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', \--!/aAmerlcan . Llbrarvr.l Assoclatrona.




Swampscott, Mass. June 20-27, l92l

ProErdm with rhe comrliment' oi Librufy Bur€au, Bosron, chic,ao, New york




I sr- -

OFFICERS .s, I President ALrcE S. TyLrR; Western Reserve University Library School, Cleveland, Ohio I

First .Vice-Pr€sident H. H. B. MEYI\ Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. LOCAL COMMITTEE C. F- D, Bilden, Clmirnan Second Vlce-President I B. KRAusE, H. M. Byllesby and Company, J. Randolph Coolidge Mrs. Bertha V. I-I artzell LoursE Anoa M. Bancroft Edward H. Redstone Eaecutive Board . Wm. C. Lane F. W. Faxon The $resident, vice-presidents and six other membels as follows: 'For terfl erliring r92r SUB-COMMITTEE ON LOCAL INFORMATION LrNDA A. EASTMAN, Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio Library, Detroit, Mich. George Winthrop Lee, Chaitnan ADAM SrRoItM, Public For terrn exliring rg22 JoHN Cor'.oN DANA, Free Public Library, Newark, N. J. SOCIAL AND INTRODUCTION COMMITTEE EDrrlt ToBIrr, Public Library, Omaha, Neb. Bessie Sargeant Smith' Chairman For tffn ?xliring tg2| Mary Eileen Ahern Marion L. Horton AZARTAH S. Roor, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio Margaret 'W. Brown Alice M. Jordan GEoRcE B. UrLEy, Newberry Library, Chicago Harold T. Dougherty John A. Lowe F. K. W. DrurY Margaret Mann G. S. Godard Fannie C. Rawson Secretary Edith Guerrier Grace D, Rose CARL H, MILAM, 78 E. Washington St.,, Chicago W' E. Henry Mrs. H. P. Sawyer Assistant Secretaries Franklin F. Hopper George B. Utley S^*^E C, N. BocLE and EvA M. FoRD, 78 E.Washington St,, Chicago Others will be added to this committee after arrival at Swampscott' Treasuret . EDWARD D. TwrrDELL, The John Cterar Library, Chicago

Trustees of the Endowment Fund *M. TAyLoR PYNB, Princeton, N, J. (Term expires l92l) E. W. SSELDoN, New Yorkr (Term expires 1922) W, W. Arrurror, N€w York, (Term expires 1923) COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY Elected by the Association at Large ASSOCIATION Teln ettirer rg2r 1920-1921 WillarJ A!sten. Cornell Universiry Iibrar\. trhaca. ),,t. \. J. L.. rvr. nanson, Unrvercr(y of Chicago libraries, t.hieaeu. c (,rarra pubtic -A. library, Mirrneapotis, Miirn. Lrnda A. Lasrman,^Counrryman. The Executive Board Public librrry, Clevelrnd, bhio. Tern AJice S..Tykr., \\'estern Reserve University Library School, Cleve- erlirer 1922 land, Ohio. Edni B- frarr, Pubtic Iibrarl, passric, N. forrisa_M. J. H. H. B. Mey€r, Librar.y of Congress, Washington, D. C. Hooper. Pubtic Iihrarv, Br"oktine, Mass. Mary.Emogene -i;rr Louise B. Krause, H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chicigo. Hazeltine, t'nileisitv .f rv i.c"nS,, rr ,, .A,,_1, Linda A. Eastman, Cleveland Public library. Madison, Wis. Adam Strohm, Detroit Public 1ibr.ary. Willis.K. Stetson, Free public library, New ltaven, Malcolm Conn. J. C. Dana, Newark Free Public library. G. Wyer, University of Nebraska librarr,; Lir)colr, Neb. Edith Tobitt, Omaha Public libr.ar.y. Tern extirer rg23 George B. Utley, Newberry library, Ctricago. aysoi. pubric ribrary, Sr. pir,l, Azaliah S. Root, Oberlin College library. lv. ? Joh,lsLon,public M;D,r. Joseph L. Wheeter, Iibrarv. 1roungsrow|l, Ohio. S"-.,_Pubth Iibrarv. Wesrmounr, p. Ex-Presidents Now Members Y,l" 9. e., Can. le(sre rremont Hume. New york Ciry. Melvil l)ewey, Lake Placid CIub, N. Y. Henrl N, Sanborn. Puhlic Iihrarl, Bridgeporr, Conn. J. C. Dana, Free Public library, N€i!ark, N. J. Term et?bes J92,1 Herbeft Putnam, Librar.y of Congress, Washirigton, D. C. Miriam E. Carey, Minnesota State Board paul, W. C. Lane, llarvard university )ibrary, Camhridge, Mass. of coDtrol, St. trIirn. pubric tibrarv, ()hio. H. J. Carr, Public library, Scranton, Pa. 1"".'i..).l.q."",.smirh, Crerelan<{, ( nr\ersiry oI Illinois library, t-rbana. E. C. Richardson, Princeton, N. J. LroJd w. pub)ic t. F. P. Hill, Public iibrary, Brooklvn, Jossetyn, Iibrarl, Birmingham, .{la. N. Y. C. C. Williamson, pubtic Iibrari,'New y;rk (1. W. Andrews, The John Crerar library, Cbicago. Citr. A. E. Bostwick, Puhlic library, St. Louis, Mo. Tern exl;rej rg25 Hodges, N. D. C. Public library, Cincinnati, Ohio. Marv Eileen n hcflr. Edi(or, pul,tic Librarie". Chicaeo. J. I. Wyer, Jr., Slate library, AIbanr', N. Y. W. O- Carson, Inspecror of tibra.ie., provirrce o,"rri", r..-,,,., Mrs. H. L. Elmendor{, Public librar.y, tsufialo, N. Y. Canad a - ^f E. Anderson, L. Dickerson, H. Public library, New York Cit1.. L War Department, Washingtor, D. C. H. C. Wellman, City library, Springfield, Mass. C.,F. D. Belden. pubtic Iibrarl. Bosrnn, Mass. Walter L. Brown, Public library, Bu{Ialo, N. Y. Ju,ia I'le\on. Carnegie Iibrarr. I.touston, Texas. Thomas L. Montgom€ry, Pennsylvania State library, Har.ris- burg, Pa. Elected by the Council Williarn \\'arner Bishop, University of Michigan library, Ann Term ntrir$ rg2r Arbor, Mich. (jertrude L. Andrus, Seaftle, Wask , PLrblic iibrary, Denver, Colo. Cha.lmers Hadley, Pubtic Iibrary, D€nver, C,,lo. ll:dT" 9.Mudge. columhia universiry tibrar\. \e$ \.ork cirv. Presidents of National Afrliated Organizations !V. T..?orte r, 708 Fourth National iank n;;1alrlg, Ct,,"i.i"il, Edward H. R€dstone, National association of state libraries, Staie A. S. Root, Oberlin Coltcge tibrary, Oberlh, library, Boston. Oh;o. Fred€rick C. Hicks, American association of Iat{ libraries, Co- Term ex?;rer rg22 (:eorge public Iumbia University. N€w York C;l T. Settle, Free libr.ary, Louisvilte, Ky. State Education, M,rrilla,W. reem3n, W. R. Watson, Dept. of L. Extension Div., Al- f 6oo4*r,, Insriiure tihrary, Mempbis, I.errrr. bany, N. Y. < ieorgc W._Fuller, public lihrary, SpokrIe, \,i/a.h. l)orsey Hyde, Special Iibraries asnociat!on, U. S. Chamber rrance\ Larhart. \{. Jr., r,. col'p. l|L Sevenrh CoIps nre:, Fr. Crook, Nel:. of Commerce, \4/ashington, D. (1. Walter M. smirh, Univirsity of Wisconsin tibraf\:, Mali;; iv"i:: 5

