A Second Chance-Raptor Rehabilitation By Stephen R. Rapp • St. Louis, Missouri In recent decades a public awareness R.R.P. P., Inc. is that all personnel, in­ has developed concerning the plight of cluding the director, are volunteers, of prey, also known as raptors. In­ receiving no salary for their work. discriminate shooting and trapping, col­ Facilities lisions with automobiles, barbed wire Through various generous financial fences, power lines, and other man­ support of local corporations, indi­ made structures as well as loss of habitat viduals, and the Missouri Department of and pesticide poisoning have contrib­ Conservation, the project has designed uted to the decline of many raptor and built facilities to house raptors . Unless measures are instituted to undergoing rehabilitation, for research halt the decline of not only raptors but programs and for captive propagation. all endangered species, it is very possible Rehabilitation facilities include a surgery that in our lifetime we could see the and post-operative care area as well as disappearance of many species from the several outdoor enclosures to house face of the earth. Long range solutions, recovering and permanently injured, including environmental education of unreleasable birds. Additional facilities the public, wise land usage, and reduc­ house incubators and hand rearing tion in the use of pesticides are necessary equipment as well as a Coturnix quail although we must also design manage­ colony. The Missouri Department of ment programs to deal with immediate Conservation had financed three

_...... ~ ..... problems facing those species presently facilities used for captive propagation. in danger of extinction. The peregrine These are multi-chambered buildings falcon was brought back from near ex­ that allow breeding pairs to be housed BUY' SELL' TRADE tinction in orth America through the and maintained under conditions that BIRDS intensive efforts of raptor biologists. are conducive to successful propagation. SUPPLIES Must we wait until such a perilous point At the present time these are being used AND EQUIPMENT is reached with other species before in­ for the captive propagation of barn owls. SEED,FEED stituting management programs to pre­ Two of the buildings consist of chambers serve them? with one-way viewing glass that allows Halfmoons R.R.P.P., Inc. project members to conduct detailed Cockatiels In Missouri, the red shouldered behavioral observations. Additional Lovebirds ( lineatus), the Cooper's hawk (Ac­ facilities house breeding pairs of golden Parrakeets cipiter coopen'z) , the sharp-shinned hawk (Aquzia crysaetos) , red shouldered White Headed Nuns (Accipiter smatus) , the marsh hawk , Cooper hawks, marsh hawks and Green Singers (Circus cyaneus) , the peregrine falcon sharp-shinned hawks as well as American Golden Breasted Waxbills (Falco peregrinus), the bald kestrels (Falco sparverius). Cordon Bleu (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) , the osprey Rehabilitation AND MANY OTHER TYPES (Pandion haliaetus) , and the barn owl The R.R.P.P., Inc. has treated 318 in­ OF FINCHES (Tyto alba) are all listed as endangered jured raptors that were brought to us by AND HOOKBI LLS species by the Missouri Department of local park rangers, concerned individuals, ... Conservation . state and federal wildlife agents over the In an effort to preserve these magnifi­ past three years. Our initial action upon cent but dwindling creatures, the author receiving an injured bird is to stabilize its -...'. assisted Walter C. Crawford, ]r., in condition and then institute reparative : ' ~ . establishing the Raptor Rehabilitation measures. If a broken bone is suspected, and Propagation Project Inc., (R.R.P.P., radiographs are taken. With the assis­ ~l Inc.). The R.R.P.P., Inc. is located at tance of local veterinarians, the injury is ", Washington University'S Tyson Research treated and the bird is housed in indoor ...