American Librarv ssociation r876-1922


S.e Schedule of Meetio63 on Pages l4 .d l5

Detroit, Mich, June 26 to July l, L922

Prodr.6 {ith the Conolim€ots ol Librlry Duretu, B@ton, Chi.sgo, N€w Yo.k

I 3,

OFFICERS s, President AZARTAE S. Roor, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio

First V-ice-President Local Committee.... 4 SAMuEL H. RANCK, Public Libiary, Graod Rapids, Mich. Ann Arbor Day Committee...... Entertainment Committee. + Second Vice-Presialent AnnouDcements CI,ARIBET, R. BARNEIT, U, S. Department of Agriculture Library, 8 Washington, D. C. Program of General Sessions. . ., 9 Other Groups 11 Programs of Affiliated Associations, Sec:ions ald Treasurer Agricultural Libraries Section...... , ...... 11 EDWARD D. TWIEDELL, Th€ John Crerar Library, Chicago, Ill. 'Americap Association of Law Libraries ...... ,...... lz American Library Association Ccuncil...... 13 Execqtive Board Schedule , ...... ,... 1'l Proglams continued The president, vic€-presidents, treasurer and eight other members as follows: Association of Americaq Library Schools...... 16 Bibliographical Society of America. , ...... t5 For Term E*lirins 1922 Catalog Section,...... 16 JonN CoraoN Dere, Free Public Library, Newark, N. J. EDIrH ToBIrr, Public Library, Omaha, Neb. Children's Section...... 18 College and Reference Section ...... 18 For Term Erlring 7923 County Libraries Round Table...... 19 MARGARET M-ANN, United Engineering Societies Library, New York, N. Y. (Appointed to 611 vacancy for one year.) Hospital Libraries RouDd Table.. 19 ...... -...-....., GEoRcE B. UfLE Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill. League of Library Commissions.. .. - - - .. -...... 19 For Term Eziirins 1924 LendiDg Section ...... , ...... 20 cRArrA A. CouNrRyMer, Public Library, Minneapolis, Minn. Religion and Theologr Rqund Table...... 21 Libraries o{ GEoRcE S. GoDARD, Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. Library Br:ildings Round Table...... , . , . , , , , , , . , , , , ' , 21 Term l92s Library Workers Association...... , ,.,,,,, . .,,, .,2l For Exrbing H. H. B. MEYER, Library of Congress, Washin$on, D. C. Association...... ,.,.,2l Michigan l,ibrary ' CARL B. RoDEN, Public Library, Chicago, Ill. National Association of State Libraries.. . ,,,,.,.,,,,.,., 22 Professional Training Section...... , 22 SecretarY Public Docum€nts Round Table...... , , ...... 23 CARL H. MILAM,78 East Washington St., Chicago, Ill. School Libraries SectioD,,...,.....,...,.,,,,....,,...... 23 Small Libraries Round Table...... -.... -...... -. -..... 24 - Assistantsecretaries Special Libraries Association...... -...... - 2+ SARAE C. N. BooLE and EvA M. FoRD, 78 E. Washing:on St., Chicago Training Class Instructors Round Table...... 25 Trustees Section...... ,..,.26 University Library Extension Service Round Table...... 26 Trustees oI Endowmeot Funil Work with Negroes Round Table,...... 27 E. W. SSELDoN, New York. (Term €xpires 1922) \ff. W. Appl-aroN, New York. (Term expires 1923) Work with the Foreign Bom RouDd Table. . . , ...... 27 ".. J. RANDoLpq CooLIDGE, JR., Boston, Mass. (Term expires 1924) 3


Headquarters The Statler will be the H€adquartels Hotel.

Registration LOCAL COMMITTEE For all members of th€ Association attending any r€gular con- ference, except those members who have paid an initiation fee Bernard Ginsburg, Briard o{ Commerce, General Chairman in the current year, there shall be a regisiration fee of one dollar. (By-Laws, Sec. 1, part of par. A.) Adam Strohm! , Public Libtary, General Setretarl Each conference costs the A-ssociation from $1,000 to $2,000. Blanche Tate, Transportation Marion R. Service, Hospitality, The purpose of the registration fee is to place the burden of this . City clubs and Country expense oD those ryho attend the conference and share in its privi- Jessie Chase, Reception- Cl;bs leges rather than on all members, including many who have found it impossible to attend. Natalie Hutton, Iolormation Edna G. Moore, Guide books The badge is your receipt. It entitles you to many privileges, William Webb, Hotels and Ex- and Publicity Please wear it all week. Elizabeth Knapp, District Li- Mrs. Madelene Hirth, Excur- braries Buuetin Board sions, Trips and Iintertain- The Ofrcial Bulletin Board will be placed near A. L. A. Head- ments Frederick Goodell, Automobil€s ouarrers on rhe Ball Room Floor. Ainouncements left at Head- quarters will be posted promptly. Watch the board for announce- mentsi some of them may not be read at the general sessions. ANN ARBOR DAY COMMITTEE El€ction Bishop, Chairnan W. W. All members of the A. L. A. wbo bave not voted by mail may Genevieve 'Walton Edith Thomas vote during tbe early days of the conference. Watch the bulletin board for announcements. Nellie Loving t, re.lerr.l(a I'- (JrlI€tte F. L. D. Goodrich Eunice Wead Information Desk Th€ Information Committee will have a desk on the ball room floor o{ the Hotel Statler. From 8 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'cloch at night representatives of the Committee will be in EN'TERTAINMENT COMMITTEE charge to give information about the city and tha conference. They Mrs. Madelene Hirth, Chairman will help to arrange ior private conferences between persons in- terest€d in the same subject. The Committee will also provide Mary Emogene Hazeltine Flora B. Roberts guide books and maps to the city and vicinity. Gordon W. Thayer ' Travel Committee . ReDresentatives of .this Comrniltee will be at the desk marked Travtl on the Ball Room Floor of the Statler at announced hours to assist meribers in their travel arrangements.

