"Ceci N'est Pas Un Historien" Construction and Deconstruction of Henri Pirenne
"Ceci n'est pas n hist"#ien" Const# cti"n an$ $ec"nst# cti"n "% Hen#i Pirenne '(LT)R*&R)+)NI)R1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &#"%ess"# )-e#it s . /ni0e#siteit Gent The %i#st a-bition "% this a#tic2e is t" %ind out 3hic! t4pe "% p#"%essiona2 app#"ac! and 3hic! %"#- "% socia2ising Henri &i#enne 3as suppose$ t" ha0e const#ucte$ in "#$e# t" bec"-e one "% the 5#eatest scientists "% !is 5ene#ation and a success% 2 societ4 -an. 64 second question is8 di$ !e hi-se2%, "# di$ his c"nte-p"#a#ies, const# ct that ic"n? 1. :IR;T TH);I;8 TH) C<N;TR/CTI<N*<: &IR)NN)*(;*(*&R<6IN)NT HI;T<RI(N*(N= (; TH) ':</N=ING*:(TH)R'*<: TH) GH)NT HI;T<RIC(L*;CH<<L I;*(*&)R:)CT )X(6&L)*<:*(*;/CC);;:/L 6>TH<L<GI;(TI<N The (-e#ican hist"#ian G#a4 B"4ce ?1940, 449-464), %#"- Be#Ce2e4, a student "% &i#enne in t!e 1920s, c"nfe##e$ t!e pate#nit4 "% the G!ent sc!""2 inte#nationa2 1#i22iance in !is st $4 on "The Le5ac4 "% Henri &i#enne" %#"- 1940. In %act he c"##"1"#ate$ a %"#-at and an i-a5e that ha$ been const#ucte$ 14 &i#enne's students and c"22ea5ues in t!e "laudationes" on the occasion o% eac!*"% the*!on"#a#4*-eetings, f#"- 1926 on.2*( st#ong s4-pt"- "% the ai- "% de%ining &i#enne as t!ei# ic"nic %athe# is the c"22ecti0e oat! 14 a22 !is a2 -ni at &i#enne's %une#a2 in 1935 t" prepa#e a 'liber alumnorum' an$ t3" s"2i$*0"2 -es*"% 'hommages' and -e-"#ies3, but, e0en -"#e i-portant24, t" #eDect %i#-24 the e$ition "% a si-i2a# 'liber' %"# t!e-se20es in the % t #e, a decision that -ost "% these a2 -ni indee$ #especte$.
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