June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1067 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

SUPPORTING THE DESIGNATION semifinals by defeating the University of Flor- discriminated against people of Chinese de- OF JUNE 20, 2012 AS AMERICAN ida. Kent State opened up an early 5 run lead scent and blatantly contradicted our belief that EAGLE DAY that they never gave up, defeating Florida 5 to all people are created equal. 4. The Golden Flashes will go on to play the Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act HON. DAVID P. ROE South Carolina Gamecocks, last year’s cham- in 1882. The bill imposed a ten-year morato- OF TENNESSEE pions, on June 20th. rium on immigration and naturalization of Chi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is an incredible honor for them to have nese settlers. The law was expanded several made it this far and I am proud to offer my full Tuesday, June 19, 2012 times to apply to all persons of Chinese de- support to Kent State as their Cinderella story scent and each expansion imposed increas- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I rise continues in the College World Series. ingly tougher restrictions on Chinese immigra- today in support of designating June 20, 2012 f tion and naturalization. As the resolution be- as American Eagle Day and celebrating the fore us today states, the Chinese exclusion recovery and restoration of the bald eagle, the IN RECOGNITION OF THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF ROSARY HALL laws ‘‘enshrined in law the exclusion of the national symbol of the . On June Chinese from the democratic process and the 20, 1782, the eagle was designated as the na- promise of American freedom.’’ tional emblem of the U.S. by the Founding Fa- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH The United States Senate passed a similar OF OHIO thers at the Second Continental Congress. resolution in October 2011. I believe passage The bald eagle is the central image of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of H. Res. 683 will be a historic acknowledg- Great Seal of the United States and is dis- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 ment by Congress of the injustice of the Chi- played in the official seal of many branches nese exclusion laws. and departments of the Federal Government. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in The bald eagle is an inspiring symbol of the recognition of Rosary Hall, on the occasion of I am proud to cosponsor this resolution and spirit of freedom and the democracy of the its 60 year anniversary of providing important I encourage my colleagues to support it. United States. Since the founding of the Na- services to individuals struggling with the de- tion, the image, meaning and symbolism of structive disease of addiction. f Founded by Sister Ignatia in 1952, Rosary the eagle have played a significant role in art, PERSONAL EXPLANATION music, history, commerce, literature, architec- Hall has remained at the forefront of effective ture and culture of the United States. The bald and innovative behavioral therapy programs, eagle’s habitat only exists in North America. developing shortly after the founding of the HON. BILL HUIZENGA Over the years, several members of Con- first Alcoholics Anonymous in nearby Akron. In OF MICHIGAN gress have introduced and passed resolutions affiliation with St. Vincent Charity Medical IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Center, Rosary Hall works with families, in support of the designation of American Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Eagle Day. My friend and colleague, Senator friends, and co-workers of patients in a sup- LAMAR ALEXANDER has introduced the same portive and compassionate environment. Since Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, resolution for this year and I support his ef- the Hall’s founding it has helped to save over on rollcall No. 307 I was absent due to a fam- forts. 50,000 people from the debilitating and deadly ily matter. Had I been present, I would have I hope my colleagues will join in celebrating grips of addiction. voted ‘‘yes.’’ tomorrow, June 20, 2012 as American Eagle Rosary Hall’s success is facilitated by a Day, which marks the recovery and restoration process which spans the entire road to recov- f ery: from inpatient detoxification programs in a of the bald eagle. CONGRATULATING NANCY f hospital setting, to outpatient rehabilitation and finally to community-centered support net- BARBOUR ON THE OCCASION OF CONGRATULATING KENT STATE works. Rosary Hall is staffed by a team of HER RETIREMENT UNIVERSITY’S BASEBALL TEAM dedicated professionals who constantly seek to develop skills in order to ensure that each HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY HON. TIM RYAN patient receives the personalized care and OF VIRGINIA OF OHIO strategies which will leave them equipped to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES handle this difficult disease. Rosary Hall con- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 tinues to be a pioneer in the field of addiction Tuesday, June 19, 2012 treatment research. Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker and colleagues, join me in hon- rise to congratulate Nancy Barbour on the oc- recognize the tremendous accomplishment of oring Rosary Hall as it enters its 60th year of Kent State University’s advancement to the casion of her retirement on June 30th after 21 saving lives, families, and providing people the years at Dykema, where she was a founding semifinals of the College World Series. I wish freedom to live healthy and happy lives. to extend my sincerest congratulations and member of its government relations practice. f offer them the best of luck as they continue During her tenure at Dykema, she advocated their extraordinary journey in Omaha, Ne- EXPRESSING REGRET FOR PAS- for many worthy causes, including support for braska. SAGE OF LAWS ADVERSELY AF- the city of Detroit and the University of Michi- The 13th nationally ranked Golden Flashes FECTING THE CHINESE IN THE gan Medical System, where her efforts re- punched their ticket to Omaha after winning UNITED STATES sulted in the addition of both a new veterans’ an exciting series in the Eugene Super Re- hospital and a new children’s hospital. The gional against Oregon. In the bottom of the SPEECH OF Detroit Free Press, Crain’s Business Week, 9th inning with the series tied at one game HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN and Detroit News have recognized Mrs. Barbour’s many endeavors. apiece, Jimmy Rider became a hero by hitting OF MARYLAND Prior to her private sector advocacy, Mrs. the game winning RBI and sending KSU to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the College World Series. Kent State is the Barbour dedicated nearly twenty years to first Ohio team since 1980 to participate in the Monday, June 18, 2012 working on Capitol Hill, spanning both cham- heralded 8-team double elimination bracket. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today bers. She worked for Senator Phil Hart from They are also the first team since Eastern in support of H. Res. 683. This resolution ex- Michigan, Congressman Bob Traxler from Michigan in 1976 to represent the Mid-Amer- presses the regret of the House of Represent- Michigan, Congressman Jim O’Hara from ican Conference in the College World Series. atives for the passage of laws that adversely Michigan, Congressman Herb Harris from Vir- Last evening, June 18th, the Golden affected the Chinese in the United States, in- ginia, and Congressman Bill Ford from Michi- Flashes advanced to the College World Series cluding the Chinese Exclusion Act. These laws gan, who was Chairman of the Committee on

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:42 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19JN8.001 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 Education and Labor. Mrs. Barbour served for ous decades hosting his iconic television pro- cent of Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout many years as Chairman Ford’s Legislative gram, Like It Is, Gil acquainted the country Award. The award is a performance-based Director. She worked on a host of issues dur- with the story and the culture of Black Amer- achievement with high standards that have ing her congressional tenure, including a hu- ica. been well-maintained over the past century. manitarian initiative helping to relocate a num- The show was truly groundbreaking. It en- To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout ber of Soviet Jews facing persecution in the gaged black leaders in sports, journalism, film, is obligated to pass specific tests that are or- USSR to the United States. Mrs. Barbour’s education, civil rights, politics and business, ganized by requirements and merit badges, as mastery of congressional issues and the fed- like Bill Cosby, Harry Belafonte, Lena Horne, well as completing an Eagle Project to benefit eral assisted her success in the private sector. Sarah Vaughan, Sammy Davis, Jr., Dizzy Gil- the community. Seth’s project involved funding Having realized personal success in both lespie, Oscar Peterson, Erroll Garner, Carmen and erecting 21 flags on Memorial Day Week- the public and private sectors, Mrs. Barbour McRae, Aretha Franklin, Dr. Billy Taylor, end along Highway 17 to pay tribute to our na- understands the importance of education, and Nancy Wilson, Sidney Poitier, Imhotep Gary tion’s heroes. Seth completed this project tirelessly gives back to her community. For Byrd, (Dr. Ben) Yosef Ben-Jochannan, Mu- while going above and beyond the required many years she has tutored adults in Fairfax hammad Ali, Arthur Ashe, Reverend Jesse merit badges, earning a staggering total of 50 County, Virginia, helping them earn a high Louis Jackson and Minister Louis Farrakhan to badges. The work ethic Seth has shown in his school equivalency degree and further their name a few. Eagle Project, and every other project leading own career opportunities and realize their per- Gil told it like it is and interviewed national up to his Eagle Scout rank, speaks volumes of sonal potential. Despite her retirement, Mrs. and international historic figures like President his commitment to serving a cause greater Barbour will continue as a pillar of her commu- Nelson Mandela of South Africa and President than himself and assisting his community. nity and continue to help those striving to help Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. He interviewed Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young themselves. controversial and uncontroversial with pro- man and his supportive family demonstrates Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join found discussions of the world’s most impor- the rewards of hard work, dedication and per- me in thanking Nancy Barbour for her dec- tant issues. I was greatly honored to appear severance. I am honored to represent Seth ades of service to Congress and her commu- on Like It Is, with Reverend Dr. Calvin A. Butts and his family in the United States Congress. nity, and to congratulate her on her retirement of the historic Abyssinian Baptist Church, I know that all of my colleagues in the House and wish her well in all of her future endeav- where we gather to say farewell to our dear will join me in congratulating him in obtaining ors. friend and legend. the Eagle Scout ranking, and will wish him f The program also featured insightful docu- continued success in his future education and mentaries that delved into the lives of Paul career. CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF GIL Robeson, Martin Luther King, Jr., W.E.B. NOBLE, PRODUCER AND HOST OF f DuBois, , Charlie Parker, Jack WABC–TV’S ‘‘LIKE IT IS’’ Johnson, , Adam Clayton HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- Powell, Jr., Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture), SARY OF THE SCOTTISH RITE HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Justice Bruce Wright and countless other CATHEDRAL IN NEW MEXICO OF NEW YORK prominent figures of the African and Urban Di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aspora. Perhaps most importantly, it provided HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH an intelligent and progressive forum for black Tuesday, June 19, 2012 OF OHIO Americans that changed the way the nation Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in viewed its black citizens. Gil’s legacy will con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor of my dear longtime friend and tinue as a trailblazer for in Tuesday, June 19, 2012 native, Gil Noble, who made his transition on journalism. Holy Thursday, April 5, 2012 at the age of Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Mr. Speaker, you would be hard pressed to honor of the Scottish Rite Masons of New eighty. Born to Jamaican immigrants Gilbert find anyone in Harlem who does not have and Iris Noble in Harlem on February 22, Mexico on the occasion of the Centennial memories of gathering with friends and family Celebration of the Scottish Rite Cathedral in 1932, Gil Noble was a pioneering anchorman to watch Gil Noble eloquently discuss the and journalist who spent his career giving Santa Fe, New Mexico. On this occasion they issues of the day. The death of Gil, a son of also celebrate New Mexico’s 100th year as a voice to Black Power and the African Harlem, is especially saddening for the Village Diasporic experience. For over forty years he State of the Union. of Harlem, but also our nation and the world. The celebration at the Scottish Rite Temple was perhaps the nation’s most important black We will all miss this intellectually passionate journalist, bringing the struggle for civil rights includes tours, outdoor activities, a parade, a man and the inspiration he gave to our nation. private reception, a brunch, a public exemplifi- and equality into the homes of millions of On Thursday, April 12, hundreds of Harlem- Americans in black and white and in color. cation of a Scottish Rite Degree and a Period ites, New Yorkers and world visitors convened Dress Ball in the evening. Growing up influenced by jazz pianist Erroll at Harlem’s historic Abyssinian Baptist Church Garner, a young Gil Noble took up the piano Though the exact time of the beginning of to pay final tribute, respect and honor to a Freemasonry is unknown, many of the sym- and decided as a teen to pursue a career in man who was larger than height. May our spir- music. He formed the Gil Noble Trio, playing bols and language come from the Middle it be filled with light and progress and may the Ages. It has become a worldwide fraternity in New York clubs while attending City Col- light guide us through the fear and ignorance lege. Later in life his love of jazz would later which focuses on self-improvement and social of our times in remembrance of my dear be- betterment. Freemasons partake in philan- lead him to become a strong supporter of the loved Gil Noble. Jazz Foundation of America and join its board thropy, service, funding of research, and of directors. After graduating, he went on to f spreading ideals in which they believe. Currently, there are four million Masons work for Union Carbide and modeled part TRIBUTE TO SETH ALEXANDER time, where he met his wife, Jean, also a KLEINWORT worldwide. Notable Masons throughout time model at that time. are George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Gil Noble began his fifty years career in tel- Paul Revere, John Hancock, John Paul Jones evision and programming, when he got his HON. TOM LATHAM and Chief Justice John Marshall to name a first break in broadcast media in 1962, as a OF IOWA few. Notable actions of the Masons include part-time announcer for Harlem’s radio station IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spreading the ideals of the Enlightenment, the WLIB. Gil began reporting and reading news- formation of the democratic government and Tuesday, June 19, 2012 casts as well as servicing the Associated supporting the first public schools in both Eu- Press teletype machine and tracking interview Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rope and America. tapes. In 1967, he joined WABC–TV as a re- recognize and congratulate Seth Kleinwort of Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me porter and served as anchor for the station’s Madrid, Iowa for achieving the rank of Eagle in honoring the Scottish Rite and all Free- Saturday and Sunday night newscast in 1968. Scout. masons on the joyous occasion of the Centen- Gil’s career surged when he was named host The Eagle Scout rank is the highest ad- nial Celebration of the Scottish Rite Cathedral of WABC–TV’s ‘‘Like It Is.’’ During his numer- vancement rank in scouting. Only about 5 per- in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.003 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1069 RON NEWTON, MANCHESTER quality of life for all residents, just as ensuring while leading the MRH school district. A great VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER strong community institutions and educational example of this was when she saw that some opportunities are available for all residents is students and families had lost their homes and HON. CHELLIE PINGREE essential to fostering continued economic had trouble finding regular meals. She ad- OF MAINE growth. dressed this by developing Joe’s Place, where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I join the Vienna-Tysons Regional Chamber teenage boys can go to find affection, support, of Commerce in congratulating the following a home, and regular meals. In previous years, Tuesday, June 19, 2012 recipients of the 2012 Business and Service each of the boys who lived at Joe’s Place not Ms. PINGREE of Maine. Mr. Speaker, I Awards: only graduated from MRH High School, but would like to honor the incredible public serv- Business of the Year (Large Company): also went on to attend college. In many cases, ice of one of my constituents, Ron Newton of Transurban. they were the first members of their families to Manchester, Maine. Business of the Year (Small Company): accomplish this feat. Mr. Newton has been a member of the Washington Landscapes. Manchester Volunteer Fire Department now Business Executive of the Year (Large Without Dr. Henke’s passion for her stu- for 50 years. In that time, he has served as Company): Kevin Reynolds—Cardinal Bank. dents and determination to provide them with deputy to three different chiefs, and has put Business Executive of the Year (Small Com- every opportunity for success, MRH would not thousands of hours into training, fire calls, and pany): Diana Carlin—Damon Galleries, Ltd. be the model school district it is today. Edu- meetings. Entrepreneur of the Year: Mark Rogoff— cators from across the country visit MRH In Maine, our small towns often depend on Title One Settlement Group, LLC. schools to understand how she has trans- volunteers to staff our fire departments. With Citizen of the Year: Delegate Mark Keam. formed the district, and how they can replicate their radios always close by, they routinely Nonprofit of the Year: Shepherd’s Center of her successful programs in their own districts. drop what they’re doing to report to an emer- Oakton-Vienna. I congratulate Dr. Linda Henke on her retire- gency, whether they have to leave work or Educator of the Year: David Reynolds—Vi- ment, and I thank her for her service to our their families to do so. Just like full-time fire- enna Elementary School. community. fighters, they risk their lives for others, are Lifetime Service Award: Richard Irons—First passionate about their work, and are heroes. Citizens Bank. f Mr. Newton’s five decades as a firefighter is Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me an incredible statement of commitment to his in congratulating the recipients of the 2012 Vi- IN HONOR OF MR. STUART J. community and its residents—he has some- enna-Tysons Regional Chamber of Commerce GREENBERG thing to teach us all about public service. Business and Service Awards and in thanking f them for their many contributions not only to our businesses but also our community. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH PERSONAL EXPLANATION f OF OHIO HON. BILL HUIZENGA IN HONOR OF DR. LINDA HENKE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN Tuesday, June 19, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. RUSS CARNAHAN OF MISSOURI Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor of Mr. Stuart J. Greenberg on the occa- Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, Tuesday, June 19, 2012 sion of his retirement as executive director of on rollcall No. 308, I was absent due to a fam- Environmental Health Watch (EHW). ily matter. Had I been present, I would have Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today As an EHW founding board member, staff voted ‘‘no.’’ to recognize Dr. Linda Henke, for her years of service to the people of the St. Louis area. member for 28 years, and chief executive for f Dr. Henke is retiring as Superintendent of 19 years, Stu became a pioneer in the field of IN RECOGNITION OF THE 2012 VI- the Maplewood Richmond Heights School Dis- healthy housing leaving a rich legacy and a ENNA-TYSONS REGIONAL CHAM- trict, MRH, where she demonstrated a true number of accomplishments which have led to BER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS passion for excellence during her years of healthier children and families both in and AND SERVICE AWARDS service. When she first joined MRH, the dis- around the Cleveland area and across the trict was one point away from losing its ac- country. Stu was instrumental in establishing HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY creditation from the state of Missouri. After a the first national conference on healthy homes OF VIRGINIA decade under Dr. Henke’s guidance, the and, with a small group of peer experts, lit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school district now operates with Missouri’s erally coined the term ‘‘healthy home.’’ top Annual Performance Report Score; a true Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Stu’s work with EHW was not limited to the testament to Dr. Henke’s hard work, dedica- inside of the home. As part of his work with Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I tion, and leadership. EHW, Stu helped to develop Local Emergency rise today to recognize the honorees of the Her personal approach towards the staff Planning Committees, or LEPCs, which facili- 2012 Vienna Tysons Regional Chamber of and the students has been a hallmark of her tate collaboration and information sharing Commerce (VTRCC) Business and Service tenure. She made a point to know the staff among partners in emergency response. Stu Awards. Each year, the VTRCC recognizes and the students by name, and she attended helped to get provisions for LEPCs in the companies, nonprofits, and individuals in the nearly all sporting events, school plays, and 1986 ‘‘Right-to-Know’’ amendments to the fed- Vienna-Tysons area who demonstrate excep- concerts her students took part in. She ac- eral Comprehensive Environmental Response tional commitment to business and the com- tively sought to include her students in the de- Compensation and Liability Act, better known munity. velopment of successful school policies by as ‘‘Superfund.’’ Stu’s participation and leader- Since the 1940’s, the VTRCC has provided regularly meeting with an advisory team of ship in Cuyahoga County’s LEPC over the last a strategic link between local businesses and middle and high school students to openly dis- 25 years has contributed to the safety of local the region through participation in community cuss problems and possible solutions. communities in Northeast Ohio. activities, networking opportunities, marketing, Dr. Henke not only cares about her stu- support and education. This region has wit- dents’ academic success, but also about their EHW, formerly the Council on Hazardous nessed extraordinary growth, and the VTRCC health and well-being. I have had the pleasure Materials, was not the first organization which has been a consistent, guiding voice for busi- of working with Dr. Henke as she has endeav- Stu took from concept to reality. Stu was a co- ness. Fairfax County is considered by many to ored to provide locally produced, healthy food founder and first executive director of Spec- be one of the best communities in the country choices to her students in the cafeteria. She trum of Supportive Services, formerly Panta in which to live, work and raise a family. A sig- has worked hard to engage students in learn- Rhei, Inc., a rehabilitation agency now affili- nificant factor in that distinction is the thriving ing about our food system and teaching them ated with Recovery Resources, Inc., for peo- partnership between the public and private that good eating habits are connected to ex- ple re-entering the community following long- sectors. Corporations, non-profit organizations, cellence in education. term mental health-related hospitalizations. and educational institutions work hand-in-hand Her life has been defined by remarkable Stu began his college education at Western with their counterparts in local, State and Fed- service to others. Dr. Henke has an excep- Reserve University, where he graduated cum eral government agencies. A thriving business tional ability to identify needs and works to ful- laude in 1966 with a Bachelor’s degree in Psy- community is essential to maintaining a high fill them, as she has demonstrated many times chology and Sociology. Then, in 1970, Stu

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.006 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 graduated from the Case Institute of Tech- HONORING REV. JANE ADAMS CONGRATULATING MARTHA nology, earning a Master of Science degree in SPAHR BROWN MIDDLE SCHOOL Organizational Behavior. Stu has served on many councils, commit- tees, and boards and has received numerous HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER awards and distinctions for his expertise, activ- OF NEW YORK ism, and dedication to social justice, such as OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the 2005 Howard Metzenbaum Citizen Action IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Award by Ohio Citizen Action. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Tuesday, June 19, 2012 in congratulating Stu Greenberg on his path- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, it is my es- forging and inspiring career and service to the Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to teemed honor to congratulate Martha Brown Greater Cleveland community. honor the leadership of the Rev. Jane Adams Middle School for being designated as a New Spahr, whose work on behalf of justice for the f York State and National ‘‘School to Watch.’’ It LGBT community is an inspiration in Northern is a pleasure to acknowledge Martha Brown’s 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE GIRL California and across the country. Principal David Dunn, the Fairport School SCOUTS Rev. Spahr began her ministry as a proud Board, the administration, teachers, faculty progressive and feminist, and as one of few and students upon receiving this award as one HON. BOB GOODLATTE willing to work publicly for the cause of equal- of only seven newly designated schools in OF VIRGINIA ity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender New York State to be honored with this dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tinction. people. In 1980, Rev. Spahr served as Min- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 ister of Pastoral Care for the Metropolitan The recognition as a national School to Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, When Juli- Community Church in San Francisco’s Castro Watch means that Martha Brown excels in ette ‘‘Daisy’’ Gordon Low gathered 18 girls to- District. And in 1982, Rev. Spahr founded each of the seven Essential Elements of gether in Savannah, GA, on March 12, 1912, what would become the Spectrum LGBT Cen- Standards—Focused Middle Level Schools she aimed to offer a hand to the youngsters ter, Mann County’s premiere LGBT service and Programs. Those seven Essential Ele- ments are: a philosophy and mission that re- by helping them to develop physically, men- provider and advocacy organization. tally, and spiritually. Since that first meeting of flect the intellectual and developmental needs what would become known as the Girl Scouts, In 1991, Rev. Spahr was called to serve as and characteristics of young adolescents; an millions of girls and young women have grown co-pastor of the Downtown United Pres- educational program that is comprehensive, in courage, confidence, and character and byterian Church of Rochester, New York, mak- challenging, purposeful, integrated, relevant, made countless contributions to the world. ing her the first openly gay person called to and standards-based; an organization and The Girl Scout leadership program exists to such a position of leadership within the Pres- structure that support both academic excel- help girls learn more about themselves, their byterian tradition. Unfortunately, Rev. Spahr’s lence and personal development; classroom values, and people. Those who have made pastorship was challenged and ultimately re- instruction appropriate to the needs and char- extraordinary contributions as Girl Scouts re- voked by Church leadership. The Reverend acteristics of young adolescents provided by ceive the Gold Award for making a difference was instead invited to serve the Presbyterian skilled and knowledgeable teachers; strong in their communities. congregation in Tiburon, California, with a educational leadership and administration that Through leadership in the scouting tradition, focus on working within the denomination to encourage, facilitate, and sustain involvement, Girls Scouts are changing our country and the end discrimination and foster inclusiveness participation, and leadership; a network of world. The organization continues to operate and social justice. academic and personal support available for on a strong foundation of volunteers who dedi- all students; and professional learning and cate themselves to offering their time and tal- More recently, after the Supreme Court of staff development for all staff that are ongoing, ents in the interest of guiding tomorrow’s lead- California struck down the State’s ban on planned, purposeful, and collaboratively devel- ers. Thanks to them, over 10,000 girls from same-sex marriage, Rev. Spahr became oped. kindergarten through grade 12 across 36 known for officiating at the marriages of sev- It is especially meaningful for me to know counties in western Virginia are enjoying the eral gay and lesbian couples. The Reverend that a school within New York State’s 28th Girl Scouts program. They are among over 3 was again challenged for refusing to comply Congressional District and my hometown of million girls and volunteers who are active with the anti-gay marriage policies of Church Fairport has achieved this prestigious honor. It members along with 50 million women in the leadership and earlier this year Rev. Spahr re- is a true testament to the hard work of the United States who are Girl Scouts alumnae. ceived a formal censure for her actions. How- teachers, administrators, and students. The As the Girl Scouts celebrate their centennial ever, as in the past, the congregation has ral- fact that Martha Brown Middle School has with a special event in Roanoke, VA, on June lied behind her, and the local presbytery voted been selected from among many qualified 30, I applaud the organization for its long his- overwhelmingly to refuse the censure. Al- middle schools speaks volumes about the tory of leadership as the voice for its many de- school’s character and dedication to academic voted members, past and present. Let us all though Rev. Spahr’s battle continues, I am excellence. commend the special women whose experi- proud to support her mission to see the dignity ence in Girl Scouts is influencing our commu- and humanity of every individual respected. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me nities. We look forward to today’s Girl Scouts In 2007, I honored Rev. Spahr in the CON- in congratulating Martha Brown Middle School becoming our next generation of leaders. GRESSIONAL RECORD upon her retirement from of Fairport Central School District on this well- f Spectrum, emphasizing that her courageous earned honor. As a ‘‘School to Watch,’’ Martha Brown serves as a shining example for other PERSONAL EXPLANATION passion for justice and inclusion for LGBT people has left a legacy that is paving the way middle schools throughout our entire nation. to a better future. Clearly, she has advanced HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY f the cause of same-sex marriage and other OF NEW YORK rights during this time and will continue to be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION an inspiration and role model to all of us who Tuesday, June 19, 2012 care about human rights. Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, I invite you to join me in thank- HON. BILL HUIZENGA er, I was unavoidably absent on June 18, OF MICHIGAN 2012. If I were present, I would have voted on ing the Rev. Jane Adams Spahr for her many the following: contributions to a stronger and more inclusive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community, and to the ongoing fight for full S. 684, To provide for the conveyance of Tuesday, June 19, 2012 certain parcels of land to the town of Alta, LGBT equality. We wish her every success, Utah—rollcall No. 379: ‘‘yea.’’ and we look forward to the day—closer now Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, S. 404, To modify a land grant patent than ever—when the last vestiges of anti-gay on rollcall No. 309, I was absent due to a fam- issued by the Secretary of the Interior—rollcall discrimination are erased from our laws and ily matter. Had I been present, I would have No. 380: ‘‘yea.’’ from our society. voted ‘‘yes.