Meeting Places The Schedule of Nleetings on pages 1+15 o{ this official pro- gram indicates the room in which each meeting will be held. The road time) ; r€turlins it will leave Ann Arbor at +:15 of 'l:30. accompan).ing key gives the location of rhe me€ting places outside (See page 10) Watch announcements. the Statl€r llotel. AII who plan ro rake lhi. rIil are reqrlsr"d ro fe,ii'iPf $itlr II those in charge of mectings fnd ;t rrecessary to arrrrse for rhe Ann Arl.,or Committee, \V. W. Bishop,.hairman. llorel SLrrler. .che(iuled orher rhrn rncerings, rFquesr ior .,,orn ae"ierrmenr Jrorrtd tsall Room Floor, before Tuesday night, June 27. I'e Ini,le In \. 1.. .{. llcaJ'turrrer- t, rr"i.l c,,r'frrsion. Employment Service Detroit Time." Appoirrtmrrrrs mry Lre made f"r Cmplolmerrt Ser\;c" Ly leaving Detroit is run oo East€rn Standard Time. Central Siandard reouesrs at Lhe l-lead,luirter' Oflice. Announcements sill be made Time is given by the railroads for Detroit and West, and EasterD on the Bulletin Board of certain hours each day 11hen the service StandarJTime,' which is one houl faster, for Windsor and all will be available. points East. Lecture Course Official Photograph Th€ Iecture course on Writing Library News bv Professor be taken Tues- open to thnsc slo The ollicial photograPh of the Conference rvill Ble\er of the Universirv of Wisconsin i" only (;eneral Session, probabll' be obtained fur iwo d"l- dar-, June 27, iinmediatily following the Dav rhe fee for rhe cour"e. Tickers mav ADnouncement of place lrill Desk The l€ctur€s will be given in'ih! r'a'k in front of ihe Statler. iais at the A. L. A. R€gistration on the bulletin board. each morning at 8:15 lrom Tuesday to Saturday, inclusive. I he ma


(P) 2:30 Council (B) 8:00 Fi6t General S€sion (A) 9 r30 Executive Board 0:30 (B) (D) 12:16 Special Lib. Assn. Luncheon (Q) 8:00 Prof. T.aining Sec. 8:15 Prof. Bleyer's Leclure Course Agric. Lib. S€c. I I) 9:30 Second General S6sion {A) 1:30 Sr,ecial Lib. Assn. (Q) 2:00 'Trusteed Sec. (B) Lea(ue of Lib. Com. (c) 2:30 Aa. A$n. Law Lib. (H) sDecial Lib. Assn.-Group m@ting (G) Caialos Sec. (D) s;a.ll Libs. X.d. Table {E) Am. AsEn. Law Lib. (H) childl;n's Lib. Se. 1F) (D) School Lib. Sec. IIigh schools (X) Hdspit3t Lit€. Rd. Table Pub. Do.. Rd. Table (E) work hith Fofeien BoD Rd. Table (G) (B) Prof. Blcyer's L€clurc Cou$e (D) 1:30 SDecialllLib. Assn. (G) 8:00 Council (N) (A) Wk. with Negroes Rd. 'ItLle 'fhird Generul Session Couniy Lib. Rd. Table (R) Sch. Lib. Sec. (C) Mich. !lb. Assr. (D) Am. Assn. La* Lib.-Joint S6sion with Assn. of Ah. Lib. Sch. (M) Narl. Assn. of Sf.te Libs. lJ) HosDital Lib. Rd. Table (C) Lib. BIds. X.d. Tabte (M) Trainine Class IBtructos Rd. Table (I) Public Doc. Rd. Table (D) t-eague of Lib- Com. (E) SDecial Lib. Assn.-Gfoup aeetins (G) 8r15 Prof. Bleyer's L@ture CouEe (D) 6:30 i-ib. Scb. DinneB and other dinner meetinss ' Recealion Dav Visil ,o Anr Arbor (See buuetin Boards ) lirictlcan Union Addrsse 6r30 Natl. Assn. State Lib. Dinner sld rccep- 10100 Univ. Lib. Ex. Rd. Table at Anh Arbor ll:15 I-unch ai (J) 10:30 D;trcit time. Take tEin ::00-4:00 Visit to Univ Lib and CamDus tion Sicietv of America (O) 8:00 SDccial Lib. Assn. Group melins (G) 11:30 Arile Ann Arbor '4:30 liblios.aphical 8:30 Lib. or Rel. & Theol. Rd. Table (1. Lib. Work€F' Assn. (I) Childen's Lib. Sec. Businas metibs (N) (S) 8:15 Prof. Bleyer's Lecture Coulse (D) 6:30 Am. Assn. Law Lib. Banquet 9130 loulth Gen€ral Sesioh (A)

