13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions

ID 436 External Compulsions that Fashioned Sri ’s Historical Mosaic

PMP Aloka1, TAS Ranathunga and PR Meegahakumbura

Faculty of Defence & Strategic Studies General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University

[email protected]

Abstract-The subject matter of this research The history of is intertwined with the spans from the earliest times since independence. history of the wider Indian subcontinent and The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines that surrounding areas, including South Asia, History is often perceived as a mosaic of discrete and the . Sri Lanka, occurrences. Sri Lanka’s historical mosaic has evolved as a result of internal and external events being an island located in the Indian Ocean, has that have taken place over the years. As an island, been influenced by several alien encounters. The Sri Lanka’s relationship with the global authors intend to discuss the main theme under community in land and by sea domains has been the following areas to argue that Sri Lanka’s particularly important in the evolution of Sri history is significantly impacted by the Lanka’s historical narrative. On the other hand, a international relations. key turning points such as King Vijaya’s arrival in

Sri Lanka has mainly taken place due to Sri Lanka’s close proximity to . Therefore, the ❖ Arrival of factor -strategic location and the close proximity ❖ Advent of to Indian sub-continent- played a significant role ❖ South Indian Invasions in shaping Sri Lanka’s historical record. ❖ Shifting of Kingdoms Historically Mahawamsa portrays Vijaya as the ❖ Colonial Encounters first king to establish civilized rule in Sri Lanka. Then rule of King Dewanampiyatissa stands out A. The Early Period due to advent of Buddhism during his reign. Sri Lanka’s relations with the external world These events took place due to the fact that India is separated only by a narrow strait. Sri Lanka has around it -both by land and by sea- has been been invaded by South Indians at various times particularly important in the historical evolution. due to the same fact. It is almost the same as the The way in which historians have looked at what French regularly invading England and vice we may call these ‘external factors’ raises versa. Invasions -whether for trade or for important issues of approach, orientation and territory- have also changed the political, perspective in historical studies. The geography economic and social environment in Sri Lanka. of the country too bears an impact on the history Due to the favourable geographic location -being of the country. This factor is often proved in the situated in the hub of sea lanes in Indian Ocean- history of the island state. The external factors later in 1505, the Portuguese landed in Sri Lanka which influenced early could purely by chance. Subsequently Dutch and the be discussed under three areas. British followed the Portuguese. This paper is an attempt at interpreting Sri Lanka’s major 1. Sri Lanka’s proximity to India. historical events through the lens of international 2. Sri Lanka’s strategic location in relations. the sea trade route. According to chronicles and legends, king Keywords: Sri Lanka, International Relations, Vijaya is considered the first king of Sri Lanka. Proximity, Strategic Location The earliest record of the Vijaya’s legend is found in the Dipawamsa, written around the fourth or the fifth century. Vijaya and seven hundred of his followers were put on a ship and banished from Introduction Rata, North India. They embarked from the 191

