- multi-party system), but the society planation for this. According to the does not have mechanisms to control researchers, one of the reasons for such the power structures after the elec- discrepancies is “long-term stay in the tions, and therefore the policy does not colonial position. Demonstrating its have Feedbacks with other spheres of own failure to the sovereign develop- society’s life, and state officials are not ment of the state, the Ukrainian com- responsible for their actions [7, p. 22]. munity naturally appeared depending Hence a proverb appeared in Ukrain- on the more united and powerful neigh- ian folklore as “my hut with an edge, bors. Unfortunately, we have to state I do not know anything”, which reflects that throughout its history, the tor- my, mental attitude of the Ukrainian mented Ukrainian people were forced authorities. to submit more to foreigners than to The next mental value is world out- build their own state. Therefore, for look tolerance, expressing the ability of most generations, Ukrainian state po- the Ukrainian people to take into their wer was perceived as something alien, culture the mental attitudes of other foreign” [4]. peoples and their cultures. Tolerance is The mistrust of the state, that is, a an absolute value in the conditions of lack of legitimacy, is an illustrator of sociocultural pluralism in a society of the engaged disease of illusory splitting competing interests, sometimes colored of the values of the political and civil by national or confessional intolerance. space of Ukrainian society in the mid- The idea of tolerance has a seman- 1990s. XX century, in which sometimes tic meaning. It was born as a religious diametrically opposite ideas acted. The tolerance, passed its formation as the institutionalization of power through principle of the optimal relationship the prism of selective technologies has between church and state, and, finally, not solved the issue of legitimacy. As a developed as a basic principle of inter- result, there was only “formal legitima- personal and intergroup relations, miti- cy” for a long time, the essence of which gating differences related to ethnic and was: “... in insignificant support by a so- religious affiliations, gender and age, ciety of an incompetent state, despite material and social status in Society. selective legitimacy” [5]. So, the accu- [3]. mulative average score of confidence The repressive system of Soviet so- from 1 — “do not trust at all” to 5 — ciety created a “new man”, which was “completely trust” in 1994–2005. Ac- marked by such features as intoler- cording to some reports, the President ance, aggressiveness, claims to mono- of Ukraine — 2,4; The government — poly ownership of truth, opportunism. 2,2; The VerkhovnaRada of Ukraine — These signs finally formed completely 2,1 [6, p. 174]. In these conditions, it was unstructured in the ideal-value dimen- possible to state in Ukraine the presence sion of a person, one-dimensional in its of the so-called “Delegative”democracy inactivity.For Soviet society, there was syndrome, in which there are a num- an imbalance between individual and ber of formal institutions of democ- collective integration, here the iden- racy (elections, parliament, president, tity that was formed on an ideological

126 and class basis was dominant, while the ritorially designated community of ethnic, religious, cultural identity was people who share a certain version of almost pushed into the sphere of indi- modern culture and which are linked vidual identity, which at the same time by a strong sense of unity and solidar- played a secondary role. Therefore, it ity” [ibid., р. 125]. is understandable why the tendency to 4) Finally, an important mental fea- preserve its national identity becomes ture of the Ukrainian society is the de- dominant today, which is manifested sire for personal freedom. The creative not in political but in ethno national individualism of a Ukrainian is per- identification. It should be noted that sonal independence and respect for the such an identity not only gives way freedom of every person as something to the lost collective identity, but also sacred and inviolable. The historical ex- serves as a kind of the rescue from the ample of such a subject of freedom is the process of homogenization typical for freedom-loving Cossack and precisely Western countries, that, in the words the Cossacks in Ukraine. of C. Taylor, “..allows absolutely tra- So, both opposing at first glance, ditional bases of identification” [8, Ukrainian aspirations as individualism p. 133]. and conservatism, conditioned by the 3) The conservativeness of the only value motives. In our thinking, Ukrainian mentality, in our opinion, is the stereotype of the de-factualization not a negative characteristic, since in of values is rooted. We are not able to the Western tradition there is a fun- fully and deeply experience social be- damentally different understanding ing as the present. Thoughts, views are of it. “Conservatism is an independent addressed either to the past or to the system of absolute ideas, it is defined future. Do not forget that this round by such universal values as balance, or- the clock is very urgent for engaging der, restraint” [9, p. 455], S. Hunting- totalitarian doctrines and practices. We ton believes. “After all, people are being also have no approximately legal state, pushed to conservatism by the shock but we already state the existence of a caused by events, the terrible feeling social state, which is a “continuation that society or its institutions will cease and complementation" of the state of to exist” [reference, p. 470]. law” [11]. And it is here, in our opin- The founder of the theory of the ion, that the duality of the Ukraini- Ukrainian nation, I. Lysyak-Rudnitsky, an character is most fully manifested: wrote that conservatism as a “sponta- the love of freedom and reconciliation neous spiritual attitude of a large part with slavery, the Cossack democratic of Ukrainian society played a signifi- government and the dictatorship of the cant role and embodied in the strong ataman or hetman, amateur and pater- preservation of the native language, nalism, and the like. faith, customs and rituals, traditional The modern political elite mostly forms of family and social life” [10, bears the mental features of the Soviet p. 125]. This attitude did not prevent system, which leads to the use of out- the Ukrainians from being a modern dated methods of public administration nation that “... can be defined as a ter- and, accordingly, contradictions in so-

127 cial and power relations. The first step even ordinary citizens: on the one hand, in the way of harmonization of public- states are afraid, not hoping for their le- power relations in the country should gal protection from the arbitrariness of be the creation of an adequate model its institutions, on the other — without of the spiritual and value mechanism a twinge of conscience, they steal and for the development of the national deceive their “virtue”. consciousness of the political elite and In this connection, within the frame- state employees of Ukraine. The state work of our analysis, the question arises power elite will be able to perform the of the place and role of culture as one functions of a social and cultural guide of the archetypal prerequisites for the if it is based on a strong system of le- harmonization of social and power rela- gal regulation, a system that involves tions in Ukraine? Indeed, culture as a overcoming the eternal contradiction system of public civic values, represen- between politics and law. However, tations, behaviors, motives and commu- the paradox is that in a disdainful atti- nications that regulate and regulate the tude to the law (as a leading manage- general behavior and professional ac- rial value), there is a strange spiritual tivity of people, should cause and direct solidarity of the top and the majority social and authoritative interaction as of society. Probably, the barbaric re- an appropriate system of connections, jection of legality is inherent in the relations and interactions between so- Slavic soul. Consequently, the lack of ciety and the state, people , Their public fundamental value-legal orientations associations and state institutions into feeds on us not only at the expense of a civilizational nationwide develop- the elite, but is conditioned by a much ment. more stable mental tradition. The lat- In general, the cultural environment ter is all the more tangible because the of public administration includes vari- internal denial of the value of law is re- ous archetypes and mentality, habits inforced by the constant availability of and traditions that adapt the current double standards of responsibility that context to the main orientations and have taught the leaders of different le- values of various groups of public man- vels to avoid any real responsibility to agers and politicians. The stability of society.This tendency is confirmed by such characteristics of managers shows the so-called “Byzantine style” of man- that even an optimal redistribution of agement, oriented mainly to shadow functions between management struc- and semi-shadow methods of decision- tures and the restructuring of organi- making, behind-the-scenes methods of zational structures is not always, and personnel selection, and the like, for especially not immediately, capable of local rulers, at least until recently. The leading to changes in cultural stand- organic deficit of responsibility (by the ards and the real management practices way, not only in the ruling classes, but that they have set.In the organizational also among all participants in the po- context, culture personifies a set of litical process) turns out to be a fairly “high symbols” (civil, moral, ideologi- typical feature of our political men- cal and other values and landmarks) tality in general. So it turns out those that form the appropriate standards of

128 joint activity, drawing all these manag- and the state is a factor of universal ers to these cultural norms and thereby public discourse, that is, the factor of forming powerful incentives for the resolving the contradictions of society professional conduct of civil servants. on the basis of cultural, linguistic and The mental structure of an organization solidary communication through con- reflects the level of creativity and con- sensus, which lies in the foundation of servatism, tolerance and closeness, in- the vital world. ternal tension and leniency (including The task of harmonizing public- ethnic, confessional, gender) apparatus, power relations in the country should influences the perception of new ideas, be the development of a mechanism attitude to the goals of state policy. At for the transition to a new model of the same time, various sources of cul- solidarity, taking into account all the tural influence, different value systems conflicting positions in the mentality of that cause internal links between state Ukrainians. actors and citizens and politicians can take place within the organization, not- ing typical habits and abilities of joint References activity, forms of coordination and co- 1. Terentyeva A. L. Mentality as a factor ordination of positions, interpretation of development of the state in Ukrai- of collective traditions, standards and ne / O. L. Terentieva / Thesis for a norms of activity , which are recognized Candidate of Science Degree in Pub- as positive.In this connection, culture lic Administration in specialty not only unites people on a common 25.00.01 — Theory and History of civil platform, but also is able to influ- Public Administration. — Kharkov, ence their actions more than manage- 2010. —16 p. ment orders and service functions [12 2. Azina A. National Specificity of arche- p. 284]. typal values / O. Azyna // Theory and Conclusions and prospects for fur- Practice of the Public development. — 2013. — № 11. — Р. 45. ther research. Thus, the scrapping of 3. Remenets A. Origins of Ukrainian the old system of value-normative ori- culture values [electronic resource] / entations leads to the need to create a O. Remenets. — Mode of access: new hierarchy of social-power values. http: // The content components of the value php/VisnikPK/article/down- orientation of the Ukrainian mental- load/7487/8545 ity (freedom, individualism, tolerance, 4. Polishchuk I. Mentality of Ukraine: conservatism) provide for the possibil- the political aspect [Electronic re- ity of their inclusion in the European source] / I. Polishchuk. — Access cultural space. After all, we are talking mode: // poliszczuk.html about a conscious orientation to new 5. Makeev S. Ten-year crisis of legitimacy values, personal and collective, solidar- of ruling elites / S. Makeev // Politi- ity “direct participation” in organizing cal thought. — 2001. — № 3. — P. 5–9. the life of society as a whole and every 6. Stepanenko V. Problems of Civil Soci- citizen.Therefore, the main thing is that ety Formation: Institutions, Practices, the rational consensus of civil society Values / V. Stepanenko // Ukrainian

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130 UDC: 321.013

Kozlova Liudmyla Vasilievna, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Pro- fessor of the Department of Public Manage- ment and Administration, Institute of Public Administration National University named Black Peter Graves, 54003, Mykolaiv, Str. 1st Military, 2a, housing 10-P, tel.: (0512) 767192, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4808-6846 Козлова Людмила Василівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування, Інститут державного управління Чорноморського національного університету ім. Петра Могили, 54003, м. Миколаїв, вул. 1-а Воєнна, 2a, корпус 10-П, тел.: (0512) 767192, e-mail: d_idu@ ORCID: 0000-0003-4808-6846 Козлова Людмила Васильевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного управ- ления и администрирования, Институт государственного управления Черноморско- го национального университета им. Петра Могилы, 54003, г. Николаев, ул. 1-я Воен- ная, 2a, корпус 10-П, тел.: (0512) 767192, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4808-6846


Abstract. The process of Ukrainian society’s transformation is associated primarily with thepublic administration’s reforms. Theyare complicated by in- formation, organizational, economic and regulatory issues. But in addition to these mechanisms, it becomes obvious that the important role is played by fac- tors that lie outside the field of public administration and which aren’t taken into account during the reforms of decentralization in previous similar attempts in Ukraine. These phenomena are associated with the real ability and willing- ness of the Ukrainian society to the reforms of decentralization. The article

131 deals with the results of the study that the conflict situation in our society de- velops in the context of public administration’s decentralization, and this situ- ation is unique for Ukraine. Keywords: decentralization, public administration reform, psychosociocul- tural backgrounds, conflict, social conflict, social transformation processes. ПСИХОСОЦІОКУЛЬТУРНІ ПЕРЕДУМОВИ ДОЛАННЯ КОНФЛІКТНОСТІ В КОНТЕКСТІ РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ПОЛІТИКИ ДЕЦЕНТРАЛІЗАЦІЇ Анотація. Процеси трансформації українського суспільства, що пов’язані насамперед з реформами публічного управління, ускладнюються різноманітними проблемами інформаційного, організаційного, економіч- ного, нормативно-правового характеру. Але, крім зазначених механізмів, стає очевидним, що важливу роль відіграють чинники, які лежать ширше площини публічного управління і не бралися до уваги під час проведення реформ децентралізації в попередніх таких спробах в Україні. Ці явища пов’язані з реальною здатністю та готовністю українського суспільства до реформ децентралізації. Результати дослідження, втілені у статті, вказу- ють на те, що в контексті децентралізації публічної влади складається кон- фліктна ситуація в соціумі, яка є унікальною для України. Ключові слова: децентралізація, реформи публічного управління, пси- хосоціокультурні передумови, конфлікт, соціальний конфлікт, суспільно- трансформаційні процеси. ПСИХОСОЦИОКУЛЬТУРНЫЕ ПРЕДПОСЫЛКИ ПРЕОДОЛЕНИЯ КОНФЛИКТНОСТИ В КОНТЕКСТЕ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПОЛИТИКИ ДЕЦЕНТРАЛИЗАЦИИ Аннотация. Процессы трансформации украинского общества, связан- ные в первую очередь с реформами государственного управления, ослож- няются разнообразными проблемами информационного, организационно- го, экономического, нормативно-правового характера. Но, кроме указанных механизмов, становится очевидным, что важную роль играют факторы, которые лежат шире плоскости публичного управления и не принимались во внимание во время проведения реформ децентрализации в предыдущих подобных попытках в Украине. Эти явления связаны с реальной способно- стью и готовностью украинского общества к реформам децентрализации. Результаты исследования, которые нашли свое воплощение в статье, гла- сят о том, что в контексте децентрализации публичной власти складыва- ется конфликтная ситуация в социуме, которая является уникальной для Украины. Ключевые слова: децентрализация, реформы публичного управления, психосоциокультурные предпосылки, конфликт, социальный конфликт, общественно-трансформационные процессы.

132 Target setting. For Ukraine as a the West societies and social conflicts former USSR’s country declared de- are analyzed in the works of D. Bell, mocracy’s transformations are accom- J. Galtung, E. Durcheim, R. Dahren- panied by significant contradictions dorf, L. Coser, M. Crozier, M. Maffeso- and are characterized as incomplete. li, T. Parsons, N. Smelser, A. Touraine If we compare Ukraine’s experience of and etc. the administrative reforms with other The theoretical and methodologi- countries, we’ll see that different demo- cal basis of public administration’s cratic systems have overcome this way reforms is connected with the scien- nonlinearly and unequally. In Ukraine tific researches which show different every attempt of public administra- sides of reforming and transformation tion’s reforming is accompanied by the of Ukrainian society (informational, constant reversed trends. It could be economical, organizational, legislative, explained by the unwillingness of the complex). But at the same time an in- society for the cardinal changes, which efficiency to implement the adminis- are connected with the mental, social trative reform in practice determines and cultural factors, and with the great to research this problem form various influence of the political traditions of positions including the mental, social, the past, which are deeply fixed in the cultural and societal factors. These new mentality of the nation. system building factors are researched Analysis of recent research and not enough. They aren’t considered as publications. Among Ukrainian sci- an ability to solve modern tasks of the entists a great attention to the men- public administration’s reforms. tal, social and cultural factors during The purpose of the article is to an- the transformation and modernization alyze the nature of social conflict that of the Ukrainian society is paid in the appears in the context of the transfor- works of O. Sushiy, the problems of mation of Ukrainian society and decen- the public administration’s transfor- tralization of public administration, to mation are considered by V. Averi- set the mental, social, cultural and soci- yanov, V. Andruschenko, E. Afonin, etal factors for overcoming conflict for V. Babkin, O. Babkina, V. Barkov, the purpose of improving of the public V. Bebik, V. Zhuravskiy, A. Zaec, administration’s reform in Ukraine. Yu. Kalnish, V. Kremin, O. Lazorenko, The statement of basic materials. M. Myhalchenko, S. Naumkina, Yu. Pa- Conflict is always the struggle and op- homov, O. Puhkal, Yu. Rymarenko, position, confrontation between indi- Ph. Rudich, Yu. Surmin, V. Tkachen- viduals or groups because of different ko, M. Tomenko, V. Hramov and etc. important for them reasons, purposes, Societal factors of public adminis- interests, values and attitudes and it is tration are research by E. Afonin, also conscious practical activity of the E. Donchenko, A. Martynov, O. Sushiy, overcome these contradictions. Social L. Usachenko. conflict is born in the some social envi- Among foreign authors the prob- ronment, society. It is kind of the oppo- lems of the mental, social, cultural and sition when the main actors try to pos- societal factors, transformations of sess or to capture a territory, recourses,

133 power and they endanger to opposite It performs some positive functions, groups, individuums, their rights and encourages détente and leads to the so- property, culture and so this struggle cial changes, making social units which has got form of the attack or defense. assist cohesion of the social group, a E. Durcheim, T. Parsons, N. Smelser development of the communicative re- have considered that conflict wasn’t lations. nature and was dangerous for society Another researcher of the conflict [6; 12; 13]. They described a conflict and social conflicts R. Dahrendorf the as an abuse of the structural and func- main position gives to the interests tional balance in the social process, so which are in the basis of the conflict the main tasks — to reveal it early and [4, р. 142]. For determining of the con- to take the necessary measures to over- flict’s nature should understand what come it. A conflict was considered as interests aren’t the same and their de- the social process, which had own his- gree of divergence, depth, vision and tory, phases and stages [6; 12; 13]. awareness of participants of the con- One of the researchers of social flict. Contrary interests determine an conflict L. Coser has concluded nega- essence of the conflict and are looked tive and positive its functions and he as explicit or implicit, obvious, latent. has noted that from the one hand the The interests aren’t always aware by conflict expresses some social purpose, the participants of the conflict so very which has social consequences. But important element of the resolve of from the other hand it reflects depend- the social conflicts is necessity of the ence which is taking place between the awareness of the interests by both par- conflict and other components of the ticipants. R.Dahrendorf notes, that la- social life. So the orientation of the tent interests belong to the social field conflict plays very important role [8, and they needn’t to be aware and rec- р. 191]. ognized by the participants [4, р. 142]. Among important functions of the Such conflict model of society is conflict he marks group-forming and dominate and it is the only in all sig- group-keeping functions because due nificant social transformations and to conflict some détente between an- changes. This model is built on the tagonistic participants takes place [8, three topics: every society has different р. 214]. Communicative-informational interests including opposite interests and connective functions play very im- and ubiquity of conflicts; every society portant role in the conflict, due to them is based on the violence of some mem- identifying of relevant information and bers over others; conflicts are the re- establishment of communication take sults of changes and they cause chang- place. That makes the next partnership es. So the essence of the conflict is a possible and connects two participants struggle of the different groups for the in the way on the partnership. power, and it has a character of the an- According L. Coser opinions, con- tagonism between the authorities and flict appears because of various inter- oppositions. But the main purpose of ests of groups in their struggle for the the power isn’t to lead the social con- own status, power and part of reward. flict to the social shock. According this

134 scientific position, the conflicts which context of the reform isn’t understood accompany the administrative reforms the way of relation’s harmonization be- are completely natural phenomenon, it tween different administrative levels of is a necessary attribute. the decentralized society and territori- G. Le Bon, M. Crozier, A. Touraine, al communities, the conditions of coop- J. Galtung and others determine posi- eration between communities, purpose tive parts of the conflict [9; 10; 16; 18]. of this cooperation and others. They emphasize the objective value of This phenomenon isn’t the main in the conflict due to which the social sys- the context of the implementation of tem is not petrified and so the stimula- reform, but it takes place and due to tion of the social development is hap- it the reform’s implementation isn’t pen. equable, the reform’s purposes, the fi- The same point of view French re- nal results, benefits and the basic in- searcher M. Maffesoli divides and he struments aren’t understood clearly. It considers that the social life isn’t some- could be certified that in practice the one fixed, but it is dynamic and some- process of reform is characterized by times is very conflict so social units are non-sustainability of the societal basis temporary, emergent formations. In his of the social development. So non-sus- conception of Indie-rock sociology it is tainability is both a cause and motive noted that the modern solidarities fre- for the social conflict and sometimes quently are forming and breaking, up- it is identifies with opposite process — dating and modifying [11, р. 133–137]. disintegration. But together it could be selected But at the same time E. Afonin, the conflicts which put back a positive O. Sushiy, L. Usachenko, exploring social development. The causes of the radical social-transformation processes social conflicts are in the imperfection which take place in Ukraine during of the psychological mechanisms which Independence period, note that post are in society and its groups, relations social transformation as a social pro- between them. cess has a result of the complications Researching the social integration, (multidimensionality) of the social E. Afonin, O. Sushiy, L. Usachenko de- cultural area [1]. There is a transition tect that these processes are connected from schematic social structure former with an ability of the regime of the sus- modern society to postmodern society tainable social development, with har- what is characterized by the evolution monization of relations between its all trends lead to complication of the so- different groups, with definitions and cial structure [14]. The integration and organic functioning of the normative disintegration take place continuously. and socio-cultural regulative mecha- In modern stage for the decentrali- nisms [1]. One of the criteria of such zation reform in Ukraine the nonlin- achievement is sustainability of soci- ear, disproportionate, complex and etal features. The reform of decentrali- extremely dynamic features of social zation determines the goal which is changes are common. Hypothetically the integration of the local community they may transform the social situation into the one national entity. But in the on the unpredictable and not controlled

135 one. So in the context of the psychoso- ter of the social conflict have the simi- cial characteristics this reform doesn’t lar features in all regions and the state differ from previous attempts of decen- what was taking place during the pre- tralization and adaptation of foreign vious reforms of public administration. experience. If we remember the analy- Current reform is characterized by sis of the monitoring data of the soci- the positive experience of the uniting etal changes of Ukrainian society since of the local community not only in the 1992 which is looked at the works of state but in every region or district. E. Afonin and A. Martynov, we’ll see Due to these factors the social con- the wavy (circular) conjuncture of flict doesn’t escalate but it leads to the changes of the societal factor and dom- search the social interaction with new inate trends in society [2, р. 5–6]. Such conditions which are setting by the type of the social development assists state and the Government. or resists of the state transformations. The technical and finance assistance Modern reforms take place on the of EU which should be sent for the background of the ambivalence that elimination of the social conflict plays causes of the situational character of very important role. Different train- behavior, high informational depend- ings, grants for the local communities’ ence, sometimes disappointment of development are facilitating their in- the government’s activities (commu- clusion to the decentralization process. nal reforms, high communal payments, And it makes this process irreversible, incomprehensible decentralization re- when the processes of the transforma- form, retrenchment of the civil serv- tion become more strength the resist- ants and etc.) ance to changes becomes less according There is a manipulation of the val- the condition that these changes carry ues heterogeneity in the society — level more benefits then failures. of the awareness of the value differ- But the main factor of the successful ences between the regions leads to di- decentralization reform is in that the viding the country on the “bad” and human consciousness is the most af- “good”, to recognitions of two polar so- fected. At firth interrelations between cieties — West and East or two parts of the economical, political and cultural the inhabitants within city, region or factors of the social development are district — national or pro-Russian. shown in the works of R. Inglehart, But at the same time the transfor- Ch. Welzel [7, р. 139]. These relations mational processes of our country cov- set up level of development of the er larger fields of the social life, reform society, its ability for modernization becomes more complex. An ability of and changes, interrelation between overcoming the conflict at the regional transformation and tradition, in what or local level is connected with these way tradition influences on form- positive changes. ing and fixing values and how these The decentralization reforms which values could influence further on the was proclaimed in 2014 is character- policy. ized by the inhomogeneous conflict R. Inglehart, Ch. Welzel made con- that is when causes, motives, charac- clusions that historical factors are very

136 difficult to change, they form value building factors aren’t explored enough orientations, so orientations are the and they aren’t looked as preconditions result of the cooperation of moderni- of the modern implementations of the zation and traditions; these processes reform’s tasks [15, р. 5]. Society and take place gradually, because they have state are changed to a certain extent nonlinear character, each of the stage is of the human changes. Applying this directed on some changes in the ideo- theory to the decentralization reform logy of people and their willingness for we can determine that the important the next step of modernization; as a re- place belongs to the social conscious- sult, these three components (political, ness transformation beside other fac- economical and cultural) are changed tors of the reforms’ benefits. Analyzing themselves, in cultural sense the form- own social researches about decentrali- ing of new social values takes place and zation reform in the Mykolaiv region, new units appear. the author of the article can confirm The same conclusions have been that successful are such local commu- made by S. Huntington in his research- nity and in such amount where psycho- es of transformation a lot of countries social features of the local inhabitants, form totalitarianism to democracy [17, their identity in the context of reform р. 144]. Among the problems of the were influenced by their leaders, where back transformation processes he noted the awareness of the reform’s benefits identity of nation. It is in the nature of higher than in other less successful society, its economy, culture and histo- communities. ry regardless of the form of the govern- The factor of uneven of the reform’s ment and it is unique for every country. implementation is also explained by From this position the adaptation of structure and forms of their transfor- the foreign experience of decentraliza- mations where the dominative in some tion reform could be implemented very society forms of the adaptive behavior partly because of the difference of the of great groups are reflected. Analy- national traditions (between Ukraine sis of possible societal forms of such and Poland whose experience is wished behavior allows to select five kinds of to set in the public administration re- the adaptive processes: identification, form). individualization, investment, mar- As O. Sushiy says the changes of ginalization and deviation [5, р. 8]. In transformation are doing more conflict accordance that societal psychics is in- with the old mechanisms of social re- troduced as an open system where all lations. According new globalization structural components are interrelated, conditions the social and transforma- all of them has a quality to be changed tional processes are accompanied by fast and to respond to the situation [5, change of the system forming factors — р. 8]. So it shows that some territorial socio-material (institutional) and psy- community has a possibility and abil- chosocial. They performed difficult, ity to overcome its own social conflicts fluctuation and nonlinear nature of which are connected with reforms and new psychosocial culture of public ad- it could be effective enough and to take ministration in Ukraine. New system all benefits.

137 Conclusions. There aren’t clear in- 5. Donchenko E. Societalna psyhika kak dicators and answers on the questions predmet sociologocheskogo analisa: the why some of the community could to dissertation abstract on competition of prevent the social conflict of the ad- a scientific degree of the doctor of so- ministrative reforms, why the openness ciological sciences. — K., 1994. — 35 p. 6. Durcheim Е. Sociologiya. Ee predmet, to the modernization and transforma- metod i prednaznachenie / Translation tion in territorial communities is differ, form French, afterword and notes by why some communities are ready to A. B. Gofman. — М.: Canon(Канон), reform and the others isn’t. Especially 1995. — 352 p. interest aspect that psychosocial fac- 7. Inglehart R. Modernizaciya, culturnii tors are different in community of one izmeneniya I democratiya: posledo- region or sometimes — of one district vatelnost chelovecheskogo razvitiya / (for example in Mykolaiv, Kherson, R. Inglehart, Ch. Welzel. — M.: Nowoe Odessa regions). So the researches of izdatelstvo (Новое издательство), the psychosocial factors of the com- 2011. — 464 p. 8. Coser L. Funkcii socialnogo con- munities which are not ready to reform flicta / Translation form English by or where there is a social conflict are О. Nazarova; by the editorship Iony- actual tasks in public administration’s na — Moscow: Dom intelectual- transformation for their next including noy knigy (Дом интеллектуальной to the public process. книги) : Idea-press, 2000. — 295 p. 9. Crozier М. Sovremennoe gosudarst- References vo — skromnoe gosudarstvo. Drugaya strategiya izmeneniya // Antologiya 1. Afonin E., Sushiy O., Usachenko L. Za- mirovoy politicheskoy misly: At 5 t. — konomirnosty ta osoblivosty suspilno- М.: Mysl, 1997. — Т. 2. — P. 699. transformaciynih processov v Ukray- 10. Le Bon G. Psyhologiya narodov i ni // Ukraynskiy socium (Україн- mass / Le Bon G. — М. : Maket, 1995. — ський соціум). — 2011. — № 3 (38) — 320 p. [Electronic resource]. — Access : 11. Maffesoli М. Оkoldovanost myra, ili Bozgestvennoe socialnoe / Transla- Aktual/Afonin_4_2011.pdf tion form French by N. Zvonariyova // 2. Afonin E. A. Societalno-phyhologich- Socio-Logos (Социо-Логос). — М.: niy chynnik transformacii I societal- Progress, 1991. — P. 133–137. na structura crisovogo suspilstva / 12. Parsons T. Ponyatie obschestva : com- E. Afonin, A. Martynov // Socialna ponenty i ih vzaimootnosheniya // Tal- Psyholigiya (Соціальна психоло- cott. The Concept of Society: The Com- гія). — 2007. — № 1. — Р. 3–11. ponents and Their Interrrelations. In: 3. Bell D. Gryaduschee postindustrialnoe T. Parsons. Societies: Evolutionary and obschestvo. Opyt prognozirovaniya / Comparative Perspectives. Englewood Translation form English. Publisher Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1966. — the 2-d. — М.: Academia, 2004. CLXX, P. 5–29 // [Electronic resource]. — 788 p. Access 4. Dahrendorf R. Sovremenniy social- 876/582/1217/2_2_1pars.pdf niy conflict. Ocherk politiky svobo- 13. Smelser N. Sociologiya : Translation dy / Translation form German. — М.: form English. — М.: Fenix (Феникс), “РОССПЭН”, 2002. — 288 р. 1994. — 688 p.

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139 UDC: 35 : 316.752.4

Kotovska Olha Petrivna, PhD of philosophical science, Associate Pro- fessor, Postdoctoral researcher of the Depart- ment of Political Analysis and Forecasting, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03057, Str. Sofia Perovska, 5, 1000, tel.: (067) 786 03 39, e-mail: [email protected] orcid: 0000-0002-8479-915X Котовська Ольга Петрівна, кандидат філософських наук, доцент, докторантка кафедри політичної аналі- тики та прогнозування, Національна ака- демія державного управління при Прези- дентові України, м. Київ, 03057, вул. Софії Перовcької, 5, кімн. 1000, тел.: (067) 786 03 39, e-mail: [email protected] orcid: 0000-0002-8479-915X Котовская Ольга Петровна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, докторантка кафедры политической аналити- ки и прогнозирования, Национальная академия государственного управления при Пре- зиденте Украины, г. Киев, 03057, ул. Софьи Перовской, 5, комн. 1000, тел.: (067) 786 03 39, e-mail: [email protected] orcid: 0000-0002-8479-915X


Abstract. The article reveals the nature of social conflicts at the beginning of 21th century and the influence of values on social and political life of modern states. On the basis of theoretical background and empirical data, the author has analyzed the increasing role of nonmaterial values and characteristic changes of traditional value priorities in the postmodern era. Values as a social phenomenon are quite inert, thus, according to the value priorities of concrete nation, the spe- cifics of national mentality, archetypes of public life of separate countries can be discussed. The issue of values has become particular important in Ukraine, when the defeat of ideals of the became obvious. On the other hand, the events of the last three years influenced on the formation of values of social

140 and political activity especially among young generation of Ukrainians. The ar- ticle represents archetypal-value approach to understand changes in features of social conflicts; based on World Value Survey and national public opinion moni- toring, it illustrates the complex and long-lasting process of value changes that spreads over all spheres of socio-political life and obviously can be distinguished on the borders with neighbouring state-formations. Keywords: social conflicts, archetype-value approach, social and political va- lues, postmodern value changes, archetypes of socio-political life, public admin- istration. СОЦІАЛЬНІ КОНФЛІКТИ В ЕПОХУ ПОСТМОДЕРНУ ТА ЇХНІЙ ВПЛИВ НА ЦАРИНУ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ: АРХЕТИПНО-ЦІННІСНИЙ ПІДХІД Анотація. Стаття присвячена дослідженню природи соціальних конфлік- тів початку ХХІ ст. і впливу цінностей на суспільно-політичне життя сучас- них держав. На основі теоретичних досліджень та емпіричних даних авторка аналізує зростаюче значення нематеріальних цінностей та закономірності змін традиційних ціннісних пріоритетів періоду постмодерну. Цінності як суспільне явище є достатньо інертними, а тому, зважаючи на ціннісні пріо- ритети того чи іншого народу, можна говорити про особливості національ- ного менталітету та архетипи суспільно-політичного життя окремих країн. В Україні питання цінностей набуло особливого значення, коли поразка іде- алів Помаранчевої революції стала очевидною. З іншого боку, події остан- ніх трьох років вплинули на формування цінностей громадсько-політичної активності, особливо серед молодого покоління українців. Запропонована стаття репрезентує архетипно-ціннісний підхід для аналізу змін та особли- востей соціальних конфліктів; на основі даних Всесвітнього опитування цінностей та вітчизняних соціологічних моніторингів ілюструє складний і тривалий процес ціннісних змін, який охоплює усі сфери суспільно-полі- тичного життя й особливо чітко проявляється на межі з сусідніми держав- ними утвореннями. Ключові слова: соціальні конфлікти, архетипно-ціннісний підхід, су- спільно-політичні цінності, постмодерні зміни цінностей, архетипи суспіль- но-політичного життя, публічне управління. СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ КОНФЛИКТЫ В ЭПОХУ ПОСТМОДЕРНА И ИХ ВЛИЯНИЕ НА ОБЛАСТИ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ: АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИ-ЦЕННОСТНЫЙ ПОДХОД Аннотация. Статья посвящена исследованию природы социальных кон- фликтов начала XXI в. и влияния ценностей на общественно-политическую жизнь современных государств. На основе теоретических исследований и эмпирических данных автор анализирует возрастающее значение нематери- альных ценностей и закономерности изменений традиционных ценностных приоритетов периода постмодерна. Ценности как общественное явление

141 достаточно инертны, а потому, несмотря на ценностные приоритеты того или иного народа, можно говорить об особенностях национального мен- талитета и архетипы общественно-политической жизни отдельных стран. В Украине вопрос ценностей приобрел особое значение, когда поражение идеалов Оранжевой революции стала очевидной. С другой стороны, собы- тия последних трех лет повлияли на формирование ценностей обществен- но-политической активности, особенно среди молодого поколения украин- ский. Предлагаемая статья представляет архетипно-ценностный подход для анализа изменений и особенностей социальных конфликтов; иллюстрирует, основываясь на данные Всемирного обзора ценностей и отечественных со- циологических мониторингов, сложный и длительный процесс ценностных изменений, который охватывает все сферы общественно-политической жиз- ни и особенно четко проступает на границе с соседними государственными образованиями. Ключевые слова: социальные конфликты, архетипно-ценностный под- ход, общественно-политические ценности, постмодернистские изменения ценностей, архетипы общественно-политической жизни, публичное управ- ление.

Target setting. International ter- values of individual self-expression and rorism and regional conflicts are the traditional values of individual commu- main challenges and threats for the en- nities. tire civilized world of 21th century. The New challenges to state sovereignty existing system of international rela- and security in Ukrainian contempo- tions proved to be ineffective in solv- rary reality are characterized: first of ing these global issues, and, by itself, all, by layering Ukrainian traditional has become one of the key factors for (archetypical), post-Soviet (post-colo- regional conflicts. Asymmetric nature nial) and postmodern trends; second, of international relations, focusing on by transformation at the level of ex- a permanent outflow of resources and ternal public-administrative forms and capital from poor to rich countries [7, the level of worldview principles, social p. 24], in some way, produced socioeco- and behavioural norms, value orienta- nomic background for redistribution tions in society; third, by value changes conflict over resources and capital. The and changes in structure of institu- process of universalizing value princi- tions, which are not linear, but dual by ples, oriented towards transition from the nature, can increase democracy or the traditional value system of nation- strengthen authoritarianism, decrease al communities to values of Western of social and political activity; fourth, civilization (so-called westernization) by crisis of fundamental principles in in the second half of the 20th century, governing international relations, secu- caused both, global and local cultural rity, regional and international co-oper- and ideological conflict between liberal ation, including main principles set out

142 in the Helsinki Final Act of the CSCE in O. Balakiryeva’s, Ju. Golovakha’s, (1975), based on the “material” by the O. Goncharenko’s, S. Hayduchenko’s, nature principles of territorial integrity Ja. Hrycak’s, A. Kolodii’s, O. Kondra- of states and inviolability of national shov’s, N. Lypovska’s, V. Martynenko’s, frontiers [3, p. 96–97]. I. Pys’mennyj’s, A. Ruchka’s publica- Analysis of recent research and tions and others were reviewed in the publications. The global characteris- article. Despite all the publications on tics of social conflicts and radical value the thesis of social conflicts in the post- changes, which also have influenced modern society and their impact on the on the sphere of public administration, sphere of public administration, this are the subject of study of such the problem has still lack sufficient under- outstanding scholars as D. Acemoğlu, standing within Ukrainian school of Z. Bauman, U. Beck, Z. Brzeziński, archetypes and according to the arche- M. Castells, F. Fukuyama, Jü. Haber- typal-value approach. mas, A. Giddens, H. Klages, M. Maffe- The purpose of the article is to carry soli, S. Moscovici, C. Pollitt, J. Robin- out the contemporary connection and son, M. Rokeach, P. Sorokin, A. Toffler, influence of archetypal-value changes S. Verba, I. Wallerstein and others. over the nature of social conflicts and Values influence on such social and the sphere of public administration. psychological phenomena as conflict The statement of basic materi- or consensus, are defined by such re- als. Objective public, cultural and searchers as R. Dahrendorf, K. Horney, civilisation “shifts” indicate the final R. Inglehart, R. Putnam, Ch. Taylor, withdrawal of Western society from Sh. Schwartz and others. Studies of worldview principles of the modern era, founders and followers of Ukrainian when an individual as a personality was school of archetypes (E. Afonin, V. Ba- formed first of all within social identity kumenko, O. Bandurka, T. Bielska, and accepted himself within “we-com- O. Donchenko, A. Martynov, M. Piren, munity”, its collective values [5, p. 95]. O. Sushyj, O. Radchenko and others) In the postmodern age, when collective should be mentioned among the pub- identities give up the leading role to in- lications on theoretical and practical dividual, decisive influence of psycho- issues of links between global chal- logical, that forms social structures and lenges, principles of decision-making institutions, on social processes has be- in public administration and national come more evident [23]. Social and cul- psychosocial features. For identify- tural transformations in the postmod- ing the priority of values, first Ukrai- ern era as “relatively independent and nian opinion polls had been organized quite divisive process of changing in by Ukrainian Institute of Sociology of culture, norms, values, mentality, con- NAS of Ukraine in autumn 1991, before sciousness, worldview both of indivi- the national referendum of 1 Decem- dual and collective subjects” [29, p. 12] ber 1991. For the purpose to analyze led to the appearance of societal iden- Ukrainians’ changing value priorities, tity. On the contrary to social identity, empirical data, theoretical and me- which is focused on collective modes of thodological conclusions, represented “mine” and “distant”, societal identity

143 is concentrated on nonmaterial cultural chetype is a sign of societal psyche and values, in terms of individual identifi- can be considered as an under-personal cation with her/his own integrity and factor of psychosocial evolution and as continuity of own changes” [2, p. 267]. a form of the unconscious that is often In this context, social and political val- repeated in the history. Therefore the ues can be considered as specific links analysis of archetypes is the method between social and mental, individual of distinguishing mentality, prehistory and collective, rational and emotional, and possible ways of development for social and public (Figure 1). nationality, nation or state [3, p. 38]. The archetypal-value approach is This is possible to measure and empiri- able to determine the importance of un- cally examine national characteristics conscious in choice of value priorities, of social and political archetypes, which in shaping social institutions and public in symbolic forms are transmitted initiatives, and demonstrates influence through myths, stories, art and litera- of unconscious on the arise of social ture, by consideration of specific value conflicts and their solving. A term “ar- dominants in national community. chetype” by Carl Gustav Jung (1875– Values as a social phenomenon join 1961), Swiss psychiatrist and founder people in a group and affect on psy- of the theory of collective unconscious, chosocial motivation and behaviour, refers to “an unconscious content that personal choice to identify oneself with is altered by becoming conscious and by national, social and other kind of com- being perceived, and it takes its colour munities; define the aim of society as a from the individual consciousness in unity. On the one hand, the system of which it happens to appear [17, p. 5]... value orientations determines mean- Archetypes are complexes of experience ingful (semantic) component of indi- that come upon us like fate, and their vidual point of view and lies the ba- effects are felt in our most personal life” sis for one’s relation to the world, the [17, p. 30]. According to the founders others, her/ himself [13, p. 94]. On the of Ukrainian school of archetypes, ar- other hand, every society, nation, state

Figure 1. Values as a Mechanism of Interaction between Civil Society and State [27, p. 40]

144 has its own set of social values, deter- stand the conditions and reasons for mined not only by the current politi- holding certain beliefs and identifying cal, social and economic conditions, himself/herself with certain public and but, perhaps, above all, by specific political values. American sociologist “cultural code”, history of positioning R. Inglehart in important for the future itself as a community, traditional re- researches book “The Silent Revolu- lationships between its’ members and tion: Changing Values and Political with the other groups. Political val- Styles Among Western Publics” (1977) ues as essential components of politi- stresses on two significant value trans- cal culture and political consciousness formations, which took place during are the ideas, reflecting position to the 1950–70’s in countries with stable de- processes of political life, satisfaction or mocracies, such as: moving from vital to dissatisfaction of social needs, interests post-material values; “shift” from tradi- and expectations, which are important tional values of security to self-expres- for people’s social activity. The same as sion values, sufficient public interest social values political ones are formed and participation in political decision- in specific historical conditions of im- making [16, p. 4–5]. provement of the society, needs and The hypothesis that due to the in- interests of the people, e place of the dustrialization the world has been member and the whole communities in changing, so the values had been trans- the certain economic, social and politi- formed repeatedly, was confirmed em- cal relations. “However, — agues Ukrai- pirically by European Values Study nian researcher A. Cherednychenko — and World Values Survey, which have not always values that formed on the been carried out since 1981, according background of political practices of na- to the methodology, proposed by R. In- tions in other countries, are functional glehart and Israeli social psychologist in Ukrainian society and acceptable by Sh. Schwartz [30]. Survey, which now its’ population. Thoughtless and un- covers now 90 % of the world popula- critical adopting of political values, at- tion, among others, confirmed forma- tempt to implement them in the culture tion of the new generation in 1950– of Ukrainian nation can’t be considered 1970’s that in common represents as positive practice” [8, p. 719]. Their post-material values, looks for maximal functionality depends on the depth of self-expression; is sceptical of the go- the expectance by the representatives vernment, religion and ideologies; is li- the ideals and objectives, principles and able to trust democratic institutions, norms of socio-political life, public and but not individuals; is sensitive to the political traditions and symbols, pat- environment and tolerant of deviant terns of socio-political behaviour and lifestyles (for example, homosexuals) emotional resonance with them [8]. [15]. The main conclusion of the results Modern value theories, when em- of the survey is that the welfare of the ploying empirical methods used in neu- population leads to democratization roscience, psychology, sociology and and modernization of social lifestyle. economics, try to explain the nature of At the end of 20th — beginning of values and their hierarchy, to under- 21th centuries, using further results of

145 System-Level Changes: Individual-Level System-Level Consequences: Changes: 1. Economic and technological Values: 1. Change in prevailing development esteem and self-realization on needs for belonging Increasing emphasis political issues; increasing salience Satisfaction of sustenance of “life-style” issues needs for increasingly large proportion of population 2. Change in social bases 2. Distinctive cohort experiences of political conflict; relative decline Absence of “total” war of social class conflict during past generation

3. Rising levels of education 3. Changes in support for established national institutions; declining Skills: legitimacy of national-state; scale politics on national skills to cope with of population having Increase in proportion rise of super-national and “tribal” loyalties

4. Expansion of mass communications 4. Change in prevailing Penetration of mass media; types of political participation; increase in geographic decline of elite-directed political mobility mobilization; rise of elite-challenging issue-oriented groups

Figure 2. The Processes of Social and Political Values Changes, R. Inglehart (1977) [16, p. 5]

World Values Survey (1995) for di- ety experienced a sharp refuse, not only agnosis of post-material priorities of from social and political activity, but Americans, Harvard professor of socio- also from traditional leisure time with logy R. Putnam in book “Bowling family and friends. Alone: The Collapse and Revival of R. Putnam’s scientific achievements American Community”(2000), figura- gained wide recognition after publica- tively speaking, confirms that Ameri- tion of his book “Making Democracy cans of 21th century, not like generation Work: Civic Traditions in Modern of 1950–1970’s, prefer to play alone, Italy” (1994), where he evaluates the withdrawing from public awareness, differences in successful regional go- even if the game is a priori a group one vernment reforms in Northern-Central [25]. This way, it’s not only about the Italy and their failed implementation change of civic participation of Ameri- in Southern Italy since 1970. At the cans, but also about a new type of social example of the differences in un/suc- and political links between members of cessful regional government reforms organizations in which their ties are to the author offers empirical evidence common symbols, common leaders and for the importance of social capital perhaps common ideals, but not to each and its’ high level of correlation with other [25, p. 52]. During the last quar- historical traditions of civic activity ter of the 20th century American soci- and engagement (turnout in elections,

146 participation in associations, interest half between 1973 and 1994 caused in local affairs etc.). In his book “Bowl- widespread concern not only among ing Alone...” R. Patnem notices that scientists [28], but also among other physical capital refers to mechanical social groups in the United States. The tools, human capital — to individual increase of students’ volunteering ob- skills (for example, level of education — served in the mid-1990s, according to O. K.), and social capital — to social Putnam, have been largely an effect of networks and norms of cooperation school-graduation policy of these years and trust, which exist between indi- when social activity raised chances for viduals and are based on these relations entrance US colleges. Instead, further [25, p. 19]. Illuminating the importance studies showed that terror attacks in of social capital for economic welfare, 11 September 2001 had direct influ- the author indicates not only such ence on young Americans’ interest positive consequences as mutual sup- in public life of their country (Figure port, cooperation, trust, institutional 3). According to the surveys between effectiveness, but also negative mani- 1966 and 2008 the share of those aged festations of social capital — sectaria- 18 to 29, who affirmed complete agree- nism, ethnocentrism, corruption [25, ment with the claim that “it’s my duty p. 22]. as a citizen to always vote”, rose by al- Observations of well-known re- most 50 percent after the 9/11 terror searcher on social capital about Ameri- attacks, while during the same period, cans’ refuse to attend different public the comparable rate among those older meetings that decreased nearly by a than 30 stayed flat [28, p. 11].

70 %

60 %

50 %

40 %

30 %

20 %

10 %

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Figure 3. Interest in Politics among American College Freshmen, 1966–2008 [28, p. 11] - - - % of respondents, who say keeping up to date with political affairs is “very important”; ----- % of respondents, who discussed politics in the last year

147 In his latest book “Our Kids: The ing two decades at the end of 20th–21th American Dream in Crisis” (2015) centuries the share of interest in po- R. Putnam states the gradual loss of key litical life in most of Western European value-semantic component of Ameri- countries significantly has fallen to 30– can dream — equal opportunities for 50 % of a total population. According to successful self-expression regardless of the data of entire survey period the ex- social background of a person. In other ception was only in Germany, where in words, Harvard sociologist actualizes the East German population had shown the problem of upward mobility and the maximum rate of interest in politics stresses on gaping disparities for chil- during German reunification period. dren from wealthy families and children After 1990, the rates of German inter- from the most disadvantaged groups of est in politics fell some 20 %, but still American society. In recent decades, are the highest among all the European overall preparation and admission rate Union member-countries and remains for US colleges increased, though the close to the US rates. Table 1 presents gap between students from rich and summary data for the representative poor families in finishing college in- states to compare them with the results creased from 39 % to 51 % during 1980– of Ukraine surveys between 1990 and 2000’s [26, p. 190]. Negative trend is 2004 [7, p. 156] and between 2011 and also reflected in the fact that youth 2013 [31]. from rich families, finishing school with During the dissolution of the So- middle or low-scoring, more likely will viet Union Baltic countries (Latvia, get a college degree, then poor teenag- Lithuania, and Estonia) had showed ers with high test scores. Such situation extremely high interest in political life, involves the threat of potential con- but further the rates became close to flicts inside young generation of Ameri- the most of the EU states. In Ukraine cans. According R. Putnam, to avoid during 1995–2000 the interest in poli- conflicts connected with increasing tics had been in the middle rate, com- inequality and value-semantic gap be- pared with the European average rates, tween social groups government should but lower than in neighbouring Bela- start investment to implementing pre- rus and Poland. Compared to the first ventive public programs. years of Independence the overall trend The issue of values has become par- shows a significant disappointment of ticular important in Ukraine, when the Ukrainians in politics of the country. defeat of ideals of the Orange Revolu- Ukrainians had been interested in po- tion became obvious. “The culmination litical life 6–7 percent more than Rus- of this discourse, — says Lviv historian sians in 1995–2000, but in 2011 the Ja. Hrycak, — was , not ac- rates of both of the countries were the cidentally called Revolution of Dignity same. The rate of interest in politics or revolution of values” [15]. In this also differs by age and gender. Accord- context, it is useful to analyze the ten- ing to World Values Survey in Ukraine dency to answer one of the World Val- among 1500 respondents 35 % of men ues Survey questions: How interested and 31 % of women were interested in would you say you are in politics? Dur- politics in 2011. The share of interest in

148 Table 1 Rate of Interest in Politics in Ukraine and Representative States, World Values Survey, 1990–2013 1990, 1995, 2000, Change in 2011/13, Change in Country % % % 10 years, % % 10 years, % Belorussia 56 46 –10 41 –5 Estonia 60 49 –11 37 –12 Latvia 79 52 –27 Lithuania 74 44 46 –28 Germany (West) 69 78 59 –10 62 –1 Germany (East) 84 76 67 –17 Poland 49 42 42 –7 42 0 Russian Fed. 53 35 39 –14 33 –6 USA 61 63 65 4 59 –5 Ukraine 41 42 1 33 –9 political life among those aged younger one of the leading external causes of the than 30 and aged 30 to 39 was almost men deaths aged from 18 to 34 has been the same in both groups — about 25 %. “damage as a result of military action”, The highest rate was among those older which is connected with the antiterror- than 50 years [31]. ist operation (ATO) on the territory of Youth in Ukraine is quite hetero- Luhansk and Donetsk regions (oblasts) geneous social group in age, education under control of Russian military forces level, as well as in social and political and pro-Russian separatists. These ne- values. In the recent years, a steady gative trends influence on the change of depopulation has been obvious in al- value priorities of youth and the whole most every age group, but maximum population of Ukraine. rate of the decrease is among youth According to the Survey “Youth of people than among other age groups. Ukraine–2015”, the first priority for According to the State Statistics Ser- teenagers aged 14 to 19 is personal edu- vice of Ukraine in 2011–2016 the rate cation — 43 %, while for the respondent of young people those aged 14 to 34 has group aged 20 to 24 the same indicator decreased from 30,4 % to 27,8 % of a is 12 % and for group aged 25 to 34 — total population. In the recent years, it 5 %. Defining main priority in their life, has been observed considerable “aging” respondents aged 14 to 34 named first of young people by elderly group aged of all giving birth to children, their up- 30 to 34 that at the beginning of 2016 rising and education — 48 % [32, p. 10]. recorded 3,5 million (Figure 4). At the According to the all-Ukrainian Survey same year the group aged 25 to 29 con- “Values of Ukrainian Youth–2016”, stituted about 3,4 million people. The conducted by Centre of independent so- five-year age group from 20 to 24 –2,6 ciological research “OMEGA” for Min- million, teenagers aged from 15 to 19 — istry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, almost 2 million. For the last two years first of all young people are worried

149 Figure 4. Distribution of young people aged 15–34 in Ukraine, divided into five age groups, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2012–2016, % [9, p. 11] * the data do not include the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and Sevastopol, and part of the ATO zone. about economical situation in the coun- personally than youth from other re- try — 63,3 %, general decrease in living gions of the country. The share of eager- standards — 60 % and employment — ness to fight against corruption person- 52 %, corruption and incompetence of ally among young people is 69,6 % [10, government — 50,5 %, and also military p. 70–72]. According to the data of so- actions in East of Ukraine — 49,2 % [10, ciological monitoring, conducted by In- p. 11]. On the other hand, the events of stitute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine, the past three years influenced on shar- in the same period significant positive ing among young Ukrainians social and rate changes among the four groups of political activity values. According to value priorities (security, self-realiza- the data of sociological monitoring in tion, social comfort, democracy) had 2009–2014, conducted by Institute of happened in the group of public values, Sociology of NAS of Ukraine, such val- while the dynamic of the rate secu- ue priorities as national independence rity values had showed decrease trend and democracy of Ukraine, political (Table 2). participation etc. had shown the in- According to the research “Social crease of the rates among young people and Cultural Changes in Process of aged from 18 to 35 [6]. Young people Modernization of Ukraine Economy”, from the elderly groups and those who conducted by Institute of Economics live in South and North Ukraine are and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, more eager to fight against corruption during 2002–2015 years increasing of

150 Table 2 Dynamics of unified value groups among population of Ukraine and Ukrainian youth (weighted average scores according to the five-point rating scale) 1991 2003 2016 2009 2012 2014 Unified value group Population Youth Security & Safety (vital values or basic 4,74 4,80 4,74 4,75 4,66 4,62** human values) Self-realization (self-expression values) 4,04 3,82 3,97 4,19 4,02 4,07* Social comfort (pro-social values) 3,81 4,09 4,08* 3,65 3,77 3,88* Democracy (democratic political and 3,25 3,56 3,81* 3,48 3,58 3,82** civic values) Note: statistically significant differences of weighted average scores are shown between 2009 and 2014 (*– on the rate 5%, ** – on the rate 1 %). psychosocial feature “extroversion”, for a nation’s economic trajectory. If which influences on the values of self- the groups standing against growth expression, had been particularly obvi- are the winners, they can successfully ous during 2002–2006 years (increased block economic growth, and the eco- 1,7 times) and was going further just nomy will stagnate” [1, p. 86]. “Return” before and after the Revolution of Dig- in Ukrainian indices of post-material nity and increased 1,1 times growth in values is caused by significant reduce of March 2014 – December 2015 [4]. In quality of life in Ukraine, ineffective re- reverse order during 2016 general in- forms and ongoing antiterrorist opera- version process had been increasing. tion in the East of Ukraine. The rank- In the bestseller of New York Times ing of Prosperity Index [20] measures a and Wall Street Journal “Why Nations broad set of metrics covering such areas Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity as countries’ economic quality, business and Poverty” (2012), Turkish-Ameri- environment, governance, education, can economist D. Acemoglu and Brit- health, safety, personal freedom, social ish political scientist A. Robinson argue capital. Thus, according to the ranking that nations are more successful when of Prosperity Index, if to compare 2014 the main values of public life are equal and 2015 years Ukraine move down economic and political rights for ev- 7 ranks to 70th place of 142th. In the ery citizen who maintains freedom of same ranking Ukraine move down to action, unlimited by corruption of po- 107th of 149 countries in 2016 and it is litical elite [1]. “Conflict over scarce the lowest ranked European country in resources, income and power, trans- the Prosperity Index [21]. lates into conflict over the rules of the The surveys conducted by Kuras In- game, the economic institutions, which stitute of Political and Ethnic Studies will determine the economic activities NAS of Ukraine have shown striking and who will benefit from them... — differences in Ukrainian perceptions of Acemoglu and Robinson support their the resources used for the practical so- thesis. — Who the winners of this con- lution of social conflicts in Ukraine and flict are has fundamental implications in countries of the Western world (Ta-

151 Table 3 Integrated Ukraine Prosperity Index, 2012–2016, Legatum Institute [19–25] Rank in 2012, Rank in 2014, Rank in 2015, Rank in 2016*, Sub-index N = 142 N = 142 N = 142 N = 149 Economy 110 70 127 85 Entrepreneurship 64 57 52 97 & Opportunity Governance 121 121 120 128 Education 29 42 37 45 Health 69 77 79 111 Security & Safety, 56 54 54 134 Personal Freedom 108 103 91 93 Social Capital 58 40 41 135 Natural Environment* 112 Rank on the 71 63 70 106 /107** Prosperity Index * the data do not include the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and Sevastopol, and part of the ATO zone. ** the data include natural environment sub-index, added in 2016. ble 4) [11, p. 15]. According to Ukrai- decrease of importance of ability some- nian opinion polls significant differenc- times to bypass the law in the last es between the importance of intellect years, but it is not correlated with the and skills to achieve high social status decrease of the share of powerful family in Ukraine (36,6 %) and in countries of and friends, which stayed flat or even the Western world (60,1 %) are com- increased as compare to the surveys in pensated by powerful family (49,2 %) 2012. and friends (28,5 %), ability sometimes The results also have shown consi- to bypass the law (29,2 %). However, derable regional and educational group the increase in the weight of such re- differences in answers of respondents. sources as intellect and education in The increase of such resources as high Ukraine is observed among Ukraini- level of intellect and good education ans. The share of “high intellect” moves remains correlated with educational from 6th place in 2012 to 2nd in 2016, level of respondents. The higher is the staying flat the 1st for powerful family. level of the respondent’s education the The rate of the importance of education more she or he considers to be impor- in Ukraine rose from 8th place to 5th tant such resources as high intelligence in 2016, removing ability sometimes and good education. The rates of those to bypass the law, typical for corrupt two recourses in Ukraine are 34,4 % society, from 5th to 7th place in 2016. and 26,6 % among responders with pri- Positive changes are observed in per- mary, secondary incomplete and com- ception of Ukrainians such resources plete education. The rates of the same to achieve high social status in Ukraine two recourses among responders with as intellect, skills, education and slight vocational education — 32,5 % and

152 Table 4 Dynamics of respondents’ answers to the question “Which of the following do you think is the most important issue to achieve for the person’s high social status in our country and in countries of the Western world?” In countries of the Western In Ukraine, % world, % Answer types 2009, 2012, 2016*, 2009, 2012, 2016*, N = 1789 N = 1800 N= 1800 N = 1789 N = 1800 N = 1800 High Intellect and 30,3 31,8 36,6 56,1 60,8 60,1 Skills Good Health 27,6 38,3 35,1 23,0 30,8 30,2 Attractive 11,1 14,5 13,6 9,7 12,1 11,6 Appearance Willingness to Take 18,6 16,0 21,0 18,3 19,7 16,8 Risks Ability to 33,1 33,1 29,2 5,3 5,5 4,7 Sometimes to Bypass the Law Honesty, Integrity 11,0 15,9 15,4 18,3 24,7 31,3 Selfishness, 12,0 13,7 13,4 6,1 8,6 6,2 Individualism Readiness to Help 10,2 14,5 13,1 8,1 12,8 16,6 People Birth in Family of 37,9 38,6 33,9 24,2 22,5 14,9 High Social Status Powerful Family 51,1 46,5 49,2 12,8 10,5 9,9 Powerful Friends 27,0 28,4 28,5 7,3 6,9 5,5 Knowledge of 12,8 17,6 21,1 22,6 29,8 30,6 Foreign Languages Good education 25,8 26,4 28,7 49,0 48,4 52,2 Eagerness and 6,1 9,6 7,3 5,2 8,6 10,0 Ability to Make People Feel Good Etiquette, Good 4,8 7,9 6,6 11,2 19,4 15,4 Manners Ability to Convince, 12,3 11,8 11,9 13,7 13,3 13,0 Eloquence Political Awareness 7,0 8,0 5,1 9,9 13,5 8,9 Ability to Manage 14,4 17,8 13,4 23,7 24,1 20,9 Money Rich Parents 6,5 37,5 28,3 15,5 10,0 6,2 Difficult to Answer 7,7 7,1 7,1 15,0 12,5 11,9 Note: respondents could mark up to five answers * The data do not include answers of Ukrainians, living in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and Sevastopol, and part of the ATO zone.

153 27,5 %; among those with incomplete ers does have to capture public’s mood and complete high education the im- and preoccupations [24]. In era of post- portance of a high intellect and skills is truth politics, where populist upheav- 42,5 %, education — 31,3 % [11, p. 16]. als, emotional and stereotype manipu- Respondents with high education are lation mean more than objective facts, less likely to rely on powerful friends it is particularly difficult to evaluate (46,8 %) and family (27,9 %), but the adequately the reliability of informa- rate of their answers on the importance tion, obtained from contemporary of ability to sometimes to bypass the media websites and social networks. law is the highest (31,0 %), if to com- While, according to the last wave of pare with two other groups, thus the monitoring survey “Ukrainian society” share of the group with primary, in- conducted by Institute of Sociology of complete and complete secondary edu- NAS of Ukraine, respondents’ answers cation is 22,9 % and of the group with to the question “how interested would vocational education — 30,3 % [11, you say you are in politics?” confirmed p. 16]. From the point of view of arche- relatively high rate of Ukrainians’ polit- typal-value approach, regional features ical awareness during the whole period also had showed out meaningful phe- of Ukrainian Independence (Table 5). nomena: the lowest rates of ability to As part of the survey the answers to the sometimes to bypass the law, powerful question “which country’s traditions, family and friends are in Central and values and behavioural norms are the South Ukraine, the highest — in West closest to you?” Ukrainians respond- and East Ukraine [11, p. 18]. ed as follows: countries of Western According to Ukrainian opinion Europe — 33 %; East Slavic countries — polls the influence of political aware- 45 %, don’t know — 22 %. ness on high social status in our coun- As reported by French sociologist try and in countries of the Western Michel Maffesoli, remarkable aversion world decreased in 2016, which can be to politics, coursed by unsatisfied secu- explained by the extremely unsteady rity and safety values, finds its concen- situation and ambiguous reviews of the trated expression in “irresponsibility” events not only in Ukraine but also in of the masses, but their indifference to the whole world [11, p. 15]. The Oxford “high politics” seems to be passivity Dictionaries named post-truth “the only according to modern era world- word of 2016 year”, which among oth- view. In fact, this situation reflects not

Table 5 Interest in Politics among Ukrainians in Regional Peculiarities 27.07.2016*, % West Central South East Total N = 1802 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Not at all interested 25,2 26,0 21,2 28,4 26,1 Somewhat interested 59,7 59,6 64,8 62,0 60,9 Very interested 15,1 14,4 14,0 9,6 13,0 * the data do not include answers of Ukrainians, living in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and Sevastopol, and part of the ATO zone.

154 the “end of the social”, but dynamic able democracy, the other — to preserve changes in public life, the improvement paternalistic values, formed in period of of postmodern sociality, which is struc- the colonial past. In Ukrainian modern tured in “culture of sentiments”. This history there were two attempts to re- indifference to “high politics” allows in- solve social and political conflicts be- dividuals to focus their energies on the tween the government and civil society “here and now” existential experience, by protest activity. But still the revolu- to search for the meaning in something tionary potential of destruction was not that is close, at the community level, in used proper to change the post-colonial archetypal social and political practices state and political system, to form polit- [26]. ical and economic institutions, rooted Conclusions. Dynamic changes, on archetypes and capable to minimize arising in the postmodern age, are cha- political and domestic corruption. racterized in global level by transfor- The results of the surveys have mation of traditional values and senses shown that in 2004 and in 2014 con- both in private and in public spheres. siderable group of young people, who By their nature, value is quite inert, are ready to act for better future, not thus, according to the value priorities only on survival value level, has grown of concrete nation, the specifics of na- up in Ukraine [11]. Currently, there tional mentality, archetypes of socio- is intense confrontation between sup- political life in separate countries can porters of paternalistic value and li- be discussed. Social and cultural condi- beral-democratic values. In the current tions of human life in 21th century lead stage of the state system reforms and on the transformation of state functions foundation of new institutions of public in their traditional meaning and rise up administration it is important to take the problem of maintaining sustainable into account those values and semantic centre, which is able to provide orga- features, which the majority of society nized processes in society and consoli- identifies with. Eventually, the system date it at the institutional and social reforms will work out only if public (in- values levels in the situation of insta- cluding governmental) institutions and bility and widespread conflicts, infor- subjects of public life will support such mational wars, loss of confidence in in- changes. ternational organizations. The problem The important indicator of state de- of socio-political value changes is par- mocracy is readiness for public discus- ticularly sharp at the level of rethinking sion and taking in consideration public Ukrainian features of transformation opinion. Public opinion forms on the processes. basis of political values, attitudes, or at- After the Declaration of Indepen- titude about policy in general and other dence the dilemma of choosing own aspects of public life, including voting value-semantic orientations arose be- patterns and other political behaviour fore Ukrainian society. One part of the of citizens [12, p. 1027]. society intended to transfer to Ukrai- The decrease in indicators of public nian archetypes of socio-political life activity and volunteering in Ukraine, liberal values of countries with sustain- unwillingness to participate in social

155 and political life in the last two year can nozuvannya NAN Ukrayiny “Socioku- be considered as “post-revolutionary turni zminy modernizaciyi ekonomiky syndrome” of unrealized beliefs for pos- Ukrayiny (derzhavnyj reyestracijnyj itive change and inefficiency of social nomer 0114U004642) za 2002– lifts (vertical mobility), which after the 2015 rr. — 6 p. 5. Afonin E. A., Sushyj O. V. Zako- Revolution of Dignity had to ensure the nomirnosti ta osoblyvosti ukrayins- come of sufficient number of educated koyi transformaciyi [Text] // Strate- professionals from those Ukrainians, gichna panorama. — 2015. — № 1. — who are ready to fight for establishing P. 94–108. in their places legal “rules of the game” 6. Analitychna zapyska Instytutu so- and to control the relevant government ciologiyi NAN Ukrayiny “Cinnisni institutions. However, the highest rates priorytety molodi Ukrayiny za period of corruption in opinions of Ukrainians 2009–2014 rr.” [Text]. — Kyiv, 2016. — in East and West Ukraine indicate com- 10 p. pound and long-lasting process in value 7. Changing Values and Beliefs in 85 Countries: Trends from the Values Sur- changes, which include all spheres of veys from 1981 To 2004 [Text] / Ed: L. public life and can be clearly identi- Halman, R. L. Inglehart and other. — fied on the borders with neighbouring Lieden-Boston, 2008. — 266 p. (European, Polish, Russian etc.) arche- 8. Cherednychenko A. P. Cinnosti poli- types of socio-political life. tychni [Text] // Politologichnyj en- cyklopedychnyj slovnyk / Uporyadnyk References V. P. Gorbatenko; Za red. Yu. S. Shem- shuchenka ta in. — 2-e vyd., dop. i per- 1. Acemoglu D., Robinson J. Why Nations erob. — Kyiv: Geneza, 2004. — P. 719. Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosper- 9. Cinnisni oriyentaciyi suchasnoyi ukray- ity and Poverty [Text]. — New York: inskoyi molodi. Shchorichna dopovid Crown Publishing Group, 2012. — 544 p. Prezydentu Ukrayiny, Verxovnij Radi 2. Afonin E. A. Lyudska identychnist ta Ukrayiny pro stanovyshhe molodi v osoblyvosti yiyi vplyvu na polityku Ukrayini (za pidsumkam 2015 roku) i derzhavne upravlinnya [Text] // [Text] / Derzh. in-t simejnoyi ta molo- Konceptualni zasady vzayemodiyi dizhnoyi polityky; [redkol.: Zhda- polityky i upravlinnya: navch. posib. / nov I. O., gol. red. koleg., Yarema O. J. Avt. kol. : E. A. Afonin, Ya. V. Bere- ta in.]. — Kyiv, 2016. — 200 p. zhnyj, O. L. Valevskyj ta in. — Kyiv: 10. Cinnosti ukrayinskoyi molodi. Rezul- NADU, 2010. — P. 265–289. taty reprezentatyvnogo sociologich- 3. Afonin E. A., Bandurka O. M., Mar- nogo doslidzhennya stanovyshha tynov A. Yu. Velyka roztoka (globalni molodi [Text] / [N. Dmytrukta in.]. — problemy suchasnosti: socialno-isto- Kyiv : SKD, 2016. — 89 p. rychnyj analiz [Text]. — Kyiv: Vyda- 11. Cyvilizacijnyj vybir Ukrayiny: para- vecz PARAPAN, 2002. — 352 p. dygma osmyslennya i strategiya diyi : 4. Afonin E. A., Balakyreva O. N., nacionalna dopovid [Text] / red. kol.: Nosko N. A., Polovnykov Y. Y. Mental- S. I. Pyrozhkov, O. M. Majboroda, naya Model ukraynskoj transforma- Yu. Zh. Shajgorodskyj ta in. — Kyiv : cyy kak dvyzhenye k tochkam syngu- Instytut politychnych i etnonacional- lyarnosty [Text] // Naukovo-doslidna nych doslidzhen im. I. F. Kurasa NAN robota Instytutu ekonomiky ta prog- Ukrayiny, 2016. — 284 p.

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157 UDC: 316.728

Lapina Viktoria Viktorovna, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, PhD (So- cial Psychology), researcher, Faculty of Soci- ology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, Volodymyr- ska Str., 64/13, tel.: (050) 645 18 07, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971 Лапіна Вікторія Вікторівна, кандидат соціологічних наук, PhD (соці- альна психологія), науковий співробітник науково-дослідного центру факультету соціології, Київський національний універ- ситет імені Тараса Шевченка, Україна, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Володимирська, 64/13, тел.: (050) 645 18 07, e-mail: v.lapina39@ ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971 Лапина Виктория Викторовна кандидат социологических наук, PhD (социальная психология), научный сотрудник научно-исследовательского центра факультета социологии, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, Украина, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13, тел.: (050) 645 18 07, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971


Abstract. The paper presents analysis of theoretical interpretations in the contemporary western sociology the tendency of over-consumption archetype globalization as a new source of social conflicts and social tension. Underlined that active use in the contemporary sociology the concepts “consumer society” and “consumerism” is the scientific reflection of global expansion of the over- consumption archetype as the transcultural model of consumption. Substanti- ated that modern practices of over-consumption now investigates under analyti- cal context of the consumerism phenomena. According to the author’s positon consumerism is the specific style of life and also is the contemporary ideology of universal value of the over-consumption model which becomes global due to aris- ing manipulative influence by technologies of advertising and mass-media.