l Tern etriter 1923 Nebraska: President, Josephine S. Lammers. Universitv of Ne- M. Llewellyn Raney, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, braska library, Lincoln. Md. New York: President, C. C. Williamson, Pubtic librarv. New Pauline McCauley, Morganfield, Ky. York City. Milton J. Ferguson, California State library, Sacramento, CaliL North Dakota: President, Alfred D. Keator, University of North R. R. Bowker, Library Jontnal,62 W. 45th St., Ne$, York City. Dakota library. Grand Forks. Ohio: President, Carl P. P. Virz, pubtic library, Cteveland. Term arPires Ig24 Oklahoma: Presidenr, Jesse Lee Rader, Universitv of Oklahoma Clara F. Baldwin, Minnesota state department of education, li- library, Norman. brary division, St. Paul, Minn. Paci6c Norrh-wesr Library Ascociation: presidenr, Helen c. Srew- June R. Donnelly, Simmons College library, Boston, Mass. art, Public library, Vicroria, B. C., Canada. Everett R. Perry, Public library, Los Angeles, Calif. Pennsylvania, Keystone S(are Library AssociaLion: president. Alice S. Tyler, Western R€serv€ University library school, Cleve- Isabel Turner, Allenrowo library, Allentown. land, Ohio. South Dakota: President. Ada M. PratL. public Jibrary, Warer- Purd B. Wright, Public library, Kansas City, Mo. Tennessee:,?resident, Charles H. Stone, peabody College library, Term exlites 1925 'Pre:ident. Arthur L. Bailey, \ryilmington Institute free library, Wilming- Te\is: Martha Schnirzer, Public library, Housron. ton, Del. Uiah: Presidenr. Mary.E. Downey, Urah Department of public John H. Leete, Carnegie library, Pittsburgh, Pa. rnsrrucuon. salt Lake Lrtv. Henry O. Severance, University of Missouri library, Columbia, Wisconsin: Presidenr, cladys Andrews, Marinette, Mo. Burton E. Stevenson, Chillicothe, Ohio. Charlotte Templeton, Public library commission, , Ga.