13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions port of Supparak and landed in Lanka on the day to obtain the guidance of female disciples of the Buddha’s demise. After ruling for several to enable the women of Lanka to obtain years since King Vijaya had no heir to the throne, ordination. For that Sangamitta, the sister of he was told to call his brother, Price Sumitta, to Mahinda Thera who had entered the order and succeed him at the throne before his death. But at had received ordination, was sent out to Lanka at that time Price Sumitta was ruling . the request of the king and the people and on the Because of that the youngest son of price Sumitta, recommendation of Mahinda Thera. Emperor prince Panduwasadewa was despatched to Sri Ashoka decided to send a sapling of the southern Lanka to fulfill the task. As the third wave of branch of the Maha Bodhi to Sri Lanka along with immigrants, Princess Bhaddakachchayana was Theri Sangamittha. King Devanampiyatissa brought from India after some time to be married created the Mahameuna garden to plant the to prince Panduwasadewa. Bodhi Plant and he also commenced the construction of the Pathamaka Chethiya, The The Mahawamsa narrative portrays the arrival of Jambukola Vihara and the Hattahallaka – Vihara – Vijaya as the landmark of civilizing early Sri and the refectory. Lankan society. However, the modern historians argue that civilizing of a society could not have If Sri Lanka was located far away from India, Sri taken place overnight. According to Somadeva Lanka would not have been an Island heavily (2018) the development of the society and influenced by Buddhism. It is a fact that was a gradual phenomenon Buddhism plays a pivotal role in all Societal, rather than an accelerated process. However, the Economic and political spheres in Sri Lanka. important point to highlight here is that the Therefore, living next door to India has arrival of Vijaya made a notable impact on the drastically shaped the identity of Sri Lanka as an ongoing social, economic and cultural continuity island nation. of Sri Lanka. This event was merely a result of the As a result of Sri Lanka’s proximity to India, Sri close proximity of Sri Lanka to the Indian Lanka was subjected to Indian hegemonic subcontinent. influences whenever the political power of Sri Advent of Buddhism Lanka declined. Sri Lankan kings have also made matrimonial alliances for the purpose of securing According to Mahawamsa the advent of political stability. Prince Vijaya fetched a princess is the most important from Madurapura while King Vijayabahu I, queen event that had taken place in Sri Lankan history. Lilavati, and King Parakramabahu II also brought The main reasons for introducing Buddhism to virgins to their sons from Jampudveepa or Sri Lanka was also the close proximity. As a result present-day India. Some kings employed Indian of that, Sri Lanka was under hegemonic pressure officials for administrative services. It is recorded from India. The history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka in the chronicles that under queen Anula, an begins in the third century BCE during the reign ancestor named Niliya and a city carpenter of King Devanampiyatissa. One of the main named Vatuka worked. The Artshastra written by reasons for introducing Buddhism to Sri Lanka Indian strategist Kautilya was used by the Sri was the friendly relationship between King Lankan kings. Devanampiyatissa and Emperor Ashoka. There is no conclusive evidence to declare that Buddhism South Indian Invasions existed in Sri Lanka before the advent of Arahath Sena and Guttika, the earliest South Indians who Mahinda and the entourage. However, according occupied the throne of in the third to folk lore Lord Buddha is said to have visited Sri century B.C, were sons of a horse dealer and it is Lanka three times. That shows even before the likely that they were supported by commercial Mahawamsa period, there existed some communities in South India. It is also possible relationships with the Subcontinent. that Elara who ruled Anuradhapura a few It is recorded in Mahawamsa that a minister decades later would have had commercial named Arittha was despatched to Emperor interests. South Indian literary works refer to a 192

13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions naval pilot named Elela Singham who belonged to 215 BC by two brothers named Sena and a royal family. It may be that Elara of the Sinhala Guththika, who were horse dealers. They have chronicles is the same person as Elela Singham of been killed by the Sinhala king Asela who ruled the South Indian tradition. the . Then again, after 10 years a well known Chola invader called “Elara” The relationship between south India and Sri ousted the king Asela and ruled for forty- Lanka has existed from ancient times. During the four years. The king Elara was defeated by the period of the imperial Cholas, the influence of great Buddhist warrior, king “” and south India was felt in Sri Lanka. When the chola ruled the country in peaceful manner. dynasty formed an empire, Sri Lankan kings had maintained contacts with Cheras and Pandyans During the time of King Valagamba (89-77 against Cholas. BC) South Indians invaded Sri Lanka with Seven Tamil warriors and king Valagambahu was Sri Lanka had close contacts with Tamil Nadu, banished from his kingdom. The seven invaders than with the other parts of the South India were Pulahatta, Bahiya, Panaya Mara, because Tamil Nadu is situated near Sri Lanka. Pilayamara, Dathika. Subsequent to this event Sri According to the recorded history, during the past Lankan kings seem to have sought the assistance 2500 years, Sri Lanka was invaded seventeen of Pandyans in order to expell Chola invaders times by Tamil speaking Dravidians from from Sri Lanka. Southern India. These brutal Tamil armies and the merciless mercenaries disrupted the Holding sway over the , the continuity of Sinhala kingdom. As a result, the Pandayan’s invaded then island in 833 BC to rule traditional kingdom of Rajarata was shifted to the the country for twenty-four years. After the South West with the passage of time. invasion of Pandayan’s, Chola, invaders tried to become stronger and more effective. From this From time to time, Tamil invaders held sway over point onwards both Cholas and Pandayans the Island for 170 years. The threat of Tamil developed an interest over the royal seat in Sri invasions was especially critical during the 5th Lanka. and 6th centuries AD. This was the time when Tamil ethnic and religious domain was King Parantaka I of the Chola Empire led an consolidating in Southern India. Three Hindu or invasion and conquered with his allies. When the southern empires from dynasties known as King Paranthaka conquered Madurai, the “Pandaya, Pallava and Chola” were becoming bold defeated ruler took the royal ammunition of and confident to pose a threat to Sri Lanka. To Madurai and handed it over to King Dappula IV, make matters worse for our country, the who ruled Lakdiva. As a result, King Parantaka I invaded Lanka to take over the Maduravi kings influence of Buddhism in India has faded away at and took away the royal goods. It was the first this period since Buddhism was repressed by the invasion of Ceylon by the Cholas. King I Raja Hindu monarchs. The above kingdoms -Chola, invaded Anuradhapura in the nineteenth century Pandaya and Pallava- carried out repeated BC. At that time Raja was the fifth Mihindu king. invasions and posed a grave threat to Sri Lanka. King Mahinda had fled to Malaya during the Although some of these South Indian kings were invasion and King I had plundered the Lakdiva able to usurp the seat of Sinhalese power only for resources and returned to India. Later, in 1017 a limited period, eventually they were ousted, and AD, Rajendra Chola I, son of King Raja I, invaded the country was unified under the rule of Sinhala Nka and captured Rajarata. They called Rajarata Buddhist monarchy again. Mummudichola Mandalam. Later, in the year 1070 AD, King Vijayabahu I liberated the country According to the recorded history, from the Cholas and united Lanka. frequent threats by powerful South Indian states to the stability and to the security of our country, continued over during the past 2500 years. The During the reign of Queen Leelawathi, who was first reported account of south Indian Tamil and the window of king Parakramabahu the first, rule in Sri Lanka was during the period of 237 – was invaded by a Pandayan Tamil invader. He was responsible in deposing her and 193

