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In Ame rioa,

Belxig an aoco\mt of the descendants of


sold of other immigrants named


Compiled "by

James Uelyllle Htmnewell


79 7 9 5 6

PHETPACl. 3045353

Ho apology la necessary, surely, for the publication of another genealogy of an old American family, particularly, as In this case, idien so little about the family has already appeared in print. This irork Is the result of research and correspondence extending oyer sereral years, and the amount of labor and time consumed can only be appreciated by others similarly interested. I am not a Tloknor myself, but married into the family, and It was due to my Interest in searching for full records of ray wife's ancestors that the beginning of this work was made. One thing led to another, with' the result that I can now say that this genealogy is as complete and fiai as I can mat^ It. I have written every person named Tloknor in this country, iriaose name and address could be obtained from a ootsitry-wlde search of directories and from Inquiry of clerks of towns having no directories, where there was reason to believe anyone of the name might have lived. I have also had the probate and surrogates* records and deeds searched in New England and in Kew York State, and have endeavored to obtain vital statistics where these existed. The chief source, however, of the records given here has been family records, many of them dating back nearly 150 years, without which the compilation of this work would have been Impossible.

As I have said above, almost nothing about the family, except the lines of the Boston families, has appeared In print, and I have found only a few persons who had more than va.gue and inaccurate Information about their ancestry. The lines from Vllliam^ Ticknor, as well as those of some other Sharon families, are given here for the first time, these never having been investigated before, as far as I know.

Mr. Frank Allen Tloknor of Austin, Minn., was much Interested in a genealogy of the family, and carried on much correspondence, chiefly in 1911, with a view to publishing the resvilts of his woric. Part of this was already in type, but his Illness and death prevented the completion. I am much indebted to his widow for the loan of his papers, of which I have made considerable use, they dealing chiefly with the descendants of Elias^ Ticknor.

'V. I also wish to thank the numerous members of the family who have shown their interest by sending in records, and giving willing and liberal help to me. Without such co-operaticn this work would have been Impossible. An examination of this book will show mho these persons are. \ ^*- It' is to !)• muoh regretted that about fifty persons have not replied to repeated inquiries. I am sorry that I have

-^ been unable to interest them even enoiigh to send in their own family record. Their failure to reply probably means that others, whose names I might have learned from them, have had no opportunity to be included here. If any of these persons are disappointed with the result, so far as this work concerns them, let the blame be placed where it belongs. li^GSi Oi J^hs^r. Of Gourse, I make no alalia to perfection In thle work. Xhaye, of course, used great care to be accurate, to make no positive statements without sufficient proof, and to express a doubt vheneyer I had one. X can only say that I sincerely hope that few errors will be fotuad here. I will ask anyone who finds Inaccuracies to bear In mind that

sometimes my . informant may be Inaccurate or mistaken, that family records In tills family frequently differ and even are Inconsistent, and that no vital statistics whatever exist as to parts of the family.

A few general remarks about the family are not out of place. With inconsiderable exceptions, all were, or are, honest, God-fearing people, and good citizens, doing their duty whatever their station In life. The military record of the family Is one of -whloh it may well be provi. Nearly every male of military age has served In each of the principal wars In which this country has been engaged. Each present member of the family, except in one small line, has an ancestor y^o fought in the Revolution. Every descendant has at least one forbear inAio fought In one of the Colonial Wars, as William Tlcknor himself was a sergeant In King Philip's War, and several descendants took part In later ware. Several served in the War of 1812, one (as far as I can learn) in the War with Mexico, thirty- six in the Civil War, one of these fighting for the Confederacy, and one in the War with Spain, >«dille fourteen (my records being Incomplete) took part In the War with Germany. 1 have made a point of obtaining as complete military records as possible, the data given here being entirely from the Adjutant General's reports of the different states, the soldier hlj»- self, or the records of the U. S. Pension Bureau.

Those of the family who might be said to have a national reputation are George Tlcknor, the scholar and historian, William Davis Tlcknor, the publisher, and Francis Orray Tlcknor, the poet. Others prominent, at least locally, are, or were,

"Col." EllBha Tlcknor, well known at Lebanon, N. H, ; his son Ellsha, sohoolmaster and merchant; Luther and Caleb B. Tlcknor, physicians, the latter the author of several medical works; Benjamin Tlcknor, Mayor of Ronton, Wash.; Ezra Chadwick Tlcknor, representative from Alford, Mass.; Louis

H. Tlcknor, sheriff of Sangamon County, 111. ; James Gardner

Tlcknor, judge of the Police Court at Lebanon, N. H, ; George

Tlcknor of^eene, N. H. , journalist and author; Almon Tlcknor, author of mathematical works; Howard Maloaa Tlcknor, elocutionist and dramatic critic; Alcmson Robert Tlcknor, cooperage expert; Caleb Tlcknor and his son, well-known hotel proprietors; Simon P. Tlcknor, Inventor of cotton gins; Thomas Baldwin Tiolcnor, Benjamin Holt Tidknor, and the latter's son of the same name, all publishers; Caroline Tlcknor, author and writer; Arthur Anderson Tlcknor, chemist; and also, iindoubtedly, others about whom, however, 1 have only Imperfect accovuits.

I might add that, outside of my wife's Immediate family, I have personally met only two persons described in this book, but as Central New York State is the nearest place to Boston where any number live, this is not surprising. It is surprising, however, that the name of Tlcknor has almost disappeared from New England, and has entirely ended at Sharon,

, f

Conn., and Lebanon, H. H. , and will end at Alford, Uass. which places, in the past, have "been the homes of many families.

It is curious to note how seldom family names have been perpetuated in this family, as there are only a few cases in modem times v/hen a father has given his own name to one of his sons. It also might be noted that of the names Theodore and Nathaniel, which are certainly not uncommon, tlie former is found only once, and the latter not at all, v/hile common names like David, "Rdgar, Edmund, Edward, Frederick, Robert and Thomas are rare.

Let me assure everj'one that I have not been searching for heirs to some estate, that I am not and never have been attorney for, or in any way interested in, or employed by, the estate of any person naaned Tioknor (except my father-in-law and his sister), and that I know of no estate of any sudi person awajting the discovery of missing heirs.

In the course of my work, many records were obtained o families not descended from William of Scituate, and I have considered it advisable to complete these records and am glad to include them, although I admit I have made less effort in this tlirection than in the case of the main family.

I have added to these few words the preface written by Mr. Prank Allen Ticknor for his work, and regret that the limits of this one prevent my including various old letters, diaries, and reminiscences referred to by him. If he had any amount of data from the dmrch and cemetery records he mentions, it has probably been lost, as I have never seen it.

In conclusion lot me say that I will be glad to know of errors and omissions in this book. If enough material is received, (I hope it will not be in correction of errors), I shall print it in pamphlet form for distribution. In any event, it^will be deposited by me with the Hew Jiiigland Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, bo that it may be perpetuated. Let us hope that data, for which I have mad© long and lansuccessful search, relating to the Mohawk Valley region, that genealogical void, may sometime come to light, and help settle some problems relating to families which lived there.

With best wishes to all of those who have helped me, 1 submit the results of ray labor.

James M, Uunnewell.

Boston, Mass.


I had many times wondered if the history of the Ticknors would be arranged in auoh fonn as to perpetuate their memory to the generations following, and should it so terminate, would the many incidents of the history of the late generations, that are yet in my memory, be lost to them. In my search through the homes and public records, I find a few instances of efforts made to provide, in print, family records. They gire much assistance in compiling the genealogy of the race. I am greatly indebted to many of the families for their will- ingness and cheerful response to my efforts, and for their hearty co-operation in the completion of this v/ork, I wish to express my thanks for these favors. I concluded to lay modesty aside and tcJce up the resjwnsibility which at my age has at times seemed to me an impossibility, so if there are errors or omission of names, I trust you may overlook the imperfections and accept the work in the conclusion that had I not undertaken it, it would never have been done. I «un satisfied that it will become a book of priceless value in many of the homes of the present generation and to the children following. It was during the year 1911 that to perfect ajid authenticate the knowledge I had accvmiulated and kept in my own home, I visited and made search through libraries, homes, real estate and church records, and also head stones of the graves in many cemeteries throughout the New England and Middle States, obtaining such details as are enumerated herein, and having accomplished to my satisfaction what was desired, it would seem that without its publication I should have been remiss indeed to have neglected the reduction of it to print. It includes such matters of condensed history ajid incidents of each generation as were found and made of record, all proving the race to be men ajid women of character, builders and makers of homes, adding to the value and to the credit of the communities in which they lived.

Respectfully subipitted,

Frank A. Ticknor.


b. , bom.

bapt. , baptized

m. , married, marriage.

d. , dau{^hter» died, death.

8. , eon.

bur. , buried.

g. e. , gravestone.

ch. , chn., child, children. ree., residence, (or where the context ao adjnits) present reeidence.

unm. , unmarried.

ab. , about.


Tyiis book was completed Oct. 1, 1919, aiil while many data subsequent to 1916 are included, it should be assumed that all records are complete to 1916 only, this beinj; the year in ^•hidl the greater part of this worJc was compiled. .iaaot ,aja3:. FIRST OEHBRATION.


WILLIAM Tlokner. The place and date of hie hlrth are xinknovn. According to Savage he came from County Kent, and this Is proba- bly true, both because the name Tlckner la frequently found In records there, and because many settlers from that region came to Scltuate. Ae his son married a granddaughter of Nathaniel Tllden, former mayor of Tenterden, it may be that there was at least some acquaintance in the old coiintry between these families. Various Tlckners lired at Tenterden, and on the Isle of Thanet, they being mostly seafaring people. The compiler has not attempted any English research, and an examination of the com- paratively few parish registers of Kent that are now in print has been unproductive. It would be a fair guess to say that William Tlckner was born about 1633 at Tenterden or thereabouts. There were also Tlckners in Surrey.

As no mention of him occurs in the shipping lists, he un- doubtedly came over as a boy, being included in the family of some other person. Mr. Qeorge P. Tlcknor relates that his father told him that the latter' s grandfather oarae over from England when a child, that the vessel was disabled and floated about for many days until the supply of food was exhausted, and that it was decided to kill the boy in order that the others might live, but fortunately a ship was then sighted, help was received, and his life was saved. While this interesting tra- dition does not cover enough generations, and also while the Identity of Mr. Tloknor's great grandfather is a matter of some doubt, it may well be that the salient facts of the tradition not only are true, which seems undoubted, but refer to WilllGim Tiokner.

According to Savage, William Tlckner was at Scitiiate in 1646, "or earlier", while Deane says 1656. On the death of his father-in-law, he succeeded to the latter* s mansion house "at the Harbor", his farm being "three-quarters of a mile south-west from the Harbor". The compiler has not attempted to ascertain the exact location, but part of Scltuate is to this day known as Tlcknor Hill. He was engaged in "agriculture, navigation, and mercantile pursuits", and in 1660 had a warehouse.

The Plymouth Colony records give various facts concerning him. On March 5, 1660/1 he was fined 20 sh. for striking and abusing Joseph Wormall of Scltuate. On March 3, 1662/3 he served on the Jury. In 1668 he was made a freeman (Baylies says 1657), and on June 3, 1668 was appointed one of the three surveyors of the highways. On June 3, 1684, he was appointed one of the two co/istables for Scltuate.

In 1676 he served in King Philip's War, in an expedition against the Narragansett Indians, being a sergeant in Gen. Cudworth's guard or "particxilar company". Por an account of this expedition, see Bodge's Soldiers in King Philip's War, page 27 and following. This work, the standard one on the subject, contains no mentlpn of William Tlckner, but his service is mentioned by Deane, amd is accepted by other authorities.


7h0 (lat« of ills deacli la not kaown, and th.er« xj notiixatf an record pertaining to the distribution of his estate. If the absolute accuracy of the Scituate records may be relied upon, he died between Uov. 2, 1696 and Oct. 17, 1697, the dates of the marriage of his son and of the birth of the latter's daughter Hannah, the son being described in the former entry as "Jr. ", but not in the latter one. The entry of the death of his second wife, in 1693, describes her as "w. William."

It is not known where anyone of this family is buried.

The baptisms of his children are found in the records of the Second Church, Scituate, (now the First Church, Horwell), and from his membership in this church, he belonged to the moderate party of Puritans.

Hem. (1), "29th, 8th month" (Oct. 29), 1656 at Boston, by Major Humphrey Atherton, Hannah Stockbridge; bapt. Sept. 24, 1637, Soituate; d. John and Ann Stockbridge. She d. July 5, 1665, Scituate. The tragic deaths of her and her eldest son are thus described in the Roxbury church records: "J\ily 5. There happened a very sad accident at Situate. lieftenant Torry, having reo** order frtr the Governor of Plimouth (by reaso" of the kings letter y*^ infonoaea of y® Hollanders coming ag°* vs) to look to y*__powder & ammunition of y* towne. He went into y^ House of Goodma Tiokner where y* Magazine of y Town was, w^*^ was but two barrels of powder & opened y"* & while y® said lieftenant was dry- ing some of y® powder, abroad upTJ" boards & doores, by some accident, G. knows what, y® powder was fired booth in y® house & and that abroad, & y® house blown up & broken in pieces, And y® woman of y® House Goodwife Tickner miserably burnt esp'ly on her belly (for it seems she was at that instant stepping upo" y® barrell y* was in y^ house to reach something) &. a little childe also was sadly burnt &. buryed amongst y® rubbish & Timber, but y® woman & childe lived sev'rall houres after about 10 or 11. Also y® lieftenant was sadly burnt esp'ly on his breast, face hands & armes, yet he lived till y® next day and then dyed.

He m. (2), in 1666, Deborah Hyland; d. Thomas and Deborah Hyland of Tenterden, who came to Scituate before 1637. She d. Aug. 20, 1693, Scituate. Ho children by this marriage.

Children, by first marriage, b. Scituate undoubtedly: 1. John2, bapt. May 15, 1669; d. July 5, 1665. (See above) 2. 2. WilliamS, bapt. June 26, 1664.

Savage's Genealogical Dictionary; Desuie's History of Scituate; Scituate Vital Records; Boston records; Plymouth Colony Records; Baylies' History of New Plymouth; Roxbury church records, in Boston Record Commissioners' Reports, vol. 6, and in N.E.H.G. Register, vol. 34.

) "



mUAm^ (William^) l>apt. J^me 26. 1664, Soltuata. Uass. He "suoceeded hla father In buBlnesa and in ueefulneas In tha town. (Deane). In 1710 he sold the farm to Job Otle for ^400, a considerable sum of money in those days, and. removed to Lebanon, Conn. Little has been fo\md concerning him at Lebanon, but he undoubtedly was a good citizen, and took no part in military or public affairs. He d. March 2, 1731/2, Lebanon. His son William was appointed administrator of his estate.

He m. Not. 2, 1696, at Scituate, Lydia Tilden: b. 1666, Scituate; d. Deacon Joseph and Alice or Elizabeth (Twisden) Tilden. Her grandfather was Nathaniel Tilden, mayor of Tenterden, Kent, who cajae to Scituate, 1635, and was ruling elder there, and in 1637 was commissioner on the botindary between the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. No record of her death has been foimd.

Children, b. Scituate: 1. Hannah', b. Oct. 17, 1697; m. about 1719, John Bliss; b. Dec. 26, 1695, Enfield, Conn.; s. John and Anna (Terry) Bliss. (See Bliss Genealogy.

Children, (Bliss), b. Lebanon: 1. Sarah^, b. Jan. 28, 1720/21; m. Reuben Porter. 2. Hannah^, b. Aug. 22, 1723; d. June 7, 1735. 3. John^ b. May 26, 1726. 4. Lydia*, b. June 2, 1728. 5. Elizabeth^, b. Oct. 31, 1730. 6. Jemima^, b. July 16. 1733. 7. Hannah*, b. Apr. 12, 1736. 8. I8rael4, b. Apr. 17, 1739; m. Mary Stiles.

3. 2. John3, b. June 24, 1699. 4. 3. •William'5, t, Dec 2, 1700. 4. Lydia3, b. June 24, 1702; m. Feb. 21, 1722/3, at Lebanon, Samuel Bliss, brother of the above; b. Dec. 4, 1699, Enfield. He d. Deo. 16, 1761. (See Bliss Genealogy).

Children, (Bliss), b. Lebanon: 1. Samuel"*, b. July 23, 1724; d. Oct. 3, 1724. 2. Samuel"*, b. July 15, 1731; m. Elizabeth Pineo.

Deane's History of Scituate; Scituate Vital Records; Lebanon records; Windham probate records; Bliss Genealogy, by J. H. Bliss, 1881. H


09 f


JOHH^ (Wllltam^.J-), b. June 24, 1699, Soituate, Maes. He lived at Lebanon, Conn., where he d. May 7, 1351, but his graYe>Btone in the old cemetery says: "Here liee the Body of the well beloved Ur John Ticknor the husband of Urs Uary Ticknor yfi\Q departed this life May y^ 17, A.D. 1751, in the 52nd year of his age." The distribution of his estate, Juno 14, 1755, mentions his widow and children Isaac, Slisha, Lydia, Hannah, James, Sarah, and Irene, and Anos Barrows, son of Mary Barrows, deceased. In 1751 his son John, in consideration of a farm "given me by my late honored father" released his rights in his father's estate to the other heirs.

He m. May 14, 1724, at Lebanon, Mary Bailey; b. 1705, probably Stonington, Conn.; d. Isaac and Mercy (Saxton) Bailey. She was admitted to communion Aug. 31, 1735. "The Widow Tickner" d. Deo. 4, 1791, ae. 86, Lebanon.

Children, b. Lebanon: 1. Mary4, b. Oct. 14, 1725; m. Oct. 14, 1748, at Sharon, Conn., Amos Barrows. She d. there (Nov. 27, 1749?).

Child, (Barrows): 1. Amos", b. (Aug. 6, 1750?), Sharon.

5. John4, b. July 15, 1727. Lydia4, b. Aug. 4, 1729; ra. June 30, 1768, at Lebanon, Timothy Goodwin. Isaac^, b. Uov. 1, 1733. Elisha*, b. Dec. 26, 1736. Hannah"*, b. Deo. 20, 1739, (not 1737, as given by Deane); m. Thomas Brooks, (Kingsley's record.) J6«ne84, b. Sept. 27, 1742, (not 1740, as given by Deane). Sarah*, b. Aug. 31, 1745. Not mentioned by Deane; living, 1755; no further record found. 9. Irene^, b. Sept. 18, 1747; m. James Davie of Convray,

^aes. , (according to authority below). They settled

later at Whitestown, Oneida County, N. Y. , and about

1809 went to Scio, now Amity, N.Y. , where he d.rr;She d. Aug. 1815.

Children, (Davis), b. in Mass.: James, Cyrus, Harry," Charles, Luoinda, and Philinda.

10. David*, "b. Jan. 12, 1750/l; d. July 27, 1751, Lebanon.

Deane's History of Scituate, Mass.; Lebanbn, Conn., records, church records, epitaphs, and Kingsley's record; Bailey Genealogy, (which see for ancestry of Mary Bailey); Memorials of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, Boston, 1890 (which see for further account of James Davis); Van Alstyne's Born, Married and Died in Sharon, Conn. ; Willimantic probate records.


J5' 4.

WILLIAM^ (William^.l), b. Dec. 2, 1700, Scltuate, Maas. He and hlB wife owned the oOTenant at Lebanon, Conn., Aug. 27, 1732, on which date their children Abigail, Williara and Jonathan were baptized there, and she was admitted to oommunion Oct. 5, 1735. In 1739 he settled at Sharon, and drew the 38th home-ltft "next north of *ir. Sprague'e, in (Jay Street." In the same year he was chosen surreyor cf the highway. Although his children are recorded at Sharon, all but the last were born elsewhere, as Sharon was not foxmded vaitil shortly before hie arrival. On Hov. 11, 1760, adniinietratlon on hip estate was granted to his widow, who gave bond in the sum of llOOO. The inventory, amounting to 1.427-15-6, showe no items of special interest, but indicated general easy circumstances, and good farm and household equipment. In 1764 appears an agreement entered into by his heirs, "according to the desire of said deceased, " under which the widow Abigail was to have her dower rights, and Williara, Jonathan said JQaniel to have equal portions, same being "twice as much as the dauighters have, " the daughters iseing Sarah Bostwick of Stockbridge, Mass. , and Mehitable and Anna Ticknor. This document tears the signatures of all except Anna, the widow signing by her mark. For several generations this branch usually spelled the name "Tickner*.

He m, Apr. 20, 1727, at Lisbon, Conn., Abigail Heath; b. Jan. 6, 1703/4, Norwich; d. John and Hannah (Haina; Heath. After her husband's death, she and her children left tiharon, apparently staying at Salisbury for a time, as her daughter Sarah was married there. Perhaps they then returned to Sharon, as the above agree- ment, and the marriage of her daughter Mehitable, would indicate. On Mar. 31, 1764, she and all of the children except Abigail purchased Jointly one hundred acres in the western part of Great

Barrington, Maes. , "known by the name of Shawenon", and soon settled tiiere. She iras living in 1791.

The next generations of this family are difficult to trace, owing to the almost complete lack of any records, except deeds and probates. The records of the Alford Congregational Church seem to have been lost.

Children, as recorded at Sharon, (except the seventh):

1. Abigail'*, b. Mar. 11, 1728/9; bapt . Aug. 27, 1732, Lebanon; no further record foiind. 9. 2. William^ b, Apr. 1, 1730; bapt. Aug. 27, 1732, Lebanon. 10. 3. Jonathan*, b. Mar. 28, 1732; bapt. Aug. 27, 1732, Lebanon. 4. Sarah"*, b, Jan. 30, 1735; m. ("of Salisbury") July 25, 1762, at Salisbury, as his second wife, Jesse Bostwick. Res., 1764, Stockbridge, Mass. 5. Mehitable^, b. May 20, 1737; m. Aug. 2, 1764, at Sharon. David Hall. 11. 6. Daniel^, b. Feb. 23, 1740/l. (Sharon records, as printed, say "David", but are apparently erroneous. Other evidence, such aa the above agreement, clearly shows that there was a son Daniel, who must have been born at about this time, and there is no other record of a son David. 7. Anna*, grantee, 1764; no further record fovind. Perhaps the name was Ama, the various records being difficiilt to read.

Lebanon, Conn., and Lisbon, Conn., church records; Norwich Records; Sedgwick's History of Sharon; Van Alstyne'e Bom, Married and Died In Sharon; Sharon probate records; Berkshire Coimty, Mass., deeds; History of Berkshire Coiznty; Childs' Gaaetteer of Berkshire Cotmty. 1 ) 8 ) 7


5 JOHH'* (John^), b. July 16. 17^7,* Lebanon, Conn. In 1749 he

settled at Sharon, Conn. , "in the Great Hollow, on land which hi father had prerioualy bought. " Ke was evidently a peraon of importance, as he waa described as '*lir. ". He d. Mar. J?<5. 1766, (g.a.); hie grave-atone, and those of his aona Sliaha and David are in the Aharon Burying Ground. He left an estate nmounting to i401-4-3, his widow being appointed administratrix.

He m. Prudence ------. She was living in 1777, and probably d. by 1790. See below.

?or aeveral generations, thia branch spelled the name "Tickner".

Children, b. Sharon: 12, 1. John-, b. May 7, 1750. 2. ElishaS, b. May 28, 1752; apparently unmarried; d. Oct. 21, 1776 (g.a.). 3. MaryS, b. Au^. 3, 1754; m. Dec. 1, 1774, at Salisbury, Chrifjtopher Whitney of Salisbury. (See Whitney Genealogy.

Children, (Whitney), b. Saliabury: 1. Billa^^ (eon), b. Uay 12, 1775; m. Clarinda French. 2. Ruluff^, b. June 26, 1777; m. Susanna Glenny. 3. Olive", b. '/ar. 18, 1780; m. Woses Hopkins. 4. Christopher^, b. Sov. 12, 1782; m. Rhoda Wilder.

4. Prudence^, b. Sept. 6, 1756; m. (l) Aug. 7, 1777, at - Sharon, Gideon ThoTapson of Ainenia, M.Y. ; m. (2), — Strong; and d. by 1790. Perhaps, however, the "heira of Prudence Strong, deceased", mentioned below, refers to the mother. 5. KuniceS, b. June 20, 1758; m. Aug. 27, 1781, at Sharon, Joel Strong; b. Mar. 2.?, 1764, Sharon; a. Joeisih and Eleanor (White) Strong. She d. Oct. 13, 1791, Sharon.

Children, (Strong), b. Sharon: 1. Lucy«, b. Apr. 5, 1782. 2. Pamelia^, b. Apr. 22, 17^4. 3. 01ive6 b. June 28, 1786. 4. Areliao, b. Apr. 14, 1789..

(Araenia church records, (see N.Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 33) give the marriage of a Evinice Ticknor, Apr. 28, 1776, to Samuel Rowlee. Who she was is not knovm.

6. AnnaB, b. Oct. 12 or 23, 1760; m. , by 1790, Joshua Morgan. 13. 7. Benajah°, b. 2fov. 22. 1762,

3. David , b. Sept. 2, 1765; apparently unmarried; d. June 17, 1786 (g.».). His estate was distributed,- as of June 16, 1790, to Eunice Strong, John and Benajah Tiokner, Mary Whitney, Anna Morgan, wife of Joshua Morgan, and "heirs of Prudence Strong, deceased". a«v ^t'l

>rotOi 'ir.t^u sfsj t^o.Ji'-j?* '^Wi^irrj.u w.in. ,»in. 'J* t«l

t, f >. ^rr^

£*JItUr '<;rj.'t9't£

i*i ..iV, i,i. Sedgwlok*8 History of Sharon, Conn. (Erroneouely calls him brother of WilliaaS) ; vSfhitney Oen«alogy, by P. C. Pierce, 1895; Sharon probate records, (Volloved here, where dates differ from those given in the following); Van Alstyne's Born, iiarried and Died in Sharon, Conn.; Van Alstyne's Sharon Burying Crroxinda; Ooodcnough'8 Ellsworth.


ISAAC* (John^), b. JfOT. 1, 1733, Lebanon, Conn. He was a resident of Kent, Conn., at the time of his marriage, and vir.til 1758, about which time he returned to Lebanon. In 1757 his name appears on the pay roll of Capt. Jn*' Marsh's (of Litchfield) Company of militia. His will, dated Peb. 22, and proved Apr. 2, 1759, in which he describes himedlf as "of Kent, now of Lebanon", mentions hie wife Mary, making a gift to her until his eldest son Isaac was 21, and his youngest son David. Hie widow and Elisha Ticknor, (evidently his brother), were appointed executors. The witnePRes to the will were Isaao Bailey, Samu&l Fuller, and Jonathan Clark.

He m. Apr. 1, 1756, at Windham, Mary Martin; b. Apr. 21, 1732, l?indham; d. Jonathan and Jemima (Hebard) Martin. She m. (2), May 22, 1776, at Lebanon, as hie second wife, Capt. Samuel Fuller. Bhe d. May 22, lft2?, aged 90.

Children: 14. 1. Isaac^, b. about 1757, probably Kent. 2. David^, b. Deo. 30, 1753, Windliam; evidently the one who served in the devolution in the 6th re^^'t., Dutclieas County, II. Y., Militia, (Land Uounty Right s), and in 1776, in Capt. Huntington's Company (of Horwich), and who d. "in the army*, Aug., 1776, (Windham records).

Lebanon and TTinlhara recorda; Windham probate records; Conn. Historical Society Coll., vol. 9, (military service); Fuller Genealogy, by Ke:7ton Puller, 1898; Hew York in the Revolution,

2nd ed. , 189n. (Ko record found at Kent).


ELISHA* (John'), b. Dec. 26, 1736, Lebanon, Conn. He lived at Lebanon until 1774, when he removed to Lebanon, N.H., where he thereafter resided. He served in the Revolution Oct. 28 to Sov. 18, 1776, as lieutenant in Col. Jonathan Chase's regiment, eigain as private on June 11 and 18, 1777, as lieutenant June 27, and as captain July 4, 1777, all in the same regiment. This regiment took part in the expedition to Ticonderoga. In the census of 1790 hie family consisted of two males over 16s four under 16, and six feinales, but three of the latter could not have been hie family. In the census of 1800, it consisted of one male under 10, two 10-16, one over 45, one female under 10, one 10-26, one 26-45, and one over 45, but the youngest female was not one of his children, and there was one more unmarried son (Samuel). He was one of the signers of the declaration for the committee of safety in 1773, served on a committee to settle boundaries in 1778, and on a committee to adjust public expense relating to the Revolution, and also on other committees in 1782, 1783 and 1788, was elected «^:• II -y '. -J- I mrii- BllBha^ (John^) continued. howard in 1784, reoeiv«d one vote in 1790 for representative in Congress, and one vote in 1806 for governor. The town records of Lebanon describe hia as "Lieut, * as late as 1788 in most of the above references, and he is likewise described on the gravestone of hie second wife, although, as stated, he had served as oa-ptain in 1777, He has, traditionally, been called "Colonel", but no record appears of his having held this ryjik, except hie {gravestone.

"The old gentleman was a good faaroer, gentle and winning in his way?, and much liked by his nelgl-il)0if=. He had enough to live iipon, but nothing more There was one farm of a hundred acres, and another of forty. The house wms of moderate 'siae, with two larf^e barns; but there was nothing pretty or attractive in the " appearance of the pla,ce. () .

He was the most prominent man of the Ticknor fanily up to his time. He and nearly all of his children had large families (he had one hundred twenty grandchildren at least), and the compiler hae fortunately been abla to give a very full accornt of their descendants, compiled almost entirely from family reoords,^

Uany descendants have been noted for their black hair and eyes.

He d, June 18, 132S, Lebanon, ^.H, He, hia eecond and third wives, and several descendants are buried in the South Cemetery, ^ Lebanon. Hio will was probated at ffoodsville, but the compiler has been unable to obtain a copy.

He m. (l), KoY. ?,5, 1756, at Lebanon, Conn., Ruth Kno^vles "of Truro, Mass." She d. June 21, 1771, Lebanon, Conn. The epitaph upon her gravestone in the Old Cemetery at Lebanon says: "This monument was erected by the eldest son of Mrs. Ruth Ticknor, 7'ife of Mr. Slisha Tioknor, who died June 21, 1771 in the 35th year of her age. When you pass this stone, my beloved Brother, remember your Mother and Two affectionate sisters who lie by her side. They were na^Tjed Rath - the Elder - died the 25th of June, 1762 in the 4th year of her age, & the younger the 20th of July, 1769, in the 3rd year of her a^je. "

He m. (2), Jan. 2. 1772, at Lebanon, Conn., Deborah Davis; b. l?eb. 28, 1749,/SO, Lebanan, Conn.; d. Scimuel and Alice (Swift) Davis. She was deocended from John Rowland and John Tilley of the Mayflower, .xni from other prorainont members of the Plymouth Colony. (See Q^ryft Genealogy by George H. Swift, 1900, pp. 2, 3, 6, 13; and Rowland, Chipuin ^nd Skiff genealogies). She d. July 19, 1804, aged 65 (g.s. which describes her husband as "Lt.").

He m. iz) , Oct. 27, ISOb, at Lebanon, N.H. , I^rs. Martha Leonard, a widow. She d. June 1, 1/^23, Lebanon, aged 84 (g.s.).

All descendants spell the name "Tioknor".

Children by first marriage, b. Lebanon, Conn. : 15. 1, T!;iiQha5, b. :.lur. 25, 1757. 2. RuthS, h. Feb. 26, 1750; d. June 25, 17C2. (Jan. 1,, To\m record) . See above. 16. 3. JohJi^^ ^^ yg^^ ;lo, 1761. 17. 4. Paul Knowles^, h. Uay 1, 1753; bapt. as "Paul Hoyes".

: .

Sllsha* (John') oontinued.

'1 18. 5. Jo8hu»6^ ^. Pel). 28, X765. 6. Ruth5 bapt. May 31, 1767; d. July 20, 1769. See above. Ifl. 7. Blia»o, h. Apr. 8, 1769.

Children by second marriage, all but the eighth b. Lebanon, M. H. 8. DoborahS, b. Jan. 21, 1773, Lebanon, Conn.; m. A\jg. 15,

1793, at Lebanon, U.H. , Alfred Bingham. They ware eupposRd to have been early in Brooae County, iJ.Y., and later to have settled at Korwichvillc, Canada West. He d. Apr. 12, 1862, Uorwiohvllle.

Children, (Bingham); Elisha, Samuel, John, Alfred,

Amanda, Ouatavus C. , (b. 1801, "Vt."; m. Sarah Oliastead; 2 elm.), Miranda, Lydia, Gehiel, and Lucy.

20. 0. Janea^ b. Cot. 25, 1776. 21. 10. 3a;nuel&, b. June 8, 177R. 11, Huth5, b. Jan. 28, 1731; m. Baniftl liicharda of Illinois. They were supposed to h^ve been early in liroome County,

H.Y. , and to have had eerenteen children. 22. 12. Williara^ b. July 1, 1785. 13. Tryphenao, b. Apr. 8, 1737; m. June 13, 1807, lliaha Kixflball. She d. Boston, M-^se. He d. Apr. 3, 1373. (dee Kimball Genealogy). Children, (KLnball), b. Lebanon, N.H. 1. Uary Clift^, b. Jan. 21, 1808; (not unmarried); ra. Oct. 22, 1835, at Detroit, Mich., Otis Curtis Freeman; 8. TiJaJor Edmund -freeman of Lebanon, U.H. She d. Deo. 7, 1340. 2. iiiiiabeth D.°, b. itar. 9, 1810; d. ?eb. 19, 133-. 3. rillaj, b. Dec. 3, 1812; m. Rebecca Greeley. 4. Jtliae^, b. July 13, 1815; m. Irena Augusta Ticknor; d. Williar.i5 Ticknor, (?22). 5. TryphenaQ, b. June S, ICIB; d. leb. 15, 183-. 6. Robert RaneomS, b. l£ar. 10, 1822; m. (1) Adeline S. Korth; m. (2) Marie Louise Cox. 7. JiarciaK.^, b. Oct. 29, 1324; d. 1829. 8. Joceph Henry*^, b. June 2D, 1328; m. (l) Uary Ella Ada-as; m. (2) Martiia Jane Adauns. 23. 14. David^ b. Way 22, 1789. Deane aynfutes him with the next. 24. 15. BenjaroinS, b. Koy. 19, 1791.

Deeme'e Hii^tory of Scituate; Lebanon, Conn., town and church records, and epitapho; Lebanon, H. H. „ tjwn recoids and epitaphs (in Genealosical Quarterly liag., vols. 2 and 2) (these give Mrthe of "Slias an4 Deborah, but these children were b. in Conn., as they T-ere bapt. there); CeniruseM of 1790 and 1300; if. H. State Papers, vols. 15, 17, and 30; Downs' History of Lebanon, N.Ii.; Detroit Evening F'^wi", July 6, 1901 (Bingham family); Kimball 'Jenealo^y; aoid MiB8 Mary P. freeman, San Pranciaco (Kimball fam. ) . .TqA .b 8.

JAIIKB^ (John^), b. Sept. 27, 1742, Lebanon, Conn. «g3. , Lebanon. Hie name appears on th* payroll, Sept., 1775, of Oapt. Daniel Devey's Company. The CensuB of 1790 states thr.t hi a fsjnily con- Kietcd of one male over 16, and three females. The Census of 1800 gives two inalee over 45, one male 10-16, one under 10, one female! over 45, and one 26-45. Deane saye he d. 1812 without children.

He m. Apr. 15, l??^, at Windham, L?/dia Voulton of Windham. Ho further record foiuid of her.

jSIo record found of any children.

Daanc'a Hiftory of Soituate; Windhara recorde; Censuses of 1790 and 1800; Conn. Hist. Soo. Coll., vol. 8, (Tnilitary service)

WIILIA.'J'* (^.^llliam'), h. Apr. 1, 1730. He lived at Sharon (except in 17^1, /iien he is described as "of Canaan, Conn.'*) until 1764, wlien he was at Oreat 3arrington, Mass. He soon went to Nobletown, Albany County, E.Y. , (non.' Hillsdale, Colunsbia County), and in 1785, daooribin/? himself as of thia place, and in 1791, describing liimealf as of Great Harrington, eold his Alford real eotate. lie aarved in 17&? in Capt. Samil. Dunham's (of Sharon) Co. of Wilitla. H© (or poaeibly his Bon William) served in the Revolution in the Albany County ¥ilitia (Land Bounty RigVits), 9th Regt., under Coi. Van iieoa, hia nacie appearin,>c in Capt. Tanner's (3rd) Company, as private, and in Capt. Graves' (3rd) Company as

Second Lieuiteiiant . liio dates in regard to his service are obtain- able. It is probably iie, and not his son, that appears in the Census of 1790 at Hillsdale, hia fauiily consisting of one roalc and two feriialee. There was aifco a \7iiliajQ "Tichenor" at Granville, Mass., with the sajue faitily, but there is no further record at this place. I \, is also probably he thit appears in the Ceneua of 1300 at Hillsdale, his family conEisting of one male 16-26, one raale over 45, one female 10-15, and one female over 4 5, but it seems pretty clear that tne boy and the girl could not have been his children. It alao Bceins reasonable to asf?vv'2e that he had no unmarried sons in 1790. a deed in 1B03 refers to hia farm at Hillsdale. The ccapiler has been unable to find a sitjjle epitaph at Hillsdale.

He IB. Uar. 25, 1765, at Sharon, Ahoda Smith of Salisbury, Conn. She seems to have been living in 1800.

Children, b. Sharon: 25. 1. Joseph^, b. Jan. 27, 1756. 26. 5. Benjamin^, b. July 2?, 17 5S. 7>. William^, b. June 4, 1731, the entry describing his father as of Canaan. Evidently "William Tlckner, Jr.", who served in the Revolution in the Albany County Militia, (Land Bovmty Rights), 9th Regt. Probably he d. by 1790, but see above. 27. 4, Hezeiciah^, b. Apr. 6, 1764. 5. Charles^ probably. He served in the Revolution in the * Albany County Uilitla, 9th Regjt. In Capt. Tanner's Com- pany aa private. He was living in 1781, as per State Treasurer's certificate. ilo further record of him has ^^

, 12 h William'* (William^) c-ootinued.

"cften found, and probably he d. eoon after, at least fcefore the census ras taken, .vhioh in Oil a region does not 8«ea to have been before 17^3.

(There ^yell aay have been other children, born after 1764, but if Bons, they must hsiva married by 179 3. A daughter, perhape, was living with him then. See above.)

Van Aletyne'8 Born, Married and Died in Sharon, Conn.; Berlcchire County deeds; Cersuses of 1790 and 1300; Conn. Kist. Soo. Coll., vol. IX, p. 203; iJew "Xork in the Revolution, 2nd od. 1898; 13.Y. Archives, Raster of the State Troops.


JOKATilAH-* (Vfilliani3), "b. War. 29, 1732. With t^e others of hie

family, he went to Alford, Mass. , in 17S4, when he was one of the grantees. In 1791, leaoribing himself as of Green River, Albany County, K.Y. (now ilillsdale, Columbia Goiinty), ha sold his hold- ings to his brother Baniel. lie servel in the devolution, la New York, in Cupt. Chraetopher filler's Company of Col. f/orria Graham's Regiment of Levies, (State Treasurer's certifioates dated April 27, July 31, and Au,?. ;U, 17^0;; also in Col. Williata Malcoro's Regiment of Levi 33; hIso ir. Jf^pt. Joseph A. Tanner's (3rd) Company, 9th Ee^iiaent, Col. Peter Van i-.'eaa, 0' t-se Altar»y County Militia (L-,nd Bounty Hiahts). (certificate for il, 6b, od, d.it«d 25, 1781.). ills ns-ite eeerrs to appear twice in t/ie Ctnisus

of 1790, et Mohavk, tl.Y. , hie family consisting of one male and tvro femalec, and at Oteego, ii.Y., vlth the addition of a ffiale under 16. In 1793 he was h. i^rtintce, ind in 1799 a (grantor, in Otsego County, of land on Otego Oreek, in both oases desoribiiieJ himself 'iS "of Otnef^o Co." In spite of considerable ftearoh, no further record ol him has been found. Ko record deacribes any one- of the nanie as "Jr.**, so it does liot seem probable that he had a son of the same name, to whom Home of the d

He m. Sept. 6, 17>^7, Demas Eaton, ("Ititon") (iifeinputer record). This surely se«ns to be a second marriage.

Children, (no record found of any, but he aeeiaa to be tlia only eligibly person to be the father of the following"): 28. 1. Haewell-', t. about 17 5t-v65. He vras m. by 17S0. 2. Aeahel^, b. about 1761. As "Aael" and "Asael", aged 1^ in 1770, hs servi^d in the Revolution in the Bericshire

County, 'tlxDc. , i.ilitia, tieo. 16, 1776 to March 16, 1777, ,?.nd froTn July 12, 1779 to Apr. 12, 17S0, from Alford. (S(?e ^'Aixst. Soldiers and Sailors" etc. for further

details. ) He also acrred in the yth Ke,3,imont, Albany County Vilitia, (Land Bounty Rights). Ho further record found; perhaps he d. by 1790. 3- Jon at hart-. (?) Sre above. 29. 4. Anasa 11.*^, b. 17o3, .according to one account in Schoharie County. . oq J 13

'Jonathan^ {Willi.tiT?!!^) continuod.

Berkehiro County, -Viae., and Ot^ej-j County, Tf.Y., deeds; Ooneua of 1790; New York in the Revolution, 2nd ed., 1898, p?. 77, 81; Wevt York 'VrchiTea, Ivoater of the State Troops; UasB. Soldiers and Sailcru of the Rorolutionary "Sfar; H.'i. State Treasurer's

Certlficatse, (at Albar/y) ; ?JS3. record of Rev. Juries l^empater, missionary in the Fohawic Valley, (in Strite Libriry, Albany).

*"Willi3Ti'i se«n:i? accounted for to 17e54 and had no uriir.jrried «on in 1790; the History of Berkshire County states that Daniel'* had two sons and t-:^'0 iau^leiB, -im) thefl** are fully identified hy deeds in 1802, 'A-liich preclude the existanoe of other children living- then; loiisph" Is fully .-iccounted for, exC'-;T:t in 1800, when he had one male ,?.c-45 in hia family, hut


DAHIEL"* (77111ia>n''), b. S'eb. 23, 1740/l, Aharon, ^onn. His na-ns appeals on Ihfl payroll, H,)r- 6 to Dec. 5, 1751, of Capt. ;'^aniuel Slmore's (of Sh^roa} Coiripany, which ssav ^itrvice in the Frencn and Indian '.Var. After nia marriage, he settle! at Alford, iiaes. In 1773, he Vf,iH appointed iiurreyor of tn? hi^hviay, irid in 1781 r.:?rved on a cormnittee of tjiB Ov-ijre.-.jatiinal Ghurob and me ons of tho incorporators of f-}ie Union ^jeetin^j House. He at^i-red r.s S'.'r,.;euiit in the Kf^volution, hia coinplete record being as follo'"/3: Ser^jeant, Capt. 3ylv^nuc vilcox'o Co., Col. Jonn .ishlcy'n (Berl;shire Co.) :'6, regt. ; entered torvice July S, 1777; diaohiirsed July 1777; service, 19 lays rilh iiortlern Antty; iTiileaj],^ home frciri camp at Fort :C!dward (11^ railes) allovred; also, same Co. and regt.; entared

servic* Sept. 19, 1777; disch ir.^.-^^ Oct. 17, 1777; cervioe, 23 . d--ys with Northern Arruy. As given by the census of 1790, hie family then consiBt'Tfd of two males over 16, and two ferjal<.?a, these evidently/ b^in^i Viimn»-:lf ^.nd his "-i fc, his son jJaniel, and on^- of his daughters. In the cei.!?u;5 of ]8.)0, bis family consisted of himself "and hie «'i to only. He d. Dec. 13, 1801; bur. Alford.

He m. Anril, 1764, at Sharon, Mehitable Tobey; d. Kphraim and Reliance Tobsy of Sharon. Ad^ir.ictration on her estate, giving the date of her dee.th as July 29, 181:-, ctat.*3 her heirs to be her eon Daniel, her daughters Hannah, Tife of Gary Reel, axid Reiiiince, widow of Philip Litrong, and "the legal heirs of Elijah Ticknfil", deceased son, all except Daniel residing in Mew York. She d. July 28, 1818, aged 75 (g.s.); bur. Alford.

Children: 30. 1. ICiijfchS. 31. 2. i.iinielS, b. Apr. 12, 1769, Alford, (f<^xrjily record). 3. Hannah*^; m. Cary Reed. -In 1019, he was a cordnainer at Scipio, Cayuga County, JJ. Y. < ( rxk Daniel^ (William^) continued.

4. Reliance^; m. (l), before 1802, Daniel Reed of Hillsdale,

Colxjmbia County, N.Y. ; m. (2) Philip Strong; m. (3), Sept. 12, 1818, at Scipio, as his second wife, John Newcorab. No children by third marriage. Res., 1862, Wyoming, N.Y.

Berkshire Covinty deeds and probate records; Vjm Alstyne's

Bom, Married and Died, in Sharon, Conn. ; History of Berkshire County; Tobey and Newcomb genealogies; Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War; Conn. Hist. Soo. Coll., vol. 10, (military service); Mrs. Nathalie N. Smith (date of b. of.Daniel^).



:, 12.

JOHN^ (John'*, 2), b. May 7, 1750, Slmron, Conn. Rcb., Shnron. He served in the devolution, In 1775, in Gapt. Si^urauel iSlmore'a (of Sharon) Co., (5rd Co.), 4th regiment, being discharged Uov. 24, 1775. In the consus of 1790, in which Sharon is included with Litchfield, he is ^jiven as a reeident of that town, hia family consisting of tvcj malee orer IC, five under 16, and two females, these evidently liein.v; his entire family and one other female. ^AdMiniatration on hia estate (inventoried at $lb01) was j^ranted Dec. 20, 1796 to his vi'idow and con John, both of Sharon, and later part of the property was sold to satisfy debts.

He m. Apr. 30, 1772, at S}iaron, Tabitha Stronji- of Salisbury. In the Census of 1800 her name appears, at Sharon, as the head of a family, which consisted of one male over 26. one between 16 and 26, two under 16, one female over 45 (herself), one between 16 and 26, and one u.ider IG. These last two females were probably not her ohiliren, and her eon Stephen wac probably married at the tiiae, thus riccountin^j for the males. On Jan. 18, lOV-6, distribu- tors were appointed to distribute to her husband's heirs that part of his estate which was set off as dower to his v/idow, "now deceased". The distribution was made to the t3ix sons, showing that they viere liviuij at that date, but their residences ?'ere not given.

Children, t. Shaion: 32. John6^ 1;. Jan. 12, 1774. Elisha^ t, Feb. 26, 1777, (not Feb. 6). Stephen", b. Mar. 17, 1779. JamesGj b. iJar. 11, 1783; no further record found, except ao above. Slijah^', b. May 22, 1783. David^, b. Aug. 25, 1784; went to Ohio in 1810 with his brother John, and returned; unmarried 1810; no further record found, except as above.

Van Alstyne'e Born, Uarried and Died in Sharon, Conn. ; Sharon probate records; Goodenougli'e Ellsworth; Conn. Military Record.


BEHAJAH^ (John*, 3). b. hov . 22, 1762, Sharon, Conn. He lived at

Jericho, Vt., and then at Salisbury, Comu , until about 1802, when he removed to >Vindha^a, Greene County, N.Y. , xr-h'sre he d. 1R05, being killed by t>io fall of a tree, while engaged in clearings up a piece of ground. He was taxed at Salisbury in 1791 for 33i-18-6, in 1799 for v?10., and in 1802 for ^l»0. ile was admitted to Montgomery Lodge, F. &-. k.A., of Salisbury, in 1798.

He m. Feb. 9, 1786, at Salisbury, Bethiah Bingham; b. Mar.

26, 1764, Salisbury, (g. 8. ) ; d. Daniel and Hannah Bintjhaun. She d. Nov. 19, 1:136, ae. 72 years, (g.6.); bur. in the Chapinville Cemetery, Salicbury.

36. *^»i;a.f .

Iiaao (1 8^10^, John') continued.

7. ].uoy Hoamar'?, b. liir. 26, 1815; u». Chaunoy K. Hilla. 8. Jane Viotjrine'', t. June 26, 1821; m. Horace i'aldo Stetson.

f- 43. 3. Aoahel*^ baat. Llarch, 1783 44. 4. Williaui^, "bapt. Oct., 17G4. 46. 5. Jahrfi, bapt. .iay, 1789. 46. 6. Orray^, bapt. ("Orra") Feb., 1791. (Hot "Olrjoy", aa

^iveu by Dearie. ) F.arthaS, b. about 1794; d. Dec, 1R23, ae. 29, (g.B.). All tlial ie inown of her io that her n;iiae appears on I saac ' s tnonuweut

Glarisea'^, bapt.. liar. , 17i«8; m. Ebenczer Ormsby. They

settled at Clinton, Ga. , emd after his death, she and her sons removed to Prattville, Ala.

Children, (Onasby) : 1. V/illiam Orray''', b. iiay 31. IfliJS; in. Isabella Y/ilaon Brock; their daughter la. Rev. Fi-ank Beujoiuin Ticknor, 77237. 2. Thoraaa?. 3. Theodore''.

Deane'c llistoi-y of Gcituate; Columbia church record and epit'^pho; ufamial of the Congre^jational Olmrch, Colurabia, 1860;

Mre. Elizabeth 3. Orm3by, i/elroee Pari.., i'a. ; vVoodv'orth C-cnealogy, 1901.


ELISHA^ (Blisha"^, John^), b. Mar. 25. 1757, Lebanon, Conn. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 17fl3, receiving the degree of A.M. yor the next t^o years he »aa the preceptor of iJoore'.'' Indian Charity School, a preparatory achool connected with the College. He then taught school for about a year at i'lttef ield, Mass., after which he removed to Boston, where he thereafter resided. He beowne principal of the /ranklin Public School, retiring in 1794, He ihen wae a proeperoua and highly esteemed merchant. He was the originator of the primary schools in Boston, was one of the foundera of the firat savings banlc there (the Provident Institution for Savings), and waa active in the establishment of the Massachxisetts itutual i'ire Insurance Company. He waa an importer of i^erino sheep and kept a large flock near Hanover, N.H. He was slLso a deacon of the Old South Church, and prominent in its affairs. He rac the author of 'En^liah Exercises", which ran into several editions.

He appeaTB in the Oensus of 1790 at Boston aa the head of a family consisting of on« adult male, three malra under 16, and six females. This evidently includes his son, his wife's chil- dren, and others, probably membere of her family.

He d. June 33, 1821, at Hanover, K.H. , (Boston records), while on a vinlt there. (Other authorities give different dates.) He waa buriel in his tomb in the Central Burying

: :

Xlisha^ (Ili8ha4, John^) continued.

daughter-in-law" Bliaa Billinge Woodward, widow of Hon. William B. Woodward of Hanover, K.H.; hi» father Blisha, of Lebanon, K.H., gentlemskn; hie friends Abijah White of Watertown, and James Savage; his "daughter-in-law" Lois Curtis of Watertown, and her two sons, Benjamin Bobbins Curtis and George Ticknor Curtis; his son Oeorge; and his "mother-in-law", "the present wife of my father", (the codicil calling her "mother"). Ho inventory is on file.

He m. May 23, 1790, at Boston, (Boston records), by Rev. Samuel West. Elizabeth (Billings) Curtis, widow of Dr. Benjamin Curtis, (by whom she had four children); bapt. Oct. 8, 1753, Sharon, Mass.; d. Blijah Billings; (other authorities give differ- ent dates of the marriage). She had been a school teacher at Sharon and Wrentham. Dr. Curtis was a surgeon in the Revolution- ary army, and after that,, at Boston. He d. 1784, and she taught school again. She d. Jan. 1, 1819, Boston.

Child: 47. 1. George^, b. Aug. 1, 1791, Boston.

Chapman's Alumni of Dartmouth College; Life, Letters and Journalo of George Ticknor; Census of 1790; Boston records; Suffolk County probate records.


JOHH^ (Elisha*, John'), b. Feb. 10, 1761, Lebanon, Conn. He lived at Lebanon, U.K., and Plainfifld, N. H. He served in the Revolution, as John "Tickney", March 1 to 26, 1781, as private in Capt. Charles lielson's Compsmy, in Vermont. He is supposed to have served later as captain in the militia. In the Census of 1790 he appears at Lebanon, his family consisting of two males over 16, and three females. It does not appear who the other male was, and perhaps the census was not taJcen until after the birth of his second daughter, thus accounting for the females. This census also gives John Ticknor, Jr. at Lebanon, with the same family. As there was no such person in 1790, this seems to be a duplicate entry. In the Census of 1800 his family consisted of two males under 10, two 16-26, one 26-45, four females under 10,

i one 10-16, one 15-26, and one 26-45. Some of these obviously were not his children.

He d. May 28, 1836, (g.s.). He, his wife, and many descendants are buried in the South Cemetery, Lebanon.

He m. Apr. 9, 1789, at Lebanon, Mabel Greene; b. Hov. 25, 1764, Plainfield, Conn. She d. May 5, 1846, aged 81. (g.s.)

Children, the first seven b. Lebanon, the others b.

Plainfield, U.H. , (family record) 1. SallyQ, b. yeb. 10, 1790; m. Dr. Oliver EaJcer. She d. Apr. 21, 1360. 2. Zeruah^, b. Sept. 22, 1791; ra. Dr. Caleb Plastridge.

Children, (Plastridge), b. Sast Lebanon, ^.H. 1. iSrasiiius D.^, b. June 3, 1812. 2. Arabell M.^, b. Apr. 9, 1814. .bf ) : 19

John^ (Elieha^, John^) continued.

J • 3. Don 0.7, b. July 26, 1816. 4. Eliza J. 7. "b. Sept. .?9, 1618. 5. Zeruah T.?, b. Jeb. 19, 1821. 8. ISiUina C.''', b. Mar. 22. 1823. 7. Charles B.'. b. J^. 10, 1828, 8. j;ilen P.'', b. Teh. 21, 1832; ra. Barnes. She d. Mar. 7, 1919. 9. Hannah Y.V, b. Mar. 19, 1836.

3. Betsey^, b. Sept. 2, 1793; m. Halaey R. Stevens.- She d. Apr. 11, 1849. A grandchild le Sir George Halaey Perlay, High GommiBsioner of Canada. 48. 4. JohnS b, June 23, 179 5. twin of next. 5. Mabeio, twin of last; m. Ziba Storrs; b. Apr. 14, 1789; s. Nathaniel and Ruth (Hull) Storre. (Sec Storrs Genealogy.

Children (Storrs) 1. Edwin i'orter7, b. Dec. 29, 1824. 2. John Ticknor'', b. Dec. 12, 1825. 3. Horace Lyman'', b. jfeb. 6, 1828. 4. George''.

6. Ruth R.5, b. Oct. 13, 1797; m. Feb. ?2, 1831, at Plain- field, Samuel B. Dvincan. 49. 7. BrastuB^, b. Deo. 3, 1799. 8. Hannah Green'3, b. Mar. 5, 1802; m. Bumham Young, an architect. She d. Doo. 23, 1859, Washington, B.C. 9. Laura^, b. June 11, 1804; m. Jan. 22, 1829, Dr. Henry Butler Brown; b. July 4. 1802, liorthfield. They removed to Rockford, 111. She d. Dec. 21, 1867, Rockford. He d. Dec. 13, 1872, Big Rapids, Mioh. your children. 10. Jiaria^, b. May 2, 1806; d. Sept. 9, 1807, (g.s.).

Mies 151izabeth T. Blliott; Mrs. Ellen Barnes (Plastridge family); Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, p. 342; Genealogical (Quarterly Magazine, vol. 3, (Lebanon epitaphs); Storrs Genealogy; Department of Vital Statistics; Histories of Korthfield and Canterbury.


PAUL KK0^«a.ES^ (EliBha'*, John^), b. May 1, 1763, Lebanon, Conn.

In the Census of 1790 he appears at Lebanon, N.H. , hie family consisting of one male and tv'O females. In 1800, at the same place, it consisted of two males uncier 10, one lG-26, one 26-45, one female 10-16, and one 26-45. One of these males is not accounted for, and he hai at least three daughters living in 1800, Deane says he ha.l sono Isaac and Paul, and "six daughters". He d. Feb. 14, 1830, afjed 67, (g.s.). He, his wife, his son Isaac, and all his daughters except Annette, are buried in the School Street Cemetery, Lebanon. ,b^uttiineo (^ciilcT /gwftixa) ^ftr* Paul Knowlee^ (Blieha^, John^) continued.

He a». Oct. 4, 1786, at Lel)anon, N.H. , Polly Adams. She d. JToT. 18, IQnO, u^jed B3, (£•«•)•

Children: 1. Polly^ (or Mary), b. Deo. 15, 1735, Lebanon, (D.V.S.),

(1738, a.fi.M.); unra. ; d. Jim. 24, 1873, aged 86, (g.B.).

2. SdeS (or Eda), "b. PeTa. 21, 1791, Le"banon; unm. ; d. Nov. 10, 1S66, aged 74, (g.B.).

3. laaao^, b. about 1794, Lebanon; unra. ; fajrmer; d. Hov. 10, 1057, aged 73, (g.s.). 4. 'fheoda^, b. about 1795; m. Sleepor. She d- Apr. 29, 1379, Lebanon, aged 84, (g.s.). 5. Paul^, b. by 1600; went '*eet, and trace of him was lost. 6. Martha R.'' (or Martha V.), b. about 1800; m. July 26, 1831, it Lebanon, John Halo. 3he d. July 20, 1070,

aged 70 (^. 8. ) .

7. Harriet^, b. about 1804; unm. ; d. Hov. 3, 1827, aged 23, (g-8.). 8. Lucy P.", b. about 1807; unra.; d. Aug. 21, 1857, aged 50, (g.B.). 9. Annetteo; m. Benjamin Bean. Both d. 1892-99; bur. WoodSTilie.

Wise Elizabeth T. Slliott (epitaphs); Censuses of 1790 and 1800; Deane'B History of Scituate; Department of Vital StatiBtios; Genealogical Quarterly Magazine, vol. 2, (Lebanon records).


JOSHUA^ (Blisha^, John*'), b. Peb. 28, 1765, Lebanon, Conn. He Beems to be the one Tsrho was at Tourlon, Otsego County, N.Y. in 1794. In 1802, describing himself as of Sharon, Schoharie County, he was a grantee of land in Broome County, where he evidently settled for a few years, as in 1806, describing himself as of

Lisle, and again in 1807 (with wife Lydia) , hie residence* not given, he sold his holdings to his brother Elias. lio further record of him or hie family has been found. Deane describes him as "of Illinoifi".

He m. Oct. 11, 1789, at Lebanon, Conn., Lydia Brooks.

Lebanon, Conn., church record; Broome and Schoharie Coxmty Deeds.


ELIAS^-' (F.lieha**, John^), b. Apr. 8, 1769, Lebanon, Conn. He was one of the early settler* at ihat is now Triangle, in Broonie County,

H.Y. , then part of Lisle, in Tioga County. According to tradition he came there in 1795, but his name is not found there in the Census of 1800. The first conveyance to him, in which he ie described as of Deerfield, Oneida County, is dated Oct. 3, 1305, Joshua Tioknor of Liele, evidently his brother, being the grantor. He is grantee in another deed from Joshua Ticknor in 1807, his resi- dence not being given. The place of his settlement was about three miles north of the present town of Triangle, and he seems to have lived there until his death. Administration on his estate, stating that he d. Hov. 18, 1843, intestate, was granted. '91

•j: ^prfttff^^ ^'^'it- b nifS 21


. 22

Jaaet^ (Bllehs*. John^) continued.

Children, (Boland). 1). Hunter: 1. Wyron Ticknor^, b. Sept. 10. 1825; i6. 'iargaret Bvjitain. 2. Sheldon Augustine'', b. rlay 25, IB'IH; d. Uay 25, lft.?0 3. TheodA Clarinda'', b. Kov. 22, 1830; m. Wi reman Nevlon. Hebron'^, b. and d. Aug. 0, 1G33. James Alanson', b. tJept. 14, 1835; m. Bmily Jeniina

, Baggftrley. 6. Augustine Elmer'', b. Dec. 4, 1840; m. Charity Galenor.

5. Asenath^, b. Dec. 24, 1805; m. King. They lived in ?i/isoonsln. 58. 6. Hiramo, b. Jan. 26, 1808.

7. Elizabeth®, b. July 13, 1810; unin. ; d. Apr. fl, 18P.7. Vermilion. MinerraS, b. Mov. 18, 1812; ra. Thomeon Roas. They lived in Illinois. 3be «i. June 13, 1343, Vermilion County.

Ghiliron, (Rosa) : John, James, Hannah, Mary, Hiram, Hni Thoiaas.

59. 9. Jaiieo'' b. Mar. 29, 1315. 10. Hannah'', b. Apr. 10, 1317; m. Hiram Hdss. ijhe d. 18?iO, Delavan, flie.

Children, (Roaa) : Ilary, Martha Melvina, Hiram William, Julia Rosepha, and Carrie. 11. Theoda ClarindaO, b. Sept. 15, 18: (l) Jo siah Hinkle; m. (2) Barrett, She d. June 24, 1854, Keokuk, Iowa.

Lebanon, il.H., records; family reoord male by Hiraua Ticknor in 1840, and furnished by Mrs. Sarah A. Joneo; MiBS Jlary A. Walker; Whitney Genealogy, by 0. W. Phoenix, 167a; Kockwell and Keeler Gonealogy.


SAMUEL^ (Elieha^, John^), b. June 6, 1778, Lebanon, 1;.H. He cajne to Broome County, li.Y. , eitlaer in 1807 (History, Lroome County) or in 1811, settling in that part of Lisle which later was set off ae Triangle. If the account of his son Slieha'a birth is correct, he firet lived in Canada, but according to tradition in the family the firet P£j.rt of hio married life was spent in the yoha^rk Valley, althou2,h no record of hioi has been found there. He was the owner of a large fairm, which passed to his son George S. In 1807 he was appointed lieutenant in the Tioga and Broome Counties /nilitia. He d. Kar. 15, 1345, in Broome Couiity, (g.s.). Adwinistration upon his estate was by Christina, Benjamin and Lewis Ticknor, all of Triangle, the names of his heirs not being given.

He m. 1802, Christina Smith; b. Nov. 4, 1783, N.J.; d. Jaeob Smith. She d. Mar. 9, 1869, according to the probate in 1873 of


her wlll,^ which mentioned her son George S. Ticknor, glrlng hiai all her property.

Children, (aa given in History of Broome County): 1. Harriet^; m. Gideon Baker of Triangle, "who had oome from Hew HampBhire in 1804. •* 60. 2. BliBha^ b. Dec. 4, 1805, Canada. 3. BlTira°; m. Hewett Baker. They removed to Canada, where she d. 61. 4. Lewis^. 62. 5. DavidS. 63. 6. Samuel^, h. Jan. 23, 1814, Triangle. 7. Cynthiao, h. 1816; m. 1838, David English of Chenango Forks. She d. 1853. Six children. 8. Benjamin^; unm. He removed to California, where he d. 9. Angeline°; m. David Prince. They lived at Chenango Porks. She d. Mar. 11, 1845, ae. 23, (g.s.). 10. Electa^: m. Frederick Eggleaton. They lived at Triangle, where she d. 64. 11. George Smith^, h. Mar. 10, 1827, Triangle.

History of Broome County, 1885, pp. 349, 553, 618, 619;

Deane's History of Scituate, Mass. ; Mr. Oaoar Ticknor; Broome County Surrogate's records; Mrs. Henrietta Losee.


WILLIAM^ (Elisha^, John^) "b. July 1, 1785, Lebanon, H.H. He lived at Lebanon, and was a farmer. He d. July 10, 1827, Lebanon.

He ra. Jan. 26, 1807, at Lebanon, Betsey Ellis. She is supposed to be a sister of Ede Ellis, who m. David Ticknor, #23, and d. Oliver and Ruth (Lyman) Ellis of Lebanon.

Children, b. Lebanon: 1. Betsey E.^, b. Feb. 26, 1808; m. Deo. 16, 1832, at Lebanon, Oramel H. Buswell. Adaline L.°, b. May 17, 1809; unm. William Davi«°, b. Aug. 6, 1810. Oliver Ellis®, b. Deo. 6, 1812. Elisha®. b. Oct. 6, 1814.

Irena Augusta®, b. Dec. 1, 1816 (not 1818); m. Sept. 18, ' 1839, Elias Kimball (see under Elisha Ticknor, #7). They removed to Sunbury, 0. (See Kimball Genealogy.) Children, (Kimball) 1. Irene?, b. Sept. 21, 1843, Marion, 0.; m. (l) Rev. W. S. Sedgwick; m. (2) George Armstrong. 2. Emily'', b. Aug. 14, 1846, Sxinbury; ra. George Armstrong. 3. Delia?, b. Jvine 17, 1849, Sunbury; d. July 24, 1851. 4. Otis Hinckley?, b. June 13, 1855, Sunbury; m- Abby Augusta Moore; no chn.

7. Lydia G.®, b. Oct. 22, 1820; m. Apr. 22, 1841, at Lebanon, George Nelson Greely; b. Apr. 20, 1818, Hanover, Greely. She d. M,H. ; s.. Jonathem and Sarah (Sawyer) Nov. 21, 1852. (See Greely Genealogy.)

/ YiauoO •weo^F '^i, 'rxoialF : : 24

filliam^ (Blisha*, John^) continued.

Children, (Greely), the first three b, Hanover, the others b. Lebanon: 1. George Hinlcley7, b. Feb. 28, 1842. 2. Bllen Atigusta^, b, Dec 26, 1843; m. Charles H. Morse. 3. William Tioknor'', b. Jiuie 25, 1845; m. Dora Poinser. 4. Solon 5'rsuiciB''', b. May 20, 1847; m. Sarah Jewett. 5. Oliver Hirara'', b. Oct. 18, 1849; m. (l) Mary Homer; m (2) Alice M. Bartlett.

8. Delia L.®, b. July 22, 1825; tmra. 9. Mary Ann CalraryS, b. Aug. 11, 1827; m. Jan. 26, 1847, Hiram G. Stone. Res., Webster, H.H. She d. Nov. 10, 1856, Boscawen. (See History Boscawen and Webster, p. 614.) Children, (Stone) 1. Melvin T.7, b. July 28, 1854. 2. Mary Ann T.'', b. Aug. 18, 1856; d. Sept. 21, 1870.

Department of Vital Statistics; Kimball Genealogy; Greely Genealogy; History of Boscawen and Webster.


DAVIdS (Blisha^, John3),b. May 22, 1789, Lebanon, N.H. According

to tradition he was early in Broome County, H. Y. , but if this is true, he could not have remained there long. He was a farmer and settled at Albany, Vt., where he lived until after 1838, when he removed to Lowell, Mass., where he spent the remainder of his life. He d. Feb. 12, 1878, Lowell.

He m. (l) Sept. 30, 1810, at Lebanon, Sde Ellis; b. Apr, 17, 1791, (family record), sister of Betsey Ellis, who u. William Ticknor, #22. The place and date of her death have not been learned.

He m. (2) Apr. 16, 1850, at Lowell. Abby B. Tobine; b. about Sept. 1818, Bridgewater, N.H. ; d. Thomas and Sarsih Tobine. She d. 15, 1892, (Lowell Directory).

Children by first marriage, b. Albany, Vt. 1. Ruth E.°, b. Oct. 20, 1811; m. Nov. 3, 1840, at Lowell, Samuel B. Charaberlin. 2. Martha L.°, b. Mar. 22, 1814; m. June 14, 1838, at Albany, Daniel Seaver. 68. 3. Davido, b. Sept. 24, 1816. 4. Irene B.*, b. Feb. 20, 1818; m. Dec. 3, 1844, at Lowell, (Nov. 28, M.V.S.), as his second wife, Daniel Davis.

Both were living in 1881, ^ at Tewksbury, Mass. 69. 5. Oliver Ellis", b. Jan. 3, 1820. 6. Rhoda B.°, b. Mar. 9, 1822; m. Nov. 14, 1845, at Lowell, Elbridge Dearborn. Both were living in 1881, at Lowell. 7. Weltha E.^, b. Dec. 5, 1823; m. Mar. 3, 1850, at Lowell, Jaunes Seaver. Her res. , as his widow, 1881, Tewksbury* 70. 8. Henry Lyman^, b. Feb. 3, 1826. 9. Abalena H, °, b. Feb. 23, 1828; unra. 1853; no further record foiind. i»rf*T'/)[ on ; ;

'ItKtid^ (Bliaha*, John^) continued.

10. Sarah Jane Rowell^, b. Aug. 30, 1830; n. Mar. 17, 1850, at Lawrence, !/Iass., Richard P. Perry. They removed to New York City, where both were living in 1881. 11. Tryphena Kimball®, b. June 13, 1832; m. liar. 21, 1855, at Lowell, Lebbeus Stetson T5ow. He d. Jan. 28, 1869. She d. Deo. 4, 1871.

Children, (Bow) 1. Helly S.7, b. Hov. 14, 1861; d. Dec 8, 1866. ; V i 2. Florence?, b. Oct. 14, 1865; d. Nov. 20, 1873 or 1875. 3. Lillie J. G.', b. Apr. 24, 1868; m. May lO; 1887, Henry E. Van Doom. Bee., lit. Vernon, N.Y.

12. LoiB P.®, b. Jan. 12, 1835, (Feb. 12, family record); m. May 30, 1858, at Lowell, Reuben Melvin. Both were living in 1|81 at Cincinnati, 0. 13. Ellen M. B.o, b. Feb. 7, 1338, (Jan. 7, family record); d. July 11, 1854, Lowell.

Children by second marriage, b. Lowell: 14. Prancee Helena®, b. Oct. 24, 1852; m. Oct. 3, 1871, at Chelraeford, Alva Hodgman; b. Nov. 23, 1824, Chelmsford; 8. Asa and Sarah (Spaulding) Hodgman. He d. Mar. 11, 1905, Lowell. (See Hodgman Genealogy.)

Children, (Hodgman), b. Chelmsford: 1. Lillian Frances', b. Sept. 2, 1873; m. Irving A. Lawrence. 2. Lyman Alva'', b. Dec. 21, 1874; m. Lilliae Viola Reid. 3. Walter Albano", b. June 30, 1876; m. (l) Gertrude C. Fifield; ra. (2) Sarah Annie Weston. 4. Edwin Charles'', b. May 8, 1878; d. May 5, 1895, Lowell.

15. Charles W.®, b. May 19, 1854; d. Aug. 19. 1854, Lowell. 71. 16. Charles Sumner®, b. about 1856.

Lebanon, N.H. , Albany, Vt. , and Lowell, Mass., records; Mass. Vital Statistics; Middlesex County, Mass., probate records and deeds; Van Doom Genealogy; Hodgman Genealogy (mss. , N.E.H.G.Soc. ) Mrs. Lillie J. G. Van Doom.


BENJAMIN^ (Elisha^, John*^) b. Nov. 19, 1791, Lebanon, N.H. Res., Boston, Mass.; broker. He d. June 5, 1829, Boston. His will, dated May 1, 1829, which shows him to have been a very religious man, mentions his wife Mary Ann, and children Charles Phelps, James Gardner, George Kimball, Baldwin Calvary, and Mary Ann Calvary. He, his first wife, and several of his children are buried in Tomb 43, in the Central Burying Ground, on Boston Common.

He ra. (1) Oct. 29, 1815, at Boston, Hannah Gardner of Abington, Mass., (intention there); b. July 1791, Plymouth Cotinty, Mass. She d. May 16, 1824, aged 33, Boston. •ii.y Ben^anln^ (Ellsha^, John^) continued.

He m. (2) Jan. 11, 1825, at BoBton, Mary Ann Calvary; "b. Feb. I 12, 1792, St. Johns, M.B. Apparently the one who d. Jan. 9, 1873, aged 80, Worcester, Mase.

u Children by first marriage, b. Boston: 1. William Davi8°, b. June 4, 1816; d. liov. 20, 1825, Boston. 2. Benjamin^, b. June 24, 1817; d. July 12, 1826, Boston. 72. 3. Charles Phelps^, b. Jan. 20, 1819. 73. 4. James Gardner^, b. Oct, 7, 1820. 74. 5. Qeorge^, b. Apr. 14, 1822. He dropped the middle name before entering college. 6. Henry Wisner^, b. Dec 29, 1823; d- Aug. 9, 1825, Boston.

Children by second marriage, b. Boston: 7. Mary Ann Calvary^, b. and d. Peb. 11, 1826. 75. 8. Baldwin CalvaryS b. Apr. 23, 1827. 9. Mary Ann Calvary^, b. Feb. 11, 1829; d. Jan. 7, 1830, Boston.

Boston records (marriages and deaths only) ; Suffolk County probate records; Mr. Clarence Gobs (family records).


JOSEPH^ (William*,''), b. Jan. -27, 1756, Sharon, Conn. He was a

farmer, and lived at Hillsdale, N. Y. , until about 1803, when he removed to Scipio, Cayuga County, where he spent most of the rest of his life, finally residing at Venice. In the Census of 1790 he appears at Hillsdale, his family consisting of himself, one male under 16, and four females. In the Census of 1800 he also appears at Hillsdale, his family then consisting of one male under 10, one 10-16, one 16-26, one 26-45, one over 45, and two females xmder 10, two 10-16, one 16-26, and one 26-45. The first male seems to have been his eon William and the next his son Joseph (who was also the boy in the Census of 1790), but the next is not aooounted for. The females all seem to be accounted for, but one more daufjhter was apparently born after 1800.

Althoxigh his name is not found in any of the printed works on the subject, he served in the Revolution, as appears from his affidavit, executed Sept. 24, 1832, on file in the U. S. Pension office, upon which he was granted a pension. As this affidavit contains the only personal narrative known to the compiler of any Ticknor in the Revolution, it is given here substantially in full. Joseph Tickner deposed that *fle resided in the town of Nobletown (now Hillsdale) Columbia County, II. Y. during the Revolutionary War. That about the last of May or first of June, 1776, he enlisted in the New York State troops for six months under Capt.

James Spencer . . . ; that he served in the regiments commanded by Col. Van Dyke; General Schuyler commanded the army; that he went to Lake George and thence to Fort An^; that they remained there until about 6 weeks before the expiration of the term of enlist- ment when they marched back to the Lake again, remained there until his time was out; was then dismissed. That some time in the summer of 1777 (he believes in August) the militia company which he belonged to were called out, that they went to Fort Edward, remained there about 2 weeks, when he with one half of the n'if "

/••eph^ (William^.S) continued.

company were allowed to go home to harreet their wheat Re returned to his company which was then at Saratoga on the east side of the river. Gapt. Graves was his Captain. Col. Ford, oommandant That after Burgoyne svxrrendered he was dismissed baring been there in the whole about 6 weeks. That he was called out again in the fall of 1778 (thinks it was in Oct.), that the Company were ordered to Greenbush, then to Albany, marched 5 miles Up the river, then were ordered back to Albany again That he was out about one month, and then was marched home. Was called out again about the first of June, 1779, under Capt- Holly or Hawley, ... Col. Pord; that he went to Cherry Valley to guard the fort, that while be was there the Indians and Tories came to Springfield, that he went with the forces stationed in the fort to drive them off. '^en he got there the Indians had taken the men prisoners and drove off the cattle of the inhabitants; that the company pursued, on the trail, the Oneidas acting in concert with his party, ambushed the hostile Indians and fired upon them and killed 17 of thera and the rest made their escape with their prisoners and that his party then returned with the cattle that had been drove off, ... he was then dismissed. That he was called out again in the fall of the same year (he cannot state the time). That he went to Albany where they got ajnraunition and provision, then went to the Mohawk River to oppose the Indians and Tories The engagement was near the house of Esq. Pundy. That he was out about 2 weeks and then the company returned home. That he has served, reckoning only the teiTns above described, ten months and about one week.

His will, dated Aug. 3, 1837, in which he describee himself as "aged 80 years and upwards", mentions his children as given below, and the husbands of the daughters. In the case of his daughter Rhoda, he mentions his "grand- daughter Clarissa Bliss, daughter of my oldest daughter Rhoda, now deceased. " In the petition Clarissa Bliss is stated to be the wife of Dillon Bliss. He d. "on or about" May 9, 1839.

His wife is supposed to hare been a Reid or Reed. He evi- dently surrived her.

Children: 76. 1. Joseph^, b. about 1786. 77. 2. William^; mentioned first, but probably younger than his brother. 3. Rhoda^; "oldest daughter*. She seems to have m. a Bryant, and d. by 1837.

Child, (Bryant): 1. Clarissa"'', m. June 7, 1827, Dillon Bliss. Res., 1839, Covington, Ibi.Y. (See the Bliss Genealogy.)

4. Sarah^, m. Amasa Bronson. Res., 1839, Springfield, Erie County, Pa. B« Roxana^; m. James Gilman. Res., 1839, Onondaga, Onondaga County, H. Y. 6. Almirao; m. Bishop Ames. Res., 1839, Venice. 7. Hannah^;. m. Feb. 12, 1304, Elihu Rawson. (Mentioned only as "Hamnsdi Rawson"). They lived at Palmyra, N.Y. ,&>i,^j<10i^ , ,


(William*,') continued.

He d. Jan. 3, 1834, Tenfield, W.Y. She d. 1843. (See the Rawson Genealogy, pp. 120, 204, 205.)

Children, (Rawson): 1. Philornum H.^, b. Oct. 28, 1804; m. Charlotte 3. Dobhin. 2. Philander R. ', b, June 27, 1806; m. Eveline S. Dobbin. 3. Luther A. ^, b. May 30, 1808; d. young. 4. Maranda'', b. June 15, 1810; m. (l) John Coulter; ra. (2) Bdward UoAdams. 5. Almyra?, b. Apr. 27, 1812; m. Abraham J. Van Camp. 6. Laura Anni', b. Apr. 16, 1814; m. (l) Daniel R. Case; m. (2) Alvin Reed Ticknor, #178. 7. Elihu Tickner?, b. Jan. 21, 1817; m. Wealthy Ann Turner. 8. Hannah S. ", b. Apr. 19, 1819; m. Moore a. Harker. 9 Silas F,'', b. May 23, 1821; m. Lucretia J. Palmer. 100. Mary B.'', b. Sept. 10, 1823; m. (l) A. Pomeroy; m. (2) -- — Colline; m. (3) CJeorge Harsh. 11. Roxana li."? b. Aug. 28, 1825; d. 1851. 12. Adalino B.", b. Feb. 2, 1829, m. iJodiah Browii.

8. Laur&6j ujun. i^ 1839. Res., 1839, Venice.

Perhips there were other children, who d. by 1837.

Cayiiga County Surrogate's records; U. S. Pension records; Columbia County deeds; Censuses of 1790 and 1800; Bliss and Rawson Genealogies; Miss Lillie S. Atherly.


BKHJAHIM^ (William'^, 3), b. July 23, 1758, Sharon. Conn. He served in the Revolution in the Albany County Militia, 9th Regt. in Capt. Tanner's (3rd) Company, also in the 8th Regt., in Capt. Graves' Company; also in Vermont, IPeb, 1 to Deo. 1, 1780, in Capt. Parraelee Allen's Company of Rangers; also from Alford, Mass., July 17 to Oct. 26, 1780 as one of the six months men raised by the town of Alford, eei-ving in Capt. Sylvanus Smith's Company, Col. Timothy Bigjelow's {15th) Regt.; also from Ashford, Mass., in same Company, his name appearing on sevpral payrolls. Evidently there is some error as to the length of his Vermont service. In the Census of 1790, he appears at TXohawk, Montgomery County, N.Y. his family consisting of himself, his wife, and another female. No further record of him has been found.

He m. Elizabeth Serviss.