State Library Associations Affiliated with the A. L' A. (Entitled to representation on the Council) Alabama: Presidenq J. R. Rutlan4 Auburn. Californiar President, Cornelia Douglas Provines, County library, Couft House, Sacramento. Colorado: President, Manly D. Ormes, Colorado College, Colo- rado Springs. Connecticut: Presid€nt, Henry N. Sanborn, Public library, Bridge- oistiict of Columbia: President, , Library of Congr€ss, Washington. : President, Efie A, Lansden, Public library, Cairo Indiana: President, Mary Torrance, Public library, Mr.rncie. Iowa: President. C. W. Sumner, Public library, Sioux City. Kansas: President, Mary Cornelia Lee, Public library, Man- hattan. Kentucky: President, Florenee Ragland, Bowling Green. Maine: President, Raymond L. Walkley, University of Maine library, Orono. Michigan: President, Alma A, Olson, Peter White library, Mar- quette. Minnesota: Pr€sid€nt, Ruth Rosholt, Public library, Minneapolis. Missouri: President, H. O. Severance, Universitv of Missouri li- brarv. Columbia. Montana:' President, Mrs. Henry E. Garber, Jr., Parmly Billings Memorial libraiy, Billings. 6 , ANNOUNCEMENTS to save time some of these announcements will orobablv not be s. read ar rhe general sessions. Announcements l;fr ar A. L. A. Hpadquaflers rrill be posted prompdl. Headquarters Election The New Ocean House will b€ the headquarters horel. The election of ofrcers rvill take place on Friday, June 2+th. Registration All members are earnestlJ' requested to vote. Everyone in attendance at even one session, and rvhether a Clubs member. of_the Association or not, is re.tue.red ro regisrer at A. L. A. Headquarters. The Boston -{rt Club, the Women's City CIub and the Boston Citf Club will extend to the members oJ the American tibrary Local Information Association the privileges of the clubs on presentation of A. L. A. An Information Bureau an oflice th€ membership cards. with in \ew Oc€an House . Association will be operated by a sub-committee o{ the Local Committee. It Old South will be equipped to give advice and suggestions abour places and The manage|s of the Old South Association invite members things of interesr in rhe vicinity of Bosron. anrt will hel; d€leeales of the A. L. A. to come to the Meetins House where thev will to,plan -lo.cal sightseeing trips, lr *ill also endeavor io arringe be admitted on presenlation of rheir oti'cial badges. rntormal lobby conlerences for rhe answering of quesrions asked by_ any perso-n artending rhe meering. Blanks will be furnished to ' Massachusetts Library Club all wl|o._register ar A. L. A. Headquarrers on rvhich rhe person A sholt business session of the Massachus€tts Librarv Club will may indicate the subject or subjects abour shieh he rvould tike to conler with others. These slips should be held from 2:00 ro 230 Wednesday afternoon, June 22d, in the be rurned in ro the Assemblv Room. Inlormation Bureau during the ea;]y days of rhe Conference. ' Trinity Church Services Travel Coirmittee The Rev. Alexander Maon, Rector of Trinity Church, Boston (and presideot oI the Boston Public Liblary Board) welcome Members of this Committee will be on hand at A. L. A. Head- will members of the A. L. A. to his Sunday morning service, quarters at certain announced hours to assist members in th€ir June 26th. travel arrangements. Seats will be reserved lor those who indicate that thev exDect to be present. Meetilg Places Special Excursions The schedule of meerinqs on rhe la.t Dase of rhis ofrcial Dro- Tuesday afternoon, motor gram indicates rhe room in which 'All +:00-7:00, trip to North Shore. each.i.i;ng.'itt be hetd. Thursday, all day outing. A. L. A. ceneral Sessions will be held in the Assembly Room on the-New Ocean grounds. Sunday afternoon, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. House If rhose in charge of'sections Monday, or affliated organizarions find necessary Plymouth. it ro arran"ge for other. Tuesday, Post conlerence trip starts. meetings, request for assignment of a room should be made to A. L. A. Headquarters to avoid confusror. Tuesday, June 28, to Saturday, July 2, the Information Bureau and Local Committee will help to arrange and conduct sightseeing Library School Dinners trips in and around Boston. These are being arranged by the comrnittee in charee. for Hospital Friday erening, June 24rh. Watch the bullerin board Ior an- A "get-together" meeting is being planned. All hospital li- brarians and those especially interested in hospital libraries at- Exhibits tending the confer€nce are requested to notify Miss E. Kathle€n Massachusetts State Board of Education, Division o{ Public __.Exhibit5 prepared by various commiirees and oiher groups of Jones, librarians ard br library.lupply houses are on disptir. in the Libraries. State House. Boston. roDor€s, pa ors and assembly room. Bulletin Board An official bulletin board in the lobby of the iie$, Ocean House rvill be used for announcements o{ a general characer. In order


