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$6.95 (U.S.), $8.95 (CAN.), £5.50 (U.K.), 8.95 (EUROPE), Y2,500 (JAPAN) 11.1..11...1..1.11...1..1..11,.1..111 I 11...11 #BXNCCVR 3 -DIGIT 908 #90807GEE374EM002# BLBD 832 A06 B0120 001 MAR 04 2 MONTY GREENLY 3740 ELM AVE # A LONG BEACH CA 90807 -3402 APRIL 27, 2002 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC, VIDEO, AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT New Players Emerge CanTop Media/Music In Unstable Touring Biz Marriages Be Saved? BY MATTHEW BENZ NEW YORK has happened to Vivendi Uni- BY RAY WADDELL The status of HOB and CCE are only -What AOL Time Warner? Heralded since their NASHVILLE -The aftershocks from two closely watched developments of versal and for media companies promoter consolidation in the late many in these turbulent times for the conception as new models - music 1990s rumble on in a wave of lawsuits, concert industry. As CCE's non -corn- able to push their government scrutiny, pete clauses with ac- and other entertain- VIVENDI and ment offerings across all jockeying for posi- quired promoters UNIVERSAL tions, corporate shake- former executives run sorts of "platforms," ups, and, thankfully for their courses, some from such traditional new, Internet -based ones as many, the emergence well -known names are ones as TV to such have seen their stocks of some new players. bound to resurface. hand -held computers -they in weeks. The instability of the Among the first is for- hit record lows recent after Vivendi completed its business creates chal- mer SFX /CCE VP In December 2000, Canal Plus when it Mitch Slater, whose acquisition of French pay -TV company lenges, even assets, comes to reporting acquisition of former and Seagram's Universal entertainment U.S -listed American Deposi- news about it.
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