
Qw--'-,.,^,-,.-- L*\ A-,a,a"t <,<-+)t:w.. F4.J' qt. u? ,1 7r, 3- a'.-js cnll- ', \--!/aAmerlcan . Llbrarvr.l Assoclatrona. 1876_1921 OFFICIAL PROGRAM FORTY.THIRD ANNU,A.L MEETING Swampscott, Mass. June 20-27, l92l ProErdm with rhe comrliment' oi Librufy Bur€au, Bosron, chic,ao, New york -l I I I sr- - OFFICERS .s, I President ALrcE S. TyLrR; Western Reserve University Library School, Cleveland, Ohio I First .Vice-Pr€sident H. H. B. MEYI\ Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. LOCAL COMMITTEE C. F- D, Bilden, Clmirnan Second Vlce-President I B. KRAusE, H. M. Byllesby and Company, Chicago J. Randolph Coolidge Mrs. Bertha V. I-I artzell LoursE Anoa M. Bancroft Edward H. Redstone Eaecutive Board . Wm. C. Lane F. W. Faxon The $resident, vice-presidents and six other membels as follows: 'For terfl erliring r92r SUB-COMMITTEE ON LOCAL INFORMATION LrNDA A. EASTMAN, Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio Library, Detroit, Mich. George Winthrop Lee, Chaitnan ADAM SrRoItM, Public For terrn exliring rg22 JoHN Cor'.oN DANA, Free Public Library, Newark, N. J. SOCIAL AND INTRODUCTION COMMITTEE EDrrlt ToBIrr, Public Library, Omaha, Neb. Bessie Sargeant Smith' Chairman For tffn ?xliring tg2| Mary Eileen Ahern Marion L. Horton AZARTAH S. Roor, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio Margaret 'W. Brown Alice M. Jordan GEoRcE B. UrLEy, Newberry Library, Chicago Harold T. Dougherty John A. Lowe F. K. W. DrurY Margaret Mann G. S. Godard Fannie C. Rawson Secretary Edith Guerrier Grace D, Rose CARL H, MILAM, 78 E. Washington St.,, Chicago W' E. Henry Mrs. H. P. Sawyer Assistant Secretaries Franklin F. Hopper George B. Utley S^*^E C, N. BocLE and EvA M. FoRD, 78 E.Washington St,, Chicago Others will be added to this committee after arrival at Swampscott' Treasuret . EDWARD D. TwrrDELL, The John Cterar Library, Chicago Trustees of the Endowment Fund *M. TAyLoR PYNB, Princeton, N, J. (Term expires l92l) E. W. SSELDoN, New Yorkr (Term expires 1922) W, W. Arrurror, N€w York, (Term expires 1923) COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY Elected by the Association at Large ASSOCIATION Teln ettirer rg2r 1920-1921 WillarJ A!sten. Cornell Universiry Iibrar\. trhaca. ),,t. \. J. L.. rvr. nanson, Unrvercr(y of Chicago libraries, t.hieaeu. c (,rarra pubtic -A. library, Mirrneapotis, Miirn. Lrnda A. Lasrman,^Counrryman. The Executive Board Public librrry, Clevelrnd, bhio. Tern AJice S..Tykr., \\'estern Reserve University Library School, Cleve- erlirer 1922 land, Ohio. Edni B- frarr, Pubtic Iibrarl, passric, N. forrisa_M. J. H. H. B. Mey€r, Librar.y of Congress, Washington, D. C. Hooper. Pubtic Iihrarv, Br"oktine, Mass. Mary.Emogene -i;rr Louise B. Krause, H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chicigo. Hazeltine, t'nileisitv .f rv i.c"nS,, rr ,, .A,,_1, Linda A. Eastman, Cleveland Public library. Madison, Wis. Adam Strohm, Detroit Public 1ibr.ary. Willis.K. Stetson, Free public library, New ltaven, Malcolm Conn. J. C. Dana, Newark Free Public library. G. Wyer, University of Nebraska librarr,; Lir)colr, Neb. Edith Tobitt, Omaha Public libr.ar.y. Tern extirer rg23 George B. Utley, Newberry library, Ctricago. aysoi. pubric ribrary, Sr. pir,l, Azaliah S. Root, Oberlin College library. lv. ? Joh,lsLon,public M;D,r. Joseph L. Wheeter, Iibrarv. 