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19JN8.005 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1071 RECOGNIZING THE RECIPIENTS OF Youth Volunteer Award—Men On a Mission; Born on October 1, 1949 in Lubbock, Texas, THE 2012 SHELTER HOUSE, INC. Youth Volunteer Award—Russ Soper; and Mr. Gregory dedicated 35 years of his life to VOLUNTEER AWARDS Youth Volunteer Award—Alec Powell. public service with the United States Depart- The aforementioned individuals and organi- ment of Agriculture. He was Director and HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY zations certainly deserve special recognition Head Statistician of the National Agricultural OF VIRGINIA for their dedication to Shelter House. How- Statistics Service Mississippi Field Office for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ever, one also must acknowledge the impor- 18 years. He developed programs, systems tance of all Shelter House volunteers, who and publications of great use to the agricul- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 constantly strive to better our community tural community. One of his priorities was to Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I through efforts to provide secure, structured enlist, encourage, and mentor new employees rise to recognize the remarkable efforts of environments, as well as indispensable sup- to secure the future effectiveness of the Agen- Shelter House, Inc., and to congratulate the port, for families in need. These volunteers cy. recipients of the 2012 Volunteer Awards. Shel- and partners allow Shelter House to effectively Mr. Gregory was highly respected in the Na- ter House is a community-based, non-profit or- battle homelessness by empowering families tional Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), ganization that works to break the cycle of to achieve self sufficiency. and was known for making special efforts with homelessness by offering support to those Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me colleges in his area to encourage minority stu- most in need in the Northern Virginia commu- in expressing our sincere appreciation to Shel- dents to apply for work there. He recently re- nity. Shelter House provides crisis interven- ter House and its many volunteers and part- ceived recognition for being the first white man tion, temporary housing, training, counseling, ners. Their selfless work benefits the entire in Mississippi to join the Black Employees of and programs to support self-sufficiency. Of Northern Virginia community and improves the NASS Organization. course, none of this would be possible without lives of many of our neighbors. Additionally, Mr. Gregory was an active and the hard work of its dedicated volunteers. courageous supporter of reforming our na- f Shelter House was founded in 1981 by sev- tion’s broken monetary system. This year the eral ecumenical groups, which came together COMMENDING HOWARD BERMAN Board of Trustees of the American Monetary to better serve low-income individuals and FOR HIS HELP PASSING H. RES. Institute bestowed the Courage of Conviction families. Shelter House operates three shel- 683 Award to him, in honor and lasting memory of ters: The Katherine K. Hanley and the Patrick his active support in promoting monetary re- Henry family shelters, which provide tem- HON. JUDY CHU form for the benefit of all Americans. He is porary housing for local families who become survived by his wife Lanet, his three children OF CALIFORNIA homeless, and Artemis House, Fairfax Coun- Kelsey, Britny, and Garrett, and four grand- ty’s domestic violence shelter. Shelter House IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children. also has transitional housing programs, and it Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me in honor and remembrance of Tommy Greg- provides services for families that have found Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to com- permanent housing. This assistance is vital to ory, a man of unwavering faith and vision who mend HOWARD BERMAN for his help passing H. had the courage to live by his convictions and breaking the cycle of homelessness. Res. 683, an expression of regret for the make a difference. He will be remembered for Volunteers and community partners are es- House passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act sential to the success of Shelter House, as his outstanding and enduring service for the of 1882. Due to a clerical error, Mr. BERMAN greater good. they provide the tools necessary to combat was added as a cosponsor when he should be homelessness. Their time, money, and effort listed as an original cosponsor. f compose the foundation of Shelter House’s HOWARD was a key ally in the passage of commendable work. This year, Shelter House RECOGNIZING NATCA’S 25TH this legislation. Because of his positive rela- has chosen several such individuals and part- ANNIVERSARY tionships with Members across the aisle, he ners to recognize for their outstanding commit- successfully convinced key Republican law- ment to ending homelessness in our commu- makers to support this effort. He was very in- HON. PETER T. KING nity. fluential in getting this bill through the House OF NEW YORK I join Shelter House in commending the fol- Judiciary Committee, and was with me every IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing individuals and organizations being step of the way as we pushed to get a vote Tuesday, June 19, 2012 honored with 2012 Volunteer Awards: on the floor. This effort required a great deal Community Champion—Cooper Ginsberg Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise of negotiation with the Republican leaders in Gray, PLLC; today in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the House. And who was by my side? HOW- Community Champion—Virginia Tire and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association ARD BERMAN! The community couldn’t ask for Auto; (NATCA). a better or more dedicated champion to their Community Partner—Reading Connection; I would like to take this opportunity to thank cause. Community Partner—Southview Community NATCA’s 20,000 controllers, engineers and Church; Representative BERMAN has been a dedi- other safety-related professionals for their tire- Community Partner—Keller Williams, Fairfax cated supporter since the introduction of the less commitment to keeping America’s skies Gateway Office; original resolution H. Res. 282, which he also safe. In particular, I would like to express my Friend of Shelter House—Chantelle Tait; cosponsored. Without HOWARD’s support, we gratitude to New York’s NATCA legislative Friend of Shelter House—Mike Katounis & would not have made history when the House representative and members. The New York Homeworks Painting; unanimously passed an expression of regret Center has over 90% of its members in Friend of Shelter House—Great Falls Wom- for the discriminatory Chinese Exclusion Act NATCA, which speaks to the strength and sol- ens Club; on June 18, 2012. idarity of the organization. Public Service Award—Captain Willie Bailey f Every day, the men and women who work & Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Depart- at control towers, control centers, TRACON fa- IN REMEMBRANCE OF THOMAS ment; cilities and flight service stations make it pos- GREGORY Public Service Award—Kathi Sheffel & sible for 750,000 flyers to travel. Last year, Homeless Liaison Office Tutors of Fairfax these individuals staffed a staggering 134 mil- County Public Schools; HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH lion flight operations. Most importantly, they Public Service Award—Lorraine McLean & OF OHIO operate under a commitment to their motto, the Fairfax County Health Department; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Safety Above All.’’ Building Bridges Building Hope Award— NATCA’s unparalleled dedication to its Lord of Life Lutheran Church; Tuesday, June 19, 2012 members and the flying public has made the Building Bridges Building Hope Award— Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in National Airspace System the best air traffic Diane Jenkins; remembrance of Thomas ‘‘Tommy’’ Gregory, a system in the world. Once again, I thank Building Bridges Building Hope Award—The man who devoted himself to the well-being of NATCA and congratulate its membership on Quilt Patch; his family, friends, community and nation. the group’s 25th anniversary.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.015 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 CONGRATULATIONS TO MS. CHAR- dropping a foot of rain on the city in only 12 ‘‘Taps,’’ a song I have worked tirelessly here LOTTE LANDRETH-MELVILLE ON hours. Small streams overflowed and several in Congress to recognize as the National Song HER 90TH BIRTHDAY dams failed, causing history to repeat itself. of Remembrance for those who have served Water tore through highways, homes, factories our country. HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK and stores. Much like ‘‘The Star-Spangled Banner’’ and OF PENNSYLVANIA The death toll would eventually reach 85 as ‘‘The Stars and Stripes Forever,’’ which were IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a result of the flood. Property damage reached born from the winds of war, ‘‘Taps’’ shares a about $300 million. Hundreds were left home- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 similar history. In July 1862, following the less. Our town was once again reminded of its Seven Days battles, Union General Daniel Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I would like tragic history, opening old wounds and inflict- Butterfield and bugler Oliver Willcox Norton to wish Ms. Charlotte Landreth-Melville, a resi- ing new ones. But not all of the stories from created ‘‘Taps’’ at Berkley Plantation, Virginia, dent of historic Bristol Borough in my home of this flood were sad. as a way to signal the end of daily military ac- Bucks County, Pennsylvania a Happy Birthday The Red Cross and many other non-profit tivities. Since that time, ‘‘Taps’’ has become as she turns 90 on June 25th. agencies, State and Federal Governments, known throughout the United States as part of During her 90 years, Charlotte has seen six- and private individuals rushed to help with the the military honors accorded at funerals, me- teen U.S. presidents take the oath of office, relief efforts. Armond Mascelli was a young morial services, and wreath ceremonies held has honorably served her country in World Red Cross disaster worker who had been as- for members of the uniformed services and signed to the Johnstown relief operation for War II as a member of the Women Marines, veterans who have faithfully served our nation more than a month when he met a young and has traveled the world, and has started her during times of war and peace. attractive Johnstown girl who was volunteering own small business. Charlotte has enjoyed The designation of ‘‘Taps’’ as the National for the Red Cross in the operations. Armond quite a healthy, exciting life. Song of Remembrance is timely because the Over the course of her life, she has climbed and Kathy Lenzi were married 2 years later. Armond was also assigned to the Three 150th anniversary of the writing of ‘‘Taps’’ will to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, trekked be observed with events culminating this through the Sahara Desert, lived on a house- Mile Island nuclear disaster near Harrisburg, PA, in 1979, and was part of the task force at month, June 2012, with a rededication of the boat in India and bicycled all across Europe. Taps Monument at Berkley Plantation, Vir- One way or another, she still managed to find Indiantown Gap near Lebanon, PA, helping the more than 19,000 refugees brought there ginia. I am proud that the House of Represent- time to remain active in her local community atives passed this language as a tribute to as a contributor to the Bristol Pilot Newspaper. during the Cuban Boat Lift in 1980 and 1981. Armond has been part of the Red Cross re- honor those that have fallen in service of our Mr. Speaker, I am honored to speak on country. Charlotte’s behalf today, and I wish her the sponse to a number of major national and very best on this momentous occasion. Char- international disasters over the past four dec- f lotte’s free spirit and dedication to her country ades, including hurricanes Hugo, Andrew, PERSONAL EXPLANATION and community make her a perfect role model Mitch and Katrina, the Loma Prieta and North in today’s society. I wish her many more years Ridge earthquakes and the 1993 flooding in HON. BETTY McCOLLUM of good health, success and happiness. the Midwest. When the floods from Irene rav- aged our State last year, Armond was in the OF MINNESOTA f Red Cross Disaster Operations Center coordi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING THE OUTSTANDING CA- nating the response. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 When asked if it was ever difficult to stay in REER OF RETIRING RED CROSS Ms. McCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I was unable a field that witnesses so much devastation OFFICIAL ARMOND MASCELLI to vote on the following amendments to H.R. and sadness, he said the good work the Red 5325 because I was attending an official event HON. MARK S. CRITZ Cross does was motivation to stay in the job. ‘‘Disaster is unfair, heartbreaking,’’ he said. in my home state of Minnesota with President OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘‘Working for the Red Cross is an opportunity Obama. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to provide assistance to those in need. I’ve On rollcall vote 306, I would have voted Tuesday, June 19, 2012 met a ton of real interesting people—good ‘‘no’’ on the Scalise Amendment. On rollcall vote 307, I would have voted Mr. CRITZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay people—through my years with Red Cross. ‘‘no’’ on the King Amendment. tribute to a son of southwestern Pennsylvania ‘‘The people I work with really believe in the principles of the Red Cross, the mission,’’ he On rollcall vote 308, I would have voted and a tremendous public servant. ‘‘yes’’ on the Moran Amendment. In 1971, a young man named Armond said. ‘‘And our volunteers—they amaze me. It’s neighbor helping neighbor. People in this On rollcall vote 309, I would have voted Mascelli took the advice of his Scranton col- ‘‘no’’ on the Hultgren Amendment. lege professor and went to work for the Amer- country want to help when something hap- pens, it’s part of their makeup. On rollcall vote 310, I would have voted ican Red Cross. Four decades later, after a ‘‘no’’ on the Chaffetz Amendment. distinguished career of philanthropic work that ‘‘Part of being with the Red Cross is to make it better. I’m passing this to someone On rollcall vote 311, I would have voted has taken him to many different parts of the ‘‘no’’ on the McClintock Amendment. world, Armond is set to retire from the Red else for them to make improvements,’’ Mascelli said. ‘‘The Red Cross is always look- On rollcall vote 312, I would have voted Cross as Vice President for Disaster Oper- ‘‘yes’’ on the Kaptur Amendment. ations. ing to the future, to change, to improve. We’re an old organization, but we’re still relevant. I On rollcall vote 313, I would have voted Over the last 41 years, Armond has served ‘‘yes’’ on the Tonko Amendment. on and directed numerous disaster relief oper- attribute that to our mission, our volunteers and adapting to meet the changing needs of On rollcall vote 314, I would have voted ations throughout the United States, Puerto ‘‘yes’’ on the Hahn Amendment. Rico, Central America and the U.S. Virgin Is- those we serve.’’ f lands. He has also served on Red Cross as- Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Armond on his signments in South Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, upcoming retirement and salute his great serv- RECOGNIZING THE ADRIAN CITY Canada, Mexico, Turkey and Guam. ice to our Nation and to the American Red BAND ON THEIR 175TH ANNIVER- Over his long career, there have been many Cross. He and his wife Kathy have my best SARY significant disasters and Armond remembers wishes as they transition into a new phase of them all, particularly the Johnstown, PA, flood their life together. HON. TIM WALBERG f of 1977. OF MICHIGAN Any school child from my district can tell RECOGNIZING THE 150TH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES you about the Great Johnstown Flood of 1889 ANNIVERSARY OF ‘‘TAPS’’ caused by a dam failure which resulted in the Tuesday, June 19, 2012 release of 20 million tons of water into Johns- HON. TOM REED Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to town. The flood killed more than 2,200 people recognize the Adrian City Band as they cele- OF NEW YORK and was the first major disaster relief effort brate their 175th year of providing musical en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES handled by the American Red Cross, led by tertainment to the community of Adrian, Michi- Clara Barton. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 gan. But on July 20, 1977, a line of severe thun- Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- The Adrian City Band is one of the oldest derstorms moved slowly over Johnstown, ognize the 150th anniversary of the writing of continuously organized city bands in the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19JN8.008 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1073 United States, tracing their roots back to 1838. organization. VNA of Central New Jersey later The business acumen of Frances Preston Under the leadership of director Jim Rice, the joined with other organizations, including the was exceeded only by her charisma and band of nearly 80 members recently kicked off Visiting Nurse and Hospice Services and charm, and by the respect, affection and admi- their weekly summer concert series, which will Essex Valley Visiting Nurse Association, and ration her colleagues and peers had for her. feature eight performances with historical partnered with Robert Wood Johnson Univer- She was lauded for her empathy and for the themes. sity Hospital to continue expanding their serv- gracious manner in which she treated every In spite of the down economy and tight city ice area. In 2011, VNA of Central New Jersey person, from the hottest star to the humblest finances, the band members and leadership affiliates and partners unified under the title worker. She was an exceptional executive, have continued the tradition without pay, while Visiting Nurse Association Health Group to leader, role model and friend. the community has supported the band better reflect the organization’s growth. Today, With Frances at its head, BMI grew to rep- through financial donations. the organization and its employees continue to resent over 300,000 American and foreign Community bands are an American tradi- personify compassionate, caring and patient- songwriters, composers and music publishers tion, and for decades, the Adrian City Band centered services to constituents throughout in licensing music, and collecting and distrib- has offered a fine example of this civic pas- New Jersey. uting royalties from play on radio and in tele- time. The Adrian City Band will continue to en- VNA Health Group is New Jersey’s largest vision, films, ads and other media. Its artists tertain and impress with a series of eight con- non-profit community health provider of home represent all types of music and its catalog certs this summer at the Trestle Park health, hospice and community services. contains 4.5 million works. During her 18 bandshell, and they deserve recognition for Today, the VNA remains a volunteer organiza- years as president, its revenue grew more their dedication and sacrifice in bringing enter- tion that assists over 100,000 individuals than three times to more than $625 million. tainment to Southeast Michigan. throughout New Jersey each year. VNA BMI has become an internationally re- f Health Group is accredited by the Community spected leader and a unique success story as Health Accreditation Program, Inc. and con- the entertainment industry has been trans- PERSONAL EXPLANATION tinues to provide outstanding in-home services formed by digital technology and globalization. including certified home health aide services, Sensitive to the changing world of music, HON. VICKY HARTZLER pediatric care, rehabilitative therapy, palliative Frances focused on domestic licensing, for- OF MISSOURI care, tele-health monitoring, geriatric care eign performing rights, legislation for fair com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES management, companion homemaker serv- pensation for writers and publishers, and ices, and nutritional counseling. As a result of copyright protection. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 their outstanding efforts, VNA Health Group is Frances joined BMI in 1958 after working in Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, the proud recipient of the New York Times music and broadcasting in Nashville. She June 18, 2012, I was unable to vote due to a Tribute to Nurses Award and the New Jersey opened BMI’s regional office there, and led conflicting obligation in my district. Had I been Hospice and Palliative Care Association her company to preeminence in the South, present, I would have voted as follows: on roll- Award, among others. signing writers and publishers with roots in call No. 379, ‘‘yea’’; on rollcall No. 380, ‘‘yea.’’ Mr. Speaker, once again, please join me in both country and other types of music. f celebrating the Visiting Nurse Association In 1964, the year the Nashville BMI building Health Group’s 100th Anniversary. The organi- opened on Music Row, Frances became a IN RECOGNITION OF THE VISITING zation has provided exquisite services to con- vice president of BMI—reportedly, the first NURSE ASSOCIATION HEALTH stituents throughout Monmouth County and woman corporate executive in Tennessee. GROUP’S 100TH ANNIVERSARY New Jersey. She has often been called a trailblazer in f the music business but Frances was also a HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. trailblazer among women. She was the first OF NEW JERSEY PERSONAL EXPLANATION woman Rotarian in the State of Tennessee. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She was the first woman to work with the Na- HON. MICHAEL R. TURNER tional Chamber of Commerce. She was one of Tuesday, June 19, 2012 OF OHIO the first four women—and the first business- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES woman—to be invited to join the Friars Club in congratulate the Visiting Nurse Association Tuesday, June 19, 2012 New York and the first woman to serve on (VNA) Health Group as its employees gather their board of governors. to celebrate its 100th anniversary. VNA Health Mr. TURNER of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, on June Frances was an industry pioneer and a Group members continue to exemplify out- 18, 2012, I was unable to vote on rollcall vote compassionate humanitarian who touched the standing dedication to the promotion and res- 380. Had I been present I would have voted lives of many people, and she will be sorely toration of the health status of community indi- ‘‘yea’’ on passage of S. 404. missed. viduals. Their service is truly worthy of this f f body’s recognition. TRIBUTE TO FRANCES PRESTON The Visiting Nurse Association Health PERSONAL EXPLANATION Group was established in 1912 in Lincroft, HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN New Jersey. Within its first decade, the organi- HON. BILL HUIZENGA OF CALIFORNIA zation completed a study of mentally handi- OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES capped children in public schools, launched IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES child welfare programs and established a mo- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Tuesday, June 19, 2012 bile health clinic to assist constituents through- Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am joined by Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Speaker on rollcall No. out Monmouth County, New Jersey. The orga- my colleagues Congressmen STEVE COHEN, 310, I was absent due to a family matter. Had nization adopted the name Monmouth County JIM COOPER, MARSHA BLACKBURN, JERROLD I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Organization for Social Services (MCOSS) in NADLER, HOWARD COBLE, LAMAR SMITH, BAR- f 1918 and maintained their focus on improving NEY FRANK, and JOHN CONYERS to honor the healthcare needs for women and children. The life and memory of one of the First Ladies of EXPRESSING REGRET FOR PAS- agency acquired the Visiting Nurses Associa- American music, Frances W. Preston, the SAGE OF LAWS ADVERSELY AF- tion in Middlesex County in 1988 and ex- former president and Chief Executive Officer FECTING THE CHINESE IN THE panded their services to include the constitu- of Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI). UNITED STATES ents of Middlesex County; later that year, the Frances Preston was a trailblazer who New Jersey hospice care program was cer- opened up doors of opportunity for a new gen- SPEECH OF tified by Medicaid and served more than 1,500 eration of female executives in the music and HON. JUDY BIGGERT patients and their families. entertainment industries. No barriers stopped OF ILLINOIS In December 1993, the organization adopt- Frances in advocating for songwriters’ rights, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed the name Visiting Nurse Association of and on Capitol Hill, her tireless advocacy was Central New Jersey; the new name allowed critical in protecting the music industry. Her Monday, June 18, 2012 for the establishment of a governing board counsel was indispensible and we sought it Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in and the ability to raise funds on behalf of the often. strong support of House Resolution 683. This

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.020 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 resolution expresses the regret of the House St. Thomas Aquinas Church was built in admirers in wishing her a very happy 100th of Representatives for laws that unfairly tar- 1922 as a place for working men and women birthday and continued good health and happi- geted the Chinese community in the United of Southeast Pennsylvania to gather to pray. ness for years to come. States, specifically the Chinese Exclusion Act. Funded by the generosity of the local commu- f I want to thank my good friend from Cali- nity and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Fr. fornia, Ms. CHU, for her hard work and deter- Nolan founded this parish to unify the commu- RECOGNITION OF THE D.C. DIVAS mination in bringing this important resolution to nities of Croydon, Bristol, and Bensalem. FOOTBALL TEAM the floor, and I am proud to join her as the St. Thomas Aquinas Church was named lead cosponsor of this historic effort. after the 13th century Sicilian theologian. A HON. JACK KINGSTON America’s strength has always been derived prominent member of the Dominican Order, OF GEORGIA from our commitment to the principles of our St. Thomas Aquinas revolutionized philosophy, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES founders. And although we do not always suc- modern political theory, and ethical morality. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 ceed in living up to those ideals, we contin- Many consider his most notable work, Summa ually strive to do so, and we become stronger Theologica, to be one of the foundations of Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in the process. the Catholic faith and modern theology. His recognize the D.C. Divas Football team for Today, we have the opportunity to take an- contributions to intellectual thought have al- their eleventh season and on returning to the other important step by recognizing one of the lowed him to become the patron saint of aca- Women’s Football Association for the 2012 great—yet often overlooked—injustices in our demics and Catholic schools. season. This year marks the 40th Anniversary shared history. Although St. Thomas Aquinas Church has of Title IX of the Education Amendments of One-hundred and thirty years ago, just thir- struggled through some setbacks in the past 1972, which protects people from discrimina- teen years after the last spike was driven into few years, the current pastor, Fr. Mike Davis, tion based on gender. Passage of Title IX has the first transcontinental railroad, the Congress has made it his mission to unify the commu- helped to make it possible for teams like the of the United States strayed from the path laid nity. By recommitting his church to its original D.C. Divas to accomplish great success and by our founders and implemented the Chinese mission, Fr. Mike has rallied his parishioners serve as a role model for young girls. Exclusion Act of 1882. to persevere through the recent closing of The D.C. Divas were established in 2000, This ten-year ban on Chinese immigration their elementary school, and unveil a major with the first season beginning in the spring of and naturalization targeted Chinese immi- renovation effort to improve their facilities. 2001. They have been a strong team with nine grants for physical and political exclusion, and Completed solely by the parishioners them- winning seasons and eight division titles. The its passage was driven by an unfortunate mix selves, the new refurbishments not only up- D.C. Divas are currently celebrating as the of racism, jingoism, and intolerance. date the facility’s technology, but also display 2012 Division Champions. The team won the In subsequent years, Congress expanded beautiful religious paintings and depictions NWFA Championship in 2006 after completing and hardened these laws, making it impos- from history. a perfect season. sible for legal Chinese workers to reenter As we look back on the past 90 years of Not only have they been strong on the field, America, apply for citizenship, and reunite with commitment and service to the communities of but they are actively involved within the D.C. their families. And it wasn’t until the U.S.-Chi- Bristol and Croydon, I only hope that the fu- and Maryland communities. Members of the nese alliance of World War Two that Congress ture continues to bring more prosperity to St. team have participated in Recess by the River finally repealed these laws and restored the Thomas Aquinas Church. I am proud to stand since the program began, helping educate rights of Chinese-Americans. with Fr. Mike, his parishioners, and the mem- kids on active living to prevent child obesity Since that time, this body has passed many bers of my district in celebrating the 90th anni- with kids from Ward 8. The team has also reforms. Yet, over 100 years later, this cham- versary of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catho- supported the Maryland Network Against Do- ber has yet to acknowledge its own misguided lic Church. mestic Violence, the Northern Virginia Ronald actions. Today, we have the opportunity to do f McDonald House, and the Special Olympics of just that and reaffirm our shared commitment Northern Virginia. These are only some of the to equality. HONORING MRS. LUCILE many organizations in which the D.C. Divas Mr. Speaker, I also would like to thank JOHNSON’S 100TH BIRTHDAY are actively involved. Linda Yang, the Director of the Xilin [SI-LIN] I congratulate the D.C. Divas for their ac- Asian Community Center in Naperville, Illinois, HON. DAVID SCOTT complishments on and off the field over the whose advice and input has helped to drive OF GEORGIA past twelve years. This is a great team that this resolution to the floor. provides an athletic outlet for the people of It was she who told me about the individuals IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Washington, D.C. and the surrounding areas. in our own community whose parents and Tuesday, June 19, 2012 I wish them the best during the rest of their grandparents were impacted by the Chinese Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, season and the many seasons to come. Exclusion Act. I rise today to honor Mrs. Lucile Johnson on f Unfortunately, many of these victims are no her remarkable 100th birthday, June 19, 2012. longer with us. But for those who remain, it is Lucile has lived in Atlanta for all 100 years of TO RECOGNIZE THE 2012 LORDS critical to address this issue now, before the her wonderful life—she was blessed with 65 AND LADIES FAIRFAX opportunity is lost forever. years of marriage to her late husband Earl With that in mind, I urge all of my col- Johnson, and she is the proud and loving HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY leagues to support this important resolution. mother of 6 children, grandmother of 15, great Through it, let us acknowledge the past, ex- OF VIRGINIA grandmother of 20, and last but certainly not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES press our regret, and promote a greater ap- least: great great grandmother of 1. preciation for the challenges that past genera- Lucile has been a driven and caring person Tuesday, June 19, 2012 tions of Chinese Americans have bravely her entire life and worked diligently at the Bilt- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I overcome. more Hotel in Atlanta for many years to pro- rise to recognize a dedicated group of men f vide for her family. As a passionate member and women in Northern Virginia. For the past IN HONOR OF THE 90TH ANNIVER- of her community, Lucile graciously chose to 28 years, each member of the Fairfax County SARY OF ST. THOMAS AQUINAS volunteer with her church missionary group in Board of Supervisors has selected two people ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH feeding the homeless of Atlanta for decades. from his or her district who have demonstrated Lucile is the matriarch of her ever-growing an exceptional commitment to our community. HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK family and has helped to raise many of her Since the program’s inception in 1984, nearly grand children and great grandchildren. The 500 individuals have been recognized as a OF PENNSYLVANIA comfort and advice she provides to her family Lord or Lady Fairfax by their representative on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is truly treasured and matchless. the Board of Supervisors. I was pleased to Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mr. Speaker, Lucile Johnson is an out- take part in this annual ritual and recognize Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker I rise today standing member of the community in my Dis- many outstanding community volunteers dur- to recognize and celebrate the 90th anniver- trict and has served as an exceptional role ing my 14 years on the Board. sary of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic model for her family and many others. I am Individuals recognized as Lords and Ladies Church in Bristol, Pennsylvania. delighted to join her family, friends and many of Fairfax have made significant contributions