~,' Center near Eureka, Missouri, approx­ facilities until its condition has stabil­ t'.t imately fifteen miles west of Sf. Louis. ized. Once Stable, the bird is moved to " Originally established to rehabilitate in­ outdoor facilities where it is housed until jured raptors, the project has since ex­ its wounds are completely healed. When panded to include captive propagation recovered, the bird is allowed to exercise of endangered raptor species, research in the outdoor facilities and ultimately, and education. The R.R.P.P., Inc. is a is released back in to the wild. In an ef­ non-profit, tax exempt organization rely­ fort to document the success of the re­ 18247 East Valley Blvd. ~ • ing solely on contributions from in­ habilitated birds, the project is currently (at Yorbita Rd.l ! terested individuals, groups, and cor­ seeking funding to obtain transmitters La Puente, CA. 91744 porations for support. Funding is also that wi]] allow us to track them after 213/964 - 8473 f received from university and govern­ their release. mental sources in the form of research In 1979, we developed a prosthetic grants to support specialized research limb for use on golden eagles that have projects. A notable aspect of the suffered the loss of a foot due to a steel 16 trap or gunshot injury. While not a func­ One half inch metal conduit placed on tioning limb, this prosthetic device one inch centers serves as a barrier in allows the bird to perch naturally, to these windows. In all breeding chambers support its weight on both legs rather the large rear window faces a wooded than one. This reduces the chances of a hillside. This design insures that the foot problem such as bumblefoot occur­ birds will be free of visual and most ing on the remaining limb since, without auditory disturbances that may interfere the prosthesis, the bird would have to in their reproductive cycle. Through the rely on only one limb to support all its use ofproper nest structures, perches and weight. A bird with this device could diet, we hope to stimulate natural be­ never be released; however, it could lead haviors that will lead to the ultimate goal a much less stressed, hopefully reproduc­ of reproduction. tive life in captivity. As a stimulant to breeding we have Propagation found live Coturnix quail, commonly Occasionally, a bird will suffer an in­ used in laboratory research, to be indis­ jury requiring amputation of a foot or pensable for several reasons. During in­ wing, or suffer permanent, restricted use itial pair bonding, many raptors will of such a limb and thus cannot be re­ behave instinctively aggressive towards leased. As an alternative to euthansia, we one another in such a way that pair began utilizing many of these birds for bonding may not occur. However, by VITAMIN our captive propagation program. feeding live quail, this potential motiva­ SUPPLEMENT­ CONDITIONER Through the release of captive-bred off­ tion to be aggressive towards one another FOR BIRDS • spring, these crippled birds are still con­ can be channeled into pursuit, capture • H'(,H P()H .... I' 'v'lli', "·,IITA'v'lI .... " "l!PPl(Mf~l tributing to the maintenance of their and feeding on a live food source. Once • (J"'lA, ...... ,:.I, 'AM' ...... , PIl!", -Ri)'" species. In addition to crippled, unre­ lower levels of aggression are reached • A'D" ',Ri)V_iT>. A .... () leasable birds, raptors from zoos, nature between a pair of birds, natural behavior centers and government research facili­ patterns conducive to formation of pair lE REGENERATEUR ET SUPPLEMENT ties are also used for captive breeding bonding such as presentation of food by VITAMINIQUE programs. In particular, five pairs of one bird to another, mutual preening, POUR OISEAUX

• u,," SUPPLEME .... ' d)'v'lPOSf JE barn owls from Patuxent Wildlife bowing, etc. may be observed. Any ·AM' .... E5 ESSE .... " •••• ':> • R'CH' JE fER Research Center in Laurel, Maryland, breaks in this chain of behavioral events •U EMPlO REGUl £1> 'OuR''IjjRA AU~ J'SEA u •• ES form the core of our barn owl breeding could stop the entire reproductive pro­ "TAM' .... ES £1 ,E >fR .... EefS"A RE colony, which currently consists of 10 cess. By feeding live food to stimulate A u .... E CRO'SSl.l .... u SA''''E .... ~, , '~'-', JC ~ breeding pairs. Our goal is to establish and simulate natural behaviors, these CG~'~~~ ... ~, , u, large scale breeding programs with those links in reproductive behavior are main­ A high potency multivitamin raptors that are classified as endangered tained, thus increasing the chances for diet supplement for all cage species in Missouri and on which not successful reproduction. birds Regular use will ensure much captive work has been done. To date, we have been successful in that all essential nutritional Several institutions are working with well raising two endangered species, the requirements during a bird's lifespanare fully met. Hagen known raptor species such as the Cooper's hawk and barn owl as well as Vitamin Supplement Condi· peregrine falcon and the ; American kestrels (Falco sparven'us) , tioner contains among other however, there are very few working with screech owls (Otus asio), red tailed hawks ingredients VITAMIN A to pro· lesser known species such as the Cooper's (Buteo