Congratulations to Ernie Deman for breaking school strikeout record, story page 16 1 Tin independent newspaper ai- Stockton College Volume 46. Rumber 10* Friday. ïïpril 15.1994

7\VQO Jf^.,1 w JL ... The firgo is watching ...... serving the Stockton community The flrgo is not an official publication oT Stockton College but is published by an independent corporation licensed in Hew Jersey SAVE plays host to empty press conference Stockton plans for the virtual future by Karen Pyshnik derstand the classes offered, the Argo news editor Argo has talked to each of the six professors and presents their ideas Stockton's latest classroom in- and plans for the virtual future. novation, implementing computer "We will lose the text, the pa- technology, multi-media applica- per, and the classroom," said Tom tions and revolutionary teaching Kinsella about his course, "Writ- strategies, is now available to stu- ing into the New Century." The dents who apply through the office course is a Rhetoric and Compo- of the Vice President of Student sition Wl class and will teach Services, by Thursday, April 21. In an effort to help students un- SEE FUTURE, PAGE 9 Whitman's latest Representatives from a corporation group and Asbuiy Park Press at SAVE press conference;.Jon X«v • by Karen Pyshnik word on Higher Ed Argo news editor ference, nor did members of the cel the press conference, nor did I by Karen Pyshnik To further protest the expansion Pinelands Commission, on whose have any role in it. I did receive two Argo news editor for the trustees to speak out against the Governor's plan. Wiley is the of parking lot 6, SAVE held a advice the meeting was arranged. letters inviting me to attend." chairman of the state Board of press conference on Tuesday, April "After inviting representatives "SAVE has been continually block- The latest word on the higher ed Higher Ed. 12, but were greeted with an al- from the press, environmental orga- aded in all efforts to approach the restructuring proposal of Gover- In the meantime, the discussion most empty room and some rumors nizations, and the Stockton administration on a professional level," nor Whitman is a move by the over the changes is continuing. about how it got to be so. community, SAVE learned that the the group said. Trustee Council, which represents "Governor Whitman is chang- Invited guests, including Presi- college administration had tele- The press conference has been re- 45 public and private colleges, to ing the face of higher education in dent Farris, Vice President for phoned guests, without SAVE's scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, at seek legislative hearings on the New Jersey. The Face of Your Administration and Finance knowledge, discouraging atten- 2:30. SAVE encouraged everyone to abolishment of the current Board Future. Ask Why. AskHow."This Charles Tantillo, and Vice Presi- dance," said the group in a release arrive at the SAVE office in upper G- of Higher Ed and Department of Higher Ed. is the challenge to Stockton stu- dent for Student Services Harvey following the un-event. Wing, "whereupon the meeting will dents from the Economics Club, Kesselman, did not attend the con- Tantillo responded, "I did not can- be moved to a 'safe place.'" On Monday, April 11, the coun- cil acted on Stephen Wiley's call which will hold a panel discus- sion on the "Privatizationof Public Education," on Tuesday, April 19 1994/1995 Student Senators in B-125, at 4:30. "What the proposal leaves un- UNOFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS: "Celestial Soiree" a success known, and what has yet to be Ian Malîzman Sherry Aibtickle Angeio Gamba by Karen Pyshnik discussed in a direct, lucid, and Claudia Barrantes Orlando Mercado John Grasso ->< Argo news editor specific fashion, is how the Trea- Vladimir Bien-Aiine Kevin Hall Greg Miller lestial Soiree." The evening was sury will administer these Carina Bîinebury Karen Johnson | Kevin Morris The annual Spring Benefit, held filled with an auction of goods and programs for our students, how Shannon Murphy Efik BurreH Terry King on Saturday, April 9, raised in ex- services, a total of 330 items that the Treasury will distribute schoi- Waiter Cabezas Stephanie Kirby Derick Stevens . cess of $110,000 for the Stockton netted $50,000. The guests were Brian Corliss Gary Klofczkm Vaughn Watéon treated to a "sumptuous buffet," ca- Cyndy Cummings HenyMcNaîr Kennard Weaver Foundation, which funds, among SEE WHITMAN, PAGE 9 AishaWhue other things, Early Decision Schol- tered by the Mansion of Voorhees, ALTERNATES^ arships and the College Scholar's said Rahmeyer. Program, according to John The highlight of the evening was a Marc Gerad — tie Crag Stegeî Josh Comers Rahmeyer, of the Development performance by Judy Collins: "She Personals.. . . « « ,10 Robert Crawford—tie Donald Sanders Anthony Onesto — tie office. created a nostalgic atmosphere, Jason Morris — tie Ryan Brown — tie Richard Roberts Sports, v. >.. .12 More than 570 guests, commu- where people were taken back," said Philip hoy — tie Thomas Mnîîane ; Anasara Avendano Opinion , 5 Pavid McMabon nity and business leaders as well as one guest," Her finale, Amazing KriBU&ÀfcnT : Michael Ka'ahanut Down to Earth, , II Gïoribelfc Bontîla Gerald Thompson Carl Koves a good showing of more than 100 Grace, where everyone sang along, Sandra Rodiiquez, iared Margohes Matthew Smith faculty and staff, attended the "Ce- made you feel very celestial." GXJB. News Eric Millard John Wallen Music reviews.. .7 Page 2, firgo Friday, fipril 15,1994