I Fifth Session, Saturdan June 25' 9 a' fi' PROGRAM OF GENERAL SESSIONS 9:00 a. m.-Busin€ss session' s tooo t.-j"i"i mee(ing o{ the American Librar} Association ". Leasue of Library ( First Session, Monday, June 20,8 p. m. and rhe ^mmrss'ons Subi€ct: Librar] Extension: lts Scope and Methods' Address of welcome-Dr. George Edward Woodberry. " Arthur E Bost- ii.'*i.-1,'fltrr';"". leadership in book distribution-Dr' Response by the President. "itt'. St. Louis Public Librarv' gre€ting secretary' Iowa A to the Association-Sarah Louise Arnold, dean of State-wide librarr- service-Julia A Robinson, Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Library Commission. The prophet and the poet-Dallas Lore Sharp, Boston University. The rural lil.rrarv and rural life-Dr' Ken)on L Butterfield' 10r00 p. m.-Reception, Ball Room, New Ocean House. "p'..fa*' oi Vi.".hu"ttt' Agricultural Collese' developmenr-Discussion bv Ceorge B Utlev' Tuesday, 21, 9:30 a. m. CJrr't f;U."" Second Session, June Flarriet C. Long and others The President's address: Some aspects of Iibrary progress-Alice Greetings from other national associalions: -;;;;""r Butt€rfield' S. Tyler. Country Lif€ Association-Dr' K€nvon L Greetings from affiliated organizations by their Presidents: C"."."1 f"a..",i"" of Women's Clubs-Marv L Titcomb' Edward H. Redstone, National Association of State Libraries; Brown' National Con{erence on Social Work-Edward F' Wiltiam R. Warson, League of Library Commissions; N-ational Education Association-Annie C Woodward' Frederick C. Hicks, American Association o{ Law Libraries; Wilson' National League oJ Women Voters-Mrs Flalsey lff Dorsey W. Hyde, Jr., Special Libraries Association. p' m' Br:siness: Sixth Session, Saturday, June 25' E and Distribution' Constitution and By-Laws --;;;Subject: Today's Tenilenci€s in Book Publishing Reports of Secretary and Treasurer t.* temper o{ the reading public-Glenn Frank' editor' Report of Publishing Board The CenturY Magazine' Brace &-Co' Reports of Committees F.rment and iuo-ltt."a Harcourt, of Harcourt' of Little National certification for librarians-C. C. Williamsqn. ii" n",lon. fiction appetite-Herbert F Jenkins' Recruiting for library service-Ernest J. R€ece. Brown & Co. books-Frederic (l Melcher' Library co-operation with other countries-Mary Eileen Ahern. '':,1*, .t.0. i" ex(ending the use-of )'lational Issn ot Bo'k Publishers' l2:30 p. m.-Omcia I photograph. ";;;,;',y, Discussion. Third Session, Wednesday, June 22, 8 p. m. Resolutions Committ€e r€Port Subject: State Problems and State Progress in Library Atrairs. Report of Tetlers o{ Election' Bri€f talks by Presidents of state library associations. Unfinished business. Libraries and the nation-Hon. H. M. Towner, memb€r of Con- Presentation of new oflicers' gress from Towa. Adjournment. Fourth Session, Friday, June 24,9 a. m. 9:00 a. m.-Business session. 10:00 a. m.-Joint meeting of the American Library Association and th€ Special Libraries Association. Subject: Co-operation between Public and Special Libraries. C. F. D. Belden, , Boston Public Library. R. R. Bowker, New York City, J. H. Friedel, information d€partment, National Industrial Conference Board. June R. Donnelly, director, Simmons College Library School. 10 PROGRAMS, AFFILIATED ASSOCIATIONS, SEC- . Making rhe dly side of crraloging inreresrins_Mrs. ( France. TIONS AND OTHER GROUPS KarnDone oe, head, caralog deparrmenf Massachuserrs s stat€ Llhfarv. Di:cussion. .peakers -Among rhe will be Mr. Marrel of rhe LrDrir]. or r ongress. MONDAY AFT'ERNOON, 20 Miss Margarer Mann of the United JUNE r,ngrneerrng. bocrel,cs Librarl. Nes. yoIk, 3:0O Executive Board Meeting. (Annex parlor) yate Miss Anna M. i' rronrad or I nrversiry LibrarJ, Mr. Strohm of Detroir. t rnd drrecrufs and insrfucrors irom Lhe library schools. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 20 E:00 First Librarians section' First session' (Assem- Getreral Session (Assembly Room). See page tO I ''*orfn$;iill" 10i00 Reception. (Ball Room) Ch^airmrrr, Alhe I. Hazelrirre, pr,blic Iibrarr., Sr. Louis. Mo.: (;race E,,dicol,, Carneeie tibrart. pittsbureh; pa. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 21 _.recrerar\, Ch.ildrerr\ uook s-eek: A narional 9:30 Second General movemenr_Frederic C. Session (Assembly Room). See page 10 rvletcher, l\arronal Associarion of Book publishers. 12:3O Omcial Photograph A,lllrariank point of view-Clara W. Hunt, Brooklyn public TUESDAY AFTERNooN, JUNE 21 .{.book-seller's poirrt of view_Bertha E, Mahonl, Bookshop for Boys 2:00_-Ahericarl Association of Law Libraries, 16th Annual and Cirls, Boston. Meetilrg, Filst Session. (Sun parloi) Discussion. President, Frederick R.l",ri, B99I C. Hicks, Irw Iibrarian Coiumbia Uni_ Producrion Commirtee-Atice M. Jordan, Boston ::l:lty. ;l).* York. Ciry: secrerar).. Mrs. Agnes Wright ruoirc Llbrary. !prrng. L heyenne, wto. 2:O0 Library Address of welcome-sumner y. \Irheeler, secretarv, Essex Bar Buildings Round Table. (Annex Basement) Association, Willis K. Stetson of New Haven, in charge. President's Addr.ess. Discussion of large public library building problems. Committee Repolts. Committee on new members. 2:00. Libraries Association. First General Session. Committee on index to legal per.iodicals. (5au^Special Koom) Committee on amendment of ihe c-onstitution. President. Dorsey Hvde. Commilee on check list of bar a.iociarion reporrs. W. Jr., U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Commirree washrngron, D. C.: Secrera n _l-reasurer, Esrelle L. Liebmann. Joinr on narional legi.tative ;nforma,ion service. The Ronald york ( ommrrtee on A. A. L. L. dinner. Press. Ireu Crry, Appointment of Subject:.How Business and Technical Executives Obtain In_ Nominating committee. Committee on resolutions. Leloy D,-Peavey. vice-president. Babson Starist;cal Organi/a_ Auditing commirtee. tion. Welleslel Hills, Mass. Daniel N. Handy. 2:00-Catalog Section. First Session. (Children's Dining Room) One speaker to be announced. Ch^airman, EIlen pLrblic M. Chandler, Iibrary, Buflato, N. y.: 4:00t:00 -Moto_r trip to Lynn, Nahant, Marblehead. Salem. secreiary, Julia T. t_ynch, Free pubric tibrarl, Sah L;ke Ciry: Persons intetested in training ar€ urged to attend this session. ff :";'J"#tn:'f;"lit'""#'-li:,Y:.o"iff '2f""-tX'J':; Certera-l Commerce and the Lynn Rotary'Club. ropic: The Caralog Situarion-Whar has Become of Lhe I CataloEers? TUESDAY EVENING, The objecrs of cataloging-Dr. Cary Coolidge, di- I JUNE 21 recror. H -Archibatd a rvard Unrv€rsrtv Library. 8:30 A. L. A. Council, First Session, (Ball Room) Adventures among caralogi-Dr. Louise Fargo Bro*n, as_ Open to all members of A. L. A. socrare proressor ot hrsror!, yassal Colleee. Subject: Library Revenues,

