IEEE SE MN2020-Q2 avenue of increasing our gains of membership to membership in all members of IEEE Sweden Individual Highlights: Editorial chapters. IEEE tools Section. The board online are readily made remains grateful to The challenges available to us to remain committed members. We created by coronavirus R8SYP UPDATE 2 efficient, creative, shall not relent in pandemic have been industrious and informed. supporting and motivating enormous. Nonetheless, IEEE The pandemic’s you to reach the pinnacle IEEE’s response to Sweden section is COVID19 3 unprecedented of your set aside goals. determined to continue to circumstances afforded This Newsletter is subject make impact for the 2020 many of us opportunities to nonstop improvements Chapters Summary fiscal year. It is a trying time in eHealth. My recent and aims at sharing Activities 3 for the usual physical published paper titled information with IEEE Young Professionals 3 appearances in conferences “COVID-19 Patient Health members. Hence, we and meetings, but created Prediction Using Boosted kindly ask for increase awareness of Membership statistics in Random Forest contributions, feedback Sweden 4 virtual meetings which we Algorithm” is available and involvement from our are determined to explore online that supports IEEE readers. Please submit to and utilize in full. I Action for Industry 4 stand point on Covid-19. the Newsletter Editor, Dr. personally continue to see We shall continue to Celestine Iwendi this challenge as a strong deliver as entrusted the
[email protected] Alexanderson Day 5 A message from the Sweden Section Chair Sites for Success 7 Dear IEEE Member, planned events and technology that enables us conferences such as the to connect and deliver in ISCMI20; that was to be held the current situation.