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SESSION I COURSES SESSION III COURSES May 17 - June 16. In-parson Registration May It June 20 - July 20. In-person Registration June 16 ACCT 2110-101 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM ACCT 2120-301 MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING MTWR 800 AM 11 00 AM ACCT 3122-101 COST ACCT WITH COMP APPL MTWR BOO AM-1 TOO AM ARTV 1161-301 TWO-DIMENSIONAL OESIGN MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM ACCT 4110-101 AUDITING MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM CRIM 1100-301 INTRO TO CRIM JUSTICE MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM ARTV 1162-101 INTRO TO DRAWING MTWR 3:00 AM-11 00 AM CRIM 2130-301 INTRO TO CORRECTIONS MTWR 11 30 AM 2:30 PM BIOL 1100-101 ORGANISMS AND EVOLUTION MW 3 15 PM- 7 30 PM CRIM 3145-301 SEX CRIMES MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM Additional meeting time S 8:00 AM-12 00 PM EDUC 3100-301 METHOOS TEACHING READING MW 3.00 PM 6 00 PM BiOl 1105-101 ORGANISMS 6 EVOLUTN LAB TR 3 15 PM- 7 15 PM EDUC 3100-302 METHOOS TEACHING READING TR 3 00 PM 6 00 PM BIOL 1110-101 ANIMAL BEHAVIOR MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM EDUC 4200-301 PRAC 6 TECH OF TEACHING MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM CHfM 2110-lui CHEM l-GEN PRINCIPLES MTWR 8 00 AM-1 TOO AM EDUC 4200-302 PRAC 6 TECH OF TEACHING MTWR 6:30 PM 9 30 PM 1130 AM- 4:30 PM CHEM 2115-101 CHEM I LAB MW EDUC 4200-303 PRAC 6 TECH OF TEACHING MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM II 30 AM- 4 30 PM CHEM 2115-102 CHEM I LAB TR FINA 3110-301 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1 MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM 8.00 AM-II 00 AM CHEM 2120-101 CHEM II-ORGANIC STRUCTR MTWR FINA 3110-302 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1 MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM 11 30 AM- 4 30 PM CHEM 2125-101 CHEMISTRY II LAB MW FINA 3562-301 BUDGETING MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM 8 00 AM-11 00 AM CHEM 2140-101 CHEM IV-GEN PRINCIPLES MTWR GAH 1101-301 WESTERN CIVILIZATION MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM 11:30 AM- 4 30 PM CHEM 2145-101 CHEM IV LAB MW GAH 1150-301 EXPERIENCE OF Lin MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM 8.00 AM-11 00 AM C0MM 2201-101 SPEAKING b LISTENING MTWR GAH 1245-301 MUSIC APPRECIATION MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 I'M 8 00 AM-11 00 AM CHIM 1100-101 INTRO TO CRIM JUSTICE MTWR GAH 1262-301 UNDERSTANDING VISUAL ART MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM 6:30 PM- 9 30 PM CRIM 2140-101 RESEARCH OESIGN. METHDS MTWR GEN 1120-301 RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION MTWR 11:30 AM 2 30 PM SEX CRIMES 8 00 AM-11 00 AM CRIM 3145-101 MTWR GEN 1291-301 BEGINNING GERMAN II MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM 11:30 AM- 2 30 PM CRIM 3607-101 VIOLENT CRIMES MTWR GEN 3800-301 COMMUNITY SERVICE TBA TBA INTRO TO MACROECONOMICS 8 00 AM-11 00 AM ECON 1200-101 MTWR GIS 3360-301 SCHOOLS OF THE FUTURE MTWR 6 30 PM 9 30 PM 1400-101 INTRO TO MICROECONOMICS 11:30 AM- 2 30 PM ECON MTWR GIS 3401-301 WRITING FOR MANY ROLES MTWR 3 00 PM 6 00 PM 2100-101 INTRO TO EDUCATION 3 45 PM- 6 00 PM EOUC MTWR GIS 3401-302 WRITING FOR MANY ROLES MTWR 6 30 PM 9 30 PM 2100-102 INTRO TO EDUCATION 3:45 PM- 6 00 PM E0UC MTWR GIS 3617-301 FAILURES IN PUBLIC POLICY MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM FlELOWORk IN EDUCATION TBA EOUC 2101-101 TBA GIS 3655-301 RELIGION HUMAN EXPERIENCE MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM FIELDWORK IN EDUCATION TBA EOUC 2101-102 T8A GNM 2235-301 SOC IMPACT NATRL RESOURC MTWR 6 30 PM 9 30 I'M 2800-101 IND STUDY IN EDUCATION TBA EOUC TBA GNM 2412-301 HORTICULTURE MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM 2900-101 SPEC PROJ IN EDUCATION TBA EOUC TBA GNM 2444-301 BIOLOGY OF BIROS MTWR 800 AM 11 00 AM 3951-101 AOV FIELDWORK EDUCATION TBA EDUC TBA GNM 2800-301 INTRO TO GEOGRAPHY MTWR TBA 4333-001 WETLAND HYDROLOGY ENVL 8 00 AM-11 00 AM GSS 2167-301 VIOLENCE IN AMERICA MTWR 800 AM 11 00 AM Additional meeting lime 8 00 AM- G 00 PM GSS 2183-301 ISSUES IN OEVIANCE MTWR BOO AM 11 00 AM GLOBAL POSIT SYST SE M ENVL 462M01 MT 8 00 AM- 2 45 PM HIST 2121-301 EUROPE 1815-PRESENT MTWR 3 00 I'M 6 00 I'M FUNDAMENTALS OF DRAWING GAH 1261-101 MTWR II 30 AM- 2 30 PM INFO 1180-301 MICROCOMPUTERS, APPUCTN MTWR 8 00 AM INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE 11 00 AM GAH 1610-101 MTWR 8 00 AM-11:00 AM INFO 2210-301 MTWR STAINED GLASS HIST El TECH SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 11 30 AM 2 30 PM GAH 2179-101 MTWR 8:00 AM-11:00 AM LANG 1241-301 BEGINNING SPANISH II MWTR INTRO TO MUSIC b ART 8 00 AM 11 00 AM GAH 2241-101 MTWR 1130 AM- 2 30 PM MATH ANXIETY REOUCTION MARS 2201-301 INTRO TO MARINE BIOLOGY MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM GEN 1122-101 MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM COLLEGE ALGEBRA MATH 1100-301 PRECALCULUS MATHEMATICS MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM GEN 1135-101 MTWR 11:30 AM- 2 30 PM BEGINNING SPANISH I MATH 2215-301 CALCULUS 1 MTWR 6 00 AM 11 45 AM GEN 1240-101 MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM BEGINNING GERMAN I MGMT 3562-301 BUDGETING MTWR II 30 AM 2 30 I'M GEN 1290-101 1130 AM- 2 30 PM CONSUMER HEALTH MTWR PHIL 1101-301 INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY MTWR 8 00 AM 11 00 AM GEN 1405-101 8:00 AM-11 00 AM ARGUMENT b PERSUASION MTWR PHIL 1203-301 INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM GEN 2121-101 8 00 AM-11 00 AM WRITING FOR WORKPLACE MTWR SOCY 1105-301 SOCIAL PROBLEMS MTWR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM GEN 2150-101 8:00 AM-11 00 AM FIELD GEOL ONTARIO MINE MTWR SOCY 2351-301 OEVIANCE b SOCIAL CONTROL MTWR 3 00 PM 6 00 PM GE0L 4391-101 TBA INTRO TO GERONTOLOGY TBA SPAD 2115-301 LANGUAGE ACQUISITION MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 I'M GER0 1100-101 BLACK POWER MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM 3190-101 SESSION IV COURSES WOMEN'S VISIONS MTWR 8 00 AM-UOO AM 3226-101 AUTOBIOC OF FM OFMTWR SELF11 30 AM - 2 30 PM June 20 - August 20. In-person Registration June 16 3403-101 BIOL 1100-401 ORGANISMS AND EVOLUTION MW 5 00 PM 8 00 PM SOCl CONSTR OF SEXUAITY MTWR 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM 3609-101 BIOL 1105-401 ORGANISMS fa EVOLUTN LAB R 4 30 PM 9 00 PM GIS FAILURES IN PUBLIC POLICY MTWR 3 00 PM- 6 00 PM 3617-101 GAH 1282-401 SURVEY OF THEATRE TR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM GIS VIETNAM MTWR II 30 AM- 2 30 PM 3643-101 GIS MTWR 1130 AM- 2 30 PM GAH 2171-401 WORLO'S MAJOR RELIGIONS TR 3 00 PM 6 00 PM 2140-101 GNM POISONOUS. VENOM ANIMALS MTWR 1130 AM- 2:30 PM GEN 1123-401 SURVEY OF MATHEMATICS MW 11 30 AM 2 30 PM ON M 2146-101 SURVEY HUMAN NUTRITION MTWR 8:00 AM-11 00 AM GEN 1135-401 COLLEGE ALGEBRA TR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM GNM 2190-101 EXTINCT, THREATENED LIFE MTWR 8:00 AM-11 00 AM GIS 3202-401 PROBLEM OF MEANING TR 6 30 PM 9 30 PM GNM 2200-101 HUMAN SEXUALITY MTWR 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM GIS 3610-401 JUSTCE. VIRTUE. MORAL PHIL TR 11:30 AM 2 30 PM GNM 2255-101 THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE MTWR T1.30 AM- 2 30 PM GNM 2601-401 MAN. NATURE 6 TECH MW 3 00 PM 6 00 PM GNM 2444-101 BIOLOGY OF BIRDS MTWR 8 00 AM-II 00 AM GSS 3105-401 NEWS MEDIA IN SOCIETY TR 6 30 PM 9 30 PM GSS 2121101 ARGUMENT il PERSUASION MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM INFO 1180-401 MICROCOMPUTERS. APPUCTN TR 3 00 PM 6 00 PM GSS 2157-101 HUMAN INFANCY MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM INFO 1206-401 STATISTICS 1 TH 800 AM 11 00 AM GSS 2166-101 SUICIDE. HOMICIDE DEATH MTWR II 30 AM- 2 30 PM INFO 3222-401 DATABASE SYSTEMS TR 6 30 PM 9 30 PM GSS 2167-101 VIOLENCE IN AMERICA MTWR BOO AM-11 00 AM SESSION V COURSES GSS 2240-101 THE HOLOCAUST MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM July 21 - August 22. In-parson Registration July 20 GSS 2276-101 SPORTS AND SOCIETY MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM 8 00 AM-11 00 AM ARTS 3900-501 ARTIST TEACHER INSTITUTE TBA JULY 22-31 GSS 2310-101 SEX DISCRIMINATION Er LAW MTWR 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM COMM 2201-501 SPEAKING b USTENING MTWR 8 00 AM- 11 00 AM GSS 2310-102 SEX DISCRIMINATION & LAW MTWR II 30 AM- 2 30 PM ECON 1200-501 INTRO TO MACROECONOMICS MTWR 3.00 PM- 600 PM GSS 3261-101 MENTAL HLTH 6 FAMILY MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM ECON 1400-501 INTRO TO MICROECONOMICS MTWR 8 00 AM- II 00 AM HIST 1153-101 US HIST SINCE 1865 MTWR LATIN AMER P0U1 DEVEL 3 00 PM- 6 00 PM GAH 1270-501 INTR PHOTOGRAPHIC MEDIUM MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM HIST 1160-101 MTWR WRIÏ1NG FOR HLTH PROF 8 00 AM-11 00 AM GAH 1273-501 INTR PHOTO MEO LAB M 2 30 PM- 4 00 PM HITH 2111-101 MTWR MICROCOMPUTERS. APPUCTN 8 00 AM-11 00 AM GAH 1273-502 INTR PHOTO MED LAB W 2:30 PM- 4.00 PM INFO 1180-101 MTWR INTRO TO LITERATURE 8 00 AM-11 00 AM GAH 1273-503 INTR PHOTO MED LAB T 2 30 PM- 400 PM LtTT 1100-101 MTWR UTERARY METHODOLOGIES 8 00 AM-Tt.OO AM GAH 1273-504 INTR PHOTO MED LAB R 2 30 PM- 4 00 PM un 1101-001 MTWR AMERICAN LITERATURE I 11:30 AM- 2 30 PM GAH 2122-501 MTWR 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM un 2105-101 MTWR WOMEN'S LIVES-CUR ISSUES SURVEY OF OCEAN LIFE 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM GAH 2316-501 CLASSICAL MYTH: 2 LEGENDS MTWR 8 00 AM- 11 00 AM MARS 1100-101 MTWR PRECALCULUS MATHEMATICS 8 00 AM !) OOAM GIS 3360-501 SCHOOLS OF THE FUTURE MTWR 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM MATH 1100-101 MTWR CALCULUS I 3 00 AM- 1 00 PM GIS 3401-501 WRITING FOR MANY ROLES MTWR 3 00 PM- 600 PM MATH 2215-101 MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM GIS 3647-501 SOCIAL ISSUES WORLD LIT MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM MGMT 3110-101 INTRO TO MANAGEMENT MTWR 3 00 PM- 6 00 PM GIS 3666-501 HOLOCAUST & FILM MTWR 3 00 PM- 6 00 PM MKTG 3110-101 MARKETING PRINCIPLES MTWR 6 30 PM- 9 3D PM HIST 1152-501 US HIST TO 1665 MTWR 3:00 PM- 6 00 PM NURS 4337-101 CONCEPTS IN PROF NURS II MTWR 8 00 AM-J100 AM INFO 1180-501 MICROCOMPUTERS. APPUCTN MTWR 8:00 AM- 11 00 AM POLS 2100-101 INTRO AMERICAN POLITICS MTWR .11 30 AM- 2 30 PM INFO 2222-501 11 30 AM- POLS 3625-101 CAMPAIGNS f> ELECTIONS MTWR FUND INFORMATION SYSTEMS MTWR 2 30 PM 8 00 AM-11 00 AM P01S 3646-101 POLITICAL FICTION MATH 1100-501 PRECALCULUS MATHEMATICS MTWR 3 00 PM- 6 00 PM MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM PSYC 1100-101 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY MKTG 3485-501 CHANNELS OF OISTRIBUTN MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM PSYC 2211-101 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY POIS 2264-501 POLS OF DEVELOPING AREAS MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM MTWR B 00 AM-11 00 AM PSYC 2215-101 COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 2211-501 A8N0RMAL PSYCHOLOGY MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM PSÏC STATISTICAL METHODS SOWK 1101-501 INTRO TO SOCIAL WORK MTWR 8:00 AM- II 00 AM 2241-101 MTWR 8 00 AM-11 00 AM PSYC EDUCATIONAL PSYC 3391-101 MTWR II 30 AM- 2 30 PM PUBH HEALTH POLICIES ISSUES 2402-101 MTWR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM S0CV INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY 1100-101 MTWR 1130 AM- 2 30 PM S0WK GROUP OYNAMICS 2402-101 MTWR TBA 1st Summer Session: May 17 In June 16 ln-person registration — SPA0 3717-101 CLINICAL PRACTICUM III TBA May 16 Classes meet Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. 2nd Summer Session: May 1J to July 20. In-person registration — SESSION II COURSES May 16 Classes meet Monday. Wednesday or Tuesday. Thursday