2:30 Lerding Sec. (B)

Auditotiuh (K) Ilutchins Intelm€diate School, 8820 (N) Club Room at hew Main LibErY (A) Methodist Church Eouse, Woodwafd (r) Y. M. C. A. (Take ,Awe rnd Adams Ave, E. Adaro Ave. N.E. cor. wiiherell Wilson Ave. Hamilton ca! the square from J Poirc Noth on Hamilton Ave ; (o) Room 110, Ubiv. of Michir:aa Li- Dissonally acrG8 (G) Y w- c. A. Auditodum I eet;ft at Pinst€e Ave. and walk braly, Ann AIbo! the Statle! Eotel Washinston Blvd. & Clifrord St (AA) New Main LibEry building, Wood- l (P) Private DirinE Rm. No. 4 Statler ward Ave. betv'een Kirbv and (H) Y. M. C. A. small Halt ,l (L) Patteneill Elementary School, 8411 (Q) Board of commelce (r) No hffeld Ave. lTake GBIld Lafayette Blvd, cor, Wayne (B) Ball Room New Main l-ibrary buildins River car, get oft aL }laplew@d (R) S.ripps Branch Library, Statle! and walk to left) (C) L&Iee Banquet EaI Ave.. Tluhbull & Grand River Aves. Statler (JJ Eotel Tuller, (Take Grand River car) (D) Statl€r Small BaDquet Esll Park, Adams & Basley Ave- (M) Tlainins Clus R@m at New Main Cor- (S) Statlea Ladis' Parlor (E) Statler Henry II Room LibFrY buildins l4 Second Session, Wedflesday, June 28, 8:00 p. m. Sophie K. Hiss, Cleveland Public Libraly. (Hot€l S!atlef, Ball Room) Esther Betz, Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh. From the stand- Recommendations of the Committees on- point of the person trained. Membership. Discussion: Sponsorship for Knowledge. Charles Martel, Library oI Congress. \4rork with the Foreisn Born. llrrrier F.. Hose, Simmon. College. Library, represen- The chairrnen c{ these committees will learl in the discussion. Mary E. Baker, Carnegie Pittsburgh, and and professional associations. Resolutions and other business. tatives oJ oth€r libraries The catalog d€paltment and its bibliographical work outside the If a third session is necessary it will probably be held on department-Mlldred M.'l\rcker, Harvard University Library. Friday afterDoon. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LIBRARY SCHOOLS Second Session, Friday, June 30, 2:30 p. m. SM,\LL!R LTBRARTEs Dr!lsroN Plesident, Phineas L. \4rindsor, University o{ Illinois, I;rbana, (Hotel II I. Statler, PLivate Dining Room No. 4) Secre'ary, Mars$r€t S. \\'illiams, New York S'ate Librart, Al- Subject: Catalog Probleos iu Smaller Libraries. Round table bany. 'Wednesday, discussir:n-Ellen H€drick, North Dakota Library Commis- June 28,2:30 p. m, sion, presiding. (l'rainiog Class Room, Nerr Main Librarl Builrlitrg) Urho catalogs the smaller libraries?-Harriet P. Turner', Pub- lic Il l. Program to be announced. Library, Kewanee, Suggestions for soiution of cataloging problems in smaller BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA libraries-Susarr Orey Akers, Wisconsin Library School. Discussron-Dorcas lellows, h-ew York State Library School; President, \\r. W. Bishop, UnivcLsity of Michisan, Ann ,4.tbor, Anna G. I-Iall, H. R. Huntting Co., Springfield, Mass.; FIar- Mich. riet T. Root, lndiana Library Commission, and others. Secretary', A. H. Shearer, Glosvenor Lihrary, BuffaL,. N. Y. Ques:ions will be n elcome. Debate material in smaller libraries-Edith M. Phelps, Sec- Thursday, p. m. June 29,4:30 retary, tl. W. Wilson Co. (Room 110 Universit-v of Michigan Library, Ann A6or) (;reater r€pfesentation of ca:alogers' interests in the afiairs Subject: Resources for American History in Libraries, Public of the State Association and National Association-Ellen ard Prira., of the Crerr Lakes Regi"n. Hedrick, North Drkota Library Commission. Augustus !1. Shearer. Iibrarian, (irosvenor Library, Buffalo. Discussion. C. M. Burton, Detroit, Mich. Is the division of the Catalog Section into larger and smaller William L. Clements, Bay City, Mich. libraries advantag€ous or advisable?-G€neral discussion. ceorge B. Utley, librarian. Newberry Libra,y, Chicago. LARGE LriRARIrs DrvrsroN Louise Kellog, Madison, Wis. (Hotel One other speaker to b€ announced. Statler, H€nry II Room) 'fhe President's address W. W. Bishop. Cataloging the rariti€s of the Henry D. Huntington Library- George Watson Cole, librarian, Henry E. Huntington Library, CATALOG SECTION San cabriel, Calif. Lessons in Americanism learned while cataloging a collection Chairman. Mrs. Jennie Thornburg Jennings, Public Library, St. oI local historical material-May Wood Wigginton, Denver Paul, Minn. Public Library. Secretary, Ruth Rosholt, Public Libtar',,", N{inneapoJis, Minn. A selective catalog: PIans for making the large catalog Lrsable Rosholt, Minreapols Public Library. H. FI. B. Meyer', First