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.026 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1075 in their communities. This year, the Fairfax became the largest NAACP branch in the TRIBUTE TO BRANDON A. THEISEN County Board of Supervisors recognized out- Eastern region, with more than 6,000 mem- standing individuals who have made tremen- bers, and has received annual national awards HON. TOM LATHAM for program activity. dous impacts through their support of our pub- OF IOWA lic schools, parks, youth sports leagues, arts Affectionately known to many of us as Chief IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community, public safety providers, and or simply Annie B, Dr. Martin was a devoted human service programs. It is nearly impos- and dedicated member of the NAACP National Tuesday, June 19, 2012 sible to fully describe the diversity of accom- Board of Directors. With her soft, but out- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to plishments by the honorees. Their efforts con- spoken voice she led by example and with recognize and congratulate Brandon Theisen tribute greatly to the quality of life for the resi- dignity. Annie B was my very dear friend and of Granger, Iowa for achieving the rank of dents of Fairfax County and should be com- ally, and on behalf of my wife Alma, my sister Eagle Scout. Hazel Dukes and our beloved Village of Har- mended. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest ad- lem, our nation has lost another soldier and The following individuals have been recog- vancement rank in scouting. Only about 5 per- angel of the civil rights and labor movement nized as Lord and Lady Fairfax honorees for cent of Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout that dedicated her entire life fighting and 2012. Each of these individuals was selected Award. The award is a performance-based speaking out against injustices and inequality. as a result of his or her outstanding volunteer achievement with high standards that have Dr. Martin committed her 91 years plus life to service, heroism, or other special achieve- been well-maintained over the past century. making our world an equal playing field for all ments. These individuals have earned our To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout to inspire and attain, and I will deeply miss my praise and appreciation. is obligated to pass specific tests that are or- At Large: Lady Kathy Albarado and Lord beloved friend and freedom sister. Annie B. Martin was a native of Eastover, ganized by requirements and merit badges, as Delbert Sheads. well as completing an Eagle Project to benefit Braddock District: Lady Tessie Wilson and South Carolina and was the seventh of eight children, which were born to Jacob and the community. Brandon’s project involved a Lord Doug Brammer. complete reinstallation of a retaining wall at Dranesville District: Lady Jacqueline D. Tay- Queenie Martin. She was a graduate of Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina and Jester Park, which included removing an exist- lor and Lord Robert H. Jackson. ing wall and constructing a new one. The work Hunter Mill District: Lady Jenifer Joy Mad- earned a Master’s Degree in both social work and guidance counseling from New York Uni- ethic Brandon has shown in his Eagle Project, den and Lord Frank de la Fe. and every other project leading up to his Lee District: Lady Martha Lloyd and Lord versity. Dr. Martin was an important and domi- nant voice in the American labor movement, Eagle Scout rank, speaks volumes of his com- Don Hinman. mitment to serving a cause greater than him- Mason District: Lady Sue Hotto and Lord including service as executive board member of the Central Labor Council, self and assisting his community. Ben Hester. Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young Mt. Vernon District: Lady Diana York and AFL-CIO, and first vice president of the Black Trade Unionists Leadership Committee of the man and his supportive family demonstrates Lord James C. Rees. the rewards of hard work, dedication and per- Providence District: Lady Vivian Morgan- New York City Central Labor Council. Dr. Mar- tin served as New York assistant commis- severance. I am honored to represent Bran- Mendez and Lord Mark D. Meana. sioner of labor under former Governors Nelson don and his family in the United States Con- Springfield District: Lady Breeana G. Aldrich Rockefeller, Charles Malcolm Wilson gress. I know that all of my colleagues in the Bomhorst and Lord Robert Scott Brown. and Hugh Carey. House will join me in congratulating him in ob- Sully District: Lady Jennifer Campbell and She also served as senior extension asso- taining the Eagle Scout ranking, and will wish Lord John R. Cleveland. ciate of Cornell University’s School of Indus- him continued success in his future education I also commend the following recipients of trial and Labor Relations; secretary-treasurer and career. two additional awards; the James M. Scott of Local 8–138, Oil, Chemical & Atomic Work- Community Spirit Award and the Celebrate ers Union; and adjunct professor at Columbia, f Fairfax! Festival Volunteer of the Year Award. Fordham and New York Universities. The James M. Scott Community Spirit Award SANFORD COMMUNITY ADULT As director of labor participation for the EDUCATION recognizes a sponsor, organization or indi- American Red Cross in Greater New York, at vidual who has exemplified strong advocacy the age of 81, Dr. Martin was on duty seven and commitment to Celebrate Fairfax, Inc. and days a week after the terrorist attack on Amer- HON. CHELLIE PINGREE its efforts to develop community through ica on September 11, 2001, serving as liaison OF MAINE events, and the Celebrate Fairfax! Festival between labor, the Red Cross and the NYFD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Volunteer of the Year Award selects one vol- and NYPD departments. This remarkable Tuesday, June 19, 2012 unteer out of 1500 to be recognized for ex- woman coordinated survival and job-place- Ms. PINGREE of Maine. Mr. Speaker, I traordinary efforts to ensure that the festival, ment issues for hundreds of members of orga- which will be held this weekend at the county nized labor and personally processed 290 would like to congratulate this year’s grad- government center, and affiliated CFI pro- claims for American Red Cross Emergency uates of Sanford Community Adult Education grams are successful. Family Gifts to families’ beneficiaries who lost programs in Sanford, Maine. These men and f members at ‘‘Ground Zero.’’ Dr. Martin, free- women have worked incredibly hard to earn dom’s mother of labor, was always there to their GEDs, high school diplomas, and work IN CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF serve her community and our great country. skills certificates, and I am thrilled to see their OUR BELOVED FREEDOM FIGHT- Dr. Annie B. Martin now takes her place in efforts come to fruition. ER AND FREEDOM SISTER DR. history alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I commend these graduates for having the ANNIE B. MARTIN Medgar Evers, Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks, Percy courage to recommit to their education after Ellis Sutton and Freedom Sisters Harriet Tub- months or even years since last stepping in a HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL man, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Fannie Lou Hamer, classroom. Doing so, they have had to deal OF NEW YORK Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, Ella Jo Baker, with a unique set of challenges, including bal- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dorothy Irene Height, Shirley Chisholm, Bar- ancing school work with careers and families. With their education comes opportunity. I Tuesday, June 19, 2012 bara Charline Jordan, Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King and the countless of extraordinary am excited about the new doors that will open Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to African American Women and Men who have for these graduates with their diplomas and mourn the loss of our National Association for given so much of their entire lives and life- certificates in hand. I wish them the best of the Advancement of Colored People’s life-long work to preserving freedom and equality for all luck as they pursue their goals, whether that freedom fighter and freedom sister, Dr. Annie of us and our nation’s children. is starting a business, getting a promotion, or B. Martin. Dr. Martin served an unprecedented Mr. Speaker, as I stand before you today, I simply setting a good example for their chil- sixteen terms as President of the historic ask you to join me and my colleagues in re- dren. NAACP New York Branch, also known as the membering the life of our beloved Freedom I also want to thank the teachers and ad- Harlem Branch; the first chartered Branch of Fighter, Dr. Annie B. Martin. Her compassion ministrators of the program, and all the family NAACP’s National Association, which cele- and dedication to her community serves as a members and friends who supported these brated its Centennial Anniversary in 2011. model for all Americans, our nation and the students. This accomplishment is theirs as Under her leadership, the New York Branch world. well.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.027 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 PERSONAL EXPLANATION HONORING JUNETEENTH INDE- THE HUMAN COST OF THE WAR IN PENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION AFGHANISTAN HON. BILL HUIZENGA OF MICHIGAN HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to on rollcall No. 311, I was absent due to a fam- Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with honor Juneteenth Independence Day Celebra- ily matter. Had I been present, I would have deep sadness and regret: we have reached tion. Juneteenth, celebrated on the 19th of voted ‘‘yes.’’ 2,000 American troop deaths in the War in Af- June, is a holiday that celebrates the emanci- ghanistan—a war we needlessly continue to pation of African Americans from slavery but f fight. My sincerest condolences go out to the has come to signify much more. It is cele- families, friends, and communities who have TO RECOGNIZE JIM HINKLE FOR brated in June, the month that the last African lost loved ones to a war I have ardently op- SERVICE AS THE PRESIDENT OF Americans were informed of their Emanci- posed for the past 11 years. THE MANTUA CITIZEN’S ASSO- pation. Americans are not alone in our loss. As of CIATION During the Civil War, President Abraham summer 2011, conservative estimates indicate Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that anywhere between 30,000 and 45,000 Af- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY on September 22, 1862, which came into ef- ghan civilians have lost their lives to this war. fect on January 1, 1863. Critically, following OF VIRGINIA I will never understand why we continually the conclusion of the Civil War, U.S. Govern- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES squander lives and money to achieve tactical ment officials traversed through the South to or strategic military goals. The cost is simply Tuesday, June 19, 2012 enforce the Proclamation. It was not until June too great; the ends do not justify the means. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I 19th, 1865, in Galveston, TX, that Union Gen- Seventy percent of Americans want a com- rise to recognize Mr. Jim Hinkle and to con- eral Gordon Granger declared freedom for the plete and early withdrawal of troops from Af- gratulate him as he completes his tenure as last major vestige of slavery in the United ghanistan, according to a recent Rasmussen the President of the Mantua Citizens’ Associa- States, marking one of the proudest days in all poll. Yet we do not listen, so more lives are tion, MCA. of African American history. lost in this nonsensical war. I hope that some- Mr. Speaker, Juneteenth Independence Day Like other home owners associations, the day soon we will finally bring home our troops is a holiday that should not go without note. MCA responds to the needs of its residents, and help restore peace to the nation of Af- This date represents a crucial milestone in Af- circulates local news, and coordinates volun- ghanistan. rican American history and demonstrates the teer services and community projects. As a f former president of the MCA myself, I know evolution of our Nation over the last century firsthand the time and effort Mr. Hinkle has de- and a half. Today, Juneteenth commemorates CONGRATULATING HUNTER voted to helping improve our community and African American freedom and emphasizes WRIGHT maintain its rich quality of life. education and achievement. I encourage all of During his tenure, Mr. Hinkle has tackled my constituents to take part in the day’s fes- HON. JEFF DENHAM tivities and also to reflect on the values of self- local environmental, safety, and road mainte- OF CALIFORNIA improvement, assessment, and future-planning nance challenges. The nearby fuel tanker farm IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continues to be a perennial concern, particu- which are consistent with the spirit of Tuesday, June 19, 2012 larly given recent spills and accidents. Mr. Juneteenth. Hinkle has demonstrated effective leadership, f Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to collaborating with local, state and federal au- RECOGNIZING THE FIFTEENTH AN- congratulate Fresno resident Hunter Wright thorities, including the Environmental Protec- NUAL PLATTSBURGH RELAY upon being named a recipient of Pacific Gas tion Agency and my office. Thanks to our co- FOR LIFE & Electric Company’s (PG&E) 2012 Bright ordinated efforts, improved safety measures Minds Scholarship, a prestigious academic are being implemented. HON. WILLIAM L. OWENS scholarship awarded to a small number of Whether it’s projects large or small, Mr. California high school students each year. OF NEW YORK Miss Wright is one of 8,060 students from Hinkle has demonstrated a passion for com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munity service. After the severe winter storms PG&E’s Northern and Central California serv- of 2010, he proposed a community service Tuesday, June 19, 2012 ice area to apply for the $30,000 Bright Minds project for a local Boy Scout troop. The Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Scholarship this year. The scholarship is re- Scouts identified deficiencies in the neighbor- recognize the fifteenth annual Plattsburgh newable for up to four additional years. As hood roads and made a presentation to the Relay for Life. one of eight winners, Miss Wright joins a high- Virginia Department of Transportation, VDOT, This event has not only strived for years to ly select group of students participating in the which organized the necessary repairs. raise money and awareness in an effort to utility company’s largest scholarship program. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me eradicate cancer, but it serves as a tribute to Miss Wright was informed of her scholarship in commending Mr. Hinkle for his tremendous all those who have bravely fought this tragic award while sitting in her Advanced Placement service to the Mantua community. Though his disease. English class, when Edison High School ad- tenure as president has come to a close, I am This annual event honors the courageous ministrators and representatives from PG&E confident we will continue to benefit from his efforts these individuals have demonstrated in bearing a banner, balloons, cupcakes, and an contributions. their fight for life and remembers those that oversize check surprised her. Her parents, Do- have lost the battle. Tonight we especially re- reen and Dave Wright, were also present for f member our dear friend, Marie Guay, who lost the announcement. her brave fight with cancer last year. As the Miss Wright graduated from Edison High PERSONAL EXPLANATION former Relay for Life Survivor Chair, Marie de- School on June 12, 2012. In addition to excel- voted countless hours ensuring that cancer ling in academics, she actively participated in HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO survivors were honored and celebrated. So to- cross-country, lacrosse, tennis, and regularly OF HAWAII night we remember all of her efforts and to- volunteered for various community causes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gether honor her memory. Miss Wright will attend the University of Miami With gratitude, we acknowledge the work of this fall, where she plans to study English. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 the entire Relay for Life committee and its par- She aspires to be an English professor. Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No.: ticipants. I commend each and every one of In addition to her academic and career 371, ‘‘no;’’ 372, ‘‘no;’’ 373, ‘‘no;’’ 374, ‘‘no;’’ you for keeping the valiant struggle of these goals, Miss Wright hopes to continue traveling 375, ‘‘no;’’ 376, ‘‘yes;’’ 377, ‘‘yes;’’ 378, ‘‘no.’’ individuals in all our memories and working to the world to do volunteer work. Had I been present, I would have voted as in- ensure that more people survive cancer and Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring dicated. are able to celebrate another birthday. Miss Hunter Wright of Fresno, California, for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.031 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1077 her impressive academic accomplishments. I work in careers focused on protecting the en- players were selected for seven spots on the congratulate her upon being named a recipient vironment. state 5A all tournament team. Those players of PG&E’s 2012 Bright Minds Scholarship and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues join me in include Kristen Davenport, Jo Rivera, Caitlin wish her the best of success in her future en- congratulating the 2012 Hidden Pond Plocheck, Lexi Fryar, Alexis Garcia, Haley deavors. Envirothon Team for their performance in the Harrison, and Alana Tinker. Kristen Davenport f Virginia State Envirothon Competition. was named the championship’s Most Valuable f Player, MVP, and also the Houston Chron- PERSONAL EXPLANATION icle’s Girl Athlete of the Week for June 3, CONGRATULATING THE NATIONAL 2012. Caitlin Plocheck was also nominated for HON. BILL HUIZENGA AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AS- the Houston Chronicle’s Girl Athlete of the SOCIATION ON ITS 25TH ANNI- OF MICHIGAN Week. VERSARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congratulations to the Lady Deer Softball Team from Deer Park High School for winning Tuesday, June 19, 2012 HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN the 2012 State Championship in Texas. We Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, OF MARYLAND are all very proud of your outstanding achieve- on rollcall No. 312, I was absent due to a fam- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment! ily matter. Had I been present, I would have f voted ‘‘no.’’ Tuesday, June 19, 2012 HONORING SGT JOSEPH ANGEL Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today f CAPOCCIAMA to congratulate the National Air Traffic Control- RECOGNIZING THE 2012 HIDDEN lers Association on the 25th anniversary of the POND ENVIROTHON TEAM Union’s founding. HON. STEVE STIVERS NATCA represents more than 20,000 air OF OHIO HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY traffic controllers and other aviation safety pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA fessionals who run the safest, most efficient Tuesday, June 19, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES air traffic control system in the world. These Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Tuesday, June 19, 2012 men and women are dedicated aviation pro- honor Sergeant Joseph Angel Capocciama. fessionals who come to work every day know- Sergeant Capocciama passed away on Sun- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I ing that they have to perform their jobs with day, May 20, 2012, from complications of inju- rise to recognize the 2012 Hidden Pond 100 percent accuracy 100 percent of the time. ries sustained in service to his country in Iraq. Envirothon Team and congratulate them on The American people entrust their lives and The son of Alan and Maria Capocciama, Jo- achieving Second Place in the Virginia State the lives of their loved ones to NATCA mem- seph Angel Capocciama was born on May 29, Envirothon Competition. bers each and every time they step on an air- 1987, and raised in Grove City, Ohio. He The Envirothon Competition promotes prob- plane. This is a responsibility that NATCA graduated from Grove City High School in lem-solving among high school students in the takes seriously. Since NATCA’s founding in 2005. A true patriot, Sergeant Capocciama areas of forestry, wildlife, soils, aquatics, and 1987, the United States National Airspace joined the United States Army on May 23, other current environmental issues. What is System has maintained its record as the 2006, just one week before his 19th birthday. most unique about the competition is the op- safest airspace in the world. While proudly serving his country in Iraq, portunity to work in the field with access to ac- Mr. Speaker, NATCA’s 20,000 FAA aviation Sergeant Capocciama received the Army tual natural resource professionals. The com- safety professionals are dedicated federal em- Commendation Medal, Army Achievement petition aims to foster stewardship, improve ployees. Our nation’s incredible aviation safety Medal, Valorous Unit Award, Army Good Con- management concepts and communication record is due in part to the fact that these men duct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, skills, and promote critical thinking, decision and women are federal employees whose Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Iraq making, and team building. number one priority is to ensure the safety of Campaign Medal with Campaign Star, Army This year’s members of the Hidden Pond the flying public. I applaud NATCA on this re- Service Ribbon, and Overseas Service Rib- Envirothon Team are Liam Berigan (Robinson markable achievement and congratulate them bon. He retired from the Army on April 7, HS), Matt Baker (W. T. Woodson HS), Murjan on their 25th anniversary. 2010. Hammad (home-schooled), Owan Mulvey- f It is because of the sacrifices of men like McFerron (W. T. Woodson HS), and Peter Joseph Capocciama that we continue to enjoy MacDonald (West Springfield HS), with Coach CONGRATULATING THE DEER the freedoms that we do today. I am deeply Neal MacDonald. The team won first place in PARK HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL thankful for all that Sergeant Capocciama en- the local Fairfax County Envirothon Competi- TEAM dured to preserve our freedom and for his her- tion as well as at the Area II Regional Com- oism. He is survived by his wife, Kayla, and petition. This allowed the team to move on to HON. PETE OLSON his children, Joseph Angel Capocciama, Jr. competition at the state level at James Madi- OF TEXAS and Cheyenne Faith Capocciama, for whom son University in Harrisonburg. While com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he set an inspiring example of service and pa- peting against the top 15 teams from across triotism. Virginia, the Hidden Pond Envirothon Team Tuesday, June 19, 2012 On behalf of the citizens of Ohio’s 15th placed second for the second year in a row. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Congressional District I would like to honor the This year’s oral presentation focus was titled congratulate the Deer Park High School Soft- service and memory of SGT Joseph Angel ‘‘Low Impact Development and Nonpoint ball Team for becoming the 2012 5A State Capocciama. Source Pollution,’’ for which the team placed Champions. Winning the state championship f first. Hidden Pond also placed first in the wild- is a great accomplishment that takes an in- A TRIBUTE TO DR. STEVEN life category, second place in the aquatics cat- credible amount of effort, dedication and team- LADENHEIM egory, and third place in the forestry category. work from every player. This win is Deer Park I would like to offer special thanks to Mike High School’s first state championship title McCaffrey and Jim Pomeroy. Mr. McCaffrey since 1955. Our entire community is proud of HON. ROBERT A. BRADY has coordinated the Envirothon Program at the Deer Park Lady Deer’s success and hard OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Hidden Pond Nature Center for many work to bring home the state trophy. years. His efforts have enabled the team to In addition to winning the state champion- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 compete at the state level as Hidden Pond is ship, the Deer Park Lady Deer had an impres- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I typically the only team not sponsored by a sive season record of 31–8, with a district rise today to recognize Dr. Steven Ladenheim. high school. Mr. Pomeroy has served as Hid- record of 8–2. In the state semi-final game, For the past 34 years, Dr. Ladenheim has den Pond’s Site Manager, supporting the the team set a state tournament record for the served the city of Philadelphia with his exten- Envirothon Team with great enthusiasm. most runs scored in a single inning by scoring sive knowledge of otolaryngology. Through their commitment and encourage- ten runs in the fifth inning of the game. A graduate of the Medical College of Penn- ment to this program, many of the students The talent that exists on this team is excep- sylvania, now known as Drexel University Col- have gone on to become local volunteers or tional. Out of ten eligible spots, Deer Park lege of Medicine, he has won multiple awards

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.037 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012

in his field. He is an accomplished surgeon, a MORAN (VA–8th), to recognize COL John J. Achievement Medal, the Army Achievement clinical assistant professor at the University of Strycula for his service to our Nation and his Medal, and the Parachutist and Air Assault Pennsylvania, and an entrepreneur with a extraordinary leadership as Commander, U.S. Badges. highly successful private practice. Dr. Army Garrison, Fort Belvoir. Mr. Speaker, we ask our colleagues to join Ladenheim recently retired as medical director On July 7, 2010, COL Strycula assumed us in commending COL John J. Strycula for for Blue Cross, and spent 20 years in practice command of Fort Belvoir, which is located in his exceptional leadership of Fort Belvoir at Presbyterian Hospital, as well as Nazareth the shadow of the Nation’s capital and one of through the BRAC process, and in thanking Hospital and Hahnemann Hospital. the most diverse and complex installations in him for his years of service to our country. Dr. Ladenheim succeeded through hard the United States. In addition to the monu- COL Strycula’s accomplishments and exper- work and sacrifice. In order to become a doc- mental responsibilities of providing support, tise have contributed immeasurably to our na- tor he served in the military during the Viet- services, and a high level quality of life to tional defense and security, and he has right- nam War to pay his way through medical service members, their families, and related fully earned the admiration, respect, and grati- school. Throughout his career, he has created support providers of more than 200,000 peo- tude of all. We also extend our sincere appre- programs of outreach to the underserved com- ple, he was immediately immersed into the ciation to COL Strycula’s wife, Wendy, and munity of Philadelphia, donating medical serv- most complicated Base Realignment and Clo- their 5 children for their support and sacrifices, ices and medicine to families and children who sure mission within the Department of De- which have enabled COL Strycula to serve are denied access to health care. Taking the fense. with such distinction. COL Strycula will soon Hippocratic Oath to heart, Dr. Ladenheim is COL Strycula assumed personal steward- renowned for treating patients regardless of ship of all aspects of realignment under BRAC be deploying to Afghanistan, and our thoughts ability to pay, and to help those in need with- 2005. To accomplish the many aspects of this and prayers are with him and his family for his out any thought to his own benefit. mission, he oversaw the activities of 150 mis- safe return home. In addition to all of his accomplishments in sion partners on more than $4 billion in con- the field of medicine, he has maintained a struction and infrastructure improvement f strong family life with his wife and three projects needed to accommodate the increase IN HONOR OF GEDLU METAFERIA daughters, as well as a notable presence with- of installation population from 30,000 to in the community. 48,000 military and civilian personnel. Belvoir Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other North, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, the HON. RUSS CARNAHAN distinguished colleagues join me in recog- Wounded Warrior Complex, the USO Family OF MISSOURI nizing Dr. Steven Ladenheim for his contribu- Support Center, expansion of housing units in- tions to the city of Philadelphia and to the cluding state of the art handicapped-acces- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES medical community. sible housing, child care centers, roads, Tuesday, June 19, 2012 f bridges, fire stations, office buildings, and Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL parking structures are examples of projects to recognize Mr. Gedlu Metaferia, for his dec- DEBT completed under the careful watch of COL Strycula. ades of service to the people of the St. Louis, HON. MIKE COFFMAN The ‘‘brick and mortar’’ component of BRAC Missouri. OF COLORADO 2005 tells only part of the story; as impressive Mr. Metaferia started the African Mutual As- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as these accomplishments are, the manner in sistance Association of Missouri, AMAAM, on which COL Strycula led the men and women Tuesday, June 19, 2012 April 10, 1983 and for nearly 30 years has under his command and the mission partners helped over 30,000 African immigrants and Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, demonstrate the depth of his professionalism refugees settle into the St. Louis metropolitan on January 20, 2009, the day President and commitment. His open and engaging area. Today St. Louis is home to almost 6,400 Obama took office, the national debt was command climate encouraged initiative and in- African immigrants and refugees. $10,626,877,048,913.08. novation. He has been fully involved in ad- Today, it is $15,776,139,241,010.39. We’ve As Executive Director, Mr. Metaferia skillfully dressing and resolving community issues, both managed the day-to-day operations of his or- added $5,149,262,192,097.31 to our debt in in the neighboring community and in the mili- just over 3 years. This is debt our Nation, our ganization, and he successfully led it toward tary community. COL Strycula successfully the fulfillment of its mission to provide cul- economy, and our children could have avoided formed consensus among the various stake- with a balanced budget amendment. turally and linguistically appropriate social Forty-eight years ago today, the Civil Rights holders on contentious issues, and he estab- services to African refugees and immigrants. Act was approved. This act provided for a lished strong relationships of mutual respect The work of this organization includes: assist- brighter future for all Americans. We must not with elected and executive leaders in the local, ance with applications and insurance forms, State, and Federal Governments. mediation, education about civic participation, eclipse the hope included in this legislation The first and most important priority for COL interpretation during medical visits, transpor- with the grim future of debt repayment. Strycula consistently has been the care and tation, and locating housing. Sadly, we are all f wellbeing of our soldiers and their families. aware of the plight of refugees and other dis- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Through his outstanding leadership, vision, placed communities; therefore, I am eternally and total dedication to soldiers, families, and grateful for the adjustment assistance provided civilians, he has profoundly impacted and HON. BILL HUIZENGA by Mr. Metaferia and his organization. OF MICHIGAN Unproved the quality of life for all at Fort IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Belvoir. Serving our country in uniform, at Mr. Metaferia’s efforts have fostered a Tuesday, June 19, 2012 home or in harm’s way on foreign soil, is the greater appreciation of diversity, and have ad- vanced ethnic inclusion in the St. Louis com- Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, highest of callings, and it is our sacred obliga- munity. Moreover, he remains active in the on rollcall No. 313, I was absent due to a fam- tion to ensure that our military and their fami- community as a poet, freelance writer, human ily matter. Had I been present, I would have lies receive the support, protections, respect, rights activist, advocate for refugee and immi- voted ‘‘no.’’ and services that they have earned. grant rights, and a member on several non- f Prior to his assignment as Commander of Fort Belvoir, he served in numerous capacities profit boards. Mr. Metaferia has led by exam- TO COMMEND COLONEL JOHN J. including several tours of duty in Operation ple and demonstrates resilience as a pillar of STRYCULA Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. strength, sound judgment, and compassion. COL Strycula stood up and trained the Army’s Mr. Metaferia has dedicated his life to serv- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY first Military Intelligence Interrogation Battalion, ing and promoting the welfare of others, and OF VIRGINIA which he then led in Operation Iraqi Freedom. he has exemplified extraordinary commitment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COL Strycula is a highly decorated officer; his and selfless dedication. I congratulate Mr. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 awards include the Bronze Star with two oak Gedlu Metaferia on his many accomplish- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I leaf clusters, the Meritorious Service Medal ments, and I thank him for his continued serv- join with my colleague, Congressman JAMES with three oak leaf clusters, the Joint Service ice to our community.