ARTV 2175-201 ART HISTORY 1 MW 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM 3rd Summer Session: June 20 to July 20 In person registration — BIOL 2150-201 PHYSIOLOGY TR 8 00 AM- II 00 AM June 16 Classes meet Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thuisday BIOL 2151-201 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY LAB T 12:30 PM- 5 00 PM 4th Summer Session: June 20 to August 20 ln-p«son registration BIOL 2151-202 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY LAB R 12 JO PM- 5 00 PM June 16 Classes meet Monday. Wednesday or Tuesday. Thursday CRIM 2111-201 JUVENILE JUSTICE TR 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM GNM 2236-201 BLACK SCIENTSTS. INVfNTR TR 6 30 PM 9 30 PM Blh Summer Session: July 21 to August 22 In-person registration GNM 2502-201 CHEMISTRY ANO SOCIETY MW 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM July 20 Classes meet Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday GNM 3801-201 HAZARDS ENERGY SYSTEMS TR 3 00 PM- 6 00 PM GSS 3160-201 STRESS b ANXIETY MW 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM INFO 1206-201 STATISTICS 1 MW 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM un 1112-201 INTRODUCTION TO POETRY TR 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM MATH 2215-201 CALCULUS 1 TR 2 45 PM- 6 30 PM MGMT 3111 201 HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT MW 8 00 AM 11 00 AM MGMT 4112-201 ADVANCED MGMT STRAT TR 8 00 AM-11 DO AM THE MKTG 3210-201 MARKET RESEARCH TR 8 00 AM- 11 00 AM MKTG 44 70-201 STRATEGIC MARKETING TR 11 30 AM 2 30 PM RICHARD STOCKTON COLLEGE MKIG 4725-201 SPEC PROJECTS IN MKTG TR TBA MKTG 4725-202 SPEC PROJECTS IN MKTG TR TBA OF NEW JERSEY MKTG 4725-203 SPEC PROJECTS IN MKTG TR TBA MKTG 4725-204 SPEC PROJECTS IN MKTG TR TBA PSYC 1100-201 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY MW 11 30 AM- 2 30 PM S PAO 2120-201 INTRO TO AU0I0L0GY MW 6 30 PM- 9 30 PM Friday, ftpril 15,1994 ftrgo, Page 3 riKO& AZ: Dunn reading The Stockton Visiting Writers CAY, Redefine Greek image Seriespiescnte StephenBum, read- ticipant pays $3.50. ing from his new book» New and BISEXUAL By connecting t Queer Re- Pi Kapp's and Delta Zeta's agree Selected Poem 1974-1 994, on Fri- by Chick Yeager sources Directory- a free on -line that charitable community service day, 4/22, 7:30 p,m, m B-126. Argo feature writer library of Gay related newspaper is needed to counteract Greek ste- Spanning two decades and featur- articles, text, legal briefs and lists reotypes. ing sixteen new poems, Durent latest book is a rich trove celebrat- TEXAS: The April 1 issue of NEWSWEEK: 43% of adults of organizations- you can get rel- "We're hoping that by being ing his long and fruitful poetic The Washington Blade (avail- more visible in the community, surveyed by Newsweek Magazine evant gay and lesbian information career. Free and open to the public. able in SC's Bookstore) reports said they knew someone gay. 81% no matter where you are in the people will realize the extent of on a study of what lesbians do in said gays should have equal hous- country. Several months ago our commi tment not only to Greek bed. The authors stated that their ing rights but only 48% believe messages on the NGLTF bulletin life, but to campus activities and betterment of our community," Haiti speech study, which compares straight there should be laws to guarantee board, which can be accessed . The Stockton Philosophy and said Tara Artesi, Public Relations women with lesbians "might be these protections. through "America on Line" was Religious Studies Program an- for Delta Zeta. free to experience sexuality on BRITAIN: A Survey in Britain responsible for "a ton" of mes- nounces the speech "Race, Class Last month the brothers of Pi their own terms. They might be designed to provide information sages being sent to Attorney and Religion in H*Ut TheBack- : Kappa Phi and the sisters of Delta free to express their true sexual about HIV risk found 5.2% of men General Janet Reno to intervene ground of the Current Crisis", in Zeta sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt ; be given ort Monday,4/18, at 1 2:45 nature." and 2.6% of women admitted to at in a Mississippi case. for the children at Kountry Kids in pm m G-208 by Mr. Terry ReyX;. USA: The Higher Education least one homosexual experience. In addition to NGLTF, other Smith ville. Rey graduated from Stockton in Research Institute, which surveys E-MAIL: Gay computer user national organizations who are At 10:00 a.m., seventy children '88 with a degree in philosophy incoming college freshman, in- Tom Rielly claims he can send a on-line include The Log Cabin eagerly searched the building for and religion, and has permanent cluding SC students, reports that written message to 100,000 people Republicans, Lambda Legal De- candy-filled Easter eggs, one of reside*» status in Haiti. Rey is a entering college freshmen are around the world for as little as four fense and Education Fund, Gay which contained the letters of Pi doctoral candidates Temple Unî- !: yersîty m Religious Studies where much more favorable to homo- cents and three minutes of his time and Lesbian Americans, the Kapp and Delta Zeta. The hunt his dissertation is m religion as a sexual students and relations than using e-mail. E-mail is using com- AIDS Action Council, Parents lasted for about an hour and every- force of both oppression and resis- in previous years. In 1987 53% puters to send the mail that is usually and Friends of Lesbians and the one, especially the children, tance. Since 1992, Mr. Rey has of entering freshmen were in fa- sent through the US postal service. Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. enjoyed themselves. The egg with taught humanities at the Union vor of outlawing homosexuality, Founder of a 500 member gay com- In addition, any student at SC the letters inside was found by Secondary School in Port-Au - last September only 36% had that puter professional group called on the CoZy network can con- Sara, who was awarded a 3 ft. Prince, H*itîL Previous 1o going io position. Female students are Digital Queers, Rielly said that a nect with gay and lesbian college chocolate bunny. H«$i, he studied for a year at more liberal with only 27% sup- $2000 hour long conference call organizations around the coun- "The hunt was a great success, Tubingen University in Germany ujttkrHan* Kang. Rêy alsoserved porting these laws, while48%of the connecting 15 activities can be try thorough interment by typing and I know the children will re- it* the Peace Cerps for two and & entering males had this position. made using computers if each par- "join scion" at the CoZy prompt. member this visit for a long time," said Mickey Debiaso, Director of half years in and the Central ! African Republic. Public Affairs at Kountry Kids. I I I I I I

Do you care about your health? & EDUCATE to ELIMINATE by joining the Sexual Health Peer Educators For more information contact Justine Mitsock - RSC box #5106 or at the Housing Office

NJ ranks fifth in the nation in reported RIDS cases! GMIfllliM

Itiese days pu can1! afford Is le in the dark!