Child: 1. Rhoda^, ("Rode") bapt. July 12, 1788, Jerseybush, N.Y.

¥SS. record of Rev. James Dempster, (see under Jonathan

Tickner, #10); New York in the Revolution, 2nd ed. , 1898, pp. 115, 117; N.Y. Archives, Roster of the State Troops; Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (which see for further details); Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, 1904. '^ilXi*/ 29 27.

[bKEKIAH^ (William^,'), b. Apr. 6, 1764, Sharon, Conn. He served in the Revolution in the Al'bany County Lillltla, 9th Regt., in Capt. Tanner's (3rd) Company. He was a farmer and lived at Hillsdale, I4 y., where his name appears in the Census of 1790, his family consisting of himself, his tvife, and one boy. In the Census of 1800 bis family consisted of himself, his wife, one male 10-16, three males under 10, one female 16-26, one female 10-16, and two females under 10. He d. Kar. 15, 1826.

He m. Elizabeth Wbittintj. She d. Aug. 27, 1852, Florence,

H. Y. , aged 83 years, 10 months.

Children, all probably b. Hillsdale: 78. 1. ArvinS, b. Kwc. 10, 1789; "the oldest son." 79. 2. John WhittingO, b. June 16, 1792. 80. 3. Eezekiah^. 81. 4. Enoch Smith^, b. Oot. 8, 1808. 5. Anna^; m. Carley, and went "ffest. 6, Betsey^.

(There seem to have been several other children. )

N.Y. Archives, Roster of the State Troops; Censuses of 1790 and 1800; Mrs. Mary K. Emerson.


ROSWELL^ (Jonathan^, William^), b. about 1755-65. His military service is the only public record of him found. He served in the Revolution, from Alford, Mass., as private in Capt. Peter Ingersoll 's Company, Col. David Brewer's (9th) Regt., beginning May 19, 1775, roll dated Aug. 1, 1775, service two months, one week; also as per two undated rolls of the same company, in one of which he is reported to have died July 20; 1775; but as there was an order to him for money in lieu of bounty coat dated Deo. 20, 1775, the report of hia death seems erroneous. According to tradition he was captured by the British "and never heard from again", but this may refer to the U'ar of 1812, or his son Jason. He seems to have d. by 1312. Although he must have been married and had at least two children by 1790, his nsune is not found in the Census.

He m. "Minerva Thorp" (but his son Jason seems to be confused with him). She m. (2), according to all accounts, a Mr. Dayton. They were living at Buffalo in 1812, and had a daughter Laura, who ra. James Ward of Illinois.

Descendants usually spell the name "Tickner".

Children, places of births not known, (there were "7 sons"): 82. 1. Roswell^, b. about 1785 or so. He was married and had children by about 1806. 83. 2. Jason^. b. May 13. 1788 (family record). "He was very familiar with Hartford and Jfew Haven, Conn. " 3. HolcombS; settled in •'Connot, Pa. " (No suoh place; at Conneautville, ?a., and Conneaut, 0., there were other lines of Ticknors, and no record of Holcomb has been found at either place.) 84. 4. AsahelS, b. about 1792. (Also called "Asel"). 5. Tarasie^; iil. Westover.

Mrs. Mary J. Webb; Mrs. Julia M. Rolnh: Mr. Edwin H. TlrVn-i- ti:»'V ou

85. p.i 31 h

Elijah^ (Dajiiel'*, William^) continued.

94. 5. Elijah^. 96. 6. ^illium Aneon*^, b. Fe"b. 5, 1806 (family record). 96. 7. Frederiok Albert^.

8. Lora'^ ) ^° further record found. The will 9. Reliance'^ )

10. Kehitablo^ ) raentlona them only by their first names.

Columbia County, N.Y. , Surrogate's records; Columbia County and Berkshire County, Mass., deeds; History of Berkshire County, 1885.


DAMIKL^ (Daniel'*. William^), b. Apr. 12, 1769, Alford, Mass. He lived at Alford and Groat Harrington. In the Census of 1800 he appears at Alford, as Daniel Tickner, Jr., his family consisting of himself, his wife, and two males under 10, but hie and his wife's a^es are given as 16 to 26. He served in the MasBachusetts Militia, in the 1st regiment, let brigade, 9th division, being oonimissioned eneirgn Set)t. 22, 1804, lieutenant iday 16, 1809, and beinx discharged Jan. 28, 1812. He d. Oct. 29. 1854, Great Barrington; bur. Alford. Administration upon his estate, Apr. 7,

1857, mentions his sons Horace, James, Hemain, Ezra C. , and Albert, and hie ridow.

He ra. Nov. 30, 1796, (family record), Anna Chadwiok of Lyme, Conn., "two years younser than her husband." She d. May 11, 1857, aged 85, Great Barrington; bur. Alford.

Children, (others?): 97. Horace^, b. Mar. 10, 179B, Alford, (g.s.). Heman^, b. Feb. 15, 1800, Alford, (family record). Ezra Chadv;ick<5, b. Nov. 28, 1802, Alford. Albert 6, b. about 1805, Alford,

Jumee S.^; utm. ;. insane; laborer; d. Apr. 24, 1864. "aged 75", Great Barrin?:ton; bur. Alford. 6. (?)"aianson6, b. 1811 (mentioned in a family record); no further record found.

Maee, Vital Statistioe (deaths only); family records from Miss Harriet Ticknor, I'rs. Nathalie Smith, and l!rs. Emily U. Jones; Childs' Gazetteer of Berkshire County, (which says there were 8 records. chn. ) ; Berkshire County probate

'>-'•" ' . r-i f V,jv;,J^f r.\ .Via

.ir;. v^w'cr- ...".ft'

15. Xr. ) , 32


32 JOHH^(John^,'*,"^), b. Jan. 12, 1774, Sharon, Conn. lie liyed at Sharon until 1810, vhon h© settled at Suffiold, Portage Goijuity, Ohio, where he purchaaed one hundred twenty acres of land at $2.25 per acre. Hie eons John W. and Elson lired on this land until 1864. Prior to his aettlenent in Ohio, he probably lived for a year or so on the east side of the Alleghanys, He d. Oct. 10, 1819, Nuffield; bur., also his wife, in Kent's Cemetery at Suffield.

He m. Mrs. Buth (Wooster or Worster) Perry; b. April 18, 1774 in Germany; d. Sylvester vyorcester (deed, Herkiraer County, U.Y. 1810). She was brought to this country in the year of her birth by her grandparents. She taught school in Connecticut arid Khode Island, and m. (1) Capt. Perry, who left the day after their marriage on a sea voyage, and waa never heard from. She d. Apr. 23, 1859, Suffield.

Children, tho first four b. Sharon, the other b. Suffield; 1. Blcy'?, b. Sept. 28, 1802; d. Sept. 28, 1819, iJuffield. 101. 2. "Slson^, b. May 26, 1804. 102. 3. Alantha''', b. J\ily 30, 1806. 103. 4. John Wooster''', b. June 28, 1808. 5. Tabitha'7, b. May 20, 1811; m. Old."? of Paw Paw, Mich.

She left no chn- She d. Jan. , 1885, Paw Paw.

Mr. Horace A. Ticknor. (Hone of the births of the above children are found in the Sharon records.


ISLISHA^ (John5,i,3^^ b. 3?cb. 26, 1777, Sharon, Conn. He oettled at Rutland, Jefferson County, N.Y., where he lived for most of his life, (but see b. of his s. Ira). He served in the War of 1812, enlisting from Rutland, from Mar. 2-19, 1813, as private in Capt. Jedediah Stanley'^ Company, 2! Y. llilitia, (pension record). Ho alHo s<^rved in the ytirie Company as private July 23 to A\ig. 31, 1814, {h,Y. Adjt. -General 'a record). He d. Itar. 9, 1845, Chemung, N.Y.-

He n. Mar. 11, 1804, at Sharon, or Cornwall, Conn. , Sibyl Todd; b. Feb. 4, 1782, (Derby, Conn., according to family record, but not found in Derby records, as printed) ; d. Daniel and Eunice (Hitchcock) Todd. Her application for a pension, in 1879, gave her residence aa Cornwall, Conn. She d. Jan. 5, 1882v, ae. 99, near Rodman, 5.Y.

Children, the first five b. Rutlurri, place of births of the others, except the eighth,- not learned: 1. irirHm'7, b. Deo. 22, lfir>4.; married; no chn. Before 1880 he va.n at Joliet, 111.; living, 1883; no further record found. -X- 2. Eunioa'', b. Sept. 16, 1806 (trin of next); n. Oct. 15. 1832, l^ills J. Pierce. They lived at Cornwall. ^ SEC TOOK OF Children, (Pierce): fovt^ 1. Hiram W.«>. b. Dec. 7. 1834: married: 4 chn. S£ I

9e ••nvti ojr

. 1L> At« ^ I ii . ) 33

Jlisha^ (John^, *,*) continued.

t2. Frederick J.^, b. Nov. 4, 1837; married; 3 chn.

3. LoTiBa'', (twin of last); m. AnGon 'Villiaraa; no chn. 4. Alniira7, t. Sept. 22, 1808; n. Aaron Slade; 5 chn. She d. 1S6E>. 5. Harriet"?, h. July 10, IBIO; d. Sept. 14, 1819. 6. iJoah"?, b. Oct. 14, 1812; d. Dec. 15, 1R13. 7. Sibyl Eliza7, h. hov. 16, 1B15 (fam. rec) (1814, pension

rec. ) ; unm. 104. 8. Ira Strong?, b. Sept. ?4, 1817, (Sharon, Conn., according to family record.

9. John S.7, b.Mar. 15, 1820; married; 1 b. ; 1 d. ; d. July 22, 18(56. 10. Luther Marvin?, b. War. 21, 1822; d. Dec. 2, 1835. 11. Elbert 0.?, b. Hay 6, 1825; drorned Mar. 20, 1861.

U.S. Pension records; Tuttle Genealogy; family Bible record, furnished by Mrs. Etta M. Whitney; H.V. Adjutant-iieneral' 8 rpcorde.


ST^HEN^ (John^, *,'). b. Mar. 17, 1779, Sharon. Conn. Tie lived at Ellawoith Villatie, Sharon. He d. Aug. 20, 18r>8, according to his gravestone in the Cartnright Burying Ground, where he and many of hie family are buried. His will, dated Aug. 7, 1858, rnentione hie wife Catherine, Bona Orrin, Hiram, William and Calvin, and daughter Harriet.

He m. Catherine Uaxim, d. Adonijfxh Maxim. She d. Mar. 27, 1865, aged 82 (g. o. ).

Children: 105. 1. Orrin?, b. about 1801; he was an adopted child, his ruixae being Orrin King.

2. Harriet?, b. about 1803; uiim. ; d. i-:ar. 27. 1^83 (g.s.). 3. A dan filter, who d. young. 4. Harmon?; d. aged 15. 106. 5. Hiram?, b. Mar. 22, 1608, Sharon. 6. Williain?, b. about 1810. Removed to ; living 1883, reoidence not known. }Ie had one son who wa8 an enginoor. 7. Calvin?, b. about 1816; unmarried; d. Feb. 19, 1895, aged 79, (g.e.), (Feb. 22. family record). 107. 8. John F. 7, b. about 1817.

Van Alstyne's Born, Married, and Died at Sharon, Conn.; "Van Alatyne's Sharon Burying Grounds; Goodonough's l^ilisworth; Mr. William Palmer; Sharon Prob-ite records.


miJAE^ (John^,4, 3), b. Way 22, 1783, Sharon, Conn. He aeems to be the one whooe record is given hero, although the ages given would indicate that he was b. about 1787-8. He served in the

War of 1812, enlisting from Unadilla, K.Y. , from Sept. 19 to Nov. 21, 1814, as private in Capt. Pelog Arnold's Coiapany of ^.Yl

Mll|ti^9^Q,and in 1871, aged 83, residing at Tully, N.Y. , was granted =kr CO ,nN« I } ) s* lljjah'^ (John5,*,3) continued.

^a pension. He vras "in aerrice at Lewieton, N.Y. " (JJ.Y. A. 3. records). In 1854 he bought, rGsidence not given, and in 1P66, dCBcribing hiraself ao of thai plaoe, oold, land in Greece, Uonroe County. No further record found.

He a. May 8, 1Q05, at iihiron, Hancy Teed.

The following may have been his children: 108. 1. Ltiaerno A. ', b. about 1S13. (Hio pencion record men- tions the following sisters. 2. Marilla', b. about 1824; ra. Strail. Rea.» 1890, RouaevillQ, Pa. Z. Ann'', b. about 1029; unm. 1890, Roa., 1890, Rouaeville.

Van Aletyne'e Boan, Married and Pied in Sharon, Conn.; U.S. Pension records; N. Y. Adjutant-General *b records; Monroe Gounty deeds.


BBNAJAH^ (Benajah^, John^.^). b. May TP, 1788, Jericho. Vt. He was a surgeon an the U. S. Kavy. He received the honorary degree of M.D. from Yale in 1S36, and graduated from the Berkshire Medical Institute in 1858. He lived at Brooklyn, M.Y-, and elsewhere, and, after his rotirement, at A.nn Arbor, Mich., wh^Bre he d. Sept. 20, 1858. Hia 'rill contained heouest« to various charities of the Episcopal Church, and litigation ovf^r the validity of these is reported in 13 Ti.Tic}i. 44.

He Jti. Getia (or Gesie) Bostwick; b, June 25, 1784, (Great Barrington, Uasa.?); d. Rev. Gideon and Gesie (Burghart) Bostwick. Sho d. July 3, 1060.

They had no c}:ildren, but educated tho follov.'inK of his sister's children, nho aosumed the nuue of Tioknor: 1. Lois Carap7 (Ball), b. Mar. 27, 1829, Salisbury, Conn.; ra. No-T. 16, 1847, at Salisbury, Donald Judson Vamer. She d. Jan. 13, 1880. (See Warner Genealogy.

Children, (Warn«r), b. Salisbury: 1. Donald Tioknor^, b. Deo. 15, 1850; ra. Harriet Electa '<7alls. 2. Grace^, b. LTar. 20, 1856; unm. 3. Ad^le de ^orest^, b. Aug. 8, 1859; unra. 4. LoiQ^, b. .'eb. 7, 1863; unja. 5. Malcoln Clark^, b. June 26, 1866; w. Charlotte J. Warsh Shenarvi.

2. Frances •Jliaabeth*' (Ball), b. Mar. 31. 1837, Salisbury; m. Oct. 26, 1865, at iialiabury, RoB\7all Oxaipman Curtis. (See Shurtleff Genealogy.)

Child, (Curtis):

1. Carrie Ball'', b. June 26, 1872, Medina, 0. ; unia. ; d. Dec. 3, 1391, Medina.

Hon. Donald T. Warner; U. S. Havy Register; Bootwick, Warner, and Shurtleff Genealogies.

5.6' tH' 37. 3045353 .4 3i ^ (Benajah^ John*.''), To. Mar. 9. 1790, Jerioho, Vt. After Jtl* father 'e death, the care of the family devolved upon hin;, a lad of fifteen ye are, as Benajah, the elder "brother, had left home. He kept the family together, by hie ovti exertione, for three years, when they decided to separate, and Luther returned to Salisbury and lived with "the late Samuel Lee, Ecq. " for two years. He then taught tcVool near Rudfon, K.Y. , for a year and began the study of medicine. In 1836 he was licensed to practice medicine. He practiced p,t Sheffield, Vacs., for one year, re- turned to GaliBbury in 1818, and there continued until his death. In 1808 he rae admitted a member of yortgomery Lodge, F. and A.M., of Salisbury, and veae Worshipful Master of this Lodge in 1B24, 1825. and 1R27. He graduated from th^ Berkfchirc Medical Institute in 1827, and received the honoraiy degree of U.I). from Yale in 18S9. He was representrxtive from Salisbury in 1B32 and 1833. He stood veiy high in the ebtimution of his profession, and at the time of hie death was president of the Connecticut Medical Society. He d. Mar, 19, 1R46, Salisbury: bur. in the New Cemetery, Salisbury Centre.

* He m. Mar. 19, 1819, TSliza Ann Lae (whose sister m. hie brother CaOebB., ,^4l); b. liov. 5, 1796, Caliebury; d. Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth (Brov.n) Lee. ivhe d. Tcb. 19, inr.Q, (g.s.); bur. with lier husband.

No children.

Rev. Adam Reid's sermon on Dr. LutVer Ticknor, Hartford, 1847; Salisbury epitaphs, and membership roll of iiontgomery Lodge; Lee and Strong Geneal oj^ies; Yale Catalogue.


HEMAH'5 (Benajiih^, John^,-!^), b. Mar. 17, 17^2, Salisbury, Conn.

He lived nt Bennin^^ton, Vt. , Pittstown, li'.Y. , and Pittafield, lUch., where he d. Mar. 20, 1864.

He m. Mar. 7, 1816, Eliza Cutler; b. Mar. 2, 1793; (evidently "Betsy" Cutler, d. Josiah and Botany (Alleni Cutler). She d. 1871, Pittafield.

Children, the first b. Bennington, tho twelfth b. PittFfield, the others b. Fittstown: 1. Henry William'/, b. Deo. 19, 1816; d. hov. 24, 18^5, Pittstown. 109. 2. Giles Wolcott^, b. May 18. 1313. 3. Benajah^, b. Jan. 14, 1820; d. A.ug. 19, 1833, Bennington. 4. Sophia Bethiah', b. Oct. 5, 1821; d. ^u.^y 10, 18U, Plttsfield. 5. Abi Elizabeth'', b. Sept. 5, 1323; d. 3ept, 16. 1824, Pittstown. 6. Abi Eliza^, b. Veb. 29, 1825; d- Mar. 2, 1848, Pittsfield. 7. Caroline'7^ tj. peb. 27, 1827; d. June 4, 1827, Pittstown. 8. Ann Martha''', b. Sept. 5, 1828; d. June b, 1855, Pittafield. 9. Luther?, b. Nov. 10, 183;J; d. Deo. 20, 1841, Pittsfield. 10 Caroline Electa', b. May 6, 1832; d. June lb, 1852. Pittsfield. 11. Korman', b. July 31, 1834; d. Aug. 13, 1834, Pittstown. 12. Ellen Jahe7, b. Sept. 30, 1835; d. Nov. 30, 1864, Pittsfield.

Mr. Prank H. Ticknor: Cutler Memorial,

39. ' ^(^ « lORHAH^ (Benajah^, John^.^), b. Hot. 30, 1793. Salisbury, Corai. Be llTed at J«wett, Oreene County, II«Y. , wher« he wae a faxraer, and for many years was deacon of the Presbyterian Church. He serred ia the H. 7. Militia, being appointed ensign in 1816, and lieuten* ant ia 1822, of the 116th Regular Infantry. He d. Aug. 10, 1870, Jewstt. The following resolution was adopted by the Church Session: "With huable submission to the dispensation of God's holy proridenoe, the Session records the death of one of its members, Mr. Horaan Ticknor, who departed this life on the 12th (sio.) of August Inst., in the 77th year of his age.** His will, dated Aug. 9, 1870, nmtions his sister Sophia B. Ball, his wife Abi, and others whose relationship to him is not stated. The petition states that his only heirs and next of kin were his widow, Wolcott Ticknor (eri- dently Giles Volcott Ticknor) a nephew, of Ana Arbor, Hiohl, and the children of Myron Ticknor, deceased.

Be a. Abi Holcomb. Her will, dated Oct. 8. 1875, (date of probate not on reoord, but by 1685) in which she describes her- self as aged 80 years and 10 months, mentions her brother Alansoa Holcomb, and the children of her "brothers and sisters", and made sereral charitable bequests.

They had no children, but brought up "at least three".

Greene County Surrogate's Court records; Rer. John B. Kaloria,

Jewett; Records of the Coiincil of Appointment. N.Y. ; History of Greene County. S.Y.


MTROH* (Benajah^, John*,^), b. 7eb. 12, 1799. Salisbury, Conn. He was a woolen manufacturer, and lired at different places, as giren below. He d. July 20, 1866, kiddlebury, Vt., from injuries reoelTed when his horse ran away.

Hem. June 28, 1826, at Sohagticoke, M.Y. . Elizabeth Winne Knickerbocker; b. May 10, 1805, Schagtlcoke; d. Herman and Ariantie (Lansing) Knickerbocker. She d. Oct. 9, 1874, JacksonTllle, fla.

Children: 1. Arrietta^, b. May 17. 1827, Waterford, U.Y. ; m. (l)

Hewell Lyon; m. (2) A. P. Styles. . She d. 1917.

Children, (Lyon) : Asa H. ; other chn. d. young.

2. Bethiah*', b. June 16, 1829, Waterford; m. (l) Edward P. Pickett; m. (2) Velsey, She d. Jan. 20, 1915, Troy, H.Y. Three chn. 3. John' b. Hot. 14, 1830, Waterford; d. young. 110. 4. Myron?, b. Avig. 22, 1833, Schagtlcoke. 111. 5. Edwin'', b. Dec. 28, 1835, Middlebury, Vt. 112. 6. Caleb'', b. Mar. 7, 1840. Keeseville, M.Y. 7. Smaogene'''; m. Charles Blew.

Children, (Blew): Edwin Ticknor, William Ticknor, and Edwin Ticknor.

8. A daughter, who d. young.

Mr. Edwin Ticknor; Knickerbocker Genealogy. A*^?f

-^.1 37

. 41.

OALIB BIHGHAH* (BenaJaliS, John*, 3), t. Oct. 16, 1804, Oranl)y, H.Y. (g.«.)' He was a physician and author of yarious medicail works, liTing at Salisbury, Conn., until about 1832, whsn he remoTed to

Hew York City. He attended Union College, IT.T. , with the class of 1828, receired the degree of M.S. from the Unlyersity of Pennsylvania in 1829, graduated from the Berkshire Medical Institute, emd receired an honorary degree (of A.M.?) from Union College in 1835. He was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa at Union College. He was admitted to Montgomery Lodge, 7. and A.M., of Salisbxiry, in 1825. For titles of his works see Appleton*8 Cyclopedia of American Biography. He d. Sept. 19, 1840, at Hew York City, (g.s. ); his funeral was held Sept. 23 at St. John's Episcopal Church, Salisbxiry; bur. in the Hew Cemetery, Salisbury Centre.

He H. Jan. 21, 1830, at Salisbury, Mary Lee (whose sister m. his brother Luther, #37); b. Mar. 22, 1808, Salisbury, (g.s.); d. Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth (Brown) Lee. She d. Jan. 11, 1841,

Brooklyn, H.Y. , (g.s.); bur. with her husband.

Ho children.

Salisbury records, epitaphs, and membership roll of Montgomery Lodge; Lee and Strong Genealogies (n^ich give some apparently erroneous dates); Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography; Union College Catalogue.


DAVID* (Isaac^,*, John^), bapt. Dec., 1781, Columbia, Conn. Res., Columbia. He d. May 16, 1814, (g.s.). He and several of his family are buried in the Old Cemetery, Colxuabia.

He B. Sdith -. She m. (2) Jan. 2d, 1826, at Columbia, John Kingsbury. She d. 1855.

Children, b. probably Columbia: 1. William B. 7, b. 1803; d. Oct. 24, 1803, (g.s.). 2. Esther''', b. Jan. 24, 1803, Columbia, (probably twin of above); m. Sept. 6, 1827, Daniel Pratt., She d. 7eb. 15, 1875, Prattville, Ala.

Child: (Pratt): 1. BllenS; m. Henry y. DeBardeleben, a prominent resident of Alabama.

113. 3. John B.7, \, Feb. 10, 1806. 114. 4. Samuel F.'', b. about 1811.

5. Salome''', b. about 1813; unm. ; d. July 13, 1836, ae. 23, (g. a-). _ 115. 6. Simon P.'

Probably there were other children.

Mr. Sheridan F. Ticknor; Mrs. Harriet L. Covey; Columbia euid Coventry records; Manual of the Congregational Church, Colxzmbia, 1860; Kingsbury Oeneailogy. i : : )

• 43. Tf ; 3/ fASAHBL^ (laaac^, 4, John^) , bapt.Mar. 1782, Coltmbia, Conn. Deane iaaye he removed to Susquehanna County, Pa., but all records found by the compiler show that he spent his life at Columbia and Coventry. jHe d. Sept., 1R21, (g.e., Columbia). He is buried with his .father. His nsune was also spelled "Asel".

He m. Hannah Thomas. She d. Nov. 15, 1863, aged 85, Columbia.

Children, order of births not learned: 1. Lydia''; m. Oct. 28, 1819, at Coliimbia, Sherburne Lyman. He was a blacksmith at Willimantio, Conn. (See Lyman Genealogy.

Children, (Lyman) 1. Clarissas b. Oct. 12, 1819; d. Mar. 8, 1840. 2. Elizabeth", b. Sept. 15, 1822; m. Henry M. Prentice. 3. HenryS- d. Nov. 1, 1847. 4. Huldah", b. May 25, 1829; ra. Joseph Dunham. 5. Charleso, b. Oct. 5, 1841.

116. 2. Daniel^ b. Mar. 9, 1805, probably Lebsmon. 3. Maranda'- m. Nov. 8, 1826, at Coventry, Nathaniel White. 4. Hulda B.'; m. Dec. 17, 1827, at Coventry, Horace I. Jones. 117. 5. Isaac'^. 118. 6. David William'', b. May 4, 1815, Columbia. 7. Abalena'', b. May 16, 1816, Columbia; ra. Mar. 26 (not 19), 1834, at Hebron, Henry Higgins. She d. Jan. 15, 1841, Gilead, Conn. (See Higgins Genealogy.)

Child, (Higgins) 1. Charles HenryS, b. Sept. 6, 1836, Berlin, Conn.; m. twice.

8. Harriet R.''; m. Mar. 24, 1844, at Columbia, as his second wife, George William Bill. He was a hotel proprietor at Columbia. She d. Oct. 11, 1853, Columbia. (See Bill Genealogy.)

Children, (Bill) 1. Adalena Gertrude^, b. Apr. 18, 1845; ra. John 0. Walker. 2. Julia AnnetteS, b. Nov. 28, 1849. 3. Sarah RebeccaS, b. July 21, 1852.

119. 9. Ansel'', b. Mar. 17, ----, Columbia.

Perhaps there were other children.

Mies Bstelle C. Ticknor; Columbia, Coventry and Hebron records; Columbia epitaphs; Lyman, Higgins and Bill Genealogies. .»o iin9-

^, : , i^ 44.

WILLIAM^ (Isaac^,^, John^), bapt. Oct., 1784, Colionbia, Conn. He lired at Columbia (or Lebanon) at least until 1815, when hie name appears in connection with the settlement of his father's estate. Deane, (in 1831), describes him as of Susquehanna, Pa. The authority below states that in 1870 he was living at Clyde, Sandusky County, Ohio, aged 86.

He m. March 5, 1807, at Lebanon, Salome Buckingham; b. Aug. 24, 1788, Lebanon; d. Thomas and Triphena (Hibbard) Buckingham.

Children, place of births not learned: 1. Charlotte'', b. Deo. 3, 1808; m. July 12, 1841, as his second wife, Simeon B. Sturges of Moirwalk, 0. He d. soon. Child: A son, b. 1842; d. young. 2. Lydia^, b. Feb. 24, 1811; m. about 1833, Nathaniel B. Miller. Residence not given. She d. Feb. 5, 1837.

Children, (Miller) 1. George^, b. 1834; d. Dec. 3, 1838. 2. WilliamS^ la. Apr. 15, 1835; m. Nina Stahl. Res., 1870, Fremont, 0.

3. Willieun''', b. Jan. 2, 1813; apparently unm. ; d. Dec. 22, 1836. 4. Harriet Talcott'', b. May 22, 1815; ra. Alexander Smith. Res. not given. She d. Jan. 12, 1839.

Child, (Smith): 1. GeorgeS, b. Sept. 10, 1837.

5. Isaac Nelson'', b. May 10, 1817; d. Mar. 5, 1837. 6. Clarissa Ann'', b. July 12, 1819; d. May 5, 1837.

7. John Erskine'', b. May 15, 1823; apparently unm. ; d. Jan. 17, 1846.

Buckingham Genealogy, by Frederick W. Chapman, 1872, (only record found of this family). (No record of his marriage, or the births of his children, appears at Lebanon or Columbia.)


JOHB^ (Isaac^,^, John^), bapt. May 1788, Columbia, Conn. He settled near Clinton, Jones County, Georgia, about 1815-16, and was a farmer and merchant.

He m. , in Jones Covmty, Elizabeth Woodall.

Children: 120. 1. William Orray^, b. Sept. 1, 1829, Jones County. 2. George''. He "left no descendants". Probably the George C. Ticknor mentioned in "Georgia's Landmarks" as one of the incorporators of Starksville, Ga. in 1851. 3. Frank''. He "left no descendants". 4. Elizabeth''; m. George Leaves. No chn. She d. about 1913, in Texas.

Mr. Eugene T.' Ticknor. .6.^n 46.

OHRAY^ (Isaac ^,'*, John^), bapt. Feb., 1791, Columbia, Conn. He was a physician. On June 14, ldl5 he signed a bond in connection with the settlement of his father's estate, and soon afterward settled at Savannah, da., where according to tradition he was married. He soon removed to Fortville, Jones County, Georgia, where he d. Sept. 10, 1823, aged 33, according to his gravestone at Columbus, Ga. .where he was buried. His name is also found on his father's monument at Columbia, Conn.

He m. Harriet Coolidge; b. June 30, 1793 (Cleveland Genealogy); d. Henry Joseph and Lucy (Jones) Coolidge, who had come to Savannah from Norwich, Conn., about 1800. She d. Oct. 9, 1854, according to her gravestone at Columbus,

Children: 1. Lucy Elizabeth'', (b. Aug. 22, 1814, Norwich, Conn., according to Cleveland Genealogy); m. (l) July 19,

1832, at Clinton, Jones County, Ga. , George

Washington Dillingham of Columbus, Ga. ; ra. (2) Rev. Douglas Cairns. 121. 2. James Henry''', b. Mar. 4, 1820, Clinton. 122. 3. Francis Orray''', b. Nov. 13, 1822, Baldwin County, Ga.

Mrs. Willistm M. Furlow; Columbia, Conn., church records and epitaphs; Andover, Conn., probate records; Miss Daisy S. Ticknor;

Columbus, Ga. , epitaphs; Cleveland Genealogy, (which seems to be incorrect as to the place or date, or both, of the birth of Lucy Elizabeth Ticknor, which is not found on the Norwich, Andover, or Columbia records); "Pittsf ield, (Mass.) Sun** (first marriage of Lucy Elizabeth Ticknor). 47.

GEORGE^ (Elisha^, *, John^) , b. Aug, 1, 1791, Boston, Mass. The eminent historian and scholar, of whose career only an outline can be given here. He was fitted for college by his father, entered Dartmouth as a junior, at the age of fourteen, and graduated in 1807, receiving the degree of A.M. He then studied lav/, was admitted to the bar in 1813, amd practised for a year. In 1815 he -went to Europe, spending two years at the University of Gottingen, and two years more at different European capitals, where he studied the literature of each country. He met many distinguished persons, and began the formation of his library. In 1817, during his absence, he was appointed Smith Professor of French and Spanish Literature, and Professor of Belles Lettres at Harvard, on the duties of which office he entered upon his return. In this double post he did good amd abundant work until 1835, when he resigned. He spent the next three years abroad, chiefly carrying on the preparation of hie great work, "The , History of Spanish Literature", which appeared in 1849, and was soon trans- lated into German and Spanish. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Harvard and Brown in 1850, and from Dartmouth in 1858, He took a leadin*; part in the establishment of the Boston Public Library, and for years worked zealously in its interest, in 1856-7 spending a year abroad largely in the purchase of books for it. He presented the library with many voliomes during his lifetime, and by his will bequeathed it hio oollection of books on Spanish literature. He was the author of several essays and

: :

George^ (Elislia^,^, John') continued. biographical sketches, and of the "Life of William Hickling Prescott", who had been his most intimate friend and fellow- laborer. He was a member of the leading literary societies in Europe and America, and a correspondent of many eminent men in Surope. He d. Jan. 26, 1871, Boston, and he and his descendants are buried in Forest Hills Cemetery. His will, dated Jan. 18, 1870, mentions his wife Anna; his daughters Anna Eliot Ticknor and Eliea Sullivan Dexter, wife of William Sohier Dexter; his half sister Bliza B. Woodward of Fulton, 111., and her sons George Wheelook Woodward and William OustaTUS Woodward; his nephews Benjamin Bobbins Curtis and George Ticknor Curtis; George. S. Hillard; and his servant, Wichael Mulcahy; William Story Bullard and William Sohier Dexter being named as trustees. Much of the will deals wit*' his bequest to the Boston Public Library. (For further information see Life, Letters and Journals of George Ticknor, 2 vole., 1880; also any of the biographical cyclopedias, and the proceedings of the various learned societies.)

He m. Sept. 10, 1821, at Boston, by Sev. Charles Lowell, Anna Eliot; b. Sept. 23, 1800; d. Samuel and Catherine (Atkins) Bliot. She d. Feb. 14, 1885, Boston. Her will mentions her daiighter Anna E. , ani the four Dexter children.

Children, b. Boston, (family record):

1. Anna Eliot", b. June 1, 18?3; unra. ; d. Oct. 5, 1896, Newport, R.I. Her will mentions her late father, the Dexter children, her cousin Samuel Eliot, and her brother-in-law, William S. Dexter. 2. Susan Perkins?, b. June 10, 1825; d. July 18, 1825, Boston; g.s. in Central Burying Ground, Boston, but in 1871 she T/as removed to Forest Hills. 3. George Haven?, b. July 1, 1827; d. Atig. 5, 1834, Boston. 4. Eliza Sullivan?, b. Jan. 10 or 13, 1833; m. May 20, 1856, at Boston, William Sohier Dexter; b. Feb. 12. 1828, Boston; s. George Minot and Eliza Ann (Amory) Dexter. He was a graduate of Harvard College in 1846, and of the Harvard Law School in 1848. Res., Boston. She d. Dec. 9, 1880, Boston. He d. Sept. 6, 1908, Beverly Farms, Mass.

Children, (Dexter)

1. ElsieS, b. Apr. 1, 1857, Boston; unm. ; d. Sept. 3, 1905. 2. George Ticknor^, b. Oct. 18, 1858, Boston; Harvard College, 1881; m. Dec. 10, 1912. at Portland,

Me., Evangeline Hope (Ross) Wilder. Ree. , Sherborn, 3. Rose LinzeeQ, b. Aug. 19, 1861, Brookline, Mass.; Mass.

vinm. ; res., Boston. 4. Philip^, b. Mar. 11, 1868, Brookline; Harvard College, 1889, Harvard Law School, 1892; m. Apr. 16, 1895, at Boston, Edith Wood. Res., Boston.

Child, (Dexter) 1. William^, b. July 15, 1897, Beverly Farms.


George^ (Elieha^, *, John^) continued.

(See worke named abore) ; Boston records (marriages and deaths only); Suffolk probate records; N. S. HiBtorical & Genealogical Register, yol. 23 (Sliot family); Dudley and Linzee Genealogies; Chapman's Alumni of Dartmouth College; Miss Hose L. Dexter; Mr. George T. Dexter.


JOHN^ (John^, Blisha^, John^) , b. June 23, 1795, Lebanon, N.H. About 1815 he went to Alabama, finally settling at Mobile, where he was a prominent merchant, and also served aa portwarden. In 1866 he came North. He d. July 12, 1868, Lebanon; bur. there.

Re m. , 1826, in Alabama, Sliza Fierce; b. Salem, Mass.; d. Asa and Anna (Mansfield) Pierce. She d. July 20, 1865, llobile.

Children, b. Mobile: 1. Mary Rliza7, b. Dec. 1, 1829; ra. July 31. 1851, at Mobile, Benjamin Franklin Boardman; b. May 9,

1813, Quincy, Mass. ; s. Darius and Susanna^ (Adams) Boardman. He d. Jan, 11, 1861, Mobile. Her res., Mas coma, ^f.H.

Children, (Boardman), b. Mobile: 1. Frank TicknorS. b. July 13, 1852; d. June 6, 1854, Mobile.

2. George Woodward Ticknor^, b. Dec. 11, 1854; vmm. ;

druggist at Fo rt smo utv^ , N.H. 3. John Ticknor^, b. J\ane 25, 1857. Res., Uascoma, U.H.

2. Anna Maria'', b. and d. 1836.

3. Helen Louisa?, b. May 15, 1838; unm. ; d. Sept. 4, 1903, Concord, H.H.; bur. Lebanon.

Mrs. Mary E. T. Boardman.


EPASTUS^ (John^, Blieha'*, John') , b. Dec. 3, 1799, Lebanon, N.H.

Res., Lebanon and Plainfield, N.H. ; farmer. He d. Jan. 22, 1851, (g.s.); bur. there, Ttith hie wife and oldest child.

He m. Nov. 20, 1823, at Lebanon, Cynthia Vood; b, Aug. 18, 1802, Lebanon; d. Ephraim and l^artha (Jackman) Wood. She d. May 28, 1879. (g.s.).

Children, b. Sast Plainfield: 1. Lucia Ann?, b. Apr. 8, 1825; d. Oct. 23, 1-831, (g.s.). 123. 2. Elisha?, b. Jan. 19, 1827. 3. Elizabeth'', b. Dec 14, 1828; m. Nov. 12, 1851, at Plainfield, Edward Dimick Baker; e. Diwick Baker. She d. Apr. 29, 1918. Ho children. 4. Cynthia Wood'', b. Apr. 25^ 1831; m. Newell Colby of Meriden, N.H. She d. Dec. 17, 1901. 5. Mabel Green'', b. Sept. 29, 1833; m. Sampson Groves, of Attica, Ov^io. She d. May 24, 1910. 6. Caroline J^atilda'', b. Sept. 27, 1835; m. Nov. 6, 1859, at Lebanon, Charles Edward Elliott; b. Sept. 9, ,»r r *«3 Irastus^ (John^, Elieiia^, John') continued. i* 1834, Sutton, Haas.; a. Pliny and Martha (Stockwell) llliott. He was a carpenter and builder. He d. Mar. 8, 1911.

Child, (Elliott): 1. Elizabeth Ticknor^, b. Jan. 28, 1863, Lebanon.

Res. , Lebanon.

124. 7. John?, b. Sept. 21, 1837. 8. Ilartha Jacknan?, b. Sept. 26, 1839; d. Mar. 22, 1846, (Uar. 21, g.8.).

MiBB T?lizabeth T. Elliott; History of Clareraont, N.Hl; Genealogical (Quarterly Magazine, vol. 3, (epitapha).


OLireY^ (Slias^, Elieha^, John^), b. Feb. 15, 1796, Broome County, N.Y. In 1823 he settled in IJIorgan County, 111. He d. July 7, 1880, Jacksonville, 111,

He m. Jan. 3, 1819, (if the family record is correct), Mai-y Richards; b. Dec. 21. 1793, Morgan County, 111.; d. Daniel Richards. She d. Mar., 1870, Mor^jan County.

Children, probably b. Morgan County: 1. Mary7, b. and d. ifar. 13, 182o. 2. Barton P.^, b. Jan. 26, 1827; d. Sept. 9, 1828. 3. Olive'', b. Apr. 19, 1829; m. A. Johnson Bozarth. She d. May 24, 1864.

Children, (Bozarth), all probably b. near Jacksonville: 1. Mary Alice^. She is d. 2. Arfhur'^. He is d. 3. Charles '^alter3, b. Dec. 25, 1830. Res., Los

Angeles, Cal. ; physician. 4. Buford^.

4. Harriet'^, b. Oct. 31, 1832; m. Deo. 9, 1849, near Chapin, 111., John C. Bozarth. She d. Feb. 16, 1900, Beatrice, Neb. He d. Feb. 7, 1911, San Jose, Cal.

Children, (Bozarth), b. near Chapin, 111.: 1. Mary JaneS, t. Deo. 16, 1850; d. Oct. 23, 1851. 2. Martha Ellen^^, b. ilar. 14, 1853; d. Oct. 23, 1857. 3. James Nelson^, b. Apr. 4, 1855; d. Jan. 11, 1876. 4. Henry^, b. Aug. 13, 1857; d. Apr. 27, 1861. 5. George Washington's, b. Dec. 10, 1859; d. Mar. 24, 1861. 6. Minnie^, b. and d. Feb. 28, 1864. 7. William Lincoln^, b. Sept. 1, 1835. Res., Hebron, Neb. 8. Henry Eigar^, b. May 23, 1870. Res., Sterling, Colorado.

126. 5. Laurence'', b. Nov. 17, 1834. 126. 6. Elias Warren*?, b. Nov. 30, 1836. 127. 7. William' Henry^, b. Feb. 7, 1841. 9iJjB*ll",1


MIjb: . 44

Olney^ (Bliaa^, -Blislia^, John') continued.

Uesars. Olney B. and Elmer E. H. Tioknor, 'William L. Boaarth, and Dr. Charles W. Bozarth; Old Settlers of Morgan County, 1872.


JOSHUA^ (Bliae^, BliBha"*, John^), b. Mar. 13, 1797, Broome County,

B.Y. He removed, about 1837-8, to Veraailles, N.Y. , where he d. Sept. 17, 1877.

He m. Anna Cutler; b. liar. 24, 1794. She d. Uept., 1880, VerBaillee.

Children, probably b. Lisle, l^.Y. : 1. Lydia', b. itar. 24, 1818; m. Qeorge Langdon. S>>e d. July, 1347.

Children, (Langdon) : George and Sarah.

2. Elizabeth''', b. Dec. 21, 1819; m. Joseph Palmer. She d. iiay 20, 1900, Vereaillea.

Children, (Palmer) : Charles amd Uretta.

128. 3. JoB>iua Crary7, b. Mar. IS, 18P2. 129. 4. Owen Onley''. b. May 12, 1824. 130. 5. Jason Jared^, b. May 10, 18P.7 131. 6. Edmund Hazzard^, b. Mar. 21, 1833. 132. 7. «illiam7, b. Apr. 9, 1834. 8. Charles''', h. July, 1836; unm.

Mr. James J. Ticknor.


SAMUEL^ (Elias^, ElisVa*, John^), b. Sept. 26, 1800, Broome County,

B.Y. He lived at Triangle, N.Y. , and was knox^Tj as "Black Sara of Tioknor Brook". He d. Aug. 4, 1886. Joseph K. Juliand of Greene was appointed executor of his will, which mentioned his son

Lewis F. , and daughters Melvina Perkins, Frances A. Slater, Sarah Salisbury, and Lydia Barnum.

The name of vis wife vas not been furnished the compiler.


1. Melvina'' (or Malissa) ; m. (Leonard?) Perkins.

2. Sop'Hronia'' ; not rrtentioned in will.

3. Prances'' ; m. Slater. 4. Sarah''; ra. -- — Salisbury. 5. WuraV'ia''; not mentioned in v;ill. 133. 6. Lewis Payette'', b. May 29, 1836. 7. Lydia E.^, b. June 17, 1839; m. Barnum.

Broome County Surrogate's records; Mr. Lewis P. Ticknor; Mr. Elmer T':. H. Ticknor. >*

.jrw 3m„fl^) '

:t^ .7} "*¥ 45 53. lUSHA^ (BliaB^, ElisTia*. John^), b. Peb. 3, 1802, Broome County,

I.T. In 1823 he eettled at Weatfield, N.Y. , being one of the early settlers there. He was a fanner. He d. Oct. 28, 1894, Westfield.

He m. 183fi, at Westfield, Mariah Helen Bagley; b. 1811, Kendon, Vt. She d. Mar. 17, 1876, Westfield.

Children, b. Westfield: 1. Delia Maria?, b. Jan. 20, 1832; m. July 3, 1851, Ira Edgar Hopkins. Rea., Ripley, N.Y. He d. Jxme 27, 1902, Ripley. She d. 1918.

Children, (Hopkins), b. Westfield: 1. Eugene Klisha^, b. Feb. 27, 1854; ni. (1) Oct. 11, 1877, Alice fi. Bald'vin; m. (2) Dec. 26, 1894, Paulina 3arden. He d. July 22, 1913. Ripley.

Children, (Hopkins), by second marriage, b. Ripley: 1. John Edgar9 b. Oct. 3, 1895. 2. Delia Oreta^, b. Apr. 1, 1899. 3. Leonora Paulina^, b. Axi^. 7, 1901. 4. Ira Eutjene^, b. Mar. 10, 1905, 5. Ruth Julia9. b. Dec. 3, 1909.

2. Julia ^'T^ltte^, b. Apr. 9.1, 1856; unm. ; d. June 17, 1331, Custer City, Pa. 3. Leonora Fidelia^, b. Oct. 11, 1859; unm. 4. Prank Edgar^, b. War. 14, 1871; unm.

2. Lylia Barton''', b. Mar. 8, 1835; unm.; d. '^/estfield. 134. 3. Albert Gilbert'^, b. Apr. 13, 1838. 4. Fanny Louise''', b. Apr. 16, 1841; ra. ¥ar. 16, 1870, at Ripley, Ansel Burdiok Jones; b. Sept. 1, 1842, Weatfield. Res., Uesa, Ariz.

Children, (Jones), the first four b. Westfield: 1. Arthur Anael», b. Au^. 8, 1872; m. Feb. 8, 1908, at Pvoenix, Ariz., Lottie Hewell. Res., Mesa. 2. Gertie MarahS, b. Apr. 12, 1875; m. Dec 25, 1900, at Pueblo, Colorado, Dwight M. Huston. Res., Mesa.

Children, (Huston), b. Pueblo, Colo.: 1. IrjTia Eleanor^, b. Jan. 12, 1903, 2. Floyd Burton^, b. July 14, 1906.

3. Mertie Rsbecca^, b. Apr. 12, 1875; unra. 4. Effie MayS, b. July 10, 1878; d. Oct.. 10, 1886,

'.fi Chita, Kan. 5. Slaie Mary*^, b. June 3, 1881, N7icvita, Kan.

135. 5. George Washington*'', b, Jan. 31, 1844. 6. Alraira Bagley^, b. Jan. 16, 1847; m. Mar. 16, 1870, at Ripley, Charles Stephen Nortvway. Res., Ripley.


#» Mi8ha^(Elias5, Bli8ha4, JohnS) continued.

Children, (Korthway) , "b. Mayville, N.Y. : 1. Winthrop°. b. and d. Oct. 29, 1875. 2. Nellie B.^, t. Aug. 3, 1879; d. April 5, 1888, Pueblo, Colo. 3. Jeeee C®, b. April 19, 1882; m. April 28, 1903, at Westfield, Alice McGraff.

Children, (Northway) 1. Charlee 3.9, b. July 12, 1903, Ripley. 2. Ellen M.9, b. June 1, 1905, Angola, H.Y.

3. Peter ^d^ard^, b. Sept. 18, 1907. Ashtabula, (

Mrs. Delia Hopkins (1917); Frank A. Ticknor ItSS.


^LLIAM^ (Elias^, Ellsha'*, John"^), b. April 14, 1803, Broome County, M.Y. He settled early in Chatauqua County, IJ.Y., and after about 1850, lived at VorBailles, W.Y. He d. March 11, 1864.

He m. Jan. 30, 1825, Hannah Parker; b. itay 13, 1802,

Litchfield, Conn. ; d. John and Mirab (Parker) Parker. She d. Oct. 29, 1885, Versailles.

Children, all probably b. Chatauqua County: 1. Oliver"?, b. Uarch 12, 1826. He went to sea, and was never heard from, the ship ne sailed on being lost. 2. Henry"?, b. Nov. 25, 1828; d. March 30, 1830. 3. Harriet*?, b. Oct. 17, 1829, (Williajnsfield. N.Y.?);

m. Sept. 12, 1849, at Perrysburg, N.Y. , George Ward; b. July 27, 1825. Res., Versailles. She d. Dec. 27, 1892, Versailles. He d. March 8, 1912.

Children, (Ward), b. Perrysburg: 1. FAla.^, b. Jan. 28, 1853; m. Jan. 27, 1876, at Perrysburg, Wright Ball. 2. Ida°, b. Nov. 9, 1854; unm.

4. Lois'?, b. Dec. 17, 1831; d. April 15, 1834. 5. Sarah A."?, b. Jan. 28, 1834; m. Jan. 20, 1358, at

Brownsdale, Minn. , Thomas All red. She was the first school teacher at Brownsdale. He was a shoe merchant at Bro\7nf3df\le, removing to Nashua, lov/a. He d. April 11, 1909. She d. I^Iarch 29, 1910, Nashua.

Children (Allred), all except the fourth b. Brownsdale: 1. OliveS, b. March 26, 1859; m. December 2, 1880, at Nashua, Frank .E. Fritcher. Res., Nashua, where he is postmaster. ;fx» .R 47

William^ ('Bliao^, Elisha'*, John^) continued.

Children, (Pritcher), b. Hashvut: 1. Beatrice^, b. Nov. 11, 1881; m. June 25, 1905,

at Nashxia, Sdson A. Moon. Res. , New Hampton, Iowa. 2. Thomas D.^, b. Deo. 10, 1882; m. April 3, 1907, at Marshalltown, Iowa, Helen S. Aiaquith. Res., Clarinda, Iowa; auditor. 3. A. Lee9, b. Aug. 10, 1884; m. June 30, 1910, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Alice Mae Cassidy.

Res. , Minneapolis, Minn. ; sales manager. 4. Ruby I?.-*, b. January 22, 1887; m. December 7, 1910, at Nashua, Robert M. Hays. Res., Buhl, Idaho. 5. Glenn F. 9, b. March 14, 1889. Res., BuJal^ assistant cashier. 6. Bertha D.9, b. Jan. 17, 1894. 7. John Ru6s9, b. Jan. 10, 1903.

2. Levi D. ^, b. Apr. 16, 1862; m. Jan. 26, 1888. at West Union, Iowa, Sue L. Kines. He was a banker. lie d. Oct. 20, 190A, Boise, IdahiO. She d. I'-ar. 1910, Boise. 3. Kuss W.^, b. Dec. 16, 18Co; m. (l) Ai^. 21, 1890, at

CiL-j-mberlain,- S.D. , Ella V. Luc-io. Hes., Biihl, Idalrio; banker. I^he d. Feb. 23, 1909, Buhl. He ra. (2} Seot. 21, 1910, at Portland, Ore.j. , IT.incy B. Vance.

Children, (.Vllred): 1. Vincent TiiorausS, b. May 11, IHyi, l^ashua; d. Feb. 25, 1093, (Jarner, Iowa. 2. Hazel^, b. Jan, 23, 1893, Garner, Iowa.

4. Fred V.^, b. Uov. IS, 1373, K.ishua; d. War. 2, 1880. iNi-ishua.

6. Barbara Jane'', b. Feb. 16, 1836; m. Aug. :^2, 1355, at Versailles, John Dawley Ru^g; b. 18'25. Ree., Austin, Tu'inn. She d. Apr. 25, 1903, Auctin. He d. Mar. PA, 10 16, Aunt in.

Children, (iiugij), tne first b. i'errysburtj, ii.Y. , the others b. Austin: 1. Hannah Eva^, b. May 25, 1856; d. May 10, 1869. Austin. 2. ilinne Sota^, b. Apr. 16, 1858; m. Uov. 6. 1878, Howard Wilder. bne d. Mar. 24, 1880, Austin. 3. Mary Ella®, b. Feb. 16, 1862; m. Nov. 26, 1804, Charles F. Tompkins. Ree., Buhl, Idaho. 4. Harriet Carrie^, b. Mar. 10, 1864; m. Apr. 20, 1867, Eddy G. Tompkins. She d. Apr. 30, 1897, Auctin. 5. John JayB, b. May 16, 1872; m. May 6, 1896, Matilda Dochterman. 6. William Albert^, b. Nov. 26, 1877; m. June 27, 1900, Clara Mott.

^4£ rilllaa^ (ffllagS^ Zllaiia^, John^) continued.

7. Maryt.'^, b. Apr. 27, 1838; m. Uov. 17, 1863, Deyorest H. Parker; b. Dec. 5, 1832, Perrysburg. Res., -• Buffalo, N.Y. She d. May 21, 1906. Versailles.

Children, (Parker), b. Versailles: 1. Gertrude M.8, b. J\juie 27, 1865; m. Sept. 27, 1889, at Buffalo, Herbert E. Hoff. Res., Buffalo. 2. Remington H.°, b. Sept. 5, 1868; in. Apr. 11, 1893, at Greenville, Pa., Carlin Kuchler. Res., Buffalo. 3. "Edith C.'^, t, Apr. 11, 1880; unm.1911.

8. William''', b. Oct. 28, 1840; d. Mar. 8, 1842. 9. Jane'', b. Dec. B, 1843; d. Oct. 24, 1850.

10. Olive M.7, b. Mar. 4, 1845; m. 3ept. 13, 1366, at . Versailles, Russell B. Daris; b. Nov. 19, 1840, Kansfield, 0. Res., Davis, S.D. He Tfias a merchant and life insurance agent, and served in the Civil V/ar as Lieutenant Colonel, lOth Tennessee Cavalry. He d. I£ay 27, 1875, Austin.

Children, (Davis): 1. Frank Harry'', b. July 6, lP.n7, Cpntralia, 111.;

m. Nov. 25, 1903, at Vermilion, S.D. , Harriet Stanley. Res., Davis, S.D.

Chilclren, (Davis) : 1. Charlotte Olive^, b. Sept. 14, 1904, Davit. 2. Russell Stanley"", b. Liar. 21. d. Mar. 24, 1906.

2. Delia Sva®, b. Apr. 14, 1871. Austin; d. Aug. 8, 1872, 3. Beatrice 'Florences, b. July 14, 1873; d. Apr. 10, 1883. Predonia, Fi.Y.

136. 11. Frank Allen'', b. May 13, 1847.

Prank A. Ticknor MS. (1911); Mrs. Fannie V. Ticknor; lirs. Mary E. Tompkins; Ru^jg Genealogy.


"^ ELIAS^ (Elias^ "Eli aha John"^), b. Aug. 13, 1804, Broome County, N.Y. He was a farmftr :nd lived in the old homestead at Trianjle. At the time of his death he was a resident of Smithville, Chenango County. He d. l^ov. 13, 1570, Smituville Flats. The administra- tion upon his estate naunes the widow and all children, as given below, except Horace.

He in. (l) Mary Covey.

He m. (2) Feb. 17, 1836, at Triangle, Uahalia Eggleston; b. Aug. 13, 1814. She d. Oct. 22. 1.871, Sniithville Flats. **

lO .ui 41J

BliaB^ (BliasS, Eliaha^, John^) continued.

Children by first marriage: 137. 1. Levi Parr?, b. Aug. 13, 1825, Broome County. 138. 2. EllBha?, b. July 15, 1827, Mayville, N.Y. 3. Lorlnda7; m. (William?) Smith. Res., 1870, Saratoga, N.Y, 4. Emellne''; m. George Ferris. Res., 1870, Smlthvllle.

Children by second marriage, all b. Triangle: 5. Horace'', b. Dec. 11, 1836. He removed to Morgan County, 111., and enlisted from there Aug. 20, 1861, in Company K, 27th IllinolB Infantry, served as corporal, and was killed at Mud Creek, June 18, 1864, (June 16, family record).

6. Rebecca Ann?, b. July 13, 1838; unm. ; d. «ar. 18, 1912, Binghampton, H.Y. 7. Harriet '', b. May 4, 1840; m. Deo. 30, 1860, Thomas 2. Meacham. Res., 1870, Willet. K.Y. 139. 8. Marion Franklin'', b. Mar, 3, 1842.

9. Sarah }(-^Trr^HTet^ , b. Jan. 7, 1845; n. Lewis Fox. two chil'^rpn. Pes., 1870, Triangle. 10. Caroline Eliza'', b. July 19, 1847; m. Deo. J?4, 1^72, "ilo Nack. 140. 11. John Henry, b. July 9, 1849. 141. 12. Alphon7.o Lavan''', b. Feb. 16, 1851. 14P.. 13. Charlec Linton'', b. Oct. 4, 1854. 14. Eli3ab('th'', b. Nov. 14, 1856; m. Feb., 1882, Henry JackGon UcBurney. She d. Jan., 1900.

Wr. Charles L. Ticl<;nor (dates); LUr. IJlrner i-L 11. Ticknor; Mr.

Daniel W. Ticknor; Chen'in,^o County Surro/jate ' a records; Illinois Adjutant General 'o Reports, 1915.


BARTON PIERCE^ (Elias^, ^lisha"*, John*^), b. Sept. 11, 1809, Broome County, N.Y. He seems to have lived in Broome County or in Illinois until about 1852, w?Jon he removed to Qaineaville, Texas. In 1862 h'^ v-iG livins in Cook County, Texas. He d. Feb. 29, 1872, Gainesville.

He m. Hannah Smith. She d. Illinois.

Children: 143. 1. Bliaa Henry'', b. Nov. 25, 1834. 144. 2. John"'.

3. ?;iizabeth'' (or Libby) ; m. Miller. He d. by 1865. She d. "two months before her father". 4. Susan A.''; m. Sept. 30, 1866, in Texas, Samuel S. bathes.

They settlel on a farm in N.W. Mo. 4 chn. , 2 sons and 2 daughters, 145. 5. Louis Henry'', b. Apr. 14, 1843, near Chapin, 111. 6. Catherine''; was jnarried; lived in Texas; 5 chn. 7. 'Snos''; unm. He was a' ranger against the Indians, and d. Feb., 1862, as the result of exposure while out on the frontier.

Mr. Silas H. Ticknor, in a letter to Frank A. Ticknor In 1911; Mr. Henry H. Ticknor. -^ Ceil

nt to . :


THOMAS^ (Jamea^, Elisha'*, John^), b. Mar. 1, 1801, Letanon, H.H.

He lived probably at Liale, N.Y. , until the aummer of 1823, when he emigrated to Peoria County, 111. He aerred aa a captain in the railitia. He d. Dec. 16, 1855, Peoria County.

He m. (l) Var. 25, 1822, in Hew York State, Laura Layina Standiah. Her parenta' names have not teen learned, but she had an uncle, George G. King, a aaddler, of Lisle, U.Y. , who gave her a trxonk now owned by a descendant. She d. Aug. 13, 1838, Peoria County; bur. (as are several descendants) in Kingston Uines Burying Ground.

He m. (2) Nov. 25, 1838, in Peoria County, Anna Margaret Houghtaling; b. May 18, 1819, Hew York State; d. John Houghtaling. She d. Feb. 21, 1907, Caaey, Iowa.

Children by first marriage, the first probably b. Liale, the othera b. Peoria County: 1. Mary Ann', b. Deo. 20, 1822; m. Jinkerson Lightbody. They lived in Peoria Covinty.

Children, (Lightbody) 1. MarkS, b. Mar. 31, 1845. He lived at Daykin, Neb.

2. Alexander®. Res. , Glasford, Peoria County. 3. Chauncey®. Res., same. 4. Theodore^. Res., same. 5. Laura Lavina®; m. Stuart Sprague. Res., 111.

Children, (Sprague) : Thomas, Lewis, Nelaon, Walter and T5mraa.

2. Caroline A.'', b. Aug. 24, 1825; m. John Lightbody, brother of the above. They lived in Peoria County. 3. Theoda Glarinda', b. Sept. 18, 1827; d. May 15, 1844, Peoria County. 4. A son, b. and d. Aug. 14, 1831.

5. Wariah Lucy'' (or Lucy Mariah) , b. Mar. 8, 1834; d. July 21, 1839, Peoria County.

Children by second marriage, b. Peoria County: 6. Martha?, b. Nov. 7, 1839; d. Feb. 28, 1840, Peoria County. 7. Almira''', b. Mar. 6, 1841; m. (1) in Peoria County, Isaac Pettit. He d. as a result of an accident six weeks later, and she m. (2), about 1859, in Peoria County, Jackson Chambera. He waa killed in Nov., 1870. She m. (3), in Peoria County, Thomas Scarcliff.

Children, (Chambera), by second marriage, b. Peoria County;

1. Margaret Ann°; unm. ; ia d. 2. Sarah Maria®, b. Dec 18, 1862; m. Jan. 30, 1891, at Peoria, 111., Herschel Francis Beoanon.

Children, (Beoanon), b. near Cedar Rapids, Neb.: 1. Julia Doris^, b. Oct. 30, 1891; m. Feb. 6, 1912, at Los Angelea, Cal., Carel Veenhuyzen. 2. Jehu^, b. Oct. 30, d. Nov. 12, 1891. 3. Mabel Ruth^, b. Jan. 26, 1894; unm. i' 4. Aurilla Tryphena^, b. Sept. 29, 1898; m. Apr. 8, 1916, at Santa Ana. Cal., Sdwin Cutting.


Thomas (James^, Blisha*, John ) continued.

3. Alice Elizabeth^, b. Feb. 4, 1865; m. Thomas Scott.

3 chn. Res. , Pleasanton, Kan. 4. Blla Almira^, b. Aug. 13, 1868; her name was chsuiged to Allle E. Wright; m. Edward Dorsey of Paola, Kan. 6. Melrina Tryphena®, b. Mar. 1, 1871; m. at Danrille, 111., Otto Eller. Res., Danforth, 111. 6. A daughter who d. yo\ing.

Children, (Soarcllff), by third marriage, b. Peoria County: 7. Florence Eleanoro; d. young. 8. Lucretia llay^, b. Jan. 25, 1875; m. George E. Cooke.

Res. , Kankakee, 111. 9. Cora Elnora^; m. 1895, Lewis E. Nelson. 1 ch. Res., Kankakee, 111.

146. 8. Allen James'', b. Feb. 16, 1843, twin of the next. 147. 9. Albert John^, b. Feb. IS, 1843, twin of the last.

10. George Washington''', b. June 28, 1845; unm. ; d. June 21, 1869, Utah. 11. Tryphena''', b. Aug. 24, 1847; m. Apr. 1, 1865, near Kingston Mines, Peoria County, Smart Walker.

Children, (Walker), the first two b. near Kingston Mines, the others b. near Danforth, 111. : 1. William S.S, b. Sept. 26, 1866; d. Axig. 19, 1869. 2. Mary Anna^, b. Apr. 28, 1868; unm. Res., Long Beaoh, Cal. 3. Harriet Alioe®, b. June 21, 1872; ra. Oct. 23, 1902, at Gilraan, 111., Hersohel Francis Beoanon.

They removed to Long Beach, Cal. , where she d. Sept. 14, 1903. 4. Minnie^, b. Mar. 4. d. Mar. 26, 1875. 5. Jesse Allen^, b. Oct. IR, 1880.

148. 12. Andrew Jackson'', b. Feb. 8, 1850.

Miss Mary A. Walker; Mrs. Verdle M. Hartraan.


HIRAM^ (James^, Slisha^, John^), b. Jan. 25, 1808, Lisle, JJ.Y. He was a farmer and lived at several places, finally settling at Monroe, Wis., vhere he lived until 1864, when he removed to Salem, Oregon. He d. Oct. 7, 1870, Marion Coiinty, Oregon.

He m. Aug. ^3, 1831, near Danville, 111., Nancy Ferguson; b. Jan. 31, 1808, Ash County, N.C. ; d. Joel and_Lydia Ferguson. She d. Jan. 13, 1880, Marion County, Oregon.

Children, the first two b. Vermilion County, 111., the next four b. Cape Girardeau County, Mo., the last b. Green County, Wis. 1. Ursula Cyrene''. b. June 22, 1833; d. Sept. 17, 1837.

2. Winfield Scott ', b. May 15, 1836; unm. ; farmer; d. Mar. 21, 1865, near Salem, Oreg. 3. Susan Lydia'', b. Apr. 30, 1839; m. (1) Aug. 17, 1858, .Aftun 'JUUuTi

. ix rii.i

t9ii.9tr 52

Hlram^ (Jamee^, Hlisha^, John^) continued.

near Monroe, Wla.. James Croton. He d. July 3, 1859. She m. (2) Thomae Fromon.

Child, (Croton), b; first marriage: 1. Gilbert Beebe°, b. Oct. 12, 1859.

Seven children by second marriage.

4. Sarah Amanda', b. Dec. 27, 1841; m. Oct. 7, 1865, Daniel Winnig Jones. No children. He d. June 5, 1887. Her res.. Long Beach, Cal.

5. Joel Ferguson^, b. Feb. 23, 1844; una. ; farmer; d. Oct. 25, 1902, Saletn, Oreg. 6. A son, b. and d. Nov. 29, 1849. 7. Hannah Roes''', b. May 11, 1851; ra. Jvine 15, 1871, John Henry McTier. She d. Whitman County, Wash. His res., 1916, Long Beach, Cal.

Children, (!^cTier) : William H., Eliza, Anna M. , John H.,

Ida D. , and Dottie.

Urs. Sarah A. Jones.


JAMES^ (James^, Elisha^, John^). b. Mar. 29, 1815, Lisle, N.Y, He was an early settler in Green County, Vis., and 'fas a farmer and Justice of the peace. He d. Dec. 20, 1855, Adams, Wis.

He m. , in Vermilion County, 111., Rebecca Ann Viller; b. 1818, Ohio; d. Hamilton and (Applegate) Miller.

Children: 1. Mary Ross', b. Dec, 1837; m. Albert K. Marsh. She d. Mar. 20, 1917, Sutton, Neb. 2. L'inerva :^llen7, b. Mar. 12, 1841; m. William M. Steele. She d. Aug. 24, 1891, Turner, Oreg. 3. Theodocia Alvira', b. 1844; m. Lemuel Shultz. She d. 1915, ProBser, Neb. 4. Martha Ann', b. June, 1847; m. Isaac J. Baraell. She d. 1866, Green County.

Mrs. J. M. Watson, Turner, Oreg. (daughter of Mrs, Steele).


KLISHA^ (Samuel^, Elisha^, John^) , b. Dec. 4, 1805, Canada. He lived in Broome County, N.Y. , and in Canada, finally settling in Vereailles, N.Y. ; farmer. He d. Nov. 17, 1884, Versailles.

He m. 1830, Hariah Clough; b. Dec. 19, 1810. She d. Oct. 9, 1864, Versailles. ,« rrfa : 33 i^ 'JJJlBha^ (Samuel^, Sllsha^, John^) continued.

Children, the first three b. Broome County, the next four b. Canada, the last three b. Versailles: 1. Harriet Angelina''', b. Sept. 4, 1831; m. Curby Hayward, who d. 1883, Predonia. She d. July 24, 1912, Versailles.

Children, (Hayward), b. Versailles: 1. Elisha Benjaunin^, b. Aug. 6, 1858; m. Capitola Parker Bowen. No chn. 2. A. J. 3; TB. Alioe Brovn, '7ho d. Dec, 1895, Versailles.

Children, (Hayward), b, Versailles: 1. Hazel^, b. Jan. 17, 1886; re. June 24, 1908, at Versailles, Roy Hudson Roberts. She d. 1914.

Children, (Roberts) : Alice and BTLla,

2. Beth^, b. Jan. 17, d. Sept. 12, 1B86, Versailles 3. ITina^; m. Deo. 28, 1916, Samuel Moorhead of Akron, 0. 4. Walter^; m. Feb. 3, 1915, at Gowanda, H.Y., Hazel Hacker.

Children, (Hayward) 1. Helen Maries «4 (twins) b. Oct. 20, 1915. 2. Marianir ^S^lJlo!Ruth ^)

5. Thurston^, b. July 24, 1894; unm-

3. Kora^, b. Sept. 29, ----; m. John Record of Porestville, N.Y.

Children, (Reoord), b. Forestville: 1. Daphne^; unm. 2. Ruth^; unm.

4. ElsieQ, b. Apr. 6, ; uma. 5. Pred®, b. Peb. 14, 1867; unm.

149. 2. George"^, b. May 19, 1833, 150. 3. John^, b. Dec. 20, 1834. 4. Joseph 'i', b. June 3, 1837; unm.; d. Dec. 30, 1861, Versailles, 5. Lewis'', b. fear. 7, 1839; unm.; d. 3ept. 25, 1859, Versailles. 6. Klisha'', b. May 13, 1841; unm,; d. Jan. 24, 1861, Versailleo. 7. Euretta Asenath'', b. Dec. 2, 1945; m. (l) William Chapman; m. (2) Dr. Allen Parker. ilo chn. 8. Christine Elizabeth^, b. May 23, 1849; m. John Wood of M. Collins, xl.Y.

Child, (Wood): 1. Prank L.", b. Sept. 17, 1874, N. Collins; d. Nov. 18, 1916. \ ; f.;^ *r:'r. ^-I'

,j f * r r • r

.TOK .t 54

BllBha^ (Samuel^, Blisha^, John') continued.

151. 9. BenjaiBln'', b. Apr. 18, 1851. 152. 10. Francie'!', b. June 20, 1855.

Mr. Lester E, Ticknor.


LEWIS^ (Samuel^, Blistoa^, John^) , b. probably Triangle, N.Y. Res., Triangle. He d. there Feb. 24, 1872.

He m. May 24, 1840, Maryette Adama; b. Oct. 4. 1820, (Wethersfield, Conn.?); d. Horace and Lois (Wiloox) Adams. She d. Dec. 5, 1892, (Triangle?).

Children: 1. Jane?, b. Mar. 14, 1841, Triangle; m. Apr. 5, 1862, Charles Rogers; b. July 29, 1836, Barker, M.Y. They lived at Whitney's Point, Is.Y. No chn. 2. Uancy^, b, Dec. 1, 1842; m. E. B. Smith of Marathon, N.y. They removed to Nebraska.

3. Verranus''', b. Oct. 17, 1844; unm. ; d. May 9, 1863.

Stiles' History of Ancient Wethersfield, Conn.; Rogers Genealogy.


DAVID^ (Samuel^, Elisha'*. John''), He lived at Triangle, N.Y. He d. Feb. 12, 1864, Nancy A. Ticknor and Wesley Jackson, both of Triangle, being appointed adminiotrators of his estate.

He m. (1) Harriet Ann Hall; d. Reuben Hall.

He m. (2) Mrs. Nancy Frost, a widow. She d. , as the result of a fall into a well, Apr. 5, 1876, lieorge S. Ticknor of Triangle being appointed administrator of her estate.

Children by first marriage: 153. 1. EliBha? b. Mar. 16, 1843, Triangle. 2. Harriet'; ra. George Smith. Res., Greene, N.Y. Both are d.

Child, (Smith); Charles.

Children by second marriage: 3. Emma F, '; d. Aug. 1, 1876, as the lesult of her clothing catching fire. 4. Elaie'7. Living in 1876. 5. Ella'7. Living in 1876. 6. Wheeler S. ^; d. Axig. 9, 1881, aged 20.

Triangle records; History Of Broome County, p. 357; Broome Coxmty Surrogate's records. 1

XitfO .r

^' ive*. .

8AinJlEL^ (Samuel^ Eliaha^, John^), b. Jan, 23, 1814, Triangle, H.Y. ^ Res., Triangle; farmer. He d. May 21, 1881, Triangle.

He m. 1850, at Triangle, Eunice (or Unice) McGee; b. 1833, Triangle; d. Albert and Rhoda (Murray) ?AoGree. She d. Nov. 27, 1871, Triangle.

Children, b. Triangle: 1. Mary Murray'', b. Uar. 6, 1856; ra. James U. Lucas. Res., Binghanjpton, N. Y. 154. 2. LaS'ayetto'', b. June 19, 1857. 165. 3. Albert^, b. Sept. 13, 1860 or 1863. 166. 4. Oscar'', b. Jan. 24, 1863. 157. 5. Frank TRlswith'', b. Aug. 3, 1865. 158. 6. William'', b. Not. 20, 1871.

Mr. Oscar Ticknor.


030R3^ S^/ITH^ (SamuelS, T?lisih'i*, John^), b. Mar. 10, 1827, Triangle, N.Y. He was a farmer, living on the farm at Triangle where his father settled. He d. ii'eb. 16, 1890, Triangle.

He m. 1845, at Triangle, Julia T^ft; b. July 22, 1828, Triangle; d. Asa and Irena (Uay) Taft. She d. Oct. 3, 1385, Triangle.

Children, b. Triangle: 1. H^'nrietta'', b. June 10, 1846; m. Mov. 11, 1861, William Henry Losee. Res., 1916, Salt Lake City, Utah. 159. Hapoleon Bonaparte'', b. Hot. 11, 1847. Benjamin'', b. Apr. 24, 1849; d. Oct. 21, 1852, Triangle. Adella'', b. Oct. 7, 1850; ci. Oct. 10, 1852, Triangle. Adelaide'', b. Mar. 14, 1852; m. "A'allace J. Sweetland. Res., Triangle. She d. Oct. i3, 1906. Florence'', b. June 16, 1853. Floyd'', b. Apr. 13, 1655.

Everett'', b. July 18, 1857; unm. ; d. Kov. 17, 1884, Stromsburg, Nev. 9. Arthur'', b. Mar. 6, 1859; d. Feb. 3, 1862, Triangle. 10. Elmer'', b. Deo. 12, 1860; d. Feb. 4, 1862, Triangle. 162. 11. Charles'', b. Dec 11, 1862. 163. 12. George Smith'', b. Mar. 31, 1864. 13. Julia B.'', b. Dec. 27, 1866; m. Milo Kenyon. Ree. Smithrille 71at3, N.Y. 14. T/arion'', b. June 24, 1869; m. Bury Strickland. She d. Mar. 5, 1894, Triangle, He is d. Child: (Strickland): Hugh^^. 15. HaiTiot'', b. June 4, d. Oct. 4, 1871.-

isrs. Henrietta Losee; History of Broome County, p. 619.


WILLIAM DAVIS^ (William^, Elisha^, John^) , b. Aug. 6, 1810, Lebanon, K.H. In 1827 he Aront to Boston, Mass., where he thereafter resided. He was first employed in the office of his uncle Benjamin, and later became teller in the Columbian Eajik. In 1632, he commenced , .8 9-1 filliam DaviB'5 (William^, EHeha^, John^) continued. ^ business as a publisher, with John Allen, tmder the name of Allen & Ticknor, they being successors of the house of Carter, Hendee & Co. Mr. Allen retired the next year, and Mr. Ticknor carried on the business in his own name. for the next twelve years, during which time he publiohed the early American editions of Tennyson, and of many New England authors. In 1845 John Reed and James T. Fields became his partners, the imprint being changed to Ticknor, Reed and Fields, the firm name remaining William D. Ticknor 4 Co., during his lifetime. Mr. Reed retired in 1854, the imprint for the next ten years being the well known one of . During this period they purohastnl and publinhed the "Atlantic Monthly" and the "iforth iiinericun Review**. After his death his sons continued the firm, which after various changes became absorbed in the pre&ent houce of Houtjhton iMifflin Co. The pub- lications of the iiOuse were always oharact prized by intrinsic merit and the neatness and correctness of their typography. Mr. Ticknor was the first American publisher to make payment for the works of foreign authors, a check oent to Tennyson in 1842 es- tablishing a precedent v/iiich '.--ae ever y.ft*»rwards adhered to. For many years the office of the firm was in the old bull -ling on the corner of Washington and School StrsptR, faniliar in illustrated works on Boston as the "Old Corn

He m. Dec. 25, 1832, at Lancaster, Uaas., Emeline Staniford Holt; b. Sept. 25, 1810, Boston; d. Benjamin and Ruth (Baldwin) Holt. She d. iiov. 21, 1879, Boston.

Children, b. Boston: 1. William Davis"^, b. Aug. 18, 1834; d. Jan. 3, 1836, Boston. 164. 2. Howard Malcom?, b. July 4, 1836. 3. Richard Kllie"'', b. liar. 25, d. Oct. 4, 1841, Boston. 165. 4. Benjaiain Holt'', b. Aug, 3, 1842.

5. Rmeline'7, b. June 8, 1845; imm. ; d. Apr. 2, 1911.

6. Alice'', b. Feb. 24, 1947; unm. ; d. Aug. 7, 1877, Boston. 166. 7. Thomas Baldwin'', b. Hov. 8, 1848.

Hawthorne and Hie Publisher, by Caroline Ticknor; N.E. Hist. Gen. Register, Vol. 18; Granite Uonthly Magazine, Vol. S, p. 255; various encyclopt-ilas; Boston records; Lancaster records; Mass. Vital StatiaticB.


OLIVim ELLIo^ (William^, iSlisha*, John"^). b. Deo. 5, 1812, Lebanon, N. H. He was a dry goods merchant at Lebanon, later removing to Sunbury, 0., where he d. Sent. 2, 1854.

He m. June 5, 1836, at Lebanon, Susan, Parkhurst Low: b. Jan. ^1 :

• P' { 1^ Oliver Ellie^, (Williaro^, Elieha*, John^) continued.

26/ 1811, Lebanon; d. TSdrard and Content (Frary) Low. She m. (2) Apr. 18, 1858, at Lebanon, Hyrue Buclc. She d. Mar. 30, 1901, Hanover, N.H.

Children, b. Lebanon: 167. 1. William Henry', b. May 8, 1837. 2. arace Letitia''', b. Bee. 3, 1849; m. (l) Aug. 2, 1866, at Lebanon, Julius Peck; b. Apr. 12, 1844, Grand de Tour, 111. He d. May 1, 1871, and ehe ra. (2) July 25, 1874, at Lebanon, Thomas Kennedy Baker; b. riar. 29, 1850, Jersey City, W.J. He d. Apr. 23, 1892.

Her res. , ^*Iorth Adams, ITase.

Child by firet marriage, (Peck): 1. Alice Roee^, b. Apr. 20, 1868, Lebanon.

Child by second marriage, (Baker) 2. EdT/ard OliverS, b. Sept. 30, 1690, Weriden, Conn.

Res. , North Adams, Mass.

Mr. Edward 0. Baker.


ELISHA^(-.Villiam5, ^lisiia'^, John^) , b, Oct. 6, 1314, Lebanon, H. H. He was enf;aged in the axpreoe business, and lived at Albany, and Bethlehem, H.Y. His will, dated Apr. 15, proved Ueo. 27, 1387,

mentions his son V'illiajn M. , the latter' s wife L'ary, and the testator's daughter Catherine 5. Russell, T'ife of Jaraee Kusaell, and his deceased daughter Louise O'Brien, T9ife of Daniel J. O'Brien.

He m. Catherine A. . She d. Feb. 24, 1864, Albany.

Children: 168. 1. William y.areh'^ 2. Catherine "P:."; m. Jaraes Russell. Res., 1387, Hew York City. 3. Louise''; m. Daniel J. O'Brien. 3he d. by 1887. His res., 1P87, Albany.

Albany County Surrogate's Court records; Munaell's Collections.


DAVID® (David^, Elieha^, John^), b. Sept. 24, 1816, Albany, Vt. After hia marriit^e, he resided at Lov/ell and Tewksbwy, Haas. He d. Feb. 9, 1881, Tewkobury. The distribution oT hie estate was among his brothers and sisters.

He m. Jan. 1, 1846, plaoe not tjlven, Hannah H. Davie of Lee,

H.H. ; b. about 1818, M.H. She d. Mar. 18, 1863, aged 49 years, 10 months, 2 days, Lowell.

lilo children.

Mass. Vital Statistics; Department of Vital Statistics, (N.U. ); Middlesex County, Mass., probate records.



OLITSR ELLIS* (DaTid^. Rliaha^, John''), b. Jan. 3, 1820, Albany, Vt Res., 1847, Lowell, Vase. He d. by 1874. Records found, except of his birth, give his name as Oliver Ticknor.

He m. ?eb. 13, 1843, at Andorer, N.H., Polly Weare Witchell; b. Oct. 10, 1820, Andover; d. Daniel and Hannah (Cross) Mitchell. She lived at Lowell and d. Feb. 23, 1892, (Lowell Directory). Child: 1. Autjueta*''; ra. (l) —— Austin; a. (2) James S. Brooks. Res., Lo>^•ell.

Child by first marriatje, (Austin) : 1. Albert^.

Child by second marriaige, (Brooks) : P.. Jennie T.^; ynra. Kea., Lowell.

