Greene County School Record
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Line # Name Gender Age Grade Year(s) School District Promoted / Remarks Teacher - - - - - 1923-24 Willard Consolidated 3 Report with no names Walker, E.E., Supt. - - - - - 1923-24 Fair Grove Consolidated 4 Report with no names Wingo, I.W., Supt. - - - - - 1923-24 Cave Springs 26 report with no names Robberson, Vina - - - - - 1923-24 Gulf 74 report with no names Bass, W.L., Principal - - - - - 1923-24 Republic 112 report with on names Clarke, Rex F., Supt. 9 Abbot, Eugene M 8 2 1923-24 Persimmon Grove 21 Grade 3 Kates, Evangeline 50 Abbott, Cyntha F 10 4 1923-24 Sequiota 99 Grade 5 Blount, Lauroy 20 Abbott, Mary F 13 7 1923-24 Sequiota 99 Grade 8 Shipman, Mollie P. 5 Adams, Clay M 7 2 1923-24 Oakland 71 Grade 3 Judy, Thelma 43 Adams, Clifford - 14 7 1923-24 Whitlock 39 reviewed 7th Pasley, Eva 20 Adams, Josephine F 12 8 1923-24 Oakland 71 Graduated Judy, Thelma 31 Adams, Leonard - 12 5 1923-24 Whitlock 39 Grade 7 Pasley, Eva 32 Adams, Lourine - 10 5 1923-24 Whitlock 39 Grade 7 Pasley, Eva 34 Adams, Loyd M 10 5 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 - Miller, Emma L. 1 Adams, Roy M 6 1 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 left district Miller, Emma L. 9 Adams, Vernon - 8 3 1923-24 Whitlock 39 Grade 4 Pasley, Eva 13 Adams, Wilma F 8 4 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 - Miller, Emma L. 23 Agee, Glen M 9 3 1923-24 Ritter 62 Grade 4 Appleby, Lucille 22 Agee, William M 5 - 1923-24 Ritter 62 Grade 1 Appleby, Lucille 1 Akin, Phillis - 13 6 1923-24 Locust Prairie 36 - Snider, F.E. 17 Akins, Harold M 14 7 1923-24 Sunshine 88 Grade 8 Rutledge, Nell 18 Akins, Leonard M 11 7 1923-24 Sunshine 88 Grade 8 Rutledge, Nell 16 Alexander, Freda F 8 3 1923-24 Pleasant Valley 41 Grade 4 Putman, Nannie 2 Alexander, Helen F 5 1 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 Grade 2 Miller, Emma L. 24 Alexander, Joel M 9 3 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 4 Smith, Clarence 19 Alexander, Josephine F 7 3 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 4 Smith, Clarence 35 Alexander, Lucille F 9 5 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 Grade 6 Miller, Emma L. 4 Alexander, Marie F 12 6 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 Grade 7 Miller, Emma L. 28 Alexander, Ruth F 10 5 & 6 1923-24 Pleasant Valley 41 7-B Putman, Nannie 13 Alford, Cecil - 10 5 1923-24 Kelley Chapel 120 - Watts, Meda 2 Alford, Mabel - 7 2 1923-24 Kelley Chapel 120 - Watts, Meda 27 Allen, Bert M 8 3 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 4 Smith, Clarence 9 Allen, Charles M 6 1 1923-24 Mentor 118 Grade 2 Ladd, Pearl 20 Allen, Enid - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 1 Allen, Glenn M 6 1 1923-24 Crescent 93 Grade 2 Gibson, Zella B. 4 Allen, Homer M 12 7 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 9 Smith, Clarence 7 Allen, Tom M 6 1 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 2 Smith, Clarence 31 Allen, Vercial - 17 6 1923-24 Locust Prairie 36 - Snider, F.E. 12 Allyn, Leona F 15 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May 13 Allyn, Pansy F 12 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May Not in school sufficient time to 35 Almond, Ira M 15 7 1923-24 Liberty 33 Smith, Cordia receive grades 2 Almond, Paul - 7 1 1923-24 Locust Prairie 36 - Snider, F.E. 1 Altaffer, Lynn M 14 8 1923-24 Fair View 63 Grade 9 Todd, Mattie, Mrs. 42 Altaffer, Mearl M - 4 1923-24 Fair View 63 Grade 5, promoted at Xmas Todd, Mattie, Mrs. 28 Altaffer, Ross M 11 5 1923-24 Fair View 63 Grade 6 Todd, Mattie, Mrs. 9 Amos, Ava F 8 2 1923-24 Plain View 116 - Short, Etta 1923-24 School Records sorted 2.xlsx 1 of 82 8/11/2015 1:11 PM Line # Name Gender Age Grade Year(s) School District Promoted / Remarks Teacher 30 Amos, Leon M 15 6 1923-24 Plain View 116 - Short, Etta 4 Amos, Marie F 6 1 1923-24 Plain View 116 - Short, Etta 8 Amos, Royce M 6 2 1923-24 Plain View 116 - Short, Etta 11 Anderson, Adaline F 9 3 1923-24 Ebenezer 30 - Vaughn, W.A., Mrs. 21 Anderson, Bertha F 13 7 1923-24 Bennett 77 Grade 8 Neff, Ruby 18 Anderson, Chester M 14 7 1923-24 Bennett 77 - Neff, Ruby 13 Anderson, Ester F 6 2 1923-24 Mt. Etna 106 