158 Keywords: globalization, over-consumption archetype, consumer society, consumerism phenomena, advertising, social conflict, social tension, sociology of consumption. ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЯ АРХЕТИПУ НАДМІРНОГО СПОЖИВАННЯ ЯК НОВІТНЄ ДЖЕРЕЛО СОЦІАЛЬНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ ТА СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ НАПРУЖЕНОСТІ Анотація. У статті проаналізовано теоретичні інтерпретації в новітній за- хідній соціології, тенденції глобалізації архетипу надмірного споживання як новітнього джерела соціальних конфліктів та соціальної напруженості. Ар- гументовано, що активне застосування в сучасній соціології понять “суспіль- ство споживання” та “консюмеризм” є відображенням глобальної експансії архетипу надмірного споживання як транскультурної моделі споживання. Констатовано, що сучасні практики надмірного споживання досліджуються в контексті аналізу феномена консюмеризму. Доведено, що консюмеризм є специфічним стилем життя та новітньою ідеологією універсальної цінності моделі надмірного споживання, яка набуває масового поширення через зро- стаючий маніпулятивний глобальний та регіональний вплив технологій ре- клами та мас-медіа. Ключові слова: глобалізація, aрхетип надмірного споживання, суспіль- ство споживання, консюмеризм, реклама, соціальний конфлікт, соціальна напруженість, соціологія споживання. ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИЯ АРХЕТИПА ИЗБЫТОЧНОГО ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ КАК СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ ИСТОЧНИК СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ КОНФЛИКТОВ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ НАПРЯЖЕННОСТИ Аннотация. В статье осуществлен анализ теоретических интерпретаций в новейшей западной социологии, тенденции глобализации архетипа избы- точного потребления как современного источника социальных конфликтов и социальной напряженности. Аргументировано, что активное применение в современной социологии понятий “общество потребления” и “консьюме- ризм” является отражением глобальной экспансии архетипа чрезмерного потребления как транскультурной модели потребления. Констатировано, что современные практики чрезмерного потребления исследуются в контек- сте анализа феномена консьюмеризма. Доказано, что консьюмеризм явля- ется специфическим стилем жизни и новейшей идеологией универсальной ценности модели чрезмерного потребления, которая приобретает массовое распространение из-за растущего манипулятивного глобального и регио- нального влияния технологий рекламы и масс-медиа. Ключевые слова: глобализация, архетип общества потребления, обще- ство потребления, консьюмеризм, реклама, социальный конфликт, социаль- ная напряженность, социология потребления.

159 A problem statement. It is known Analysis of the recent sources that among the current issues for which and publications.The latest scientific the research efforts are targeted by so- areas of study of the problem. It is cial scientists, there is a question of the important to consider that the new- scientific identification of the sources est interpretation of the ontological of social inequality, social conflicts and specificity of consumption reflect the social tension. Factors such as reduc- research orientation of scientists in un- tion the standard and quality of life, derstanding the integrative potential of progressive deindustrialization, finan- this sector and its role in the organiza- cial instability, and massive corruption tion of the social order. Note that the in most post-Soviet countries are sig- active introduction to the scientific use nificantly influencing the nature of the such concepts as “consumer society” social relations in various areas of pub- and “consumerism”, in general, showed lic life, including the field of consump- the phenomenon of global ontological tion. Obviously, the creation of effec- distribution and approval of the arche- tive management techniques aimed at type of over-consumption as a trans- strengthening the regulatory capacity cultural pattern of consumption, which of social institutions in consumption is was traditionally perceived by scien- an important research task. Note that tists as a source of social conflict and so- the scientific study by scientists the po- cial tension. However, the reasons that larization processes of the social struc- caused globalization of the archetype of ture of different societies was tradition- over-consumption scientists interpret ally linked to the research practices of in different ways. Thus, firstly, Robert the functioning of elite social groups, Dahl in his fundamental work “Democ- which according to various scientists racy and its critics” [1] indicates the actually formed a “parasitic class” importance of industrialization and ur- (K. Marx), “ruling class” (A. Tokville, banization trends that during the twen- M. Weber, P. Pareto), “leisure class” tieth century stimulated the intensive (Th. Veblen). It should be stated that growth of the middle class, for which the existence of such classes was typi- the value of over — consumption was a cally considered from the standpoint criterion for success in life and the basis of “humanist perspectives” — that is, of “democratic consensus” of modern from the standpoint of the argument polyarchical societies [1, p. 156–162]. that there is a need to overcome vari- Secondly, Ian Shapiro formulates a dif- ous forms of social exclusion, usurpa- ferent conceptual position in his mono- tion of material resources and benefits graph “Political criticism” [2]. Scientist as a latent source of the social apolo- claims that the growth of material pros- getics archetype of over-consumption. perity and social well-being of certain However, such an understanding at social groups cannot be considered as this time does not allow to adequately a factor of the overall strengthening of investigate the newest processes of the social cohesion of individual and col- transformation and development of lective actors of social life. He argues consumption influenced by progressive that in conditions of a spontaneous de- democratization and globalization. velopment of market economy, people

160 as consumers of prestige goods in most In view of these circumstances, the cases act irrationally, what ultimately purpose of this research paper is to leads to various forms of social tension analyze the theoretical interpretations and long-term social conflicts. That is in modern western sociology the glo- why new challenges are stimulating the balization trend of the archetype of modernization process of state social over-consumption as the newest source policy as a technological instrument of of social conflicts and social tension. implementation of regulatory manage- Presenting the main material. First ment impact on the social contradic- we should emphasize that the wide use tions of the newest practices of con- in the modern scientific discourse such sumption in a “commercial capitalism” sociological metaphors as “consumer society [2, p. 270–273]. society” is possible to explain by the Thirdly, according to Charles Tilly global distribution and massification the process of global distribution of the of such social phenomena as consu- model of over — consumption is due to merism. Considerable attention de- the intensification of capital flows from votes to the study of this phenomenon TNCs, and this process leads to increase in the modern theoretical sociology. in the consumer cost of the goods and It is believed that consumerism is the services, and to strengthen the claims most important attributive and visual of people in receiving financial assets as display of the consumer society. a condition of the organization of own However, it should be noted that consumption, standards of which are sociologists use the term “consumer so- constantly changing. Under such cir- ciety” in largely metaphorical character cumstances, people are getting new re- as definition of the main ontological sponsibilities for servicing credit loans, features of this conceptis incompre- and there are new forms of social ten- hensible. Thus, it is unclear whether sion and new social conflicts [3, p. 149– the consumer society is: 1) universal on- 164]. Fourthly, it is important to point tological type of industrial society as a out the research of the following socio- socio-historical system (N. Mackend- logists-postmodernists: Z. Bauman [4], rick); 2) specific ontological type of lo- J. Baudrillard [5], B. Latour [6], J. Urri cally advanced part of the world capi- [7], that point on the trends in virtual- talist system (E. Fromm, G. Markuse ization of the public life and creating et al.); 3) separate newest phase of global communication networks as the the global historical development of newest conflict triggering ontological postindustrial (information) societ- stimulus of transformation of modern ies, in which the consumption sector societies into “consumer societies”. In is leading (Z. Bauman, J. Baudrillard, this connection it is important to em- B. Latour, J. Urri et al.). phasize that these “consumer societies”, There is some difficulty in giving a ontological basis of which is the arche- clear answer to these questions as we type of over-consumption, according to believe that sociologists use as their many scientists is an important indica- argument the types of explanatory dis- tor of future historical decline of the course, which belong to different scien- current global capitalist system. tific fields and traditions. That is why

161 the use by social scientists the concept and the development of the archetype of “consumer society” and derived from of over-consumption and its newest this concept a notion of “consumerism” manifestation, which is the phenom- requires a more detailed explanation. enon of consumerism, were overlooked Firstly, in a purely ideological sense by scientists. Obviously, based on their the term consumerism is a global propa- own disciplinary coordinates of the vi- gation of an ideology of consumer be- sion of specific economic foundations havior and lifestyle. This is why some of the social life, sociology experts form scientists are inclined to consider the their own conceptual image of consum- concept of “consumerism” and “global- erism as an object of scientific study. ization” as synonyms. Thus, in the work In the fundamental work of Robin “Consuming life” [4] Zygmunt Bauman Cohen and Paul Kennedy “Global so- defines consumerism as a global ideolo- ciology” consumerism is defined as the gy consuming life, which aims to justify phenomenal expression of meanings consumer lifestyle and mass consumer and values of the westernized lifestyle, behavior. The scientist, in particular, which reveals the commitment most notes that the most distinct feature of of the globalized world. “These mean- the consumer society “is transforming ings are associated with a wide range of people to commodities” [4, p. 14]. cultural beliefs, values and orientations Secondly, it is appropriate to em- that we share with other people” [8, phasize that the issue of identification p. 12]. phenomenal features of consumerism in The ontological foundation of con- many respects remains unclear. How- sumerism is a global consumer culture, ever, in purely pragmatic perspective which according to Robin Cohen and which is associated with processes of Paul Kennedy, creates two scenarios of social reproduction of consumerism as global development of consumerism — a social phenomenon, is quite clear the a pessimistic scenario (perspective of fact that the important principles of transformation of people as consum- conceptual understanding of the essen- ers to obedient and passive dopes) [8, tial features of consumerism have two p. 318–321] and the optimistic scena- components: 1) the model of over-con- rio — perspective of approval consum- sumption model and 2) the manipula- ers as romantic creative heroes [8, tive influence of advertising. p. 322–325]. Thirdly, it should also be empha- Note that the same position, in our sized that the study of the causes of view, shares Grant McCracken, who in global spreading of the model of over- a monograph “Culture and consump- consumption is at an early stage. This tion” proves the importance of the whole situation can be explained by the study of the cultural determination of fact that specialized researches of on- the phenomenon of consumerism and tological specificity of consumption in its cultural contradictions, stressing terms of identifying consumption pat- that this phenomenon is not only an terns in western sociology began only economic process, but a process that in the late twentieth century. That is reflects the cultural qualities of people why the questions of historical genesis, as consumers — their skills to evaluate

162 real functional options of manufactured protecting the interests of consumers. goods as consumer goods, the availabil- Thus, in the work “Consumer culture ity of their purchase and effective use as and modernity” Don Slater stresses objects of material culture. That is why that consumerism as a sign of postmod- consumerism is not only the economic ern society, occurs as a cultural process phenomenon, but also “a cultural con- of civilized protection of consumers sumption process by which goods and from real and possible fraud of custom- services are created, bought and used” ers [11, p. 126–134]. Peter Steans in his [9, p. 1]. work “Consumerism in the world histo- Steven Miles at his work “Consum- ry: the global transformation of desire” erism as a way of life” also points to indicates that creative consumerism the cultural basis of consumerism. He “seeks to mitigate the social stratifica- argues that consumerism is a cultural tion of consumers to “rich” and “poor” phenomenon that reflects sensitive ba- [12, p. 11]. sis of consumer society, especially the In our view, the final determination culture and the lifestyle of people in the of the essence of creative consumerism given society. “The essence of modern gives Methew Hilton in his work “Con- consumerism is based on its special feel- sumerism in twentieth-century Britain: ing. The paradox of consumerism is that a study of historical movement”: “Con- it creates a sense of growing individual sumerism is a social movement that freedom through the use of economic is the part of the consumer society in means for establishing demonstrative which the active role belongs to con- extravagant behavior” [10, p. 32]. sumers” [13, p. 5]. Of course, if we take into account Obviously, that the remarkable fact and focus the analysis on a sensitivity of this definition is the emphasis of the basis of the consumerism culture, as researcher on an attributive connection Miles does, then it is easy to come to of consumerism as a social phenomenon conclusions of the dramatic nature be- and a social movement of consumers cause consumerism would be seen as a as members of the consumer society. social phenomenon, giving rise to social However, this definition from our view conflicts and various forms of social ten- is one-sided, as it points to only one of sion as the economy of society of global cognitive strategies in studying of con- capitalism is impossible without con- sumerism as a social phenomenon. sumerism that generates insatiable con- As shown by our analysis, sociolo- sumers inclined to updating behavioral gists are engaged in conceptual inter- strategies of the over-consumption. pretation of the phenomenon consum- However, it is important to take in- erism on three paradigmatic areas: to account the creative possibilities of 1) consumerism is an attributive consumerism. Note that in the works phenomenon that contributes to the of Don Slater [11], Peter Steans [12], reproduction of the functioning of con- Methew Hilton [13] are presented ar- sumption society as the newest phase of guments concerning the importance of global capitalism; research of consumerism, as a rationally 2) consumerism is a way of life and a organized social movement, aimed at specific lifestyle that is marked by pres-

163 ence of the certain social contradictions that have not lost their consumer value associated with the intensification of to new groups of goods. That is why the stimulating the over-consumption and most important technological mean to the risks of dehumanization of social exercise such coercion is advertising, life; which today in the public conscious- 3) consumerism is a social move- ness serves as a substitute for know- ment that aims to protect consumers ledge, moral and ideology. Thus, mo- from real and possible fraud of custom- dern advertising is functionally aimed ers under condition of increasing com- at ensuring stable reproduction of the petition between producers of goods archetype of over — consumption and and services, and under condition of the consumer lifestyle. spontaneous development of the global Analysis of contradictions of the capitalist economy. Note that sociolo- newest practices of such reproduction gists give ambiguous answer to the im- demonstrates the risks of updating cer- portant question: whether consumer- tain typical forms of social conflicts and ism really promotes (as tends to prove social tension due to: Peter Steans) the mitigate of the social • real impossibility of organization inequalities? of mass consumption of prestigious Obviously, we should support the goods and services; point of view of already mentioned • increase in the financial debt of works of Z. Bauman, B. Latour and various categories of consumers to J. Urri, that give a negative answer to banks and other credit organizations; this question, pointing that consumer- • repressive actions of collectors ism is a stimulus of formation and es- and bailiffs for the purpose of repaying tablishment of the “new social strati- debts; fication” by expanding the access to • strengthening the manipulative “global mobility”. We should agree with effect of advertising through the use the opinion of the researchers that the of technological capabilities of modern modern forms of social inequalities be- media and global networks. tween rich and poor only at first glance Conclusions and recommendations are becoming less visible due to the for further research: growing influence of the advertising, 1. Today, one of the priority areas of which creates the illusion of accessibil- the development of sociological science ity for all and everyone to the wealth of and an important research objective is the modern world. creating effective manageral technolo- As the latest manifestation of the gies to strengthen the regulatory capac- archetype of over-consumption, con- ity of social institutions in consump- sumerism is an expression of a radical tion. The scientific study by scientists qualitative change in the structure and the polarization processes of the social form of the process of consumption. It structure of different societies was tra- is becoming not only a consumption of ditionally linked to the research prac- consumer cost of goods, but the con- tices of the functioning of elite social sumption of symbols that are forcing groups. Active introduction to the sci- consumers to constantly change goods entific use such concepts as “consumer

164 society” and “consumerism”, in general, forms of social tension associated with showed the phenomenon of global on- the intensification of the process of tological spreading and approval of the global reproducing of the archetype of archetype of over-consumption as a over-consumption and the risks of de- transcultural pattern of consumption, humanization of social life. which was traditionally perceived by 4. Promising for the further scien- scientists as a source of social conflict tific development is understanding and social tension. of consumerism as a specific ideology 2. Engaging in the scientific use the of consumption. In such a conceptual term of “consumer society” marks its perspective, consumerism is a mo- amorphous use, as sociologists use it dern ideology of universal value of the as a sociological metaphor. This is the over-consumption model that acquires reason of the ambiguous interpretation mass distribution through the grow- and lack of a clear definition of the ba- ing manipulative global and regional sic ontological concepts of this concept. influence of advertising technologies. However, most sociologists inclined The process of global spreading of the to think that the most important at- archetype of over-consumption is an tributive and visual characteristic of important consequence of moderniza- the consumer society is consumerism. tion of capitalism as a world system. The process of global reproduction of Attributive component of this process consumerism as a social phenomenon is the tendency to strengthen the virtu- causes: 1) model of over-consumption alization of social life, the development model and 2) manipulative impact of of which leads to increased advertising advertising. manipulative influence as a source of 3. In the modern western sociol- social conflict and social tension. ogy the phenomenon of consumerism is interpreted by western sociologists in three conceptual dimensions: References 1) consumerism is an attributive 1. Dahl R. A. Democracy and its critics / phenomenon that contributes to the Robert Dahl. — New Haven and Lon- reproduction of the functioning of con- don: Yale univ. press, 1989. — 397 p. sumption society as the newest phase of 2. Shapiro I. Political critisism / I. Sha- global capitalism; piro. — Bercley: Univ. of California 2) consumerism is a social move- press, 1990. — 338 p. ment that aims to protect consumers 3. Tilly C. Democracy / C. Tilly. — Cam- from real and possible fraud of custom- brige (Mass): Cambrigeuniv. press, ers in condition of increasing competi- 2007. — 248 p. tion between producers of goods and 4. Bauman Z. Consuming Life / Z. Bau- man. — Cambige: Polity press, 2007. — services, and in condition of the sponta- 160 p. neous development of the global capi- 5. Baudrillard J. The Consumer Society: talist economy; Mythes and Structures / J. Baudril- 3) consumerism is a way of life and lard. — London: SAGE, 1998. — 230 p. a specific lifestyle that is marked by 6. Latour B. Reassembling the Social. An presence of certain social conflicts and Introduction to Actor – Network –

165 Theory / B. Latour. — Oxford: Oxfor- 10. Miles S. Consumerism as a Way of Life / duniv. press, 2005. — 266 p. S. Miles. — L.: Sage 2006. — 174 p. 7. Urry J. Sociology beyond societies. 11. Slater D. Culture and Modernity / Mobilities for the twenty first centu- D. Slater. — N,Y: Viley, 1997. — 230 p. ry / J. Urry. — London; N.–Y.: Rout- 12. Steans P. Consumerism in World His- ledge. 2000. — 255 p. tory: The Global Transformations of 8. Сohen R., Kennedy P. Global Sociol- Desire. — 2-nd ed. / P. Steans. — L.: ogy. — 2-nd ed. / R. Сohen, P. Kenne- Routledge 2001. — 147 p. dy. — N.Y.: Macmillan, 2007. — 584 p. 13. Hilton M. Consumerism in Twentith 9. McCracken G. D. Culture and Con- Century Britain: the searсh for histori- sumption / G. D. McCracken. — cal movement / M. Hilton. — Cam- Bloomington: Indianauniv. press, brige: Cambrigeuniv. press, 2003. — 1990. — 174 p. 382 р.

166 UDC: 035: 659.3/4:32.019.5

Lashkina Mariia Hryhoriivna, psychologist-conflictologist, PhD in Pub- lic Administration, Assistant-consultant of People Deputy of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, 01005, Hrushevskoho Str., 5, tel.: (097) 705 38 75, e-mail: maria.lash- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкіна Марія Григорівна, психолог-конфліктолог, кандидат наук з державного управління, помічник-кон- сультант народного депутата України, Верховна Рада України, м. Київ, 01005, вул. Грушевського, 5, тел.: (097) 705 38 75, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкина Мария Григорьевна, психолог-конфликтолог, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, помощ- ник-консультант народного депутата Украины, Верховная Рада Украины, г. Киев, 01005, ул. Грушевского, 5, тел.: (097) 705 38 75, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853

COMMUNICATIVE COMPONENT OF CONFLICT IN THE MODERN WORLD: THE BIRTH OF THE ARCHETYPE OF THE SELFNESS (Das Selbst) Abstract. The article is analysing communication component of the conflict in the modern world. This topic is very important and relevant for modern pub- lic administration in the world and Ukraine. The author believes communica- tion in today's transparent and open world as the main component for conflict resolution, influential feature that is important for the formation of individual archetypal patterns of “selfness” (das Selbst). The author defines the conflict as a permanent part of human life and the opportunity for development and existence in diversity. The сommunication has seen as major component of tolerance, em- pathy and understanding people of other cultures, traditions, opinions, different ideologies, values and characters. Interdisciplinary approach for relief archetypal methodology helps author of the article to conclude that the most important structural mental image of “selfness” (das Selbst) is activated and developed un- der the influence of communication that gives the hope for humankind growing

167 up, and the possibility of finding new tools for resolving conflicts through cogni- tion of cultural and personal diversity. Keywords: communication, conflict, archetype “selfness” (das Selbst), public space, openness, empathy, tolerance. КОМУНІКАТИВНА СКЛАДОВА КОНФЛІКТУ В СУЧАСНОМУ СВІТІ: ЗАРОДЖЕННЯ АРХЕТИПУ САМОСТІ (Das Selbst) Анотація. У статті розглядається комунікативна складова конфлікту в сучасному світі, її важливість та актуальність для сучасного державного управління у світі та Україні зокрема. Автор вважає комунікацію в сучас- ному прозорому та відкритому світі як основну складову для врегулюван- ня конфліктів, впливову особливість для формування важливої архетипної структури особистості — “самості” (das Selbst). Автор визначає конфлікт як постійну складову людського життя і можливість для розвитку та іс- нування в різноманітності. Комунікація вбачається основною складовою формування толерантності, емпатії та розуміння людей інших культур, традицій, думок, різних ідеологій, цінностей та характерів. Міждисциплі- нарний підхід за допомогою архетипної методології дає можливість зро- бити висновок, що найважливіший структурний образ психіки “самість” (das Selbst) активується й розвивається під впливом комунікації, що умож- ливлює дорослішання людства та знаходження нових механізмів врегулю- вання конфліктів через пізнання культурної та особистісної різноманітно- сті. Ключові слова: комунікація, конфлікт, архетип “самість” (das Selbst), публічний простір, відкритість, емпатія, толерантність. КОММУНИКАТИВНАЯ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩАЯ КОНФЛИКТА В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ: ЗАРОЖДЕНИЕ АРХЕТИПА САМОСТИ (DAS SELBST) Аннотация. В статье рассматривается коммуникативная составляющая конфликта в современном мире, ее важность и актуальность для современ- ного государственного управления в мире и Украине в частности. Автор считает коммуникацию в современном прозрачном и открытом мире как основную составляющую для урегулирования конфликтов, влиятельную особенность для формирования важной архетипной структуры личности “самости” (das Selbst). Автор определяет конфликт как постоянную со- ставляющую человеческой жизни и возможность для развития и суще- ствования в разнообразии. Коммуникация представляется основной со- ставляющей формирования толерантности, эмпатии и понимания людей других культур, традиций, мнений, различных идеологий, ценностей и характеров. Междисциплинарный подход с использованием архетипной методологии позволяет сделать вывод, что важнейший структурный образ психики “самость” (das Selbst) активируется и развивается под влиянием коммуникации, позволяет взросление человечества и нахождение новых

168 механизмов урегулирования конфликтов через познание культурного и личностного разнообразия. Ключевые слова: коммуникация, конфликт, архетип “самость" (das Selbst), публичное пространство, открытость, эмпатия, толерантность.

Target setting. The whole real, compromises and moving to coopera- imaginary and informational spaces tion, allows a person to solve any prob- are permeated with the theme of con- lems and resolve contradictions. It lies flict. Convergence and interactivity at the basis of humanity, the element help in spreading the virus outflow of makes conventional biological creature information material of different plan in the intelligent person, forms the hu- of conflicts, problems, terrorist acts, man “selbst” (from him — das Selbst, as wars. Therefore, the formulation of the K. Jung defined it). Therefore, the for- issue is very relevant, but at the same mulation of the question in this way time it is difficult for it to give a new seems to us logical and relevant in the and exclusive scientific and theoreti- framework of the archetypal method- cal justification, but only the factual ology and practice of modern conflict- information sound. The foundation of time. conflict confrontation lies in the very The analysis of recent research nature of the existence of biological and publications. To understand the species on the planet, including man, problem posed, the author used the as the most developed being from the work of K. G. Jung and his followers, point of view of intellectual and cog- in particular Maria-Louise von Franz, nitive filling. For Ukraine, the topic on the problems of development and of conflicts, conflicts, confrontation, explanation of archetypes, the struc- the diversity of human nature is very ture of the psyche, and the isolation of important, because it defends its inde- the mental and material. The experts of pendence and is in a state of open mili- practical communication and conflict tary conflict with its nearest territorial resolution at Harvard Law School and neighbor, the Russian Federation. The Helena Cornelius Shoshany Fair, The confrontation, which provoked the ac- author of the communication model, celerated formation of a clear national built on the theory of autopoiesis of character, the allocation of archetypal, Nicholas Luhmann, the communica- value differences. At the same time, tive theory of “face” in the negotiations this happens in an open communicative of Stela Ting-Tumi. The work of Ukrai- space, accelerates the coil and spread- nian scientists and representatives of ing of truth and false information, the the Ukrainian school of archetypics world has become less real, but more E. Afonina, A. Bandurko, E. Golovaha, communicative. The communication, O. Donchenko, V. Ivanov, V. Karpenko, if it is congruent in an open space, A. Martinova, O. Sushiy and others. performs an important function in the The goal of the article is to theo- conflict resolution process, seeking retically view the communicative com-

169 ponent of the conflict as the origin of inherent in them, from the point of the archetype of the “selbst” for the in- view of development and progress, in dividual and the formation of the ratio- everyday life. They are many, they are nal and the adult for the social. To un- different in content, subject matter, in- cover features of “selbst” (das Selbst), ternal and external content, elements as a composite structure of the psyche, of influence and decision methods, but its features for the development of so- they are, and this means that we are at ciety in the conditions of postmodern the very center of our lives “The sad turbulence and shifts. To prove the truth is that the real life is filled with importance of communication in the relentlessly acting opposites: the day development of social and individual is replaced at night, the birth is death, “selbst” to create a balance in the soci- happiness is grief, and the good is evil. ety, to realize this goal, we must consid- And we can not be sure of the vic- er the essence of definitions: conflict, tory of one over another — that good communication, “selbst” (das Selbst). will conquer evil, and joy will surpass To analyze their current content and the pain. Life is a battlefield. It has al- make sure that the statement of the ways been and will be, and if not — then problem in the proposed interpretation life will end”, — Wrote K. Jung in his has a scientific justification. last work “On the Subconscious” [16, The statement of basic materials. p. 83]. This is the basis of life, the con- The modern world of human life is be- tradiction, the struggle, the competi- coming more chaotic, unpredictable tion, that laid down from nature both and conflicting. And this state is inher- within the person himself, and in ex- ent in many states, including Ukraine, ternal circumstances. Therefore, we which strives for active reforms. The can argue that the conflict is a natural conflict in the socio-political space has phenomenon and there is nothing sur- already reached such proportions that prising in the conflict nature of society, some scholars who analyze the social another question is its tension and the situation, have lost faith in the possi- scale of the destruction of the societal bility of achieving stability. space. Wilhelm Reich, a German psy- A characteristic feature of the con- chologist, analyzing the origins of fas- flict as a socio-psychological pheno- cism in his work “The Psychology of menon is its duality, which is inherent the Masses and Fascism” wrote that in the essence of the concept in terms “in the animal kingdom there are no of consequences. And the consequenc- wars within one species, and war with es can be both positive and negative oneself like sadism is the property of a for all parties to the conflict. And this “civilized man” [12, р. 322]. As history characteristic, as never before, is mo- shows, humanity has acquired insane dernized and substantially reflected in experience in destroying the life of an- the contradictory, multidimensional, other and punishing oneself like that. multicolored and ambiguous world of The fear, the ideology and the inad- the information age, where we all got. equate of socio-economic explanations And it should be noted that today the always lie at the heart of conflicts, ac- conflicts have taken their usual place, cording to Reich. To settle differences

170 and find common points of contact suring the level of confidence in social in different ways, one must study the institutions in Ukraine, and studying “characterological structures” of peo- the issue of tolerance for immoral be- ples [12, p. 46]. havior. And these studies indicate the The specialists of mediation and inconsistency and certain contradic- conflictology identify common “sig- tions in the realization of desires and nals” of conflicts that will help to rec- public inquiries. On one side, research ognize it earlier and prevent a hot point to the desire of people of strong phase: the psychological discomfort, power and order. On the other hand, emotional tension, misunderstand- people do not want to obey the rules, ing based on the inherent in the sub- in particular, pay honestly taxes and conscious archetypes and stereotypes, fulfill laws, do not respect the authori- cultural differences and traditions, the ties, do not trust officials. The highest last phase is the crisis [14, p. 36]. But level of trust among social institutions to understand the nature of social con- in Ukraine has a church (56,7 %), vol- flicts and wars in some cases we need to unteers (53,5 %), the armed forces of listen to Reich’s advice and study the Ukraine (53,1 %). Public authorities nature of societies. are enjoyed by trust less that imple- The methodology of archetypics ment reforms and change the system allows us to analyze the social and po- of relationships in society [4]. This re- litical phenomena, taking into account flects an inadequate attitude towards the external and internal components the authorities, on the one hand, it is of the personal and social psyche, that archetypal for the Ukrainian society, is, the nature of peoples and nations, on the other hand, to acquire for the traditions and cultural differences in- time of independence because of the herent in archetypes. The influence of slowness of reform and the immoral- the psychic on sociopolitical processes ity of politics. The phenomenon, which has always been significant. Losing consists in a certain bifurcated attitude the meaning of life from his saturation to morality about themselves and poli- and stresses and, not understanding ticians, states in his studies the Ukrai- what is happening, a man was search- nian sociologist Eugene Golovakha, he ing ways in different ideologies and called it the phenomenon of “immoral world-rejecting ideas [16, p. 83]. Today, majority” [3]. In our opinion, such the confirmation of the Jungian thesis knowledge about the Ukrainian soci- can be observed in the widespread de- ety is a meeting with the “shadow”, its mand for shamans, fortunetellers, psy- unconscious archetype, which is im- chics and various other charlatan fun, portant for the formation of “selbst”. replacing to human the harsh truth of The structure of the personality life. The information space helps this according to Jung includes the con- actively, broadcasting instead of sci- scious, unconscious and collective un- entific knowledge, the search experi- conscious. The collective unconscious ence of all sorts of psychics, miracles, is filled with the memory of ancestors, phenomena like that. This facts also re- traditions, rituals, the heritage of all hu- flect the research of sociologists, mea- manity, is reflected in the individual ar-

171 chetype of each person. Consciousness the female, the good — the anger, the is “face” and “it”, roles, saturated with mind — the dullness, the joy — the sad- symbols, myths, personal and social ness, the beauty — the foolishness, etc. duties and thoughts, emotions, ideas, It unites the conscious and the uncon- it is filled. The archetype of “shadow”, scious, brings it to the totality and de- as Jung defined it, is a subconscious, scribes the personality itself. This is a hidden entity, with which it is some- structured image of the psyche, harmo- times difficult and not very pleasant to ny, peace of mind and the main purpose meet. Awareness and understanding of for a civilized person. The formation of oneself with all its open and hidden ad- “selbst” is a difficult and long process, vantages and disadvantages is the hard not every person comes to its realiza- way to develop the “selbst”. tion. The individual unconscious is The awareness of the multicolored, shown in Figure. We see that the ar- variegated world, social relations, their chetype “selbst” is the center of the differences and the existence of differ- individual unconscious, the develop- ent ideas and opinions, brings us closer ment of this archetype for a person is to the development of the most impor- very important, it means achieving in- tant archetype in ourselves. And the ner harmony, goodness. It combines all new information world, formed by the the archetypes, by Jung’s definition, speed of delivery and dissemination of the archetype of the Selbstis God in us information, in our opinion, contrib- "the realization of oneself as an omnip- utes to the formation of this important otent being.In the selbst, there are all archetype. The information space to- the opposites of life: the masculine — gether with social networks shows us

The structure of the personality according to K. Jung, is used from the source: teoria-unga/struktura-licnosti-po-ungu

172 the whole diversity of life and intro- litical analytics, and the like. The world duces us to previously unknown phe- becomes so informationally saturated nomena and events. that it becomes more difficult for a per- The formation of this archetype son to understand the essence of events takes place under the influence of com- and information leaks. To know one- municative technologies actively. We self, the philosophical knowledge that can assert that communication be- comes out for the first plan.At the same comes the main factor in the formation time, along with differentiation and of “selbst”. It includes the develop- self-awareness as a society, uses signs ment, training, formation of ideas, men- for communication, there is a problem tal states and the like. We can not talk of delusion and lies, “unintentional today about the development of the in- and deliberate abuse of signs”. This dividual in isolation from the accumu- means that sometimes communication lated knowledge of mankind, symbols, is not, comes to a standstill, forms false traditions, opinions, ideas, rituals of knowledge and thinking, but society verbal and non-verbal communicative always encourages more moral things, manifestations, values. And the deve- such as openness and truthfulness and lopment of information technology ac- the trust of the communication process celerated all the processes of personal- [9, p. 43]. ity formation in general and, in part, The post-non-classical approach in dulled the formation of “selbst”. Since communicative science defines some the personality forms the societal, and models of communication that are rel- the societal forms a feature, this pro- evant in the world of social networks cess of the plasma process is constantly and global communications. This ap- occurring. It is also displayed on the ar- proach is determined by the model of chetype “selbst”, which with the deve- the German philosopher Nicolas Luh- lopment itself can generate “shadows”. mann, who claimed, that communi- Jung metaphorically compared this ar- cation is a product of the system, and chetype to a butterfly, which has two therefore has interconnected links and states of tares and butterflies when it is subject-subjective, and society in spreads its wings. But it’s impossible fact it is a network of communications to be constantly with the wings spread where everyone has value with their out, sometimes you need to close and thoughts, ideas and values. Therefore, a be alone. person, being limited in its capabilities The communication makes it pos- and time of existence, needs to simplify sible through images, language, sym- this multiplicity. Three systems lie at bols, signs to understand and learn the the core simplifications — social, psy- reality. It is direct the vector of influ- chic and organic (biological) — which ence on the development of “selbst”- in their structure are universal and ca- knowledge, self-awareness. This thesis pable of leading the world as a struc- provides an opportunity to understand tural one, suitable for a typical mas- why humanitarian knowledge is so nec- tering by man. In fact, the Luhmann essary in the field of psychology, philo- model provided for the modern world, sophy, political science, sociology, po- where there are enough places for ma-

173 ny pictures of the world, images and 3) mobility of communication partici- emotions. Each information message is pants, the ability to send and receive not one-sided, it opens and closes the messages in real time from anywhere system and requires understanding. and everywhere; 4) instantaneous and Thus, the system through the receipt avalanche (virus) distribution of any of communicative messages capable of information; 5) ease of searching and restoration is built on the principles of access to information (multi-channel self-referentiality and autopoiesis (the and multi-format); 6) interactivity — term proposed by N. Luman, borrowed involvement of various communication from biology from the Greek Auto — channels and their functioning in real the train itself — the creation, produc- time; 7) direct participation in commu- tion) [7, p. 108–115]. nication with the authorities, absence The theory of autopoietic com- of intermediaries; 8) simplification of munication N. Luman and the devel- access to services, state institutions; opment of information technologies, 9) the disappearance of privacy. Fea- social networks, theaccumulation of tures and basic rules of convergent and large volumes of information led us to interactive communication for mod- identify a new communicative phe- ern government can be determined: nomenon that will form new rules of the honesty, the meaningful fullness of relationships and create conditions for content, the system, the proactivity, the finding better forms of interaction in tolerance, the intelligibility [11, p. 312]. the communicative space, reduce con- Of course this phenomenon has the re- flicts and create conditions for a broad verse side of the process, today actively dialogue. We ascertain the emergence intervenes in our lives — these are fake of the phenomenon of new social rela- news, information wars, the spread of tions in the communication process. inaccurate information, the distortion The author defines it as convergent of the real world. We can also write interactive communication — a kind of off this on the problems of growth and unlimited in time and space of multilat- maturation in the new conditions of the eral information interchange, in which fourth technological revolution. convergence or merging of functions, Another important theory of com- channels of means, forms and types of munication, which influences the for- relations between communication par- mation of a conflict-free environment ticipants occurs. This phenomenon and is actualized in the modern world becomes a new type of communication for Ukraine, is the an Update Fase-Ne- in the public space, creates more op- gotiation theory of Communications portunities for a different plan of con- Professor of California State Univer- tacts and influences, communicative sity Stalla Thing-Tumi Fullerton. She transactions through which humanity believes that people during communi- can solve common problems. Factors, cation, having different cultural and influencing its development: 1) the value origins, always talk about a face availability of technology, simplicity (English — face).This term is a meta- of dissemination of information; 2) the phor for our social image of our “I” — ability to broadcast events in real time; how we want to be seen or accepted

174 by others. Work on the preservation of with Russia has ambiguousconsequenc- the face called “specific verbal and non- es, on the one hand the country loses verbal messages that help preserve or its best people, on the other it became restore their reputation and preserve a breakthrough to the identification of the reputation of another stranger” self-awareness, of its cultural and multi- [15, p. 558–559]. The identity of a per- colored identity, the formation of a new son can always be questioned, which patriotic consciousness.Understanding leads to uncertainty, mental and men- its importance in nature and the world tal disorders, makes peoples and na- has become a unifying force for society. tions vulnerable. In different cultures, And any unifying force of the society is the theory of the preservation of repu- “the epicenter of the integrity and con- tation is interpreted in different ways, ditions of the real existence of the col- based on its cultural, value, character- lective psyche, the common spirit, the ological and archetypal content. But living collective soul”, as O. Donchen- this theory allows us to expand the ko asserts [5, p. 300]. consciousness of people to an under- At the same time, the lack of clear, standing of the opposite, the forma- understandable explanations for the tion of a tolerant attitude to another, a actions of the imperious administrative stranger, which becomes possible only system leads to misunderstandings and by expanding their personal self-con- a decrease in trust, does not allow the cept, understanding and fully studying collective psyche to form in the moral, themselves as individuals. advance to the “selbst”. It inhibits the The structural “selbst” that has de- development of the spirit of society, the veloped is distinct and unique, it will development of its integrity. not use others to achieve its goal, it will Conclusions. Of course, in such a not destroy other people’s lives, solve short review it is impossible to cover wars in such a fragile modern world, all the tendencies of the formation of it does not need it. “Selbst” is actu- “selbst” as the main spiritual treasure ally an independent self-identity, full for Ukraine, which occurs under the in- of fullness, confidence, development, fluence of increasing information about actualization of one’s inner world and themselves, their problems, shortcom- its balance with the environment. It is ings and achievements, development of actually the beginning of our life and communications, sooner or later change its end, it depends only on ourselves. attitudes towards the conflict and will In this context, the formation of a new contribute its solution. The formation of personality with a high level of moral open public discourse, which is reflect- values, emotional intelligence, which ed by a new phenomenon of social rela- includes tolerance and empathy are tions of convergent interactive commu- regulating factors. nication, will become the basis for the The modern world provides an op- formation of a new moral communica- portunity for such development, in- tive practice built on the truthfulness of cluding, with grace to information understanding the other, tolerance and technology, it is becoming more com- empathy. The field for further scientific mon. For Ukraine, a military conflict research is wide and branched.

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177 UDC: [101.3/124.5+]:336.1

Yaghi Mahmoud Musa, graduate student of the second year of train- ing of Department of Philosophy, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Kyrpychova, 6, tel.: (073) 494 08 46, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7433-2089 Ягі Махмуд Муса, аспірант другого року навчання кафедри філософії, Національний технічний уні- верситет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”, Україна, 61002, Харків, вул. Кирпичова, 6, тел.: (073) 494 08 46, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7433-2089 Яги Махмуд Муса, аспирант второго года обучения кафедры философии, Национальный технический университет “Харьковский политехниче- ский институт”, Украина, 61002, Харь- ков, ул. Кирпичева, 6, тел.: (073) 494 08 46, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7433-2089 Garnyk Liudmyla Petrivna, PhD of political science, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psycho- logy of social systems management, Na- tional technical university “Kharkiv Poly- technic Institute”, Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Kirpichova, 6, tel.: (063) 443 68 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0983-9323 Гарник Людмила Петрівна, кандидат політичних наук, старший викладач кафедри педагогіки та психо- логії управління соціальними системами ім. академіка І. А. Зязюна, Національний технічний університет “Харківський полі- технічний інститут”, Україна, 61002, Харків, вул. Кирпичова, 6, тел.: (063) 443 68 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0983-9323 Гарник Людмила Петровна, кандидат политических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры педагогики и психо- логии управления социальными системами им. академика И. А. Зязюна, Националь-

178 ный технический университет “Харьковский политехнический институт”, Украина, 61002, Харьков, ул. Кирпичева, 6, тел.: (063) 443 68 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0983-9323


Abstract. Article represents author’s attempt of implementation archetypi- cal paradigm in its classical and modern interpretations for analyzing economic behaviour of marginals in the field of scientific-philosophic thought of Middle Eastern countries. Also in the frameworks of the article we represent our idea of reinterpretation of some European approaches and models in the frameworks of archetypical paradigm according to economic objectives of mental, cultural- religious and intercultural components of consumer behaviour and key elements of spiritual-social modus conflicting nature. Represented in European social-phi- losophic discourse most popular theories, models and instruments of archetypes analysis can be implemented for intercultural research purpose for comparative analysis inside of homogenious and multicultural Muslim communities in the dif- ferent parts of Middle East, but to gaine success in research and for getting valid and objective results we propose to use additionaly instruments of correct and equivalent interpretation for mediation between european and oriental clerical and marginal social-philosophic discourses. Islamic (or clerical) philosophy, Al- Kalam, by its nature is close to Christian theology, and Muslim (usually mar- ginal) philosophy (based on different visions and interpretations of local customs and religious dogmas) is more close to schism and alternative interpretations of classical or modern non-Islamic ideas, theories and consepts. Thus, our article is just attempt to analize and to interpret modern European theories to propose valid instruments for socio-philosophic analysis of ecоnomic behaviour in Middle Eastern countries. Keywords: economic behaviour, Middle Eastern ethos, interculturality, ar- chetypes, adat and Sharia, conflictive nature of spiritual-social modus. АРХЕТИПИ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ ПОВЕДІНКИ ТА ЇХ ВИТОКИ У НАУКОВО-ФІЛОСОФСЬКІЙ ДУМЦІ БЛИЗЬКОСХІДНИХ КРАЇН Анотація. Стаття репрезентує авторську спробу застосування архетипної парадигми у її класичній та сучасній інтерпретаціях для аналізу економічної поведінки маргіналів на тлі соціально-філософської думки близькосхідних країн. Також у межах статті представлено ідею щодо реінтерпретації деяких

179 європейських підходів та моделей архетипної парадигми відповідно до ре- алій ментального, культурно-релігійного та міжкультурного компонентів поведінки споживачів та ключових елементів конфліктної природи духов- но-соціального модусу. Представлені у європейському соціально-філософ- ському дискурсі найпопулярніші теорії, моделі та інструменти архетипного аналізу можна вжити для інтеркультурного порівняльного аналізу гомо- генних та мультикультурних мусульманських спільнот у різних частинах Близького Сходу. Проте для досягнення успіху в дослідженні й отримання реальних та об’єктивних результатів ми пропонуємо використовувати до- датково інструменти коректної та еквівалентної інтерпретації для подолан- ня розбіжностей між європейським та орієнтальним клерикальним і соці- ально-філософським дискурсами. Ісламська (або клерикальна) філософія, Аль-Калям, за своєю природою близька до християнської теології, а мусуль- манська (зазвичай маргінальна) філософія (базується на різних трактуван- нях та інтерпретаціях локальних звичаїв та релігійних догм) є більш набли- женою до схизми та альтернативних інтерпретацій класичних чи сучасних неісламських ідей, теорій та концепцій. Таким чином, наша стаття є лише спробою проаналізувати й інтерпретувати сучасні європейські теорії, щоб запропонувати дієві інструменти для соціально-філософського аналізу еко- номічної поведінки у близькосхідних країнах. Ключові слова: економічна поведінка, близькосхідний етос, інтеркуль- турність, архетипи, адат і Шаріат, конфліктна природа духовно-соціального модусу. АРХЕТИПЫ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ И ИХ ИСТОЧНИКИ В НАУЧНО-ФИЛОСОФСКОЙ МЫСЛИ БЛИЖНЕВОСТОЧНЫХ СТРАН Аннотация. Статья репрезентирует авторскую попытку применения ар- хетипной парадигмы в ее классической и современной интерпретациях для анализа экономического поведения маргиналов на фоне социально-фило- софской мысли ближневосточных стран. Также в рамках статьи представ- лена идея относительно реинтерпретации некоторых европейских подходов и моделей архетипной парадигмы относительно реальности ментального, культурно-религиозного и межкультурного компонентов поведения по- требителей и ключевых элементов конфликтной природы духовно-соци- ального модуса. Представленные в европейском социально-философском дискурсе наиболее популярные теории, модели и инструменты архетипно- го анализа можно использовать для сравнительного анализа гомогенных и мультикультурных мусульманских сообществ в разных частях Ближнего Востока. Однако для достижения успеха в исследовании и получения реаль- ных и объективных результатов мы предлагаем использовать дополнитель- но инструменты корректной и эквивалентной интерпретации для преодоле- ния несоответствия между европейским и ориентальным клерикальным и социально-философским дискурсами. Исламская (или клерикальная) фи-

180 лософия, Аль-Калям, по своей природе близка к христианской теологии, а мусульманская (обычно маргинальная) философия (базируется на разных трактовках и интерпретациях местных обычаев и религиозных догм) явля- ется наиболее приближенной к схизме и альтернативным интерпретациям классических или современных неисламских идей, теорий и концепций. Та- ким образом, наша статья является лишь попыткой проанализировать и ин- терпретировать современные европейские теории, чтобы предложить дей- ственные инструменты для проведения социально-философского анализа экономического поведения в ближневосточных странах. Ключевые слова: экономическое поведение, ближневосточный этос, ин- теркультурность, архетипы, адат и Шариат, конфликтная природа духовно- социального модуса.

Target setting. According to tradi- ense of Islam as livestyle, world view tional scientific and philosophic Eu- and religion on economic life and con- ropean classical notion about Islam temporary culture in different Muslim and its history, Muslim culture is usu- communities and countries. Tradition- ally represented as greater and unified ally Islam around the world (not only modus or recently ethos that is equi- in Muslim countries of Middle East) librium between marginal and sacral defines not only spiritual life of believ- spheras of human being. Leading role ers, but also their economic behaviour of Sharia (norms of divine law) and and social connections (neo-tribalism). domination of marginal aimes in real In the Quran as like as in Sunnah (col- behaviour and thinking way of person lection of true stories about life of let for Muslim culture to secure con- Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S.) that is stant connection between marginal also known as Hadiths) and in medi- and spiritually-ethical discourses in eval Muslim literature we can find a social continuum. Mentioned dual- lot of records (chapters or even books), ity became backgroung for numer- where were mentioned tribal customs ous ideas and ways of interpretation (adats) and marginal interpretations so-called “non-muslim” philosophy of religious dogmas that usually regla- science or “falsafa” that represented ment economic life in different Muslim Antique social-philosophic thought as societies. Mentioned key elements are natural part of Muslim culture, as like defined as social-economic doctrine as later in some of Muslim communi- with its sources — Quran and Sun- ties was used consept of “islamization nah, — and order of its implementation of knowledge” (reinterpretation in Is- into practice of economic behaviour by lamic rhetoric tradition borrowed ele- norms of Sharia. ments of social institutes or norms of Analysis of researches and publi- Western civilization) to became mo- cations. Classical concepts on which dern. In this case scientific interest is is based contemporary archetype para- focused on studying the scale of influ- digm, are represented in works of Karl

181 Jung and his followers, and their ele- Research objectives. Our research ments in relevant theories of Fransis focuses on analyzing and modelling op- Fukuyama, Elvin Toffler, Gorgio Agam- timal instruments considering to ideas ben, Julian Reiss, Peter Belohlavek, of archetype analysis to define key ele- Jihad Mohammad, Noor ul-Ain Ilyas, ments of archetypes and ratio between etc. But methodological base for our ar- tribal-traditional, moral, ethical and chetype analisis of economic behaviour sacral elements in rational and formal in Muslim Middle Eastern countries constructs of economic behaviour cul- we can borrow from works of Michel ture in the context of formation and Maffesoli (especially elements related development of Muslim secular and with deconstruction of future commu- clerical philosophic thought. Subject of nity’s ethos and attempts to predict our research is continuum of economic development of society considering behaviour aspects in secular (“falsafa”) future transformations of its mental- and clerical (“al-kalam”) philosophy social modus in postmodern epoch) discourses through the prism of arche- [11] and Edward Wadi Said, who criti- type paradigm that stays for most of cizes so-called “orientalism” as product scholars-orientalists a new and non- of imagination and false discourse of developed area in field of interdisci- representation the Eastern (especially plinary applied social and philosophical Middle Eastern and Muslim) view- research. points, culture, science, behaviour, so- The purpose of the article is based cial life, social instituts and law norms, on assumption that economic behavi- that was product of colonial hegemony our around muslim countries are more of leading european countries in Mid- influensed by local customs and level of dle Eastern and Northern African lands spiritual faith rater than from hierarcy [7]. We also must additionally to un- of essential human needs (according derline one main constant and essential to Mike Maslow’s theory). Nowadays element (divine-social) of Muslim so- Muslim communities we can meet in cial-economic behaviourial modus that different parts of the world (they live is tribalism and neo-tribalism (Michael in and beyond historical areal of Mus- Herb) or like it is described in political lim civilization), and in the same time discourse — neopatrimonialism. Re- traditional communities change their thinking modernity (Faztur Rahman) attitude to modern forms banking and post-modernity (Michel Maffesoli) and enterprenership because of they as socio-political and cultural pheno- change live values and priorities de- menon in the spirit of contemporary spite of their piety level. Here we have intellectual tradition we can find out fixed our second assumption that main that despite symbolic borders between contemporary archetypes of economic civilizations and cultures they are still behaviour are based on local customs colliding and reshaping under influence (adat) that were incorporated in gene- of globalization, its antagonist process ral religious law (Sharia) and than of glocalization and renovation of local interpreted according to traditions and tribal identity, that causes its con- of main five Mazhabs (law-religious flicting nature [5]. schools).

182 The statement of basic materials. be symbolically divided into two camps: Let us to start the representation of (1) orientalists, who describe imaginery our research outcoms from methaphor Orient through neo-colonial (Eurocen- privided by Michael B. Wilkinson that tric) matrix of social institutes and pro- it is impossible to build good-working cesses, and (2) scholars-practitioners mousetrap without absentee of any who aspire to descover real and unique clear understanding of mouse nature elements of other cultures using valid [10, p. 212]. Anyhow each interdisci- instruments for their field research. plinary research as like as intercultural But in our case we must to underline or inter-religious analysis should have the main features of difference between valid instruments, priority ranks and Western and Muslim philosophic ma- semiotically equal objects for compari- trixes. The first difference is that there son. That is why we start from descrip- is no any church as social instutute in tion of differences between Western Islam as it we have in Christianity. In and Middle Eastern viewpoints on Islam we have five law-religious schools socio-cultural space and its derivative (Mazhabs) and two principles of per- category — economic behaviour — as ception and recognition the event with- objects of our philosophic analysis. in their frameworks. 1. Symbolic Orient: First principle can be described as between real elements blind immitation and application of ar- and illusive assumptions. chaic ethical norms (taqleed). Taqleed There were a lot of useless attempts closes way to social and cultural prog- to introduce and interpret most of sacral ress and often indicates existance in and formal elements of Orient ethos community of numerous customary or through prism of European viewpoint archaic-tribal archetyps that are gener- that bases on Christian beliefs and ste- al motives and reasons of social and eco- reotypes according to attitude to rep- nomic behaviour. For example, the case resentatives of non-european nations of real kinship, destribution of power or other religions. Actually since 18th and income in Gulf oil monarchies Mi- century in European philosophical and chael Herb describes through borrowed sociocultural discourse was originated in Persian epos “Mirror of princes” so-called Orientalism as numerous suc- metaphor: “One obedient slave is bet- cesfull attempts to reinterpret through ter than three hundred sons, because prism of romantic shade all obtained ex- sons will desire their father’s death to perience of slight acquaintance with ex- get his throne, when slave will wish just otic elements of Middle Eastern culture his master’s glory”. Also scholar under- like philosophy, poetry, religious faith, lines that: “Ruler’s relatives can over- customs, music and art. Blunders of throw him in several ways. His relative orientalists especially in interpretation who governed a fiefdom can lead a ter- of main essential elements of Middle ritorial attack on the ruler, defeat his Eastern social structure, political and forces and supplant him. Alternatively economic behavior were criticized in a member of the dynasty, with the help works of Edward Wadi Said and his fol- of his slaves or other confederates, cans lowers. Thus, European researchers can assasinate the ruler. This assasinations

183 bloody the history of most Gulf dynas- pretation of law (civic) and religious ties. Third, a member of the ruling fam- (Sharia) norms. Progressive Muslim ily can simply assume the prerogatives scholars from Shia and Sunni camps of rule, building a bodyguard, judging agree readily that ijtihad opens gates cases and demanding a share of the to social modernizaton and integration customs revenue, thereby gradually of Muslims into global community. But recreating a rival state and usurping in the same time ijtihad due to its high the ruler’s position” [3, p. 26]. Here transformational potential and contro- we have faced with archaic pre-Islamic versial nature (there are five mazhabs tribal customs (adats) that was fixed in and a lot of local customs and tradi- mentality and social institutes of Mus- tions (adats) that usually contradict lim communities in the Gulf countries. each other) often is rejected in tradi- Another bright example from Gulf is re- tionalists communities, where religious lated with historical confrontation be- radicalism and archaic customs are tween Shia and Sunni camps in Bahrain background of their social ethos. For due to oppression of Shia citizens (na- example, in Iran and Lebanon, where tive people) by Sunni minority (royal traditionally live Shia majority, social family) who are supported by Saudi equality and democratic principles (as Arabia and other Gulf monarchies. Of- essential body of each contemporary ficially Arab Spring begins in Tunisia, state — authour’s note) those are results continued then in Egypt and spread of ijtihad have created more dynamic around other countries of the Middle and, thus, more suitable for needs of East and Northern Africa, but only few modern society political, economic and observers have described events of win- social institutes, that are based on dem- ter 2011 in Bahrain also named “Pearl ocratic norms incorporated into every- Revolution”. Bahrainian people (Shia) day practice. Case of Lebanon is a little have peacefully protested against tyra- different from Iran, because of despite mnny of king Halifa, who limited their that bouth countries are republics by human, economic and social rights in , Lebanese political and the same time when provided citizen- economical systems are based on equi- ship and economic support to invited librium between interests of multicul- Sunni people from other countries. tural community where leading roles Halifa’s policy was aimed on increas- play Christian (Maronits) and muslim ing the number of loyal and depended (Shia and Sunni) communities that are of him Sunni community. This example majority of country population. Ac- describes to us another key archetype cording to economic system, Lebanon that characterized Muslim communi- as like as most of post-colonial coun- ties — social and political loyalty due to tries [8, p. 154–155] has two sectors: economic and personal dependence. one oriented on Western economic ma- The second of mentioned earlier trix and another one that is oriented on principles of perception and recogni- Islamic economy. Such liberal character tion the event through prism of clerical of its economic model, which is charac- philosophy is “ijtihad” or independent terized by open trade and investment legal opinion that is based on inter- policy, free market price formation and

184 highly developed international eco- Syrian crisis has made extremely nega- nomic relations, has made Lebanon so- tive impact on the Lebanese economy: called “Middle Eastern Switzerland”. totally were ruined such key articles of Lebanon has chose in the mid-forties its income as trade and tourism. Clos- the way of development which is based ing of transit corridors through the on the principles of state intervention Syrian territory extremely minimized in economy for assistance to local and Lebanese export and re-export to Gulf foreign private business, providing countries, Iraq and Jordan. Syrian refu- equal opportunities to foreign with lo- gees are now more than one third of the cal capital and preservation of liberal population of small Lebanon. Because currency and customs regulations. As of refugees today in Lebanon we can see a result of civil war that was started in lack of workplaces, unemployment and 1975 and ended in 1990, many branch- growth of political tension. At the same es of national economy have seriously time despite current regional conflict, suffered: infrastructure of country was banking and financial sectors still keep- ruined and its position as important ing thir high international reputation economic, trade and bank center of the and continue their positive develop- Middle East was destroyed. Civil war ment. In the past Lebanon has paid high in Lebanon became precondition of gal- price for civil war of 1975–1990 and to- loping inflation, high level of external day the state seeks abilities to minimize debt of the state, budget dificite. Key negative influence of regional political role in the overcoming of consequences conflicts for improving its economic de- of war and improvement of economic velopment and well-being of nation. system was played by financial support Example of Lebanon shows us the from Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, main difference between traditional Italy and other western countries. In- (based only on blind replication of ternational loans and attraction of for- adats and norms of Sharia even in eign investors promoted acceleration of twenty-first sentury) economic model reconstruction of Lebanese economy. and modern economic system, where Within ten years after end of civil war are balanced contemporary economic at the beginning of the 2000th Lebanon trends, Islamic historical heritage and starts to occupy key position in trade economic rationality. But to continue and banking sectors in the Middle East our discussion about archetypes of eco- again. Lebanon becomes the center of nomic behaviour, we need also to pay economic cooperation and trade be- additional attention to symbolic bor- tween the European, Middle Eastern ders and dimentions of socio-cultural and African countries. Today in Leba- space, where exists and economically non contemporary sector of market acts each individual. servises includes: tourism, IT services, 2. Contemporary interpretation Internet banking, insurance and other of cosio-cultural space and classical traditional financial services. theory of archetypes through prism Before Syrian war banking sector of of economic behavior Lebanon was considered as one of the Classical theory of archetypes, most effective in the region. Current reprsented in works of Carl Gustav

185 Jung and followers of his school, can be of archetypes if we can fix the three pil- supplemented by extended version of lars of Middle Eastern socio-cultural Coase theorem about monetary dimen- modus (see Figure 1). sion of different kinds of conflict con- Idea about building structural mod- frontations. This theorem stated that: el of Middle Eastern sociocultural mo- “There is no so important on which dus was based on social dimension of sphere of socio-cultural life depends Shmuel N. Eisenstadt’s theory called current conflict that is related with ex- “multiply modernity”. Actually each ternal negative factors. Thus, optimal person has multiply identity, which is solution of conflict can be gained if we caused by his/her social roles. Thus, focus on its monetary nature. Under behaviour and activity of person are conditions of free market competition depended on institutional spheres and the right to operate and control men- groups of factors that make influence tioned above negative external effects on actor’s self-identity and choice. Our will be in hands of those economic ac- model is also based on axiom that every tor, for whom this right is maximal stra- participant of economic interraction tegic value and vision”. Such vision was can act in different dimentions of so- proposed in works of M. Granovetter, cio-cultural modus in the same time. It R. Swedberg, O. Favereau, P. Bour- means: each actor in the same time gets dieu and others, who observed theory potentionally equal access to different of sociological imperalism in economic dimentions, but to have equal poten- interpretation that based on principles: tial each participant should be open for 1) Economic behaviour is derevative getting new knowleges and skills about case of social action that is key point of changing rules of current game — the sociological analysis according to Maks conflict interraction between coherent Weber’s tradition; interests and different values that have 2) Every economic action is embed- institutional, ethical and functuanal ded in social institutes, so why eco- domains. Mentioned social procesess nomic institutions are social constructs form appropriate background for deve- rather than products of invisible hand; lopment of various political (formal and 3) Demand as like as rules of market non-formal) bodyes that can be defined competition is derevative of confron- as tribes or neotribes, which form usu- tation between different actors (state, ally under conditions of urban life. lobby, consumers, social associations, According to M. Maffesoli, the etc.). term “tribe” can be used for moven- Interpretations of economic and so- ments within youth subculture in ciological imperalism describe attempts post-modern epoch. Tribalization as to spread “rules of game” of main sphere trend of post-modern social transfor- of modern society on other spheres as mations means returning from society like as society, politics, religion and to community and to clan ideals. Such culture [4, p. 148–149]. Socio-cultural transformation occurs in the spirit of space and economic reality in light of postmodern society through critical mentioned above theories can be ana- rethinking, reshaping, and reinterpre- lyzed through prism of classical theory tation - but never through extention.

186 Figure 1. Pillars of Middle Eastern socio-cultural modus

187 Medieval Arab scholar Abu Zayd ‘Abd Puzzle of social cohesion that tradi- ar-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Khal- tionally carries groups to power con- dun al-Hadrami, known in the West as taines different psychological, socio- Ibn Khaldun, has described a cycle of logical, economic and political elements community transformations and social that define old group’s downfall and order renovation caused by balancing arise on their place new groups, dynasty between two kinds of formations: with or empire build on stronger or younger tribal and urban mentality. but more vigorous cohesion. Other Ibn Khaldun was the first of Muslim popular idea of Ibn-Khaldun explaines scholars who has made successful at- to us how society transforms into great tempt to search and describe nature of civilization and why this high point is social conflict in consept of “asabiyyah” often changed by decay period. Some of in Muqaddimah, that is also well-known contemporary scholars interpret such in the West as Introduction to “Kitab idea as attempt to create original busi- al-Ibar” or “Book of Lessons, Record of ness cycle theory, based on examples Beginnings and Events in the History from history of Ottoman Empire. Mie- of the Arabs and the Berbers and Their dival scholar also described frameworks Powerful Contemporaries”. Arab defi- of political economy and Islamic mo- nition “asabiyyah” can be translated as netary system, based on golden dinar equivalent to “social cohesion”, “group and silver dirham as valid and common solidarity” and “tribalism”. In his di- for all Muslim countries currency that chotomy of sedentary urban life versus should be used according to Sharia for nomadic life scholar describes nature payment of charity, taxes and fees. of conflict between generations and in- Ethical dimension of economic be- evitable loss of power in case if desert haviour we can find also in works of warriors conquer the city. Here we can medival scholars as like as Abu-Hamid see other oriental archetypes as like as Al-Gazali, Ibn-Qayyim, Al-Farabi and kinship, solidarity, loyalty and individ- Al-Razi, who in their works have paid ualization (tribe, clan, temporal union, attention to various topics related with community), that are related with such nature of mind and motives of our be- spheres as politics, urban life, economic haviour. If medieval scholars like Al- behaviour and knowledge. Farabi and Al-Gazali have discussed It is interesting that even nowadays in their works topics related with so- the nature of social cohesion in the cial evaluation of economic utility, Middle Eastern communities still per- moral economic behaviour based on sists constant. Social unity emerging knowledge about allowed and prohib- spontaneously in tribes and other small ited actions and required Islamic in- kinship groups (clans); it can be im- struments for economic influence and proved by spreading common religious regulation. In their works we can meet ideology, like it was in case of initiation such catagories as: “nafs” (self or ego), under aegis of Great Britain in early “fitrah” (human nature), “ruh” (spirit), twentienth century new Middle East- “aql” (intellect), “irada” (will), “riba” ern state — kingdom of Saudi Arabia [9, (usury), “ijma” (consensus of scholars) p. 360–361]. and “qiyas” (analogy). But regarding to

188 motives of our economic behaviour we al values, social roles and customs. Such use another terms like: “al-idara” (man- aspiration usually realized by incorpo- agement), “hizbah” (socio-economic ration of Islamic banking sector into administrative institute) and “maslaha” national (western) economic system (welfare). (see Figure 2). According to numerous Muslim We were inspired by idea to check works on philosophy (Al-Kalam and and compare the level of domination Falsafa bouth) in the field of socio-eco- mentioned archetypes in economic be- nomic philosophy, human behaviour in haviour of citezens in Muslim countries general can be analyzed through prism and beyond. Thus, for our research we of five catagories: (1) obligatory acts — have used Internet (social networks) “fard”; (2) reccomended acts — “man- for data collection and methodology of dub”; (3) acceptable acts — “mubah”; data processing, proposed by Moataz A. (4) disliked acts — “makruh” and (5) Fattah [1]. forbidden acts — “haram” [2]. In the According to M. A. Fattah, there same time we must to underline that are three groups of respondents who the dominant type of economic be- identify themselves as Muslims: tradi- haviour is patron-client relationships, tionalists, modernists and secularists causes variety of archetypes that are [1, p. 26–27]. Researcher describes tra- depended on economic actor’s personal ditionalists as people who consider that needs and values, resourses, risks, aspi- for something to be Islamic it should rations and goals. be consensually accepted by Sharia 3. Clientalism, neo-tribalism and ulama (Islamic scholars, represen- and their interpretation by tatives of clerical philosophy). Tradi- archetypes of economic behaviour. tionalists also consider socio-cultural Clientalism or patron-client rela- exchange with non-muslims as human tionships are essential and permanent innovation and imitation of nonbeliev- background of economic, political and ers (non-muslims or representatives of socio-cultural interractions for Middle opposite ideological Muslim moven- Eastern ethos. In dimension of political ment or sect). Modernists can accept economy, clientalism can be interpteted and adopt for their needs only those as patrimonialism or neopatrimonial- new things, that do not contradict the ism, which are based on kinship, loyalty, Sharia, and in question about possibili- tribal or neo-tribal identity (corporate ty of socio-cultural exchange with non- culture) and dependency. Thus, if we muslims they prefer to search for ratio- wish to analyze archetypes of economic nal wisdom. Secularists consider that it behaviour in Muslim perspective and can be possible to adopt new things for try to compare its kinds in different their needs if they are in the interest of countries of Middle East and beyond, society regardless of holy texts. And in we must to fix common for all Middle opinion about possibility of socio-cul- Eastern people tendency — aspiration tural exchange with non-muslims they to create appropriate infrustructure totally agree that communication and (even in Western countries), based on collaboration is better than blind imita- traditional economic needs and cultur- tion of ancestors.

189 Figure 2. Archetypes of economic behaviour in Islamic perspective

Our research was conducted in win- theory, we should accent: archetypes of ter 2016 — spring 2017 in Lebanon and economic behaviour as like as attitudes Ukraine (Lebanese diaspora) among to representatives of some ethinical 280 respondents. Thw key points of our groups or nationalities are depended of research were: religious and socio-cul- scio-cultural space and economic con- tural self-identity, educational level and ditions in which must to servive indi- social status, income level, economic vidual. This argument directly contra- activity, social distance or openness and dicts with assertion of Michel Maffesoli readyness for collaboration with repre- that in postmodern epoch religion as sentatives of other cultures. For evalu- like as politics in their classical mean- ation character of social activity and ing vanishing from sight and in many social interaction we have used Bogar- segments of sociocultural sphere they dus’s Scale [6, p. 71–73] (see Figure 3). are replased by universal constructs of Discussing obtained results of our “divine-social”. Exactly in Ukraine as survey in perspective of archetypes like as in Lebanon we can find differ-

190 Figure 3. Frameworks and factors that determine archetypes of economic behaviour ent subcultures that are rather modern consolidated community or diaspora) and marginalized reinterpretations of and from inside, where we can iden- traditional social instituts or politically tify patron-client relationships and loaded religion (Islamists movenments, traditional for most of Middle Eastern Christian, Shia or Sunni political par- communities tribal (political party, reli- ties in Lebanon) unities. Islam is more gious group) and neo-tribal social asso- than just religion as like as Christian- ciations (civic NGO, student’s unions, ity or any other monoteistic cult: it is etc.). In case of Lebanon, where political essence of lifestyle, viewpoint, social system is based on equilibrium between doctrine and inclusive sociocultural interests of Christians, Muslims (Sunni framework for economic and person- and Shia) and representatives of other ality development. That is why in di- religious minorities, the most wide- aspora even those who are Muslim or spread type of social association is clan non-Muslim but was born in Muslim or pride. Tribe or neo-tribe is archetype country, shares Islamic opinion about that describes rather Lebanese diaspora allowed and prohibited things, supports in Ukraine than citizens in Lebanon, philantropy and his/her fellow citizens because of difference in economic, po- despite difference in religion or politi- litical and social factors inside and out- cal viewpoints. But in case of Ukraine, side country have different influence where we have big Lebanese diaspora, on members of the same community in we can see also strict deferentiation be- dependance on if they live in Lebanon tween way of explaining social events or develop their business in Ukraine. In and economic behaviour from the out- common words, citizens are joined in side (in this case we can see unity and clan that is dominant archetype in their

191 social and economic behaviour, mem- and to improve social networks within bers of diaspora are neo-tribe, where communities and social associations of different (faith, social status, national- foreign sitizens to protect their human ity, ethnicity, income level) people have rights by providing them law support. common reason for consolidation and But in the same time work with foreign protecting their unity — to servive for citizens are very hard because due to future development. lack of correct and actual information Conclusions. Archetypes as unique about dominant archetypes of their eco- instruments of critical and objective nomic and social behaviour. Through analysis are mostly used in western economic instruments (Islamic banking psychologycal, gender and philosophi- sector, philanthropy) representatives of cal surveys, so why our research is at- radical sects or groups and their follow- tempt to apply European theory for ers (like Muslim Brotherhood, ISID, discovering reasons and preconditions Hizb -ut-Tahrir, etc.) usually try to in- of economic behaviour and social asso- corporate into Western societies, where siations within Middle Eastern modus. there is weak or lack of control on origin Archetypes as derivatives from histori- of external investments or philantropy cal memory, permanent behaviourial capitals those came there from Middle patterns, essence of natural needs and Eastern region. Islamic banking sector aspirations, can be constant within lim- as instrument for inviting rich investors its of traditional society (clans or prides from Middle Eastern countries into in Lebanon), when in the samе time Ukraine should be incorporated only they can be reinterpreted, reshaped or when national financial system will be adopted to conditions of new culture balanced and improved. That is why concerning to social needs. perspective research fild of economic Archetypes of economic behaviour behaviour archetypes will attract not are based on: rational choise, utility, only theorists like philosophers and so- religiosity level, cultural and social di- ociologists, but also practitioners as like versity, readiness for collaboration and as economists, managers, governmental coexistance with representatives of officials and diplomates, who deals with other cultures (case of Syrian refugees Middle Eastern investors and muslim in Lebanon and in Ukraine). Negative communities attitude to Syrian refugees in Lebanon nowadays is related with caused by Syr- ian war economic stagnation and unem- References ployment. In case of Ukraine attitude to Syrian refugees in better due to equal- 1. Fattah M. A. Democratic values in the lity of start socio-cultural conditions Muslim World / M. A. Fattah. — Lon- don: Lynne Reinner Publishers Inc., for all foreign citizens who officially get 2006. — 209 p. Ukrainian residentship permit. Tradi- 2. Haneef M. A. Contemporary Islamic tionally in each regional administra- Economic Thought: A Selected Com- tion in Ukraine we have special depart- parative Analysis / M. A. Haneef. — ments on work with foreign citizens. Kuala Lumpur: Al-Khoda, 1995. — Task of such department is to conduct 156 p.

192 3. Herb M. All in the Family: Absolutism, Noida: Penguin Books India, 2006. — Revolution, and Democracy in Middle 416 p. Eastern Monarchies / M. Herb. — New 8. Thomas S. M. The global resurgence of York: SUNNY Press, 1999. — 352 p. religion and the transformation of in- 4. Oleynik A. N. Extended version of ternational relations: The struggle for Cause theorem and limits of “eco- the soul of the twenty-first century / nomic imperialism” / A. N. Oleynik // S. M. Thomas, foreword by D. Tutu. — Social sciences and modernity. — New York: Palgrave MacMillan, Vol. 4. — 2008. — P. 147–162. 2005. — 300 p. 5. Rahman F. Islam and Modernity: 9. Vishwanathan G. Power, politics and Transformation of an Intellectual culture: interviews with Edward W. Tradition / F. Rahman. — Chicago: Said / G. Vishwanathan. — London: University of Chicago Press, 1984. — Bloomsbury, 2005. — 490 p. 182 p. 10. Wilkinson M. B. Philosophy of religion: 6. Sam D. L., Berry J. W. The Cambridge An introduction / M. B. Wilkinson. — Handbook of Acculturation Psychol- New York: A&C Black, 2010. — ogy / D. L. Sam, J. W. Berry. — New 394 p. Yourk: Cambridge University Press, 11. Маффесоли М. Околдованность 2006. — 576 p. мира или божественное социаль- 7. Said E. W. Orientalism: Western con- ное // СОЦИО-ЛОГОС. — М.: Про- ceptions of the Orient / E. W. Said. — гресс, 1991. — С. 274–283.