s a i a 11 a B a a a 11 a i s s s a Ï a a B i s s a 8 s a a s a • s B a i B i B 8 a a i a i a i a s a a i s a e a s a s s s a a i a a i a a s a Ï a i a a a a s i ï a a s a i a i s i i Page 4-, ftrgo Editorial / Opinion Friday, ïïpril 15,1994 fh vSTV} Rumplestiltzkin EFQO Our fears now have a name, since six major American around me, and I can smell the ammonia now, cigarette tobacco companies have released a list of 599 additives, executives from seven companies went before Congress The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey including seven substances that the Food and Drug Ad- and said they did not believe that cigarette smoking caused: Pomona, New Jersey, 08240 • (609) 654-4560 ministration considers "potentially" toxic. lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc. Common ammonia (thus the lingering smell), It's amazing. Do they really not know? Maybe they just EDITORIAL STAFF methoprene (which is to get rid of pests, not create them), plug their ears and whistle every time some harmful details ethyl furoate (a substance are discussed. Then they that has caused liver dam- can claim ignorance and Editor in chief • Vaughn Watson age in test animals, thus some group will come News editor • Karen Pyshnik stop smoking and not only to their defense. Managing editor • Carolina Saavedra save yourself but save the "They didn't know!" Photography editor • Stacy Weisfeld tested creatures), Then we can call them Sports editor • Gerald F. Thompson dehydromethofurolactone the defenders of indi- Environmental columnist • Jim E. Cummings (over20 letters—you know vidual liberty, of the Arts& Entertainment editors • it's bad for you,) sclareolide right not to be informed, Jamie Harvey & Mike Miller (very mysterious, but, it and to stand up and bask Creating page editors • comes from a group of in their ignorance. Paul-Victor Winters & David Victor Reis chemicals suspected of pro- However, now we all Faculty advisor • Michael Busier moting convulsions), know exactly what it is maltol (sweetener allowed that wafts past us with ADVERTISING& PRODUCTION STAFF to be used but still under the other floating debris investigation by the FDA), — litter is just as ugly, Computer layout & design • Dory Lewis and tobacco extract (if it and so are diesel puffs Advertising manager • Tim Olsen was going to be toxic, why — and we can call it by Copy editors • didn't they just leave it in). its name, and send it away. Brian Ostrowski, Melissa Matton I would say that the potential is pretty high, at least from You know the story about Rumplestiltzkin — not until & Dianne Yurek those things I can understand on that list. I can call that the girl, for whom he spun straw into gold, could guess his Typesetter • Christen Stewart cigarette what it really ought to be called now, a toxic name would he leave her and her first born child. There's Illustrator • Greg Barna threat to my life. a lot of power in knowing. As if that wasn't enough, for the puffing continues all III REPORTERS, FEATURE WRITERS, 111 OPINIONS PROOFREADERS & PHOTOGRAPHERS Ted Boud, Anthony Caponegro, Dave Catona, Bill Dobron, Her biggest regret — She had an abortion Christine Hagin, Marc Edery, Britta Forsberg, Gary Klotzkin, Laura Jones, Don Latham, Hiram Ortiz, David by Christy Coleman McMahon, John Russo, John Tayco, & Chick Yeager Argo Guest Opinion

the Argo is not an official publication of Stockton I am currently on the Washington In- procedures; I have seen videos of abor- people, would think that women have College, but is published by an independent ternship and having an extremely tions being filmed from inside women's enough intelligence to know that coat wombs; I have spoken with doctors who hangers can harm them. You just as- corporation licensed in New Jersey. valuable learning experience. Fortu- nately, I was able to read the April 1st used to perform abortions, and have since sume that women w il 1 use coat hangers; The above people are the only ones qualified to Argo issue. After reading Nancy realized they were committing serious in- I think they are smarter than that. represent the Argo unless otherwise verified by the Ashton's editorial, "In Response toName justices. Before I conclude, I must stress that Editor in chief or designated editorial board member. Withheld," I could not help but put pen I truly wish that each and every woman I have never, and will never, feel ha- Unsolicited letters, photgraphs, cartoons, bulletins are to paper and respond. considering an abortion would be exposed tred toward any woman who has had welcome. Deadline for all submissions is Tuesday Ms. Ashton, you have met "Name to the truth first. ( Watch a video of a first- an abortion, nor any person who is 5pm. For advertising information, please call (609) Withheld" through black newsprint. I, trimester baby being sucked into a vacuum, pro-choice. Three of my closest friends, 652-4297. Subscriptions are available for $12 a year. however, know her through flesh and and then tell me you're pro-choice!) Un- one of which is "N.W.", have abortion Contact the office of the Argo at The Richard Stockton blood. I know her personality, her fortunately, women are not shown the histories. Each of them has felt ex- College of New Jersey , upper G-wing (G-206) • dreams, her fears, her aspirations, and truth. Rather, they are told such scapegoat tremely comfortable talking to me telephone (609)652-4560 -FAX (609) 652-4958 finally... her regrets. The biggest regret statements as, "this is your right," "this is about it. I lovingly tell them the truth. she faces at this point in her life is the fact your body," and most beloved of all, "this I don't tell them what will liberate If you or someone you know likes writing or photog- that, almost two years ago, she ended the will LIBERATE you." How false this is. them as women, but rather, what will raphy, and would like to share their talents with the life of the child that was growing within Ms. Ashton, you have conveniently dis- improve them, and me, as humans. It's Argo, come see us at Stockton College, upper G-wing her - she had an abortion. missed "N.W. 's" current suffering as "she not right for people to hate each other; (G-206) or call the Argo at 652-4560. At the time "N.W." found herself with made a mistake." You are not even con- I wish this abortion battle would end! an unplanned pregnancy, she, like all sidering the fact that maybe, just maybe, But, until it does, I will keep preaching Opinions on these pages are those of individual writers women in the same situation, become "N.W. " is suffering because she has re- the truth. and/or artists, & not necessarily the Argo. We welcome blinded by fear, paralyzed by uncer- cently stumbled upon a truth of what it Ms. Ashton, "N.W." frequently calls opinions and editorials from our Stockton community, and tainty. All of the "counseling" voices really means to be a woman, and knows me in the middle of the night crying, ask that all inquiries include a daytime telephone number or that spoke to her stressed how greatly the that, through her abortion, she went against over having had nightmares of babies SC mailbox number for verification. Anonymous material child would inconvenience her life. Not this truth. "N.W." has discovered the hard crying. She has come to terms with the will not be printed, and the Argo reserves the right to edit. one mentioned thesacredness of life; not way that the statement "abortion liberates fact that she ended a human life. As one mentioned that herjunbojn baby had women" is the big^eist lie beiji^put forth indicated in your editorial, you too a heartbeat, blood "èupfflyT'arid finger- by the pro-^hoiêe movem'erit. Thinkabout believe the unborn are children, and Notable quotations ~ prints. "N.W." was uninformed about it... just the essentials - a woman lying on not merely "clumps of cells." I quote her back, feet up in stirrups. A male doctor If you are young and drink a great deal it will exactly what would happen during the you: " Most of us would prefer that abortion procedure. She often tells me walks between her legs and rips away the abortions occurred earlier and not later spoil your health, slow your mind, make you fat how greatly she wishes that she and I most essential trait that makes her excep- in pregnancy... " — in other words, turn you into an adult were friends then. If we were, she claims, tional, beautiful, and powerful - the ability Why Ms. Ashton? If it's not a human she would have chosen life over death. to bear children. This, Ms. Ashton, is life, why should it matter whether the —P,J. O'Rourke This is because I reveal the truth to her. liberating for women? abortion takes place in the first month I am extremely learned on the topic. I As for "women returning to the back or the ninth month? Think about it have read in-depth literature on abortion alleys," I would hope that you, of-all- •Peace; I love you-^Name-Wkhhekt- - Friday. April 15,1934 ftrgo. Page 5 OPINIONS

want us to learn is acceptance. Ac- Who's school is this? ceptance of the system, of the I» memory of Kurt Cobaln sickness, of the stupidities, accep- Don't label by David Hagan tance of all this shit they're smearing teas! singer of NIRVANA gj By David McMahon Argo guest opinion in our face, acceptance of oppres- Argo guest opinion the only thing she demands is that I walk in a daze What school do we go to? Whose you all keep your pretty little mouths A$ though my world wejre 4 I find it extremely funny how we school is this? This college? Dick shut, and keep giving her all your Remember, this is only an opin- maze» evaluate someone's intelligence and college? Confusing. Questions a money. ion, and a flagrant one at that. But I Some may find this amazing,:| worth in our society, and whether 1find it quite confusing. plenty. I'm not sure where to start. My dog is pretty funny. You see, if believe it is well grounded, with roots someone is "stupid" or "smart". Ami living in hell. Should we start here, at college, at you take a piece of telephone wire much deeper than this space allows. Just because someone goes to If Î init: #1.11 ï dSririk from •. this:;: our college, our dick college. I'm and lay it in a circle around him he My main point, is that if any of the college, or has a degree in some- well? sorry, its not ours at all, is it? This will never, I mean never, leave the numerous problems facing our gen- thing, does not necessarily mean Shall I fear the pit of fire* college is the states, it's Vera Queen circle. He'll bark and whine and eration are to be solved we must take that they are intelligent. I know many Or is Ms my fatal desire— Farris', it's Whitmans, the taxpay- jump up and down, but he'll never more responsibility upon ourselves college students who cheat and How Îtog before manipulate to get their degree (it's — and one another — in regards to I control this through my own - become the American way). A little our educational process. Apathy can suicide. This college is, unfortunately, here, a little there, why the hell not, be killed with communication. This ShallTput a gpm.tomy head?§ right? (Not in my eyes!) a picturesque reflection of a sick society. community of students must come Pull the trigger, "bang", now | The point here being that merely Apathy is ignorance. together as a community, and make I'm dead. some informed decisions for our- Should I put a rope around my the tangible evidence displayed selves. To give up our voices is to neck? • above our bedroom walls, or our ers, that really cool dude from just step out of the circle. I've give up just about the only thing we Jump from a chair, what the: den, or our office, is not the only Denny's ( he got an honorary degree done this when no one was home for have. heck, ;