History of Andover, U,ti. ; ttrs. Lillie J. U. VanOoorn; Lovell directories.


IiniKY LYlI.iE^ (Divid^, Elisha*. John^), b. Feb. .3, 1826, Albany, Vt.

Res. , Lowell, Mass. ; carpenter. He d. Apr. 22, 1B76, Lowell.

.T. He m. Philossa Gillingha»n; b« about 1837, N.H. ; d. John and Lydia Gillin^rham. She d. Feb. 18, 1876. Lowell.

Child: 169. 1. Oeorge H.''', b. about 1856, IJass.

Mass. Vital Statistics; L'iddlftsex County probate records.


CHARLT33 nu;iliT:R'^ (Duvid^, Tlllsha^, John'), b. about 135G. Res.,

Lowell, HasG. ; teariDter, r^rinter. He d. June 18, 1907, Lowell.

His wife seems to haTe been Lillian Kinney; b. about 1857,

Cleveland, 0. ; d. "^mory and ^reda A. (Blodfjiett) Kinney. She m. (2) Kov, 5, 1910, .it Lowell, as hio seconi wife, Charles W. Moors.

Ho record foiind of any children.

iZasD. Vital Gt^i.tioticQ.


CHARlJiS P>rCLPt3* (Pcnjajnin^, Eli aha'*. John*'), b. Jan. 20, 1819,

Boston, ^'^ass. He lived at Iforthfield, IMl, , and was a farcer, also a teacher of pem.ianehip at the Hew iiampahire Conference Seminary. He d. June 3, (not 20), 1860, Northfield.

He m. Feb. 6, 1849, at Morthfield, Girah Sargent Aldrioh; b. July 30, 1329, ilorthfield; d. 'Vindaor and Abi^jiil (Sargent) tV ,T


.d ;Kol'' : : : 59

Charles Phelps^ (Benjamin^, Blisha^, John^) continued.

Aldrich. She m. (2) Feb. 16, 1871, as his second wife, Moses Cally Sanborn of Salisbury, H.H. He d. May 28, 1875, Salisbury. She d. Jtrne 21, 1909, Salisbury.

Children, b. Korthfield: 1. Abby Ann'', (called Abigail), b. Mar. 28, 1851; m. (l) Not. 13, 1870, James H. Courser of Warner, K.H. He d. Jan. 17, 1873, Suncook, N.H. She m. (2) Sept. 23, 1875, Charles Pingree Sanborn of

Salisbury, N.H. , a farmer, son of Tioses C, Sanborn abOTS. Res.. Salisbury.

Child by first marriage, (Courser) 1. Annie BelleS, b. Aug. 22, 1871; in. Dec, 25, 1894, Arthur M. Tucker. Res., Warner.

Children, (Tucker) ' 1. Ralph CheaterS, b. Aug. 14, 1897. 2. Katherine Ilay^, b. ^eb. 23, 1901. 3. Mildred Franoes^, b. Apr. 30, 1906. 4. Abbie Lucinda^, b. Sept. 18, 1910.

Children by second marriage, (Sanborn) 2. Stephen Pingree^, b. Sept. 13, 1876; m. Oot. 12, 1910, Ida May Hi ford. Res., Concord, H.H. 3. Katherine May8, b. June 6, 1879; m. Oct. 20, 1909,

Prank H. Mastin. Kes. , New London, K.H.

Children, (Mastin) 1. Donna Prances^, b. Oct. 4, 1911. 2. Eleanor Josephine^, b. Peb. 5, 1915.

4. Sarah AbbieS, b. June 20, 1883; m. June 25, 1903, John Alpheus Huntoon. Res., Salisbury, N.H.

Child, (Huntoon): 1. Isabelle Madeleine^, b. Oot. 7, 1907.

5. JTabelle Frances^, b. Dec. 18, 1889; m. July 14, 1910, Luoien A. Worthen. Res., New London, K.H. She d. Nov. 7, 1910.

170. 2. Benjamin', b. Sept. 14, 1856. He changed his name to Benjamin Tioknor Blaisdell. !•> Mrs. Abigail Sanborn; Sanborn and Corser Genealogies; History

of Horthfield (which contains some errors) ; Department of Vital Statistics.

: 60


JAMES GARtHrSRS (Benjamin 5, Bllaha*. . John^) , b. Oct. 7, 1820, Boston.

He resided at Lebanon, N.H, , where he became a prominent citizen. He was a harness maker, and deputy sheriff, and judge of the Polico Court from 1876 to 1890. He d. June 8, 1894, Lebanon; bur. Glenwood Cemetery.

He m. (1) July 1, 1846, at Mo ultonbo rough, M.H., Alice Frieze. No children by this marriage.

He m. (2), at Hanover, M.H. , Sylvia Fitch; b. about 1834, Enfield or Hanover, K.H. ; d. Aea Fitch. She d. June 18, 1861, Lebanon.

He m. (3), Nancy J. Bak

He m.. (4), Jan. 7, 1864, at Lebanon, Caroline Amelia Perkins; b. Apr. 28, 1837, Northumberland, II. H. ; d. Calvin and Mary (Woods) Perkins. Res., Wahpeton, N.D.

Children by second marriage: 1. A son, b. Aug. 1?. or 14, d. Aug. 14, 1860, Lebanon. 2. Charles Fitch''', b. May 12, 1861, Lebanon.

Child by third marriage: 3. Alice''', b. Apr. 10, 1863, Lebanon; d. Sept., 1863.

Children by fourth >rvarriage:

4. Kate^^ ^3. Oct. 5, 1864, Lebanon; married; no chn. ; res., Wahpeton. N.D.

5. Byron Kimball', b. )iov. 11, 1866, Lebanon; printer; xinm. ; d. Mar. 8, lf3B7, Lebanon.

Department of Vital Statistics; lirn. Caroline A. Ticknor; Downs' History of Lebanon.


GEORaa^ (Benjamin^, Eliaha*. John*^), b. Apr. 14, 1822, Boston. He was a graduate of Kimball Union Academy, and of Dartmouth College, from v/hich he received the degree of A.B. in 1847. He was a lawyer at Claremont, K.H., for about ten years, from 1854-9 being solicitor for Sullivan County. In 1862 he removed to Marlow, and later to Keene, where, unJer the name of George Ticknor & Co., he managed the Sentinel. He was the author of the "Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire", forming a large part of the work "New Hampshire as 1 1 is". He d. Deo. 25, 1866, Keene.

He m. Nov. 12, 1850, at franklin, l^.H. , Lucy Ann Stone; b.

Aug. 19, 1828, Weathersfield, Vt. ; d. Chester and Anna (Whittlesey)

Stone. She m. (2), Nov. 28, 1878, at Fitchburg, Jaass. , Moses Webster Page. They removed to Plainfield, N.J., where she d. June 8, 1905. He d. July 30, 1885, (not 1895), Concord, N.H.

Children, b. Claremont, N.H. 1. George^, b. and d. May 25, 1854.

2. Glara7, b. Oct. 27, 1856; unrn. ; d. Sept. 2, 1900, Plainfield, N.J. ttdO : : 61

George^ (Benjamin^, Slisha^, John') continued.

3. Anna Whittlesey'', b. Oct. 10, 1858; ra. Dec. 25, 1895,

at Plainfield, H.J. , Clarence Oosa. She d. June

8, 1906, Plainfield. His ree. , .

Child, (Goes) 1. Clarence^, b. Sept. 20, 1901, Plainfield.

Gregory Stone Genealogy, 1918; Whittlesey Genealogy; Chapman's Alumni of Dartmouth College; Waite's History of Claremonli

N.H. ; Griffin's Hiotory of Keone, N.H. ; Mr. Clarence Goes;


BALDWIN CALVARY^ (Benjamin^. Elisha^, John') , b. Apr. 23, 1827, Boston, Mass. Res., Mansfield, 0.; bookseller. He 4. about 1870, Mansfield.

He ra. Apr. 3, 1850, at New York City, Helen U. Reed; b. 1334,

N.Y. ; d. H. and Susan Heed. She n. (2) Hon. Andrew Stephenson. She d. 1906, llansfield.

Children, b. Mansfield: 1. Clarence B.?, b. 7eb. 14, 1852; d. i^ec. 23, 1853, Mansfield. 2. Eva''. 3. Nellie7; m. Thomas Badger. She d. about 1896, Columbus, 0. 171. 4. William'', b. Oct. 17, 1360; (bapt. as "Baldwin Calvary"). 172. 5. Arthur'', b. 1866.

Messrs. William Ticknor and Clarence Goss,


JOSEPH^ (Joseph^, William"*,'), b. about 1786, probably Hillsdale, H.Y. He lived at Scipio, Cayuga County, later going to Ohio and returning, finally settling about 1836 at Harmony, Chatauqua County, where he spent the rest of his life. He served in the War of 1812 as private, Sept. 11 to Dec 9, 1313, in Capt. Joel Dunks' Company, Lt. Col. George Fleming's Regiment, and as corporal, Aug. 29 to Nov. 29, 1914, in Capt. William Watsonv's Company, Lt. Col. John Mc7.:4han's Regiment, "in service on the Niagara Frontier". In 1871, aged 85, he was granted a pension.

He m. Dec. 8, 1808, at Looice, Cayu^ja County (Pension record), Betsey Finch; b. "somewhere in the East". She d. June, 1862, (Pension record).

Most descendants spell the name "Tiokner".

Children, (order of births not learned) 1. Eliza'', b. Hov. 10, 1814,^ Scipio; m. Deo. 17, 1835, Amariah Augustus Atherly. They lived at Aahville,

N.Y. , until 1869, when they removed to Corry, Pa. She was a schoolteacher. He d. Kay 4, 1879. She d. Way 31, 1B99.

) ) 62

JoBeph*^ (Joseph^, William*,^) continued.

Children, (Atherly). b. Aehville: 1. Rollin Devillao, \>. June 24, 1841. Res., Zephyr Hills, Pla. 2. Ansel DeWitt^, b. June 3, 1S43. He is d. 3. Morris Augustus^, b. Apr. 14, 184d. 4. Judson Webster^, b. Mar. 23, 1848. 5. Millard *illiam^, b. June 25, 1351.

6. Lillie EmmaS, b. June 1, 1858; unm. ; res., Corry.

173. 2, William'''. 174. 3. Hiram Finoh'', b. Sept. 5, 1818. 175. 4. Joseph Korman^. (Also called Norman. 176. 6. Ambrose''', b. Aug. 8, 1824, Soipio. 6. Clarissa?; m. Thomas Ounton. She d. ''early*' and he ra. (2) her niece, Amanda Adelle Tickner. (See Hiram Pinch Tickner, #174. 177. 7. Luther Bryant 7.

U.S. Pension records; N.Y. Adjt. General's records; Mr. Pearl C. Tickner; Miss Lillie E. Atherly.


WILLIAM^ (Joseph^, William'*,^). He settled at Penfield, Monroe

County, N.Y. , later removing to Venice, Cayuga County. In August, 1844, he emigrated to Wisconsin, locating at Salem, Kenosha County, where he d. Oct. , 1845. He seems to be the one who serred in the War of 1812, from Aug. 29 to Nov. 29, 1814, as private in Capt, William Watson's Company, Lt. Col. John McMahon's Regiment, "In service on Niagara Frontier.*

He m. Lydia Ann Baldwin, "a native of Conn. " She d. Feb. 5, 1873.

Children: 178. 1. Alvin Reed^, b. Jan. 7, 1814, Penfield. 2. Mary Ann'', b. about 1820; m. 1848, at Salem, Perry D. (or Dexter P.) Cornwell. They removed to Minn. 10 chn. 3. Cordelia'!', b. June 27, 1824, Venice; m. Jxrne 13, 1841, at Venice, Almon D. Cornwell, brother of the

above; b. iiar. 31, 1820, Cayuga County. . He d. Nov. 9, 1893, Salem.

Children, (Cornwell): 1. Julia M.8, b. Jan. 5, 1843, Venice; m. ---- Johnson. Res., Salem. 2. Charles Ticknor^, b. 1845. He served in the Civil War. and d. Sept. 9, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. 3. Ellen A. »; m. Wicks. She d. July 18, 1894. 2 chn. 4. Edwin A. o Res., Racine, Wis. 5. A son. Res., Coloma, ^ich. 6. Flora A. 8; m. Turner. Res., Bristol, Wis. 7. FrankS; d. 1911. 8. DoraC.®; a. Struck. She d. 1907. ty .1


.9^ , 63

William^ (Joseph^, William^, 3) continued.

179. 4. Charles Baldwin'', b. Jiin© 11, 18^7. Venice.

Mr. Prank 0. Ticknor; Miae Helen A. Ticknor; Mrs. Julia M. Johnson; Prank A. Ticknor MS.; N.Y. Adjutant General's records.


ARVIK^ (Heaekiah^, Willi am '^, ^) , b. Auj;:. 10, 1789, probably Hillsdale, W.Y. He lived at Hillsdale, and after about 1820, at Rensselaer- ville, U.Y., where he had a large farm and a tavern, this' being the stopping-place on the stage line from Rorae to Watertown. He later removed to Phelps, I!.Y, , ^here he was proprietor of a hotel. Prior to his marriage he ivas a schoolteacher. He d. Nov. 6, 1370, Phelps.

He m. July 4, 1811, Anna Hi,^»;in8; b. \pr. 29, 1791. She d. Sept. 27, IBS'?, Phelps.

Children: 1. Sarah Ann"?, b. July 31, 1812; ra. Apr. 12, 1829, lilliam Rensdan Rockefeller. He d. June 23, 1885, Fernwood, h.Y. She d. Sept. 28, 1885, Fernwood.

(See Rockefeller ^Jenealo^y. )

Children, (Rockefeller), the first three b. Preston

Hollow, N.Y. , the others b. Caniien, W.Y. : 1. William P. 3, b. Apr. 2U, 1831; m. iiinerva Connant. 2. AndruB^ (not Andrew), b. Apr. 12, 1833; m. Rosetta Curtis. 3. Ann Eliza^, b. Sept. 3, 1835; m. £st. James Burton. 4. Eli?;abeth^, b. June 18, 1841; ti. Benjamin Jewel. 5. Louisa^, b. Nov. 29, 1342; m. William Cole.

180. 2. John Higgins?, b. Aug. 9, 1816. 3. Anirews^ (sic ), b. Sept. 3, 1818; d. Mar. 25, 1824.

Mrs. Rosetta Rockefeller; Rockefeller Genealogy, Vol. I; Wrs. Eleanor Seymour.

' 79.

JOHN '57HITTIHG'5 (Hezekiah^, William*, 3j ^ Y). June 16, 1792, probably Hillsdale, N.Y. He lived at Hillndale and \Yilliamstown, N.Y. and vas a carpenter and builder. He d. June 26, 1861, Williama- town.

He m. (1) Bunice Shutts; d. Daniel Shutts. She d. Mar. 25,

1831, aged 33. v..

He m. (2) June 24, 1832, Elizabeth Krum; b. Feb. 5, 1803, She Schoharie, N.Y. ; d. John and Catharine Krum. d. Dec. 22, ^ ' 1884, Waterbury, Conn. . ! :


John WhittingS (Hezeklah^, Williajn4,3) continued.

Children by first marriage: 1. Betsey Maria^, "b. Apr. 23, 1816; m. Jan. 28. 1834, Stephen Rider Potter; b. July 9, 1812. She d. Lfay 12, 1861, Florence, N.Y. He d. Sept. 12, 1860, Florence.

Children, (Potter)

1. Eli7-a Ann^, t. JJar, 16, 1836, Livinggtonville, N.Y. ;

m. Oct. 9, 18.^5, Lorenzo V/. ^lunnon. - He d. Mar. 16, 1898. Her rea., Weatdale, N.Y. 2. Juliet P.^. b. July 12, 1838, Florence; m. Sept. 7, 1857, Henry M. Stetson.

Child, (Stetson): 1. Baaaie P.'-^; m. Henry K. Taylor.

Children, (Taylor) : George Stetson, Alden Hichard3on, Harry ilenclall, A. 7/iley.

2. Eliza Ann'''; 4. Sept. 16, 1831, aged 4 years, 8 months.

Children by second marriat;e: 181. 3. William?, b. Hov. 23, 1833. 4. Mary Krum'^, b. Jan. 24, 1341, Florence; m. (l) Feb. 10, 1857, at Williamotown, (by her undo, Rev. Snoch 3. Ticknor), vieorga Alfred Northrop. He d. Mar. 7, 1881, '.yaterbury, Conn. She m. (2) July 3, 1895,

at '.barren, Udos. , Cyrus Jerome 7?Ynerson. He d. Apr. 28, 1906, aged 76. Her res., A'aterbury. (See Northrup Genealogy.)

Children, (Northrop), by first marriage: 1. Stephen Potter?-, b. Feb. 21, 1859, Williamstown; d. Apr. 7, 1851, ^miiunBtown. 2. George PiOland", b. Mov. 7, 1860, Florence; m. Martha Balcora.

3. Frederick Alfred^, b. July 13, 1«6?,, Camden, N.Y. ; m. Rosa Frey.

4. Harlow SheelsS, b. Feb. 3, IS'Se. Pontiao, Mich. ; m. Mamie E. Dart. 5. William Wallace^, b. Mar. 20, 1868, Pontiao; ra. Eliza Blodgett. 6. Llewellyn^, b. Mar. 30, 1872, Oneida, N.Y.

Mrs. Eliza A. Munson; Mrs. Mary K. Emerson; Northrup Genealogy. 80.

HEZSKIAH^ (Hezekiah^, William'*,^). He seems to have lived at Hillsdale, or elsewhere in Columbia or Schoharie Counties. He d. Jan. 23, 1840.

He m. Eliza Cook, "from near Albany"; b. July 18, 1806. She d. July 4, 1876. , ^c^


a*-'- -cf ; 65

Hezekiah^ (Hezekiauh^, William^, 3) continued.

Chilfiren, (order of birthe not learned) : 1. Sabra Ann'', b, 1822; m. Joseph Plint. She d. 1902.

Children, (Flint): 1. Seth M. 8 Res., Lynn Haven, Fla.

2. David 0.° Rea. , Ataliaaa, lov/a. 3. Ruth E,Q; m. Norman Wood. Rea., Altamont, U.Y.

182. 2. Hezeklah'''. 183. 3. Charles Arvin''. 4. lEnoch'^. 5. Sanford^^.

6. Lurency'', b. Mar. 12, 1H23, Rensselaerville, K.Y. ; m,

Mar. 20, 1850, at Frankfort, U.Y. , John Getman C.irner; b. Nov. 14, 1023, Frankfort. Ree., Fulton, N.Y. He d. Got. 9, 1903, Fulton. She d. Oct. 8, 1916, Fulton.

Children, (Garner), the last three b. Fulton: 1. Franceo Elizabeth^, b. July 15, 1851, Liverpool, N.Y. 2. Charlea J.^, b. Dec. 2, 1853. .3. IJ'illiarr Ed'rj.rd^, b. July 12, 18^55.

4. George TlcknorS, b. 7£ar. 20, 1865. Hes. , Fulton.

7. Ruth'', b. July 14, 1840, RenBselaerviile; m. (l) Addison Smith; m. (2) Samnel I'cGonkey. 8. Cornelia''; m. Mattice. She is d.

Children, (Matt ice) : 1. Ed'^aro. Rea., Prenton Hollow, N.Y.

2. ClariBFa^; m. Oncar Jrifiin. Ket). , Middleburg, H.Y.

Mr. George T. Garner; lira. Clarisaa Griffin; Mrs. Ruth E. TR'ood.


T5B0CH SMTii^ (Hejsekiah^, William'*, 3) , b. Oct. 8, 1808, probably Hillsdale, N.Y. He livcJ at Villiainatown, N.Y,, 'ihere he ^jrae a carpenter and builder, his brother John V/. Ticknor being aaaociated with him. They built a Fethodi^t church at Hillsdale. He was also a minister of the Christian Church. He later lived at Hxinica, Ottawa County, Wich. He d. Nov. 2, 1894, Dennison, ^ Mich.

He re. Oct. 5, 1831, at Middlebur^jh, Ochoharfe County, Jane

Van Valkenburg of Fulton (Reformed Church record) ; b. Aug. 25,

1812, N.Y. ; d. John Van Valkenburg. 3he d. Tan. 27, 1892, Crockery, T!ich.

Children: 1. Sarsih Jane'', b. Seot. 18, 1832, Schoharie County; m. Oct.

24. 1852, at Williamatwn, N. Y. , Julius Coraatook. She d. Dfic. 22, in*>l.

Children, (Comstock), i(. teat Camden, I'.Y. : lid : bb

Enoch Smith® (Hezekiah^, Vfilllam*, 3) continued.

1. Stella Ku^enia^, b. Aug. 5, 1863. 2. Ella8, b. Mar. 10, 1856.

2. Eleanor'', b. Apr. 19, 1835, Chenango County; m. Sept. 24, 1855, at V/est Camden, Virgil Jeremiah Seymour. He d. May 20, 1908. Her res., Hunica, Mich.

Children. (Seymour), b. Rerifield. N.Y. : 1. liinnieS, b. Oct. S, 1855. 2. Jay3, b. Mar. 30, 1860. 3. Henrietta Jane®, b. tJspt. 3, 1864. 4. Ada May8. b. May 2, 1867. 5. Ethel Virginia^, b. Jan. 13, 1873. 6. Wilna UaudaS, b. July 14, 1876.

3. 3noch'7, b. May 16, 1843, '5/iliiamstowi; d. Jiily 19, 1860, Mexico, N.Y. 4. TSlizabeth^ (orLihbio), b. Mar. 30, 1848, Williamstown; m. June 16, 1870, at Wexico, II. Y., Fitch Eaton. She d. Sept- 19, 1374.

Child, ("Hlaton) : 1. LenaS, b. Apr. 5, 1871, Mexico.

lira. Eleanor Seymour.


R0Si:/EIi^ (Roswell^, Jonathan"^, William"^), b. circa 1785. He

settled at Howard, near Bath, Steuben County, M.Y. , and later removed to Iowa, and d. Lsjnoxit, la.

He m. , at Avoca, l.'.Y. , Jane or Jean Smith, who had come to America from Paisley, Scotland, in 1796.

Children, b. near Bath:

184. 1. . David^. 2, Se-raJi'^; m. Oren TJcGone^al. T/xey lived at Wales, N.Y.

Children, (Moaonegal)

1. Jan^ ; m. Oscar aVorrie. Both are d.

2. . ttaiianS; m. Albert Piatt. Both are d. 3. Kate^; m. Silas Bartholomew. Ke is d.

185. 3. John ailohriBt"^, b. Apr. 4, 1809. 4. Mary7, b. about 1814; m. '^infield Scott Tapping. She d. 1901, aged 87, Wayland, .^.Y.

Children, (Tapping) : Perry, Ann, iJorris, Sarah Jean,

Alice (m. Young; ras. , Wayland), and Seward.

186. 5. Robert Smith"^. 187. 6. James Harvey'^, b, Sept. 22, 1820, Wales Hollow, K.Y.

lira, Julia !''. Rol?h; !irn. Alice Young. tlut.L ^','

.X*IA ,«oi:Xoh Ae 67


JASON® (RoBwell^, Jonathan*, William''), b. May 13, 1788, place not known. He was a shoe maker and farmer, and lived at Wales, Erie County, N.Y. At one time he lived "near the Connecticut River". During the War of 1812 he resided at Buffalo, iiras taken prisoner "by the British and kept in Canada for some months. He d. Aug. 14, 1844, Wales. The administration of his estate, giving the above date of his death, mentions as of Oct. 2, 1644, six children "now living, two only of whom are of fxill age", these last being Minerva, wife of Edwin 0. Havens of Wales, and Julia, wife of "Harvey" Ticknor.

He m. May 12, 1813, Julia Maria Thorpe; b. Jan. 18, 1794; her mother was Sarah Yale.

Chili^ren, b. Writles: 1. Alpheus Jason'^, b. IUt. 20, 1917; d. Au^. 14, 1838, Mich.

2. Minerva Ann'', b. Anr. 3, ; ra. Edwin G. Havens. She d. ¥ay 25, 1885. 3. PosTU'ell^, b. Mar. 27, 1823; d. Oct, 11, 1824, Walee. 4. Sally Ann*?, "b. Jan. 24, 1324; m. Bronaon Havens. She d. Wales. 5. Henry Piraons^, b. Apr. 11, 1825; d. oept. 22, 1£14, Wales. 6. Julia Ifiria'', b. Feb. 17, 1827; m. James Hervey Tickner, #1B7, her cousin. 7. Mary Jane?, b. Mar. 15, 1831; m. Klieha Cone Webb. Her

reo. , Santa Pciula, Cul. 188. 8. Jason Gh-irles''', b. Apr. ?G, 1835. 9. "Kmrjia ^Imina''', b. July 12, 1842.

Hrs. Mary J. Webb; "Rrie County burro^iate's Court records.


ASAHEI.® (Roswell^, Jonathan"*, William^), b. about 1792. He served in the War of 1812 from Penfield, N.Y. as corporal in Capt. Caleb Harrin.-jton'B Company of the 20th nfgim'-'nl, N.Y. Tlilitia, enlisting June 16, 1812 foi- six months and sei-ving for four. In 1831 and

1833, with wife Thankful, he '-/as at u-xlen, Vayne Coiuity, H.Y. , and in 1857 was at Clyde, when, a{ted 65, he received a Var of 1812 award, ani in 1963, ^-ith wife LiAana, vrac al.so at Clyde. He was a dfiacon of tlio "R.^ptl^t Church ti^ere, •r-jid is auppoceii to have had one son, who seems to be:

189. 1. Allen JaPT)i.-r'^, b. Oct. 9, 1840, Linden, f^ich.

(The records of the Baptist Church sit Clyde mention him, also Thankful, Joruaha, and ttu^anna Ticknor, r.ho d. Jiily 28, 1866. A Mrs. Susanna Tinknor lives at North Hone; no reply. \ law suit, Jerusha Ticitnor vs. BeseiRue, 2 Com. -P. Rep. (Pi.;, 96, concerns the title to real estate (in SuEqueh:tnna Coiuity, Pa.?) owned by Asahel, husband of Jerusha, in 1840, statin^j that he d. "7 years ago", (1876?), the suit being brought in 1331.)

Various court records and deeds; V/ar of 1812 awards, (jS.Y. ); etc. (Mo record in U.iS. Pension Office); Mr. Burton A. Ticknor. h t

^" rjf.T.t.'^ .otfti .«

Ot it: A 63


JAMES p-ET7i3i*' (Amaea H. ^, Jonathan^, . ^'i Hi am^) , b. liiy 16, 1809, * nesr Albany, N.Y. He yr%» a carriage raa.ker, and lived at Troy

and Schenectady, lUY. , North Eaot, Pa., i\'ev:ton Falls and Palmyra, 0., and at Rockvllle, Ind. He was a captain in the Ohio Militia. He d. Mar. 16, 1890, Roclcville. (There aeems to be some question as to hiB middle naroe, which perhaps v/as Philip.)

He IB. (1), Deo. 29, 1031, at Palmyra, 0., Prudence Plielps;

b. Ind. ; d. Abyram and iSather (Roleon) Phelpa. She d. Aug. 6, 1846, Rock^ille.

He ra. O), June 1, 1847, at Roolcville, Elizabeth Smith

Linkawiler; t. 19P-2, Va. ; d. John and "arj' (Laubert) Linkswiler. She d. about 1014, Hockville.

Children by first mv.rriage: 1. Jamee Ell'7, ^, Jan. 4, 183."^; d. Jan. 4, 1347, He^i'ton Palls. 190. 2. AmbroTO Kolaon*^, b. Jan. 7, 1834. 191. 3. -i«>or3e Phelps'?, b. Har. 6, 1B33, Palmyra.

Children by second n.trrlage, b. Rockvill?: 4. John A. 7, b. Sect. 29, 135?; d. Dec. 29, 1857, Rockville. 193. 5. Ghrirles Henry'', b, June 17, 18:>5. <3. Mary Prudencc»7^ ^. j-qIj. iq^ 4, Feb. 28, 18'SO, Roclc-T-ille. 7. Hattie''', b. Oct. 20, 1861; d. Axir. 10, 186:5, Rockville. 193. 8. .Uanaon Robert "7, b. Oec. 2, 18.-3?.

Prank A. Ticicnor ifS. (furnished by ilr. Ciiarx6.;3 n. Ticknor) ; Mr. George P. Ticknor.


ALANSON J.'' (A>na8a H.^^, Jonathan'*, Villia-n^), b. 1812, Albany, N.Y. He lived at Shelbyville, 111., and otiier places, an-i after 1836 at Rockville, Ind.; oarpenter, janitor. He served in the Civil War, (as "/aensen" and "Andrew J.") enlisting Vr-a. 1, isr,l, in Company li, 54th 111. lTif:intry, as private; lernlisted Jan. 1, 1864, ae a veteran; vas promoted 9er,^?»Exrit, and on Dec 2^, 18o4, let Lieutenant, 1.11 in the same Company; ani vae ilBciiar^ed Oct. 15, 1865. He d. Dec. 15, 1890, Rooicville.

Hera., at '^rie, Pii. , Uary Ann Terwillagsr; b. 1814, Yonkera, Zhf^ N.Y. ; d. EliPha A. and Catherine (Catlin) Tcrwiil i^sr. d. 1867, Rockville.

Children: 1. Charles C.'^, b. 1842, rllnry, 0.; d.->!ov. 18, 1870, Kockville. 2. Catherine L. '', b. 1844, P.lery. 3. Pranklin'', b. 1646, Lima, O. 4. Alanson'^, b. 1848, Liiria. 4 oA 5. Prank"? (tv^in), b. .Sept, 12, 1850, 3-indusky, 0. 6. Louisa^, (twin), b. 3ept. 12, 1850; m. June 21, 1873, Hari-y Hudson. Reii., 1911, 61oo)iiincSia.le, Ind.; not Ihore now. .fc K^l'C' i-S

.Off?: ,

AlanBon J. (Amasa H. ^, Jonathan*, William'') continued.

Children, (Hudeon), b. Rockville: 1. Frank H. 8, b. Mar. 31, 1874. 2. Mary B. 6, b. Not. 24, 1876.

7. Kate7, b. Nov. 30, 1052, Sandusky; ra. William Hooghkirk.

Roe. , Rockville.

Child, {IIoo,3hkirk) : 1. T^attie J.", b. Aug. 19, 1880, Rockville.

Frank A. Ticknor MS., (furniehed by Mr. Charles H. Ticknor) Mrs. Kate Hooghkirk.


HSHRY GH.\RTER^ (Amasa H.^, Jonathan*, William*'), b. Oct. 21, 1818, Rochester, N.Y. He liT«»d at Ravenna, 0., and in Cal., and was the ownor of a stage line. He d. July, 1908, Berkeley, Cal.

He m. Oct. 14, 1842, at Newton Palls, 0., Diana (or Diantha) Phoebe Hall; b. Oct. 1, 1823, Meadville, Pa.; d. Welcome and

Elizabeth Hall. She d. Peb. , 1903, San Pranciaoo, Cal.

Descendants spell the name "Tickner".!

Children: 194. 1. Henry Langford?, b. July 9, 1843, Warren, 0.

195. 2. Walter Alfonxo''', b. Oct. 14, , Ravenna, 0. 196. 3. Claremont Castelone'', b. Sept. 0, 1848, Ravenna. 197. 4. Fitzlllian Laveign"^, b. Sept. 18, 1850, Ravenna.

Mrs. Alice P. Tickner.


GSORGS T.^ (Amar-a H. 5, Jonathan*, William^), b. 1821. He d. Newton Palls, 0.

He ra. TVialia Loveless.

Children: 1. Charles?. Res., Newton Palls; no reply. 2. Dennie S. "^ Res., Warren, 0.; no reply. (According to the Warren Directory, he seems to have wife Emma J., and daughters Donna E. and Wadge'M.


ROBERT (Amasa H.^, Jonathan"*,han , William''), b. 1323. He lived at North East, Pa. iie is d ed

; au 7 ) 70

Robert^ (Amasa H.^, Jonathan^, William^) continued.

Children: 1. Mede (?)''; res., Oeneva, 0. 2. William'7; res., Geneva; no reply. 3. Fred'; rea., Geneva; no reply. 4. A daughter: m. Green; res., San Francisco. 198. 5. Charles W. 6. A daughter; m. Baboock; res., Geneva.

Mr. Louis B. Ticknor.


ORAJf^ (Elijah^. Daniel'*, Y/illiam^), b. Feb. 5, 1793, probably

Alford, Mass. He lived at New Lebanon, 11, Y. , succeeding to his father's farm there, and was a farmer and merchant. A deed in 1825 refers to his "shop". He later lived at Sempronius and

Homer, H.Y. , finally remorini; to Rockford, 111. He SGrved in the War of 1812 from Kew Lebanon, from Aug. P5, 181S to Mar. 31, 1813, as private, in Capt. Lodov/ick J. Babcock'o Company, if.Y. liilitia. He d. Aug. 27, 1875, Rockford.

He m. Feb. 26, 1817, at Nev; Lebanon, (or "in Conn.") Abigail Orton; b. Apr. 20, 1794; (apparently, according to Litchfield, Conn., records, the one b. there Apr. 21, 1794; d. John and Ruth (Norton) Orton). She d. Feb. 6, 1R76, Rockford. (U.S. Pension records give date of marriage as Oct. 20, 1818, at New Canaan, IJ.Y.

Children, all probably b. Hev? Lebanon: 1. Lewis Peaae^, b. Oct. 27, 1317; d. Jan. 27, 1818, hew Lebanon.

2. Sylvanus?, b. Deo. 15, 1818; unm. ; d. Apr. 7, 1841, SenjBronius. 199. 3. Daniel Waters?, b. Dec 29, 1820. 4. Sally Maria'', b. Feb. 23, 1823; m. Vernaro Mather. They lived at Uatherton, l/ich. She d. Nov. 9, 1893, Groton. N.Y.

Children, (Mather) : Cora, Slbert, Annette, and another son. 200. 5. James Sullivan?, b. Sept. 17, 1824. 6. Horatio Orton?, b. Nov. 28, 1826; d. Sept. 3, 1842, Serapronius. 201. 7. Aurora Orton?, b. Sept. 29, 1828.

8. Elijah', b. Jan. 19, 1831; umi. ; d. Nov. 9, 1855. 9. Abigail?, b. June 29, 1833; m. Sept. 7, 1882, Warfield Staley. She d. Oct. 24, 1914, Chatham, 111. 10. Betsey?, b. June 29, 1833; in. Dec. 4, 1861, at Rockford, Edwin Benjamin Smith. Res., Chatham, 111.

Children, (Smith): 1. Charles Irving^, b.^ Sept. 16, 1862; d. Aug. 27, 1864. 2. Frances l^lbert^, b. Jan. 28, 1865; d. Mar. 20, 1866.

202. 11. Phineus Rice?, b. May 22, 1835. .bf


All ..


.flJ 71

'Oran^ (Elijah^, Daniel^, William^) continued.

Mrs. Betsey T. Smith and Miss Sliaabeth M. Tioknor; Prank A.

Tioknor MS. ; Orton Genealogy; Litchfield, Conn. Records; Columbia

County, N.Y. , deeds; U.S. Pension records.


ALMOH^ (Elijah^, Daniel*, William^), t>. Mar. 21, 1798, Alford, Mass. He was a carriage "builder, and lived in various places, as given below, also at l?hite Lake, Wioh. , and finally at Derby, Conn., where he d. Dec 26, 1880.

He m. (1) "STov. 14, 1321, Electa Pease; b. Julv 22, (not July

28) 1802, Canaan, N.Y. ; d. Daniel and Keziah (Dean) Pease. She d. Jan. 4, (not Jan. 5) 1844, Richmond, Uiss. ; g. a. there.

He ra. (2) Nov. 14, 1844, Betsey Hatch; b. Canaan, N.Y. She d. May 22, 1846, Richmond, aged 47 years, 10 months. No children by this marriage.

He ro. (3) Sept. 12, 1848, at New J'^arlborou^h, Mass., (recorded at Richmond) Minerva Hyds of New Marlborough. She d. June 5, 1851, Richmond, aged 48. No chil Iren by this marriage.

He m. (4) Feb. 12, 1853, Caroline Murray; b. Pittafield; d. Rufua and Mary Murray. She d. Oct. 5, 1872, Pittafield, aged 60.

He m. (5), name of wife not learned.

Children by first marriage: 203. 1. Almon Pease'', b. Oct. 22, 1822, New Lebanon, N.Y.

2. Rosalia Janetta^^ ^, Apr. 7, 1824, Cortlauid County, N.Y. ; m. May 8, 1342, (M.V.S., 1643), at Richmond, Horatio Fuller, (not Tuller), of Canton, Conn. She d. 1907.

3. ^ary L.*?. b. Apr. 17, 1828, Otisco, N.Y. ; ra. Feb. 12, 1845, at Nerv Lebanon, F.Y. (recorded at Richmond),

Levi Pannin.5 Crittenden, (not Grittenton) ; bapt. Juno 27, 1824, Richmond; s. Levi ind Yiry Crittenden. They lived at Barryton .and "Shite Lake, liTich. 4. Prances A. ', b. July 22, 1831, place not learned; m. Patzak. She d. Jan. 12, 1857, St. Petersburg, Russia. 204. 5. Lewis Merriman^, b. Nov. 10, 1833, Pittafield, Mass. 205. 6. George Bmery'i', b. Nov. 13, 1836, Pittafield. 7. "Elicta Jane', b. Jan. 2, 1844, Richmond; m. Sept. 18, 1867, at Cheshire, Mass., 3i7fard J. Pearson, (not

Edwird F. H. Persons); b. Pittsford, Vt. ; s. James K. and Bithaheba H. Pearson. She i. Sept. 12, 1333.

Child by fourth marriage: 8. Isabella Florena7, b. Oct. 7, 18Jj3, Richmond; d. Sept. 17, 1861, Cheshire.-

lire. Blanche L. Jickson, from family records; i^iss Ethel V. Ticknor; Richmond Vital Recorid, znd hiiiss. Vitxl Statistics (whioh supply most of the above names of places) ; Pe:iue Genealogy. IV

.SqfiQ ,t ^fi ,r:v. " , I<


3OTH^ (lillijah^, Daniel*, WiUiam'^), b. Sept. 20, 1799. probably

Alford, Mass. R<»s. , 1822, E^jremont, Bfaea, ; wheelwright: rea.

1828, CJreat Barrington, Vaea. ; blacksniith: ree. , 1828-38, New Lebanon, N.Y. He then seems to have lived at Troy and Tompey Hill, K.Y. He then removed to Belvidere, 111., where he was a farmer and blaclcemith, reaidinj^ there in 1854, when real estate In

Berkshire County, Ifaas. , belonging to the estate of hia first wife, was sold. In the fall of 1355 he went to Presoott, Wis., living there until a nhort tirae before hie death, when he removed to

Olympia, ^l&eh, , where he d. Jan. 11, 1880.

He m. (l) Cot. 17, 1822, probably at Sgremont, Sevier (not Sophia} Grippen; b. l

Hera. (2) Mar. 21, 1354, at Pittsfiell, Xaos. , Anna lian son; b. Mar. 22, 1821, Cariada.

Children by first marriage: 206. 1. Alinon^, t). Sept. 20, 1823. 207. 2. Joel Theodore?, b. May 1, 1825. 208. 3. John Woaley?, b. ^eb. 23, 1827.

4. Riley?, b. Sept. 10, 1828; d. hav . 21, 1832.

5. William Henry?, b. Wov. 19, 1836; Xin.n. ; d. Apr. 3, 1887, Chehalis, Wash. 6. Lucy Maria?, b. >iar. 23, 1830; a. Apr. 23, 1G60, at Prer.cott, Wis., Sariuel Golumbue Kicharda; b. Oxford "ounty, Tie. He d. 1900, 'i^inneapolie, '^Inn. Her

r*^3. , Tlinn^apolis.

Children, (Richards): 1. I?ranci9 freorfje®, b. Nov. 29, 1864, Cherry Grove, Minn.

2. Albert Seth^, b. Sent. 18, 1866. Red Aing, 'iinn. ; d. there ?eb. 14, 1867.

7. Charlee Hibbard'', b. Jtone 5, 1841; uma. ; d. Mov. 3, 1874. 8. (Jeorge \i/ashington?, b. June 24, 1843; unra. :ie served in the Civil *ar, enlisting Deo. 21, iad3, in Coa- pany A, 12th Wisconsin Infantry, as pi ivate, being diochjirgod July 15, 1865. Res., Buooda, Wash.; no reply.

Children by second marriaf^e, b. Prescott, V/io. ; 9. Elisabeth Adelaide?, b. Apr. 30, 1856. Wo further record found, 10. Dwight?, b. July 15, 1857. So further record found.

Mrs. Lucy M. Plohards; Berkshire County, WtiBB, , and Columbia County, N.Y. deeds; U.S. Pension records; Looials Genealogy.


DANIEL *5 (KLiJah^ Daniel^, William^), b. 1002, "Salem, Mass.", (Salem, N.Y.?). lie appears in a deed in 1834 in Columbia County, and removed to Ridgeway, Orleans County, ii.Y.

He m. Sara l3rown; b. "Salem, Mass.

: " , 73

iLiJiel* (EliJah^ Daniel^, William^) continued.

Children, b. Rld^oway: 1. Charlea*?.

209. 2. Vranklln'', (or ^rank), b. June 10, 1843, Yates, H.Y. ; seems to be this one. 210. 3. James?, b. about 1846. 4. Sheldon''. 5. Sara''. 6. Mora''.

Mr. Sheldon B. Ticknor.


ELIJAH^ (Elijah^, Daniel^, William^), b. probably Hew Lebanon, M.Y. He was a blacksmith, and settled at Collins, Brie County, N.Y. about 1820, and d. there or at Otto, Cattaraugus County, about 1835.

He in. Roxana Herri ck. She m. (2) Orson Bristol, and removed to West Stookbrldge, Mass.

Children, order of births not learned: 211. 1. \7111iam fritzland", b. Oot. 13, 1827, Collins.

2. Oscar''; unm. ; lived in Orleans County, M.Y. ; d. Nov. 22, 1852, Mexico, H.Y. Adninist ration upon hie estate mentions his brothers and sisters. 212. 3. Daniel Wolley'', b. 1831, "Y/estem Mass. 213. 4. Wheeler Hutchinson?. 5. Orpha Catherine'', a minor in 1852; m. Alexander Burke. Res., Cleveland, 0. She d. "a few years ago*. 6. Sarah Ann^; m. by 1052 Porter Mulholland. She d. "a great many years ago", Cattaraugus County.

Children, (Mulholland) 1. Belief; m. Clark Hicks. 2. Susan^; m. David Ditcher. She d. 1915, Cattaraugus County.

Messrs. Charles W. , Wlllard H. , and George H. Ticknor, and Mrs. Helen L. Ticknor; History of Brie County, H.Y.; Erie County Surrogate's records.


WILLIAM AN 30N* (Blijiih^, Daniel'*, William'), b. Feb. 5, 1806. In 1827 he was at New Lebanon, iwY, (deed). He lived, after his marriage, at Holley and Yates, in Orleans County, U,Y, ; and -^tas a wagon-maker. He d. Yates.

He ra. Ruth Kenyon; b. Aug. 26, 1810, Otisco, N.Y. She d. Dec. 18, 1888, Yates. i . : 74

r.c VilliaiB Anson^ (BliJahS, Daniel^, William') continued.

Children, the first five b. Holley, the others b. Yates: 1. William Milo', h. Sept. 18, 1830; d. Mar. 22. 1832. 2. liary Fidelia? b. Aug. 27, 1832. 3. William T?dwin' h. Not. 14, 1834; d. liay 17, 1864. 214. 4. Seth Frederick?, b. Oot. 4, 1836. 5. Julia Marie7, t. Dec. 16, 1838; d. Oct. 5, 1840.

6. Martha J.?, b. Nov. 10, 1841; la. Apr. 10, , at Albion, N.Y., Elisha F. Bamum. Res., Lyndonville, N.Y. 4 chn. 215. 7. Benjamin?, b. Dec. 1, 1843. 8. Olive H.?, b. Aug. 22, 1847; d. Mar. 29, 1879.

Mrs* Klartha J. Bamum.


FREDERICK ALBR-RT^ (Elijah^, Daniel^, William'), b. probably liew Lebanon, K.Y. He lived for a time at liey? Lebanon, and was a pioneer, living in several places in .Vectern Hgv York, finally removing West during an extremely wet season, contracting con- sumption from exposure, and d. 1845, Beloit, Wis.

He m. Kar. 26, 1835, at New Lebanon-, Olive Kendall; b. 1819, d. Oxford, iiuss. ; d. Thomas and Kartha (Sparhawk) Kendall. She 1905, Eadison, 'A'is.

Children: 216. 1. Albert Kendall", b. Feb. P.6, 1836, Ner Lebanon. 2. John?; d. about 18L0, aged 12. Three other chn. d. young.

Mrs. Elizabeth G. Crawford; History of Oxford, Mass. , (which confutes him with his son); Hew Lebanon Church Records, (date of marriage)


HORACB^ (Danlel5,4, William'), b. Mar. 10, 1798, Alford, Mass. By trade he wae a wagon maker, but for some years he kept a hotel at Yandeusenville, Jiass. In 1821 he was a private in the militia at Ejjreraont. He d. Uov. 1, 1861, Great Barrinj^ton; bur. there.

He m. Sept. 19, probably 1321, (the date in the Bible being "^ difficult to read). Eliza Winchell; b. Sept. 25, 1002; d. Daniel and Zilpha (Virgil) Win^nell of ^gremont. She d. Nov. 12, 1855, Great Barrington; bur. there.

Children, (family record) 217. 1, William Augustus?, b. July 5, 1822, Vandeusenville.

2. Harriet S.7^ b. Oct. 11, 1824; unm. ; d. Nov. 16, 1847, (g.a., Great Barrington), (Oct. 16, family record). 218. 3. Hemain L.?, b. Deo. 6, 1827, Great Barrington. 4. Emma J.?, b. Apr. 29, 1830, Great Barrington; unm.; d. Jan. 11, 1855, Great Barrington.


Horace^ (Daniel^.^, William^) continued.

5. Rocelia M.''', (eio, not Roaella or Rosalie), b. Sept. 15, 1832, Great Barrington; m. Hoy. 18, 1852, at Great

JBarrlngton, Enos i'ord, Jr. ; o. Unos and Uary Ford. He d. July 21, 1880. She d, Feb. 26, 1396.

Child, (Ford): 1. Wellington M. 8, b. Dec. 31, 1855; d. Oct. 24, 1893.

6. ISorton H.7, b. June 7, 1839; unm. ; about 1864 he went

to Anoka, liinn. , where he d. Apr. 11, 1867.

lire, i^athalie Smith (family Bible record, datcc only)"; Ifaea. Vital Statistics (places); Mrs. Emily M. Jones (Great Barrington epitaphs); Winchell Genealogy; Mass. Military archives; Ford re. Ticknor, 169 Mass. 276.

98. HKIJAN^ (Daniel^,'*, Villiam^), b. Feb. 15, 1800, Alford, Mass. In 13I?5 he went to r>hio, and lived at Kelloggsville, Conneaut, and Willi -ajnsfield. He was a merchant, and also served as Justice of the Peace, and postmaster. He d. Sent. 28, 1873, Willi:ijn8f ield.

He m. (1) Oct. 9, 1831, at KellOjigsville, Harriet koffit; b. Jan. 21, 1808, Stockbridge, Mass.; d. Lemuel and ICunice (Kellogg) Uoffit. b-he d. ^ov. 13, 1832, Kellogasville.

He m. (2) Uov. 11, 183b, Clarietja Suphelia iiloas; b. Llay 30 (not June 14?) 1812, Alford; d. Jumes i:. and Howena (li-cllogg) Bloss. She d. July 20, 1842. Williamsfield.

Child by firot marriage: 219. 1. Torrey !.;offit'', b. 1832. He was adopted by his grand- mother and hia name \v,i3 changed to Torrey Ticknor Iloffit.

Children by second marriage: 2. Harriet^, b. Jan. 16, 1837; unm. Res., Ashtabula, 0. 220. 3. ^idney"^, b. Aug. 21, 133U, 'Vllliafii«field. 221. 4. Marcus ticman?, b. July 19, 1842, Willisimsf ield.

Miss Harriet Ticknor; ICellogg Genealogy.


•> BZRA GHADWICK^ (Daniel^.'*, William'), b. Nov. 28, 1802, Alford, Uass. He lived at Alford and was a farmer and justice of the peace. He" flerved ar roprefsentative in 18Ii9-30 and 1843. He d. Aug. 25, 1893, Alford; bur. there.

He m. Apr. 30, 1834, at Great Darrinjiton, LTass., (int. at Alford), Margaret H. Bolton. She d. Wov. 2, 1895, aged 87, (g.

«. ) ; bur. Alford.


1. iienry'', b. about 1835; unm. ; for many years the town clerk of Alford; d. Apr. 28, 1915; bur. Alford.

Great Barrington records; Liass. Vital Statistioe; Alford eM^taphs; History of Berkshire County. . £"* •*'«**j^ 7fa


ALBERT^ (Daniel^, ^, William') , b. about 1805, Alford, Haas. Re»., Alford; farmer, wheelwright. He d. Not. 9, 1879, Alford, aged 74.

He m. Jan. 12, 183S, at Great Barrin^ton, Sarah Uollenbeok; b. about 1811, Great Barrington; d. Caspar and Jane Hollenbook* She d. Sept. 6, 1879, Alford, Aged 68.

Child: 222. 1. Walter Hollenbeck^, b. about 1833, Great Barrington.

Great Barrington Vital Records, (printed; erroneously, give hiE name as "Tinker"}; Mass. Vital Statistics.

: : : 77

SSVSKTH aKHSRATXON. 101. KLSOJj'' (John^,^, ^,^), b. Hay 26, 1804, Sharon, Conn. He lived at Suffleld, 0., until 1864, when he reznored to Randolph, 0., where he d. May 30, 1885; bur. (also hie wife) there.

He ra. Apr. 11, 1835, at Suffield, Mary Marana Austin; b. Sept. 11, 1817, (Conn.?); d. Anthony and J^ariana Austin. She d. Apr. 3, 1885, Randolph.

Children, b. Suffield: 1. Elizabeth Ann°, b. Sept. 16, 1839; m. William Henry Bowers. Res., Portage Goxinty, 0. Both are d.

Children, (Bowers) 1. Emeralis9, b. Oct. 9. 1860; d. 1862. 2. William Sber*. b. June 1, 1863; to. Sept. 19, 1888, Alice Brumbaugh,

Children, (Bowers) 1. Jeoce RoylO, b. Aug. 17, 1889; m. "Feb. 18, 1915, Blanche filler. 2. 'William Sdgar^^, b. Oct. 22, 1690. 3. Dorcie Elizabeth^O, t. July 9, 1892; m. July 3, 1913. John Setright. 4. Dennis Ephraim"*-'^, b. June 24, 1894. 5. Gladys Kether^*^, b. Nov. 20, 1904. 6. Atler Harold-*-^, b. Aug. 4, 1906.

3. Eva E.^, b. Nov. 5, 1865; m. i'eb. 29, 1892, George Ulrich. 4. Ella®, b. Kov. 2, 1868; in. Feb. 27, 1905, Pred Stratton. 6. Elson^; d. 6. Edson^, b. hTar. 12, 1877; w. Deo. 28, 1904, Nellie Adams.

Children, (Bowers) 1. Evelyn May^*^ b. May 26, 1907. 2. Lillian MarylO ) ^^ ^ ^^^^^

3. Leroy RachHrd"^", )

7. Ervln^, b. Au/?. 23, 1879; ro. Bertha Vranoe.

Child, (Bowers) 1. Helen^O, b. Oct. 30, 1909. -

223. 2. Sanford®, b. Jan. 19, 1844. 3. I.orentine^; m. (l) ^ill France; m. (2) Gilbert Ferry. She d. Omalia, Neb. "No heirs."

Mr. Horace A. Ticknor; Brumtach Genealogy. ./

.•or 1

.^T»t ^ 102.

ALANTHa'' (John^, 6, "*,'), b. July 30, 1B06, Sharon, Conn. He settled in Richland County, 111., where he d. about 1862.

He TB. Mary Ann Markley of Suf field, 0. She d. before her husband.

Children: 1. i:iizabeth°; d. young (drowned). 2. Eleon®. He served in the Civil War, enlisting from Olney, 111., June 11, 1861, in Company K, 2lBt Infantry, served as private and was discharged Dec. 24, 1862 for disability. He later enlisted Deo. 27, 1663, in Company H, 5th Cavalry, served as private, and was mustered out Oct. 27, 1865. He is supposed to have been married tvioe. Res. not known. 3. John U. C.S He served in the Civil "*'ar, enlisting from Springfield, 111., Apr. 23, 1861, in Company P, 9th Infantry (three months' aervice), served as private and was mustered out July 26, 1851. On the latter date he pnlisted fro-n Olney in Company S*, 9th Infantry, served as private, and on feb. 11, 1864 was promoted Ist aercjeant, 2nd Ala. Colored Troops. Hie subsequent record is not available. He was an engineer on the Crestline 4 fort Wayne R.R. Res. not known.

5. Isabelle^. 6. George^; d. yo\in({.

Mr. Horace A. ficknor; 111. Adjutant General ' s Report, 1915.


JOHM WOOSTER'^ (John^, ^, ^.''*), b. June 20, 1808, Sharon, Conn. He was a farmer and lived, uvcept foi' the liist fow years of his life, at Suffield, 0. He d. "Dec. 31, 1882, y.onroe F-*ll8. 0.

He tn. Sept. 18, 1837, in Portas© County, Rachel KcCarty; b. l£t. Pleasant, Pa. ; d. John and l!ary (Conner) sicCarty, (who had settled in 1820 at Sprinp^field, o.). iihe d. Dec 29, 1891, Kogadore, 0.

Children, b. Suffield: 1. Gladden^: d. in infancy.

2. Tryphena", b. 1343; unm. ; d. Deo. 25, 1862, Suffield. 224. 3. Horace Adelbcrt^, b. I'eb. 9, 1B45. 4. Pulueki^ b. July 1, 1847; unm. Res^, Mogadore, 0. 5. Celestial, b. Oct. 4, 1849; unm.; d. Aug. 26, 1906.

Mr. Horace A. Ticknor. 1».i

'a . , 7a


IBA strong'' (BliBha^, John^, '*,'') , b. Sept. 24, 1817, Sharon, Conn. le was a contractor and builder and lived at Owcgo, N.Y. , and Tlint, Mich., where he d. Aug. 16, 1878.

He «. June 27, 1850, at Slmira, U.Y. , Lydia Ann Smith; b. Oct. 8, 1831, (at Towanda, Pa.?); d. William and Jane (Blauvelt) Smith. She d. Feb. 10, 1904, Avalon, Cal.

Children: 225. 1. George®, b. Jan. 2, 1852, Owego. 226. 2. Pascal", b. Mar. 9, 1853, Owego. 3. Mtta MarillaS, b. Feb. 3, 1862, ¥lint; ra. Sept. 3, 1885, at Flint, «dwin John \9hitney; b. Potsdam, U.Y.

Res. , Los AngeleB, Cal.

Children, ('iOiitney). b. Los Anfjelea: 1. Walt?r Ticknory, b. Dec 26, 1388; ra. Dec 20, li^-yn 1917, at Chilhovie, Va. , M

Cliild, (Wlriitney) : 1. Ruth Leel", b. June 20, 1919, Pasadena.

2. Ed'win Pascal®, b. Dec. 19, 1895; teacher at American College, Beirut, Syria.

Mrs. Etta U. v/hitney; Rowlee Genealogy (which gives incorrectly the date of death of E2ra. Ticknor).


ORRIm' (Stephen®, John^, ^,^), b. about IROl. An adopted child. liur, 18G3, aged Ree. , Ell&T.'orth Villa

He n. Eliza Edwards of Kent, Conn. She d. liov. 1, 1855, aged 53, (g. s. )

Children: ^ 1. 'William J.", b. 1831; d. Oct. 21, 1832, aged 1 year, 5 days (g. a. ). 2. Sarah"; m. (l) Walter Cartwright; m. (2) C>on Pedro Griswold.

Van Alstyne'e Sharon Burying Grounds; Ooodenough'e Ellsworth. 106.

HIRAm'' (Stephen^, John^,*,'^), b. Kar. 22, 1808, Sharon, Conn. Res., Ellsworth Village, Sharon; fanner. He d. Aug. 2, 1890; bur. Ellsworth Burying Ground. His will mentions hie children Lucy H. Adonijah, William and Everett.

He ITS. Apr. 19, 1838, Julia Hallock. She d. Nov. 13, 1880, aged 67 years, 3 months, 19 days; bur. lillsworth. 1 1*^ (Stephen^, John^,*,^) continued.

Chiliren; if 1. Mary", b. Uov. 2, 1839; m. Jan. 18, 186S, Kathaniel Palmer. Res. EllRworth.

Children, (Palmer) : Lewis, William, John, Charles, Uary, ani Martha.

2. William^, b. Mar. 3, 1842; unm.

3. Adonijah Maxim^, b. J?eb. 1, 1844; unm. ; lived at Hanjpden, Conn., for a time, and returned to Kllsworth, where he d. i'eb. 6, 1910. 4. Lucy H.^, h. Sept. 19, 1846; unm. 5. Theron K.^, b. Aug. 15, 1848; unm.; d. Oct. 4, 1870 {f?.9., Ellsworth).

6. Svcrett^, b. Jan. 17, 1853; fii-mer; unm. ; d. Apr. 12, 1915. With his death the name di saopeired from Sharon.

Goodenou^h'a 'Mlev.'o rt>i; Mr. V/illiiim Pal-ner; Viui AJstyne'o Sharon Uurying 'Irounia.


JOHU P. ''(Stephen^, John^,*,'), b. about 1817. Hew., Klleworth Villajje, Sharon, Conn. lie d. July 13, 1854, a^^ed 37, (g.s.). HlB will, •inted IJay 29, 1854, bequeith»?cl all his property, (inventoried at -^700) to hin veife Luoretia I. i'icknor. His name

** is signe-i as above to his will, but is given as "John 1 . by Van Al3tyne, Goodonoujh, and the ISverett Gono:i.Lot?y.

He m. (1) Mar. 18, 1845, at Sharon, \t^y (or Abijjiil) G. Bverett; b. about 1813, Sharon; d. Aiolpnus and Lydia (Stu^ley) Everett. She d. Aug. 23, 1849, aged 20 years, 2 mr)nth«, 17 days, (g.B.).

He m. (2) Lucretia 1. ---- (periiapB Jf'ullcr) .

Ko children.

l!r. 'Afilliam Palmer; Sharon probate records; Van Alstyne'a Sharon Buryin/j urounis; GTodemut^h' a Glinpntj of illllaworth; Everett Genealogy.


'*, *^; LUZERNlfi A.'' (Elijah'', John^, , b. about 1816. He was at Tully, M.Y. in 1354 (deed). Jie ccrved in the Civil .Var, enlisting from Norwich, ii.Y., a,ijed 44, Au^^. 8, 1862, in Company K, 114th N.Y. Inf,, serving as oer^eunt, beirj;^ discharged June 8, 1865 at WaaViin^ton. He d. Oct. 22, 1867.

He m. ilay 2, 1838, at Whitesboro, M.Y., Lydia A. Acker.

Probably no children.

U.S. Pension records; If.Y. Adjutant General's records; Onondaga County def?dn.

: ai


"ittSS TOLCOTt' {Heman*5, BenajahS, John*, 3) . b. May 18, 1818, Pjttstown, M.Y. lie lived at Ann Arbor and Pittafield, Mich., and •erred in one of the Indian Ware. He d. by 1881. * He TB. Apr. 9, 1844, Louisa Jane Dou^laae; b. Way ?0, 18{>6,

Pensselaer County, M.Y. ; d. DariuB and Sarah Douglass.

Children: 227. 1. Luther", b. Var. 1?., 1846, Ann Arbor. Two other chn. d. unni. by 1881.

Mr. Frank H. Tibknor; History of Washtenaw County, Uich., 18R1, p. 1273. 110,

MYROk' (Uyron^, Benajah^ John*,^), b. Aug. 2S, 18S3, Schagticoke, N.Y. Res., Cincinnati and Chicago; manufacturer. He d. Deo., 1913.

He in. (l) Oct. 8, 1855, at Cincinnati, Julia Bid.lle Davis; b. Carlisle, Pa.; d. ^.K.H. and Sarah Jane (3p<5ttev)Oi^d) Divis. She d, Apr. 7, 109?, Chicar^o.

He m. (5) Feb. 12, 1901, it White Plains, H.Y., DruaiP Mattox

Bean; b. Springfield, 0. ; d. Jaroea A. and Catnerlne ("Jiattox) Bean.

Children, by firet marriage: 1. Julia Bidile», b. Apr. 17, 1857, Cincinnati; m. Nov. 7, 1383, at Chicago, Bobert Pettit; b. Peb. 7, 1833. TSlmira, N.Y.

Child, (i'ettit): 1. Knickerbocker^, b. Ilov. 4, 1884, Ghic^^3o; manu- facturer; m. Hov. 10, 1919, Ruth Hartman of ChicHgo.

2. and 3. Eop.b uho d. in Infancy. 4. Virginia M«ad". b. Dec. 3, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.; m. Oct. 13, 1PH5, at CJiicaf^o, LJloyhen Honley BlMck; b. Mar. 4, 1R61, Davenport, la.

Child, (Black) 1. K-3ith Ticknor^, b. July 4, 1886, Chicago; d. Apr. 22, 1891.

Messrs. -Ayron Ticknor (1916) and Bdw-in Ticknor.


I EDWIn'' (Myron^, Benajah^, John^,^), b. Dec- 28, 1835, ?Jiddlcbury, Vt. He went to Miosouri in 1857. He is a merchant at St. Louis, resi iin{^ it Webster droves. In 1864 he was treaaurer of the St. Louis Br inch of the U, G. Christian CommiBSion.

He m. (1) Apr. 5, 1859, at tit. Louis, Joacohine Harriett Streeter Boswell; b. St. Lcuis; d. Chaflea and Jane Boswell, natives of England. She d. Dec 30, 1885, St. Louis.

: 82 i'^r*

fiihrin' (Myron^, Benajah^, John*, 3) continued.

'Hem. (2) Apr. 24, 1888, at Springfield, Ko., Clura Louise ines; "b. Snot. 2, 1859, Eaet Orange. N.J.; d. Henry and Sarah larla (Braincrd) Kolmee of St. I.ouIb. She d. Jan. 26, 1900, St. Louis.

He n. (3) July 28, 1904, Mrs. Lillie Alioe (Brown) ^J/oods.

Children by first marriage: 228. 1. Kdwin Lafayette^, b. Apr. 14, 1861, St. Louis. 2. Jocephine Klizabeth^, b. Oct. 7, 1070, Webster arovcs; m. (l) Oct. 12, 1892, at ATebBter Groves, Francis Barrett Schurenjan; b. June 1, 1369, St. Louis; 8. Joseph Perry and Sarah Henierson (Barrett) Schurc- wan. He d. Dec. 2, 1397, i3t. Louis, and she m. (2) Sept. 6, 1399, at Webster Groves, isldward Burnett flaoe; b. Sept. 6, 1850, Cincinnati, 0.; e. Koxh md ;/ary (Padgett) Wace. He d. Au,^. 30, 1919.

Child by first raarriaae, (Schureman) 1. Sirah Harriett-, b. Sept. 6, 18Q4, Pomona, Cal.

Mr. Edwin Ticknor; Br.iinerd ueneiloijy.


CALSb'' (Wyron^, Benajah^, John'*.*^), b. Uar. 7, 1340, Keeseville, K.Y. He io the nell-kno'.vn proprietor of the Berkchire Inn, at Great Barrin^ton, aass., and the Court Inn, at Caioden, S, C, under the nam* of Caleb Ticjicnor A Son, hio son being aaaociated with him.

He ra. Deo. 27, 1866, at Great Barrin^iton, llartha Barth Durant; b. 1336. Rensealaei-ville, iJ.Y. ; d. Benjarain Fran'cclin and Lucy Ann (Wilcox) Durant.

Child: 229. 1. Benjamin Durant^, b. ilov, 8, 1870, Middlebury, Vt.

Mr. Caleb Ticknor.


JOHH B.' (David'', Inaao^,^, John"^) , b. Feb. 10, 1806. Bee., Columbia, Conn. He d. Feb. ?3, 1887.

He m. Kvr. 6, IS^Q, at Columbia, A'^Ania Uelvina Downer; b. Feb. 19, 1809, ColUTibia; d. Dr. T^o^'ers and Anna (tinnoy) Downer. .She d. May 4, 1890, Columbia.

Child: 230. 1, Daniel Pratt", b. Sept. 10, 1835.

Mr. Sheridan 7. Ticlsnor; Downer Genealogy. se

.te' ; , 83


SAMUEL P.'' (David^, leaac*,^, John'), b. about 1811. He was a manufacturer of cotton »in0 at Prattville, Ala. , in huuineas with his brother, Simon P. Ticknor. About 1386 he removed to Columbia, Conn., and d. there Feb. 21, 1886, aged 75.

He m. Esther Pratt, eister of Hon. Daniel Pratt. She d. Hov. 24, 1879, Columbia, aged 66.

Child: 1, Mary S.®, b. about 1838; m. Oct. 19, 1857, at Columbia,

Rev. James K. Haaen. Ree. , 1886, Richmond, Va.

Mrs. Harriet L. Covey; Columbia records; AndoTer probate records.


SIMON P.'' (David^, loaac^,^, John'^) . He removed to i'rattville, Ala., and, with hia brother Samuel V. Ticknor, en,^tti^Kd in the manufacture of cotton gins, which ho and his brot/ier-in-law, Daniel Pratt, had invented. The irratt gins are still used extenaively in the South. He d. about 1855, Prattville.

He m. Harriet L. Luce; b. Oct. 19, 1816, Tolland, Conn.; d. Israel and Juliette u. (Raiubay) Luce. 3he w. (2) June 5, 1855, Joseph W. Goodrich, and they removed co Belvidere, 111.

Child: 1. Juliette arnnville'5, b. July 2, 1842, Pruttville; ra, June 23, IV/o, Leonard S. Lon^cor.

Children, (Lonscor) 1. l^illard Ticknor^. Res., Belvidore. 111.

2. Harriet Goodrich^; m. Hon. Prank R. Covey. Rea. ^ . Belvidftre, 111.

Mrs. Harriet L. Covey.


DAMIRL'' (Aoahel^, Isaac^,'*, John-^), b. Mar. 9, 1805, probably

Lebanon, Conn. Res. , Colmibia, Conn. He d. there liov. 13, 1877.

he m. Jan. 14, 1829, at Columbia, Lydia Yeomana (Jan. 15 Columbia records). She d. Sept. 12, 1883, aged 80, Columbia. Her v'ill, dated Cec. 3, 1879, Tuentions her daughters H. Aurelia White, wife of Edwin C. Vlhite, H. Adelia Xhompfjon, wife of George V. Thoinpeon, her con Daniel 0. Ticlcr.ox, an'l her d au^jhter Clarissa M. ThoiopHon. Myron P. Yeomunb vao appointed acfmintatrJAtor.

Children, b, Columbia:

1. Albert Aaaiitl^ (or Asel), b. June 26, 18351 unm. ; d. Oot. 10, 1856, Columbia. 2. Mary Jane^, b. Uar. 3, 1836; vmm. ; d. Oct. 7, 1854, Colunibia. 3. Harriet Aurelia^, b. May 19, 1838, twin of next; m. Sept. 13, 1859, at 'iillimantio. Kdwin C. White. 4. Hplf-n Ad*liaS, b. «ay 19, 183^, twin of last; m. Oct. 18, 1866, at Hartford, Oeorge W. Thompson (Oct. 20, 1869, Columbia recorda) iifii il

.it lii.t

:i t ac9?


.*c;.-.i AL

Saniel (Asahel^, Isaac^,^, John^) continued.

5. ClariBBa MurillaS, b. Mar. 14, 1840; m. Aug. 22, 1864, at Columbia, Lorenzo D. Thompson.

Children, (Thompson), b. Colijnibia: Clara Irene, b.-

July 27, 1870; ajnd chn. , names not tjiven, b. July 31, 1857, and July 24, 1872.

231. 6. Daniel Cleveland^, b. July 20, 1844.

family Bible record, furnished by Wise Kstelle C. Tioknor;

Columbia records (marriages and deaths only) ; Hartford records; Andover probate records.


ISAAC*' (Asahel^, Isaac^,*, John'). He emigrated to Texas in 1835, brought "a company of troops T»ith him" and entered the army of Texas in Jan. , 1836, as Captain. At the battle of ColCtto he was captured by the yexicans, and v/as murdered ut the maesacre of Col. tannin's command Uar. 27, 1836. He was then married ajid head of a family, which remained in Montgomery, Ala., "where they have since continued to reside**, (1847). Ho further record found.

Heirs of Isaac '•Tiohner" vs. State, 2 Tex., 269.


DAVID WILLI AU'^ (Asahiel^, Isaao^,'*, John^) , b. May 4. 1815, Columbia, Conn. He was a blacksmith, and lived at Hf»bron, Conn., where he d. Apr. 5, 1866.

He ra. Deo. 24, 1837, at Hebron, Hannah Minerva Geer; b. Mar. 28, 1819, Hebron; d. Edmund Charles and Elizabeth (Grant) Geer. She d. Dec. 2, 1905, Manchester, Conn.

Children, b. Hebron: 1. Frederick Vhite®, b. May 8, 1839. He served in the Civil War, enlisting Oct. 13, 1862, in Company G, 25th Conn. Infantry, and d. Hov. 19, 1862, Hebron, while home on furlough. 232. 2. William Albion*^, b. July 2, 1840. 3. Ann Elizabethf', b, Nov. 10, 1842; m. Sept. 2, 1863, (as *'Elizabeth A.") at Hartford, Charles Norton Brown; b. Feb. 1, 1842, Hebron; a. Diivid Trumbull and Almir\ (Korton) Brovn. She d. July 14, 1909, I.'anchestgr. 4. Harriet Allen^, b. Oct. 5, 1845; m. Dec 7, 1865, (as "Kllen H."), at Hebron, Charles iJorgan Johnson of South ?/inBor; s. John and Solecta (Strong) Johnson.

Res. , tapping. Conn.

Family Bible record, furnished by Mrs. Fred H. Horton, Manchester, Conn., (followed here, as other authorities give somewhat different dates and names); Hebron and Hartford records; Orsuit Genealo:5y, (erroneouuly cillo hira s. Isaac); Catalogue of Conn. Volunteer Organizations. .0 , .-V^UX

C M.O^i\M

) *.'

, nciiicVT 85


5 4 AFSBL*' (Asahel^ leaao John^), b. Mar. 17, -, Columbia, Conn. He lived at Columbia and Andorer, Conn., until 1857, when he settled at Minneapolis, Minn., being one of the early settlers there. He served in the Civil War, enlisting Dec. 3, 1B63, in Company D, 2nd Regiment Minn. Cavalry; served as wagoner and private, and was discharged Dec. 2, 1865. He d. Minneapolis.

Hem. Mary Rmlly Tuttle; b. Nov. 3, 1808, Hebron, Conn.; d. Austin and Llarcia Tuttle; adopted d. Joseph liann of Hebron. She d. Apr. 11, 1887, lliidletorm. Conn.

Children, those not noted probably b. Andover; order of births pi'obably as follows: (In 1854 all were living and were minors.): 1. Mary yAiza^; m. George Huey. She d. 1857, Minneapolis. She was the first white woman to be mirried there. 2. Ellen Waria^; m. Sept. 7, 1855, at Andover, bldward Hubbard Wells. He d. 1903, Middletown. She d. Feb. 18, 1915, Hartford, Conn. 3. Julia Charlotte^; m. June 19, 1862, at Hartford, Stephen Lavery. 1 oh. Res., 1916, Cromwell, Conn. She d. 1916-19. 4. Abalena Adelia'^, b. June 4. 184^, Andover; m. May 17, 1860, Joseph Robb Howe; b. Ohio. He d. 1875. She d. 1916-19. 4 chn. ; all d. young. 233. James Polk®, ), „ , -.rt*^ «, ^' "ov. 1844, Columbia. 234. George Dall^BS) 3. Alice JaneQ, b. Colimbia; m. Michael Larkin. Soon after the Civil War they removed to Seattle. 10 chn.

235. 8. Edward Herbert^, b. May 14, , Andover.

Mrs. Abbie T. Howe (1916); Hartford and Andover records (l marriage in each); Andover probate records; Llinnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars.


WILLIAM ORRay'' (John^, Isaao^,^, John'^), b. Sept. 1, 1829, Jones

County, Ga. Res. , near Clinton, Jones County; farmer and school teacher. He served in thr Civil War. He d. Oct. 14, 1892, Jones

County. After his death his family removed to Macon, Ga. , where they now reside.

*^ He m. Jan, 12, 1861, near Clinton, Ga. , Mary Jane Brooks; b. Mar. 12, 18:^8, Jonoa County; d. William and .Mary (Card) iirooks.

Children, b. near Clinton: 1. Mary Elizabeth^, b. Jan. 27, 1868; m. J. L. Smith of Jones County. She d. Apr., 1913. 2. Lucy Annie®, b. June 7, 1872; re. G. E. Tidwell of Macon.

3. John Henry", 5. Jan. 1, 1875; unm. ; meat and grocery "' store. ' 236. 4. Bugene Thomas^, b. June 12, 1877. 5. Hoimea Brooks^, b. Mar. 16, 1881;unm. ;me

Mr. Eugene T. Ticknor. .fc ; .nr I 86 WO % 121.

JAMES HtJNRt' (Orrriy'', I eaac^, ^, John^), to. Mar. 4, 1820, Clinton, 6a. He was a graduate of Bishop l^addocic Divinity School, Mass. H« was an 3piaoopal minister, and held pastorates in various placee in the Jouth. He received the degree of D.D. from I'illiaa and Mary Co11©t« in 187S. He d. Oct. 20, 1881, Atlanta, Ga.

He m. July 18, 1850, Ann Elizabeth Cropp; b. Ifar. 1, 1823,

Beaufort County, S.C. ; d. Benjamin and Louisa (liyers) Gropp.

Children: 237. 1. ?rank Bcnjanln®, b. Hay 27, IfiSl, Livini^ston, Ala.

2. Lucy ^li7,'»Y)fth^, b. July 18, 1853, Sunmierville, Ala. ; uxm. rjei:., ColUTibuo, i^. 238. 3. Jaries ilenry^, b, June 16, 1355, Livingeton, Ala. 4. Sarah Davie®, b. Auj. 8, 1057, Selma, Ala.; re. Apr. 27, 1892, her couain, Cr. Douglas Cairns Ticknor, M2Z9.

Mies Daisy £. I'icknov; Rev. Prank B. Ticknor.


FRAliCIS OKRay'' (Orray'^, leaic^,^, Johr.^), b. lav. 1.^, 1822, Baldwin County, Ga. lie ctudiftd rnedicine in He/! York ani Philadelphia, receiving the deijree of V. D. from the University of V«nneylvania

•• - .... „ , _ In 1843, and ... ^ He was beat knc beln(? favori "Antbolosy" by

humous volu-ne, "Vir^rir/i'^^rt of the V,ill€\vF mi .,- , appe.ared in 1879, with a notice of the author by Paul li. liajme. Recently a complete collection of his posrr.s, i/ith a Ekfttch of his life, was published by his gr^inddaughter, tichclle v'iutliff-Ti cknor Purlow, to v/hom the compiler is much indebted. He cl. Dec. 18, 1874, Wynnton; bur. there.

He m. Jan. 18, 1947, at ColUTjbuo, Roealio Hclson; b. Oct. 15,

1828, Clark County, Va. ; d. Major Thomas I'auduit and Sarah Walker (Pa^e) ielEon. 3hG i. Apr. 2'i, 191&, ColUTobua.

Chlliren, b. Colu.MibuB; 239. 1. Jougi:io O-^.irnaS, b. July 31, 1852. 240. 2. Georfcie 'Ailliam^. b. Dec, 5, 1G54. 241. 3. Tnou-xs l-fichalleo, b. Hay 21, 1362. 242. 4. Tiancis Orray^, b. ripr. 2b, in34. 243. 5. V/iliia-n ilelson®, b. t3ept. B, 1870. Also Harry, Lucy Evelyn, and uiaria ."elcon, 7.ho d. yountj.

"rs. riichel.le C. Furlor; National Cyclopedia of Ar.orican Biography, 1901; Rcpreoentative Southern Poets, by Charles W. Hubner, 1906.


ELISHa''' (Rrastuc^, Johr^, Elisha'*, John*^) , b. Jan. 19, 1827, Kast

Plainfield, li.H. Res., Lebanon, U.H. ; hamees maker. He d. Jan. 3, 1911, EoBcar<»n, ^'.H-: bur, Lebanon. •fP.W 87

SliBha'' (EraetuB^, John^, 21l8ha*, John^) continued.

He M. (1) Jan. 24, 1049, at Lebanon, Huldah Elizabeth Durkee;

b. Hay 23, 1820, Hr^novcr, M.H. ; d. Ruel and Slizabeth (Ingalla) Durlcee. She d. Jan. 19, 1871, Lebanon.

He in. (2) June 22, 1873, at Saat Plainfield, Knwa Aldula Johnston; b. Sept. 6, 1331, Plainfield; d. Thomas and DelilaJi (Havenn) Johnston, She d. Mar. 19, 1906, Lebanon; bur. there.

Children, by first Tnarriajja: 1. Clarence Eugene®, b. Doc. 3, 1849, Plainfield; d. Oct. 23. 1855, L-banon. 2. Florence Lillian®, b. July 24, 1853, Plainfield or Lebanon; tb. June 25, 1373, at Lebanon, George Benton 3reenough; b. Kov. 11, 1848, Lebanon; s. Charles Benton and Mary K'ltmeline (Currier) Gr^enou^h. She d. 1883. He i. Dec. 12, 1913, Lebanon.

Children, (Ireenou^h) , b. Lebanon: 1. Clira T3enton9, b. !.Tay 29, 1877. 2. Alioe Uyra®, b. Dec. 2, 1880. 3. Ghirlen "^linha©. b. July 30, 1882.

3. Vabel KGt9llo'^, b, July 29, 1359, Lebanon; m. 3ept. 15, 1330, William Kimball Towno; b. lixr. 10, 1848,

Lovrell, !i\8s. ; a. lioody and Achaah (Ryeraon) Totrn«.

Rea. , 1916, Penacook, IJ.H.

Children, (Towne), the first b. Lebanon, the others b. Boscawen: 1. William Gallup^, b. June 17, 1881; d. May 22, 1882. 2. Cl-irence ISlieha^, b. Dec. 30, 1883; prominent Y.tf.C. A. worker; cerved in tJie war with 'iermuny as a naval transport eeorotary. 3. Kdward Baker^, b. Jan. 17, 1886; m. Sept. 4, 1918, Bessie Venelia Humhara. 4. Wallace Ecott^, b. Dec. 4, 1887; d. Uay 8, 1918,

JackBonville, Fla. , as he was about to enter the U. 6. Array as a clerk. 5. ishrelyn L'abel', b. Apr. 21, 1894; pi. June 1, 1918, Joseph Phillips Shepard.

Child, by Bcoond marriage: •> 244. 4. Fred ^ioha^, b. Apr. 27, 1874, Lebanon.

Department of Vital Statistics (gives incorrect date of ^second -carriage); Ifise Elizabeth T. Blliott; Towne Genealogy

(gives some incorrect names of Towne children) ; Mrs. Mabel B. Towne.