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.043 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1079 EXPRESSING REGRET FOR PAS- reassured to know that when we board a A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF THE SAGE OF LAWS ADVERSELY AF- plane, NATCA’s membership will safely guide LIFE OF RICHARD W. LYMAN FECTING THE CHINESE IN THE us home. UNITED STATES Again, I want to commend the National Air Traffic Controllers Association and their lead- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO SPEECH OF ership on a job well done. OF CALIFORNIA HON. EARL BLUMENAUER f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OREGON RECOGNIZING THE 147TH ANNIVER- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SARY OF JUNETEENTH AND THE Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Monday, June 18, 2012 19TH ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE JUNETEENTH FREEDOM Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I strongly AND HERITAGE FESTIVAL IN honor the rich and accomplished life of Rich- support passage of H. Res. 683, an overdue MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE ard W. Lyman, Stanford University’s seventh and needed resolution that expresses the re- president, who died on May 27, 2012, at his gret of the House for passing laws that tar- home in Palo Alto at the age of 88. geted Chinese in the United States, including HON. STEVE COHEN the Chinese Exclusion Act. A previous com- OF TENNESSEE The eloquent words of Stanford University IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mitment has prevented me from being present President John Hennessy bear quoting: ‘‘Dick to vote in support of H. Res. 683 today, but Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Lyman was a man of great strength, integrity, had been present, I most certainly would have Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to common sense and good humor. It was a voted for the Resolution, adding my voice to recognize the 147th anniversary of Juneteenth privilege to know him, and I am deeply sad- the Sense of the House of Representatives in and the 19th annual celebration of the dened by his death. His impact on Stanford expressing regret for the unconscionable Chi- Juneteenth Freedom and Heritage Festival in was profound. He guided the university nese Exclusion Act of 1882. Memphis, Tennessee. This past weekend, we through some of the most turbulent years in its That Act stands as an example of the intol- celebrated Juneteenth, which is the oldest history, and under his leadership, Stanford not erance against which Americans must con- known celebration of the ending of slavery. only survived, it flourished. He had an un- stantly fight to achieve the ideals on which our Juneteenth commemorates African-American swerving belief in academic freedom and uni- nation was founded. We can’t ignore our freedom and emphasizes education and versities, and he inspired that commitment in country’s history of exclusion and discrimina- achievement. others. We are very fortunate—and certainly tion based on identity and country of origin. On June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon the better—for having known him and for hav- But today, the House’s expression of regret for Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and an- ing his courageous, committed leadership and the past and apology to Chinese Americans is nounced in the town square that all slaves service to Stanford.’’ were free. Although this came nearly 3 years an important milestone in our nation’s ongoing Richard Lyman was born in 1923 in Penn- moral journey. This resolution, insufficient to after the issuance of the Emancipation Procla- sylvania and was raised in New Haven, Con- repair the historical harm caused by such mation, the newly freed men and women re- necticut. His father was an attorney and his laws, does serve to recognize past wrongs joiced in the streets with jubilant celebrations, mother a French teacher. His education at and to remind us of our continuing work en- and thus, the Juneteenth holiday was born. Swarthmore College was interrupted by three suring inclusion and equality for all. The theme of this year’s Memphis Juneteenth While I could not be present to add my sol- festival is ‘‘Saluting Black Educators.’’ years of service in the Army Air Forces emn support to the votes in favor of the reso- Memphis has a long history of excellent Weather Service, and after college he began lution, I wish to express my regret for this his- black educators. During the Civil Rights Move- graduate studies leading to a Ph.D. in history torical legislation. I join my fellow members of ment Memphis needed a powerful voice to at Harvard. He spent two years as a Fulbright the House of Representatives in recognition of stand up and push for equality in the Memphis Fellow at the London School of Economics, the immense contribution of Chinese-Ameri- City schools. After being denied admission to and two summers writing for The Economist. cans to the success of the United States his- Memphis State University because of her He also taught history at Washington Univer- torically and today, and affirm my commitment race, Maxine A. Smith joined the local chapter sity in St. Louis from 1954 to 1958. to securing the rights of all who call America of the National Association for the Advance- Richard Lyman came to Stanford in 1958, home. ment of Colored People and soon became an with the great love of his life, Jing, whom he f agent for change as she was instrumental in married in 1947. He became a full professor in desegregating Memphis schools. In 2003, 1962, and rose through the ranks, becoming HONORING THE 25TH ANNIVER- alongside President Clinton, Maxine Smith re- Stanford’s president in 1970, a post he held SARY OF THE NATIONAL AIR ceived the Freedom Award from the National until 1980. He served in some of the most tur- TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS ASSO- Civil Rights Museum. bulent years in our Nation’s history, and in the CIATION Memphis has had its fair share of out- standing black educators in recent years as opinion of many, he saved Stanford from col- HON. JOHN B. LARSON well. In 2009, the White House honored Me- lapse and greatly enhanced its prestige. OF CONNECTICUT lissa Collins with the Presidential Award for After leaving Stanford, he held many impor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Excellence in Mathematics and Science tant posts, including President of the Rocke- Teaching. Melissa Collins is a second grade feller Foundation and Vice Chair of the Na- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 teacher in Memphis, and during a time in this tional Council on the Humanities. He returned Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I country where math and science teachers are to Stanford in 1988 and developed a forum for rise today to honor the 25th anniversary of the scarce, Melissa Collins exhibits the teaching interdisciplinary research on key international National Air Traffic Controllers Association. skills necessary to inspire our children to issues, and retired in 1991. Since their establishment in 1987, NATCA’s learn. In February of this year, Velma Lois Mr. Speaker, I ask the entire House of Rep- 20,000 air traffic controllers and aviation safety Jones received the Drum Majors for Service resentatives to join me in honoring the life of professionals have ensured that our nation Award from the White House. Velma Lois one of the most distinguished and extraor- has the safest, most efficient air traffic control Jones was the first black classroom teacher dinarily accomplished leaders of our country, system in the world. This is a record that ever elected as president of the Tennessee and to extend our deepest condolences to his makes both the Union and our country proud. Education Association and she was also a devoted wife Jing, and his four children Jen- Aviation creates more than 10 million good- board member of the National Education As- nifer Lyman, Rev. Holly Antolini, Christopher paying U.S. jobs and drives more than $1 tril- sociation. lion in annual economic activity. The services Mr. Speaker, it is in the spirit of these great Lyman, Timothy Lyman, and his four grand- that NATCA members provide enable Amer- individuals that I ask my colleagues to join me children. ican businesses to connect on a local, re- in observing our nation’s 147th anniversary of Richard Lyman’s leadership brought great gional, national, and global level. Juneteenth and the celebrations in Memphis. distinction to our community and strengthened Aviation safety is not a partisan issue. As This is a time to celebrate the end of slavery our Nation. I am blessed to have known him, Members of Congress, we are all frequent in America and to recognize the many con- and our country was blessed by his high users of the National Airspace System and are tributions of African-American citizens. sense of citizenship and patriotism.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.048 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 COMMEMORATING JUNETEENTH to guarantee that the residents of this region nesses that have demonstrated exceptional would have a County Fair & Race Track. Ala- leadership and have excelled in their efforts to HON. G. K. BUTTERFIELD meda County still contracts with the nonprofit better our community through social responsi- OF NORTH CAROLINA Fair Association to manage and improve the bility. More than 65 nominees were considered IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fairgrounds. The Fair Association continues to for the 2012 awards, and each is deserving of provide a significant public benefit without re- recognition and appreciation. It is my honor to Tuesday, June 19, 2012 ceiving any tax support. The Association has enter into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, an annual operating budget of roughly $19 names of the following recipients of the 2012 Juneteenth, commemorated on June 19 each million. Fairfax Chamber of Commerce Outstanding year, marks the date of the reading of the On the 100th anniversary of the Alameda Corporate Citizenship Awards: Emancipation Proclamation by U.S. Army County Fair, the Fair Association will dedicate Emerging Influential of the Year: Amanda Major Gordon Granger in Galveston, Texas to an Alameda County Historical Monument, on Andere, Executive Director, FACETS. slaves unaware of the original issuance two the Fairgrounds, that represents a slice of the Non-Profit of the Year: Good Shepherd years prior. rich history of Alameda County. The Historical Housing and Family Service. The date carries significance as the official Monument represents the many people, busi- Executive of the Year: Michael Cardaci, end of one era in American history that led to nesses and leaders that settled, developed CEO, Global Network Services, Inc. the freedom-filled chapter of the next for the and call Alameda County home. Woman Owned Business of the Year: millions who were liberated by the Proclama- I join the community in applauding the 100th Halfaker and Associates LLC. tion. anniversary of the Alameda County Fair. I also Outstanding Corporate Citizen of the Year— As our Nation evolves toward legally recog- pay tribute to the Fair Association for creating Large Business: Deloitte LLP. nizing a more inclusive citizenry of all and dedicating a Historical Monument on the Outstanding Corporate Citizen of the Year— ethnicities and backgrounds, let us remain Fairgrounds to honor the rich history of Ala- Mid Size Company: Apple Federal Credit ever mindful of the courageous and brave indi- meda County. Union. viduals who fought tirelessly, but were not f Outstanding Corporate Citizen of the Year— granted freedom and liberty under American Small Company: Karin’s Florist. law. PERSONAL EXPLANATION In addition to the Corporate Citizenship Mr. Speaker, we must not take our civil Awards, the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce rights for granted, but rather use them to con- HON. BILL HUIZENGA also bestows awards in three unique cat- tinuously propel our great country forward. OF MICHIGAN egories; the Chairman’s Awards which recog- History is not meant for mere storytelling, but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nize extraordinary leadership by companies and individuals within the Fairfax Chamber, instead serves as a blueprint from which we Tuesday, June 19, 2012 learn and expand upon the discoveries we en- the James M. Rees Awards which recognize counter each day. Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, lifelong leadership and service to the Northern May we take away from the events of on rollcall No. 314 I was absent due to a fam- Virginia business community, and the Juneteenth the spirit of resolve and unified ily matter. Had I been present, I would have NOVAForward Award which is presented to an commitment of liberty and justice for all. voted: ‘‘no.’’ individual for extraordinary efforts to move Vir- f f ginia forward. This year’s honorees are: Chairman’s Awards: Julie Simmons, Human HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- TO RECOGNIZE THE RECIPIENTS Capital Strategic Consulting, Jorge Scientific SARY OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY OF THE 2012 FAIRFAX COUNTY Corporation, and Northrup Grumman. FAIR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OUT- James M. Rees Award: Sidney O. Dew- STANDING CORPORATE CITIZEN- berry, Chairman Emeritus, Dewberry, and HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK SHIP AWARDS John Toups, Former CEO, PRC. OF CALIFORNIA NOVAForward Award: Terrence D. Jones, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY President and CEO, Wolf Trap Foundation for OF VIRGINIA the Performing Arts. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Tuesday, June 19, 2012 in congratulating the recipients of the 2012 tribute to the 100th anniversary of the Ala- Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce Out- meda County Fair. The annual 17-day Ala- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I standing Corporate Citizenship Awards and in meda County Fair, which takes place in rise to recognize the recipients of the 2012 thanking them for their many contributions that Pleasanton, California, is the largest single Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce Out- have supported not only our high quality of life event in Alameda County and draws close to standing Corporate Citizenship Awards. but also the robust business community we one half million patrons each year. For more than 85 years, the Fairfax County have in Fairfax County. In 1912, the first Alameda County Fair was Chamber of Commerce has provided a stra- f held at a local racetrack in the Hamlet of tegic link between local businesses and the Alisal, which is now Pleasanton. The owner of region through participation in community ac- H.R. 5855, THE DHS the track, Rodney MacKenzie, organized a tivities, networking opportunities, marketing, APPROPRIATIONS ACT group of local business leaders to form a non- support and education. Fairfax County has wit- profit organization and pledge their personal nessed extraordinary growth, and the Cham- HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN assets as collateral to fund the Annual Fair & ber of Commerce has been a consistent, guid- OF MARYLAND Race Meet. ing voice for business. Fairfax County is con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This new organization, The Alameda Fair sidered by many to be one of the best com- Association, was formed on June 29, 1912 munities in the country in which to live, work Tuesday, June 19, 2012 and consisted of fifteen businessmen, and raise a family. A significant factor in that Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- agriculturalists and livestock raisers from distinction is the thriving partnership between position to H.R. 5855, the FY13 Homeland Se- Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin, Hayward, San the public and private sectors. Corporations, curity Appropriations bill. I regret that this bill, Ramon and Irvington. The first fair opened in non-profit organizations, and educational insti- especially during the amendment process on 1912 on Wednesday, October 23 and ran tutions work hand-in-hand with their counter- the floor of the House, became a political foot- through Sunday, October 27. parts in local, state and federal government ball. I hope that when the final bill emerges In 1941 the non-profit Fair Association pur- agencies. A thriving business community is from negotiations with the Senate and the chased the first 100 acres of what is now the essential to maintaining a high quality of life White House, it will reflect the will and prior- 268-acre Fairgrounds. The 10-day Fair & for all residents, just as ensuring strong com- ities of the American people. Race Meet of 1941 was touted by the munity institutions and educational opportuni- Funding appropriated by H.R. 5855 is in- Oaldand Tribune as ‘‘Northern California’s ties for all residents are essential to fostering tended to support and address the vital needs Largest County Fair.’’ continued economic growth. of our men and women working to ensure the The Fair Association subsequently donated The Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce country’s homeland security. The bill appro- the property to the people of Alameda County annually recognizes individuals and busi- priates a total of $46 billion for the Department