Session, Tuesday, June 27,2t30 p- rn. -Rudr (Hotei Statler, Small Banquet Hall) Libr arl of Congtess. Music catalogilg and a proposed ind€x to songs. The catalog situaticD: A study oJ present conditions in th€ Reprrt on questionnaire. light of last 1'ear's discussion-F. K. \Valter, librarian, Uni. I)iscussion: Frrnklin F. Hopper, New York Puilic Library. versity of Minnesota. Agnes S. Hallr Denvet Public Library. The training c'f catalog€fs: What it should be and rvhat it Prirrciples of caralngine for branch libraries. as illustrared by lacks. rh" merhuJs of rhe Carnegie Library of P;rr"burgh. strd tbe J. C. M. Hanson, associat€ director, Ilniversity of Chicago St. Paul Public I-ibfar]-Amy C. MooD, St. Paul Public Li- Library. brarv, l6 t7 Cataloging for branch libraries in the Detroit Public Library- The James Jerome Hill Reference Library-J. G. Pyle, Li- Abbie F. Gammons, Detloit Public Liblary. brariao. Maps, their care and catalogiog Rudolph Armbruest€r, Gros- The university librarian, his preparation, position, and relarion venor Library, Bu{Ialo, Nen' York. A. G. S. Josephson, John to the academic d€partments of the universi'y-Edith M. Coul- Crerar Library, Chicago, Illinois. ter, University oJ California. F. K. Walter, Ilniversity of N{innesota. CHILDREN'S LIBRARIANS SECTION Rental collections for students: Rescrve books-8. A. Henry, Chairman, Clara W. Hunt, Public Liblarl,, Brooklyn, N. Y. University of Chicago. E. N. Malch€ster, Uniyersit]' of Kan- Secretary, Lenore Power, Public Liblary, New York City. Preprr ing for a honk-brrl ing trin in Europe - \4'. W. Bishop. First Session, Tuesday, June 27, 2t30 p. rn. unrversr{y or Lvrrcnrgan. (Y. M. C. A. Auditoriam) COUNTY LIBRARIES ROUND TABLE Modern fairy and folk stories and the storl, hour-Margaret B. Chairman, Corinne A. Metz, Fort Watne, Indiana. Carnegie, Carnegie Library, Pirsbursh, Pa. Recent 6ction for girls-Annie L M. Jackson, Pul,lic Library, Wednesday, June 2E, 8:00 p. rn. Toronto, Ontario. (Sclipps Branch Library, corner Grand River and Trumbu1l, Recent fiction for boys-Marion F. Schwab, PubJic Libraly, reached by Grand Rivel street car) Brooklyn, N. Y. In{ormal discussion of several subjects soch as: Fiction r€ading {or oldel boys and girls-Mary S. Wilkinson, Essential records for a county svstem. Hackley Public Library, Muskegon, Mich. Standardizeil forms. Present day interest in children's books-Elizabe:h D. Briggs, Educational requirements for custodians of coonty brrnches. Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio. Volunteer versus paid service for county stations. Presentation of the John Newb€ry medal-Frederic G. Melcher, If paid, on what 6asis shall pa1'ment be inade? New York. A reasonable salary for county branch libr.arians. Necessary tools for county branches. Second Sesslon, Wednesday, June 28, 2:30 p. m. (Hot€l Statler, Ball Room) HOSPITAL LIBRARIES ROUND TABLE Charted seas-Mrs. Mary E. S. Root, Public Library, Plovidence, Chairman, Caloline Webster, II. S. Public Health Service, R. I. Washington, D. C. Giant-killing in the children's department-Edith L. Smith, Pub- First Session, Tuesday, June 2?, 8t00 p. m, lic Library, Morrisiown, N. J. (Hotel Slatler', Small Banquet Hall) New roads in library work with children*Jasmine Britton, 1i- brarian, EI€mentary School Library, Los Angeles, Calif, Informal meeting. The demand for children's librarians-Sarah C. N. Bogle. Second Sessioq Wednesday, lune 28,2130 p. rn. (Hotel Statler, Large Banquet Hall) Third Session, Thursday, June 29, 8:00 p. m. (Club Room, New Main Library Building) The Hospital Library Round Table W€dnesday afternoon will take up the broader phases of hospital Iibrary work. Business meeting. Dr. C. H. Lavind€r, Assistant Surgeon General, U. S. Public Health Service-The therapeutic value of reading. COLLEGE AND REFERENCE SECTION Mrs. Herbert J. Gurney, Trustee o{ the State Hospital lor Chairman, Charles J. Barr, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Mental Cases, Foxborough, Mass.