jamaicensis), and Harris's hawks mote health of plumage and skin. Also to aid resistance to hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, red shoul­ (Parabuteo unicinctus). disease. VITAMIN Dpromotes dered hawk, marsh hawk and the barn In 1981, the project's colony of seven strong bone formation in owl. These five species form the core of pairs of barn owls produced 66 young. young and nesting birds. the R.R.P.P., Inc.'s captive propagation As of July 1, 1982, 52 barn owls have VITAMIN D & A promotes quick moult and restoration program. been raised with many pairs still on eggs. of plumage. VITAMIN B is reo The initial step in any captive propa­ This is in dramatic contrast to barn owls quired for health and growth gation program is the pairing up of pro­ productivity in the wild during this of the nervous systems. spective mates in a facility that is con­ period. In 1981, the Missouri Depart­ VITAMIN C is vitally required for resistance to infections ducive to breeding. Since the sexual ment of Conservation reported only one and disease. VITAMIN E for dimorphism in size between males and active wild barn owl nest throughout the mating birds and the preven· females among most raptor species is not state of Missouri. In 1982, no observed tion of infertility IRON to pre· a reliable indicator of sex, our breeding nestings occurred. Data collected in vent anemia and increase the synthesis of hemaglobin, pairs are accurately sexed using an 1978, 1979 and 1980 showed four, two, otoscope or laparoscope for internal vis­ and two active barn owl's nests, respec­ ualization of the gonads. This is a safe tively, during these years. Unfortunate­ ~AHAIGEN and commonly used technique to ac­ ly, this poor barn owl reproductive per­ curately sex birds. formance has not been limited only to "~" Breeding chambers are made of solid Missouri, but is common throughout the ® AVAILABLE FROM YOUR wood consttuction with a large four by midwestern states. Illinois, Iowa, LOCAL PET SHOP eight window in the rear wall of each Wisconsin and other states have reported chamber along with a smaller one foot by similar low barn owl productivity. It eight foot window near the ceiling in the became clear that our task was to max­ front of the chamber for ventilation. imize the number of barn owls raised in 17 captivity so that we could begin serious, ready to be released, a door or window is Wickett Sons, large scale reintroduction efforts. opened so the owls can come and go as & Artificial Incubation and Handrearing they please. Exotic Birds Towards this goal we began a program During this time of initial freedom, ofdouble clutching our breeding pairs of we continue to provide a source of food 1180 N. 2nd barn owls. The clutch of eggs, number­ at the release site so the birds can return Jefferson, OR ing between five and eight, ate removed to eat if they are unsuccessful in their 97352 seven days aftet the last egg of the early hunting attempts. Ideally, a pair of clutch is laid. Once removed, the eggs birds will remain in the vicinity of the Wholesale Only are then incubated in a Roll-X (Marsh release site and establish their own Farms) incubator until hatched. During nesting territory. To encourage this, we incubation, the incubator is maintained choose release sites that will provide ade­ Parrots Macaws at 98.5 degrees dry bulb thermometer quate nesting sites and prey availability. and at 83 degrees wet bulb or 48 % In some instances, artificial nesting boxes Conures Finches relative humidiry. Raptoreggs should lose are added if adequate nesting sites are approximately fifteen-seventeen percent not present. Working together with state Cockatoos of their weight via water evaporation conservation officials as well as concerned through the eggshell during incubation individuals, the project has succeeded in Cockatiels period. To monitor this, the egg should placing 66 barn owls throughout the be weighed juSt prior to placement in the state of Missouri in the past year. To Parakeets incubator and a fifteen-seventeen per­ date, three barn owls have been fitted cent weight loss curve calculated. By with radio transmitters which allow us to Tame Birds weighing the egg every three days its pro­ monitor their movements upon release. gress can be followed by comparing the Owls with transmitters are initially weight to the fifteen-seventeen percent tracked with either a helicopter or fixed Sexed Pairs weight loss curve previously drawn. If the wing aircraft followed by a ground search eggs ate too heavy during the incubation with an automobile to verify the location Call