Catholic Worker Answers Attack

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Catholic Worker Answers Attack .. CATHOLIC. fol. V. No. 3. JULY, 1937 Price One Cent ,_ I I I I I 1 - 1 - 1 _I-.-. Who is Guilty EASY ESSAYS Catholic Worker• by Of "Murders" )1 Answers Attack PETER MAURIN I: In Chicago? There are rather remarkable charges made against THE CATH04 UC WORKER in the July 5th issue of Social Justice, Father .Cough- 1. Molders oJ Public Opinion .,_ Fightjng Communism lin'• Weekly Review. • Guilty With Police The position of THE CATHOLIC WORKER regarding Commun­ · ~ I. Without Comments And Employers ism is best explained in the phrase of a famous Russian exponent of ll. "I understand Catholic Communism, Boukarins "Christian love, being addressed to all men, apologetics DAY AFTER DAY is thf worst adversary of Communism." This is the "pussyfooting" ) ~ but I don't understand f Catholic sociology." Have you e..-er heard a man complained of by many Catholic editors. Well, Boubrin would call · -A Catholic Editor. scream as he was beaten over the THE CATHOLIC WORKER a -feared adversary of Communism. · Too, I. "Your atuft is new to us." head by two or fottr ·policemen· such is the opinion of Communists in America who know. -A Catholic Layman. with clubs and cudgels! Have you Regarding Spain, THE CATHOLIC WORKER holds that the Pas­ !· "There la nothing, new about it; ever' heard the sickening sound of it la Catholic dootrlne.'' , ~lows, and seen people with their toral Letter of the American Bishops on Mexico, issued in 1926, It -A Catholic Priest. arms upralHd, trying to p.-otect equally applicable to Spain. THE CATHOLIC WORKER knows of no i. "You are an idealist their faces, stuuibttng blindly ·to other "authOritative" statement regarding the use of 'force' agafnst and I am a materialist, get away, falUng and rlaiDg.. again Communism. The .stand of THE CATHOLIC WORKER Is in 1fne with bo.t I like to listen to you." to be beaten down T· DiL you ever -A Comm.wliat. aee a man, ahot in the back, being the great Catholic wMldy, "Sept," published bY. the Dominica Feth4 dragged to hi• feet by pellcemen ers. and "Le Vie lateledlMl&e." Also "Blac:kfriars' in England and Father 11. Twenty .and Forty who tried - to force him to stand, Gilis in "The c.tholic World." THE CATHOLIC WORKER offers while . hla. po9I' ·body crumbled, .pa,. ii. A. Dutch convert ral)'Sed by a bullet· in the spine? no e~ogy for the refusal of its editors, Peter Mauri• and .William used to say: to M stampeded into .Upporti119 .a resolution endorsing "WJ;lelf. one la not a Socialist We are sickened by stories of at twenty, brutality In Germany and Rusaf& t~e UM of the sword by General Franco. In paui119, It can be safd there Is something wronr and Italy. A. priest from Germany that M..y Cetholic editors In France were "al~rmecl" 11t th~ st~nd · with his heart; _ told me of one -man who eame to him whoee back was rklged "like t11kea J., .. Sept," end the same kind of unworthy charges 111 • but If one 11 a Soclallat couple .f American editors have made against -1HE CATHO. at forty . a washboard," by . the horrible be!tlngs he had received at the . LIC WORKE'R, apecltlo.lly th« there la aometla.lng wrqnr Brooldyn Tablet alld Social ~ Ju• with hta head." hands -of the German police in con­ FJH- · R..,..Ulnt the · of •. Dorothy centration camps. I shudder wit!i Our Catttollo· ·New9papera In tic•: but tWI» Frenoh C~rdlnela nv, horror at the thoughts of the tor­ Regard to the Spanish War wrote lett•N "!_hlol!_ were publlahed . Grace Branham, Pri~st In "Sept," rebuking those edltora. and Marperlte Gage tures inflicted on Catholics, Protes­ Urges tants, Jews and Communl&ta In 1. They have not only taken one Enough Hid. · were 8oelallsta Soclal Justice aaya, In a· head­ at twenty. Germany today; at the torture in­ si(le of the War, but have aban­ flicted on Communists In Russia; Living ·Family line, that THE CATHOLIC WORK· And doned themselves to war-time pro­ 1 l· they did not ER "urgee comprornlH wlbi ·Red1' ' wait to be forty and 011 their children and relatives. paianda. Nobody expects or wialt.