-The need for libraries in the mental hospitals. Wednesday, June 28,2:30 p. m. (Hotel Statler, Henry lI Room) LEAGUE OF, LIBRARY COMMISSIONS Reports: President, William R. Watson, Library Extension Division, The Committee on foreign periodicals-H. M. Lydenberg. University of the Stat€ of New York, Albany, N. Y. Committ€e on revised form for library statistics-J. T. G:rould. Secretary-Treasur€r, Anna Mav Price, Library Exteosion Di- Printed cards for monograph series-J. C. M. HansoD. vision, State Library, Sprinefield, Ill. flocument catalog and checklist. IntelJibrary loans: a policy. First Session, Tuesday, June 27,8:00 p, m. Anne S. Pratt, Yale Universitl,. (Hot€l Statler, Large Banquet Hall) E. D. Tweedell, The John Crerar Library. Aunt Mary's new hat-AnDa G. Ilall, H. R. I{unttiDg Co., Fanny Borden, Vassar College. Sfringfield, Mass. 18 t9 The duties and organization of a board of Iibrary ttustees- LIBRARIES OF RELIGION AND THEOLOGY ROUND Edmund L. Craig, Trustee Evansville Public Library, Evans- TABLE ville, Ind. Chairman, Mrs. Mabel E. Colegrove, Public Library, Newar.k, Small library buildings-John A. Lowe, Brooklyn Public Li- N. J. brary, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thursday, June 29,8:30 p. m, Rep"rts of c"mmirrees. (Methodist Church Horrse) Second Session, Wednesday, June 28, 8:0O p. m. Subject: Religious books in the public librar.r.. (Flotel Statler, Henry lI Room) Religiorrs book ueek-Varion Humble, exe"uri.i "ecrerarJ, Year.- Round Book Selling Plan, l.\ew York. correspond- Meeting of members o{ state library commissions or Selecting religiuu. books for a public lil,rarl-Frank C. Lewis, ing administrative boards. librariao. Brrcknrll Li\rary. Crozer l heo)ogical Seminary, Leader, Mrs. Dtizabeth Claypool Earl, President, PLrblic Li- Chester, Pa. bra rv Cummission of IrJiana. Recent expositorv books useful for. teachers o{ Bible classes-Ber- Subject: Potential Functions and Statos of a Librar"v Commis- nard C. Steirer, Iibrarian, Enoch Pratt Free Library of Balti- more cit],. Town- Responsibilities assumed with the honor-Mrs. I{orace M. I'he Bible io the Iibrary-Paul M. Paine, librarian, Syracusc Pub- er, Corning, Iowa. Iic Liblary. given Is the proper recognition of library commission rvork in 'l'he chulch ard the librarr'-f'he Rever.end CaiDs clenn Atkins, your state?-Henry E. Dunnack, Maine State Library' Augus- D. D., pastor of the First Congregational Church, Detroit. tr. Ma;ne. Grearer supervi"ory po$ers-Mrlcolm C. Wyer, Nebrasla Uni- LIBRARY BUILDINGS ROUND TABLE versity Library, Lincolo, Neb. Extending service thtoughout the state Charles F. D. Belden' Chairman, Wiilis K. Stetson, Free Public Lit,rafy, Nen !IaveD, Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass. Conn. Wednesday, June 28, 8:00 p. m. LENDING SECTION (Training Class Room, New Main Library Buildnrs) Chairman, John A. Lowe, Public Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. It is proposed that the special topic for discussion shall be: Secretary-treasurer, Mary U. Rothrock, La\-vson Mcchee Library' Recent branch librarl, buildirrgs, smaller central buildings and Knoxville, Tenn. town libraries. All pirsons intiested in this topic or relatei topics are invited to attend. First Session, Friday, June 30, 2:30 p. m' (Hotel Statler, Balt Room) LIBRARY WORKERS ASSOCIATION Fittiog books to read€rs-Bessie H. Kelsey, Popular Library Plesident, Catherine Van Dyne, 120 W. 42nd Street, New York. Division, main building, Cleveland Public Library. S€cretary, Marian C. Manley, Public Library, Sioux City, Iowa. The rese|ve book system-Margery Doud, 6rst assistant, Cir- culation Department, Public Library, St. Louis. Thursday, June 29, 8:30 p. m. On the fence-Some observations therefrom-Forrest B. Spauld- (Staff Auditorium, New Main Library Building) ins, librarian, Crylord Brothers, SJ racuse. Book- se'ecrion in rhe public library-Mary A, Battcrson. chiei, Survey of present facilities for library education. Circulation Departm€nt, Public Library, Tacoma. Report on questionnaire on training oSered by Iibraries and li- Essential books of drama in the schools-Mabel Williams, su- hrary schools. pervisor of work 1a'ith schools, Public Library, New York. Report of committee on correlation o{ courses. c€neral discussion. What constitutes adequate librarv training? And what constitutes the adequate library sa)ary? Second Session, Saturday, July 1, 2:30 p. m. The pension movement and other provision for old age. (Hotel Sratler, Ball Room) ceneral discussion: Psychology of Work rlith the Public. MICHIGAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION The psychology of sal.esmanship and advertising-Professor Presid€nt, Flora B. Roberts, Public Library, Kalamazoo, Mich. Henr]' F. Adams, Depanment of Psychology, Univelsity of Michiean. Wednesday, June 28,2;30 p. m. Psychological contacts-Carolyn F. Ulrich, chief of Publications (Hotel Stader, Small Banquet Hall) Division, Public Library, r''ew York. teach K. Walter, Business meeting: What corporarion rlaining has to rrs-Frrnk Preliminary r€port lil'ra rian, University of Minnesota. of rhe Legislative Committee. 