13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions ruled for three years. This was the first invasion south-east Asian Sri Vijaya Kingdom as the main popped up in the Polonnaruwa kingdom, but the center, the significance of Mahatittha had most crucial invasion was carried out by ruthless diminished to some extent. However, Mahatittha Kalinga Maga who landed in in 1215 did not entirely lose its prominence in the period AD, at the head of a army of 24,000 along with between the seventh and the twelfth centuries Kerala and Tamil warriors. They straight away and it prospered as a bustling emporium where marched towards Polonnaruwa and defeated the South Indian merchants flourished. In addition to king Parakrmabahu the 2nd and ruled for 21 ancient temple of Tiruketisvaram at Mahatittha, a years. The blood thirstiness and the atrocities of temple named Rajarajavarattu Mahadeva was invaders were unprecedented in the living constructed near the port in the eleventh century memory of the country. by the Chola conqueror Rajaraja I in order to facilitate the religious observances of the trading dominated over the inhabitants of communities and soldiers stationed there. Raja Rata and extended his invasion to the south of the country but was compelled to retreat. Being In the Peninsula, existed two notable ports beaten by the forces of Vijayabahu the 3rd of namely Jambukolapattana and Uraturai. “Maya Rata’, Maga was killed by the Sinhalese Jambukolapattana which could be identified with while he was retreating to India. This insecurity modern Sambiliturai is not recorded as a port of brought about by the invaders was a main reason maritime commerce but was widely used as a for the relocation of capitals in a latter satge of Sri port of embarkation and landing in Lankan history. . Its importance is testified to by the fact that there was a connecting high During the invasion of Magha, the country was road from Jambukolapattana to the capital ravaged, plundered of its wealth and much Anuradhapura. Although ports in the south are destruction was caused to sacred monuments of not mentioned such as those in the northern, the country. The 700-year-old Sinhala royal place north - western and eastern parts of the island in in the citadel of Anuradhapura was burnt down. the early period of the Anuradhapura kingdom, Relic chambers of were ripped open and one exception is the port of Godapavata valuables including gold images in shrines were (Godavaya) in the . In an carted away. Often after plundering the treasure, inscription of Gajabahu I (114 – 136 A.D.) at they razed to the ground, these historic Godavaya near the mouth of the Walawe Ganga, it structures for good. is stated that customs duty charged at the port Strategic Location were dedicated to the Godapavata Vihara. The recent excavations suggest that Godavaya was a Sri Lanka is connected by sea routes with semi-urban center endowed with an important ports in the southern, western and north- eastern port in international trade. These excavations regions of India. It was conveniently linked with disprove Nicholas’s view that Godavaya was an the sub-continent as well as with ports in the unimportant port. Arabian sea, the South East Asian kingdoms and As a notable harbour in the south, had China. Several Sri Lankan ports played a crucial gained prominence at least by the middle of the role in maritime trade that flourished through fourteenth century. Ibn Batuta states that he these sea-routes but the degree of importance of journeyed from (Dinavur) to Galle (Quali) some of these ports varies from time to time. and that he was treated there by a resident Prior to the thirteenth century, Mahatittha or the Muslim named captain Ibrahim. The Chinese great port, opposite Mannar on the north western vessels that sailed through the Straits of Malacca coast facing the Arabian sea was rated the key victualled at Galle on the way to Malabare or the trading port of the Island. Mahatittha, located at African Coast. The Galle Trilingual inscription the mouth of the Malvatu river, offeredd easy dating back to the first few decades of the access to the capital -Anuradhapura- which was fifteenth century, written in Chinese, Persian and located along the banks of the same river. Tamil indicates that Chinese, Muslim and South However, with the increased emphasis on the 194

