Liberation: a Process for Determining Our Future
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第3種郵便物認可 (3) THE JAPAN TIMES MONDAY, JULY 4, 2011 5 world Morocco king retains room to move movement never questioned the the kind of democracy protesters commitment to reforms, Tozy Constitutional curbs on monarchy legitimacy of the regime” by call- are demanding, and the kingdom said, and to fight the main sourc- ing for the overthrow of the mon- remains firmly in the control of es of discontent in the country: ‘won’t revolutionize political setup’ archy, he said. Instead, protesters the monarch and his entourage. the concentration of power in few demanded a constitutional mon- But as a first step — and a mod- hands, endemic corruption and ANALYSIS Mohammed VI, who in 1999 archy akin to those in Britain or erate reaction in a region where deep economic disparities. took over the Arab world’s lon- Spain, with the king becoming many regimes have cracked down Tozy said early parliamentary Rabat gest-serving dynasty, has faced the figurehead of a democratically on protesters with gunfire and ar- elections will probably be held in AFP-JIJI demonstrations since February elected government. rests — Mohammed VI’s response October and will need to be fair after the democracy movement As the protests grew, the king has been held up as an example to and transparent to help lead to Faced with protests like those sweeping the region reached his announced a new constitution other Arab leaders. “the emergence of a new politi- that ousted the leaders of Tuni- country. under which he would remain “Opponents say that the cal elite.” sia and Egypt and have shaken Using websites such as Face- head of state, the military and changes do not go far enough, “(The elections) should be much of the Arab world, Moroc- book and YouTube, the youth- the Islamic faith in Morocco, or they are simply window- participatory and inclusive,” Hirst can King Mohammed VI made based February 20 Movement has but the prime minister, chosen dressing to avoid a revolution,” said. “Then, a new prime minister an unusual offer: concessions. organized weeks of demonstra- from the largest party elected to said Joel Hirst, an analyst at the can help to move forward chang- And now that voters have tions that brought thousands to Parliament, would take over as New York-based Council on For- es. Revolutions such as Egypt massively backed a new consti- the streets calling for greater de- the head of government. Other eign Relations. “Nevertheless, the rarely result in positive advances tution curbing his near absolute mocracy, better economic pros- changes would grant more power Moroccan response to the unrest for the people. Gradual, progres- powers, analysts say the king will pects and an end to corruption. to Parliament, introduce an inde- in North Africa was a response to sively liberal reforms are what is need to follow through on prom- But from the beginning, pendent judiciary and provide the people, it was quick, it was required.” ises of democracy to his increas- analysts said, Morocco’s “Arab new guarantees of civil liberties. sweeping and it was inclusive.” The new constitution may ingly demanding people. Spring” uprising was different. After a referendum campaign Still, the referendum and new have given Moroccan authori- “The constitutional reform is “Some reforms were already fiercely backed by authorities constitution are only the beginning ties some breathing room, ana- an opening granted by the mon- under way in Morocco and there and in the media, more than 98 of a long process, analysts said. lysts said, but having had a taste archy, a measured and controlled was a much bigger openness (to percent of voters approved the “Is the constitution a good of influence, those anxious for opening,” said Khadija Mohsen- dissent) than in other countries,” new constitution on Friday. The framework for Morocco to change, change will jump on attempts to Finan, a regional expert at the said Mohamed Tozy, a political February 20 Movement, which and to change radically? Yes. Will slow down democratic reforms. University of Paris. “It may seem science professor at Casablanca’s had urged a boycott of the vote, the constitution change Morocco? “Profound change will have to enviable in comparison with the Hassan II University, noting that denounced the result as a fraud. No. It will depend on the people come in the behavior of the Mo- rest of the unmoving Arab world, protests were largely allowed to To be sure, analysts said, the who will apply it,” Tozy said. roccan political elite much more Last straw: A man from Morocco’s Berber ethnic group casts his vote at a polling station in but it is well below the demands go ahead without interference. new curbs on royal powers are a