193 UDC: 164.053

Naplyokov Yuriy Vasilievich, Master of Strategic Sciences, Master of Military Art and Science, a senior lecturer of the department of training of peacekeeping personnel, National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Colonel, Ukraine, 03049, Kyiv, Povitroflotsky prospect, 28, tel.: (098) 242 13 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Напльоков Юрій Васильович, магістр стратегічних наук, магістр вій- ськових наук та військового мистецтва, старший викладач кафедри підготовки миротворчого персоналу, Національний університет оборони України ім. Іва- на Черняховського, полковник, Україна, 03049, м. Київ, Повітрофлотський пр., 28, тел.: (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: designyvn@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Напльоков Юрий Васильевич, магистр стратегических наук, магистр военных наук и военного искусства, стар- ший преподаватель кафедры подготовки миротворческого персонала, Национальный университет обороны Украины им. Ивана Черняховского, полковник, Украина, 03049, г. Киев, Воздухофлотский пр., 28, тел.: (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337


Abstract. This article explains that applying of system archetypes with ir- rational thinking is an effective approach for non-conflicting decision-making. Keywords: system archetypes, system thinking, irrational thinking decision- making process, equilibrium, balance. АРХЕТИПНІ ЗАСАДИ ЯК ОСНОВА НЕКОНФЛІКТНОГО ПРОЦЕСУ ПРИЙНЯТТЯ РІШЕННЯ Анотація. У статті пояснюється, що застосування системних архетипів з ірраціональним мисленням є ефективним підходом до неконфліктного про- цесу прийняття рішення.

194 Ключові слова: системні архетипи, системне мислення, ірраціональне мислення, процес прийняття рішення, рівновага, баланс. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ КАК ОСНОВА НЕКОНФЛИКТНОГО ПРОЦЕССА ПРИНЯТИЯ РЕШЕНИЯ Аннотация. В статье объясняется, что применение системных архетипов с иррациональным мышлением есть эффективным подходом к неконфликт- ному процессу принятия решения. Ключевые слова: системные архетипы, системное мышление, иррацио- нальное мышление, процесс принятия решения, равновесие, баланс.

Target setting. The decision mak- building shared visions and team learn- ing process (DMP) in the complex and ing” [16, p. 6]. Daniel Kim considers dynamic environment requires under- that system archetypes are “powerful standing of behavior of an organization tools for diagnosing problems and iden- (system). Archetypal principles can tifying high leverage interventions that facilitate conducting non-conflicting will create fundamental change” [9, DMP through systems thinking, visu- p. 2]. He proposes the use of archetypes alization, understanding of the complex to leverage the loop: system structu- environment and influence of behavior re — patterns of behavior — events. Wil- of the system and the environment. liam Braun highlights “system serve as Analysis of the recent research the means for gaining insight into the and publications. From a big vari- “nature” of the underlying problem and ety of archetypes this article will fo- for offering a basic structure or founda- cus on system archetypes, which can tion upon which a model can be further be topical for the DMP. Peter Senge, developed and constructed” [5, p. 1]. Daniel Kim, and William Braun have The purpose of the article. The researched and analyzed system ar- main goal of the article is to explainim- chetypes as a practical approach to un- portance ofthe concept of system arche- derstand principles of system behavior types for a non-conflictingDMP. An- and apply system thinking to the DMP. other purpose of the article is to show It explains tendencies of long-term sys- that combination of system thinking tem development and predicts possible with irrational thinking, understand- system reactions. ing of system behavior,organizational Peter Senge introduced the concept and DM cultures, based on system of system archetypes in his book “The archetypes,improves the DMP. Fifth Discipline”. Hepaysattention to The statement of basic materials. a learning organization, as an adaptive Non-conflicting decision-making may and effective system, in the framework require understanding of system arche- of “the five disciplines: systems think- typesin order to evaluate the organiza- ing; personal mastery; mental models; tion (system), the environment, and

195 their mutual interactions. The system Peter M. Sengesaid, “I see systems archetypes describe principles of sys- thinking as a way of seeing wholes. It tem behavior and may play asignifi- is a framework for seeing interrelation- cant role in the DMP. The DMP works ships rather than things, for seeing pat- in the framework of ends, ways, and terns of change rather than static snap- means with possible permissible risk. shots” [16, p. 68]. In addition, he states To make a right decision all these no- “systems thinking needs the disciplines tions have to be balanced. People make of building shared vision, mental mo- decisions tosatisfy their needs through dels, and personal mastery to realize maintaining equilibrium between the its potential” [16, p. 12]. System think- system and the environment in order ing is a powerful tool of the DMP that to provide balance (effectiveness) for “comes from the focus on the level of the system [14, p. 3]. Interdependence systemic structure, where the greatest of the environment and the system leverage lies for solving problems” [9, complicates the DMP especially in p. 2]. A structure influences behavior long-term planning. Understanding of as the first principle of systems think- behaviorof the system,based on prin- ing. “When placed in the same system, ciples of system archetypes,facilitates people, however, different, tend to pro- non-conflicting decision-making that duce similar results.” To avoid this “we is essentialin problem solving by peace- must look beyond personalities and ful means in the context of Diplomacy, events” [16, p. 18] through applying of Information, Military, and Economy. systems thinking to the DMP. The DMP in the complex environ- Archetypes are different and each ment requires understanding ofbeha- archetype has “a characteristic theme, vior of the system and the environmen- story line, patterns of behavior over tal as a mutually interrelated process. time, structure, mental models and ef- The system archetypes are patterns fective interventions” [18, p. 1]. There of system behavior “that emerge from are system archetypes that form the the underlying system structure” [5, set of tools that describe patterns of p. 25] that describe systembehavior behavior in systems. They are: 1) Lim- from the position of the need to save sys- its to Growth (or Limits to Success); tem functionality and its structure. Ap- 2) Shifting the Burden; 3) Drifting or plying of system archetypes to the DMP Eroding Goals; 4) Escalation; 5) Suc- in the complex environment is signifi- cess to the Successful; 6) Tragedy cant because they “do not describe any of the Commons; 7) Fixes that Fail; one problem specifically. They describe 8) Growth and Underinvestment; families of problems generically. Their 9) Accidental Adversaries and 10) At- value comes from the insights they offer tractiveness Principle [5, p. 2]. into the dynamic interaction of complex Four types of archetypes, called “Re- systems” [5, p. 25]. The system arche- inforcing engines”, are initially driven types generate systems thinking, which by the growth engine of reinforcing evaluatesthis process.It helps to find a loops: “Limits to Success”, “Tragedy way for problem solving through non- of the Commons”, “Growth and Un- conflicting decision-making. derinvestment”, and “Success to the

196 Successful”. The system archetypes, templates, as dynamic scripts (or theo- called “Balancing Corrections”, pre- ries), and as tools for predicting be- sent another group: “Fixes that Fail”, havior” [12, p. 1]. In addition, they can “Shifting the Burden”, “Escalation”, “make changes to a system, and present and “Drifting goals” — are all driven by information about problems and solu- balancing forces that are intended to tions” [6, p. 7]. To influence system be- “fix” something in the short term but havior, “you must identify and change often to produce undesirable results in the limiting factor” [16, p. 101]. The the long term [10, p. 5]. system archetypes can explain the need The system archetypes describe for limit to growth; support the idea system processes. For example, “Lim- about changing of goals; success to the its to Growth” is a reinforcing process successful as attractive leadership and that “creates a spiral of success but also others. creates inadvertent secondary effects Mythic imagination, as a mental (manifested in a balancing process) model, forms national, corporate, or- which eventually slow down the suc- ganizational approach to the DMP. The cess” [16, p. 95]. The philosophy of “Suc- DMP may look like a game of human cess to the Successful” is “my growth imagination that can be limited only by leads to your decline.” The archetype human perception and accepted norms “Accidental Adversaries” means, “two of behavior. Human imagination, based or more entities join forces for mutual on culture, myths and stories, builds benefit, but unilateral actions by one mental models (for example, how to entity accidentally damage the other, speak, what to wear, how to behave, and the partnership falters or fails”. An- what to buy and where). Systems other archetype “Fixes that backfire” thinking may help to recognize men- support a principle that “my fix comes tal models, avoid human traps through back to haunt me” [18, p. 3]. The sys- influence on these models, patterns of tem archetype “Shifting the burden” behavior, and events. In addition, the means, “an underlying problem gener- system archetypes can play a role of ates symptoms that demand attention… background to fulfill data gaps, make people ‘shift the burden’ of their prob- assumptions, and prove guess in the lem to other solutions … which seem ex- DMP. tremely efficient [but] only ameliorate The system archetypes canhelp to the symptoms… and the system loses analyze human mental models ofculture whatever abilities it had to solve the and behavior. Mental models,based on underlying problem” [16, p. 104]. The human norms,play asignificant rolein archetype “Drifting Goals” proves pos- the DMP. Beliefs, values,moral, trust, sible change of goals when “I become and other human norms arefoundation- satisfied with less.” To be competitive sof any social system. They have been each party should “match or beat the formed with a purpose to survive for efforts of the other” [18, p. 3] describes the society (nation). Beliefs and values the archetype “Escalation.” may define national, corporate cultures Archetypes can be used in different and build own system archetypes of hu- ways: as “lenses,” as structural pattern man thinking. For example, DM culture

197 [14, p. 5] can be a result of this thinking. and the environment look for equilib- Beliefs and values present an uncon- rium. In this condition the system and scious level, which is the most stable in the environment can be adapted to each comparison with emotions, thinking, other, but in different degree. Thus, “a habits, and human behavior. Based on philosophy of adaptation might be the differences in beliefs and values people philosophy of the DMP with an ap- in similar conditions can make differ- propriate DM Culture” [14, p. 4]. To ent decisions. Also, the decision that is adapt the system to the environment made based on beliefs differs from the properly requires interventions to the decision that based on values [2]. system based on preventive actions Environmental changes influence to system archetypes. For example, to human normsas critical fundamentals avoid effects of “limits to success” re- of the DMP. Rapid technological de- quires prescriptive actions. They are: velopment, globalization, erase of in- “focus on removing the limit (or weak- ternational borders, and mixture of dif- ening its effect) rather than continu- ferent national traditions create new ing to drive the reinforcing process of relationships and communication lines. growth; use the archetype to identify In spite of long-life of human norms, potential balancing processes before the environmental change forces to they begin to affect growth, and iden- revise rules of behavior and relations tify links between the growth processes among people. System adaptation to a and limiting factors to determine ways new environment may require revising to manage the balance between them beliefs, values, and principles. This pro- two” [11, p. 10]. cess is complicated and psychologically Structural change of the system painful [14, p. 5]. can be a step of system adaptation. To Stages and elements of the DMP influence the system structure a deci- are psychologically oriented. System sion-maker has to determine a center archetypes may decrease influence of of gravity (COG) of the system. The human traps on the DMP. Dan Gil- COG is “primary sources of moral or bert in his lecture “Why we make bad physical strength, power and resist- decisions?” explains that people make ance” [17, p. IX], a key element (no- decisions according to theformula of tion) of the system.The COG is a start D. Bernuly: Expected Value = (Odds point to create an operational approach of Gain) × (Value of Gain). People and design of the DMP to achieve the make errors in odds and values. Errors end-state. The task is to adapt own in odds:the past experience influences system to the environment in order to present situation because we compare save system effectiveness [14, p. 4], and current proposition with the past in- influence (neutralize) the opposing stead of possibility. Errors in values: system/environment in order to estab- comparing with the possible. For ex- lish desired conditions to achieve the ample, now is better than latter and goal, as a required action to maintain more is better than less [7]. equilibrium between the system and To avoid mistakes in the DMP re- the environment in order to provide quires understanding that the system system balance.

198 The system archetypescan facilitate rational decision. The logic goes from creating a learning organization, as a understanding of rationality based highly adaptable system,through inter- on culture (national, organizational, vention in a system structure and de- corporate) and experience. In change- sign of mental models of organizational able environment, this framework can culture and proper leadership. There is become obsolete. As a result of this, a paradox of saving of principles and the the accepted logical approach to the need to change them. In spite of relative DMP may become not effective also. stability of principles, rules, and norms, In other words, this approach does not they can be changed on the stage of look rational (effective) anymore. For transformation of system structure. example, a logical decision based onob- The system archetypes present princi- soleteorganizational cultureand norms ples of system behavior, which are rela- can be wrong. Thus, a past rational ap- tively stable. A spiral process of system proach (thinking) to the DMP is not development provesthatit is possible to effective and an irrational approach analyze current system behavior based becomes more appropriate. A today ir- on the experience, but with slightly dif- rational decision may become rational ferent view on the problem because of a tomorrow and obsolete in the future. new level of development. There is a repetitive imagined process To influence different elements of the of replacement a past rational approach system (structure, people, vision, flex- by irrational one. In any case, people ibility, and organizational culture) may see irrational decisions as unusual ap- help to maintain system effectiveness proaches because it challenges their through system adaptation (change). mental models. It is important to determine on which People use previous experience to element to influence and when. System evaluate situation rationally. System archetypes can facilitate implementing thinking looks rational because based change properly because “they provide on the universal system archetypes. insight into the underlying structures However, the DMP in the complex and from which behavior over time and dynamic environment requires apply- discreet events emerge. As prospective ing both rational and irrational think- tools, they alert managers to future un- ingin spite of their natural differences. intended consequences” [5, p. 1]. Combining both of them in the DMP Cognitive process of change imple- would be significant to make a right mentation lies in applying of rational decision” [14, p. 23]. The dilemma is (logical) and irrational (not logical) how and when a decision-maker has to thinking. A principle of economy of use rational “X” and/or irrational “Z” means to achieve the goal defines a (figure 1) approaches to avoid mistakes

Z b a X

(New, unpredictable) Right Decision (Stable, clear) Figure 1. Points of decisions,rational and irrational ways of thinking Source: created by author

199 in the DMP.How far are they located thinking. “System 1 operates automati- from each other? cally and quickly, with little or no ef- In the point A the level of irration- fort and no sense of voluntary control. ality may be low (Lir.min) and the le- System 2 allocates attention to the ef- vel of rationality can be high (Llogmax) fortful mental activities that demand or vice versa. It depends on a situation. it, including complex computations” For instance, decision A may not be [8, p. 22]. The frameworks of systems equal to B (figure 1), but both of them archetypes may be closer to the System can be right. In a new and unpredicta- 2 when we deal with complex environ- blesituation applying of an irrational ment. approach (Z) to the DMP can work Thinking can be associated system better then rational one (X), which archetypes through mental models. Ar- may be more suitable to the stable situ- chetypes have a number of purposes, ation. Irrational and rational thinking for example: “human communication; creates a paradox because they present specialized searching; knowledge-ena- opposite sides of the decision-making bled systems; knowledge-level interop- line (figure 1). It may be connected erability; domain empowerment; and with mental models. The problem is to intelligent querying” [3, p. 9]. There combine them together and use simul- are archetype design principles [3, taneously. p. 11–12]. Human designed archetypes Making irrational decisions requires create mental models that are placed in applying critical and creative thinking national, organizational, or corporate [15, p. 2–II] that help to avoid human cultures. “A Theory of fads, fashion, traps, logical fallacies, heuristics and custom, and cultural change as infor- biases [15, p. C-14–C-22]. This think- mational cascades” suggests that a hu- ing is psychologically complicated and man makes decision mostly based on looks unusual for people. It is possi- activities of others. The actions made ble to assume that a human brain, as by the majority increase a probability a system, works rationally according to repeat them by one person [4]. It can to the system archetypes. Therefore, prove the fact that system archetype understanding of systems archetypes creates a culture, which psychological- may help to find approaches to develop ly manages behavior of the individual. critical and creative thinkingskills. A person, who does not repeat the same Thinking in the DMP may include actions, will not be welcomed in this two types: automatic and selective system. To be in the system you should when a person should make choice behave (think) as system behaves. In from different alternatives [8]. Both of addition, visual illusion, a format of them are actively involved in endless delivering of the information, interpre- DMP, which has the goal to provide tation of possible options for DMand equilibrium between the system and a set of them facilitate making wrong the environment in order to maintain decisions [1]. system balance and effectiveness [14, The system archetypes can be ef- p. 3]. Daniel Kahneman proposes two fectively applied tothe DMP because systems that are operate during our “they are commonly occurring combi-

200 nations of reinforcing and balancing a communism system of life by a capi- feedback [18, p. 1].” talism system. Thus, structural change A decision is made based on past or of the system forced to change mental current data that is received througha models. It happens when the system feedback loopwith delay. Coefficient becomes not effective anddestroys. of dynamic equilibrium between the For instance, the closed Soviet eco- system and the environment (Keq) nomic system collapsed because it did determines this delay [13, р. 9]. In the not correspond to a new environment. dynamic and changeable environment, The critical point of system destruc- DM delay may decrease the system ef- tion may correspond to Keqmin when fectiveness and, eventually, destroy it. a decision must be made (figure 2). It It is possible to assume that there is a means thatexisted rules of behavior do certain minimum coefficient of dynam- not provide enough system effective- ic equilibrium Keqmin (figure 2) after ness. that the system starts losing stability People and the environment define (balance) and effectiveness. Keqmin rules of behavior. The human nature re- corresponds to a moment to make a de- mains more stable in comparison with cision (figure 2). Hence, the moment the environment and, therefore, makes (time) to make a decision is a func- rules respectful and relatively stable. tion of Keqmin [T to make decision = Cultural mental models with ideology f (Keqmin)]. Thus, applying of the sys- and rules of behavior shouldsatisfyhu- tem archetypes to the DMP can help to man needs. Environmental change cre- maintain system functionality. ates a new set of rules that should or- People, like systems, act in order ganize human relationships to provide to satisfy their needs (to save system balance for the system (society). functionality). It is possible to ob- Thus, the system archetypes facili- serve behavior to survive and ethical tate effective DMP by decreasing delay behavior (according to accepted writ- in decision-making and applying new ten and unwritten rules). These types mental models, as a basis for decision- of behavior may depend on the level making, in order to adapt the system of stress (system chaos). If the estab- to the environment. In addition, the lished ethical rules became obsolete in system archetypes can help to evaluate a new environment and do not provide future environmental and system be- appropriate level of life, human beha- havior as a whole process by applying vior may shift to “behavior to survive”. systems thinking that creates favorable The example of this isa replacement of conditions for non-conflicting DMP.

0 Keqmin Keq = 1

Time Time to make decision in the given conditions

Figure 2. Time to make a decision Source: created by author

201 Conclusions. To summarize, the terns in acquisition.” Carnegie Mel- systems archetypes describe system lon University. behavior, create system thinking and mental models that facilitate non-con- HrDi8Ae13pG4AQ&gws_rd=ssl#q= flicting DMP. The DMP in the complex Using+system+archetypes+to+identif y+failure+patterns+in+acquisition&* and dynamic environment requires &spf=113 (accessed April 6, 2017). both rational and irrational thinking 7. Gilbert Dan. 2008. “Why we make bad to make a right decision. Applying sys- decisions.” YouTube video. https:// tem archetypes to describe features of organizational and DM cultures can be 4flnuxNV4(accessed April 13, 2017). a subject for further research. 8. Kahneman Daniel. 2011. “Thinking Fast and Slow.” NY: Penguin Books. 9. Kim Daniel H. 2000. “System arche- References types I: Diagnosing systematic issues and Designing High-leverage Inter- 1. Ariely Dan. 2009. “Are we in con- ventions.” Waltham, MA, USA: Pega- trol of our decisions?” YouTube sus Communication, Inc. video. https: // 10. Kim Daniel H. 2000. “System arche- watch?v=9X68dm92HVI (accessed types III: Understanding patterns of April 13, 2017). behavior and delay.” Waltham, MA, 2. Barret Richard. Beliefs vs Values De- USA: Pegasus Communication, Inc. cision-Making. Video. http://www. 11. Kim Daniel H. 2013. “Systems arche- types as Dynamic Theories.” // The making-tough-decisions/ (accessed Systems Thinker. — Vol. 24. — № 1. — April 14, 2017). February 2013. — Р. 7–10. Pegasus 3. Beale T. and S. Heard (editors). 2007. Communication, Inc. “Archetype Definitions and Prin- 12. Kim Daniel H., Colleen P. Lannon. 1997. ciples.” © Copyright open EHR “Applying System Archetypes.” @ Foundation. https: // Pegasus Communication, Inc.https:// HrDi8Ae13pG4AQ&gws_rd=ssl#q=a uploads/2016/03/Applying-Systems- rchetype+definitions+and+principles Archetypes-IMS002Epk.pdf (accessed &*&spf=1 (accessed April 4, 2017). April 6, 2017). 4. Bickhchandani Sushil, David Hirshle- 13. Naplyokov Yuriy V. 2014. An Algorithm ifer, Ivo Welch. 1992. “A theory of fads, for Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium fashion, custom and cultural change as to Achieve Strategic Goals. Master‘s informational cascades” // The Journal Thesis, U.S. Army War College, Car- of Political Economy, — Vol. 100. — lisle Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013, № 5. — Р. 992–1026. USA. 5. Braun William. 2002. “The system 14. Naplyokov Yuriy, V. 2017. Operational Archetypes.” Planning Process according to NATO ua/#q=The+System+Archetypes+by standards, NDU, Kyiv. +william+braun&*&spf=1 (accessed 15. Planner’s Handbook for Operation- March 29, 2017). al Design. 2011. Stephen J. Gerras. 6. Gibson Diane, Linda Levine, Wil- “Thinking Critically about Critical liam E. Novak. 2006. “Using system Thinking: A Fundamental Guide for archetypes to identify failure pat- Strategic Leaders.” Joint Staff, J-7

202 Joint and Coalition Warfighting Suf- printing service center; Quantico, VA., folk, Virginia, USA. USA. 16. Senge Peter M. 2006. “The Fifth Disci- 18. What are System Archetypes? © 2000- pline: The Art & Practice of the Learn- 2001 Heaven & Earth Incorporated – ing Organization.” New York: Double- [email protected]. day. 17. Strange Joe. 2005. “Center of Gravity cr&ei=GFjiWIuqI7Ps8weCyYZI&g and Critical Vulnerabilities.” Marine ws_rd=ssl#q=what+are+system+arche Corps University, Defense automated types&spf=1 (accessed April 13, 2017).

203 UDC:

Novachenko Tetyana Vasylivna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Depart- ment of parliamentarism and political man- agement, National Academy for Public Ad- ministration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Str. Eugеne Pottier, 20, tel.: (097) 421 05 48; (050) 391 01 19, e-mail: tatnov9@ ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342 Новаченко Тетяна Василівна, доктор наук з державного управління, до- цент, професор кафедри парламентариз- му та політичного менеджменту, Націо- нальна академія державного управління при Президентові України, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (097) 421 05 48, (050) 391 01 19, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342 Новаченко Татьяна Васильевна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, профессор кафедры парламен- таризма и политического менеджмента, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (097) 421 05 48, (050) 391 01 19, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of understanding the role of self-concept synergistic subjects of social development in the context of arche- typal discourse. It turns out that the subjects of social development arise at two levels, namely: individual personal — kerivnyk state authorities and collective group — a mature civil society. Factors avoid social conflicts defines the prin- ciples of synergetic self — nonlinearity, interaction, dialohichnist. Obґruntovano neobhidnist balancing modern individual values of trust social norms, customs, social values.

204 Keywords: synergetic, self-organization, cooperation, archetypes, leader, ma- ture civil society, social capital. СИНЕРГЕТИЧНИЙ КОНЦЕПТ САМООРГАНІЗАЦІЇ СУБ’ЄКТІВ СОЦІАЛЬНОГО РОЗВИТКУ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ ДИСКУРС Анотація. У статті висвітлюється проблема осмислення ролі синерге- тичного концепту самоорганізації суб’єктів соціального розвитку в контек- сті архетипного дискурсу. З’ясовується, що суб’єкти соціального розвитку постають на двох рівнях, зокрема: індивідуально-особистісному — керівник органами державного управління і колективно-груповому — зріле громадян- ське суспільство. Факторами уникнення соціальних конфліктів визначають- ся принципи синергетичної самоорганізації — нелінійність, взаємодія, діало- гічність. Обґрунтовано необхідність збалансування сучасних індивідуальних цінностей соціальними нормами довіри, звичаями, суспільними цінностями. Ключові слова: синергетика, самоорганізація, взаємодія, архетипи, ке- рівник, зріле громадянське суспільство, соціальний капітал. СИНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИЙ КОНЦЕПТ САМООРГАНИЗАЦИИ СУБЪЕКТОВ СОЦИАЛЬНОГО РАЗВИТИЯ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ ДИСКУРС Аннотация. В статье освещается проблема осмысления роли синерге- тического концепта самоорганизации субъектов социального развития в контексте архетипного дискурса. Определяется, что субъекты социального развития характеризуются двумя уровнями: индивидуально-личностным — руководитель органами государственного управления и коллективно-груп- повым — зрелое гражданское общество. Факторами избежания социальных конфликтов определяются принципы синергетической самоорганизации — нелинейность, взаимодействие, диалогичность. Обоснована необходимость сбалансирования современных индивидуальных ценностей социальными нормами доверия, обычаями, общественными ценностями. Ключевые слова: синергетика, самоорганизация, взаимодействие, архе- типы, руководитель, зрелое гражданское общество, социальный капитал.

Target setting. The modern system of people and making their life techno- of public administration faces the task logical All that is being stated in soci- of social development after overcom- ety based on the humanistic value bases ing the destructive manifestations that and personal interests, the distribution permeate Ukrainian social life. Largely of which from time to time shows a ten- this is facilitated by globalization ten- dency to regression that it provoked dencies, that stimulate the formation of by a kind of flow of collective and indi- a single information space, its real and vidual human consciousness. However, virtual spaces, the innovative activity it is the public consciousness that is

205 exposed to the most difficult problems O. Sushiy etc. Professor E. Afonin during inversion. Its extreme sensitiv- designed a projective test method of ity to unrealized expectations almost “color preference” that is based on an automatically pushes people to the path emotional attitude towards elements of deviant behavior. Obviously within of the natural system of colors (of the the current social reality an extremely rainbow). Among possible affective complex profession, as a state is govern- techniques the method identifies two ing the task of choosing own inherent priority color relationships that con- national culture development, protec- ventionally belong to the “cold” and tion of society and the state from vari- “warm” colors of the holistic system ous social and psychosocial dysfunc- (rainbow), that with a fairly high de- tion, the achievement of the harmony gree of confidence allows us to identify of social-power relations. a typology of the gender of the person, It is well-known, that the concept inherent channels of modality, the level of “agent of social development” refers of adaptive opportunities and profes- to the individual endowed with con- sional orientation. At the beginning of sciousness and will or a social group the third decade Ukrainian scientists which carries out purposeful activity, developed a qualitative methodology always characterized by haecceity. It of psychological diagnostics (L. Bur- should be emphasized, that a real indi- lachuk, E. Afonin, A. Donchenko), and vidual and transpersonal social forma- further conducted monitoring of the tion, representing a certain integrity identification process in the environ- are responsible for their actions, share ment of the politico-managerial elite common interests and goals, combined of Ukraine and comparative analysis with the willingness to cooperate, co- of identification processes in Ukraine, operation and interaction. Russia, Belarus. O. Sushiy investigated Therefore, concerning the above, problems of public administration and the subject of social development at the the phenomenon of statehood in the individual-social level is the head of the context of the sociocultural approach. state administration bodies and for the The author of this article explores the collective group level it is mature civil phenomenon of the authority of a lead- society. er in governance within the context of Analysis of recent researches and the methodology archetypics. publications. The study of arche- Synergistic methodology became types both in foreign and domestic widespread in all spheres of scientific academic discourse received consider- knowledge, and in particular, in the able attention of S. Grof, E. Durkheim, development of society (G. Hacken, M. L. Eliade, L. Levi-Bruhl, K. Levi- A. Knyazeva, I. Prigozhin, S. Kurdiu- Strauss, C. G. Jung etc. In recent de- mov, etc.). The application of the meth- cades, the phenomenon of collective odology of synergetics to the study unconsciousness was studied by do- of complex systems, which includes mestic scientists, in particular: E. Afo- the system of state governing is not nin, L. Burlachuk, T. Butyrska, A. Don- enough (V. Korzhenko, V. Martynenko, chenko, A. Martynov, Yu. Romanenko, V. Knyazev, V. Solovykh, etc.), which

206 actualizes the realization of the pur- external environment. However, the pose of the article. emphasis should be on intrinsic proper- The article’s goals. The purpose of ties as a source of self-development, but the article is the study of the role of the success is possible there, where the ac- synergetic concept of self-organization tion is cleverly combined with the laws regarding the resolution of the conflict of nature. between the delineated subjects of so- Describing the process of self-orga- cial development in the context of the nization, V. P. Branskyi reveals a large archetypical discourse. number of parallels between the phi- The statement of basic materi- losophy of G. Hegel and synergy, where als. As you know, the special study of he calls the latter to be the theory of the the problems of self-organization were creation of new qualities and the selec- initiated in the cybernetics, but a fun- tive development of dissipative systems damentally new approach to such phe- [3, p. 152]. The solution of any contra- nomena was established in 60-ieth of dictions between the two principles, the XX century, when scientists, solv- according to V. S. Lutai must happen ing problems that inherently seemed through dialogue of the subject activity varied to them, explored general prin- with the object, the dialogue between ciples and mechanisms of self-organiza- the mental anticipation of result of an tion, laid a new conception of science, action and its actual result, and when which they called synergetics (from the the activity target are people, dialogue ancient Greek synergia — cooperation, between subjects, including represen- collaboration, joint action). The au- tatives of various types of perception of thor of this term is the German physi- the world [4, p. 101]. cist Herman Hacken, who explored the Thus, synergy is a way of develop- mechanisms of cooperative processes ment of human society, when there are that occur in the solid laser and came opportunities for the nonlinear situa- to the following conclusion regard- tion to influence itself, to build itself, ing synergetics — it is a theory of self- focusing on one of the personal deve- organizing systems [1, p. 16 ]. Another lopment paths, values, determined by prominent researcher of this issue, the cultural and historical experience; this Belgian scientist I. Prigozhin, Nobel is the reaction to the combined impact prize winner, came to original ideas, of several factors, characterized by the studying a particular chemical reaction, fact that the interaction exceeds an ac- where the observed open system by in- tion that is done by each element sepa- teracting with the environment, which rately with a variety of relationships, led to the destruction of the old order events, people with many combina- and structure, and thus to the emer- tions. The basic principles of synerget- gence of a new system. This process was ics are as following: self-organization, considered by I. Prigozhin as the emer- interaction, dialogue, nonlinearity. gence of order through fluctuations They can be supplemented with the (changes due to the effect) [2, p. 38]. principles, specific to a particular re- Therefore, self-organization of the sys- gion of objective knowledge, for exam- tem is enhanced by the influence of the ple, the science of human being may be

207 supplemented with the principle of self- torship, probably inhibits innovation, actualization, which means its ability to commitment to change, which leads to go beyond any possible experience. So, stagnation or the occurrence of contra- for K. Popper, self-actualization means dictions, conflicts, crises or revolutions the person’s ability “to constantly sur- that often accompany social develop- pass himself, his talents and gifts” [5, ment. Conflict (lat. сonfliсtus ), literal- p. 488]. It is important to appeal to the ly translated, means “collision”, it is an classic opinion of management of I. An- interaction of two or more subjects that soff, which is one of the first to apply have mutually exclusive goals that are the concept of synergy to the problems pursued at the expense of another (or of strategic management, in particular, other). The conflict arises when people of organizations-conglomerates, stress- begin to realize that their interests, ing that the benefits of synergy are de- needs, goals cannot be met in the case fined as “2 + 2 = 5” [6]. of maintaining the current system of so- The application of the principles of cial relationships and act to change the synergetic self-organization in state situation. Depending on the content, government is determined by the fact nature and direction of such action, the whether the subjects of social develop- conflict might escalate, be mitigated, or ment explore the history of their deve- resolved. lopment, the dynamics of evolution of So, the conflict is social in nature, it personal qualitative changes and the is a interaction, but a specific one, since process of their interaction. Thanks to it bears not only the burden of negativ- self-organization there is the possibil- ity, but it is characterized by positive ity to explain the emergence of order factors, in particular: socio-diagnostic from chaos, because chaos is not the when conflicts’ occurrence is indica- absence of structure, and the structure tive of weaknesses in the functioning of of a special type, has its own order, al- social organizations, deepening social though it is too complicated [7, p. 123]. contradictions, polarization of interests Presumably chaos can play a creative of different social groups; governing role as a self-organizing system meets when conflicts create and maintain so- the criterion of emergence (eng. emer- cial balance, maintain the balance of gence – appearance of a new). There- power in the structures of power and fore, we can assume that in managerial control; communicative when finding activity there is always a need to take ways of conflict resolution would en- into account the levels of the control hance social interaction, joint develop- object (micro, meso, macro). Since at ment of mutually acceptable solutions; the micro or meso level, chaos can be- socio-psychological, when conflicts come the source of energy that stimu- contribute to relieving psychological lates the process of the system self stress, relief from negative emotions or structure. In this context, the question gradual decrease of their intensity; in- arises: perhaps chaos is less dangerous novational, when conflicts contribute than the order? The latter, especially to the renewal of social relationships, if the leadership style is authoritarian, approval of new norms and values in which usually correlates with a dicta- order to avoid stagnation and remain

208 a source of innovation and progressive man qualities that provide emotional trends; integrative, when participation and informal influence is very impor- in the conflict contributes to the con- tant. Concerning the above-mentioned solidation of people defending common the remark of C. G. Jung, that an adult interests, formation of their interest in should be firmly confident in their com- cooperation. petence to be able to stand against the At the same time the idea of unconscious is very important. At the C. G. Jung that you can interact by same time the archetypes — the prima- signing a contract is valuable, which ry natural images, ideas, emotions, pe- in itself is a soulless mechanism, since culiar to man as a subject of the collec- the ability only to cover the routine. tive unconscious — have a big impact The mechanisms of the agreement keep on the person, shaping his emotions, people unconscious, because then they ethical beliefs and worldview, affect- can go on custom, without feeling the ing at the same time, relationships with need to make conscious choices. How- other people and desire to interact with ever, the creative life is always on the them, and thus can determine the des- other side of conventions, so if the rou- tiny. C. G. Jung said that archetypes as tine of life predominates in the form of much as there are typical situations in ancient treaties, that there should be life... when there is a situation that cor- a ruining outbreak of creative powers. responds to a particular archetype, the This unexpected effect is inevitable archetype becomes active and... gets even for a better agreement, however, her way in spite of reason and will. It is and it is a terrible threat, because when important to note that the archetypes there are new circumstances, not the may affect the action of accuracy and old agreements, people start to panic. destructive forces of the human psychic However, one or the other person may as they create, inspire new ideas, but not become as panicking as those, who they also destroy, when the same ideas already began to run away, because this become permanent, forming a prejudice person has already experienced the of consciousness that prevents further horror of reaching new understanding, development, leading to different types and unconsciously became the leader and levels of conflict. The core of per- [8, p. 386]. Therefore, for the leader, sonality, the most important archetype the presence of extremely bright and in the theory of C. G. Jung is the arche- detailed image of the world along with type of the “Self”, which is achieved by the strong wish to make, approve, re- the integration of all aspects of soul, alize it according to the synergetic consciousness and unconsciousness. principles of self-organization, collabo- Therefore, the achievement of a Mature ration and dialogicality is very charac- “I” and the approval of the archetype of teristic. the “Self” requires from the individual, In this situation, the fact that the in particular from the head of bodies of head of state authorities must have a state power some perseverance, intelli- sufficiently high level of professional- gence, and life experience. In perform- ism, which provides instrumental, usu- ing its functions, the modern head of ally formalized influence, and the hu- state authorities, as a subject of social

209 development appears in many roles. leads to conflict situations. In this case, This is the official, who is entitled to we observe a conflict of values. Differ- control; this is a leader, able to lead ences between natives and foreigners, subordinates; this is the diplomat, es- between us and them become critical tablishing contacts with partners, an- and become the dominant factor of in- ticipating and avoiding potential con- dividual and group motivation in rela- flicts; this is a mentor who with his tion to different activities. Therefore, professionalism and moral qualities in- a positive psychological environment fluences the team and directs his work in the collective body of state power towards the service of citizens; it is the mainly depends on the head and is de- innovator who understands the impor- fined by its moral and value priorities tance of the role of science in modern for personal behavior and moral charac- conditions, and implements its certain ter. The head is the center of attention, achievement. everybody knows him, talks about him, Therefore, for realization of the follow him, often unconsciously. Ac- specified role positions, the ability of cording to the above for the head, after the leader appears to be an important approval of the archetype of the “Self”, factor in the adequate assessment of the following degree of mastering his their professional successes and fail- world promoted by the authority of ures, and defining personal goals to im- the head becomes actual — the “soft prove competency. At the same time for power”, which helps him in the realiza- the results of the decisions he is respon- tion of the stated goal of creating the sible, consciously fulfilling his responsi- solidarity communities. Therefore, the bilities, foreseeing the consequences of question arises regarding the influence the actions, acts and omissions in the of the head of state authorities as one sphere of the powers granted and the of the subjects of social development at public sphere. Therefore, any activity the level of citizen society. of the modern manager in the public Note that a weak civil society is authorities raises the question about its not able to independently solve social moral choices as a conscious preference problems and as an alternative requires to one or another variant of behavior the continued support of the state, but of personal or public moral attitudes the state also becomes less effective if based on defined values. Values include there are no organizations able to dis- everything that is meaningful to the cipline, control exposing and demand- individual and society and accepted ing accountability. It is obvious that the by the majority of people, reflected in presence of a mature civil society be- their consciousness in the form of value comes actual that creates social capital. judgments. It is well known that a ba- F. Fukuyama emphasizes that social sic standard which you must adhere in capital is usually created and transmit- relations with subordinates is the pres- ted through mechanisms such as reli- ervation of the dignity of every person gion, tradition or historical habit [9]. regardless of what position one or the The definition of “social capital” focus- other person takes. However, in prac- es on what is a stable moral relationship tice it is often not quite so, which also between people and social institutions

210 that keep them together and ensure and its main product, which ensures its their reliable operation. It is also a set impact on other spheres of social life. of informal norms that promote mutual The scientist emphasizes that civil so- cooperation. The theory of Bourdieu ciety is synonymous with the values is understanding the possibility of the of confidence, discernment, and toler- existence of social capital at two levels. ance, so that members have confidence So, at the first level — genetic — social in their colleagues in the activities of capital is defined as resource-based other people and public institutions related group members that is being recognize the right of other citizens to transforms as the aggregate of the ac- a personal opinion [12]. tual or potential resources; the second Thus, social capital is based on trust, level is the relationship between social, norms and values shared by a society physical, cultural and human capital. able to develop civil society directing On the basis of this interaction, the it to self-organization and collective scientist defined social capital as differ- action. entiating and construce factor of social The maturity of civil society was behavior [10]. Therefore, the nature demonstrated during Euromaidan of social capital involves the transfor- (2014), which became the Sich for mation of a sustainable relationship in Ukrainians, where there was a real uni- such ones that provide long-subjective fication of the Ukrainian people. Within communication of the special nature, a large group of people of different edu- namely positive emotional connection cation, age, gender, economic status and built on trust. social and political experience a high John Coleman takes into consider- level of collective civil action on the ation the importance of social capital basis of informal norms and values was for community and information, with achieved. Ukrainian society demanded an emphasis on its role in the formation recognition of the human need to be of human capital, since the latter con- subject to political decisions, demon- sists of knowledge, skills and abilities strated a kind of standard of efficiency of people to create a community with of civil interaction and consolidation. each other. The scientist identifies two However, Lech Walesa, leader of Polish components necessary for creating and “Solidarity” on the eve of these events promoting forms of social capital — so- stressed that in Ukraine there has no cial relationships built on mutual trust single leader and party, which could and mutual assistance, which are re- overthrow the democratic way, that he flected in obligations and expectations, does not see a leader in Ukraine, he sees information channels, social norms and one big social movement, a single party sanctions; norms of teamwork, operat- or organization, which could overthrow ing within particular social groups that the government. There should be ses- not only enhance the link between its sions of the “round table”, because it members, but minimize social tensions should be a dialogue and there should in such a group [11]. A. Kolodiy, be- be wise leaders. Ukraine can not be lieves that social capital is a sign of ma- changed with force, summarized the turity and effectiveness of civil society politician [13].

211 According to the above we can de- duty in relation to building positive clare the existence of the time gap relationships with team members and between civil society and the candi- society. dates for the leadership, which was Conclusions from this study and manifested in the lack of interaction, perspectives for further research. perhaps even conflict, as noted above So, thanks to turn from individualism may contribute to the establishment to collectivism there is a possibility of of appropriate communication, inte- finding compromises of self-organiza- gration and the like. At the same time, tion of subjects of social development, the basis for the development of a ma- when the interaction is enhanced by ture civil society in Ukraine has been the dialogue and choice of the instru- laid down that is characterized by a ments for conflict resolution, which strong volunteer movement — a re- Ukrainian society is now facing. sponse to military actions in the East Ability to interact and consolidation of the state. The apparent self-organi- is one of the most important aspects zation of one of the subjects of public of social capital, which is predeter- development of a mature civil society mined by the level of trust of citizens. that is realized through collective in- At the same time to preserve the in- teraction. At the same time emphasiz- tegrity and development of the ma- ing that in the field of public adminis- ture civil society the social capital tration social capital gets acquired by allows to integrate in one category people through values, norms behavior, of various social forms of influence of customs, note that, in our view, the state power on society. Thus, govern- impact of the head of state authorities ment effectiveness is proportional to on the level of development of Ukrai- efficiency of use of different forms of nian civil society is minimal, which oc- social capital. This raises the need to curs in communities, that are formed reconcile modern values of individual- in accordance with the “Draft Law on ism that archetypically are manifested amendments to the Constitution of in the social norms of trust, behavior, Ukraine (regarding the decentraliza- customs, values, when the subjects of tion of power)” [14]. social development “meaning for it- Therefore, it can be argued that the self” appears in a synergetic concept conflict in this process exists, as the of self — interaction, dialogue, mutual head of the public authority, that be- accountability of all spheres of life. came a strong, indivisible “I” needs to The unsolved part of the problem un- understand and realize that in the fu- der study include the analysis of pro- ture it should be implemented in con- cesses of social interaction in the con- tex of such data coordinates: growth of text of socio-psychological problems attractiveness of the staff of the public taking into account archetypes that authority, depersonalization — reflec- will give the opportunity to formulate tions of themselves mainly in terms of well-founded forecasts and the ability an integral member of the team (“We”) of adequate evaluation of significant and less in terms of a unique individ- events in the life of modern Ukrainian ual (“I”), the emergence of a sense of society.

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213 UDC: 316.362+364.63-027.553

Ovchynnikova Olha Valeriyivna, Student, National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, 61047, Kyrpychova Str., 2, tel.: (095) 743 79 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9050-9166 Овчиннікова Ольга Валеріївна, студентка, Національний технічний уні- верситет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”, Харків, 61047, вул. Кирпичо- ва, 2, тел.: (095) 743 79 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9050-9166 Овчинникова Ольга Валерьевна, студентка, Национальный технический университет “Харьковский политехниче- ский институт”, Харьков, 61047, ул. Кир- пичева, 2, тел.: (095) 743 79 42, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9050-9166


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of violence as a factor of con- flict in the family. It is considered the archetypal model of the human psyche and the relationship of its components with the factors of violence in the family. This paper covers the theoretical study of archetypes and their impact on a person’s conscious life. This article contains empirical research on the most common type of family violence against women. The article reveals the contents of the main components of family violence, with all their negative manifestations and conse- quences. Keywords: mental model by C. G. Jung, archetype, stereotype, conflict, do- mestic violence, types of violence. НАСИЛЬСТВО ЯК ФАКТОР КОНФЛІКТНОСТІ В СІМ’Ї: АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД Анотація. Статтю присвячено проблемі насильства як фактора конфлікт- ності в сім’ї. У ній розглядаються архетипна модель психіки людини і зв’я- зок її складових з факторами насилля в родині. Висвітлено теоретичне до-

214 слідження архетипів та їх впливу на свідоме життя людини. Стаття містить емпіричне дослідження щодо найпоширенішого з видів сімейного насилля над жінками. Розкрито зміст основних складових сімейного насилля з усіма їх негативними проявами та наслідками. Ключові слова: модель психіки за К. Г. Юнгом, архетип, стереотип, кон- флікт, насильство в сім’ї, види насильства. НАСИЛИЕ КАК ФАКТОР КОНФЛИКТНОСТИ В СЕМЬЕ: АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД Аннотация. Статью посвящено проблеме насилия как фактора кон- фликтности в семье. В ней рассматриваются архетипная модель психики человека и связь ее составляющих с факторами насилия в семье. Раскры- то теоретическое исследование архетипов и их влияния на сознательную жизнь человека. Статья содержит эмпирическое исследование относитель- но самого распространенного из видов семейного насилия над женщинами. Раскрыто содержание основных составляющих семейного насилия со всеми их негативными проявлениями и последствиями. Ключевые слова: модель психики по К. Г. Юнгу, архетип, стереотип, конфликт, насилие в семье, виды насилия.

Target setting. At this time the damage, harm his physical or mental problem of domestic violence is very health” [2]. important. Unfortunately, for a long Women and children suffer from time it remained outside the law and discrimination and family violence the being closed to the public. Any attempt most. First of all, it is due to natural to resolve family conflict by the State and gender differences between men or society regarded as interference in and women. An important component private life. But times are changing, is the ancient customs and traditions society is evolving and now there is concerning family life, on which many an active struggle against all kinds of families have not yet departed. Unfor- domestic violence. tunately, even in the twentieth century According to the Law of Ukraine there are quite common gender stereo- “On Prevention of Domestic Vio- types, according to which a woman — a lence”, which was signed in 2001 minor entity, who is limited in political, and is a valid document, “domestic personal rights and self-realization, and violence — any intentional acts of her main role is to perform household physical, sexual, psychological or responsibilities and raising children. economic nature one family member Often, it is the prescribed archetypal against another family member if these gender roles cause conflicts, including actions violate constitutional rights domestic violence, because they require and freedoms of members of the family certain standards of behavior that don’t as a person and citizen and inflict moral correspond modern conditions of life

215 and are in discord with modern styles historical and cultural aspects of do- society [3]. Nowadays, there are women mestic violence. N. Sereda analyzed the who remain hostages of archetypal no- work of institutions that provide assis- tions and stereotypes about their role, tance to victims who have suffered from but more often representative of tradi- domestic violence. A. Fahretdinova en- tional communities are trying to over- gaged in the development of methods come them in the family. to overcome the problem of family vio- Analysis of the recent publica- lence. M. Adamushkina in her writings tions. Among domestic researchers of revealed the factor of family violence as archetypes can be identified E. Afo- a major problem and looked for trends, nin, A. Donchenko, Yu. Romanenko, which could protect women from it. T. Vakulova as prominent representa- N. Paryhin and I. Pervyakova com- tives of Archetypal Ukrainian school. posed and examined the sociological V. Buslaev, A. Afanasiev explained portrait of women who became victims through the archetypal images many of domestic violence. I. Soshnikova events in the folklore of different na- studied the structure and general pro- tions. H. Murray, M. Botkin are repre- visions of the causes of domestic vio- sentatives of ritual and psychological lence. Also the significant contribution school, founded in the 30’s. The ar- was made by foreign scientists such as chetypal approach can be found in the Ihli, Sadalla, Kenrik, Verush, Laher- works of many great writers: Pushkin, spets and many others who with col- Dostoevsky, Kafka, Balzac, Sophocles, leagues studied the gender peculiarities Shakespeare, Stendhal and more. The of family violence. foreign scholars such as Jung, who de- Despite the fact that many scientists veloped the structural model of psyche, worked on this subject, the problem of adding Freud’s analytical theory, and violence as a factor in family conflict is his followers Carl Kerényi, J. Campbell, still unresolved and requires further de- E. Neumann, H. Zimmer, M. Eliade and tailed research. others, made an extraordinary contri- The purpose of this article is a de- bution to the study of archetypes. tailed study of the problem of family N. Paryhina, N. Azhhihina, S. Aiva- violence through archetypal approach. zova concerned themselves with the The main material research. A problems of conflict and violence. In conflict situation, as a precondition, her works I. Drozdova showed the causes any act of violence in the fam- connection of family violence with de- ily and then — conflict. The causes of viation in the behavior of children and the conflict can be an unique personal youth. O. Zborowska, G. Nosyryeva, qualities that are caused by specific of T. Prochorenko revealed the gender archetypes that are in the person’s sub- components of family violence. In the conscious. writings of O. Savka revealed law and C. G. Jung in his theoretical posi- legal aspects of violence in the family. tions, linking clinical research practice N. Shvedova considered the spread of and philosophy of the human past, of- violence in families in her work. A. Syn- fers the following model of the human elnykove and M. Pisklakova showed psyche (Fig. 1).

216 Fig. 1. The structure of the human psyche by C. G. Jung Source: Carl Gustav Jung “Archetypes and symbols” — 1991

Jungian model of the human psyche Erik Erikson identifies eight main stag- has main components: Consciousness, es of psychosocial development of per- Persona (Mask), Ego, Unconscious sonality according to age. Conflict cor- (Shadow), Individual unconscious, responds each stage, the constructive Family unconscious, Collective uncon- solution which leads to transition to the scious, Biological unconscious and Self- next level of development: ishness. All elements in any way related 1. Infant stage (oral-sensory) — the to each other and constitute a coherent conflict between trust and distrust sur- structure [9]. rounding reality; The archetypal theory by Jung cov- 2. Early childhood (muscle-anal) — ers three basic elements: mind, instinct the conflict between autonomy (in- and image. Thus, the components of the dependence from parents) and doubts human psyche depend on instinctive about this; and animal nature, factors of evolution 3. Childhood (locomotors-geni- and heredity of our ancestors, and also tal) — the conflict between the enter- they are assigned to certain socio-cul- prise and ambiguity; tural images. 4. School Age (latent) — the conflict All the archetypes act as “primary between creativity and inferiority com- model” of the behavior. They work ac- plex; cording to the specific age periodization 5. Teen (juvenility) — the conflict and universal kinds of vital situations at between the growing of individual and some of the psychological age. Ameri- confusion of roles; can psychologist, a follower of psycho- 6. Early adulthood (youth) — the analytic concepts of Sigmund Freud, conflict intimacy and loneliness;

217 7. The average maturity (maturi- forms. This is the public side of the per- ty) — the conflict between performance sonality which, being in society, hiding and “burnout”; their vulnerabilities, flaws, weaknesses 8. Late adulthood (senility) — the and so on. The name of this archetype conflict between expectations and Jung took from the ancient theater, hopelessness [5]. where the actor playing the role applies From this we can conclude that each a mask to the face. Thus, the mask is a specific period of physical, mental and kind of psychological component that social components of personality is satisfies the human need to adapt, but characterized by new formations pre- it is not a complete identity of the indi- pared by the whole course of the pre- vidual. As if a person wear a mask and ceding development of the individual. shows society only eligible components This new formation, first of all, is deter- of her personality. Man acts as a com- mined by relevant for a particular pe- promise between the individual and so- riod of human development goals and ciality [10]. objectives, values and ideals, rules and This archetype is very important in regulations. Societyoffers and dictates the context of interpersonal relation- all these components to man. The fact, ships and contacts. If a person does not in which social environment at that mo- observe accepted standards and rules ment a person is, plays a very important for communication and interaction role. All the characteristics of the new with the public, the serious conflicts formations are recorded at every stage will arise. Conflicts, in turn, will gener- in the archetypal images and remain ate trends to various problems, includ- during the whole life. For example, the ing various types of violence. Thus a most characteristic of childhood and violator or a manipulator in the family properly functioning is the archetype may initially “wear a mask” of good to of the “Divine child”, a modern ver- gain the victim’s trust, and then do the sion — “Prince” or “Princess”, depend- illegal and immoral actions, intentions ing on gender. In this archetype child and interests which so well concealed needs to feel the love of adults, her use- under the “mask”. fulness, belonging to a social commu- The Shadow archetype is the center nity, the need to respect her personality. of the personal unconscious. It covers If society is unable to provide these cri- unconscious, incompatible with the so- teria, the dark (shadow) side of this ar- cial norms of morality and standards of chetype will come out — it’s “Tramp” or conduct, mental setup. These settings “Mean Girls”. In this case, the child will expose subconscious desire, immoral be observed a serious tendency to con- desires and unfavorable trends in the flict, disobedience, desire to confront human psyche. The Shadow archetype society, lack of concern as the self and contains everything antisocial and ug- of others, emotional inadequacy, etc. ly that a person does not recognize in The archetype of Persons or Masks herself. This archetype is depicted as described by C. G. Jung described is shady, dark, ugly figure, endowed with a social role that person plays and are destructive qualities and abilities. The prescribed social norms which she per- Shadow archetype raids into the con-

218 sciousness of the individual and creates cute women and educate children with negative projective images, and because abuse, a person unwittingly carries a of this the process of identification with model of behavior for her future family. this image happens. This leads to all Usually the relationship between sorts of conflicts and irrational actions men and women are based on arche- of the subject, and in the worst case – typal representation for their roles in mental disorders. the family and society. But we must dis- C. G. Jung believed that the Shadow tinguish the concept of archetypes and archetype formed in humans from early stereotypes. Thus, the Great Mother ar- childhood, when she faced with paren- chetype creates the image of a sensitive, tal reprimands, restrictions, penalties friendly, caring, wise women, “keepers against their instincts, desires and ac- of the hearth”, who is an example of in- tions. Children’s “ego” is poorly orients heritance for future generations. But on in the society accepted moral standards the row with this, there is a stereotype of right and wrong and replaces to the that brings all vital functions of women subconscious everything that adults to domestic duties and child rearing, supposed to be negative [7]. Repressed thus giving rise to a number of nega- aspects, becoming independent in the tive consequences. Firstly, there are the human psyche, entail powerful energy confusion on these grounds and various blocks, seeking out and, at times, com- conflicts that may include coercive and ing out in the minds with all the nega- violent acts. Secondly, because of this, tive effects of changes in behavior. It the shady sides of archetype can acti- may cause a terrible violence in the vate in women. Thus, from the Great family. Mother archetype woman can move Individual unconscious. There are to the image of “Terrible stepmother”, all the complexes, and other purely in- which corresponds to cruelty, aggres- dividual, specific human characteris- sion, realization of her power, oppres- tics. It accumulates emotional stresses sion of authority, and the use of psycho- that have been ignored, forgotten and logical and physical violence. forced out of consciousness. Thus, a The same applies to men. If the War- person who carries out violence in the rior archetype provides reliability, resis- family, at the level of individual un- tance, strength, ensure family security, conscious can be stereotyped thinking, confidence and other positive aspects, various fears, phobias, inferiority com- the shadow side — the Ronin archetype plex psychic trauma. These elements of will use his strength and aggression to individual unconscious disturb and en- destroy, to do physical and moral vio- courage people to generating violence. lence against weaker from him. Or the Family unconscious. There are in- Boss archetype disposes to the image of herited social behavioral models, family a generous host, a good family man, car- myths and stereotypes, connection be- ing for warmth and comfort, the image tween generations [12]. The standards of stability and understanding.But from of conduct which a person inherited the reverse side he can be the archetyp- in her family play an important role. al image of Cannibal, which provides If the primary family decided to perse- tyranny, complete power over family

219 members, suppressing his authority, ar- a woman animus is expressed as a mas- rogant attitude to the feelings of others, culine inner personality. A character of mental and physical violence against a “perfect partner” unconsciously forms others and so on. in a mind of a person on a basis of these The collective unconscious is the archetypes. If this inner perfect charac- “memory of generations”, the result of ter is not congruent with reality it can the people’s life, it is inherited and is create conflicts and provoke some vio- the basis on which grows a mind per- lent actions to the real partner [8]. sonality. Just as the human body is the Biological unconscious. It consists result of the whole evolution of man- of biological life cycle, inheritance fac- kind, psyche contains general primary tors and evolution. Nowadays the field instincts and specific human reactions of activity of women is very many-sid- to unconscious phenomena external ed and complicated. Clarissa Pinkola and internal worlds that are constantly Estes opines in her book “Women Who renewed and repeated throughout life Run With the Wolves” that there are [8]. Thus, the archetype of the Oppres- few common mental characteristics be- sor doesn’t change at all times. Violence tween the pristine woman and the she- has always existed and, unfortunately, wolf. These images are highlighted with still exists. This suggests that the prob- unusual sensitivity, care, commitment, lem should be thoroughly studied. Psy- care, compassion, strength of mind, in- chology seeks general laws of universal tuition, loyalty, creativity, ingenuity, individual that lie in the deep origins. courage, etc. But despite all these facts, The archetypes of the collective uncon- women and she-wolves suffer from con- scious are far on the potential and intui- stant aggressive oppressions, unjusti- tive terms, but play an important role in fied accusations, persecutions. They are the conscious life of the individual. exposed as second-rate individuals [6]. The process of individuation is im- Selfhood harmonizes normal func- portant too, it envisages the psyche’s tioning of all components of a person transformation from the collective to mentality. This archetype integrates the individual. Man understands free- the conscious and the unconscious of dom in their unique identity through the individual. Selfhood is a central the prism of the collective heritage of archetype of whoalism and manysided- mankind. There is a separation of indi- ness of a human personality [11]. vidual psychology from collective. Each Therefore, each archetype has its person’s unique feature has a reflection degree and degree of manifestation de- on the general collective archetypal im- pending on the particular situation. All ages. archetypes inherent to absolutely any There are two basic anthropomor- person, the only difference is how each phic archetypes of the collective uncon- of them is evinced. Depending on the scious: anima and animus. They person- gender identification, all people have ify masculinity and feminine in person. their own specific structure of prevail- In the unconscious of a man, anima finds ing and acting archetypes [3]. Through expression as a feminine inner personal- existing unconscious archetypical im- ity. Equivalently, in the unconscious of ages and clearly established in soci-

220 ety gender roles, women suffer from (2 %). The last position was a prob- oppressions and various kinds of vio- lem of men’s compulsion to have some lence. We have the research, the aim of sexual transaction without any wom- which was to detect which type of vio- en’s agreement (1 %) (Fig. 2). lence women suffer from the most. The So the most widespread kind of fam- study was attended by 60 women from ily violence is a humiliation and person- the city of Kharkiv, aged 25–50 years, ality insults. with different kinds of activities: from According to the archetype of Deme- housewives to representatives of small ter — Goddess of fertility, motherhood business. They were given the applica- and protection, women can tolerate tions where they had to assign a rank physical or psychological violance for a of each type of family violence from 1 wellness of children and for saving their to 6. The largest rank was assigned to family. Cases when women survived the the type of violence in a family women violence try not to create any new re- faced more often and the smallest to lationships with men, focusing only on a rare one or to such a type they had children are very widespread. Bringing never faced. daughters up with a subjectively-nega- The study found that women in fam- tive position to men, women send them ilies suffer the most from a humiliation their own model of a behavior. Thus, and personality insults (51 %). The se- in most cases, a psychological role of a cond type of violince in the rating was “patient victim” is formed in daughters’ a kind of prohibitions imposed by men minds with all the consequences in fu- on women in dealing with the opposite ture. sex (18 %). The third position was a re- The main components of the vio- striction of using any funds by woman lence in the family: (9 %). The fourth place was about beat- 1. “Violence begets violence” in a ings and various kinds of physical abuse sense that aggressive and violent ac- against women. The fifth place took a tions against anyone will cause a similar prohibition for having a job by women reaction.

Fig. 2. The results of research in the percentage

221 2. Violence, survived in a childhood, in families the most. Violence and con- begets violence in an adulthood. If a flict atmosphere in the family lead to child frequently sees scenes of violence dire consequences that can cause huge or being a participant of such kind of and terrible physical and psychologi- scenes it can be a basis of problems with cal damage: destruction of personality, aggression and self control in future [1]. mental disorders, moral destruction, 3. Jealousy as a kind of a power psychosomatic diseases, alcoholism, de- manifestation. At the beginning of the pression, disadaptation, body injures, relationship man can justify jealousy suicide etc. as a sign of love. But jealousy can get To study the issue of family vio- a pathological form. Then begins the lence on a more fundamental level it is assault on the woman in the form of necessary to refer to a personality un- prohibitions of communicating with conscious archetypical characters. It opposite sex as well as applying brutal is necessary to analyze an impact of physical force. existing archetypes on conscious hu- 4. The discrepancy between expecta- man life, not confusing it with stereo- tion and reality. When the real person- types. ality of a woman does not coincide with According to research, the most perceptions of a man about her. This widespread type of violence is the mo- can cause misunderstandings, quarrels, ral one when an identity of a woman is conflicts, illegal actions. abused. 5. Control of the husband over the Actions to prevent violence in fami- desires, actions and decisions of a wo- lies should be based both on an indi- man. Man seeks to completely dispose vidual and general social psychological of a woman’s life and to set control on prophylactic treatment. The problem every sphere of her activities. A man re- of domestic violence is incomplete, it acts on all manifestations of a woman’s is many-sided and complicated. That disobedience with aggression, cruelty is why it requires detailed study and and violent acts. its solution comprehensive approaches 6. Fast development of the relation- strategy development. ships between a man and a woman. At the first stages women may not notice the negative characteristics of a man References personality. Many women get married 1. Berkovits L. Agressiya: prichiny, po- and much sooner get abused. sledstviya i kontrol / L. Berkovits. — 7. Alcohol and other psychotropic St. Petersburg: Evroznak, 2001. — substances can provoke acts of vio- Р. 516. lence. Taking changing mind substanc- 2. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy es people retrogressive getting back to (UVR). — 2002. — № 10. — Р. 70. 3. Govorun T. V. Gendernaya psikhologi- primitive behavior [4]. ya / T. V. Govorun, A. N. Kikined- Conclusions. Therefore, domestic zhy — M.: “Acadimiya” publishing violence is an extremely bad action of center, 2004. — Р. 308. one family member to the other. Wo- 4. Tashcheva A. I. Nasiliye v alkogol’noi men and children suffer from violence sem’ye. (Psikhologicheskyi vestnik)

222 Publication № 1 (Part 3) / A. I. Tash- 8. Jung C. Ocherki po psikhologii cheva, S. Y. Zelinskaya. — Rostov : bessoznatel’nogo / Kogito-Tsentr, “Rost. Un-ta” publishing office, 1996. — 2010. — Р. 352. Р. 52–64. 9. Jung C. Psikhologiya bessoznatel’no- 5. Erikson E. Detstvo i obshchestvo/ go / “Kanon” pub. office, 1994. — Р. 320. “Universitetskaya kniga” publishing 10. Jung C. Analiticheskaya psikhologiya: office, 1996. — Р. 592. proshloye i nastoyashchiye. — Mos- 6. Estes K. P. “Women Who Run With cow, 1995. — Р. 320. the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the 11. Jung C. Problemy dushi nashego vre- Wild Woman Archetype”, Russian meni / “Progress” pub. office, 1993. — publication of “Sofia” publishing cen- Р. 336. ter, 2008. — Р. 320. 12. Jung C. Struktura psikhiki i arkheti- 7. Jung C. Arkhetip i simvol / Renessans py / “Akademicheskiy proekt” pub. of- pub. office, 1991. — Р. 208. fice, 2015. — Р. 328.

223 UDC: 330.341.1:159.9

Omelyanenko Vitaliy Anatolievich, PhD of economic science, Assistant Professor of the Dept. of Economic Theory, Sumy State University, Sumy, 40007, Str. Rimsky Korsa- kov, 2, tel.: (095) 167 59 52, e-mail: omvital- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Віталій Анатолійович, кандидат економічних наук, асистент кафедри економічної теорії, Сумський державний університет, м. Суми, 40007, вул. Римського Корсакова, 2, тел.: (095) 167 59 52, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Виталий Анатольевич, кандидат экономических наук, асси- стент кафедры экономической теории, Сумской государственный университет, г. Сумы, 40007, ул. Римского Корсакова, 2, тел.: (095) 167 59 52, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444


Abstract. The study is devoted to the definition the main aspects of the ar- chetypal nature of economic conflicts as threats to national security and the de- velopment of a policy framework aimed at overcoming them. The methodological apparatus of research includes the principles of system-functional, historical-ge- netic and logical analysis of the social nature of economic processes and conflicts. The relationship between archetypes and major economic contradictions has been defined. The main aspects of the manifestation of archetypes in the econo- mic sphere of Ukraine and the impact of these processes on national security were analyzed. It is proposed to consider this impact from the point of view of competi- tiveness, which is possible provided that the institutional vector of the economy and public interests that are expressed in archetypes and the corresponding deci- sions and processes are coordinated to ensure synergy in social capital. The space of economic conflicts occurrence, which lie in the difference of the goals of economic relations participants, is considered, and it is identified, that

224 the parameters of national interests are determined by the geopolitical picture of the world and the values system of society. It is noted, that non-compliance of strategies with real national economic interests leads to the emergence of alterna- tive economic dimensions, that come into conflict with formal ones. As the main way of forecasting economic conflicts it is suggested to consider expert centers, that will allow to formulate the development strategy, that will be based on national interests. It is important, that the conflicts can reveal a whole range of long-term development vectors. Prospects for further researches, which consist in conceptualizing economic development strategies on the basis of national interests, are determined. Keywords: national security, archetypes, economic relations, innovations, threats, interaction management, reform strategy, national interest. АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ СУЧАСНИХ ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ В КОНТЕКСТІ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ Анотація. Дослідження присвячено визначенню основних аспектів архе- типічної природи економічних конфліктів як загроз національній безпеці та розробці основ політики, спрямованої на їх подолання. Методологічний апа- рат дослідження включає принципи системно-функціонального, історико-ге- нетичного та логічного аналізу соціальної природи економічних процесів та конфліктів. Визначено зв’язок між архетипами та основними економічними проти- річчями. Проаналізовано основні аспекти прояву архетипів в економічній сфері України та вплив цих процесів на національну безпеку. Запропонова- но розглядати цей вплив з точки зору конкурентоспроможності, що можли- во за умови погодженості інституційного вектора економіки та суспільних інтересів, що виражені в архетипах, та відповідних рішень і процесів для за- безпечення синергії в соціальному капіталі. Розглянуто простір виникнення економічних конфліктів, що полягають у різниці цілей учасників економічних відносин, та визначено, що параме- три національних інтересів визначаються геополітичною картиною світу та ціннісною системою суспільства. Відзначено, що невідповідність стра- тегій реальним національним економічним інтересам призводить до появи альтернативних економічних вимірів, що вступають у конфлікт з формаль- ними. Як основний шлях прогнозування економічних конфліктів запропоновано розглядати експертні центри, що уможливлять формування стратегії розвит- ку, яка ґрунтуватиметься на національних інтересах. Важливим є те, що кон- флікти можуть виявити цілий спектр довгострокових векторів розвитку. Визначено перспективи подальших досліджень, що полягають у концеп- туалізації стратегій економічного розвитку на основі національних інтересів. Ключові слова: національна безпека, архетипи, економічні відносини, ін- новації, загрози, управління взаємодіями, стратегія реформ, національний ін- терес.

225 АРХЕТИПНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ КОНФЛИКТОВ В КОНТЕКСТЕ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Аннотация. Исследование посвящено определению основных аспектов архетипической природы экономических конфликтов как угроз националь- ной безопасности и разработке основ политики, направленной на их пре- одоление. Методологический аппарат исследования включает принципы системно-функционального, историко-генетического и логического анализа социальной природы экономических процессов и конфликтов. Определена связь между архетипами и основными экономическими про- тиворечиями. Проанализированы основные аспекты проявления архетипов в экономической сфере Украины и влияние этих процессов на националь- ную безопасность. Предложено рассматривать это влияние с точки зрения конкурентоспособности, что возможно при условии согласованности инсти- туционного вектора экономики и общественных интересов, которые выра- жены в архетипах, и соответствующих решений и процессов для обеспече- ния синергии в социальном капитале. Рассмотрено пространство возникновения экономических конфликтов, которые заключаются в разнице целей участников экономических отноше- ний, и определенно, что параметры национальных интересов определяются геополитической картиной мира и ценностной системой общества. Отмече- но, что несоответствие стратегий реальным национальным экономическим интересам приводит к появлению альтернативных экономических измере- ний, которые вступают в конфликт с формальными. В качестве основного пути прогнозирования экономических конфликтов предложено рассматривать экспертные центры, которые позволят сфор- мировать стратегию развития, которая будет основываться на националь- ных интересах. Важным является то, что конфликты могут выявить целый спектр долгосрочных векторов развития. Определены перспективы дальнейших исследований, которые заключа- ются в концептуализации стратегий экономического развития на основе на- циональных интересов. Ключевые слова: национальная безопасность, архетипы, экономические отношения, инновации, угрозы, управление взаимодействиями, стратегия реформ, национальный интерес.