JOHh'' (Brastus^, John^, Elisha^, John*^) , b. Sept. 21, 1837, East Plainfield, l.'.il. He was a tinsmith at ClareTiont, ii.h. until 1863, when he removed to 1diladelphia, wn


^1 ,x

- T- r- ! 88

John*' (lEraatuB^, John^, Rlisha^, John^) continued.

fifteen years, and ie now retired.

He n. Nov. 19. 1888, at Philadelphia, Sarah Anne Blehop; b.

Feb. 15, 1853, Birmingham, Eng. ; d. Robert and Charlotte (Hill) Blehop.

Ko children.

Klee Elizabeth T. Klllott.


Lawrence'' (Olney®, "Ellas^ Elleha*, John'), b. Kov. 17. 1834.

Reo. , Wacon County, 111. He d. about 1634 in Cal.

He w. Edna Joneo. She 1b d.

Ko children.

ILtb. Sarah E. Ticknor; Vr, William L. fiozarth.


ELI AS ^ARRT?;n'' (01ney^\ Ellas^, 311 Bha'*, John**^) , b. Nov. 30, 1836. Ree., Chaoln, 111., and Omaha, Neb.; butcher. He served in the Civil War, enlisting Aug. 20, laSl in Coiipany K, 27th 111. Infantry ae sergeant, and vf.iti die charged ae first sergeant Sept. 20, 1864. He d. Aug. 5, 1907, Omaha.

He ». at Chapln, Sarah Elizabeth Smith; b. June 19, 1836,

Cincinnati, 0. ; d. Jmics and IJargaret (Brown) Smith.


1. Sva TarrenS, b. Vay 18, 1361, 111. ; ra. Dec 9, 1880, at Council Bluff 8, Iowa, James Sylvester Joy. Res., Chapin, 245. 2. ?red Edward^^, b. July 3, 1364, Chapln. 246. 3. Frank Richard^, b. i?eb. 1, 1968, Chapln.

4. Allie B.Q, b. aboiit 1870; unrr. ; d. Mar., 1896, aged 26.

Mrs, Sarah S. Tlcknor; 111. A^jutint General's Report, 1916; Joy Oenealojy. 127.

WILLIAM HEKRy"^ {Olney^, Klias^, F.lieha'*, John^) , b, Feb. 7, 1841, Res., Bartlesville, Okla. He served In the Civil War, enlieting (as "Henry") Aug. 20, 1861, in Company K, 27th 111. Infantry as musician, itaa wounded, and was discharged Sept. 20, 1864.

He m. Feb. 27, 1868, at Tlinneapolis, Minn,, Kary Ellen

Sawyer; b. Apr. 2, 1R43, Rutland, Vt. ; d. DenJaTtin and Aaenath (Sawyer) Sawyer. She d. May 20, 1899, Lamed, Kan.

' ' Child: 247. 1. Olney B. ^^, b. Feb. 9, 1369, near Jaclcaonville, 111.

Ilr. Olney B« Tioknor; 111. Adjutant General 's Report, 1915. ; ox«i

.C . 89


JOSHUA chary'' (Joshua®, Bliae^, Blisha*, John^) , b. Mar. 15. 1822, Lisle, H.Y. He seems to hare lired at Perrysburg, H.Y. He d. Sept. 20, 1904.

He m. Emma P. Huson. She d. Feb. 6. 1851, "late of North Collins**, N.Y. (probate of her will which mentions her husband and son)

Child: ^ 248. 1. Wing Huson^, b. Not. 28, 1850, Perrysburg.

yr. James J. Ticknor; Brie County, N,Y. , Surrogatefs I'eoorde. 129.

OWEN ONLEy''' (Joehiia®, Elias^, Elisha*. John''), b. May 12, 1824, Lisle, N.Y. Res., Conneautville, Pa.; flour and lumber business; d. about 1897, Conneautville.

He w. Ruth Bethiah Litchfield.

Children: 249. 1. Fred Lincoln^.

2. Charles Starr^; tuim. ; he was killed in Mexico about 1886, while employed on a railroad there.

Mr. Owen 0. Ticknor (grandson of above).


JASON JAREd' (Joshua®, Elias^, Elisha^, John^), b. May 10, 1827, Lisle, N.Y. Res.. Cranesville, Pa.; farmer. He d. Feb. 28, 1911, Cranesville.

He m. Aug. 18, 1850, at CranesYille, Wealthy Cordelia Crane; b. Aug. 21, 1830, Cranesville; d. Elihu and Nancy (Carlin) Crane. She d. Apr. 11, 1911.

Children, b. Cranesville: 1. Elizabeth", b. Nov. 20, 1854; d. May 5, 1855. 2. Marguerite^, h. Feb. 1, 1857; d. Oct. 15, 1903. 250. 3. James JasonS, b. Oct. 14, 1860. 4. Allie®, b. July 24, 1865; ra. Oct. 10, 1887, George Nichols.

Child, (Nichols): 1. MaryQ; m. June 25, 1912, H. C. Duff.

Mr. James J. Ticknor.


I A EDMUND HAZZARd'' (Joshua®, Elias^, Elisha^. John'), b. Mar. 21, 1833, Lisle, N.Y. He was for many years engaged in the milling and lumbering business at Conneautville, Pa., later removing to

Versailles, N.Y. , where he lived for a time, then settled on a large farm at Crossingville, Pa., and spent the last years of his life at Cambridge Springs, Pa. He served in the Civil War, and later in the militia. He d. Nov- 12, 1902, Cambridge Springs. 1 . : 90

Xteund Hazzard'' (Joehua®, Slias*, Klieha^, John^) continued.

He n. Anna Uaria Kling en smith; b. Sept. 17, 1846, QreenTille, Pa. Res., Lo8 Angeles, Cal.

Children, b. Conneautville, Pa. 1. Ploy Susan^, b. Peb. 11, 1866; m. Peter Edward Spellaoy. Res., Los Angeles. 261. 2. Tracy Joshua^, b. Oct. 6, 1868. 3. Bffie Waters^, b. Aug. 6, 1870; w. Stephen H. Stone. Res., Denyer, Col.

Mr. Tracy J. Ticknor.


WILLIAM*' (Joshua^, Elias^, Elisha^, John^), b. Apr. 9, 1834, Lisle, H.Y. He lived at Versailles, N.Y., where he was a farmer and dealer in fine horses and cattle. He d. Feb. 24, 1884, (g. s., Versailles)

He w. Apr. 8, 1860, at Versailles, Julia Harrington; b. Aug. 29, 1838, Golden, K.Y.; d. Willian) and Polly (Waters) Harrington.

She w. (2) May 28, 1888, at Perrysburg, N.Y. , George W. Uewton. Res., Cawker City, Kan.

Children, b. Versailles:

1. William Lincoln^, b. Apr. 17, 1861; unm. ; d. Nov. 23, 1910, near Versailles. 252. 2. Harry JoshuaS, b. Sept. 24, 1872.

Urs. Julia H. Newton.


LEWIS PAYETTS'' (Samuel®, Slias^, Elisha^, John^), b. May 29, 1836. Res., SmithTille Flats, M.Y. He d. Sept. 14. 1917.

He m. Ann Maria English; b. Apr. 14, 1840; d. Preierick and Maria English.

Children: 253. 1. Prank LewisQ. 2. Ada May8, b. Jan. 6, 1867, Triangle; m. Charles''' Ticknor, #162.

Messrs. Lewis P. auid Charles Ticknor.


ALBERT gilbert'' (Elisha®, Klias^, Elisha^, John^) , b. Apr. 13, 1838, Westfield, N.Y. Res., Westfield; farmer.

He w. Jan. 10, 1866, at Westfield, Phebe Rood Bowen; b. Jtily

9, 1841, Collins, N.Y. ; d. Jennings and Amy Dillingham (Wood) Bowen. 0>i :


^ilb«rt Gilbert' (Blleha^, Bliaa^, Ellsha^, John^) oontinued.

Children, b. Westfield: 1. Lillia MalTinaO. b. Mar. 27, 1867; n. George Arthur Boardoian.

Children, (Boardman) : Sdlth Ulldred and lyan Howard.

254. 2. Frederick SmmereonS, b. June 7, 1869. 3. Cora AliceQ, b. Aug. 4, d. Sept., 1871, Westfield. 4. Bertha Florence®, b. Apr. 15, 1875; m. Henry Scott Abbey.

Children. (Abbey) : Blmer Lee, Clifford Maurice,' Raymond I>uane, and Mary Lillia.

Mr. Albert G. Ticknor.


GEORGE WASHINGTON^ (Eliaha®, Bliae^, Eliaha^, John^) , b. Jan. 31,

1844, Westfield, N.Y. At Westfield and Ripley, U.Y. ; res., Ripley.

He n. (1) Jan. 27, 1869, Helen S. Hilla. She d. Apr. 27, 1871.

He m. (2) May 28, 1876, Alice N. Borthway.

No children by either marriage.

Mr. George W. Ticknor.


FRANK ALLEh'' (William^, Sliaa^, Sliaha'*, John*^) , b. May 13, 1847, Chatauqua County, I^.Y. He came to Austin, Minn., in 1867, and resided there until hia death. He waa in the real estate buBinesa, and waa a trustee of the Baptiat Church for many years, and at one time waa auperintendent of the Sunday School. He waa alao much interested in natural history, waa an expert apiariat, and waa prominent in prohibition work. It is largely through hia intereat in genealotgy that the compiler is able to give the full account of this branch of the family. (See the preface of thia work.) He d. Mar. 15, 1914, Austin.

He m. Oct. 29, 1874, at Brownadale, Minn., Fannie Percy

A Knight; b, Oct. 29, 1854, North Hero Island, Vt. ; d. Edward and

Harriet Amelia (Sabin) Knight. Rea. , Austin. The compiler gratefully acknowledges hia indebtedness to her for the loan of her huaband'a matnuscript. *

Children, b. Austin: 1, Hannah K.^, b. Apr. 4, d. Aug. 29, 1876. 2. Harriet Amelia®, b. Jan. 22, 1878; m. Aug. 20, 1902, at Austin, Milton J. Hardy. Rea., Austin; he is a physician.

Child, (Hardy) 1. Pr^nk Ticknor^, b. Dec. 16, 1907, Austin. y .;' L- zs. a.-, . CJ -u_i:tj.j-.'j{.i,l


.«i:t»i»> ,VOei ,M .osCt .0 :


illen^ ffilllaa^, Tliaa^, Zllsha^, John^) continuei.

3. Ruby kaefi, b. Jan. 22, 1881; a. Aug. 31, 1904, at Austin,

Ernest Gale Martin, (Hamline, Ph.B. , 1897; Johns Hopkins, Ph.D., 1904). He was an instruotor at Purdue University, 1904-6; and instruotor suid assistant professor in physiology at the Harvard Medical School, 1906-16. He is now at Leland Stanford, Jr., University,

Child, (Martin) 1. Lois Ticknor^, b. Aug. 3. 1907, Austin.

Mrs. Pannie P. Ticknor; Johns Hopkins and Harvard catalogues.


LSVI PARr' (Elias^,^, Elisha^, John^) , b. Aiig. 13, 1825, Broome County, M.Y. He lived at Jacksonville, 111., and was a fruit and vegetable grower. He d. Feb. 26, 1915, Jacksonville.

He lu. June 3, 1855, Flora Thompson; b. Oct. 30, 1827, Versailles,

N.Y. ; d. John and Laura Thompson. She d. Feb. 28, 1904, Jacksonville.

Children: 256. 1. Leroy Leverett®, b. Aug. 31, 1866, Pa. 2. Flora Alena^, b. Oct. 30, 1859, Worgan County, 111.; m. Prank Losee. So chn. Res., Tacoma, Wash. 256. 3. Slraer Ellsworth Horace^, b. June 24, 1862, Morgan County. 257. 4. Harry Montford^, b. Aug. 16, 1868, Jacksonville.

Mr. Elmer E. H. Ticknor; Prank A. Ticknor MS.


"5, KLISHa' (Elias^. Elisha^, John^) , b. July 15, 1827, Mayville, H.Y. He d. Feb. 1, 1902, Lisle, H.Y.

He m. Dec. 2, 1850, at Willett, N.Y. , Sarah Betsey Perkins; b. Aug. 9, 1833, Willett. She d. July 2, 1915, Lisle.

Children: 258. 1. Levi Adelbert^, b. July 10, 1851, Willett. 2. Mary Ambrosia^, b. Jan. 24, 1853, Willett; m. Aai Jerrie Freeman. Res., Lisle.

^ Children, (Freeman): Mollie Maude^, b. June 8, 1874, Lisle; 3 other chn. d. yoimg.

3. Anna Eliza®, b. Feb. 20, 1855, Willett; d. Oct. 27, 1873, Triangle, N.Y.

4. , Braerette Estella^, (or Estella), b. Mar. 3, 1857, Clear-

field, Pa. ; ra. Jan. 20, 1877, at Triangle, Floyd^ Ticknor. #161. 5. Perry Lafayette^, h. Mar. 13, 1860, Clearfield; d. Mar. 21, 1864, Clearfield. 6. Sarah Klizabeth®, (or Libbie), b. Sept. 9, 1862, Clear- field; m. Aug. 24, 1880, at Lisle, Wellington Sister. sw

..^»«aliao5 (*4/ ) '»a


'i .StM

.s yi

' -,. • -' . t- 1 i l«j.?r /o : , 93

nisha'' (Bliae^, 5, Eliaha^, John^) continued.

She d. June 3, 1883, Virgil, N.Y. Hie rea. Cortland, H.Y.

Child, (Hlster) 1. Pearl Leah^, b. Feb. 11, 1881.

7. Adelaide VictoriaB, b. Nov. 19, 1864, Clearfield; m.

Dec. 24, 1883, at Binghampton, N.Y. , John Henry UhlBchoeffer. She d. Feb. 11, 1903, Cortland.

Children, (Uhlechoeffer) , b, Cortland: 1. Mabel Hellena®, b. Jan, 23, 1835. 2. Ivah Irene^, b. Aug. 18, 1887. 3. Walter Claude^, b. Mar. 31, 1839. 4. Esther Sthel^, t, Dec. 2, 1894.

269, 8. George Kathan®, b, Sept. 10, 1867, Willett. 260. 9. Frank Slia8°, b. Oct. 27, 1870, Harford, H.Y. 10. Leona May^, b. May 24, 187^. Triangle; m. May 24, 1891, at Apulia, N.Y., Frank ^J?il cox. Res., Tully, M.Y.

Children, (Wilcox); 1. Joseph Leroy^, b. Oct. 11, 1893, Cortland; d. young. 2. Ethel HellenaS, b, Oct. 26, 1895, Cortland; m. Sept. 7, 1911, Bertrand Collins Bartholomew.

Children, (Bartholomew), b. Tully: 1. Alberta Leona^^, b. Feb. 6, 1914. 2. Charles CollinslO, b. Mar. 13, 1919.

3. Sarah Adalaide^, b. Oct. 19, 1898, Virgil; d. young. 4. Floyd Charles^, b. Sept. 21, 1900, Cortland. 5. Leslie Daniel^, b. Nov. 28. 1901, Cortland; d. Jan. 30, 1908. 6. Mildred Lyla^, b. July 9, 1903, Homer, N.Y, 7. Ruth I?li2ebeth9, b. July 10, 1905, Tully. 8. lola Irene^, b. Oct. 14, 1907, Tully. 9. liaynard Earl^, b. May 16, 1909, Tully; d. young.

261. 11, Daniel Wayne^, b. Sept, 5, 1875, Harford, N.Y,

Mrs, Leona M. Wilcox; Mr. Daniel W. Ticknor.


MARION PR.\NKLIn'' (Slias^, ^, Slisha*. John''), b. Mar. 3, 1842, Triangle, H.Y. He lived at Sraithville, Chenango" County, N.Y. He served in the Civil War, enlisting from Triangle, Aug. 16, 1864, in Company U, let Veteran Cavalry, as private, being discharged June 8, 1866 at Camp Piatt, W.Va. rie d. 1905.

He Q. "Jan., 1865, Delcina Hazard.

Child: 262. 1. Arthur L.8 Mr. Charles L. Ticknor; Chenango County Surrogate's records; N.Y. Adjutant General's Report, 1895. «».*Mjtxa) V' 94


JOHH HKHHy'' (Slias^. ^, Blioha'*, John^) , b. July 9, 1849, Triangle, H.Y. He d. Jan, 29, 1879, Smlthvllle Plats, N.Y.

He m. Jan., 1870, Elizabeth Whitlock. She d. Siaithville Flats.

Ho children.

Mr. Charles L. Ticknor.


ALPHONZO LAV.IH''' (Bliae^, 5, Klisha^, John^) , b. ?eb. 16, 1851, Triangle,

N.Y. Res., Triangle and Upper Liole, K.Y. ; farmer. He d. Doc. 17, 1910, Triangle.

He m. Dec. 24, 1872, at Greene, N.Y. , Susan Alice Wilbur; b. Mar. 29, 1852, Trinnsle, N.Y. ; d. John and Betsey Ann (Roberts) Wilbur. Her res., Cortland, H.Y.

Children, the first three b. Triangle, the others b. Upper Lisle: 1. Lida Belled, b. July 4, 1875; m. Apr. 10, 1895, at Upper

Lisle, Slmer Leach. Rea. , Upper Lisle. 2. Harriet Alice'', b. Dec. 31, 1878; n. Oct. 7, 1903, at Triangle, George Partridge. Res., Cortland, M.Y. 263. 3. AlphaS, b. let. 27, 1880. 264. 4. John Earl®, b. Sept. 23, 1886. 265. 5. Levis Delmar^, ) ^, j^n. i, 1839. 266. 6. Lester Ulraer^, )

Mr. John S. Ticknor.


CHARI.F.8 LINTOm'' (Slias*, ^, Klisha^, John^) , b. Oct. 4, 1854, Triangle, N.Y. He has lived at Sumraerdale, Smithville Flats, Bingharapton, and Johnson City, N.Y., and is foreaan in the Endicott and Johnson shoe f'*ctory.

He n. (1) June 5, 1880, at Sxuoiaerdale, Addie Van Dyke; d. Lester and Altha (cirayes) Van Dyke. She d. Sept. 11, 1910, aged 45, Binghsirapton.

He . (2) July 3, 1914, at Binghampton, Lucy Jane Montrose,

' Children, the last four b. SniithTille flats: 1. Geraldine Beatrice®, b. Apr. 18, 1881, Summerdale; nj.

George Bdgerton. Res. , North East, Pa. 267. 2. Ray Linton", b. Jan. 6, 1886, Suaraer-iaie. 268. 3. Horace Lester®, b. Feb. 14, 1894. 269. 4. Harold liarion®, b. .May 24, 1896. 5. Pauline F.lizabeth®. b, Sept. 11, 1898. Res., Mortfc East, Pa. 6. Margaret Catherine®, b. Sept. 10, 1900. Res., North East, Pa.

Ut. Cha;'les L. Ticknor.

95 143.

ILIAS HT5NRY'' (Barton Pierce^, Kliae^, Flisha*, John^) , \>, Mov. 25, 1834, Brooae County. N.Y. He lived at Grand Rapids, Wis., where he was engaged in the lumber business. He served in the Civil War in Coapany G, 12th V/is. Infantry. He d. Jan. 27, 1917, Grand Rapids.

He n. Apr. 7, 1866, at Grand Rapids, Ruth Aurelia Turner; b.

Sept. 5, 1848, Spring Arbor, Ti^ich. ; d. Andrew Jackson and fiancy Ann (Wood) Turner.

Children, b. Grand Rapids, Wis. : 270. 1, Lee Morton®, b. Oct. 4, 1867. 271. 2. Prank Barton®, b. Nov. 16, 1870. 3. .Mary Ellen®, b. Jan. 23, d. 3ept. 5, 1876, Grand Rapids. 272. 4. Glen H. ®, (the initial is the zaiddle name), b. Oct. 1, 1877. 5. Henry Howard®, b. Apr. 16, 1881; unm. Res., Grand Rapids; draftenian.

Mr. Henry H. Ticknor.


JOHW'' (Barton Pierce^. Elias^, Elisha*, John^). He served in the Civil War froa Verner, Wis., in Company K, 6th Wis. Infantry, being commissioned 2nd lieutenant Dec. 12, 1861, 1st lieutenant June 24, 1862, and captain Oct. 22, 1862. He was killed July 1, 1863, in the battle of Gettysburg, while leading his Coupany in a charge against the 2nd Miss.

He m. , Apr. 7, 1362, at Werner, Kate Laura Covey. She m. (2), at Werner, B. F. :.iiner. They removed to -V.ontague, Mass., where che d. 1915.

No children.

Wis. Adjutant General's Report, 1865; Mr. C. R. Hale, New Lisbon, Wis. (cousin of Mrs. Ticknor).


LOUIS henry'' (Barton Pierce^, Elias^, Slisha*. John'), b. Apr. 14. 1843, near Chapin, 111. He serred in the Civil War, enlisting from Jacksonville, 111., Apr. 16. 1861, in Company B, lOth 111. Infantry, (for 3 months' service) as private, and was discharged July 29, 1861. He removed to Springfield, 111., and in 1874 was elected sheriff of Sangamon County, which office and that of County Clerk he held for several years. He was in the fire inourance business there and at flloomington and Peoria, 111., where he d. Aug. 31, 1900.

He 01. Feb. 19, 1867, at Rochester, 111., Mary ^llen Deyo.

Her res. , Peoria.

Child: 273. 1. Pred®, b. Aug. 6, 1868, Springfield.

Prank A. Ticknor MS. (chiefly from letter by above in 1875); 111. Adjutant General's Reports; .Mr. Pr^^d Ticknor, .1 .0?g

.i .iu^ -•:• ,\^trz 96

':' i 146.

AILEH JA.MSS'' (Thoraaa*, Jamea^, Rlisha*. John*), b. Feb. 16, 1843, Peoria County, 111. He served in the Civil War, enlisting from Lancaster, 111., Avig. 6, 1862, in Coapany 1, 86th 111. Infantry as private, being discharged June 6, 1865. Res., Casey and Stuart, Iowa; farmer.

He m. liay 24, 1882, at Casey, Marie Elizabeth Lee; b. Apr. 11, 1856, Winterset, Iowa; d. Harrey Lee. She d- June 24, 1916, Stuart, Iowa.

Children, b. Casey: 274. 1. Walter ThomasQ, b. Mar. 13, 1883. 275. 2. Charles Edgar'', b. July 7, 1894. 3. Margaret Desteaenia^, b. Feb. 11, 1886; m. June 2. 1915, at DesMoines, Iowa, Ernest Gander. Res., Guthrie Center, Iowa. 4. Verdie May^, b. Apr. 21, 1888; ra. Uov. 5, 1912, at Des

Moines, Walter Hart laan. Ree. , Stuart, Iowa. 5. Mina Beatrice^, b. July 29, 1890; d. Jan. 3, 1893, Casey.

Mrs. Verdie M. Hartnan.


ALBERT JOHN*'' (Thomas^, Jaraes^, Elisha^, John''), b. Feb, 16, 1843, Peoria Covmty, 111. Res., Adair County and ?.arlhara, Iowa; farmer. He served in the Civil War, enlisting Aug. 9, 1862 in Company I, B6th 111. Infantry as private, being discharged June 6, 1865.

He m. Dec. 20, 1871, at Wyoming, 111., Helen Mabel Hoxightaling; b. July 1, 1848, Beardstown, 111. ; d. Henry and Harriet liewell (Fargo) Houghtaling.

Children, b. Adair County, Iowa: 276. 1. Willis Grant® b. July 28, 1873. 2. Anna Margaret^, b. Mar. 26, 1877; ra. Mar. 12, 1902, at Dexter, Iowa, Brn Wilson. Rea., Reasnor, Iowa. 277. 3. Thomas HenryS, b. Sept. 5, 1883. 4. Albert George^, b. Jan. 31, 1885; d. July 31, 1887. 5. Mabel®, b. Dec. 31, 1886; ra. Jan. 1, 1907, at Karlham, John Riser, Jr. Res., Earlharn. 6. Elsie ^valine®, b. Jan. 30, 1889; d. July 12, 1890. 7. Allen®, b. Jan. 10, d. Feb. 14, 1891.

?/.r. Albert J. Ticknor.


ANDREW JACKSOM^ (Thomas^, James^, Elisha^, John'), b. Feb. 8, 1850, Peoria- County, 111. Ho served in the Civil War in Company K, 47th (consolidated) 111. Infantry as private from Mar. 7, 1865 to Jan. 21, 1866. He lived in Stark County, 111., and Miami County,

Kan. , and was a farraer for 45 years. He is now in the coal and fuel business at Kansas City, Mcj. i««/ifi 9^f«M 97

Andrew Jackeon'' (Thoraas^, Jaiaes^, Elieha^, John^) continued.

He m. (1) May 30, 1867. Eliza Waple; T>. Peoria County, 111. She d. Mar. 2, 1868. No children by this raarriage.

He n. (2) Jan. 27, 1870, at Wyoaing. 111., Joanna Wrii^ht: b. Apr. 24, 1851, Saleia County, M.J.; d. Darid and Rooanna (Sack) Wright.


1. Anna Mary^, b. Not. 13, 1870, Stark County, 111. ; q. Apr. 29. 1891, Henry Sheldon. 278. 2. Arthur DaridO, b. Aug. 24. 1872, Miami County, Kan. 279. 3. Theodore Oscar®, b. Mar. 3, 1885, Mlarai County, Kan.

4, Clara Ella®, b. Feb. 9, 1887, Wiami County, Kan. ; m. Apr. 25, 1913, Leroy Spencer.

Mr. Andrew J. Tlcknor.


OKORas'' (Blleha^. Samuel^, Sliaha^, John'*), b. May 19, 1833,

Broome County, N.Y. Res., Versailles, N, Y. ; laborer. He d. Sept. 19. 1896, Vereaillee; bur. Gowanda.

He m. Lozette Walker.

Child: 1. Lewie®: was married; d.

Mr. Lester B. Tioknor.


John'' (Blleha^, Samuel^, Kllsha^, John^) , b. Dec 20, 1834, Broome

County, N.Y. Ree. , Perryaburg, N.Y. ; miller. He d. Aug. 20, 1879, Perryeburg.

He ra. Jane Van Vleck.

Child: 1. Henry®; d. young.

Mr. Lester B. Tlcknor.


BENJA.MIn'' (Rllsha^, Samuel^, Ellsha^, John^) , b. Apr. 18, 1851,

Versailles, 11. Y. Ree., Dunkirk. N.Y. ; brakeraan, Erie R.R. Co.; no reply.

He m. War. 26, 1373, at Perryeburg, N.Y. , Adella Delight Ball of Versailles.

Children, b. Dunkirk: 1. Georgia®; m. Daniel Rfeed of Dunkirk.

Children, (Reed): William Benjaain and Ruth. ,X^nuc

.»Ifiais_iJ .1.

l/vraJ : Hb

ijamin''' (Elisha^, Saiauel^, Mlsha*. John') continued.

280. 2. Benjaain Clifford®, b. July 26, 1885.

MesBrs. Lester ^. and Benjaaia C. Ticknor; Frank A. Tioknor MS.


Francis''' (Blisha^, Saraucl^, Elisha^, John'), b. June 20, 1855, VersailleB, U.Y. Res., Versailles; fanner.

He m. (l) Hoy. 19, 1876, Mary Ida Sro;»n of Versailles. She d. May 14, 1879. No children "by this marriage.

He m. (2) June 6, 1880, at Hanover, N.Y. , Lyde Beit Flower; b. Sept. 12, 1859, Versailles; d. Aliaond and Sarah Ann (Con^^or) Flower.

Children by cecond marriage, b. Versa! lleo: 1. .Mildred Alice", b. Sept. 4, 1881; la. Nov. 15, 1905, George Alson Harvey of Versaillen. Uo chn. 281. 2. Lester Elisha^, b. Oct. 2!\ 1885. 3. Christine Elizabeth", b. Oct. 12, 1895; unra.

L'r. Leoter E. Ticknor.


SLISHa'' (DavM^, Harauel^. ^Jlllfha^. John'), b. Mar. 16, 1843, Triangle, N.Y. Res., Triangle; far.aer. He d. July 17, 1903, Triangle, his widow bein? appointed ad^iiinistratrix.

He m. Mar. 21, , at Upper Lisle, N.Y., Martha M. Day; b. Apr. 4, 1848, Triangle; d. Henry B. and Harriot (Hiniuan) Day. She d. Jan. 3, 1913, Triangle.

Children, b. Upper Lisle, H.Y.i 1. Mabel Harriet^, b. May 22, 1872; m. Mar., 1894, at Leetsrchlrs, Burd D.Sinith. Res., Upper Lisle. 2. I'l.iude Era^, b. Apr. ."50, 1873; ra. Mar. 21, 189 5, at Upper Lialo, T!rwin U. Howland. Res., Page Brook, K.Y.

Mrs. .Maude B. Howland; Jaraes Rogers Gcnealoijy. 154.

LAFAYETTc'.'' ( Sa.-uuel^, ''', Elisha^, John'), b. June 19, 1857, Triangle, U.Y. graduate Fera-ile Rllectric ; of Therapeutic Institute. Res.,

Binghaaipton, N.Y. ; physician.

He m. July 4, 1887, at Bin^^harapton, Jennie Catherine Conklin; b. Feb. 9, 1855, Fort Jarvis, Orange County, K.Y. ; d. Josiah and Dorothy (Brov^n) Conklin.

Child, b. Great Bend, Pa. 1. KlizabethS, b. Feb. 6; 1893; a. July 19, 1914, at Bin:harapton, Harry Francis J'orso.

Dr. LaFayette Ticknor. in ,l>i«j; ,9 99

155. ».»'

ALBKRT' (Samuel^, ^, Klisha'*, John^), b. Sept. 13, 1860 or 1863, Triangle, JJ.Y. He has lived at Lisle, Richford, and Whitney's

Point, N.Y. ; farmer.

He m. Dec. 22, Iflf^S, at Lisle, Jennie Zi;iiiaer; b. July 22, 1873, 7,iiBraer. Richford, N.Y. ; d. Hiran and Susan (Balrer)

Children: 282. 1. Samuel Hiranj®, b. Mar. 8, 1892, Killawog, N.Y.

2. ISthel Leonafi, b. Aug. 29, 1896, Lisle, tl.Y. ; una.

Mr. Albert Tiokhor. 156.

OSCAR ''' (Saauel^,^, TJlisha''. John'), b. Jan. 24, 1063, Triangle,

M.Y. Res., Willet, H.Y. ; farmer.

He m. Oct. 1, 1884, at Whitney's Point, II. Y., Addia KBtelle H- Glover; b. June 20, 1868, Cincinnatus, K.Y. ; d. John and Hannah (Johnson) Glover.

Children: 1. Edith Maud^, b. i^ar. 23, 1887, Will«t; ru. iHr. 14, 1909, at uontrosfl, Pa., Charles J. fiv/eazey. 2. Ralph 0«car^, b. Oct. 15, i8R8, Trian^^le; unra. 283. 3. Raymond SamuelS, b. Apr. 17, 1891, i4arathon, K.Y, 284. 4. Leroy Jlenry®, b. July 13, 1894, Triangle. 5. Krford Glover'^, b. 3opt. 30, 1899, Lisle, H.Y.

.Mr. Oscar Ticknor. 157.

FRAHK •SLQ-mm'^ (Sarauol^,5, Kllsha^, John^) , b. Aug. 3, 1866, Triangle, N.Y. He d. Nov. 8, 1908, Susquehanna, Pa.

He m. June ?6, 1901, at Marathon, N.Y. , Florence Kugenia

Wheaton; b. July 13, 187*^, Killawog, II. Y. ; d. Williaa and Luoy (l.Juskey) Vheaton. She to. {2) Feb. 16, 1910, 3arl Durrell Brown.

Res. , Killawog.

Children, b. Killawog: 1. Louis OsoarS, b. Feb. 11, 1903. 2. Eunice Lucy8, h. Feb. 14, 1905. 3. Carrie^^, b. Nov. 4, 1906.

Wro. Florence K. Brown; Brown Genealogy, vol, II, 1916.


WILLlAfi'' (Saiauel^, ^, Elisha*. John'), b. Mov. 20, 1871, Triangle,

N.Y. .Mechanic. He d. Oct. 14, 1916, Montreal, Can. ; bur. Triangle.

He ra. i4ay 15, 1901, at Triangle, Maud Jennings; b. Pa. ; d. James and Isabel (Berlle) Jennings. Sho d. 1 laho. b-roltioiA

.t i J.UU r Wllliani'' (Samuel^. 5, misha^. John^) continued.

Children: 1. Delvia^ b. Apr. 15, 1901, Lisle, N.Y. 2. William", b. July 13, 1903, Lisle.

3. Clayton^, b. Jeb. 11, , Pa.; d. soon ?a. 4. Another child.

Mr. Oocar Ticknor; Triangle records.


NAPOLTOH BONAPARTE*' (George Smith'^, .^arauel^, Klisha*, John'), b. Not. 11, 1847, Trian/^la, TJ.Y. He has liTcd at Trian^jle and Qreene,

N.Y. , Lima, 0., ani loo Angeles, Cal. ; faraer.

He ra. , at V/hitney'e Point, Lucy Ann Clough: b. Sept. 6, 1055, Triangle: d. Prancio B. and Eliza Ann (Canfielcl) Clou^h.

Children, b. Triangle: 1. Fellie Elisa°, b. Oct. 11, 1B75; a. iJov. 15, 1394, at Triangle, Kdd -Vyers S.aith. Hea., Li.aa, 0. 285. 2. Arthur iJapoleonB, b. Jan. 12, 1882.

Mr. Arthur U. Tickuor.


FLOPSKCb'' (Georje S.cith^, S'iiauel^. Rlisha^, John^), b. June 16, 1853, Trian.'^le, N.Y. Rea., Greene, .^'.Y.; no reply.

He m. (1) Cuoan Winchel.

He nj. (2) Ann (Salisbury) Brown, ^nidovt of Charles Brown.

No children by either luarriage.

Mrs. Hftnrietta Losee.


FLOYD (aeorr^e Sraith°, Samuel^, )?li8ha^, John'), b. Apr. 13, 1855,

Triangle, H.Y. Res., Whitney's Point, N.Y. ; no reply.

He m. Jan. 20, 1877, at Triangle, Wstella Tioknor; d. ^lisha' Ticknor, #138.

Child: 286. 1. Bruce 7..Q, b. July 1, 1886, Trian.jle.

Mr. Bruce K.. Ticknor; Mrs. Henri 'jtta Loses.


CHAHLas''' (Qftorge Sraith^, Saauel^, Elisha^, John'), b. Deo. 11. 1862, Trianglo, IJ.Y. Res., Sniitnville Flats, U.Y.; proprietor of Central Valley Hot«l.

He m. Jan. 17, 1886, Ada May Ticknor; d. Lewis jfayette*' Ticknor, #133.


Charles'' (Greorge Sraith^, Samuel^, Blisha^, John^) continued.

Child: 1. Reeta EngllBh^, b. Mar. 20, 1902, Smithvillo Flats; la. Sept. 1, 1918, at S.aithville Flats, Grover Cleorge Leaoh.

Ut, Charles Ticlcnor.


GEORGK smith' (G«orge Sraith'^. Haiouel^, HliRha^, John^) , b.-Mar. 31, 1864, Triangle, K.Y. Res., O.aaha, Neb.; yardmaster. He wae CofUioander, 1914-15, of Wt. Calvary Coioniandery, K.T.

He .u. Sept. 25, 18S3, at ';7est Point, Neb., Evalena Haniolph; b. Jan. 15, 1866, Ashton, 111.; d. Reuben and Rachel (Bee.-ner) Randolph.

They had no children, but brought up the following, who hae assuAied the na-'ne of Ticknor:

1. Barle V., b. Mar. 7, 1896; student at Greit^jhton Lav. School, Omaha.

Mr. George 3. Ticknor.


HOWiiHD U-^COl'P (\J(illia:a Davis^, Williaia^, Wlisha^, John"^), b. July 4, 1836, Boston. He attended Chauncy Hall School, and Harvard College with the claaa of 1856, receiving the degree of A, B. He wrote vcrsee for many class gatherings, v.'as eleyted class odiat, and wrote the ode sung by the class on Class Day. He entered th« houce of Ticknor and Fields, representinj the firm in London in 1860. In 1864, after the death of his father he became a partner, being asDictant editor of the "Atlantic** from 1851 to 1864, and editor of "Our Young I-'olke" frora its foundation to 1864. He retired from the firra in 1868 and for the next ten years lived in Europe, principally in Italy, being vice-consul at Naples, acting consul at Venice for one aummer, and for a short time acting vice- consul general at Rome. He was also correspon.lent for ceveral ner'spapers, one of his largest assl t^jnmente beinj to report the opening exercises of the Suez Canal for the Kew York TimeB, In 1879 he was appointed consul at Carrara, Italy, but declined the office. In 1876 he was appoiJited instructor in elocution at Harvard College, and served for five years. After 1883 he devoted himself to teaching vocal culture, elocution, and draiiatic action, devoting part of his time to journalism. He was instructor of elocution ut Brown University for six years, at St. Paul's School for two years, and it the Mtheaton Female ieninary for seven years. He was president of the Boston College of Oratory and an instructor there. He was musical and dramatic or tausical editor of the Boston Advertiser from 1357 to 1064, 'ind after 1878 for several years. He was editor of the "Beaoon" in 1884, and afterwards its musical and dramatic editor for seven years; also luueical and dramatic editor of the "Boston Courier" from 1893; and '."as a special contributor on lausio to several papers. He often read at concerts, i 102

Howard Malcoa'' (Wlllieua Davis*, TJllliao^, lliaha^, John^) continued. before aany literary clubs, and on other occasions, and gave lectures at many places. He was a jienber of the St. Botolph, Appalachian liountain, Footlight, and Papyrus Clubs, and the Harvard Musical Association, of Boston, and the Harvard Club of

Hew York. At the time of his death he was teaching and lecturing I in California. He d. May 13, 1905, San Francisco.

He m. Feb. 2, 1864, at Pranlclin, Mass., Helen Frances Adaias; b. Feb. 6, 1828, Franklin; d. Slraeon Partri-lje and Harriett Byron (Wood) Adams. Her res., Brookline, ^.•aa8.

No children.

H^irvard College, Glass of 1856 Report, 1906; Franklin records; •Mrs. Helen F. Ticknor.


BBNJA).1IM holt'' (VilliaiB Davia'', 'Sfillianj^, ^liBha^, John^}, b. Aug. 3, 1842, Bocton, tlaoo. He attended Chauncy Hall School, and graduated from Harvard College with the claos of 1852, receivinj '' the degree of A. B. On Sept. 26, 1862, he was coraraisBioned 2nd lieu- ^ '. tenant in the 45th Infantry, served at Newbern and Port Macon, and , was transferred to 2nd Mass. Heavy Artillery, June 4, 1863. He was cent home to recruit, and on Aug. 25, 1863 was commiSBioned captain, and put in charge of the recruiting caap at iicadville. Ke later retuined to L'ewbern v;herfi he remained until hio resigna- tion, Apr. 17, 1864. He rejoined the fitn of Ticknor and Fields, T/ith whom ho had been aaaociated for a short time prior to his entrance into the aei*vice, and in 1865 took cliari^e of the Hew York branch, returning to iiocton in 1867. In 1870 he tecaiie a partner in the firm of Fields, Osgood A. Co., retiring in 1378, ?;hen he was for a time with 3. D. Warren &. Co. In 1830 ha Joined the new firm of J. R. Osgood * Co., and, aTter its failure in 1885, its euoceesoro, Ticknor & Co., and Houghton Mifflin &. Co. He was a member of the Union and St. Botolph Clubs of Boston and the Century Club of Kev York. He d. Jan. 16, 1914, BoBton.

He m. June 8, 1835, at Boston, Carolina Coolidge Cushraan; b. May 20, 1344, Boston; d. Freeman Loring and llmeline (SladeJ Oushman. She d. Apr, 16, 1913, Boston.


1. Caroline^, b. Sept. I, 1866, Boston; unja. ; res., Jamaica Plain, 'Unff. 3he in the author of a half dozen voluflee of bio.jraphy and fictior., md has edited variouc 'irorks. (See Who's %'ho in America for lint.) She is a member of the Saturday Morning anJ Boston Authors' Clubs of ioston, and the National Arts Club of iievi York.

2. Kdith Slaae^, b. Sept. 10, leea, Weot Koxbury; xinra. ;

res. , Jamaica Plain. 287. 3. 'yilliarn Davia^, b. Jan. 11, 1881, Boaton.

4. Benjamin Holt®, b. Sept. 13, 1882, Hingham, iiase. ; unra. ; res., Jar.,aica Plain. He io a director of Houghton Mifflin Co. Always interested in military affairs,


BenJamlB Holt'' (William Davis^, William^, Zllaha^, John^) continued-

he served in Battery A, let Bn. ?.A. , fJ.V.Ii., and

later in Troop B, let Sq. , Cav. , U.N.Q. On May 23, 1917, he was cootoiiesioned captain, and appointed

regimental adjutant of let Uaas. F.A. , H.Q, , this reginient on Aug* 5, 1918 becoming the lOlst Field

Artillery, 26th Div. ; he eerved nineteen wonthe in France, and was discharged Apr. 29, 1919. He was cited .Mar. 15, 1919 for gallant conduct and devotion to duty in the field from Feb. 2 to Nov. 11, 1918, under heavy enemy fire, at Cherain dee Dames, Toul Sector, 2nd Battle of the Name, St. Uihiel and Verdun. He is a member of the St. Botolph, Oalcley Country, Union Boat, and Colonial Clubs. 5. Emeline Cushman®, b. June 28, 1884, Boston; m. Apr. 20,

1911, at Boston, James Welville Hunnewell, (A.B. , Harvard, 1901; LL.B., 1904); b. May 22, 1879, Boston; 8. James Frothingham and Sarah Melville (Famsworth) Hunnewell. Res., Boston.

Children, (Hunnewell). all except the first b. Boston: 1. Caroline Ticknor^, b. July 7, 1912, Marblehead, Mass. 2. James Frothingham^, b. Jvune 9, 1914. 3. Robert Cushman^, b. Oct. 22, 1915; d. Nov. 7, 1917, Boston.

i' ^' Apr. 12, 1918. 5. li^^^^\^^l.9\Thomas Baldwin^)


THOMAS BALFWIn'' (William Davis^, Williaio^, Elisha'*, John'), b. Kov. 8, 1848, West Roxbury, Mass. He attended Chauncy Hall School and Harvard College with the class of 1870, receiving the degree of A.B. He was connected with Houghton IJifflin & Co., and its predecessors, retiring in 1912. He has resided most of the time at Cambridge, Mass. He served in the First Corps of Cadets, iJ.V. Id., from Nov., 1874 to Feb. 6, 1899, being successively promoted throuj.'jh all the grades to major, being placed on the retired list on the latter date with that rank. He has served as vestryman of Christ Episcopal Church, Cambridge. He was a member of the Footlight Club (of which he was president for twenty years), and the Oakley Country, Cambridge Social Dramatic, Cambridge Boat, and Cambridge Clubs. Res., Cambridge.

He m. Jan. 10, 1894, at Boston, Florence Elizabeth (Howe) Harris, (widow of Edward Crehore Harris, by whom she had three children); d. George and Judith R. Howe.

No children.

Harvard College, Class of 1870, 9th report. be

• fclCTTrxi : : , ; ; 104


flLLIAI^ HTJHBy'' (Oliver Ellle^, William® Eliaha*. John^) , b. liay 8, 1837, Lebanon, K.H. He was a printer, and lived at Albany, N.Y. until 1876, TPhen he removed to Hanover, N.H. He d. Mar. 8, 1896, Hanover.

He n. Mov. 5, 1861, I.!artha Angeline Greeley; b. Mar. 2, 1837,

Plainfield, M.H. ; d. John and Phoebe (Collins) Greeley. She d. Feb. 27, 1902, Hanover.

Chi Idren 1. Carrie Evelyn®, b. Sept. 19, 1865, Albany; a. Apr. 17, 1888, at Hanover, Robert Fletcher Burleigh; U.D. 8. Gordon and Elizabeth Burleigh of Franklin, N. H.

They lived at Manhattan, Kan. , until 1889, then at Rochester, H.H. until 1898, and then at Braintree,

Mass. , where he d. Mar. 15, 1908. Her res. Contoocook, H.H,

Children, (Burleigh):

1. Louise^, b. Aug. 1, 1889, Hanover, N.H. ; A.B.,

Radcliffe College, 1912; uma. ; author suad aotress. She has acted in stock cotapanies, with •Romance*; and has written "The Merry Piddle", "The Coaimunity Theatre", short stories, sketches amd poems, and has collabo- rated in wri + ing "Punishment". 2. Robert Gordon^, b. Nov. 25, 1894, Rochester; m. Sept. 13, 1918, Amy Ray Harittaui; b. Sept. 20,

1894, Staunton, Va. ; no chn. He served with the American Ambulance Corps in France in 1914-15, from 1916-18 in the Philippine Constabulary, and then as sergeant in Battery P, 8th Field Artillery at Camp Jackson, S, C. he had been assigned to an officers* training camp, when he d. Oct. 9, 1918.

2. Mellicent Stone®, b. Oct. 11, 1883, Hanover; musician; m. Sept. 6, 1905, at Braintree, Mass., Carlton Bancroft Wheeler of Danvers, Mass., a pharmacist. Res., Hudson, ?>lass.

Child, (Wheeler) 1. David Ticknor®, b. Feb. 10, 1908, Hudson.

Mrs. Carrie T. Burleigh.


WILLIAM MARSH^ (Elisha^, William®, Elisha^, John^^). He lived at

Albany, N.Y. , and was connected with Mack & Co., manufacturers of shirts and collars. He d. after 1908.

He m. Apr. 6, 1875, at Albany, Mary Whitfield.

Children: 288. 1, Whitfield E. b. Aprl 23, 1876, Albany. 2. Another son.

Mr. Whitfield E, Ticknor; Albany directories. .VdX

^Mkitn ^»Tiio) ^

ttlUixi 105


OBOBGB H.'' (Henry Lyioaa*, DaTid^, Elleha*. John^), b. about 1856, Uas8. Res., Lovell; merohant, trader. He d. Kot. 5, 1882, Lowell.

He m. Feb. 6, 1878, at Lowell, Henrietta L. idunn; b. about 1860, Maes.; d. Frederick and Hannah liunn. She m. (2) June 1, 1886, at Lowell, Francis Signer. Res., Yonkers, M.Y.

Child: 1. IreneS, b. July 6, 1878, Lowell; m. July 29, 1897, at Lowell, George Watt.

Mass, Vital Statistics; Mrs. Henrietta L. Signer.


BT5NJAJ4N TICKKOr' BLAI SDELL (Charles Phelps® Ticknor, lienjamin^, Elisha^, John''), b. Sept. 14, 1856, Northfield, a.A. Res..

Pittsfield, N.H. ; blacksroith. He has served as supervisor and police officer.

He m. Sept. 11, 1887, at Pittsfield, Ginda E. Dow; b. War. 8,

1859, Seabrook, H.H. ; d. Greeley and Abigail Dow.

Mr. Benjarain T. Blaindell; History of Horthfield

171. ftlLLIAfi*' (Baldwin Calvary®, Benjaiain^, Klieha'*, John''), b. Oct. 17, 1860, I.lansfield, 0. Res., ilanafield; policeuan, baker.

He m. Oct. 9, 1883, at Mansfield, Margaret Dell; b. Mar. 6, 1861, Mansfield; d. John and Theresa (Boutty) Dell.

Children, b. Mansfield: 1. HellieS, b. June 16, d. July SO, 1884, Mansfield. 2. Bertha May8, b. Aug. 27, 1886; d. Mar. 10, 1890, Mansfield, 3. Helen Theresa^, b. Mar. 29, 1889; stenographer. 289. 4. Clarence Bdward^, b. Apr. 14, 1892. 5. Charles Edward^, b. Deo. 30, 1902.

Mr. Williaa Ticknor.


ARTHUR*' (Baldwin Calvary®, Benjaain^, Elisha*, John^), b. 1866. Res., Chicago, 111.; electrician; no reply.

He nj. Bertha Baldwin.

One child who d. young.

Wr. Williajo Ticknor; Chicago Directory. ,«dJ


_ 1 . . t- »


tT .•«£> : 106 i 173. \^

WILLIAM*' (Joseph*,^, William^, ^) . He llred at Wearer »e Corners, (P.O. Bellevue), 0., and was a farmer. He d. there.

He n. , at Klngaville, Can., Sarah Jane Adkins; b. England. She d. Beo. 25, 1861.

ChiHren, (order of births not learned] : 290. 1. Charles®, b. Jan. 18, 1841, Sandusky, 0. 291. 2. S\igene Albert®, b. Aug. 15, 1846, Sandusky. 3. Adolph®. Res., "in Jackson County, Mich." 4. Lizzie®; m. Prank Pry. She is d. His res., Belletue.

5. Laurie J. ; n. — -- Maple. Res., Bellevue. 6. Lucinda Jane®; m. ---- Kalder. Res., Bellerue. Two chn. d. young.

Mr. Sugene A. Tickner.


HIRAM FIUCH"' (Joseph^. ^, William^, 3), b. Sept. 5, 1818, probably Scipio, H.Y. He lived at Hariaony and Ashville, N.Y. He d. Feb. 24, 1901.

He m. (l) Caroline Seeley.

He m. (2) Deo. 24, 1857, at Harmony, Luoy Dean Conant. She d. May 26, 1897.

Children by first marriage: 292. 1. Alroy Alton®, b. Feb. 2, 1842, Harmony. 293. 2. Alonzo Albertus®, b. Mar. 9, 1847, Harmony. 294. 3. Albert Alfonao®, b. Apr. 17, 1848, Jaiaestown, N.Y. 4. Emmet Smerson®; unm. He served in the U. S. Army and was killed in 1878 in the Indian War. 5. Phoebe Jane®; m. James Roe. She is d.

6. Amanda Adelle®; m. , as his second wife, Thomas Ounton. (See Joseph Tiokner, #76). 7. Adelia Adelaide®; m. Alfred Larakin. 8. Willard®; d. young. ,

Children by second marrieige: 295. 9, Piatt Morell®. b. Feb. 13, 1859, Ashville. 296. 10. George LuvergQ, b. Feb. 26, 1861, Ashville. 297. 11. Pearl Conant®, b. June 19, 1862, Harmony.

Mr. Pearl C. Tickner; Mr. George L. Tickner.


JOSEPH NCRf.iAn'' (Joseph^,*, William^, ^). He is d.

Child: 1. A daughter®; a. Albert Jones.

Child, (Jones)

1. Norman^. Res., Buffalo, N.Y. ; no reply.

Miss Lillie E. Atherly. ./>«,.

»fl[ , tu » r I r

» ^-f-,'

* &h. %,ti, T. ^Ki.-^,'

eK ; 107


AMBROSE*' (Joseph*,^, Willian*,^), b. Aug. 8. 1824, Soiplo. M.Y. He was a faraer, and lived at MoorheadYille, Brie County, Pa., and other places. He served in the Civil War, enlisting Aug. 22, 1862, in Company D, 145th Pa. Infantry as private, being discharged May 31, 1865. He d. Aug. 6, 1894, Moorheadville.

He m. Jan. 13, 1848, at Slnolairville, N.Y. , Lodica Cobb: b.

June 25, 1824, Jamestown, N.Y. ; d. Basset and Harriet (Porter) Cobb. She d. Oct. 29, 1898, Forsyth, M.Y.

Children: 1. Malvinia aertrude^, b. Dec. 23, 1048. Grahamville, U.Y. m. Mar. 11, 1869, at Harbor Creek, Pa., George Cook. She d. July 28, 1906, Moorheadvillo.

Children, (Cook): _ 1. Leila Gertrude^, b. Mar. 25, 1870. 2. Anna Lodica^. b. Feb. 11, 1872. 3. George Frederick^, b. May 25, 1877.

2. Bliaa Dellphine®, b. Sept. 17, 1850, Horth Bast, Pa.; a. July 4, 1871, at Harbor Creek, Pressley Scott. She d. Mar. 24, 1890, Kelloggsville, 0.

Children, (Scott): 1. Frank Vantine^, b. Jvme 2, 1872. 2. Williaa ISzra^. b. Feb, 13, 1875. 3. Clara Isabelle®, b. Peb. 19, 1877. 4. Leroy F.dward®, b. Aug. 9, 1879. 6. Nellie Gertrude^, b. Feb. 13, 1881. 6. Earl Pressley^, b. Mar. 21, 1884. 7. John®, b. July 25, 1886. 8. Lula May®, b. Dec 10, 1887.

298. 3. Willis Arabrose®, b. Sept. 6, 1862, Moorheadville. 299. 4. George ^ara^. b, Feb. 12, 1854, Harbor Creek. 300. 5. Joseph Klmer^, b. Nov. 21, 1857, Harbor Creek. 6. Harriet GomeliaS, b. Nov. 6, 1860, Harbor Creek; m. (l Feb. 20, 1878, at Brie, Pa., John Eckendorf; m. [2

May 1, 1894, at Ripley, N.Y. , Henry Pence. Res., Harbor Creek, (P.O. Erie, R. F.B. ) Pa.

Children by first ciarriage, (Eckendorf): 1. Prank John®, b. Aug. 28, 1879. 2. Andrew ^brose®, b. Aug. 5, 1881. 3. Margaret Cornelia®, b. IAslt. 19, 1884.

7. Cora Amelia®, b. June 9, 1866, Harbor Creek; m, June 24, 1884, at North Saat, James Vincent. Res., Fredonia, H.Y.

Children, (Vincent): 1. Edward Devillo®, b. May 5, 1885. 2. Maude Amelia®, b. Feb. 21, 1888.

Mrs. Harriet C. Pence; U.S. Pension records. uiAitV' 108: 177.

LUTHER BRYAUt'' (Joseph®,^, Willian*, *) . He was a faraer and lived at Harmony, K.Y. , later removing to Colby, Kan., where he d.

He D. (1) Sarah L. Jaokeon; b. June 10, 1828. (Salisbury, Conn.?}; d. David and Betsey (Oleason) Jaokson. She d. Jan. 30, 1850. Mo children by this marriage.

He Q. (S) Lovisa Jane Baker; b. Allegany Coxinty, N.Y. ; d. Philo and Betsey (Loorais) Baker. She d. Colby.

Children by second marriage: 1. Arthur 8; d. young. 2. Ida Sarah®, b. Sept. 18, 1854, Harmony; m. (l) Sept. 18, 1879, at Hariaony, E. Jay Sweezey; b. Apr. 16, 1854. He d. Nov., 1889. She m. (2) Oct. 25, 1891, at Colby, Vincent Ridgley Haisley. Res., Collegeport, Tex.

Child by first marriage, (Sweezey): 1. Ruth^, b. Jan. 5, 1885, near Blookville, Chatauqua

County, K.Y. ; m. Joseph Edwin Woods. Res., Pawnee City, Neb.

301. 3. George Byron®.

4. Edgar .Martin®; unm. ; res., Salmon City, Idaho. 302. 5. Judson Philo®.

Mrs. Ida S. Haisley; Gleason Genealogy.


ALVIN RBIHd'' (William^, Joseph^ Williaia"*. ') , b. Jan, 7, 1814, Penfield, N.Y. He was a carpenter, and served in the Civil War. He d. liay 15, 1884, Columbus, 0.

He m. Feb. 21, 1844, at Penfield, Laura Ann (Rawson) Case, wid.of Daniel R. Case; b. Apr. 16, 1814. Penfield; d. Elihu and Hannah (Ticknor) Rawson. (See Joseph Tickner, #25). She d. Aug, 2, 1907, Columbus.


1. Helen Alnora®, b. Hov. 23. 1851, Salem, Wis. ; unm. Res., 1916, Columbus.

Miss Helen A. Ticknor; Rawson Genealogy.


CHARLES BALDWIM*'' (William*, Joseph^, William^, 3), b. June 11, 1827, Venice, U.Y. He was a pioneer of Kenosha County, Wis., residing at Racine after 1863. He was for many years a contract painter with the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. He d. 1896, Racine.

He ra. Oct. 13, 1850, at Kenosha, Wis,, Martha Matilda Burgess; b. Dec. 22, 1833, Onondaga County, M.Y. ; d. Benja^ain and Amanda (Foster) Burgess. She d. June P.8, 1882. . tntii.

flbn.£ir^ bat. nlL.. 109

Charles Baldwin'' (William^, Joseph^, William*,'') continued.

Children: 303. 1. C. Frederick", b. July 2, 1852, Kenosha. 2. Harriet Josephine^, b. Sept. 25, 1855; m. D. D. Chandler

of Racine. He la d. Her rca. , Tyrone, N.M,

Children, (Chandler):

1. Charlea Edmund*. Res. , Tyrone. 2. Gertrude^; ra. - — - Kennaday of Sheridan, Wyo.

304. 3. Frank Oridloy^, \). June 8, 1859, Kenosha. 305. 4. Charlea Baldwin'', b. 1861. 306. 5. Herbert WalterQ, b. Dec. 20, 1865. 307. 6. Harry RayS, b. Deo. 26, 1874, Racine.

Mr. Frank G. Ticknor; Frank A. Ticknor US,


JOHH HIGGINS'' (Arvin^, Hezekiah^, William'*, ^J , b. Aug. 9. 1816. He d. Sept. 23, 1891, Phelpa, ii.Y.

He a». Oct. 15, 1834, Louisa Burnett; b. Deo. 25, 1B15. She d. Feb. 5, 1P.90, Phelps.

Mo children.

Mrs. Rosetta Rockefeller.


WILLIAJ.i'' (John MThitting^, Hezeklah^, William'*,'*), b. Mov. 23, 1833.

He lived at Montpelier, Vt. , and was a carpenter and builder. He d. Hov. 2, 1893, Waterbury, Conn., while on a visit there.

He m. , at Caraden, N. Y. , Cleantha Mahala Curtise (or Curtice).

Child: 308. 1. DeMilt CurtiBS*', b. Oct. 6, 1858, probably Caraden.

Mr. Charles D. Ticknor; Mrs. Mary K. Smerson. 132.

HBZSKIAh'' (Hezekiah^,^, Williara'*, ^) . He went to California in the '49 8, and was never heard froa. Another account says that he was drowned.

Child: 1. Sanford®. Res., Ilion, K.Y.

Mr. George T. Carner; Mrs. Mary K. Kmerson. •: 01 . -U.L lb3.

ARVIir^ (Herekiah*. ^ Williaa*. *). He lired at one tiae Mexico, N. Y. , then went west, then liyed at Watertury, Conn., ^finally going west again. He d. about 1908, Denver, Col.

He m. Julia P. Gregory, who was at Denyer until about 1915.

Child: 1. 3dgar°; d. about 1903.

Mr. Oeorge T. Garner; Mrs. Mary K. Emerson; Denver directories (as "Arrin C. " and "Brvin C. ")


DAVID*' (Roswell^,^, Jonathan*, William^). He settled at Sheboygan. Wis., and d. Batavia, 111., while on a visit there.

Children: 1. Edward°. Res. not known; not at Sheboygan. 2. MaryS; m. ---- O'Heal. She d. Sheboygan. 3. Sarah°; m. ---- Stevens; went to Kan.

.Mrs. Julia M. Rolph; Mrs. Mertie M. Bradley. 135.

JOHH GILCHRIST*' (Roswell^, ^, Jonathan^, William^) , b. Apr. 4, 1809, near Bath, H.Y. He was a farmer and carpenter, and lived in Iowa, residing for a few years in Kane County, 111. He d. Oct. 1, 1891, Lamont, Iowa.

He m. (1), in N.Y. , Statira Sanford.

He m. (2), at Compton, 111., Abigail Sophronia Cowles; b. Nov. 10, 1824. Three Rivers, (Palmer), Mass.; d. Ethan Smith and Sarah (Roberts) Cowles. She d. Madison, Iowa. Children by first marriage: 1. LucyS. 2. Caroline^.

Children by second marriage:

3. Sarah Jane Statira^, b. 1849, Compton, 111. ; m. Allen Sliter. He d. Aug. 13, 1915.

Children, (Sliter) : Orren Eugene, and Harlow Kilbum.

309. 4. John Eugene®, b. Nov. 12, 1852, Compton. 310. 6. Ethan Smith®, b. Aug. 4, 1855, Madison, Iowa. 6. Sllen Maria®, b. Oct. 18, 1858, Madison; m. George Perre Thompson.

Children, (Thompson): Lulu, Orma, Nellie, and Inis.

7. Edwin Hairvey®, b. 1863, Madison; d. 1865, Madison.

Mr. Ethan S, Tickner; Palmer Vital Records. OJl'TJV i>-

jK^XiA .ff ; .11


.•Inl bfffi ,e :


BOBZRT SlflTH*' (Eoavell^,^. Jonath&a^, Wllliaa^). b. near Bath, M.Y. He reaoTed to Slgia, 111., 'where he d.

He m. , at Bath, Catherine Llnkletter.

Children; 311. 1. John Linklettero, b. Deo. 27, 1835, near Bath, M.Y. 312. 2. Leslie P.®, b. Jan. 20, 1842, N.Y. State.

Mre. Marion D. Ticknor; Mrs. Katherine L. Harris.


JAMBS hereby'' (Rost/ell^, 5, Jonathan*, William^) , b. Sept. 22, 1820, Wales Hollow, L.Y. In 1845 he settled in Kane County, 111., and in 1850 at Qeneva, 111. He was a carpenter and millwright, later a deputy sheriff, constable, assessor and collector. He d. Uar, 3, 1903, Geneva.

He n. (1) Jan. 15, 1841 or 1842, at Wales, N.Y. , Julia Maria Tiokner, his cousin, d. Jason Tickner, #83. She d. Jan. 9, 1846, Avoca, 1>!,Y.

He n. (2) Feb. 26, 1846, at Cass, 111., Orpha Ann Ward; b.

Jan. 15, 1824, N.Y. ; d. Justus and Silence (Rolph) Ward. She d. Sept. 27, 1910, Geneva.

Children by first caarriage; »-«• ^^- 1843. Ooff. Mill,. K.Y. I. '/J,T^"(lr Jean s>- He d. Mar. 29, 1844; she d. Apr. 27. 1844.

3. Julia MariaS, b. Jan. 1. 1845, Avoca, N.Y. ; m. (l) Apr. 7, 1869, at Jlen View, William Long of Cook County, 111. They were divorced and she m. (2), May 27, 1885, at Geneva. Daniel Wells Holph; b. Feb. 11, 1833, Castile, H.Y. He was a school teacher. He d. Apr. 20, 1914, Santa Paula, Cal. She d. Apr. 20, 1918. No children by this raarriage.

Child by first marriage, (Long) 1. James William^, b. Apr. 20, 1870; n. Nov. 10, 1898, Nellie Boganehultz.

Children, (Long); 1. Homer James'^^, b. June 18, 1900. 2. Warren Tickner^", b. Jan. 26, 1904.

Children by second marriage: 313. 4. Kdwin Hervey8, b. June 19, 1850, Cass, 111. 5. Albert HenryS, b. May 10, 1856, Geneva; d. ?eb. 8, 1859. 6. Mertie May®, b. Apr. 29, 1860, Geneva; m. Nov. 3, 1886, at Geneva, ISdraiuid Samuel Bradley. Hes.. Geneva.

Child, (Bradlev): 1. Edwin Leow, b. Oct. 7, 1889, Geneva; served in the War with Germany Oct. 4. 1917 to June 1, 1919 as private in Company C, 503rd Service Battalion, and was ei^teen months in overseas service. ;3»X3(«|4 f

Y.A .i.^ft^

.<*xx%^.: .- a-M .xcG:iwiI

esii , 112

ie8 Herrey'' (Roswell^, ^, Jonathan*, Wllliaa^) continued.

7. Birdie®, b. Jan. 14, 1867. Genera; d. Jan. 26, 1867. 8. Stella Blanche^, (adopted), b. Jan. 7, 1867, Chicago; m. (1) Not. 10, 1884, Erring Howell; m. (2) Oct. 4, 1900, Edward Gould.

Mrs. Mertie M. Bradley; Mr. Edwin H. Tickner; Mrs. Julia M. Rolph; Warde Genealogy.


JASON CHARL3S'' (Jaeon^, Roewell^, Jonathan*, WillianjS) , b. Apr. 25, 1835, '.Vales, N.Y. He d. Jan. 4, (1881?), San Ignacio, Gal.

He m. 1869, at Sacramento, Gal., Nancy Jane Clark; b. (l

Children: 314. 1. Jason Charle8°, b. Deo. 26, 1869, San Francisco, CaX.

2. Gertrude Esther°, b. Dec 29, 1873, San Diego, Cal. ; B.S., Unlvernity of California, 1903; m. Jaiaea Aaron thoiaas. Res., Yreka, Gal. 3. Robert®, b. 1876, San Bernardino, Cal.; d. 1878, San Bernardino.

Mrs. Gertrude B. Thomas.


ALLEN jasper'' (Asahel*, Roswell^, Jonathan*, WillianjS) , b. Oct. 9, 1840, Linden, Mich. He served in the Civil War, enlisting from

Tunkhannock, Pa. , Aug. 29, 1864, in Company A, 207th Pa. Infantry as private, being discharged Hay 31, 1865. Res., Tunkhannock,

Pa. ; carpenter. He d. Nov. 23, 1896, Tunkhannock.

He IB. Mar. 29, 1864, at Mehoopany, Pa., Electa Kancy Ferris; b. July 27, 1844, Mehoopany; d. Calvin and Polly June Ferrie. She d. Feb. 10, 1900, Tunkhannock.

Children: 1. Mary AugustaS, b. Apr, 1, d. Apr. 8, 1866, Mehoopany. 2. A son, b. and d. Sept. 10, 1866, Mehoopany. 3. Julius Adelbert®, b. July 27, 1867, .Mehoopany; d. Sept. 28, 1869. Mehoopany. 4. Adeline Slizao, b. Sept. 17, 1869, Tunkhannock; d. Aug. 25, 1889, Tiinkhannock. 5. Burton Archibald^, b. July 25, 1873, Tunkhannock; m. Jvme 8, 1901, at Mehoopany, Anna ?. Kern. Res. Tunkhannock; laborer.

U. S. PeneioB records; Mr. Burton A. Tickner.



1MBR0ST5 ROLSON*' (James Peter^, Aiaaaa H. ^, Jonathan*. William^), b. Jan. 7, 1834. Graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia;

M.D. , Univereity of Michigan, 1860. He was a physician at Rock- Tille, Ind. He d. July 54, 1862, Rockville.

He m. 1861, at Bockville, Virginia Beadle.

Child, (posthumous): 1. Lizzie Prudenceo, to. Mar. 9, 1865, Rockville; d. Mar. 6, 1864, Rockville.

7rank A. Tioknor MS.; Mr. Oeorge P. Ticknor; Unirersity of Michigan Catalogue.


GEORJE PHMiPs''' (James Peter^, Araasa H. ^, Jonathan*, Willieun^), to. Mar. 6, 1838, Palmyra, 0. He is a typesetter and printer, now retired, and has lived in Ohio, and at Rockville, Ind., and is now at Akron, 0. He attended the U. S. Naval Academy 1852-3, and has served tirro years in the U. S. Wavy,

He n. (1) July 30, 1859, at Hopkinaville, Ky. , Amanda Allen. She d. Dec. 1, 1867, Hopkinaville. Ho children toy this marriage.

He m. (2) Deo. 24, 1868, at Ravenna, 0., Alice Adelaide Jones; to. Apr. 7, 1844, Mewton Palls, 0. ; d. John and Desire (Phelps) Jones.

Children by second marriage: 315. 1. Harry James®, to. July 10, 1871, Ravenna. 2. Hellie B. (*)^, to. Aug. 30, 1874, Shalersville, 0.; m. (1) 1894, Louis Ernst; m. (?) Hov. 12, 1915, George Buchanan Kerr. Res., Chicago- 3. WaryS, to. Deo. 14, 1874, bhalersville; m. June 26, 1915, Thomas J. Long. Res., Akron. 4. Charles R. (*)®, to. Mar. 31, 1882, Ravenna. Res., Cleveland, 0.

* The initial Is the middle name.

Mr. Oeorge P. Ticknor; Prank A. Tioknor MS.


CH.\RLSS HSHRY*' (James Peter^, Amasa H. ^, Jonathan*, William^), to. June 17, 1855, Rockville, Ind. Res., Luverne, Ala,; stave tousiness.

He a. Oct. 14, 1880, at Crawfordsville, Ind., Eudora Darter; to. Aug. 14, 1858, Crawfordsville; d. John Jaooto and Stincy (Fuller) Darter. She was a aeiaber of the Women's Relief Corps of Rockville. She d. Nov. 11, 1916, Portsiaouth, Va.

Child: 1. Flora Taylor", to. Jan. 5, 1882, Rockville; teacher; m. Sept. 22, 1905, at Rockville, Daniel Burr Jones. Res., Rookville. LI ;

Charles Henry'' (Jaiuee Peter^, Aioasa H. ^, Jonathan"*, William^), oa- tinued.

Children, (Jones) 1. Budora*. h. Oct. 6» 1906, Iloilo, Parray, P. I. 2. Burrdine9,b. Oct. 20, 1907, Pawtucket, R.I.

Mr. Charles H. Tioknor; Frank A. Ticknor MS.


ALANSOK ROBSRT'' (Janjea Peter*, Amaea H. ^, Jonathan**, Williaia*), b. Deo. 2, 1863, Rockrille, Ind. He has been in the stave and cooperage business for many years, being at one time vith the Standard Oil Co., and later the organizer of several stave companies. Res., Indianapolis, Ind., and Montgomesry, Ala.

He m. Oct. 27, 1887, at Indianapolis, Ind.. Grace L. Newton; b. 1867, Richmond, Ind.

Ko children.

Mr. Alanson R. Ticknor; Pa-ank A. Ticknor MS, 194.

HBKRY LAKQFORd'' (Henry Charter^, Amasa H. ^, Jonathan^, Willia;o^), b. July 9, 1343, barren, 0. He was employed in the tariff depart- ment of Telle Fai^o A, Co. ,the latter part of hie life being super- intendent of tariffs. He served in the Civil 'iar, enlisting from Sacramento, Mar. 9, 1863, in the let Cal. Cavalry, served as sergeant major, and T.as iiecharged Mar. 9, 1866. He d. June 10, 1914, Berkeley, Cal.

He m. Oct. 20, 1868, at He^vton Falls, 0., Alice Parmelia Barber; b. Jan. 11, 1848, Mewton Palls; d. Beriah Owen and Roxana Fidelia (Boynton) Barber. Res., Berkeley, Cal.

Children: 1. Alice Maud8, b. Apr. 20, d. Aug. 2, 1872, Yreka. 2. Clarence ^ugencB, b. Aug. 25, 1873, Hewton Palls; d. Oct. 10, 1880, Carson, Kev. 3. Way BelleS, b. May 2, 1876, Yreka; m. i«5ar. 23, 1899, at San Francisco, Charles Franklin Eckart. She d. Feb. 24, 1900, San Francisco. 316. 4. Henry Boynton®, b. Oct. 14, 1878, Kenton Falls.

6. Clara LouiseQ, b. Dec. 23, 1881, Caroon, Hev. ; unia. ;

res. , Berkeley.

Mrs. Alice P. Tlckner; Record of the California Men in the War of the Rebellion.

195. « V

WALTER /a?0KiS0'' (Henry Charter^, Araasa H. ^, Jonathan^, William^), b. Oct. 14, — --, Ravenna, 0. He was a merchant and lived at Port Jones (formerly Chico), and San Francisco, Cal. He d, Sept. 15, 1893, Port Jones. j; ,40^ -J •^ftXii



ci. . Aj lis

^""'y Charter^. Amasa H, *^"*conir;i;jf 5. Jonathaa4. Williaa3)

V w/* ?; '^fl'.J'.'^^'^^* ** ^^'* JoMes, Frances Imogene ilinklev «"«*« lihorapaon; Hinkley. Rea., Oakland, Cal. Children: 317. 1. >yalter Charters, b. Deo. 20 or Feb. 20. 1871. Fort Jonee. CMcJ? • ^' ^^^^' ^''^*^°' ^- ''^^' 25. lals! 318. 3. Percy Ray8^ ^ ^u^^ 28. 1883, Chico. B«^erly Lloyd«. b. Sept. 3. 1888. Chico; unra. Res.. Oakland; elftctrioian. 5. Gerald RandS; una. Res.. Springfield. Oreg.

Mrs. Frances 1. Tickner; Sinnett's Thompson Genealogy, 1907. 196.

^*«a H.5. Jonathan^. Sn3) TST'«^"rSI?; ^S^-*«''' Wells^aiio A Cn^ ^^S'mJ?'*®' ^V^t' ^- "* ^*« * aieseenger for • ^*^*'^^^"S *t San Vrancisco, 1914 where he d. Sept. 14,

2'^%**/'*^. Cal.. Er-ma Jan it ^^ Josephine Reinwald: b. \f^\Vh'^^^ena, 111.; d. V/ilUara and Reinwald. Katharine (Starrj

Children: 1. Lola ^ouiseS. b. Sept 12. 1872. Tenino. ^uBh. ; «. Hov. Smoother. J*^§fe'« Ree. , San Francisco. 319 2 5V*rt«^^i AbrahaajQ.?v' 1* wfT^^'f^ b. Jan. 29. 1075. Portland. Oreg. 3. Vilhexmina MaryS b. Aug. 16. 1391. San July ."ranci^co; m. 17, 1915, Arthur IJolson. Res., San Francisco. Afrs. Rrania J. Tickner.

197. PITZILLlAir LAV|IGn7 (Henry CharterS. A^asa H. 5 Jonathan4 ^*^"""^' 0.* JellB^Fal^o'^ ?"^*- '^ '^f°' He'wa8"tSlSyedby L^i"^^^5.^:^°•9.^I9^lr^"%rL^i^°c^^'^^• ^^^- -^---

"• ''''' wiiiii!: s;ii;ii.?? '^2i: dr^sco^t^Ba?^""^''*^ ^-^ ^-

He m. (2). at Carson. Susan Anthony Dusran* b. Sent 9q in^»> Stockton. Cal.; d. ' ^lark William and I^llen (DuJnin) ^i^ln ' Children by first marriage, b. Scott Bar. 1. Williaojo. b. 1871. 2. Emma Catherines, b. May 1, 1874; m. Aug., 1896. at tfadsworth. Mev.. Alonzo Applegate. Res., Sacramento, 320. 3. Alfred GeorgeS. b. June 1, 1876 or 1877. Alices, 4. b. 1878. Res., Palo Alto. Cal, ^^.r ,«s 116

frittlllian Laveign' (Henry Charter^, Aaasa H. S, Jonathan*. William') continued.

Children by second raarriage, b. Carson: 321. 5. Arthur LaveiKn^, b. July 8, 1886. 6. Ellinor Aaneo, b. June 24, 1890; d. Nov. 30, 1901.

Mr. Pitzlllian L. Tickner, (1916); Mrs. Susan A. Tickner.


CHARLBS W. ' (Robert^, Amasa H. ^, Jonathan*, William'). He lived at Perry, North Madison, Willoughby, and Paineeville, 0.

He a. Jan. 2, 1882, in Ohio, Wary Bidlake.

Children: 1. Blanche^, b. Feb. 16, 1883, Perry; o. J. tl. Lynch; res., Falnesville. 2. Charlee WayneS, b. Mar. 10, 1891, Perry; m. Maud Alii a; res., Willoughby; bookkeeper; no reply. 322. 3. Louis D.o, b. Aug. 16, 1893, Korth Madison.

4. Earl H.8, b. Dec. 12, 1894. Uorth Madison; unm. ; res., Colurabus.

I.!r. Louis B. Ticknor,


DAUIEL waters'' (Oran^, Elijah^, Daniel*, William'), b. Dec 29, 1820, New Lebanon, N.Y. He settled at Rockford, 111., about 1847, and was the principal of the first public school there. He d. Deo. 14, 1895.

He ra. (1) Oct. 26, 1848, Charlotte Duane Weyburn; b. Aug. 25

(or 26), 1822, Seneca Lake, B.Y. ; d. Samuel and Phebe (Covert) Weyburn, She had gone to Rockford about 1846 as a teacher. She d. Aug. 12 (or 13), 1853, Rockford.

He m. (2) Aug. 1, 1855, at Rockford, Alzira Anna Andrews; b. Mar. 3, 1834.

CViildren by first marriage, b. Rockford: 323. 1. Lewis WeyburnS, b. Jan. 15, 1850. 324. 2. Alfred Duane^, b. Dec. 1, 1851.

Children by second marriage, b. Rockford: 3. Charlotte IrraaS, b. /lay 7, 1856; a. Thomas Smeltzer. She d. 1913. Joyfield, Mich. HayS, 4. Eliaabeth b. June 7, 1867; uma. ; rea. , Rockford; d. Jtlov. 13, 1918. 326. 5. Herbert Daniel®, b. Sept. 6, 1869.

Weyburn- Wybom Genealogy ( which seems to give incorrect place and date of hlG birth); other records from descendants. a ; ii7 200, hmES SULLIVAN*' (Orau^, Blljah^, Daniel*, Willlanj'). b. Sept. 17, 1824, New Lebanon, 1)1. Y. He lived at Rookford, 111., where he wae local agent for the American Express Co. for many years, and was prominent in Odd Fellowship, being Grand !>{aster of 111. He wae also connected with and interested in many of the manufactur- ing companies at Bockford, being president of the Watch Case Co., and of the '^est End Street Railway. He d. Sept. 18, 1899, Rock- ford.

He m. (1), at Port Byron, N.Y. , Orrissa Capron; probably d. Her. Benjamin Wing and Hannah (Capron) Capron of '•?ashington County, N,y, She d. Bockford.

He m. (n) Jane Boudin. No children by this marriage. She d. Aug., 1919.

Child by first marriage: 326. 1. Prank Albert^, b. Jan. 8, 1855, Bockford,

Prank A. Ticknor, iSsq. ; Capron Genealogy, p. 182.


AURORA ORTOn'' (Oran^, Elijah^, Daniel'*, William^), b. Sept. 29, 1828, Hew Lebanon, N.Y. Res., Rockford and Chicago, 111.; farmer, merchant. He d. Dec. 25, 1897, Chicago.

He m. , at Rockford, Sunan Wi.^^'jius f'oore; b. Zanesville, 0.; d. George S. and Mary V. (V/iggins) Moore. They were divorced and she ra. T2v , at /Ulwaukee, Wis., Eugene Heald Pishbum. She d. Oct. 8, 1910, Chicago.

Children: 327. 1. Randolph Eugene®, b. June 8, 1862, Rockford. His name was changed to Randolph Eugene Pishburn. 2. Isabelle^; in. Samuel S. Powler. She d. 1893.

Children, (Powler): 1. Eugene Heald^. 2. Vera Randolph^; m. Norris Henrotin,

Mr, Randolph E. Pishburn,


PHINEUG RICE*' (Oran^, ISlijah-^, Daniel*, William^), b. May 22, 1835,

New Lebanon, H.Y. Res., Cherry Valley (near Rockford) , 111.; grain elevator. He d. Dec. 3, 1870, Rockford.

He m. Sept. 18, 1860, at Rockford, Margaret Austin: b. Mar.

9, 1837, Toronto, Can. ; d. John and Catherine (Sinclair) Austin. Her rea.. Oak Park, 111.

Children: 1. Nellie Austin^, b. June 10, 1861, Rockford; a. Jxme 26, 1879, David i^oncrieffe Kirton. He was an attorney at Chicago, and isd. Her res., Chicago. jc,'t.' ., S-i . ij-lAi, ixz

^'51 ..at'

fcllfO .1 .»S

Tf , 118

PhlneuB Rice' {Oran®, Elijah^, Daniel*. Williao') continued.

Children, (Kirton):

1. Robert Jamea^; unm. ; ree. , Chicago.

2. 3arl« Cameron^; unm. ; res., Chicago.