20 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE LIBRARIES PUBLIC DOCUMENTS ROUND TABLE President, J. M. Hitt, State Library, Olympia, Wash. Chairman, H. H. B. Meyer, Librar'1 o{ Congress, \trlashington, Secretary-treasurer, Herbert O. Brigham, State Library, Provi- D. C. dence. R. I. (Oficial headquarters, Hotel Tuller) First Session, Tuesday, June 21,2:30 p, n. (Hotel Starler, Henry fl Room) First Session, Wednesday, June 28,2130 p. m. Progress made iD the distribulion and use of documents during (Hotel Tulter) The President's address-J. M. Hitt, state librarian of Washing- Repori of iub-committ€e on the Ilaudbook on the pcpular use of docum€nts. Library administration, stat€ and county, a grouP meeting led by The year's developments toward lr€tt€rment of public documentg M. L Fereuson, stare librarian of California. service to libraries Mary A. Hartwell, Ollice of Superintend- Srate iilrary se.uice to rrrral communiries Clafer,ce B. Lester, sec- ent of Public Documents, Washineton, D. C. retarv. Free Librarv Commission of Wisconsin Daily distribution of documents. Discussion by President Root The {utuLe of our Librarv Association-Demarchus C Brown, and Mr. Goodrich of the University of Michigan Liblary and state librarian of Indiani. Business session. Conglessional helps and indexes. Brief description ol the Congrts- tianal Disest, by the editor, Alice Gram. Second Session, Wednesday, June 28, 8:00 p. rn' Resolutions Committe€ report. (Hotel Tuller) (loint meetins with the American Association of Law Second Sessiou, Wednesday, June 28, 8:00 p. m, Libraries) (Hotel Statier, Small Banquet Hall) See program under American Association of Law Libraries, third C€ntral distributing d€positories for U. S. documents-George F. session, p. 13. Winchester, librarian, Free Public Library, Paterson, N. J. Discussion anct resolution on the question: Shall the number of Third Sesslon, Thursday, June 29, 6:30 p. m. depositorv libraries b€ increased ? (Hotel Tuller) Schoils aoi documents: the new civics and its problems. Brie{ paper L€sem, teacher Community Senn Spencer, state li- by Josephine o{ Civics, Reception and dinner in honor of Mrs. Mary C High School, Chicago. Discussion. brarian of Michigan. Artitude of IiL,rarr assisLanr. ro documenrs-How can it be im- th€ convention week a round table on legislative refer- During proved ? ence oroblems will be arraneed the rlecrion of Shall the documents survey be carried further to cover college, In ;ddition there will he I hu.ines. sessi"n for relerence, school and special libraries? officers and for other purposes. The hours for both of these meet- ings will be announced during th€ period of the conference. SCHOOL LIBRARIES SECTION PROFESSIONAL TRAINING SECTION Chairman, Marion Horton, Public Llbrary, Los Angeles, Cal. Chairman, Sidney B. Mitchell, University of California, Berkelev' Secretary-'lreasurer, Frances H. Ke111, Carnegie LibrafL Pitts- Cal. burgh, Pa. Secr€tatv, DdDa M. Hull, East Jurior High School Library' War- ren, Ohio. First Session, Tuesday, June 27,2:30 p. m. Tuesday, June 27, 8t00 p, m. (Hutchins Intermediate School) (Hotel Statl€r, Ball Room) Round table o{ high school librarians, Ma1, Ingles presirling. Correlation of library schoot and training class instructioll-Ethel Subj€ct: The Relation of the High School Librarian to the Diller'- R. Sawyer, director, training class, Library Association, Port- ent Departments of the School. land, Ore. History-Rachel tsaldwin, Jibrarian, Deerfield-Shields Tou'nship Discussion. high school. Highlan,l P;ttk. lllinoi.. ReDort of the work of the A. L A Committee on Library Train- Science-Edith M. Schulze, librarian, high school, Redondo, Cal. i'ne-Malcolm G. Wver, chairman. English-Bertha Carter', librarian, Oak Park and River Forest Repo'rts on ne- featuris of training by represenrarives of library Township high school, Oak Park, lll. schools and tr aining classes. Home economics-Mary J. Booth, librarian, Eastern Illinois Election of o$cers. Normal School, Charleston, I ll. 22 23 Special Libraries Luncheo4, Tuesday, June 2?, l2tl5 p. fi- Technologv and manual training-Edith Cook, Teclrical high (Detroit school, Cleveland. Board of Commerce) Library rvork in a junn,r high school-Marion Lovis, libralian, Harold H. Emmons, president, Detroit Board of Commerce. Hutehin. lrrtermed iat e, l)crroi,. Adam Strohm, Iibrarian, Detroit Public Library. Discussion. Harvey J. Campbellj sectetafy, l)etroit Board of Commerce.