Target setting. Ukraine with the capitalism building, lack of unifying independence obtaining has fell to the ideology, sharp impoverishment several process of new mechanisms finding for social groups at once, corruption, go- the economic resources distribution, vernment weakness, crisis of culture accompanied by failure of national and morality. These processes have

226 moved into new conflicts, that in result contradictions, as well as destroy the have led to the state crisis. The neces- national economy through the social sity to analyze the socio-psychological confrontation. In addressing the key se- nature of economic conflict resources is curity challenges of the XXI century it based on the fact, that economy in solv- is necessary based on the fact that they ing strategic problems in modern con- are at the crossroads of global, univer- ditions has “pushed” the army into the sal interests and national interests and background. It is also important, that values [15]. Accordingly, the consider- national security threats in the inter- ation of economic activity as a creative national sphere are manifested through social and cultural activities from the the efforts of other states to oppose the standpoint of finding success factors of implementation of national economic mentality is appropriate [9]. interests. This is reflected in the actions The study [16] indicates, that sys- aimed in particular at the violation of tem social and economic changes are territorial integrity, including the use based on deep changes in the psyche of of internal economic contradictions individual, initiated from the uncon- and conflicts, that had been done in scious, while the “right” or “wrong” in Ukraine. In this context, system ap- the minds determinate the selection the proach to national security as opposed forms of its implementation. Therefore, to the traditional fragmented approach various economic conflicts can be con- is based on the necessity to identify a sidered as externalization of internal set of interrelated political, economic, conflicts. spiritual, cultural, information, human- The issues of impact of social & itarian country capacity to integrate psychological component of economic it into the global space, the develop- processes were considered by a lot of ment of comprehensive relations, that scientists. In particular, Adam Smith in strength the public confidence and re- the historical period, when it was rec- duce the possibility of force impact. ognized, that only through the influ- Analysis of recent research and ence of the state society is kept from the publications has shown, that in the imminent return to state of turmoil and scientific and expert discourse in re- poverty. Disagreeing with this, Smith cent years it has become generally ac- has proposed and described social co- cepted, that in modern conditions the ordination mechanisms, that operate national security depends not only on independently of government impacts. the armed forces, but also on such fac- Moreover, according to Smith, these tors as the economy, welfare of citizens mechanisms are so powerful, that gov- and public mood. The system of mea- ernment measures were at odds with sures for the nation’s goals attainment, him, often found themselves reduced to protect its interests and repel threats in zero. combination with their resource provi- Several approaches of economic the- sion form the basis of national security ory claims, that agents acting in their strategy [6; 13; 14]. In this situation own interests, create opportunities for economic conflicts can both contrib- the choices of other and social coordina- ute to the development by overcoming tion provides continuous mutual adap-

227 tation to changes in net benefits, which important role of culture in the process: arise from their interaction. From the “Culture 1.0 was respected. Culture standpoint of classical and neoclassical 2.0 — the culture of freedom. Future economics conflict of economic inter- Culture 3.0 will be between these two ests is their temporary difference, that poles. I think it’s the culture of con- in the long run lead to the resolution science. It is important to understand, of conflict and to, eventually to the in- that within every person it is that, by terests of consistency and mutual ben- what we can understand each other. efit. Otherwise, according to study [2] And it is above other opinions and dif- economic wars reduce productivity and ferences. If we recognize the objective competitiveness agents. existence of conscience in every person, Based on social coordination the it can become “social glue” for any soci- new concepts of cooperative security ety” [8]. were formed (D. Kolyar, M. White, Thus, the analysis of theory and R. Cohen, D. Dyuitt et al.), in which practice of economic processes and interdependent processes are consid- conflicts management, that arise in ered as factors, that blur the boundary this case, clearly demonstrates the between internal and external, govern- shortcomings of the systems research ment and public interests. methodology in the same format, Thus, within the considered ap- i. e. without studying social factors. proaches we come to the importance Researches of this kind help to under- of the study of archetypes as a factor of stand the peculiarities of economic economic development. culture, define priorities of develop- Kleiner G. B., researcher of eco- ment and modernization of Ukrainian nomic systems stability [7], follow- society. Therefore, the purpose of the ing the ideas of American economist article is is to analyze the archetypal F. Knight, the author of business theory, dimension of economic conflicts prob- who noted the presence of fundamental lems in the context of national security. conflict between moral standards and Methodological base of study includes economic efficiency, stresses, that for principles of system-functional, genet- economic groups the more positive case ic and historical and logical analysis of deals with the lack of competition, and the social nature of economic processes thus reducing the conflict potential. and conflict. Reflecting on the ideas of F. Knight, The statement of basic materials. the scientist concludes. that “not be- For research purposes the national se- lieving unconditionally neither in free curity we offer to understand as such competition nor in creative coopera- state of society, which can maintain tion, not forced to authoritarianism, he the normal functioning of the state, its believes in their internal compatibility sovereignty and territorial integrity. in the human soul, and therefore, in We also believe, that the national secu- human society” [7]. Similar ideas were rity should be approached in terms of expressed by Dhebuadze Andro, World competitiveness in an enlarged under- Bank consultant, who is reflecting on standing, that is possible in conditions ways to resolve conflicts, concludes the of institutional vector of economy and

228 social interests, that are expressed in 4) between the government and so- archetypes, and appropriate solutions cial groups, that are on the state main- and processes to ensure synergy in so- tenance (students, retired, disabled, cial capital. unemployed); In this context, we should note, that 5) between the center and regions in developed countries the competitive- over the distribution and redistribution ness strategies are based on long-term of resources; mechanisms of cooperation and coor- 6) between the countries in defend- dination of interests of various forms ing national economic interests. of partnership between the state, busi- These conflicts depending on their ness and society. On the basis of general size have different effects on national consensus these strategies are adapted security, but in crisis times they can to the principles of social responsibility actualize simultaneously, which un- and economic development to form its der certain circumstances can lead to resource base. In our opinion, the pro- serious consequences. In this context, posed approach is consistent with the Jung, analyzing archetypes potential law of open dynamic systems, because has proposed for understanding such the economy is in a constant process of metaphor: “... dry riverbeds, which may change for many parameters, and the at any time be filled with new water of law of synergy, whereby at consistency specific events” [17, p. 286]. We note, vectors of components of the positive that the economic conflicts are det- effect bigger than the mathematical rimental not only for the parties, but sum of individual efforts (potential) of also society as a whole due to the loss interacting elements. In case of conflict of social capital and relations capital. the effect of these laws is broken, mak- Therefore we can consider archetypes ing necessary of development the effec- as a kind of circuit, in which the co- tive mechanisms to control economic ordination of major decisions and ex- conflicts. pectations of the economic system Under the economic conflicts we (Fig. 1). will understand the conflicts of vari- The objects of national economic ous areas of public life, where there are interest are in understanding of its opposite interests, values, beliefs and necessity of public entities presented goals of economic cooperation. Accord- as central (constant) and secondary ingly, we can highlight the following (variable) components (Morgenthau main lines of contradictions, that lead typology). The central component is to the economic conflicts: characterized by stability and continu- 1) between the employers and work- ity. The variable component includes ers; wide range of needs, which constitute a 2) between the different profession- system forming properties. Accordingly al categories, due to the desire to real- we can differentiate the archetypes and locate resources in their favor; the impact on the conflict level, because 3) between the companies and au- the interests of the central component thorities, that regulate business activ- in some certain actions cause more seri- ity; ous conflict.


Security of Security of society business Fig. 1. Ratio of security dimension and archetypes (developed by the author)

Accordingly, the economic situation European-based competition and the of Ukraine reflects the basic archetypes desire to realize themselves and are the and differences in the impact of deep basis of innovative economy of devel- archetype “field”, showing understand- oped countries. Ukrainian individual- ing of the nation’s place in the uni- ism, that is associated with “being local” verse. The historical experience of our and the desire to escape from problems country has led to a lack of universal and desire for democratic forms of gov- elements of national unity. This is re- ernment, all of which lead to a struggle flected in a distorted and contradictory for power and ownership of economic emotional economic thinking, which resources, sometimes accompanied by simultaneously connects particular a “fatal” division. In terms of global co- consent (sometimes external) policies operation within the model of cooper- of economic change with prevailing so- ation-competition and network econo- cial stereotypes. In general, we can note my is a deterrent. the historical exaggeration of external Another example would be toler- factors, the modern and caused rapid ance: in Europe it is more conscious “Westernization” of Ukrainian lifestyle decision another positions and willing- and traditional mentality features blur. ness to dialogue, in Ukraine — the in- В. Mezhuyev [11] notes, that this “im- ability to clearly define its position and maturity” nation is a powerful factor in its unwillingness to defend it, that is conflicts both at national and interna- clearly reflected in the constant failures tional levels. of the national economic diplomacy. We also note, that the “Ukrainian In analyzing the security dimen- individualism” is not identical to the sion we underline system conflicts,

230 that are caused by archetypes, that ac- tration of control over the various insti- cumulated some experience, which is tutional orders every conflict involves controversial to the system. As an ex- fighting “absolutely all”, and as a result, ample of this type of economic conflicts such as making economic demands has М. М. Moshyashvili [12, р. 36] suggests both political change and configura- changing technological structures as a tion, expanding the scope of conflict. result of which society recognizes the If institutional orders are autonomous, fundamental possibility of improving with each individual conflict is due not the conditions of value creation, but so much, then reduced the price of de- not within the existing socio-economic feat, and hence the intensity of confron- structure. By this time the conditions tation. do not exert significant pressure on the In the context of management we prevailing character of existing institu- underline, that the conflicts like any tions. However, such contrast dissatis- other threats of national security don’t faction with actual and potential nega- occur suddenly, and in most cases it is tive motivation as when combined with preceded by some evolutionary dyna- some positive can, for example, lead to mics. Its identification, analysis and de- the need of elite to reinvest the received termination the degree of conflict prob- value in new technologies or best social ability since its occurrence and possible practices. There is also another option, damage are the essence of long-term when archetypes of introversion, ideal- forecasting. Therefore it is necessary to ization of the past and its domination form a resolving economic conflicts spe- over the future with patience and tol- cific model and to adapt it to the terms erance to the negative situations hinder of national characteristics and business the constructive thinking and actual management. implementation and changes in social Fig. 2 shows the space of economic life and economy (innovations). conflicts emergence, which are con- As an important case for Ukraine we nected with the differences in economic consider the conclusion of sociologist agents’ objectives. Parameters of na- R. Dahrendorf [5, p. 144–145], which tional interests are defined geopolitical deals with the relationship of institu- view of the world and the dominant va- tional orders (government, economics, lue system of society. The given scheme law, etc.), which are responsible for the allows to predict the lines of economic management of certain resources and contradictions. In particular, the main may be a relatively independent and conflict potential deals with that fact, social groups, that control them are not that the state as an economic agent of- identical; as well as can be controlled by ten does not guarantee automatic im- one group. Depending on the degree of plementation of national economic in- concentration the intensity conflicts in- terests, which are in archetypes. This is creases (in which all destructive arche- a particular cause of shadow economy. types are shown); and the opposite, it The contradictions are compound- decreases when the society structure is ed, because in Ukraine there are no pluralistic with variety of independent real meaningful political projects with institutions. Accordingly, the concen- national economic strategy, based on

231 International situation Goals and objectives and external influences government

System of values National resources and national interests and capabilities

– places of potential conflicts appearing

Fig. 2. Space of economic conflicts occurrence (developed by the author based on [15]) integrative values and social tension security we can consider expert cen- minimization, which increases the role ters, which use the situational analysis of analytical work. Under these condi- methodology [4] and will form a deve- tions, for solving economic conflicts lopment strategy based on the national research tasks is the concept of dutch interests (archetype core). It is also im- scientist W. Mastenbruka [10], which portant, that the conflicts prediction considers conflict management in the can detect a range of long-term deve- context of different types of social rela- lopment vectors. tions, that are, in turn, the structure of In the context of national security complex networks of relationships and providing of economic conflicts man- interactions, can be very useful. agement given their potentially “sana- In conflict resolution the network tion” feature, we must consider all types aspect requires to form a network of of activities related to the prediction, communications and to predict con- prevention and resolution of conflicts flicts through the conflicts radar in the context of minimizing threats to (Fig. 3), which helps to identify the national security. potential conflicts through the projec- We note, that the economic conflicts tion on the national interests of groups are mainly based on different vector- of economic agents. This aspect was ness of interests, that is deepened as a considered by us before on the example result of asymmetric information (when of comparative studies of economic one economic agent has more informa- policy [3], the results of which to be ef- tion, than the principal, which holds its fective must be transferred to the “na- asymmetrical distribution). Jung also tional soil”. Strategic aspects should be has noted, that the risk of spontaneous considered within the social influence information age, as a result of mental forms [1] (forced, based on reward, le- vulnerability have “psychic epidemic”. gitimate, expert, information and refer- If case of Ukrainian these risks are sub- ence). stantially reinforced by the dominance As the main way to minimize eco- of emotional & sensual components of nomic conflicts threats to national mass consciousness over mental & vo-

232 orecast period F orecast S ecurity threats Individual S ocial corporate L ocal R egional state Fig. 3. Forecasting scheme of archetypal influence on the economic conflicts occurrence in decision-making (developed by the author) litional (sensual, anarchism, cordocen- to alternative economic dimensions, trism). This can explain the rejection which create conflict with the formal. of solutions based on commercial and The prospects of further studies economic benefits for shared values and deals with in the conceptualization of certain geopolitical approaches. All this economic development strategies based is compounded by economic factors on national interests, are identified. specific geopolitical orientation vector. Conclusions. Ukraine’s transition to independence and market economy REFERENCES was accompanied by severe inequality, 1. French J. R., Raven В. Н. The basis socio-economic conflicts and crises. Ar- of social power. Studies in social pow- chetypal nature of economic conflicts er. — N.Y., 1972. — Vol. 6. — Р. 259– we have considered within the nation- 269. al security as an extremely complex 2. Garfinkel M. R., Skaperdas S. Con- multi-functional system, in which pro- tract or war? On the consequences cesses of interaction and confrontation of a broader view of self-interest in of vital interests of individual, society economics // American Economist. — and state with the threats of these in- 2000. — Vol. 44, Iss. 1. — Р. 5–16. terests, both internal and external, are 3. Omelyanenko V. General context of continuously occurring. Based on this economic and legal reforms interna- tional comparative studies (example of we have considered the archetypal na- innovation development) [Electronic ture of the main motives of conflicting resource] // Economic Processes Man- groups. It is indicated, that the discrep- agement. — 2016. — № 3. — Access ancy between the strategies and the mode: real national economic interests leads download/2016_3/epm2016_3_8.pdf

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234 UDC: 329.001(100)

Plakhtiy Taras Oleksiiovych, independent researcher, 79014, Lviv, Tract Glyniany, 36-B, tel.: (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 Плахтій Тарас Олексійович, незалежний дослідник, 79014, Львів, Тракт Глинянський, 36-Б, тел.: (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 Плахтий Тарас Алексеевич, независимый исследователь, 79014, Львов, Тракт Глинянский, 36-Б, тел.: (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441


Abstract. The article presents the archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts created to determine the conditions for stopping the destructive process of fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukraini- an elite groups. Within the established model, the archetypal mechanisms of con- flict development were revealed, the factors that make the participants of com- petitive interaction clash in confrontation were identified, and the conditions of its transformation into cooperation were outlined. The role of the biological mechanisms of activation of conflict participants was demonstrated. When analysing the developed model, the connection between the fragmen- tation of Ukrainian elite groups and imbalance of the differentiating and inte- grating functions in internal organisational conflicts was revealed. This made it possible to suggest that this imbalance is due to contradictions between habitual (network) and current (hierarchical) components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society. The habitual component, due to activation of the corresponding groups of archetypes of the unconscious, blocks the process of sa- cralisation of leaders as part of realisation of the current component, which makes it impossible for them to perform the integrating function in political organisa-

235 tions under conditions where the differentiating function of internal organisa- tional conflicts is realised without hindrance. This causes the continuous frag- mentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups, which leads to their degradation, atomisation and, as a result, their failure to exercise its power functions. It is concluded that the destructive fragmentation process of the political or- ganisations of Ukrainian elite groups as a result of the unbalanced differentiat- ing function of internal organisational conflicts can be stopped only after their restructuring into a multi-intelligent social model system. It can be implement- ed through appropriate algorithms of interaction among members and units of political organisations, which together will constitute a variable organisational structure that will provide a synergistic effect due to the simultaneous mutually reinforcing reproduction of the habitual and current components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society. Keywords: conflict, organisational culture, archetype, political parties, elite group. АРХЕТИПНА МОДЕЛЬ ВИНИКНЕННЯ, ЕСКАЛАЦІЇ ТА РОЗВ’ЯЗАННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНОГО КОНФЛІКТУ Анотація. У статті представлено архетипну модель виникнення, еска- лації та розв’язання соціального конфлікту, яка була створена з метою ви- значення умов зупинки деструктивного процесу фрагментації політичних організацій українських елітних груп. У межах створеної моделі розкрито архетипні механізми перебігу конфлікту, визначено чинники, які зіштов- хують учасників конкурентної взаємодії у конфронтацію, а також умови її трансформації у кооперацію. Показано роль біологічних механізмів актива- ції учасників конфлікту. У процесі аналізу розробленої моделі визначено зв’язок фрагментації українських елітних груп із дисбалансом диференціюючої та інтегруючої функції внутрішніх організаційних конфліктів. Це дало змогу припустити, що такий дисбаланс обумовлений протиріччями між габітуальним (мере- жевим) та поточним (ієрархічним) компонентами притаманної українсько- му суспільству організаційної культури. Зокрема, габітуальний компонент, внаслідок активації відповідних груп архетипів несвідомого, блокує процес сакралізації лідерів у межах реалізації поточного компонента, що обумов- лює їх неспроможність здійснити інтегруючу функцію в політичних органі- заціях в умовах, коли диференціююча функція внутрішніх організаційних конфліктів реалізується без жодних перешкод. Це обумовлює безперервну фрагментацію політичних організацій українських елітних груп, яка приво- дить до їх деградації, атомізації та, як наслідок, неспроможності здійснювати свою владну функцію. Зроблено висновок про те, що деструктивний процес фрагментації полі- тичних організацій українських елітних груп, реалізацію якого забезпечує незбалансована диференціююча функція внутрішнього організаційного

236 конфлікту, може бути зупинений лише після їх реструктуризації у мульти- розумні системи соціальної моделі. Це можливо реалізувати шляхом запро- вадження відповідних алгоритмів взаємодії членів та підрозділів політич- них організацій, що в сукупності складуть змінну організаційну структуру, яка забезпечить синергетичний ефект внаслідок одночасного взаємно підси- люючого відтворення габітуального і поточного компонентів притаманної українському суспільству організаційної культури. Ключові слова: конфлікт, організаційна культура, архетип, політичні партії, елітні групи. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ВОЗНИКНОВЕНИЯ, ЭСКАЛАЦИИ И РАЗРЕШЕНИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНОГО КОНФЛИКТА Аннотация. В статье представлена архетипическая модель возникнове- ния, эскалации и разрешения социального конфликта, которая была созда- на с целью определения условий остановки деструктивного процесса фраг- ментации политических организаций украинских элитных групп. В рамках созданной модели раскрыты архетипические механизмы протекания кон- фликта, определены факторы, которые сталкивают участников конкурент- ного взаимодействия в конфронтацию, а также условия его трансформации в кооперацию. Показана роль биологических механизмов активации участ- ников конфликта. В процессе анализа разработанной модели определена связь фрагмен- тации украинских элитных групп с дисбалансом дифференцирующей и интегрирующей функций внутриорганизационных конфликтов. Это по- зволило предположить, что такой дисбаланс обусловлен противоречиями между габитуальным (сетевым) и текущим (иерархическим) компонентами присущей украинскому обществу организационной культуры. В частности, габитуальный компонент, вследствие активации соответствующих групп архетипов бессознательного, блокирует процесс сакрализации лидеров в рамках реализации текущего компонента, обусловливает их несостоятель- ность осуществить интегрирующую функцию в политических организаци- ях в условиях, когда дифференцирующая функция внутриорганизационных конфликтов реализуется без помех. Это обусловливает непрерывную фраг- ментацию политических организаций украинских элитных групп, которая приводит к их деградации, атомизации и, как следствие, неспособности осу- ществлять свою властную функцию. Сделан вывод о том, что деструктивный процесс фрагментации поли- тических организаций украинских элитных групп, реализацию которого обеспечивает несбалансированная дифференцирующая функция внутрен- него организационного конфликта, может быть остановлен только после их реструктуризации в мультиразумные системы социальной модели. Это возможно реализовать путем введения соответствующих алгоритмов вза- имодействия членов и подразделений политических организаций, состав- ляющих в совокупности переменную организационную структуру, которая

237 обеспечит синергетический эффект в результате одновременного взаимодо- полняющего воспроизведения габитуального и текущего компонентов при- сущей украинскому обществу организационной культуры. Ключевые слова: конфликт, организационная культура, архетип, поли- тические партии, элитные группы.

Target setting. At the beginning of the sides of a question, the desire for op- the nineties the Ukrainian political elite posite purposes, the use of the different divided into two comparable groups means to achieve them, the divergence competing for power — People’s Move- of interests, desires, aspirations, and so ment of Ukraine and the Communist on. It offers a variety of classifications Party of the Ukrainian SSR. For more of probable causes of the conflict, the than 25 years of Independence took most common are: significant differenc- place a catastrophic, we believe, process es between the parties to the conflict of the fragmentation of the Ukrainian (different goals, thoughts, attitudes, elite groups — at the time of the writing values, norms); individual characteris- of this post in Ukraine were registered tics of the conflicting parties; deficit of 352 political parties and their forma- the communication, varying degrees of tion process continues. awareness; objective circumstances (re- The process of fragmentation of the stricted access to any resource or ben- Ukrainian elite groups has a variety of efits); features the organizations, sys- reasons, however, we believe it should tems, structures. The basis of an actual be considered as an action of the differ- conflict usually is more of the reasons entiating features of the social conflict that usually mutually reinforcing one inside the Ukrainian elite groups in a another [1]. situation where the action of the in- The causes of the conflict in their tegrating its function is unable to bal- totality define a conflict situation that ance it. grows into a conflict as a result of the Thus, it is crucial for the success- incident — an internal or external sti- ful creation and activity of Ukrainian mulus that upsets the balance of inter- political organizations, the sustainable ests of the interaction. development of the political system, In our view, most researchers in the after all, for the preservation and de- field of conflict underestimate the etho- velopment of the state is stopping the logical factor that on a biological level fragmentation and the run of the inte- causes the immanence of the status of gration processes of the Ukrainian elite the conflict, filling it with social ener- groups. gy, accelerates or otherwise — slows its Analysis of recent research and course. In this work [2] it is described publications. The modern conflic- the biological mechanism of the acti- tology examines the situation of the vation of the people in the presence conflict as one of the central concepts of others that can briefly introduce which involves opposite positions of the following sequence of interrelated

238 steps: information about the presence which on the one hand creates the con- of another person through the appro- ditions for the conflict, activates the priate systems of perception enters the members to implement it and makes brain; the brain sends a signal to the statistically a definite choice of theirs endocrine glands to provide an appro- in this situation of the relevant beha- priate hormonal stimulus secret; the vioral patterns and strategies, and on selected secret enters the bloodstream the other — it is the object of the con- which delivers it to the brain; in the trol for external subject that has the brain occur neurohumoral reactions necessary tools and potential. that activate the appropriate person to In scientific studies of conflictology implement the stimulus to action. This are presented a number of models of the mechanism of activation is essential for occurrence of the conflict from differ- the survival of the biological popula- ent authors. One of the most famous tions at the change in the environmen- is the dynamic model of conflict by tal conditions of its life. It manifests F. Glasl [4] which includes nine stages itself in the process of reproduction by divided into three basic stages, each of ranking the males for the purpose of ad- which respectively interact according mission to this process of the most pow- to the rules “win-win”, “win-lose” and erful individuals of high status in these “lose-lose”. environments. This indicates the pro- To go to each next step, according gramming on a biological level of the to F. Glasl, the parties to the conflict conflict between human persons that must overcome a certain “threshold” interact in a competitive position as which qualitatively changes their be- well as that identified in conflictology havior. The author believes that since causes of the conflict are only triggers the sixth stage is traced the apparent that trigger the appropriate biological trend towards the “personalization” of activation mechanisms of interaction the conflict and its rapid escalation oc- of the participants to initiate and main- curs. However, its initial subject of de- tain the status of the conflict. bate since this stage no longer has any At the same time, the American so- meaning. cial psychologists L. Ross and R. Nis- Thus, this model illustrates jumpy bett in their book [3] presented the re- change at each transition of values and sults of the studies of the impact of the moral standards of the conflict as the situation of the interaction and its con- assumptions to develop their own be- texts on behavior that is statistically a havioral strategies in the new stage. The determined choice due to their particu- analysis and modeling of this change lar situation behavioral patterns and permits to more clearly understand the strategies. The authors showed that the nature of the process of escalation of change in the situation or interaction the conflict and develop effective tools context allows it statistically to control to stop it. the behavior of people — participants of In our opinion, the best simula- the interaction. tion is done in the framework of ar- Thus the situation of the interac- chetype that comes from the fact that tion can be considered a starting point the appearance on the public scene of

239 a self-sufficient individual actualized There are many approaches and the phenomenon of the archetype. If strategies for conflict resolution in all the previous collectivist society of the social groups and organizations in the modern era was united by ideo- particular. So, F. Glasl in [4] recom- logy, then the modern — post-modern mends at the first three stages of esca- society of self-sufficient individuals is lation of the conflict in the organiza- combined of the archetypes of the col- tions to use the moderation interaction lective unconscious. between the participants. At the 3–5 So the representatives of the Ukrai- stages he recommends inviting a con- nian school of archetype O. Donchenko sultant to support the process of the and Yu. Romanenko in their book [5] conflict resolution. At the 4–6 stages, indicate that the center of the social according to the author, should be ap- value is the type of the interaction of plied a strategy of social and therapeu- some characteristics of the social struc- tic support of the process. At stages 5–7 tures with others. This type of interac- F. Glasl recommends the use of media- tion is the main cause of some of the tion. At stages 6–8, he recommends to social trends and changes. It is about include in the conflict a “third party”. the attitudes to the society as a specific At stages 7–9, in his opinion, it is re- form of life with certain laws of deve- quired the intervention of the senior lopment, historical and cultural and management. Thus the head of the or- psychological characteristics which ganizations has the opportunity to use embodies its personality. Such percep- all of the strategies and its role at each tions were based on the developed by stage can vary dramatically — it can be O. Donchenko concept of the arche- a moderator, advisor, intermediary or typal of management [6]. the person who takes the final decision. There are a number of methods of The analysis of the offered, such as in analysis of the social systems based on [1; 4], approaches to conflict resolution archetypes. E. Afonin, one of the found- in organizations indicate that they are ers of the Ukrainian archetype school designed for hierarchically structured for many years in his studies [7] uses social groups that are social systems the binary scale-oppositions to moni- with one mind biological model by the tor and analyze the changes in the psy- classification of the American expert on chosocial culture of Ukraine, which are organization theory J. Garaedagi [10]. able to display a stable, unchanging In his work this author presented a ge- historical part of the Ukrainian society, neric typology of organizations that are psychology, and also the changing, dy- based on organizational paradigm shift, namic component. In terms of practice, divides the organization in fool systems worthy of attention is the data con- of the mechanistic model, systems with ducted by E. Afonin of the monitoring one mind of the biological model and of the system-wide changes [8], includ- multiclever systems of the social model. ing various nature (moduses) identities J. Garaedagi notes that in systems with that pushed the strategies of the social a mind of biological models the con- groups in competitive strife or civilized flicts between its components are re- cooperation. solved based on paternalism.

240 On the basis of paternalism is pro- Therefore the construction of the posed to resolve conflicts in most of the political organizations as multiclever works on conflict, particularly in [1] and systems of the social model needs to de- [4], which examines the special role of velop mechanisms of the blocking sys- the leader in the conflict management. tem processes of escalating competition The proposed strategies of the conflict of the targeted elements of such a con- resolution there may indeed be effective frontation and facilitate its transforma- in business, where managers, according tion into cooperation. to the approaches of by I. Adizes set out The purpose of the article. The in his work [9], have three main sourc- purpose of the article is the creation es of energy management — authority, of archetypal patterns of emergence, personal influence (charisma) and, most escalation and resolution of the social importantly, power as the ability to pe- conflict and determination based on its nalize employees and encourage change analysis of the conditions of stopping in the value of the remuneration. The the destructive process of the fragmen- presence of these three sources of tation of the Ukrainian elite groups. energy of the management managers in The statement of basic materials. the hierarchically structured business Developing the model of the emer- organizations can consider the conflicts gence, escalation and resolution of the not only as a negative but as a positive social conflict, we proceeded with the factor to activate their inner life, hence integrated nature of the human psyche the need to learn how to manage them, which necessitates comprehensive re- and, if necessary, even provoke them. view of the totality of the factors that The lack of the basic sources of the influence the choice of behavioral pat- management energy — authority of the terns and strategies when interacting leaders in hierarchically structured po- with others. litical parties makes the organization As noted above, the situation of in- vulnerable to internal conflicts, and teraction with the real or imaginary most leaders — unable to run and main- subjects and their contexts (conflict tain the integration processes. situation) is a central concept in con- This prompts to note the described flictology. Therefore, in our model by J. Garaedagi [10] multiclever orga- (Figure), it is considered as an input nizations of the social model, the main element that, according to [3], statis- purpose of whose is to harmonize the tically determines the choice of beha- interests of the targeted elements to vioral patterns and strategies of the move in a consistent direction. subjects of the interaction. Obviously, in these organizations The situation of the interaction is the conflicts between the elements will perceived and understood by its sub- become destructive factors that cause a jects through the mental filter that in degeneration to the biological models our model includes four basic, in our to organizations with one mind that opinion, components: psycho-emotion- will change their main goal in a funda- al state of the perceiving subject; his re- mentally different — growth through alized needs; his outlook and ideologi- expansion into the environment. cal construct of the memory (picture of

241 Archetypal model of the emergence, escalation and resolution of the social conflict the world formed in the process of so- cietal psyche comprising two relatively cialization); organizational culture. autonomous components — the habitu- The aim of our study requires more al and the current organizational cul- detailed focus on the organizational ture and will pay attention to the de- culture. We consider it as a part of so- gree of the correlation between them as

242 a unique token of each specific society. of the deep archetypes. Such groups The habitual component in our model are linked together at the related basic includes organizational practices that levels and shadows of the personal ar- evolved over millennia, and the cur- chetypes corresponding to the cultural rent component is the organizational archetypes, invariant archetypal myth practices that have emerged in the last and archetype components of other ty- period of several centuries and formed pologies of the unconscious. Moreover, till today. the activation of the sets of archetypes Note that the proposed form of the would ensure the cooperation situation, review of the organizational culture is particularly in this case, the situation of relevant primarily for the Ukrainian the conflict resolution in the victory for society, which in its development expe- one of the contenders for the informal rienced a long period of customary law leadership. However, the habitual or- with horizontal council organizational ganizational practices within council culture which, in fact, it is a habitual organizational culture provide for pe- component. The current organizational riodic interaction in positions of equal, culture is hierarchical. It was assimi- activate the alternative group arche- lated by the Ukrainian society over the types that prevents the progress of the last few hundred years of its stay in the sacralization of the leader, but rather various empires. The low degree of the activates his opponents in competitive correlation between these components interaction and confrontation with the of the organizational culture of the aim to win the leadership status. Ukrainians, in our view, for a long time On the convention of the suggested causes inefficiencies of the organiza- above division of the mental filter is the tions created by them, that is one of the fact that all its four components are si- main factors of the formed above prob- multaneously modulators of the initial lems of the abnormal fragmentation of situation of the interaction — the fac- the Ukrainian elite groups. tors that directly affect its parameters The habitual component inherent to and its context and cause sustainable Ukrainians of the organizational cul- reproduction of a particular set of typi- ture in political organizations is mani- cal situations of the interaction that are fested, in our view, in the blocking of characteristic of a society. the process of the sacralization of the Therefore, the situation of the in- leaders who received this status in the teraction with the mental filters we ranking in the current of the hierarchi- consider as one that is conventionally cal organizational culture. Obviously, divided into several interconnected without sacralization the manifested components to better illustrate the leaders of the political organizations principle of the operation of the model. are unable to realize the integrative Perceived through the described function. Note that the process of sa- mental filter the situation of the in- cralization is provided by the mean- teraction and its contexts are experi- ings and values that form the activated enced by the actors of the interaction unconscious subjects of the conflict in- altogether with the corresponding ac- teraction of the certain conflict group tivated in the memory meanings and

243 values that have been acquired and that somehow change the situation of stored there in the process of sociali- the interaction and its contexts. Then zation. These meanings and values we the cycle repeats. assume to be rational. Note that this, Again, note that the power to imple- like any other, meanings and values are ment the described process provides initially interconnected with a certain a biological activator triggered by ar- set of archetypes. So they, through the chetypes after their activation of the mechanism of resonance, activate the interrelated meanings and values of corresponding archetypes of the un- the outlook and ideological construct conscious of the subject of the interac- of the memory of the subject of the in- tion that triggers a biological activator teraction, which, in turn, activate in by (see below), which provides energy to the situation of the interaction and its support the awareness and subsequent contexts. Consider these mechanisms processes that will be described below. in more detail. The conscious meanings and va- In parallel with the above-described lues falling in the value-semantic con- process of understanding takes place structer of the behavioral strategies are the process of activation of the corre- the basis for designing the appropriate sponding to the current situation and to the situation of the interaction of its contexts of the set of the archetypes their set. The subject of the interac- of the unconscious psyche of the sub- tion selects one of the strategies of this ject of the interaction that is formed as set — the most rational or optimal for a set of interrelated meanings and cor- its implementation as a reaction to the responding values. situation of the interaction and its con- In order to understand, this set of texts. meanings and values one must over- The set of strategies that has been come some energy barrier. To simulate created in the semantic constructor the process of overcoming this barrier, falls in the memory of the subject of the we use the concept of the biological ac- interaction, which integrates into the tivator of the mental processes of the existing picture of the world — outlook individual or societal psyche, the prin- and ideological construct, modifying it ciple of operation is based on current to more adequately reflect the reality. neurohormonal responses in the brains Simultaneously are modified the cur- of the subjects of the interaction we led rent and habitual components of the at the beginning by using materials of organizational culture and is changing the work [2]. the degree of the correlation between Thus, the biological activator acce- them, depending on which of them is lerates the activation of the archetypes more consistent with the chosen be- and the formation of their correspond- havioral strategy, and also varies the ing meanings and values in the uncon- psycho-emotional state of the subject scious, giving them the necessary ener- of the interaction and the degree of the gy to overcome the energy barrier that awareness of his own needs. leads to their full or partial realization. Then the chosen strategy is imple- We can assume that the awareness mented in the form of a set of actions of the archetypal meanings and values

244 is not continuous, but discrete. That is, stress and is able to reconcile them cre- they accumulate in a while in the un- ating a hybrid and securing its compo- conscious and at the time of overcom- nents for their respective situations and ing the energy barrier, instantly are un- contexts. That is, in some situations, we derstood. The described mechanism of naturally use strategies that are based the awareness can be compared to the on one set of meanings and values, in principle of the pulsed laser in which the other — on the basis of an alterna- a crystal after a quite prolonged acti- tive set. vation at one point emits high-energy The set of the behavioral strategies beam of light. that were designed in such a way and This way understood archetypal archetypal meanings and values that meanings and values fall in the value- overcome the energy barrier of aware- semantic construct of the behavioral ness, fall in the memory of the subject of strategies, where there are rational the interaction, where is being finished meanings and values obtained from the the outlook and ideological construct, memory after the perception of the cur- modify it, make it alternative mean- rent situation with its contexts through ingful centers. In the next stage of the the mental filters described above. interaction within this situation, these Typically, the rational and archetypal centers are activated immediately and meanings and values contradict one sent to the semantic-value construct of another, hence the creation of value- the behavioral strategies already earlier semantic construct of the antagonistic understood archetypal meanings and sets of strategies, the choice between values with the set of produced strate- them is probabilistic in nature and may gies based on these. depend on a small random fluctuations In this way, within our model we in- in any of the above steps. troduced the mechanisms of the energy If we return to the energy metaphors supply of the interaction at each stage in our model, we can assume that in cer- of escalation of the conflict and impulse tain situations of the interaction of the (discrete) changes in values and mean- energy, which received the archetypal ings in the minds of these subjects, pro- meanings and values of the biological viding overcoming the threshold and activator abundantly are enough to transitions from step to step of the es- displace the rational meaning to the pe- calation of the conflict within its dy- riphery of the value-semantic construct namic model of F. Glasl [4] which was of the behavioral strategies, to the in- described above. stant choice of the appropriate beha- Note that the conflict can be de- vioral strategy and its implementation scribed by the same mechanisms, with through the immediate implementation the only difference that the initial bal- of an appropriate set of actions. anced situation of the interaction sud- When it is installed the energy pa- denly changes the incident triggered rity between the rational and arche- externally or committed intentionally typal meanings and values in the value- or unintentionally by one of its subjects. semantic construct of the behavioral Obviously, the resolution to the strategies our brain reduces the mental conflict follows with the condition of

245 the reduction of the activation of the tool which in turn pushes the competi- intensity of the conflict archetypes of tive interaction in the confrontation. the unconscious in the psyche of the All the strategies proposed by subjects of the interaction, which slows F. Glasl [4] provide for the intervention down or stops completely the biologi- of a higher status external entity that cal activator, as a result such archetypal stops the process of ranking of the par- meanings and values do not get enough ticipants of the interaction and hence energy for their realization. the activation in their unconscious This means that the use of any of the mental the conflict groups of arche- proposed by F. Glasl [4] conflict resolu- types. tion strategies leads to decreasing in in- That is, the vast majority of the tensity of the activation of the conflict proposed strategies for conflict resolu- archetypes of the unconscious in the tion in conflictology is effective and, psyche of the subjects of the interac- ultimately, were designed for the social tion. systems for biological models with one We will try to determine why this is mind in which the conflicts between happening. The situation of the inter- elements, according to [10], are solved action and its contexts activate certain within paternalism. sets of archetypes of the unconscious, In the systems with one mind of the which are based on the archetypes of biological model with several candi- low level — the biological level. Actu- dates for its role, which are in the pro- ally they are, in our opinion, able to run cess of ranking, are listed the strategies and maintain the maximum level job of for conflict resolution in principle that the biological activator. One group of can not be effective. A striking example these archetypes is directly related to of this is an attempt of the external the need for reproduction, including players to stop the hybrid aggression of the ranking of the males for the purpose one country on another of our time — of admission to this of the most power- any effort moderators, consultants, ful individuals in these environments. agents are ineffective in circumstances This mechanism, according to [2], is where the aggressor — one of the con- produced by nature for the survival of a flicting subjects do not recognizes the population with a sudden change in its higher status of any of the competitive life conditions. external subjects or any of their orga- That is the stay in a situation of nizations. This situation will continue interaction, which contains elements until the moment of recognition by the of competition and automatically ac- aggressor of the higher status of some- tivates the unconscious psyche of the one from the competitors or their orga- subjects of the interaction of the group nizations on the role of one mind in the of the mentioned archetypes, which im- global social system of the biological mediately launches the full effect of the model. Unfortunately, in our opinion, biological activator that fills the cre- effective solutions to this type of con- ated on their basis respective meanings flict in the biological systems models and values by the energy for initiation with an incomplete ranking process do and support of the conflict as a ranking not exist.

246 The multiclever systems of the so- and carrier of the group opinion in the cial model of the strategy offered by process of discussion because the group modern conflictology in principle are status, a position which he represents, unsuitable because, by definition, the remains for him always above the status elements of these systems interact as of any other subjects of the interaction. equals. The appearance in them at least Conclusions and recommenda- of one element of a higher status that tions for further research. The analysis was obtained in the process of ranking of the created archetypal model of the would mean the transformation of the emergence, escalation and resolution system to a system of biological model of the social conflict allowed to reveal with one mind. the mechanisms of its course, to estab- Therefore the construction of the lish the factors that push participants political organizations as multiclever in the competitive interaction in con- systems of the social model requires frontation, to show the role of the bio- fundamentally different approaches. In logical mechanisms of activation of the our opinion, they should be based on conflict and determine the conditions of the natural, biologically change due to stopping the destructive process of the the group dynamics, during which no fragmentation of the Ukrainian elite activation would occur in the above groups. mentioned conflict groups of arche- The Ukrainian political parties are types relating to the ranking as part of social biological model systems with breeding needs and translate competi- one mind in which, due to inconsisten- tive interaction in confrontation. cies of the habitual and current com- In our overview publication [11], ponents of the organizational culture, we presented our developed concept of hampers the process of the sacralization one such approach, which is organiz- of the leaders that prevents their abil- ing the group interaction of the sub- ity to realize the integrative function jects consisting of a large group at the of the internal conflicts in which they stage of clicks algorithms that would have power within organizations. ensure their cooperation in the process At the same time the differentiating of discussion and taking decision not feature of the internal organizational as individuals but as representatives of conflicts is implemented without in- the group opinion of the various previ- terference. This causes the continuous ously dissolved groups. This will keep fragmentation of the political organi- them interacting in an equal position zations of the Ukrainian elite groups, and prevent the initiation and mainte- which leads to their degradation, ato- nance of their ranking process, which mization and, as a result, failure to exer- is always accompanied by activation cise their authority functions. of the group conflict of archetypes in The destructive process of the frag- the unconscious and runs the biologi- mentation of the political organiza- cal activator for understanding the re- tions of the Ukrainian elite groups, levant meanings and values. It is almost the implementation of which provides impossible to provoke a conflict with the unbalanced differentiating feature a representative of a disbanded group of the internal organizational conflict

247 can be stopped only after the restruc- 6. Donchenko O. A. Archetypal Manage- turing into multiclever systems of the ment. Monograph / O. A. Donchenko; social model. It can be implemented National Academy of the Pedagogical through the appropriate algorithms of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Social the interaction between the members and Political Psychology. — Kirovo- grad: Imex-LTD, 2012. — 264 p. and the units of the political organiza- 7. Afonin E. A. Human Identity and Es- tions, which together constitute a vari- pecially Its Impact on Policy and able organizational structure that will Governance [Electronic resource] / provide a synergistic effect due to the E. A. Afonin // Conceptual Framework simultaneous mutually reinforcing of of the Interaction Policy and Manage- the habitual and current components ment: Training guidances / Auth. col. : inherent in the Ukrainian society of the E. A. Afonin, Ya. V. Berezhnyy, organizational culture. O. L. Valevski and others.; the general Further studies within this theme editing by V. A. Rebkala, V. A. Sha- should focus on studying the features hova, V. V. Holub, V. M. Kozakova; Na- tional Academy of Public Administra- of the interaction of the members of tion under the President of Ukraine. — the political organizations with varying K: NAPA, 2010. — P. 265–289. — Ac- organizational structure after the full- cess: length introduction. about/text/Konzept_zasadi.pdf 8. Afonin E. A. Monitoring the Results References of the Societal Changes in Ukrainian Society (1992–2012): Context Man- 1. Erica Regnet. Organizational Conflicts. agement and Education // Manage- Forms, Functions and Ways to Over- rial Competence High School Teacher: come / E. Regnet; Translation from Proceedings of international scientific German. — H.: Publishing House “Hu- conference of 14–15 March 2013. — manitarian Center”, 2014. — 2nd edi- Kyiv: NPU of M. P. Drahomanov, tion, revised. — 408 p. 2013. — 266 p. 2. Zhukov D. A. Wait, Who Leads? Biol- 9. Adizes I. Corporate Life Cycle Man- ogy of the Human Behavior and other agement / I. Adizes; Translation from Animals: in 2 volumes / D. Zhukov. — English by V. Kuzina. — M.: Publish- M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2014. ing house “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”, 3. Ross L. The Man and the Situation. 2014. — 512 p. Perspectives of Social Psychology / 10. Garaedagi J. System Thinking: How to L. Ross, R. Nisbett; Translation from Manage Chaos and Complex Process- English by V. V. Rumynski; Edited by es. Platform for Modeling Business Ar- E. N. Emelyanov, V. S. Maguna. — M.: chitecture / J. Garaedagi; Translation Aspect Press, 1999. — 429 p. from English E. I. Nedbalskaya; Scien- 4. Friedrich Glasl. Confronting Conflict: tific editor E. V. Kuznetsova. — Minsk: A First-Aid Kit for Handling Conflict Grevtsov Publisher, 2007. — 480 p. (Paperback) /Published by Hawthorn 11. Plakhtiy T. Republican Tradition as Press Ltd, United Kingdom (1999). the Organizational Ideal and Tools for 5. Donchenko O. A. Deep Regulatives of Its Implementation in Modern Politi- the Psychopolitical Everyday Life / cal [Electronic resource] / T. Plakhtiy. O. A. Donchenko, Yu. V. Romanenko. — (November 2016). — Access mode: htt- Kyiv: Lybid, 2001. — 334 p. ps://

248 UDC: 323.1

Ponomarenko Lyudmyla Viktorivna, Leading Specialist of the Section of Inter- national Cooperation Division, the Inter- national Relations Department, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 04050, Kyiv, 12/2, Puhachova Str., tel.: (097) 348 84 89, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335 Пономаренко Людмила Вікторівна, провідний фахівець відділу міжнародного співробітництва управління забезпечення міжнародних зв’язків, Національна ака- демія державного управління при Прези- дентові України, 04050, м. Київ, вул. Пу- гачова, 12/2, тел.: (097) 348 84 89, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335 Пономаренко Людмила Викторовна, ведущий специалист отдела международного сотрудничества управления обеспече- ния международных связей, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 04050, г. Киев, ул. Пугачева, 12/2, тел.: (097) 348 84 89, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335


Abstract. The article is an attempt to study the national idea as a symbolic prerequisite of the revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries. It was researched the role of the national idea in social transformation of the 21 st century. It was drawn a parallel between the events of 1917–1921 and 2014–2017. It was also studied the role of political leaders and powerful army in the state-building and in the effective implementation of the national idea. Understanding of the Ukrainian national idea was considered and the changes in the interpretation of the national idea in different periods of Ukrainian history were analyzed as well as the main factors that are necessary for implementation of the national idea. Keywords: national idea, leaders, army, nation.

249 НАЦІОНАЛЬНА ІДЕЯ ЯК СИМВОЛІЧНА ПЕРЕДУМОВА РЕВОЛЮЦІЙ ХІХ–ХХ ст. Й ЕКВІФІНАЛЬНА МОДЕЛЬ СУСПІЛЬНИХ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЙ ХХІ ст. Анотація. У статті досліджено національну ідею як символічну переду- мову революцій ХІХ–ХХ ст. Досліджено роль національної ідеї у суспіль- них трансформаціях ХХІ ст. Проведено паралелі між подіями 1917–1921 років та 2014–2017 років. Вивчено також роль політичних лідерів та боє- здатної армії в державотворенні та ефективному втіленні національної ідеї. Розглянуто розуміння української національної ідеї та проаналізова- но зміни у тлумаченні національної ідеї в різні періоди української історії, а також основні фактори, які є необхідними для втілення національної ідеї в життя. Ключові слова: національна ідея, лідери, армія, нація. НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ ИДЕЯ КАК СИМВОЛИЧЕСКАЯ ПРЕДПОСЫЛКА РЕВОЛЮЦИЙ ХIХ–ХХ ст. И ЭКВИФИНАЛЬНАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЙ ХХI ст. Аннотация. В статье исследована национальная идея как символическая предпосылка революций XIX–ХХ вв. Исследована роль национальной идеи в общественных трансформациях XXI века. Проведены параллели между событиями 1917–1921 годов и 2014–2017 годов. Изучена также роль политических лидеров и боеспособной армии в создании государства и эффективном воплощении национальной идеи. Рассмотрено понимание украинской национальной идеи и проанализированы изменения в толко- вании национальной идеи в разные периоды украинской истории, а также основные факторы, необходимые для воплощения национальной идеи в жизнь. Ключевые слова: национальная идея, лидеры, армия, нация.

Target setting. The issue of the na- an evidence of the activation process of tional idea has haunted the Ukrainian self-discovery of the Ukrainian nation, patriots and theorists of the statehood comprehension of own destination, ob- for a long time. The national idea con- jective of the existence. Having defined ceals the driving force of the national the national idea, in fact the archetypal liberation movement, aspirations of the aspirations of the nation, we can talk entire nation are encrypted in it and a about the further process of state and key to the changes that are able to re- nation building. verse the course of history are hidden Analysis of recent research and inside of it. publications. National idea was stud- Growing interest to the national ied by a huge number of researchers idea and attempts to comprehend it are and scholars. “Father of the nation”

250 Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, who left a and fighters for their own ideas, for great literary heritage, one of the theo- others — experts in the aerospace in- rists of Dmytro dustry, IT and nuclear industry, for Dontsov and Viacheslav Lypynskyi the third ones — singers, sportsmen are worth of special mentioning [1–3]. and artists. Yet all of it belongs to ex- Today, the issue of national ideas is re- ternal and changing features. Today or searched not only by scholars but by a few decades ago, or even a few hun- journalists, managers, historians as dred years ago the Ukrainians have well [4]. Special attention should be been united by one aspiration that is given to national idea as a prerequisite far from the loud slogans and colourful for revolutions and social transforma- banners. Poetry was written and songs tion. were composed about it, people went to The purpose of the article is to de- death and into exile for it, because of it termine the role of the national idea hundreds of thousands of the Ukraini- in the revolutionary processes and so- ans were exterminated, forcing them to cial transformations on the territory of renounce their own language, religion, Ukraine. culture and history. And to replace the The statement of basic materials. primordial Ukrainian values with arti- National idea and its underlying arche- ficial substitutes, fabricated and filtered types, formed during the centuries of through a thick ideological sieve. the nation’s existence are quite multi- Not one pen was written off and ma- faceted, as the whole Ukrainian nation ny verbal swords were crossed to deter- is as multifaceted and sometimes con- mine for what there were ages of strug- troversial. Flow of centuries is not able gle on Ukrainian soil, what is inside to change the essence of the people. the concept of Motherland for every This is a base for stereotypes, template Ukrainian, what are their aspirations ideas about a particular nation. Some and what is worth to fight for. How- of them are hard-working and punc- ever, it seems that common for many tual, others are skilled in the distillery is the idea of a peaceful, prosperous life and in communication with the ladies, on their “God-given land”, not look- and third ones are traditionalists and ing at the neighbour, either from East respect the property of their history or West, working and getting deserved etc. And someone continues the expan- reward for their work, creating a fam- sionist wars for centuries and blends ily and raising children, remembering the nation into a single bloody mess. own history, respecting own culture Not always positive, sometimes limited and language. or offensive, often wrong, sometimes All of it has been the national idea, flimsy, particular for their own, but the driving force of the national libera- largely having the right to exist. Time tion struggle, insurgency movement passes, the essence does not change. and silent passive standoff that lasted Ukraine and the Ukrainians also on Ukrainian lands till gaining of in- have some stereotypical reflection dependence of Ukraine. These simple in the eyes of foreigners. For some of things have been topical in Cossacks them the Ukrainians are rebels, soldiers age, in the UNR (the Ukrainian Peo-

251 ple’s Republic or Ukrainian National complex for the state and for the peo- Republic) times and today. The reali- ple stages of history the national idea ties change, human aspirations remain begins to play an important role, based the same. on the archetypes of consciousness, History shows that since the end which distinguish one nation from an- of Kyivan Rus era our lands changed other. In times of upheaval people re- their owners for many times, they were ject everything artificial, everything divided, sold, invaded and violated. unnecessary and determine for them- Life with some masters was better, selves the priorities which are the na- with others — worse, but the Ukraini- tional idea. ans have never resigned to the idea to For centuries, without their own live on their own land and not be its state, the Ukrainians remained the na- owner. Hence the endless wars, rebel- tion, united by the desire to live inde- lions, struggle. This is not a consumer, pendently on their own land, free to mercantile approach — to live where it create and work, to adhere to the tra- is better, an approach that is practiced ditions handed down from forefathers nowadays by many Ukrainians, and and to grow up children in respect to not only Ukrainians, who leave their their past, their customs and traditions. parental home on their own will and go The national liberation struggle can to travel the world, searching for a bet- be suppressed but not suffocated. Coal ter life. It is about a conscious choice to will smoulder under the ashes until the build your future and the future of your wood is thrown to it. This is what hap- children on your native land, whatever pened in 1917 when the national ideas the cost, even if it is measured by wan- that flickered in the Ukrainian people derings and struggle. flashed especially brightly, probably for None of the masters who tried to the first time so powerfully since the run things here were interested to keep Cossack era. people’s national memory: to follow That was the turning point of the customs, pass cultural heritage, deve- era, the time of fall of the old empires lop language. On the contrary, every- and the creation of the new ones. The thing possible was done to remain the time when bold initiatives give the re- whole nation rightless, illiterate, with- sult and decisive actions alter the flow out own language, religion and tradi- of history. At the same time, it was a pe- tions. For centuries, the enemies tried riod of frustration and defeat, unjusti- to eradicate everything unique that fied hopes and dispelled illusions. was typical to Ukrainian culture. History likes to repeat itself. And However, despite the fact that the the Ukrainians have got an opportu- centuries of selection have given the nity to experience a repetition of his- bitter in its wealth harvest, but they tory not from the first row but as direct failed to eradicate the Cossack spirit in participants. However, the Ukrainians the Ukrainian people, they didn’t turn stubbornly refuse to draw conclusions the nation into population. that are badly needed. Recognition of In times of upheaval people’s true the problem, of certain dependence or nature always becomes clear. In the disease, is the first step to recovery.

252 The dizzying changes of 1917–1921 fact, unjustified high expectations for can be compared with as intense pe- the European allies, struck the defence riod of 2014–2017. Unprecedented for of the Ukrainian state painfully both a long time revival of national move- now and centuries ago. And the Ukrai- ments, active self-awareness and acti- nians had to deal with their problems vation of state-building processes unite on their own. two periods of Ukrainian history, sepa- Ukraine has inherited from the So- rated by a century. viet Union the most powerful army in Building of the Ukrainian state that Europe at that time, equipped, among was begun in 1917 and social processes other things, with nuclear weapon. aimed at restarting of state-building The number of the inherited army was processes in 2013–2014 caused equally about 980 thousand people [8]. How- indignant reaction from the Eastern ever, a systematic reduction of person- neighbour who got used to consider nel and public funding of the Armed himself the sole manager of the Ukrai- Forces of Ukraine led to the fact that nian lands and did not wish to release in 2013 spending on defence industry the Ukrainians from his zone of influ- was less than 1 % of GDP, and size of ence. The result of it was in armed ag- the army was 165,5 thousand people, gression. including 120,9 thousand soldiers [7]. In December 1917, after the occu- Poorly equipped with outdated weap- pation of Kharkov by the Red Guard on and equipment and with a weak detached unit, the invaders created military training. the puppet Central Executive Com- According to various estimates, in mittee which called on the Council of 1918 the size of the Ukrainian army People’s Commissars for help, as a re- reached about 300 thousand people [6]. sult the thirty thousand of the Russian However, a short-sighted state poli- Bolshevik army launched an offensive cy led to the situation that the newly on Kyiv [5]. The same thing happened created state found itself without an in 2014 when the agitators under Mos- army at a time of crisis: some military cow’s control began to call for bring- unit were disbanded and the others ing Russian troops into the territory of switched to the side of the Bolsheviks. Ukraine. The problem of desertion, treason in The UNR which positioned itself as the ranks of the Ukrainian army has an exceptionally peaceful state did not not lost its relevance over the past cen- expect the invasion of a rabid horde tury. And in 2014, many traitors easily which broke in the Ukrainian lands changed stripes on their military uni- with the call to kill the Ukrainians [6]. form, betraying the oath and showing An independent Ukraine with its non- contempt for the people and the land bloc status and already cancelled con- they once promised to protect. The scription was also practically defence- Concept of Ideological Work in the less and confused before the invader of early 2013 who knew no hesitation and regrets. was adopted too late, it became appar- The unfit for action army, the dis- ent a year later when desertion in the cord in the governing bodies and, in ranks of the Ukrainian army, in par-

253 ticular its naval forces, became a heavy The Ukrainians remembered what blow to the Ukrainian state [7]. their ancestors were fighting for and Lack of proper ideological prepara- realized how close they came to the tion and readiness to defend their peo- loss of the state. Protection of their ple against any external attack, what- state, defence of own interests, well- ever the threat, is fatal for the combat being on their land become the new effectiveness of the army and the future national idea which united people. If of the state that should be protected by in the 19th and 20th centuries the na- such army. Weakness of the ideological tional idea was focused on obtaining positions has repeatedly played against of a separate, independent Ukrainian the Ukrainians, sow discord, under- state, the recent history has set a new mined the morale of those who were task — to keep the Ukrainian state and ready to fight for Ukraine till the very to defend the inviolability of its bor- end. ders, protect the , Fortunately, patriotic education has keep their own spirituality and tradi- begun to revive. And if during the first tions, revive ancestral Ukrainian val- two decades of independence attention ues and, which is also very important, to the patriotic education was paid to clean the ranks of traitors who di- mainly in the Western regions, now it rectly or covertly are trying to harm has received geographical spread in all the national interests and play along regions of Ukraine. with the enemy. Significantly, the most effective in The state is impossible without an fighting with traitors in their ranks army. It is an axiom. One can be confi- were the . Death dent in own security only when behind was not only the payment for betrayal your back, behind the back of your peo- but also a good mean of prevention for ple there is a powerful, combat effec- others who were tempted to switch tive army that knows exactly who she sides. is protecting. Instinct of defender sits Moscow likes to use its opponent’s deep in the subconscious of a Ukrai- weakness, especially military weak- nian, in the archetype of his behaviour. ness. The military confrontation re- Protection of the family, house, land, minded to the two nations about the people and Motherland was a power- profound conflict which existed be- ful driving force behind the volunteer tween us for centuries. Internal, hid- movement which kept the next horde den hostility broke out in undisguised invasion out of Ukrainian land. They aggression, recalled all the painful and went there not for rewards or money bloody pages of the common history, but for their own ideals because no one all the harassment experienced by the but them could do it. Ukrainian people from the neighbour Each time, turning their backs to who fully inherited the horde cruelty Moscow, the Ukrainians received from from distant ancestors from the Asian it a stab in the back. And each time steppes and numerous tribes that had they managed to react only due to the inhabited the lands of modern Russia loyalty and sacrifice of the ordinary many centuries ago. Ukrainians.

254 In 2014, the first-strike attack, the reconsidering their values, turning to hardest burden of resistance during the their roots, becoming aware of own de- incapacity of government was taken scent from a great family, which has a over by the volunteers, as once by the glorious history. students near Kruty. Both selflessly For the Ukrainians, the national responded to the call to defend the idea is the embodiment of our aspira- Motherland knowing that they are go- tions, the better future to which we ing to fight at their own peril and risk, must aspire and for which we must realizing that there can be no return. fight. The history is unequivocal: having Complex processes of state-build- destroyed the desperate defenders of ing are clearly reflected in the modern Kruty, the enemy regrouped and soon Ukrainian society. All shortcomings, entered Kyiv. However, the history of heterogeneity of opinions, own self- 2014 went another way. And it hap- ish interests, indifference and greed pened most likely because behind the that are inherent to individual Ukrai- volunteers who were directly holding nians are reflected in those leaders we the weapon in their hands, there was a choose. Every nation has the leaders it whole nation that not only wanted to deserves. help, as in 1918, but was also able to do In general, the issue of Ukrainian it. It fully realized the menace of the leaders, the Ukrainian elite is rather reoccupation of the Ukrainian lands. complicated. It is not only that we tra- The danger, in which the state and all ditionally have three hetmans for two its citizens have been, activated the ar- Ukrainians. Moreover, the quality of chetype of the defender in the public these “hetmans” often leaves much to consciousness. be desired. The age of information technologies, Remembering Hrushevskyi and electronic money transfers, high-speed Vynnychenko, we can talk about them transport communications has done its as idealists who sought to build a state job: ordinary Ukrainians have provid- that would exist in peace and mutual ed a solid back areas for their defenders understanding with its neighbours. Be- and to the weapons distributed by the ing educated, intelligent people, they state, they gave uniform, medicines, expected their eastern opponents to be food and, most importantly, colossal the same. People with whom one can psychological support. Old and small, conduct a dialogue, negotiate, make women and young people, everyone arrangements. However, furious, hun- was able to make their contribution, to gry proletariat could not and did not make sure that the modern “defenders want to be able to conduct a dialogue, of Kruty” got the help. The mechanism seeking only mythical revenge on those has started to work, with a scratch, re- who did not resemble them, stood out. sistance, strained but progressively and Godless robbery of the Ukrainian lands purposefully. carried out by the Moscow horde both The people who have gained inde- during the tsarist period and during the pendence at the dawn of the 1990s too seizure of the Ukrainian lands after the easily learned again to appreciate it, October Uprising and further in the

255 Soviet times testifies about the instinct where they were working and creat- to plunder and batten. And the word ing not for the benefit of their Mother- “intelligence” most soldiers and sailors, land but for certain mythical equality who suddenly found themselves in ex- and mythical better future, to which ecutive positions, were hardly able to the multi-million state was led by write. Ulianov’s ideals. If we remembered our own his- The Ukrainians were sequentially tory better, we would never rely on turned into average “Soviet man” who the promises of the Eastern neighbour thought and acted according to the who demonstrated its barbaric, horde yet another solution of the yet another face too often. Rejected international Communist Party Congress. The fate promises and guarantees, mean inva- of those who did not want to align with sion, humiliation and abuse of indig- silent ruck was tragic: “Executed Re- enous population, hypocrisy on the naissance”, Holodomors, prohibition international scene, “green corridors” of the Ukrainian language and church, executed by shooting and outright lies forced relocation, Gulag etc. The back- through the media — it was all before, bone of the nation had been breaking in other forms and in other historical purposefully and systematically. It is scenery but it was and the characters easier to deal with slaves than with were the same. educated people who can and who will The conflict that exists between the defend the interests of their own peo- Ukrainian and Russian people has a ple. very long and deep nature. It is likely Extermination of the Ukrainian in- that its archetypal roots date back to telligentsia could not end without con- the times of Kyivan Rus and are related sequences. If the 19th — the beginning to the competition that the remote pat- of the 20th century could be character- rimony of the prince’s younger son tried ized as the flowering of Ukrainian lit- to provide to the prince’s capital in erature, art and theatre, the Ukrainian Kyiv. Centuries were spent by Mosco- intelligentsia after the declaration of via on self-assertion through looting independence in 1991, or whatever left of the lands of Kyivan Rus, which later of it, was so demoralized that it could became Ukrainian, through distortions not really influence the development of and juggling with facts, attempts to as- its own state. Most of those who came sign the neighbouring state’s history to power in the newest Ukrainian his- and denial of their own roots which are tory were like those Bolsheviks who remote from Kyiv. Due to a painful de- broke into Ukrainian lands with hun- sire to dominate and conquer. gry eyes, full of the desire to snatch as Difficulties with the search of the much of the Ukrainian riches as pos- Ukrainian Lee Kuan Yew or John F. sible. Kennedy are connected with the Mos- Only with decent leaders it is pos- cow policy in our lands during the So- sible to become a master of our own viet period. All young people who had land and make enemies stay away from scientific, artistic or managerial skills these lands, rightly expecting a strong were beckoned to the Russian capital, rebuff to any encroachment.

256 Being conscious of self as a part of cut arts funding to help the war effort, the nation, having seen the goal that he was indignant and asked what then has activated the whole country, the they were fighting for [10]. Such ap- Ukrainians began to work towards proach is very relevant for Ukraine. If achievement of this goal. Unfortunate- we do not take care of authentic Ukrai- ly, not all citizens of Ukraine were able nian culture, traditions, do not support to see a Ukrainian in themselves and to the development of science and tech- overcome their thirst for self-enrich- nology, then what exactly, what coun- ment. Yet, there are many traitors and try we strive to defend? mankurts who walk along the Ukrai- Conclusions. The national idea nian streets and sit in government of- is the driving force behind the de- fices. Hence the discontent of the peo- velopment of the nation. Work on its ple, hence the slip in the changes and implementation cannot be completed reforms. because it is an endless process that Until a critical mass of population can only slightly change its direction realizes itself as people, nation, there depending on those social processes will be no result. Ukraine should finally through which the nation passes. throw off the shackles of tolerance and Further processes of state-building indecision, and see its ancient roots in Ukraine are impossible without the of a great nation. Citing Viacheslav comprehension of the national idea, Chornovil, one can say that “national those archetypes that were laid in it idea means to build a state based on in- during Ukrainian history. Being con- digenous nation. Indigenous nation is scious of self and of the aspirations of Ukrainian nation” [9]. your people is the first step towards An independent Ukrainian state is their implementation. To the impor- obliged to have a state language that tant elements that are necessary for reigns in all the spheres of life without the implementation of the national exception, independent church which idea belong the thinking intelligentsia, supports its own people not only in responsible managerial elite and pow- peacetime but also in wartime, a pow- erful army. Further academic research erful army that knows whom it defends should be continued in this direction. and stands up to the end. And an inde- pendent Ukrainian state in the person of its officials must remember that not References only economic indicators determine 1. Works by M. Hrushevskyi in the funds the welfare of their country. In order of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Uni- to live, function and breath the state versal Scientific Library named after needs to develop its culture, art, educa- I. Franco [Electronic resource]. — tion and sport. After so many years of Access mode: hib/1473935016.html neglect they need state support. Nowa- 2. Bibliography of Dmitry Dontsov’s days, people often recall a phrase the works [Electronic resource]. – Access origin of which is attributed to Win- mode: ston Churchill. Supposedly, during Dontsov/Bibliohrafiia_tvoriv_Dmy- World War II, when he was offered to tra_Dontsova.pdf

257 3. Viacheslav Lypynskyi: a figure on the resource]. — Access mode: http://in- background of the era. Bibliographic index of literature [Electronic re- -rosiyska-vesna-1918-roku-ukrayinu- source]. — Access mode: http://biog- priednuvali-do-srsr.html 7. History of the Armed Forces of ogr/2145.pdf Ukraine [Electronic resource]. — Ac- 4. Ukrainian national idea. List of litera- cess mode: ture from the Vernadsky National ministry/istoriya.html Library of Ukraine funds and electro- 8. Lazorkin V. Armed Forces of Ukraine: nic resources (2006–2014) [Electro- 1991-2001 [Electronic resource]. — nic resource]. — Access mode: Access mode: http://universum.lviv. ua/journal/2011/6/lazork.htm option=com_content& view=article& 9. Viacheslav Chornovil: “God grant us to id=1095:ukrajinska-natsionalna- love Ukraine more than anything else ideya&catid=132&Itemid=469 today” [Electronic resource]. — Access 5. Soviet-Ukrainian War 1917-21 [Elec- mode: tronic resource]. — Access mode: position/vyacheslav-chornovil/ http://www.xn----7sbabirvo2ammd- 10. Viacheslav Kyrylenko: “During the dtcfe8b2a.xn--j1amh/ru/history/rus- war culture cannot stand aside” [Elec- ukraine/soviet-vs-ukraine-1917-21. tronic resource]. — Access mode: html ^ 6. “Russian spring” of 1918. Ukraine was yacheslav-kirilenko-pid-chas-viyni- annexed to the USSR under the slogan kultura-ne-mozhe-stoyati-ostoron-_. “Death to Ukrainians!” [Electronic html

258 UDC:728

Romanenko Yevhen Aleksandrovych, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Presi- dent of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in public administration, Head of the Department of Public Administration, Inter- regional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometovskaya, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Романенко Євген Олександрович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, Заслужений юрист України, Президент Всеукраїнської асамблеї док- торів наук з державного управління, заві- дувач кафедри публічного адмініструван- ня, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фроме- тівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Романенко Евгений Александрович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, профессор, Заслуженный юрист Украины, Президент Всеукраинской ас- самблеи докторов наук по государствен- ному управлению, заведующий кафедрой публичного администрирования, Межре- гиональная Академия управления персо- налом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Chaplay Iryna Vіtalіivna, PhD in Public Administration, Executive Di- rector of the Presidium of the civic scientific organization, “Ukrainian Assembly of doc- tors of science in public administration”, As- sistant professor of the Department of Pub- lic Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometovskaya, 2, (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління, Виконавчий директор Президії Всеукраїн- ської асамблеї докторів наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри публічного ад-

259 міністрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 Чаплай Ирина Витальевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, Исполнительный директор Президиума Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 Hurkovskyy Vladimir Іgorovich, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the Dept. of Information Policy and Electronic Governance, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Eugene Pottier, 20, Apt. 215, tel.: (044) 455-69-66, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204 Гурковський Володимир Ігорович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор кафедри інформаційної політики та електронного урядування, Національна академія державного управління при Прези- дентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, кімн. 215, тел.: (044) 455-69-66, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204 Гурковский Владимир Игоревич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор кафедры информацион- ной политики и электронного управления, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, комн. 215, тел.: (044) 455-69-66, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204


Abstract. In the article its determined that instruments of prospective mar- keting communications are an effective means of providing to the mechanisms

260 of public administration the dynamics of development, trends of which should meet the complex of needs and requests of citizens-consumers; analysed the features of formation and development; indicated on that marketing provides communications, eventually, more gravity toward the formation of civil society through democratization of governance mechanisms. Keywords: marketing communications, public administration, archetypal ap- proach, civil society and the state.

ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНА ІДЕНТИФІКАЦІЯ ПОНЯТТЯ “МАРКЕТИНГОВА КОМУНІКАЦІЯ” (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. У статті визначено, що інструменти перспективних марке- тингових комунікацій становлять ефективні засоби надання механізмам державного управління динаміки розвитку, напрями якого повинні відпо- відати комплексу потреб та запитів громадян-споживачів; проаналізовано особливості їхнього становлення та розвитку; вказано, що маркетингові ко- мунікації забезпечують врешті-решт все більше тяжіння в бік формування громадянського суспільства через демократизацію механізмів державного управління. Ключові слова: маркетингові комунікації, державне управління, архе- типний підхід, громадянське суспільство, держава. ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ПОНЯТИЯ “МАРКЕТИНГОВЫЕ КОММУНИКАЦИИ” (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. В статье определено, что инструменты перспективных мар- кетинговых коммуникаций составляют эффективные средства оказания механизмам государственного управления динамики развития, направле- ния которого должны соответствовать комплексу потребностей и запросов граждан-потребителей; проанализированы особенности их становления и развития; указано, что маркетинговые коммуникации обеспечивают в конце концов все большее тяготение в сторону формирования гражданского обще- ства через демократизацию механизмов государственного управления. Ключевые слова: маркетинговые коммуникации, государственное управление, архетипический подход, гражданское общество, государство.