Congradula J-îons Ar4hur! All of yor Fan•>|y £ FrîertJLî Pis, uell

(PJ»L )JmvL




JOHN b\. RYAN, DEAN Cimisrrj. L ERTF.L, ASSOCTATF. DKAK FOR ANS frssioxs Page 6, firgo Friday, fipril 15,1994 NJ to aid people with alcohol-related problems Crimes of the Heart Contact 609 news release by Gina Scherzo Special to the Argo There are more than seventeen mil- priate help. The free, confidential lems associated with alcohol abuse, its original form, with the attention it lion Americans who suffer from the service is still the only state-wide staff the Ala-Call helpline. Michael Laird, a well-known lo- deserves from the experienced di- disease of alcoholism, and an esti- program of its kind in the nation. It The toll-free number may be called cal theater director, has come to rection of Laird. Karen Lee Pf ster, mated 500,000 of them live in New does not compete with any other New for general information on alcohol Stockton to act as Guest Director who plays Lenny, the eldest of the Jersey. It is believed that each alco- Jersey alcoholism services, but abuse and alcoholism, and for spe- of Crimes of the Heart, a play by three sisters, said, "He's totally dif- holic affects the lives of about six supplements all of them. cific information regarding Beth Henley. The play portrays ferent from any other director I've other people close to him or her. New The Ala-Call line was founded by a hospitalization, treatment and sources three estranged sisters as they pull worked with. He wants you to make Jersey, however, has a unique pro- grant from the New Jersey Depart- of help for alcoholics and their fami- together to face family, life, men, the scene real for you as a person, gram aimed at helping those with ment of Health to CONTACT 609, lies and friends. and love. and then make it fit the character." problems with alcohol. the first crisis intervention telephone Alcoholism is a disease for which Often when a movie hits the the- Jen Wewers, who plays Meg, the Ala-Call, the state-wide telephone helpline serving New Jersey. The there is no known cure, but a person aters it isn't exactly new. The story middle sister, said, "His style is veiy hotline on alcohol and alcohol abuse, availability of the specially trained can arrest the symptoms of the dis- is known before from a film, book, natural, nothing is forced." was established in 1973 to provide CONTACT telephone workers, all ease, through sobriety, and can lead a or play. Movie-goers can easily No play is complete without a information and referral services, 24- volunteers, made the establishment normal, productive life. Ala-Call, 1- rent the original film or get a copy nasty character, and Tori Testa gets hours-a-day, to people with of the service feasible. Nearly 150 800-322-5525, is one good place in of the book. Seldom, however, can the honor of playing Chick, the nasty, alcohol-related problems. Its primary CONTACT 609 volunteers, who also New Jersey to turn for that help. they see the original play. nosy, and annoying cousin to the purpose is to direct callers to appro- receive additional training in prob- Crimes of the Heart is a story three sisters. "I love this show be- with such a history. The play was cause I get to be a bitch!" said Testa. made into a film in 1982, starring Stockton Theater will present the Jessica Lange and Sissy Spacek. show April 15 & 16 at 8 pm and April But the film did not do the play 17 at 3 pm in the Experimental The- justice. ater. Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 We think an interesting semester is a Stockton Theater's latest produc- for students and seniors. Reserve tion brings Henley's play back in seats by calling PAC at 652-9000.

Awards banquet honors students Argo staff reports

Thursday, April 14—Four Stock- students and their advisors in the G- ton service and special interest Wing bridge. clubs were awarded for outstand- Kevin Morris, President of Stock- ing service, and praised for making ton Student Television (SSTV) and a difference through club activi- "Best Student Leader," award re- NEW COURSES TO BE OFFERED ties. cipient was thankful for being "You can make a difference if recognized for his achievement. "It's IN FALL 1994 you get involved." Joe Marchetti, nice to know you're appreciated SC Dean of Students, addressed within the school," said Morris in an the Third Annual Club Awards impromptu acceptance speech. BASED ON NEW TEACHING STRATEGIES Banquet last Thursday with that Other award recipients: "Most Ef- message to Stockton students — ficient Organization," Board of This is an opportunity for students who are interested in exploring Stockton's innovative continue contributing to Stockton Activities (BOA); "Best Special In- College, and take the experience "new teaching and learning strategies for the future." terest Organization," Club Mars; learned through volunteerisrn back "Best Service Organization," SSTV; to the community. "Club involve- "Most Improved Organization," Students who apply and are selected for the Pilot Program ment provides leadership LLU; "Best Advisor," LaMott Moore experience you do not get in class- (BOA); and Osprey Club of the will receive COURSE TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS. rooms," said Marchetti to the Year," BOA.

Stockton recently conducted a "Search for Hew Courses" based on the planning initiative held last semester. The outcome of the search has produced 6 new courses which will be available in pilot form for Fall 1994. Course Tuition Scholarships of approximately $380.00 will be granted to each student selected. We invite applications for the following 4-credit courses:

GEN 1102 Writing into the Hew Century: An Experimental Writing Thomas E. Kinsella AHVf 8:30 am-9:45 am Course at Stockton College

GAH 2179 CD ROM: A Multimedia landscape for Student Exploration George Zimmermonn SAT 8:15 am-12:05 pm of Factors Shaping Human Creativity

ARTV 1120 Analyzing Images Using Multimedia Applications Wendel A. White TR 2:30 pm-4:20 pm

ECON 1150 Economic Analysis in the Smart Classroom Ken Harrison MWF 8:30 am-9:45 am

MGMT 411 ! A Paradigm Shift: Teaching Individual, Group and Organizational lorna P. Martin MIV 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Dynamics Using Advanced Simulation Design and Microcomputer Technology Prerequisite: MGMI 3110 and 3124

SQWK 4601 Integration of Electronic Information Systems and the James V. Frola MW 3:25 pm-5:25 pm Senior Seminar in Social Work Pitreq'ii'.ile: Open only lo «mot MWK majors. Coieqimilt SOWK 4901^ V

Class she for each tourse will be between 12 and 15 students.

Students must make a tonscientious effort to successfully complete the course and to provide feedback to the instructor as requested.

Applications and course descriptions are available in the An Environment for Excellence Office of the Vice President for Student Services, D116. Tl IH Completed applications must be returned to the Office of the Vice RIO I ARID STOCKTON COUTCT Ol: NEW ir.KSEY President for Student Services, D-116, by Thursday, April 21, 1994. Friday, ftpril 15,1994 ftrgo, Page 7 MUSTCRE VILW» Total Chaos Concert Review Prong Pledge of Defiance Cleansing Epitaph Records Epic Good "old school" style hardcore. City Gardens, Trenton, April 10 What happens when you add a They effectively combine the Brit- veteran of the New Wave/Indus- By Mike Miller ish hardcore sound,(Exploited, trial scene to an average metal A&E Editor GBH) with NY and Southern band? Prong's latest disc fea- California hardcore styles. This tures Paul Raven (, It was a dark and stormy night and that singer Keith Caputo was a little off at times also a refreshing break form the Murder Inc., ) on bass set the stage for the somber mood inside. and appeared to be under the influence of legion of SoCal clones of Bad and programming. This breath of Sheer Terror took the stage and played a some kind of drug. His vocal range was not Religion. If your a fan of hardcore life in what used to be an ordinary 40 minute set that included old and new affected by the poisons in his system and he check this one OUL songs. Music from their latest CD Old, band is exactlly what the Dr. and the rest of the band turned in a powerful New, Borrowed and Blue was well re- performance. ordered. Prong has added samples Overwhelming Colorfast ceived by the very young crowd. Lead and moody bass lines that have Unfortunately, this rhythm was broken by a Two Words singer Paul Bearer was constantly berat- expanded the overall sound of the huge fight that was started by the Trenton Relativity ing the audience in an effort to get them to band. This sound translates into Posse of Putzes who feel that this is their turf Two words: good stuff! Lively dance more often. In fact, his sarcasm an industrial influenced metal with and they can do whatever they want. When power chord driven rock with an proved to be very entertaining as he said attitude. the house lights went up in an effort to help edge to it. This is a highly tal- that the crowd was about "as lively as security, Keith and the rest of the band pleaded ented band that gets better every , ,, Kurt Cobain" and wondered why all the for peace saying that this is about, "Solidarity . This is music that plays kids were wearing the clothes from the fat not segregation". When calm was estab- with that border of punk and rock. T O d d ' S ( W L F R kid they made fun of in school. The crowd lished the band cranked up again and Sometimes hard, sometimes not, . , , __ % x responded to his prodding by dancing attempted to get things going only to be but always good. Metal Dir.) harder and he actually smiled when on halted by a blown power fuse. Any momen- their last song he was singing with the tum they had was gone by now and they Brigade Guidance: lucky few up against the stage. His major finished out their set without further inci- Happy Hour The new Grave ep, And here I gripe was about this younger crowd and in dent. BYO Records die...satisfied is nothing short of part I sympathize with him because they This was an excellent bill putting together Refreshing new sound from these spectactular Swedish Death Metal are hard to figure out. Sheer Terror an old and a new school band. Look for more veterans of the early days (circa and it has 2 new songs, 2 old ones, turned in a flawless set as they showed of these types of bills as bands bring along 1983). With this strong disc they and 2 remixes from their first lp, this young crowd how it is done "old their influences with them. Both bands are reaffirm their rightful place among Into the Grave. Monster Voodoo school" style. part of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Hardcore Machine have a CD out and they're todays generation of hardcore The crowd was here to see scene. Check out Sheer Terror attheFastlane sort of doing the Malhavic thing bands. They have slowed down a and when the "new school" took the stage in Asbury Park on April 22 or April 23rd at with industrial-metal remixes and bit and have learned to play their the crowd went crazy. LOA was right on the Grand in NYC. Both shows are with the what not. It's cool so check it out, instruments to the fullest. This the money as they ripped through songs infamous Carnivore so you know it's going it's called State Voodoo. will not dissappoint old or new off their debut CD River Runs Red. Lead to be heavy. fans. This is very heartening for The Obsessed have a CD out on me to see such an established and Columbia called The Church LIFE OF AGONY well respected "old school" band Within, it's heavy as rocks with a make a successful transition to biker feel to it. These guys have today. been at it for years and if you like St. Vitus you'll love this. Mutha's Infectious Grooves Day Out (Mike likes these guys a lot, I think they're decent too) is a Groove Family Cyco band you might want to check out. Sony 550 Music Their debut CD, My Soul is Wet, The third outing from this Mike has some intense stuff on, it and Muir and Robert Trujillo (Sui- some cool mellower stuff on it. cidal Tendencies) side project, is Good hard guitar driven stuff their heaviest yet. This band rep- with two lead singers to boot. resents the funky side of ST, but on this CD they put a heaviness in The new Pungent Stench is out that was missing before. This and it is the CD to get (if you like sound is best described as funky, grind) it's called Club Mondo Bi- groove filled, heavy, and obnox- zarre: For Members Only. The ious. In that order. If your an stuff they do in the CD sleeve is Infectious fan then itis well worth quite bizarre as is what they throw it. If you like your music on the down your ears. Get this CD! ! ! heavy, funky side with witty and Also out on N.B.A. Records is obnoxious lyrics then check this Count Raven (Black Sabbath band out. sound alikes-and damn nearclose), Internal Void's doom y Maryland Sheer Terror metal, and a debut from Old, New, Borrowed and Blue NONO YESNO entitled Deeps hit, Blackout! Records Arkansas. This is appropriate with The latestoffering from these NYC all the Whitewater stuff on the hardcore veterans goes straight for news, eh? the throaL They haven't lost any Has anyone heard the new Mot- edge with age as this "old school" ,ey Crue?? I haven't listened to it outfit shows the new jacks what (1 can'1 do il man)so how timeitis. Hard guitar, vocalsfrom it is. I gotta go, I'm getting kicked Hell, and a rhythm section that out of the computer lab again! blows the mind. All the elements needed to last as a hardcore band in this cold, harsh world. Page S, Rvqo Friday, ïïpril 15, 1994