13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions

Indian Hindu and Jain traders frequented the opposite present Mannar in the north – west of port. The fact that Galle had been a well- the Dry Zone and Gokanna, modern established commercial center by the fifteenth in the east coast were among the principal ports century is also attested to by the Sandesa poems. of the Sinhala kingdom. It was a town with wide streets along which were Colonial Era located shops of all kinds. In the middle of the 13th century several The port of Valigama, had come into prominence European countries commenced navigation far at least from the twelfth century A.D. onwards. It beyond their shores and to explore new lands. is first mentioned as a port where affluent For these pioneering explorers, even royal merchants dwelt during the reign of patronage was made available. When sailing in to . The Kalyani inscriptions state uncharted waters, these resolute sailors were that a ship sent by the Ramanna king to Sri Lanka immensely relieved to depend on the compass arrived at Valigama. The Tisara, Parevi and Kokila and the sextant. By plotting with these coupled “Sandesas” indicate that Valigama had become an with luck, the navigators were able to achieve important and prosperous port about the their goals with the minimum loss of life. fifteenth century. It was predominantly settled by Muslims whose background and interests were Portuguese entirely commercial. They spoke Tamil and sang Tamil songs. In the beginning of 16th century, in Sri Lanka there were three native centers of political power, the With the shift of political centers to the south two Sinhalese kingdoms of Kotte and and west and the development of the south- western the Tamil kingdom at Jaffna, Kotte being the parts of the island, several other ports such as principal seat of Sinhalese power. Kotte kingdom Beruvala, , Vattala, turned out to wielded the lion’s share of power in Sri Lanka at be of significance in channeling the island’s that time but none of these three kingdoms was foreign trade. According to Parevi, Gira and endowed with the political and military clout to Kahakurulu “Sandesas”, clusters of sailing ships reunify the island. could be observed regularly from vantage points of the western coast. In the fourteenth century, In 1505 Don Lourenco de Almeida, son of John De Marignolli arrived by the ship at the port Francisco de Almeida’s, was sailing to lure of Perivills in Sri Lanka on his way to China9. Moorish ships in south west cost of Sri Lanka. But According to Henrey Yule, Perivills could be suddenly they had the misfortune to face an deduced being the port of Beruvala. Marignolli unexpected situation as they were struck by a states that the administrator at Perivills was Coya violent storm. Because of that storm, the fleet Jahn, apparently the name of a Muslim chief. The sought refuge at the Galle harbor. And that time “Sandesa” poems indicate the Beruvala was a king Parakramabahu the 8th (1484-1508) was Muslim trading center in the fifteenth century ruling the Kotte kingdom. King Parakramabahu with many beautiful mansions and large shops. the 8th builds up a friendly relationship with Portuguese and he gifted cinnamon and Although an exact period cannot be determined, elephants for to Portuguese to take home. The the Sinhalese established themselves in the island king also granted them a concession to build a from about the first millennium B.C. There is trading post in . But the Portuguese absolutely no proof to substantiate the claim that nurtured a different plan, while they were the northern and eastern regions of the island controlling the trade, they were plotting to wrest were inhabited by from early stages of the control of whole country. The scenario was history. On the contrary, Jambukola Pattana - exactly what the British repeated in India- modern Sambiliturai- was an important port of initially “trade not territory” but as they gained a the Sinhala kingdom and the Jaffna peninsula was foothold pursing a policy consolidating “trade within the territory of the Sinhala kings up to the and territory”. thirteenth century A.D. except for very brief period. Besides Jambukola Pattana, Mahatittha 195