Target setting. Today, the issue of munication structures and processes public-civil partnership becomes of na- that led to a change in the social and tional importance. communicative environment of a mod- The use of modern means of commu- ern democratic society. nication, in this case, is the subject of During the last quarter of the centu- research and development of new com- ry, marketing shows a strong tendency

261 to expand of their approaches, ways of from the theory and practice of various thinking, and communicative technolo- scientific schools of public administra- gies in activity of state bodies. That is tion and marketing [1, р. 107]. why it is important to evaluate the real 2. Marketing communications is a prerequisites of the use of marketing set of related marketing tools that per- communications in government, but form information, teamwork, integra- also summarize some of the trends of tion and persuasive role in government. their development and formation. Inside the body of the government Analysis of the recent publica- plays an important role hierarchical tions. Some theoretical and practical division of responsibilities between principles of the use of marketing com- employees, forming the specific needs munications in the mechanisms of gov- of communications, community and ernance explored in the works of such two sided intentions of the workers, scholars as V. Homolska, S. Dubenko, especially the rules of communication. A. Ivanytska, I. Koliushko, Kravchen- Hierarchical system of communication, ko, S. Martov, R. Naumenko, M. Okla- writ-prescriptive should be reformat- nder, K. Romanenko, Y. Romanenko, ted to the system socially determined Y. Romat, V. Tymoshchuk, T. Fedorov, by the needs and demands of citizens’ I. Chaplay and others. communications [2]. The purpose of the article is the 3. Marketing communications as the reasoning of the archetypal approach to system has its functions, methods, tasks theoretical and methodological deter- for implementation types. The main mination of the definition of "market- functions of marketing communica- ing communications." tions are the following: The main material research. Ad- • information — the transfer of data equate understanding of the essence of from public authorities to citizens; marketing communications is essential • interactive (motivational) — the in today’s conditions because it can cor- interaction between citizens and public rectly identify goals, objectives, types services, coordination, impact on atti- and their function as a means of bring- tudes and beliefs, behavior, through the ing of the activity of the central and lo- use of various forms of influence and cal government bodies and their appa- manipulation; ratus in the line with the needs of social • perceptive — public perception of groups, acting as against the object of the media and the establishment on this said activity. basis of understanding; The results of the study lead to the • expressive — the changing nature following conclusions: of excitation or emotional unrest of cit- 1. Among the scientists, marketing izens [3]. specialists from the state marketing has Under the methods of marketing no universally accepted definition of communication a set of means of com- the term “marketing communications”. munication influence that provides Marketing communications are con- administrative reform by the social sidered as philosophy and tools of the content and system-procedural na- activity of public authorities, resulting ture is understand. And then there is

262 the mechanism of gradual orientation nator can give a correct assessment of of public administration in general, on how clearly and effectively it communi- the needs of society and social actors. cates and, therefore, increase the work It provides, in the end, more gravity of signals [7]. toward the formation of civil society The second type — a small group through the democratization of gover- communication. Typically, these groups nance. formed with several people who receive However, because of this process is or send some information. Often in overcome of insertions of the shares of the mechanisms of government small improvement of new tools of marketing groups called “departments” or “divi- communication of public administra- sions”. Departments and divisions are tion. So this is not about narrowing of important for state and local agencies, the functions of government, but rather because of their activities in a large ex- of giving it a social dimension in the tent depends the effectiveness of the context of the formation of social and mechanisms of governance. market factors of management activi- The third type — public communica- ties [4; 5]. tion. In this type of communication one Regarding of the tasks of implemen- speaker transmits announcement to the tation of marketing communications, audience where feedback is practically they require the formation and further nonexistent. Public communication providing of the scientific foundation of links are quite common in the mecha- the realization of principles and mecha- nisms of government as meetings, con- nisms of government by the marketing ferences, ceremonies and simple assem- communications, based on the achieve- bly. ments of modern ICT world level [6]. The fourth type — internal opera- Consider some types of marketing tional communication. This is struc- communications that currently allow tured communication within the de- to provide the exchange of information. partment, that directly aimed on the The first type — interpersonal. At achieving of the objectives of gover- this stage, the main task of commu- nance mechanisms in the form of indi- nication is the transfer of data and in- vidual development plans. formation from one person to another. Fifth — communications networks. In the mechanisms of governance this Network are created directly by man- interpersonal exchange process is most agers and consist of three types of com- important, since clearly perfected the munication: diagonal, horizontal and system allows to instantly react on the vertical. These links can be established slightest change, search and posing of between the leadership and carried out new challenges. All this allows qualita- between parts of the structure or equal tively coordinate goals and objectives to the level of individuals. The net- with employees. In terms of interper- work of this relationships forms the real sonal communication feedback plays structure of governance mechanisms. the main role. This feedback makes The objective of this structure — to two-way communication process. With provide to the communication flows the help of feedback manager or coordi- right direction. If the management will

263 be able correctly calculate and create a ercise feedback and adjust goals and certain network, you can see how well stages of activity of public authorities; developed communication and how 2. All functions and types of com- they affect on the management of the munication — essential elements of system of public administration in gen- the making of activities of government eral [7]. agencies; One of the main points is that the 3. Managers and subordinates human communication takes place via should make communication as the verbal and nonverbal communication. main condition on the way of achieving In verbal communication information efficiency in their operations [9]. is transmitted in different ways: in the Thus, if state employees are paid dialogue, in negotiations, meetings, enough attention to all the subtleties of telephone conversations, that is when communication and improve their skills the largest amount of relevant infor- in this area, the work with population mation is passed to each other through of the public will be faster and better, voice communication. communication transfer becomes more It’s no secret that the man during correct and meaningful, many processes intercourse, uses only 10 % of the deve- in the mechanisms of government will loped communications. Non-verbal com- be accelerated [10]. munication made through speech and Summarizing the existing approach- language of gestures. Language of the es to the definition of marketing com- gestures — the main component of non- munications, their features we can dis- verbal communication, because it uses tinguish their general specific features up to 55 % of all communications. To the used in the system of public administra- body language is possible to include ev- tion (Table). erything that we experience during the Due to the development of pros- eye contact, gestures, posture, posture, pects of marketing communications, facial expressions, gestures, the distance they need to be addressed as issues of between those who speak. management by them at the state and Possesses by the professional skills corporate levels, and clarifying of the of the work of non-verbal communica- question: what should be the right to be tion, public servants can achieve high able to effectively regulate social rela- quality of interaction with each other tions in cyberspace. using a communication connection for As the D. V. Kislov stresed, its pos- all types for the negotiation, because sible that simultaneously with the de- the lack of self-control of communica- velopment of the theory and practice of tions is often the main obstacle on the network rights its necessary to develop way of achieving of the effective activ- a theory of network marketing commu- ity of the governance mechanisms [8]. nications [6]. This theory has already Important aspects of communica- started to be developed in Russia: it tion in public administration mecha- offers for providing of network mar- nisms are: keting communications, not passive 1. Without communication cannot instruments use “card” and personal produce and execute solutions, to ex- terminals that can ensure the preser-

264 № General specific features of marketing communications in public administration 1 is a function of social regulation of public administration from the standpoint of value creation for blog 2 identification of the interests and requests of citizens, and as a result, a focus on provid- ing of the the entire complex of needs of the population 3 non-market nature of the relationship, which is due mediation of exchange, and focus on achieving marketing communications meet the needs and expectations of broad social groups 4 limitations in the means and resource capabilities as marketing communications in government depend on budget financing 5 magnitude in scope and tend to settle on a long periods 6 stable conditions for the implementation of marketing communications in government than in commercial sphere 7 establish effective social communication 8 Depending on the decisions of state bodies and political situation Source: author’s research results vation and processing of information, quent implementation, the focus should interaction with owners and entrepre- be paid to ensuring of the full use of ac- neurs. These terminals provide an op- curate, comprehensive and timely in- portunity to discuss the proposals with formation in all areas of public admini- both consumers and other subjects of stration. Their use, every year, should network in real time. lead to the convergence of public to the Thus, actively marketing communi- government bodies, allowing each inde- cations tool is applied that can be used pendently and process information, to at home, at work, on the move, any- participate directly in the discussion of where for the direct feedback with all the public concerned draft documents structures of such network marketing submitted for this by the government. communications. Conclusions. So, summarizing the References outcomes of investigation of the main 1. Егорова С. Оценка методик марке- theoretical and methodological foun- тингового анализа // Проблемы dations of marketing, we found that теории и практики управления. — they use involve the implementation № 1. — 2006. — С. 106–116. of a much more coherent, simple and 2. Маркетингові комунікації [Елек- personalized approach in the process of тронний ресурс]. — Режим досту- delivering of public services and infor- пу: mation to the public which means re- marketingov-komun-kac.html 3. Примак Т. О. Маркетингова полі- structuring of the functioning of state тика комунікацій: навч. посіб. / institutions and their interaction with Т. О. Примак. — К. : Атіка; Ельга-Н, citizens, private companies and own 2009. — 328 с. employees. 4. Малащук С. П. Організаційно-пра- During the implementing of market- вові засади стратегічного менедж- ing communications and their subse- менту в державному управлінні /

265 С. П. Малащук // Актуальні про- 8. Каймакова М. В. Коммуникации в блеми держ. упр. — К., 2000. — организации. — Ульяновск: УлГТУ, № 2. — С. 65–69. 2008. 5. Мартиненко В. М. Процес реформу- 9. Руднева Н. В., Герасимов В. О. вання державного управління: цілі, Повышение эффективности ра- предмет та способи організації / боты персонала в органах государ- В. М. Мартиненко // Актуальні ственной и муниципальной власти проблеми держ. упр. — Х., 2001. — в современной России // Эконо- № 3. — С. 37–43. мика и современный менеджмент: 6. Кіслов Д. Система маркетингових теория и практика. — 2014. — комунікацій у державному управ- № 37. лінні / Д. Кіслов // Вісн. Київ. нац. 10. Про забезпечення умов для більш торговельно-економічного ун-ту. — широкої участі громадськості у 2013. — № 1. — С. 29–38. — Режим формуванні та реалізації державної доступу: політики [Електронний ресурс] : Vknteu_2013_1_5.pdf Указ Президента України від 31 7. Фролов С. С. Социология органи- лип. 2004 р. № 854. — Режим досту- заций: учебник. — М.: Гардарики, пу: 2011. show/854/2004

266 UDC: 351.74:316.48

Rybaklycheva Olga Zainievna, PhD of law, Associate Professor, Head of educational-methodical Department of the Academy of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Belarus (Belarus), Doctoral stu- dent of the Faculty of law, Belarusian State University, 220005, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Masherov Ave, 6, tel.: +37529 341 22 94, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8609-4495 Рибаключева Ольга Зайнієвна, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, на- чальник навчально-методичного відділу установи освіти “Академія Міністер- ства внутрішніх справ Республіки Біло- русь”, докторант юридичного факульте- ту, Білоруський державний університет, 220005, Республіка Білорусь, м. Мінськ, пр. Машерова, 6, тел.: +37529 341 22 94, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8609-4495 Рыбаключева Ольга Зайниевна, кандидат юридических наук, доцент, начальник учебно-методического отдела учре- ждения образования “Академия Министерства внутренних дел Республики Беларусь”, докторант юридического факультета, Белорусский государственный университет, 220005, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, пр. Машерова, 6, тел.: +37529 341 22 94, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8609-4495


Abstract. The organizational and managerial and social conflicts in the work with the cadres in the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Belarus are inves- tigated, the possibility of their regulation by administrative and legal norms in the context of the archetypal approach. Keywords: archetype, archetypal strategy, work with cadres, internal affairs bodies, administrative and legal norms, social conflicts, organizational and mana- gerial conflicts.

267 АРХЕТИПНА СТРАТЕГІЯ ВИРІШЕННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ В РОБОТІ З КАДРАМИ ОРГАНІВ ВНУТРІШНІХ СПРАВ РЕСПУБЛІКИ БІЛОРУСЬ Анотація. Досліджено організаційно-управлінські та соціальні конфлік- ти в роботі з кадрами в органах внутрішніх справ Республіки Білорусь. Про- аналізовано можливість їх регулювання адміністративно-правовими норма- ми в контексті архетипного підходу. Ключові слова: архетип, архетипна стратегія, робота з кадрами, органи внутрішніх справ, адміністративно-правові норми, соціальні конфлікти, ор- ганізаційно-управлінські конфлікти. АРХЕТИПНАЯ СТРАТЕГИЯ РЕШЕНИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ КОНФЛИКТОВ В РАБОТЕ С КАДРАМИ ОРГАНОВ ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ Аннотация. Исследованы организационно-управленческие и социаль- ные конфликты в работе с кадрами в органах внутренних дел Республики Беларусь. Проанализирована возможность их регулирования администра- тивно-правовыми нормами в контексте архетипного подхода. Ключевые слова: архетип, архетипная стратегия, работа с кадрами, ор- ганы внутренних дел, административно-правовые нормы, социальные кон- фликты, организационно-управленческие конфликты.

Target setting. The Internal Af- work with the personnel in the Inter- fairs Bodies of the Republic of Be- nal Affairs Bodies in the current situ- larus (hereinafter ‘the Internal Affairs ation in the Republic of Belarus. Un- Bodies’) are part of the national secu- doubtedly, work with personnel is one rity system of the Republic of Belarus. of the conflict-related types of activity, They are called upon to combat crime, since it refers to the system of ‘person- protect public order and ensure public to-person’ interaction. Regard to the safety of the Republic of Belarus. The activities of the Organs of Internal effectiveness of performed tasks by the Affairs, work with personnel deserves Internal Affairs Bodies depends greatly special attention, because it is aimed at on the professionalism and competence ensuring national security, improving of staff of the Internal Affairs Bodies the quality and efficiency of the tasks (hereinafter ‘the Police Officers’). facing the Internal Affairs Bodies. The optimization of the law en- Analysis of recent research and forcement bodies becomes increasingly publications. The subject of this ar- important to develop new approaches ticle provides an analysis of existing re- to support ongoing organizational searches in three areas. Firstly, the re- staff changes, resolution and minimize searches of archetypal issues in general the consequences of social conflicts in and Archetypics in the field of juris-

268 prudence and public administration in proposed in the legal scientific commu- particular deal with the interest to the nity. Not only theoreticians of law, but problem. Secondly, the researches in also researchers of various branches of field of Conflict logy in public admin- law, substantiate the necessity of us- istration including the notions of the ing in the jurisprudence of previously concept of conflicts, their types, meth- not involved philosophical concepts ods and methods of conflict resolution and directions, the use of methodologi- concerning the work with personnel al- cal means of comprehending the law, so deal with this problem. Thirdly, the which differ significantly from the clas- state personnel policy in the Internal sical methodology at the same time. Affairs Bodies and its administrative The Belarusian scientist researches and legal support deal with this issue. the issues of the methodology of the Researches of archetypal issues development of legal science are more were carried out by scholars in the 19th actively carried out within the frame- century. The most authoritative on this work of the International Scientific issue are the works of Carl Gustav Jung and Methodological Seminar on Prob- [e. g., 1] who introduced the concept of lems of Classical and Post-Classical archetypes, comprehensively analyzed Methodology of Legal Science. They them, substantiated the nature and ori- have held on the basis of the Academy gin of this social phenomenon, and also of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of classified archetypes. the Republic of Belarus (Minsk), since Analyzing modern research and 2012. publications devoted to the researches The problems of classical and post of archetypes, it is necessary to dis- classical methodological approach- tinguish the works of the founders of es in contemporary epistemology Ukrainian School of Archetypics. The (M. A. Mozheiko and T. I. Adulo); School was formed as an interdisci- the possibility of using postclassical plinary scientific direction of research methodological approaches (A. V. Po- on archetypes: by sociologists both liakov, I. L. Chestnov, A. V. Stovba and E. A. Afonina and E. A. Donchenko, V. I. Pavlov) and classical method- psychodiagnostician L. F. Burlachuk, ological approaches (V. A. Tolstik and culturologist S. B. Krymskyi, histori- V. A. Kuchinskyi); theoretical-legal an A. Martynov and political scientist concepts in the knowledge of the law, Yu. Romanenko. the issues of implementation civili- The consideration of archetypal is- zationally models of cognition in the sues in jurisprudence was carried out development of modern state and law by Russian scientists through the study (S. A. Kalinin), the justification of of the phenomenon of the unconscious axiological approach in jurisprudence in legal reality (K. V. Aranovskyi, (L. O. Murashko), law and ethics A. M. Velychko, A. V. Poliakov, A. P. Se- (B. V. Nazmutdinov), pragmatic un- mitko, V. N. Siniukov, V. N. Chaika, derstanding of law (M. V. Baitiieva), I. L. Chestnov, and others). Recently, as well as scientific studies the branch the original strategies for cognition of jurisprudence on the application of of legal reality are increasingly being various methodological means of cog-

269 nition of legal reality (A. S. Alexandrov, the problems of public administration A. V. Barkov, H. A. Vasilevich, are the subjects of scientific researches S. Ye. Daniliuk, I. V. Danko, L. L. Zait- of such scientists as Yu. Ye. Avrutin, seva, L. I. Kukresh, V. V. Marchuk, V. N. Boiko, A. A. Demin, S. G. Dyrda, L. A. Savenok, E. A. Sarkisova, etc.) K. I. Kenik, Yu. P. Soloviei, A. H. Tik- were discussed in the framework of ovenko, V. V. Chernikov, O. I. Chupris, these seminars, researchers of not only Т. V. Shchukin and others. Belarus, but also Russia and Ukraine. The analysis of the latest publi- [2–4]. cations on the three areas indicated The problems of conflicts have been above, allows us to state that there is of interest to many researchers, since not any independent research on ar- ancient times. Various branches of sci- chetypal issues in law. The conflicts ence like Philosophy, Psychology, Soci- in the Internal Affairs Bodies arising ology, Conflictology, Management, etc. when working with the personnel, as study diverse aspects of it. Recognition well as insufficient investigation of the of the conflict as a natural and natural possibility of regulation of conflicts by characteristic of social relations is one administrative and legal norms are re- of the provisions of modern Conflicto- mained little-studied. logy, established by social scientists as The purpose of the article. The early as the 19th and the 20th centuries purpose of this article is to identify and [e.g., 5]. justify the types of social conflicts that Some scientists (L. H. Pochebut, arise in dealing with the personnel in Yu. P. Platonov, D. Houlman, and oth- the Internal Affairs Bodies, the theo- ers) pay more attention to strategies of retical justification their regulation by behaviour in conflicts when studying administrative law in the context of conflict interaction. Quite a lot of re- the archetypal strategy. searches are devoted to social conflicts The statement of basic materials. (A. H. Zdravomyslov, A. V. Dmitriev, K. Jung’s ideas had a significant impact H. I. Kozyriev, S. V. Sokolov, etc.) pay on the study of archetypal issues in more attention to the management of various branches of science. Today, ap- conflicts in the Internal Affairs Bod- proaches to understanding archetypes ies (B. F. Vodolazskyi, M. P. Huterman, exist in many branches of science. They A. V. Lipnitskii, A. N. Oleinik, A. P. Rez- are used to understand Literature, His- van, Ye. Ye. Tonkov and others). tory, Psychology and even Biology and Investigating the problems of state Informatics. administration and power, it should The term ‘archetype’ consists of two be noted the work of the outstand- ancient Greek concepts: ‘arche’ (pri- ing scientist M. Weber [6]. He is ac- mary) and ‘typos’ (image). K. Jung be- knowledged by many researchers as lieved that there is a certain inherited the ‘Father’ (Pater) of the Theory of structure of the psyche that has de- Public Administration. The organiza- veloped for hundreds of thousands of tion and passing of the civil service in years. And this structure causes us to general and the service in the Internal experience and realize our life experi- Affairs Bodies in particular as part of ence in a particular manner. And this

270 certainty is expressed in what Jung as existing approaches to the definition called archetypes, which affect our of legal archetypes, in our view, the ar- thoughts, feelings and actions. At the chetype in law is a formalized and reus- same time, he denied the ideas that the able model of regulating legal relations. person is completely determined by his Formation or formulation and imple- experience, training and the impact of mentation of model-archetypes of legal the environment, and singled out seve- behaviour will allow regulating legal ral following levels of the unconscious: relations effectively. individual, family, group, national, ra- Summarizing the existing concepts cial and collective unconscious. They in the field of studying the nature of includes universal archetypes for all the conflict, it should be noted that the times and cultures. Thus, according to most common approach to the concept the opinion of K. Jung, the archetype is of conflict is its understanding as a the universal initial congenital mental confrontation between parties that are structures that make up the content of aware of the opposite of their interests. the collective unconscious, recognized The Staff, acting within the author- in our experience. ity of the position held, always act on These basic provisions are the basis behalf of the state, exercising authority for understanding scientific and prac- and administrative powers, including tical research and tendencies in the the use of direct enforcement measures study of archetypics. up to the use and use of firearms [10]. According to Yu. A. Antonian, an Realization by the Police Officers of archetype is a separate collective psy- these powers undoubtedly serves as chological setting, which includes valu- the main conflict factor in the Police es, motives or ideas. These are mo- Officers’ activities. On the one hand dels or schemes of an abstract nature, they protect law-abiding citizen, his but acquire specificity in a culture or life, health, rights, freedoms, protect a subculture [7, p. 152]. V. N. Chaika public order and ensure public safety, defines archetypes as an element of the on the other hand the Police Officers collective unconscious, which develops cause harm to the person contravening certain primitive images of law, which the law, public order and safety. are schematic in nature and form the However, our research is aimed at basis of human representations of legal identifying and regulating conflicts reality [8, p. 7]. V. N. Huliakhin under- in the Police Officers’ activities with- stands the reflection of the constantly in the Internal Affairs Body, namely, recurring social experience in regulat- when dealing with personnel in the In- ing the relations between people under ternal Affairs Bodies. the legal archetype [9]. Work with personnel in the Inter- Given the fundamental provisions nal Affairs Bodies involves forecast- of the archetypes proposed by K. Jung, ing, analysis and planning of personnel the established approaches to the defi- work; optimization of the organization- nition of law as a system of universally al and staff structure of the Internal binding rules of behaviour that act as Affairs Bodies; professional selection, regulators of public relations, as well admission to the service of the Police

271 Officers and support of their passing agement conflict, because such changes service in the Internal Affairs Bodies are associated with the uncertainty of (assignment to a position, Alternative service prospects, the need to adapt to Duties, transfer, extraregimental em- the new conditions of service, the new ployment, award, granting vacation, manager, as well as the heavy dismissal, cashierment, etc.), professional assess- enrollment or relocation of staff to an- ment and certification of the Police Of- other position, etc. ficers, their professional training; work An erroneous management decision with the reserve of personnel to nomi- also objectively creates the possibility nate; plan and stimulate the growth of of conflicts between the chief and the the Police Officers. The issues of moti- Police Officer. Such conflicts can often vation and organization of operational cause injustice in the distribution of ma- activities, ideological work, manage- terial and spiritual goods, the burden of ment of conflicts and stress, ensur- work among the Police Officers and the ing the social protection of employees imposition of penalties and rewards. should include to this. Social conflicts are the most com- According to the theory of social mon. Interpersonal conflicts, conflicts change, any changes taking place in the between a person and a group and in- organization (which are also the Inter- ter-group conflicts are distinguished nal Affairs Bodies) play a special role in among social conflicts. the formation and development of the Interpersonal conflicts arise be- conflict [11, p. 344]. tween the Police Officers and between The discrepancy between the struc- the Police Officer and the Chief. So, ture of the Internal Affairs Body or the the conflicts are also possible due as staff number of the Police Officers for insufficient qualification of the Police the requirements of operational and Officer as both Chief and the Police official activities arises when there is Officers, because the mistakes made by insufficient forecasting or lack thereof him affect the interests of all who in- when creating, optimizing or reorga- teract with him. The lack of close social nizing the Internal Affairs Body (its interaction between the Police Officers subbranch), and also due to the fact of one and the adjacent branches of the that the tasks which are solved by the Internal Affairs Bodies during solv- Internal Affairs Bodies, the criminal ing numerous operational and official situation, the social and economic con- tasks. It also creates the basis for inter- ditions of life are changed, and neces- personal conflicts among colleagues. sary changes in the structure or the Interpersonal conflicts between staff number are not implemented. the Police Officers and, first of all, in As a rule, any organizational and the presence of direct subordination, staff changes (reorganization or liq- act as one of the main reasons for the uidation of the Internal Affairs Body dismissal of the Police Officers to the (branch), changes in the structure and reserve at the end of the contract until staffing structure, optimization of the the maximum age of service is reached. number of personnel, etc.) are accom- The conflict between a person and panied by an organizational and man- group arises when the Police Officer

272 does not adhere to the norms of be- Officers, and may entail consequences haviour that have developed in the for the national security of society as a branch. A variation of such a conflict is whole. the conflict between the Chief and the The management system and the subordinate Police Officers. The con- possibilities for regulating conflicts by flict arises from the inadequacy of the administrative and legal norms take leadership style, the adoption of disci- play the important role in the resolu- plinary unpopular measures, etc. tion of organizational and managerial Intergroup conflict arises between and social conflicts in dealing with per- different branches of the Internal sonnel in the Internal Affairs Bodies. Affairs Body. Theoretically, the op- Thus, it is necessary to develop a model erational and official activities of all for carrying out organizational and staff branches are aimed at solving common changes in the Internal Affairs Bodies, problems facing the Internal Affairs as well as proposals and recommenda- Bodies, but each branch has different tions for the senior staff of the Internal interests. An example of an intergroup Affairs Bodies to assignment the Police conflict is the disagreement between Officers to the positions, taking into ac- units performing tasks assigned to the count their personal and business quali- Internal Affairs Bodies (Police, citi- ties. At the same time, the approval of zenship and migration branches, etc.), such a model, proposals and recommen- and branches providing tasks assigned dations by the relevant organizational to the Internal Affairs Bodies (head- and administrative document (the quarters, personnel, etc.). In addition, Order or Order of the Minister of the inter-group conflicts also entail the Internal Affairs or the Deputy of the lack of objective criteria for assessing Minister of the Internal Affairs of Ideo- the operational and official activities of logical Work and Personnel Support different divisions, bringing the activi- within the framework of the delegated ties of all units to a common denomi- powers) testifies to the possibility of nator, and the distribution of organiza- forming and implementing archetypal tional and material resources. models of legal behaviour, and also the Due to a number of peculiarities of possibility of regulating social conflicts the service in the Internal Affairs Bod- when dealing with personnel according ies (the established system of one-man to the administrative and legal norms. management and subordination, strict It is possible to form other models of regulation of operational and service legal behaviour according to the same activities, as well as the importance scheme: and social importance for the society • Development of generalized social of tasks solved by the Internal Affairs and professional indicators (for exam- Bodies), where both organizational and ple, personal competence, personality managerial and social conflicts are not compatibility, etc.) for the correct se- only the factors, directly affecting to lection of a candidate for the relevant the moral and psychological climate in position; the staff, the state of service discipline • Substantiation of the management and the level of crime among the Police decisions taken in terms of minimizing

273 the likelihood of conflicts between per- References formers at the stage of implementation 1. Jung C. G. Archetype and symbol: of these decisions; [translation] / C. G. Jung; [compi- • Formation of the objective cri- lation and introductory article by teria for assessing the operational and A. M. Rutkevich]; Russian Academy official activities of various branches of of Sciences; Institute of Philosophy. — the Internal Affairs Bodies; Moscow: The Canon +, 2015. — 335 p. • Development of regulatory proce- 2. Classical and postclassical methodol- ogy of the development of legal sci- dures for the resolution of the typical ence at the present stage: Collection pre-conflict situations, in work with of scientific papers / Ministry of the the personnel in the Internal Affairs Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bodies; Belarus, the educational institution • Inclusion the management issues, ‘Academy of the Internal Affairs of the dealing with work with personnel in Republic of Belarus’; Editorial Board: the Internal Affairs Bodies into the A. L. Savenok (Responsible Editor) Educational Programs of Advanced [and others]. — Minsk: Academy of Training of Chiefs of All Levels of Con- the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, flict Management. 2012. — 146 p. 3. Classical and postclassical methodol- Conclusions. New approaches to ogy for the development of legal sci- understanding the right pay consider- ence: Collection of scientific papers / able attention to the development of Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the the spiritual life of society, in which un- Republic of Belarus, the educational conscious states and processes have a institution ‘Academy of the Ministry considerable effect. This circumstance of the Internal Affairs of the Republic necessitates the further research foun- of Belarus’; Belarus”; Editorial Board: dations of perceived legal situation and A. L. Savenok (chairman) [and oth- the influence of the unconscious level ers]. — Minsk : Academy of the Min- of human psyche, including issues of istry of the Internal Affairs, 2013. — 194, [2] p. archetypics in law. 4. Ethical and anthropological charac- The effective resolution of orga- teristics of modern law in a situation nizational and managerial and social of methodological pluralism : Collec- conflicts arising in the work with per- tion of scientific papers / Educational sonnel in the Internal Affairs Bod- institution ‘Academy of the Internal ies is possible through the formation Affairs of the Republic of Belarus’; (formulation) and introduction of under the general editorship of both archetypes models of legal behaviour. V. I. Pavlov and A. L. Savenko. — The further stage of the theoretical re- Minsk : Academy of the Ministry of search is related to the process of de- Internal Affairs, 2015. — 243, [5] p. 5. Antsupov A. Ya. Conflictology: [the- tailed formation, substantiation and ory and practice] / A. Ya. Antsupov, development of recommendations for A. I. Shipilov. — St. Petersburg [and the introduction of archetypes mod- others]: Peter: The Peter Press, 2013. — els of legal behaviour into the work 503 p. with personnel in the Internal Affairs 6. Weber M. Politics as calling and pro- Bodies. fession / M. Weber; Lane. Translation

274 from German; [Compilation, general № 1. — P. 54–74. DOI: 10.7256/2305- editing and afterword of Yu. N. Davy- 9699.2014.1.10486. URL: http://e- dova]. — M.: The Progress, 1990. — 808 p. 10. On the Internal Affairs Bodies of the 7. Antonian Yu. M. The main features of Republic of Belarus: the Law of the archetype // The Society and Law. — Republic of Belarus of 17.07.2007, 2007. — № 3 (17). — P. 152–158. № 263-3 (as amended by the Laws of 8. Chaika V. N. Elements of unconscious the Republic of Belarus of 23.06.2008, in the right reality of Russia: the Ex- № 354-3; of 16.07.2008, № 413-3; of tended Abstract of Dissertation on 31.12.2009, № 114-3; of 15.07.2010, competition of a scientific degree № 164-3; of 31.12.2010, № 227-3; of of the Candidate of Legal Sciences 25.11.2011, № 323-3; of 13.12.2011, (Doctor of Legal Sciences). Specialty № 325-3; of 04.05.2012, № 361-3; of 12.00.01 — Theory and history of law 04.01.2014, № 123-3) // Electronic and state; History of the teachings on database of normative legal acts ‘Con- law and the state / V. N. Chaika; Sci- sultantPlus : Belarus’ [Electronic re- entific Supervisor V. Yu. Smorguno- source]. va. — St. Petersburg , 2006. — 23 p. 11. Sociology: Textbook for higher educa- 9. Huliaikhin V. N. The right of con- tion institutions / Under the editor- sciousness archetypes in the system of ship of Prof. Lavrinenko. — The 3rd legal culture of the individual // NB: Edition: revised and updated. — M. : The Law and Policy Issues. — 2014. — The UNITI-DANA, 2008. — 448 p.

275 UDC: 351.851:005.332.3

Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna, PhD (Politics), Doctoral Candidate of Edu- cation Management Department, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kiev, Str. Eu- gene Potier, 20, tel.: (044) 455 69 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенець-Орлова Інна Андріївна, кандидат політичних наук, докторант кафедри управління освітою, Національ- на академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (044) 455 69 00, e-mail : [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенец-Орлова Инна Андреевна, кандидат политических наук, докторант кафедры управления образованием, На- циональная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (044) 455 69 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426


Abstract. This article analyzes trends neo-tribalism, reflecting the complex of social transformation in modern society. The author examines the characteristic features neo-tribes, performs comparative analysis of modern traditional tribes. In the context of this problem much attention paid to the concepts ethnocentrism and tribalism, regionalism, regional patriotism. The author analyzes educational institutional transformation within the regulatory phase 3rd epochal cycle. On the basis of bias neo-tribalism author proves critical need for successful comple- tion of power decentralization reform, ensuring real autonomy of educational in- stitutions in modern Ukraine, which will create an organic basis for the reform of secondary education and the implementation of other major educational changes. Keywords: archetypes, neo-tribes, ethnocentrism, educational institutional transformation cycle paradigm.

276 ДИНАМІКА ОСВІТНІХ ІНСТИТУЦІЙНИХ ЗМІН У КОНТЕКСТІ КОНФЛІКТНОСТІ СОЦІУМУ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ КОНЦЕПТ “НЕОТРАЙБАЛІЗМУ” М. МАФФЕСОЛІ Анотація. Стаття присвячена аналізу тенденції неотрайбалізму, що відо- бражає складну трансформацію соціальності в сучасному суспільстві. Автор досліджує характерні ознаки неотрайбів, здійснює компаративний аналіз традиційних племен із сучасними племенами. У контексті даної пробле- матики значну увагу приділено концепціям етноцентризму і трайбалізму, регіоналізації, територіального патріотизму. Автор аналізує освітні інститу- ційні трансформації в межах нормативних фаз 3-го епохального циклу. На основі врахування тенденційності неотрайбалізму автор обґрунтовує кри- тичну потребу успішного закінчення реформи децентралізації влади, забез- печення реальної автономії закладів освіти в сучасній Україні, що створить органічну основу для здійснення реформи середньої освіти та впроваджен- ня інших масштабних освітніх змін. Ключові слова: архетипи, неотрайби, етноцентризм, освітні інституційні трансформації, циклічна парадигма. ДИНАМИКА ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ИЗМЕНЕНИЙ В КОНТЕКСТЕ КОНФЛИКТНОСТИ СОЦИУМА: АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ КОНЦЕПТ “НЕОТРАЙБАЛИЗМА” М. МАФФЕСОЛИ Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу тенденции неотрайбализма, кото- рая отражает сложную трансформацию социальности в современном общест- ве. Автор исследует наиболее характерные черты неотрайбов, осуществляет компаративный анализ традиционных племен с современными племенами. В контексте данной проблематики значительное внимание уделено концеп- циям этноцентризма и трайбализма, регионализации, территориального па- триотизма. Автор анализирует образовательные институциональные транс- формации в рамках нормативных фаз 3-го эпохального цикла. На основе учета тенденциозности неотрайбализма автор обосновывает критическую потребность успешного окончания реформы децентрализации власти, обес- печение реальной автономии учебных заведений в современной Украине. Это создаст органическую основу для осуществления реформы среднего об- разования и внедрения других масштабных образовательных изменений. Ключевые слова: архетипы, неотрайбы, этноцентризм, образовательные институциональные трансформации, циклическая парадигма.

The formulation of the problem: community can state the formation of Education systems are closely con- a new package of socio-anthropologi- nected with culture and social institu- cal projects in response to which new tions. In the 21st century, the scientific educational practices are being cre-

277 ated. The education and the pedagogi- D. Moynihan, the tendency of many cal activities are always guided by the people in many circumstances to insist leading type of sociality. So at the stage on the importance of their group affili- of postmodernity, the imperative to ation and originality, and on the rights “teach everyone everything in the tra- that follow from this, has significantly ditional institutions of education” has increased [5]. This process is named lost relevance long time ago. During by scientists like “mass retribaliza- the post-modern period, the way of the tion, which emergent is in response to “pedagogy of knowledge” to “the peda- the limited ability of large associations gogy of research, design, activity”, the of people and systems of power, the teacher (“the one that lays the founda- uncertainty of the structural links of tion” [31, p. 137]) mastered the new modernity, and leads to a looseness of roles of the coach and tutor — now he social tissue. There is a growing inter- does not broadcast knowledge, but he est in marginalized groups, minorities, manages the educational search for ap- ethnic communities, exotic religions, plicants. According to M. Pyatkov, the etc. — as the desire of the modern hu- substantive basis and law of develop- man to “substantiate their world”. On ment of the entire social are placed in the grass-roots level of society there is a single archetype — the archetype of an active generation of new individual changes [29]. What will be the direc- and the collective identities are in con- tion of the following educational trans- nection with which the vertical corpo- formations in the era of large-scale, and rateism is increasingly being replaced sometimes unstable social changes? by a horizontal one. The condition of modern society is In the theory of the well-known characterized by the disintegration of professor Sorbonne M. Maffesoli, the meta narratives and their replacement new sociality emerges through self- by signs, simulacrums, images, symbols organizing and self-directed affective that form a new (postmodern) solidar- communities that solve the problems ity, create a new “fascination” of the of “domestication” of the surrounding, world in the minds of people. “People menacingly unstable world, dehuman- bring victims for “Deities” of local im- ization of city life, play the role of a de- portance (love, commerce, territory, fensive association in the conditions of food, beauty, etc.), which names have temporary loss of landmarks- neotraiby changed in comparison with the era [7, p. 112]. New tribes widely use the of antiquity, but the functions did not, network resources of electronic media, “said M. Maffesoli, when he is describ- providing their flexibility, the speed ing the” divine social” [24]. The tech- of response and energy. According to nological development of modernity is M. Castells, the power of modern net- suprainnovations, however, as sociolo- work structures becomes stronger than gists show, it is impossible without the the institutions of political power [22]. synergy of archaic elements that define Neotrabalism is an organic and mass the framework for a complex transfor- process that demarcates the transfor- mation of sociality. In our time, noted mation of the social. If within the in- by American sociologists N. Glazer and dividualistic paradigm self-contained

278 individual a person is the bearer of a a qualitatively new look at the future certain stable function in society, then of education, the role of its traditional the societal paradigm, which is actual- and newest institutions, allows to pre- ized by many modern sociologists, is dict the vector of reforming the system the basis of a new sociality that deter- of public education management in mines a person who easily merges with Ukraine. a tribal community, beyond the borders At various stages of social deve- his individuality [1, 2; 7; 12; 13]. In the lopment education served different categories of archetypal methodology, functions and roles, depending on the Persona is a social image of a person, a context in which its institutions func- certain generalization of it as a civilized tioned, and the prospective request of entity, which is ideal from a moral and consumers of educational services. But social point of view. However, within one thing has remained constant: the unbeaten person has the ability to The educated people better un- very quickly change their masks, so derstand the complexity of the world, his role behavior is mega-alternative. and the presence of a critical mass of The neotraibalism, due to its internal well-educated individuals serves as pluralization, blurs the boundaries of a safeguard for most social conflicts. imposed schemes of the interpretation In that article we will consider three of reality. Neotraibs are self-valuable blocks of questions: the problems of polyfunctional, different-structured non-wrestling, correlation with tribal- microcommunities with free mem- ism and ethnocentrism, the modern co- bership, the salutary goal of which is evolutionary stage of development of the communication, the play, and the the Ukrainian society in the context of spectacle. According to some scholars, the cyclic paradigm and the dynamics M. Maffesoli tries to declare organiza- of global educational transformations tion and management of the decentral- in the context of archetypal methodo- ized communication process in such a logy, on the basis of which we will make way that knowledge from him organi- generalizations. cally emerges, has the right to life [18, The analysis of the latest publica- p. 82]. So, for modern tribes the edu- tions on problems and the identifica- cational function is important. The ap- tion of previously unsolved parts of pearance of ample opportunities for a common problem: The postmodern distance education, project activities, sociology (works of Z. Bauman [1; 2; teamwork, peer education, participa- 13], M. Maffesoli [7; 24; 25]) fixes the tion in webinars, hakatons, lecture symptomatology of the modernist cri- rooms, whose offers are received from sis, its exhaustion by the social crisis, informal communities, groups in social which follows, and the need for re- networks, alternative public associa- construction of sociological discourse. tions, the media, gives reason to believe “The sociology of postmodern” (the that serious competitors appear in tra- articles of E. Giddens, J. Habermas), ditional educational institutions. Such on the contrary, postulates the conti- dynamics around the educational en- nuity and incompleteness of the mo- vironment is useful, because it creates dern project. The French sociologist

279 M. Maffessoli characterizes the transi- The exposition of the main ma- tion to postmodernism as a transforma- terial of the research: On the mo- tion of the “social” (society, mechanical del of “The Revolt of the Masses” by solidarity) into “sociality” (commu- H. Ortega y Gasset, the Russian soci- nity, organic (“orgiastic”) solidarity) ologist L. Ionin named his work “The [7]. The concept of “neotraib” is the Revolt of Minorities”. In it, the scien- neologism of M. Maffesoli and its wide- tist proves that now belonging to mi- spread use norities becomes a fashion, even a norm In scientific discourse is just begin- [19]. When a person demonstrates ning. The basis of the societal paradigm the signs of belonging to a minority, laid down by the works of W. Sumner it looks prestigious and in a new way [9], which, moreover, conceptualized [19, p. 5]. For L. Ionin, the Menshi- the concept of ethnocentrism, and his nas are: subcultural groups, new reli- student D. Campbell. The problems of gious movements, sex minorities, eth- network structures and was discovered nic minorities, networked minorities. in the works of the Spanish sociologist In particular, the latter develop most M. Castells [22]. In his opinion, mo- dynamically, because of their space — dern networks of social composition virtual space — the sphere of maximum replace the previous modern forms of freedom of choice, especially facili- personal and material dependence, and tates communication, the simultane- this change in the social system leads ous presence of the individual in many new forms in systems of stratification, collectives. It is believed that being communication, mobilization, and and responding quickly online is the needs a new flexible culture of relation- responsibility of the community mem- ships. The content characteristics of ber, a sign of virtual courtesy. A secret the “urban tribes” were researched by meeting can be held in a closed group, I. Waters. The archetypal paradigm and which, of course, does not replace face sociometric studies are represented in to face communication. As futurologist the Ukrainian scientific thought by the M. Kaiku wrote in Physics of the Fu- works of the scientists of the Ukrainian ture: “In constant competition between school of archetypics — E. Afonin [12], High-Tech and High-Toch, we want A. Sushi, A. Bandurki, A. Martynova the first and second” [21, p. 33]. That is [23], etc. The analysis of educational why in the era of cyberspace, we have transformations through the prism of still a live theater, tourism. If we are of- neo-urbanism has not yet been the sub- fered photos of the artist and tickets for ject to Individual research. his concert, we will choose the tickets The goal of the article is to ana- (High-Toch). This M. Kaiku calls the lyze the manifestation of non-wrestling principle of caveman: for it was not trends in the modern world, to esti- enough that you praise the good hunt- mate their significance in the context ing. The caveman would have preferred of attempts to determine the horizon of to hold the dead beast in his hands. Our the institution of education as a model desires, nature and passions for the last and project, the formation of educa- 100,000 years have not changed much. tional trends. We still, having electronic media, pre-

280 fer to save the paper copies of informa- based on minute and minor everyday tion. Therefore, the office without pa- situations, emotional excitement with per did not become a reality. And so a a characteristic catharsis, deep solidar- digital hologram of a teacher will never ity. The regulators of the sensitivity of completely replace his living analogue. neotraibs are joint activities, holidays, The more people move physically, rituals, that create the community the more they tend to create communi- anew, and open the opportunity to feel ties in cyberspace and look for a more together, experience the same passion, stable and more permanent place in build on the shared experience and ex- the virtual world. According to L. Io- perience of the Other [7]. nin, this place is the electronic address According to M. Maffesoli, all insti- [20]. However, here it is worth noting tutions from micro-groups to the state the existence of a dual tendency: along are an expression of “divine social” [24]. with the boundless possibilities of vir- New tribes in the concept of M. Maffe- tual space, a person embraces nostalgia soli are formed both on the basis of a for local, natural. Such a need is also local (territorial feature) and an imagi- a basis for associations in the modern nary (general idea) criterion, as well as tribes. style, worldview, and game. These are In 1997, the british anthropologist not subcultures, that is, communities R. Jenkins noted that since the 1960s, based on a somewhat different style the word “tribe” began to change more than for the overwhelming majority of neutral and such that it is not associ- the population, these are self-sufficient ated with the colonial era — “ethnic “micro cultures” — youth groups, blog- group” [6]. At the same time, the trib- gers, fans of television series that arise ute returned to scientific discourse, but to objectify the idea of “common” as a in a new sense — M. Maffesoli in 1996 symbol and space of social life. The so- used this term to describe the phenom- cial imaginary is cementitious material enon of the growth of the number of of neotraibov [7, p. 150], in contrast geographically dispersed micro-tribal to the rational choice and the univer- groups based on the matrix of collec- sal moral law of the previous period [7, tive emotion, religious spirit, proxim- p. 116]. ity to nature [7, p. 40]. In his article In the scientific research M. Maffe- “The Time of the Tribes” M. Mafesioli soli develops the ideas of his teacher, is rejected from global narratives (for the cultural anthropologist J. Durand, example, the national state), success- that the thinking and the Imaginary of fully transfers the accent from the so- human are equal and connected to pro- ciety to a community that is once again cesses. In the modern world, as many experiencing the myth “here and now”. theorists have noted, even a physical Characterizing the current trend, such space is often replaced by an imaginary the predominance of the whole over one [11]. From here the problem of ter- the individual, concealing depth on the ritorial identity is concerned. surface of things, M. Maffesoli uses the According to A. Musiysdov, ter- term “formism”. In his vision, the non- ritorial identities turn out to be as static world is full of social networks, “natural” (through objective charac-

281 teristics of the territory), as much as ters to brothers-growers”. These is- “imaginary” (through the meanings sues also acquire the new significance attributed to the territory) [27, p. 27]. for the processes of decentralization In the works of E. Durkheim, French and the creation of joint territorial understanding of the “imaginary” can communities (JTCs) in the modern be traced as a landscape of collective Ukraine. R. Aron’s daughter, sociolo- aspirations (imaginaire). gist D. Schnaper, refers to the words of The famous theorists M. Castells T. Parsons that the societal community and E. Giddens, to a certain extent, is a collective organization created in are considering the question of the a certain territorial space with a com- so-called societal depoliticization. mon cultural tradition that relates to However, as long as this trend is more “blood” and products of the “contract” correctly described as twofold. In- [31, p. 179–180]. V. Beck concludes: dividuals, as before, associate them- “Our commitment to a certain region selves with the place, they consider it never harms the love of the country as important to have a connection with a whole” [3]. it. Let’s remember only the names of According to Musiysdov, in this dis- volunteer battalions which were cre- course the constructivist position oc- ated in Ukraine in 2014 — Donbass, cupies the main place: the community Kiev, Slobozhanshchina, Azov, Crimea, of the territory is a social construct, Krivbass, Kremenchug, Lviv, Lugansk. and the territorial community is “an Of course, some of them were cre- imaginary community” [27, p. 29]. As ated under the influence of corporate B. Anderson writes, any community is groups, so this name may sound like a imaginary [11, p. 23]. For example, the simulacrum, but for others this name nation as an imaginary community was is a symbol, a manifestation of the fact “created” by cartographers, printing that territorial identities continue to machines, newspapers. Now the role of play an important role in the self-de- “imagination” in defining the connec- termination of the individual and in tion between society and the territory the affairs of the whole state. The pres- is easily traced in the massive spread of ence of territorial communities is con- attempts to design the image of terri- ditioned by the existence of common tories-marketing of territories, is also interests for their members related an important problem for the economic to territorial practices (movement to activity of JTC in Ukraine. work, shopping, etc.). Therefore, the Concerning the notation sphere of foundation for the self-awareness of relations of groups formed on the ba- the territorial community is the neces- sis of ethnic attitudes, at the beginning sity to protect these interests — the of the 20th century. W. Sumner intro- improvement of the territory, the pro- duced the notion of “ethnocentrism”, vision of transport, etc. considering that in-group relation- The concept of “Territorial patrio- ships (we-group) are always inherent tism” and “territory consciousness” in integration and cooperation, and conceptualizing the Ukrainian con- outgroup (they-group) — competition servative V. Lipinsky in his work “Let- and hostility [9] (see Table 1). The

282 Table 1 The comparative analysis of features of modern and traditional tribes* Traditional tribes (tribes) New tribes (Neotraybs) Permanent identification of members Temporary identification of members Generic relations as a factor of unity Leisure, friendly, communal, other connec- tions as a factor associations Ability to belong to the same tribe Possibility to belong to many tribes (not limited to) System-forming is tradition The desire for the new is system-forming, but in simultaneous synergy with the sensa- tionalisation of archaic They have historical content They do not have historical content (“not immortal” in the social sense) Еxist in a uniform cavity time and space Exist in a non-uniform, “multilayer” time and space The value of territory is the determining Some revival of the value of the territory factor Focus on uncertain judgments about the The emphasis on social experience, all future and the eternal, abstract, mythical present and natural Strong on the basis of solidarity, authority Strong on the basis of solidarity, weak – on center, discipline of members the basis of the authority center or disci- pline of members Constant structure and essence The temporal structure is blurred, the es- sence is constantly changing depending on the roles that each participant is authorized to perform A clear demarcation in relations with Others It is not a general requirement for a clear (“we-they”), which is in a sense a self-iden- demarcation in relations with Others tifying sign (“we-they”) Hierarchical, vertical structure of power Anarchic and horizontal structure of power The presence of a totem The presence of a “situational” totem (which is much less likely to cause situations of manifestation of fascism, xenophobia than in the case of tribes) * Authoring ethnocentrism is a phenomenon of or- etc. The emergence of ethnocentrism dinary ethnic consciousness, which can is connected with the peculiarities of result from the need to protect the eth- the group as an ethnosocial organism, nos from the foreign influence in the historically formed, however, certain conditions of (disadaptation) of ethnic features of the actual social, economic groups, uncertainty about the positive and political situation can strengthen image of the “we-group”, the desire of or weaken the ethnocentric tenden- the indigenous ethnos to protect their cies. In the modern world, the index territory from migrants (because of of national distancing of citizens has their negative attitude towards them), increased significantly, by the way, not

283 because of the deterioration of the situ- clashes between neotrabams in the ation in a particular nation, in fact, less event of their destructive behavior. tolerance for all. In this context, a state The growth of the value of the value strategy is needed to support and facil- bases of the civil service in Ukraine, in- itate (patronize) interethnic contacts cluding the issue of the further culture on the part of the authorities, as well of citizenship of civil servants, found as to ensure cooperative interaction meaningful expression in the updated between communities in a regional legal and regulatory framework for the context, which implies the existence of civil service (2015–2016). However, a common goal on the territorial basis we will not analyze this aspect within (territorial patriotism). Partially in re- the framework of this research. sponse to these trends in the modern If, in the case of the ethnocentrism, world, the concept of cultural citizen- ethnic attitudes on the perception of ship is being developed as opposed to other groups and ethnostereotypes can the legal (formal — juridical) concept be either positive or negative, but they of citizenship. Many scientists are not are never neutral (which in itself is a inclined to interpret the citizenship significant factor of conflict), for neo- separately from cultural signs (inacul- tribes, as a rule, the need for such a ca- ture-blindconcept). After all, the state tegorical bipolar assessment of others. in this case does not experience inertia The re-definition of borders is compli- needs to be reconciled with society, cated in today’s changing global con- when before it there is a community text of social stress. We can conclude of citizens, formally legally identical that ethnocentrism and non-wrestling (have the same rights and obligations) are two different processes that exist and do not differ on cultural grounds in parallel in the modern world and [10]. characterize society from several dif- However, the opposition to minor- ferent sides. In our opinion, neotraba- ity cultures contributes to the preser- lism corresponds to the trends in the vation of social conflicts. The model development of modern democracy as of citizenship, conventionally set up the movement towards greater free- to civilian models of different civi- dom, decentralization, the informa- lizational spaces determines R. Ro- tion society, when the limited political saldo (Stanford University) through democracy to ensure a more equitable the concept of cultural citizenship arrangement leads the self-organization (сulturalcitizenship) [8] with an em- of citizens themselves. This is about the phasis on the culture of citizenship as emergence of a new level of sociality: the spiritual and moral value of the in- mobile, ready for quick action when it is dividual. In our opinion, a high level necessary, actively protecting the rights of culture of citizenship in that com- of its bearers and not infringing on the ponent of its content that, apart from freedom of another. This is a sociality civil, accommodates moral and ethical that becomes strong due to the vari- values, serves as a means of preventing ability of situations of privacy, unpro- conflicts not only on an ethnocentric fessional creative activity, self-search in basis, but also possible disputes and conditions of democracy and publicity.

284 In the information society, indi- The richness of human is formed by the viduals not only consume information, social environment of our communion, but also produce it, supplementing, space communications, and intellec- changing, constructing structures, cre- tual exchange options. These positions ating knowledge and information. The are inseparable attributes of the psyche flexibility, the fluidity of content and of the individual. structural characteristics is provided Neotraybs is largely imaginary com- guaranteed the freedom of creativity of munity than the Tribe. By adding to their members for, as a rule, the demo- this the possibilities, provides the in- cratic nature of relations, the constant formation society to the individual exchange of knowledge, the search for towards convenient and comfortable a new, permanent communication, the learning in various forms, we can say: mutual motivation to improve. When the possibilities of educational impact the freedom of creativity is blocked, on modern tribes in the case, for exam- the society becomes more conflict. The ple, of the possible use of violence as a freedom has a positive effect on the de- symbolic act of action, are quite wide. velopment of members of the non-rake But as for tribalism (the activity of and on the culture of the society as a tribes in the traditional sense), the pos- whole, if an encroachment on the free- sibility of education, for example, for dom of another or violence is excluded the tolerance of different groups more as a means of self-affirmation in the limited. Let us illustrate this with the activities of the new tribe. In this case, following situation. The well-known in the middle of neotraib, new requests Norwegian anthropologist T. Heyer- for education, its new forms and varia- dahl, who made a historic expedition tions are constantly born. However, in across the waters of the Pacific Ocean the case of lack of developed critical on a raft using the technology of an- thinking, even the group's unobtru- cient Peruvians, loved to tell a story sive position can be fatal, negative. Of of how in the eighteenth century a course, knowledge have emancipatory wealthy traveler exchanged the inhabi- character, and postmaterial reproduc- tants of Polynesia for some trivia two tion is the dominance of creative work. children. He honestly educated them The stimulation of the creativity of the in his estate, taught manners and the worker and the confidence in his inno- basics of science. And two years later vative activity, in our opinion, to form brought back to their tribe. What a a new economic structure under the surprise he has, when these children, fourth industrial revolution. having just gone ashore, took off their Ukrainian researcher A. Galchin- shoes, all their clothes and shoes, and sky in this context issues a new socio- ran to their tribe’s members naked and centric reality, when a person is not barefoot. indirectly (as always), but directly be- The modern education is not only comes a real system-forming the center works for the needs of certain neo- of the future [14]. In this context, the traybs, but also spreads the informa- logic of social transformation begins tion about the modern tribe outside of to dominate in the economic process. it, warning probably biased perception

285 for separate unneighboring of a closed certain minorities to be represented in type. However at the stage of post- the discourse, depending on the rel- modern social networks are increas- evance of the issues they are about. ingly being empowered, so there are All of this does not lead to a reduction often cases where, perhaps, one educa- in the differences between the com- tion, as a regulator of the conflictuality munities. Moreover, modern means of of the society, will not be enough (for communication not only facilitate the example, the situation with suicides of communication of different individuals adolescents — “Blue Whale”). But the among themselves, but also demarcate general rule is this: if the level of educa- the various existing communities into tion of members of neotraybs is higher which they enter. In the intention to than the less, there will be the prob- get the confirmation of one’s own iden- ability of conflicts inside the modern tity, people prefer to communicate and tribe and at the level of relations with interact within their “own” communi- other neotrabams. For example, if dif- ties. ferent neotraybs bind different mean- To the step of stabilization of the so- ings from one territory, will promote cial and economic situation in Ukraine the formation of philosophical hori- to block the possibilities of education zons members and their understand- significantly, today can be that in the ing of the fundamental importance of poor and “hopeless” of neotraybs as a the manifold. The first woman — rec- rule, modest educational needs. The tor of Oxford University L. Richard- educational motivation is much higher son believes that the best way to resist in conditions of high socioeconomic the radicalization of young people is to status of members of the neotraybs, give an opportunity to listen to differ- who will accordingly be in a privileged ent points of view. To see ways to solve position regarding the request for edu- problems from different sides, to pro- cational services. The network reality mote a culture of dialogue is important and ample opportunities for learning for modern democracy. By the way, in the information age to some extent many educational projects concerning “equalize” this inequality. Another ad- the support of the policy of multicul- vantage of network communication turalism have so far been implemented and democracy on this basis is the pos- by the efforts of various groups of vol- sibility of constant dialogue, including unteers — specific unabashed. with authorities, with different groups The flexibility without disregard of the public on pondering and the def- excludes the aggressive imposition on inition of public policy objectives. society of ideas about life on the part In the context of the methodology of their members. In general, neotraibs of epochal cycles, which is developed are not often based on deviant norms, by Ukrainian archetypalists [12, p. 16], they can simply be alternative. The the modern Ukrainian society is in a anarchism of neotraybs, as well as of transitional stage from the normative any type of activism, can fit within the period of involution to the normative framework of the law. In modern soci- period of evolution and, accordingly, ety there are different norms that allow is characterized by unsustainable ba-

286 lance, horizontal mobility. It can tes- about itself. One of the most striking tify that even after the actions of civil examples of Ukrainian non-spying is protest under the name of the Revo- corporate groups at the power — Do- lution of Virtue, according to polls of netsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Carpath- the end of 2016, 72,4 % of Ukrainians ian, Lviv clan-neotraiby. In our opinion, agreed that it is difficult for them to if the Ukrainian society were charac- understand what to believe [17] (the terized by a longer stage in the forma- so-called syndrome of traumatized tion and functioning of modern tribes, society). At this stage, social institu- in particular by territorial features, the tional control is weakened, but there is process of decentralization in Ukraine a need to monitor the development of would be much quicker and more suc- social conflicts. cessful. In this case, it would be of an Within the framework of the cyclic organic nature and not semi-artificial, paradigm (see Table 2), the revolution like now. Proceeding from this posi- is determined by the initial point of tion, it is possible to explain why until the cyclical development of the social JTC educational process more active in system. Behind it comes the norma- the western regions of Ukraine, where tive phase of involution [12]. The in- the population is a little less long Sovi- volution is changed by the transitional et past, and the regional landscape has phase of the cycle- coevolution, within a smaller number of “deserts” of large which the imperfection of metatheo- industrial cities with a “dehumanized ries and existing scientific paradigms cultural space” (an inheritance From becomes apparent. However, the co- the USSR). From here we should also evolutionary period is specific to the expect that the reform of secondary emergence of a mass of self-sufficient education, which, in the context of de- individuals (the subject “I”), which un- centralization of power, provides for der the influence of growing innovative the creation of support schools and the waves enhance the synthesis of order transfer of authority for their admi- and chaos [12, p. 17]. The co-evolution nistrative services, strategic manage- is replaced by the normative phase of ment to the level of the communities evolution, which ends with the transi- themselves, in the western regions of tional period of the revolution as the Ukraine will be faster than in the east. final point of development of the social If on average in 2016 in the central system. The revolution is characterized regions of Ukraine there were 4 sup- by the appearance of qualitatively new porting schools per oblast, at the same hypotheses and conceptual theories on time in the Lviv region — more than the basis of the accumulated experi- 30. In our opinion, the hope that here mental material at the stage of evolu- the local communities will be able and tion, the growth of the emotional and responsible to take patronage such a volitional activity of individuals and large network of supporting schools the increase in the field of social free- and, as a result, provide the population dom [12, p. 17]. with better educational services. Neotraibalism for the Ukrainian so- According to Ukrainian archetypal ciety is a new trend, which only claims scientists, modern Euro-Atlantic coun-

287 Table 2 Regulatory (constant) phases in the cyclical model of the development of science* The cycle / The involution The evolution Phases of cycles Characteristic The fundamentality (universal- The development of applied features of the ity) of scientific knowledge and science, the differentiation of sci- phases of the cycle encyclopaedism of the system ence, narrow scientific specializa- of sciences. The science has tion, comparative and interdisci- little to do with practice. plinary research, the experimental This is, first of all, the period of method, special pluralism and a assimilation of new qualities – mixture of research methods. the stage of socialization. Complicating the social structure, Order, external control, increasing social activity, emanci- collectivist morality, subject pating the individual, the stability “We”, social consent, the power of change, freedom of choice, of laws. consensus, strong citizens. It (being) determines The consciousness determines consciousness, simplification the forms of being, personal inter- of social structure ests and passions prevail, the in- dividual determines the social, the complexity of the social structure 1 cycle The period of ancient Greece The Period of Ancient (Ancient) Rome 2 cycle The renaissance Period of enlightenment 3 cycle Modern (the basis of socio-his- Postmodern (the priority of torical methodology – objective “biological components” of a laws and trends. For scientific person – the ethnic and national knowledge it is characterized characteristics) by the absoluteization of the fragment) Social characteris- Extraversion is a “closed soci- Introversion is an “open society”, tics of the phases ety”, the direction of the societal the orientation of the sociocultural of the cycle psyche to the material essence. psyche to the spiritual essence. Static, logical activity, irrational- The development of social institu- ity, emotionality, intuition tions, the formation of dynamic new social qualities, rationality, pragmatism * Developed on the basis of [12], [23] tries, in contrast to Ukraine, already trabalizu (approximately from the late come from the stage of evolution in the 60’s through the 20th century). Within crisis era of network totalitarianism, the normative phase of the evolution of to lay the foundation for the norma- the third cycle — the postmodern. Al- tive phase — the involution of the new though in the archetypal scheme, the 4th epochal cycle [12, p. 18]. And in normative phase of the postmodernism many ways, the realization of the vec- is characterized by dominant of the in- tor of their subsequent development dividualism and a significant influence relative to the formation of the subject of the individual in social organization, “We” was prepared by the stage neo- culture [23, p. 140], we do not think

288 that the community values of neo- The education becomes more sensitive wrestling substantially contradict with to the life and needs of different com- such individualistic norms and at this munities. This trend corresponds to stage coexist with them. For example, the modern processes of decentraliza- Z. Bauman emphasizes the individu- tion of education management and the alistic character, number of storeys expansion of the school’s autonomy and fluidity of neotraybs. According boundaries. After all, in conditions of to the scientist, in modern tribes an broad autonomy, the institution of ed- attempt is made to regain “communi- ucation can react more quickly to the ties”, but instead it only leads to even emergence of new local or social needs, greater fragmentation [1]. That is why, requests, timely preventing conflict M. Maffessoli argues, in the place of situations. In Ukraine, education man- individualism in a mass society comes agement processes also follow world collective individualism in postmo- trends in this direction. dern-neotrabalism [7, p. 84]. In one of In October 6, 2016 the draft Law of his last research M. Maffesoli clarifies Ukraine “On Education” was adopted three main characteristics of the mo- by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dern tribal phenomenon: the signifi- in the first reading. According to this cance of living in one territory, the document, and is based on the explana- commonality of tastes and the return tions provided in the “Methodological of the figure of the eternal child [25]. recommendations for the development Regarding the latter, in our opinion, of regulations on the structural divi- in this context, we are talking not on- sion of education of the executive body ly about the infantilism of the eternal of the united territorial community” child and its desire to play (which is [26], the management and financing of emphasized by M. Maffesoli especial- out-of-school, pre-school, elementary ly), but also about the irresistible de- and basic schools (up to the 9th grade) sire of every child to learn new things, To the level of the united communi- which, of course, is connected with ties, which are now being created in education. Ukraine. The management of the se- The modern education is removed nior profile school should be at a level from the gravitation to the real space as higher than the unified community (in the building of the school or university Poland it is the level of the county), walls, this manifests itself in the grow- however, since there are no such coun- ing popularity of the family (in the link ties, in Ukraine, and schools I, II, III of the general average) and distance degrees are not yet separated — the (on the link of higher education). In senior school will be managed by the ancient Greece, Aristotle spent his community as well. lectures on walks in the garden. Also The management of education by in modern developed countries, politi- the local government of the united cians try to make all the environment community differs significantly from in which an individual lives — educa- the administration of network of edu- tional (through the concept of lifelong cational institutions on the part of learning at any age and even place). district state administrations? First,

289 the educational management body of tory has shown, the model of rational the JTC has the authority, apart from management of schools has somewhat the operational authority (ensuring damaged the roots of a free society, as the current activity of the community it defended. The school has evolved as educational network), and also on the the weapon of the leviathan state. strategic (planning and forecasting of In the XVIII–XIX centuries. Young the education system in the JTC) lev- Americans have acquired all the nec- els. Secondly. If the head of the admin- essary skills for life in society and the istrative service entity is appointed by family. And the teachers were given the the JTC chairman in the JTC, who is wrong place — everyone could teach elected by the JTC community, then others and everyone could teach them- the head of the district department selves. Secular schools were peripheral of education appoints the head of the institutions that were used for resting district state administration and is ap- the mother. Such system in the early pointed, in his turn, by the President stages of statehood, the US was bor- (without the participation of the com- rowed in Ancient Greece. In ancient munity). Hence, the educational man- Greece, training was characterized as agement body, like the whole system of free, based on self-discipline. For ap- local government in JTC, is primarily plicants for education, it was important accountable to the society, and acts in not to test by tests, but to achieve real its interests. Also, the administrative ideals in the cause provided by the local maintenance of the network of educa- tradition (participatory democracy). tional institutions in the JTC is aimed The most famous Athenian school was at maximizing the delegation educa- the Plato Academy, a meeting place of tional and methodical powers to the thinkers and seekers, favorable for a level of the educational institutions good conversation and good friendship, themselves [26]. That is, it is about ex- everything that, according to Plato, panding the autonomy of schools. should be the basis of education. The famous American pedagogue, In the last decades of the XIX cen- J. T. Gatto argues that the pheno- tury, the American education system menon of mass forced school education has been overridden by the Prussian / appeared at the stage of modernity as Spartan model, whose goal satisfied the the extreme manifestation of economic needs of business and the state through rationality in order to standardize the “accompanying each step of the person processes of thinking of the worker in with official attitudes”. At the stage the role of a reliable consumer. To do of the Enlightenment, the cultiva- this, the scientific management quickly tion of the collective social organism, spread from factories to schools. Ac- many European philosophers become cording to J. T. Gatto, the great de- supporters of the idea of compulsory structive myth of the twentieth cen- schooling, because it was tempting tury. There was a statement that the to develop the eastern mechanism for child would not receive the proper transforming the broad masses of the education in the unique conditions population into a means of realizing of her own family [15, р. ХІІ]. As his- the will of the elites, creating a reliable

290 foundation for easily managing the cation” laid a new status of the home society. At the end of the first quarter form of education (when the applicant of the XIX century, in large Ameri- does not need to take a certificate of can cities there are Lancaster schools, health or special circumstances to get children from low grades were brought an opportunity to study at home). And up obedience under the guise of get- now with any school, not just extra- ting the ability to read and count. In mural, parents will be able to conclude these institutions, children were not an agreement on home schooling for required to think, only to repeat, so it their child and passing examinations was easy to learn. The form of compul- for a certificate. The draft Law of sory education in the United States Ukraine “On Education” also provides was invented in Massachusetts around support for various types of schools, in 1850. Its implementation was op- particular public funding for obtaining posed, but in 1880 the last resistance the general secondary education in a was overcome and American children private educational institution in the began to go to school under escort. It amount of a financial norm for the bud- was turned out not entirely in favor of getary provision of one student. Such society — if before 1850. The literacy changes are fully consistent with the rate in the state was 98 %, after 1850 — normative phase of postmodernity, it no more than 91 % [16, p. 40]. Com- provides for innovation and emergence pulsory education served as a tool for of the society. The successes of home creating national unity and reflected education in the United States (more the fear of ethnocentrism. The level of than 2,5 million children are covered prosperity in society has grown, but if by this form so far) and various types of you look at psychology, you can see an schools that are semi-dependent from increase in anxiety. We are convinced the state (charter, magnet schools, that the introduction of compulsory others) point to an alternative encour- schooling with all the attributes that aging path of educational change, to led to the minimization of the space of which, with some delay, Ukraine is at- freedom and creativity of the student, tached. as well as the introduction of school If before the economy of industri- management in the “factory samples”, alism could not withstand the genera- contributed significantly to the growth tion of young people trained to think of anxiety and depressive moods in the critically, postmodernism and the for- society that lay in the prerequisites for mation of a new 4th epochal cycle are the emergence of neo-urbanism as a in great need of a generation of enter- phenomenon of modern society. prising, creative people who will per- If before the middle of the XIX cen- form work that people can not do. In a tury american students could freely healthy community, the learning func- choose the model of education that tion belongs to everyone. The current suits them, for example, self-education, trend of neotrabalism contributes to for today these options are available on- the effectiveness of this norm to a cer- ly to the most courageous and rich. In tain extent, while confirming its pros- the project of law of Ukraine “On Edu- pects in parallel. The state is obliged

291 to help the new network processes Systemic educational reforms in education and to serve them. Also, should be preceded by local pedagogi- the society additionally has a need for cal innovations and local efforts, dur- government programs for the devel- ing which local pedagogical experience opment of basic sciences, laying the will be formed [30, p. 23]. The modern foundation for residual knowledge to model of education — the model of the ensure progress. conveyor — is ineffective. It is the net- In the context of the reform of de- work form of education, in our opinion, centralization of power and the reac- that can ensure the content (cultural tivation of the idea of educational dis- fullness) of the educational trajectory tricts in Ukraine, in our opinion, it is of the competitor of education — ideas important to make service to society of corporatism, constructiveness, and an indispensable part of schooling. In not consumption of alienated know- addition to the experience of selfless- ledge. Only the collective forms of ness, the participation of the individual work and activity will ensure the mod- in the life of society is the best way ern thinking and correct socialization to transfer responsibility in the main of the individual, even though the per- spheres of life. And the alienation from sonality as an anthropological entity society turns into indifference to al- constructs its own way of life. most everything [16, p. 74]. The local The modern teacher is the conduc- community is not the best fuse for loss tor, who initiates the creativity and of identity. The developed community activity of the competitor of education, has certain historical traditions, dif- his accompaniment, the joint search fers from the mediocre neotraibu — the for solutions, organizes the conditions friendship and loyalty in society are and scope for creativity. Unfortunately, long-term, and for most modern tribes, till now the state managers understand this is a temporary phenomenon. reforms as the organization and reor- Therefore, we agree with JT Gatto that ganization, directed not only on orga- the crisis of school education is associ- nizational structures, but also on the ated with a serious crisis of local com- teachers themselves and students only munities [16, p. 40]. as a material of transformations. There- For the modern education it is im- fore, it is easy to explain why educa- portant to keep the scope of work, tional changes are easier to take place rather than producing “educated at the level of educational institutions people”. In the near future a new way (where teachers are self-organizing) to be popular is advanced by the hu- and are hindered in the sphere of edu- manitarian, ethical, social competence cation management. of young people. They will sound new Conclusions and prospects for in conditions when 1 billion people further research: The Postmodernity can become unemployed, a large num- is characterized by a transition from ber of African children are threatened a modern individualistic paradigm with death by starvation, the problems (individual, group) to a postmodern of refugees and others become more societal paradigm (face, tribal com- widespread. munity — neotraybs). It is invisible at

292 first sight, the potential for influence for the new sociality is the emotional without forcing on existing traditional dimension of social life, backed up by educational institutions can not be ig- media activity in social networks. The nored. The modern networked society vector on the formation of the collec- differs not only in emphasis on know- tive subject “We” in the modern Euro- ledge and information, but in a funda- Atlantic countries within the norma- mental change in their role, everyone tive phase of the evolution of the 3rd can join the technology of producing cycle - the postmodern, accompanying knowledge or symbols that unite in their probable transition to the norma- modern tribes. This flexibility, immea- tive phase of the involution of the 4th surable creativity is critical for the tra- cycle, is largely not possible due to the ditional vertical structures of educa- phenomenon of neotribalism (started tion management, in the information here approximately From the late 60s society we have no time to respond to of the 20th century and prepared the the rapid circulation of information. necessary prerequisites for such a tran- The collision of traditional and modern sition). approaches to education that under- Tribes of the modern world are lies resistance to change and is caused formed on the basis of the diversity of by frequent failures of reforms will be individual acts of self-determination. overcome in the case of tracing those The multiplicity of membership con- framework points of educational re- tributes to the creation of a more com- quests without disrupting, the analysis plex personality orientation than just of which as a result will help to more ethnocentrism. A person who deeply accurately predict the development feels himself a member of various of education and successfully design, groups can develop the ability to com- introduce the relevant phases of the pare, understand the conventionality epochal cycle of educational Change. of certain positions. The possibilities of The modern era is characterized by education as a regulator of social con- the fact that along with the creation of flict in the society are unrivaled much new forms of social life, the old ones are more and more variably than at the also reproduced. Many opposite ten- stage of the modernism. dencies coexist or are twofold. How- The assistance in the development ever, through monitoring the grass- of civil society (non-inflexes can form roots level of society it is possible to public organizations to enter into a track which trend vector will be more dialogue with the state), the decentra- relevant in the near future. After all, in lization of power and further democ- conditions of freedom of functioning of ratization and the formation of a new the structures of the grassroots level quality-fully correspond to the trends of society as close to natural, local, it of postmodernity and contain a sig- will be reflect the real symptomato- nificant potential for preventing social logy of society. Virtual, affective tribes conflicts. At the stage of non-urbaniza- are alternative forms of organization, tion, the state should support the de- communication, interaction, where a sire of individual communities to make person finds himself again. The basis education more approximate to re-

293 gional needs, to promote the diversity 3. Beck U. Risk Society : Towards a New of forms of education and to stimulate Modernity. — L. : Sage, 1992. creative principles at its basis. Now the 4. Durand G. Wyobraznia symbolicz- components of collective conscious- na. — Warszawa: Pañstwowe Wydaw — ness archetypes are used by separate nictwo Naukowe, 1986. 5. Ethnicity : Theory and Experience / groups artificially as an instrument of Ed. N. Glazer and D. Moynihan. — hi-hume technologies (humanitarian Cambridge, 1975. forms of point manipulative influence 6. Jenkins R. Rethinking Ethnicity: Ar- by human behavior). We are convinced guments and Explorations. — L. : Sage, that it is possible to warn such a ma- 1997. nipulative action in the conditions of a 7. Maffesoli M. The Time of the Tribes. developed culture of life of the commu- The Decline of Individualism in the nity (public, Gromad culture), because Mass Society. — London : SAGE Pub- of the large volume of live, open, daily lications ; Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, communication between its members. 1996. 8. Rosaldo R. Cultural Citizenship and The neotrayb is a simple means for Educational Democracy / R. Rosal- an individual to fulfill his desires and do // Cultural Anthropology. — protect himself from the demands of 1994. — Aug. — Vol. 9. — № 3. Further other modern tribes. For today neurai- Inflections: Toward Ethnographies of rabs are relatively successful in per- the Future. — Р. 402–411. forming the educational function. This 9. Sumner W. G. Folkways: A Study of problematic aspect of interdisciplinary the Sociological Importance of Us- research is promising for further ana- ages, Manners, Customs, Mores, lytical work. and Morals [internet Resources]. — The content of education differs in Ginn, 1906. — 692 p. — Mode to ac- cess : relation to various types of sociality. books/about/Folkways.html?id= And the type of sociality, in turn, is a dX9qAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y sign of the curriculum of actual edu- 10. Volpp L. The Culture of Citizenship cational transformations. This is one [Internet Resource] / L. Volpp // The- of the strategies for preventing and re- oretical Inquiries in Law. — 2007. — solving conflicts in the modern world July. — Vol. 8. — № 2. — P. 571–602. — through educational changes respond UC Berkeley Public Law Research Pa- to social changes, accompany them per No. 1015142. — Mode to access : with appropriate educational influ- ences, thus contributing to the organic cfm?abstract_id=1015142 11. Anderson B. Imaginary communities. logic of the cyclical development of so- Reasoning about the origin and spread ciety. of nationalism / Trans. Znogorskogo and V. Morozov. — Moscow: Criticism, References 2001. — 272 p. 12. Afonin E. A. Great co-evolution 1. Bauman Z. Intimations of Postmoder- (global problems of the present: socio- nity. — L. : Routledge, 1992. historical analysis) / E. A. Afonin, 2. Bauman Z. Liquid modernity. — Mal- A. M. Bandurka, A. Yu. Martynov. — den : Polity Press, 2000. Moscow: Parapan, 2002. — 352 p.