2. George Buel®, to. Apr., 1863, Rookford; d. Apr., 1905, Chicago. 328. 3. Edgar CurtiB®, h. Sept. 11, 1867, Cherry Valley. 4. Phlneus Rice^, b. June, 1870, RocVford; una.; ree. Chicago.

Mrs. Margaret Ticknor.


ALMOK PaASI?''' (Aliaon^, tElijah^, Daniel'*, William'), h. Oct. 22, 1822,

Hew Lebfluion, II. Y. M.D. , Yale, 1853. lie wae a physician at

Easton, Conn. , end -lontoi^ey, .'iaea. , whor« he d. i)ao. 25, 1858.

He 13. Sept. 20, 1953, at llew i^Iariborsu^h, iiaaa., Frzi.ncee Covles Catlia, (not Colton); b. Beo. 20, 1827, liew i.Iarlbo rough; d. Capt. Joseph 3. and Laura (Siaith) Catlia. 3he la. (2), May 25, 1865, at Kev Marlborough, ao hiu third wife, Dr. Moses Oharlei» Richardson of Kallowell, I'e. She d. Dae. 9, 1910, I'ew Haven, Conn.

Child: 329. 1. Joeeph Almon^, b. Jcb. 3, 1857, Monterey.

RcT. .Tonfr>h A. 'ficknor; Masa, ^^ital Statiotica; Yale Catalogue; Richardson .Memorial.


LE\yiS JflERRI.MAN*'' (Alraon^. Rlijah^, Daniel"*, 'niliam') , b. Hov. 10, 1833, iPittsfleld. Mass. He settled at Chicago, vvaere h^ ivao in the grain business, and tras a successful aoaiuission uerchant, but lost" every tning in the Chicago fire. .He d. Oct. 25, 1886, White Lake, Mich.

He nj. (l) June 28, 1858, at 7rhite Lake, Ann Elizabeth Andrews; b. Bee. 8, 1836, Southfield, Mich. ; d. Ira and Ann (llopkinson) Andrews. She d. Jan. 15, 1876, Chicago, 111.

He n>. {?,) about 1884, at Bioomington, 111., Alice Ophelia (Kliot) Ellis, former wife of ISliaa ^llis; b. Aug. 29. 1850; d.

John Harvey and Ann Kliza (Wileoa) ^Sliot of llath County, Ky. , and Blooniington. Shf> was a portrait painter. Ko children by this carriage.

Children by first marriage: 330. 1. Ernest Clifton®, b. iiar. 25, 1863, Cherry Valley, 111. 2. Blanche Lilliano, b. Sept. 27, 1868, Chicago; a. Aug. 13,

1891, at ?>Jinneapoli8, £4inn. , Willlaa Saaford JaclcaoA. No children. Res., Detroit, Mich. 3. Sdith^, b. Cherry Valley; d. yoting.

Mrs. Blanche L. Jackson; John Eliot Genealogy.



OlOROl E/ilERY'' (Almoa^. Elijah^. Daniel^. William^), b. Hot. 13. 1836, Plttsfleld, Mass. He was a merchant at Helena. Mont., where he d. Peh. 21, 1912.

He m. Sept. 3, 1874, at Salt Lake City, Utah, Louiee Ruth Coombe; b. Apr. 26, ld&3, Deyizes, Wiltshire, Bng. ; d. William Webb and Uary Ann (Salter) Coombe. She d. Oct. 9, 1907, Helena.

Children, all except the first two b. Helena:

1. George Aliaon^, b. July 16, 1875, Salt Lake City; unm. ; cook. 2. Mary Blecta^, b. Oct, 10, 1876, Salt Lake City; m. July 19, 1899, at Helena, William Smith Morris. She d. May 27, 1907, Spokane, Wash.

Child, (Morris): 1. Ruth Mary», b. July 24, 1900, Spokane; ra. Aug. 2, 1919, at Rirerside, Cal., Ernest Franklin Peck. Res., Berkeley, Cal.

3. June Martha Louise^, b. June 17, 1880; ra. Sept. 25, 1901, at Helena, Alexander Bamekoff ; b. Dee. 14, 1870, New York City. Res., Bandon, Oreg,

Children, (Bamekoff), all except the fifth b. Helena: 1. Irene Johann^, b. Aug. 3, 1902. 2. Francis Tioknor^, b. Feb. 23, 1904. 3. Oren Alexander^, b. May 3, 1906. 4. Lewis Webb^, b. Feb. 19, 1910. 5. Bdward Alraon^, b. Oct. 17, 1911, Portland, Oreg.

4. Siigene Salter^, b. Feb. 6, 1882; unm. ; tailor. He has served in the U. S. Army since Feb., 1904, and is now sergeant in Company U, 21 st Infantry, at Fort George Wright, Wash.

5. Leo Coombe®, b. Hot. 18, 1883; d. Aug. 1, 1884, Helena. 6. Ethel Violet®, b. Sept. 3, 1885; \mm. Res., Bandon, Oreg. 331. 7. William Webb^, b. Deo. 22, 1886. 8. Lewis Roger®, b. Oct. 19, 1889; is married. Res.,

Tacoma, Wash. ; painter; no reply.

Mies Bthel V. Tieknor.

206. 2V ALWON^ (Seth^, Elijah^, Daniel^, William^), b. Sept. 20, 1823. probably Egremont, Mass. He was an oculist, and lived at BelTidere, 111., Prescott, Wis., and Albia, Iowa, where he d. Dec. 10, 1881.

He m. (1) Feb. 20, 1849, in Boone County, 111., Nancy R. Uead; b. Feb. 17, 1827, Ontario County, N.Y. She A. Dec 13 1875, Albia.

He m. (2) Sept. 6, 1877, at Albia, Maggie E. Miller; b. Apr. 3, 1847; d. Lewis f-iiller. She a. (2) Oct. 18, 1887, William ,&!.<< i«i'4* t^' t- Almon'' (Seth*. BllJahS, Daniel*, William^) continued.

Beaton. She d. Feb. 6, 1893, Orlnnell, Iowa; bur. Albla. Ho children by this marriage.

Children by first marriage: 1. Sarah SevierH, b. Dec. 28, 1849: d. Mar. 20, 1851. 2. Aioella Marla^, b. Apr. 14, 1852P^7,i^^eDeKalb County, 111., John L. IJoEwen. She d. Feb. 17, 1895, Rookford, la. He le d.

Child, (WoSwen) : 1. Jay A.^ Res., Rockford, Iowa.

332. 3. Frederick Seth®, b. Mar. 19, 1855, Boone County, 111. 4. Phebe M. 8, b. June 12, d. July 6, 1860, Prescott, Wis.

Mr. Frederick S. Tloknor.


JOEL THBODORB*' (Seth^, Elijah^, Daniel*, Williaia^), b. May 1, 1828, probably Sgreoont, Hase. In 1849 he went west, and lived in yarioue places in Washington. He was a farmer, and serred in 1855 in one of the Indian Wars. He d. July 26, 1900, Tenino, Wash.

He m., at Olytapia, Wash., Slizabeth Ann Ford; b. Oct. 16, 1840, Mich.; d. Sidney S. and Kancy (Shaw) Ford. Sho d. Centralia, Wash.

Children: 333. 1. Benjamin Riley", b. Nov. 5, 1855, Tenino. Wash.

2. Hancy^, b. June 22, 1363, Buooda, Wash. ; ra. Bitter. Res., Tenino. 3. Brama A. 8, t. Sept. 18, 1887, Tenino; m. June 24, 1885, J. V.'. Davis. 334. 4. Joel Theodore^, b. Jan. 12, 1870, Tenino. 5. Hester®, b. June 5, 1874, Tenino; ra. July 1, 1891. Charles Whalin. Res., Tenino. 6. Sdith®, b. Aug. 4, 1876, Little Rock, Wash.; m. Oct. 23, 1898, M. Pinger. 7. Blanche®; m. July 23, 1899, at Bucoda. Guy C. Sanduyre. Res., Satonville, Wash. 2 children.

Mrs. Hester Whalin.


JOHM ^'ESLEy'' (Seth^, Elijah^ Daniel*. William^), b. Feb. 23, 1827. He lived at Belvidere, 111., where he d. Jan. 7, 1855.

He ffl. , at Belvidere, Millie Mabie.

Children: 2 sons, who d. young.

Mrs. Lucy M. Richards. % .tU

TfTbr.»rf?3 121 209.

FRaHKLIi'' (Daniel*. Xlijah^ I>ani«l*. lllllaa^), \>. June 10. 18A3. Yates, H.Y. He aerred in the CiYil War, enlisting from Medina, Aug. 22, 1362, in the 17th Independent Battalion Artillery as prirate, being discharged June 12, 1865. Res., Medina; farmer; no reply.

He m. May 4, 1867, in Orleans County, Jane Butcher; d. Oliver Butcher.

Children: 1. IJInoraS, "b. Apr. 26, 1869; a. James Magin; res., Kent,

M. Y. ; no reply. 2. Mildred^, b. Jan. 17, 1876. 3. MertyS, b. May 22, 1879. 4. Gertrudes, b. Sept. 21, 1882. 335. 5. Harry Barnest^, b. July 31, 1885, Medina.

U. S. Pension records.


JAXras'' (Daniel^, "Klijah^, Daniel*, ^Srilliara^) , b. about 1846, Ridgeway, M.Y. He served in the Civil 'Sar, enlisting, aged 18, from Ridgeway, Sept. 12, 1364, in Company I, 90th N, Y. Infantry, as private, was transferred to Company G, same regiment, and was discharged June 3, 1866. He d. Feb. 16, 1905, Somerset, N.Y.

He n. Feb. 22, 1871, at Oak Orchard, N.Y. , Elenor Thompson; b. Carlton, M.Y. She d. Feb. 28, 1914, Barker, N.Y.

Children, b. Carlton: 1. Daniel°, b. Lov. 6, 1871 or 1372. Res., Middleport,

2.'. Y. ; no reply. 2. James H.8, b. Apr. 14, 1873. 336. 3. Sheldon E. 8, b. June 28, 1877.

U. S. Pension records; Mr. Sheldon "S. Ticknor.


WILLI Af4 FRITZLAITd' (Blijah^, 5, Daniel*, William^) , b. Oct. 13. 1827, Collins, B.Y. He lived at Collins, and in Missouri, and later at Pawnee City, Keb. , where he d. Deo. 18, 1893.

He a. Oct. 18, 1851, at Collins, Phebe Maria Howland; b. June 14, 1833, Collins Center; d. Job and Lovinia (Hazard) Howland. Res,, Ovid, lUch.

Children: 337. 1, Oscar Fitsland®, b. Oct. 29, 1852, Erie County, N.Y. 2. Lydia A. ^, b. Sept. 13, 1853, llrie County; d. June 26, 1358, Missouri. 3. Emma J.®, b. Deo. 22, 1856, Burlington, Iowa; n. Kov.

25, 1875, at Pawnee City, Neb. , Joseph Bachraan. Res., 1916, Galena Heights, Kan. She d. by 1919. 338. 4. George Henry^, b. May 20, 1863. Pilot Knob. Mo.

Mr. George H. Ticknor. ,«c

-f^tt'itii: ,:;.^9i[ ,.•;

fX , 122

DAMIEL WOLLISy'' (Blljah®, 5, Daniel^, Wllliaua^), !>. 1831. Ree. | Springville and Concord, Erie County, N.Y. ; farmer. He served in 1| II. the CiTil War, enlisting at Barre, Y., Sapt. 9, 1862, in Coapany !

D, 15l8t H.Y. Infantry as sergeant, being discharged for disability ! May 26» 1863. He d. Dec. 1, 1893, Springville. ,1

He m. July 4, 1852, at Otto. N.Y. , Lucinda '*hite; b. Mar. 6, f

1833, 1. Otto; d. Willard and liary (Cox) White. She d. Mar. 25, i^ 1909, Springvllle. I

Children: |i 339. 1. Willard Harry^, b. Apr. 21, 1863, Concord. i|

2. .'Jary Jane^, b. Deo. 8, 1357, Collins, ii.Y. ; m. Mar. 4, j

1885, at Sprin;;ville, Howard Blmer Brooks; b. H Doster, Erie County; s. Alpheus Dennis and Julia ,| Patience (Hiaes) Brooks. Res., Sprintjville. She d. Jan. 14, 1912, Springville.

Child, (Brooks): 1. Lelon Howard*, b. ilar. 18, 1890, Springville.

ft I 340. 3. Ciiarles White^, b, Jeb. 2, 1866. ISaet Otto, H.Y. j I

Mr. Howard 3. Brooks; History of Concord, H.Y. ; M.Y. Adjutant I General's Report, 1904.


ISfHB^ISR HUTGHIHSON'^ (mijah^. 5, Daniel^, miiam') . he lived at Cleveland, 0., and in Canada and Michigan; carpenter and cabinet maker. Ra Fervid in the Civil War, enlisting Aug. 15, 1862, in Coapany F, IVa Mich. Cavalry, as private, being diecharged July 13, 1865. He d. Dec. 14, 1B94, Vernon, »4ich.


He a. Nov. 5, 1865. at Austerlitz, N.Y. , Helen Amelia Bristol; b. West Stockbridge, Mass.; d. Orson and iJolinda (Kurd) Bristol. Res., Owosso, ''ich.

Children: 1, Oscar Burk^, b. June 19, 1873, Cleveland, 0. ; d. Aug. 3,

1873. I

2. Orson Slijah®, b. Nov. 4, 1830, Oaylord, Mich.; d. July *!

28, 1881. I

Mrs. Helen A. Ticknor.


SETH PHTSDraiCK'' (William Anson*^, Elijah^, Daniel^, William**), b. Oct. 4, 1836, Yates, Orleang County, U.Y. In 1877 he removed to Seattle, 'Sash., whor* he hao since resided; carpenter. He served j in the Civil War, enlisting at Buffalo, ]lar. 17, 1863, in Company A, 8th K.Y. Heavy Artillery as private, beintj captured at Reams '

Station, Va. , Aug. 25, 1864, later rejoining his company, being trsinsferred June 5, 1065 to Company K, lOth Infantry, and being discharged June 30, 1865, at Wimaon's Hill, Va.

He n. Feb. 21, 1867, at Ridgeway, Orleans County, Ida Ann Fuller; d. Haman and Polly Fuller. fTflA &bl ,X^CW


i. Bertha ElminaQ, b. Mar. Ifi, 1868, Carlton, N.Y. ; m. June 11. 1896, William Campbell.

Children, (Cawpbell): 1. Ronald William^, "b. Sept. 2, 1897. 2. Horaan Frederick®, b. 17, 1899. 3. Clara Lorine*. b. Nov. 2, 1900. A. Cecil Clayton®, b. Jan. 13, 1902. 6. 7renholnie Tioknor®. b. Mar. 18, 1907.

2. HaJ'.el Lorine^, b. Uny 12, 1390; m. Fob. 24, 1909, at Senttle, FA^in J. Robinson.

Mr. Seth F. Tioknor; N.Y. Adjutant General's Report, 1897.


BENJAiaN*'' (Wllllara Anson*. Rlijah^, Ds-niel*, Villiara'), b. Dec. 1, 1843. Yates, N.Y. He is a faraer, and lived in different places

in Orleans County, N. Y. , removing to Benton, Waoh.. inhere he now resides. He was Mayor of Renton from 1909 to 1911. He served in the Civil War, enlisting from Gaines, Tar. 17. 1863. in Company A, 8th N.Y, Heavy Artillery as private, was wounded twice in the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1064, being discharged May 16, 1865.

He m. (l) Feb. 22, 1865, at Kenyonville, N.Y. , Inez Mary Root; d. Warren and Phebe Ann Root of Carlton, IKY. She d. May. 1895, Carlton.

He m. (2) Melissa June (Oreely) Puller, wid. of Lewie David Fuller, (by whom she had 1 son); b, Miy 21, 1849, Carlton; d. Alvln and Sarah (Wheeler) Greely. No chlldr(»n by this raarriage.

Children by first marriage: 1. William LewisQ, b. Nov. 1. 1870, Yates; unm. Res., Renton.

2. Bthlyn June^, b. June 29, 1873, Ridgeway, N.Y. ; m. Jan. 6, 1892, at Seattle, Wash., Hector McKinzie. She d. Sept., 1892, Aberdeen, Wash. 341. 3. Almond 7/arren«, b. Nov. 13, 1876, Carlton.

Mr. Benjamin Tlcknor; Qreeley Genealogy; IS.Y. Adjutant General's records.


ALB3RT KBNDaLl'' (Frederick Albert*, Rlijah^, Daniel^, William^), b. Feb. 26, 1836, ho^ Lebanon, N.Y. He lived for a time at New Lebanon, where he was a pharmaceutist, and superintendent in a medical laboratory. In 1884 he removed to Rockford, 111., where he was secretary in a watch case factory. He d. /Hr. 31, 1892, Rockford.

He m. June 14. 1877, at Millbury, Mass., Mary }51izabeth Goddard; b. 1840, Wlllbury; d. Silas and Philena (Goffe) Goddard. itiHiij >, , , ±^4

Albert Kendall'' (Frederick Albert^, Blijah^, Daniel^. William^) continued.

Child: 1. Elizabeth Goffeo, b. Apr. 1, 1878, New Lebanon; B. A. University of Wisconsin, 1903; m. July 12, 1906, at Mndiaon, Wis., Clarence Cory Crawford, A. B. Ph.D., Professor of History at University of Kansas.

Res. , Laurence, Kan.

Children, (Crawford), b. Laurence: 1. Richard Hall^, b. Oct. 21, 1907. 2. Geor^o Ticknor^, b. Dec. 25, 1911.

Mrs, Elizabeth 3. Criwforl; History of Millbury, Idass. ; University of Visconain Citalogue.


WlLLlAft AUGUS'i'Ua'' (Horace^, Daniel^, ^, Willianj*^), b. July 5, 1322, Vandeusenville, Mass. He was Tjostiaaater on cars running between New York an i Pittsfield, and later was in business in New York,

finally living at Alford, Maaa. , where he was a fanaer and pro- prietor of a saw and grist mill, and v.here he d. .'.iay 20, 1890. He wan buried at Great Harrington.

He m. June 7, 1830, at Alford, Mrs. T^raily -Marion (Higgins)

Pease, wid. iJenry Allun Pease, (by whoa ahe had .^ chll Iran) ; b.

Aug. 29. 1840, Spencertowi:, If. Y . ; d. Abner and Elizabeth Hosford (I.:ayhew) Higgins. She m. (3) W. B. Clarke, a drujgiat of

Stockbridge, Wass. ; and m. (4) Dr. Joseph Jones of Stockbridge, who d. 1916. Her res., Stockbridge, Mass.

No children.

I^rs. Siaily M. Jonos; Berkrhire Probate records; Hittory of Berkshire County.


HUMAN L.'' (Horace^, T)aniel^.^, William'}, b. Dec. 6, ig?7. Great Barrington, Mass. "^or several years he was enga.'^sd in the dry goods business in Ohio, «i,nd in 1356 settled at Anoka, Minn., where he sp.^nt tlie remainder of his life. He condvicted a geneial store there for sorjo y^-iru, open*;-! Ihe first Jrug store in 1854, and was the leading druggist of the place xuitil his death. He d. Mar. 10, 1897, Anoka.

He a. Jan. 3, 1865, at Anoka, Anne l\. (Sweeney) Oreenwald; b. Apr. 17, 1834, County Monahan, Ireland; d. John and Ann (Deary) Sweeney. She d. Feb. 24, 1906.

Child: 1. Zale^, b. Mar. 30, 1865, .\noka; m. John Henry Kiles. She d. Fe^. 20, 1902.

Child, (Niles): 1. Kathalie^, h. Nov. 3C(, 1889, Anoka; !Q. Apr. 9, 1313,

Arthur Lee Smith. Has. , Anoka. J

. Bi.'


lei' I : , 125

Heman L. (Horace^, Daniel^,*, William*) continued.

Child, (Smith): 1. TicTcnor Niles^"^ ^i. i?eb. 8, 1917.

Mrs. Nathalie Smith; Winn. Hiet. Coll., vol. 14.


TORREY TICOOR'' ]/0?j?IT (Heaan^ Ticknor, Daniel^,'*, William'^) , b. 1832. lie a. 189?.

He m. Oct. 24, 1855. Rubie Palmer of Williajjsfield, 0. She d. 1882.

Children: 1. A daughter, who d. by 1399. 2. Harriet®; nj. Charles M. Lewis of Cleveland, 0. Hea.

1917, ineittlo, Wash. ; no reply.

Children, (LeTis): 1. "Vari roffit^. 2. A dfiu;;:ht.er; a. Severance. 2 children.

Misa Harriet Tieknor.


SIDKISy''' (Heraan*', Daniel^^.^, William^), b. Aug. 21, 1S3S, 'miisae- field, 0. He wao a traveling saleaiaan, and lived at bouth Paea City, Wyo., aid Laf-i.yc.ttt^, Ind. He served in the Civil War, 1861-5, as qu iittr;T\fltnr. He ^a.e Junior Warden of the Epifioopal Church at South T-ias City. He d. Jan. 11, 1890, llev; York City.

He IB. Juno 4, 187.?, it South Pass City, Kate W. Gordon; b. Sept. 5, 183«, Marshall, .Mich.; d. Jaraen W. and Mary Cordon. Her res., .'.vinialnt^e, "^iiis.

Child: 1. A son, who d. young.

Mra. Kate 'V. Tic)cnor; Miaa Harvl tit Tieknor.

221. f.^ARCUS }mn.\2!'^ {Henar", Daniel^, ^, William^), b. July 19, 1842, Willi amafield, 0. Res., Williansfield; H.R. eiupVjyee.

He m. Scipt. IS, 1868, Cynthia Pruience Craven; b. June 15, 1039, South Shenan.50, Pa. id. Sneohard and Sarah (Criffey) Graven.

Child: 1. S^die May®, b. June 8, 1869, Willianisfield; a. Oct. .30,

1890, Andrew C. Cowin. Ret,. , Aahtabula, 0.

Children, ( Cowin) 1. Howard Tieknor^, b. Oct. 1, 1393; in. Feb. 1914, Elda Thoaas. Rea., Ashtabula. 2. Laurence Ray.Tiond®, b. June 8, 1899, ilubbard, 0, S'jfllOM

i .8YU

"^TT ??

f>n, 126

J^aroue Heman'' (rieraan^, Daniel^,*, William^) oontinued.

S. Pred Arthur^, b. Sept. 2, 1905, Hubbard. 4. Plorenoe Irene^, b. Sept. 9, 1907, Hubbard.

Mr. ]!arcuB H. Ticknor; ?!lS8 Harriet Ticknor.


WALTTSR HOLLKITB-'CK:'' (Albert^, Daniel^, ^, William^), b. about 1833,

Great Barrington, Maee. Rea. , Alford, Mass.; farmer. He d. Jan. 29, 1919.

He m. (1) Not. 72, 1857, Caroline Ann Sperry; b. Aug. 25, 1832, (Alferd?); d. Alva Jefferson ind Viria Polly (Tuttle) Sperry of Alford, Brutue, S.Y., and Ludlowville, N.Y. She d. June 6, 1879, Syracnee, II. Y.

He ra. (2) Sept. 1, 1380, at Alford, .Mra. Snraa A. (Fitch) Holmes; b. about 1848, Alford; d. Roderick B. and Caroline 3. Fitch.

Ko children.

Maes. Vital Statistics; Syracuse rccordo; Tuttle Genealogy; Mies Harriet Ticknor,



SAKFORdQ, (Elson7, John^, 5, 4, 3, ) , b. Jan. 19, 1844, Suffield, 0. Res., Randolph, 0.; faimer. He served in the Civil V/ar, enlisting Jan. 30, 1865, in Co., H, 184th Ohio Inf., as private, being dis- cliarged Sept. 20, 1865. He d. April 25, 1903, Randolph.

He m. July 30, 1873, at Ravenna, 0., Jvaia Louisa ICerriman; "b. Nov. 25, 1854, Randolph; d. Rusaell and Sarah (Harper) Kerriman. She d. I-Iarch 14, 1915, Randolph.

Children, b. Randolph: 1. Mary Irene9, b. Feb. 8, 1875; ra. Nov. 22, 1905, Clayton

Park Buckman. Res. , Randolph.

Children, (Buckman) : Warren, Beatrice and Walter.

2. Orris Atwater^, b. Uarch 4, 1882. Res., Omaha, Neb.; traffic manaser. 3. Y/illis AustinO, b. Aug. 28, 1386; vmm. Res., Randolph. He served in the It/ar vrlth. G-errastny in the U, S. Aimy Base Hospital at Pittsbur,';h. 4. Noima Elizabeth9, b. April 17, 1890; d. Dec. 27, 1915, Randolph. 5. Ethel Lucile9, b. July 4, 1892; unra. Res., Randolph.

Miss B. Lucile Tioknor; Mr. Willis A. Ticknor.


HORACE ADELEERTQ, (John Woo ster?, John^, 5, 4, 3 J ^ b. Feb. 9, 1845, Suffield, 0. Res., Hogadore, 0.; fanaer. He sor-/ed in the Civil V.'ar, enlisting Sept. 5, 1863 in Co., I, 115th Ohio Inf., as private, also in Co., I, 188th Ohio Inf., being discharged Sept. 21, 1865.

He m. July 2, 1874, at Akron, 0., Sarah Ann VAilte; b. March 10,

1848, Lake, Stark Cotinty, 0. ; d. Timothy and Nancy (Moore) Y/hite.

Children, b. Mogadore: 1. 3va A. {^)^, b. Aug. 11, 1375; m. April 2, 1903 at Mogadore, Charles Henry Yerrick. No chn. Res., llogadore. 2. Erama B. (1)9, b. March 9, 1877; m.. Aug. 19, 1904, at

llogadore, Otis Dennis Tritt. Rea. , Mogadore.

Child: 1. Russell T.IO, b. Aug. 18. 1905.

3. Ella Pearl9, b. July 8, 1879; Ph. B. , Buchtel College (now University of Akron), 1901; D. 0., American School of Osteopathy, 1906; m. June 20, 1906, at llogadore. Dr. Clyde A. (r) Gable. Res., Chicago, 111., where both are osteopathic piiysicians.

Children, (Gable) b. Chicago: 1. V/illiara T.IO, b. Jan. 5. 1910. 2. Clyde A. 10, b. July 23, 1914.

(^) The initial is the middl.e name. Mr. Horace A. Ticknor. j .

Xkiti 225.

OBORGES, (Ira St 1-0 ng '7, ELlBha^, John^.^.S, ), t, Jan. 2, 18B2, Owego, U.Y. Ree., St. Paul, JUnn. ; druggist. He d. Nov. 24, 1910, St. Pavil,

He m. June 27, 1089, at St. Paiil, ELiza'beth Jagger; "b. H. Y, State; d. John and Mary Elizabeth Jagger. Res., St. Paul.

Children, h. St. Paul: 1. Creorge LewiB9, b, Nov. 17, 1892; unra. Res., St. Paul; clerk in drug store. 2. RoT5ert9, "b. Sept. 21, 1895; unm.

Mrs. Etta If. Wliitney; Rowlee genealogy; Mr. canaries F. Draper, Horthfield, Minn. 226.

PASCALS, (Ira Strong?, Elisha^, John^,4,3j^ b. Mar. 9, 1853, Owego, N, Y. He lived at Calais, Me., St. Paul and Minneapolis,

Minn., and was in the drug husiness. He d. Oqt. , 1696, Minneapolis.

He m. June 5, 1683, at Calais, Me., Ada Young. She d. March 14, 1914, Calais.

Children; 342. 1. William Harrison^, b. Sept. 22, 1884, Calais. 2. Grace Ada^, b. June, 1888, St. Paul; m. 1918, Floyd Crawford. She d. Oct., 1918, San Franciaco, Cal.

Rowlee genealogy; Mrs. Etta M, Whitney.


LUTHER*, (Giles Wolcott'', Heman^, Benajah^, John^,^, ), b. March 12, 1846, Ann Arbor, Mich. He was a faimer and lived at Laingsburg, Mich*, for about two years, and the rest of his life at Ann Arbor. He d. Feb. 9, 1878, Pittsfield, Midi.

He m. Jan. 27, 1867, at Ann Arbor, Margaret Louise Alderton; b« May 12, 1845, Sng. ; d. Archibald and Mary Augusta (Firman) Alderton, who caae to U^ 3/ in 1848. She d. Nov. 17, 1900, Ann Arbo r

Children, the first two b. Laingsburg, the others b. Pittsfield: 343. 1. Frank Heman^, b. Dec. 11, 1867. 2. Mary Eliza^, b. Oct. 6, 1869; m. J. Darwin Lowry. Res., Brooklyn, Mich. 3. Ina Martha^, b. Oct. 18, 1871; m. Button. Res., Ypsilanti, Mich. 4. Lois Slecta9, b. Aug. 3, 1873; m. Judson P. Lowry.

Res. , Palouse, Wash. 5. Ellen Louise^, b. Mar. 20, 1875; d. Mar. 16, 1884, Pittsfield.

Mr. Prank H. Ticknor. '^TUfr.TTr i . 129

223. f DWIN LAF.\YETTE®, (Edwin', Myron^, Benajah^ John'*,^, ), I, April 14, 1861, St. Louis, Mo, Res., Odin, 111.; farmer; no reply.

He a, April 12, 1886, at Salea, 111., Nancy J. Davidson.


1, Josephine Kanoy , "b. Jan, 30, 18A8. 2.;, T?dwin Monroe^, b. March 4, 1890. 3.I. SuBii-i Boawell^, b. Sept. 14, 1892. 4, Scott Lafayette^, b. Nov. ft, 1898. Aji other child d. y-,\mtz.

Ir. Edwin Ticknor.


iMJAinii DIThAIIT', (Calflb'', T^yron^, Benajah^, John^, '^, ) , b. Nov. 8, 1870, lidilebury, Vt. He is a hotel proprietor, in business with his fatjier, at reat Barrin'/i + or , f.dKe., in I Oa'Th^n, C-,C.

He in. June 7, 1P59, at ^rnat yarrin^;ton, Constance Elizabeth Parker;

. Nov, 15, 1075, tlreit Barrin'?:ton; d. James Kay and (irace (Southworth) arker.

Chil^jren: g 1. Virginia , b. Oct, 27, 1900, Great Barrinjton. 2. liarth^))^, b. Feb. 1?, 1905, C.vn.3en. 3. Marion^, b. Jan. 27, 1905, Camden.

[r. Caleb Ticknor.

230. - I

'', "*, )A11I^ PRATT , (John B. David^, Isaac^, John^, ) , b, Sept. 10, 1835. le lived at Colu'nbia and Willinantic, Conn. he d. kur;, P.'h, 1908.

He m. June 3, 1858, at Columbia, Hancy Adelia Fuller; b, Dec. 4, 1834.

Children, b. Coliimbia: S44. 1, George Onasby^, b. Aug. 17, 1859. 2. T?dith Mina^, b. Oct. 15, 1B61; unra. Res., Wiilimantic. J45. 3. Sheridan Puller^, b. Dec. 20, 1863. 4. Carrie ntza^, b. "nso. 28, 186^; -i. June 30, 1897, at "'illi- mantic, Richard R. Porter.

Ir. Sheridan F. Ticknor; Fuller Genealogy, by Newton Fuller, 1898.

•;..'; ' ,/ -. - ,, Iff:v..', »...;-.•:„ i,«Oy...... f. , ^ If , , f».*^ 231.

"*, HAiriEL CLE\n?LAND® ( Daniel'', Aaahel^, laaac^, John*^, ) , b. July 20, 1844, Coliimbia, Conn, ^or a short time he was a giiniaaker at Hartford, Conn., t)"ien wis mesf^iBnijer and office raan fir the Adans >^>:prei3e Co. for 46 ypar(3, and then mjl's employed in tha p icking deourtiaent of the American TJiread Jo., r'^siding most of the time at 'Tillimantic, Conn.

Jle rn. (Ij Dec. 31, ISm, at Mansfield, Conn., iiary E. Campbell; d. Jefferaon an i iiary A. Caiapbell of Williinantic. She d. Kov. , 21, 1859, aged ?5.

n» n. (?') Jan. ?, 187*?, at Providence, R. I., Louise Avigusta Campbell: b. March 9, 1845, Willirhantic; d. Frederick and Sarah V/at son (Babcock) Cainpbell.

Child, by first mar-r-ia-^e: 1. James Cainobell^, b. Sept. 16; d. Oct. 26, 18^>9.

Child, by second 'aanlase:

?, T?Ptr:lle C,vi^A^fiM-\ b. July 2i, 18?.'^, Nev; I on^ion, C^Min, ;

unm. ; telephone operator for several years, and now in charge of the nusic departnent of the H. C. Murray Co., V/illim^itic.

Miss Estelle C. Ticknor. 232. fILllA-f ALBI oh'', (David William'^, As,ahel'^, Isaac^',*. John^,), b. July 2, 1340, Hebron. He lived at Hartford, Conu., There he was a member of the Fire Department, until about nSl when he renoved to New London, Conn., and hecame a veterinary sur^/eon. He served in the Civil War, enlisting Oct. 17, 1862, in Co. CJ, 25th Conn. Inf. as private, and was discxiarsed for disability larch 1, 1B63.

He m. (l) Susan Bissell,

He m. (;?) Oct. 2, 1876, at Springfield, iiass. , Anna i«i. Gone; b. June 9, 1845, New London; d. Jajnes and Edali (Tucker) Cone. Res., Sew London. Ho children.

Mrs. Anna M, Ticknor; Catalogue of Conn. Volunteer Organizations; Cone cJenealogy. 233.

JAMT^S POLK®(Anfisl'', Asahcl^, Isaac^*, John ,) b. Nov. 3, 1844, Goluia- bia, Conn. Res., Klizabetn, N.J. ; carpenter. He sewed in the Civil

^^ar, enlisting Dec. 3, 1363 in Co. D, 2nd Minn. Cav. , served as private and corporal, and was dischar^^ed Dec. 2, 1865.

Married: no children; wife b. Nov. 3, Hebron, Conn. ; d. Middletown, Conn.

Mr. James P. Ticknor; 'Tinneaota, in the Civil and Indian Wars. .8 T^ -Xi-i:/i

.XV< ,i„ji»-: ,

234. I

GEORGE DALLAS^ (Ansel^, ABahol^, Isaao^.^^ John^), b. Hot. 3, 1844, I

' Columbia, Conn. Res. , McKlnney, Tex. ; no reply. He Beirved in the I D, ' CItII War, enliating Dec. 3, 1863, in Co., 2nd Minn. Cav. , as I corporal, and was discharged Deo. 2, 1865. [

j Married; 1 child. I

Mrs. Abbie T. Howe; Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars. j


ED?7ARD HERBERTQ (Ansel?, Asahel^, Isaac^*, John^), b. May 14, ,

Andovsr, Conn. Res., Hew Uaven, Conn.; pattemzaaker. I

I He m. Amelia S. Sage of Middletown, Conn.

Ho children. ji

Mr. Edward H. Ticknor.

236. ^ A ^ \ BaGSNE THOIiAS^ (Willi an Orray''. John^, Isaac*^,^, John*^), b. June 12, 1877, near Clinton, Jones Co\inty, Ga. Res., Macon, 6a.; salesman and manager of a dry goods store. j

He m. Sept. 19, 1906, at Macon, Katie May Jones; b. July 9, |

1886, Hinds County, Miss. ; d. Thomas S. and Elissa (Horwood) Jones. j

Children: 1. Martha Elizabeth^, b. Sept. 9, 1910. 2. Eugene Thomas^, b. Aug. 12, 1916.


Mr. 5;u,f^ene T, Ticknor. I

237. ' FRANK BENJAMIllS (James Henry'', OrrayS, l8aao5,4, John^), b. May 27, 1851, Livingston, Ala. He is an Episcopal minister. He received his theological education from his father, and has held the position of General Missionary, Western Texas; Archdeacon of Albany, Diocese of Go. ; and General Missionary, Diooe&e of

East Carolina, and other cures in the South and West. He has • also done ^nuch editorial work on several newspapers. Hes* ' N. C. Sanford, ,


He m. Feb. 28, 1878, Clara Clinton Ormsby; b. July 22, 1851, Prattville, Ala.; d. William Orrav and Isabella Wilson (Brock) Ormsby. (See Isaac5, Ticknor #14). She d. March 4, 1893.

Children: ' 346. 1. Henry Wilmer^, b. Jan. 8, 1879, Lov/ndesboro, Ala.

2. Edith9. b. Den. 11, 1880, Atlanta, Ga. ; d. Feb. 11, 1881. 3. Daisy Elliott^, b. June 30, 1064, uan Harcoa, Texas;

unm. ; res.. Columbus, Ga. ; school teaoher.

4. Clara Elizabeth^, b. Feb. 11, 1893, Valdosta, Ga. ; d. April 27, 1893.

Rev. Frank B. Ticknor; Rev. Henry W. Ticknor. i»a i5kJ


Fames HSNRyS (James Henry7, OrrayS, leaacS, 4, John3), b. June 16, 1855, .iringston, Ala. Res. Mobile, Ala.; bookkeeper.

He in. June 25, 1902, at Mobile, Annie Hogg; b. Nov. 10, 1859, Hog.^. (obil«;

No children.

Mr. James H. Ticknor. 2S9.

DOUiTLAS CVIRNS^ (Framcis Orray7, OrrayS, leaac^, 4, John3), h.- July 31, 1852, Columbus, Ga. Res., Columbus; physician. He d. June 10, 1915, Columbus.

He m. April 27, 1892, his cousin, Sarah Davis Tioknor, d. James Henry Ticknor, #121.

No children.

Miss Daisy 5!, Ticknor. 240.

GTOROE WILLIAJiB {Francis Orray7, Orray^, Isaac5,4, John3), b. Dec 5, 1R54, Columbus, Ga. Res., Columbus; assistant cashier. He d. July 26, 1894, Columbus.

He m. Sept. 2,1886, at St. Glair Springs, Ala., Leonora Mounger Stewart; b. July 1, 1861, Chunanugga, Ala; d. Rev. George and Elizabeth

(\u,^u8ta (Weaun) Stewart. Her res. , Auburn, Ala.

Children: 1. William Ste\vart9, b. Sept. 22, 1888, Columbus; B. S., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, (in Mining Engineering) 1907; B. S.,(in Civil Engineering) 1915. He is a Civil Engineer with the Southern R. R. Co. Re8.,Toccoa, Ga. He served in the War with Germany as lieutenant in the 113th Engineers, 38th Div. at Camp Shelby, Miss., being discharged for physical disability in July, 1918.

2. Georgia Nelson^, b, Oct. 11, 1894, Columbus; d. 26, 1906, Colximbus.

Mrs. Michelle C. Furlow; Mrs. Leonora M. Ticknor.

241. THOMAS mCHl^LEfi (Francis Orray7, Orray6, Isaac5, 4, John3), b. May |21, 1Q62, Golxmibus, Ga. Res. Albany, Ga; Farm machinery business.

He m. (l) Dec. 29, 1886, at Albany, May Cutliff; b. May 30, 1863 Albany; d. John II. and iiary Shackelford (Jones) Cutliff. She d. April 5, 1890, Albany.

He m. (2) Nov. 27, 1895, at Columbus, Lucy Elizabeth Cairne Dillingham; b. June 22, 1870, Columbus; d. George Washington and Anna Louise (Hall) Dillinghavi. (See Orray6 Ticknor, #46). ^ i»Xio

a^mfit .1^

.a*H J.OO

WOUAS :!lC!nSLLS8 (Francis Orray7, Orray'» Isaac-'J, *. John3) continued.

Child by first marriage:

1. Michelle Cutliff^, b. Dec 30, 18B7. Albany, Ga. ; ra. July 1, 1914, at .Albany, VViHiarn /Jeriv;ether I'urlow; b. Sept. ?J1, f. 1832, Aroericus, Ja. ; s. Charles (a captain In the Confederate Army) ani Caroline (Meriwether) Furlow. Res. Albany.

Child, (Furlow): 1. Michelle TicknorlO, b. iiay 9, 1915» Atlanta, ua.

Mrs. tiichelle C. Purlow. 242.

?R.\NCIS ORRAYS (Francis 0rray7, Orray^, I8aac5,4, John3), b. Aoril 25,

1864, Columbus, .>a. Res. Albany, lia. ; insuriinoe business.

He m. (1) Arjril 26, 1894, Virginia Whitehead i^esbitt; b. Sept. 4,

1872, Baker County, Cia, ; d. -Tames V.iiitehead and Mary >21i2a (

He m. (2) Jan. 18, 1911, at Charlotte, ii. G, , Mary Elephare Dwell e; b. ilay 17, 1877, Bartow County, Qa.. ; d. ^"dward and 'Heohare (Rushton) Dwella.-

Child by first marriage; 1. Ruth HesbittS, b. ifeh. 24, 1898, Albany.

Children by second marriage, b. Albany: 2. Sarah Page^, b. ilov. 16, 1911. 3. Francis ?dward9, b. July 26, 1914.

Mrs. Michelle C. Furlo"w-. 243.

WILLIAM NELSONS (Francis Orray7, OrrayS, Isaac^, 4, John^), b. Sent. 8, 1870, Columbus, (la. Res. Albany, iJa.

He m. 1892, at Albany, Caroline Williams Smith; bi Sept. 22, 1870, Albany: d. William Ephraim and Caroline Matilda (Williams) Smith.

Children: 1. George Sajnuel9 b. June 4, 1895. 2. Caroline Smith^. b. Feb. 10. 1901, 3. Annie Elizabeth^, b, Sept. 3, 1906. 4. William Ephraim^, b. Dec. 27, 1909.

Mrs. Michelle C. Fvirlov;.



^FRED ELISHA^ (Elisha?, Erastus6, John5, Eii8ha4, John3), b. April 27, [1874, Lebanon, N. H, Electrician; res. not known.

He Tft. March 9, 1898, at Wolfboro, N. H. , Mellie Mabel Sampson, b.

Jan. 24, 1880, Hew Durham, U. H. ; d. l^eheraiah Joseph and Clara Augusta (Corson?) Sampson.

Child: Jason Fred9, b. Sept. 30, 1898, Lebanon. Called "Merton Fred?

Department of Vital Statistics; Miss Elizabeth T. Elliott; Mrs. Mabel E. Towne. 245.

PRTTO ED^Y.^D^ (Elias Warren^, OlneyS, Elias^, Eli8ha4, John^), b. July 3, 1864, Chapin, 111. Res., Dallas, S. Dak.; fanner.

He ra. Feb. 23, 1892. at Grant, Web., Birdie Pillmor*; b. May 12,

1876, Cleajcreek, Neb. ; d. John Henry and Carrie R. (Meaker) Fillmore.

Children: 1. Elmer ^arren9, b, March 1, 1893, Grant. Res. Dallas. Ho was m. Dec. 11, 1912, at Dallas. 347. 2. Vaughn Merwin9 b. Dec. 11, 139 5, Grant. 3. Frances Fannie^, b. ij'eb. 25, 1897, Denver, Col. 4. Harold Walter9, b. Jan. 30, 1902, Denver.

Mr. Fred E. Ticknor. 246.

PRANK RICHARDS (Elias Warren?, 01ney6, Elias5, Eli8ha4, John3), b. Feb.

1, 1868, Chapin, 111. Res. Omaha, Neb. ; butcher.

He m. Oct. 25, 1893, at OmsOia, Delia Burroughs; b. Jan. 12, 1872, White Cloud, Iowa; d. William Chauncey and Sara Ann (Purcell) Burroughs.

No children.

Mrs. Delia Ticknor. 247.

OLNEY B.8 (William Henry?, 01ney6, EliasS, Elisha*, John^) b. Feb. 9,

1869, near Jacksonville, 111. Res., Bartlesville, Okla. ; traveling salesman.

He m. Sept. 6, 1896, at Lamed, Kan., M. Elmerta Yeager; b. Nov. 12, 1876, Slabtown, Pa.; d. William K. and Matilda Alice (Getty) Yeager.

Children, b. Lamed: 1. Ray William^, b. June 5, 1897;

Mr. Olney B. Ticknor. b9lX£

.8Tii rM ;«oi:. IV ^t

C. I V rf' «•

•i *

.1 248.

^SlNa HUSONS (Joshua Crary?, JoehuaQ, BliaeS, Elisha*. John3), b. Nov. 28, 1850, Perrysburg, N. Y. Res., Titusville, Pa.; private secretary and bookkeeper. He d. ^arch 8, 1881, Brant, N. Y.

He m. Sept. 17, 1«7]., at Brant, Dora Crandall; b. Sept. 12, 1852,

Perrysburg, N. Y. ; 4. William Herri ok and Tomraa (Wright) Crandall. She

m. (2) Albert A. ^onghouse. Rea. , North East, Pa.

Children, b. Titusville: 1. Claude Crandall^, b. July 26, 1873; d. Oot. 12, 1879. 2. Maude EramaQ, b. Aug. 9, 1876; m. (l) Feb. 1, 1894, Frank H,

Hanley of Brocton, N. Y. ; m. (2) May, 1901, Henry P. Burton. Res. North East.

Child by first marriage, (Hanley): 1. Clair Ticknor^^j he served in the War with Germany, enlisting Oot. 6, 1917, was assigned to 54th Co.,

14th Training Battalion, Camp Lee, Va. , was pro- moted Corporal, and died of disease Deo. 2, 1917, at Camp Lee.

348. 3. Wing Hubert^, b. Nov. 423, 1880.

''• 1 Mrs. Dora Longhouse. 249.

FRED LINCOLN* (Owen Onley?, Jo8hua<3, Eliaa5, Eli8ha4, JohnS), He lived at Conneautville, Pa., and Comfort and San Antonio, Tex.; office man, deputy postmaster, station agent. In 1894 he went on a business trip, and was never heard from.

>i He m. ,ab. 1874, at Conneautville, Emma Pauline Booth; b. iiay 7, 1854, Conneautville; d. Henry and Lucy (Dow) Booth. She d. ab. 1888, San iVntonio.

Children: 1. Faerie Luoile®, (adopted), b. Jan. 6, 1876; m. Jesse Padmer. Res. Ceiraas, Wash. 349. 2, Ruthven BiruoeQ, b. Nov. 7, 1879, Conneautville. 350. 3. Owen Onley9, b. June 15, 1884, Comfort.

Messrs. Ruthven B. and Owen 0. Tioknor; Miss laabella B. Booth, (sister of Mrs. Ticknor). 2£0.

JA»P:S JAS0N8 (Jason Jared?, Joshua6, Elias5, Elisha4,. John3) , b. Oct. 14, 1860, Cranesville, Pa. Res., Cranesville; farmer.

He m. May 29, 1888, at Erie, Pa., Jennie Sherman; b. Nov. 9, 1865,

Platea, Pa. ; d. Samuel Gil crease and Desdemona (Andrews) Sherman.

Mr. . James J. Ticknor.



..lACY JOSHUA® (Edmund Hazzard?, JoehiiaS, BliasS, llisha'*, John3), b. lOot. 6, 1868, Conneautville, Pa. Graduate of Edlnboro (Pa.) Normal iCollege. Res., Cambridge Springs, Pa.; dealer in boots, shoes, rubber goods and men's furnishings.

He m. Sept. 24, 1902, at Cambridge Springs, Mary Louise Birohard; b. Aug. 24. 1873, Cambridge Springs; d. Dwight Darius and Flora (Pendleton) Birchard.

No children.

Mr. Traoy J. Ticknar; Pendleton genealogy. 252.

HARRY JOSHUA^ (William?, Joshua^, EliasS. Eideha^. John^) , b. Sept. 24, 1872, Versailles, N. Y. Graduate of Wentworth Military Academy,

Lexington, Mo. Res., Hemdon, Fla. ; farmer and citrus fruit raiser.

He m. Sept. 5, 1894, at Gawker City, Kan. , Hattie Aristella

Johnson; b. June 26, 187 5, near Beloit, Kan. ; d. Jaiaes Clark and Sarah

Elisabeth (Galyean) Johnson. /

Children, the first b. Kansas City, Mo., the others b. Cawker City,

Kan. :

1. Julian NewtonQ, b. Nov. 24, 1«98; student at Univ. of ?^OTida; ' served in the V/ar with Genaariy in Company A, S. A. I. C. being discharged after the armistice. 2. George Stanley^, b. March 29, 1901; d. Scot. 29, 1903, Cawker City. 3. Mildred Ruth^, b. May 31, 1905. 4. Dorothy KiisabethS, b. Feb. 20, 1«07.

Mr. Harry J. Ticknor. 253. PRANK LEWI S9 (Lewis Payette'', SarauelQ, EiiasS, Eiisha^, John^). Res.,

Scrantan, Pa. ; formerly hotelkeeper at Binghampton, N. Y. ; no reply.

He ra. Burdula Whitney.

Children: 351. 1. Walter Lewis^, b. Peb. 3, 1884, Triangle, M. Y. 2. Reta9.

Messrs. Lewis F. and Walter L. Ticknor. 254. PREDERICK Efi?JlERS0N9 (Albert Gilbert?, ElishaS, EiiasB, Eli8ha4, John3), b. June 7, 1869, Westfield, N. Y. Res. , ^.'/estfield.

Hem. Dec. 17, 1890, at Ripley, N. Y. , Alice Belle Abbey; b. March 9, 1873, Ripley; d. William Deloss and Mary Margaret (Scott) Abbey.

Children, b. Westfield: 1. Eva Belle^, b. Jan. 17, 1892; m. Paul George Axman. Res., Westfield. Child, (Axraan): Virginia Gamett. 2. "Rverett PerryS. b. March 6, 1900. 3. Ernest Rayraoni^, b. May 22, 1902.

Mr. Frederick E. Ticknor. .T. »H 137

255. ..,

tlEROY LIWERETTQ (Leri Parr?, EliaaS, 5, Blisha^, John3), b. Aug. 31, 1856^ [Pa. Res., Jacksonville, 111.; fruit grower; no reply.

He ra. (l) Klla MoFarland.

Ho m. (2) March 4, 1902, at Jacksonville, Ida V/ithrow.

*'" Children by first marriage: 1,, IrvingQ. 2. Bdith9. 3. T^lorence^. 4. Nellie^; unia% Res., Pasadena, Cal. ' 5. Blanche©.

"' ifr. Blmer "5. H. Tioknor; "Prank A, Ticknor IISS. 256. EL WER SLLS-'/ORTH HORACES, (Levi Farr?, Elias^, 5, Elisha^, John3), b. June 24, 1862, Jacksonville, til. He lived at Jacksonville for many years, vhere he was a travelling salesman and was prominent in local Republican politics. He served two terms aj alderman, was nine years in the School for the Deaf as foreman cf the farm and garden, was chairman of the Republican Central Committee for two years, and was hi (jhway commissioner* He has held all offices from treasurer to county superintendent of the Svinday School. Res., Craig, Col. '

' ' 'I ! . He m. Oct. 25, 1883, Avarilla Bramhsun; b. Jan. 2, 1865, Jacksonville, d. George and Mary Bramhaua.

Children, b. Morgan County, 111: 352. 1. Leroy Ellsworth^, b. July 31, 1884. 353. 2. Arthur ^ddison^, b. Jan. 24, in^8. 354. 3. ileorge BranharaS, b. Feb. 1, 1891.

Mr. Elmer E. H. Ticknor. 257.

HARRY MONT JORDS, (Levi Farr?, EliasQ, 5, EliBha4, John3), b. Aug.' 16,

.1868, Jacksonville, Ill.;LL. B. , University of Michigan, 1892. He is a lawyer, and lived at Jacksonville for some years, where he served as city attorney for two terms, later removing to Pasadena, Cal.; whore he now resldsa. He served for a year in Troop A, State of Wash., He is president of the California Elks A»a6oiation.

Hem. Oct. 17, 1895, at Corinth, Mies., Anna Florence Orahamj b.

March 28, 1869, Stexfcdosia, 111. ; d. George W. and Elizabeth U. (Lusk) Graham. She d. Sept. 28, 1909, Pasadena.

Child: 1. Adelaide Con8tanoe9, b. Nov. 4, 1896, Jacksonville; unm.

Harry M, Tioknor, Esq.; Frank A. Ticknor IISS. . :»2,£lTi«0 Jni: h< • 136

^>f> .- 258.

(" * y . JH)ELBERT8 (Sliaha''', S, W Bllaa^, Blisha^, John^), "b. July 10, 1851, 'i r

iruiet, N, Y. Res., Marathon, N. Y. ; no reply.

He m. Maroh 14, 1882, at Marathon, Phebe Genette Q,uail.

Child: 566. 1. Murle Viotor^, b. Aug. 22, 1890, Marathon.

* Mrs. Leona M. Wilcox. 259.

dBORJE NATHANS (Slieha^, EliasS, S, Elisha4, John3), b. Sept. .10, 1867,

fillet,, N. Y. Res., Cortland, N. Y. ; agriculture; he served in the N, J. militia; no reply. '

He ra. Aug. 24, 1889, at Cortland, Hettie Viola Oaks. s< | Children: 356. 1. "^arl Raymond^, b. July 1, 1890, Cortland. 357. 2. Howard ^isha9, b. July 26, 1891, Dover, N. J.

Mesera. Earl R. and Howard S, Ticknor. 260.

FRAHK ELIASS (Slisha?, Slias^, 5, Elisha^, John^), b. Oot. 27, 1870,

Harford, N. Y. Res., 1916, Rogera, jdioh. ; no reply.

He m. (l) Aug. 24, 1890, at Port Morris, N, J., Delia Johnson. Tney were divorced. He ra. (2) Irene G. iiinette of Chicago.

Child by second marriage: 1. John Minette9, b. June 18, 1915, Rogers.

Mrs. Leona M. Wilcox. 261.

DANIEL WAYNE8 {Eli8ha7, Elias^, 5, EliSha*, John^), b. Sept. 6, 1875,

Harford, N. Y. Res., Center Lisle, H. Y. ; carpenter and builder.

He m. July 22, 1901, at Lisle, Maude Diantha Allen; b. Oct. 14,

1883, Richford, N. Y. ; d. Charles J. and Lucinda Luretta (Moore) Allen. Children: 1. Roger Allen9, b. Jan 13, 1904, Lisle. 2. Robert Waynew, b. July 20, 1916, Center Lisle.

Mr. Daniel W. Ticknor. »AOO>i . 139^ 262.

^'ARTHUR L. 8 (Marlon Franklin^, Bliae^, 5, Bliaha^, John^). He was drowned Aug. 6, 1898 in Lake View, N, Y.

Hem. Dec. 12, 1888, at Smithville Plats, N. Y. , Mertie Louise Adams. She m. (2) Not., 1903, Horace N. Willey.

Child: 358, (1. Roy Arthur^, b. Jan. 19, 1889, Smithville Flats, N. Y.

Mr. Roy A. Ticknor. 263.

ALPHA® (Alphonzo Lavan?, EliasS, 5, Elisha*, John3), b. Feb. 27, 1880,

'Triangle, K. Y. Res., ^AOiitney's Point, N. Y. ; no reply.

He m. Jan. 29, 1902, at Cortland, N. Y. , Myrtle Hopkins.

Child: 1. Alice Irene9, b. July 14, 1904, Triangle.

Mr. John S. Ticknor; Triangle records. 264.

JOHN EARL® (Alphonzo Lavan7, ICliasS, 5, Eii8ha4, JohnS) , b. Sept. 23,

1886, Upper Lisle, 1^. Y. Res., Cortland, N. Y. ; farroer.

He m. Oct. 31, 1908, at Whitney's Point, N. Y. : Mabel A. Oloyer; b. April 20, 1887, Upper Lisle; d. George S. and Cora (Bancroft) Glover. She d. Oct. 21, 1918, Upper Lisle.

Children, b. Upper Lisle: 1. Lida Belle9, b. May 10, 1910. ^. Eunice Irene^, b. Oct. 19, 1918.

Mr. John E. Ticknor. 265.

L15WIS DELMAR® (Alphonzo Lavan', Elias^, 5, Elisha^, John3), b. Jan. 1,

1889, Upper Lisle, N, Y. Res., Cortland, H. Y, ; salesman and buyer of furniture and carpets. He served in the War with Cxerraany as Captain in the Air Service, (Military Aeronautics).

He m. at Brooklyn, Pa., Edna Alice Eldridge; b. Feb. 1, 1889, Brooklyn; d. Samuel Bard and Alice Dora (Stephens) Eldridge.

Mr. Lewis D. Ticknor. 266.

LESTER ELMER® (Alphonzo Lavan?, Elias^, 5, Elisha4, John^), b. Jan. 1, N. Y. 1889, Upper Lisle, Res., Cortland, H. Y. ; plumber.

He m. June 22, 1910, at Triangle, Ella Mae Hibbard; b. April 13,

1890, Smithville Flats, N. Y. ; d. Charles and Helen Estella (Eggleston) Hibbard.

Child: 1. Ruberta Jiae^, b. Nov. 26, 1914, Greene, N. Y.

Mr. Lester E. Ticknor. .Y .;i 140 267.

UWTOH® (Charlea Linton?, Bliaa'*, S, Elltha^. John**), b. Jan. 6, 1886,

lerdale, K« Y, Res* • 1916, ISrle, Pa« ; taaolilnlst; removed by 1910.

He ra. Aug. 9, 1908, at Blnghampton, N. Y. , Alma Jrunlimd; b. July

[28, 1888, New liilford, Pa. ; d. Olaf and Hannaii (Jonea) vlrunltuid.

Ho children.

Mr. Ray L, Tiolcnor. 268. HORACE LESTi^Q (Charlee Linton?, '^llaa^, ^ Bllisha^, JohnS), b. ^eb. 14,

1894, SralthTllle Slate, N. Y, Ree. , Johnson City and Bin<^aiapton, H. Y. ; shoe vorlcer*

He m« Au/i* 39, 1913, at Bin^^atapton, .Ja.rlon l^ranoee Clark; b. Sept* 1, 1897, iJinghampton; d. Loroy Pranlc and Jesaie (Uoore) Clark.

Children: 1. (Jeraldine Tiargaret*, b. ^eb. 3, 1915, Johnson City. 2. Robert Charles^, b. Sept. 3, 1916, Blnghiimpton.

Mr. Horace L, Tloknor. 269.

HAROLD VARIOUS (Charles Linton?, •Silas'', 5, Klisha^, John3). b. May 24,

1896, Smlthvllle IBlats, W. Y, Res., Johnson City, li» Y, ; shoe worker in the ^dicott-Johnson shoe factory.

He m. Nov. 18, 1916, at Bini^hampton, Pearl Ada Atud^e; b. June 9, ?". 1895, Coventry, li. Y. ; d. Devllo and Cora Kstella (iisnith) ^^udge.

No children.

Mr* Harold M, Tloknor. 270.

IWR HORTON^ (Silas Henry'', Barton Pierce^, Blias^, Siisha"*. John^), b. Oct. 4, 1867, Orand Raoids, Wise* Res., Lyndon, Wash.; lumberman, he served as sergeant in the 'Wise. National ^uard.

He m. Oct. 10, 1895, at i^lerrill, ^t'isc, ^iary iSlizabeth Foater; b. Feb. 16, 1873, Rloeville, Iowa; d. Porter and Sarah Kliaa (Ro^jers) Poster.


1. Kenneth OordonS, b. Dec. 27, 1896, Merrill, '

. . , 16, 1897, .'Merrill. 2. i-Iarjorio .^olyn9, b. July 30, 1890, Rliinelander. Wise; m.

Oct, 4, 1919 at Bellinghara, Wash. , Cleo C. Baujfiiraan.

Rea. , Bellin^am.

Mr. Lee f^. Ticknor. '^CiQ'^

f .-I t xo^R'

fl 'TC V. 271. -^^t

FRANK BARTON^ (Elias Henry?, Barton Pieroe*^, Slias^, Elisha"*, John^), b. Nov. 16, 1870, Grand Rapide, Wis. Res., Grand Rapids; railroading.

I He m. July 23, 1899, at Manitowoc, Wis., "Elizabeth Geneyieve Hagserty.

Children: 1. Laviere Barton^, b. July 20, 1900, Manitowoc 2. Vendome Perce^, b. Sept. 27, 1902, Manitowoc 3. "Rxter Lionel 9, b. April 15, 1906, Eland Jot., Wis. 4. Naopia Ruth^, b. Sept. 25, 1908, Eland Jet.

5. Kenneth Lee^, b. March 23, 1911, Grand Rapids. ;..

6. Margaret ^lorence^, \i. -^u?;. 24, 1913, Grand Rapids. -ri 7. Grace Jeanette^, b. March 4, 1916, Grand Flapids. ' 8. Florence Irene^, b. June 20, 1919, Grand Rapids.

Mr. Frank B. Ticknor. 272.

GLEN H. ^ (Elias Henry'', Barton Pierceo, Elias5, Siisha4, John^)., b. Oct. 1, 1877, Grand Eapids, Wis. Res., 1911, Grand Hapids, 1917,

Wales, Wis. ; carpenter.

He m. Nov. 24, 1906, 4t Ironwood, Mich., Julia Elvira Fryar; b. Oct. 1, 1888, ilather, Wis.; d. Rodger and Katherine (Dolan) i'ryar.

Children: 1. Laurence Glen^, b. Nov. 26. 1907. 2. John ilenry^, b. May 16, 1909. 3. Harold Turner^, b. fiarch 30, 1912. 4. Gaylord Barton^, b. June 13, 1916.

.Mr. Glen H. Ticknor. 273,

FREd9 (Louis H.?, Barton Pierce^, Elias^, Slisha^, John^), b. Aug. 6, 1868, Springfield, 111. Res., Peoria, 111.; fire insurance.

He m. May 11, 1892, at Peoria, '^'ary Tibbals xlotchkiss; b. Nov. 18,

1868, El Paso, 111. ; d. Ja;les .Aitchell and Harriet Glarisaa (hepperly) Hotchkiss.

Children, b. Peoria: 1. James Hotchkiss^, b. May 25, 1893; attended R. 0. T. G. at Fort Sheridan, 111.; served in the V.'ar with Germany, enlisting Aori)., 1917, was coiomissioned second lieu- tenant Aug. 1917, and first lieutenant Dec 1917, and

was in i-'rance Sept. 1918, to Ai;is. , 1919, with Hdqrs. Co.,

34l8t Inf. , a6th Div. 2. ^'rederick Louisfi, b. Sept. 19, 1899; attended R. 0, T. C. at Fort Sheridan; served in the V.'ar with Germany, enlisting June, 1918, was cominissioned second lieutenant of Infantry Sept., 1918, was military instructor at Univ. of Wisconsin and was diacharijed Jan., l&ll). 3. Robert Dej-o-*, b. April 15, 1904.

Mr. Fred Ticknor; ,£9LS>i

.-ofijfc ^1 142

274. ^^ \^' "fALT"ER TlIOMASf' (Allen Jaraes''', Thomas^, JamesS, Klisha^, John^), b.

March 13, 18B3, Casey, 3 o^va. Kes. , Casey; f araer.

He m. T)ec. 29, 1909, at Casey, Bessie Long; b. Dec 13, 1887, Casey; d. A. Z. and Uart^aret (Harris) Lon>r.

Child: 1. Marjorie La Vonnf-9, b. Aug. 24, 1911, Casey.

Mr. Walter T. Ticknor. 275.

CH\RLKS FDGVRfi (Allen James?, ThoraasS, Jarnes^, EliBha4, John^), b. July

7, 1884, Caaey, Iowa. '"?es. , Casey; fanaer.

He m. '•'eb. 10, 1909, at Casey, Grace Fitzger^ild: b. July 9, 1^37, <\dair, low;^; i. Thoiaas "'illiam and Mintie Alice (Law) J^'i tzgerald.

Children, b. Casey: 1. '^'3lma Ulon^S, b. Oct. 21, 1910. 2. Vivian Francis^, b. Au^j. 30, 1912. 3. Veryle Charles^, b. Jiine 6, 1914.

iir. Charles '^. Tia-cnor. 276. WI1.LI3 tiR.UIT^ (.\lbert John'', Thoniis^l, J uaes^, Dn.isha4, John3), b. July

28, 1873, .idair Co., 1 j'ura. Re3. , oelby and i«Iitdiell, S. Dak.; carpenter,

He m. Dec. 20, 1904, at Council i^luffs, Iowa, uaiuie iiagadalene Anderson; b. April 7, 1882, V.'alnut, lo^a; d. Edgar ^ienry and Stella (Carey) .\nderson.

Children: 1. Grant9. b. June 24, 1906, Oelby. 2. Morris^, b. Oct. 17. 1908, Selby. 3. lerle^, b. April 18, 1912, a: itch ell.

iv^r. ".'ill is 'j. ficknor. 277. THOMAS HKKRyS (Albert Jolin?, Thomas^, Jajnes^, T-lisha^, John^), b. Sept.

5, 1883, Adair County, lor/a. I'iee. , ClerJian, S. D. ; farripr.

>). Hem. 1909, at Cimpbell, S. , ^oce Kinsman ; b. Dec 17, 1885,

Lennon, '"^ich. ; d. iihenaan and Clarissa E. (\Vool6ton) Kinsman.

Children: 1. ] 3abelle9 b. Dec 24, 1909, tound City, ii. u.

'^ 2. iwendolyny, b. Vu.^. 25, 1911, ilelby, b. i). .' ,

* 'j 3. Fmest ilbprt^, b. Jan. 5, 1914, 'llenhara. tt.- . f ,.vc 4. Floyd Allen^, b. May 7, 1915, Henhxra.

' Mr. Thomas li. Ticknor. i/^ :•'. J..', X'-k. \ .d ^ 278. 143

' ARTHUR D AVI d8 (Andrew J ack8on7, Thomas^, J,-imes^, Elisha*. John^), b.

AuaJ. 24, 1872, Stark County, 111, lies. , Tooeka, Kajj. ; H. R. trainman, conductor.

He m. (l) Dec. 2, 1895, at Paola. Kan., ISniraa Bair; b. Dec. 22, 1372, Miami County; d. Conrad Bair.

He m. (?) 'oept. 30, 1906, at Council Crrove, Kan,, Effie E. Hanna; b. tiept. 1^, n75, Council ijrove; d. Perry and Sarah (Thomas) Sni ler.

\ Child, by first marriage: \ 1. Robert^, b. £ar. 18, 1897, Pontana, Kan. Res., Kansas City,

.'-0. ; credit man. He served in the W,-\r with Cermany, in the U. S. Array, as corporal, from Sept. 9, 1U13 to Nov. 26, 1918, at Camp Funston, Kan.

Messrs. Arthur D. an-i Robert Ticknor.

279. TH"^"!>nR^ OSGVR^ (Andreisr Jackson^, Thomas^, JamesS, Tlisha4, John^), b.

ITarch 3, inn5, li.anii County, Kan. Res., Kansas City, iio. ; post office clerk.

Hem. Xu-r. 22, 19")Q, at Montana, Kan., Alice 'cDov/ell; b. Oct. P,

1884, rJiami County, Kan. ; d. Jat/ies and Sarah ("'liters) IcDowell.

Children, b. -liaioi County, Kan. : 1. Alta Josephine?, b. oept. 23, 1907.

2. David ] eroy'-J, b. .larch 1 "\ 1910.

Mr. Theodore 0. Ticknor, > 280.

BEIIJAinN CL1I-'?0Rd8 (Benjamin?, Elishao, Samuel^, '-TLisha^, John3) , b. July 26, 1^185, Dunkirk, U. Y. Syracuse Univ. LL., B, Res., Syracuse, a. Y. ; lawyer.

He m. Oct. 28, 1915, at Solvay, IT. Y., Mora Veronici -Purcell ; b. Jan. 1, 1R91, Syracuse; d. I'ichael J. and IJary (-ileaaon) l^urcell.

Child: 1. Jane Adella^, b. Oct. 22, 1916, Syracuse.

Benjamin C. Ticknor, T^sq. 281. LESTER T^ISHA^ (Francis?, Elisha^, Samuel-, "Tlisha^, John'^), b. Oct. 28, lRf^5, Versailles, K. V. Res., Versailles, (r. ). -Perrysburg); farmer.

He m. Dec 18, 1907, at iowan ia, 1!. Y. , L^lla Adelle -"^urdick; b.

April 8, 18R0, Perfcia, 11. Y. ; d. ^Yilliam and Carrie (Burmahire) Bui*dick.

Children: 1. Darwin '.VillianS, b. ^arch 10, 1910. 2. Leona Elosie^, b. lay 7, 1916.

Mr. Lester "^. Ticknor. rvAG m 144 282.

SikUEL HIRAMS, (Albert 7, Samuel 6, 5, Slisha^, John^), b. March 8, 1892, •r- Klllawog, K. Y- Pes., W}iitney'B Point, N. Y. ; far^aer.

Hera. N. Y. , b. April 21, 1915, at Triangle, Ada Laura Barrett; i

Jan. 26, 1P89, dwego, N. Y, ; d. ''ugene and Carrie (Bishop) Barrett.

•', No children.

Mr. Albert Ticknor. 283.

RAYMOND SAMU-EL® {Obout'^, Samuel S, 5^ misha^^, John^), b. April 17, 1891,

Marathon, N. Y. Res., Upper Lisle, 1^. Y. ; farmer.

He m. Dec. 30, 1915, at Martinsburg, H. Y. , IClizabeth Leraoine Adams,

»:^. b. Aug. 2P., 189f^, Martinsburg, N. Y. ; d. Nathan suid tannic G. («ibbina) Adams.

Mr. Raymond S. Ticknor.

. 284. , LTCROY HMRY® (Oscar7, Samuel^, 5, lS3,i8ha4, John3), b. J'uly 13, 1894, Triangle, IT* Y. Res., Triangle; farraer.

He m. March at Triangle, Jessie Alta Staring; b. Feb. 2, ; 24, 1915, tJ. fl893, Turin, Y. ; d. Aielbert and Florence (Brown) Starin^^.

Child: 1. Ruth Genevieve^, b. Aug. 7, 1916, Triangle.

Mr. Oscar Ticlfnor. 285. ARTHUR H^OLEONS (Napoleon Bonaparte^, aeorge Smith^, Samuel^, mieha*, ,

John3), b. Jan. 12, 1882, Triangle, H. Y. Rrs. , lUnevseh, N. Y. , Butte, Mont., Lima, 0., and Los Angeles, Gal.; farraer and creamery operator.

He m. Jvine 22, 1910, at 'flhitney'a Point, K. Y. , hiabelle Elvira

Jepaon; b, Oct. 17, 1B?!3, GrotDn, Tompkins County, N, Y. ; d. itarvey ij Elihu and Fidelia Elizabeth (tiuinn) Jepson. She was for nine years a teacher in public schools in Centra] il. Y.

No children.

N. - • " Mr. Arthur Ticknor. . ,

! •^^f'^' , 286. BRUCE E. 8 (noyd7, George^, Samuel^, Elisha^, John^), b. July 1, 1886,

Triangle, N. Y. Res., Liole, M. Y, ; carpenter.

He m. June 24, 1909, at Cortland. Grace J. Hood; b. Fiarch 3, 1886, LlBlej d. Warner and Clara (Carpenter) Rood.


( 1. Leslie Rdod^, b. June 8. 1918, Lisle.

Mr. Bruce E. Ticknor. li


t »nrn

s ,(«.-

yae r »E / .''Tiui ,

,9 f'. I .r .. /tM ,fl enjt. •^*''146- :: -287. .. .'-?

WILLI Ail DAVIS^ (Benjamin Holt'', William Davia^, Williara^, Elisha^, John^ )i b. Jan. 11, 18R1, -^^oston, Mass. He lived at Canton, .-ass., for several years, where he "/as treasurer of the G. C. G. 5"ire Jlose and Rubber Co., removing in 1915 to New York City, where he has since resided. He was president of the Box Company of America for a year, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Goodrich-Lockhart Co., bankers. He asrved for three years in Battery A., 1st Bn. y. A., U, v, x, and is a member of the City Club of New York.

V He ra. Oct. 3, 1906, at Canton, Ella Frances Wattles; b. Dec. 6, "1880, Canton; d. Arthur Sterry and /Umira Kimball (ChaxMnan) Wattles. f.i Children; b. Csinton: 1. William DavisS, b. Oct, 15, 1907.

.. 2. Benj.amin Holt^, b. Jan. P, 1909.

Mr. William D, Ticknor. 288.

WKITFI^.B ^..^ (William iJarsh^, Elisha<5, Williaia^, ^-n-isha^, John^), b. April Z?i, 1076, -Ubany, U. Y. Res., Hew 7ork City; he is in the auto- mobile business and is superintendent of a factory repair shop.

He Ei. ..-^Crch 26, 1898, at North Chath.ira, H. Y. , Jennie E. Gaylord; b. Oct. 13, 1875, Schodack, K. Y. ; d. Edward and Elizribeth (i"'eatherley) Gaylord. She d. Schodack.

Child: 1. Howard 'i'hitfield^, b. April 5, 1899, Kiverville, N, Y.

Mr. Whitfield K. Ticknor. 289.

CL,\RliiCE ED^'ABD^ (Williara'', Baldwin Calvary^, Benjamin5,' Elisha^, John^), b. April 14, 1892, Mansfield, 0. Res., Lima, 0.; automobile salesman; no reply.

He ra. Nov. 19, 1916^ at Lima, i^Iuriel Ross; d. Sherman Ross.

Ho children.

lAiss Helen T. Ticknor. 290.

CHATIL3S® {•niiiam7, Joseph6, 5, Williaia4, 3J , b. Jan. 13, 1841, Sandusky, 0. Farmer, caroenter. He served in the Civil "iVar, enlisting aa substitute, Jan. 10, if;55, in Co. F. ,60th 111. Inf,, aa private, being discharged July 31, 1865. He d. July 2, 1906, at Soldier!© Home, Danville, 111.

He m. (l) April, 1363, Annie Lutyena. They rera divorced Oct. 1, 1866, Aurora, 111.

He m. {2) Feb. 12, 1867, at Aurora, Jane Woodward. Her res., 1917,

, Chicago; no reply; not there now. w^A 146 fCharleeS (William'?, Joeeph^.S, Williara4,3) continued.

Children: 359. 1. i'rank SylvesterS, b, Dec 2 or 22. 1867, Aurora, 111. 2. Burton H. 9, b. June 10, 1871; res., Chicago; "condr. "; no reply

U. S. Pension records. 291, lUGENE ALBT^RTS (William'', Joseph^, S. Willi3m4,3)^ t. Aug. 15, 1846,

i*". Sandusky, 0. Res., Weaver's corners, (P. 0. Bellevue, R. D. ) , 0.; farmer.

He m. , at Leamington, Can., Nancy Laffleur; b. March 29, 1R38, King- Tille, Can.; d. Albert and ^izi (Jimison) Laffleur.

Children, b. Canada: 1. Alma Francis^, b. Aug. 27, l'^72; m. Nov. 26, 1891, at Norwalk, 0., Henry iieym an. Res., Bellevue.

Children, (ileyraan) b. Bellevue: 1. Harlan LloydlO^la. April 22, 1892. 2. Orval L.l^\ b. ilarch 2, 1896. 3. Ilah iiayl^ b. Oct, 4, 1898. 4. iJordon 11.^^, b. Jvly 16, 1900. 5. Lloydl'^, b. ilov. 19. 1902, (twin). 6. Floydl'\ b. IJov. 19, 1902. (twin); d. Dec 26, 1903. 7. Everette G. 10, b. Oct. 6, 1904; d. Jan 10, 1906. 8. Viola A. 10, b. Aug. 4, 1906. 9. Irvin Til.lO, b. July 18, 1908.

2. Jessie BelleQ, b. Aug. 11, 1874; ra. (l) Nov. 26, 1890, Charles Hofacker of Norwalk, 0. He d. Jeb. 15, 1906, Norwalk. She ra. (2) Llarch, 1908, Sam Otto Kiilinger. Res., Toledo, 0.

Childrep, by first marriage, (Hofacker), b. Norwalk: 1. GlarencelO. b. Aiig. 28, 1891; d. Nov. 20, 1903, Norwalk. 2. Robertinel", b. Sept. 4, 1898.

Mr. Eugene A. Tickner. 292.

ALROY ALTON^ (Hiram Finch'?, JosephS, 5, Williara4,3), b. Feb. 2, 1842, Harmony, N. Y. He was a blacksmith, and lived at Lockport, Knollsville, and Harmony, N. Y. His record In the Civil War was as follows: enlisted \ug. 14, 1861, in Co. G. , 49th Inf., as private; discharged for disability J'ay 29, 1862, ao Vvashington; enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, in same Co., as private; promoted 1st sergt. Sept. 8, 1B62; promoted sergeant-major Jan. 22, 1863; promoted 1st lieutenant, Co., A, Aug. ?2,

1854; promoted captain, Co. B. , liov. 28, 1^64; mustered out with Co. June 13, 1865, at Raleijh, N. C. He d. Nov. 14, 1905, Harmony.

He m. Nov. 21, 1878, at Lockport, Elizabeth Leonard; b. Feb. 13, 1848, Lockport; d. Simon and Uary (Sh.anley) Leonard. Her res., Ashville, W. Y.


'Alroy Alton^ (Hiram Plnoh'', Joseph^, S, William4, 3) continued.

Children: 360. 1. Elmer Leonard^, b. Nov. 4, 1880, Lockport. 2. -Florence Barbara^, b. Nov. 21, 1883, Lockport; m. May 18, 1899, at Ashville, John D. Armslow. Res., Aehville. 3. Hiram Alton^, b. April 9, d. Hay 15, lo86, Knollaville.

Mrs. 1?lizabeth Ticknor; Phisterer's Hew York in the War of the Rebellion. 293.

ALONZO ./VL^BKRTUS® (Hiram Pinch"', Joseph^, ^, William*, 3), b. 'March 9,

1847, Harmony, N, Y. He was a farmer, at Dunkirk, N. Y. , removing to Fort Collins, Col., wJiere he was a miller ajid bricklayer. He served i in the Civil War, enlisting (as Alonzo A. Reed), March 1, 1864, in Co. y I, 150th Pa. Inf., as private, and being discharged Jiine, 1865. He d. Aug. 6, 1893, Port Collins.

He m. Jan. 1, 1878, at Dunkirk, Mary Baker; b. April 14. 1B58, Dunkirk; d. John and Cordelia (Vandeville) Baker. She ra. (2) March 28, 1896, at Fort Collins, George Hill Dixon; 2 chn. Res., Port Collins,.

Children, the last foUr b. Port Collins; ' 1. John Finch^, b. Oct. 6, 1878, Dunkirk; ungi; d. Jan* 5, 1903, Fort Collins. 2. Cora Mae^, b. May 22, 1883} m. July 3, 1910, at Twin Falls, Idaho, David Marion Smith. Res., Bliss, Idaho*

Children, (Smith): 1. ilary Josephine^^, b. April 14, 1911, Kimberly, Idaho. 2. Ida Mae^O, 1>. July 21, 1913, Bliss. 3. Orell EllsworthlO^b. June 24, 1915, Bliss.

3.V Ida Jane^, b. March 31, 1886;- -n. Sept. 28, 1904, at Port Collins, Orell Elsworth Collins; no chn. Res., Fort

Collins. 7 4. Emmet Smmerson^, b. Jan. 20, 188*7; xmm; res.. Fort Collins. 5. Luther B. 9, b. Jan. 13, d. Sept. 15, 1889, Port Collins.

Mrs. Mary Dixon; U. S. Pension records. 294.

ALBERT ALFONZO^ (Hiram Pinch'', Joseph^, ^, William*,"'), b. April 17,

1848, Jamestown, N, Y. Res. , Shamokin, Pa. ; stone mason. He was killed by a train Dec. 20, 1909, at Shamokin.