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During 15th and 16thcenturies Arabian trader’s by Arya Chakrawarthi dynasty, and the kind and seafarer’s dominance was patently evident Pararayasekaram. They ruled Jaffna at the time across commercial sea lanes as well as along when the Portuguese held sway in southern parts overland caravan routes. Because of their of Sri Lanka. In 1543 Jaffna king battled against supremacy, the Portuguese were compelled to Portuguese rule, but this ended up with the king face another problem since they always wanted submitting and agreeing to pay tribute. Both to retain the monopoly of trade routes and parties agreed that they should offer assistance to commerce. In the meanwhile, Portuguese spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in and around realized that the ideal location of Sri Lanka was the kingdom, thus converting its inhabitants. crucial, if they wanted to attain the mastery of the In 1560 Portuguese again invaded the Jaffna Indian Ocean. This location was conducive to all kingdom and after it the Jaffna king Sankili went their future plans as I have explained above. Their out from the kingdom. It was a victorious moment main trading base was India and they wanted to for the Portuguese of having captured the protect their trade centers. So they made use of kingdom of Jaffna and they had the opportunity to Sri Lanka’s natural harbors such Mannar, Galle, exercise power at port of Mannar too. Basically, a Colombo and Trincomalee to protect their main large territory in north belonged to them and they trade center from other competitors and had the chance to control the peripheral politics attackers. Not only that, they found that Sri Lanka in both South and the North. was rich in natural resources that they wanted. Being prompted mainly by these two reasons, Again in 1638, under the Portuguese captain they were keen to bring under their rule at least Diego de Mello the Portuguese attempted to the maritime of Sri Lanka. invade the heartland of the Sinhala kingdom. But as usual all their efforts did not bear fruit against As mentioned above, the division of Kotte the strong Sinhalese battalions under the Sinhala kingdom resulted in a future division of an kings. This was the last effort or the invasion to already divided island. Because of this capture the Kandyan kingdom. fragmentation, the unity of people too suffered. Portuguese used those events to gain the control Dutch In Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka mainly by stratagem, with the minimum of bloodshed at initial stages. The Dutch are the natives of Holland. After the discovery of maritime routes to Asia by Portuguese wanted to enjoy the fruits in trading Portuguese, the Dutch navigators too tried out to across Asia and to spread their religion - reach the Asian destinations. In 1602, Catholicism- and the commercial empire across amalgamating some Dutch merchant groups they the globe. They used Sri Lanka also to fulfill their formed a commercial entity called “Dutch East needs. The division of Kotte kingdom prompted Asian Company” which is commonly known as the Portuguese to interfere decisively in internal “VOC”. From the beginning onwards their trade politics in Sri Lanka. was transacted by “VOC” and their motive was “profit”. From the above statement, and the In order to repulse King Mayadunne, the monarch evidence, we can figure out that the Hollander’s of Kotte sought the help of Portuguese. As a result main idea was to reap profits by trading through of this move, Portuguese army became the the Asian countries. security provider of the Kotte kingdom. Afterwards they openly engaged in politics and The Dutch, as soon as they reached south Asia gradually spread their tentacles in other fields were based in “Batavia” from there they too. This was a windfall to consolidate their controlled the trade in east Asian countries. They foothold and to display their clout among the found out that in Sri Lanka produced high quality populace. pepper and cinnamon. Being tempted by spices, they formed a relationship with Sri Lanka driven Yapanaya (Jaffna) Kingdom by trade. This was the time that the country was After the drifting of Rajarata civilization, Jaffna facing a harsh rule under the Portuguese. Sri kingdom had risen up. was ruled Lankan Sinhala kings wanted to build up a fruitful 196