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295 UDC: 351.82:659.1-027.21/.22

Serdechna Liudmyla Vasilіvna, PhD of Public Administration, Doctorant, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Str. Eu- gene Pottier, 20, tel.: (095) 551 78 85, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596 Сердечна Людмила Василівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, докторант, Національна академія дер- жавного управління при Президентові України, м. Київ, вул. Ежена Потьє, 20, тел.: (095) 551 78 85, e-mail: serdechnaya@ ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596 Сердечная Людмила Васильевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: (095) 551 78 85, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596


Abstract. The article highlights the role of advertising as a mass communi- cation, features of advertising activity, which is based on the purpose of profit making, contradictions of the concept of advertising. The article describes the influence of advertising on society, the use of archetypes in advertising to solve problems of consumer behavior management, the problems of transformation of mass behavior, cultural and moral values of a society, caused by the influence of advertising from the position of the archetypal approach. The author advocates the need for development of public administration mechanisms in the sphere of advertising with the aim of achieving an equitable correlation of the interests of entrepreneurs, the state and society, taking into account the specifics of advertis- ing activities. Keywords: Advertising, regulation, advertising activities, archetype, social justice.

296 КОНЦЕПЦІЯ РЕКЛАМИ ЯК ВИРІШЕННЯ ПРОТИРІЧЧЯ МІЖ СОЦІАЛЬНОЮ СПРАВЕДЛИВІСТЮ ТА ЕКОНОМІЧНОЮ ЕФЕКТИВНІСТЮ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Аналізується роль реклами як масової комунікації, особли- вості рекламної діяльності, в основі якої лежить метаотримання прибутку. Розкривається вплив реклами на суспільство, питання використання в ре- кламі архетипіки для вирішення завдань щодо управління споживчою по- ведінкою. Розглядаються проблеми трансформації масової поведінки, куль- турних і моральних цінностей суспільства, що зумовлені впливом реклами з позиції архетипного підходу. Доводиться необхідність розвитку механізмів державного управління у сфері реклами з метою досягнення справедливого співвідношення інтересів підприємців, держави і суспільства з урахуванням особливостей рекламної діяльності. Ключові слова: реклама, регулювання, рекламна діяльність, архетип, со- ціальна справедливість. КОНЦЕПЦИЯ РЕКЛАМЫ КАК РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ ПРОТИВОРЕЧИЯ МЕЖДУ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ СПРАВЕДЛИВОСТЬЮ И ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬЮ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Анализируется роль рекламы как массовой коммуникации, особенности рекламной деятельности, в основе которой лежит цель получе- ния прибыли. Раскрывается влияние рекламы на общество, использование в рекламе архетипики для решения задач по управлению потребительским по- ведением. Рассматриваются проблемы трансформации массового поведения, культурных и нравственных ценностей общества, обусловленные влиянием рекламы с позиции архетипного подхода. Доказывается необходимость раз- вития механизмов государственного управления в сфере рекламы с целью достижения справедливого соотношения интересов предпринимателей, го- сударства и общества с учетом особенностей рекламной деятельности. Ключевые слова: реклама, регулирование, рекламная деятельность, ар- хетип, социальная справедливость.

Target setting. “Advertising as a rapid development of mass communi- litmus test shows many specific and cations, including advertising, which very significant for postmodern era fea- has become also a part of modern mass tures” — this is how the scholars cha- culture. racterize the role of advertising in the Herewith the advertising reflects culture of the modern era [9, p. 147]. not only the features of the era, but it The technocratic development and also creates them. It is scientifically progress in communications caused the proven that its impact is not restricted

297 by the economic sphere, advertising has sistent advertising hand. The interests information, sociological and psycho- of the producers and consumers come logical impact on the people. E. Romat into the conflict respectively. noted that “it is known the action of The fair value of the interests of advertising is implemented by theinflu- businessmen, state and society can be ence on human psychology” [13, p. 57]. achieved primarily through the forma- The influence of advertising caused the tion of the adequate mechanisms of transformation of mass behavior, cul- the state regulation. So the problem of tural and moral values of the society. solving the contradiction between the In modern conditions, “when the social justice and economic efficiency society becomes information [...] mass in state regulation of the relations in consciousness requires the same at- the field of advertising is relevant in tention as individual consciousness. modern conditions. In particular, this For this reason, the problem of deve- research is an attempt to use the arche- loping methods of social control will typical approach for understanding and never leave the stage,” — a Ukrainian the search of ways to solve this problem. researcher in the field of communica- Analysis of recent research and tion technologies G. Pocheptsovsaid [8, publications. The scientists of different p. 550]. So the problem of developmen- spheres pay attention to advertising re- tof the effective methods of social con- search today, it is an object of research trol is relevant for the management of of the economists, lawyers, sociologists, advertising sphere as mass communica- cultural scientists, psychologists, ex- tion. perts in management, communications But herewith the government regu- theory, etc. In particular, the sociologi- lation of the advertising sector in mo- cal analysis of advertising activity is dern Ukraine has a market economic implemented in the works of the do- paradigm. The features of the advertis- mestic authors, N. M. Lycytsa, G. Po- ing activity as mass communication de- cheptsov, Russian scientists I. Rozhkov, termine the necessity of social orienta- S. G. Kara-Murza, foreign research- tion of regulation,the protection of the ers W. Wells, J. Burnet, C. Moriarty. public interests. This article is also based on the state- Advertising as a business in market ments of research of Ukrainian scientist conditions is directed at the realiza- E. V. Romat, authoritative expert in tion of commercial interests of the en- the field of advertising and,in particu- trepreneurs. In this case the consumers lar, public administration of advertising of advertising act as the objects that is activity. On analyzing the problems of studied properly and at whom the ad- advertising in the context of archetype, vertising information is directed. the author refers to the works of scien- Market relationshipsare built on the tists of Ukrainian school of arhetyp- pragmatic principles of free enterprise. ics, E. A. Afonina, O. A. Donchenko, The peculiarity of the modern state is O. V. Sushyi, etc. Paying tribute to the that demand (consumer behavior) is scientific developments of various as- guided by not only invisible “hand of pects of the advertising in the works the market” but a noticeable and per- of modern scholars, it should be noted

298 that the problems of state regulation of terests of the target markets with more advertising as a social phenomenonare effective comparing with competitors not researched enough currently. More- means on complying the interests of the over, the social value of the researches consumers and society as a whole. on the phenomena of manipulation of The traditional concept of market- public consciousness in mass commu- ing activities is aimed at as fully as pos- nications is growing, which includes sible to satisfy the needs and interests advertising, in particular, the use of of the consumers, in accordance with archetypal approach. So the attemptof an increase in the consumption, expan- analysis of sociological aspects of the sion of the target markets, increasing problems of the modern advertising has sales, developing the markets of goods been made in this study from the posi- and services. The social and ethical tion of archetypics. concept is called to solve the problem The purpose of the article. The aim of adapting marketing activities to the of the article is the analysis of the ratio new requirements that are determined between social justice and economic ef- by the needs to balance the interests of ficiency in advertising and ways to re- the society as a whole with the interests solve the conflict in the state regulation of the certain groups of the consumers of advertising activities on the basis of and the interests of the producers. The the archetypal approach. traditional marketing concept did not The statement of basic materials. correspond such modern conditions, as The state regulation of advertising in limitation of the resources, economic Ukraine is based on its economic func- crisis and social problems of the mar- tions today. However, advertising on ket economy. The social and ethical one hand is a developed industry and concept had to respond to challenges from the other hand, it is a social insti- of time. But it did not fundamentally tution that has a diverse effect on the change the nature of marketing activi- society, including destructive. ties which has basically a consumer na- The theorists allocate social and ture and it expresses the ideology of ethical concepts among modern mar- consumption. This conflict is relevant keting concepts in marketing commu- to all countries with market economies. nications (that includes advertising). The fact about the activities on the In this study, the term “concept” will be European markets of the companies used in the sense of marketing concept may be given as an example — the man- as a broader definition, similarly the ufacturers of food products, in particu- terms “marketing” and “advertising”, lar potato chips, soft drinks and also fast “marketing activities” and “advertising food companies. The companies repre- activities” will beused.The social and senting world renowned brands posi- ethical marketing concept has emerged tion themselves as socially responsible, relatively recently, in the second half of they support sports, act as partners 1970... It was formed as a result of in- of the Olympic Games, although this creased attention to the environmen- sponsorship is also a marketing means tal problems, resource constraints. The itself. But mass advertising ofgoods and concept is to ensure the needs and in- services which are produced or provid-

299 ed by the companies had serious conse- “have such power which it seems the quences for the European society, it has children are not able to resist” it refers become one of the key reasons thatled in particular the abnormal popular of a to spreading such health problems as children’s toy-doll Barbie, caused also overweight and obesity. In 2000, at the archetypal form of the product and the 55th session of the World Health its advertising [6, p. 324]. Assembly, the director of the World The use of the archetypal analysis Health Organization (WHO) Harlem method reveals the mechanisms of ad- Brundtlend stated that “marketing vertising impact of advertising on mass approaches are important for public consciousness. As the mentioned of health. They influence the behavior, archetypes in advertising has shown, both ours and especially our children’s. which was made by the American Counted to succeed, they have serious scientists Margaret Mark and Carol consequences for those at who they S. Pearson, in the modern era “for the aimed” [10, p. 132]. first time in human history, the com- In a special study among thereasons mon myths began to take their posi- of the problem, WHO highlights also- tions, and the advertising has taken the the advertising of unhealthy products, place ofsacred legends” [6, p. 322]. The promotion of an unhealthy lifestyle, scientific works of local scientists also stimulation ofirrational demandand confirm that archetypal approaches and consumption of food. WHO also recog- “advertising and PR-technologies use nized a significant role of food advertis- the phenomenology of the irrational” ing that is targeted at the children, in [3, p. 170]. the occurrence and development of this S. G. Kara-Murza notes clearly re- problem among children [10, p. 132– garding the advertising that it is a 164]. means of influence on the mind and the The companies that produce more itsmain sense “lies in manipulation of harmful products (alcoholic bever- the consciousness” [4, p. 116]. ages, beer, tobacco, etc.) also declare Marketing and advertising primar- the principles of social-ethical market- ily represent the interests of the seller. ing, sponsor sports competitions. The The consumer interests are taken into manufacturers and distributors of ad- account as a factor that in the success- vertising, in their turn, also conform to ful use can help to improve the com- the modern requirements, develop and petitive position and the market de- implement ethical codes into action, velopment. The consumer character but at the same time advertising of al- of the marketing activities causes the cohol and tobacco does not promotea controversyeven with the interests of healthy lifestyle. Its negative impact on the consumer in the long term perspec- children and teenagers is scientifically tive, more over the interests of society. proven. As a whole, the advertising di- Eventually, the marketing concept con- rected at children may carry a threat tradicts theconception of sustainable even when it advertises toys. The re- human development, which sense is to searchers of archetypal marketing have limit the consumption of natural re- proven that archetypes in advertising sources and stabilization of the current

300 very high levels of consumption and subject of influence in the concept of achieving the goals of social justice. advertising (marketing) and the social The goals of social justice in the space becomes corporate. world of the concept of the sustainable In the era of postmodern the role development are definedas a part of of advertising is changing: its value in- common seventeen goals that are for- creases, advertising space is expanding mulated by the UNO. There are those to global scale. This information func- ones that meet the content of this re- tion narrows and increases the psycho- search amongthem. They are: respon- logical impact of a mass audience, un- sible consumption and production, re- der which the system of social relations duction of inequalities, partnership for is transformed. The role and influence the benefit of sustainable development on global processes of transnational [17]. corporations are increasing which actu- It should be noted that in this spe- ally not only form the market space, but cific case social justice is understood as also cultural, turning it into corporate a moral category. In outline this com- through advertising. It should be noted plex social and philosophical category that multinational companies play an expresses the generalized moral evalu- increasing role in the national markets, ation of public relations; compliance including the advertising markets. In various phenomena with understand- Ukraine, two thirds of the domestic ing of accepted moral principles in the advertising market belongs to multina- present society. The implementation tional advertising holdings. But at the of the principle of social justice implies same time in so-called developed coun- the fair distribution of the activities, tries, the regulatory mechanisms are social benefits, level and quality of life, formed in the interest of their national information and cultural values [14]. and multinational corporations [12, According to the theoretical views p. 161]. of J. Rawls, justice is honesty. The so- The contemporary French writer ciety that meets the principles of jus- M. Welbeck in his essay “The World as tice is based on voluntary cooperation a supermarket and a mockery” showed with relevant voluntary adoption of that the global commercialization voluntary commitments by the mem- transforms the social space in the “glob- bers of the society. “One of the features al supermarket”. In such circumstances, of justice as fairness is that the parties people “want more and more [...] these are conceived in the initial situation as desires are mostly set from outside — rational and uninterested in each other perhaps we can say that they are set by [...] uninterested in the interests of the advertising in the broad sense of this others” [11, p. 25]. This implies that word” [7]. A man turns into the recep- members of society have subjectivity. tor of advertising. Rawls’s views are a theory of consent A French postmodernist philoso- which declares a contractual approach pher Jean Baudrillard, exploring the to the social cooperation. But advertis- crisis phenomena in the culture of the ing does not observethese principles. twentieth century, also noted that in The individuals and society are the the consumersociety the taskof adver-

301 tising comes down to the interpreta- ciples of mass communications, infor- tion of desires. The desires materialize mation theory, etc. in things and things embody the desire The consumers of advertising have and materialize certain functions of no such training and even elementary public structure. Advertising creates systematic education on the impact of a world in which social problems are advertising on mass consciousness, how solved bythings not people: “Any ten- to protect themselves and to avoid ma- sion, any individual or collective con- nipulation, knowledge about the harm flict can be solved with some thing” [2, of information on mental and physical p. 105]. The separation from social re- health, how it affects children and teen- ality and simulation of existence trans- agers, on public morality and popular forms society into social passive mass culture. So it is natural that in such of consumers, which is operated by the situation the consumers and society advertisers. cannot perform asanequal subject of re- The American social psychologists lations in this area, they are the passive have formulated a number of universal object of influence. Advertisers, busi- principles of social influence, which al- ness, politics (the fact that they per- low advertising people in practice “to form themselves astheir clients, objects manage without motives”, “to become a and advertising items influence ontheir Jedi master of social impact” and others position as for advertising) have goals [18, p. 4–5]. Such developments and that do not match the public ones. And, other materials for guidance in the mat- most importantly, they have levers of ters of “management without motives” influence on conceptual principles of arebeing developed now more than advertising, the formation of its norma- enough. As for the guides of the oppo- tive legal regulation, and even organi- site direction on “public protection” zation of its control. from the effects of advertising, on the A modern Danish researcher and contrary, are not enough, the wishing specialist in the advertising sphere should carefully collect such informa- Martyn Lindstromv in his book de- tion bit by bit. voted to neuromarketing appeals to the The education of advertisers pro- readers: “Let’s face it: we are all con- vides comprehensive training in vari- sumerswith you. And no matter what ous areas, including such specific ones we buy — a mobile phone, anti-aging as psycholinguistics, neuromarketing, cream of Swiss production or a tin of arhetypics, psychology, including chil- Coca-Cola — shopping is an integral dren’s (italics author. — L. S.). The part of our daily life. Every day, dozens experts of the field study the works and even hundreds of advertisements of physiologists, psychologists, soci- and market offerings are directed on us. ologists and others, in particular, in Commercials on television. Billboards the tutorials on advertising you can on the streets. Advertising banners on- find theoretical principles of physiolo- line. Advertising in shop windows. We gists J. Ukhtomskyi and I. Pavlov, psy- are surrounded by brand names every- chiatrists V. Bekhterev and Carl Jung, where which all regularly brings down without mentioning the scientific prin- their information upon us [...] The bet-

302 ter we understand why we become a and responsibility of the state must be victim of tricks and fraud of advertis- adequate to the current state of the so- ers, the better we can protect ourselves ciety, whilethe foundations of the civil from their attacks” [5, p. 4–5]. So the society are being formed. Accordingly, society must take an active positionas the balance of public interest and cor- for advertising. porate interest of advertising business, The role of the public in the domes- the protection of social justice should tic advertising space is quite modest — be taken mostly by the state. This view it is the passive consumption of adver- is confirmed in the research of local tising and the lack of public activity as scientists, particularly in the works of for the control of advertising activity. E. Afonin that “contemporary post- Partly this situation is conditioned by modern society, unlike the traditional the national traditions and archetypal one, is aimed at the transformation of characteristics. For example, the pub- interaction of the society and the state, lic (non-profit) organizations carefully which, in its turn, is provided by the monitor both compliance with current creation of new forms of influence on legislation for publicity and the adver- people on state-management processes tising content, its compliance withet- and respectivelytheir participation in hical standards in Western European public and political life of society” [1, countries and the US. p. 5]. Almost in all the developed coun- Today the problems as for the prin- tries public organizations are an im- ciples of state policy in the advertising portant part of the system of external sphere, the effectiveness of state regu- advertising control, theyfight quite ef- lation and the system of external con- fectively for the rights of the consum- trol remain unsolved and not enough ers. It should be noted that self-organi- investigated. It should be noted that zation of the consumers was promoted the research in this area will certainly by several factors, among which the promote “archetypal perspective of the most important one was the formation visionof problems of the modern state, of civil society and democratic institu- public administration and public poli- tions and also archetypal principles of cy”, as O. Sushyi determines the matter civil initiatives and activities. of the use of methodological principles The consumers of advertising in of arhetypics in the government admin- Ukraine which is practically the vast istration [15, p. 55]. majority of the population, have low so- Conclusions. The role of advertis- cial activity, not organized enough, the ing as a mass communication has been traditions have not established in the studied in the work, the matter ofthe legislation yet, not worked out mecha- use of arhetypicsto solve the problems nisms of consumer protection. concerning the formation of consumer The national traditions and arche- behavior has also been considered. The typal features of Ukrainian society, its features of advertising have been ana- tendency to paternalism provide the lyzed which are based on the goal of necessity to reckon with them, the role getting profit. It is shown that corpo- of public administration, the actions rate interests of advertising business

303 through advertising, which forms the ra-Murza. — M.: Algorithm, 2013. — culture of consumption in the society, 432 p. including irrational, contradict with 5. Lyndstrom M. Buyology: Fascinating the interests of the society. journey into the brain of a modern Thus, advertising as a sphere of consumer / M. Lyndstrom [Trans. with English. E. Falyuk]. — M.: Eks- public life requires not only direct ac- mo, 2010. — 240 p. tion from public administration, but 6. Mark M. Hero and Rebel. Creating a involvement of public in the manage- brand using an archetype / M. Mark, ment, expansion of the sphere of social K. Pearson; transl. from English.edited activity of the population. At the same by V. Domnyna, A. Sukhenko. — SPb.: time, advertising as an object of state Peter, 2005. — 336 p. administration is not just business, it 7. World as a supermarket and scorn. is also the mass communication which [Electronic resource]. — Access: in its turn requires a comprehensive ap- http: // proach to state regulation in this sphere php/59211/16/Uel%27bek__Mir_ kak_supermarket.html in order to provide balance of the in- 8. Pocheptsov G. G. Imagelogy / G. G. terests of the society and advertising Pocheptsov. — 6th ed., еrased. — M.: business, rights protection and legal Smartbook, 209. — 575 p. interests of the consumers of advertis- 9. Pritchin A. N. Myth and Advertising / ing. The perspectives for further study A. N. Pritchin, B. S. Teremenko // So- are concretization of the directions of cial science and our time. — 2002. — decentralization, relations and inter- № 3. — Р. 149–163. action with the public in the system of 10. The problem of obesity in the European public administration of advertising. region of WHO and strategies for its solution. Edited by: Francesco Branca, Haik Nikogosian and Tim Lobstein. References WHO 2009. — 392 p. 11. Rawls J. Theory of justice / J. Rawls; 1. Afonin E. A. Public participation in the scientific ed. V. V. Tselyschev. — Novo- creation and implementation of public sibirsk, NSU, 1995. — 535 p. policy / E. A. Afonin, L. V. Honiukova, 12. Rozhkov I. Y. International advertising R. V. Voytovych. — K.: Center for Pro- business / I. Y. Rozhkov. — M.: Banks motion of Institutional Development and exchanges. UNITY, 1994. — 175 p. of Civil Service, 2006. — 160 p. 13. Romat E. V. Transformation of the 2. Bodryiar J. System of Things / J. Bo- model of state management of adver- dryiar. — M.: Rudomyno, 2001. — tising in transient conditions: monog- 216 p. raphy / E. V. Romat. — K.: Publishing 3. Donchenko O. Archetypes — common NAPA, 2003. — 380 p. in our lives (recognition of archetypes 14. Social justice. Ecology of Human. as a way to uniqueness) / O. Don- Conceptually-terminological diction- chenko // Personality Psychology. — ary. Rostov-na-Donu. B. B. Prokhorov. 2011. — № 1. — P. 170–181. [Electron- 2005 [Electronic resource]. — Access: ic resource]. — Access: http://nbuv. http: // human_ecology.academic. ru/1777 4. Kara-Murza S. G. Manipulation with 15. Sushyi O. Unconscious forms of so- consciousness. 21th Century / S. G. Ka- cial and psychological thinking: to the

304 question of methodological principles 17. Objectives in the field ofsustainable of arhetypics / O. Sushyi // Public Ad- development [Electronic resource]. — ministration: Theory and Practice, Col- Access: http: // lected Works of Association of doctors abledevelopment/ru/sustainable-de- of public administration. — Kh.: Pub- velopment-goals/ lishing “DokNaukDerzhUpr”. — Spe- 18. Cialdini R. Psychology of persuasion. cial Issue. — March 2015. — Р. 55–59. 50 proved waysto be convincing / 16. Wells W. Advertising: Principles and R. Cialdini, S. Martin, N. Goldstein. — Practice / W. Wells, J. Burnett, S. Mo- M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013. — riarty. — SPb.: Peter, 1999. — 736 p. 224 p.

305 UDC: 323.2 Sychova Anastasiia Olexandrivna, PhD of political science, Lecturer of Ukrainian History Department, Luhask Taras Shevchen- ko National University, m. Starobelsk, Lugan- sk reg., 92701, pl. Gogol, 1, tel.: (066) 24 55 429, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0273-8469 Сичова Анастасія Олександрівна, кандидат політичних наук, старший ви- кладач кафедри історії України, Луган- ський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Старобільськ, Луган- ська обл., 92701, пл. Гоголя, 1, тел.: (066) 24 55 429, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0273-8469 Сычева Анастасия Александровна, кандидат политических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры истории Украи- ны, Луганский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, г. Старобельск, Луганская обл., 92701, пл. Гоголя, 1, тел.: (066) 24 55 429, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0273-8469


Abstract. In the article political trust as necessary component of cooperation between power-holding structures and society is considered in the light of arche- types relevant to Ukrainian mentality. There is a special emphasis on formation of trust practices. Keywords: archetype, political trust, psychoculture. ПОЛІТИЧНА ДОВІРА ЯК РЕСУРС ВЗАЄМОДІЇ МІЖ ДЕРЖАВОЮ І СУСПІЛЬСТВОМ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Політична довіра як необхідний елемент співпраці між влад- ними структурами і соціумом розглядається крізь призму архетипів, прита- манних українській ментальності. Особлива увага звертається на механізми формування довірчих практик. Ключові слова: архетип, політична довіра, психокультура.

306 ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ДОВЕРИЕ КАК РЕСУРС ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ МЕЖДУ ГОСУДАРСТВОМ И ОБЩЕСТВОМ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Политическое доверие как необходимый элемент сотрудни- чества между властными структурами и социумом рассматривается сквозь призму архетипов, свойственных украинской ментальности. Особенное вни- мание уделяется механизмам формирования практик доверия. Ключевые слова: архетип, политическое доверие, психокультура.

Target setting. After 1991 Ukraine economic problems remained illusive, had been perceived by the world for a at finding decisions already adopted. long time as a state of transition with By 2014 Ukrainians had mostly frequent fluctuations concerning policy, used the “speckled” local forms of ex- external partners and cultural values. pression such as protests against po- We seemed stuck in time, not wanting lice arbitrariness, sealing construction, to return to the past, but the future is environmental initiatives, etc. But not too advanced. One of the main con- Euromaydan has finally driven Ukrai- tradictions of such “fluid state” has re- nians out from the “civic coma”. Now mained a large gap between the right each parliamentary reform is under the of citizens to defend their freedom and watchful eye of the public; people do their ability to manage social conditions not hesitate to oppose the officials and that make possible such protection. to remind who is the main real source For more than twenty years Ukrai- of power constitutionally (“march of nians were hoping for changes in the white kerchiefs”, protests against in- system have inherited from Soviet creasing tariffs in metro, the miners’ times. Hopes were mainly relied on the strike, blockade of ATO zone, “activists coming of a “new generation” of politi- versus Russian banks”, etc.). Exactly cians with innovative ideas for already the Revolution of dignity has initiated independent Ukraine. But usually the reformatting politics and society to- primary enthusiasm of recruits-parlia- wards acquiring a new quality — mu- mentarians to “qualitatively change tual publicity, existence of which is im- outdated political practice” has always possible without a high level of mutual accompanied by another voters’ disap- trust. This refers to accommodation a pointment that spilled into reducing kind of “trust credit” to public political trust in all positions. Of course, govern- players, which may be based both on ment representatives did “democratic rational (weighted assessment of the reverent” toward the people, occasion- possibilities of prevailing authorities ally appealing to “public opinion” or or opposition political forces) and irra- “national interests” for lobbying laws tional (including national archetypes) favorable to them. However, participa- factors. So we consider an impact of the tion of citizens in solving political and latter on trust practices.

307 Analysis of recent researches and stitutions, leaders, movements, slogans publications. According to C. Jung and more. Only with a sufficient level [13], archetypes are a kind of “uni- of trust we can reach an openness and versal matrix” dominates in people’s transparency between political elite mind, in their culture. Proceedings of and society that provides the minimum A. Bentley, T. Day, R. Dahl, D. Ziegler, necessary information exchange and A. Lijphart, G. Sartori, D. Truman, support for government in place. J. Habermas, J. Schumpeter and others However, an individual of modern are devoted to detailed consideration societies (including of Ukraine) usu- of archetypes in socio-political sys- ally shows not constant but variable tems. One of the founders of Ukrainian mentality: in different times and situa- school of archetypes E. Afonin [1] in tions of his/her personal and historical his studies is using a binary-scale oppo- life in his/her spiritual being certain sition to monitor and analyze changes trends may prevail. Repeatability of in psychosocial culture of Ukraine. identical historical events (like restric- Ukrainian scientists O. Donchenko, tion of civil liberties, speech-policing) Y. Romanenko [5] listed in detail cul- can lead to transformation of the latter tural archetypes as organized prin- on people’s subconscious, encouraging ciples of psychosocial evolution. The them to such reactions on similar situ- authors believe these principles consti- ations in the future and, thus, creating tute a kind of matrix regulation that is a kind of archetype. imposed on chaos thereby any content Extrapolating denoted conclusion finds its place. Also, in the science of on trust practices, it can be argued our country, psychological and politi- that citizens of post-Soviet Ukrainian cal archetypes from different angles society overwhelmingly prefer repro- of view are examined by Yu. Behunov, duction political trust of “soviet for- V. Gorbatenko, L. Zubrytska, A. Kolo- mat” stepping on “path dependence” diy, V. Kolotilo, A. Kryukov, A. Lu- (D. North), i. e. keeping in mind the kashov, V. Martynenko, A. Melvil, archetypes of behavior, norms of inter- B. Nikitin, A. Radchenko. However ar- action peculiar to both horizontal and chetypes’ influence on the formation of vertical projections. It was accompa- trust relationship between the authori- nied by a phenomenon of cultural trau- ties and society is still insufficiently in- ma thanks to it informal solutions of vestigated. life support problems found in the past The purpose of the article is to transferred to the present and are used consider in detail the nature of politi- as the primary source of the formation cal trust subject to national archetypes of trust relationship. Concretize with inherent Ukrainian mentality, which examples: can be used as conceptual guidelines in 1) trust of the “patron-client” reforming relations between power and The Soviet legacy: 1930s were filled society. with Stalinist terror, sudden arrests, The statement of basic materials. constant personnel purges, obsession Any power uses in its own interests – with “enemies” and their relentless ex- as far as possible — people’s trust in in- posure what created an atmosphere of

308 uncertainty and fear, gave rise to suspi- • “agreements” concerning redistri- ciousness of others, even of family [12, bution of tenders (scandals about pro- p. 60]. Socio-political trust is usually curement of footwear production by implemented in communities connect- MoD (the company of MP M. Lavryk ed by mutual responsibility, headed by “Talanlehprom”) and also new cars the mayor (or equivalent one) and in- for national policy; “gas schemes” of volved in “friendly” relations with one A. Onishchenko and situation with or another representative of power hi- dredging in the port “Pivdenniy”). erarchy. These asymmetrical exchanges Though some researchers consider provided that patron takes care of the similar trust networks as a “reserve client on his own resources and collects mechanisms” [4; 8] of stabilization in appropriate tribute in the form of grati- “transit period for the state”, it should tude for care. pay attention to the fact that such alli- The consequences in the present: ances can lead to loss of legitimacy by instinct of self-preservation has initiat- regime, depriving official public insti- ed the phenomenon of “social markets” tutions their civil legal sense. where the result of shadow activities 2) trust by “backstair influence” is not only financial profits or mate- (as use of personal relations and mu- rial production as social effects: bribe tual exchange of goods and services) improving appropriate business envi- The Soviet legacy: tradition of col- ronment; shadow reshuffle in higher lective responsibility, ideology of egali- echelons; secret collusions of different tarian prosperity and its accompanying political factions for lobbying certain expectations of fairness consumption law. Clientelictic informal practices in faced with closed distribution struc- post-Soviet societies are consequence tures and privileges range [12, p. 63]. of Soviet culture as a survival strat- For access to scarce goods and services egy in a circle of “insiders”. So the lat- it was need to connect the mechanisms ter has dinted on trust in the form of of existing system. “Pull” and “black doublethink accompanied by spread- money” depended on trust to people, ing of the next symbiotic forms (a syn- many of whom would cause extreme thesis of official and backroom agree- suspicion in usual circumstances. ments): The consequences in the present: • an election of entrepreneurs as in modern conditions pull relationship deputies of legislative branch and lo- not only has not lost its significance: cal governments (filling of the Ver- it has shifted. Previously, by pulling khovna Rada committees, where most people got hands on goods and ser- seats are distributed among prominent vices, nowadays it is need for obtain- businessmen and managers of proper ing money or necessary information “supervising” sectors); to minimize the risk, for gaining access • a strategic partnership based on to bureaucratic decisions regarding “trust relationship” between economic allocation of loans and its terms. As a subjects with higher officials (financ- result it appears the practice of barter ing election campaigns to ensure loy- through personal connections, i.e. on alty to his/her own business); the reciprocal principle. If a patron-cli-

309 ent relationship involves a certain hier- to join the society but to isolate from archy due to vertical order of subjects, it [5, p. 220]. The strategy of the be- reciprocity is based on symmetrical havior is rather simple — it is an alien- horizontal structure, recognition the ation from other people and the passing equality of actors [8, p. 70]. An exam- to the self-reticence, i. e. person exists ple is the phenomenon of nepotism and first of all in the world of own anxiety favoritism in Ukrainian politics (clans showing an activity only in extreme Baloga, Bogoslovskih, Dubnevychiv, situations. An example for it can be Lutsenko, etc.) that practically blocks meetings, strikes of market traders, bus the access to it for “mere mortals”, drivers, business owners, Afghan war turning the latter on outsiders. veterans, just after the promulgation Informal political institutions find of certain law, although the necessary their equivalent at the level of society: information about such possibility was criminal structures, interpersonal net- given before that “Х” time and at the works, communications patronage and same time there were such thoughts: corruption act as alternative mecha- “it can’t become true”; “they wouldn’t nisms of production of the particular dare to do it”. The other side of self-ret- trust at a general public mistrust. But icence is alarmism, when, for example, after Euromaydan the nature of politi- financial crisis was attended by mass cal trust is gradually changing. Ukrai- buying of dollars or goods of residen- nians have begun en masse to get rid tial use. For political practice it gives of psychocultural heritage imposed by a possibility to manipulate the con- the Soviet system and tend more to na- sciousness resting upon the fact that tional archetypes, including on the use Ukrainian is a person without “centre” of trust both in everyday practice and and it is possible to incline such person politics. The peculiar “coming round to the opposite decision even at the last to you” is explained by the fact that moment. exactly in modern era features intrin- One more feature of the Ukrainian sic to Ukrainian population did not individualism is the joining of the anti develop in contrast to characteristics statehood (it means the power insti- that met interests of the Politburo of tutions aren’t considered as organic the CPSU. This is the main contradic- constant of the political space) and tion of the present state of Ukrainian the paternalism (to consider the state mass consciousness. Consider these to be the guardian who distributes so- metamorphoses: cial package) [5, p. 222]. On the one 1) The Ukrainian doesn’t to be a hand, it looks like the people entrust bearer of collectivist values. But his/ their fate to the state, causing parasiti- her individualism lacks an aggressive cal public mood, training the latter to a intentionality and becomes apparent passive waiting for a miracle and weak- observing own feelings, emotions, the ening initiative of individual persons. inner world in general which points to On the other, constructively critical the reflex base aimed first of all at fa- evaluation of governmental decisions mily, friends, like-minded people. Such and actions enhances a potential influ- natural self-sufficiency stimulates not ence of civil society.

310 2) Executivity is an avoidance of monopoly duties from the state to of originality, psychological chame- resistance the February political cri- leonism, inconsistency [5, р. 230]. Such sis in 2015 and separatism, may cre- a person may easily change plans and ate systemic barriers for proper power choose the escape under the pressure of exercise by government. Because the circumstances (the practice of “rushes” healthy state a priori cannot be based and votes by deputies). Even consider- solely on society’s control under public ing Ukrainian to be “a small group per- servants. The latter should not fear the son”, who unwillingly searches for the citizens but cooperate with them. communication in the mass we should 3) Introversiveness reconstructs point to a superficial and emotional the level of the society’s neurotization, character of his/her communication overstrain on account of bundle data (the preference to virtual communities, accessing. Hereupon it appears original forums) beyond a family. Small group, information blockade to all connected except conformism and tolerance, cre- straightly with existential individual’s ates original immunity against pres- interests [5, c. 237]. “Social fatalism” sure of big groups and society, partially prevails, i. e. automatism of develop- leveling the guilt by participation and ment, and also it is occurs an overrated identification. Therefore Ukrainian level of optimistic expectations after represents the atomization of individ- another change of authority which ual toward a system of abstract social is sure accompanied by sheer disap- bonds [6, р. 23]. pointments. The individual’s behavior It should be noted that mental- is notable for selective character: the ity of non-civicism of the “average” aim of adaptation prevails in standard Ukrainian as component of his or her situations; the aim of isolation prevails social character is probably protec- in problem situations. The introver- tive mechanism under circumstances siveness is turned into voluntarism of dependence on central and regional (a search of own truth contrary to real- politics and of persistent worsening ity), political shortsightedness, mutual of life conditions. In due time, exactly protection, corruption and social nihil- using a strategy of self-defense led to ism behind moderateness and suspen- numerous civic initiatives, participants sion. of which note strengthening of social 4) An emotional and aesthetically relations, growth of confidence in the acceptable dominant shows in insta- ability to influence not only on their bility of emotional reactions of Ukrai- own fate, but also for the future of the nian to the same stimulus as a mecha- country; it is appear an experience of nism of adaptation to surroundings conflict resolution (“Reanimatsiynyi [5, с. 246]. That is why he or she likes paket reform”, “Lustra”, “Nova kray- rumors and made-up stories which give ina”, “Pomozhemo” etc.). These are sig- possibility to remove the load of the nificant positive changes after a long- reflectiveness, and are actively used by term state of passivity, political apathy politicians. For Ukrainian politics it is and marginality. On the other hand, typical to produce the following myths: post-maydan NGO, took away the part about wise and honest head, about “sit-

311 uation under control”, about openness adaptation to new political course ac- of all income items of public servants, cording to claims of representatives of about political and economic indepen- the . dence, about 144 successful reforms for Thus, it may be affirmed that Ukrai- Euro-integration etc. nians are characterized by using of dou- 5) Tolerance as a component of ble trust practices formed under the the Ukrainian psychoculture is also influence of both historical events and marked by historical influences. In their national archetypes. In general — particular, it can assert that tolerance against the background of mistrust by of “soviet version” is notable for pater- most political leaders — it is dominated nalistic personalized forms, mainly to three types of orientation: the power-holding structures through • “immoral familism” [3, p. 462] — mechanisms of socialization, censor- trust to yourself and members of the ship, etc. Using the definite term was family; not hailed, because it was considered • “an extensive trust”, i. e. at the as the suggestion of the West. Current place of residence, social status or pro- understanding of tolerance is more ap- fessional interests; pealing to religious or ethnic format, • a strategy of forced trust as a sometimes turning into patience or out- means of developing a sense of onto- right conformism. So during the stay of logical security in the “risk society”. our country under the rule of foreign- Dedicated types of trust can be used ers (Turks, Poles, Russians) Ukraini- as initial training solidarity mecha- ans formed a caution and a willingness nisms, but their “conservation” and to accept the opinion of others, to turn reproduction is an alarming trend that a blind eye to disorder of being for pre- run deepen split and even threaten serving an existing status. the existence of Ukrainian society as a On the other hand, tolerance cor- whole. relates with Ukrainian archetype of Conclusions. The Ukrainian speci- “social compact” peculiar to the period ficity is not that “political trust does of Kiev Rus. It should pay attention to not overcome an individual level” [6, the popular assembly as a traditional p. 44]; it operates at the level of adapta- Ukrainian governing body for colle- tion tools and habits. The phenomenon giate decisions which are discussed and of social cohesion on other grounds, ex- adopted by general meeting of com- cept mobilization from above, i.e. at the munity, were the most objective and level of national relations, is keeping assumed overall responsibility. There- awake fear and alienation in former- fore, in public dimension it worth Soviet people. Finally, political trust talking about development an “active should turn into norm of “general reci- tolerance, which would ground on the procity” [2, p. 26], when discharge of perceived importance in community own duties by politicians in exchange and would force a legal ability to sup- for civil support will stop being de- press some groups and strengthening pended on someone’s personal feelings others” [11, р. 112]. This requirement and interests. Otherwise, reciprocity appears quite relevant for Ukrainians’ principle loses its potential of universal

312 social integrator into a large communi- cade programs that solve, according to ty for those informal associations exist- Ukrainians’ opinion, minor issues (for ing at the grade of microenvironment. example, creation of the police or go- Unfortunately, we must note the vernment contact center). trend of declining trust level to the Therefore, building a “new” — ac- representatives of “new pro-European cording to the Sustainable Develop- minded government” [9]. Significant- ment Strategy 2020 of P. Poroshen- ly, the majority of those who received ko — Ukraine with its own voice both mandate, like their predecessors, do internal and on the international scene not actually seek to confirm their own requires solidarity on the ground of legitimacy “from below”, frankly ignor- mutual — hereafter impersonal — trust, ing citizens’ assessments of their activi- tension of intellectual efforts and loy- ties. Thus, the power does not become alty to the country from its powers that thought-leader for electorate and does be and citizens. Since the state and so- not generate belief in the importance ciety should develop together but and correctness of their actions before without sacrifice of each other. voters. Of course, Ukrainian politi- cians are using various methods for trust building, such as meetings with References foreign colleagues as confirmation of 1. Afonin E. Civic participation in for- common position on some problems mation of state politics / Е. Afonin, (US Republican senator John. Mc- L. Gonyukova, R. Voytovich. — К. : Cain); public reports about “successful The Assistance Centre of institutional completion of negotiations and com- development of civil service, 2006. — promise” (statements of D. Klimkin); 160 p. passage of laws and compliance with 2. Barsukova S. Reciprocal interactions. standard procedures (“democratic” An essence, functions, specificity / elections, requirements for individual S. Barsukova // Sotsis. — 2004. — № 9. — P. 20–30. voting in parliament, etc.). 3. Daugavet A. Informal practices of Rus- However, fights, populism, passing sian elite. An approbation of cognitive laws to improve their own status sig- approach / А. Daugavet // Polis. — nificantly reduce trust to present Par- 2003. — № 4. — P. 26–38. liament. It is no mere chance, A. Gid- 4. Donchenko O., Romanenko Yu. The dens in due time promoted the concept archetypes of social life and politics of “active trust” is one that should be (Basic regulators of psychopolitical earn, not derived from specified so- everyday life): [monograph] / О. Don- cial positions or gender roles. In the chenko, Yu. Romanenko. — К. : Lybid, context of Ukrainian politics it means 2001. — 334 p. 5. Dumouchel P. Trust as an Action / the need of breaking the practice of P. Dumouchel // Arch. Europ. social. — simulation publicity (lack of coher- 2005. — Vol. 46. — № 3. — P. 417–428. ent argumentation and public debate 6. Ermolaev A. Ukrainian character of new utility rates, of accountability (Typical socio-psychological features concerning direction of tranches from of Ukrainian population: [an analyti- the IMF) and “eyewash” through fa- cal report] / А. Ermolaev, А. Levtsun,

313 S. Denysenko. — К. : Sofia, 2011. — Neprikosnoveniy zapas. — 2007. — 64 p. № 4. — P. 59–69. 7. Golovaha E. The phenomenon of “im- 11. Jung C. An archetype and symbol / moral majority” in Ukrainian society: C. Jung. — М. : Renaissance, 1991. — post-Soviet transformation of mass 304 p. ideas about norms of social behavior // 12. Kasavin I. The analysis of everyday Ukraine-2002. Monitoring of social life / I. Kasavin, S. Shchavelev. — М. : changes / Ed. by doctor of econom- Kanon+, 2004. — 432 p. ics V. Vorona, doctor of social science 13. Lyasota L. Social networks and in- M. Shulga. — К. : The Institute of formal practices in political design of sociology NAS of Ukraine, 2002. — post-Soviet societies / L. Lyasota // P. 460–468. Political management. — 2006. — 8. Growiec K. Trusting Only Whom № 4. — P. 65–79. You Know, Knowing Only Whom 14. Political totals 2016: national-wide You Trust: The Joint Impact of Social poll [An electronic resource]. — On- Capital and Trust on Individuals’ Eco- line at: nomic Performance and Well-Being in y-politichni-pidsumki-zagalnonat- CEE Countries / K. Growiec, J. Grow- sionalne-opituvannya iec. — 2010. — Online at: http://mpra. 15. Stepanenko V. Civic and “non-civic” society: discourses and models of in- 9. Hoffe O. Politics, law, justice / teraction // Ukrainian society 1994– О. Hoffe // Basic ideas of critical 2004. Monitoring of social changes / philosophy of law and state. — М.: Ed. by doctor of economics V. Vorona, Gnosis, 1994. — 328 p. doctor of social science M. Shulga. — 10. Hosking J. The structures of trust in К. : The Institute of sociology NAS of last decades of USSR / J. Hosking // Ukraine, 2004. — P. 198–211.

314 UDC: 316. 47. 316.285 Siriy Evgen Volodimirovich, PhD of sociology scince, Professor, Head of the scientific research sector of sociology faculty, Taras Shevchenko KNU, Ukraine, 03187, Kiev, Academician Glushkov Avenue, 4d, r. 506, tel.: (097) 263 71 30, e-mail: so- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3396-8168 Сірий Євген Володимирович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, ке- рівник науково-дослідного сектору фа- культету соціології, Київський національ- ний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Україна, 03187, Київ, пр. Академіка Глуш- кова, 4д, кімн. 506, тел.: (097) 263 71 30, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3396-8168 Серый Евгений Владимирович, доктор социологических наук, профессор, руководитель научно-исследовательского сектора факультета социологии, Киев- ский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, Украина, 03187, Киев, пр. Ака- демика Глушкова, 4д, комн. 506, тел.: (097) 263 7130, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3396-8168


Abstract. In this material, the search aspects of analysis and explanation of the nature of social tension. In the analysis of various “acceptable” theories re- lating to this subject, it is assumed that the greatest validity is the integrality of the deprivation component, derived both by direct arguments of modern foreign researchers and by the theories involved in them: The theory of deprivation, frus- tration, theoretical correlates of poverty, marginalization and deprivation, ideas on the phenomenon of mistrust, which allow us to state the formation of a mo- dern deprivation theory that most appropriately explains the mechanism of de- velopment of social tension, acceptable by Ukrainian society. Besides, theoretical

315 studies were carried out in the analysis and formation of new projections of the construction of an interpretative model of social tension taking into account the sociocultural features of people’s vital activity, in the aspect of using the arche- typal approach and mentality components. Latently these projections reveal the so-called “missing links” in cognitive constructions, appearing as peculiar indica- tors in the problems of comprehension, the mechanism specifics the changes in transforming societies. Keywords: social tension, deprivation, archetypal analysis, mentality. СОЦІАЛЬНА ДЕПРИВАЦІЯ У ДОТИЧНОСТІ ТА ВЗАЄМООБУМОВЛЕНОСТІ ДО МЕНТАЛЬНО-АРХЕТИПНИХ ЧИННИКІВ У ДОСЛІДЖЕННІ ПРИРОДИ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ НАПРУЖЕНОСТІ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА: ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ РОЗВІДКИ Анотація. Відображено пошукові аспекти аналізу та пояснення природи соціальної напруженості. Проаналізувавши різні “прийнятні” теорії, що сто- суються даного предмета, припустимо, що найбільшу валідність становить інтегральність деприваційної складової, виведеної як прямими аргумента- ційними положеннями сучасних зарубіжних дослідників, так і дотичними до них теоріями: теорія депривації, фрустрації, теоретичні кореляти бідності, маргінальності і депривації, ідеї щодо феномена недовіри, що дають змогу констатувати про формування сучасної деприваційної теорії, яка найбільш доступно пояснює механізм розвитку соціальної напруженості, прийнят- ної українському соціуму. Крім того, були здійснені теоретичні розвідки в аналізі та формуванні новітніх проекцій вибудови інтерпретаційної моде- лі соціальної напруженості з врахуванням соціокультурних особливостей життєдіяльності людей в аспекті використання архетипного підходу та мен- талітетних складових. Ці проекції латентно виявляють так звані “бракуючі ланки” у пізнавальних конструктах, постаючи своєрідними індикаторами у проблемах осмислення природи, механізму, специфіки змін трансформую- чих суспільств. Ключові слова: соціальна напруженість, депривація, архетипний аналіз, менталітет. СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ДЕПРИВАЦИЯ В ОТНОШЕНИИ И ВЗАИМООБУСЛОВЛЕННОСТИ К МЕНТАЛЬНО-АРХЕТИПНЫМ ФАКТОРАМ В ИССЛЕДОВАНИИ ПРИРОДЫ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ НАПРЯЖЕННОСТИ УКРАИНСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА: ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ РАЗВЕДКИ Аннотация. Отображены поисковые аспекты анализа и объяснения природы социальной напряженности. В анализе разных “приемлемых” те- орий, которые касаются данного предмета, допускается, что наибольшую валидность представляет интегральность депривационной составляющей. Последняя — выведенная как прямыми аргументационными положени-

316 ями современных зарубежных исследователей, так и касательными к ним концепциями: депривации, фрустрации, теоретический коррелят бедно- сти, маргинала и депривации, феномена недоверия, что позволяют конста- тировать о формировании современной депривационной теории, которая наиболее приемлемым образом объясняет механизм развития социальной напряженности, приемлемой украинскому социуму. Кроме того, осущест- влены теоретические разведки в анализе и формировании новейших проек- ций построения интерпретационной модели социальной напряженности с учетом социокультурных особенностей жизнедеятельности людей в аспекте использования архетипного подхода и менталитетных составляющих. Эти проекции латентно обнаруживают так называемые “недостающие звенья” в познавательных конструктах, представляясь своеобразными индикато- рами в проблемах осмысления природы, механизма, специфики изменений трансформирующих обществ. Ключевые слова: социальная напряженность, депривация, архетипный анализ, менталитет.

Target setting. The system of Rus- the one hand, sociology, as “pragmatic” sian social and humanitarian sciences among the social science, is operated by for twenty-five years in the post-Soviet its own rigorous methodological means space has given and gives an opportu- of cognition, which exhibit a certain nity to realize the immanence of our so- “linearity” in the correlation of the in- ciety as a phenomenon of social tension. teraction of social factors, levers in ex- The deterministic of dissatisfaction plaining the development of various with the diversity of people’s needs, it processes and phenomena. This refers is considered a reflection of the qualita- to the positivistic context of the cogni- tive properties of the social system. And tion of social phenomena. On the other the fact that it has become an inalien- hand, due to the circumstances of the able attribute of modern life, a charac- epistemological crisis of sociology, this teristic of our society as a resource of “tradition” of cognition of specific pro- social change, it updates its research cesses and phenomena does not always and studies. However, in this research manifest, in the final analysis, a suffi- field there are many problems, primarily cient level of scientific verification. in the search for appropriate valid and The rationality and pragmatism of verified means of cognition. sociological thinking is not always syn- Due to the conceptual and metho- chronized with other latent characte- dological underdevelopment of meth- ristics of society, and, accordingly, by ods for investigating social tension, pri- the methods of their subject-theoreti- or to sociological and other sociologi- cal institutionalization. In this case it is cal research, the task is to identify and about the archetypal and other similar solve relevant research theoretical and approaches to explain certain processes methodological problems and tasks. On and phenomena. Social development as

317 a whole is closely connected with the The components of the theory of de- sociocultural features of the life activi- privation were significantly and differ- ty of people, but these features are not ently developed by T. Harr [1], J. Davis sufficiently integrated into the classical [2], J. Donnald, E. Azar and J. Bur- rationality of cognition, but rather into ton [3; 4] (the theory of basic human the nonclassical and post-nonclassical. needs), R. Merton Theory of stress) [5] The so-called Jung’s “collective uncon- P. Shtompki [6], G. Lassuel, N. Miller, scious”, interpreted as the universal L. Berkowitz [7] and others. principles of the psychic life of individ- Many ideas and characteristics of the uals, the innate patterns that encourage mentality and modern social archetype people to perceive reality and react in of the Ukrainian society were expound- a specific way to life events that are in- ed by philosophers and public figures of herited, or co-formed on the basis of a the past. However, for the time being, generation of experience — are not al- a separate set of interdisciplinary stud- ways perceived as latent indirect “reg- ies (social psychology, philosophy, so- ulating” factor of social development ciology, history and government), this and change. However, putting forward topic is revealed in the presentations of this theoretical and methodological E. Afonina, E. Golovakhi, J. Romanen- construct as an epistemological domi- ko, I. Shklyar, A. Ruchky, A. Zlobin, nant, putting it mildly, is not correct. Donchenko, S. Krymsky, M. Popovich, Therefore, it seems advisable to try Yu. Narizhnoy, A. Sushi, M. Shlemke- theoretical and methodological intel- vich and others. ligence in researching and building a The purpose of the article. An conceptual model of social tension of incomplete list of research practices the current Ukrainian society, which points to their substantive diversity is based on social deprivation in con- and structure. Each of them in its own tact with her mental-archetypal factors way is worthy of attention and a cer- and their mutual conditioning. Thus, tain use of the relevant research experi- the dualism of the subject of research ence. takes place: deprivation and mentality The statement of basic materials. factors. The experience of the study of social Analysis of recent research and tension indicates that without a definite publications. The problems connected system of initial theoretical representa- with the analysis and comprehension tions of the system’s theoretical founda- of social tension in our society are rela- tion, analysis of historical experience, it tively new for Russian sociology, but is incorrect to talk about the content of still quite a lot of experience. The se- the conceptual model. The very prob- lected theoretical and applied aspects of lems connected with the analysis and its study were presented in the studies: comprehension of social tension in our E. Chairmen, N. Panina, L. Bevzenko, society are not new enough for Russian I. Bekeshkina, A. Vladyka, V. Nebo- sociology. From the late 80’s — early zhenko, A. Balakireva, M. Mishchen- 90’s the society of the former USSR, in- ko, E. Klyuenko, M. Slyusarevsky, cluding Ukraine, found itself in a deep N. Khodorovskaya and others. systemic crisis, with a characteristic, in

318 our view, social tension. Its main fea- Today, a distinctive feature of many tures were and are: anxiety, dissatisfac- expert assessments of the situation in tion with the existing state of affairs, Ukraine is the statement of the deep- distrust of power and so on. Apathy ening of the crisis manifestations, the to what is happening, aggressiveness, deepest for all the years of indepen- panic, and even, to put it metaphorical- dence. In the analytical report of the ly — “expectation for a miracle” — all National Institute for Strategic Studies this became characteristic features of under the President of Ukraine “The society. The authorities did not think Systemic Crisis in Ukraine: Precondi- about the circumstance that in the tran- tions, Risks, Ways of Overcoming”, the sition from one formation to another situation in Ukraine is characterized as the society is in a marginal position, and a systemic crisis — a crisis of basic re- not for a short time. The status, role be- lations in the political, legal and socio- havior of people, the scale of social val- economic spheres [10, p. 11]. As a result, ues changed. The quality and standard there is a deepening of depression in the of living, as significant factors that de- economy, a sharp drop in the standard termine social tension, we have chroni- of living of the population, the demand cally been at a low level. A polarization for social justice, growing socio-politi- of layers according of position was so cal tensions in the regions, the level of sharp that it still is a colossal conflict the poor and marginalized strata of the factor. Therefore, it is believed that the population, and the deterioration of the priority in the development of the no- people’s social well-being remains un- tion of “tension” in post-Soviet socio- satisfied. The Ukrainian society is in a logy began to emerge in psychology, so- state of uncertainty and variability in cial psychology that was closer to social the choice of value evolution [12]. This “diseases”, where “mental tension” usu- is evidenced by all available sociological ally meant “a state of prediction by a studies [13; 14]. subject unfavorable to the development In Ukraine, at a fundamental level, of events” or “A condition that accom- social tensions have been virtually ne- panies activities in unfavorable condi- glected. And the foreign experience is tions” [8; 9]. quite different from ours. Comprehend- Practice has shown that in subse- ing this phenomenon, on the basis of an quent years this term quite accurately analysis of relevant scientific sources, it reflected the state of public relations can be argued that the study of social and mass consciousness, and very tension has formed several traditions of quickly entered into scientific, journal- its “vision” and comprehension. In the istic and household vocabulary, becom- West, this “traditionality” was formed ing a reflection of the unfortunate and through the prism of the social well- acute situation. Later, the identifica- being of a completely “healthy” society, tion of the concepts of “social tension” in our antipode [15]. Historically, since with “conflict”, “tension”, “social crisis” the post-war years, almost all European and “instability” — as quite acceptable countries (societies) have not experi- characteristics of our “sick” society was enced chronic problems in any field. formed. And his relationship with the state

319 institution has always been based on ing, the emergence of a real problem of trusting relationships, although some- impoverishment of the population, but times not always simple. Our practice also to the massive alienation of citizens of studying (already as a tradition) so- from a system of socially significant sta- cial tension began and continues to be ble normative ties, political and spiri- formed in the future through the prism tual frustrations, etc., which ultimately of an “unhealthy”, “sick” society — the leads to an aggravation social tension actual tension as a permanent feature. in particular. It is at the same time and Therefore, accordingly, its study, with the process (psychosocial context), and the construction of appropriate me- the result (social context). This concept thodology and tools, has traditionally refers to multifactorial problems, and evolved according to other principles. the theory deals with the gap between With this, scientific and sociological subjective expectations for a number of problems acquire a clear formulation, values and the real opportunities for ac- the solution of which is identified with cessing them to them [16]. In the con- the search for appropriate theoretical in- text of our social problems, “depriva- terpretations that will form its integral tion” is applied as a social property that concept in particular. The deprivation deals with social problems and factors. is one of the central elements in various Therefore, it occurs in the social format explanations of social tension and asso- (in a broad sense, not Interactive), spi- ciated possible protest actions (as one of ritual, psycho-cultural identity. That is, the interpretative models). It is known from the variety of its interpretations, that this is a kind of psycho-social po- depending on the field of manifestation sition of the subject, determined by and the field of application as an explan- the lack or deprivation to satisfy some atory resource, it has many “adjectives”. of its basic (vital), both material and One of the significant factors of in- spiritual needs, in sufficient measure, stability of public consciousness is the for a long time. This leads to various deterioration of the situation of people. moral and psychological deviations in The feeling of dissatisfaction is typical the behavior and activities of man. Af- today not only for those living below the ter “deprivation” went beyond narrow poverty line, but also for many represen- boundaries, it began to be considered tatives of small and medium-sized busi- more broadly from the point of view nesses. Different people perceive and of spheres of public life. A conclusion understand differently the same social was made about the negative impact of conditions. As a result, even within the various social modernization on social same social groups, there is a different behavior. In the epistemological field of understanding of one’s own interests. our problems, it is a kind of interpreta- The instability of people’s positions in a tive bridge between the psychological specific social, territorial, demographic, state of the absence of the actual needs professional and other community leads of the individual, and the social-indi- them to a state of irritability, latent ag- vidualistic reconstruction of the mecha- gression. In the boundless combination nism of social tension. As a rule, it is tied of factors of the formation of social ten- not only to a fall in the standard of liv- sion, they become intertwined and su-

320 perimposed, so it is acceptable to use lows us to expand our epistemological the integral format of deprivation. potential. In addition to the political Deprivational background can be and psychological theory of depriva- the result: a decrease in real opportuni- tion, other socio-psychological theories, ties amid rising expectations; Decrease in this vein the most relevant theory, of opportunities against the back- which has an epistemological poten- ground of keeping expectations at the tial, is the theory of basic human needs same level; The growth of expectations that was developed in the works of (claims) in the absence of opportunities E. Azar and J. Burton [3; 4] and etc. An [17, p. 9–29], while singling out: “depri- important contribution of this theory is vation of life standards”, “deprivation a refined formulation and a comparative of hope”, “deprivation of the expected analysis of the categories of “position”, pace of change” [18]. “interests”, “values” and “needs”, which Thus, the acting factor of tension, are of a certain universal character. So, there is a subconscious and conscious the basic needs allow us to see the deep dissatisfaction of the individual about roots of socio-political contradictions the absence of a habitual and stable so- (tension). And here is the question: the cial environment. As a result, the con- attitude of this to deprivation. The an- viction is formed that they deserve bet- swer is obvious — direct. All these the- ter, and the integral social conditions ories have a common “denominator”, are not in a position to guarantee them, namely, “deliverance” to satisfy. therefore the only variant of socio- Separate theoretical studies on po- political changes is the struggle (usu- verty, marginalization and deprivation ally — forcible). from the middle of the twentieth centu- First of all, it is experienced by those ry have become very popular nowadays, who can not adapt to social changes due thanks to the studies of R. Atkinson, to high prices, a decline in incomes; be- T. Barchardt, F. Farrington, S. Paugam, cause of fear of losing their job, status, F. Tocudsa, R. Levitas, A. Sena аnd or because of a “breakthrough” syn- others [19–21]. In addition, in mo- drome, that is, the inability to change dern sociology, the concept of social the world picture, stereotypes, views exclusion (A. Sen, R. Levitas, S. Pau- and beliefs that have developed. Resis- gam) [22, p. 41–62], political mistrust tance to this process leads to an increase (M. Dogan) is described in combina- in internal tension, discomfort, and ulti- tion with the state of multidimensional mately leads to the realization of these relative deprivation of individuals and motives. Therefore, the points at which social groups [23]. Thus, deprivation tension is concentrated is the material “expanded” in a multidimensional and and social sphere of social life (which is relational connection with other parti- more characteristic for our conditions). cipial phenomena and the correspond- Although among a considerable ing concept, the mechanisms of social number of researchers of tension there deviation, destruction. This is a mani- is a tendency to ignore some forms of festation of poverty opportunities, lack social deprivation, however, it is wide- of participation in the main types of so- spread since the 1970s. This concept al- ciety activities, the phenomenon of mis-

321 trust, the multifactorial limitation of in cognitive constructs. They have not life opportunities. We find confirmation yet gained full-fledged scientific insight of this in Russian sources [24; 25]. It is in the modern scientific knowledge, but interpreted as one of the integral, effec- they turn out to be peculiar indicators tive forms of the loss of social stability in the problems of comprehension, the of the subject, a violation of the stability mechanism of the specifics of changes in of the social system. transforming societies. This raises many After all, however, some or other questions, in particular: on the correla- manifestations of deprivation have al- tion of social tension and its possible ways been associated with the histori- development into protest; Concerning cally determined forms of alienation of factors of social tolerance, strength- people from different aspects of social ening or easing of social tension with life, social institutions, processes of changing deprivation and so on. their own activity, from those that sur- It is known that not a single country round themselves. in any epoch came out of the crisis sole- In search of new mechanisms and ly because of economic circumstances. models of social tension, at least its in- After all, the basis of economic acti- dividual aspects, are increasingly gain- vity is a certain psychoculture [26]. For ing attention as an epistemological the Ukrainian, this, at least — the pres- component, the theory of subtextual ervation of the traditional foundations interpretation. In sociology, determin- of life, the dominance of conservatism. ing the problems of the person’s active The predominance of the heart over the capabilities, its status-role character- mind, over rational calculation (which istics, constructive and destructive life is emphasized by the representatives strategies, value preferences, etc., social of the cultural direction of the study of effects of the egocentric manifestation the features of the Ukrainian society), of individualism were investigated. It is determines all spheres of the life of the generated by the material and value le- Ukrainian people. Archetype domina- vels, and none of them can be fully in- tion of the past over the future, which terpreted without regard for its rela- is associated with the mythologization tionship to the other. Although it is and idealization of the past, to some more correct to distinguish between extent inhibits the ability to construc- the level of needs, interests, values. As tive thinking, the introduction of re- we see, this subjective feeling of dissat- levant changes in life [27]. This kind of isfaction with respect to his present has situation correlates with the results of acquired more and more factors. sociological studies of the value system All these built-up positions repre- of the Ukrainian society, in particular, sent a clear rationality, pragmatism, “Sociological Monitoring”, the ESS [13; linearity of modern sociological know- 14; 28; 29]. ledge. But, as already recalled, this cha- Although many aspects of the racter of cognition of social processes mentally-archetypal continium of the and phenomena is not an absolute veri- Ukrainian society reveal not its “pro- fication leader. Not infrequently and la- gressivist” characteristics (so as not to tently are the so-called “missing links” give such an impression), nevertheless,

322 to some extent this is the case. Histori- [32]. Therefore, they are distinguished cal features of Ukraine’s development by their closeness to the “small group”, contributed to the formation and the primarily in the family, the internal re- assertion of a kind of individualism jection of power under external subor- Ukrainian, which, according to the dination to it, the inferiority complex, culturologist M. Shlemkevich, deter- the second-rate, the excesses [31]. How- mines the elimination of a person from ever, in our opinion, this “alienation” is solving problems of society, limiting based on the imposition of a symbiosis her connections with other people. It of artificial, false, false, which, unfor- is connected with the limited, closed, tunately, again came from the new go- locality of the circle of communication. vernment. This is manifested in factors It causes the avoidance of effectiveness, of tension factors. Many of the Ukrai- the dominance of isolation, isolation, in- nians (and not only with him) thought: troversion and the rejection of any de- “Why do we live so badly?” And we pendence [30]. were constantly imposed, contrary to On the other hand, the Ukrainian common sense, an incomprehensible mentality is characterized by a kind of policy of constant illogical changes. ineffectiveness; They avoid responsibil- Only boundless credulity and compli- ity, profess passivity, non-interference in ance, “hesitations in decision-making” solving problems of an external order. In (O. Donchenko, V. Ermak) [33], as well this regard, social problems, their solu- as the lack of awareness of the need tions have never been a priority for the for strong adhesion of all members of Ukrainian, focused on his own house- the state — each time destroyed and hold, to achieve their self-sufficiency. destroyed all the gains of Ukrainians. Social conditions largely led to the fact This is reflected both in the historical that the introvertedness of Ukrainians past and in the recent past, according to led to immersion in personal problems, which, in particular, the “orange revo- reflects external passivity and self- lution”, the “revolution of dignity” be- absorption [31]. came not only a consequence, but also History shows that perpetual, con- a cause. stant threats of spiritual and cultural The peculiarity of tolerance inherent suppression, the destruction of con- in the Ukrainian people “closes his eyes” scious, active representatives of the to him on all the turmoil, so his tolerance Ukrainian people, as well as the betray- can grow into an impatience, which acts al of their own people by the Ukrainian as a kind of protection of his security, elite, the people who acted as its leaders, in compliance and meekness. All these characterizing the life of the nation are moral and ethical qualities of individu- those processes that have become iden- als, such that it is expressed as modesty, tical for Ukraine. This led the Ukraini- kindness, tolerance and patience, in- ans’ striving for self-preservation, dis- dulgence, humility, and mildness repre- belief in power because of the formation sent a person who is peace-loving, not of destructive forms of organization of a quick-tempered, loving person. It is power, “on someone else’s psychocul- clear that these are only Weberian ideal ture” (O. Donchenko, Y. Romanenko) types, however, these characteristics in

323 the integral continium are very charac- soveticus) listed the inherent negative teristic of the Ukrainian mentality. Me- personal qualities, including paterna- diocre and non-linear these provisions lism, suspiciousness and isolation, cyni- find their confirmation in the values of cism and an increase in the level of ag- Ukrainians. gression. According to the scientist, On the other hand, Gorbachev’s these negative changes were again the “perestroika” discovered that most of result of the restriction of public free- the Soviet citizens did not want free- doms, as well as distorted economic dom, but satiety. They viewed the col- and moral incentives, which were intro- lapse of the Union as a means to achieve duced every time by the power of a new a capitalist material paradise. But li- era. And although from a critical point beral, and consumer values came out on of view, the researchers did not attempt top. Since our then “pro-Soviet” society, to empirically establish the existence of out of signs of chronic “insatiability” a “Soviet man”, but simply a description and a deficit of both material and free- of his features, it was “announced” that dom-spiritual needs, has chosen a com- the post-Soviet society is a conglomer- pletely natural character of develop- ate of people of a certain “anthropologi- ment, with its inherent logic and goals. cal type”, in contrast to Western society This has to do with both the natural [38]. This position, albeit indirectly, is striving for material well-being (both a well-reasoned tool based on the signs recognized progress) and in terms of of a certain “traditionality” of society peculiar traits (with the inherent non- as a construct of archetypal and mental linearity of understanding the interde- characteristics. pendence) of the Ukrainian mentality Conclusions. Increased discontent and its individual archetypal charac- (that is, a subjectively-estimated indi- teristics [34; 35]. As a sociological ar- vidual gap between the actual and de- gumentation above — the study of the sired life situation), according to the value transformation of the Ukrainian classical nouakovoy rationality, should society in the trajectory “traditional- be accompanied by an increase in the ity — modernism” (according to the willingness to act, including destruc- R. Inglart system) show that the tradi- tive, which, logically, contribute to the tional values are dominant in the struc- achievement of the goal, increases the ture of the value consciousness of the likelihood of a violation of the balance of population [12–14; 36; 37]. social System. However, in practice this The socio-historical way of Ukraini- situation is not characterized by an ap- ans for several generations of the Soviet propriate degree of verification. There- and post-Soviet era have become deci- fore, we are inclined to the opinion that sive in the conditions of the formation the comprehension of social tension in of a peculiar character of the Ukrainian general and of Ukrainian society in par- people and its mentality. In addition to ticular acquires a new dimension of the this, you can give another argument. scientific problem. In this aspect, we are Russian sociologist Yu. Levada in a talking about the deprivational concept, large-scale sociological study of the the possibility of an archetypal approach phenomenon of the Soviet man (homo with mental components. These aspects

324 not only retain the insufficient studies, without recognition of national tradi- but begin to acquire an actualization tions, is recognized as incomplete, risky, status in the knowledge of certain prob- fragmented, and produces an undesir- lems of the development of society. able, contradictory shift, in particular, We tried to show that the develop- socio-cultural development. Sh. Aizen- ment of the society is really determined stadt and a number of other represen- by many factors, but the mental arche- tatives of the postmodern conception, typality of social groups also takes on asked questions about the importance a special significance. And the motiva- of preserving the national socio-cul- tional characteristics of social activity tural traditions, hearingly emphasis on are to a large extent mutually deter- taking into account specific historical mined by the nature of the components conditions, the civilizational context in of archetypal. This concept explains a this or that trasformed society, for pos- special way of behavior, activity, cul- sible prevention of internal contradic- ture, worldview. The invasiveness of tory tendencies. archetypes, determines the individual characteristics of the mentality, affects the specific nature of this activity, its References direction. In the possibility of identify- 1. Gurr Ted. 1970. Why Men Rebel / Ted ing the specifics of social activity, there Gurr. — Princeton : Princeton Univer- is a search for answers to the question: sity Press [in English]. “why do these or those other processes 2. Davies James C. When Men Revolt have exactly this character?” Also new and Why / J. C. Davies. — New York : heuristic possibilities are revealed, the Free Press, 1971. concept of archetypality, mentality, in 3. Dollard J. et al (eds) Frustration comparison with traditional categories and Aggression / J. Dollard. — New for sociology, social philosophy, social Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 1939. — 209 p. psychology. 4. Burton J. Conflict: Human Needs The- In turn, the components of social ar- ory / J. Burton. (Vol.2 of the Conflict chetypality, mentality, possessing social Series). — L. : Macmillan, 1990. — inertia and conservatism, can hinder 358 p. the emergence of new social relations. 5. Merton R. Social’naja teorija i In the contradictory dual nature of ar- social’naja struktura [Social Theory chetypal character, traditions and the and Social Structure] / R. Merton. — opposition of innovation are embodi- M. : AST, 2006. — P. 880. ed, than simultaneously, social prog- 6. Sztompka P. New perspectives on trust: ress is made, restraining or stimulating rev. essay / P. Sztompka // American journal of sociology. — Chicago, 2006. — the redundancy (scale, speed, nature) Vol. 112. — № 3. — P. 905–919. of social changes. And the deprivation 7. Berkovic L. Agressija: prichiny, posled- component in social tension, as a kind stvija, kontrol’ [Aggression: Causes, of reaction — is quite valid explanation. Consequences and Control] / L. Ber- Perhaps it is important to note one kovic. — SРb., 2001. — С. 244. more circumstance: that modernization, 8. Encyclopedia of modern legal psychol- in whatever phase or format it would be, ogy [Electronic resource]. — Access

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327 UDC: 35:316.75 Solovyov Yevhen Vladimirovich, Graduate student of the Dept. of Political Analysis and Forecasting, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Sofia Perov- skaya 5, 10th floor, k. 1000, tel.: (097) 667 84 94, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1463-646X Соловйов Євген Володимирович, аспірант кафедри політичної аналітики та прогнозування, Національна академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Софії Перов- ської, 5, 10 поверх, кімн. 1000, тел.: (097) 667 84 94, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1463-646X Соловьев Евгений Володимирович, аспирант кафедры политической аналитики и прогнозирования, Национальная акаде- мия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Софьи Пе- ровской, 5, 10 этаж, комн. 1000, тел.: (097) 667 84 94, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1463-646X


Abstract. The article discusses adapting of forced migrants as one of the di- rections of government regulation in the sphere forced migration. There were singled value-semantic archetypes of forced migrants that will match Ukrainian ideas developing self-determination and civil society. Also author has established that state must be provided implementation of measures which are aimed at im- prove social stability, peace and development of the public safety through the facilitation of cultural dialogue and the education of tolerance with the involve- ment all segments of the population. Keywords: archetype, forced migration, mechanism, adaptation, government regulation. ЦІННІСНО-СМИСЛОВІ АРХЕТИПИ ВИМУШЕНИХ МІГРАНТІВ ЯК ОСНОВА ВИРОБЛЕННЯ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ЇХ АДАПТАЦІЇ Анотація. У статті розглянуто адаптацію вимушених мігрантів як один із напрямів державного регулювання у сфері вимушеної міграції. Виокремле-

328 но ціннісно-смислові архетипи вимушених мігрантів, які будуть відповідати ідеї розвитку українського самовизначення та становлення громадянського суспільства. Встановлено, що державою повинно бути забезпечено втілення заходів, які спрямовані на зміцнення соціальної стійкості, розбудову миру та громадської безпеки через сприяння культурному діалогу та виховання толерантності із залученням усіх верств населення. Ключові слова: архетип, вимушена міграція, механізм, адаптація, дер- жавне регулювання. ЦЕННОСТНО-СМЫСЛОВЫЕ АРХЕТИПЫ ВЫНУЖДЕННЫХ МИГРАНТОВ КАК ОСНОВА ВЫРАБОТКИ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ИХ АДАПТАЦИИ Аннотация. В статье рассмотрено адаптацию вынужденных мигрантов как одно из направлений государственного регулирования в сфере выну- жденной миграции. Выделены ценностно-смысловые архетипы вынужден- ных мигрантов, которые будут соответствовать идее развития украинского самоопределения и становления гражданского общества. Установлено, что государством должно быть обеспечено реализацию мероприятий, которые направлены на укрепление социальной устойчивости, развитие мира и об- щественной безопасности за содействие культурному диалогу и воспитания толерантности с привлечением всех слоев населения. Ключевые слова: архетип, вынужденная миграция, механизм, адапта- ция, государственное регулирование.