He m. June 27, 1874, at Paxinos, Pa., Minerva Thomas; b. Oct. 15,

1856, BeaverdajTi, Wis. ; d. Hiram Rigg and Hannah (Persing) Thomas. Her

res. , Philadelphia, Pa. >q*«oTi

,-'iloiIA BMS-iih 148:

Albert Alfonzo^ (Hiram yinch'', Joseph^, 5, William*, 3), continued. I ,^ Children, b. ShamoVcin, except as noted:

1. Uai-y Ellen9, b, Feb, 13, 1875; d. March 25, , Shamokin. 2. Nettie^, b. Feb. 16, 1876; m. George x^lysher. Res., Phil-

adelphia, .,

Children, (Flysher); Charles U. , and Ethel V.

3. Errin Jay^, b. May 7, 187B, West Somerset, N. Y. ; unra;

brakeman; killed on R. R. Sept. 9, , at Pittsl)urg, Pa. . 361. 4. Hubert Lee^, b. July 7, 1880, Gas Port, H. Y.

5. Sylvia^, b. July 13, 1885; m. John A. Kile. Res., Phila- ^.; del phi a. ''' 6. AdalaideS, b. April 29, 1887; m. H. R. Davidson. 'He is d.

Her res. , Philadelphia. 7. Blanche^, b. Sept. 19. 1889; m. Elias Shipe Yound. Res., Philadelphia.

Children, (Yound): Alma A., and Emma R. , (twins).

8. Nellie^, b. March 4, 1891| unm. Res., Philadelphia.

Mrs. Minerra Ticknor. 295.

PLATT MORELL^ (Hiram Pinch'', Joseph^, 5, William^, 3), b. Feb. 13, 1859, Ashville, M. Y. Res., Wellington, Kan.

He m. Dec. 17, 1891, at Wellington, Sadie Amanda Cart; b. Feb. 27,

1861, Milford, Ind. ; d. Samuel Madison and Rachel Jane (Bowser) Cart.

Children, b. Wellington: 1. Pearle^, b. Feb. 8, d. Jvine 29, 1893, Wellington. 2. Fred Madison^, b. March 12, 189 5.

Mr. Piatt M. Tickner. 296.

GTOROl? LUVt?Rn9 (Hiram Finch'', Joseph^, 5, William^.^), b. Feb. 26, 1861, Ashville, N, Y. Res., Ashville; farmer.

He m. Feb. 26, 1891, at Panama, U. Y. , Orry Ploss; b. 1861,

Harmony, N. Y. ; d. Gerard Ploss.

No children.

Mr. George L. Tickner. 297. PEARL COUAHT^ (Hiram Finch'', Joseph^, 5, William*, 3)^ b. June 19, 1862,

Harmony, W. Y. Res., Ashville, H. Y. j farmer.

He m. , at Ashville, Kate M. Casselmein; b. Sept. 24, 1859, Harmony; d. William H. and Sus-.m (Roof) Ca,3selman. Children, b. Ashville: 1. Carl®, b. and d. Sept. 21, 1890. 2. Roy AlroyS, b. Sept. 20, 1895; d. March 22, 1910. 3. Leo AlsonS, b. April 8, 1900.

Mr. Pearl C. Tickner.



WILLIS AflBROSE® (Ambrose'', Joeeph^, 5, William^.S), b. Sept. 6, 1852, Moorheadville, Pa. He has lived at North East, Pa., and Weetfield, 1.^^*,"^.; fes.,/^rle. Pa.; farmer.

. , He m. Dec. 24, 1874, at Bear Lake, Pa.. Sarah Malinda Vincent; b. May 1S55; d. Clark and Harriet (V/ellrnan) Vincent, ; 21,

Children: 1. Era Ad ell a^, b. Deo. 12, 1875, Moorheadville, Pa.; m. E. L. Rexford. Res., Erie, Pa. One son. 362. 2. Byron William, b. East. ; Oct. 5, 1879, North 3. Viola Estena^, b. June 6, 1881, North East; m. Andrew Albaugh,

Res, , Tioneeta, Pa. One son.

i Mr. Byron W. Tiokner. 299. f ' S, GEORGE EZRa'^ (Ambrose'^, Joseph^, William'*, 3) , b. Feb, 12, 1854, Harbor Creek, Pa. Res., Atchison, Kan.; leather worker.

He m. i?eb, 29, 1880, at Mascotah, Kan., Ida Benjamin; b. Feb. 6, 1861, Romeo, Mich.; d. James W, and Sarah (Miller) Benjamin.

Children: 1. TAay9, b. Jan. 9, 1881; m. June 28, 1894, E. W. Bryan. Res., Atchison. 2. Charles U. ^J, b. Feb. 27, 1883, Moorheadville, Pa.; unm.

Res. , Atchison. 3. Adelbert^, b. Nov. 6, 1885, North East, Pa.; d. March 28, 1889. 4. norencG^, b. Feb. 1, 1887, Moorheadville; ra. April 28, 1908, W. c. Pettersen. Res., near Tulsa, Okla.

Mr. George E. Ticknor. 300.

• JOSEPH ELTITO® (Ambrose'', Joseph^, 5, William^.S), b. Nov/ 21, 1857, . . Harbor Creek, Pa. Res., Wesleyville, Pa,; no reply.

He ra. June 24, 1884, at North East, Pa. , Eva Vinoent,

Children: 1. Joseph Evert9, d. young. 2. Tessie^, b. Nov. 19, 1888. 3. Benjamin^, b. Nov. 12, 1893. 4. Floyd^; d. yoxing,

Mrs. Harriet C. Pence. 301.

GEORGE BYRON^ (Luther Bryant^, Joseph^, 5, William4,3). Res., Ripley, N. Y.

He ra. July 4, 18B3, at Jamestown, N. Y. , Harriet Kllen Powers.

Children: 363. 1. Ray Robin^. b. Sept. 11, 1885, Corry," Pa. 2. Leo Lynn^, b. April 8, 1892; d. aged 18 months.

Mr. Ray R. Tickner. ;rs[ s-cv. flo 302. fjUDSON PHILO^ (Luther Bryant', Joseph^, 5, William4, 3). Res., Firth,

leb. ; no reply.

Children: 1. Grace L. ^. 2. Bryan t9. 3. Glenn9.

Mrs. Ida S. Haisley. 303.

C. FREDTiKICKQ (Charles Baldwin?, ^Villiara6, Joseph^, William^.-S) , b. Jiily 2, 1852, Kenosha, Wis. Res., Racine, Wis.; Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue. He d. June 29, 1896, Racine.

He m. April 22, 1874, at Racine. Libbie 0. Smith; b. Oct. 1, 1850; Racine; d. J. C. and Katherine (Pink) Smith. Res., Los i^gelea, Cal.

Children, b. Racine: It WilHa'n CharlesQ, b. June 19, 1875; d. April 15, 1884, Racine. 2, Prankie "^exter^, b. July 31, d. Oct. 25, 1879, Racine. 3. ifarriet E. ^^, b. Aug. 14, 1831; m. iiay 12, 1904, at Racine, James Armstrong. Res., Seattle, 'Vash.

Children, ( Armstrong)b. Tacoraa, '.Vash.: 1. Junes Preston-i"-, b. Au,;. 13, 1905, 2. Katherine AnnlO, b. Oct. 28, 1916.

Mrs. Harriet S. Armatrong. 504.

PRAIIK GRIEL'EYS (Charles Baldwin'', William^, Joseph^, Wiiliam4,3), b. June 8, 1859, Kenosha, Wis. ile lived for some years at Racine, Wis., being in business with hio father as a painter until the latter 's death after v/hich he dealt in painter's supplies. He served as a member of the Racine County Board of Supervisors. In 1908 he removed to Mountain Home, Idaho, where he nov^ -r-^-Hi^ps, and is a fruit grower, and is also in the real estate and insurance business. He is secretary of the Elmore Developement Lea^jue.

He m. Sept. 22, 1881, at Racine, :lary Adamthwaite Browne; b. April 14, l'?59, Racine; d. Jaraes Robert and "Rlmraa (Adamthwaite) Browne.

Children, b. Racine: 1. ii^attie "SstelleQ, b. June 4, 1883; m. April, 1907, at Racine, Charles .\u;;u3tus Ives, Jr.; s. Charles Autjustus and Roselia (Bullock) Ives. Res., Erie, Pa. 2. Florence lla«^, b. June 19, 1893; iinm.

Mr. Frank Ci. Ticknor; History of Idaho, by Hirara T. French, 1914. -.ti •&:(':

'I .! 305. KcHARLES BALCrnN^ (Charles Baldwin'', William^, Joseph^, William*,^), t. R1861. Res., Oshkosh, Wis.; ticket agent for Wis. Cent. R. R. Co. He d. 1901.

H6 m. Mary Sary; b. Oshkosh; d. Hon. George and CJeorgiana (Snery) Gary of Oshkosh. She m. (2) Julius Reichkoff of ^lilwaukee. She d. ' June 16, 1905.

Children: 2 sons.

Mr. Frank G. Ticknor; Gary genealogy, 1918. 306.

HERBERT WALT-RRfl ( Charles Baldwin?, WilliaraQ, Joseph^, William*, 3), h.

Dec 20, 18^5. Res. , Raoine, Wis. ; letter carrier; no reply.

He ra. *ilay 13, 1886, at Racine, Eleanor A. Brown; d. Isaac Brown.

ChildJ 364. 1, Clarence H. ^.

Mr. Prank G. Ticknor; Frank A. Ticknor, MSS. 307.

HARRY RAY® (Charlea Baldwin''', William^, Joseph^, William'^, 3) , b. Dec. 26, 1874, Raoine, Wis. Res., Racine; head of printing department of the J. I. Case Threshing. iAachine Co.

He m. April 20, 1898, at Racine, Sarah Libbie Parker; b. Nov. 7, 1872, Delavan, Wis.; d. Joseph and Alice Ella ('jyhite) Parker.

Child, (adopted): 1. Alice Jean^, b. April 17, 1914, Milwaukee, Wis.

Mr. Harry R. Ticknor. 308. De^ULT CURTISSQ (William?, John Whitting^, Hezekiah^, William*,'^), b. U. Oct. 6, 1858, probably CamAtn.N. Y. Res., East Rochester, Y. ; accountant.

He m.. (l) May 25, 1883, at Erie, Hich. . Susanah Jane Dary; b.

Newburg, Can. ; d, John and "Elizabeth (Geake) Davy.

He m. (2), a sister of his first wife.

He ra. (3), Dec 18, 1907, at Victor, K, Y. , Lois Amea Will son:

b. April 25, 1881, Bowne, Mioh. ; d« Isaac S. and Sarah Ann (Newark) Willson.

Child by first marriage: 365 . 1. Charles DeMilt^, b. June 5, 1884, Toledo, 0.

Child by second marriage: 2.. Mildred Grace Cleantha^, b. May 25, 1892, Farmington, II.. Y, j ,

m. Feb. 23, 1912, at Red Creek, W. Y. , Charlie D. craves. Res., Mexico, N. Y.

Messrs. DeMilt C. and Charles D. Ticknor. f»no^

.•1 i.otiy,i.lO /^ 309.

KD3HI^ (John aiichrist'', BoBwell?,^, Jonathsji"*, VUllaa'^), ^% [Hot. 12, 1P52, Coapton, 111.

lie m. Martha A. Durham.

3. Ho children.

Mr. Bthan S. Tiokner. , 310. 1^ ETH.'VN SMITH^ (John Gilchri8t7, Hoewell^, 5, Jonathan*, William'^), b. | Aug. 4, IP.55, Madison, Iowa. Res., Lamont, Iowa; carpenter. He has i been superlntenient of Sunday School, trustee, deacon, etc. '

He ra. (1) Not. 25, 1880, at Lationt, Alice Reid; \>. Sept. 16, 1857, V/ia. d. Charles ilenry and ^rancelia (Call) Reid. She d. Mazomanie, ; , Aug. 1, 1897, H. Yakima, Wash.

Hem. (?) Oct. 9, 1914, at Denver, Col., Rachel 'Vhitney.

i Ghij.'jren, h. Lainont: 1883. 566. 1. Leslie Jrant'>, b. Aug 6, 1382 or f 357. 2. Orviile Charles^, b. Sept. 6, 1885« %> 368. 3. Harold Edwin^, b. Jan. 22, 1892. ^

^r. Ethan 3. Ticicner; >lr8» Edna Tiokner, jj( 311. i

JOHN LINKLT^TM^^ (Robert Smith'', Roswell^, 5, Jonathan'*, William^), b. Dec. 27, 1835, near -Bath, N. Y. He removed to El^^in, 111., where he was a. lumber dealer. He d. Oct. 25, 1910, Blgin.

He m. April 27, 1B7Q, at Slgin, I^arion Drummond; b. June 24, 1842,

Sh^rbrooke, Can. E. ; d. John and Marion (Cookbum) -l^ruinmond, natives of Stotland. Her res., Elgin.


1. Carrie Louisa^, b. May 28, 1871; unm. ; res., Elgin. 2. Robert Drvimraond^. He is d.

3. Harriet Isabella^. SJie Is d. j

Mra. Marion B. Ticknor. 312.

LESLIF. P. 8 (Robert Smith'', Ro swell ^, ^, Jonathan^, William^), b. Jan. 20, 1842, N.Y. State. He served in the Civil War, enlisting Aug. 8, 1861, in Co. A, 36th 111. Inf., served as corporsQ. and sergeant-major, being discharged Sept. 22, 1864. He lived at Elgin and Chicago, 111., and was a school teacher before the war, later being a bookKeeper. He d. Jan. 21, 1879, Atlantic, Cass County, Iowa.

He m. Dec. 21, 1867, at Elgin, Lettie Oieson; b. June 15, 1841, Norway. Her parents came to U. S. in 1847. She d. i^eb. 6, 1915, Chicago.


Lealle P.® (Robert Smith'', Roewell^, ^, Jonathan^, William^), continued.

[ Children, b. Chicago: I 1. i'-atherlne L. , b. Sept. 27, l''*)'^; ra. Oot. 9, 10^5, at Atlintio, lies., Chioa.^o. I Iowa, '*illl»a H. llnTri*.

569. 2. Frederick 8,^, b. Dec. - 1 7, . l^o9. 3. 1.^, b. :Jept. m, 27, 1901, at Chica^^o, I Lettie 10, 1871; ^ec •illiam J. Smith. She d. 'ay 21, 1914, Ohica^io. 4. J-eelie^, b. iarch '^1, 1074; i. Jiine 1, in75, Ghica,i0. 5. .^irian J.®, b. \ot\\ 6, 1876; d. au {. 9, 1903, JAica.io.

!iiru» Katherine 1^. Jiarris. 313.

FDTIH H'T^V^nr^ (JaTjee Hervey'^, RoBwell^,^. Jonathan'*, '^ illiara"^), b. June 19, 1^50, Cass, 111. Ties., Chicago; brict burner.

ile m. July 21, 1R7R, it Jeneva, 111., Susan ^izabPtn iriffin; b.

Dec 25. 1842, Prenont, Ind. ; d. Dr. iianiel Brayton and .jubui iilackiaan (Wilcox) Oriffin.


1« iertie /abel^, b. -ay 27, 183.;, Ant^ola, Inl. ; unra. ; school teioJ^or; res., Ohioi^o. :?. Raith Jafuiila^, b. f>to. 13, 1312, ienev^, 111.; school teicJier; 'tj. June 25, 1918, denry 3. lard.

iir. Kdwin H. Tickner; Warde geneilO({y. 314.

JASON Cii.XRL'^S^ (Jason Gharlee^, JaBon'*, Roswell!^, Jonathan'^, '"iiiiaia^), b. Oec 26, 1860, Can Francisco, Gal. Res., ile-net. Oil.

He n. Rose Jrieder; b. Jan. 13, 1^'72, K.entl.ind, Ind.; d. /ums L. und Olive A. (bickner) ^rieder.


1. ilertrude^, b. L'arch 23, 1888, tian J.icinto, O^d. ; d. April 26, 1889.

lir. Jason C. Ticknor. 315.

HAP.BY JA'P^g'^ {aeort

He m. I«ov. 1, 1893, Cora tirohe.

Child: 1. Thereaa Vay', b. June 5, 1894, Ravenna; m. i. ii. Loomie,

Reo. , -Bedford, Oreg.

ilr. Jiarry J. I'lcknor. ' rJan) 316. f HEKRY BOYNTOM® (Henry Langford'', Henry Chart er^, Amasa H. 5, Jonathan^, William^), "b. Oct. 14, 1878, Newton Falls, 0. He resides at Portland,

Oreg. , and is special agent of the Fireman's Fund Insursuice Co.

He m. June 23, 1906, at Santa Monica, Cal. , Lucile Frederick Thompson; b. Aug. 3, 1884, Denver, Col.; d. William Frederick and Emma (Hawes) Thompson.

Child: 1. Boynton Bryan^, b. Nov. 25, 1908, Denver, Col.

Mr. Henry B, Tickner. 317.

WALT^ CHART^m^ (Walter Alfonzo', Henry Charter^, Amasa H. ^, Jonathan'^, William^), b. Feb. 20 or Dec. 20, 1871, Fort Jones, Cal. Res., 1916,

Multnomah, Oreg. ; removed by 1919.

He ra. Dec. 4, 1904, at Vancouver, Wash., Mart^aret Amett; b. Jan. 7, 1=^83, Biabee, Cal.; d. Williajn Columbus and Orra ?n.izabeth (Herrick) Arnett.

Children, b. Portland, Oreg. : 1. ?.'alter JJcLain^, b. July 28, 1906. 2. Elizabeth francis^, b. Nov. 2h, 1912.

Mrs. Margaret Tickner. 318.

PTilRCY RAY^ (Walter Alfonzo?, Henry Charter^, Araasa H. ^, Jonatnan*. William-'^), b. Au^. 20, 1883, Chico, Cal. Res., Oakland, Cal.; no reply.

He ra. Christine Hansen: 1 son.

Mrs. Frances I. Tickner. 319.

FRW^^JHCK ABRAH.\Il'^ (Clareraont Castellone'', Henry Charter^, Amasa H. S, Jonathan'^, Mriniara:^), b. Jar. 29, 1875, Portland, Oreg. Res., Oakland, Cal.; messenger for '-Veils Fargo &. Co.

He Tii^ Jan. 2, 1900, at Oa]clai;d, Cal., Nellie Agnes Dann.

No childrfvn.

fir. Frederick A. Tickner. n , 320. /i5' ED OT50RQe8 (Pitz-illlan LaTeign'', Henry Charter^, Araasa H. ^, ^onathan^, V/illiam3), b. J\me 1, 1876 or 1877, Scott Bar, Cal. Res.,

lobart Hills, Cal. ; locojQotive engineer.

ile ra. Dec ipOfl, it Sacramanto, Cal., Maude Prazier; b« Sept. 18,

803, Iowa Hill, Cil. ; d. Harry and Hary (Klein) Frar.ier.

Children: 1. Alfred Harry^, b. Deg. 21, 1901, Hobart Mills. 2. Charles Frederic^, b. June 27, d. June 20, 1904, Hobart iiills. 3. Jack Jeor^^e^, b. l^ov. 30, 1005, ^acrauiento. 4. "/alter ^J^ugene^, b. June 19, d. June 22, 1911, Truckee, Gal.

Mr. Alfred a. Tickner. 321. ARraUR LAVFIJM^ (Fitz-Illian Lareign'?. Henry Charter'^, Araasa H. 5, Jonathan"*, "'illiim'^), b. July 8, 1886, Carson, Eev. His permanent res- Idence is Carson. He is a civil en^jineer, was assistant superintendent of conetruction of tlie Alaskan l^n^jineering Conmission, at Kern Greek, Alaska, and served in the V/ar witn Germany as engineer in charge of spruce production at South Bend, V/ash.

He m. Dec. 4, 1907, at Scottsburg, Oreg. , I5dith Slora Lyster; b. Hov. 25, 1839, G iriiner, Oreg.; d. John S. and Elizabeth C. (fllliott) Lyster.

Children: 1. Kathleen Ellinor^, b. July 6, 1908, Hobart Llills, Cal. 2. Arthur Lyster^, b. July 1, 1910, Colfax, Gal. 3. Susan ElizabethS, b. Hov. 1, 1912, Reno, llev. 4. ^reieri(;k Lavei:jn^, b. Sept. 20, 1916, Anchorage, Alaska. 5. Mary Icabelle^, b. Aug. 13, 1913, Gorvallis, Oreg.

'^r. Arthur L, Tickner. 322.

LOUIS B.® (Charles W.'^, Robert^, .imaaa H. '^ Jonathan^, .^illiaia'5) b.

Aug. 16, 1893, Worth tialison, 0. Kes. , Cleveland, 0.; salesman. He served in the V/ar with Gern-any in the U. S. Array, JAay 17, 1918 to Feb. 21, 1919.

He in. April '?,0, 1913, at Columbus, 0., Florence Glare Jones; b. Jan. 17, 1894, Columbus; d. David 'V. and Amelia (W ihlenraaier) Jones.

'dr. Louis B. Ticknor. 323.

L-Sr.VIS vrBYBlIRl^^ ( Daniel sV/aters'', Oran*^, Elijah^. Daniel'*. William^), b. Jan. 15, 1350, Rockford, 111. Res., Rockford; coriuerical traveler. lie seneed in the Illinois Nation.il Guard from 1373 to 1889, being color jcrgeant when disohargei. iie d. May 10, 190.3, Rockford.


Lewis ^VeyburnS (Daniel Waters?, Oran^, Elijah^, Daniel^, WiiiiamS), continued.

He m. July 27, 1873, at Beloit, Wiffc. , Elizabeth i. Lovering;

"b. iiay 17, 1851, Paracorabe, 2ng. ; d. Richard and lilizabeth (Priscott) Levering. Her res.; Rockford.

Children, all except the first i). Rockford:

1. Clara Louise^, b. /Jar. 25, 1B74, Clydach, 3. "ales, ^n(£. ; m. Au:^ 22, 1905, at Rockford, William J ired Davison (not Davidsonj. Res., Detroit, iich.

Cliiliren, (D-ivison) , b. Detroit: 1. Robert LewislO. b. July 18, 1906. 2. Caroline EmilyJ-^, b. Oct. 4, 1907. 3. Richard J overing 1^, (twin) b. Dec 12, 1909, d. Doc. 27, 1910 Detroit.

4. JDhn Ticknorl^, (twin ) b. "Deo- 12, 1909.

2. Ralph Duane9, b. An,^. 1, d. Snnt. 19, 1875. 370. 3. '^ard V/eybum9, b. July 15, 1873.

371. 4. Arthur Loverin -9 _ b. Xnr,- 30, 3 878. 5. Florence ilarie^, b. Feb. 26, 1891; m. Deo. 26, 1912, at

Rockford, Homer Thomas H^vajis. Rea. , Rockford.

Children, ("^ans), b, Rockford: 1. William TicknorlO, b. Sept. 26. 1913. 2. Laura HaelO, b. April 10, 1918.

Mrs. Clara Davison; 'Vaybum-Vyborn CJenealo^y. 324. ALFRTT) DU.y^lSS (Daniel Waters''', Oran'', Elijah^, Daniel"*, William'^), b. Dec. 1, 1851, Rockford, 111. Res., Spearfish, S. Dak.; raining.

He m. Dec. 30, 1873, at Rockford, Carrie Lsmira Ru^^g; b. April

14, 1855, Uiagara i^alls, JJ. Y. ; d. Josiah and iJ'rances i^lizabeth (Day) Rug.;.

Children: 372. 1. Harry V/eyburn^, b. Kov. 15, 1874, Rockford. 373. 2. Oran Duane^, b. Jan. 6, 1877, Rockford. 3. .liry Edith^, b. l!ov. 18, 1883, Terraville, S. Dale; unra. 4. Frei T pwie^, b. Oct. 28, 1891, Spearfish; uma; Electrician, 1st class, on 'f. 3. S. ii-1, Pacific Jleet, (1916).

Mr. Oran D. Ticknor; Weybum-Wyborn Genealogy. 225. HERBimT DA^UEL^ (Daniel Waters?, OranS, Elijah^, Daniel^, V,'iiiiam^), b. Sept. o, 1869, Rockford, 111. Res., Rockford, 111., Denver, Col.,

Louisville, Ky. ; insurance agent.

, if I«rl)«rt Daniel^ (Daniel Watered, Oran^, 2lijah5, Daniel^, 'milamS), ^oontioued.

He m. Sept. 24, 1888. at Beloit, Wis. ; Atna ^eyada iVigton; b. April 30. 1870, Rockford; d. J. 3. and Rebecca '^'1^5 ton.

Children, b. Rockfori: 374. 1. Raymond Herbert^, b. May 6, 1889. 2. Irua .iay5, b. March 29, 1891; m. (l) Scott Scklea; m. (2) llenaan Read% Res., Rockford.

Child, (^ilokles): 1. Robartl^.

3. Lulu ?ora^, b. .inroh 7, 1893; d. IJaroh 12, 1^13. Rockford.

iiessrs. Herbert D. and Raymond H. Ticknor. 326. FRANK \LB?RT8 (Ja-nea Sullivan'. Oran<3, Elijah^, Baniel^, Williara'^) b. Jan. 3, 1855, Rockford, 111. U-. B. , University of ^iichigan, 1875. In 1876 he went west and was soecial jaetsi^enjer for the veils -^'arjo Brpress Co. In 1301 he retumei to Rockford, where he haa since resided, and wao appointed agent for the Aiaerlcan i^xjreas Jo., upon the retireiient of his father from that office. He held thie position for 12 years, when he a^^ain took up the practise of tiie law, lie is president of the Veet End ?umiture Co., of Rockford.

He ra. Oct. 12, 1882, at Louisville, I^y. , Olivia Locke; b. Oct.

8, 1857, Oldham County, Ky, ; d. '-illiaa 'i'inchester and -Vannie Almira (i'iraons) Locke.

Child; 1. Kuth "^iliott^, b. Feb, 7, 1880, Rockford; la. June 30, 1908, at Kockford, Rev- Tiiomton ^^thony icills. Res., Battle Creek, Jic/i.

Prank A. Ticknor, Ksq. 327. R.\KDOLPH EUiSMS^ Fishburn (Aurora Orton' Ticknor, Orim^, Slljah^,

Daniel"*, WilLiaa-^) , b. June 0, 18o2, Rocuford, HI. iae attended the Columbia School of lined with the class of 1684, and is a zainin^ engineer, residing at Tucson, Ariz, iie served in tue vjpanish '-v'ar as 1st Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant of the 2nd U, S.V. l^ngineers. He was councilaan- it-larje of Tucson, 1917-1918, and m.inaijer of the Isabella mine, and is now ciiainaan of tne i?ima County iii-ihway Co(ji:iib8ion .

He m. (l) Dec. 19, 1893, at Baltii'isre, Louise aiffen; b. Lew Orleans, La,

He m. (?) June 1'', 1913, Oarraen Robles.

Child by first marriaje; (Fishbum):

1. Isabelle^, b. i^ec 6, 1899, CLicaijo, 111. Res. , Biil timore, iid.

Child by second laArriOtie, (Fishbum): 2. Randolph ^a^rne^. b. Feb. 4. 1919, Tucson.

"r. Randolph '^. l-'ishbum. :

..tbW 4ietU itofB. iA ,8831 .» J c. i,ut'3

J i3.'. .8 i 3

'T Z-^'V

a a c c . 156 328.

'KXJAR CURTIS^ (Phineus Rice?, 0rau6, ' EiijahS, Daniel^, William^), b. Sept. 11, 1867, Cherry Valley, 111. Res., Oak Park, 111.; agent, American Express Co.

He m. Aug. 25, 1906, at Chicago, J^ellie Rhoads; b. IJov. 20,

1874, I^ewland, Pa. ; d. Josisih and Beulah Ann (Lee) Rhoads.

Children; 1. Lee Austin^, b. Jan. 12, 1908, Chicago. 2. Arthur PhelpsQ, b. May 7, 1912, Chicago. 3. Robert CurtisS, b. .lay 5, 1914, Oak Park; d. :Iarch 14, 1915.

'ir. TSd.^ar C. Ticknor. 529.

J0S3PH AL'.^OK^ (rUmon Pease'', Almon^, ^ilijah^, Daniel "*, William^), b.

Feb. 3, 1^57, ?ionterey, ^laas. A. 15., Y^ile, 1878; .13. D. , JJerkeley Divinity School, 1883. ile is an Episcopal minister, and has held pastor ites at ".'ill iams town, iiass. , Clareraont, i^. il. , and Athol and Ashfield, .^ss. Res., 'Vindsor, Conn.

He ra. Jxine 26, 1883, at New Haven, Conn., Nelly Haifrh Ariderson; b. Aug. 17, 1858, Waterloo, i'^.Y. ; d. Alexinder ;/ard and ^^i.iry Ellen (Haigh) Anderson.

Children: 375. 1. John 'Villiams^, b. June 22, 1884, liew iiarlboro, iiass. 375. 2. Arthur iVndersonS, b. Oct. 6, 1892, West Clare-aont, 11. H.

Rev. Joseph A. Ticknor. 530.

ERUEST CLI7T0i^i8 (Lewis i.Ierriman?, Altnon'^, Elijah^, Daniel"*, WilliJim*),' b. iilarch 25, 1863, Cherry Valley, 111. He lived at San Francisco,

Gal. , for several years.

He m. June 17, 1890, at San Francisco, Annie Teresa icl-oughlin; b. June 18, 1973, San Francisco; d. Peter and Honora (nlcCarthyT i/icLoughlin. She m. (2) Alexander Francis Rae. Res., San Francisco.

Children; b. San Francisco:

1. Clifton Raymond^, b. :Jarch 28, 1892; un-n. ; delivery clerk. 2. Vernon Vincents, b. iNov. 27, 1896; i. Jan. 15, 1898, San Francisco. 3. Lewis lerriman'"^, b. Uov. 29, 1898. 4. Ernest Clement9, b. Jan. 3, 1900.

Mrs. Annie T. Rae. .1

J 'i . , 159 331. fflLLlAM ^rSBB^ (George Hmery'!', Almon^, Elijah^, Daniel^, •?illiam'^)

?b. Deo. 22, 1806, Helena, ilont. Ree. , Pocatello, Idaiio; shoe salesman.

He rn. Pe"b. P., 1914, at 3an Francisco, Ual. ; Iroie Raohel Strebe;

b. June "^l, 1097, St. Paul, 'iinn. ; d. iier.ian Prank and .^artha Jane (CgjapTDell) Strebe.

Children: 1. viiiiiam Webb^. b. June 12, 1915, alaineda. Cal. 2. Martha Louise^, b. Au:;. 27, 1919, Pocatello.

•Xr. v;iiii:xr.i ;v. Ticknor. 332.

FRED"f^RICK S-^Tii® (Alraon''', Seth'', Elijah^, Daniel^. WilliamS), b. lilaroh 19, 1055, Boona County, 111. Res., Oar.ien (Irove, Iowa; merchant.

He m. Nov. 9, 1092, at Grand Kiver, Iowa, Alice Florence Brothers; b. Feb. 7, 1873, Decatur County, lov.a; a. iiypolite Peter and Elizabeth Belnap (Rice) Brothers.


1. Ruby jMaria-, b. Jan. 13, 1894, lirand River, Iowa; unm. ; music teacher.

I^r. Frelprick S. Ticknor. 333. BMJAiaH RILTX-8 (Joel Theoiore?, Seth^, Elijah^, Daniel"^, William^), b. ilov. 5, 1055, Teriino, Waeii. Res., Curtis, 'fl/aah. ; farner.

He rn. June 24, 1085, at Olyrupia, Waah. , Nellie ^iay Smith; b.

Dec. 1. inG7, Oroville, Cal. ; d. iiilton Cushman and Cynthia Parraelia (Allen) Sjiith.

Children: 377. 1. Irvin Cheater^, (twin) b. Jione 16, 1889, Tenino. 378. 2. Ivan Richard^, (twin), b. Juiie 16, 1889, Tenino.

3. Bessie Irene^, b. Oct. 20, 1392, Little Rock, Vash. ; m. June 17, 1908, at Ghehalia, Wash., Samuel Butler.

Res. , Centralia, ^ash.

Children, (Butler): 1. Avis Annal*^, d. Dec 30, 1908. 2. Mae^O, Meda b. Feb. 4, 1011. ^ ^.

' -j '-• Mrs. Mellie J. Ticknor...... P^^ . * ly O-.M / . 1 X , 160 334.

JOEL THEODORE^ (Joel Theodore^, Seth^, Elijah^, Daniel^, WilliamS),

b, Jan. 12, 1870, Tenino, Wash. Rea. , Yakima, Wash.; farmer.

He ra, (1) Feb. 14, 1900, at Bucoda, Wash. , laude iilayatto Calkins;

b. Oct. 9, 1385. Centralia, '.Vash. ; d. iij*on and Jinnie (Ford) C.aikins. They were divorced, he having custody of the children.

He m. (^.) Dec 12, 1912, at Olympia, Wash., Sarah Sue ililliard;

b. May 10, 1873, H. Ca. ; d. Alfred and -Uary ililliard.

Children by first marri^e: 1. Loran Lee^, b. July 29, 1902, u. Yakima. 2. Don Freddie^, b. July 4, 190b, Tenino. 3. Joel Theodore^, b. June 14, 1907, Tenino. 4. Vera Violet^, b. Au;j. 8. 1909, N. Yakima; d. l-'eb. 10, 1910, U. Yakima.

Children by second marriage; 5. Harvey Lincoln^, b. ''eb. 1?, 1913, Tonino. 6. George '^aahington^, b. Aug. 23, 1914, Tenino.

Mr. Joel T. Ticknor. 335.

HARRY K\RiJj:KT^ (Franklin''. Daniel^, Elijah^, Daniel^. V/illiajn^), b. July 31, 1885, Iviedina, A'.Y, liraduate of acLriujhlin Baciness Gollev;e, Grand Rapiis, L^Iioh. Res., Racine, '''''is.; birber.

He m. Feb. 16, 1910, at Racine, Anna Vreda Crinloan; "b. ^uj. 13, 1885, East Troy, Wis.; d. Albert and -iartha (Garb) Cripleon.

Child: 1. Robert Harry^, b. iJarch 30, 1913, Racine.

Mr. Harry S. Ticknor. 336. I

SrlELIiOU E.9 (Jamee7, Daniel^, ^li.jah^, JJaniol"*, M'illia.'i^) , b. June

28, 1877, Carlton, H.Y. Ree. , Lyndonville, OrlGina County, D.Y.

Children, b. i^omerset, A. Y. : 1. Clauie^, b. l«!ov. 7, 1904. 2. iIo«rard^, b. ^arch 27. 1907.

'AT, Sheldon ^. Tic'cnor. 337.

OSCAR FITZL.\i;d® ("A'illiam Fritzland'', SiiJanS,5, Daniel"^, Viilliam^) b. Oct. 29, 1852, Erie County, H.Y. Res., Pawnee City and Scott's Bluff, Keb.

He m. Dec. 14, 1B79, at Pawnee City, Anna laria Dunn; b. Jan. 26, 1861, Wo-.lhull, 111.; d. Jolai and :: vry Jane (Svitts) Dunn. ,C^ y,AU ,c

. rsjJiiU : , Xtil I Oscar Fit zland^ (William Fritzland', Elijali^, 5, Daniel^, William^) continued.

Children, "b. Pawnee County, Neb.: 1. Luella ^iyria^, b. Jan. 25, 1881; m. lieor^e Washington Shoff; b. liay 2, 1863.

Children, (Shoff): 1. Eula :iarielO, b. June 19, 1903. 2. aeorge ArthurlO t. Dec 7. 1905. 3. Clarence OscarJ"*^. b. iiarch 22, 1908. 4. PhiliTJ Jitchelll^, b. Feb. 6. 1911.

2. Louis Oscar^, b. Sept. 11, 1882. 3* lilillie Jane^, b. June 25, 1884; a. Pierce P. iiurphy; b. Jan. 9, 1876.

Children, (ilurphy) 1. ilir;:uerite Ellen^^, b. April 28, 1903. 2. Lawrence Oacar^*^, b. Jan. 15, 1906. 3. uertrude Alice^O, b. April 2i, 1908. 4. Anna Lorettal^, b. Dec 1, 1909. 5. FranceslO, b. Jan. 7, 1912.

4. Uaud jitaei^, b. June 21, 188o; m. Robert Reddon.

Children, (Reddon) 1. Charles Oacarl^, b. Uov. 13, 1903, Keb. 2. Harold "Sdwardl^, b. Aug. 6, I'jOo, Web. 3. Anna i'larylO. b. Sent. 8, 1908, Col. 4. John Allenl^, b. hor, 17, 1910, Col. 5. Robert Averill^'^, b. lisiy 1, 1914, Col.

5. John V/iliiara^, b. Nov. 4, 1880. lie aei-ved in the War with Ceraany in Co., K, 127th i\ A. 6. Carl Allen^, b. Oct. 19, 1893. He served in the War with aemony in the 33tli Div. 7. Harry Otia^, b. June 12, 1896. 3. /ieda Phebe^, b. ^-pril 27>, 1900.

Mr. Oscar F. Ticknor. 338.

OEORaE HKNRY® (Villiam Fritzland'', Elijah'^. ^, Daniel'*, V/illiaro'^) , b.

May 20, 1853, Pilot Knob, -io. He has lived in Ho. aiid -'ion. ; laborer. Res., St. iJ"ohns, .lich.

He m. Jan 27, 1900, at St. Johns, Mich. , Claude ..{ertle Carpanter;

b. July 15, 1881, Clinton Coxinty, Uiclx. ; d. Cile auid ii^lizabetn (vireen) Carpenter.

Children, b. Clinton County, Mich.: 1. Ernest Ho^vard^, b. Dec 8, d. Dec. 24, 1900. 2. Ray Lester^, b. Ji'ay 13, 1903. 3. Mae Belle'^, b. Oct. 28, 1906. 4. uuy Jay9, b. Jan. 28, 1909. 5. Lucille Arline'^, b. Sept. 8, 1914.

ilr. Geor.;2e H. Ticknor. «

( r- -;- ; ryf'J, {,^_r;

,0'.'V;i .^-l .^Qfl

Jaoo .rf .^^ntJTf. , , , 162 339.

OTLLAKD HARKyS (Daniel Wo Uey'', Eli^ah^,^, Daniel^, William^), t, April 21, 1853, Concord, H. Y. He was a adiool teacher for several years at Otto, H. Y. He was admitted to the bar in 1878 at Buffalo,

H. Y. , and has practised contlnviously since, being associated with George E. Fierce and George L. Pomex^dy tmder the flzm name of Ticknor, Pierce & Pomeroy. He has served three terms as supervisor of Concord, and for four years was assistant district attosmey of

Erie Coionty. Res., Hamburg, H. Y. ; office, Buffalo.

He m. Hov. 21, 1876, at Sprlngrille, H. Y. , Alma Sarah Wheeler, b. July 18, 1853, Concord; d. Samuel and Sarah (Townsend) Wheeler. She is an artist, painting in both oil and water color.

Children: 1. Alma E.9, t. May 20, 1878, Springville, d. May 21, 1888, Springville. 2. Orpha Sadie^, b. May 31, 1880, Springville; xam. 3. Wanda Margaret^, b. March 18, 1894, Buffalo; m. Chester G. Daetsoh.

Child; (Daetsch): 1. Alma Jeanl

Two sons d. young.

Willard H. Tldcnor, Esq. ; History of Concord, N. Y. 340. CHAELES WHITE^ (Daniel Wolley', Elijah^.^ Daniel*, William'^), b. Peb. 2, 1866, East Otto, N. Y. He lived for a few years in Tennessee, being admitted to the bar there, then returning to Springville, H.Y. ajid being admitted to the New York bar in 1891. He served as school commissioner at Concord, and later removed to Mount Kisco, H. Y. where he now resides, and is practising with his son Daniel under the film name of Ticknor and Ticknor.

He m. J\ily 31, 1887, at Springville, Eloise Vaughn; b. 1864; d. Russell J. and Theresa (Green) Vaughn.

Children: 379, 1. Daniel Wolley^, b. May 6, 1888, SprSngville, N. Y. 2. Bessie L.^; m. Charles Flume. Res., Mount Kisco. 3. Ray9; d. 1907. _ 380. 4. Willard Russell^. 5. Mary Jane^.

Charles W. Ticknor, Esq.; History of Erie County, N. Y. 341. ALMOND WARREN® (Benjamin'?, William Anson^, Elijah^, Daniel*, William^) b. Nov. 13, 1876, Carlton, N.Y. Res., Renton, Wash.; miner; no reply.

He m. Jan. 5, 1895, at Renton, Jessie S. Manifold* '

Mr. Benjamin Ticknor; Renton directory. S^l

v-e u1


..N'T ,, 163


WILLI A-M HARHIS0N9 (PaacalS, Ira Strong''. Eliaha^. John^,**,^), b. Sept. 22, 1884, Calais, Me. He attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and took a mechanical engineering course at Cornell in 1903-04. Res.,

San Francisco, Gal. ; fire insurance engineer.

He m. Jan. 9, 1915, at San Francisco, Josephine Carlisle; b.

March 23, 1894, Elk Rapids, Mich. ; d. Williaoi Robert and Harriet May (Forrest) Carlisle.

Mo children.

Mr. William H. Ticknor; Cornell catalogue. 343. PRANK HEILUI9 (Luther*^, Giles Wolcott'', Heman^, Benajah^, John^, ^) b. Dec. 11, 1867, Laingsburs, i«Iich. Res., Pittsfield, (P.O. Ann Arbor)

Mich. ; farmer. He has served as township treasurer 1894-05, clerk 1903-14, and supervisor 1916-17.

He ra. June 4, 1891, at Ann Arbor, Annie Rebecca Judson; b. Oct. 31, 1867, Pittsfield; d. John Purrant and Sarah (Harvey) Judson.

Children, b. Pittsfield: 1. Frances Winifred^O, b. Aug. 3, 1892; unra. 2. Donald John^O, b. Nov. 24, 1893; unra.

Mr. Frank H. Ticknor. 344.

GEORGE ORMSBY^ (Daniel Pratt^, John B. '', David^, laaac^, '^ Jphn^) , b. Aug. 17, 1859, Col\Mbia, Conn. Res., Willimantic, Conn. He d. July 16, 1903.

He m. Aug. 13, 1889, at Boston, Mrs. Jennie (Gilbert) Marble.

No children.

iir. Sheridan ?. Ticknor. 345.

SHERIDAN FULLER^ (Daniel PrattS, John B.?, David^, Isaac^, '^, John^) b. Dec 20, 1863, Coliarabia, Conn. Res. , Hyde Park, iiass. ; railfoad clerk, cashier.

He ra. Oct. 26, 1889, at Mansfield Center, Conn., Mary Hartman; b. Jan. 20, 1866, Norwich, Conn. ; d. William David and Christina (Page) Hartman.

Children, b. Hyde Park: 1. Marjorie Pagel^ i,. Aug. 20, 1890. 2. Dorothy Fuller^O, b. Feb. 25, 1893; m. Nov. 1, 1918, at

Washington, D. 0. , Edward Leroy Myers. 3. Kathatine MaylO, b. July 31, 1899.

Mr. Sheridan F. Ticknor. £di

lii' , 164 346.

FISNRY WILMER^ (Prank Benjamin®, James Henry'', Orray^, leaac^, , John^) b. Jan. 8, 1879, Lovmdesboro, Ala. He earyed as private in Co. A, {Montgomery Greye), 2nd Ala. Vol. Inf., 1898. Graduate in Divinity, University of the South, 1907. He is an Spisoopal minister, v/ho has held pastorates in various places in the South, and is now rector of All Saints Church, Oalcley, ild.

He m. June 24, 1908, at Washington, N. G. , Irla Bonner Litchfield; b. March 20, 1880, Idalia, Beaufort County, U. G. ; d. tieorge Anson and Annie Bryan (Bonner) Litchfield.

Children: 1. Margaret ClaralO, b. Feb. 1, 1910, Carnegie, Pa. 2. Francis BonnerlO, b. Aug. 7, 1911, (iueenstown, Md. 3. Mary LouiselO, b. ilarch 9, 1913, Pensacola, Pla. 4. George HavenslO, b. iiiarch 12, 1915, Clearwater, Fla.

Rev. Henry W. Tlcknor. 347. VAUami MERWIN^ (Fred Edward^, Kiias Warren'', Olney^, i5lias^, Eiisha"*,

John-^), b. Deo. 11, 1895, tyrant, Neb. Res., Spencer, Meb. ; merchant.

He m. at Dallas, S. d;, Eva Stella Caldwell; b. July 12, 1892,

Madison, Neb. ; d. Charles Frank and Verisa (Jackson) Caldwell.

Children: 1. Luellean BeatricelO, b. Aug. 7, 1912. 2. Lucille EvalO, b. May 22, 1914.

Mr. Vaughn M. Ticknor. 348. WING HUBERT^ (Wing Huson^, Joshua Crary'', Joshua^, Elias^, Elisha^, John^), b. Nov. 23, 1880, Titusville, Pa. He has lived at North East, Pa., and San Diege, Cal; bookkeeper.

He m. June 10, 1902, at San Diego, Helen Francis Cnoate; b. Oct. 6, 1882, San Diego; d. Frank Wilson and Elizabeth Camilla (Nimo) Choate.

Child: 1. Perle ElizabethlO, b. March 1, 1904, North East, Pa.

Mr. W. Hubert Ticknor; Choate genealogy. 349. RUTHra BRUCE^ (Fred Lincoln^, Owen Onley'', Joshua^, Elias^, Elisha'*. John^), h. Nov. 7, 1879, Conneautville, Pa. Graduate of Chicago

College of Dental Surgery. He has lived at Lakota, N, Daik. , and

Centralia, T^ash. ; Doctor of Dental Surgery.

He m. Jxine 17, 1903, at Chicago, Helena Fay (Tarbox) Jacobs; b. Aug. 20, 1881, Elgin, 111.; d. Alonzo Pinzon and Marcella Cecilia (Gribbling) Tarbox; and adopted d. Samuel and Viola (Lytle) Jacobs.

r'.i:'^-, \. ;nlv-

, 165

Ruthren Bruce® (7red Lincoln®, Otran Onley'', Joshua^, Blias^, KLleha*,

JohnS) , continued.

Children, the first three b. Lakota: 1. Ruthven CharloslO, h. May 11, 1904. ?. Winton AllenlO, b. April 14, 1S06. S. Brcrett LylelO, b. May 4, 1908. 4. Helena PaulinelO, b. Dec. 25, 1917, Centralia.

Dr. Ruthven B. Ticlcnor. 350. 0T(O5T ONLEY® (Fred LiucolnS, Owen Onley'', Joahua^, Sliaa^, KLieh**, John3), b. June 16, 1884, Comfort, Tex. Graduate of Armour Institute, Chicago. Res., Portland, Oreg. ; under the name of Ticknor & Co., he is a dealer in Kirstin stump pullers and farm implement 1^

He m. Oct. 8, 1910, at Portland, Clare Taggart; b. April 26, 1873, Augusta, Wise; d. John P. and Belli e (Richards) Taggart.

Ho children.

Mr. Owen 0. Tidcnor, 351. WALTER LEWIS® (Pranlt Lewis®, Lewis Payette'', Samuel^, Elias^, Bliaha4, JohnS) , b. Peb. 3, 1884, Triangle, N. Y. Res., Scranton, Pa. ; horse trainer.

He m. June 6, 1906, at Franklin, Delaware County, N. Y. , Hoya Margaret Jester; b. April 22, 1889, Pranklin; d. Edgar Jester. She d. April 26, 1915, Binghampton.

Ho children.

Mr. Walter L, Ticknor. 352.

LEROY ELLSWORTH® (Elmer E. H.®, Levi Parr'', Elias^, ^, Elisha^, John3), b. July 31, 1884, Morgan County, 111. Res., Craig, Col.; rancher. He served in Co. I., 5th 111. National Guard from 1902 to 1908.

Hem. (l) Jxay 6, 1906, at Jacksonville, 111., Ella Johnson; b. June 16, 1885, Quincy, 111.; d. Alden Joseph and Louise Johnson. They were divorced in 1911. Her res., Whitehall, 111.

Horn. (2) Jan. 3, 1913, at Hannibal, Mo., Sarah Ragan: b.

Nov. 23, 1895, Knoxville, Tenn. ; d. John J. and Catherine (Simmons) Ragan.

Children by first marriage: 1. LouiselO, (twin) b. Aug. 23, 1907, Jacksonville. R« . TOiitehall, 111. 2. AvarillalO, (twin) b. Aug. 23, 1907, Jacksonville. Res., Whitehall, 111.

Child by second marriage: 3. George Bllsworthlo, b. Jiay 17, 1914, Paris, Mo.

Mr. Leroy E. Ticknor. .M ,n:ti^1 >X*X .fX ^lul . , ,

353. --^. 166

ARTHUH KDittSON^ (Elmer B. H. 8, Levi Farr''. Eliae^, ^, llisha*. John^),

b. Jan. 24, 1^^?^, liort^an County, 111. R^a. , Grai(5, Col.; no reply.

lie 1. Dftc. 24, 1907, Leah Pin«o.

Thre<^ children.

'^r. "niriifir 12. !I. Ticl:nor.

^. OEOFGE BRATTHV-?^ {"^^Imer H.^, Levi Farr'', Elias^, ^, Siieha , John^J, b. Feb. 1, 18C1, Morgan County, 111. Hes- , J ioksonville, 111.; poet office clerk.

He m. Kov. 2^, 1915, at Jacksonville, Sdith Grace Uopcroft; b. May i:^, 1^93. Beriau, 111.; d. --'red and \'ny Geli-i ("liite) Uopcroft.

Child: 1. Richard l^ugene^^, b. Oct. 10, 1916, Jacksonville.

'."r. jeorge B. Ticknor. 355. iiTJRLE VICTOR^ (Levi \ielbert^, ^lisha"^, ^diaa^,^, l^iaha^, John'"^) b. Aug. 22, 1890, .marathon, ^.'^. Res., marathon; f.irner.

He m. Dec. 7, 1914, at Kingston, Ont. , Lucy Quail; b. Sept. 4,

1B98, LaP'?er, N.7. ; \, Avery "ninjel and L'e ^.rl (Uuckoy) ';.u lil

Uo children.

Mr. 'iurl e V. Ticknor. 356.

S.\KL RATIOND^ ( George Hathan^, ITLisha'^, Slias'^, ^, Slisha-*, John-^J, b. July 1, 1"90, Cortland, -^.Y. Res., Ithaca, W.Y.

He m. June ?0. 1911, at Cortland, Salie Vlice Oa-'rs; b. Sept.

1ft, 1B90, Virgil, ^.Y. ; d. .Jeorge Newton ;ind Enrna (Jurtie) Otks.

Children, b. Ithaca: 1. T>>rotha MildredMildred^O, b. Jan. 28, 1914. 2, Raymond ueorge^^'^^, b. April 2. 1917.

Mr. ?arl H. Ticknor. 357. HOWARD KIJSHA^ (George U a than^, ^iaha'', Slias^, 5^ Eiioha"^, John^) 1J» b. July 26, 1891, Dover, J. Ree. , Cortland, U. Y. ; clerk.

He m. Nov. 22, 1911, at Cortland, tJemra May RoUjVie; b. June 16, 1894, Virgil, L.Y.; d. \. V. (no fi rot. or middle n oiaes; and Susie -iay (Grain) Rounds.

Child: It Donald EdwardlO, b. June 16, 1913, Cortland.

Mr. Howard E. Ticknor.

; , 157 358. ROY ARTHUR® (.Arthur L. 8, Marion Franklin'', niaa^, &, ^isha^, -Tohn^), b. Jan, 19, 1BR9, Smlthville ^^lats, h. Y. Res., Cir(deBe,

11. Y. ; retail ice buainese.

He m. Rena ;.?ay Hardiin,^; b. Aug. 15, 18fl0, Bin/jhampton, K. Y. d. 5iward iS. and Dannie ;i. (Rodmm) li iriing.

Children, the Tirot three b. Bini^iiampton: 1. Arthur ^dw^rd-i^, b. >::arch 15, 1908. 2. William Albertl^, b. iay in, 191). 3. Edna Vrancisl >, b. July 24, 1912. 4. i^ildred Louisei'>, b. .lay 26, 1915, tiraithville Flats.

1/r. Roy A. Ticknor. 559.

'''^ VTiMiK SYI.-'^^ST'^R^ (Charles'^, 'Vlliiarn^, Joseph^. Willi.Tja'l, 5) , b. "Dec. 2 or 22, 1^67, Aunra, 111. He «vas a civil engineer and lived it Bristol ani aurora. Hi.

He rn. July 1, I'^S'', '.arie Louise B:illey; b. :j!ay 10, 1110, ^""rmce; d. John ani Ury (Dilisy) ^^ ilJ py. lier res., Aurora*

Children: 1. ^lla -layl^'\ b. Au^'. 20, isg"*!, Bristol; la. i'rank Haio. Res., Chici.iO, Hi.

Children, (Hs^n) b. Chicago: 1. Oharles^l-, b. ^er^t. 1, 1913. 2. Vrank^"^, b. Dec 2.3. 1914.

2. Nora I-ouieel^^, b. riarch '>!, 1R90, Bristol; m. llu^^,h Joul 3. Res., \urora.

Ghiliren, (Gould) b. Chica.^o: 1. Hubert ^1 b. Au^^. 4, 1912. 2. Tilliiim^l, b. April 2:3, 1915.

3. Louise Slix ibeth^'^, b. :»pril 3, 1905, Aurora.

^T6, i;'arie L. Tickner. 360.

ELJiSR LT=:0N\RD^ ( il roy Alton^, Hiraai ?'inch''. Joseph'"', •\ v.'iiii.iia'*, ^) b. Hov. 4, 1880, LockDort, H. Y. Res., Aahvilie, ;. Y. ; fir,a'>r.

He ra. Sept. 2o, 1912, at Jaineetown, H. Y, ; , Minnie 0. i<. Hallber;; b. iarch 4, 1 '"^gi , ^licott, Y. ; i- -\ndrew albert an ^ Cl ira ( Jren) H tllber,;.

Ghil i: 1. Josenh L'orrnanl\ b. Dec. 19, 1915, .iaraony. i-. Y.

'Jr. Simer L. Ticknor. ,9r.t>

,V .A , , 168 . 361.

HUBlillT Li?^9 (Albert Alfonr.oS, Hiram Pinch^, Joaeoh^, ^, William*, 3) , b. July 7, 1880, G i8 ?ort, Iv\ Y, Res., 3haiaoi:in, Pa.; brickiayerj no reply.

rie rn. Katie Frye.

Children: 1. 3iwardlO.

2. Helfln i.i. 1^. 3. Ruth h\^^. 4. Charlos L. 1^. 5. IJ. Irenel^.

Mrs. .^^inerva Ticknor. 362.

BYROH WILLIS^ (V/illia AmbroseS, Ambroae'', Joseph'\ ^, V/iiiiara^, *^) b. Oct. 5, 1879, Iforth E^ist, Pa. Res., Weotfield, H.Y. ; carpenter.

He Li. .lirch 1, 1905, at 'Vestfield, Alice .'.label Craig; d. Thomas und Sarah ?Sii7,aheth (Johnston) Craig.

i^r. Byron W. Tickner. 363.

RAY ROBIK^ (George Byron^, Luther Bryan t'^, Joseph^, 5, 'William'*, ^) b. 3$pt. 11, 1885, Carry, Pi. >iraduate of Jamestown Business Colle.^e. Res., Bear Lake, Pa.; condensory- can man.

He ra. T^cv. 24, 1915, at Buffalo, K.Y. , Eva Vera Ellen Widrig; b. KoT. 1, 1895, Harmony, li.Y. ; d. ilarvey W. and Dora "i-^eliie (ilenaink) Widrig.

Child: 1. Paul Howardl^, b. Oct. 23, 1916, 3ear Lake.

Mr. Ray R. Tickner. 364.

CI-ABEJICS H.^ (Herbert ^alter^, Charles Baldvin'', Villiam^, Joseph^, William'^, 3} , Res., Racine, Wis.; purchasin.-^ at^ent, Pierce Uotor Co.

Up m. April 7, 1910, at Racing, Thea -i. Jensen.

Child: 1. Gordon JaraeelO, b. July 17, 1911; d. young.

prank A. Ticxnor iiSL;. ; .^r. Clarence H. Ticknor. 565. CH.\RLES DHL.aLT^ (De^Jilt Curtiss^, V/illiaia"^, John Vnittaug^,

Hezekiah^, Williaia'i. 3) , b. June 5, 1834, Toledo, 0; Res., Toledo,

0. ; ins-oector.

He in. Sept. IP., 1909, at V/indsor, Ont. , Lomene A;:ielia Mcmanus; b. 3ept. 22, 1885, Toledo; d. i'rank James and Julia Anna ("Sbner) Jiic-lanus.

Child: 1. Deiiilt'FrancislO, b. July 21, 1915, Toledo.

..ir. Charles D. Ticknor. i

.1 jfaXirtO I , 169


LI^GLI^ OPAIJr? (^than Smith^. John Jllchrist'', Roswell^, ^, Jonathan*,

Williara"^), b. Autj. 1, nBf? or 1B^3, 1- wnont, Iowa. Kea. , ^inneba.^o,

Minn. ; c-amenter ani f^rraer. He i. Feb. 11, 1^16, "Vinnebaijo.

He m. Oct. ;:0, 1905, at Winneb;igo, "Sina iUll; b. Au.> 8, 1883, Winnebago; i. Louis *. ani Laura (.AcGill) Hill. ler res., 'iniiebajjo.

Children: 1. Alice Rutti^^"^, b. Sept. :21, IQOo, ;«i. Yakina, UubIi. 2. Dorothy L^ural^, b. Deo. 19, 1909, Jowiclie, ".'aeh.

'ire, 3ina Tickner. 367.

ORVILLI? JHAKL'^U^ ("^.thoin Smith^^ John Gilchrist', Roswell^, ^,

Jonathan'*, "vViilii.'a3) , b. iJept. 6, 1365, --iiaont, io-*a. i\ea.,

^""uyillup, '7as.^. ; clerk.

He ra. Nov. ^'i, 1907. it iu Y^i..a, Vvash. , Jrice liill ; b.

Sppt. 14, 10B5, 'iiiiiit/u vjo, .'iinn. ; i. Louis A. ml i-aura (.-'isOiillj Hill.

CaiilcJren: 1. ^aul A.1^, b. Jan. 22, 1909. Puy.illur). 2. Lois ':.^^, b. Oct. 2, 1910, I'uyaiup, 3. Robert Hilll'\ b. Dec- T. 1V12. 'luinjy, V/ash.

-.ir. Orville C. Tickner. f:

368. !,1

H\ROLD l^TTyvnT^ (^than Dmith^, John vJilchri^t'', Ro6well'\ 5^ ;;, Jonathiin'*',' '^illiam^), b. -T %n, 22, ing*^, La^aont. lo'ffa. uradUAte , of Polytechnic ^ille^e of l^njjineerin j, Oiklanj, Cal. Hes. x['

Concori, Cul. ; electrical engineer. [^'

He ni. iiay 3, 1913, at San Bifa^-l, Cal., Mab*!. ^liiford; k b, Jan. 13, 1*^96, Ansoni=i, Conn.; d. wliarles ?ord and '^llen (Hanson) iiilford.

Children: 1. Donald -t'aiiel^, b. i^ov. 1, lul4, iiacramcnto, Cal. 2. liar^aret Hlllenl^, b. Dec. 29, 1915, Cmcord.

iir. UaTold l'^ TicVzntT. 369. 7UZD^1CK S.3 (Leelie P.Q, Robert UmiUi'', Koewell^,^, Jonathan^, ^n.illi.a!a^), b. Dec 17, 1359. Chicatjo, 111. ile 1. July, 1914, Dee -oinea, lo^ta.

He m. Dec. IS, 1^95, at Atlantic, Iowa, i;»arah Ann Huddleson; b. i-'eb. 5, 1358, iiiajr City, 111.; d. i'orter mi i-Ury (Robinsonj

Huidleson. Her ree. , ^/.asaena, Iowa. ,lq»8 .rf /^•'itJ


' ] Xl^'' tat Tf'Jtfc'i . 170

Frederick S.^ (Leslie P. S, Robert Smith''. Roawell^, ", Jonathan"^, WillieLm*^), continued.

Children: 1. Leslie Porterl"^. b. Sept. P.O, 1896, :3eriton, lova. 2. Zell CieorgelO, b. July 5, 1899, i.lasaena. 3. Augustal^, b. Feb. 26. 1901, liaasena. 4. Lettie Irene^O, b. June 30, 1905, Brii^ewater, Iowa. 5. Lucinda MaelO, b. May 1, 1909, iiaasena.

Urs. Saraii A. Ticknor. 370.

TA.KD "nrfBURN^ (Lewis XVeybum^, Daniel Waters'', Oran^, ^Slijah^, "Daniel^, William^), b. July 15. 1R75, Roc}fford, 111. Res., Chicaf^o, 111.; no rexsly.

He m. (l) Sept. 6, 1902, at Rockflord, Lorene ilu/hcs; b. Aug. 2''"). l^RO. She d. ,lioY. 1912, Janesville, '"is.

ile ni. (2) --. Ito children by Ihia marri ijie.

Children by first marriage, b. Hockford: 1. .Elizabeth ^'auline^^, b. Jan. 13, I'.'O^, (not 1904). 2. Lev/is iiverettlO, b. /tpril 6, 190i>, ^not 1906).

Weybum-Wybom ,^'=>nealojy;' -rs. Clara T, ;avi3)n. 371.

ARTHUR LO'vTERIHd^ (Lewis Weyburn^, Daniel Waters'', OranS. '^lijah^,

Daniel^, V.'illiara-j, b. Au-^. 30, 1878, Hockford, Hi. Hee. , Rockford, 111.; aj;ent of the Vmerican Insurance Co.

He m. l

Rockford; d. iilliaua Franklin and I^ellie Abbott ( j^'inefield) Soper.

ITo children.

llr. Arthur L, Ticknor; "eybum-Wybom Genealogy. 572. HARRY -TKYBURN^ (Alfred DuaneS, Daniel 'Waters?, Oran^, Elijah^, Daniel^, 'Villiam^), b. Nov. 15. 1874, Rockford, 111. Res., 1916

Portland, Ore,;. ; bookkeeper, at Bank of Kenton; re:aoved by 1919.

He ra. June 21, 1906, at Custer, S. Dak., Blanche lAentch; b. llov. 17, 1877, VJinfield, Kan.; d. John and Hanna (Potts) '£entch.

Child: 1. iiarold ".Veybuml'^, b. Jvdy 20, 1903, Portland.

Ur. Harry '-V. Ticknor; V/eyburn-'-Vyborn Genealot^y. ^T on ^rtO

iJ 373.

ORAN DU.mi^ (Alfred Duane^, Daniel Waters^, Oran^, Elijah^, Daniel*, Williara3), b. Jan. 6, 1877, Rockford, 111. Res.,

Spearfish, S. Dak. ; printer. He was postmaster for a year at Welcome, Wyo.

He m, April 9, 1903, at StuTj^is, S. Dak., J^rances Orilla S, Smith; b. J-in. 27. 1880, Brookin(is, Dak. ; d. (Jeorge Leroy and iertrule (Cook) Smith.

Children, b. Spearfish: 1. Ernest 'WalterlO, b. Feb. 6, 1904. 2. Binraa Carol inelO, b. June 23, 1908. 3. George OranlO, b. Jan. R, 1911. 4. Frances WilmalO, b. Aug. 8, 1914.

Mr. Oran D. Ticknor; Weyburn-'Jfyborn Genealogy. 574. RAYLIOND H^RBWRT^ (Herbert Daniel®, Daniel 'Yaters'', Oran^, Elijah^, Daniel-*, ^A'uiiamS), b. May 6, 1889, Rockford, 111. Res., Denver, Col. and Rockford; machinist.

He ra. "Feb. 5, 1910, at Denver, Stella ^^iarie fruaakiewica; b. Oct. 21, 18RB, La Salle, 111.; d. Jacob and Pearl (Petz) Prusakiewicz.

Child: 1. Helen LeonalO, b. Oct.- 12, 1910, Denver.

Ur. Raymond d. Ticknor. 375. JOHII V/ILLI.UfS^ (Joseph Alraon^, Almon Pease?, Alraon^, Elijah^,

Daniel*, '.Villiara^) , b. June 22, 1834, New -iarlboro, iJlass. For many years he was traveling agent for the Boston & Maine RR. Co., then was special representative f)r the Reiaington

Arms & Ammunition Co. , at Bridgeport, Conn. , and is now -New England representative of the i^ational Thrift Bond

Corporation at Bridgeportt ;

Hem. Jan. 1, 1902, at Perkinsvill'e, Yt. , \nnie Sarah Payne; b. Oct. 3, 1880, Perkinsville; d. Willard and Laura Ellen (Spencer) Payne.

Child: 1. John Kandolphl^, b. Aug. 11, 1907, Springfield, s Mass.

iir. John W. Ticknor. \ 01 V •

m /a .


.ifO .d 172


ARTHUR .-UIDIRSOJ!!^ (Joseph Ali-ionQ, Almon Pease'', Almon^, Elijah^, Daniel*, WiiliamS), Ts. Oct. 6, 1892, West Clarenont, H. H. lie attended the Athol, I/ass. ,,Hi,5h School, and graduated from Yale in 1914, receiving the degree of Ph. 3. and "being one of the first ten men of hia claes, and having the highest standing of the chemists. lie then was an assistant in cheraistry, and stujied for his L'octor's de^^ree, "/hioh he received in 1917, having specialized in or.^anio chemistry, and Arritten several research publications on this subject. He has since been research chemist for the Calco Chemical Co., Bound Brook, N.J., enga^jed in problems dealing and during the War with Germany was ^'f with dyes and pharmaceuticals. Res., East Oranje, II.. J.

lie m. July 30, 1918, at Hartford, Conn., Katharine Cowles

Abb^; h. Sept. P, 1893, Canaan, Conn. ; d. Thoniaa and Katharine Cowles (V.'hittlesey) Abbe.

Child: 1. Katharine Abbe, b. .Aay 20, 1919, Orange.

Dr. Arthur A. Ticknor. 377. IRVIU CKSiSTSIiy (B«njamln Riley^, Joel Theo-iore7, Ceth*^, Kiijah^ Eaniel-i, V.illia;a3), b. June 16, 1SR9, Tenino, '.V.iRlx. Res., 1916,

Chirleeton, wasr>. ; machinist.

lie ra. ^ay 7, 1910, at Seattle, Wash., Cora i;ue; h. July

19, I807, S. D.-ik. ; d. 0. D. and .^na {^rickson) Ru?.

Children, b. Seattle: 1. Vera MaelO, b. liay 4, '1914. 9. Ben j a r.i.i Rileyl^, b. ^mj. IP., 1916.

Yr. Irvin C. Tioknor. 378.

IVAII RICH\Ri^^ (Benjamin RileyS, Joel Theolore'^, Seth'^, Klijah^, "Daniel^, V/illiam-), b. June 13, 1689, Tenino, 'Vash. Res., Curtis,

Wash. ; machinist, farmer.

lie «u. """uly 15, 1911, at Seattle, 'Vash. , neiwig lAartha

'-!ar£3.vete ./.iethke; b. i'eb. 26, 1892, Dresden, -ior. ; d. 'iax and Wilhelmina iiethke.

Children: 1. Tova IrenelO, b. Dec 10, 1912, Seattle.

2. .<». dau:^hter, b. Feb. 22, 1917, Curtis.

Mr. Ivan R. Ticknor. bn , 173 379.

DAia^ WOLLTUY^ (Charles \7hite^, Daniel Tolley'', Elijah^, ^, Daniel^, William^), b. I^ay 6, 1838, S'tringville, N. Y. Hee.

7/hite Plains, N. Y. ; lawyer. Civil Juotice.

He m. March 5, I'JOR, at White Plains, Amelia iiamilton ^ish; b. July PA, 18R7, Tnite Plains; d. Jeorcje Sutton and Elizabeth iJary (^3totz) Fish.

Child: 1. FvuBDell VaujhanlO, b. Sept. 29, 1912, lit. Kisco, M. Y.

Daniel W. Ticknor. Esq. 580.

WILLW^D RUSSELL^ (Charles Wnite^, Daniel ^/olley''. ^ijah^, ^,

Daniel'', 'Viiiiara3). Res., Pittsfield, I'ass. , ^'here he ia employed by the Ueneral ^ectric Co. He served in tlie V/ar with Gemiany in Headquarters Co., 305th F. A., 77th Div. Child: _ 1. Willard HviRsell^'^.

Charles W. Ticknor, Esq.



HEiJRY, or HKNRIE "TICKNALL" "iB the n;iiae of a paaeenger eitt- tarking at London in the Hopewell, in the autxmn of 1635, aged only 15; but whether he erer xeaohed Boston, or where he sat down, ie untold". (Savage's Geti. Diet.; for enipping lists

see Mass. Hist. Soc Coll., 3rd ser. , vol. S, and ilotten's Lists).

HEHRY TICKI^OR was plaintiff in behalf of the owners of the ship Dove, at Boston, Sept. 13, 1675. (Koble's Records of the Court of Assistants, lAass. Bay). He is probably the one, a "cook at iiuncks", taxed at Boston, June 6,- 1587, as the head • of a family, and in 1688. (Bos. Reo. Com. Rep., vol. l). Perlians these were the same person, but no other redord has been found.

THOiJLVS TICiCNOR apnears on the parish register at St. iUchael's, Barbadoea, in 1680, with wife, no chn, 2 servants and 3 slaves. (Hotten's Lists).

ISAiVC TICKNOR, wheelwright, aged 24, from Surrey, ^ng. , as an indented servant, was a passenger on the Brilliant, Jilarch, 1774, which Bailed from London to Virginia. (Shipping Lists of Port

of Lonion, in I'. ^. H. G, Register, vol. 63. ) His na:ae does not anpear in the Census of 1790,

There was also a Tignor family, early in Virginia, several families of thxt name appearing in the Census of 1790.

?/ARTIN TIGHKNOR was at Kew Haven 1644, and later removed to Hewark, l^i. J. Apparently he was the ancestor of those of the name in America, his descendants being very numerous. Nearly all preserve the spelling "Tichenor", with occasional variations,

(such as "Teachenor", ) but always with tne "he" in the name. The compiler has considered this family absolutely distinct, and has made no effort to collect records of it. There is no evidence connecting Martin Tichenor with V/iiliaiQ Tickner, and in those days of phonetic spelling, when names were spelled in every conceivable way, the almost universal retention of the "he" in tnis fainily and the "k" in the Ticknor family, seem to negative any close relationship. Very little appears in print about this fjimily, and the reader ia referred to -lunsell's Index, and to an account of one branch of the family, by Richard

Bennington Teachenor, Kansas City, iio. , 1918.

The na]-G TI CHITOR is a German or Jewish nar.e, vrhich the compiler has found to be continiially confused v/ith the narae of Ticknor either through error or the intentional change of ncine by those who bore it. It is also true that the name Ticknor sometines apyears in public records rnisspelled "Tichnor", a fact which has added to the difficulty of preparing this work. ^" T trw 17 i) . ^ 1 s» L-

. r r X7C

8. ,

.l^vrl 'nrfoT) SaT^^rr^"^ f

"^ -1 m'.ni

I'.OTCH r . 177 Washington Irving^ (John^), continued.

Children: 13. 1. Irving Lowe^, b. May 4, 1871, Winona.

2. Rachel Simina^, b. Jan. 27, 1873, 'tfaverly; unm. ; res., Tacoraa, Wash. 14. 3. Cecil Earle3, b. Aug. 14, 1878, Waverly.

Miss Rachel B. Tickner; Rev. C. Earle Tickner.


JAf£ES FR-\NKLIn3 (Alfred Jamee^, John^}, Ree. , Pasadena, Cal. ; supt. , L. A. Gas and Slec Corp.; no reply; (at same address Julia G. Tickner, stenof^rapher)

Rev. C. Barle Tickner. 8.

WILLIAM GISORGB^ (George WilliamS, John^), b. June 14, 1855, Jefferson, 0. Res., Pentwater, Mich.; blacksmith.

He ra. Aug. 20, 1875, at Portland, }li dh. , Sarah Eliza Murray; b. May 22, 1854, N. Y. ; d. Thomas Henry and Margaret (Johnson) Murray.

Children: 1. Fred Adelbert^, b. May 8, 1877, Hoytsville, Mich.; unm.

2. Margaret May"*, b. Feb. 5, 1391, Pentwater, Mich. ; m. Clarence J?raery.

Mr. William G. Tickner. 9.

ALVIN WALTER^ (George William^, John^), b. Oct. 7, 1857, Jefferson, 0. Res., Saybrook, 0,, (P. 0. Ashtabula); gardner and teamster. He is also a constable, and is a deacon of the Presbyterian Church.

He m. (l) May 18, 1880, at Ashtabula, Hattie 1. Jones; b. Aug.

2, 1860, Jsunestown, Pa. ; d. Hiram and (Gilbreth) Jones. She d. Oct. 26, 1887, Saybrook.

He ra. (2) Aug. 5, 1889, at Ashtabula, Charlotte Elizabeth Dormein. No children by this marriage.

Children, b. Piqua, 0. : 1. Mabel Austin4, b. Jan. 16, 1882; m. John Reublin. Res., Saybrook. 15. 2. Walter Alvin4, b. Aug. 28, 1883. 16. 3. Archie Allyn4, b. July 1, 1885.

Mr. Alvin W. Tickner. 10.

JOHN FREMONT^ (George William^, John^), b. March 1, 1863, Ashtabula. Res., Lansing, Mich.; carpenter and builder.

He m. (l) May 9, 1886, at Pentwater, Mich., Alice May Vincent; b. June 1, 1868, Mich.

He m. (2) Carrie Emma (Sager) Caswell; b. Dec. 22, 1869, Belle- ville, Can. ; d. Samuel and Sophronia (Badgley) Caswell. .teuaJtwi jJ^nitif

riM/tro** tss

.aM . 170

John PremontS (George William^, John^), continued.

Children by first marriage, b. Pentwater: 17. 1. Archie C. Fremont4, b. Aug. 8, 1887. 2. Maude May4, b. Oct. 3, 1889; m. Lemuel d. Ball. Res., Bell aire, iiich. 18. 3. George 3dward4, b. April 21, 1891. 4. Foster (or Forreat) Ray4, b. Not. 17, 1892; d. Jan. 18, 1893, Pentwater.

Children by second marriage: 5. Comedore Alvin^, b. April 9, d. July 6, 1896, Manoelona, Mi ch. 6. Benita Ileen4, b. July 26, 1897, Manoelona. 7. Kenneth Irwin4, b. Jtily 8, 1903, Bellaire, Mich. 8. Gwendolyn 0iha4, b. May 24, 1908, Bellaire.

Messrs. John F. and George B. Tickner. 11.

CH.1RL15S ALPORD^ (George William2, John^) , b. May 18. 1866,

Ashtabula. Res., Mulliken, iiich. ; laborer. He d. Aug. 13, 1886, Hoytsville, Mich.

He m. , at Mulliken, Flora Allie Rickey; b. A\ig. 7, 1866,

Kendallville, Ind. ; d. Charley Hiinter and Naoaia (Isbell) Rickey; She m. (2), at ilulliken, Charles Aesley Binns.

Child: 19. 1. Leland*. h. Oct. 28, 1886, Hoytsville, liich.

Mr. Leland Tickner. 12.

GEORGB WASHIliGTOJjS (George William^, John^), b. Jan. 6, 1868, Ashtabula. He lived in Mich., and was a butcher. He d. Seot. 29. 1901, Bellaire, Mich.

Hera. Mar. 29, 1890, at Hoytsville, Mich., Libbie Jackson; b. July 9, 1870, Simfield, Mich.; d. George and Mary C. (French) Jackson. Her res., Sunfield.

Children: 1. Adelbert Grant4, b. Mar. 4, 1892, Hoytsville; unra. Res., Sunfield. 2. ^dna Uae4, b. Aug. i:^, 1896. Hoytsville; m. Lloyd Towns. Res., Woodland, Mich. 3. Orlo Alvin4, b. June 6, 1901, Manoelona, Mich. «i . . . u.>^

'r; •'>''• Mrs. Libbie Tickner. : . 13.

IRVING LQ\m^ (Washington Irving^, John^) , b. i^lay 4, 1871, Winona,

Minn. Res., Portland. Oreg. ; drugless physician.

He m. Oct. 19, 1896,. at Atlanta, Ga. , Mary Eliz-ibeth Sholes. .fce'.'Tiircrj ' ". .lo' -utd

XtTO> : 179

Irving Lowe3(Wa8hington IrvingS, John^), continued.

Children, b. Camaa, Wash. 1. Eunice Mae^, b. June 15, 1900. 2. Leslie Gordon^, b. Mar. 6, 1902.

Dr. Irving L. Tickner. 14,

CHCIL EARLE^ (Washington IrvingS, John^), b. Aug. 14, 1878, Waverly, la. He is a painter by trade, and also has served as pastor of Wilmington, Bel., and Cummington, iJass. Baptist Churches. He served in the Florida militia from 1895 to 1901. Res., 1917, Bay State, Mass. ; not there now.

He m, April ?7, 1904, at '^are, Mass., Kellie Hattie Campbell; b. April 17, 187 5, V/are; d. Malcolm ^iac'Donald and Bertha Almira (Sargent) Campbell.

Children: 1. Morence Elmina^, b. i^eb. 9, 1905, Newton, N. J. 2. Elwin Campbell^, b. April 22, 1913, Ware.

Rev. C. Earle Tickner. 15.

^V.\LTEH ALVII-I'* (Alvin Walter^, George 'A'ashiniton^, John^), b. Aug. 28, 1^83, Piqua, 0. Res., Saybrook, 0.; no reply.

He ra. Lucy McNutt.

Mr. A-lvin W. Tickner. 16.

ARCHIE ALLYU^ (Alvin Walter^, George William^, John-"-) b. July 1, in95, Piqua, 0. Res., Saybrook, 0,, (P. 0. Ashtabula); greenhouse foreman.

He m. Feb. 15. 1904, at Ashtabula, Mary .JlcNutt; b. May 21, 1885, Saybrook; d. Fred E. and iiary Ann (iiorfoot) ;:ci^utt.

Children, b. \ahtabula: 1. Abby Elizabeth^, b. Sept. 22, 1905. 2. Wesley -AcHutt^, b. Nov. 10, 1907.

Mr. Archie A. Tickner. 17.

ARCHIE C. FREMONT^ (John Fremont', George William^, John^), b. Aug. 8, 1887, Pentwater, Mich. Res., 1917, Chicago, 111.; laborer; not there now.

He m. June 2C, 1914, at Crown Point, Ind. , Gussie iiay Pickard;

b. Jan. 5, 1885, Eleroy, 111. ; d. Frank Fremont and Susan (Herbruck) Pickard.

'"*' ' "• No children. '''c'/:

Mr. Archie G. F. Tickner. \

.7©. ^ntrr

ion ;Tsrocf*

{y , l&O )RaE EDWARD* (John Fremont'^, George Wiilijjn^, John^), b. 9.1, ia91, ril Pentwater, ilich. Res., 1917, Grand Rapido, i^lch. ; proprietor of barber shop; not there now.

He m. Sept, 29, 1913, Lydia Florence Larson; b. Mar. 1, 1892, Sunee, Sweden; d. Lara and Augusta G. (V/erre) Larson.

Child: 1. Erisz Uaude^, b. Jan. 18, 1915, Grand Rapids.

..Mr. George S. Tickner. 19.

LKLaND"* (Charles Aiford^, George William^, John^), b. Oct. 28, 1886, Hoytville, iJioh. Res., 1917, I-anaing, Mich.; electriciam. He has served in Battery A, Mich. N. G.

He ra. July 16, 1915, at St. Johns, Liich., Goldie iiiay Strausey; b. May 15, 1895, St. Johns; d. William and Anna Viola (Jeffries) Strauser.

Mr. Leland Tickner.