Second Session, Wednesday, June 28, 8:00 p. m. First General Session, Tuesday, June 27, 1:30 p. m, (Hotel Statler, Large Ilanquet Hall) (Detroit Board of Commerce) Books for boys-William Heyliger, of Hi(./h Bentoll. John A. Russell, etlitor, M ltisan ManuJart tcr. Books and cbildren in the elementary^tthor schools-Jasmine Britton, Annurl business meetitg of the Associat;or. supervisor, elementary school libraries, Los Ang€les. Annual address of the President. Books in the junior high school-Laura Grover Smith, librarian, Reports of committees. Yergil Junior High School, Los Angeles. Books and high school students-Stella Whittaker, librarian, Hope First Group Meeting, Tuesday, June 27, 8:00 p. m. Street High School, Providence, R. I (Y. C. A. Auditolium) llooks and normal school students-crace Viele, teacherJibrarian, W. 'Stat€ normal school leference )ibra11, BulTalo. Sul'jerr: The Persorrrli'" of rh. Spe, ial Librarirn. Frances S. Cor, Group chairman Third Session, Friday, June 30, 2:30 p. m. Laur a R. Gibbs Ernest W. Chapil (Paueneill Ijl€mentart School) Elsie L. Baechtold L€$'is A. Armistead o. Louise Er.ans H. H. B. Meyer Round table of elementary', normal school and children's liblarians, Emma M, Boj'€r' K. C. Walker Bertha Hatch presiding. Children's reading-C. C. CertaiD, vice-principal Northwestern high Second General Session, Wednesday, June 28, li30 p. m, school, Detroit. (Y. C. A. Auditorium) Teachers' and children's reading-Nlargaret Wright, assistant su- W. pervisor, School depatment, CJeveland Public Library. A. E. White, director of Engineeling Research, Ilriversity of Reading in the elementary schools-Ruth Paxson, head of th€ Michigan. School department, Library Associatior!, Portland, OregoD. Harvey Whipple, ed\tor, Cantrets, Detroit. 'l'he child's os'n choice of books-Carrie E. Scott, chief, Children's Ward Gavett, R. E. Polk and Company, Detroit. Departm€nt, PLrblic Liblary, Indianapolis. Report on measuring stick for normal school libraries-Wiilis H. ' Second Group Meeting, Wednesday, Julre 28, 8:00 p. m. Kerr, librarian, Stale ltrormal School, Emporia, Kansas. (Y. W. C. A. Aoditorium) Business meeting. Subject: The Training of the Special Librarian. J. H. Friedel, Group chairman SMALL LIBRARIES ROUND TABLE Claribel R. Barnett Ernest Reece Chai|ma Constance Bem€nt, Public Library, Port Huron, Mich. Adelaide R. Hasse D. Ashley Hooker , Marguerite Burnett Herbert O. Brigham Christine M. Bmer Nelson W. McCombs Tuesday, June 27, 8:00 p. m. (I.Iotel Statler, LI€nry ll Room) Third Group Meeting, Thursday, June 29, 8:00 p, m. Subject: Standards of gootl Jibrary rvork fol sm;rll lil,r'aries. (Y. W. C. A. Auditorium) I)iscussion leaders: Subject: The Objective o{ the Speciat Librarian. Katharyne Sleneau, librar.ian, McGregol Liblary, IJighland Maud A. Carabin, Group chairmal Park, Michigan. Mary Louise Alexander D. N. Handy Edith Patt€rson, Iibrarian, Public Library, Pottsville, Pa. Grace England (;eorge A. I)eveDeau Elizabeth Briggs, libralian, Ton'nship Library, Royal Oak, Mich- Mary B. Dav Floyd J. Milier rgan. Ethel A. Shields William C. Greaney Progress Reports from l-ocal Associat:ons: SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Rebecca B. Rarkin, New York Special Libraries Associatior. President, Dorsey W. H1de, jr. Jean E. Graiter, S!ecial Librafies Council of Philadelphia. Secretary, Olena Louise Evans. l-aura R. Gibbs, Boston Sgecial Libraries Association. General subject: The Special Librarran. Alta B. Claflin, Cleveland Club o{ Special Librarians. Special Libraries Association of Southern California. 2+ 25 Third General Session, Friday, June 30, 1:30 p. m. Liblarl' exteosion s€rv;ce to club women-Mar]. Pratt, sect€tary, (IIotel Statler, Large Banquet Hatl) Bureau of Public Discussion, Extensioo l)ivision, University of F. E. Cady, research manager, National Map Works, Clevelald. Indian a. Soulces librarv Dimmitt, Dr. Lent D. IIpson, director, I)etroit Bureau of Governmental Re- of uiaterial ior extension service-LeNoir extension librarian, Extension Division, tiniversity of Texas. Repol.t of Committee ol1 Nominations. Olganization and development of material {or bulletins to be used irr librarv.erten"inr' .erriee-Louis R. Wil"on, director, ftten- sj',,r Divjsion, t nrversjrr ^f \orth Car"l;na. TRAINING CLASS INSTRUCTORS ROUND TABLE P€isons who wish to attend this meeting should plan to tak€ Chairman, Julia A. Ilopkins, Pubtic Librar.y, Brooklyn, Y. the Michigan Centfal train which leaves Detroit at 7r50 central ^-. standard time (8:s0 eastern standard time). 