Target setting. Any government ing life leads to a corresponding system regulation mechanism should be of values, or rather, their absence. It ap- formed taking into account features of pears appropriate to determine value- the object of government regulation, semantic archetypes of forced migrants, the impact of globalization trends and the formation of which will not only the processes of European integration of adapt them, but also to lay the founda- the Ukrainian state, on the one hand, tion of civil society in Ukraine. and socio-cultural aspects on the other Analysis of the recent studies and hand. Forced migration involves meet- publications. Problems of governance ing with the new ethnocultural reality, archetypes in domestic scientific dis- rejection of the traditional way of life, course are covered in the works of rules and behaviors, which in turn leads scholars, such as E. Afonin, T. Bu- to a cultural shock, trauma. Formation tyrska, T. Vakulova, D. Dilychensky, of such cultural archetypes of forced mi- O. Donchenko, M. Piren, H. Po- grants, as self-identification of Ukraini- cheptsov, O. Radchenko, Shayhoro- ans, uncertainty about the future, dis- dsky, V. Shedyakov and many others. trust the current government, finding And despite recent mainstreaming to and using alternative ways of support- resolve the problems of forced migra-

329 tion, yet there are no studies on the may lead to the development of exter- archetypal nature and especially its nal aggression. Often these feelings are manifestation in behavior of forced mi- forced survivors to leave their new en- grants. This greatly reduces the possi- vironment. Under the concept of “ter- bility of state regulation of adaptation ritorial escape”, the most frequent con- of forced migrants. sequence of the culture shock is moving The aim of the article is the iden- to another country, region, or return to tification of value-semantic archetypes the motherland. At the same, there are of forced migrants, as the basis for the possible options when migrants, faced creation of mechanisms of adaptation. with problems, are capable to solve The statement of basic materials. them by finding for that adequate ways; The adaptation of forced migrants is • the fourth stage of the social ad- one of the directions of state regulation aptation is characterized by the abil- in the field of forced migration. The ity to achieve psychological and social process of human adaptation to envi- comfort in the new environment. At ronmental conditions, continuous de- this stage are acquired knowledge and velopment and the achievement of the social skills, mastered different ethno- main goal: human progress is the adap- cultural frame; tation [1, p. 12]. I. V. Tarasiuk believes • the fifth stage is the “long-term” that adaptation is a holistic, systemic adaptation, which involves a gradual, process that is characterized by human but steady involvement of the survivor interaction with the natural and social in social ties system of the new environ- environment; features of this process are ment. This process of social adaptation determined by psychological charac- is rather long: some studies note that teristics of the person, his level of per- “the overall length of adaptation of sonal development, behavior and activ- migrants is from four to five years” [3, ities [2, p. 70]. M. M. Kasyanova identi- p. 377]. fied stages of migrant adaptation: Adaptation of migrants and forced • the first phase, during which migrants differs significantly by objec- through changing the environment in tive and subjective components of these migrants is observed a good mood. Up- migration processes. Passing the adap- on completion, in survivors occur col- tation stages of forced migrants should lisions with “stranger” to them socio- be based on the value system of public cultural conditions; administration in the field of forced mi- • the second phase is a clash or con- gration. The success of modern social frontational relations with the environ- reforms and formation of the Ukrainian ment, on which the person is adapting. nation depends on the relationship that These clashes gradually lead to stressful develop between tangible and intan- state of discomfort, as a result occurs a gible, external and internal, mental and “culture shock”; social in human nature, and conflicts • the third stage of the process of that accompany social changes and the social adaptation is the consequences implementation of state and political of the “cultural shock”. During this pe- decisions that are concentrated mainly riod, the destructive status of migrants in psychoculture of the political and

330 management elite and the content of (Donbass and Crimea) “Soviet man” the Ukrainian archetypal character or “scoop”, with all its components: [4, p. 81]. the Russian language and culture, As defined in the scientific literature: symbols, heroes and anti-heroes, value “archetypes — archaic cultural ideas — orientation, customs, traditions, and human characters that historically laid myths. This, in turn, serves as a signifi- on the unconscious level, “filtered” cant threat to humanitarian security through centuries-old layers of cultural of the country. Revival of the Ukrai- transformations. They relate to ideas nian collective archetype will lead to about man’s place in the world and so- a streamlining function of the society ciety, normative and value choices, de- and a return to self-understanding and termine patterns of human activity and self-perception of their social and cul- retain their relevance” [5, p. 105]. tural foundations on micro and macro The archetype can be defined as a levels. It becomes an important factor form-building capacity, form the collec- in safe interaction with other societies tive unconscious, transpersonal begin- and ethnic groups without losing their ning of the human psyche. According uniqueness, unity and authenticity. to these researchers (what research- On the other hand, there has been a ers, there is nothing about them in the tendency to socio-cultural entropy, loss last paragraph, sentence or word): “at of spiritual values, simplification rules first, transpersonal nature during de- of conduct, destruction of boundaries velopment becomes the property of between permitted and prohibited. In the person. Major social groups expe- such a society, the criminal is no longer rience secondary “vaccination” of the seen as evil, on the contrary, it is not transpersonal nature" [6, p. 196]. Con- only acceptable, but permitted in situa- sequently, the archetype creates a par- tions where it leads to success and ben- ticular psychosocial set of value priori- efits [7]. Social anomie manifests itself ties, political preferences and behaviors. in negative changes in the construction Now we can state violating the in- mechanism of social reality, and partial tegrity and completeness of the na- destruction of the picture of world per- tional humanitarian space, what makes ception confuses not only persons, but changes in the political orientation of also the society as a whole. citizens, causes significant differences In order to generate the required in values. These differences can create value and meaning archetypes of forced image of external identity, enemy im- migrants, a new content of culture and age of the inhabitant of a given region life should be introduced. The main or a representative of a particular social factors influencing the formation of group, forming a collective conscious- ethnic self-identification can be identi- ness basis for further inter-regional and fied mother tongue, culture, traditions, inter-ethnic conflicts. customs, rituals, especially the ethnic The lack of collective Ukrainian and cultural contact environment [8, unconsciousness in some regions of p. 282]. Ukraine had its consequences: the Especially important the primary preservation of entire regional habitats condition is unity of interests, at least

331 for the majority of citizens. With this solving this problem and improve the factor is associated ability to meet pub- system of registration, recording, or- lic interests in the frame of the ethnic ganizing data collection for the quali- group [9]. Because, if the person cannot fication of internally displaced persons meet his needs and interests, he will be and evaluate the needs of employment, seeking to implement them outside his improvement of professional skills of society, with the results that the active internally displaced persons, and busi- persons, members of certain ethnic and ness support); carriers of its archetypes whose inter- • ensuring the implementation of ests are not supported, and the needs political, social and cultural rights of are unmet, leaving to find adequate liv- internally displaced persons in general ing conditions. Based on the above, it (as at present date, there are no mech- underlines the importance of creating anisms of participation of internally by the state the necessary living condi- displaced persons in public affairs and tions of for internally displaced persons in the implementation of local govern- in Ukraine. Until approach of solving ment in communities where internally this problem will not be well-devel- displaced persons temporary resident. oped, persons, leaving the occupied ter- The problems of education and the de- ritories and Donbass will gain refugee velopment of new cultural archetypes status rather than internally displaced remain unresolved). persons. Given the state and the nature of the Interests of the internal migrants re- state regulation of forced migration, it lated primarily to address such pressing is necessary to generate such holistic issues: and meaning archetypes of forced mi- • problems of accommodation and grants, which correspond to the idea of housing of internally displaced persons Ukrainian self-identification and the (way to solve differentiated according civil society. Namely: to the plans and intentions of migrants, – archetype of cohesion is not only and ways — from building new apart- in the eastern regions of Ukraine, ments to a temporary accommodation. but cohesion of Ukraine in gen- For example, placement of internally eral; displaced persons in areas of resettle- – archetype of revival and develop- ment took place with the conviction ment of Ukrainian culture and that this is a temporary phenomenon cultural identity of indigenous and a temporary need. Resettlement people and ethnic minorities; takes place in the summer camps, sana- – archetype of recognition of all toria of the local authorities, institu- citizens stand equal in their tions of state aid in connection with rights and freedoms; residential leases and accommodation. – archetype of recognition of all ci- It all does not provide the integration tizens stand equal before the law; of internally displaced persons); – archetype of confidence in the fu- • the employment problem of in- ture; ternally displaced persons (requires a – archetype of trust in public au- consideration of the gender aspect in thorities, etc.

332 Identify what holistic and meaning duction of works of art entitled “Estab- archetypes will form the basis of posi- lishment of peace in Ukraine”; tive adaptation of forced migrants, it • organization and implementation is necessary to outline the aspects that of exhibition activities: holding of in- influence the formation of archetypes. ternational, national, regional art fes- Firstly, it is a set of social and histori- tivals and competitions, cultural and cal realities that define the life of the art projects, concerts, art auctions, ex- people. It should be noted that differ- hibitions, sales exhibitions and other ence, and in many cases the exact op- events entitled “Establishment of peace posite of the objective conditions of life, in Ukraine”; forms the appropriate specific vision of • organization of competitions for values, problems, ideals, tasks and prin- the best conceptual design of monu- ciples of life and other components of ments and monuments of national im- national self-identity. Secondly, in this portance, and provide schematic design process a huge role plays specific to entitled “Establishment of peace in people of ethnic stereotypes (cultural Ukraine”; archetypes, traditions, customs, stan- • adoption of several regulations dard traits of character and behavior, aimed at ensuring human rights, in par- dominant emotions, etc.), as well as ticular, the draft law “On ratification of historical memory, established symbols, the European Convention on Compen- and national shrines. These phenomena sation of Victims of Violent Crimes”; of ethnic culture are transformed into bill on amendments to the Law of toughest, and in many cases — the most Ukraine “On Psychiatric Care” and the important aspects of the holistic arche- Basic Laws of Ukraine on health care types of forced migrants. that will determine the procedure for Under such conditions the coun- examination and treatment in health- try must ensure the implementation of care institutions of persons with mental measures aimed at strengthening so- disorders who refuse life-saving treat- cial stability, development of peace and ment; draft normative acts concerning public safety, through the promotion the determination of informing (alert- of cultural dialogue and education of ing) people with disabilities, includ- tolerance, involving all segments of the ing the following impairments: visual, population; promote the development hearing, musculoskeletal system, with of institutions of civil society and vari- mental retardation, mental illnesses ous forms of self-organized activities of and other people with limited mobility citizens. For example, it may be embod- (or related); draft on the emergency or ied in: threat before it can arise and the rel- • developing and implementing evant rules of conduct in such circum- measures to create conditions for the stances, etc. [10]. revival and development of Ukrainian Conclusions. The adaptation of culture, and cultural identity of indig- forced migrants is one of the areas of enous people and ethnic minorities; state regulation in the field of forced • implementing measures to support migration. Passing the stages of adapta- the audiovisual media and video pro- tion of forced migrants must be based

333 on a system of holistic and meaning Eastern Europe at the end of XX – the archetypes of public administration in beginning of XXI century // Gilea. — the field of forced migration. Singled 2016. — Vol. 110. — Р. 373–376. out holistic and meaning archetypes of 4. Afonin E. Ethnic character: guarantee forced migrants that will meet Ukrai- the existence of the nation / E. Afo- nin. — K.: Globe, 2007. — 116 p. nian idea of self-identification and the 5. Sibiryakova M. Network Community development of civil society: the ar- of civil servants as a socio-cultural fac- chetype of cohesion is not only in the tor of preventing corruption [Text] / eastern regions of Ukraine, but the M. Sibiryakova // Public Administra- cohesion of Ukraine in general, the ar- tion: Theory and Practice, Collected chetype of revival and development of Works Association doctors of pub- Ukrainian culture and cultural identity lic administration. — H.: Izdatel’stvo of indigenous people and national mi- “DokNaukDerzhUpr”, 2010. — norities; archetype of recognition of all № 3–4. — Art. 103–111. citizens stand equal in their rights and 6. Radchenko O. V. Archetype of the Ukrainian politicians // Public Poli- freedoms; archetype recognition of all cy. — 2010. — № 6. — Art. 190–197. citizens stand equal before the law, the 7. Polokhalo V. Non-citizenship society archetype of confidence in the future, as a socio-political phenomenon in the archetype of trust to public au- Ukraine [Text] / V. Polokhalo // Po- thorities, etc. It appears appropriate to lis. — № 6. — 1999. — Р. 25–32. further study the archetypes of forced 8. Afonin E. Human identity and espe- migration as a basis for state regulation cially its impact on policy and gover- in this area and the criteria of the devel- nance / E. Afonin // Conceptual bases oping of mechanisms of state regulation of interaction of politics and gover- nance. — K., 2010. — Р. 265–289. 9. Pahava D. Ukrainians in the eyes of the international community: stereo- References types and archetypes. — [Electronic 1. Kaznacheev V. P., Lozovoy V. P. Some resource]. — Available at: http://new- biomedical questions of human adap- ismit/pagawa/ (ac- tation / Medico-biological problems cessed 11 April 2017) of population adaptation in the Far 10. On approval of an action plan to im- North. — Novosibirsk, 1974. — P. 3–13. plement the National Strategy on 2. Tarasyuk I. V. Language adaptation as human rights for the period until a kind of socio-cultural adaptation of 2020: CMU Resolution of Novem- migrants to foreign language environ- ber 23, 2015. Number 1393-p. — ment // Psycholinguistics. — 2011. — [Electronic resource]. — Available at: Vol. 7. — P. 65–72. 3. Kasyanova M. M. Models of social cardnpd?docid=248740679 (accessed adaptation of Ukrainian migrants in 11 April 2017)

334 UDC: 316.728

Sudakov Volodymyr Ivanovich, Doctor of Sociological Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and His- tory of Sociology of the Faculty of Socio- logy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, Volodymyr- ska Str., 64/13, tel.: (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Володимир Іванович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, за- відувач кафедри теорії та історії соціо- логії факультету соціології, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Україна, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Во- лодимирська, 64/13, тел.: (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Владимир Иванович, доктор социологических наук, профессор, заведующий каферы теории и истории со- циологии факультета социологии, Киевский национальный университет имени Тара- са Шевченко, Украина, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13, тел.: (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093


Abstract. The article presents analytical sociological approach that is oriented to the identification of the global determinants of the conflict interac- tions in the new contemporary models of employment. The situations of the “crisis and destruction of the labor societies” and of the “destandardization of employment” are investigated by the author. Underlined that the contem- porary labor processes are based on the traditional social mechanism of exploi- tation. Devoted the necessity of further scientific researchers of the new standardized forms of the individualized employment, which reproduce the conflict interactions in the new inclusive and exclusive models of employ- ment.

335 Keywords: labor, archetype, employment, employability, global labor market, destandardization of employment, models of employment. ГЛОБАЛЬНІ ДЕТЕРМІНАНТИ КОНФЛІКТНИХ ВЗАЄМОДІЙ В СУЧАСНИХ МОДЕЛЯХ ЗАЙНЯТОСТІ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ) Анотація. У статті представлено аналітичний соціологічний підхід, орі- єнтований на виявлення глобальних детермінант конфліктних взаємодій в нових сучасних моделях зайнятості. Автором досліджуються ситуації “кри- зи і руйнування трудових колективів” і “дестандартизації зайнятості”. Під- креслено, що сучасні трудові процеси засновані на традиційному соціаль- ному механізмі експлуатації. Позначена необхідність подальших наукових досліджень нових стандартизованих форм індивідуалізованої зайнятості, які відтворюють конфліктні взаємодії в нових інклюзивних і ексклюзивних моделях зайнятості. Ключові слова: праця, архетип зайнятості, можливість працевлаштуван- ня, глобальний ринок праці, дестандартизація зайнятості, моделі зайнятості. ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ ДЕТЕРМИНАНТЫ КОНФЛИКТНЫХ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЙ В СОВРЕМЕННЫХ МОДЕЛЯХ ЗАНЯТОСТИ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ) Аннотация. В статье представлен аналитический социологический под- ход, орентированный на выявление глобальных детерминант конфликтных взаимодействий в новых современных моделях занятости. Автором исследу- ются ситуации “кризиса и разрушения трудовых обществ” и “дестандарти- зации занятости”. Подчеркнуто, что современные трудовые процессы осно- ваны на традиционном социальном механизме эксплуатации. Обозначена необходимость дальнейших научных исследований новых стандартизиро- ванных форм индивидуализированной занятости, которые воспроизводят конфликтные взаимодействия в новых инклюзивных и эксклюзивных моде- лях занятости. Ключевые слова: труд, архетип занятости, возможность трудоустрой- ства, глобальный рынок труда, дестандартизация занятости, модели заня- тости.

Target setting. The current pro- ment of global networks of interaction cesses of globalization determine the and communication that have a strong real existence of two opposing trends. resource support from transnational The first of these trends — the trend business organizations (TNCs), me- of radical internationalization of social dia holdings, international political life, the trend of intensive develop- and cultural institutions. The second

336 trend — the trend of deepening global The statement of basic materials. social drama, which reflects the new First of all, I’d like to underline that the controversial realities of the new so- most evident consequences of current cial division of human civilization into crisis of the global labor market are: post-industrial center, industrial semi- new social inequalities, social conflicts periphery and agrarian periphery. Ob- and increasing social tensions. Obvi- viously, that this division is the main ously, under the current context of glo- source of dehumanization of social life, balization the technological programs actually leads to lower quality and liv- of social policy, which was introduced ing standards of the working popula- within particular countries, acquiring tion, increasing unemployment and to the features of a transnational charac- mass international migration. This is a ter. It should be noted that this process, serious problem for scholars who study as I believe, really causes different insti- current crisis of the global labor market tutional contradictions which lead to a and the new contemporary models of significant deterioration in the quality employment. of national programs of social policy Analysis of recent publications on and inefficiency of administrative regu- the issue. In recent decades scientists lative measures. have paid much attention to the prob- Firstly, global economic competition lems on the global labor market and of between countries can encourage them the global employment. The processes to reduce the total cash budget for so- of economical, political and cultural cial protection in order to increase the globalization transformed traditional competitiveness of national economies. archetype of employment. The situa- Secondly, the migration of the eco- tions of the “crisis and destruction of nomically active population objectively the labor societies” and the “destan- creates precedents of the global redis- dardization of employment.” were in- tribution of incomes among national vestigated by M. Archer, J. Baudril- states that restricts economic opportu- lard, Z. Bauman, U. Beck, Ph. Brown, nities for particular countries to imple- R. Dahrendorf, A. Heskeith, A. Giddens, ment effective policies forced pater- D. North, J. G. Ritzer, L. Sklair, J. Sti- nalism and social policies to stimulate glitz, Ch. Tilly, M. York. It will be rea- processes of self-employment. sonable to evaluate these investigations Thirdly, the global labor market and as the positive cognitive foundation for financial markets create the possibil- further scientific researches that orient- ity of supranational authorities (for ed to identification of the new contem- example the European Union), whose porary models of employment. activities may create difficulties for full The purpose of the article. The implementation of elaborated programs main purpose of this article is to elabo- protecting social rights at the national rate analytical sociological approach level. which is oriented to identification of From my point of view, these rea- the global determinants of the conflict sons are important factors in strength- interactions in the contemporary mod- ening transnational social conflicts that els of employment. quite clearly manifested in the recent

337 trends in the global transformation of social process of the functional inequal- the labor practices and employment. ity between master and worker. There- So I agree with D. North who writes fore the labor itself in its social dimen- that he main task of social sciences “is sion, as argues American sociologist to explain the performance characte- T. Lasswell, incorporates some conflicts ristics of societies through time, includ- and tensions of “various forms of insti- ing the radical gap in human well-being tutional behavior”. So managers must between rich countries and poor as well organize the search for optimal organi- as contrasting forms of political orga- zational interaction in the workplace, nization, beliefs and social structures which would reflect a reasonable ba- that produce these variations in perfor- lance of interests in order to solve tasks mance” [1, p. 1]. of specific work faster, better and better In this connection it is important to [3, p. 267–295]. take into account the fact that in to- The specific “conflict” aspect of this day’s global network of resource distri- problem was investigated by the west- bution significantly change the public ern sociologists. It is well-known, that role of labor: labor fulfills its role not R. Dahrendorf underlined that the labor only as a means of overcoming the tra- process in industrial society tradition- ditional resource deficit but becomes a ally existed as the conflict interaction fundamental social resource for devel- between the dominate and the subordi- opment of industrial and post-industri- nate groups which had different volume al societies. J.Stiglitz in his book “Mak- of authority. Authority is inherent in ing Globalization Work” points to the the social positions themselves, and is arising conflict interactions between not result of behavioral characteristics skilled and unskilled labor in the global of the individuals who occupy them. labor market which constitutes “the Subordinate groups have an interest asymmetry in liberalization of capital in shifting the distribution of author- and labor flows” [2, p. 90]. ity to their own advantage. The process The scientific and technological of historical evolution of this “shift- revolution also stimulates the process ing” Dahrendorf tried to present as the a radical change in the social role of main source of the new social conflicts. labor. This process manifests itself in These new conflicts produce different contradictory tendencies: 1) intensive risks that enable to destroy the insti- intellectualization of the labor activity, tutional system of employment. In the 2) reduction of employees in industrial contemporary societies a large number systems, 3) arising development of new of categories of workers fall into a situ- models and subcultures of employment. ation of “out of work” because there are These new tendencies, as I consider, no more traditional appropriate forms in the specific way reflect the basic tra- and quantity of available work in order ditional contradictions of the employ- to determine the structure of society ment archetype. [4, p. 141–165]. It is important to emphasize that un- Ch. Tilly in the monograph research derstanding the phenomenon of labor “Democracy” [5] proposed the innova- employment is really the reproductive tive research strategy which was pri-

338 marily aimed to the identification and According to J. Baudrillard’s argu- description of the main kinds of resourc- mentation the trend of the global “sym- es as sources of inequality in the work- bolic exchange” on labor markets causes places. This strategy, I regard as prom- the “social deconstruction” of the tra- ising for further development, despite ditional relations of full-time employ- of some discussion problems. Ch. Tilly ment. This process cannot be linked to argues that the simple attempt to orga- the relations of exploitation. Therefore nize professional work always provides labor becomes socially unstable process different forms of control concerning that is not be directly connected to the certain scarce socially significant ma- results of activity on the working-place. terial and financial resources. On the Labor is a social gift from capital [6, basis of such forms of control appear p. 104–110] and at the same time this and assert themselves two mechanisms gift is a kind of compensatory function for social reproduction of “categori- of the real social power of capital — cal inequalities” between two “closed “labor is not exploitation and presents groups” controllers and employees: as a gift from capital”. Baudrillard be- 1) the mechanism of exploitation and lieves that in advanced societies labor 2) mechanism of usurpation. “The becomes the general code of social re- mechanism that generates inequality, prodction. In its symbolic form of social we call exploitation takes effect when control, modern labor is the sign of gen- those who control the resource: a) em- eral social employment. Due to labor ploys others to create value means the processes, people must be fixed whether use of the resource, but b) does not al- in schools, in factories, on the beach, in low these to others use the full amount front of the TV, or being retied. of the costs, which increased due to The author of innovative concep- their work. The second mechanism of tion “Risk Society” German sociologist generating inequality would be called U. Beck underlines that the main con- usurpation, accumulation opportuni- sequences of the contemporary trans- ties. It is that resource — a source of formation of the global labor market wealth — manage members of a single are increasing poverty and risks. “There closed group” [5, p. 138]. Thus, accord- is a systematic “attraction” between ing to the analyzed position the avail- extreme poverty and extreme risk” [7, ability of some scarce resource situa- p. 41]. In the globalized societies of the tion creates competition for control “second modernity” the constant re- over it. This control reproduces the production of extreme poverty trough organization conditions for teamwork communicative risks deforms the chan- by institutionalized mechanisms of ex- nels of social mobility. “Global risks tear ploitation and usurpation. down national boundaries and jumble As I consider, theoreticians of post- together the native with the foreign modern sociology have been proposed The distant other is becoming the inclu- additional conceptual explanations of sive other — not through mobility but exploitation and usurpation phenome- through risks” [8, p. 331]. The extreme na as the global conflict determinants international inequalities are the de- of the new international inequalities. termining factors of increased conflict

339 interactions under the global condi- nization. Therefore, the “employabil- tions of “destandardization of employ- ity” is the abstract concept that reflects ment” — the process that transforms re- “an opportunity to be busy, but not real lations of full time employment in vari- time”. It is important to conclude that ous forms of incomplete employment. Ph. Braun and A. Hesketh propose to This process causes different global analyze ontological shift from employ- threats and risks. “We are becoming ment to employability as the compli- members of a “global community of cated competitive and conflict process. threats”. The threats are no longer the “The shift in focus from employment internal affairs of particular countries to employability reflect the view that and a country cannot deal with threats many companies are no longer able (or alone. A new conflict dynamic of social willing) to offer long-term career op- inequalities is emerging” [9, p. 4]. portunities to their managers and pro- From my point of view it will be fessionals, Competitive pressures and reasonable to conclude that social sci- the drive to increase shareholder val- entists for a long time not paid due at- ues requires numerical flexibility that tention to the detailed study of the spe- enables firms to restructure and elimi- cific communicative and conventional nate “surplus employees” whenever resource foundations which constitute necessary” [10, p. 18]. the professional labor practices. I think British sociologist M. Yorke pays that communication and conventional his attention to the important fact that conditions of professional work struc- each human individual has interest tured the standardized employment of to realize own aspirations to be really various social groups of the working busy and find appropriate place in the population. Therefore the employment labor market. Therefore this individual relations as a communicative process must somehow demonstrate and pre- involve the creation of a special situ- sent the real achievements in learning ation of conventional reconciling the new knowledge, acquired skills, and interests of the employer and employee. the ability to interact effectively with This conventional reconciling is an others in a certain structure of social re- evidence of appearance the new labor lations using available resources as ca- subcultures which represent the new pital. This demonstration of individual standardized forms of individualized achievements, as believes M. Yorke, is employment. These labor forms of indi- the important circumstance for correct vidualized employment some scholars interpretation of the “employability” propose to analyze by using the con- concept: employability — “is a specific cept of “employability”. I agree with relationship of the individual to work Ph. Braun and A. Hesketh [10] who in a situation where an individual dem- believe that the essential character- onstrates a set of achievements relative istics of this concept describe the to specified task” [12, p. 7]. broader perspectives of individual em- Obviously, the global shift from ployment beyond the particular cir- employment to employability causes cumstances of personnel employment arising conflict interactions due to the as current inclusion to concrete orga- strengthening of international migra-

340 tion and the increasing competition in Conclusions. 1. The processes of the national labor markets. I consider economic, political and cultural global- that these trends lead to the emergence ization cause the radical transforma- of the new transnational models of em- tion of the basic structural components ployment that reflect the controversial of the national labor markets and of the processes of the social inclusion and so- traditional archetype of employment. cial exclusion. As I believe the inclusive The global situations of the “crisis and models of employment are: destruction of the labor societies” and 1) bureaucratic model of employ- the “destandardization of employment ment — organization of work of legally are the objective reasons for organiza- invited migrant workers; working plac- tion the new scientific researchers that es; will be oriented to the identification of 2) ethnic-network model of employ- the global determinants of the conflict ment — informal organization of the interactions in the new contemporary working places for migrants who have a models of employment. 2. The con- common ethnic roots with the citizens temporary labor processes are based of the particular country: (working on the traditional social mechanism of places for Chinese migrants in China- exploitation that determinates differ- towns in the US); ent inequalities and conflict interac- 3) familyist model — informal inclu- tions between professional group and sion in the family business of the new individuals. 3 The new standardized members who arrived from other coun- forms of individualized employment tries; are reflected by the concept “employ- 4) educational model — temporary ability”. The essential characteristics of employment of various groups (mainly this concept create the cognitive foun- young people) in training at schools dation for the identifications of the and institutes of education. conflict interactions in the new inclu- It is also important to identify the sive and exclusive models of employ- two exclusive models of employment. ment. These are: 1) model of the formal replacement of the job-positions — reorganization of References working places and acceptance of the 1. North D. C., Wallisd J. J., Waingast B. B. new workers with lower wage; Violence and Social Orders. A con- 2) criminal employment model — ceptrual framework for interpreting the formal exclusion the members of recorded human history / D. C. North, the national and international criminal J. J. Wallisd, B. B. Waingast. — N.-Y.: groups who are died after criminal con- Cambrige univ. press, 2013. — 320 p. 2. Stiglitz J. E. Making Globalization flicts and executed for their criminal Work / J. E. Stiglitz. — N.-Y., London: activities. W. W. Norton and company, 2007. — Of course, the further researchers of 374 p. the models of employment require the 3. Lasswell T. Class and Stratum / new conceptual arguments and empiri- T. Lasswell. — Boston: Houghton Mif- cal surveys. flin Company, 1965. — 497 p.

341 4. Dahrengorf R. The Modern Social 8. Beck U. Living in the world risk society / Conflict. The Politics of Liberty / U. Beck // Economy and Society. — R. Dahrengorf. — Berkley and Los An- 2006. — № 3 (Vol. 35). — P. 329–345. geles: Univ. of California press, 1990. — 9. Beck U. World at Risk / U. Beck. — 219 p. London: SAGE Publ., 2009. — 226 p. 5. Tilly Ch. Democracy / Ch. Tilly. — 10. Brown Ph., Hesketh A. The misman- Cambrige (Mass.): Harvard univ. agemetnt of talant: employability press, 2007. — 248 p. and jobs in the knowledge economy / 6. Baudrillard J. Symbolic Exchange and Ph. Brown, A. Hesketh. — N.Y.: Ox- Death / J. Baudrillard. — 2nd ed. — ford univ. press, 2004. — 288 p. London: SAGE Publ., 2017. — 280 p. 11. Yorke M. Employability in higher 7. Beck U. Risk Society. Toward a New education: what it is — what is not / Modernity / U. Beck. — London: M. Yorke. — Aberdeen: The Higher SAGE Publ., 2009. — 272 p. Education Academy, 2006. — 18 p.

342 Urbanova Eva, psychologist, Assessment s.r.o., 10200, , Štěrboholská,102a, tel.: +420 777 022 543, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2909-7892 Урбанова Єва, психолог Ассессмент ТзОВ, 10200, Praha, Štěrboholská, 102a, tel.: +420 777 022 543, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2909-7892 Урбанова Ева, психолог Ассессмент ООО, 10200, Praha, Štěrboholská, 102a, tel.: +420 777 022 543, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2909-7892

Mayevskaya Petra, psychologist, Assessment s.r.o., 10200, Prague, Štěrboholská 102a, tel.: +420 271 751 699, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2564-4674 Маєвська Петра, психолог Ассессмент ТзОВ, 10200, Praha, Štěrboholská, 102a, tel.: +420 271 751 699, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2564-4674 Маевская Петра, психолог Ассессмент ООО, 10200, Praha, Štěrboholská, 102a, tel.: +420 271 751 699, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2564-4674

Pasnichenko Viktor, psychologist, Assessment s.r.o., 10200, Prague, Štěrboholská, 102a, tel.: +420 776 675 774, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9076-057X Пасніченко Віктор, психолог Ассессмент ТзОВ, 10200, Praha, Štěrboholská, 102a, tel.: +420 776 675 774, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9076-057X Пасниченко Виктор, психолог Ассессмент ООО, 10200, Praha, Štěrboholská, 102a, tel.: +420 776 675 774, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9076-057X

343 LOYALTY, RELIABILITYAND RESISTANCE TO CORRUPTION: PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DIAGNOSTIC OPTIONS (THE EXPERIENCE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC) Abstract. The article analyzed the loyalty and reliability of employees as factors that facilitate corruption resistance. Article pointed to weaker elabora- tion of these concepts in Czech literature in comparison to how they are pre- sented in English-speaking resources. Furthermore, the names of the tests that are used in the Czech Republic for diagnosis loyalty and reliability and range of tests, significant for the analysis of this phenomenon. This study describes the audit approach as used in the system WORKtest®. It presents the results of investigation of corruption resistance and risk behavior us- ing methods WORKtest®, made in the Czech Republic in 2013–2014. Analysis showed that 18 % surveyed have signs of risky behavior. We describe the specific properties of corrupt behavior observed in the study. We provide benchmarking corruption resistance in relation to average indicators in the population. Keywords: loyalty, psychodiagnostics, resistance to corruption, trustworthi- ness. ЛОЯЛЬНІСТЬ, БЛАГОНАДІЙНІСТЬ ТА СПРОТИВ КОРУПЦІЇ: ПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ АСПЕКТИ Й МОЖЛИВОСТІ ДІАГНОСТИКИ (З ДОСВІДУ ЧЕСЬКОЇ РЕСПУБЛІКИ) Анотація. Аналізуються лояльність та надійність персоналу як фактори, що забезпечують антикорупційну стійкість. Вказано на слабку розробку цих понять у чеській літературі порівняно з англомовними ресурсами. Розгля- даються тести, які використовуються у Чеській Республіці в діагностиці ло- яльності та благонадійності. Описується аудит як підхід, який використовується в системі WORKtest® для аналізу протидії корупції і ризикованої поведінки. Наводяться результа- ти дослідження, проведеного в Чехії в 2013–2014 роках, з якого випливає, що 18 % опитаних мали ознаки ризикованої поведінки. Описано особливості корупційної поведінки, виявлені в дослідженні. Представлено бенчмаркінг протидії корупції по відношенню до середніх показників у чеській популяції. Ключові слова: благонадійність, лояльність, протидія корупції, псиході- агностика. ЛОЯЛЬНОСТЬ, БЛАГОНАДЕЖНОСТЬ И СОПРОТИВЛЕНИЕ КОРРУПЦИИ: ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ И ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ ДИАГНОСТИКИ (ИЗ ОПЫТА ЧЕШСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ) Аннотация. Анализируются лояльность и надежность персонала как фак- торы, которые обеспечивают антикоррупционную устойчивость. Указано на

344 слабую разработку этих понятий в чешской литературе по сравнению с ан- глоязычными ресурсами. Рассматриваются тесты, которые используются в Чехии в диагностике лояльности и благонадежности. Описывается аудит как подход, который используется в системе WORKtest® для анализа сопротивления коррупции и рискованного поведе- ния. Приводятся результаты исследования, проведенного в Чехии в 2013– 2014 годах, с которого следует, что 18 % опрошенных имели признаки ри- скованного поведения. Описаны особенности коррупционного поведения, выявленные в исследовании. Представлен бенчмаркинг сопротивления кор- рупции по отношению к средним показателям в чешской популяции. Ключевые слова: благонадежность, лояльность, сопротивление кор- рупции, психодиагностика.

Target setting. We live in troubled of organizations for personnel and a times, which is full of change and in- necessary condition for effective func- novation. At a time when the focus on tioning. Otherwise, we see a decrease in productivity and success, efficiency resistance to corruption and, as a result, and flexibility are of high importance the political fraud, the deception and [3; 8; 33]. In a period that is inherent illegal actions (embezzlement, theft, in reducing time and space constraints etc.). The organization should be able and increasing opportunities for access to manage these trends. The introduc- to information. As a result, the attitude tion of fraud management is one of the towards the world around us is orient- options for managing the resilience to ed to short-term and temporary nature. corrupt practices [9]. R. Sennet (2006) notes that the re- Analysis of the recent publications: quirement of today is to “stay in mo- The concept of loyalty and trustworthi- tion”. ness in the Czech literature is not suf- These changes are reflected in the ficiently developed. As a rule, they are corporate environment and threaten described in the study of satisfaction the company at macro and micro levels. with work, commitment or dedication The problem of loyalty and reliability to the firm. The notion of loyalty and of personnel in the context of changes trustworthiness in Czech literature is in requirements and the nature of work not enough. Usually, they are described that excludes the traditional control in the study of job satisfaction, engage- over personnel and increases the em- ment or of obligations in relation to the phasis on voluntariness becomes urgent company [30–32]. [5; 6; 11; 13; 22; 25; 26]. In publications, loyalty is associated In the context of a dynamic soci- with fidelity, frankness and honesty ety’s expectations with respect to staff [6; 12; 17]. Authors define loyalty as loyalty as rapidly changing. Loyalty commintment and loyalty is indicated becomes the important requirements as an intention to show loyalty to the

345 organization and its voluntary support in which a person works, a specialty, [4; 7; 10; 19; 34]. product or service can be an object of We think that this is not just a con- loyalty. The employee is thus involved sonance [2; 18], but rather a conscious, in a wider range of loyalties. In this positive attitude when a person is will- case, loyalty objects can provoke con- ing to invest and sacrifice himself [15; flicting loyal behavior [9; 27]. 26]. In the view of the above-mentioned, Harskiy K. (2003) examines in de- we share loyalty into several categories, tail the features of the loyalty and re- namely:a) the loyalty to the organiza- liability of employees. Trustworthiness tion (loyalty to corporate views and is described as a willingness to comply goals, honesty, trustworthiness) b) the with rules and regulations. The author loyalty to the leader (recognition of describes 300 characterological signs authority) c) the loyalty to colleagues and indicates methods for their diag- (collegiality, teamwork and goodwill) nosis, when he is analyzing the psycho- e) the loyalty when dealing with con- logical causes of unreliability fidential information (Storage of the The analysis of the literature shows secrets of the organization, non-disclo- that the main indicators of loyalty in- sure of know-how, etc.). clude: 1) willingness to stay in the com- The purpose of this article is to de- pany [29]; 2) labor productivity, goes scribe the possibilities of diagnosing the beyond the framework of conventional loyalty and reliability of personnel as standards [20]; 3) trust in the organi- the bases that increase anti-corruption zation and acceptance of its goals and sustainability in the view of the reali- values [21]; 4) altruistic behavior [16]; ties of the Czech Republic. 5) willingness to make significant ef- The main material research: Cor- forts in the interests of the organization ruptive actions are intentional and pur- [20; 34]; as well as confidentiality in poseful actions of qualified specialists working with information and not dis- with a view to obtaining undeserved closing corporate secrets, compliance and illegal personal gain. In the narrow with rules and generating ideas [24]. sense, corruption is translated as bribery According to the indicators de- (extortion and acceptance of bribes). scribed above, loyalty is associated In a broader sense, it can be manifest- with reliability and compliance with ed as intimidation and manipulation, rules, commitment, loyalty and collegi- gifts and influential support, informa- ality. This behavior is clearly in favor of tion theft. The corruption leads to the the organization [34]. disintegration of the public sector, the Our vision of loyalty corresponds to weakening of power, increased protec- the theory of G. Van der Vegt (2003), tionism and nepotism, crime, mistrust, E. Powerse (2000) and K. Harsky bankruptcy of companies. According to (2003). This interpretation differs from Transparency International’s research one-sided perception of the organiza- in 2016, the Czech Republic ranked 47 tion’s devotion. We regard loyalty as a out of a total of 170 countries under the multi-level phenomenon [13]. An orga- Corruption Perceptions Index. Main nization, colleagues, leader, department manifestations — the insufficiency of

346 ethical standards and rules (in particu- 6. SPARO — scales: theMental sta- lar, for top management), limited access bility, the intensity of inner life, the to information, confusion in public pro- dynamism of interaction with the envi- curement. ronment, the propensity to rely on the It is known that illegal actions are will of the case, the Social exhibition- always connected with the peculiarities ism, the Conformity. of the human factor and its so-called re- It should be taken into account sistance to corruption. From the above, that all these questionnaires are not the urgency of the method of identify- designed to identify trends in corrup- ing resistance to corruption and pre- tion and do not exclude the possibility venting illegal and counter productive of distortion of the result towards so- actions from emerging. cial desirability. Thequestionnaires are The determination of the riskiness adapted and standardized for the Czech of a person already at the stage of re- population, the scales of these tests are cruitment and selection of workers is based on the premise that a person who preventive measures in this direction. has certain psychological qualities is Our study, carried out in 2015, showed reduced (or increases) the likelihood of that in the Czech Republic such psy- risky and counterproductive activities. chological questionnaires are used to To a great extent these drawbacks identify features that can cause corrup- deprived of the psychometric method tive actions: WORKtest®. Fromothertestsystems,it 1. Hoganovy tests — HPI question- isdistinguishedby the following fea- naire (Scales Stability, Sociability, Co- tures: 1) the test is of a projective na- operation, Organizationality), HDS ture, which makes it impossible to fal- questionnaire (11 scales reflect the risk sify the results; 2) Scales describe the assessment inadequate behavior strate- features of the performance of activities; gies). 3) 300 scales of the test system are de- 2. NEO-PI-R — The scales are used signed in accordance with the request Neuroticism and Good Faith. of the practice of working with person- 3. Squares (Cut-e) — Scales: the nel. The system is available in Czech, Discipline, the conscientiousness and English and Russian. the ethical consciousness. The testing procedure is based on 4. ANBE — thequestionnaire aimed the selection of 9 geometric shapes at identifying attitudes towards work, from a common matrix with the image people and motivation that can lead to of 51 figures. The test is included in the job disruptions. computer system for diagnosing and 5. The questionnaire of the person analyzing the features of the activity BIP — questionnaire contains 4 person- and is used for assessments in the field al preconditions of danger, for which of a person’s professional activity in the the indicators of Professional orienta- form of an audit.Thus, the Corruption tion (the Motivation), the Labor be- Resistance Audit assesses the specific havior (the Integrity), the mental con- risk factors and manifestations of em- stitution (the Emotional stability and ployee behavior that directly threaten the Sustainability) are used. the organization. In this case, the be-

347 havior is estimated from the “dominant” • the Overcoming Adverse Events (high level of risk) to “not risky”. The 4. The Motivation and volitional audit allows you to answer the question qualities of whether a person is corrupt, and if so, • the Material remuneration what featuresencourage to such behav- • the Power and commitment ior, or a loyal person and how much he • the Power to achieve the goals acts consciously or under the influence • the Self-realization of others, or psychologically stable and • the Search for the impact and use balanced, and so on. of it The audit of corruption resistance • the Diplomacy includes 32 criteria, which are collected • the Initiative and activity in four modules: • Target Orientation 1. Security, counterproductive and When an Audit of Corruption Sus- corrupt behavior tainabilityis conducted, the compari- • the Bribery (extortion of bribes) son with the working population of the • the Bribery (bribe offer) Czech Republic is available to the user. • the Embezzlement — financial The standardization of the test was • the Embezzlement — information carried out on the results collected in • the Embezzlement — know how 2010–2015, a sample of 4500 respon- • the Falsification and forgery of dents. The retest reliability of the tech- documents nique in various modules is 0,75–0,92, • the Corruption expert validity is 0,87–0,97. An exam- • Clientelism (favoritism) ple of verification of loyalty, reliabil- • Susceptibility to pressure from the ity of employees and their resistance environment (lability) to corruption can be a study carried 2. The Loyalty and the moral sta- out using the WORKtest® method in bility 2013–2014, commissioned by a Czech • the Moral sustainability and ma- company. The goal of the study was to turity analyze the risk of corruption of indi- • the balance, loyalty, trust vidual workers. The display of a risky • theEthics potential meant to find out: • the Loyalty to the organization • How many employees have a ten- • the Observance of agreed agree- dencyto corruption, ments and conventions • in which corruptive actions tend • the Compliance with corporate to be the most and least, rules and regulations • how the manifestations of illegal • the Collegiality, tactfulness actions are connected with loyalty and 3. The Mental stability trustworthiness. • the Emotional stability 278 employees were included by re- • Psychological endurance search in the top management (n = 69, • the Mental maturity 25 % of the sample) and middle level • the Emotional maturity (n = 209, 75 % of the sample), of which • the Restraint and self-regulation 165 women (60 %) were men (40 %). • the Social maturity The age range is 28–56 years. The em-

348 ployees were tested using the WORK- ple are at high risk and 38 are risky, ac- test® psychodiagnostic tool. Six counting for 18 % of the total. The group months later, 89 employees participat- of high risk of corruption includes both ed in the 360° assessment. women and men at all levels of manage- Figure 1 indicates a general propen- ment. The risk group consists mainly of sity for corruption in terms of different mid-level personnel. demographic features. From schedule Which corruption manifestations we see that of 278 respondents 12 peo- are more often reflected in Table 1.

Fig. 1. The risk of exposure to corrupt practices at various levels of management

Tablе 1 The manifestations of counterproductive (corrupt) actions Elements of corruptions Manifestation Favoritism (nepotism) 61,6 % Theft of information 56,7 % Imprudence 54,6 % Bribery (bribe offer) 53,9 % Speculation 53,7 % Falsification and forgery of documents 51,9 % Manipulation and pressure 51,8 % Theft of know-how 50,3 % Bribery (extortion of bribes) 49,7 % Receiving tangible and intangible benefits 48,0 % Theft of financial 45,4 % Unpredictability 42,1 % Presence, instability 33,9 %

349 Mostof them seek tofavoritism and is reflected in Fig. 2. Benchmarking,an nepotism (62 %). Large indicators also audit of corruption resistance (com- gain information theft (57 %). If we pared to the norm, see Red Line) indi- talk about bribery, the offer of a bribe cates the reliability of the personnel of is more represented (54 %) than extor- this organization. tion (50 %). The lowest indicators gain Conclusions: Our analysis showed suggestive instability, is a legitimate the absence of author theories of loyal- evidence that the basis of corruption is ty and trustworthiness in Czech litera- a conscious and purposeful process. ture and the absence of specialized psy- Furtherconsideration points to the chological questionnaires to diagnose a fact that women are more prone to pro- tendency to corrupt practices. tectionism (women 64 %, men 59 %) Research using the WORKtest® and information dissemination (women psychodiagnostic system in the Czech 58 %, men — 52 %), men in turn often organizationcrewed 18 % of personnel- offer bribes (men — 54 %, women 50 %) whichhave a highrisk of corruption. At And are less exposed to the environment the same time, middle-level personnel (men — 31 %, women 34 %) and are are more risky than the top manage- more manipulative (more than women ment. Among the forms of corruption, by 5 %). What is a well-thought-out there is more representation of fiction use of corruption. But women are more (nepotism) and information theft. At diplomatic (50 %) than men (45 %). the same time, the offer of a bribe is The degree of conformity of test re- manifested more than its demand. The sults was determined by using the 360° slightest manifestation is instable, it is method. The results in Table 2 indicate a legitimate evidence that the basis of an equal agreement of experts com- corruption is a conscious and purpose- pared to self-assessment (90,3). The ful process. general consensus is 94,2 %, which is an The simultaneous application of the indicator that allows us to take the test 360° method with psychodiagnostics results for reliable and to draw conclu- revealed the high consistency of test sions about individual qualities. results according to expert estimates, The overall result of the audit in com- which allowed the results of testing in parison with the norm of the population the system of the WORKtest® system

Таble 2 Consistency of test results with 360° estimates Manager Evaluation Evaluation Overall Self-assessment evaluation of subordinates by collega consistency 90,3 95,8 95,2 95,5 94,2

Fig. 2. The resistance to corruption in the organization compared with the average in thepopulation

350 to be taken as reliable and to draw con- Harvard Business School Publishing- clusions about individual manifesta- Corporation, 2016. tions of corrupt practices. 10. Graham J. W., Organ D. W. Commit- Assuming that the diagnostic system ment and the Covenantal Organiza- is presented in three languages: Czech, tion // Journal of Managerial. — Issues 5: 483–502, 1993. English and Russian, further studies see 11. Grosman B. (1989). Corporate Loyal- a comparative analysis of loyalty, reli- ty: Does It Have a Future? // Journal ability and manifestations of corrup- of Business Ethics 8: 565–68. tion in other countries. 12. Hartl P., Hartlová H. Psychologický slovník. — Praha: Portál, 2000. 13. Haughey J. C. (1993). Does Loyalty in the Workplace Have a Future? // References Business Ethics Quarterly 3: 1–16. 1. Harsky K. Reliability and loyalty of 14. Kocianová R. Personální činnosti a staff / K. Kharskii. — St. Petersburg: metody personální práce. — Praha: Peter, 2003. — 496 p. Grada Publishing a.s., 2010. 2. Agle B. R., Hart D. W., Thompson J. A., 15. Kumar D. N. S., Shekhar N. Journal of Hendricks H. M. Research Companion Management Research. 2012: 12 (2). — to Ethical Behavior in Organizations. Р. 100–112. Constructs and Measures. — UK: Ed- 16. Laabs J. J. (1996). Employee commit- ward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2014. ment // Personnel Journal, 58–66. 3. Bauman Z. Life in Fragments. Essays 17. Linhart J. Slovník cizích slov pro nové in Postmodern Morality. — Cam- tisíciletí. — Litvínov: Dialog, 2005. bridge: Basil Blackwell, 1995. 18. Meyer J. P., Allen N. J. (1991). A three- 4. Buchanan B. (1974). Building Or- component conceptualization of or- ganizational Commitment: The So- ganizational commitment. Human cialization of Managers in Work Or- Resource Management Review, 1. — ganizations. Administrative Science Р. 61–89. Quarterly, 19 (4): 553–546. 19. Moorman R. H., Blakely G. L. (1995). 5. Chudzikowski K. Fresh Perspectives on Individualism-Collectivism as an Indi- the New Career. Journal of Vocational vidual Difference Predictor of Organi- Behavior, 2012. — № 89. — Р. 298–306. zational Citizenship Behavior // Jour- 6. Durkin D. M. The Loyalty advantage: nal of Organizational Behavior, 16(2): essential steps to energize your compa- 127. ny, your customers, your brand. — NY: 20. Mowday R. T., Porter L. W. & AMACOM, 2005. Steers R. M. (1982). Employee-orig- 7. Dyne L. V., Graham J. W., Dienesch R. M. anization linkages. — New York: Aca- (1994). Organizational Citizenship demic Press. Behavior: Construct Redefinition, 21. Pandey C., Khare R. Impact of job Measurement, and Validation. The satisfaction and organizational com- Academy of Management Journal, 37 mitment on employee loyalty. Inter- (4): 765–802. national Journal of Social Science and 8. Giddens A. Unikající svět: jak global- Interdisciplinary Research, 2012: 1. — izace mění náš život. — Praha: Socio- Р. 36–41. logické nakladatelství, 2000. — 135 р. 22. Pfeiffer R. S. (1992). Owing Loyalty 9. Gino F. If You’re Loyal to a Group, to One’s Employer. Joumal of Business Does it Compromise Your Ethics? Ethics 11: 535–44.

351 23. Plamínek, J. Vedení lidí, týmů a fi- 30. Šubrt J. A. KOL. Soudobá sociologie II. rem. — Praha: Grada Publishing a.s., Teorie sociálního jednání a sociál- 2011. ní struktury. — Praha: UK Praha, 24. Powers E. L. Employee Loyalty in the 2008. New Millennium // Academic Jour- 31. Šubrt, J.a kol. Soudobá sociologie IV. nal, 2000: 65 (3). — Р. 4–8. Aktuální a každodenní. — Praha: UK 25. Reichheld F. F. The loyalty effect: The Praha, 2010. hidden force behind growth, profits, 32. Šubrt, J.a kol. Soudobá sociologie VI. and lasting value. — Harvard Business Oblasti a specializace. — Praha: UK School Press, 1996. Praha, 2014. 26. Reichheld F. F. Loyalty rules!: How 33. Toffler A., Toffler H. Nová civilizace. today’s leaders build lasting relation- Třetí vlna a její důsledky. — Praha: ships. — Harvard Business Press, 2001. Dokořán, 2001. — 126 s. 27. Schrag, B. Business Ethics Quarter- 34. Van der Vegt G. S., Van de Vliert E., ly // Business Source Complete 2001: Oosterhof A. (2003). Informational 11 (1). — Р. 41–66. dissimilarity and OCB: The role of 28. Sennet R. The Culture of the New Cap- intrateam interdepedence and team italism. — London: Yale University identification. Academy of Manage- Press, 2006. ment // Journal, 46: 715–727. 29. Solomon C. M. The loyalty factor // 35. Wagnerová I. Řízení výkonnosti. — Personnel Journal, 1992. — Р. 52–62. Brno: Marek Konečný, 2005.

352 UDC: 347. 73 (476) (045)

Tsegelnik Olga Vladimirovna, PhD (Candidate of Sciences) in Law, As- sociate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial law and legal reg- ulation of economic activity of the Law Fa- culty, Belarusian State University, Independ- ence Avenue, 4, Minsk, 220030, Belarus, tel.: +375295003170, e-mail: tsegelnik.pochta@ ORCID: 0000-0002-8380-4615 Цегельник Ольга Володимирівна, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри фінансового права та правового регулювання господарської ді- яльності юридичного факультету, Біло- руський державний університет, пр. Не- залежності, 4, м. Мінськ, 220030, Республі- ка Білорусь, тел.: +375295003170, e-mail: tsegelnik.pochta @ ORCID: 0000-0002-8380-4615 Цегельник Ольга Владимировна, кандидат юридических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры финансового права и правового регулирования хозяйственной деятельности юридического факультета, Белорусский государственный университет, 220030, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, пр. Независи- мости, 4, тел.: +375295003170, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8380-4615

“INVESTMENT CONFLICT”: STRATEGY AND WAYS OF THE RESOLVING OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL CONTRADICTIONS IN THE MODERN WORLD Abstract. Modern development of investment law, states, society needs to use and define such category as “investment conflict”. The author proves this provi- sion and defines this phenomenon at first time, analyses it from the position of archetypes, spirituality as basic conditions for the development of modern world, finds and describes some problems and ways of its resolving in accordance with the topic of the article. Keywords: investment conflict, development, crisis, spiritual, church up- bringing of the individual, archetypes (spiritual life, as the experience of the un- conscious and powered by the God) and оrthodoxy, spiritual valuables.

353 “ІНВЕСТИЦІЙНИЙ КОНФЛІКТ”: СТРАТЕГІЯ І МЕХАНІЗМ ВИРІШЕННЯ ПСИХОСОЦІАЛЬНИХ ПРОТИРІЧ В СУЧАСНОМУ СВІТІ Анотація. У статті вперше обґрунтовано необхідність позначення кате- горії “інвестиційний конфлікт”, наведено її визначення й проаналізовано з позицій архетипіки, духовності як умови розвитку світу, виявлено низку про- блем і вказано основні напрями для їх вирішення відповідно до теми доповіді. Ключові слова: інвестиції, інвестиційний конфлікт, розвиток, криза, формування інвестиційного світогляду, духовне виховання особистості, ар- хетипіки і православ’я, духовні цінності, духовна безпека, духовне життя (як досвід несвідомого і керованого Богом). “ИНВЕСТИЦИОННЫЙ КОНФЛИКТ”: СТРАТЕГИЯ И МЕХАНИЗМ РАЗРЕШЕНИЯ ПСИХОСОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ПРОТИВОРЕЧИЙ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ Аннотация. В статье впервые обоснована необходимость обозначения ка- тегории “инвестиционный конфликт”, приведены ее определение, анализ с по- зиций архетипики, духовности как условия развития мира, выявлен ряд про- блем и указаны основные направления для их решения согласно теме доклада. Ключевые слова: инвестиционный конфликт, развитие, кризис, духов- ное воспитание личности, архетипика и православие, духовные ценности.

Target setting. Analysis of legal about ‘investing’ in this person himself, innovations in the post-Soviet space though it paradoxically sounds. Since shows that investment law is actively the effectiveness of the entire political developing in Ukraine, Belarus and and economic system depends, first of Russia as a branch of economic law, aca- all, on the degree of human develop- demic discipline and science. The defi- ment in various relations. nition of system-forming categories and Analysis of recent research and their study, which will allow forming publications. Modern textbooks on the structure and content of investment investment law, recent publications legislation in the future, is important do not include the term ‘investment in the development of this discipline. conflict’. This scientific paper is the However, the nature of the investment first attempt to define and consider has necessitated the introduction of in- this phenomenon. Taking into account vestment law categories such as ‘invest- the declared theme of the conference ment conflict’. For the first time in this held by the Ukrainian School of Ar- article, attention will focus on the issue chetypics, and proceeding from some of a person’s preparedness for ‘staying’ approaches set forth in the joint arti- in ‘an investment conflict’, getting out of cle of E. A. Afonina and O. V. Sushyi, it, overcoming the corresponding crises, who considered the phenomenon from

354 a different angle (for more details see briefly describe the main essential signs below), namely spirituality as a con- of its constituent phenomena. dition for the development of the mo- The concept of ‘investment’ is one dern world [1, p. 97]. From the point of of the most studied phenomena in law, view of the approach proposed above, in view of the fact that there is no single no category of investment, which it- definition for all states. The main fea- self is responsible for the development tures of this category are the following: (this is its essential characteristic), nor 1) Investment is property, service even the term ‘investment conflict’ are works, if broader, it is an object of civil also not considered. This research is rights that is diverted from current new, taking into account the work of consumption, for the purpose of invest- priests, conflictologists, psychologists, ing it in an object that will bring future mediators, lawyers, etc. And it can lay profit and/or achieve another positive the foundation for further researches, social effect, not connected with per- including the legislature, the develop- sonal consumption; ment of complex of organizational 2) Investment is based on an invest- measures for the solution of emerging ment project, between the moment of issues, the conditions for investment investing and the moment of achieving development of states and their sub- investment objectives, it is a certain pe- jects. riod; The purpose of the article is to for- 3) Investment is associated with the mulate the notion of ‘investment con- risk of its loss; flict’ and to consider the issues outlined 4) Investment is a category respon- above. sible for the economic and social devel- The statement of basic materi- opment of the state, citizens, in fact, to als. The content of the main courses a rather large extent, with a competent of investment law and investment leg- approach it provides it. islation has recently tended to become This concept is revealed in indis- really capable of providing ‘service’ of soluble connection with a group of oth- such a broad category as ‘investment er investment categories, the main of dispute’. But if we use a broader ap- which are the ‘investment contract’ and proach to the development of these the ‘investment commitment’. academic disciplines and legislation, Investment is, in fact, the relation- with the subsequent application in the ship between the investor and other en- economy, policies for effective structur- tities whose interests affect the invest- al changes, it is necessary to designate ment project. Investments are effective such a concept as an ‘investment con- if the balance of interests of the partici- flict’, which is inherently much broader pants in the investment project and the and Significant, in comparison, with interests of the persons affected by it in the first phenomenon. This concept one way or another are ensured, they consists of two component categories: are implemented on a bona fide, profes- ‘investment’ and ‘conflict’. At the same sional basis. time, before formulating the concept of The concept of ‘conflict’. The word ‘investment conflict’, it is necessary to ‘conflict’ comes from the Latin word

355 ‘conflictus’. It means ‘collision’ and vir- lyze some of the types that make up tually unchanged included in other the investment conflict from a so called languages. According to Webster’s dic- approach to spirituality and integrity tionary (1983), the notion of ‘conflict’ (‘indestructibility’ — verbatim in Ukrai- was initially interpreted as a ‘fight, nian) of the spiritual boundaries of hu- battle and struggle’, then its meaning man, community and civilization as the widened to include ‘dramatic difference basis for sustainable development Social or opposition of interests, ideas, etc.’ world, the main principle of the con- Thus, now this term implies not only struction of the modern world order, the physical opposition itself, but also proposed by E. A. Afonin and O. V. Su- its psychological content. shyi [1, р. 97]. The investor and his po- Set out the characteristics of these tential ability primarily represents the terms, it allows us to conclude that the interest to carry out effective invest- phenomenon itself is investment. It is ment (see above, means of effective in- also essentially in conflict in relation vestments), and in fact, the consistency to the investor, taking into account the of his interests and values, and world- investment objectives and the condi- view with the norms of religion and the tions for its effectiveness. The analysis interests of the subjects of the invest- of this provision will be stated after the ment project, i. e. ‘intrapersonal invest- definition of the definition of ‘invest- ment conflict’ and its human potential. ment conflict’, by which we propose to The question arises, what is human understand the sharp divergence, op- potential? In fact, these are the ‘invest- position, clash of interests, investor’s ments’ that parents have invested in a ideas with the objectives, investment person in the form of upbringing, edu- conditions, investor and interests, cation, he himself, society and the state. ideas of other subjects of the invest- But if we talk about spirituality, then ment project or entities, whose in- it’s absolutely necessary to talk about terests, needs are influenced by the God as a participant in the formation of investment project, in the process of this potential, and from the very begin- implementing investment activities on ning to determine whether He, in prin- the basis of the investment contract. ciple, was in this process, whether the The above definition of the invest- circulation of other participants to Him ment conflict characterizes it as a col- in one form or another and from which lective concept. It can be classified stage. according to numerous criteria, and Analyzing the concept of conflict, it this work is the goal of independent re- should be noted that its components are search. This conflict is a kind of social interests, values and their collision. But conflict, can be legal and non-legal, in the condition of managing and resolv- particular, intrapersonal, political, mili- ing conflict is, first and foremost, the tary, corporate, state, economic, finan- vision and understanding of the causes cial, industrial, etc. of the problem, which generates the Given the theme of the conference specified impact, the ability of a person and its relationship with the problems to ‘give value’ to sacrifice something of archetypics, we would like to ana- (i. e. ‘parting with value’) to see new and

356 more significant interest, and, in fact, a The relationship between the system higher significant in a spiritual sense, of needs and the value system must the value, the resolution of the prob- be clearly defined, in terms of under- lem, a different view of the situation, standing sin and virtue, passion, and changing attitudes, this is, in principle, the highest value must be God and love the understanding of what is happen- to Him for a person from early child- ing. For conflict it is necessary to know hood. It is necessary to attract the full the theory of personality, and if we talk potential and accumulated experience about spirituality, the theory of man's of the Orthodox Church, as set forth in spiritual life [2]. And the question aris- the writings of its ascetics and works of es about the truth of the source of infor- Orthodox Russian culture [5], art and mation, or rather religious doctrine in literature to ensure this goal [6]. There the context of the existence of various are the works of St. Reverend Silouan sects and types of religions. Proceeding from Athos, and it's not surprising if from the historically established tradi- we start talking about spirituality, it’s tion for Belarus, Ukraine, we share the a recognized giant of spirit [7] and the approach proposed by A. I. Osypov, public’s attention in modern conditions that today the spiritual security of man is great, as evidenced by the events of is provided by Orthodoxy and the Or- August 016 in Belarus among the lat- thodox Church only [3]. And, in our est tendencies [8]. A person must be opinion, between the archetype and the brought up in the faith and always feel Orthodox Christian church teaching, God, be afraid to offend Him. The re- points of interaction can be established, sult will be that crises (an indispensable provided that the following questions sign of which is the uncertainty and in- are raised: what is the control of the ability of a person in them to be until a unconscious, how does the unconscious certain moment of adaptation) will be and spiritual, the spiritual life of man, perceived as a new stage of trust to God religion, the church correspond? (which is given the situation) and the The problem of forming the per- level of development, but not alone and sonality of the investor is the main for without ‘intellectual patterns’. But with creation the conditions for the deve- an inner understanding of the meaning lopment of investment activity and, as of what are happening and the vision a consequence, the state, in principle a and finding of points and conditions of person who will want and who can be growth, under the influence of the Holy enterprising, active, creating for self- Spirit. It controls the whole person, sufficiency and development and (or) including his unconscious part, which development of the world around him gives him priceless life experience in harming the interests of other enti- the form of grace, the development of ties and countries. Here, the following the ability to love, create, be kind, as problems occur, which ‘investment con- evidenced also by recent psychologi- flict’ as a notion indicates itself on it. cal studies of foreign scientists [9]. A The source of personal develop- good example is culture, monuments ment should be a full-fledged Christian of the ancient centre of Kiev (St. Prin- family and a religious Orthodox state. cess Olga, Apostle Andrew the First-

357 Called, St. Cyril and Methodius). But text of investment conflict [13]. Hu- the most important task of the family man should love other people and very and the state is to reveal to the person often place their interests above their the person of Christ and to create con- own, at least in the family after the first ditions for contact with Him [6]. As highest value like love for God [14]. In- an example, the attempts of the staff of vestments should be allowed to a man the M. Bulgakov’s Museum House in who can earn money (capital) in honest Kiev to ‘restore the norm’ in modern life way, but perceive them not as an end in through the translation of the experi- themselves and the highest value, but ence of family life of the specified writer only a means of achieving much more [10]. The teaching of the church about valuable, good and development goals. the passions, their impact on man and Here, as a consequence, health, dili- the opposition to them, chastity are im- gence, education, interest and love of portant for the development of the doc- life, people and quality are important trine of intrapersonal conflict. Person and such quality as responsibility for all should be informed of this knowledge their actions, for other people and com- from childhood; the ability to make the passion. They should be formed by pa- right, bright choice in the direction of rents and the person himself in the course ensuring good must be formed, con- of his life in the first place. science and the ability to hear and save Realization of the indicated direc- it all life should be born. The doctrine tions will allow to form a person who of prayer [11], the Guardian Angel is can invest in himself in the form of important here, if the theme of viola- self-improvement efforts in the form tion of spiritual boundaries is touched of a simple goal of ‘being good’, ‘a path [12]. Most importantly: what is the spiri- to holiness’. The goal (task) at the state tual border, how to work with it, from the level should be set to develop a model point of view of archetypics and Ortho- of interaction between a person, the doxy? Particular attention should be Church and the state to ensure spiri- paid to prayer for God: it should be seen tual development and spiritual security as a means of constant human contact of the individual, the state, including in with the source of strength, love, de- conflict and crisis situations. And ma- velopment and God. Prayer is the main ny, even the most serious crises, need to means of man's self-development of his be grateful, if they form a new view of potential, survival and self-understand- values, a person gets the experience of ing. And it an attempt to solve prob- living without the missing value, over- lems that are insoluble for people at the coming suffering, and the most difficult modern level, for example: the General situations turn to God only [15]; if a Prayer for Ukraine on April, 017 in person does not wants to give up, hu- Kiev. And, the result of such education miliated, and as a result he receives what should be a clear understanding of the he has really need, but, from the point Gospel, the teachings of the Orthodox of view of God. There is an important Church and the development of the question: what is pain? Apparently, this ability to serve God, and not Mamon, is a state of parting, a loss of that is very in other words, as a wealth in the con- valuable. Human has lost everything,

358 except God during the process of life. ed out the main directions for their Therefore, the condition for its stabil- solution. The consolidation of this cat- ity is the acquisition of contact with God egory in legislation [17] through pub- and its preservation throughout life as lic awareness to it, and the ways of re- the highest value after death thanks to solving investment conflicts of various faith and earthly life according to the types. It will serve as a basis for initiat- Commandments, conscience and the ing significant and necessary changes in churching. And here we can conclude such communities. Sufficiently promis- that the crisis is a situation when the ing and vital will the development of subjects have incorrectly arranged val- an interdisciplinary theory of invest- ues; this is the condition for the change ment conflicts with the observance of in the necessary vector and as a con- the principle of objectivity and taking sequence of development. Person has into account the above problems and a new level of self-knowledge, under- features. standing of relationships, experience that allows changing and developing individual structures of different levels, References beginning with a person, family, soci- 1. Afonin E. A. Regularities and pecu- ety, science, moral and moral catego- liarities of Ukrainian transformation / ries, etc. after accepting the pain, crisis, E. A. Afonin, O. V. Sushyi // Stra- living them by this person. As it para- tegic panorama. — 2015. — № 1. — doxically sounds, but those countries P. 94–108. that have accumulated negative experi- 2. Bishop Theophanous. What is the ence, should study it [16, p. 11], struc- spiritual life and how to tune in? / ture relations; see the true causes and Theophanous. On spiritual ascent and seek peaceful solutions for them, using salvation / Metropolitan of Leningrad the existing experience (in the form and Ladoga John. — L.: ‘The Cathedral of crises and conflicts) of other states, mind’, the Leningrad Separate Society ‘Znaniie’, 1991. — 88 p. including through appealing to arche- 3. Osipov A. I. Orthodoxy and spiritual typics, mediation, the development of security / A. I. Osipov. — Minsk: The a dialogue between the authorities and Publishing House ‘Belarusian Ex- the public, the implementation of the archate’, 2012. — 24 p. reached agreements. Crises, conflicts 4. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. On the and stresses should be the first helpers. Sacrament of Confession. — Minsk : Individual states can create their own St. Elisabeth Convent (Monastery), unique systems of relations and institu- 2008. — 32 p. tions, using proper work with them. 5. Soloviev V. M. The Golden Book of Conclusions. Given the definition Russian Culture. — Moscow: The Bielyi Gorad, 2007. — 560 p. of ‘investment conflict’ and its analysis 6. Elders and Russian literature [Elec- from the standpoint of archetypic, spir- tronic resource]. — Access mode : ituality as a condition of development of the world confirmed the correctness 7. St. Monk Silouan of Athos. The Scrip- and relevance of the outlined approach tures. — Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra identified a number of issues and point- (Monastery), 2016. — 384 p.