­ And here In America last month ea them to aide with the Reda, but and then goea on to aay that "hun· : • to give up Socialism. Wage in U. Se dreda of prl ..ta have fallen h·ook, I· So there ta nothing wrong there was a pul)llc exhibition of instead of showing a true Catholic such brutality, that the motion pie· eumple of moderation, justice and llne ·and tinker for THE CATHO-. either with their hearta LIC WORKER program." It .,.. - or with their heads. ture film, taken by Paramount charity, they have fanned the photographer in a sound track, was 1lames of hatred and revenge. They "Living Annual Wage" for Instances the "guHlblllty of prfeata . In the very diocese of the late Ill. Worlcs of Mercy suppressed by the company for fear have set partinnship before truth, Individual Ia Not that It would cauae riots and mass constantly suppressing what is true Bishop Gallagher" because Mr. I . The order of the day hysteria, it was so unutterably hor­ and suggesting what is false, pre­ Sufficient Ralph Zimmerman found "upon In­ in Catholic circles rible. clsely In the manner of the leas re­ . quiry, the priests of St. Vincent de ls to tight Communism. Police Riot putable worldly newspapers. (Excerpts from a letter of Father Paul's Church In Pontiac purchased J. To denounce Communism Donovan, of Kenrick Seminary, St. copies In bulk for their Catholic I am trying to paint a picture of 2. Instead of trying to keep Re­ book rack.'' No comment on this in Catholic halls it f(!r our readers because so many Louia, to Governor La Follette of is not an eftlcient way llgion outside and above the war, Wisconsin.) caae of jitters la neceuary save to to fight Communism. did not read the story of the Mem­ they have done their best to in­ say that Social Justice ought not to orial Day "riot" in Chicago in front volve Religion in it as deeply as ~· The daily practice perpetuate such silly and disre­ of the Works of Mercy of the Republic Steel mills. possible, representing the war as a Now ls the time to agitate for a spectful statements about the "gul­ ls a more eftlclent way Try to imagine this mass of peo­ Crusade for God which every Cath­ family allowance as a rider to the libility" of priests. to fight Communism. ple, men, women and children, olic has to support. President's proposal for a living Social Justice . also .aaya that 4. The daily practice picketing, as they have a right to 8. Regarding .atrocities in par­ wage in the interstate industries. "the article (on living family . of the Works of Mercy do, coming up to the police-line and ticular, instead of confining them­ France passed such a law in wage) does not aubatantlate In a by the first Christians being suddenly shot into, not by selves to the proved facts which 1931 (I speak from memol'1) guar­ single Instance the caption that the made the Pagans one hysterical policeman, but by were dreadful enough, they printed anteeing all laborers, agricultural Idea of a living family wage la un­ say about the Christiana many. Ten were killed and one hun­ in the early months of the war as well as Industrial, in addition to known here.'' "See how they love each red were taken to the hospital many atrocity-stories of the more an individual minimum wage a cer­ We refer the editor of Soclal Jua­ other." wounded. Tear gas and clubs sup­ lurid and lnsutriciently-evidenced tain supplementary allowance by tlce to Page 2 of the June· l11ue of plied by the RepubUc Steel Com­ kind, such as usually are circnlated reason of the family they were the C.W., 3rd paragraph, which IV. Irish Scholars pany were used: in wars and revolution_s to stir up rearing. By that law children thir­ reads aa folowa: I am trying to picture this scene hatred. teen and under were declared de­ "Another Important thing about [When the Irish scholars to our readers because I ha..-e wit­ 4. They are now regularly print­ pendents and given a graduated al­ the doctrine of 'the famlly wage,' decided to lay the foundations nessed these things ftrst hand, and ing atrocity-stories, more · or le11 lowance raised by a tax on Indus­ and aometl:llng which la practically of Mediaeval Europe, I know the horror of them. I was authenticated, presumably belong­ try, the allowance being two unheard of In America, although It they eetablish.ed: on•a picket line when the "radical" ing to the ft.rat days of the war, francs per working day for a one­ la now law In France, Belgium, and !I. Centers of Thought squad shot into the line and pur­ but without giving any indication child famtly and reaching four Italy, la the Idea that when a man in all the cities of Euro1>9 sued the fleeing picketers down the of dates, so that uncritical readers francs a chlld per day for a ten­ gets married or has a child, he as far II.I Constantinople streets knocking them down, and think they are reading an item of child family. The principle in- should receive an Increase In pay." { where people kicklnr and beating them.
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