İlahə Hacıyevanın Elmi Məqalələrinin Siyahısı Publications Presentations Projects Conferences Seminars Honours and Awar

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İlahə Hacıyevanın Elmi Məqalələrinin Siyahısı Publications Presentations Projects Conferences Seminars Honours and Awar İlahə Hacıyevanın elmi məqalələrinin siyahısı Publications 1) “Jalil Mammadguluzadeh’s Prosaic Language”, AUL, Scientific News, 2008, Presentations N: 3 Projects 2) Article: “Manifestation Forms of Association in Ramiz Rovshan poems”, Conferences “Philological Issues”, “Science Education”, Baku-2012, page 312 Seminars 3) “Love poems written under the influence of Nizami in the 19th century”, AUL, “ 18th Republic Scientific Conference Materials of PhD Students and Honours and awards Young Researchers”, 2nd cover, Baku 2013, page 48 Memberships 4) “The Comparison of Nizami’s “Khosrov and Shirin” couplet with Nakam’s References “Farhad and Shirin” couplet, “Philological Issues”, “Science and education”, Citations Baku-2013, page 386 Courses 5) “Usage form and methods of “Khamsa” tradition in Ismayil Bay Nakam’s Certifications work”, “Second international scientific conference of Young researchers”, Caucasus University, April 18-19, Baku-2014, page 250 6) “One of the poets following Nizami’s tradition Mirza Huseyn Bay Chaker’s life and work in the 19th century Azerbaijan Literature”, AUL, “Scientific News”, Baku-2014, page 19 7) “Сходства и разхождение от нормы в произведение “Лейли и Меджнун М.Г.Чакера и Н.Генджеви”, “Збірник наукових праць” Гілея: науковий вісник”, (ISSN) - 2076-1554, 27.08.2014 8) “The compliance with Nizami’s “Khamsa” topics in Fadai’s “Bakhtyyarname”, International scientific conference material named “Eatern Folk Literature: tradition and modernity”, Baku-Science 2014. 9) “Similarities and differences between Nizami and Mirza Huseyn Bay Chaker’s Leyli and Majnun couplets”, “Risale” collection of articles, November 19, 2014 10) “Social and political motives of independence period in Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh poesy”, “Science-Education” Baku-2014, N 6 11) “Adherence to traditions and deviation from standard norms in Hagiri Tabrizi’s “Leyla and Majnun” of Hagiri Tabrizi’s “Leyla and Majnun” poem”, Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/12 Summer 2015, p. 493-512 DOI Number: ISSN: 1308-2140, ANKARA-TURKEY 12) “Similarities in Nizami and Nakam’s “Leyli and Mejnun” poems”, Australian International journal of Humanities and Social Studies - Online ISSN: 1737- 7912 Pint ISSN: 1374-9172, Volume 02, Issue II, August 2015, p.23-38 13) Article: “Azerbaijan khamsaism: Whole and fragmentary responses written to Nizami’s “Khamsa”, International Language and literature conference, UDEK, Albaniya, Hena e Plottee Beder University, 28-29 october 2015 .
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