Morocco’s authorities will need than stipulations in the constitu- Khemisset, 80 km east of Rabat, on Friday. AFP-JIJI of the streets.” “And of course the (protest) long way from making Morocco to move quickly to show real tion,” Mohsen-Finan said. Rwanda national day Liberation: a process for determining our future Benedicto Nshimiyimana This July 4, Rwanda cele- Our experience has shown us namely, human resources de- throughout the whole country. around 96 percent of the whole CHARGE D’AFFAIRES A.I. OF RWANDA brates the 49th anniversary of that rapid progress can only be velopment, rural transformation Rwandans and foreigners can population covered from only 7 the access to independence as achieved when the people for and improvement of economic go about their business without percent in 2003). Rwanda has The occasion of the 17th anni- well as Liberation Day, the date whom it is intended are mobi- infrastructures and business fear. Through decentralization, achieved food security for all versary of the Liberation Day of when genocide against the Tutsi lized and participate fully in development. services have been brought from the last two years due to the Republic of Rwanda gives me was stopped in 1994 by the development efforts. In line with the above-men- closer to the people. Rwandans high investments in the agricul- a great honor Rwanda Patriotic Front. Despite the fact that Rwan- tioned sectors, various projects have a bigger role in choosing ture sector to the tune of about and privilege to In Rwanda, Liberation Day dans started rebuilding the have been implemented in the their own leaders and a say in 10.2 percent of the total govern- convey to Their carries a lot of meaning. It sym- country from the scratch after fields of water supply, agricul- programs intended for them. ment budget. The number of Imperial Majes- bolizes the courage, the respon- the 1994 genocide against the ture, energy, capacity building, Regular, free and peaceful elec- Rwandans with access to clean ties the Emperor sibility and the wisdom to over- Tutsi, Rwandans today, under among others. tions are now part of Rwandan water has risen from 41 percent Akihito and come the worst crime against the very strong, visionary and This gives me the opportu- culture, as are accountability in 2003 to 80 percent in 2010 and E m p r e s s humanity and then move on to exemplary leadership of H.E. nity to praise the key role played and transparency. access to antiretroviral treat- Michiko, the rebuild a nation based on unity Paul Kagame, the president of by the Japan International Co- Grassroots empowerment ment has increased to 77 per- Imperial Family, and reconciliation, inclusive- the Republic of Rwanda, are operation Agency (JICA) in also prioritized the involvement cent of people who needed it in Culture: Dance plays an important role in the tradition of all the Cabinet and the entire peo- ness and consensus building. It united under a common goal Rwanda’s development efforts. of women in all decision making 2009 up from 35 percent in 2005. Rwandan people. EMBASSY OF RWANDA ple of Japan the warmest greet- is a date and time when Rwan- and are working hard to build a We are also glad to note that processes, which did not only Rwanda also has created a ings from the people of Rwanda. dans remember where they prosperous and viable state and there is a welcomed growing stir up our development but also very conducive world-class ing the Common Market Proto- and many more achievements May I also take this opportu- come from, where they are and achieve clear goals defined in trend moving beyond the gov- brought about social harmony business environment and was col since July 2010, while nego- because we have a common vi- nity on behalf of the govern- focus on where they are going. It our country’s Vision 2020 and a ernment-to-government rela- and cohesion. Today, the 51.6 ranked the first and the second tiations of the Monetary Union sion, cooperation, the will to find ment and people of Rwanda, to is also a time to focus on the program for creating wealth. tionship to more people-to-peo- percent of the students at the best World Business Reformer in Protocol, which are under way, solutions to our challenges and, express our deepest sadness achievements and challenges, In the efforts to meet our as- ple interaction, both culturally primary and secondary school 2009 and 2010, respectively, by are expected to be concluded where necessary, seek innovative and condolences to the govern- in addition to drawing inspira- pirations, we have always en- as well as on exploration of level are girls and 44 percent at the World Bank in their Doing by the end of this year. Rwanda ones from our culture, such as ment and people of Japan for tion and strength to move on.