I Brief talks as fol)ows: Whar rhe sch.99-l man e:ipecrs of lhe school librarian_Dr- Efect of recent legisJation on library revenues-William F. s.herman wrllrams. chief of School Libraries Division, New Yust. r ork lrat€ Educaoon Dept. What Iegislation has proved most e{Iective in producing an Samuel .Th,urber, head of English Dept., Technical High adequat€ r€venue-Frederick C. Hicks. School, Newton, Mass. Should public Iibrary boards have the power to levy the Anne M. Mulheron, librarian, public Library, portland, - Ore. library tax ? Projecr method:. in- the- training of schoot tibrarians_Marior} Afrrmatiye-William Hamilton. norron. p ncrpal. Librarl School of the Los Angeles pub_ J. jlc Llbrary, Results of Ontario tax law-W. O. Carson. 8:30._Special Libraries Association. First How such a law would allect some of our libraries-Samuel (Children's Group Meeting- H. Ranck. Dining Room) Council Business. Subject: Obtaining lnformarion for the Special Library. Five-minute talks. 8:30 Agricultural Libraries Section. (Ann€x Parlor) Round r aL'le discussion. Chairman, Malcolm G. Wyer, University of Nebraska Library, Group chairman: Lewis A. Armistead. Lincoln; Secretary, Lucy Lewis, State Agricultural College, Discussion leaders: E. L. Baechtold, -E.J. B. Carson, A. R. ------'Hasse. Corvallis, Ore. M. A. Carabin, H. E. Henryshilt, H. R"ds;;;.-" The contribution oI Iibrarians to agricultural history and re- search-Eunice R. Oberlv, librarian, Bureau of,Plant In- WEDNESDAY MORNING, IVNF. 22 dustry, Washington, D. C. 9:30 .American rA.ssociation of Law Libraries. Second A study of agricultural library buildings of various types- sion. (Sun Parlor) Ses_ W. M. Hepburn, librarian, Purdue University. The counrl-.law librarv srsrem in Ma ssach usetts_Howa rd L. Agricultural publications o{ Canada-Jacqu€tta Gardiner, li- stebbrns, trbrarian. Social Law Library, Boston. brarian, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. John Himes ,Arnold-Edward B. Adams, tibrarian, Harvard Olficial agricultural publications of Latin-America-Charles E. Law School. Babcock, librarian, Pan-American Union. Appreciation of Alexander H. R. Fraser-E. E. Willever. li- brarian, Cornell University Law School. Library Co-operation Hispanic Countries Round 8:30 with The BibJiographl, of.naval and militarl law-Arthur C. pulline. Table. (Assembly Room) lDraflani Unrv€rs|lv of Minnesola Law School- Dr. Pet€r H. Goldsmith, director, Ioter-American Div. American 9:30--P_ublic Documents Round Tabte. First Session. (Annex Association for International Conciliation, in charge. rarlor) Chairman, H. H. B. Me1.er, Library of Congress, Washington" 8:30 Natioral Association of State Libraries. First Session. D. C. (Annex Basement) Subject: Popular Use of Documents in Libraries. H. Redstone, State library, Boston, Mass.; Secretary, President, E. Report of sub-committee, Jessie M. Woodford, chairman. Mrs. Eva May Fowl€r, State Library, Springfi€ld, Ill. Discussion. Public and school libraries of small towns and consolidated schools-Mrs. W. F. Marshall, Mississippi, 9:3oD^School Libraries Section. Second Session. (Assembly .r(OOmJ Committee reports, etc. High Schools ln charge of Nerv England Association 8r3o School Libraries Section. First Session. (Sun Parlor) of School Libraries. The librarian- points rhc wav-CIarence D. Kineslev. suoer- Chairman, Martha C. Pritchard, Teach€rs' College, Detroit, vlsor secondary educarion for Mas:achusens. - Mich, Our.pressing need-Adeline B. Zachert, director of schoot rr- Topic: The Librarian. braries, Pennsylvania. The administrative function of the school librarian*Miss Question box. Skinner, librarian, Pasadena High School. Picnic lunch. t+ The children's librarian of to-day and to-morrow-Effie L. 8:30 Scientific Librarians Round Table. (Annex Basement) Po!'ser, Cleveland Public Librarl Short informal me€ting called by Eunice R. Oberly, librarian, Following Miss Power's paper, there will be a discussion of Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. everyday problems such as the Book reviews, the Project prob- lem and reserye books, Story-hours and clubs, Reading for 9:30 Small Libraries Round Table. First Session. (Chil- credit, ltendance at rhe A. L. A. dren's Dining Room) 4:30 A film will be shown of the children's library work in ' Miss Etta M. Roberts, Public Library, Wheeling, W. Va. France, by courtesy oI the American Committee for the Informal discussion. Devastated Regions oI France, with Report from Jessie Carson, diiector ]-iblary Department. (Ball Room) 9:30 Special Libraries Association, Second Geteral Session. (Ball Room) 2:30 National Association of State Libraries. Second Ses- sion. (Andex Basement) Subject: The Practical Yalue of Special Librarl' Ioformation State libraries having archivos departments-Herbert O. Brig- Frederick L. Hofman, third vice-pr€sident and statistician, ham, librarian, Rhode Island State Library. Prudential Insulance Co., Nervark, N, J. Election of ofrcers, etc. Charles C. Parlin, research manager, Curtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 2:30 Special Libraries Association. Second Group Meeting. F. E. Barrows, Pennie, Davis, Marvin and Edmonds, New (Assembly Room) York, N. Y. Subject: Organizing Sp€cial Library Data. Jeanne B. Foster. General chairman: ceoige Winthrop Lee. Discussion leaders: H. M. Rankin, M. Burnett, Louise Keller, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 22 M. C. Wells, E. L. Liebmann, W. D. Heydecker, Guy Marion. 2:30 - Bibliographical Society of America' (Annex Parlor) 2:30 Training Class Instructors Round Table. (Sun Parlor) President, George Watson Cole, Henry E. Huntington librarv, Chairman, Julia A, Hopkins, Public library, Brooklyn, N. Y. San Gabriel, CaliJ.; Secretarl', A. H. Shearer, Grosvenor Discussion of plans for definite organization. library, Bufialo, N. Y. Question Box. Use of the photocopyiog machines in American libraries, as aids to bil,liographical re.earch and for orher purposes. Dr.Lode- EVENING, 22 $yk Bendikson, Ceorge watson Cole. Dr. \\'orthingtorr Chauncev WEDNESDAY JUNE Ford and Chester Maich Cate. 8:00 Third General Session (Assembly Room). See page 10 2:30 Catalog Section. Second Session' (Children's Dilrilrg THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Room) All day ooting. Visits to Lexington, Concord, Cambridge and FIow the Library of Congress classidcation works out in a pub- Harvard University. Evening reception and lit€rary entertain- lic library-Mrs. Jennie Thornburg Jennilgs, public library' ment at the Boston Public Library. St. Paul, Minn. Th€ sp€akers for that meeting will be the Governor of Massa- "Refractory material": a symposium on methods of dealing with chusetts, the Mayor of Boston, Miss Amy Lowell, Mr. Joseph (bur nor cataloging oft mu.ic. pamphlers. maps. doruments, Lincoln and Mr. Robert Frost. Crear War malerial, '€as-\ bools.' school duplicates, etc. This will include a pap€r on "RefractorJr and unsual material FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 24 in the Haryard Wendell collection," by Clara P. Briggs of 9:00 Fourth General Session. Business Session and Joilt Harvard College Library. Meeting with Special Libraries Association (Assembly Short cuts in cataloging-Dr. Henr] 8. yan Hoesen, Princeton Rooh). See page 10 University Library. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 24 2:oo Children's Librarians Sectiou' Second Session' (Ball 2130 Joint Session American Association Law Libraries and Room) National Association State Libraries. (Children's Dining Present day problems in book selection-Elva S. Smith, Carnegie Room) Library, Pittsburgh. .t7 16 \!