13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions relationship with Dutch in order to oust the The king managed to fulfil his first aim, but Portuguese from the maritime provinces. This bitterly disappointed with the second wish since suggestion was an ideal opportunity for the Dutch Dutch tend to occupy the Portuguese fortresses. to be actively involved in the internal affairs of Sri In between the time period of 1665 to 1668, Lanka. Dutch tend to attack the Kandyan territory and over run some places in Kandy. In 1602, a Dutch ambassador named “Joris Van Splibergen” journeyed to Kandy and consulted Salient features of policies between Kandyan the king Wimaladarmasuriya. After him a few kingdom and Dutch embassies followed, one of whom was “Siebel de ❖ Initially Dutch avoided punitive Vart”. But the discussions were not successful in expeditions against the Kandyan 1658 AD. After the ascension of king Raja Singha, kingdom because they realized that the 2nd, he wanted to cement the bonds with they simply couldn’t win those battles. Dutch’s in order to expel the Portuguese from Sri They followed a policy of peaceful Lanka and to reunite the country without being coexistence with Kandyans because subdued by foreigners. From this conversation, VOC wanted rake in high profits in the they drew up with an agreement. This included: long run. ❖ They agreed to help out Sinhala kings to ❖ To maintain a cordial relationship with drive out Portuguese from Sri Lanka. the Kandyan kings, they sometimes ❖ Military expenses should be set off by dispatched delegations that were providing cinnamon, pepper, and other bearing exotic gifts European rarities. commodities. The ulterior motive was to achieve ❖ Export elephants. Dutch to retain the monopoly in cinnamon trade in Sri authority to decide the trade in Kandyan Lanka. kingdom. ❖ Dutch sponsorships for Buddhist ❖ Dutch enjoy the privilege to occupy the revival and ordinations by providing Portuguese forts if the king would agree ships. to such a move. From the year of 1638, the Sinhala kings spent British Power Establishing in Sri Lanka nearly 20 years to oust Portuguese even if we Since 1607, British wanted to gain a foothold in gained their fortress earliler. During the Indian subcontinent. They succeeded after this period Sinhalese and Dutch joint forces about 10 years. Then they stationed factors and succeeded in capturing Portuguese fortresses established several trading posts in East India. such as Trincomalee, , Galle, Kaluthara, Their initial maxim was “Trade not territory” Colombo, Mannar and Jaffna. which was soon conveniently amended to “Trade After capturing these fortresses, Dutch were not and territory”. The ultimate result was the readily evacuating from these vantage points as inevitable “Territory and territory” which lasted was agreed upon by the pact. After these bitter until 1947. The British realized the importance in incidents the relationship with kings and Dutch Sri Lanka along with her strategic location, as it was strained since Dutch did not honour some was very close to India and in the midst of silk vital terms. route. They foresaw that gaining the control of Sri Lanka would ensure their complete control i.e. As I mentioned above, the Raja Singha II’s free trading and unhindered navigation. Also, expectations of seeking the help of the Dutch they sought a safe haven to repair and victual were: their ships which have faced enemy attacks or the ❖ Oust Portuguese from Sri Lanka. ravages of high seas. ❖ Reunite the country, by holding the areas And also, one of their main reasons to come up to which were ruled by Portuguese and Sri Lanka was the Trincomalee, as it was a proclaim the land again as a single massive natural harbor which afforded country. 197