359 8. Monk. The documentary film by Arka- 13. St. Theophanous of the Recluse. dii Mamontov [Electronic resource]. — Thought for every day of the year ac- Access mode: www.pravoslavie. cording to the church readings from ru/100139.html the Word of God. — M.: The Otchyi 9. McGonagall K. Good stress as a way to Dom, 2012. — 320 p. — (The Series become stronger and better / K. Mc- ‘Spiritual interlocutor’). Gonagall; Translation from the Eng- 14. Schiarchimandrite Joachim (Patri- lish language. — Moscow: The Alpina arch). When two become one. Transla- Publisher, 2017. — 304 p. tion from the . — St. 10. Bulgakov’s House / Under the gen- Petersburg: Resurrection Novodevi- eral ed. of L. V. Gubianuri. — K.: The chy Monastery, 2016. — 384 p. Publishing House ‘V. B. Sidorenko’, 15. It was from Me // 2015. — P. 165, 95, 03, 10-211. ru/site/nstr_1_1_01.html 11. St. Monk John Lestvichnik. About 16. Vagin I. O. Psychology of evil. Prac- prayer. — The Publishing House of the tice of conflict resolution. — St. Moscow Patriarchate, 2000. — 48 p. Petersburg: The Piter, 2001. — 12. Reflections of the Christian about the 192 p. Guardian Angel for every day of the 17. Tsegelnik O. V. The basic tendencies of month with the application of the formation of investment law of the Re- canon and the prayerful appeal to the public of Belarus / O. V. Tsegelnik // Guardian Angel. — M.: The Otchyi Modern lawyer. — 2016. — № 3. — Dom, 2007. — 176 p. P. 66–75.

360 UDC: 329.8

Chernoivanenko Alina Vladimirovna, post-graduate student of the Department of Political Science and Philosophy, Kharkov Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administra- tion under the President of Ukraine, 61001, Ukraine, Kharkov, Moskovsky prospect, 75, tel.: (050) 975 83 93, e-mail: alina_dubrovs- kaya ORCID: 0000-0002-1766-9048 Черноіваненко Аліна Володимирівна, аспірант кафедри політології та філо- софії, Харківський регіональний інсти- тут державного управління Національ- ної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 61001, Україна, м. Харків, пр. Московський, 75, тел.: (050) 975 83 93, e-mail: alina_dubrovskaya@ ORCID: 0000-0002-1766-9048 Черноиваненко Алина Владимировна, аспирант кафедры политологии и философии, Харьковский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управле- ния при Президенте Украины, 61001, Украина, г. Харьков, пр. Московский, 75, тел.: (050) 975 83 93, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1766-9048

THE ROLE OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN ORIGIN AND STARTING OF POLITICAL CONFLICTS IN UKRAINE: ARCHETYPICAL ANALYSIS Abstract. It is determined the nature, main point of political conflicts, it is formed their typology. It is analised Ukrainian political parties activity in condi- tions of a political conflict. It is proved that in the Ukrainian society widespread archetypes of the “hero”, “leader” determine the weakness of ideological com- pound in political parties activities and they are favourable to product temporary leaders projects in which leaders are not ready to find compromises because of fear to harm to their image. Keywords: political conflict, political parties, the archetype of the “hero” ar- chetype “leader”.

361 РОЛЬ ПОЛІТИЧНИХ ПАРТІЙ У ВИНИКНЕННІ ТА РОЗВ’ЯЗАННІ ПОЛІТИЧНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ В УКРАЇНІ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ Анотація. Визначено природу, сутність політичних конфліктів, зроблено їх типологію. Проаналізовано діяльність українських політичних партій в умовах політичного конфлікту. Доведено, що поширені в українському су- спільстві архетипи “героя”, “лідера” детермінують послаблення ідеологічної складової в діяльності політичних партій та сприяють продукуванню тимча- сових лідерських проектів, у яких лідери не налаштовані на пошук компро- місів через острах нанести шкоду своєму іміджу. Ключові слова: політичний конфлікт, політичні партії, архетип “героя”, архетип “лідера”. РОЛЬ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ ПАРТИЙ В ВОЗНИКНОВЕНИИ И РЕШЕНИИ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ КОНФЛИКТОВ В УКРАИНЕ: АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ Аннотация. Определено природу, сущность и типологию политических конфликтов. Проанализировано деятельность политических партий в усло- виях политического конфликта. Доказано, что распространенные в укра- инском обществе архетипы “героя”, “лидера” детерминируют ослабление идеологической составляющей в деятельности политических партий и спо- собствуют продуцированию временных лидерских проектов, в которых ли- деры не настроены на поиск компромиссов из-за боязни нанести вред своему имиджу. Ключевые слова: политический конфликт, политические партии, архе- тип “героя”, архетип “лидера”.

Target setting. In modern condi- approaches in their activity. Populism tions of social and political transforma- of party leaders, grandstanding, and tion and active processes of implemen- defending the interests of a narrow tation of European standards in various circle of people routinely cause acute life spheres of society, and particularly political conflicts, which lead to the in public administration has become disintegration of society, destruction evident the existence of the problem of the economy, and reducing the effi- of developing the party system and in- ciency of public administration. Mean- creasing the political responsibility of while, an important prerequisite for political parties. Meanwhile, the exist- the democratic development of society ing experience of activity of political is providing effective mechanisms of parties in Ukraine demonstrates their activity of political parties to prevent unwillingness for introducing quali- acute social and political conflicts. At tatively new European principles and the same time, the development and

362 creation of such mechanisms requires a the inevitability of associations, allianc- detailed analysis of existing archetypes es and conflicts between different social that influence contemporary political communities. Thus Karl Marx consid- practices in Ukraine. Therefore, during ered conflict and consensus as alterna- the investigation of the role of political tives, absolutising the role of political parties in the emergence and resolution conflict — the core of the whole pro- of political conflicts, becomes especially cess, and Alexis de Tocqueville raised important the archetypal approach. the idea that democracy itself contains Analysis of the recent research- tools for support the balance between es and publications. The problem of the forces of conflict and consensus. political conflicts was studied in the Later, an American sociologist Ken- works of R. Dahrendorf, T. Parsons, neth Boulding noted that conflict is a E. Durkheim, E. Mayo, A. Tocqueville, situation where the parties impoverish G. Simmel and many other researchers. incoherence of their potential positions Political leadership and its archetypal or states and seek to take a position that component were studied by J. Blondel, excludes the other direction, that is, M. Weber, K.–G. Jung et al. Modern conflict. According to an American so- scientific researches on the study of ar- ciologist Lewis Coser, conflicts embody chetypes were performed by the follow- the struggle for values and the right to ing scientists: E. Afonin, A. Donchenko, have a certain status, possession of ca- T. Vakulova, L. Kochubey, O. Kryty, pacity and resources of power, in which O. Kulinich and others. Meanwhile, the a goal of opponents is to neutralize archetypal approach to the study of the damage or eliminate an opponent [1]. role of political parties in the emergence In the scientific literature there are and resolution of political conflicts in different perspectives on the problem Ukraine has not been used. of the sources, nature and causes of po- The purpose of this article. Analyz- litical conflicts. Representatives of the ing the role of political parties in caus- first perspective (K. Marx, R. Dahren- ing and solving political conflicts taking dorf, M. Duverger, et al.) believed that into account their archetypal features. the source of political conflicts is exist- The statement of basic materials. ing in society is the system of economic, Translated from the Latin conflictus is political, social and spiritual relation- a clash, collision. As scientists define, a ships, in which subjects of politics oc- political conflict is a conflict, confron- cupy different objective position. In- tation, theoretical and practical strug- tegrative indicator of this situation is gle of political subjects for retention, the political status of the subject that is capture or redistribution of power in characterized by its access to public au- order to maintain or increase own po- thority, political, material and spiritual litical status and strengthen or chang- values, its political authority, prestige ing the political regime and political and image. Thus, political conflicts are system [4]. reflecting the objective contradictions Alexis de Tocqueville and Karl Marx that exist in society that are revealed are considered to be the founders of the in differences of the statuses of subjects theory of political conflict; they noted of politics, their role assignments and

363 functions, interests and needs in power, a decisive role during of its early social- opportunities in the choice of means, ization; it makes a noticeable impact on forms and methods of political struggle. all subsequent relationships in society, The second perspective of the nature including its attitude to power [5]. of political conflicts is presented the Meanwhile, summarizing the given theory of human needs that emerged views, it is worth drawing attention to in the west in the recent years (J. Bur- the fact that the subjects of the political ton, C. Lederer, J. Davis, R. Inglehart, conflict (political organizations, insti- D. Easton, D. Nadler et al.). This con- tutions and certain leaders) always act cept states that conflicts arise due to on behalf of a certain social community. restriction or partial satisfaction of Certain individuals form communities needs that define the essence of the hu- for protecting their interests and val- man person. Proponents of this position ues; they create organizations and insti- consider the main sources of conflicts tutions and thus become subjects of the different social values: David Easton — political conflict. This indicates that power, material goods and social pres- the political conflict is always organized tige; Ronald Inglehart — safety, social and institutional. The participants of acceptance, and moral self–improve- this conflict are usually organized sub- ment; David A. Nadler — transcen- jects of political relations, including dence (internal self-disclosure), eco- political parties. It is through political nomic growth, success and so on. In any conflicts are active, active members of society, according to representatives of which are political parties, there are this perspective, power, material goods socio-political transformations in any and spiritual benefits are always miss- country of the world. ing values, it is only natural that other Meanwhile, the political conflicts individuals, different political and so- arise in a number of ways. In the scien- cial forces want to possess them. Their tific literature there are many options fight about these missing values natu- for classification of conflicts. The most rally creates conflicts. Thus, the main common is the division of conflicts in source of political conflicts is the lack the conflict of values, interests and of certain values in society and conse- identities. quently there is an inadequate satisfy- The conflict of values, in particular, ing of universal human needs. appears a clash of different ideological The third perspective points on the concepts, differences between them are source, nature and causes of political the main prerequisites of conflict (left– conflicts — socio-psychological, the right, liberals–conservatives, commu- founder of which is considered Sigmund nists–Social Democrats). Freud. He created the theory of psycho- The conflict of interests is associat- logical frustrations (from the Latin frus- ed primarily with the clash of political, tratio — deception, disappointment) and socio-economic interests that lead that had a significant influence on the to the conflict between the governance development of the modern theory of ruling elite and the general public. conflictology. Sigmund Freud showed The conflict of identification is ob- that the formation of personality plays served when the question on the defi-

364 nition by a citizen of a certain country incubating and waiting to resolve new of his ethnic and nationality is decided. conflicts); The essence of the conflict is that part • informative (deployment, course, of the population does not want to and turns of the conflict situation have recognize themselves as citizens of the some information about the causes that state in the territory of which they cur- created it and about the balance of pow- rently reside [9]. er in society. Studying this information By defining manifestations of socio- is an important means of learning social economic, ethnic, transnational, politi- problems and processes); cal, ideological, religious, family, mili- • differentiating (the process of so- tary, legal, domestic and other types cial differentiation, which is influenced of conflicts. Concerning the functions, by conflict, often destroys the old social there are positive (constructive) and structures, changes the ratio of their negative (destructive). elements, and defines new forms of re- Consideration of the conflicts in dy- lationship); namics helps to identify the following • integration (in opposition to varieties: other groups there is growing consoli- • during the emergence phase: spon- dation within the group, increasing the taneous, scheduled, provoked, initia- degree of group identification within tive; the group, and increasing the degree of • during the development phase: group identification of its members); short, long, protracted; • dynamic (conflict opens the way • during the elimination phase: man- for changes, forcing to move forward, aged, partially managed, unmanaged; and developing the political system) In terms of composition of the con- [9]. flicting parties there can be: intraper- Thus, analyzing functions, we can sonal, interpersonal and group [2]. say that conflicts have both the posi- The value and place of conflict in tive and negative effects. In particular, political life is shown at the base of its the positive impact on the social deve- functions. Under the function of con- lopment makes it possible to naturally flict will be understood defined in cer- maintain the dynamics of socio-po- tain temporary frames effects or ori- litical life, which leads to renewal and entation of its impact on society as a creative modernization of the political whole or in separate spheres of life. system; helps relieve tension in society, There are the following features of achieve intragroup cohesion; find allies the political conflict: that are able to maintain and strength- • alarm (characterizing conflict as en the conflicting party; stimulate its an indicator of a certain state of soci- activity, creativity, and achieve social ety. In all the places where there is a changes. conflict, in social relations something The negative consequences of the needs major changes. Thus, a conflict conflict for social development can be contributes to socially necessary equi- [10]: librium. However equilibrium is always • the elimination of the existing po- relative and temporary, because in it are litical system, which adversely affects

365 the credibility and functioning of the tallization of new political parties based authorities, it is vitally dangerous to on the members of public organizations parties of the conflict; and movements (formal and informal), • political conflict can be linked to other political parties. The excellent violent means to resolve it; example is the party “Right Sector”. • can lead to a slowdown in social, The culmination of the parliamentary economic, political and spiritual deve- activities of factions “Party of Regions” lopment of society; and the Communist Party of Ukraine • may contribute to the destruction during the Maidan was the adoption on of social communications, and accom- January 16, 2014 “dictatorship laws”. panied by the increasing pessimism in Entry into force of the laws provoked society; a new wave of violent confrontation • conflict could cause a new, more between the government and protest- destructive conflicts. ers during which claimed first victim. Thus, the political conflict in Thus, the Party of Regions and the Ukraine had a destructive character Communist Party of Ukraine, in fact, that was linked to violent means to ad- were the catalyst for the confrontation. dress it, which resulted in loss of life. Thus, after the parliamentary elections We can say that the “party of power” in 2014 took place rotation in parties provoked a violent confrontation in in the coordinates “government-oppo- 2013–2014. In general, the main parties sition”. Accordingly, the parliamentary were actively involved in socio-politi- opposition became the Party of Regions cal events that took place in 2013–2014 and the Communist Party of Ukraine. and took diametrically opposed posi- As a result of the adoption of decommu- tions. Thus, the opposition parliamen- nisation laws aroused legal grounds for tary parties according to their political termination of the Communist Party of positions, from the very beginning ac- Ukraine and other communist parties tively involved in the protest, despite [7]. Thus, we can conclude that due to the fact that the initial public activ- the political crisis with political parties ists and some party leaders demanded there were dynamic changes in the po- “non-partisan” actions. However, after litical system. the actions in November 2013, parlia- On the other hand, political parties mentary opposition (“Batkivshchyna”, can be the mechanism, by which con- “UDAR” and “Svoboda”) took the lead flicts can be resolved. The positive fea- role in organizing and coordinating the ture turns is that matured in the depths protest movement. Prominent role in of the political system conflict sends a protests played and other political par- message to society, power structures ties, established before the Maidan, in and political parties about contradic- particular the party “Civil Position” tions and conflict mismatch of positions (A. Gritsenko), Radical Party of Oleh of certain individuals and their groups. Lyashko (O. Lyashko), party “Demo- The most important structural feature cratic Alliance” (V. Hatsko), and party of the political conflict is its ability Union “Self Reliance” (A. Sadovy). to catalyze the urgent socio-political During the protest took place the crys- changes. However, political parties act

366 as a mechanism of eliminating imba- sons) shade. The changes that charac- lance that arose creating new alterna- terize the political system are charac- tives for the development, new combi- terized by a trend to create parties of nations of elements and structures of leadership type. This trend is observed society, offering an alternative to formal in Ukraine since the beginning of 2000; and informal agreements, contracts. in particular through the dissemina- Accordingly, the role of political par- tion of political practice the archetype ties in the socio-political development of “hero” (self), which Carl Jung con- of society is extremely important. Par- sidered one of the principal. This is the ties, connecting civil society with the archetype of the unity of conscious and state, contribute to overcoming and unconscious, which represents the har- mitigate conflicts that are inherent to mony of opposing elements psyche by relationships between them. The abil- means of integration. ity of political parties to solve existing Carl Jung believed that the conscious tasks at each stage of the conflicts pro- and unconscious are not necessarily op- vides additional opportunities for effec- posed to each other, but complement tive implementation of own goals and each other with integrity, which is the interests in the political process. self. In the culture self is realized in the Meanwhile, this does not happen form of the hero, a knight, and a winner through common, in management of [13]. In the political sphere the arche- political parties in Ukraine, archetypes type of self — hero — is the main basis of “leader”, “enemy”, and “sage”. In for creating an image of “effective, deci- philosophical encyclopaedia the term sive” politician [6]. As a consequence, in “archetype” (from Greek άρχέτυπον, Ukraine there is a large number of “lead- from αρχή — beginning and τύπος — im- ership” parties. However, these process- age) is defined as a prototype, the idea es are the consequence of the spread of [11]. the archetypes in society. Thus, answer- According to Carl Jung, the arche- ing the question: “Is there any way to type is a “universal basic innate mental influence your intention to vote for the structures that constitute the collective chosen political party, active politicians unconscious that are recognized in our who led the party list, their positions in experience”. Archetypal component is the government and other authorities, an influential factor in forming motives then 49,1 % of respondents said that it and stereotypes of political behavior of made them vote for this party, but did individuals. Attention of scientists is not contribute — 10,6 % of respondents. focused in such cases to both universal Also there is a question: “What approach stereotypes that were described by Carl to the issue of leadership was mentioned Jung, and specific, such as a dichoto- in the party is the modern Ukrainian mous archetypes “development” and parties, than 41,6 % of respondents said “climb down” to archetypes of “leader”, that the party has a strong lead, authori- “hero”, etc. [12]. Carl Jung singled out tative leader who does not change for a the following basic archetypes: the ar- long time [7]. chetype of the mother, divine infant, But we need to pay attention to the self, spirit, animus (anime), masks (per- fact that archetypal basis a political

367 leader has only if he is identified with ety as a whole. This is also confirmed by the problems that concern mass audi- sociological studies. Thus, 42,1 % of cit- ence, and in mass political conscious- izens believe that Ukraine has no par- ness he will be considered as a “true ties that would base their programs on leader”. Parties of a leadership person- certain ideological principles and fol- ality are hostages to the image of their lowed them in their practice. However, leader. For fans of this type of parties is more than a half (56,1 %) of citizens be- important not the future that they will lieves that parties should have a certain be facing, but who is the leader. How- ideology, based on values and principles ever, such behavior pattern has been of which are formed the party and elec- forming hundreds and thousands of tion programs [7]. years. Psychological basis for following Meanwhile, the level of political cul- the leader deposited in the unconscious ture of society in Ukraine also remains of Ukrainians. Problematic issue in this at a low level. Thus, almost a half the regard is that type of the leader behav- population of Ukraine (47 %) do not ior in conflict situations (because it has know who was elected in their district a strong image as a determined, strict, in 2014, and the question “Do you and uncompromising politician) is con- know (have any idea) that the differ- frontational, not aimed at cooperation ences between right-wing parties from and resolving conflicts as soon as pos- left?”, in 60,3 % of respondents do not sible. What we have seen in Ukrainian know anything about that [3]. realities over the past twenty years. That is why, in a dynamically chang- At the same time, symmetrically to ing conditions society that wants to get the formed archetype of the “leader” or out of the crisis will follow the leader “hero” in Ukrainian political practice rather than build its live in accordance was formed and the archetype of the with the values and priorities. When “enemy”, which represents the total the goal is to survive, then are used “evil”. This figure is needed as a con- tools that enable improvements in the frontation between intentions and ac- short term. tions of the “leader”. Meanwhile, the Conclusions. Now, analyzing the “good” does not have to negotiate any- political situation, it may be noted that thing with the “evil”... Thus, the place in Ukraine there is a tendency to cre- for political compromise in Ukraine ate political parties with “leadership” in from the beginning is too small. nature. Satisfying the needs of citizens Thus, today Ukrainian politics in simple and easy answers to difficult shows complete dominance of tempo- questions, political parties, instead of rary, directed its activities for a tempo- programs and ideologies offer the pub- rary benefit “selfishness, self-satisfied lic “charismatic leaders”, who very of- leaders” upon idea-driven, ideological ten act as a catalyst for the emergence parties that set for themselves global and resolution of acute destructive aims at least at the level of individual political conflicts. The “leadership cha- groups of people (middle class, liberals, racter” of parties significantly narrows democrats, and nationalists), not men- the possibilities for the development of tioning the interests of the state or soci- political parties and giving them signs

368 of temporality. At the same time dicho- 6. Kulinich O. Arkhetypy yak osnova tomy of common archetypes of “hero”– imidzhiv ukrainskykh politykiv [Ar- “enemy” and the fear of losing the image chetypes as a base image of Ukrainian of “strict leader” does not allow leaders politicians][Elektronnyi resurs] / of political parties, as parties in general, O. Kulinich // Prykladni sotsialno– komunikatsiini tekhnolohii. — 2014. — act as tools of solving political conflicts Available at: http://philology.univer. and the democratization of the political process. nyk_1027/content/kulinich.pdf (ac- Possibilities of transformation of the cessed April 28, 2017) role and functions of political parties in 7. Partiina systema Ukrainy: osoblyvosti addressing and resolving political con- stanovlennia problemy funktsionu- flicts will be the subject of further re- vannia, perspektyvy rozvytku [The search. party system in Ukraine: peculiarities of functioning problems, prospects] [Elektronnyi resurs] // Natsionalna References bezpeka i oborana. — 2015. — № 6–7 1. Horlach M. I. Politolohiia: nauka pro (155–156). — Available at: http://ra- polityku: pidruchnyk [Political sci- ence: the science of politics: textbook] / NSD155–156_2015_ukr.pdf (accessed M. I. Horlach, V. H. Kremen. — K. : April 28, 2017) Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2009. — 8. Plakhtii T. Peredumovy stvoren- 840 p. nia v Ukraini ideolohichnykh partii 2. Horodianenko V. H. Sotsiolohiia. [Background of ideological parties Pidruchnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh in Ukraine] [Elektronnyi resurs] / navchalnykh zakladiv [Sociology. T. Plakhtii. — Available at: http:// Textbook for university students] / V. H. Horodianenko. — K.: Vy- movi–stvorennya–v–ukrayini–ideo- davnychyi tsentr “Akademiia”, 2002. — logichnih–partiy.html (accessed April 560 p. 28, 2017) 3. Hromadska dumka pislia vyborchoho 9. Politolohiia dlia vchytelia : navch. po- opytuvannia [Elektronnyi resurs] / sibn. dlia stud. pedahohichnykh VNZ Available at: http://www.razumkov. [Political science for teachers: teaching guidances for students of educational (accessed April 28, 2017) institutions] / Za zah. red.: K. O. Vash- 4. Entsyklopedychnyi slovnyk z der- chenka, V. O. Korniienka. — K. : Vyd- zhavnoho upravlinnia [Encyclopedic vo imeni M. P. Drahomanova, 2011. — Dictionary of Public Administration]/ 406 p. Uklad. : Yu. P. Surmin, V. D. Bakumen- 10. Prymush M. Konfliktolohiia: navch. ko, A. M. Mykhnenko ta in. ; za red. posibnyk dlia vuziv [Conflict: teach- Yu. V. Kovbasiuka, V. P. Troshchyn- ing manual for schools]/ M. Prymush; skoho, Yu. P. Surmina. — K. : NADU, Min-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. — 2010. — 820 p. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi dim “Profesional”, 5. Kyryliuk F. M. Politolohiia: navchal- 2006. — 282 p. no-metodychnyi kompleks [Politics: 11. Filosofskyi entsyklopedychnyi slovnyk complex study] / A. Ye. Konver- [Philosophical encyclopaedic dic- skyi, V. F. Bilyk; Kyivskyi nats. un-t tionary] / Hol. Redaktsiia: L. F. Illi- im. T. Shevchenka. — K., 2004. — 697 p. chov, P. N. Fedosieiev, S. M. Kovalov,

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370 UDC:351.851

Iakushko Nadііa Alexandrovna, PhD student of the Department of Education of the National Academy of Public Adminis- tration under the President of Ukraine, Chief Specialist, Department of Culture of the Kyiv City State Administration, Ukraine, 01004, Kyiv, bul. Shevchenko, 3, tel.: (097) 705 38 75, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7549-201X Якушко Надія Олександрівна, аспірант кафедри управління освітою Національної академії державного управ- ління при Президентові України, головний спеціаліст, Департамент культури Ки- ївської міської державної адміністрації, Україна, 01004, м. Київ, бул. Т. Шевченка, 3, тел.: (097) 705 38 75, e-mail: jacushco@ ORCID: 0000-0001-7549-201X Якушко Надежда Александровна, аспирант кафедры управления образова- нием Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, главный специалист, Департамент культуры Киевской городской государственной ад- министрации, Украина, 01004, г. Киев, бул. Т. Шевченко, 3, тел.: (097) 705 38 75, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7549-201X

DIALECTICS OF LEADERSHIP IN TERMS OF EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: ARCHETYPICAL ANALYSIS Abstract. In the article peculiar properties of archetypal base of social phe- nomenon “leadership” are analyzed. The author distinguishes Jungian arche- types, which consists of inherent elements of leadership. The article describes the evolution of the theoretical studies of the phenomenon of leadership. It deals with Jungian theory for the understanding of leadership and implementation of mechanisms. Priority of the education in dissemination of the leadership values is argued. The author describes innovative leadership model based on archetypal analysis. Keywords: leadership, archetypes, analytical psychology, behavior, education.

371 ДІАЛЕКТИКА ЛІДЕРСТВА В КОНТЕКСТІ РОЗВИТКУ ОСВІТИ В УКРАЇНІ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ Анотація. У статті проаналізовано архетипічне підґрунтя соціального феномену лідерства. Авторка виокремила юнгіанські архетипи, яким прита- манні елементи лідерства. Розглянуто еволюцію теоретичних обґрунтувань феномену лідерства. Висвітлено значення теорії Карла Густава Юнга для розуміння сутності та механізмів реалізації лідерства. Обґрунтовується пер- шочергове значення сфери освіти у поширенні в українському суспільстві лідерських якостей. Запропоновано дослідження моделі лідерства, заснова- ної на аналізі архетипів. Ключові слова: лідерство, архетипи, аналітична психологія, поведінка, освіта. ДИАЛЕКТИКА ЛИДЕРСТВА В КОНТЕКСТЕ РАЗВИТИЯ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В УКРАИНЕ: АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ Аннотация. В статье проанализировано архетипическое основание соци- ального феномена лидерства. Автор выделила юнгианские архетипы, кото- рым присущи элементы лидерства. Рассмотрена эволюция теоретических обоснований феномена лидерства. Освещены значение теории Карла Густава Юнга для понимания сущности и механизмов реализации лидерства. Обо- сновывается первостепенное значение сферы образования в распростране- нии в украинском обществе лидерских качеств. Предложено исследование модели лидерства, основанного на анализе архетипов. Ключевые слова: лидерство, архетипы, аналитическая психология, по- ведение, образование.

Target setting. The success of the tion and the School of Senior Civil Ser- reforms in Ukraine is largely dependent vice Training for the Civil Servants of on the ability of the managers in the the First and Second Category”. public institutions and organizations Finding effective ways to ensure to create administrative leadership and good governance is a burning issue to- organizational environment for the de- day, successful solution of which de- velopment and support of the organiza- pends on ensuring its professionaliza- tional behavior that will provide high tion. quality administrative services. A suc- Analysis of recent research and cessful example of the formation of the publications. Acquaintance of the leadership outlook and development post-Soviet researchers with the lead- skills is the Leadership Development ership theories that have developed in Program that implements the Cabinet the Western Europe and the United of Ministers of Ukraine of 25.08.2010 States for several decades was sum- № 728 “On Approval of the Organiza- marized in the fundamental works of

372 L. Lesina [1] and O. Kudryashova [2]. a type of unconscious behaviour cha- The main issues of research in the field racteristic of human beings that defines of the problems of leadership (in addi- expectations and acts of the leaders and tion, in the sphere of knowledge), that their followers. were very active in the Soviet era [3– So the researcher Carl Gustav Jung 5]. In recent years, the analysis of the warned that the violation of the arche- theoretical achievements are carried typal principles leads to a deeply nega- out mainly within the rates from differ- tive psychological consequences for the ent fields of human knowledge [6–8]. leaders and for the followers, to cata- The leadership theories that com- strophic dysfunction of the leadership pete among themselves offer their own [10, p. 263]. unique explanatory paradigm of this The followers of Freud developed a social phenomenon. It should be noted theory of psychology based on the ef- that for Jung archetype of the collec- fect of the interaction within the type of tive behaviour is the same as the psy- the phenomenon of leadership, person- chology of personality — for individual ality traits, temperament and personal behaviour. The archetypes study the experience [11, p. 7–11]. According to inherited unconscious patterns of be- the Dutch psychoanalyst and manage- haviour — the archetypes that are cha- ment theorist M. Kets de Vries where racteristic of people as kind and have people like other creatures have a “real evolved as a result of the human evolu- need for leadership”. Referring to the tion. etiological research of the community The purpose of the article is to de- leadership structures in higher pri- velop a “perfect form” for the leadership mates, he argued that the unconscious that would unite the various principles, and invisible psychodynamic processes basic for opposing definitions of the and structures influence the individual phenomenon of leadership found in the behaviour of the leaders and follow- scientific literature. ers. The researcher offered to study the The statement of basic materi- hope and motivation that are defining als. The archetypes are not inherited the relations “leader-followers”. ideas, they are inherited behaviours in The researcher M. Kets de Vries in certain situations. Archetypal model of turn also claimed that, contrary to the behaviour is characteristic of all human general idea, people have no complete societies, regardless of culture, race or control over their own processes of epoch [9, p. 203]. The archetypal pat- perception. The unconscious cognitive tern of behaviour is considered a uni- distortions affect the way people see versal ideal form. It is hard to find a hu- and how they interpret the situation. man culture that would be completely But if people do not understand the devoid of behaviours associated with specific model of the behaviour, it is dif- the organization of the collective work ficult to understand its origin, because based on the social structure — it can a large segment of human behaviour is be considered as a behavioural model unconsciously motivated. “Many of our of “leader-followers”. Therefore, in our desires, fantasies and fears are uncon- opinion, the archetype of leadership is scious. Even hiding under the surface,

373 they can motivate us. The answer to the point of view (the so-called “epistemo- most of our behaviours is in the subcon- logical anarchism” of Paul Feyerabend): scious” [11, p. 13]. the scientific, historical and mythologi- The difference between the obser- cal analysis of the individual methods vations of M. Kets de Vries and the are independent of each other. The theory of C. G. Jung is to analyze the mythological analysis is understood as human psyche. While M. Kets de Vries a form of narrative discourse analysis in believes that the human conscious- which the myth has “a certain degree of ness “floats” over a deeper unconscious truth”, but not in the sense of history level that contains the suppressed or science, since myth as history is both content in the life of the individuals, real and unreal. Clearly, this is true in C. G. Jung divided the unconscious in- the sense that myth is the manifesta- to two parts. The personal unconscious tion of the interpretation of the pro- consists of the repressed content of the cesses and behaviours in the collective personal life that the Freudians study. unconscious [10, p. 161]. The historical The collective unconscious is a deeper or scientific approach to the mythical level that is filled with combinations narrative does not displace the analy- of ubiquitous models and forces, a re- sis. According to Derrida, the search search with archetypes. The archetypes for universal epistemological basis for functioned as a universal tendency to the discourse analysis, of historical or the formation of certain kinds of ideas scientific basis, should be abandoned in or images and specific behaviour [12, favour of letting the discourse “look as p. 55]. At this level there is no individ- it speaks” [15]. uality. All the human beings are born Recently, the studies on leader- with the same archetypes [12, p. 40]. ship increasingly use the narrative and The researcher Karl Vertaym used mythological analysis. For example, the theory of archetypes in the market- M. Stein used Shakespeare’s Othello ing issue for searching the strategy of to investigate the effect of emotions on building a successful brand. He believes the performance of the leader. Vinstenli the archetypes to be powerful forces used Ovidius story of Phaeton to inter- in shaping the human behaviour. He pret the questions of power and ambi- described the archetypes as being uni- tion. P. Corrigan also uses Shakespeare versal human as “behavioral DNA” (or to analyze the relationship “leader-fol- another comparison — the human ope- lowers”. E. Sievers used the story of Ze- rating system) that defines ambitions, us and Athena to explore the question desires and aspirations of the individu- of the leadership and the succession. al interpretation and evaluation of the M. Kets de Vries took Shakespeare’s objective events. Since the archetypes King Lear to discuss how the leaders are below the rational mind, the people, can use humor to give negative feed- under their influence, can not pinpoint back to the followers [16]. K. Vertaym why they had certain desires and expec- gave a definition of popular culture as a tations [13]. mythological one [13, p. 323]. In general, in the twentieth century C. G. Jung proposed four archetypes prevailed the following methodological that can be interpreted in the context of

374 the interaction between the leader and high results with minimal involvement the followers. If the task of the leader of the leader. is to define a common vision, ethical As in the theory of the leadership, situation and potential productivity, the leader has two sets or models of the the leader must develop a successor and archetypal behaviour. He/she can use maximize his/her ability to achieve the the maternal archetype to build rela- standards set by the leader. In Jungian tionships with the followers. He/she terminology, the leader must trans- can use the archetype of the Father ask- form the follower from the archetype ing objectives, evaluating results and of a Child — immature and dependent awarding a reward or a punishment. that may have potential, into the Hero The Mother archetype is forming a pat- archetype — mature and independent tern of such behaviour as love, uncon- that really has real skills desired for the ditional support, trust, intuitive know- leader to implement the common goals. ledge. The Mother archetype is close to The Child archetype resonates with the the developed within the behavioural situational theories of the leadership. theories of the leadership model based R. Hersey and K. Blanchard created a on the relationship (relationship orien- theory of the “life cycle” according to tation of leadership). which the style of the leadership man- Between 1940 and 1960 in the lead- agement and degree of detection of the ership studies appeared the behavi- authority of the leader depends on the oural theories. In 1960-70, the last “maturity” of the followers or perform- are popular among many researchers ers. With the growing of the maturity, (R. Tannenbaum, W. Schmidt, R. Bla- the leader can loosen the control on ke, J. Mouton, T. Mauhini, J. Ford, their part for their activities. The ul- W. Scott, F. Lyusans and others). Thus, timate goal of the leader is to achieve R. Blake and J. Mouton (from research maximum independence from the fol- group of the Ohio state) came to the lowers. Under the “maturity” is under- following conclusion: though in the stood the ability to take responsibility theory of the initiation of the structure for their behaviour, desire to achieve and development the ideas are seen the goal, education and experience on as different actions in real life, people specific task that must be performed demonstrate both properties simulta- [17, p. 99–100]. The immature subordi- neously. The scientists have developed nates with low motivation, dependent a system of training for the leaders [18, on leadership, lacking education and/ p. 305]. or experience relevant to the task, but According to these theories, the they can develop under the influence of leaders focused on tasks or focused on an effective and successful leader, cor- relationships, or on both aspects to respond to the archetype of the Child. achieve results from the subordinates. While the Hero archetype reminds us The first approach required the adop- the mature follower of the theory of tion of a structure of roles, tasks, objec- Hersey-Blanchard — self-motivated, tives and controls designed to facilitate independent and highly educated and/ the production. The second involved or experienced, he is able to achieve the participation of the subordinates

375 in decision making by creating teams, chetypes must be inherent ethical and mutual respect, and more attention is humanistic leadership style. The be- drawn to the expression of the feelings haviour of such a leader suggests that and the development of the personal people prefer such leaders who care relationships. R. Blake and J. Mouton about them. The leaders must be reli- tied the targeting tasks and the rela- able and consistent in the relationship tionships highlighting five leadership with their followers. They can monitor, styles [18, p. 290–298]. They argued supervise, correct and even punish, but that a balanced mix of targeting rela- it is used only in extreme cases. From tionships and achieving results in the the followers of the leader should not formation of the leadership style gave be expected that reliability and con- the best results. sistency. They often make mistakes or Thus, the leader focuses on rela- act in a way that their actions can be tionships, perceives the followers as regarded as disloyal. The leaders must what they are, and develops personal understand that the leadership often labour relations, listening, trusting and inherently implies recognition that reassuring. The Father archetype cor- the leader is doomed to suffering and responds to another model of leader- obstacles caused by his own followers. ship — task-oriented (task orientation). The leaders, to go further, often have to Conclusions. The modern Ukrai- be ready to forgive and even forget the nian society needs professionals who injustice. Over time, the followers will are focused on success, career, self-im- become more experienced, and some provement, so the vector of attention will fight with their leader to take lead- now is focused on the preparation of ership positions. If these principles are quality professionals capable of intel- indeed necessary for the leadership, it ligent, modern, innovative thinking. is possible, the consequences of aggres- The state feels the need for young ad- sion and control of the leaders of the ministrators, managers, able to make movement towards their followers will informed, decisive actions, responsible be notified and will aside persons occu- actions, implementing professional im- pying management positions. age of the young specialist policy that defines every place in the structure of the social, professional and personal re- References lationships. The success of education is, 1. Lesina L. A. Leadership in Education: on the one hand, the quality of profes- Sociological Analysis: the Dissertation sional staff, and on the other — admin- of the Candidate of Social Sciences: istrative staff capable of developing an 22.00.06 / L. A. Lesina. — Ekaterin- adequate level of the education system. burg, 2002. — 165 p. 2. Kudryashova E. V. Leadership as a The implementation of the administra- Subject of Social and Philosophi- tive activities in education is the need cal Analysis: the Thesis of the Doctor to increase efficiency and improve the of Philosophical Sciences: 09.00.01 / system of training. E. V. Kudryashova. — M., 1996. — 359 p. The leader who is suspended at the 3. Yaroshevsky M. G. Program-Role Ap- intersection of the aforementioned ar- proach to the Research of the Scientific

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377 UDC: 351.858

Yaremenko Natalia Volodymyrivna, PhD of philological sciences, SHEE “Kry- vyi Rih Pedagogical Institute”, 50086, Krivoy Rog, Prospect Gagarina, b. 54, tel.: (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: yartala28@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Яременко Наталя Володимирівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, ДВНЗ “Криворізький державний педа- гогічний університет”, 50086, м. Кривий Ріг, пр. Гагаріна, б. 54, тел.: (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Яременко Наталья Владимировна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, ГВУЗ “Криворожский государственный педагогический университет”, 50086, г. Кривой Рог, пр. Гагарина, д. 54, тел.: (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: yartala28@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894

Kolomiiets Natalia Yevheniivna, candidate of philological sciences, SHEE “Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute”, 50086, Krivoy Rog, Prospect Gagarina, b. 54, tel.: (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: yartala28@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538 Коломієць Наталія Євгенівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, ДВНЗ “Криворізький державний педа- гогічний університет”, 50086, м. Кривий Ріг, пр. Гагаріна, б. 54, тел.: (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538 Коломиец Наталья Евгеньевна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, ГВУЗ “Криворожский государственный пе- дагогический университет”, 50086, г. Кри- вой Рог, пр. Гагарина, д. 54, тел.: (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538

378 THE “DIVINE CHILD” ARCHETYPE AS THE MATRIX OF OVERCOMING THE CRISIS OF THE SOCIO-HUMANITARIAN SPACE Abstract. In the article were made an attempt on materials of the writers of the sixties and the experience of the participants of the project “Psychological support for children from families of displaced persons” Canadian non-govern- mental organization Stabilization Support Services and the Union of women of Ukraine with the financial support of the British Embassy in the city of Mariupol to find out the particular representation of the archetype of the “divine child” as the matrix to overcome the crisis of the socio-humanitarian space. Because in the public opinion, of particular importance are those constants of national life that affect the restoration of harmonious existence, the archetype of the “divine child” is regarded as such that affects the healing of humanity, is the unifying link between the past and the future, because any experience of child- hood is not lost. A study of the prose heritage of the sixties in the aspect of archetypes critics have allowed to define myth-poetical start of their creativity, rooted in prototipe of the collective unconscious. Individual author features the artistic transfor- mation of archetypes due to several social, national and cultural factors. In the works of the sixties the properties of the archetype of the divine child is endowed with characters belonging to a generation of children of war. In the conditions of crisis of society, which is characterized by denationalization, material poverty and spiritual decline, they are the bearers of high moral character. In addition, the idea that the archetype of the “divine child” is an inexhaus- tible source synthesizing creative energy that can revive each person individu- ally and deformed disasters the society as a whole, found its confirmation in the process of the project participants that are from 15 January to 31 October 2016, worked with MSW in the city of Mariupol. Experts proven conclusively that since the child's psyche is very plastic, the child is able to transform the energy of fear and aggression in creative direction, to restore the resources to view the system of values, to acquire the ability to enjoy every bit of the universe. Keywords: archetype, Puer, divine child, model of the sixties, literature. АРХЕТИП “БОЖЕСТВЕННА ДИТИНА” ЯК МАТРИЦЯ ПОДОЛАННЯ КРИЗИ СОЦІОГУМАНІТАРНОГО ПРОСТОРУ Анотація. У статті зроблено спробу на матеріалі творчості письменни- ків-шістдесятників та досвіду учасників проекту “Психологічна підтримка дітей з родин тимчасово переміщених осіб” Канадської неурядової організа- ції Stabilization Support Services та Спілки жінок України за фінансової під- тримки Посольства Великобританії у місті Маріуполь з’ясувати особливості репрезентації архетипу “божественна дитина” як матриці подолання кризи соціогуманітарного простору.

379 Оскільки в суспільній думці особливого значення набувають ті констан- ти національного буття, які впливають на відновлення гармонійного існу- вання, архетип “божественна дитина” розглядається як такий, що впливає на зцілення людства, є об’єднуючою ланкою між минулим та майбутнім, ад- же будь-який досвід дитинства не минає безслідно. Вивчення прозового доробку шістдесятників в аспекті архетипової критики дало змогу визначити міфопоетичну основу їхньої творчості, що закорінена в першообрази колективного несвідомого. Індивідуально-ав- торські особливості художньої трансформації архетипів обумовлені низ- кою соціальних, національних та культурологічних чинників. У творах шістдесятників властивостями архетипу божественної дитини наділені персонажі, що належать до покоління дітей війни. В умовах кризового су- спільства, що характеризується зденаціоналізуванням, матеріальним зубо- жінням та духовним занепадом, вони є носіями високих моральних яко- стей. Крім того, теза про те, що архетип божественної дитини — це невичерпне джерело творчої синтезуючої енергії, здатної відродити кожну людину ок- ремо, і деформований катаклізмами соціум загалом, знайшла своє підтвер- дження у процесі роботи учасників проекту, які з 15 січня по 31 жовтня 2016 року працювали з ТПО в місті Маріуполі. Фахівцями переконливо доведе- но, що, оскільки дитяча психіка надзвичайно пластична, дитина спроможна трансформувати енергію страху й агресії у творче русло, відновлювати ре- сурси, переглядати систему життєвих цінностей, набувати здатності радіти кожній часточці світобудови. Ключові слова: архетип, Пуер, “божественна дитина”, модель шістдесят- ників, література. АРХЕТИП “БОЖЕСТВЕННЫЙ РЕБЕНОК” КАК МАТРИЦА ПРЕОДОЛЕНИЯ КРИЗИСА СОЦИОГУМАНИТАРНОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА Аннотация. В статье предпринята попытка на материале творчества пи- сателей-шестидесятников и опыта участников проекта “Психологическая поддержка детей из семей временно переселенных личностей” Канадской неправительственной организации Stabilization Support Services и Союза женщин Украины при финансовой поддержке Посольства Великобритании в городе Мариуполь выяснить особенности репрезентации архетипа “боже- ственный ребенок” как матрицы преодоления кризиса социогуманитарного пространства. Поскольку в общественном мнении особое значение приобретают те кон- станты национального бытия, которые влияют на восстановление гармо- ничного существования, архетип “божественный ребенок” рассматривается как такой, что влияет на исцеление человечества, является объединяющим звеном между прошлым и будущим, ведь любой опыт детства не проходит бесследно.

380 Изучение прозаического наследия шестидесятников в аспекте архетипной критики позволило определить мифопоэтические начала их творчества, уко- рененные в первообразах коллективного бессознательного. Индивидуально- авторские особенности художественной трансформации архетипов обуслов- лены рядом социальных, национальных и культурологических факторов. В произведениях шестидесятников свойствами архетипа божественного ребенка наделены персонажи, принадлежащие к поколению детей войны. В условиях кризисного общества, которое характеризуется утратой нацио- нальных ориентиров, материальным обнищанием и духовным упадком, они являются носителями высоких моральных качеств. Кроме того, тезис о том, что архетип “божественного ребенка” — это не- исчерпаемый источник синтезирующей творческой энергии, способной воз- родить каждого человека в отдельности, и деформированный катаклизмами социум в целом, нашел свое подтверждение в процессе работы участников проекта, которые с 15 января по 31 октября 2016 года работали с ВПЛ в го- роде Мариуполе. Специалистами убедительно доказано, что, поскольку дет- ская психика чрезвычайно пластична, ребенок способен трансформировать энергию страха и агрессии в творческое русло, восстанавливать ресурсы, просматривать систему жизненных ценностей, приобретать способности ра- доваться каждой частичке мироздания. Ключевые слова: архетип, Пуэр, “божественный ребенок”, модель ше- стидесятников, литература.

Problem statement. Understand- opinion now. The archetype of the di- ing of the childhood mythology, the vine child takes one of the first places as main representative of which is the it affects the healing of humanity, and archetype of the divine child, becomes is the unifying link between the past exteremely relevant nowadays. In the and the future, because any experience consciousness of humanity in times of of childhood is not lost. The way of life, social, spiritual, and cultural turmoil when the child feels safe and secure this phenomenon gained importance in while facing evil and cruelty is perfect terms of understanding current prob- in this view. In this work we rely on ob- lems and future planning. Value systems servations made by the writers of the are transformed, cultural, philosophi- generation that is marked by the con- cal, pedagogical, social and psychologi- cept of “war children”, and the experi- cal components of this archetype as a ence of the participants of the project mental-cultural category are distinct in “Psychological support for children the light of the modern society crisis. from ACT (Acceptance & Compliance Constants of national life that affect Therapy) families” of Canadian non- the restoration of harmonious existence governmental organization Stabiliza- are of particular importance in public tion Support Services and the Women’s

381 Union of Ukraine with the financial tion in the literature are investigated by support of the British Embassy in the T. Bovsunivska [2], S. Korshunova [8], city of Mariupol in Donetsk Region. L. Kuzshilna [9], O. Moskalenko [13]. The archetype of the divine child However, there are no synthetic works, during different periods of national which have been specially devoted to culture development found its artistic the study of the archetype of the divine interpretation. N. Virych says, that the child in the aspect of overcoming the 60-s of the last century in Ukrainian turmoil of the spiritual and social life. literature “were marked by the nation- The purpose of this article is to find al consciousness awakening and pre- out the peculiarities of the divine child sented the whole group of writers who archetype representation based on the turned to the child image as a source of material of writers of the sixties and naturalness, as one area that has kept trace contamination of this archetypi- unbroken, unforged people’s soul and cal image in the Ukrainian reality of the national character. In these times of in- XXI century. dividual and social development, when Presentation of the basic mate- the body (either human or national) is rial. Mythopoetic element of artistic getting in the way of their search for heritage of the sixties can be traced by Self, the archetype of the child pops applying the archetypal criticism meth- up from the depths of the unconscious odology. Jung introduced the archetype as the medium of spiritual healing, the of the divine child in broad use, consid- forerunner of new idea, as a call to re- ering its mythological and psychologi- turn to the naturalness, to the truth” cal aspects. In his opinion, “the motive [5, p. 39]. The creativity of artists of the of the child represents subconscious sixties is rooted in deep layers of human childhood aspect of the collective soul” perception of the world, actualizes the [18, p. 357]. elusive experience of the sacred. In this perspective, the creative Analysis of recent researches and work of the artists of the sixties whose publications. At the current stage of works of art clearly distinguish mytho- scientific thought development, the logical basis is particularly interesting. archetype of the divine child as the N. Livitska identified the factors that matrix to overcome the crisis of the led to the representation of prototype socio-humanitarian space is located in the artistic heritage of the writ- on the border of various anthropologi- ers of the second half of the twentieth cal and humanitarian researches. As century: “Obviously, the main reason a subject of philosophical reflection M. Vinhranovskyiin the sixties, as well this archetype appears in the writings as V. Blyznets, Ie. Hutsalo and Hr. Tiuti- of A. Bolshakova [3], L. Morska [12], unnyk, refer to the child’s image, is their P. Kolesnik [7], and others. Possibilities understanding of the child as the sub- of deep knowledge of the archetypical ject of the powerful system formation of symbols are revealed in the psychoana- deep ethical values, which is a factor in lytic works (L. Levchuk [10], V. Tata- the revival of national spirituality. This renko [14], T. Yatsenko [16], etc.). The choice is not accidental, but caused by specifics of the archetypic forms opera- historical “prototype” (archetype) of

382 the child. The value, in the opinion of peal to the imagination of the reader, eminent neo-kantianVindel'band is not avoiding excessive descriptiveness. In a reality, it is an ideal carrier of the tran- this respect a great role is played by scendental consciousness. Phenome- striking suggestive images that help nology followers (Husserl’, Haydehher, to create the world of achild — shat- Merlo-Ponti) called this type of con- tered by war, but graceful and beauti- sciousness “pure”, abstract from the ful. The usual things like “paradisia- human and social environment. Under cal”, “gold” perfume smell, “the smell of such circumstances, the ideal carrier of sausage”, “voice of milk” are associated values, which are formed in transcen- in the imagination of the main charac- dental consciousness, is believed to be a ter Mykolka with a peaceful life, when child with its pure, unadulterated, un- everything around was in relative har- biased perception of the world society” mony and security. The repetition of [11, p. 190]. the words “to smell”, “smell”, “scent” The prose of the sixties, apparently emphasizes the emotional and psycho- summarizing the life experience of the logical child’s perception of the sur- authors, introduced a whole gallery of rounding world. Through the use of characters that fit well into the artistic lexical repetitions the author manages concept of “war children”. Having un- to focus on the fact that in the world of folded, they can be perceived in many children’s imagination, a dream, a mi- dimensions, particularly projecting on rage often emerges more clearly than contemporary reality. The assertion the facts of reality. Verbal repetition in of the key role of the childhood image conjunction with other artistic means in the formation of the concept of the (epithets, metaphors, similes) empha- nature of the prose of the 60-sand later sizes the facts that areinsignificant years, therefore, has several important at first glance and phenomena which grounds. One of them is the fact that cause a number of associations that the generation of the sixties was united give space to his imaginationin the boy. by the same tragic experience — child- In the picture of communication hood, burnt by war, which could not between the boy and a garden a lively but affect the outlook. flavor, full of light, generated by the The basis for the main conflict of infants and the poetic soul is heard: the prose of the post-war generation “In the grey-blue bodies of apple-trees is discrepancy: the natural purity and spring has already spoken, not loudly, vulnerability of a child’s worldview is but spoken. Apple-trees seemed to lis- opposed to the rigid and often unnatu- ten to themselves, and especially this ral “adult” life. In the story “Pervinka” one, near the house, the bull’s muzzle, N. Vinhranovs’kyy raises the image of which matures when the rye is mowed a little man who travels through the <...> Gray pear rose so high that the maze of the great world. This journey aircraft avoided it in order not to cling gradually turns into a journey “to the and fall. There were so many nests, people” and to his innermost “I”. The more nests than pears <...>And the landmarks in this journey are the char- peach is thin and wretched as ragged acteristic, expressive details that ap- hungry gypsy” [4, p. 24].

383 The micro world of nature, a sym- the Kotsyubenkos family tragedy as his bol of the personality independence, own and waits in agonizing suspense for performs an important ideological and the arrival of the postman in his yard: aesthetic function in the story. It delin- “Mykolka cringed, as from bitterly eates the place of action and the scale cold, and no longer looked at her, and of the child attitude. Extended space in looked somewhere behind him. Mykol- the story is a form of wholeness trans- ka waited, Mykolka had already pre- mission of the spiritual sphere of a boy, pared himself that aunt Vasylynawould a form that emphasizes a sense of har- come close and silently stand, while mony, which can only be destroyed by taking out a death notification from the war. The author vividly paints a pic- bag” [4, p. 21]. Daily stress caused by ture of a ruined, ravaged beauty that waiting for the terrible news, does not was brought to the character during provoke neitherindifference of the soul the night journey from the city. “Flee- of a child, nor hopelessness, and each ing German tanks chewed, winced, time it causes a quick reaction: the boy squeezed, and choked the ground, it decides to give the most valuable thing was impossible to walk <...> So, they he has to the bereaved family: “Grand- moved together under the vents of the father, give milk to the Kotsyubenkos” tank and guns, among the overturned [4, p. 21]. cars, burnt carts and wagons. It is so In the novels of M. Vinhranovs’kyy quiet and empty in the desert, you want the world of children’s imagination ap- to howl. The moon is shining red over pears to be the personification of purity, the hill, and the silence is so quiet, al- beauty and harmony, it merges, dis- most cold” [4, p. 11]. The German solvesinthe natural world. A stray dog tanks, as attributes of war, its symbols that was of the same height as Mykolka, in the story, are portrayed by the author becomes his loyal friend, and is able to in the form of living beings, capable protect him from wicked men, and to only of destruction, annihilation. The comfort him. The dog in the story com- impression is enhanced by the meta- municates with his master with the phorical line “ate”, “jarred”, “dented”, help of his eyes — “sad looking” or “joy- “strangled” land. The epithet “silence is ful looking eyes” [4, p. 19]. The unique- so quiet, almost cold” conveys the psy- ness of a child’s worldview lays in the chological condition of the boy, his fear fact that the world of adults is studied associated with the survival instinct, by this child through the attainment which is revealedat the level of feelings of the awesomeness of the reality that (feeling cold). surrounds him, through the formation The choice of the situation that of child’s ideas about the visible and in- leads to the possibility of independent visible things in this world, and, in the action, of the conscious activity mani- end, through the reinterpretation of festations, which could lead to rela- imaginary and actual and their trans- tionships with people, has the same ference to the moral-spiritual sphere. purpose. The author shows premature Therefore, this kind of fantasy activity maturing of the character due to tragic is the epicenter of children stories. The effect of war. Mykolka goes through imaginary transformation of reality, in

384 which simulated world allows you to seeks realization in the creative act. create a reality that is different from the He writes winter landscape, with its actual one, and the parameters of which shifting, subtle beauty; the author are focused on the specifics of children’s wants to focus on deep and meaning- aesthetic consciousness. Use of fantasy ful character, his ability to high pure is a way of imaginative simulation the feelings, and the ability to see beauty art world is constructed in, formally in everything. nonidentical, different from the real. Children’s characters of Hr. Tyu- Parameters and characteristics of this tyunnyk differ because of their accentu- world are focused on peculiarities of ated non-idealism. The focus Tyutyun- children’s aesthetic consciousness, re- nyk- the novelist are characters, whose lated to the folklore and mythology: it lives are scorched by flames of war, the is a fabulously fantastic world, typo- world in which they live is whimsical logically similar to the world of magi- “weird”. In the novel “Freak” archetype cal folk tales, modelled, however, by the of the child is actualized in the period laws of literature, not folklore. of self-identity, or rather the transfor- The character of the novel of mation of the individual into a self-suf- Hr. Tyutyunnyk “Freak” is confronted ficient personality, which synthesizes with the world in different dimensions: past experience, including unconscious, family, street, school, nature. The re- concentrated in the archetypes, but also lationship of a boy and nature is built both personal and historical conscious most harmoniously. Beinga part of this experience. At this stage, little person relationship the child feels free and is acutely aware of the dissonance be- natural. The unity of character and the tween natural and artificial, and it often surrounding world is realized through causes protest. anthropomorphization. “Divine child” The author emphasizes the rejec- says Jung, — is born from the womb of tion of the untraditional models of be- the unconscious <... > of human nature havior in society. This is evidenced by <...>, or even of nature in general. This the number of different features: “And childis thepersonification the power here, perhaps Natasha’s,- they say near of life, the paths and possibilities that the fence, when noticing Oles. – Look one-sided consciousness doesn’t know at the way he walks <...> weird”, “Sur- about, and also wholeness, which in- ly. Strange. Not enough ardor. Always cludes the depth of nature” [18, p. 348]. looking for something in the ground. The world of Oles is dynamic, it is con- Not in people. And so near them, so stantly in motion: trees “run”, “whirl”, <...>With elbow, and with honor <...> “hide”, “play” [15, p. 194]. Come forward”, the grandfather teach- Writer reveals the desire to know es primitive life philosophy. And next: nature at the level of the visible speech “ have it a negleted child, Nata- of the soul: Oles is delighted with the sha. Weirdo <...> He will be trampled opportunity “to make the first proto- <...>Because he is like a tree on shoot.” type in the snow, remove snow from In this comparison of the child with the stakes in the fences” [15, p. 189], to look defenseless tree a warm and even some- at the woodpecker on the tree. The boy what painful attitude toward this boy is

385 outlined by his grandfather, but also the thesia is manifested in the convergence desire to protect and give him a plcae it of words, which belong to different the world. perceptual paradigms. So the sound of In the novel of V. Blyznets’ “Sound the name “Adam”, as a result of visual- of webs” the epitome of the archetype acoustic synesthesia, creates the image of the “divine child” becames L’on’ko, of a large bell, which is associated with special boy whose world is primar- the image of a talisman. ily restricted to the space of the house. Romantic L’on’ka soaks every mani- The child is lonely: “On our corner in festation of life in his soul. He looks at Shatryshcha there are no guys. It is like it with his eyes wide-open, making sure my mother and I are here by ourselves, that there are two different worlds — neighbors: Hlypa’s house under ravine the world of children and the adult (Hlypa sleeps all day), then forgotten world. The boy is already accustomed and dilapidated house of old Sirokha, to the fact that adults realize surround- whos, as they say, two boys were blown ing not like he does that they are all up on a mine after the war” [1, p. 74]. very prosaic view: “Sees a piece paper His reality is built on personal observa- and says that is a piece of paper. And tions and self-discoveries, in full com- he does not know that piece could be pliance with the processes that K. Jung anything: on the water — a boat, in the marked as “self”, “individualization”, air — a bird, on his chest — a medal” [1, the process of forming a self-valuable p. 67]. Like the hero of the Saint-Exu- personality based on studying the expe- péry story, who searched for someone rience, including collective experience. to unravel a child’s drawing all his life, The attainment of the world by a L’on’ka finds people stupid. So, it’s a child is mainly empirical, it involves miracle the boy meets a stranger Adam vision, hearing, touch. Therefore, the on a river, the grandson of an old neigh- author synthesizes vivid sonic, visual, bor. Through his relationship with tactile images that appear as the con- Adam V. Blyznets’ reflects the process stituents of the little character’s uni- of maturing of L’on’ka’s soul. Adam is verse. Sonic images are created even a grown man, with his problems, pains, while trying to decode the names: “My worries, and at the same time, Adam is friend has a fat name — Adam. And an adult, who manages to save the Puer Nina is a thin, transparent name. Try and not allowing the Person (according it: Ni-i-in-a... However, it sounds like to Jung) to cover your natural essence. the sound of a spider web in the wind? But, according to the author, a man And now: Ad-ddam...Imagine huge, most likely, cannot survive in a practi- like a Cossack grave, bell and its weary cal world because of his subtlety. evening voice: dam!..” [1, p. 79]. Allit- Modern society, unfortunately, eration in sonorants “n”, “g”, “b” cre- represents plural crisis models, which ates a semantic antithesis to resonants are devoid of humanistic component. “d”, “dz”, lip sound “m”. The ease and... The number of events experienced by of an imaginary girl extrapolate to the Ukraine in recent years, is so heavy sound of her name, emphasizing visual and intense that even an adult cannot features: “thin”, “transparent”. Synes- cope with their development, adaptive

386 skills obtained in the course of life are acters belonging to a generation of chil- deformed, they are transforming the dren of war. In the conditions of crisis of view of the surrounding, destroying in- society, which is characterized by dena- terpersonal relationships and devaluing tionalization, poverty and spiritual de- moral values. But most of all children cline, they are the bearers of high moral are affected in such conditions, whose character. The crisis of humanitarian psychics has not been formed yet, but space has contributed to the identifica- has already fallen under the destructive tion ofthe underlying personality traits influence. associated with the implementation of According to experts, the partici- its internal “I”. pants of the project “Psychological sup- The authors draw attention to the port for children from ACT families”, social vulnerability of the characters, while growing upa traumatized child is their insecurities in society. Exostrn- inclinedto the constant reproducingof tials of helplessness, alienation are the situations of the childhood, because demonstrated themost in the moments this experience is stored in the subcon- of tragic fractures and realized mostly scious and can not forgottenon their through the image of loneliness, the own without special treatment. The re- transfer of the mental condition of search that covered 5,000 children from isolation of the individual among peo- the ACT families showed that more ple, isolation from the environment than 70 % of them needed urgent psy- (Gr. Tyutyunnik “Freak”, “Sieve-sieve”, chological help, there were the follow- “Before the storm”, Vingranovsky ing symptoms: high anxiety, isolation, “Bin’-bin”, “Pervinka”). fears, body stiffness, regression condi- In works the psychology of the age tion, and the like. isrevealed in a specific way — the in- The work of the psychological ser- nocence of children’s hearts, which is vice was aimed at the revival of differ- not affected by the decline of the social ent Puerqualities, which enable the in- system. In prose this characteristic is dividual to concentrate on the future, revealed mainlythrough the child’s re- spirituality ofthe world. It was observed lationship withnature (G. Tyutyunnik that the most effective methods are “Freak”, V. Blyznets “Sound of webs”, focused in this direction, namely: pro- Vingranovsky “Pervinka”); the repro- jective, gaming techniques, etc. [19]. duction of theposition of intransigence Conclusions. Thestudy of the artis- regarding the circumstances, the desire tic heritage of the sixties in the aspect of of the manifestations of the conscious the archetype critics allowed to outline activity (G. Tyutyunnik “Death of the mythopoetical origin of their creativity, knight”, Vingranovskyi “Pervinka”); rooted in perchlorate of the collective the ability to perceive the world “as a unconsciousness. Individual author fea- wonder” (G. Vingranovsky “Pervinka”, tures ofthe artistic transformation of ar- G. Tyutyunnik “Freak”). Children’s chetypes due to several social, national characters are filled with the feeling and cultural factors. In the works of the of harmonious unity with nature, they sixties the properties of the archetype perceive itas an eternal source of life. of the divine child aregiven to the char- This experience, in our opinion, is the

387 key to the free development of person- 4. Vinhranovs’kyy M. S. Deep in the rain: ality. Sensitive childpersonalities, rep- Novels, short stories / M. S. Vinhra- resented by afreak child, represent a novs’kyy. — K.: Radianskyi pysmenyk, keen sense of the beautiful and the ugly, 1985. — 255 p. sincerity and originality. That’s how the 5. Virych N. V. Features of the artistic ex- plication of the myths of the “divine components of the archetype of the “di- child”, N. V. Virych // Collection of vine child” are implemented, and due to scientific works SWorld. Materials of that the generation of “children of war” international scientific-practical con- inthe vast majority did not become the ference “Modern directions of theo- “lost generation” and left the brilliant retical and applied researches ‘2013”. — works of art. Issue 1. — Volume 26. — Odessa: In addition, the idea that the ar- KUPRIENKO, 2013. — P. 33–41. chetype of the “divine child” is an in- 6. Zvarych I. M. Mythological paradigm exhaustible source of the synthesizing of artistic thinking: 10.01.06 “Theory creative energy that can revive each of literature” / І. М. Zvarych. — K.: Kyivnational University named after person’s individually andthe society Shevchenko, 2003. — 38 p. deformedby disasters as a whole, found 7. Kolesnyk O. S. Poetic reproduction of its confirmation within the project pro- the archetype: abstract of the dis. on cess of the participants who from Janu- competition of the degree in Philoso- ary, 15 to October 31, 2016, worked phy, specialty 09.00.08 “Aesthetics” / with ACTin the city of Mariupol. Ex- O. S. Kolesnyk. — K.: Kyiv. national perts conclusively proved that since the University named after Shevchenko, child’s psyche is very plastic, the child 2002. — 16 p. is able to transform the energy of fear 8. Korshunova S. Literary archetype as and aggression in creative direction, to a way of understanding the text / S. Korshunova // Foreign literature in restore the resources to view the system schools. — 2004. — № 6. — P. 3–4. of values, to acquire the ability to enjoy 9. Kuzhil’na L. the Aesthetics of the lit- every bit of the universe. erary sixties and astral archetypes in Shevchenko vastness of space / L. Kuzhil’na // Russian language and References literature at school. — 2004. — № 2. — 1. Blyznets’ Viktor. Web sound / Blyznets’ P. 47–50. Viktor. Selected works: [in 2 vol] / 10. Levchuk L. Art modification of psy- Blyznets’ Viktor. — K.: Veselka, 1983. — choanalysis / L. Levchuk // Psycho- T. 2. — 332 p. analysis: history, theory, art practice. — 2. Bovsunivs’ka T. Myth as a resistant K.: Lybid, 2002. — Р. 128–157. component of the literature / Т. Bov- 11. Livits’ka (Dudar) N. The archetype of sunivs’ka // Dyvoslovo: Ukrainian the “divine child” in the lyrics of Vin- language and literature in educational hranovs’kyy Mykola / N. Livits’ka // institutions. — 2010. — № 8 (641). — Literature. Folklore. Problems of po- P. 49–52. etics: Collection of worksof the Ky- 3. Bolshakova A. Yu. Archetype — a con- ivnational University named after- cept of culture / A. Yu. Bolshakova // Shevchenko; Editors: G. V. Semenyuk, Questions of philosophy. — 2010. — E. S. Snitko, O. P. Ivanovska and others. № 7. — Р. 47–57. — K., 2012. — Vol. 37. — P. 189–195.

388 12. Mors’ka L. Irrational cognition in the 16. Yatsenko T. S. Fundamentals of deep philosophical thought of Ukraine: ab- psychocorrection: phenomenology, stract of the dis. on competition of the theory and practice: practical manual / degree in Philosophy, specialty 09.00.05, T. S. Yatsenko. — K.: Higher school, “History of philosophy” / L. Marine. — 2006. — 382 p. Lviv: Lviv national University named 17. Jung Carl Gustav. The archetypes and after Ivan Franko, 2003. — 20 p. the collective unconscious / Carl Gus- 13. Moskalenko O. O. The myth of child- tav Jung; translated from German. hood in the lyrics by F. Garcia Lorca: T. A. Rebecca // the structure of the thesis ofеthe candidate of philosophical psyche and archetypes. — M.: Aca- sciences: 10.01.03 / О. О. Moskalen- demic project, 2007. — (Psychological ko. — Simferopol, 2014. — 244 p. technology). — P. 217–242. 14. Tatenko V. O. Modern psychology: the- 18. Jung Carl Gustav. Divine child / oretical and methodological problems: Carl Gustav Jung; Introduction by practical manual / V. O. Tatenko. — K.: P. S. Gurevich ; translated from German. Publishing house NAU-print, 2009. — D. V. Dmitriev, T. A. Rebeko. —Moscow: 228 p. Olimp, AST-LTD, 1997. — 400 Р. — M.: 15. Tyutyunnik G. Works: [stories] 2 t / Olimp, AST-LTD, 1997. — 398 p. G. Tyutyunnik. — K.: Fry, 1984. — 19. Vol. 1. — 328 р. proekti/

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391 Scientific publications

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№ 3 (8) – June 2017 (Special edition)

1 Signed in print 06.07.17. Format 70×100 /16. Conditional drukaski sheet 31,6. Accounting and publishing sheets 26,83. Edition 300 copies