Free Delivery 652-4978 Larae 16" Pizza Cheese Steak, French $5.45 Sal & Sun Fries, Large Soda $5.95 Mon-Fri $4.50 $1.20 extra per topping Meatball Hoagie Farm Chicken Wings, French Large Soda, French Fries Fries, Large Soda j $3.95 $3.f5 i M v. i- -.• 'JC^MI * -

y • Fries, Large Soda $4.50 "<&pen Ipm-flnm ^ry'âigft! tHc^pl^rô. ISpm4qm^pëSivjpy IfQBi 64Icmïïr SMOKERS

Wy-- - i-s [ . AWARENESS DAY Kenneth Leight

I 'yy.':j ft Clinjfcal Psychological Association F-Vi Dr. Leight will demonstrate hypnosis as/a smoking cessation technique. APRIL 21,1994


explore each period individually. Harrison sighted the vast accumula- Dynamics Using Advanced Simula- ecutive by implementing recommen- Scholarship offered They can look at the cultural history tion of information that makes it tion Design and Microcomputer dations, and 3) working daily to as a Virtual Future that surrounds the making of the necessary to be able to access pre- Technology," is Lorna Martin' s new monitor and adjust the company. windows this way, with music from cise details and use processing class. "Nobody else has done this," James Frola will offer "Integra- Hi S ix,four-credit pilot courses the culture playing and pictures of software efficiently, preparing stu- said Martin of her simulated com- tion of Electronic Information incorporate new teaching the windows as well as a text on the dents for a workforce that is changing pany, "Students will end up finding Systems and the Senior Seminar in Social Work, " an innovative section and learning strategies screen. CD-ROM is a marvelous rapidly. out how the systems within an orga- of senior seminar which integrates platform to present people with a "Students will do research on eco- nization work. FROM PAGE 1 multi-media computing into the de- wealth of information." nomic issues in a way that is not just Martin accumulated personnel data velopment of skills in the delivery of Wendel White will offer " Ana- theoretical," said Harrison. Students years ago in a consulting job for a social services. Other features in- lyzing Images Using Multimedia can choose topics and do efficient company that has since dissolved. clude electronic information sharing students to be better writers and to Applications." White said, "Students research on InterNet, and they will She has created a data base which students will use to, 1) act as the and the integration of class and field- have solid experience using the elec- will begin to think of images as do three to five projects on current consultant by "gathering" and ana- work through collaboration among tronic media. objects that convey information and economic issues. lyzing data, and making the faculty member, field supervi- Students will access current social point of view, to begin the process of "A Paradigm Shift: Teaching In- recommendations, 2) act as an ex- sors, and students. issues on InterNet, and those will be analysis and to leam the multimedia dividual, Group and Organizational their writing topics. They will write applications to teach their papers on the screen and send these things. " them via CoSi. "Writing is already The studies of images HtnBUNAL^ — done on the computer anyway, for are being discussed in the FOR FUN,reliable, economical. the most part, and now it will be academic world, and BUILT FOH ruw travel... delivered that way, " said Kinsella. i^ris of personality, love* White said students will Finally, students will conference on also use InterNet to ac- the MOO, or in real-time virtual cess those discussions. "I classrooms, after some initial classes to instruct students on how to use find a very powerful their electronic tools. agenda behind most im- ages." Students will do a In "CD-ROM: A Multimedia lot of independent work, Landscape for Student Exploration seeking images and solv- of Factors Shaping Human Creativ- ity," George Zimmerman will use ing problems. multimedia to teach students to use "What used to take two the comprehensive data to get at all to four hours will now aspects of human creativity, with take thirty seconds," said stained glass as the medium. Ken Harrison when asked AND YOUR WHEELS ARE SOMETHING SPECIAL, TOO* "Students will bring up a timeline about his new course," of stained glass," explained Economic Analysis in the There's a Ford or Mercury Just Like You... Zimmerman, "and then they can Smart Classroom." and Your Ford or Lincoln-Mercury Dealer Has a Graduation Present to Help Make it Your Own.,. • $400 Cash Back or • a Special Finance Rate*

Personally speaking, what you drive says a Plus, Ford Credit can offer qualified applicants Whitman lot about who you are. So why not say you're pre-approved credit up to $18,000 or the MSRR one of the most exciting, fun-loving, even whichever is lower, which could mean no down FROM PAGE 1 sensible people going? In other words, why not payment on finance purchases. You may also say it with a sporty new Ford or Mercury? defer purchase payments for 120 days in most arship and grant moneys to our students, and how the Now's the perfect time to make a personal states (excluding Michigan, New Jersey, Treasury will listen to the suggestions and concerns of our statement—because the 1994 Ford & Mercury Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC). students," said Stephen Laredi, Vice Chair of the Student College Graduate Purchase Program** gives So take time out to see your Ford or Advisory Committee and a student at Princeton, to the Board you your choice of $400 cash back or a Lincoln-Mercury dealer today and ask about of Higher Ed in late-March. special finance rate* when you buy a new the College Graduate Purchase Program. (It's a The New Jersey Voice of Higher Education, in a press Ford or Mercury. Or lease your vehicle and get terrific way to show the world just how smart release dated April 6, said, "If the system is dismantled, $400 cash back! you really are!) higher education will have no independent advocate for adequate funding and for quality, access, and affordability. •Special Finance rate alternative and Ford Credit programs not available on leases. Colleges will be in a scramble for political influence that "o^o6!'9-^16' y°U mUSt 9rad^,e Wlfh a bachelors or graduate degree, or be enrolled in graduate school, between 1/1/94 and 9/J0/94 This program IS m addition to all other notional customer incentives; except for other Ford private offers including the will lead to political patronage and corruption. Without a Young Buyer Program You must purchase or lease your new vehicle between 1/1/94 and 9/30/95. Some customer and vehicle buffer between higher education and the political process, restrictions apply, so see your dealer for details. academic freedom will be threatened." All students are encouraged to attend the Economics Club panel discussion to ponder these aspects and any other concerns they may have. Also, students should consider being in Trenton on Wednesday, April 20,11 am at the State House, West State Street. Call Mary Aim Trail, ext: 4857 to sign up for transportation.