De^velopments in state libraries-George S. Godard, Iibrarian, The library in the general hospital-Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer, State Library, Connecticut. Trustee, Mass. General Hospital, Boston. Historical sketch of American legal periodicals-Henry E. Dun- Development o{ libraries, in scbools of nursing, through ex- nack, Iibrarian, State Library, Marne. isting state and county agencies-Anna C. Jamm6, director tsureau of Registration of Nurses, State Board of Health, 2:30 Colege and Relerence Section. (Annex Parlor) San Francisco. Chairman, Augustus The library commissionrs responsibility to state and county [I. Shearer, Grosvenor library, Bufialo, hospitals-E. Kathleen general secv., Y. Jones, Mass. Library N. Commission. Boston. otarus Presenr of foreign book-buying-Dr. M. L. Rane1,-Coiteg.. Johns HopLins ( niversiry. rrof. J. d. l-bborson, Hamitron 2:30 Professional Training Section. (Sun Parlor) N. L. coodrich, Dartmouth College. (Jgint -' Session with the Association oI American Library Presentationesentation of the question of statistics in reports, by F. F._,-F. Schools.) Hopper, NewNer,r Yorktork Public Librarl:Librarr-t of therhe plans of therhe In-In- (hairman. Ernesr Reece, Library of rhe New York formaLion Secrion of rhe \zrional RFsearch C;un.il, Ltby H. O. J. "chool Publie librarr I Secrerary, W. Hamilron, Ind. Public library Brigham. Rhode Island Srate Librarl-: of the Nork'of rhe J. Commiree commission, Indianapolis. - on Foreign Publicarions, by H. M. Lrdenbers. , &dr.t New YoIk Public Library. i The practical work assignments of )ibrary school students- StaLemenrs poliey Dr. C. C. \\'/illiamson, chief of economics division, New York of aIld proposed discus.ion br representari,ves Public Library. €vening Postland \e\v yortr Timis Index,l "f l.*.Ygll, L,ri.,n.. Statement regarding the BrieI'lists df ieldre1rce" on speei6c ques(ions-Lerrer work of the Association oI American of R, J.l. Library Schools-Josephine A. Rathbone, president. UshFr. The John Crerar Librirr, commenr of Watter L. Bro* ir. A . -. BufialoBuffalo Public Library,Library. and others.orhere. .:,.. Report of the work of the A. L. A. Committee on library train- 't "l;,.. . ..'*::-:. ing-Malcolm G. Wyer, chairman. he necessity for a co-operative ind.. of coat"-of -ar;'"-h.i,.. a-T. , Reports on new f€atures of training by representatives of C. Doyle,Dorle, Boston Public Library;Libra|.1: ceorseCeolge B."nr,""i,ii Utley,Urler. NewbirryNe*berfu vari- Lib;"'i a R"a;;; d. il;;';.co, N€i!N.1,'e^Li!?i E gland Historic Genealogi- ous library schools and trainin; cLsse;. cnl Societv. Election of oficers. tLc,t \- r 2:30 Publishing (A. 2:30 Leagus of Library'' Commissions. (Ball Room) Board. L. A. Headquarters) President, W. R. Watson, State D€pt. of Education, Library 2.30 School Libraries Section. Third Session. (Swampscott Extension Division, AIbany, N. Y.; Secretary-treasurer, Anni Public Library) May Price, Ill. Library Exteosion Commission, Springfield. Normal and Elementary Schools Rdationship berween the central srrri,,n of a counLy library and Boots in the school of today-Cora Newton, Bridgewater State irs bran.hes-Sabra L. Nason, I mr.illa Counry Public Librarr, N-ormal School, Mass. P€ndleton ()re How it may be done-Discussion led by Eth€l Kimball, librarian, A chaprer from the storJ ot a small trbrrr\-Mrs. Elizaberh W. State Normal School, Lowell, Mass. Blackall. The Hunringron Memorirl Librarl, y. On€onra, N. Discussion and question box-Mary Robbins, Instructor R. L Reports of committees. State College of Education. Reports of library legislation enacted by state Iegislatures in 1921. 2:30 Small Libraries Round Table. Second Session, (Annex Basement) Rou-nd Table: Conducted by: Caroline W€bster, Dir€ctor Hos- pital Service. American Librarv Associarion. Informal me€ting. Subject: Institution Libraries: Can the State Librarr Commis- 2:30 Special Libraries Association. Thild General Session. sion aiJ rheir DevelopmenL ? (Assembly Room) Beginnings of library work in a state ref ormatory-Mrs. Technical ceorge T, Rice, member Board of Managers of Siate Re- Subje€t: Business and Information via the Special formatory for Women, Framingham, Mass. Library. Adequate libraries in prisonsrns aod jails: suggestions ,or their H. V. Coes, engineering staff oJ Ford, Bacon and Davis, New Y. development-Frederick W. Jenkins, Iibrarian,I Russell Sage York, N. Foundation Library. One speaker to be announc€d, 18 19 FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 24 8:oo Special Libraries Association. Third Group Meeting. (As-sembly Room) 6:30 Libraty School Dilrlt€rs Subject: Organizing the Community's Special Library Service. Oflicers o{ the alumni associatiou should deal rvith the bot€l l Rebecca B. Rankin. management in making arrangements for these dinners. : I B€rrha Y. Hartz€ll. .l H. M. Rankin. 