1roungsrow|l, Ohio. S"-.,_Pubth Iibrarv. Wesrmounr, p. Ex-Presidents Now Members Y,l" 9. e., Can. le(sre rremont Hume. New york Ciry. Melvil l)ewey, Lake Placid CIub, N. Y. Henrl N, Sanborn. Puhlic Iihrarl, Bridgeporr, Conn. J. C. Dana, Free Public library, N€i!ark, N. J. Term et?bes J92,1 Herbeft Putnam, Librar.y of Congress, Washirigton, D. C. Miriam E. Carey, Minnesota State Board paul, W. C. Lane, llarvard university )ibrary, Camhridge, Mass. of coDtrol, St. trIirn. pubric tibrarv, ()hio. H. J. Carr, Public library, Scranton, Pa. 1"".'i..).l.q."",.smirh, Crerelan<{, ( nr\ersiry oI Illinois library, t-rbana. E. C. Richardson, Princeton, N. J. LroJd w. pub)ic t. F. P. Hill, Public iibrary, Brooklvn, Jossetyn, Iibrarl, Birmingham, .{la. N. Y. C. C. Williamson, pubtic Iibrari,'New y;rk (1. W. Andrews, The John Crerar library, Cbicago. Citr. A. E. Bostwick, Puhlic library, St. Louis, Mo. Tern exl;rej rg25 Hodges, N. D. C. Public library, Cincinnati, Ohio. Marv Eileen n hcflr. Edi(or, pul,tic Librarie". Chicaeo. J. I. Wyer, Jr., Slate library, AIbanr', N. Y. W. O- Carson, Inspecror of tibra.ie., provirrce o,"rri", r..-,,,., Mrs. H. L. Elmendor{, Public librar.y, tsufialo, N. Y. Canad a - ^f E. Anderson, L. Dickerson, H. Public library, New York Cit1.. L War Department, Washingtor, D. C. H. C. Wellman, City library, Springfield, Mass. C.,F. D. Belden. pubtic Iibrarl. Bosrnn, Mass. Walter L. Brown, Public library, Bu{Ialo, N. Y. Ju,ia I'le\on. Carnegie Iibrarr. I.touston, Texas. Thomas L. Montgom€ry, Pennsylvania State library, Har.ris- burg, Pa. Elected by the Council Williarn \\'arner Bishop, University of Michigan library, Ann Term ntrir$ rg2r Arbor, Mich. (jertrude L. Andrus, Seaftle, Wask Chalmers Hadley, PLrblic iibrary, Denver, Colo. Cha.lmers Hadley, Pubtic Iibrary, D€nver, C,,lo. ll:dT" 9.Mudge. columhia universiry tibrar\. \e$ \.ork cirv. Presidents of National Afrliated Organizations !V. T..?orte r, 708 Fourth National iank n;;1alrlg, Ct,,"i.i"il, Edward H. R€dstone, National association of state libraries, Staie A. S. Root, Oberlin Coltcge tibrary, Oberlh, library, Boston. Oh;o. Fred€rick C. Hicks, American association of Iat{ libraries, Co- Term ex?;rer rg22 (:eorge public Iumbia University. N€w York C;l T. Settle, Free libr.ary, Louisvilte, Ky. State Education, M,rrilla,W. reem3n, W. R. Watson, Dept. of L. Extension Div., Al- f 6oo4*r,, Insriiure tihrary, Mempbis, I.errrr. bany, N. Y. < ieorgc W._Fuller, public lihrary, SpokrIe, \,i/a.h. l)orsey Hyde, Special Iibraries asnociat!on, U. S. Chamber rrance\ Larhart. \{. Jr., r,. col'p. l|L Sevenrh CoIps nre:, Fr. Crook, Nel:. of Commerce, \4/ashington, D. (1. Walter M. smirh, Univirsity of Wisconsin tibraf\:, Mali;; iv"i:: 5 l Tern etriter 1923 Nebraska: President, Josephine S. Lammers. Universitv of Ne- M. Llewellyn Raney, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, braska library, Lincoln. Md. New York: President, C. C. Williamson, Pubtic librarv. New Pauline McCauley, Morganfield, Ky. York City. Milton J. Ferguson, California State library, Sacramento, CaliL North Dakota: President, Alfred D. Keator, University of North R. R. Bowker, Library Jontnal,62 W. 45th St., Ne$, York City. Dakota library. Grand Forks. Ohio: President, Carl P. P. Virz, pubtic library, Cteveland. Term arPires Ig24 Oklahoma: Presidenr, Jesse Lee Rader, Universitv of Oklahoma Clara F. Baldwin, Minnesota state department of education, li- library, Norman. brary division, St. Paul, Minn. Paci6c Norrh-wesr Library Ascociation: presidenr, Helen c. Srew- June R. Donnelly, Simmons College