or write for period, indicating excessive humidity, of the birds. current prices the humidity in the incubator should be In addition to barn owls, in 1981 we decreased. If the eggs are too light, the were successful in raising three Cooper's (503)327-2261 humidity must be increased. The proper hawks. In 1982, one pair of Cooper's moisture content of the egg is critical to hawks laid two clutches of eggs, produc­ the successful hatching of the chick. ing one chick from the second clutch. Once hatched, the chicks are fed a diet Unfortunately, this chick died at five Never before has such a comprehensive encyclopedia been offered, ofground up whole mice and rats, minus days of age. Also, in the past breeding both for the specialist tails and skin, which is then dipped in a season of 1982, one pair of sharp­ and hobbyist. YOUR LIBRARY IS NOT COMPLETE solution of Plex-Sol C (Vet-A-Mix, shinned hawks laid a clutch of five eggs. WITHOUT THIS BOOK. Shenandoah, Iowa) and water before This was the first time that any of the feeding. As the young barn owls mature, project's breeding pairs ofsharp-shinned FINCHES and casting material,' hair and bones are in­ hawks have laid eggs. Unfortunately, cluded in the diet. Once the birds are this inexperienced breeding pair con­ SOFT-BILLED feathered OUt, they are moved to large structed a very poorly built nest that chambers that will allow them to exer­ caused the eggs to slip down deep inside BIRDS cise. It is during this stage that they are the nest structure itself such that the (revised edition) by Henry J. Bates and Robert L. Busenbark introduced to live food, quail and mice, female could not incubate them. to prepare them for release. Once we Although fertile, the embryos died have determined that the birds are kill­ before hatching. Sharp-shinned and ing prey on their own, they are ready to Cooper's hawks, members of the Ac­ be released. clpiter , are very secretive, forest ... Release dwelling birds that are notoriously dif­ One or several pairs of captively raised ficult to maintain in captivity. In addi­ barn owls are placed inside an enclosed tion, many of these are permanently barn or other type of man-made Struc­ crippled making captive propagation a ture at the release site. While kept from much more difficult task. These two fac­ escaping in this facility, the birds are fed tors, while difficult to overcome, will first dead, then live food. This gives make any success in the future with these them time to further perfect their flying two species that much more gratifying. and prey capruring ability in a situation Our colony of red shouldered hawks where we can monitor their progress. has produced many eggs over the past ~ Periodic checking of castings in the barns three years; however, none have been $16.95 will tell us if the young owls have caught fertile. To our knowledge this species has Order Your Copy Now From any wild prey by examining the composi­ never been bred in captivity in orth PALOS VERDES BIRD FARM INC. tion of bones in the casting. Bones, America. In fact, the R.R.P.P., Inc. has P.O. Box 1305, Torrance, CA. 90505 primarily skulls, of domestic mice are Include $1.50 postage and handling possibly the largest captive population in Calif. residents add 6% sales tax. easily discernible from those of wild the United States. As with any avian rodents. When we feel the birds are propagation program, it takes time for a 18 breeding pair to become adjusted to one another to a point where reproductive ac­ tivity can occur. Since egg production has been substantial, the project feels Parrot Cups that there is an excellent chance to raise Thicker and stronger red shouldered hawks in the near future. ''julie'' and "Bill" than any other cup available. A particularly interesting pair of birds Threaded for standard bolts. in the propagation program is one pair of Made of heavy duty non-toxic plastic. golden eagles. "Julie," an eight-year old female, is permanently crippled due to a -5" r ~31/z_'~~ gunshot wound to the right wing. The male, "Bill," is thirty-eight years old and perhaps the oldest golden eagle in T captivity. "Bill" was found as a downy 2 1/2' chick, injured after a forest fire. "Bill" spent the first thirty-five years in his life ~ in a small zoo on the campus ofPrincipia .69¢ each College in Elsah, lIIinois. In 1979, the college agreed to place "Bill" on a \o~ WHOLESALE ONLY breeding loan to the project. Due to his _... ,~\\.e FREE SAMPLES include your age and the fact that he had spent all of "'l" business resale number his life isolated from other eagles, we DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME! were uncertain whether any successful breeding would occur. All orders shipped U.P.S. freight collect. The first two seasons "Julie" and Minimum order: 50 cups of one size. "Bill" were together only low levels of reproductive activity occurred. Short 31470 Dunlap Blvd. bouts of nest building by "Julie," and J CE Yucaipa, California 92399 mutual preening and calling were ob­ served on a few occasions. However, one interesting behavior that provided some hope was that during the breeding season, from mid-January to mid-March, "Bill" was very aggressive to individuals that approached his enclosure. He would L&M Bird Bands even go as far as to try to attack someone through the wire of his enclosure. At P.O. Box 2943 • San Bernardino, CA 92406 times, feeding was difficult because Closed month of July for vacation "Bill" would challenge the person who COLORED ALUMINUM COCKATIEL or LOVE BIRD BANDS black, blue, gold, was feeding. The fact that "Bill" green, orange, red, silver and violet. Please give the following information: became aggressive and protective of his Cockatiel or Love Bird bands, Initials wanted (up to three), Consecutive numbers "territory" during the breeding season wanted, Open or Closed, Color &Year. (Next year's bands will not be released un­ til Dec. 26th.) All Cockatiel & Love Bird bands are 15¢ each. Minimum order 25 was a behavioral sign to us that, despite bands each size. his age, he might still be in reproductive EXOTIC ALUMINUM BANDS (Homing Pigeon Size 17/64" 10) Same colors as listed condition. This past breeding season above. Please give same information as above. Exotic bands are 1B¢ each. brought more involved courtship dis­ Minimum order 25 bands. plays, vocalizations, mutual preening, LARGE CLOSED SILVER ALUMINUM PARROT BANDS 3/B", 7/16",1/2", 5/B" and and persistent nest building by "Julie." 3/4" 1.0. Bands are 11/64" high. All sizes 50¢ each. Minimum order 10 bands each size. Please give the following information: Size, Initials wanted (up to three), Con­ In April, 1982, "Julie" was observed sit­ secutive numbers and year (silver only). ting in the nest in an incubating posture. CALIF. OFFICIAL CODED & REGISTERED closed PARAKEET LEG BANDS. Price To the project's delight, she was incubat­ includes 6% Sales Tax & State Health Band Fee. 25 Bands $3.65; 50 Bands $6.90; ing two eggs, her first clutch. After forty 100 Bands $100.BO. days had passed without any hatchings, PLASTIC BANDS 7 sizes, 10 colors: black, It. blue, dark blue, It. green, dark green, we removed the eggs and found them to orange, orchid, yellow, red and pink. Please indicate type of bird bands are for & be infertile. Although disappointed that color wanted. 10 bands to a string (same color) BO¢ each string; 10 strings $7.50; 20 strings $14.00. the eggs were not fertile, there was the BIRD LEG BAND CUTTERS Need to take a band off your bird's leg? Light weight encouragement that she at least did lay cutters that really work! Easy to use, $5.95 post paid. two eggs. "Bill's" age and "Julie's" in­ BIRD NETS for the aviculturist. Made for plenty of abuse. 100% nylon netting. 1B" jury are both factors that make successful hard wood handle, 10" tempered aluminum hoop, 20" bag depth or small canary breeding of this pair a difficult task. nets 12" handle, B" diameter hoop, $5.50 each post paid. However, with the two eggs laid this past PLASTIC HAND FEEDERS Pays for itself many times over. Save the abandoned season, the project has high hopes for the young or help the slow feeders. 10cc feeder $2.35; two for $4.25; five for $B.90. next breeding season. Please add 50¢ on all orders under $5.00. Calif. residents please include sales tax. Research Research projects both in the lab and 19 0­ 0­ ro 0: · ci c (1) Ma olia .r::: 0­ (1) Ci5 >­ .D o Sir (3 .r::: Farm~;' 0... ~~j ....-

~ We Buy Birds A rehabtlitated osprey is readiedfor release by Raptor Rehabtlitation and Propagation Project We Shlp Birds Inc. personnel. COMPLETE BIRD SUPPLIES (714) 527-3387 Open 9 to 6 Closed Sun., Mon., Holidays 8990 Cerritos Ave. Anaheim, Ca. 92804 ALU I UM \' --> \1\,0 I. D. BIRD -., Available Now ~ BA OS from Europe ~ OPEN • COLOR ED Used to Identify Families or Splits Inside Metric Meas. Numbered Price A 2.5 mm Finches 1 - 20 6e ea. B 3 mm Canaries 1 - 20 7e ea. C 4 mm Parakeets 1 - 20 8e ea. o 6 mm Cockatiels 1 - 10 10c ea. 3 Cooper's hawk chicks raised in 1981. &Lovebirds available in: Purple Red, Black, Silver, Gold, Lime, Green, Blue 6 juventle barn owls in their nest box. E 8 mm Game Birds 1 - 10 12e ea. F 10 mm Pheasant 1 - 10 12e ea. (small) G 12 mm Pheasant 1 - 10 13e ea. (large) available in: Green, Red, Silver, Blue, Lime