Label FROM PAGE 5 / % . , ijïiiir1"-" these people may have had hard family lives, in which there llHSI was no one around to push ihem to study, and pursue an J BUS | LINCOLN academic career. Or, maybe they just chose to enter profes- y^Sfi swE- IK : sions not associated with the academic world. '// M L K L L K V How many teachers, or so called professional?, are ca- pable of doing an overhaul on their cars, fix their plumbing, or build a house? I think we have to really reflect upon what Visit Your Nearest Ford or Lincoln-Mercury Dealership Today... intelligence is, and the asinine way in which it is portrayed! or Call 1-800-321-1536 for Details on the College Graduate Purchase Program Page 10, firgo Friday, fipril 15,1994 Personals Classifieds House for rent- for the School Todd. To our dearest roomate Karen, To Skip & Chris- year in Brigantine. 3 Bdrm, 1 1/2 Congratulations on your ac- Happy Birthday!!! Congratulations on becoming Place your bath, all appliances, furnished, ceptance to Beaver. 2 knew Love, Brothers of Alpha Phi Delta! Good block from beach, and 2 car ga- you could do if. Although 2 Luck and I'll see you next year. personals rage. Rent $675-Ritilities, Call may not show it, 3 am very Alicia, Angela, & Laurie- From the gang at P-100. Len 795-8609. happy Tor you. You mean the in the Argo ULTIMATE: Men and Women world to me and 3 will miss Mike- Cookie, Only $1.00 each. Name, wanted to play Ultimate Frisbee. you. Boni ever îorget what Don't flatter yourself! I'm having trouble sleeping. Do phone number or SC mail- Beginners and experienced play- your Stockton days were all I'm not the least bit jeal- you think you could come over ers welcome. Call 692-0379 for about. ous! It's just ouer that's and tell me a bed-time story? I box (for verification) and more information. 3 love you. all! OUER, you hear me! promise I'll be good! Although, Stockton ID number are Jessica. Jealous? Me? Veah Right ! it's becoming ever so hard to con- Thisisit! I'm through with trol myself! I' 11 see you around ten required. Hel^ To my favorite Card-Reader/ you! Sat. night? Last names and ad- LAS VEGAS CASINO EM- Councelorland really food friend C.S.- Yours- dresses may be omitted PLOYMENT GUIDE, Hotel & Karen, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. P.S.- Is your headache Restaurant positions available Jack- gone? No? GOOD! from personals section. O.L. also! Great Pay/Benefits! New Mika- What's going on? Why can't Personals will NOT be re- book tells all. To order call 1-800- Jo Moonie/Selene/Luna/ Considering how upset you were you just speak to me? I'm sorry! turned. Deadline is 551-6366. Whatever(!), Happy about the phone call, I thought I'd I was wrong and I am truly Birthday! (Ha! You're write you a little personal. How Tuesday, 12 noon. ashamed of what I did. You'll ALASKA SUMMER EM- getting old there, bud.) are you? I hope that everything is never trust me again, I know, PLOYMENT - fisheries. Many Itchy- okay with you! Take care of your- but please, can we ever be P- earn $2,000+/mo. in canneries or self! friends? You big ugly S.O.B! $3,000-$6,000+/mo. on fishing To Karen, Carolina. T- What were you thinking? vessels. Many employers provide HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Nevermind, you don't think! K©nsHnai'= benefits. No experience neces- From, Coz & Rob- I hate you! Don't ever speak to ÏÏ Iknn©w wsir© J®nIl©iiiiS9 sary! For more info, call: me again! / am so hurt! It's over!. aifftar rffisidflnimg Mnlk®^ jp®ir° 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5119 Pig! You don't deserve me & never There is only one more edition to the Argo. So this week is s©nns)L TTDnns ns y®niir8o §ft©[p did! your last chance to get a personal in. Do it now! cryiinng. IHliivœ ffunnnni m IED-CoX •EXTRA INCOME '94* M- M®2 Earn $200 - $500 weekly mailing 1 1994 Travel brochures. For more information send a self addressed Bulletins stamped enevelope to: Travel Network, P.O. Box 612530, Mi- ami, FL 33161. Join together and make a John Robbins, world- Non-Profit Medieval rec Rap Music-Destruction difference! Volunteer and be- renowned environmentalist & reation group is looking for new or Reconstruction? A Panel WEKEND NANNY: Live in Fri- come a Certified Sexual Assault Pulitzer Prize nominee to speak at members. Haus Blutwache, (The Discussion. Featuring- Culture day to Sunday, References Counselor. For more info, please Stockton. In celebration of Earth Bloodguard), is a local group of Freedom and Father Shaheed, required. Call 653-9184. call (609) 646-6767. Week and the 20th anniversary of the society of Creative Anachro- from Poor Righteous Teachers. It S.A.V.E. Robbins is the contro- nism, which is a world-wide club will be held on Thursday, April FEMALE DANCERS: Good pay versial author of Diet of a New that recreates the best parts of 28, 1994, at 4:30pm in the RLC. The Hispanic Business and , Good tips. Call for auditions: America. A-Wing, April 19,6pm medeival life. Yes, we'll dress you Some of the issues to be dicussed Professional Association is 641-6961. pleased to announce scholarships up in armor and teach you how to will be, Rap Music, as an Art that may be of interest to you! If Make a difference Volun- fight in tournament and as a group. Form, the responsibility of the JOB FAIR you are Hispanic or of Hispanic teer Meet new friends, learn new This is a very inexpensive way to performers, Rap and Racism, As Brownies By The Bay, South heritage, Matriculated, have an skills, help someone else. For vol- satisfy your craving for a hobby. If a form of communication, and Jersey's newest and hottest dance average of 2.5, either a resident unteer opportunities, call the this sounds like fun to you, call more! For more Info, contact club, is having a job fair Sunday of Bergen county or are a citizen volunteer center of Atlantic County Shane at (908)364-3717, or Ed at Vincent Jenkins in room J-204, April 17 and April 24. We will be or resident of the U.S. and is at 272-2488. (609)698-8459. or ext. 4722. interviewing for the following involved in the community, con- positions: tact Mr. Julio Millan, Chairman United Black Students Beginning in October 1994, * Cocktail Servers Milton Keynes City Orches- * Bartenders of the Scholarship committee at Society in conjunction with Los The Graduate management Ad- tra will be performing at the Per- * Disc Jockeys (201) 767-9241, for more Info. LatinosUnidos-Present this years missions Test will also include a forming Arts Center, April 26th at * Security Spring Concert, featuring, Zhane. one hour, two part, Analytical 8 p.m.Orchestra tickets are $22.50/ Join our team and be a part of this Personal Trainer Cer Sat. April 23rd, starting at 11 a.m., Writing Assessment. Educational Mezzanine$17.50. summer. Please apply in person there will be a picnic and other Testing Service would like any tification: Anyone interested in between 12:00pm and 4:00pm activities, in the back of the Junior of Senior from Stockton, becoming a certified personal Matriculating students Sunday April 17 and April 24 at Lakeside Center. The concert will planning to take the GMAT, to trainer, a course will be given in who dis not get their I.D. picture Brownies By The Bay 939 Bay be at 6 p.m. participate in a sample group for preparation for the American taken during pre-registration may Ave, Somers Point. the test service. If you are inter- Council on exercise Personal do so on Monday through Thurs- ested, please contact, Vincent Full or Part Time: Will train. Trainer Certification. For more day, April 18-21 in the Student Hellenic Heritage Society Info, call Jenkins in J-204 or at ext.4722, Call 652-5725. Records Office D-121 from 9:30 presents: "Macedonia! What's in a Pete at 391-7857. A.S.A.P. Your participation in this a.m.-12:00 nnon and 1:15p.m.- name?" A lecture/discussion to be process will be deeply appreci- 4:00 p.m.Your I.D. cards will be held Monday, April 18, 1994 in mailed to you with your tuition room B-126 at 7:30 p.m.Ultra bill. For more Info, call Eileen credit is available. Conran, ext.4645 Friday, April 15,1994 ftrgo, Page 11

Getting B3Ck "th* y*ew$ expressed on this page are mi nerassarity those of &A.VJL»

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#pnnirriiiiTifin• Clllill U III 11 CI I f I. anrdllUi I*riiltiiro U11UMESS*: Pulitzer Prize nominee &snor!d~