library, Boston, Mass. art, Public library, Vicroria, B. C., Canada. Everett R. Perry, Public library, Los Angeles, Calif. Pennsylvania, Keystone S(are Library AssociaLion: president. Alice S. Tyler, Western R€serv€ University library school, Cleve- Isabel Turner, Allenrowo library, Allentown. land, Ohio. South Dakota: President. Ada M. PratL. public Jibrary, Warer- Purd B. Wright, Public library, Kansas City, Mo. Tennessee:,?resident, Charles H. Stone, peabody College library, Term exlites 1925 'Pre:ident. Arthur L. Bailey, \ryilmington Institute free library, Wilming- Te\is: Martha Schnirzer, Public library, Housron. ton, Del. Uiah: Presidenr. Mary.E. Downey, Urah Department of public John H. Leete, Carnegie library, Pittsburgh, Pa. rnsrrucuon. salt Lake Lrtv. Henry O. Severance, University of Missouri library, Columbia, Wisconsin: Presidenr, cladys Andrews, Marinette, Mo. Burton E. Stevenson, Chillicothe, Ohio. Charlotte Templeton, Public library commission, Atlanta, Ga. State Library Associations Affiliated with the A. L' A. (Entitled to representation on the Council) Alabama: Presidenq J. R. Rutlan4 Auburn. Californiar President, Cornelia Douglas Provines, County library, Couft House, Sacramento. Colorado: President, Manly D. Ormes, Colorado College, Colo- rado Springs. Connecticut: Presid€nt, Henry N. Sanborn, Public library, Bridge- oistiict of Columbia: President, Herbert Putnam, Library of Congr€ss, Washington. Illinois: President, Efie A, Lansden, Public library, Cairo Indiana: President, Mary Torrance, Public library, Mr.rncie. Iowa: President. C. W. Sumner, Public library, Sioux City. Kansas: President, Mary Cornelia Lee, Public library, Man- hattan. Kentucky: President, Florenee Ragland, Bowling Green. Maine: President, Raymond L. Walkley, University of Maine library, Orono. Michigan: President, Alma A, Olson, Peter White library, Mar- quette. Minnesota: Pr€sid€nt, Ruth Rosholt, Public library, Minneapolis. Missouri: President, H. O. Severance, Universitv of Missouri li- brarv. Columbia. Montana:' President, Mrs. Henry E. Garber, Jr., Parmly Billings Memorial libraiy, Billings. 6 , ANNOUNCEMENTS to save time some of these announcements will orobablv not be s. read ar rhe general sessions. Announcements l;fr ar A. L. A. Hpadquaflers rrill be posted prompdl. Headquarters Election The New Ocean House will b€ the headquarters horel. The election of ofrcers rvill take place on Friday, June 2+th. Registration All members are earnestlJ' requested to vote. Everyone in attendance at even one session, and rvhether a Clubs member. of_the Association or not, is re.tue.red ro regisrer at A. L. A. Headquarters. The Boston -{rt Club, the Women's City CIub and the Boston Citf Club will extend to the members oJ the American tibrary Local Information Association the privileges of the clubs on presentation of A. L. A. An Information Bureau an oflice th€ membership cards. with in \ew Oc€an House . Association will be operated by a sub-committee o{ the Local Committee. It Old South will be equipped to give advice and suggestions abour places and The manage|s of the Old South Association invite members things of interesr in rhe vicinity of Bosron. anrt will hel; d€leeales of the A. L. A. to come to the Meetins House where thev will to,plan -lo.cal sightseeing trips, lr *ill also endeavor io arringe be admitted on presenlation of rheir oti'cial badges.
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