'Wednesday, Note :-A I rangements foL a second session of this conference June 28, 8:00 p. m. s'ill be made later should occasion demand it. (Sta$ Auditorium, New Main Librar.v Buildinq) Report of the Committee on the Prolosed Form of Organization of Training Class Instructors; aDd summary of the results of WORK WITH NEGROES ROUND TABLE the questionnnire. Chailman, Ernes:ine Rose, Public Library, New York. Discussion of the proposed constitution for tbe organization. Symposium on methods of handJing student practic€ $'ork. Wednesday, June 28. 8i00 p. m. TRUSTEES' SECTION (CJub Room, New Main Librarv Buildins) Chairman, Frank Hervey Pettingell. \rice-Presid€nt, Board o{ Chairman, Ernestine Rose, l3Jth St. Branch, New York Public Librarv Directofs, Los Anqeles Public Librarv; Seoetar-v, Mrs. Library. Ora Thornpson Ross. yice-President. Board of Director.s, Public Purpose of the organization-c€orge T. Settle, Louisville, Ky. by Marion Watson, 13sth St. Branch, Libra ry, Renssel: e r. Ind. Questionnaire-Report P. New York Public I-lbrarv Support and control-L. W. Josselyn, Birmingham, AIa.; Mary Tuesday, June 27, 2t00 p. m. U. Rothrock, Knoxville, Tenn.; S. J. creenman, Kansas Citl', (Hotel Statler, Ball Room) Kan, Arrhur A. Stearns, vice-president LibIarl Board, Clevelarrcl Pub, Ttainins of Negro workers--Ethel McCollough, Evansville, Ind.; Iic Librarl'-The high iost of "ftee" public libraries. Jennie L. Flexner, Louisville, Ky.; D. C. Hodges, Ciocinnati, Srrbjecr: What Musr Be Dnqc to Se.ure Increased FLrnds fr"m Ohio; E. C. Williarns, Howald liniversit_v, Washineton, D. C. Taxation Jor the Needs of Public Libraries. and related topics. Opportunities for rr-egro l{orkers J. F. Marron, Jacksonville, Fla.; Williarn L. Pieplow, oresident, Board o{ Trustees, Public Li- Helen Marvin, Cleveland, Ohio; T. F. Bllre, Louisville, Ky. brary. Milwaukee, \Visconsi,r. ODportunities o{ work among Negroes Tommie D. Barker, At- W. L. lenks. president, Board of Trustees, Public I-ibrary, Port lanta, Ga.; Miss I{inesley, Roanoke, Va. FIuron, Michigan. Segregation: Separate lihraties-Henry M. Cill, Ne*' Orleans, Rev. Dr. Robert J. Renison, chairman, Board of Trusrees, Pub- La.; Cora Hendee, Council Blufis, Ia.; Vivian G. Harsh, Chi- lic Library, Hamilton, Ontario. Canada. cago, lll. John H. Leete, director, Carnegie Library o{ Pittsburgh. Pa. Oerteral discussion. WORK WITH THE FOREIGN BORN ROUND TABLE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY EXTENSION SERVICE Cbairman, Mrs. Eleanor E. Ledbetter, Public Library. Cleveland, ROUND TABLE Ohio; Secretarl, Josephine (]ratiaa, St. Louis Public Library. Chairman, Edith 'l'homas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Tuesday, June 27,2130 p. n. (Y. W. C. A. Auditorium) Thursday, June 29, 10:00 a. m. eastern standard time Address: the democratic?-The chairman. (UDiversity ir{ichigan Librar),, Anrr Arbor) Is library of Symposium: Problems of book buying in immigrant Ianguages. (;r€ering-Prof€ssor \4'. D. Henderson. dir€ctor, Extension Di- Individual lrrgurge. to 1,e preserrted Lr litrrarirn. who hcr e had visnrn, Universitv of Michigan. erperience, erch $i'h rhe lrng,rage he presenrs. Forum teaching and the package library-Almere I-. Scott, secre- Paper: Translations of EngJish texts into foreign languages- tary, l)epartment of Debating and Public DiscussioD, Extension nsther Johns:on, chairrnan, Nerv York Staie Committee on For- Division, Ilnivelsitv of llrisconsin. eisn Work. 26 Guarding the heritage of antiquity

The written word is among our most precious heritages of antiquity. Homer, Plato, Vilgil, Dante, Shakespeare-age has dimmed all but the living power of tbe messages from those great minds.

But men are engrossed by the cor[plexity of modern living. And few indeed wor.rld find the time to listen to the past, were not the wisdom of the ancients brought to their attention. Noble indeed is the task of the country's libraries- faithful guardians of a precious heritage !

Library Bureau, whose cornerstone was laid in answer to a demand for service to librarians the country over, deems it an honor that sioce 1876 librarians turn to it whenever experienced assistance in the sokrtioD of library problems is needed.

Visit L.B.'s Exhibit-Hotel Statler, Room 1301. r-lDrarvr .t T)|]ureau FouDded 1876 Technical library furniture and s,Jpplies Sfeel booftsfacft--IvI D€troit Office: l4l6 Washin!ton Boulevard (Afaer -4url,sf lsrj JeEercon Aeeiue, Co'e. oaarusb Sl.eef) Boston Chicago New York 43 Federal Sr. 6 North Michiean Avenue 316 Broadway (Oneblock sotrtb froh A L. A.lreadqua.ters) Salesrcoms in leadind.ities i, fne United States, Areat Britaio and France