13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions anchorage even to several fleets of ships. We ❖ The Kandyan kingdom no longer could assume the other reasons as the rich belongs to King Sri Wikrama Raja natural sources of Sri Lanka such as cinnamon, Singha or successors pepper, gems and tusks etc. which were heavy ❖ The Kandyan kingdom officially demand in Europe. Being prompted by these belongs to the British Crown. reasons, soon they were eyeing the tempting ❖ To protect cultural values and rights fruits of the monopoly in Sri Lanka. and responsibilities of aristocrats. ❖ To protect the main religion Establishing British Power Buddhism, priests and their temples. In 1796 “British East Asia Company” established Also, to developed and maintain its. their power in certain coastal areas in Sri Lanka. After signing this Convention, the country which By February 1796, they have successfully flourished for more than 2,000 years purely as an conquered the Colombo, Galle, fortresses. These independent state, was ruled under the victories were followed seizing all the fortresses tyrannous yoke of an alien power whose seat of and territory which were under the Dutch. government was located more than 8000 miles Anyway, Dutch were smoothly relieved of their away. hold Sri Lanka as British were operating under Conclusion certain developments and agreements that were emanating from the Holland. In 1802, coastal All of the above facts could show how Sri Lanka areas under British East Asia Company were duly co-existed with other countries and how Sri transferred to the British sovereign and the Lanka's strategic location tempted other thereafter treated as a crown colony. The British countries. It is clear that European powers were mostly by employing intrigue and stratagem drawn to seize Sri Lanka due to her optimum deposed the King Sri Wikrama Rajasinghe in geographical location and the abundant natural 1815, thus gaining the control of the Kandyan resources. At other times the growth of the kingdom too. They elevated themselves to political, economic and social spheres in the country too contributed. At the same time, it is become the rulers of the entire island within two clear that Sri Lanka has at times been more decades of landing in this island. influential and at times less influential to other From October 1798 onwards there were some countries over the decades. Here we have changes made in ruling the coastal areas of Sri learned much about Sri Lanka's international Lanka by British. This positive move was to relations with other countries, using my essentials from the monarchy to the current appoint a governor who is loyal to the British political scenario. crown. The first governor they appointed was

Frederick North in order to regularize to the References management and politics. From 1798 to 1802, the county was operating under the “dual control” Arasaratnam S," The Dutch Administration",. system. Since this concept failed to bring about UPHSL. Vol.2, p:341 the desired result, the Company handed over the in 1802. A.P Buddhadatta, ed, Kalyani Silalipi, Colombo, 1924, p. 23. Kandyan Convention – 1815 C.R. De Silva, (1970) The first visit of the Portuguese to Sri Lanka - 1505?" (Prof., Kandyan Convention is a very important official Paranavithana Commemoration volume, p.218 document which signifies that the Kandyan kingdom was officially ceded to the British Cathay and the Way Thither, ed. Henrey Yule, Crown. Under this convention it was agreed upon London, 1886, p. 357. to ensure that:


13th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Defence and Strategic Studies Sessions

Codrinton H.W, Shanshiptha Lanka Ithihasaya, Author Biographies London,1957, p. 8 Pansilu Aloka Kumari Gira Sandesa, V., 74, Paravi Sandesa, V. 80; Puassadeniya is a student of Kahakurulu Sandesa, V. 51. General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University and Jayawardene, Amal "Sri Lanka's Foreign Policy currently following the Degree documents in International Relations. Her interest is to study more on Kodikara, Shelton U. Strategic factors in Interstate history of the society and its Relations in South Asia, Canberra Papers on relationship with other disciplines. She studied at Strategy and Defence, ANU, Canberra, No. 19, Yasodaradevi Balika Vidyalaya Gampaha and 1979 pp 13-14 completed her Advanced Level in the Arts stream.

Somadewa Raj (2018) Shri Lanka Ithihasaya Thirushi Amaya Ranathunga Pilibanda Nava Soyaaganeem Retrieved form, is an undergraduate at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFFsKC- General Sir John Kotelawala I9PE&list=PLusICwraTfxQRWnxFXidcC9CeRsfSl Defence University is cLJ on 03rd September 2020. following a Bsc. Degree in Strategic studies and See S. Paranavitana, ‘The Cholas and Ceylon’. International Relations. CALR, Vol. X, 1924, p.115 Amaya was Musaeite and completed advanced level in 2019 from the The Jatakas, vol. II, ed, E.B Cowell, Cambridge language stream. University press, 1895, PP. 89 – 91; Divyavadana, ed, E.B Cowell, and R.A Neil, Cambridge University press, 1886, p.523. Siriweera W.I., History of Sri Lanka, pp17-18 The Pabasara Ranmina Rehla of Ibn Batuta, op.cit., pp.223 – 24. Meegahakunbura is an undergraduate student is in the Tisara Sandesa, V. 74; Gira Sandesa, V. 74; VV, 104 first year doing Bsc Strategic – 105; Kokila Sandesa, V. 92. Studies and International Relations in Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. He did his G.C.E advanced level in Science stream (Combined Mathematics) and he studied at Prince of Walse College Mortuwa.