8:00 American Association of Law Libraries. Third Ses- ' sion, (Annex Basement) Alta B. UIaflin. W. G. Barnstead, first vice-president, Canadian Association Present problems publishiDg-Burdett of law A. Rich, Larvyers of Record Oflicers, loronb, Can. Co-operarive Publishing Compan' Srrbject: Seiling Special Libr.rrl Service. Famous and curious wills-Mrs. ()ladys Judd Dar', librarian Hartford Bar library, Hartford, Conn. General chairman: Mary B. Day. Report of treasurer. J)iscussion leaders: Miss E. M. Taylor, M. Reynolds, M. L. Ai€xandef, Dth€l Clelland, E. R. Oberly, L. R. cibbs, Alic€ Report o{ committee. auditing Ros€, J. H. Fried€1, Ralph L. Power. Election of officers. -{nnual dinner, 6:30 p. m. 8:00 Trustees Section. (Ball Room) Chairman, Frank Hervey Pettingell, Vice-Pr€sident, Board of 8:00 Committee o{ Five on Library Service. (Annex Patior) Directors Los Angel€s Public Library; Secretary, Mrs. Ora Thompsoo Ross, Vice-Plesident, Board of Directors, Rens- selaer (Ind.) Public Library. 8:00 Libraries of Religion and Theology Round Table. What Proporti('n of 'l'otal I,ublic Exp€oditures should Public (Children's Dining Room) Library Trustees claim for their Libraries?-J. Randolph Coolidge, tluste€ the Boston Chairman, EIima A. Foster, Public libral.y, Cleveland, Ohio. Jr., of Athenaeum. Subject: Religious Books in Poblic Libraries. The Duties of a LibraLy'ffustee-W. T. J. L€e, B.C.L., chai,- rnan, Public Libfary Iloard, Toronto, Canada. The church and pubiic the librarl'-Arthur E. Bostwick, li- Subject be annouhced-(llarerc€ Beneut, brarian, St. Louis Public Librar_v. to E. trustee of the Lansnrg (Michigan) PubJic Libr".y. The use of religious books h serves both a library s'hich The Function of th€ Librar)- I'rustee-Henry college and town-Azariah Root, librarian, Oberlin College W. Lamb, trustee Library. of the llrookline (Mass.) Public Library. The Function of th€ Librar\- 'I'rust€e-The Rev. Dr. Alexander The need of adequate rep(eseDtation of religious thought in Mann, president, the public Iibrary-Dlima A. Foster, Cleveland Public Li- Board ;f Trustees, Boston PubJic Library. brary. The-y Also Serve-George H. Tripp, librarian, Free Public Library, New Bedford, Mass. The service which the public library can render to religious education-Rev. Willard I. Shattuck, Boston Unil'ersit].. Report of Committee on Pensions and Beoefits for Librarians- Mrs. Ora Thompson Ross, Rensselaer. Indiarra: Mrs. C. Henrt Smith. tsoul,l.f, C,,lrrr,l,,r Mr.5. J. Carter, Milwaukee, 8:00 Library Workers Association. (Sun Parlor) Wisconsin. President, Mary G. Peters, Public tibrary, Bayonne, N. J.; Secretary, Marian C. Manley, Public library, Sioux Citl, Iolla. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 25 'Session Prr.iJenr's address- Mary U. Perers. 9:00 Fi{th General Session. Business and Joint Secr€tary's report-Marian C. Manlel. Meeting with League of Library Commissions (Assembly page Correlation of Library Courses. Room). See 11 From the librarian's point of view-ClareDce \\'. Sumner. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 25 From the library school point of view-C. F. McCombs. JUNE From the assistant's point of view-Catherine Van Dyne. 2:30 A. L, A. Council. Second Session. (Ball Room) Standards in libraries.-Emma V. Baldwin, Carl L. Cannon, Ofen to all members of A. L. A, Ruth Alexander. Sul'je.r: Recr,,;'ine for Librrrl Selvice. 20 2l l)iscussion opened bl rnembers of the Committee on Recruic irrg for l.ibrarv Ser.vice. Subject: Hou' A. L. A. Committees $'ofk. Much profitable discussion at Discussion opened bv ('. B. Roden. 2:30 Lending Section. (Children's Dining Room) library meetings centers on Chairman, Jeunie Flexrer, Public librarl, l,ouisville, Ky.; Sec- retary, Annr M.'farr, PLrblic librafr, Yourgsto\yn, Ohio. ways and means to promote Stafi uoity through learlership: hon' to rneet *,ork, {ellow rvolk- ers and the public Louise P|oun, Supervisor of Statior)s, better library methods- Clevelard Public I-it,r'ar1. Can iibrarians readl-Marv Prcscott Pafsors, Iiirrarian, public library, Mor ristor.rn, N. j. Library Bureau invites you to make its Round table: Perenrial (lilculatiorr Problems. exhibit your headquarters for "talking Book loss€s and recove11-Marcia M. Furnas, chief, deliverv department, public librarl, lndianapolis. things over. " Circulation short cuts-crace B. Finne_v, chief, circulation de- partment, public iibrarl, Washington, D. C. Where is nr borrower's card? Helen M. \\rard, chief of cir- Every one wants see buys. culation, public library, Detroit. to what he $rhen is m] book due?-Mrs. Jessie Sargent McNiece, chief, Do not go;rway without inspectirr< our circulation departme!rt, public librar\, St. Louis. General discussion. new library supplies, especially : 2:30 Public Docum€nts Round Table. Second Session. (Sun ParIor) New guide sets Supplementary repolt on Popular use of documents, based on the discussion at the first session. Statistical and accountins forms 'l he new tr;nt;ng b;ll. Shelf labels and holders SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 25 Folio book support 8:00 Sixth General Session (Assembly Room). See page 11 A. L. A. Council. A short meeting nill be held immediate[ Charging and circulation aids after the general session il t/rrlr is business to tone l)elot? tlte Co 11til. Library Bureau Designers and makers of fech ical librurJ funit rc at'd sulllies Steel hoohstach.- M usenn caies