By Jim E. Cummings WêêêëêêêèÈÈ Argo Environmental Columnist enysronnieiitalist This will be a chance for people to Dwellers, and The Albert Hall Jug the 19th, D-wing courtyard will get closer to Nature by getting Bands to make one and all boogie. to speak: at As SA.V.E. (Stockton Action turn into the main arena for this closer to oneself first All are wel- This is the time, the last for some Stockton College Volunteers for the Environment) event Not until 4:00pm will all come (of course!). of us, to come together as class- begins their twentieth year in ser- the vendors, educational tables, Saturday the 23rd will be Com- mates and enjoy a day of simple In celebration of Earth vice to the Earth and the Stockton speakers, bands, folk artists, munity Earthday, and will pleasure. We deserve it! Week and the 20th An- community, they have embarked mimes, children programs, Johny accomplish something that the en- Sunday the 24th will bring niversary of SA.V.E. on yet another Earthweek to exult Brown's Food Festival, and short tire administration has failed to do S.A.V.E.'s 1994 Earthweek to a (Stockton Action Vol- the beauty of Nature to all who theatrical skits pack up to leave. for years, it will bring the students conclusion with a relaxing canoe unteers for the attend this gala event. The cel- But fear not! They will all return together! The courts surrounding river clean up through the many Environment) John ebration, from April 19 - April 24, the next day and the next, leaving Lake Fred will turn into one giant water ways of South Jersey. Leav- Robbins, the controver- is one of the largest of it's kind in Thursday the 21st at 4:00pm, to party of environmental-social-cul- ing A-wing circle at 9:00am and sial author of the Pulitzer the nation. It has many compo- return not again until next year. tural exchange! Free canoe rides, returning in the early evening, the Prize nominated nents to hopefully accommodate Friday April 22nd, the actual volleyball, food, golf-frisbee, stu- cost will be minimal while the the many different schedules of Earth Day, there will be a quiet pid games, and music including benefits immeasurable! Call 652- bestseller Diet for aNew the Stockton Student spiritual gathering in N-wing Caf- The Mind Erasers (at 6:00am!), 4728 for more information on this America and May All Be Starting at 9:00am on Tuesday eteria in the late evening sometime. Zhene, Attack of the Surface event or any during Earthweek. Fed — Diet for a New World will speak at The Richard Stockton Col- lege of New Jersey on IIIll 11 ill s KMHBiliHI Tuesday, April 19,1994 at 6pm in the A-Wing Adam Wepy 12:00 4/19 NJ ANIMAL RIGHTS ALLIANCE Lecture Hall. Sponsored by Hank Woji-Environmental Folk Singer 1:15 4/19 ALLIANCE FOR A LIVING OCEAN ZERO POPULATION GROWTH S.A.V.E. and "Friends," Mr. Robbins, the man Angry Breed Lisa-Electric Band 3:00 4/19 EASTERN SERVICE WORKERS who walked away from Cabin Boys-Other 12:00 4/20 NAFTA his family's Baskin- AWA Robbins ice cream Noise Museum-Other Stuff 1:00 4/20 TICKET AMERICA empire will lead his talk "Healing Ourselves, All Products are ECO-FEMINISM Wig Daddies-??????? 2:45 4/20 Healing Our World" MARINE MAMMAL which addresses the way Weird Thing-Blues Rock 12:30 4/21 practicle, Earthy, STRANDING CENTER our food choices affect ...AND MORE! our health, the environ- ment, world hunger and and Eco-safe! the future of life. Admission is $5 with student I.D., $10 gen- Clubs Participating eral admission. For more information and tickets, Roy Crazy Horse-Native American 10:00 4/19 contact S.A.V.E. at 652- S.A.V.E WLFR 4728. Mars College Republicans Megan Mc Cori-Clean Ocean Action 10:30 4/19 Public Health N-WIng Slaves Come see the TKE . GEO Mike D'Amico-Endangered Ecosystems 11:30 4/19 truth, come Womens Coalition UBSS John Robbins-Healing Ourselves & World 6:00 4/19 see what Argo and many others your not Barbara Miller-Zero Pop. Growth 9:15 4/20 taught! Page 12, firgo Friday, fipril 15,1994

Down to Earth . «, page 11 A&E „., page 7 ftrgo Sports

Crew continues the gold rush Jo Your Health the big by David Catona Argo Sports Writer picture MASSAGE: Camden — Stockton Col- - * # m * The athlete's dessert by jerry thornpson lege put on another excellent performance this past week- Argo sports editor by Peter Bartolomeo end at the LaSalle Invitational Crew Regatta, A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer I Love Hillary capturing two gold medals. The Women's Novice Massage is an integral part of sports The affairs of Hillary Clinton are Eight left the spectators medicine and physical therapy. It is starling to turn into a skit from I Love speechless when they also becoming more accepted as a way Lucy. crushed the likes of twelve to relieve emotional and physical How many people can hear Hillary, distinguished universities to stress. in that whining Lucy Riccardo voice, capture the gold medal. The Massage is kneading, stroking and say, " Billy can you please nominate lady Ospreys finished with a manipulation of the soft tissues of the me for Supreme Court Justice? Please, sixteen second open-water body. The Swedish massage is the victory with Drexel Univer- Billy. Please?" Billy would, in his Argo staff photo most commonly used in the United sity (8:04) and Bucknell southern accent, reply, "How many Women's Eight go for the gold at Camden. States. This method involves kneading, times have I told you- you can't be in College (8:13) following smooth stroking and mild tapping. This the government! Now go get A1 and their puddles. through Washington College fourth in the five boat men's type of massage works best when Tipper. We' re late for the our Competing for Stockton and Drexel University. Novice Lightweight Four race. lotion or oil is applied. To get the most weekend at WHITEWATER." was: Coxswain Tanya The Men's Varsity Light- The Women's Varsity Four from your massage, find an area that is "Waaaaagh!" Kemps, Michelle Gibson, weight Four put on an rowed an intense race, taking a free of distractions. You may also want Patti O' Conner, Samantha Memo to A<Ï>A : I loved your banner outstanding performance in the fifth place standing in the twelve to share a massage with a significant Krajkovich, Fathom of John Belushi sporting the AA grueling 2,000 meter race to boat race. Kelly Lauer, Daniel other, making the experience more McGlade, Lisa Schmid, sweatshirt. And the saying, Fat, Drunk take a fifth place ranking in the Magnani, Becky Hall, Sue Hug, emotionally pleasurable. and Stupid, is no way to go through Kelly Hall, Kristie Brown, There are also physical benefits to and Kim Degutis. twelve boat race. The crew of and Coxswain Kemps rowed life... but a great way to go through Coxswain Bill Wineland, Roy for Stockton. massage. Massage relaxes your The Men's Pair rowed an college. Mangel, Brian Hall, Rob Michelle Gibson, Katie muscles, increases circulation, reduces intense 2,000 meter sprint Hi, MOM ! I've always wanted to Wernersbach, and Chris Utzat Nolen, Patti O'Conner, Kathy swelling, relieves pain, and softens and race to capture a gold medal say that ) competed for Stockton. Johnson, and Coxswain Janto stretches muscle scars. A massage will for the second week in arow. I was waiting for RFK, Jr. to say Christian Blasberg, Steve finished the day up in the assist the body in repairing itself, Head coach Bob Kerstetter's last week, "Ask not what Geothermal Rotzko, Paul Bollenbacher, Women's Novice Four to snare enabling an individual to have better Tom Lawrence and Jim can do for you but ask what you can Andy Koch, and Coxswain training sessions. McAdems showed their a third place ranking in the six do for Geothermal." Keith Janto took a powerful boat race. Although massage isn't the answer to The thing I truly dislike about power as they powered all your health problems, it is a good Political Correctness is everyone is source of temporary relief, as well as starting to sound like a politician. emotional intimacy. So, invest in some And, correct me if I'm wrong... that's massage time a couple of times a week not good. " Sweet Sixteen" to appreciate the physical and emo- Hi, MOM ! Havin' fun at Louie's; tional benefits. please send money. Now ! ! Deman sets SC strike - out mark C'mon lets play BIG PICTURE by Don Latham TRIVIA again ... Who played Penny Argo sports writer on "Good time si" route to a 9-3 win over Lincoln. his fastball to get ahead of the Nancy meets Barbie Memo to Class of 1994: Would The odds were against "Ernie is a slow starter," coach hitters and as his strikeout pitch. you recommend this College to Emie Deman breaking the John Gurzo said. "I think he had When he did get ahead of the Argo press release anyone? Yeah, I'm serious. Okay! hitters, he mixed in a slider and school's single-game one 'K' (strikeout) in the first : Stop laughing, I'm serious. It was just strikeout record when he inning and three of the first four split-fingered fastball. A line of Nancy Kerrigan dolls will a question. Stop it. took the mound against Lin- guys got hits. Once he gained "He had command of his appear on store shelves this fall, Mattel Maybe if Jerry Garcia wrote Casey coln U (Pa.) on April 5 at momentum, he shut them down pitches," Gurzo said. "His Inc. said yesterday. At The Bat it might have been titled Stockton. the rest of the way." fastball certainly had more pop Mattel, which makes Barbie said ihe Casey Jones First of all, while some According to Gurzo, Deman than I've ever seen." first Kerrigan doll will wear a replica of At The Bat. This is a true story, pitchers look to amass im- eclipsed the record of 15 Both Gurzo and Deman feel the gold costume the champion figure folks. I was at Louie's the other night, pressive strikeout totals, strikeouts set by HowardDerias that momentum can be gained skater wore during the Olympics in around 3:30 am, when some guy came Deman concentrates on get- in 1991 against Rutgers- from the record-setting perfor- LiHehammer, Norway, up to me and said, "I know you from ting ground balls and letting Camden. mance to help improve on the "We think that she is a very positive The Argo; can I have a ride back to his fielders make the plays. "It's up there (with my best team's current mark of 7-8-2. role model for young girls," said Maueï school?" If they ever make a Kinder- In addition, the senior ad- performances ever)," Deman "That was one of the things I president Jill Barad. She epitomizes garten Cop 11, Michael Jackson felt could be a springboard to mitted he didn't warm up said. "It's definitely one of the "the true American spirit- setting you should replace Arnold. generate the spark needed to enough before the game. top ones, not only because of sights on a goal and giving it all you've Great idea for a slogan for Trumps' carry us through the second half After giving up three first- the 16 strikeouts, but because of Taj Mahal: Ghandi Slept Here. of the season," Gurzo said. "We got." " inning runs, Deman allowing one walk and pitching Next week the season wrap up, hope to build on that and use it No word on whether one of the dolls rebounded and struck out a a complete game." Answer:Janet Jackson to provide a moral boost we will feature a bruised knee. school-record 16 batters en The senior relied mainly on need."