DR. THOMAS Tl CKNEH 0"? SYRACUSE, N. Y. 1* 1 THOMAS-*- TlCKiTSR, b. Goudhurst, Sng. , came alone to Syracuse, K. Y. in 1860, his wife soon following him. He wis a veterinary surgeon, and was also much interested in inusici playing the 'cello and violin. He d. ab. 1877.

He m. Tinz* , ilary Ann Lambert; b, ab. :.lay Eng. , in 23, 1816, ; d. Jervis Lsimbert. She d. Dec. 2, 1890.

(Nearly all data given here are from Mrs. Lula ^'. Roantree, or Syracuse recoris, all births, marriages and deaths being at that pi ice, unless noted. Tne compiler regrets his inability to obtain full recoris.) \

Children, all b. Sng., ail except Petor coroin,!^' to this country with their mother: Peter'^: merchant at Lewes, Eng. Thomas^, b. ab. 1839, 'Yederick^, b. Oct. 25, 1841, Goudhurst.

Mary Ann^, b. June 6, 1843; unm. ; d. -lay 14. 1914. Ealey2, b. ab. l'M5; m. David Coleman; 3 chn. Res., Syracuse. She 4. Jiine, 1912. Jarvis Lambert^^, b. Dec 13, 1847.

George-, b. ab. 1849; unm. ; d. Jan. 31, 1877.

Harriet Jane^, b, ab. 1851; unra. ; d, J. in,, 191 3. Anna liaria^, b. ab. 1852; m. Oscar I. Brownell; 2 chn.; res. Syracuse. She d. Oct. 18, 1917.

10. Charles ^Villiam^, b. ab. 1854; un-n. ; res., Syracuse. 5. 11. John Henry2, b. ab. 1856.

liiss Susan Tickner; Mr. George L. Tickner; lirs. Marie R. Tickner. ^b .^fclolXA •sttflriO) ^aJUJ>j.

iU 1 3 1.',. '9li- , .XiC'.C .fei'.

* .1 I

; .mit> S ^ -

i:*n>(ciT .t^ atTi.il .aiA 181 2.

TH0MAS2 (ThomaB^), la. ab. 1839, Sng. ; lived at Wooster, 0.

He m. Uaomi Hawkins Wright.

Child, (others?): 6. 1. Frederick Albert^, b. May 15, lvR71, Wooster.

Mrs. Marie R. Tickner. 3.

PREDEFacK^ (Thomaal), b. Oct. 25, 1841, Goudhurst, Sng. He lived at Cleveland, Orrville, and Bucyrus, 0., Loganaport, Ind. , and Kalamazoo, *'iich. lie was a bookkeeper and hotel manager, and served about 8 years as city health inspector. He d. ^iky 13, 1903, Kalamazoo.

He ra. July 6, 1*^73, at Kaleunazoo, Sarah Anne Ross; b. Oct.

17, 1851, Otsego, iiich. ; d. SHaenezer Saton and Susan (Tink) Rose. Her res., Kalama?;oo.

Children, all eyce-)t the fourth b. Cleveland: 1. jiary Pauline^, b. June 24, 1874; m. LaVem ohellman.

Res. , Kalamazoo.

2. Susan Belle^, b. April 26, 1876; unju. ; res., Kalamazoo. 3. Alice Louise^, b. June ''1, 1879; m. Jeremiah Lee Hart.

Res. , Kalamixoo. 7. 4. Henry JaraeB3, b. darch 10, 1832, Orrville. 5. Hizel Koss^, b. July 24, 1837; i. Oct. 7, 1889, Kalamazoo.

jiiss Susan B. Tickner. 4.

J<\RVIS L.\j,CB'!I:rt2 (Thomas^), b. Dec. 13, 1847, Hng. ; bookkeeper; d. O'uly 15, 1915. Descendants are Roman Catholics.

He m. 1869, jiary Harrigan; b. ab. 1852, U. G. Ree. , S^rracuee; no reply. '

Children, b. Syracuse: 1. lula Marie^, b. June 22, 1871; student at Syracuse Univ.; vocal teacher; m. Aug. 28, 1912, as his second wife, Robert Bertrind Roantree; no chn. Res., Syracuse. 8. Thomas Frederick^, b. ab. 1872. i'lorence3; m. Lei^ti Hayden; 2 chn. George Lamberts, b. Jan. 25, 1875. John L.3, b. Jan. 28, d. July 27, 1877.

Jarvis ^iward^. b. Sept, 21, 1878; unm. ; bookkeeoer; d. Aoril 3, 1902. Frank J.''; unm.; res., Syracuse.

Isabel 151eanor3; unm. ; d. March 13, 1913. JesBie Irene3, b. Jan. 30, 1885; m. Sept. 6, 1911, Frederick Kasson Eraser; no chn.

10. Grace Loretta-'; unm. , Res. , Syracuse. !


>T&rinC ; iez 5.

JOiffl HENRY^ (Thomaal), b. ab. 1856, Bng, ; hotel clerk, bookkeeper; d. Oct. 5, 1903, Bay City, Hich. ; bur. Syracuse.

Hera. Bertha Fitch; b. ab. U. S. 1863, .^^^^

Children: 10. 1. John Leonard^, b. Sept. 27, 1889. 2. Marie3, b. 1891. d. 1915. 3. Arthur Joseph^, b. July 31, 1892; unra. He served In the V/ar with Germany as sergeant in Go. I, 9th Int., •winning the D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre with gilt star, the citation bein;j that near the Median farm on Oct. 4, 1918 he assumed coatnand of his section under violent fire, and that in the battle bf Soissons he saved the life of his company commander, being badly wounded himself; he also was gas^^ed. 6.

PREDEBICK ALBERT^ ( Thomp.B^, 1) , b. May 15, 1871, Wooster, 0.; student at Oberlin Coll. ; clerk.

He m. Oct. 3, 1901, at Kewanee, 111., Marie Rebecca Stultz; b. Peb. IR, 1881, Cleveland, 0.; d. Daniel and Josephine (Thacker) Stultz. Her res., St. Louis, Mo.

Child: ;, 1. Dorothy Lois'*, b. Ser)t. 21, 1902, Kewanee, 111.

Mrs. Uarie R. Tickner. 7.

HEMRY JAJ^S^ (Frederick^, Thomas^), b. inarch 10, 1382, Orrville, 0,; res., Kalamazoo, ^iich. ; tool and die maker.

He ra. Sept, 22, 1904, at Kalamazoo, Olive wecelia Parent; b. "*"

Dec. 16, 1886, Grand Rapids, iiich. ; d. Joseph Andrew and -^irtha (Fiory) Parent. They were divorced in 1916. Her res., Kalamazoo.

Children, b. Kalamazoo: 1. iiedard Andrew4, b. Dec. 29, 1905. 2. Alice ilarie4, b. Nov. 25, 1907.

Mies Susan B. i'ickner. 8.

THOMAS FRSJERICK3 (Jarvis Lambert^, Thomas^) , b. ab. 1872; book- keeper; no reply.

He m. June 3, 1903, Annie Elizabeth Tyndall; b. ab. 1876, En^* d. Harrow and Annie "?. (Goodliill) Tyndall.

Children: ^t^y. '^, f^ 1. Marion4, b. July 2, 1904.

-• . 2. Geor.^e Edward"*, b. Nov. 25, 1903. • . 3. Charlotte4, b. May 8, 1910. 4. i'iabel4, b. Au(?. B, d. Aug. 11, 1915. iJ iuS'<^ , ^®^ . 9.

GSORGE LAMBERT^ (Jarvis Lambert^, Thoraasl), b. Jan. 25, 1875; vice-president of Syracuse Trust Go.

He m. Eatella Heagerty, b. ab. 1877, U. S. ; student at Syracuse Univ.

Children: 1. Ruland Lambert*, b. Sept. 24, 1901. 2. ::uriel Prances4, b. May 26, 1904; student at Syracuse Unir,

iiT, Geor,'-e L. Tickner.

„ ^ 10. JOHN LilONARB* (John H. 3, Jarvis Lambert^, Thomas^), b. Sept. 27, 1889; clerk, chauffeur; no reply.

He ra. (int. Nov. 23, 1914), Charlotte Veronica Derrick; b. nb. 1895, V7ar8a-V7, Mich.; d. Frank and CharlottS (Scherrer) Derrick; oaahicr.

Children: 1. 4{arie5, b. April 3, 1915. 2. Arthur Joseph?, b. Feb. 23, 1917.

PHILADELPHIA PA-ilLI^S. 1. The compiler in order to investigate thoroughly the various farailiee named Tickner and Ticknor living at Philadelphia, had the church and other records, wills, deeds, directories to 1970, etc., searched by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The result of this search was that these faimilies were eliminated as descendants of William Tickner of Scituate, but it seems desirable to tjive such records as have been found, meagre as they are. The comoiler regrets his inability to interest more than a few descendants.

The following record, naunes of parents and places of births unknown (except as noted) was sent the compiler, and evidently is that of a family in England. At any rate there is no evidence connecting this family with any in .\merioa.

I. Maria, b. Feb. 28, / 1791. 2. 2. George, b. Kov. 22,, 1792, Sarali, b. Feb. 21, 1795. Ann, b. Jan. 18, 1797. 'X'illiara, b. IJov. 3, 1798; eeeins to be the painter at Phila. 1859-61. John, b. Oct. 9, 1800. Jane, b. Oct. 31, 1302. Francis, b. Oct. 20, 1804. Perver, b. Feb. 26, 1807, according to tradition in England. Harriet, b. Deo. 13, 1809. II. Robert, b. July 27, 1813; seeras to be the one whose record follows. 12. E'oma, b. Sept. 23, 1815.

(Ho further record, except as noted, has been found of the above. ) iir. George .V. Ticknor. is icfbu

i: 1 .t- aotiXbei) c

( .^vaSir 9aJ Ic Jbnuol ««)9d ii<:fl Xb4

GBORSES^ t, jloy. 21, 1792. He appears at Phila. in 1833, and wae there almoet continually until 1865, his occupation being given as farmer, fringe manufacturer, varieties, and storekeeper. His will, dated March 16, 1863, mentions the four grandchildren helow, children of his late daughter Ann Maria, wife of Joshua Wood, and refers to his brother "Puryer" Ticknor. He d. Sept. 21, 1876, aged 84; bur. Evergreen Cemetery, Cajnden, U. J., in lot of Samuel Ashton.

He m. Ann Her will, dated Nov. 25, 1851, mentions the grandchiliren. She was bur. Jan. 3, 1856, aged 65.

Child: 1. Ann Maria^: m. Joshua Wood. She d. by 1863. Children, (Wood) b. by 1851; "Braraa Victoria, Horace Ticknor, Byron George, and Alfred Harrison. 3.

JOHN^, b. Oct. 9,' 1800, He was a painter, and was at Phila. 1835- 46, but not continuou.^Ty. Perhaps the one there in 1867 and 1869.

He m. Ann Hanton; apparently b. Eng.

Children, as far as appears: 6. 1. Robert John^, b. Aug. 13, 1832. 2. Elizabeth Ann3, b. Mar. 19, 1833; no further record found. 7. 3. Alfred F. 3^ t. ab. 1837. 4.

PERTEr2, (also "Pyror"), b. Feb. 26, 1807, "in England". He was a painter, and was at Phila. almost continuously from 1837 to 1865. He was living in 1876.

He was married 3 times, the names of his wives not being known. His 3rd wife ra. (2) William Wright, and ra. (3) Samuel Wood. She d. Nov. 25, 1888, Roxborough, Pa.

Children, as far as appears: 8. 1. Robert^, b. Oct., 1828, Eng. His mother's name was Mary.

9. 2. Lewis^, b. Phila. ; perhaps the unnamed person whose record is ;iven here. 3. Henry3,? glass stainer, Phila., 1860, at same address as ; Peryer.

4. George "y.^.f , b, ab. 1837; painter, Phila., 1861-69, at

same address a» Peryer. He was a K. T. , etc He d. Jan. 27, 1875, aged 38, "a confectioner", ( see Phila.

papers) ; apparently unra. 5.

ROBIRT^, b. July 27, 1813. He seems to be the one who was at Phila. 1837-55, a painter, and tavemkeeper. He d. fey I860.

He m. Elizabeth She was at Phila. 1857-8, 1860 as wid. Robert, as perhaps as "Eliza", 1863 and 1367. She d. June, 1886.

185 Roberts^ oontinued.

The following were probably his children: 1. George3: d. Jan. 20, 1874; adm. Mar. 1, 1876 to Blizabeth Tickner, one of the sureties being Peryer Tickner.

2. JasperS; painter, Phila, , 1868-9, 1896; at same address as Slizabeth. 3. Joseph^; -Dainter, Phila., 1867; at same address as Elizabeth. 10, 4. James Robert^, b, Sept. 16, 1856, Phila. 5. William^; unin. He served in the Civil War, enlisting

Hr^xoh 19, 1862, in Co. D, 90th Pa. Inf. ; he was wounded at Antietam and Sharpsburg, ani d. of wounds Nov. 15, 1862, at camp hospital, Smoketovm, Md. ' (U. S. Pension records.) if; ' 6. C ROBERT JOHN^^JohnS); b. Aug. 13, 1832, bapt. Phila., Pa.; paper '*' hanger. He served in the Civil War, enlisting July 12, 1861, in ^^ Co. I, 79th M. Y. Mil.< being discharged for disability Sept. 19, 1861. He d. Feb. 25, 1879, Bricksburg, N. J.

He m. Aug. 12, 1856, Emma Tubb. No further record found.

U. S.' Pension records. 7.

ALFRED P. 3 (John2), h. ab. 1837; goldbeater; seems to have lived at Brooklyn, H. Y. He served in the Civil War, enlisting from

Brooklyn, Aug. 21, 1862, aged 24, in Co. E, 84th N. Y. Inf. ; was wounded -Dec. 13, 1862; was discharged June 30, 1865. He d. Feb. 5, 1907, Brooklyn, aged 69 years, 8 months.

He m. Aug. 3, 1875, at Brooklyn, Anna Lightbody. She d. Nov. 3, 1913, Brooklyn.

Children: 1. Colin Percival^, b. May 16, 1876. Seems to be Peroival C. Tickner, res., 1916, N. Y. City; secy., Tower's

Stores, Inc. ; no reply; removed by 1919. 2. Amy4, b. July 8, 1879. 3. Henry Knox4, b. Nov. 16, 1887; res., 1913, Brooklyn.

U. 8. Pension records. 8.

ROBERT^ (Peryer^), b, Oct. 1828, Eng. He lived at Manayvmk, and J^ was a teamster, and perhaps boatman. He served in the Civil War, enlisting from N. Y, City July 12, 1861, in Co. I, 79th N. Y.Inf., as private, and was discharged for disability Aug., 1861. He d. Oct. 29, 1901, Roxborough. Litigation over his lost will is reported in Singer's Probate Cases, the case mentioning his four chn. then ilrs. Carberry, Mrs. Rothfus, George and Ssunuel.

He m. , at Uanayunk, Sarah Jane Hare; b. Manayunk; d. Samuel Hare. She d. Feb., 1894, Roxborough.

; 186

Robert^ (Peryer^), oontinued.

Children, b. Manayunk:

1. Samuel Morrison*; m. Bmma Farrell. Rea. , not known. 2. Mary Elizabeth*; d. Manayiink, (by 1901?). 11. 3. George Harry*, b. Aug. 15, 1856. 4. Margaret Baxter*; m. (l) Charles Rothfus; m. (2) John

McClellan. Rea. , not known. 5. Kate Lavinia*; m. Patrick Joseph Carberry. Res., Roxborough. 6. Robert*; d. Port Clinton. Evidently "R. Ticknor, Jr.", aged 1, bur, Feb. 17, 1853, Asbury Li. E. Church Yard.

Mr. Robert S. Tlckner, 9. LSTVIS' (Peryer^). Apparently the one at Phlla. at different times as painter, gardener, and boatman. He d. Manayunk.

He m. Amanda Murphy.

Child: 12. 1. Henry (J.*. 10.

JAMBS ROBERT' (Robert2), b. Sept. 16, 1856, Phila. Res., Phila. watchman, police officer. He d. Mar. 17, 1909, Phila.

He m. July 12, 1893, at Phila., Mary Gallagher; b. Oct. 3, , Phila.; d. Cornelius and Ellen (Roddy) Gallagher. Her res., Phila.

Children, b. Phila: 1. James P.*, b. March 11, 1896. 2. Elizabeth V.*, b. Nov. 17, 1897.

Mrs. Mary Tlckner. 11.

GEORGE HARRY* (Robert^, Poryer^) , b. Aug. 15, 1856, Manayunk. Res., Manayunk and Roxborough; Janitor.

He m. Dec. 16, 1877, at Manayunk, SarsQi Love; b. May 7, 1859,

Media, Pa. ; d. Daniel and Jane (Gill) Love.

Children, the first two b. Manayunk, the others b. Roxborough: 13» 1. Robert Eugene^, b. Aug. 12, 1878. 2. Jennie Love^, b. Nov. 28, 1880; m. John P. Culp. Res., Roxborough. 3. MaryS, b. Jan. 8. 1884; unm. 4. Charles ThomnJ^on^, b. July 4, d. July 16, 1886. 5. George V/esley^^ \,, March 16, 1889; m. Laurel Hartner

Estlaci. Les. , Roxborough. 6. Bessie MayS, b. March 22, 1891; d. Mar. 4, 1893. 7. Helen Buchanan^, b. July 16, 1893.

Mr. Robert E. Tlckner. .d \^\ . )


4 HENRY G. (Lewia^, Peryer^). Res., Phila. ; clerk. f

He m. March 16, 1887, at Phila* , Florence Bell. ),

Child: 1. George Washington^, t. Sept. 22, 1891, Phila. Res., Phila.; glass cutter.

Mr. George V/, Ticknor. 13.

ROBERT EUGENE^ (George Harry^, Robert^, PeryerS) ; b. Aug. 12, 1878, Manayunk. Res., Roxhorou^; pipefitter.

He m. July 27, 1904, at Manayunk, Alice Elizabeth Clifford; b. Oct. 31, 1880, Manayunk; d. Cornelius Francis and Elizabeth IT. (McManus) Clifford.

Children, b. Roxborou^^: I 1. Robert John^, b. Sept. 29, 1905. 2. Francis Cornelius^, b. Oct. 4, 1906. 3. GeorgeS, b. Sent. 24, 1908. 4. Joseph^, b. Oct. 22, 1910. 5. Elizabeth^, b. Dec 1, 1912. 6. Charles Cliffords, b. July 6, 1915.

Mr. Robert E. Tickner. 1.

The following family seems to have come from Phila. , and probably is related to the foregoing. The father went to California in 1856, and later returned. His name has not been given the compiler.

Children: 2. 1. John, b. Phila, 1835, , j

2. Robert, (Seems to be Robert C. of Hanover, N.H. , 1916; ^t no reply) ^ 3. 3. Augustus B. , b. Oct. 6, 1839, Phila. 4. 4. Edward. (Seems to be Edward Alfred, whose record is glTen ^ here: b. ab. 1840. 4^. 5. Ella ) „ '^ 6. Elizabeth) ^o"th are mar^-ied, have children, and reside "in the East". J Mr. Joseph L. Tickner.

JOHN (son of the last), b. 1835, Phila; went to Cal. in 1856; d. 1901, San Francisco.

He m. Dec. 11, 1858, Mary Ann Nevina.

Children, b. San Francisco; (res. of all, San Fran.);

1. Ella C. , b. Mar. , 1860.

2. Charles H. , b. Sect., 1862; m. Elizabeth M. ; no chn.

3. Walter S. , h. Feb., 1<^66; married; no chn. Au:;:, 4. Alfred J., b. , 1008; nunic teacher; ra. Anita H. ; x 1 son; 1 dau.

5. Joseph Leon, b. Jiay, 1876; unm. ; employed in San. Fran, fire dept.

Mr. Joseph L. Tickner; San Francisco directories. .5 "3. Jiaa

AUGUSTUS B. (see above); h. Oot. 6, 1839, Phila, He wafl a daguerrotyper, and was at Brooklyn, N. Y, until 1897, wiien he removed to Phila,; living 1918, (where*?). He served in the Civil War enlisting Jiay 18, 1861, in Co. D, 84th N. Y. Inf., as private; was captured and paroled, and was discharged May 21, 1862.

He m. Jan. 6, 1863, at Brooklyn, Maria A. Cxausiaann.

Child: 5. 1. Prank P., b. Dec 26, 1864, Brooklyn.

U. S. Pension records, etc.


EDWARD ALFRED (see above), b. ab. 1840; res., Lakewood, iJ. J.; real estate and insurance; no reply.

He m, , at Brooklyn, K. Y. , Linda Van Kleeck.

Child: 6. 1. "Sdward V^n Kleeck„ b. Sept. 21, 1872, Brooklyn.

1£r. BIdward V. Tickner. 5.

PRANK P. (see above). He attended Trinity College, and lived at Brooklyn and other placs, removing in 1915 to Detroit, iiich. He is a production manaf^er and during the "v'ir with Germany was connected with the U. S. Shipping Board.

He ra. Sept. 9, 1886, at Mansfield, Pa., Uice Hutchinson; b. March 30, 1834, Baltimore, lid.; d. \Villiara an 1 b'^edelia P. (Fralic) Hutchinson.


1. Lynn Hutchinson, b. July 20, 1837, l.awrenceville. Pa. ; d. Aug. 6, 1904, Philadelphia, Pa. 2. Marjorie Warner, b. Peb. 21, 1889, itiansfield. Pa.; m. Capt. Parmer W. Chute, U. 3. A.

Mr. Prank P. Tickner. 6.

EDWARD V^ YOLimaU (see above). Res., BrooSTlyn, II. Y.

He ra. 1893, at Jersey City, N. J., Annie Prancis Morris; b. Jan. 20, 1875, Brooklyn; d. Owen and Mary (Hanton) Morris. She d. Nov. 25, 1900, Brooklyn.

Children, b. Brooklyn: 1. Edna Wallace Hyacinths, b. Jan. 23, 1893; iji. Prank Bonner.

Res. , Brooklyn. 2. Harriet Lerene, b. June 14, 1895; ra. Walter Smith. Res., Brooklyn.

Mr. Edward V. Tickner. _ ii ) xav

WILLIAM TICKNER OF BALTIMORE, IAD. 1 ^• WILLIAM^ TIGKirSR, b. 1804, near Portsmouth, Eng. ; s. and only ch. Charles Tickner; came to U. S. ab. 1833-4, residing at Baltimore,

Md. , after lft40; cabinet maker. (Data, except as noted, from Mr. Villiara J. Tickner.

He m. ah. 1838, Diana Baseett.

Children, order of births not learned: 2. 1. William John2, b, Aiag. 29, 1839, N. Y. City.

2. Charles^; piano maker; married; no chn. ; is d. 3. 3. George WhitredijeS, b. July 1, 1849, Baltimore.

4. MariaS; m. Biggins; rea. , Phila. , Pa. 2. WILLIAM J0HN2 (Willlaml), b. Aug. 29, 1839, N. Y. City; res., Baltimore. He was tne foxinder of the firm of Wm. J. Tickner & Sons, fvineral directors. This firm is the largest one in the South in this business, and was established in 1374. Several descendants are partners.

He m. (l) Margaret E. Pumphrey; b. Baltimore; d. Ebenzer and Margaret (Wells) Pumphrey. She d. 1871, Baltimore.

He m. (2) Margaret A. Cooper; b. May 18, 1849, Sewall's Point,

Va. ; d. James and Mary (Sheldon) Cooper. She d. Dec. 23, 1910, Baltimore.

Children by first marriage: 4. 1. William E.3, b. March 14, 1865. 5. 2. Charles M. 3, b. Oct. 26, 1R65.

3. George^, b. Nov. 2, 1368; unm. ; res., Baltimore. 4. Howard^, b. and d. ab. 1870.

Children by second marriage: 5. A child, b. and d. 1876. 6. Frank3, b. ab. 1878; d. ab. 1880. 7. Margaret Diana^, b. Sept. 22, 1881; unm.; res., Baltimore. 8. Lilly M. 3 b. and d. 1883. 9. Carrie ji. *, b. and d. 1884.

10. Mary Virginia^, b. Sept. 29, 1886; unm. ; res. Baltimore. 6. 11. John BlaJceS, b. July 24, 1889. 3.

GEORGE ^'rHITRET>GE2^ William^), b. July 1, 1849, Baltimore; res.. Providence, R. I.; tinsmith.

He m. Oct. 3, 1872, at Providence, Anna J. Garlin; b. March 8, 1852, Providence; d. Henry Clay and iiacilda (Hadfield) Garlin.

Children, b. Providence: 1. Grace Rosealtnea^, b. Aug. 20, 1874; d, Feb. 20, 1877, Providence. 2. Grace Rosealthea^, b. June 10, 1878; m. Aug. 29, 1904, ^ at Providence, Francis Ellery Allen. 3. Amy May3, b. liay 15, 1880; m. Feb. 21, 1902, at Providence, Charles Earnest Monroe.

Mr. George W; Tickner. .da •a ftH xvv


WILLI All E. 3 (William JohnS, Williaral), b. llarch 14, 1865; res., Baltimore.

He m. caiarlotte A. Bewley; h. Ellicott City, Ud. ; d. William and Amelia (Stephens; Bewley.


1. William B. 4, b. July, 1892, Baltimore; d. IJov. , 1898. 7. 2. Charles Howard4, b. Aiig. 2, 1094, Baltimore. 3. Margaret A. 4. b, Jan. 17, 1903. 4. Qiarlotte4, b. Aug. 18, 1905.


CHARLES U. 3 ( Willi am John2, William^), "b. Oct. 26, 1866; res., Baltimore.

He m. (l) Anna J. Otuits; b. Baltimore; d. John and llary

(Thompson) Gmts . She d. July 21, 1899.

He m. (2) L, Katherine liiller; b. near Gettysburg, Pa. ; d. I5phraim and Susan Jliller.

Child by first raarriage: 1. Anna J.'*, b. July 11, 1899, Baltimore.

Children by second marriage, b. Baltimore: 2. Elizabeth4, b. Feb. 25, 1907. 3. Dorothy4, b. Nov., 1910. 6.

JOmi BLi\ICE3 (William John^, William^), b. July 24, 1889.

He m. IT, Louise Buck; b. June 9, 1891; d. Irving and Ellen (l.Iiller) Buck.

Qiildren, b. Baltimore: 1, Margaret Ellen^, b. Jan. 24, 1914. 2. nary Virginia4, b. Aug. 27, 1917. n

CHi\RLES IIOV/ARD"^ (William E.3, William John2, William^), b. Aug. 2, 1894, Baltimore. He served in the War with Germany, enlisting in the liaval Reserve, July 14, 1917, was comaissioned ensign July 15, 1918, and was released Dec. 13, 1918.

He m. Eva L. Griffith.

Qiild: 1. Charles Howard^, b. Feb. 25, 1919, .30M lyi



WALTI!R^ TICKNER; "b. Deo. 18, 1835, Tenterden, Eng. ; 8. Walter smd Elisabeth (King) Tiokner of Tenterden; landscape gardener

at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 8, 1913, Rochester.

He m* Jxily 17, 1859, at Tenterden, Ellen George; b. Oct. 2, 1838, Wittereham, Eng.; d. William and Mary (Shawbridge) George. Her res., Rochester.

CJhildren: 2. 1. William EdwardS, b. Feb. 5, 1862, Qoudhurst, Eng. 2. Albert AlfredS, b. Feb. 2, 1872, Golding, Eng.;

m. twice; no chn. ; res., Rochester; landscape gardener. 3. Agnes Ellen2, b. Nov. 21, 1874, Maidstone, Eng.; m. Charles Large. 4. Leigh AugustusS, b. Oct. 3, 1870, Maidstone.

Mrs. Ellen Tiokner. 2.

WILLIAM EUvYARDS (Walter^); b. Feb. 5, 1862, Goudhurst, Eng.; served in British Navy; res., Rochester, U. Y.

He m. Nov. 27, 1890, at Rochester, Elizetaeth V/oodhams; b. Aug. 10, 1865, Maidstone, Eng. ; d. John Woodhams.

Children, b. Rochester: 3. 1. William Henry3, b. Jan. 23, 1892. 2. Elsie E. 3, "b. Jan. 10, 1893. 3. Charles A. 3, b. Dec 6, 1894. 4. Howard A. 3 b. Dec. 30, 1896. 5. Richard E.3^ b. March 21, 1899. 6. Ernest A. 3, b. Aug. 25, 1901. 7. IsabellS, b. July 10, 1903. 8. Walter a. 3, b. Nov. 30, 1905. 9. Rose M. 3, b. Aug. 10, 1908.

Mr. William E. Tidcner. 3. WILLIAM HENRY3 (William EdwardS, Walter^); b. Jan. 23, 1892,

Rochester, N, Y. ; res., Rochester; superintendent. International Button Co.

He m. Aug. 29, 1918, at Rochester, Ethel Rose Briddon; b. Aug. 25, 1889, Rochester; d. John and Elizabeth (Hurd) Briddon.

Mr. Williaia H. Tidcner. ,otfi

ai ; ,i^

i.jjrii , , X'Hii



EDWARD TICSEDIOR, from Kent or Sussex, Eng. , came to U. S. "when a young man", finally settling in 111., and later at Menominee, Wis.; m. in N. Y. State, Ellaa Ellis Moirhy.

Children: 2, 1, Henry Edward, 1). May 25, 1851, Fulton, N. Y. 3. 2. John Qiarles, b. Aug. 29, 1856, McHenry County, 111. 2.

HENHY EDWARD (Edward); b. May 25, 1851, Fulton, H. Y, ; LL. B. Univ. of Wise, 1081; res., Superior, Wis. He has served as Register of Deeds of Sawyer County, also as district attorney, and now is Deputy Cleric of the U, S. District Court.

He m. Jxily 26, 1887, at Hayward, Wis., Elvira Allen Pease; "b. March 8, 1863, Dunn, Dunn County, Wis.; d. Flavius S. and Mary (Drake) Pease.

No children,

Henry E. Ticlcnor, Esq.

3. JOHN CHARLES (Edward); b. Aug. 29, 1856, McHenry Comity, 111.; LL. B. Univ. of Wise, 1880; res., Menominee, Y/isc He is district attorney of Dunn Coxuity, Wise, and has served four years in the V/isc. National Guard.

He m. Jan, 19, 1888, at Franklinville, N. Y. , Ella Terry; b. June 27, 1865, Franklinville; d. William H. and Eliza Ann (Adams) Terry. She d. June 11, 1897, Denver, Col.; bur. Menominee.

Child: 1, Louise, b. Sept. 20, 1890, Menominee; m. Sept. 5, 1914, at Superior, Wise, Arthur P. Stebbins. Res., Barron, Wise.

John C. Ticknor, Esq.

1. CHARLES HENRY TICKNOR, brother of the next, b. June 3, 1860, Sawston, Eng.; 8. Charles Henry Ticknor of Sawston; Ph. D. Galesville, Wise. He was a Presbyterian minister and held

pastorates at several places in Mich. ; Weyarawega, Wise. ; Clarkesville, lowr: Yllmington, 111.; Genoa, Neb.; Peru,

Kan. ; Assumptioii, Eureka, and Green Valley, 111. ; Springfield,

Mo.; and Butler, Uo. , v/nere he d. May 28, 1915.

He m. (l) Feb. 26, 1887, in Mich., Grace Porter; b. ^ct. 15, 1864, Northwest, 0.; d. Augustus and Rachel (McLaughlin) Porter. She d. May. 1902, Wilmihgton, 111. ft . tr ;3^ .?s rai! .^ :: rr-^iH

••6«8'i (93U*ra; -^aM l>n« .S

tiriol : x^s

Charles Henry Ticknor, continuedt

He m. (2) Jxily 11, 1903, at Wilmington, Laura A. Hutt; b. Feb. 18, 1882, Wilmington; d, James and Sarah (Clark) llutt.

Her res. , Chicago, 111.

Child by first marriage:

1, ChaiMes Henry, b, Jan. 24, 1890, Onekaraa, Mich. ; unm. ; d. May 3, 1911, Shoohone, Idaiio.

Mrs. Laura A. 'ficknor.

1. OWEN E, TiaOIOR, brother of the last, b. Nov. 24, 1870, Sawston,

Ting. ; attended college at Olivet, Mich. ; received a tlieological training at Cambridge, Eng. , and returned to the U, S. about 1900. He was a Congregational minister until about that year, v^hen he became a Presbyterian. He held pastorates at Red Cloud and Wilcox, Neb. ; Clarksville and Milton, Iowa; Teoiamseh, Okla. ;

Carlyle, Kan, ; Falls City, Neb. ; and Ottumv/a, Iowa. He was an Odd Fellow, a Mason, and Knight Templar. He d. July 9, 1918, Otturawa.

He m. June 1, 1897, at Red Cloud, Neb., Nettie Hale. Her res., Washington, D. C.

Childqjen: 1. Flora May, b. June 19, 1898; unm.; employed in office

t of The Kdjutant-Creneral, Washington.

2. Douglas Owen, b. Aug. 11, 1899, Elgin, Neb. ; d. 1914,

Falls City, Nebi , being electrocuted in turning out the light in his home. 3. Clinton H., b. May 11, 1903, Clarksville, Iowa; res., Erie, Col,

Mrs. Nettie Ticknor.


NATHAN TldOTER, b. Shetover, Russia; s. Abram Tickner; came to D. S. 1897-1902; res., Philadelphia, Pa.; grocer.

He m. Cecil Filleiman; b. Kominltz, Russia.

Children, the first two b. Kominitz, the others b. Phila.

1. Anna, b. 18 d. , 7 mo., 1895; m. July 25/1915, at Phila., Max Dorraan. Res., Phila, % 2. Rose, b. 5, 11, 1897. 3. Louis, b. 30, 12, 1902, 4. Reba, b. 23, 12, 1907. 5. Julius, b. 10, 9, 1909.

Mr. Nathan Tickner. Ac IT ^n»H b»It.

'j-i.ij'-' i .^J^

, .89*^

Toi :irj^ 194


JAMES OLIVER TICKirER, b. Nov. 30, 1884, London, Eng. ; 8. James and

Annie (Williams) Tickner of London; res., Louisville, Ky. ; gardener.

He m. (l) Bama Hall. She d. Hay 9, 1910, Louisville.

He ra. (2) Anna Veronica O'Keefe; b. April 24, 1883, Louisville; d. John A. and Bridget (Kennedy) O'Keefe.

Caiildren by second marriage, b. Louisville: 1. Liarie Elsie, b. Aug. 10, 1912. 2. Genevieve Vivian, b. July 30, 1914.

LIr. James 0, Tickner. 1.

SIKLIEY J. TiaarER, b. llov. 1, 1884, Kingston-on-Thames, 'Eng. ; s. John and Frances (Butt) Tickner; grs. John and ilartha Tickner of Worpleston, Surrey; res., 1916, Denver, Col.; special agent, U.

R. Ry. ; ramoved by 1919.

He m. March 20, 1912, liary E. Coon; b. Feb. 11, 1091, Monticello, 111.; d. Henry I. and liknma (Gresel) Coon.

No children.

L!r. Sidney J. Tickner. 1.

CHAKTiES HEtlRY TIGKIIKR, b. Yoricshire, liiig. ; res., Pittsburgh, Pa.; no reply*

. He m. , 1009, at Pittsburgh, Eunice

Child: 2. 1. Frank, b. Jan. 27, 1891, Pittsburgh. 2.

FR.MIK (Cliarles Henry), b. Jan. 27, 1891, Pittsburgh; res., 1916, Pittsburgh; salesman; removed by 1919.

He ra. Florence U. Crawford; b, July 21, 1892, Pittsburgh; d. Edward J. and Margaret Catherine Crawford.

Children, b. Pittsburgh: 1. Harold, b. Nov. 26, 1912. 2. Alice, b. Feb. 3, 1914.

Ur. Frank Tickner. 1.

GEORGE V/ILLIAII TldCTER, s. of English parents; has lived at Howell,

Fowlerville, Vernon, i\nn Arbor, and Durand, Uich. ; res., Durand.

-"'^- ^^"^- He m. Nellie Ann Lare. •

i' Child: -'"

2. 1. Verne L., b. July 30, 18B9, Fowlerville. tiH

iiu fji\.: ..' n;c


, ,m sir 2. f

VERlOi: L, (George William), b. July 30, 1889, Powlerville; attended •

Univ. of Mich. ; res., 1917, Detroit, Micla. ; secretary and actviary

of tlie Northern Assurance Co. ; removed by 1919.

He ra. Sept. 3, 1913, at Ann Arbor, Esther E. Burse; h, Sept. 23, 1886, Brookfield, Mich.; d. Edward A. and Ellen (Wills) Burse.

No children.

Mr. Verne L. Tickner. 1.

P. \V. TICKNER; came to U. S. "about 40 years ago"; res., Sharpsville,

Pa.; no reply; has a son, Reginald V/, , who is student at Princeton Univ. 1.

THOIIAS TIGKNTIR, b. ab. 1848, Eng. ; came to Carlisle, Hass. , by 1878; laborer, farmer, jobber.

He m. (l) April 22, 1878, at Carlisle or Concord, Margaret Sexton; b. ab. 1852, Carlisle; d. Morris and Iiary Sexton. She d. March 26. 1892.

He m. (2) Oct. 11, 1892, at Lowell, Hary Hannigan; b. ab. 1868, Lowell; d. John and Mary Hannigam.

He m. (3) June 13, 1896, at Lovrell, Bridget Morgan; b. ab. 1861, Pa.; d. Jolin and Bridget Morgan.

Children by first marriage, b. Carlisle: 1. Morris, b. Oct. 27, 1881; living, 1892. 2. Flora n., b. April 13, d. Sept. 15, 1884. 3. Mary Elizabeth, b. Nov. 29. 1887, d, Aug. 18, 1888. 4. Harriet V., b. April 18, 1890; mill operative; ra. Dec. 2, 1909, at Lowell, John James Burgoyne.

Mass. Vital Statistics. 1.

MARTIN AMOS TINKER, b. Westfield. Mass.; student at Amherst Coll., N. Y. Univ., and Berkshire Medical Coll.; dentist in Saratoga

County, IT. Y. , 1854-63, and then at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; vice-president Saratoga Govnnty Medical Soc About 1880 he changed his name from TINKER to TiaaiOR.

He m. PJioebe Jane T7ilson.

Children: 1. Caroline. 2. John Lee. 2. 3. William Irving, b. 1866. 2

V7ILLIAM IRVING, b. 1866; living, 1919. I

He m. Nellie Butler Hewlett; b. Dec. 13, 1871; d. Joseph Lewis

and Mary Etta (Butler) iiewlett. ]{er res. , New York City. .3.1

'ikI :iqtii 196

William Irving, continued.

Children: 1. George Hewlett, "b. Jime 15, 1901. 2. Helen, b. April 5, 1905.

History of Kings County, N. Y. , (which see); Van Wyclc genealogy; Mrs. Nellie B. Tioknor.


Berkshire County. Mass.^ .

BRASTUS TICKNER of Alford^ grantee 1803, from Elijah Tickner of Alford, of land in Great Barrington.

SILAS TICKHER, witness, 1830, to deed of Horace Tickner of Great Barrington.

GIX5RGE TICKNOR, "b, ah. 1832, pciiiaps Brookfield, Mass.; farmer; enlisted May 21, 1861, from Tyringhara, aged 29, in Co. D, 2nd Mass. Inf., served as private, and was discharged for disability Oct. 9, 1862. Apparently the George L. "Tiohnor", who d. 1905,

Tyringham, aged 75; unm. ; laborer. (Mass. War Records; His. 2nd

Regt. ; Mass. Vital Statistics.)

GEORGE ALBERT TICKHOR, b. 1838, (g. 8.); A. B. , Troy Univ. , 1862; member D. K. E. ; enlisted Sept. 3, 1862, from Alford, aged 24, in Co. M, Ist Regt., Mounted Rifles, ("II. Y. Mounted Rifles"); served as private or "hospitsa steward"; d. Oct. 27, 1862, in camp hospital; bur. Alford, (g. e. there). (Alford epitaphs; N. Y. Adjt. -Gen's, records; D. K. E. Cat., 1918.)

SARAH "TICKER", m. Abner Comstock, s. Samuel and Sarah (Crippen) Comstock; in 1796 they were at Great Barrington, and in 1813 at Gerry, Chatauqua County, H. Y. (Baker gen. by G. C. Baker, 1896;

Mr. J. M. Comstock. )

HANNAH "TRICKNOR, or THICOER", mentioned in will of Judah Puller of New Marlborough, who d. Oct. 14, 1819, Sandisfield; he ra.

Sarah Hastings, and they had a daughter, Hannah C. , b. Oct. 20, 1796, place not given, who seems to be the above. (Fuller gen., vol. I, by W. M. Fuller, 1908.)

BETSEY TICKNOR; m. Oct. 19, 1809, Philander Loomis; b. 1790, Egremont; removed to Portage City, Wise. (Loomis gen.) 1 .aslsl!

• ' .nyv.r . •ir.hafiX.irl-T ,^V 197

Boaton. Mae8._

(Por Henry Ticxknor, early at Boston, see ante,)

MARY JAITE TXCaaTOR; m. Aug. 16, 1832, at Boston, by Rev. Asa Eaton, caiarlea Henry Wlllburg. (Boston records.)

PRANCES E. TICKNOR "of CaielBea" was a student at Qaarlestown Female Seminary In 1850 and 1851. (C. P. S. cats.) The compiler has fovmd no record of any Ticknor at Chelsea, Maes.


Probably some of the authorities here have confused the name TicTcnor, with Tichenor, Tichnor, or even Tinker.

THOMAS TICKNOR; boatswain U. S. Navy, Oct. 19, 1799; last appearance on records of Navy Dept. , Oct. 24, 1799. (U. S.

Navy Register. )

JABEZ "TICHNOR"; b. ab. 1795; lived at Hector, Schuyler Co\mty,

N. Y. ; d. Oct. 28, 1872; his will, dated Jvme 9, I87O, giving his age as 75, mentions his wife Phebe S. , and names Rldhard S. Tichnor, whose relationship Is not stated, as executor; a ^ probate account mentions widow Phebe, and dau. Elizabeth C. i^ V/right, both of Hector, as heirs. (Schuyler Covinty Surrogates records. )

IRWIN C. TICKNOR, perhaps son of above, b. ab. 1837; served in the Civil War, enlisting from Trumansburg, Schuyler County, aged

24, Sept. 11, 1861, in Co. C, 50th N. Y. Eng, ; d. of disease Oct. 3, 1862, Washington, D, C. (N. Y. Adjutant- General's records. )

JOHN TICKNOR; served in War of 1812, as private in Capt. Asa Burck's Co., Col. Henry Ploom's regt., being paid from Oct. 9, ^^ 1812; also in same Co., Col. Hugh W. Dobbin's regt., being paid from Nov. 4, 1812; reported as deserter. (N. Y. Adjutant- GenersJ-'s records.) l^

JOI£N TICKWER; res. not known, had: 1. Edward, (or Ezra), b. Jvine 22, 1820. 2. Lumon.

EWARD, (son of above); came from N, Y. to 111.; d. ab. 1872; m. Rebecca Hvmtley; ohn: * 1. Ezra Albion, b. June 22, I860, LockpoVt, 111. 2. Ella, b. ab. 1851; m« George Bowyer; res., Glencoe, Minn. bnsol


^anlK , 196

EZRA ALBION (eon of abore); res*, Glenooe; faxner; m. May 27, 1872, at Glencoe, Sarah Maria Fadden; b. July 3, 1854 or 1855,

Pike River, Can.; d. Philander Padden; cshn. , b. Glencoe:

1. Edward Thea, b. April 22, 1873; xiraji. ; res., Minneapolie,

Minn* ; laborer* 2. Prederic Charles, b. July 21, 1874; vam,

3. Oeorge Stillman, b. Oct. 18, 1875; is m. Ree. , Glencoe. 4. Bertha Jane, b. Sept. 8, 1877; m. Lester Trent; res., Bayview, Idaho. 5. Edith May, b. June 29, 1879; m. Bruce Peterman. Res., Puyallup, Wash. 6. Martin Ezra, b. Oct. 8, 1882; is m. Res*, Minneapolis. 7. William Albion, b, Nov. 26, 1884; unift. a. John Willis, b* June 19, 1886; vmm. 9* Clarence Earnest, b* Deo. 19, 1891; \mm» 10. Charles Dana, b. March 2, 1896; is m,

(Mr. Ezra A. Tickner*)

CLARK TICKNOR of Starr, 0. , m* Mary Learned; b. Aug., 1800; d. John and Patty (ToTmsend) Learned.

IRENE TICKNOR of Homer, N. Y* ; m, Daniel Learned, brother of Mary above; b. 1800; lived at Syracuse, N. Y. (Learned gen.)

PRIBCIILA TICKITOR; m. (ab. 1810?) (at Pvaton, K. Y. ?) David Osbom. (Rowlee gen.)

»lCRr TICKITOT^ m. Nov. 27, 1844, Mary Willard; b. Oct. 13, 1806; d. George and ^ary (Watrous) Willard; lived at Ashtabula, Oi.; she d. May 10, 1871* (Willard gen* , 1915.) "Mrs. liary Willard Ticknor also came here (AshtabuJ-a) in 1816. She Tras a successful teacher and a beautiful woman, influencinj^j many lives for good. She d. in 1871* * (Mem* to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve, 1897, pt. 4, p. 629.)

HEPZIBETH TIc:rN0Rm, , by 1816, Jchiel Clark, (of Cazenovia, K. Y.?). (Cleveland gen.)

LUCRETIA TiCKNORm. "it is supposed" Elijah Puller of Kent,

Coim. ; b. Peb.. 17, 1813, Kent; removed to Midi., where ho was murdered; she then removed to Ohio, where she amd her only child, a dau. , both d. (Samuel Fuller gen., 1908) See John P. Ticknor, #107.

MARY TICKNOR m* Sept* 8, J.831, at Columbia, Conn*, William

Davison; 3 chn. ; she d. 1845 or 1864. (Columbia records; Man.

Cong. Ch. , Columbia, 1860; Davison gen., p. 49.)

• * Affssr

. ) ) ) ; ; iyy

Kama not learned; d. April 23« 1840: m. Hancy -« irho m. (2),

1851, William Claxton; rea., (Tdaen?) Constantia Centre, N. Y. ; chn, 1. Atji; za. Robert Clifford. 2. Lydia; n. Jesse D. Kinney, 3. Margaret: m. Samuel Willie; she d. Oct. 7, 1875. 4. Carrie; m. Benjajain Jenkine; res., Brewerton, N. Y.

f^ no reply. 5. ^ David W., b. ab. 1841; served in the Civil War, enlisting

from Sandy Creek, N. Y. , aged 20, Oct. 12, 1861, in

Co. B. 7th IT. Y. Cav. : d. of disease Jan. 17, 1862, at regimental hofspitsLL.

(y, S. Pension records.

JOSiroA TICKNOR (a. Joshua #18?); m. (l) -; m. (2), Dec, 1833, Sarah (Norris) Hobart, wid. Calvin Hobart; b. April 1, 1785,

Dorcheotor, N. H, ; d. Benjanin and Rebecca (Hasolton) Norris; she d. March 13, 1874, Red Wing, Minn.; no chn. by 2nd marriage; chn, by 1st marriage: 1. iiary; m. Sept., 1834, Norris Hobai*t; 8. Calvin Hobart above; he m. (2) Sarah Berry; 3 chn. by Ist marriage.

2. Betsey T. ; m. April 12, 1834, Ghauncey Hobart; s. Calvin Hobart above; he m. (2) Harriet A. Duncan.

(Norris gen., 1892, which see.)

HAlOiAH TIGKMOR m. , as his 2nd wife, Harvey Slayton; b. June 25,

1812, Whitestown, N. Y. ; he d. Jan., 1865, Savannah, Ga. ; no chn. (Slayton gsn.

JANE TICKNOR m. (ab. 1840 or so) Benjamin Schrara of Middlesex County, Canada ^est. (Kiltouma gen.)

Name unknown; had: 1. Job, b. Cortland County, N. Y.

2 . Ro swel 1 ; iinm.

3. Charles; vs'srit to 2iinn. ; nothing known.

JOB TICKN?:R, s. of above; m. (l) Sarah Clark; no chn.; m. (2) Sarah Beers; chn. by 2nd marriage:

1. ilary Jane; ie m. ; 7 chn.

2. Willard; is m. ; 4 chn.; res., i'.illerton. Pa. 3. Harry B., b. Oct. 27, 1360, Wells, Pa.

(Mr. Willard Tickner.

HAPvEY E. TICKNER, s. of above; carpenter at ELmira, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 27, 1902, Elmira; m. Sept. 7, 1884, in Pa., Mattie E.

Molntyre; b. April 4, 1R61, Tioga Covmty, Pa. ; d. John H. and Ruth (Carr) Mclntyre; chn., b. Tioga CountJI: 1. Lepha Gbloy, b. Aug. IQ, 1S85; m. Calvin G. Shappee. 2. Lei and Edward, b. Feb. 8, 1888.

3. Ruth Lavinnia, b. Feb. 26, 1894; \inia. ; res., Elmira. Iftiss Ruth L. Tickner. .&

rOs^v »4i;:^0«. ; ) iA

JOim TICKN^^, b. a"b. 1832; served in the Civil War, enlisting from

Brooklyn, N. Y. , aged 30 Sept. 30, 1862, in 5th l[. Y. Art. (N. Y. Adjt. -General 's records.)

BYROII J. TIcaaiOR, "b. ab. 1863, liontrose, Pa.; s. John and Elvira

Ticknor of Montrose; res., Ithaca, H. Y. ; hamesfl maker; no reply; m. Oct. 17, 1887, at Owego, H. Y. , llattie Slater; b. ab. 1865,

Slaterville, H. Y. ; d. Daniel and Phebe (Hones) Slater; chn. , b. and d. Owei^o

1. Charles C. , b. ab, lS90p d. April 5, 1892. 2. Ruth, b. ab. April 24, 1892; d. Sept. 17, 1892.

(Owejo records.

FLOYD H. TIGKiroR, bt ab, 1839; served in the Civil War, enlisting from ITichols, Tioga County, IT. Y. , aged 24, Jvily ID, 1863, in Co.,

11, 104th N, Y. Inf , ; discharged July 17, 1865. (N. Y. Adjt.- General's records.)

ADiVLIlJE TlCiaiOfi, m. April 23, 1848, Jonathan Willis ilevins; 3 chn.; he d. Sept. 21, 1866; (no places given^. (Yardley gen.)

TIRZAH LOUISA TIGKMOR, m. Sept. 2, 1852, Horace Loonis of Jefferoon,

0. ; removed to Hocliester, liinn. (Loorais gen., 1908.)

COHETTHIA (DEXTER) TICJOIOR, b. ab. July 6, 1835; d. Chester and Ann (Williams) Dexter; d. J;in, 8, 1913, Utica, U. Y. (utica record*.)

CHARLES H. TI CKIIOR, served in the Civil War, Sept. 21, 1861 to Sept, 21, 1864, as private in Co., I, 12th Wise. Inf.; res., 1872, Morrison, 111. (U. 3. Pension records.)

Jl. DAl^EL TIOiOTOR, b. ab. 1821; res., 1864, North Lansing, Y. ; laborer; in. March 30, 1842, at V/. Groton, N. Y. , Sally Ann Myers; b. ab. 1822; she d. 1870; chn.:

1. George H. , b. Uarch 10, 1843; unm. ; served in the Civil

War, enlisting from Lansing, N, Y^ , Feb. 11, 1864, in Co., F, 9th JJ. Y. Art.; wounded at Cedar Creek,

Va. , Oct. 19, 1864; d. of wovmds Oct. 22, 1844. 2. Celia, b. ab. 1850.

(U. S. Pension records. )

V/ILLIA'I E. TlCKHillR, served in the Civil War, enlisting Dec, 1863, in Co., B, 1st Midi. Eng. and Mech. of Allegan County, Mich.; d.

May 17, 1864, New Albany, Ind, ; ra, 1853, at Somerset, li.Y, , Sarah C. Pox, who m. (2) James 11, Stark; their res., (when?) Grand Rapids,

Mich. ; ch:

1, Arteraus E, , b. Axig. , 1854, .


JOSEPH TICKHOR, "b, ab. 1840; served in the Civil '"-ir, enlisting f rem Pari shville, N. Y. , aged 23, Jidy 14, 1863, in Co..G, 83rd H, Y. Inf.; d. of disease Dec 2. 1863, Mine Rvin, Va. { N. Y. Adjutant-General's records.)

GEORGE B. TICKNOR, from Hanaony, Pa., was killed in the Civil War. (liia. Susquehanna County, Pa.)

LY?.IAH TIC2CN0R, b, Jan. 2, 1840, Hocking County, 0.; res., Topeka,

Kan.; no reply; served in the Civil ^ar (as Lyman C. ) , enlisting from Madison County, 0., LTay 22, 18G4, in Co., I, 154th-0. Inf.; dis. Sept., 1864. Res., at same address, Albert M. and Angie Ticknor. (U. S. Pension records.) irfROlf N. TICKNOR, h. ab. 1839, N. Y. State; d. iiarcli 17, 1905, U. S. aged 66, Syracuse, N. Y. ; m. Clara R. Fisk; b. ab. 1843, ; d. J. and Clara Fisk; she d. Sept. Z, or 5, 1894, Syracuse; ch. :

1. Edith, b. ab. 18 73, N. Y. State; unm. ; stenographer; d. Sept. 13, 1909, Syracuse.

(Syracuse and Onondaga County Surrogate's records.)

SALLY TICKNOR of Lebanon, ij, H. , m. , by 1868, Luther Richardson; res., 1368, Bath, and later Lisbon. (llis. Littleton, N. H. )

HARRIET R. TICKNOR, b. 1846; m. V/illiain Winthrop Peet; res., 1906, Chicago, 111.; 2 chn. (Prindle gen.)

SARAH FRAIICES TICKUOR, m. Oct. 10, 1866, at Bridgeport, Conn., David P. Comstock; res., 1900, Torrington, Conn. (Pratt gen., 1900.

HENRY J. TICKl^ER, b. Hov. 18, 1849, Phila. , Pa.; s. Jacob and Caroline (Pleisclier) Tickner of Phila., and Meadville, Pa., who were ra. 1845, at Phila.; res., Phila.; buyer; m. April 23, , at Phila., Hannah Feldman; b. April 23, 1871, Phila.; d. Abraham and Harriet (Fornberger) Peldman; chn., b. Phila.:

1. Jacob A. , b. May 22, 1872. 2. Alfred Columbus, b. Oct. 12, 1876; Univ. of Pa., 1897;

res. , Pliila. ; salesman; no reply; m. Gertrude

3. Bert F. , b. March 4, 1883; d. Oct. 15, 1918, Phila.

JACOB A. TICIvirER, 8. above; res., N. Y. City; salesman; m. (l) Fannie Rosehbaum; m. (2) Aug. 12, 1915, Gertrude Wiggins; b. P. E. I.; chn., b. N. Y. City:

1. HariyJ. , b. Aug. 15. 1905. .,.,3-„„ '' ' ' 2. Milton F. , b. April 9, 1914. .

Uessrs. Henry J. and Jacob ^. Tickner. .julin'l .8lCf .31 .ii

(X) .fl ) ) ) loz

EIWARD TICKITOR, b. Utica, N. Y. ; laborer; ra. Ilary Coneidine; "b. Ireland; ch, :

1. William Henry, b. Jiroe 21, 1880, Southbridge, lias 8. , or

v/illiara, b. July 14, 1880, Sturbridge, liass. ; d. Sept. 19, 1880, Sturb ridge.

(MaoB. Vital Statistics.)

EIWARD TICiaiOR m. Aug. 3, 1873, Eve Ann Herfford; b. July 15,

1852; d. John C. and Sarah (llolloman) Herfford of New Haven, 111. ; Bhe m, (2) John Sinnainon. (Samuel and Joseph Davis gen.)

JENIHE TICIQIOR, b. ab. 1851; d. Jan. 21, 1914, Willard, If. Y. ; bur. Syracuse, II. Y. (Syracuse records.)

\7ILLIA!I B, TIGKIIOR, b. ab. 1853, Oswego County, II. Y. ; laborer; ra. Marcia J. Briggs; b. ab. 1854, Osv/ego County; ch. : 1. Charles Edward, b. April 7, 1874, Syracuse, M. Y.

(Syracuse records.)

LIBBIE TIGKNOR, m. Hiram Bird Haff; b. May 24, 1857, Clyde, 0.; res., Lorain, 0.; no reply. (Avery gen.)

MAUD C. TICIQTOR, ra. Arthur H. Little of Hebron, Conn. ; b. 1858. (Hie. Tolland County, Conn.

DORCAS TICKNOR, m. William Samuels (no dateb or places given). (Wakefield gen.

WILLIAM ARVIil TIClCraR, b. Oct. 23, 1888, Tamaqua, Pa.; 8. Edward Benjamin and Anna (DePui^ Ticknor, who were ra. liay 21, 1887, at Audanried, Pa., and lived at Denver, Col.; res., San I'rancisco, Cal.; contractor; m. Aug. 25, 1909, at Golden, Col., Hilda Swanson; b. Hay 18, 1891, Sweden; d. Jolin and Olga Gwanson; chn. : 1. Edna Marie, b. 5'eb. 16, 1911, Canada. 2. Edward John, b. Oct. 30, 1912, San Francisco.

(Mr. William A. Ticknor.)

JOHN K. TiaCNOR, d. March 6, 1907, Buffalo, N. Y, ; adroin. mentions widow Lillian and dau. Louella, aged 8 rao8. (Erie County Surrogates records.

ROBERT TICKNOR, b. ab. 1841; served in the Civil War, enlisting from N. Y. City, aged 23, March 31, 1864, in Co., F, 65th II. Y. Inf.; dis. July 17, 1865. (II. Y. Adjt. -General's records.) I » I'» J».''- . I C .'\Ji.i.'i~ I -Iv JiU DM

* . X D 1 n

i ;»^Tr>^'>^ 36^n*jr: Z06

HAPRIET 8. TICKNOR of Evans, Brie County, N. Y. , d. there Feb. 28, 1906; admin, mentions unknown gr. oh* as only heir. (Brie County Surrogates records.) IL ) ) ^04


Ho information can te given about the following persons, who hare not replied to inquiries. Names in parentheses are of others living at the same address.

Albert H, Tickner, Detroit, Mioh. ; painter. (Gertrude.) Albert H. Tickner, Hobart Mills, San Franoisco, Cal. Austin E. Tickner, Detroit, Mich.; painter. (IdaM. Benjamin F, Tipknor, Hartford, Conn.; sheet metal worker. Benjamin R. Ti^knor, Denyer, Col. Carl Tickner, Cleveland, 0. Qiarles Ticknor, Topeka, Kan. Charles Tioknor, Chicago, 111., (1916) ; removed by 1919. Charles H. Ticknor, Mount Vernon, N. Y. ; note teller. (John A., salesman; Mary.) Charles L. Tickner, Philadelphia, Pa.; machinist. Eldro A. Ticknor, Battle Greek, Mich.; painter. Floyd Tickner, Pittsburg, Pa.; carpenter.

Flunk C. Ticknor, Uilwaxikee, Wis. ; cashier. George Tickner, Philadelphia, Pa. Glen Ticknor, Springfield, 111. Harry J. Tickner, Grand Rapids, Mich. James Tickner, Chicago, 111. Jasper Tickner, Oakland, Cal. John Tickner, New York City; clerk. Louis Tickner, Manayunk, Pa.; driver. Ray E. Tioknor, Detroit, Mich. Tish Tickner, Atlanta, Ga.

W. C. Tickner, Portland, Oreg. ; picture framer. Willis L. Ticknor, Tppeka, Kan. (Pearl M. Mrs. Addie Ticknor, GhicfiMjo, 111., (1916); removed by 1919. Mrs. Bessie Tioknor, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Clarice A. Ticknor, Chicago, 111., (1916); with Howell, Williams, Hall & Tioknor, hardware; removed by 1919. Mrs. Dollie C. Tickner, Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Elizabeth Ticknor, Los Angeles, Cal. 'Mrs. Bnma Tioknor, Topeka, Kan. Miss Grace Ticknor, Oakland, Cal., (1916); removed by 1919. Mrs. Malinda Tickner, wid. John, Philadelphia, Pa.

Mrs. Susanna Ticknor, Fond du Lao, Wis. ; widow. Miss T. Tickner, San Francisco, Cal.

) aQ^


(Names of persons known to have died xmmarrled, under 21 years of age, irlthout haying perfoxmed mllltaiy aexyloo, are omitted.

A'b'be, Katharine Cowles 172 Allxed, Ella V. 47 Thomas 172 Hazel 47 Ahbey, Alice Belle 136 Leri D. 47 Bertha Florence 91 Nancy B. 47 - Clifford Maurice 91 Olive 46 Elmer Lee 91 Russ W. 47 Henry Scott 91 Sarah A, 46 Mary Lillis 91 Sue L. 47 Mary Margaret 136 Thomas 46 Raymond Duane 91 Ames, Almira 27 William Deloss 136 Bishop 27 Aciker, Lydia A. 80 Amory, Eliza Ann 41 Adams, Eliza Ann 192 Anderson, Alexander Vard 158 Elizaheth Lemoine 144 Charlotte Elizabeth 175 Pannie C. 144 Edgar Henry 142 Harriett Byron 102 Mamie Magadelene 142 Helen Frances 102 Mary Ellen 158 Horace 54 Nelly Haigh 158 Lois 54 Stella 142 Martha Jane 10 Andrews, Alzira Anna 116 Mary ELla 10 Ann 118 Maryette 54 Ann Elizabeth 118 Mertie Louise 139 Desdemona 135 Nathan B. 144 Ira 118 Nellie 77 Applegate, — 62 Polly 20 Alonzo 116 Simeon Partridge 102 Soma Catherine 116 Susannah 42 Axmslow, Florence Barbara 147 Adeanthwaite, Soma 150 John D. 147 Adkins, Sarah Jane 106 Armstrong, Emily 23 Aisquith, Helen S, 47 George 23 Alhaugh, Andrew 149 Harriet E, 150 Viola Estena 149 Irene 23 Alderton, Archibald 128 James 150 Margaret Louise 128 James Preston 160 Mary Augusta 128 Catherine Ann 150 Aldrioh, Abigail 58 Amett, Margaret 154 Sarah Sargent 58 Orra Elizabeth 154

Windsor 58 r-t William Columbus 154 Allen, Amanda 113 Ashtoh, Samuel 184 Betsey 35 Atherly, AmarleOi Augustus 61 Caiarles J. 138 Ansel DeWitt 62 Cynthia Paimelia 169 Eliza 61 Francis Ellery 189 Judson Webster 62 Grace Rosealthea 189 Lillie Ibima 62 John 56 Millard William 62 Lucinda Luretta 138 Morris Augustus 62 Maude Biantha 138 Rollin Berilla 62 Allie. Maud 116 Atkins, Catherine 41 uar 206

Austin, 58 Boll, (cont. ) Lois Camp 34 Albert 58 Maude May 178 Anthony 77 Robert 16 Augusta 58 Sophia Bingham 16 Catherine 117 Wright 46 John 117 Bailey, John 167 Margaret 117 Mary 167 Mariana 77 Mary Louise 167 Mary Marana 77 Bamell, Isaac J. 52 Axman, Sva Belle 136 Martha Ann 52 Paul George 136 Bsmoroft, Coira 139 Virginia Gamett 136 Barber, Aljiioe Paxmelia 114 Babcock, «-——— 70 Beriah Owen 114 Sarah Watson 130 Boxing Fidelia 114 Bachman, Bnma J. 121 Barden, Paulina 45 Joseph 121 Bamekoff, Alexander 119 Badger, Nellie 61 Edward Almon 119 Thomas 61 Francis Tidcnor 119 Badgley, Sophronia 177 Irene Johann 119 Baggerley, ISmily Jemima 22 June Martha Louise 119 Bagley, Maxlah Helen 45 Lewis Webb 119 Bailey, - 175 Oren Alexander 119 Isatao 4, 6 Barnes, -- —-—— 19 Mary 4, 175 Ellen F. 19 Mercy 4 Bamim, —.- 44 Bair, Conrad 143 Eli aha F. 74 Sterna 143 Lydia E. 44 Baker, Alpheus 60 Martha J. 74 Betsey 108 Barrett, 22 Cordelia 147 Ada Laura 144 Bimiok 42 Carrie 144 Bdward Dimidk 42 Eugene 144 Edward Oliver 57 Sarah Henderson 82 Elisabeth 42 Theoda CI arin da 22 Elrira 23 Barrows, Amos 4 Gideon 23 Maxy 4 Graoe Letitia 57 Bartholomew, Alberta Leona 93 Harriet 23 Bertrand Collins 93 Hewett 23 Charles Collins 93 John 147 Ethel Hellena 93 LoTiea Jane 108 Kate 66 Mary 147 Silas 66 Hanoy J. 60 Bartlett» Alice M. 24 Oliver 18 Bassett, Diana 189 Philo 108 Baughman, Cleo C. 140 Sally 18 Marjorie Evelyn 140 Susan 99 Beadle, Virginia 113 Thomas Kennedy 57 Bean, Annette 20 Balcom, Martha 64 Benjamin 20 Baldwin, Alice M. 45 Catherine 81 Bertha 105 Drusie Mattox 81 Lydia Ann 62 James A. 81 Ruth 56 Beaton, Maggie B. 119 Ball, Adella Delight 97 William 120 Ella 46 Becanon, Aurilla Tryphena 50 Frances Elizabeth 34 Harriet Alice 51 Lemuel G. 178 Herschel Francis 50, 51 i»J&

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^ Becanon, ( cont. ) J'ulia Doris 50 Bliss, Anna 3 Mabel Buth 60 Clarissa 27 Sarah Maria 50 Dillon X7 Beemer, Rachel 101 Elisabeth 3 Beers, Sarah 199 Hannah 3 Bell, Florence 187 Israel 3 Benjamin, Ida 149 JemimA 3 Jame« W. 149 John 3 Sarah 149 Lydia 3 Berlle, Isabel 99 Mary 3 Berry, Sarah 199 Samuel 3 Bewley, Amelia 190 Sarah 3 Charlotte A. 190 Blodgett, Eliza 64 William 190 Freda A. 58 Bibhine, Pannle C. 144 Bloss, Clarissa Euphelia 75 Blckner, Olive A. 153 James M. 75 BldlaJce, 24ary 116 Ro-arena 75 Bill, Adailena Gertrude 38 Bly, Francis 30 George William 38 Gideon G. 30 Harriet R, 38 Maiy 30 Julia Annette 38 l£aiy A. 30 Sarah Rebecca 38 Boardman, Benjamin Franklin 42 Billings, Elizabeth 18 Darius 42 Elijah 18 Edith Mildred 91 Bingham, Alfred 10 George Arthur 91 Amanda 10 George Woodward Ticknor 41 Bethiah 16 Ivan Howard 91 Clarissa 16 John Ticknor 42 Daniel 15 Lillls Malvina 91

Deborah 10 Mary Sliza 42 : Slisha lO Susannah 42 ; Gehiel IP Boganshultz, Hellie 111 j GustaTus C. 10 Boland, Augustine Elmer 21,22 Hannah 15 Botty 21 John 10 Charity 22 Lucy 10 David 21 Lydia 10 Emily Jemiiaa 22 lliranda 10 James Alanson 22 Samuel 10 Margaret 22 Sarah 10 Myron Ticknor 22 Binns, Charles Wesley 178 Ruth Wells 21 Flora Allie 178 Theoda Clarinda 22 Birchard, Dvright Darius 136 Bolton, Margaret H. 75 Flora 136 Bonner, Anne Bryan 164 Mary Louise 136 Edna Wallace Hyadnthe 188 Bishop, Carrie 144 Frank 188 Qiarlotte 88 Booth, Emma Pauline 135 Robert 80 Henry 135 Sarah Anne 88 Lucy 135 Bissell, Susan ISO Bostviok, Getia 34 Black, Stephen Henley 81 Gideon 34 Virginia Mead 81 Jesse 5 Blaisdell, Benjamin Ticknor 105 Sarah 5 Cinda E. 105 Bo swell, Charles 81 Blauvelt, Jane 79 Jane 81 Blow, Cliarle* 36 Josephine Harriet Streeter Edwin Ticknor 36 Bojxdin, Jane 117 81 Simiogene 3u Boutty, llieresa 105 William Ticknor 36 Bowen, Amy Dillingham 90 .ft

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Bowen, Capltola Paxicer 53 Brooks, AlpheuB Dennis 122 Jennings 90 AxjLgusta 58 Fhebe Bood 90 Hanna}! 4 Bowers, Alice 77 Howard Elmer 122 Atler Harold 77 James S. 58 Bertha 77 Jennie 7» 56 Blanche 77 Julie Patience 122 Dennio Ephralm 77 Leion Howard 122 Doroie Elizabeth 77 Lydia 20 Edson 77 Mary 85 Elizabeth Ann 77 Mary Jane 86,122 Ella 77 Thomas 4 Eleon 77 William 85 Ejrvln 77 Brothers, Alice Florence 159 Eva E. 77 Elizabeth Belnap 159 Evelyn May 77 Hypolite Peter 159 Gladys Esther 77 Brown (Browne), Adaline B. 28 Helen 77 Alice 53 Jesse Roy 77 Almira 84 Leroy Richard 77 Ann 100 Lillian Mary 77 Ann Elizabeth 84 llellie 77 Charles 100 William Eber 77 Charles Horton Q4 Willian Edgar 77 David Trumbull 84 William Henry 77 Dorothy 98 BoTToer, Rachel Jane 148 Earl Durrell 99 Bowyer, Ella 197 Eleanor A. 151 George 197 Elizabeth 3§, 37 Boyd, Elizabeth R» 176 Eimm 150 Boynton, Roxana Fidelia 114 Florence 144 Bozarth, A, Johnson 43 Florence Eugenia 99 Arthur 43 Henry Butler 19 Buford 43 Isaac 151 Charles Walter 43 James Robert 150 Harriet 43 Laura 19 Henry Edgar 43 Liiiie Alice 82 John C. 43 Margaret 88 Mary Alice 43 Mary Adamthwaite 150 Olive 43 Mary Ida 98 William Lincoln 43 ITodinh 28 Bradley, Edraund Samuel 111 Sara 72 Edwin Leo 111 Brownell, Anna Ilaria 180 Mertie May 111 Osoar L. 100 Brainerd, Sarah Uaria 82 Brumbaugh, Alice 77 Braxnham, Avarilla 137 Bryan, E. W, 149 George 137 May 149 Mary 137 Bryant, 27 Briddon, Elizabeth 191 Clarissa 27 Ethel Rose 191 R}ioda 27 John 191 Buck, Cyrus 57 Briggs, Marcia J. 202 Ellen 190 Bristol, Helen Amelia 122 Irving 190

Molinda 122 N. Louise 190 . r Orson 73,122 Susan Parkhurst 56 Roxana 73 Buckman, Beatrice 127 Brodc, Isabella Wilson 17, 131 Clayton Park 127 Bronson, Amasa 27 Mary Irene 127 Sarah 27 ^ Walter 127 -If ,%t»yzti Si t9:ita'l MlciiqMSl ,mwo'J

as L>9

Buckman, ( oont. ) Warren 127 Campbell, Bertha Almira 179 Buokingham, Salome 39 Bertha Elmina 123 Thomas 39 Cecil Clayton 123 Triphena 39 Clara Lorine 123 Biaiard, William Storey 41 Frederick 130 Bullock, Hosella 150 Prenholme Tidknor 123 Bimtaln, Margaret 22 Ho man Frederick 123 Burdlck, Carrie 143 Jefferson 130 Lylla Adelle 143 Louise Axigusta 130 William 143 Malcolm MacBonald 179 Burgess, Amanda 108 Martha Jane 159 Benjamin 108 Mary A. 130 it^rtha Matilda 108 Mary E, 130 Burghart, (>esie 34 HelUe Hattie 179 Burgoyne, Harriet V. 195 Ronald William 123 John James 195 Sarah Watson 130 Burke, Alexander 73 William 123 OrpUa Catherine 73 Canfield, Blizg!, Ann 100 Burleigh, Aidy Ray 104 Capron, Beajamin Wing 117 Carrie Evelyn 104 Hannah 117 Xlizabeth 104 Orriasa 117 Gordon 104 Carberry, Kate Lavinia 186 Louise 104 Patrick Joseph 186 Robert Pletoher 104 Card, Mary 85 Robert Gordon 104 Carey, Stella 142

Buimshire, Carrie 143 Carley, « — - 29 Burnett, Louisa 109 Anna 29 Bumliaia, Bessie Venelia 87 Carl in, Nancy 89 Burroughs, Bella 134 Carlisle, Harriet May 163 Sara Ann 134 Josephine 163 William Chaunccy 134 Williaiji Robert 163 Buree, Edward A. 195 Gamer, Charles J. 65 Ellen 195 Prances Elizabeth 65

Eether E. 19 5 George Ticknor 65 . Burton, Ann Eliza 63 John Getman 65 Henry ?. 135 Lurency 65 James 63 William Edward 65 Maude Qmna 135 Carpenter, Clara 144 Busvrell, Betsey E. 23 Elizabeth 161 Oramel H. 23 Gile 161 Butler, Avis Anna 159 Maude Mertle 161 Bessie Irene 159 Carr, Ruth 199 Mary Etta 195 Cart, Rachel Jane 148 ^eda Mae 159 Sadie Amanda 148 Samuel 159 Samuel Madison 148 Butt, Fxunces 194 Cartwright, Sarah 79 Button, • 128 Walter 79 Ina Martha 128 Case, Daniel R. 28,108 Cairns, Douglas 40 Laura Ann 28, 108 Luoy Elizabeth 40 Casselman, Kato M. 148 Caldwell, Charles Prank 164 Suoeui 148 Eva Stella 164 William H. 148 Verisa 164 Cassidy, Alice Mae 47 Calkins, M&ude Mayat to 160 Caswell, Carrie Sinma 177 Minnie 160 Samuel 177 Miron 160 Sophronia 177 Call, Francelia 152 Catlin, Catherine 68 Calvary, Mai'y Ann 26 •• Prsjiceo Cowlee 118 r8.'