Boston (lhicago NewYork 6 N_o{h Nlichigan Are.

/ea,liig tiriet it r/tr I ttite,t ,ltate\ Gr.a/ Brit.!itr 22 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS

3:00 Executive Boald (6) 8:00 FiEt Generai SesiDn (r) 10:00 Reception (2) iuEsDtt- Special Lib. A$n. (2) Netl. Assn. Staie Lib. (6) Catalos Sec. with peEoN inte!- Asrjc. Lib. Sec. (6) est€d in tEinins. (3) Sch. Lib. Sec. (4) Childrcn s Lib. Sec. (1) Lib. Co-opeEtion with Hispanic Lib. Blde. Rd._Table (6) counrrie Ird. T4ble (1) 12:30 p, m. Ofrcial DhotoslaDh :00-?:00 Motor triD io Marblehead, Special Lib. Assn. sroup Deet- Salem and the North Shore (B) 8 so slie-;.ifici,tb. R. 'I. ( 6) June 22 2:30 Natl. Assn. State Lib. (6) 9:30 Am. AsFh, l,aw Lib. i4) Catalog Section. (3) Speciai Lib. Assn. i2) TEihins ClEs InstNctors Rd. Pub. Doc. Rd. Table (6) Table. (4) . Sch. Lib. S€c. II i s h Bibliogmphical Soeiety of Amer- Schools (t) - Small Libs. Rd. Table (3) Sp€cial Lib. Assn., sroup meet- ins (1) 4:30 Cinema of Children's Liblary Work ih France (2 23' literary entertainheht at the Boston ?ublic I-ibrary.

Joint heeting with Assn. State Lib. Joint ses- cial Lib. Assn. (1) :00 Am. Assn. Law Lib. (6i Special Lib. Assn. (1) Lib. of Rel. a n d Th€ol. Rd. College & Ref. S€c. (6) Tahle (3) Leaeue of Lib. Coh. (2i Libnrv work€s AsBn. (a) ShaU LilN. i.d. Table (6) Special Lib. Asn., srour] meet- Prof6s. Train. Se.-Joint s6- ins (1) sioa vith Assn. Am. Lib. Trustees Sec- (2) Committee ot live (5) Sch. Lib. Sec.-Normal and El. l:00 Sirth GeneEl Sesion (r) Joint meetins Council (1) L€asue of Ljb. Com. {rl Pub. Doc. Rd. Table (4) Visit to Boston Museuh of Fine Ats at 4 b. m. Visit to Plyhouth and tbe South Shorc, by boat and automobil€.

1. 3. Children's Dinirs 8@m ?. S*ahlJscott P. L. 2. 4. Sun Parlor (New Ball Room 6. Annex Base&ent