minimum order $5.00 +.75c postage & handling Cal if. add 6% tax. (714) 826-5248 )Y) !Bi'Ld !Band ~ (JntnnationaL 10441 Barbara Ann - dept. W Cypress, CA 92630

20 Photo courtesy of Missouri Department of Conservation in the field are an important part of the ongoing work at the R.R.P.P., Inc. In the field, the project participates in the Negative Ions For yeady Bald Eagle census organized by Healthier//, Dr. Thomas Dunstan of Western Illinois Birds / University. From December to March, a weekly aerial survey is conducted along \ the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri to a point approximately one Vital negative Ions abound In the natural hundred miles north on the Mississippi habitat, con~tantly replenished by the earth's River. During the survey the location electric and geomagnetic forces ThiS IS, to a great extent, responSible for the removal and age, mature or immature, of each of airborne pollutants, retardation of bac­ bald eagle sighted, is recorded. This terial growth, and enhancement of the heal­ thful quality of the air Energized oxygen data, when pooled with data collected by molecules and free electrons are an Itegral other survey teams, allows researchers to part of fresh country air accurately monitor the bald eagle Man-made enclosures serve to act as a shield against these forces, preventing thiS population in the United States. In the natural Interaction from taking place and lab, a grant has provided funding to depleting the air of vitalizing negative Ions. study the effect of environmental It IS all but Impossible to maintain a natural, healthful electrical balance In the enclosure changes, diet, and reproductive condi­ or cage atmosphere Without the use of a tion on heart and respiration rates ofcap­ negative Ion generating system ENERGEN restores nature's delicate en­ tive raptors. This involves the use of vironmental electrical balance In cages and sophisticated bio-telemetry equipment enclosures With a highly eHectlve, eHlclent that allows us to monitor these environmental control system deSigned to continuously recycle, purify. and negative­ physiological changes while the bird is in ly Ionize the air, maintaining a high level of its enclosure, unstressed by any physical oxygenation In the enclosed atmosphere­ restraint. Electrodes are attached to the at the same time eliminating spores. pollen, dust. and markedly redUCing odors keel of the bird and connected to a small transmitter WRITE FOR FREE INFORMATION. on the bird's back. Data is . transmitted to a strip chart recorder where it is collected several times a day. r'~NERGE /'. DIVISION It is hoped that ultimately these bio­ Dept. W-2, Box 29259, Dalla., Tx. 75229 telemetry devices will be placed on birds Adult barn owl with its favon:te prey, a field mouse. in the wild, in particularly, bald eagles. Public Education The R.R.P.P., Inc.'s Raptor Manage­ ment Programs are augmented by a very AVIARY An adult female golden eagle, a gunshot victim, aggressive public education program. In uttlizing a prosthetic limb designed by the 1981 alone, the R. R. P.P., Inc. met with Raptor Rehabilitation and Propagation Project Inc. over 10,000 individuals in schools, scout WEST groups and civic organizations to provide programs illustrating the problems fac­ J3;rJN';t:::6 ing raptors and the necessity of their Diameter 11" preservation. Slides, visual aids and live Bag Depth 16" birds are utilized as we discuss the 1I' Handle 36" namral history of North American rap­ No. AW-18 tors, work by the R.R.P.P., Inc. to Diameter 11" preserve them, and ideas for projects that Bag Depth 16" an individual can do to be active in Handle 18" wildlife conservation. The program is No. AW-12 aimed at educating the public in the 8" value of wise land use, habitat conserva­ 11" tion and the role ofpredators in the food 12" chain. Without cooperation between groups such as the R.R.P.P., Inc., state and federal wildlife agencies, and the general public, the future of many en­ dangered species is a dubious one. En­ dangered means there is still time, ex­ Our nets feature 100% tinct is forever. nylon netting, hardwood handles, and spring steel If you would like more information hoops. about the Raptor Rehabilitation and 2042 ATLANTIDA DR. Propagation Project, Inc., please write or HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 call the following: (314) 938-6193 R.R.P.P., Inc. • Tyson Research Center (213) 330-8700 P.O. Box 193 • Eureka, MO 63025 • Photo by Walter C. Crawford, Jr. 21