moved away Batson, Floyd 50 Anderson, George M 11 - 1923-24 Mt. Etna 106 moved away Batson, Floyd 13 Anderson, Lela F 11 4 1923-24 Bennett 77 Grade 5 Neff, Ruby 9 Anderson, Mary F 10 5 1923-24 Jones 83 Grade 6 Brown, Geraldine 25 Anderson, Norval M 7 2 1923-24 Sunshine 88 Grade 3 Rutledge, Nell 9 Anderson, Oscar M 9 3 1923-24 Bennett 77 Grade 4 Neff, Ruby 14 Anderson, William M 13 4 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 - Miller, Emma L. 14 Andrew, Orvil M 7 2 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 18 Andrew, Rachel F 9 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 24 Andrew, Robert M 10 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 32 Appleby, Helen F 12 7 & 8 1923-24 Pleasant Valley 41 finished Putman, Nannie 7 Appleby, Laurabelle F 8 4 1923-24 Bell View 40 B-1 Moore, Elwin, Mrs. 18 Appling, Harold M 10 3 1923-24 Mt. Etna 106 Grade 4 Batson, Floyd 17 Appling, Robert M - 3 1923-24 Mt. Etna 106 Grade 4 Batson, Floyd 1 Arbuckle, Dorothy - 9 1 1923-24 Edgewood 58 - Freeman, Elmer 2 Arbuckle, Stanley - 7 1 1923-24 Edgewood 58 - Freeman, Elmer 45 Arnall, Ora F 13 5 1923-24 Shady Dell 72 left district Veasman, Sarah 33 Arndt, Roy M 12 6 1923-24 Central Point 115 Grade 7 McCroskey, Thelma 5 Arnold, Deloris F 8 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 - Sanborn, May 37 Arnold, Irene F 14 8 1923-24 Fair View 63 - Todd, Mattie, Mrs. 6 Arnold, John M 8 1 1923-24 Fair View 63 Grade 2 Boritzki, Madalene 14 Arnold, Julius M 6 1 1923-24 Fair View 63 1-A Boritzki, Madalene 21 Arnold, Monte - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 38 Arnold, Riley M 11 5 1923-24 Fair View 63 - Todd, Mattie, Mrs. 10 Arnold, Ruth F 13 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May 11 Arnold, Vera F 10 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May 31 Asher, Charles M 11 4 1923-24 Sunshine 88 Grade 5 Rutledge, Nell 26 Asher, Isabell F 8 2 1923-24 Sunshine 88 Grade 3 Rutledge, Nell 14 Ashton, Fred M 9 2 & 3 1923-24 Lake View 61 Grade 4 Munholland, Della 7 Ashton, May F 6 1 1923-24 Lake View 61 moved from district Munholland, Della 3 Atchinson, Mary F 6 1 1923-24 Oak Grove 90 left district Miller, Emma L. 6 Aton, Harvy M 8 2 1923-24 Plain View 116 - Short, Etta 3 Aton, Woodrow M 6 1 1923-24 Plain View 116 - Short, Etta 49 Bailey, Arthur M 16 7 1923-24 Crescent 93 Grade 8 Gibson, Zella B. 50 Bailey, Arthur M 16 7 1923-24 Logan 96 moved away Smith, Clarence 4 Bailey, Helen F 6 1 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 2 Smith, Clarence 19 Bailey, Leonard M - - 1923-24 Crescent 93 - Gibson, Zella B. 16 Bailey, Leonard M 7 2 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 3 Smith, Clarence 51 Bailey, Lola F 13 7 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 8 Smith, Clarence 38 Bailey, Orval M 13 5 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 6 Smith, Clarence 20 Bailey, Orvil M - - 1923-24 Crescent 93 - Gibson, Zella B. 1923-24 School Records sorted 2.xlsx 2 of 82 8/11/2015 1:11 PM Line # Name Gender Age Grade Year(s) School District Promoted / Remarks Teacher 48 Bailey, Ruby F 14 7 1923-24 Crescent 93 Grade 8 Gibson, Zella B. 53 Bailey, Ruby F 14 7 1923-24 Logan 96 moved away Smith, Clarence 21 Bailey, Ruth F - 5 1923-24 Crescent 93 Grade 6 Gibson, Zella B. 3 Bailey, Ruth F 9 4 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 5 Smith, Clarence 49 Bailey, Wayne M 14 7 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 9 Smith, Clarence 36 Baily, Zelma F 10 5 1923-24 Logan 96 Grade 6 Smith, Clarence 10 Baker, Dell F 9 4 1923-24 Squibb 78 Grade 5 Riddle, Annie 14 Baker, Earl M 9 4 1923-24 Brookline 104 Grade 5 Jones, Roxcena 10 Baker, Geraldine F 13 8 1923-24 Walnut Grove 16 Grade 9 Carlock, Justin 1 Baker, Harold M 6 2 1923-24 Squibb 78 Grade 3 Riddle, Annie 46 Baker, Nelson - 14 7 1923-24 New Site 23 - Killingsworth, Omel M. 37 Baker, Thelma Lee F 10 5 1923-24 Walnut Grove 16 Grade 6 Carlock, Justin 41 Baldwin, Alma F 14 7 1923-24 Sycamore 80 Grade 8 Elliott, Dessie 34 Baldwin, Alma F 14 7 1923-24 Lindsey 113 moved Ross, Ruby E. 33 Baldwin, Dorothy F 12 5 1923-24 Sycamore 80 Grade 6 Elliott, Dessie 27 Baldwin, Dorothy F 11 5 1923-24 Lindsey 113 didn't come enough to be graded Ross, Ruby E.