Underground News
UNDERGROUND ISSN 0306-8617 NEWS Second series Issue number ^98 THE TIMETABLE for period beginning ist August 1978. Tuesday 1 August Library evening, 183O, The Society's library open for inspection at 9A Dunrobin Court, 389 Finchley Road, London, m3 6he, Friday 11 August Talk by Mr.F.G.Rutty, Traction Engineer, London Transport. Train Performance and Testing on London Transport, I9OO for 1915 at Hammersmith Town Hall. Saturday 19 August The Society will be operating its Sales Stand at the B.R, Open Day at Wolverton Works, PROVISIONALLY I'lOO to 18OO, Friday 8 Soptember Slide Show by Mr.B.R.Hardy, Underground Rolling Stock in Great Britain (London, Liverpool and Glasgow). I9OO for 1915 at Hammersmith Town Hall. Saturday 16 September Morning visit to Hammersmith Depot. Restricted numbers. Applications vj^ith SAE to Mr.G,A,Finch, I61 Valetta Road, London W3 7TA. Sunday 17 September The Society will be operating its Sales Stand at the third Gala Day and Collector's Sale, Syon Park. 1100 to I8OO. VJednesday k Octob er Library evening, IU30. Other details as for 1 August. Friday 13 October 1900 for 1915 at Hammersmith Town Hall. Details to be announced. Saturday 21 October The Society will be operating its Sales Stand at the L.O.T.S, Transport Spectacular, Central Hall, Westminster, SWl. Published 12 times a year by the London Underground Railway Society Correspondence should be addressed to The Editor, Underground News Opinions expressed are those of contributors and not necessarily endorsed by the Society. © The contents are copyright. FURTHER PROTECTION FOR TRAINS ENTERING TERMINAL STATIONS Following the completion of the latest series of 'Sand Drag' tests at Upminster Depot, London Transport have announced that £1 million is to be spent on providing more permanent safety precautions for trains entering terminal stations.
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