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Catlin, (cont.) JoBeph S. 116 Coleman, Bavid 180 Laura 118 Ealey 180 Bhoda 30 Collina, ——— 28 Bo Banna 30 Albert G. 16 Chadwlok, Anna 31 Azel 16 Chamberlln, Ruth S. 24 Ida Jano 147 Samuel B. 24 Mary 16 ChamberB, Alice Elizabeth 51 Mary B, 28 Almlra 50 Nancy 16 Ella Almlra 51 Orell Elsworth 147 Jackson 50 Famelia 16 Margaret Ann 50 Phoebe 104 MelYina Tiyphena 51 Combs, Alice Eudora 1-76 Sarah Maria 50 Eugene 176 Chandler, caiarlee Edtaund 109 Comstock, Abner 196 D, D. 109 David P. 201 Gertrude 109 Ella 66 Harriet Josephine 109 Julius 65 Chapman, Almlra Kimball 145 Samuel 196 Euretta Asenath 53 Sarah 196 William 53 Sarah Frances 201 Ghoate, Elisabeth Camilla 164 Sarah Jane 65 Frank Wilson 164 Stella Eugenia 66 Helen Francis 164 Conant (Connant), Lucy Dean 106 Chute, Marjorie Warner 188 Minerva 63 Paimer W, 188 Cone, Anna M. 130 Clark (Clarke), — — 112 Edah 130 Bnily Marion 124 James 130 Hepzibeth 198 Conger, Sarah Ann 98 Jehlel 198 Conklin, Dorothy 98 Jessie 140 Jennie Catherina 98 Jonathan 8 Josiah 98 Leroy Frank 140 Conner, Mary 78 Marion Frances 140 Cons idine, Mary 202 Nancy Jane 112 Cook (Cooke), Anna Lodica 107 Robert 112 Delia Gertrude 107 Sarah 193,199 Eliza 64 W. B. 124 George 107 daxton, Nancy 199 George E. 51 William 199 George Frederick 107 Clifford, Alice Elizabeth 187 Gertrude 171 Ann 199 Lucretla May 51 ComeliuB Francis 187 Malvinia Gertrude 107 Elizabeth N. 187 Coolidge, Harriet 40 Robert 199 Henry Joseph 40 Clough, Eliza Ann 100 Lucy 40 FranolB B. 100 A Coombe, Louise Ruth 119 Lucy Ann 100 Mary Ann 119 Marl ah 52 X:^'- William Webb 119 Cobb, Basset 107 Coon, Snma 194 Harriet 107 Henry I. 194 Lodica 107 Mary E. 194 " Cockbum, Marion 152 Cooper, James 189 Colby, Cynthia Wood 42 Margaret A. 189 Newell 42 Mary 189 Cole, Louisa 63 Comwell, Almon D. 62 " William 63 Charles Ticknor 62 .i.^*I5^

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eox ^ 211

Comwell^ (cont*) Cordelia 62 Crlppen, Elizabeth 72 Dexter P. 62 Joel 72 ^ Dora C. 62 Sarah 196 Edwin A. 62 Sevier 72 Ellen A. 62 Crittenden, Levi 71 Flora A, 62 Levi Fanning 71 Frank 62 Mary 71 Julia M. 62 Mary L. 71 Mary Ann 62 Cropp, Ann Elizabeth 86 Perry D. 62 Benjamin 86 Corson, Clara Aiigueta 134 Louisa 86 Coulter, John 28 Cross, Hannah 58 Maran da 28 Croton, Gilbert Beebe 52 Courser, Atty Ann 59 James 52 Annie Belle 59 Susan Lydia 51 James H, 59 Culp, Jennie Love 186 CoTert, Phebe 116 John F. 186 Corey, Frank R» 83 Cumming, Christine Seattle 132 Harriet Goodrich 83 Currier, Mary Erameline 87 Kate Laura 95 Curtice (Curtiss) Cleantha Uahala 109 Mary 48 Curtis, Benjamin 18

Covin, Andrew C* 125 . Benjamin Robbins 18, 41 Elda 125 Elizabeth 18 Florence Irene 126 Brnna 166 Fred Arthur 126 Frances Elizabeth 34 Howard Ticknor 125 George Ticknor 18, 41 Laurence Raymond 125 Lois 18 Sadie May 125 Rosetta 63 Cowles, Abigail Sophronia 110 Ro swell Chapman 34 Ethan Smith 110 Cushman, Caroline Coolidge 102 Sarah 110 Ehieline 102 Cox, Marie Louise 10 Freeman Lorlng 102 Mary 122 Cutler, Anna 44 Craig, Alice Mabel 168 Betsey 35 Sarah Elizabeth 168 Eliza 35 Thomas 168 Josiah 35 Crandall, Dora 135 Cutliff, John M. 132 Torama 135 Mary Shackelford 132 William Herri ok 135 May 132 Crane (Crain), Elihu 89 Cutting, Aurilla Tryphena 50 Hancy 89 Edwin 50 Susie May 166 Daatsch, Alma Jean 162 Wealthy Cordelia 89 Chester Q. 162 Craven, Cynthia Prudence 125 Wanda Margaret 162 Sarali 125 Dann, Nellie Agnes 154 Shephard 125 Dart, Mamie E. 64 Crawford, Clarence Cory 124 Darter, Eudora 113 Edward J. 194 John Jacob 113 Elizabeth Goffe 124 Stincy 113 Florence M. 194 Davidson, Adalaide 146 Floyd 128 H. R. 148 George Ticknor 124 Nancy J. 129 Grace Ada 128 Davis, Alice 9 Margaret Catherine 194 C. E. R. 81 Richard Hall 124 Charles 4 Criplean, Albert 160 Charlotte Olive 48 Anna Freda 160 Cyrus 4 Martha 160 •• Daniel 24 *CI -»J._.. ---


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BaTlB, (cont.) Deborah 9 Dexter* (oont.) VZillian Sohier 41 Soma A. 120 Deyo, Mary Ellen 95 Pranlc Harry Dilasy, Mary 167 48 ^ Hannah H, 57 Dillingham, Anna Louise 1S2 Harriet 48 George Washington 40,152 Hariy 4 Lucy Elizabeth 40 Irene 4 Lucy Elizabeth Caima 132 Irene B. 24 Ditcher, David 73 J. W, 120 Susan 73 James 4 Dixon. George Hill 147 Julia Biddle 81 Mary 147 Luolnda 4 Dobbin, Charlotte S. 28 Olive U. 48 Eveline S. 28 Philinda 4 Dochteiman, i^atilda 47 Hub a ell B. 48 Dolan, Katharine 141 Samuel 9 Doman, Anna 193 Sarah Jane 81 Charlotte Elizabeth 177 Savieon, Caroline I^lly 156 Max 193 Clara Louiee 156 Dorsey, Allie E. 51 John Ticknor 156 Edward 51 iiary 198 Douglass, Darius 81 Robert Lewie 156 Louisa Jane 81 William 198 Sarali 81 William Jared 156 Dow, Abigail 105 Davy, --. — 151 Cinda E. 105 Elizabeth 151 Greeley 105 John 151 Lebbeus Stetson 25 Susanah Jane 151 Lillie J. G. 26 Day, Prances laiaabeth 156 Lucy 135 Harriet 98 Tryphena Kimball 25 Henry B. 98 Downer, Amanda Melvina 82 Irena 55 Anna 82 Martha M. 98 Rogers 62 Dayton, 29 Drake, rfary 192 Laura 29 Druiamond, John 152 Minerva 29 Marion 152 Dean, Keziah 71 Duff, H. C, 89 Dearborn, Elbrldge 24 Uary 89 niioda B. 24 Dugan, Ellen 115 Deary, Ann 124 Marie William 115 DeBardeleben, Ellen 37 Susan Anthony 115 Henry F. 37 Duncan, Harriet A. 199 Dell, John 105 Ruth R. 19 Margaret 105 Samuel B. 19 Tlieresa 106 Dunham, Hxadali 33 DcPui, Anna 202 Joseph 38 Derrick, Charlotte 183 Dunn, Anna Maria 160 Charlotte Veronica 183 John 160 Prank 183 i^ry Jane 160 Dexter, Ann 200 Durant, Benjamin Pranklin 82 Chester 200 Lucy Aiin 82 Cornelia 200 Martha Barth 82 Edith 41 Durham, Martha A. 152 Eliza Sullivan 41 Durkee, Elizabeth 87 Eliza Ann 41 Huldah Elizabeth 87 Eleie 41 Ruel 87 Evangeline Hope 41 Dumin, Ellen 115 George Minot 41 Duiy, Raohel 175 George Ticknor 41 Dutcher, Jane 121 Philip 41 Oliver 121 Rose Linzee 41 Dwelle, Edward 133 William 41 Elephare 139 ^irci^

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Direlle, (cont.) Uai^ Elephare 133 Erickson, Anna 172 -^ Saton, DezEas 12 Emit, Louis 113 . Ellsaljeth 66 BTellie B. 113 Pitch 66 Estlack, Laurel Hartner 186 Lena 66 Estright, Dorcie Elizabeth 77 Bbner, Julia Anna 168 John 77 Eckart, caiarlea Franklin 114 Evans, Florence Marie 156 May Belle 114 Honer Thomas 156 Eckendorf, Andrew Ambrose 107 Laura Mae 156 Frank John 107 William Tioknor 156 Harriet Cornelia 107 Everett, Abby C. 80 John 107 Adolphus 80

Margaret Cornelia 107 Lydia 80 . Eckles, Imia May 167 EvittB, Mary Jane 160 Robert 157 Fadden, Philander 198 Scott 157 Sarah Maria 198 Bdgerton, deoT^a 94 Fargo, Harriet Hewell 96 Geraldine Beatrice 94 Famsvortli, Sarah Melville 103 Edwards, Eliza 79 Farrell, 2;jjaa 186 Eggleston, Electa 23 Featherley, Elizabeth 145 Frederick 23 Feldman, Abrahsn 201 Helen Satella 139 Hannah 201 Mahalift 48 Harriet 201 Eldridge, Alice "Dora 139 Ferguson, Joel 51 ^dna Alioe 139 Lydia 51 Samuel Sard 139 Haiicy 51 Eliot (Elliott), Alice Ophelia 118 Ferris, Calvin 112 Ann Eliza 118 Electa Kanoy 112 Anna 41 Bmeline 49 Caroline Matilda 42 George 49 Catherine 41 Polly June 112 Charles Edward 42 Ferry, Gilbert 77 Elizabeth C. 155 Loreyitine 77 Elizabeth Ticknor 43 Fields, Janiea T, 56 John Hc\rTey 118 Fifield, Gertrude C. 25 Martha 43 Filleman, Cecil 193 Pliny 43 FillEiore, Birdie 134 Samuel 41 Carrie R. 134 Eller, Melvina Tryphena 51 Jolm Henry 134 Otto 51 Finch, Betsey 61 ElliB, Alice Ophelia 118 Pinefield, ITellie Abbott 170 Betsey 23, 24 Fink, Katherine 150 Ede 23,24 Fiiraan, Mary Augusta 128 Elias 118 Fish, Amelia Hamilton, 173 Oliver 23 Elizabeth Mary 173 Ruth 23 George Sutton 173 Elster, Pearl Lcc^h 92 Fiehbum, Caimen 157 Sarah Elizabeth 92 Eugene Heald 117 Wellington 92 1 sab ell e 157 Emerson, Cyrus Jerome 64 Louise 157 Mary Krum 64 Randolph Eugene 117,167 Emery, Clarence 177 Susan Wiggins 117 Margaret May 177 Fisk, Clara 201 Enery, Georgiana 151 Clara R. 201 English, Ann Maria 90 J. 201 Cynthia 23 Fitch, Asa 60 David 23 Bertlia 182 Frederick 90 Caroline E. 126 Maria 90 Etiana A. 126 Airs;;



Wl.r 214

Pitch, (oont.) Hoderiok B. 126 Frieze, Alice 60 Sylvia 60 Frit Cher, A. Lee 47 % Fitzgerald, Qraoe 142 Alice Mae 47 Mlntie Alice 142 Beatrice 47 Thomae William 142 Bertha D. 47 Pleisher, Caroline 201 Frank E. 46 Flint, David 0. 65 Glenn P. 47 Joseph 65 Helen S. 47 Ruth E, 65 John Bus 8 47 Salira Ann 65 Olive 46 Seth II. 66 Ruby F. 47 Plory, Martha 182 Thomas D. 47 Flower, Almond 96 Fromon, Susan Lydia 51 Lyde Bett 98 Thomas 52 Sarah Ann 98 Frost, Nancy 54 Flyeher, Gharlea U. 148 Fryar, Jiaia iSlvira 141 Ethel V. 140 Katherine 141 George 148 RodGor 141

Nettie 148 Frye (Fry, Frey) , Frank 106 Ford, Elizabeth Ann 120 Katie 168 Enofl 75 i-izzie 106 Mary 75 Rosa 34 Minnie 160 Fuller, Asa 16 Nancy 120 JLLijah 198 Rocelia U. 75 liannah 196 Sidney S. 120 Haiiaan 122 Wellington M. 75 ilo ratio 71 Fomherger, Harriet 201 Ida Ann 122 Forrest, Jiarriet May 163 Judaii 196 Foster, Amanda 108 Lewis iJavid 123 Mary Elizabeth 140 liUcretia 198 Porter 140 Lucretia I. 80 Sarah Eliza 140 Uaiy 8 Fowler, Eugene Heald 117 lielissa Jiaie 123 leabelle 117 Kancy 16 Samuel 3. 117 Nancy Adelia 129 Vera Randolph 117 Polly 122 Fox, Lewis 49 Rosalia Jsmetta 71 Sarah C. 200 Soiauel 8 Sarah Margaret 49 Sarah 196 Fralio, Fedelia F. 188 Stincy 113 France, Bertha 77 Fturlow, Carolina 133 Lorentino 77 Charles T. 133 Will 77 iliohelle Cutliff 133 Frary, Content 57 Michelle i'icknor 133 Frazier (Frazer), Frederick Kasson 181 William Meriw«ther 133 Harry 155 Gable, Clyde A. 127 Jessie Irene ini Ella Pearl 127 Mary 155 William T. 127 Maude 155 Oalenor, Cujvrity 22 Freeman, Aai Jerri e 92 Gallagher, Cornelius 186 Edmund 10 SI leu 186 Mary Amhroaia 92 186 , Mary Mary Clift 10 Oalyean, Sarah Klisabeth 136 ^ Mollia }iaude 92 f-rander, Bniest 96 Otis Curtis 10 Llargaret Destemenia 96 French, CI ar in da 7 Garb, llartha 160 Mary C. 178 Gardner, Hannah 25 &i x/s

Qarlln, Anna J. 189 Grant, Elizabeth 84 Henry Clay 189 Graves, Altha 94 Matilda 189 Charlie S. 151 Gary, George 151 Mildred Grace Cleantha 151 Qeorglana 151 Greeley (Greely), Alice M. 24 Mary 151 Alvln 123 Gauamann, Maria A. 188 Dora 24 Gaylord, Edward 145 Ellen Augusta 24 Elizabeth 145 George Hinkley 24 Jennie E. 145 George Nelson 23 Geake, Elizabeth 151 John 104 Geer, Edmund Charles 84 Jonathan 23 Elisabeth 84 Lydla G. 23 Hannah Minerva 84 Martha Angellne 104 George, Ellen 191 Mary 24 Mary 191 Melissa Jtine 123 William 191 Oliver Hiram 24 Getty, Matilda Alice 134 Phoebe 104 Glffen, Louise 157 Rebecca 10 Gilbert, Jennie 163 Sarah 23,24,123 Gilbreth, — 177 Solon Francis 24 Gill, Jane 186 William Tlclcnor 24 Gill Ingham, John 58 Greene (Green), 70 Lydia 58 Elizabeth 161 Phllossa J. 58 Mabel 18 Gllman, James 27 Theresa 162 Roxana 27 Greenough, Alice Myra 87 Gleason, Betsey 108 Charles Benton 87 Mary 143 Charles Ellsha 87 Glenny, Susanna 7 Clara Benton 87 Glover, Addle Eat ell e 99 Florence Lillian 67 Cora 139 George Benton 87 George S. 139 Mary Bnmellne 87 Hannah 99 Greenwald, Annie M, 124 John H. 99 Gregory, Jtilla F. 110 Mabel A. 139 Gren, Clara 167 Qoddard, Mary Elizabeth 123 Gresel, I^nma 194 Phllena 123 Grlbbling, Marcellc^ Cecilia 164 Silas 123 Grleder, Amos L. 169 Goffe, Phllena 123 Olive A. 153 Goodhlll, Annie E. 182 Rose 153 Goodrich, Harriet L. 83 Griffey, Sarah 125 Joseph W. 83 Griffin, Clarissa 66 Goodwin, Lydla 4 Daniel Brayton 153 Timothy 4 Oscar 65 Gordon, James W. 125 Susan Blaokman 153 Kate W. 125 Susan Elizabeth 153 Mary 125 Griffith, Eva L. 190 Ghoss, Anna ^Ittlesey 61 Griswold, Don Pedro 79 Clarence 61 Sarah 79 Goiad, Edward 112 Grohe, Cora 153 Hubert 167 Groves, Mabel Green 42 Hugh 167 Sampson 42 Hora Louise 167 Grunlund, Alma 140 Stella Blanche 112 Hannah 140 William 167 Olaf 140 Graham, Anna Florence 137 Gunton, Amanda Adelle 62,106 Elizabeth U. 137 Clarissa 62 George W, 137 Thomas 62,106 IC .V^M'



i^ifewn: 22i.S

Ounti, Anna J. 190 Harris, Edward Crehore 103 John 190 Florence Elizabeth 103 Mary 190 Katherine L. 153 Hacker, Hazel 53 Margaret 142 Hadfield, Matilda 189 William H. 153 Haff, Hi ram Bird 202 Hart, Alice Louise 181 Libbie 202 Jeremiah Lee 181 Haggerty (Heagerty) Elizabeth Generieve 141 Eatella 183 Hartman, Christina 163 Haigh, Mary Ellen 158 Mary 163 Hains, HanneJi 5 Ruth 81 Haisley, Ida Sarah 108 Verdi e May 96 Vincent Ridgley 108 Walter 96 Hale, John 20 William David- 163 Martha R. 20 Harvey, George Alson 98 Nettie 193 Mildred Alice 98 Hall, Anna Louise 132 Sarah 163 David 5 Hastings, Sarah 196 Diana Ilioebe 69 Hatch, Betsey 71 Di antha Phoebe 69 Havens, Bronson 67 Elizabeth 69 Delilah 87 TVmna 194 Edwin G. 67 Harriot Ann 54 Minerva Ann 67 Mehitable 5 Sally Ann 67 Reuben 54 Hawes, fimna 164 Ruth 19 Hayden, Florence 181 Welcome 69 Leigh 181 Hallberg, Andrew Albert 167 Hays, Robert M. 47 Clara 167 Ruby F. 47 Minnie D. 167 Hayward, A. J. 53 Hallock, Julia 79 Alice 53 Ham, Charles 167 Capitola Paricer 53 Ella May 167 Curby 53 Frank 167 Elisha Benjamin 53 Hanley,- Clair Ticknor 135 Elsie 53 Frank H. 135 Fred 53 Maude Emma 135 Harriet Angel ine 53 Hanna.Effie E. 143 Hazel 53 Hannigan, John 195 Helen Marie 53 Mary 195 MariJin Ruth 53 Hansen (Hanson), Christine 154 Nina 53 T511en 169 Nora 53 Hanton, Ann 184 Thurston 53 Mary 188 Walter 53 Harding, Edward 3. 167 Hazard, Deloina 93 Fannie M. 167 Lovinia 121 Rena May 167 Hazelton, Rebecca 199 Hardy, Frank Ticknor 91 Hazen, James K, 83 Harriet Amelia 91 Mary S. 83 Milton J. 91 Heath, Abigcd.1 5 Hare, Samuel 185 Hannah 5 j Sarah Jane 185 John 5 Harker, Hannah E. 28 Hebard, Jbfflixna 8 Moore A. 28 Henrotin, Norris 117 Haiman, Amy Ray 104 Vera Randolph 117 Harper, Sarah 127 Hepperly, Harriet Clarisda 141 Harrigan, Mary 181 Herbruck, Susan 179 Harrington, Julia 90 Herfford. Eve Ann 202 Polly 90 John C. 202 William 90 Sarah 202 tjimi)


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Herri ok, Orra Elizabeth 154 Hodgman, Alya 25 Roxana 73 Asa 25 Hewlett, Joseph Lewis 195 Frances Helena 25 Maiy Etta 195 Gertrude C. 25 Nellie Butler 195 Lillian Frances 25 Heyxoan, Alma Francis 146 Lillias Viola 25 Gordon H. 146 Lyman Alva 25 Harlan Lloyd 146 SaraJi 25 Henry 146 Sarah Annie 25 Ilah ilay 146 Walter Albano 25 Irvin E. 146 Hofaoker, Charles 146 Lloyd 146 Jessie Belle 146 Orval L. 146 Hobertlne 146 Viola A. 146 Hoff, Gertrude II. 48 Hibbard, Charles 139 Herbert B, 48 Ella !fee 139 Hogg, Annie 132 Helen Estella 139 Christine Seattle 132 Triphena 39 Thomas 132 Hicks, Belle 73 Hoi comb, Abi 36 Clark 73 Alanson 36 Higgins, -. 189 Hollenbeck, Casper 76 Abalena 38 Jane 76 Abner 124 Sarah 76 Anna 63 Holloman, Saralx 202 Charles Henry 38 Holmes, Cl.ara Louise 82 Elizabeth Hosford 124 Erxia A. 126 Snily Marion 124 Henry 82 Henry 38 Sarah Karla 82 Maria 189 Holt, Benjamin 56 Hill, Charlotte 88 Bneline Stanlford 56 Edna 169 Ruth 56 Grace 169 Homer, Mary 24 Laura 169 Hones, Phebe 200 Louis A, 169 Hooghkirk, Kate 69 Hillard, George 3. 41 Mattie J. 69 Hilliard, Alfred 160 Wllllaai 69 Mary 160 Hopcroft, Amy Celia 166 Sarah Sue 160 Edith Grace 166 Hills, Chauncy K. 17 Fred 166 Helen S. 91 Hopkins, Alice ^. 45 Lucy Hosner 17 Delia Maria 45 Himes, Julia Patience 122 Delia Oreta 45

Hines,. Sue L. 47 Eiigene Elisha 45 Hinkle (See Hinkley), Josiah 22 Prank Edgar 45 Theoda Clarinda 22 Ira Edgar 45 Hinkley, (See Hinkle), Atkins Lombard 115 Ira Eugene 45 Elisabeth 115 John Edgar 45 Frances Imogene 115 Jid.la D'Ette 45 Hinman, Harriet 98 Leonora Fidelia 46 Hitchcock, Eunice 32 Leonora Pauline 45 Hobart, Betsey T. 199 Uoses 7 Calvin 199 Uyvtle 139 Chauncey 199 Olive 7 Harriet A. 199 Paulina 45 Mary 199 Ruth Julia 45 / Norris 199 Hopkinson, Ann 118 Sarah 199 Hotchkiss, Harriet Clarissa 141 ^9


SSf ȣ

X^X /set* 8IS

Hotbhlclss, (cont.) James Ultohell 141 Jackman, Martha 42 Mary Tibbals 141 Jacobs, Helena Fay 164 ^ Ho light aling, Anna Margaret 50 Samuel 164 Harriet Newell 96 Viola 164 Helen Mabel 96 Jackson, Betsey 108 Henry 96 Blanche Lillian 118 John 50 David 108 Howe, Abalena Adella 85 George 178 Plorenoe Elizabeth 103 Libbie 178 George 103 Mary C. 178 Joseph Robb 85 Sarah L. 108 Judith R. 103 Verisa 164 Howell, Erving 112 William -Sanford 118 Stella Blanche 112 Jagger, Elizabeth 128 Howl and, Erwin M. 98 John 128 Job 121 Mary Elizabeth 128 Joiin 9 Jeffries, Anna Viola 180 Lovinia 121 Jenkins, Benjamin 199 Maude Eva 98 Carrie 199 riiebe liaria 121 Jennings, Isabel 99 Huddleeon, Mary 169 James 99 l^orter 169 Maud 99 Sarah Ann 169 Jensen, Tlaea M. 168 Hudson, Prank II. 69 Jepson, l^idelia Elizabeth 144 Harry C8 Harvey Elihu 144 Louisa 68 Mabelle Elvira 144 Mary E. 69 Jester, Edgar 165 Huey, George 85 iJova laargaret 166 Mary Eliaa 85 Jewel, Benjamin 63 Hughes, Lorene 170 Elizabeth 63 Hunnev^ell, Caroline Tioknor 103 Jewett, Sarah 24 I^eline Cushman 103 Jiuison, Eliza 146 James Prothinghaa 103 Jolmson, 62 Jsimes Melville 103 Alden Joseph 165 Sarah Melville 103 Charles Morgan 84 llionas Baldwin 103 Delia 138 William Parfcer 103 Ella 165 Huntley, Rebecca 197 Haimah 99 Huntoon, Isabelle Madeleine 59 Harriet Allen 84 John AlpheuB 59 Hattie Aristella 136 Sarah Abbie 59 James Clark 136 Hurd, Elizabeth 191 John 84 Molinda 122 Julia M. 62 Huson, 5inma 5". 39 Louise 165 Huston, Bwight M. 45 Margaret 177 Iloyd Burton 45 Sarah Elisabeth 136 Gertie Marah 45 Soleota 84 Inua EleaJior 45 Johnston, Delilah 87 Hutchinson, Alice 188 Eiaraa -tUdula 87 Pedelia P. 188 Sarah Elizabeth 168 TVilliam 138 Thomas 87 Hyde, Minerva 71 Jones, — - 106,177 Hyland, Deboraii 2 Albert 106 Thomas 2 Alice Adelaide 113 IngallB, Elizabeth 87 ^, Araelia 155 Isbell, Ifaoiula 173 Ansel Burdick 45 Ivea, Charles Aiigustus 150 Arthur Ansel 45 Mat tie Est ell e 150 Burrdina 114 Ro sella 150 Daniel Burr 113 oH


H'3 2X9

Jones, (oont.) Daniel Wlxmig 52 Kimtall, (cent.) Irena Augusta 10,22 DaTid W, 155 Irene 23 - Desire 113 Joseph Henry 10 Edna 88 Marie Louise 10 Eliza 131 Martha Jane 10 ELsie Mary 45 Mary Clift 10 Haily Marion 124 Mary Ella 10 Eudora 114 Otis Hinckley 23 Fanny Louise 45 Rebecca 10 Flora Taylor 113 Robert Hansom 10 Florence Clare 155 Tryphena 10 Gertie Karah 45 Wills 10 HanneiLh 140 King, 22- Hattie I. 177 Asenath 22 nii-dm 177 Elizabeth 191 Horace I. 38 George G, 50 Hulda B. 38 Orrin 33 John 113 Kingsbury, Edith 37 Jo 6 6 till 1S4 John 37 Katie iCay 131 Kinney, Anna 82 Lottie 45 Finery 68 Lucy 40 Freda A. 58 Mary Shackelford 132 Jesfie D. 199 iiertie Rebecca 45 Lillian 58 l^oTiQaii 106 Lydia 199 . Sarali Aaanda 52 Kinsman, Clarlflsa F. 142 TLaaas S, 131 Rose 142 Joy, IJva Warren 88 Sh(?rrnan 142 Jaiaes Sylvester 88 Kirton, David lioncrieffe 117 JudBon, Annie Ret e oca 163 Earle GajQ^ron 117 Jolin Purrant 163 Nellie Austin 117 Sarah 163 Robert James 117 Juliand, Joseph S. 44 Klein, Mary 155 Kalder, 106 Klingensmith, Anna Maria 90 Lucinda Jane 108 Knickerbocker, Ariantie 36 Keeler, Betty 21 Elizabeth Winne 36 Kellogg, Kunice 75 Hezman 36 Rowen a 75 Knight, Edward 91 Kendall, l^rtha 74 Fannie Percy 91 Olive 74 Harriet Anelia 91 TUomas 74 Knowles, Ruth 9 Kennaday (Kennedy), — - — - 109 Krura, Catharine 63 Bridget 194 Elizabeth (53 Gertrude 109 John 63 Kenyon, Jxilia E. 55 Kuchler, Carl in 48 Xiilo 05 Laffleur, Albert 146 Ruth 73 Eliza 146 Kern, Anna F. 112 Nancy 146 Kerr, George Buchstnan 113 Laiabert, Jervio 180 Nellie B. 113 Mary 68 Kile, John A. 148 ?;!aiy Ann 180 Sylvia 148 Larakin, Adelia Adelaide 106 Killlnger, Jessie Belle 146 Alfred 106 Sam Otto 146 Laiigdon, George 44 Kimhall, Kbty Augusta 23 Lydia 44 >i.doline S. 10 Sarah 44 Elias 10,23 Lansing, Ariantie 36 Elisaa 10 Lare, Nellie Ann 194 Elizabeth D, 10 Large, Agnes Ellen 191 liaily 23 Charles 191


Lazkln, Alice Jane 85 I


OSil Lyman, Qiarlea 36 Maxim, Adonijah 33 Elizabeth 38 Catherine 33 Henry 38 Mayhew, Elizabeth Hosford 124 * Huldah 38 McAdams, Edv/ard 28 Lydia 38 Ma ran da 28 Ruth 23 MoBumey, Elizabeth 49 Sherburne 38 Henry Jackson 49 Lynoh, Blanche 116 McCall, Laura 169 J. M. 116 MoCarty (McCarthy), ilonora 158 Lyon, Arriotta 36 John 78 Asa IT. 36 Mary 73 NeTrell 36 Racliel 78 Lyeter, Sdith Elora 156 McClellan, Joim 136 Elizabeth C. 155 ^rgaret Baxter 186 John S, 155 McConkey, Ruth 65 Lytle, Viola 164 Samuel 65 Mabie, Millie 120 McDowell, iUice 143 Itack, Caroline Fliza. 49 Jaias3 143 Lfilo 49 Sarali 143 Magin, Elnora 121 McEwen, Amelia -^ria 120 Jiiyx^a 121 Jay A. 120 Manifold, Jec.ue 3. 162 John L. 120 Uann, Josftph 85 McFarland, Ella 137 liary Enily 85 McGee, Albert 05 llanefield, Anna 42 I'liiiice 55 Man son, Anna 7? Rhoda Lfj Mat)le, 106 McGoncf^ l1, Joiio 66 miza 97 Kate 66 Laurie J. 106 Jluilau 66 Marble, Jennie 163 Ort-u 66 ICarlcley, I-Inry Arm 78 Siircii 65 Maralx, Albert K. 52 McGraff, Mice 45 George 28 J'AcGregor, Mary KLiza 133 J^'arj- B. 28 iiclntyre, Joim II. 199 ilary Rose 52 Mattie '2. 199 Martin, Smest (l.-ae 92 Ruth 199 Jejnima 8 McsKinzie. Ethlyn Juno 123 Jonathrui 8 Hector 123

Lois Ticknor 92 McLoughlin ('iciLaug,hlin) , Annie Teresa Ifery a Honora 153 158 Ruby Ana 92 Peter 168 Maetin, Donr'a Frances 59 Racixel 1^2 JLleanor Josephine 59 McManus, Elizabeth H. 187 Frank H. 59 7rank O'aruea 130 Katlierlne Itay 59 Julia Aniia, 168 Mather, Annette 70 L-..rii2ne -'uiielia 168 Cora 70 McNutt, ITxed -1). 179 nbert 70 Lucy 179 Sally Waria 70 Mary 179 Vemam 70 Mary /urn 17C Mathes, Samuel S. 49 McTier, Anna U. G2 SuDan A. 49 Dottie 5^ Mattice, -"--- 65 miza 12 Clarlscn. 65 Hannah lloou 52 Cornelia 65 Ida D, 52 EflSar 65 John Heiiiy 52 Mattox, Catiierine 81 Willi.am II. 52


tfeachaa, Harriet 49 Moore, ( oont. ) /••sle 140 Thooas B. 49 Lillian 5^ Mead, Hancy R. Hi l.\in\niiM. Luretta 13% Ueaker, Carrl* R. 124 Mary V. 117 UelTln. Lol« P. 2S Sar.cy 127 Rexiben 25 SueaTi 7i,/;ln« 117 Ifetitlnk, Dora l»elll« 1^6 Mooi1iea/1« i^lr^a 53 Ueritch, Blajacrie 170 3i3033i«l S3 iUriTia 170 Morfoot, Mary Ami 175 John 170 llbrg^n, Anna 7 If erl wether, Caroline 133 Brl-J^et 155 Merrlr-an, Julia I.ouiea 127 Jor^n 155 Rusaell 127 Jcehua 7 Sarah 127 MoiTltr, Zllza ITillt 192 Iflethke, Hedwlg liartha Uargarete 172 ifcrrls, >--./. l

.' .- . ' „- L^aiillton £2 . - .-/ ^ 1 e 5 1: L. iiat.'ierlr.e ISO '.'-.. Lerle 115 Z'r. '.l\'.'', 11 Ljdla 35 Ja^ie "-. 115

b'ijtia 35 ?-<-» c^a. Arji S2 K.;l c^' Sc-raci 145 -:-le 73 Susan 150 :-"-rter 73 Tlilla^ 35 E<.r^'. >-'-' 73 Mills. E:stii Ullott 157 ?i:.orr.tor. kr.''.T-r,r.j IW Ulrer, 3. J. 55 Jlate laura 5 5 !£ln**.*«, I rer e 5. 135 5f-z'. s '. - "- L 2 -- --' -'-

•'; ' jilt c£. ell, l^'-iel S^ 1 - r -2 '• *^

rclly Teare 53 Ar-'-i l'.r**ti 161 Wmtrit. 125 Z --'.•.-.« 7 5 ^•rrr-:« Ui^-s 161 Hir-ne*. '^t, 125 1 i .-- --« \%'j-~z - -:.

i 7 i_' FaTTiri.^^ ^ ^ ;^ 4 16^ » '' . 125 «, ioqr itay lc5 •- Chaxles Zarr-*B*. Ic5 ^_. . . -t 177 rote, l\:r/ '^'.e ';n Sdor, ^ea-.r-. -ft X" ?-•-* -1 Mdore. lir-^-. r_izi 177

5e<;r^e -. 11' v»

Vil 8'



t' -C '. k26

Mytrs, Dorothy Puller 163 5 Norton, Alrolra 84 Edward Leroy 163 Ruth 70 Louisa 86 llorvood, Eliza 131 Sally Ann 200 Nutt, James 193 Hace, Edward Burnett 82 Laura A. 193 Josephine ItLizabeth 82 Sarah 193 Mary 82 Oaks, Eimoa 166 Noah 82 George Newton 166 Nelson, Arthur 115 Nettie Viola 138 Ck>ra !E3.nora 51 Sadie Alice 166 Lewis E. 51 O'Brien, Daniel J. 67 Rosalie 86 Louise 57 Sarah Walker 86 O'Keefe, Anna Veronica 194 Thoraas fHauduit 86 Bridget 194 V7ilhelraina Mary 115 John A. 194 Nesbitt» James Whitehead 133 Olds, 32 Mary Eliza 133 Tabitha 32 Virginia \7hitehead 133 Oleson, Lettie 152 Nevins, Adallne 200 Olmstead, Sarah 10 Jonathan Willis 200 O'Neal, — 110 riary Ann 187 Maiy 110 Newax^, Sarah Ann 151 Oimsby, Clara Clinton 131 Newcamb, John 14 Clarissa 17 Reliance 14 Ebeneaer 17 Nev0ll» Lottie 45 Isabella Wilson 17,131 Newlon, Tlieoda Clarinda 22 Theodore 17 ^Iretoah 22 Thomas 17 Newton, George W. 90 V/illiam Orray 17,131 Grace L« 114 Orton, Abigail 70 Julia 90 John 70 Nichols, Allie 89 Rivth 70 George 89 Osbom, David 198 Mairy 89 Harriet 16 Niles, John Kenry 124 Priscilla 198 Nathalie 124 William H. 16 Zale 124 Otis, Job 3 Nimo, Elizabeth Camilla 164 Packard, E. N. 175 Norris, Benjamin 199 Mary Louisa 175 Rebecca 199 Padgett, Mary 82 Sarah 199 Paige, Christina 163 ' North, Adeline S. 10 Lucy Ann 60 Northrop, Eliza 64 Moses Webster 60 Frederick Alfred 64 Sarah VTalker 86 George Alfred 64 Palmer, Charles 44,80 George Roland 64 Elizabeth 44 Harlow Sheels 64 Faerie Luoile 135 Llewellyn 64 Jesse 135 Ilamle S. 64 John 80 Martha 64 Joseph 44 Mary Krum 64 Lewis 80 Rosa 64 Lucretia J. 28 William Wallace 64 Martha 80 Northway, Alice 46 Mary 80 Alice N. 91 Nathaniel 80 Almira Bagley 45 Ruble 125 Charles Stephen 45,46 Uretta 44 Ellen M* 46 William 80 Jesse C* 46 Parent, Joseph Andrew 182 Peter Edward 46 Martha 182 ^il




A .ail.


8S ,

9,81 'd^4

Parent (cont.), Olive Ceoilia 182 Persing, Hannah 147 Parker, Alice ELla 151 Peterraan, Bruce 198 Allen 53 Edith lAay 198 Carl In 48 Pettersen, Florence 149 ConBtance Elizabeth 129 W. C. 149 DePoreat N. 48 Pettit, Almira 50 Edith C. 48 Isaac 50 Zuretta Aeenath 53 Julia Biddle 81 Gertrude M. 48 Knickerbocker 81 Grace 129 Robert 81 Hannah 46 Ruth 81 James Kay 129 Petz, Pearl 171 John 46 Phelps, Abyram 68

Joseph 151 Desire 113 . Mirab 46 Esther 68 Mary 2. 48 Prudence 68 Reoington E* 48 Piatt, Albert 66 Sarah Libbie 151 Marian 66 Partridge, George 94 Pickard, Frank Fremont 179 Harriet .Uice 94 Gussie May 179 Patzak, 71 Susan 179 Frances A, 71 Pickett, Bethiah 36 Payne, Annie Sarah 171 Edv/ard P. 36 Laura Ellen 171 Pierce, Anna 42 Willard 171 Asa 42 Pearson, Bathaheba H. 71 Eliza 42 Edward F. 71 Eunica 32 Eli eta Jane 71 Frederick J, 33 Janes K» 71 Hiraia W. 32 Pease, Daniel 71 Lydia 21 Electa 71 Mills J. 32 Elvira Allen 192 Pineo, Elizabeth 3 Baily Marion 124 Leah 166 FlaTius E, 192 Plnger, Edith 120 Henry Allan 124 M. 120 Keaiah 71 Plast ridge, Arabell M. 18 Mary 192 Caleb 18 Peck, Alice Rose 57 Charles B. 19 Ernest Franklin 119 Don C. 19 Gtace Letitia 57 Eliza J. 19 Julius 57 Ellen F. 19 Ruth Mary 119 Eimaa C. 19 Peet, Harriet R. 201 Erasmus D. 18 William Winthrop 201 Hannah Y. 19 Pence, Harriet Cornelia 107 Zeruah 18 Henry 107 Zeruah T. 19 Pendleton, Flora 136 PloBS, Gerard 148 Perkins, Calvin 60 Orry 148 Caroline Amelia 60 Plume, Bessie L. 162 Leonard 44 Charles 162 » Mary 60 Poinser, Dora 24 Melvina 44 Pomeroy, A. 28 Sarah Betsey 92 Mary B. 28 Perley, George Halsey 19 Por^«r, Augustus 192 Perry, 32 Carrie SLiza 129 Flora Hancy 176 Grace 192 Oliver 176 Harriet 107 Richard P. 25 Rachel 192 Ruth 32 Reuben 3 Sarah Jane Rowel 1 25 Richard R. 120 I 225

Porter, { cont. ) Sarah 3 Record, Daphne 53 Potter, Betsey liaria 64 John 53 Eliza Ann 64 Nora 53 Jiiliet P. 64 Ruth 53 Stephen Rider 64 Reddon, Anna Mary 161 Potta, Hanna 170 Charles Oscar 161 Powers, Harriet ELlen 149 Harold Edward 161 Pratt, Daniel 37,83 John Allen 161 Ellen 37 Maud Ethel 161 Esther 37,83 Robert 161 Prentice, Elizabeth 38 Robert Averill 161 Henry M. 38 Reed, (Reid, Read), 27,112 Preacott, William Hi deling 41 Alice 152 Prince, Angeline 23 Alonzo A. 147 David 23 Gary 13 PriBoott, Elizabeth 156 Charles Henry 152 Prusakiewicz, Jacoh 171 Daniel 14,97 Pearl 171 Fran eel ia 152 Stella Marie 171 Georgia 97 Pumphrey, Ehenezer 189 H. 61 Margaret 189 Hannah 13 Margaret E. 189 Helen M. 61 Purcell. Mary 143 Herman 157 Michael J. 143 lima May 157 Nora Veronica 143 John 56 Sara Ann 134 Lillias Viola 25 (iuaii, Avery Daniel 166 Reliance 14 Lucy 166 Ruth 97 Pearl 166 Susan 61 Phebe Genette 138 William Benjamin 97

rfO ,x«afoiR &^ 220

Rickey, (cont. ) Flora Allie 178 Ross, (cont.) Minerva 22 Haomla 178 Muriel 145 Riford, Ida May 59 Sarah Aime 181 Riser, John 96 Shennan 145 Ualsel 96 Susan 181 Hitter. 120 Thai e 8 21 Nancy 120 Thomas 22 Roantree, LiUa Marie 181 Thomson 22 Robert Bertrand 181 Rossiter, Gertnde 1K)1 Roberts, Alice 53 Rothfus, Charles 186 Betsey Ann 94 Margaret Baxter 186 Ella 53 Rounds, A. V. 166 Hazel 53 Senora May 1616 Roy Hudson 53 Susie ^iay 166 Sarah 110 Rowlee, Exinice 7 Robinson, Edwin J. 123 Samuel 7 Hazel Lorine 123 Rue, Anna 172 Mary 169 Cora 172 Roblea, Carmen 157 0. D. 172 Rockefeller, Audrus 63 Rugg, Barbara Jane 47 Ann Sliza 63 Carrie Lamira 156 Elizabeth 63 Clara 47 Louiea 63 Frances Elizabeth 156 Minerva 63 Harriet Carrie 47 Rosetta 63 John Bawley 47 Sarah Ann 63 Jolin Jay 47 William P. 63 Josiah 156 William Rensdan 63 Mary Ella 47 Roddy, Ellen 186 Matilda 47 Rodman, Fannie U. 167 Minne Sota 47 Roe, Jamea 106 William /J-bert 47 Phoebe Jane 106 Rushton, Elephare 133 Rogers, Charles 54 Russell, Catherine E, 57 Jane 54 James 57 Sarah Eliza 140 Ryerson, Achsah 87 Rolph, Daniel Wells 111 Sabin, Harriet Amelia 91 Julia Uaria 111 Sack, Rosanna 97 Silenoe 111 Sage, Amelia B, 131 Rolson, I'sther 68 Sager, Carrie Bmna 177 Rood, Clara 144 Sfitlisbury, 44 Grace J. 144 Ann 100 Warner 144 Sarah 44 Roof, Susan 148 Salter, Mary Ann 119 Root, Inez Mary 123 Sampson, Clara Augusta 134 Phebe Ann 123 Hehemiah Joserth 134 Warren 123 Nellie Mabel 134 Rosenbauan, Fartnie 201 Samuels, Dorcas 202 Robs, Carrie 22 William 202 Ebenezer Eaton 181 Sanborn, Abby Ann 59 Evangeline Hope 41 Charles Pingree 59 Hannah 22 Ida May 69 Hiram 22 Katherine May 59 Hiram William 22 Mabelle i'ranoes 59 Uitty 21 Moees Cally 59 James 22 Sarah Abbie 59 John 22 Sarah Surgjent 58 Julia Rosepha 22 Stephen Pingree 59 Martha ilelvina 22 Sandmyre, Blaj^che 120 Mary 22 Guy C. 120 I fOMtSi

5s: 227

Sanford, Statira 110 Shappee, Calvin 0. 199 Sargent, Abigail 58 Lepha Chloy 199 Bertha Almira 179 Shaw, Hanoy 120 Savage, Jamee 18 Shawb ridge, Hary 191 Sawyer, AsenatJi 88 Sheldon, Anna Mary 97 Benjamin 88 Henry 97 Mary Ellen 88 Mary 189 Sarah 23 Shellroan, LaVem 131 Saxton, Mercy 4 Mary Paiaine 181 S card iff, Alraira 60 Shepard, Charlotte J. Marsh 34 Cora Elnora 51 Evelyri ICaliel 87 Lucretia liay 51 Joseph PhilliS>s 87 Thomas 50 Sierman, Besdemona 135 Scherrer, Charlotte 183 Jennie 135 Schram, Benjamin 199 bamuel Crll crease 135 Jane 199 Shoff, Clarence Oscar 161 Scshureraan, Francis Barrett 82 Eula Marie 161 Joseph Perry 82 Geort^e Arthur 161 Josephine Elizabeth 82 George Washington 161 Sarah Harriett 82 Luella Myria 161 SaraJi Henderson 82 Hxilip Mitchell 161 Scott, Alice Elizabeth 51 Sholes, Elmlna Elisabeth 176 Clara I sab ell e 107 Lewis M. 176 Earl Preealey 107 Uary Elizabeth 178 SLiza Dellphine 107 Sliultz, Lemuel 52 Prank Vanline 107 Tlieodosia /Vlvira 52 John 107 Shutts, Daniel 63 Leroy Edward 107 EuJiice 63 L\ila ilay 107 Signor, Francis 105 Maiy Margaret 136 Jienrietta L, 105 Nellie Gertrude 107 Simmons, Catli'irlne 165 Prassley 107 Simons, 5'annie Almira 157 Thomas 51 Sinclair, Catherine 117 William Szra 107 Sinnamon, Eve Ann 202 Seq^rer, Daniel 24 Jolm 202 James 24 Slade, Aaron 33 Martha L. 24 Almira 33 Weltha E. 24 2meline 102 Sedgwick, Irene 23 Slater, 44 VI, S. 23 Daniel 200 Seeley, Caroline 106 Frances 44 Servias, Elizabeth 28 Mat tie 200 Severance, 125 Pliebe 200 Sexton, Martjaret 195 Slayton, Hannah 199 Mary 10 5 Harvey 199 Morris 195 Sleeper, 20 Seymour, Ada -'ay C6 Taeoda 20 Eleancr 66 Sliter, Allen 110 Ethol Virginia 66 Harlow Kilbum 110 H. J. B. 176 Orren Eugene 110 Henrietta Jane 66 Sarah Jane Statira 110 Jay G3 Smeltzer, Gliarlotte lima 116 Maria 176 Thomas 116 Minnie 66 Smith, Addison 65 Nancy 176 I Alexander 39 Virgil Jeremiah 66 Arthur Lee 124 Wilna Maude 66 Betsey 70 Shanley, Mary 146 Burd D. 98 iS

iTIidoS 'az6

Smith, (cont.) Caroline Uatllda 133 Spellacy, Ploy Susan 90 Caroline Williame 133 Peter Edward 90 Charles 54 Spencer, Clara Ella 97 Christina 22 Jason 21 Cora Estella 140 Laura KLlen 171 Cora Mae 147 Leroy 97 Cynthia Parmelia 159 Polly 21 David Marion 147 Sperry, Alva Jefferson 126 E. B. 54 Caroline Ann 126 Edd Myers 100 Maria Polly 126 Edwin Benjamin 70 Spottswood, Sarah Jane 81 Prances Orilla 171 Sprague, Almira 21 George 39, 54 Amy 21 George Leroy 171 Arvilla 21 Gertrude 171 Asa 21 Hannah 49 Betsey 21 Harriet 54 Charles 21 Harriet Lerene 188 Daniel 16 Harriet Talcott 39 Deloss 21 Ida Mae 147 "Rrpyna 50 J, C, 150 Henry 21 J. L. 85 Jedediah 21 Jaooh 22 Laura Lavlna 50 James 88 Lewis 50 Jane 66,79 Mary 16,21 Jean 66 Nelson 50 Katherine 150 Polly 21 Laura 118 Sally 21 Lettie J. 153 Stuart 50 Lib^ie 0. 150 Thomas 50 Lorinda 49 Walter 50 Lydia Ann 79 Stahl, Nina 39 Mabel Harriet 98 Staley, Abigail 70 Margaret 88 Warfield 70 Mary Elizabeth 85 Standish, Laura Lavina 50 Mary Josephine 147 Stanley, Harriet 48 Milton Cushman 159 Staring, Adelbert 144 Nancy 54 Florence 144 Nathalie 124 Jessie Alta 144 Nellie Eliza 100 Staiic, James M, 200 Nellie May 159 Sarah C. 200 Orell Ellsworth 147 Starr, Katharine 115 Rlaoda 11 Stebbins, Arthur P. 192 Ruth 65 Louise 192 Sarah Elizabeth 88 Steele, Minerva Ellen 52 Ticknor Niles 125 William M. 52 Walter 188 Stephens, Alice Dora 139 William 49,79 Amelia 190 William Bphraim 133 Stephenson, Andrew 61 William J. 153 Helen M. 61 Smoother, George 115 Stetson, Bessie P. 64 Lola Loiiise 115 Henry M, 64 Snider, Effie E. 143 Horace Waldo 17 Perry 143 Jeuie Victorine 17 Sarah 143 Juliet P. 64 Soper, Grace Viola 170 Stevens, 110 Nellie Abbott 170 # Betsey 19 William Franklin 170 Halsey R. 19 Southworth, Grace 129 Sarah 110 Sparhawk, Martha 74 Stewart, Elizabeth Augusta 132 Spaulding, Sarah 25 George 132 Xd S9f9tB


.1. fli'au^j 8 7X^

Stewart, (cont.) Leonora Moxinger 132 Styles, A. P. 36 Stilee, Israel 3 Arrletta 36 Mary 3 Swanson, Hilda 202 -.-iif i Stocktridge, Ann 2 John 202 Hannah 2 Olga 202 John 2 Sweazey (Sweezey), Charles J. 99 Stookwell, Martha 43 E, Jay 108 Stone, Anna 60 Edith Maud 99 caiester 60 Ida Sarah 108 Sffie Waters 90 Ruth 108 Hiram G. 24 Sweeney, Ann 124 Lucy Ann 60 Anne M. 124 Mary Ann Cailvary 24 John 124 lielvin T, 24 Sweetland, Adelaide 55 Stephen H, 90 Wallace J. 55 Storrs, Edwin Porter 19 Swift, Alice 9 George 19 Tai"t, Asa 55 Horace Lyman 19 Betsey 21 John Tioknor 19 David 21 Mabel 19 Elizabeth 21 Nathaniel 19 George M« 21 Ruth 19 Harriet 21 Ziba 19 Henry 21 Stota, Elizabeth Mary 173 Irena 55 Strail, 34 Julia 55 Marilla 34 Lavina E. 21 Stratton, Ella 77 William 21 Pred 77 Taggart, Clara 165 Strauser, Anna Viola 180 Jolm P. 166 Goldie May 180 Hellie 165 William 180 Tapping, Alice 66 Strebe, Heuaan Prank 159 Ann 66 Irene Rachel 159 Mary 66 Martha Jane 159 Morris 66 Strickland, Bury 55 Perry 66 Hugh 55 Sarah Jean 66 Marion 55 Seward 66 Strong, Arelia 7 Winfield Soott 66 Eleanor 7 Tarbox, Alonzo Pinzon 164 Eunice 7 Helena Pay 164 Joel 7 Marcella Cecilia 164 Joeiah. 7 Taylor, A. Y/iley 64 Lucy 7 Alden Hiohardson 64 Olive 7 Bessie P, 64 Pamelia 7 George Stetson 64 Philip 14 Harry Mendall 64 Prudence 7 Henry S* 64 Reliance 14 Teed, Nancy 34 Solecta 84 Terry, Anna 3 Tabitha 15 Eliza Ann 192 Struck, 62 Ella 192 Dora C. 62 V/illiam H. 192 Studley, Lydla 80 Terwillager, Catherine 68 Stultz, Daniel 182 Elisha A. 68 Josephine 182 Mary Ann 68 Marie Rebecca 182 Thaoker, Josephine 182 Sturges, Charlotte 39 Thomas, El da 125 Simeon B. 39 Gertrude Esther 112 i^m 8CX tc-^f

98 ,1 ftoX'i. ua

Thomas, (cont. ) Hannah 38,147 iiJ- ,iil

*C i-l.

u a3X

TICKNOR, TICEffER, eto. (cont.) TICKHOR, TICKHER, etc. (cont,) Alphoneo LaYan 94 Arthur L. 139 Alroy Alton 146 " LaTSlgn LS5 Alta Josephine 143 • LoTering 170 Alvin Reed 108 Lyster 165 •• Wa].ter 177 Hapoleon 144 Alzira Anna 116 ". Fhelpe 158 Ama 5 Arrin 63 Amanda 113,186 Asahel 12,38,67 " Adelle 62,106 Asenath 22 •• MelTina 82 Atna Heyada 157 Amasa H. 30 Augusta 58,170 Arnbroso 107 Augvustus B. 188 * Rolson 113 Aurora Orton 117 Amelia B. 131 Austin S. 204 " Hamilton 173 Avarilla 137,165 * Maria 120 Baldwin Calvary 61 Aniy 185 Barbara Jane 47 •• May 189 Barton Pierce 49 Andrew J. 68 Benajah 15,34 " JadcBon 96 Benita Ileen 178 Angelina 23 Benjamin 23,26,28,97,105, Angie 201 123, 149 Anita H. 187 •• Clifford 14S Ann 34,100,183,184,199 • Durant 129 • Eliza\)eth 84,86,118 " F, 204 Martha 35 Holt 102,145 " llaria 90,184 » R. 204 Anna 5.7,29,31,41,44,63, " Riley 169,172 72,185,193,202 Bert F. 201 t • Sliot 41 Bertha 105,182 '^ • F. 112 Elmina 123 " Florence 137 Florence 91 " Freda 160 % » Jane 198 " J. 189,190 Bessie 142,204 " M. 130 • Irene 169 Margaret 50,96 L, 162 " Maria 90,160,180 Bethiah 15,36 . ^ Mary 97 Betsey 19, 21, 23, 29,61, 70,^;.;." " Veronica 194 71, 196 " Whittlesey 61 • E. 23 Anne M. 124 " Jilaria 64 Annette 20 •I ^ 199 Annie 132, 145 Bererly Lloyd 116 " Elizaheth 133,182 Birdie 134 " Francis 188 Blanche 116,120,137,148,170 , " Rehecca 163 Lillian 118 " Sarah 171 Boynton Bryan 164 * Teresa 158 Bridget 195 Ansel 85 Bruce S. 144 Archie Allyn 179 Bryant 160 " G« Fremont 179 Burdula 136 Arrletta 36 Burton Archibald 112 " Art emus S. 200 H, 146 Arthur 105 Byron J. 200 Anderson 172 " Willis 168 " David 143 C. Frederick 150 " Bddison 166 Caleb 82 " Edward 167 " Bingham 37 * Joseph 182,183 Calrin 33 rA ) zs^

TICKnOR, TICKOTSR, etc. (cont.) TICKMOR. TICKNER, etc. (oont. Carl 204 Charlotte lima 116 •• Allen 161 Veronica 183 Caroline (eee Carrie) 71,102, Christina 22 106,110,195,201 Christine 154 " A. 50 " Elizabeth 53,98 « Amelia 60 Clair Olney 134 • Ann 126 Clara 60 Coolidge 102 " Clinton 131 •» Eliza 49 " Ella 97 " Matilda 42 " Louisa 156 " anith 133 Louise 82,114 • WilliamB 133 " R. 201, Carria 99.199 Clare 165 " Sllza 129 Claremont Oastelone 115 • ISrarna 177 Clarence Earnest 198 • Evelyn 104 » Edward 145 " Lamira 156 4 » H. 168 " Louisa 152 Clarice A. 204 Catherine 33,49,111 Clarissa 17,62 * A. 57 * Euptielia 75 " E. 57 " Murilla 83 " L, 68 Clark 198 Cecil 193 Claude 160 « Earle 179 Cleantha Ifahala 109 Celestia 78 Clifton Raymond 158 Celia 200 Clinton H. 193 Charles 11,44,69,73,100, Colin Percival 185 145,189,199,204 Conetajice Elizabeth 129 " A. 191 Cora 153,172 " Aiford 178 Amelia 107 •• Arvin 110 « Wae 147 " Baldwin 108,151 Cordelia 62 » C. 68 Cornelia 65,200 » Clifford 187 Cynthia 23,42 " Dana 198 " Prudence 125 " DeMilt 168 " Wood 42 • Edgar 142 Daisy Elliott 131 Edward 106,202 Daniel 13,31,72,83,121,200 " Pitch 60 " Cleveland 130 " H. 187,200,204 " Earl 176 » Henry 113,192,193,194 Pratt 129 " Hihbard 72 " Waters 116 " Howard 190 " Wayne 138 L. 168,204 • Wolley 122,173 •• Linton 94 Darwin William 143 " M. 190 David 5,8,15,24,37,54, 57, IK " Phelps 58 * Leroy 143 » R« 113 • W. 199 " Starr 89 " William 84 " Siaaner 68 Deborah 2,9,10 " U. 149 Deloina 93 W. 116 Delia L, 24 " Wayne 116 Maria 45 " White 162 Delia 134,138 " William 180 Delvla 100 Charlotte 39,182,190 DeMilt Curt 1 88 151 » A. 190 DelXilt Francis 168 " IKiane 116 Dennie S. 69 ' • Elizalseth 176,176,177 Diana 189 [,iaoo) <9i9

fr (p.

•V ,£;; .

ISX at

Vft A 893

TIC3KN0R, TICOIISK, eto. (oont.) £iJC*5JUi.0il.

•t; ) 2S4

TICKNOR, TICKNER, eto. ( cont. TICKNOR, TICKUER, eto* (oont.) in.vln Campbell 179 Eva 61,149 Etaellne 49, 56 * A. 127 " Cushman 103 " Aden a 149 " Staniford 56 " Belle 136 aserette Estella 92 " L. 190 Emory Austin 176 " Stella 164 Bnily Marion 124 " Vera Ellen 168 R. 175 " Warren 88 aama 143,183,185,186, Evalena 101 194,204 iJvo Ann 202 " A. 120,126 Everett 55,80 •• Aldula 87 * Lyle 165 •* Almina 67 " Perry- 136 " B. 127 Ezter Lionel 141 " Caroline 171 Ezra 19 i? " Catherine 115 " Albion 198 " P. 54,89 " Chadwick 76 " J. 69.74,121 y. W. 195 •• Josephine 115 Faerie Lucile 135 " Pauline 135 Fannie 201 32njBiet Ifimereon 106 " Percy 91 " Smiereon 147 Fanny Louise 45 l^uuogene 36 Fitzlllian Lavelgn 115 Ikiodh on Flora 92 » Sulth 65 " Alena 92 Enos 49 " Allie 178 BraetuQ 42,196 » May 193 Erford Glover 99 " Nancy 176 Erisz Maude 180 " Taylor 113 Emost A. 191 Florence 100,137,149,181,187 « Albert 142 " Barbara 147 " Clement 150 " Glare 155 " Clifton 158 " ISlizabeth' 103 " llajfiaond 136 " Slmina 179 " Vfalter 171 " Eugenia 99 Ervin Jay 148 " I rene 141 Estella 100,183 " Lillian 87 Eetelle Campbell 130 " M. 194 Esther 16,37,83 * M^e 150 E. 195 " Ltarie 156 Ethan aaith 152 Floy SuBan 90 Ethel Leona 99 iloyd 100,204 " Lucile 127 " Allen 142 Rose 191 " n. 200 " Violet 119 France a 44,194 Ethlyn Jime 123 " A. 71 Etta Marilla 79 " Cowlee 118 Eudora 113 " E. 197 Etigene Albert 146 " iSlisaboth 34 " Salter 119 " i'annic lo-i •• Thomae 131 " Helena 25 Eunioa 32 '"* Iioogone 115 Eunice 7,55,63,194 • Orilla 171 " Irene 139 " Wilraa 171 " Lucy 99 " Winifred 163 •• Mae 179 Francis 98,183 Euretta Aoenath 53 » Bonner 164 VkS 2^x

TICKNOR, TICKHER, etc. ( oont. ) TICKNOR, TICKNER, etc. (oont.) Francis Co melius 187 George L. 196 " Edward 133 LamTsert 183 * Orray 86,133 Lewis 128 Prank 39,68,73,194 LuYem 148 " Albert 157 Hathan 138 " Allen 91 Oran 171 " Barton 141 Ormsby 163 " Benjamin 131 Phelps 113 " C. 204 Samuel 133 " Ellas 138 Smith 55,101 " Elswith 99 Stillman 198 " Gridley 150 T. 69 . " Heman 163 W. 184 " J. 181 Washington 51,72,91, " Lewis 136 160,178,187 " P. 188 Wesley 186 " Richard 134 Whitredge 189 " Sylvester 167 William 132,175,194 Franklin 68,121 Georgia 97 Fred 70,141 Gerald Rand 115 Adelbert 177 Geraldine Beatrice 94 Edward 134 " Margaret 140 " Eli aha 134 ?;** 836

TICKHOR, TICKHEH, etc. (cont,) TICKNOR, TIGKHER, etc. (cent.) Harriet Alloe 94 Henry James 182 Allen 84 Knox 185 Amelia 91 " Lang ford 114 Angel Ine 53 Lyman 58 Ann 54 " Wilmer 164 Aurella 83 Hepziteth 198 Cornelia 107 Herbert Daniel 156 E. 74,150 " Walter 151 Ellen 149 Hester 120 I8abellaxl52 Hesekiah 29,64,109 Jajie 180 Hilda 202 Josephine 109 Hiram 32, 51. 79 L, 83 Finch 106 Lerene 188 Hitty 21 R. 38,201 Hoi comb 29 S. 203 Holmes Brooks 85 Taloott 39 Horace 49,74,196 V. 195 " Adelbert 127 Harry B. 199 " Lester 140 ColllnB 176 Howard 160 " 160 Earnest A. 191 " J. 201,204 " Elisha 166 James 153 " Mai com 101 " Joshua 136 " Whitfield 145 " Montford 137 Hubert Liie 168 " Otis 161 Hulda B. 38 " Ray 151 " Elizabeth 87 " Weytum 170 Ida 137,149 Har\rey Lincoln 160 - " Ann 122 Hattie Aristella 136 " Jane 147 " I. 177 " M. 204 Haael Lorine 123 " Sarah 108 Hedwig Martha Margarete 172 Idabelle 142 Helen (see Ellen, Nellie) 196 Ina Martha 128 " Adelia 83 Inez Mary 123 " Alnora 108 Ira Strong 79 " Amelia 122 Irena Augusta 10,23 " Budianan 186 Irene 4,105,198 " Frances 102 " B. 24 " 164 Francis " G. 138 " Leona 171 Irla Bonner 164 " Louisa 42 Iixaa May 167 ' " M. 61,168 Irvin Chester 172 " Mabel 96 Irving 137 " S. 91 " Lowe 178 " Theresa 105 Irwin C. 197 Helena Pay 164 Isaac " 8,16,20,84,174. Pauline 165 Isabell 191 Heman 35,75 Isabelle 78,117 " L. 124 iTan Richard 172 Henrietta 55 " Jabez 197 L. 105 Jack George 155 Henry 75,174,184 Jacob 201 " Boynton 154 " A. 201 * Charter 69 James 11,15,21,52,121,204 •• Edward 192 F. 186 » G. 187 " Franklin 177 " Howard 95 " Gardner 60 ^ J. 201 " H. 121 noTHSjn


:^ di-. 2df

nCKSER, eto. (oont.) TICKNOR,

) i^

TicKinsii, eto. (cont.) TIC5KN0R, TICaCHER, etc ( cont. TicaoiOR, Laura Malissa 17 5 Lorin da 49 Laurel Hartner 186 Lomene Amelia 168 Laurence Glen 141 Louella 202 Laurie J. 106 Lotds 193,204 Lavlere Barton 141 " B. 155 Lairrenoe 88 " Henry 95 Leah 166 • Osoar 99,161 Auetln 158 Louisa 68,109 Lee " " Horton 140 E. 175 " Leigh AugustuB 191 Jane 81 180 Louise 57,165,192 Leland « " Edward 199 Avigueta 130 " Leo Alaon 148 Elizabeth 167 Leona EloQie 145 Ruth 119 « 22ay 93 Lot! Da 33 N Leonora Uounger 132 Jane 108 Lepha Ghloy 199 Lozette 97 Leroy Elleworth 165 Lviana 67 161 " Henry 144 Lucille Arline » " Leverett 137 Eva 164 " 154 Leslie Gordon 179 Frederick " Grant 169 Luclnda 122 « P. 152 •• Jane 106 Porter 170 •• iy[ae 170 •• Hood 144 Lucretia 193 Ellsha 143 " B. 176 Leater " • I. 80 . Elmer 139 Lettie 152 Lucy 110.166,179 " I. 153 " Ann 60,100 " Irene 170 •• Annie 85 Levi Adelbert 138 " Pean 106 • Elizabeth 40,86 • Parr 92 - H " Caltns 132 Lowio 54,97,186 " K. 80 •• Delmar 139 " Jsme 94 •» Everett 170 " Maria 72 » " Payette 90 - « Merriman 118,158 " P. 20 f " Roger 119 Luella Myrla 161 164 * Weytum 156 Luellean Beatrice 181 Li-bbie 178,202 Lula Harle Liimon 197 * 0. 150 - Lida Belle 94,139 Lurency 65 Lillian 58,202 Luther 35,128 Llllle Alice 82 Bryant 108 LilllB Malvina 91 Luzerne A. 80 183 Lyda Bett 98 Linda 39, Liaaie 106 Lydia 3, 4, 11, 20, 21, 38, Lodica 107 44,83,199 «• 80 LolB Amea 151 A. " Ann 62,79 " Cscap 34 " Bsrton 45 «• E. 169 " " Electa 128 B. 44 - " P. 25 Florence 180 • G, Lola Louise 115 23 Lora 31 Lylla Adelle 143, Loran Lee 160 Lyiaan 201 , /^.J^fe^ ? 134 ; Lorene 170 M. Elmerta Lorentine 77 Mabel 18,19,96,169 >Ji: a.V-i7L :i

,e5 ,L



fr" ) 24i

TICKNOR, TICKirER, etc (cont.) TIcaOJOR, TICKNBR, eto. (oont. Mai) el A. 139 Martha M. 98 » Austin 177 « Matilda 108 " •• Eleanor 181 R. or V. 20 " Eetelle 87 Martin Amos 195 Green 42 " Ezra 198 " Harriet 98 Mary (see Polly) 4,7,8, Mabelle Elvira 144 16, 37,43, 48,66, 80» Madge M. 69 104,110,113,116, Mae Belle 161 116,147,151. 163, Maggie E. 119 175,179,181,184, Mahalia 48 186,195,1981502,204 Malinda 204 " A. 30 ^^ Malvinia Gertrude 107 * Adamthwaite 150 Mamie Magadelene 142 * Ambrosia 92 Maranda 38 Ann 26, 50,62,68,78, Maroia J. 202 180, 187 Marcus Hanan 125 " " Calvary 24 Margaret (see Maggie) 105, •• " M. 30 117,154,195,199 " E. 48,130,194 A. 189.190 •• Edith 151 Baxter 186 " Electa 119 Catherine 94 " Blephare 133 Clara 164 " Eliza 42,85,128 Destemenia 96 " Elizabeth 85,123, Diana 189 140,178,186 E 189 " Ellen 88,95,148 " Ellen 169,190 " Emily 85 " Florence 141 " Fidelia 74 • H. 75 " Ida 98 » Louise 128 " Irene 127 " May 177 " Isabella 156 Marguerite 89 " Jana 67,85,122,162, Maria 176,183,189 197,199 " A. 188 Krum 64 Mariah 52 L. 71 " Helen 45 " Louisa 175 Marian J« 153 " Louise 136,164 Marie 182,183 " Marana 77 " Elizabeth 96 * Murray 55 " •• Elsie 194 Paulina 181 » Louise 167 " Ross 52 " Rebecca 182 " S. 83 Marilla 34 " TibbalB 141 Marion 55,129,152,182 " Virginia 189,190 Frances 140 Maryette 54 " Franklin 93 Mattie 200 Marjorie Evelyn 140 " E. 199 •• LaVonne 142 " Estelle 150 " Page 163 Maud (Mauda) 99,116,155 " Warner 188 " C. 202 Martha (see Mattie) 9,17,129,194 » Diantha 138 •• A. 152 " Emma 135 Angelina 104 " Ethel 161 " Ann 52 "-. Eva 98 •• Barth 82 " May 178 " Elizabeth 131 * Mayatto 160 J. 74 " Mertle 161 L. 24 May (see Mae) 132, 149 " Louise 159 " Bella 114 *»/> f ) 240

TICKNOR, TICOBR, eto. ( cont. TICKHOR, TICKNBR, etc. (cont.) l£adard Andrew 182 Nora 73 Mede 70 * Louise 167 Mehltable 5,13,31 " Veronica 143 Ifellloent Stone 104 Nozma Elizabeth 127 MelllBSa June 123 Nozman 36 Uelvina 44 Nova Margaret 165 Uerle 142 Olive 43,74 Mertle Louise 139 ** Cecelia 162 Mabel 153 H. 74 " May 111 " M. 48 Merton 7red 134 Oliver 46, 58 Merty 121 " Ellis 56,56 Michelle Cutliff 133 Olivia 157 Mildred 121 Olney 43 " Alice 98 B. 134 Grace Cleantha 151 Oran 70 " Louise 167 * Duane 171 " Ruth 136 Orlo Alvin 178 Millie 120 Orpha Ann 111 " Jane 161 " Catherine 73 Milton P. 201 Sadie 162 Minerva 22,29,71,147 Orray 40 Ann 67 Orrin 79 « Ellen 52 Orris Atwater 127 Minnie D. 167 Orrisea 117 MorriB 142,195 Orry 148 Morton H. 75 Orville Charles 169 Muriel 145 Oscar 73,99 Frances 183 " Fltzland 160 Murle Victor 166 Owen E. 193 Myron 36,81 " Onley 89,166 * N. 201 Pascal 128 Myrtle 139 Paul 20 N. Irene 168 " A. 169 H. Louise 190 " Howard 168 Nancy 34,51,54,120,146,199 * Knowles 19 * Adelia 129 Pauline Elizabeth 94 J. 60,129 Pearl Ada 140 Jane 112 " Co nan t 148 R. 119 " M. 204 Kaomi Hawkins 181 Peroival C. 185 Naopia Ruth 141 Percy Ray 154 Uapoleon Bonaparte 100 Perle Elizabeth 164 Hathan 193 Peryer 184 Hellie 61,137,148,158 Peter 180 * Agnes 154 Phebe (Phoebe ) 197 " Ann 194 " Oenette 138 Austin 117 " Jane 106,195 " B. 113 " Maria 121 Butler 195 " Rood 90 " Eliza 100 Philossa J. 58 Hattie 179 Phineus Rice 117,118 Mabel 134 Piatt Mo rail 148 May 159 Polly 20,21 Nelly Haigh 158 " Weare 58 Nettie 148,193 Priscilla 198 " Viola 138 Prudence 7,68 10 IT Bhi. w ) 241

TICKHOR, TIOOER, etc. (oont. TICKNOR, TICKNER, eto. (cont.) Pialaeki 78 Ruth Elliott 157 Raol^el 78,152,175 • ?. 168 ' Blmina 177 " Genevieve 144 Ralph 08 car 99 ," Lavinnia 199 Randolph Eugene 117,157 " Nesbitt 133 Ray 162 " R. 19 " E. 204 " Walls 21 " Lester 161 Ruthven Bruce 164 " Linton 140 " Charles 165 " Robin 168 Sabra Aim 65 Raymond Qeorge 166 Sadie Alice 166 " Herbert 171 " Amanda 148 " Samuel 144 • May 125 Reba 193 Sallie M. 30 Kebecca 197 Sally 18,21,201 " Ann 49, 52 " Ann 67,200 Reeta Englieh 101 " Maria 70 Reginald W. 195 Salome 37,39 Reliance 14, 31 Samuel 22, 30, 44, 55 Rena May 167 " P. 83 Reta 136 " Hiram 144 Rhoda 11,27,28,30 " Morrison 186 " B. 24 Sanford 65,109,127 Richard 3. 191 Sarah (see Sallie, Sally) " Eugene 166 4,5,27,44,66,72,73, " S. 197 76,79,110,165,183, Robert 69,128,143,184, 186,196,199 185,187,202 " A. 46 " C. 187 " Amanda 52 " Charles 140 " Ann 63,73,127,169 " Deyo 141 » Anne 88,181 * Drumraond 152 " Betsey 92 " Eugene 187 " C. 200 " G. 30 " Davis 86,132 " Harry 160 " Eliza 177 » Hill 169 " Elizabeth 88,92 " John 185,187 " Prajices 201 " Smith 111 " Jane 65.106,185 " Wayne 138 " " Rowell 25 Rocelia M. 75 " " Statira 110 Roger Allen 138 " L. 108 Rosalia Janette 71 " Libbie 151 Rosalie 86 " Malinda 149 Rosanna 30 " Mastgaret 49 Rose 142,153,193 " Maria 198 " M. 191 " Page 133 Ro swell 29,66,199 " Sargent 58 Roxana 27,73 " Sue 160 Roy Arthur 167 Scott Lafayette 129 Ruberta Mae 139 Senora May 166 Ruby Ana 92 Seth 72 " Maria 159 " Frederick 122 Ruland Lambert 183 Sevier 72 Russell Vaughan 173 Sheldon 73 Ruth 9,10,32,65,73 *• E. 160 " Aurelia 95 Sheridan Puller 163 " Bethiah 89 Sibyl 32 " E. 24 •• Eliza 33 rex.TXI no

Jun r:,r - Cf 2^2

TICKNOE, TICKUER, etc. (oont.) TICKNOR» TICKHBR, etc. (cont.) Sidney 125 Virginia 113,129 « J. 194 Mead 81 Silas 196 " Wliitehead 133 Simon P. 83 Vivian Prancis 142 Sophia Bingham 16 W. C. 204 Sophronia 44 Walter 175,191 Statira 110 * Alfonzo 114 Stella Blanche 112 " Alvin 179 * Marie 171 " caiariier 154 Stephen 33 " a. 191 Susan 100,130 " Hollenbeck 126 " A. 49 " Lewis 165 » . " Alice 94 McLain 154 " Anthony 115 " S. 187 * •• B^lle 181 Thomas 142 " Bo swell 129 Wanda Margaret 162 " Elizabeth 153,155 Ward Weybum 170 •• Lydla 51 Washington Irving 176 " Parkhurst 56 Wealthy (Weltha) Cordelia 89 » " E. 24 . Wiggins 117 Susaiiah Jane 151 Wesley MdJutt 179 Susanna 67,204 Wheeler Hutchinson 122 Sylvanus 70 Whitfield E. 145 Sylvia 60,148 Wilhelmina Mary 115 T, 204 Willard 199 Tabitha 15,32 " Harry 162 Tarns ie 29 •• Russell 175 Teesie 149 William 1,5,5,11,23,33,39, Thalia 69 46,62,70,80,90,99, TJiankful 67 100, 105, 106, 109, Thea 11. 168 115,183,185,189 Theoda 20,21 Albert 167 " Clarinda 22 Albion 130,198 Aneon 73 . Theodocia Alvira 52 Theodore Oscar 143 Arvin 202 Theresa May 153 Augustus 124 Theron lU 80 B. 202 Thomas 50.174,180,181,19 5,197 Davie 55,145 " Baldwin 103 E. 190,200 * Frederick 182 Edward 191 " Henry 142 Edwin 74 " Michelle 132 Ephraim 133 Tirzah Louisa 200 Fritzland 121 Tish 204 George 177 Tbrrey Mo ffit 76 Harrison 163 Tova Irene 172 Henry 72,88,104,191 Traoy Joshua 136 " Irving 195 Tryphena 10, 51 " John 189 " Kimball 25 " Lewis 123 Vavighn Merwin 1C4 " Lincoln 90 Velma Allene 142 " Marsh 104 Vendome Peroe 141 " Kelson 133 ' •• ' Vera Mae 172 '^ /f Orray 88 Verdi e May 96 " Stewart 132 Verne- L. 196 " Webb 159 Veryle C3iarles 142 Willi* Ambxose 149 Viola Estena 149 " AustiJX 127 k'"

21. *ax


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flc 245

TICKNOR, TICKNER, etc. (cont.) Tritt, Emma B. 127 Willis Grant 142 Otis Dennis 127 •^ L. 304 Russell T, 127 Winfield Scott 51 Tubb, anma 185 Wing Hubert 164 Tucker, Abbie Lucinda 59 " HuBon 135 Annie Belle 59 Winton Allen 165 Arthur M. 59 Wurshia 44 Bdah 130 Zale 124 Katherine May 59 Zeda Fhebe 161 Mildred Frances 59 Zell Gdorge 170 Ralph Chester 59 Zeruah 18 Turner, 62 Zilpna 30 Andrew Jackson 95 Tidwell, G. S. 86 Plora A., 62 • Lucy Annie 85 Nancy Ann 95 Tignor 174 Ruth Aurelia 95 Tiiden, Alice 3 Wealthy Ann 28 Elizabeth 3 Tuttle, Austin 85 Joseph 3 Marcia 85 Lydia 3 Maria Polly 126 Nathaniel 3 Mary Ifimily 85 Tilley, John 9 Twisden, Alice 3 Tink, Susan 161 Elizabeth 3 Tinker, Caroline 195 TjTidall, Annie E. 182 John Leo 195 " Elizabeth 182 Martin ^toos 195 Farrow 182 rhoebe Jane 195 Uhlschoeffer, Adelaide Victoria 93 Williaa Irving 195 Esther Ethel 93 Tobey, L'phrain 13 I rah Irene 93 Mehitable 13 John Henry 93 Reliance 13 Mabel Hellena 93 Zilpha 30 Walter Claude 93 Tobine, Abby B. 24 Ulrioli, Eva E. 77 Sarah 24 Oeor^a 77 Thomas 24 Van Camp, Abraham J. 28 Todd, Daniel 32 Aliayra 28 Eunice 32 Van Doom, Henry E. 25 Sibyl 32 Lillie J. G. 25 Tompkins, caiarles F, 47 Van Dyke, Addie 94 Eddy G. 47 Altha 94 Harriet Carrie 47 Lester 94 (iary Ella 47 Van Kleeck. Linda 188 Tor tee/,Lieut. ^ Van Valksnburg, Jane 65 Toime, AchBfiih 87 John 65 Bessie Venelia 87 Van VLeck, Jane 97 Clarence Eli aha 87 Vance, Nancy B. 47 Edvard Baker 87 Vandeyllle, Cordelia 147 Evelyn Mabel 87 Vaughn, ELoise 162 liabel Eatelle 87 Russell J. 162 Moody 87 Theresa 162 Wallace Scott 87 Veenhuyzen, Carel 50 Williaia Kimball 87 Julia Doris 50 Towns, Edna Mae 178 Velaey, 36 Lloyd 178 Bethiah 36 Townaend, Patty 198 Vincent, Alice May 177 Sarah 162 Clark 149 Trent, Bertha Jane 198 Cora Amelia 107 Lester 198 Edward Devillo 107 .71 '!OZ«^XT

*i*i r



08 »r ^fH

Vlno«nt, (oont.) liV* 149 Weston, Sarah Annie 26 Harriet 149 Westover, 29 Jam 68 107 Tamsie 29 Maude Amelia 107 Wetmore, Hanoy 176 Sarah Malinda 149 Weybum, Charlotte I>uane 116 Virgil, Zilpha 74 Phebe 116 Wahlenmaler, Amelia 155 Samuel 116 Walker, Adalena Qertirude 38 Whalin, Charles 120 Harriet Alice 51 Hester 120 Jeese Allen 51 Wheaton, Florence ISugenia 99 John 0. 38 Lucy 99 Lozette 97 William 99 ilary Anna 51 Wheeler, Alma Sarah 162 Smart 61 Carlton Bancroft 104 Tryphena 51 David Tioknor 104 Walters, Sarah 143 Mellicent Stone 104 Ward, Sdith Caallla 153 Samuel 162 Slla 46 Sarah 123,162, George 46 White, Abijah 18 Harriet 46 Alice Slla 151 Henry 0. 153 Amy Celia 166 Ida 46 Edwin C. 83 James 29 Eleanor 7 Justus 111 Harriet Aurelia 83 Laura 29 Lucinda 122 Orpha Ann 111 Maranda 38 Silence 111 Mary 122 Warner, Adele de Forest 34 Hancy 127 Charlotte J. Marsh 34 Nathaniel 38 Donald Judeon 34 Sarah Ann 127 " Ticknor 34 Timothy 127 Grace 34 Willard 122 Harriet ICLeota 34 Whitfield. Mary 104 Lois 34 Whitlock, Elizabeth 94 " Carap 34 Whitney, Billa 7 Malcolm Clark 34 Burdula 136 Warren, Charlotte Kl.izabeth 176 Christopher 7 Joseph H. 176 Clarinda 7 Waters, Polly 90 Edith Gwyn 79 Watrous, Ilary 198 Edwin John 79 Watson, Hajnnah Euphemia 176 " Pascal 79 Watt, George 105 Etta Marilla 79 Irene 105 Mary 7 Wattles, Almira Kirahall 145 Olive 7 Arthxir Sterry 145 Rachel 152 Ella Frances 145 Rhoda 7 Weam, Elizabeth Augusta 132 Ruluff 7 Webb, Elisha Cone 67 Ruth Lee 79 Mary Jane 67 Susanna 7 Webster, Jerusha 16 Walter Ticknor 79 Wellman, Harriet 149 Whitting, Elisabeth 29 Wells, Edward Hubbard 85 Whittlesey, Anna 60 ELlen Maria 86 Katherine Corrles 172 Harriet Electa 34 Wicks, 62 Margaret 189 Ellen A. 62 Theoda 21 Widrig, Dora Nellie 1^8 Werre, Avigusta C. 180 Eva Vera Ellen 168 7

i' -. : -J' i.0

>^ stfo«»x^ 2/4^

V?ldrig, (cont.) Harvey W, 168 Wood, (oont.) CjTrithia 42 Wiggins, Gertrude 201 Edith 41 l^ry V. 117 Sanaa Viotorla 184 Wigton, Atna Nevada 157 Ephraiia 42 J. B. 157 Frank L, 53 Rebecca 157 Harriet Byron 102 Wilbur, Betsey Ann 94 Horace Ticlmor 184 John 94 John 53 Susan Alice 94 Joshua 184 Wilcox, Ethel Hellena 93 Martha 42 Floyd Charles 93 Hanoy Ann 95 PrHjnlf 93 Horman 65 I Ola Irene 93 Ruth E. 65 Loona ilay 93 Samuel 184 Lois 54 Woodall, Elizabeth 39 Lucy Ann 82 Woodhams, Blizetaeth 191 Mildred Lyla 93 John 191 Ruth Hizobcth 93 Woods, Joseph ?5dTdn 108 Suean Blaclcnan 153 Lillie Alice 82 Wilder, IVan^elinc Hope 41 Mary 60 Howard 47 Ruth 108 ilinno Pot a 47 Woodward, Eliza Billings 18,41 Rlioda 7 George VTaeelock 41 Wil lard, George 198 Jane 145 Mary 198 Williapi GiistavuB 41 Willburg, diaries Henry 197 " n. 18 JXari^ Jane 197 Woodworth, Alanoon 16 Willey, Horace K, 139 Benjamin 16 i!'ertie Loiaiee 139 Clarissa 16 Williame, Ann 200 Harriet 16 Ajinie 194 Henry 16 Anson 33 Jane Vintorine 17 Caroline IJatilda 133 Jerusha 16 Elizabeth Ann 175 Lucy Hosmer 17 Elrtl W. 176 Mary 16 loTiea 33 Nancy 16 Willis, r^rgaret 199 Pamelia 16 Sarcuel 199 Woolston, Clarissa E. 142 Wills, Ellen 195 Worroall, Joseph 1 Wilson (WillBon) Ann Ifiliza 118 Worster, (Worcester) Ruth 32 Anna Margaret 96 Sylvester 32 'Etu 56 Ta'orthen, Luoicn A. 59 Isaac S. 151 Mabello ^^'rances 59 Ianiol 74 David 97 Kliza 74 Elizabeth C. 197 Busan 100 Joanna 97 Zilpha 74 Naomi Hawkins 181 Wi throw, Ida 137 Rosanna 97 Wood, — — - 184 Torama 135 Alfred Harriaon 184 William 184 Amy Dillingham 90 Yale, Sarah 67 Ann Harla 184 Yeager, M. El.raerta 134 Byron 0«orge 184 Matilda Alice 134 Christine Elizubeth 53 Winia-n K. 134 (Xw-^i I

'J T

V^ r.Si


tuiv :'?*.

Yeomana, Lydia 83 Myron P. 83 Yerrick, Charles Henry 127 Eva A. 127 Yoiind, Alma A. 148 Blanche 148 Elias Shipe 148 Erfijna R. 148 Young, 66 Ada 128

BumliJ'X'. 19 n?jnn9h Green 19 Zimraar, Hi ran 99 Jennie 99 Sixaan 99