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:42 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.052 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1081 in FY 2013—including $39.1 billion in discre- CONGRATULATING THE DAVE sacrificed their lives. The secret war was a dif- tionary spending, $1.4 billion in mandatory THOMAS FOUNDATION FOR ficult and painful time for the Hmong people. spending, and $5.5 billion for emergency dis- ADOPTION ON ITS 20TH ANNI- Today, decades later, Minnesota is the home aster relief. The measure significantly in- VERSARY to many who lived through those years of war creases funding for FEMA state and local and suffering. As Hmong Americans of all generations contribute to making Minnesota grants and for Homeland cyber-security activi- HON. STEVE STIVERS and the U.S. a stronger and more prosperous ties. OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES land, we must never forget the service, sac- Despite these benefits, I have concerns rifice, and courage of the Hmong warriors who about how the bill disregards the mandates of Tuesday, June 19, 2012 fought on land and in the sky for freedom dur- the Budget Control Act, how it treats civilian Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- ing the secret war. employees at DHS and how the bill delves gratulate the Dave Thomas Foundation for Again, I join in the recognition and remem- into unprecedented territory regarding the re- Adoption on the occasion of its 20th anniver- brance of 38 Hmong pilots who risked their productive rights of women. sary. lives for freedom. This foundation, established in 1992 by f The spending caps set by the bi-partisan Dave Thomas, has continuously strived to RECOGNIZING ROCKWELL MUSEUM Budget Control Act ensured that prioritized help every child in foster care find a loving, OF WESTERN ART programs could be funded adequately even as permanent family. It has dramatically in- discretionary reductions were achieved. The creased the number of adoptions, including harmful discretionary top-line set by the House finding families for 3,000 children in the United HON. TOM REED Republican budget, and facilitated by this bill, States foster care system, and for that I com- OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES threatens funding for other equally vital pro- mend them. grams, threatens American jobs, and threat- The Foundation shows its commitment to Tuesday, June 19, 2012 the foster care system by awarding grants to ens the services relied upon by our seniors Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- public and private adoption agencies all and our veterans. ognize the Rockwell Museum of Western Art across the country. As a founding member of as the 29th District of New York’s most re- Further, I am concerned that the bill does National Adoption Day, it has helped brighten cently accredited museum. The Rockwell Mu- not fund the .5 percent cost of living adjust- the lives of countless children. seum was just awarded accreditation by the ment provided as part of the president’s FY13 Last year’s awarded grants totaled more American Association of Museums, the high- budget request. Federal employees have al- than $8 million and focused on supporting est national recognition a museum can receive ready sacrificed $60 billion of salary over ten adoption professionals who assist the longest- for their commitment to public service and ex- years as part of the two-year pay freeze. waiting children from foster care into adoptive cellence in education. families. This genuine program, Wendy’s Won- Starting in January 2013, new federal employ- The American Association of Museums derful Kids, has increased children’s likely ees will contribute more to their pensions to states that there are over 17,500 museums in hood of being adopted by up to three times. the United States and less than 800 are ac- offset the $15 billion cost of Unemployment In- As an accredited charity of the Better Busi- surance Extension legislation. And with this credited. These numbers would place the ness Bureau Wise Giving Alliance, Standards Rockwell Museum of Western Art in a very bill, federal employees are asked to give up for Excellence certified, the Foundation has re- elite category and I am proud to represent this what was already a small .5% partial COLA. ceived the highest possible rating on Charity museum. This provision essentially extends for another Navigator, an exceptional honor. The Rockwell Museum of Western Art in- year the 2-year pay freeze currently covering For these reasons, I am proud to applaud spires and educates people of all ages. Its vi- DHS employees. the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption for sion inspires the staff to strive towards making representing Central Ohio through its extraor- the museum a resource for study, knowledge, Finally, I am disappointed by the passage dinary contributions to the United States foster and inclusion in the bill of an amendment of- and entertainment by local and national audi- care system. ences. I encourage everyone to stop in and fered by STEVE KING of Iowa, which I opposed f visit the Rockwell Museum next time you are and which prohibits the use of the funds in the in Corning, New York. bill from being used to implement the so called RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE AND f ‘‘Morton Memos.’’ The memos, written by ICE SACRIFICE OF THE HMONG PI- LOTS OF THE SECRET WAR IN Director Morton, provide a plan to deploy ICE CONGRATULATING JAMES FARR LAOS resources in the most cost effective manner. Specifically, they provide guidance to ensure HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER that limited enforcement resources are fo- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM OF NEW YORK OF MINNESOTA cused primarily on criminals or other individ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES uals who pose a threat to national security or Tuesday, June 19, 2012 public safety. The King amendment will pro- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today hibit the department from exercising this com- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, during the to congratulate Mr. James Farr of Rochester, mon sense prosecutorial discretion. It would Vietnam War another ‘‘secret war’’ was taking New York for his three-year appointment to force the Department to treat young people place in Laos with thousands of Hmong fight- the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor who were brought to the United States as kids ers assisting the U.S. The Hmong who risked Commission. The Commission was estab- and who have graduated from American their lives for the freedom of their country and lished by P.L. 106–554 to assist in the preser- in the aid of the U.S. suffered tremendously as schools the same as individuals who know- vation, maintenance and interpretation of the they served with great courage. historical, natural, cultural, scenic and rec- ingly broke immigration laws and who have This weekend in Maplewood, Minnesota, a reational resources of the Erie Canalway in committed crimes in the United States. That little known group of Hmong pilot veterans of ways that reflect its national significance. I makes no sense. the secret war gathered and were recognized nominated Jim for the Corridor’s Commission Bringing a bill to the floor that cuts the re- by the U.S. Air Force in appreciation of their on August 25, 2011, and am delighted to have sources available to the men and women re- heroism. Supported by the U.S., some 38 a dedicated member of the Rochester commu- sponsible for protecting the homeland security Hmong pilots were trained to fly counterinsur- nity represented on the Commission. of the Nation and then tying their hands with gency missions between 1967 and 1975. Sev- As an employee of the City of Rochester for enteen of those pilots are alive today and over 34 years, Jim’s passion for improving this unnecessary and ill-informed amendments is were honored, along with posthumous awards great area of New York will serve as an inte- counterproductive and undercuts the bill’s in- for 21 deceased colleagues, by Air Force gral asset to the Commission. He has rep- tended purpose. Chief of Staff, General Norton Schwartz. resented the city as a committee member on I, too, would like to recognize and honor both of the World Canal Conferences held in those brave Hmong pilots who are living ex- Rochester and has also assisted with and at- amples of courage, along with the pilots who tended a number of the Canal Society of New

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.056 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 York Conferences and events. Currently serv- securing federal funding, and I share Eddie Teamsters makes our US economy work, ing as Assistant Director for Recreation, Jim is Wong’s belief that with the partnership we grow, and prosper for all us. responsible for the City’s environmental and have, we can complete the remaining work on Again, I congratulate Teamsters Local Union horticultural education programs and parks this important testament to our rich and com- No. 600 on their 100th Anniversary, and wish stewardship, as well as the oversight of the plex history. them more success in the future. Rochester Public Market. Jim truly embodies Mr. Wong came to the Executive Director f the spirit of this region. position with a strong background in the cul- An example of Jim’s creativity and dedica- tural social issues at stake. He graduated from IN RECOGNITION AND CELEBRA- tion to the area is his close work with Parks UCLA with a BA and MFA from School of Fine TION OF ISRAEL SOTO PRIN- and Trails New York to coordinate the annual Arts Motion Picture and Television Program. CIPAL OF JAMES WELDON JOHN- ‘‘Cycle the Erie’’ bike tour, which showcases Before joining AIISF, he co-founded Visual SON LEADERSHIP ACADEMY the Canalway’s heritage. In addition, Jim is Communications, the nation’s first Asian PUBLIC SCHOOL 57 currently a Board member of the Genesee American film production company, served as WaterWays Center. He is the former President the Strategy and Investment Principal for HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL and a current Foundation member of Monroe Media and the Advisor on Social Justice for OF NEW YORK County Cooperative Extension. Jim serves as the Democracy Alliance, and was Executive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a member of many other related boards and Director of the National Asian American Tele- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 organizations, including the Monroe County communications Association (now known as Parks Advisory Committee, the Ontario Beach the Center for Asian American Media). Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to recognize a dear friend and great force in the Park Program Committee, the Farmers Market Understanding that the Angel Island Immi- education of our children, Israel Soto, principal Federation of New York, and the National As- gration Station site resonates personally with of James Weldon Johnson Leadership Acad- sociation of Produce Market Managers. He is many immigrants, Mr. Wong says, ‘‘I think that emy Public School 57, who is retiring after a also the secretary and one of the founding my father, who was deported from Angel Is- long career in public education service. Israel, board members of the Tony Jordan Youth land as a 15-year old and came back a year a Puerto Rican immigrant, began his career in Sports Foundation, which provides supple- later determined to better his life, would be education in my congressional district as a mental funding to enhance the quality and in- proud that a place of shame has now become school bilingual coordinator and as an assist- tegrity of youth sports in the City of Rochester. a site of conscience ‘‘ ant director of bilingual education in Wash- The Erie Canalway Corridor is a symbol of Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring ington Heights. American ingenuity and perseverance, and I Eddie Wong and in wishing him well in his re- In 1999, Israel ascended to principal of am grateful for Jim Farr’s continued commit- tirement. James Weldon Johnson Leadership Academy ment to promoting its national significance by f Public School 57, a pre-K–8 school in East serving on the Erie Canalway National Herit- Harlem/El Barrio, which is also a part of my age Corridor Commission. I ask my colleagues IN HONOR OF TEAMSTERS LOCAL district. Mr. Soto’s expertise in bilingual edu- to join with me in commending Jim Farr for his UNION NO. 600 cation and the fact that his second language long record of public service. was English, like many of the school’s stu- f HON. RUSS CARNAHAN dents, made him an ideal choice for principal. OF MISSOURI His talents extend to all facets of education, HONORING EDDIE WONG and under his leadership, James Weldon IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Johnson Leadership Academy has gone from HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY Tuesday, June 19, 2012 a near-failing school to one that received a grade of ‘‘A’’ in its latest Progress Report and OF CALIFORNIA Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today is ranked in the 93rd percentile of all New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to recognize Teamsters Local Union No. 600, in celebration of their 100th anniversary and York City K–8 schools. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 service to the members of the St. Louis Metro- Principal Soto has deservedly received nu- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to politan Area. merous awards during his tenure. In 2001, he was named ‘‘Principal of the Month’’ in his honor Eddie Wong, a man who has played a Teamsters Local Union No. 600 is deserving school district and in 2004 was recognized as significant role in the ongoing restoration and of special public recognition for its many ac- the ‘‘Educator of the Week’’ by Univision 41 development of the Angel Island Immigration complishments. It has distinguished record of Nueva York. Israel has also been inducted Station in Marin County, CA. On June 30, service to working men and women, as well into the ‘‘Cahn Fellows Program for Distin- 2012, Mr. Wong is retiring after four productive as to their families. Its immeasurable contribu- guished Principals’’ at Columbia University as years as Executive Director of the Angel Is- tions to the advancement of the union labor well as being honored by Children 4 Children, land Immigration Station Foundation (AIISF). movement in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area the YMCA of New York, the New York Post, have made our community a better place. Located off the coast of Tiburon, California, and El Diario La Prensa. in Angel Island State Park, the Immigration Teamsters Local Union No. 600 has worked Principal Soto’s work at James Weldon Station is the site of the detention of 175,000 to improve the working conditions, benefits, Johnson Leadership Academy serves as a Chinese immigrants from 1910 to 1940. Be- and wages for the men and women of the St. model for current and future educators. He cause of the Chinese Exclusion Act, many of Louis Metropolitan Area. In addition, their influ- has built strong partnerships with teachers, them were held for weeks, months or years in ence was appreciated and felt by those who parents, community organizations, and the pri- a prison-like barracks where life was difficult drove freight trucks, worked in warehouses, vate sector while keeping his focus internal, and humiliating. made milk deliveries, and worked at the An- on his students. This outreach has significantly The restoration of this Station and related heuser Busch beer distributorships. increased the academic resources available to educational projects recognize the struggle of But there work has not only been limited to his students and demonstrates the supreme these immigrants and our nation’s challenge to St. Louis. As a Member the US House of Rep- importance of an active and charismatic prin- honor our history of immigration. AIISF, with resentatives’ Transportation and Infrastructure cipal and leader. the hard work of its many supporters and part- Committee, the Teamsters Local Union No. On Thursday, May 31, 2012 at the elegant ners, including the California State Parks and 600 advice and counsel has been invaluable Marina del Rey, the Soto Retirement Com- the National Park Service, has led these reha- to me when working on local, regional, and mittee joined the East Harlem/El Barrio com- bilitation efforts. During Mr. Wong’s tenure, the national transportation issues. munity of leaders, children, parents, families, Immigration Station Museum opened, the Im- Teamsters Local Union No. 600 has also friends, and education advocates to pay trib- migrant Heritage Wall was created, and the lead the way in providing employers in the ute to our Dream Maker Principal Israel Soto. hospital at the site was stabilized. transportation industry with the best trained Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my col- The Angel Island Immigration Station now employees, making it possible for the goods leagues join me in honoring a great man and hosts more than 50,000 visitors, including and services that millions of Americans rely on an impassioned educator who, first and fore- 30,000 schoolchildren, every year. I have had to be delivered safely, on time and in good most, believes in all of our extraordinary chil- the privilege of participating in this effort by condition. This kind of commitment by the dren.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.060 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1083 OGUNQUIT PLAYHOUSE 80TH Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young The Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in Man- ANNIVERSARY man and his supportive family demonstrates hattan. the rewards of hard work, dedication, and per- The spontaneous demonstrations that com- HON. CHELLIE PINGREE severance. I am honored to represent Zachary posed the Stonewall riots are commonly re- OF MAINE and his family in the United States Congress. ferred to as the first instance in American his- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I know that all of my colleagues in the House tory when people of the LGBT community will join me in congratulating him in obtaining fought back against a government system of Tuesday, June 19, 2012 the Eagle Scout ranking, and will wish him persecution which targeted sexual minorities. Ms. PINGREE of Maine. Mr. Speaker, it continued success in his future education and It united the gay community in New York in gives me great pleasure to congratulate the career. the fight against discrimination. Ogunquit Playhouse—America’s Foremost f Six months after the riots, three newspapers Summer Theatre in Ogunquit, Maine—as they dedicated to promoting LGBT rights were celebrate their 80th Anniversary Season. A TRIBUTE TO DAVID SHELBORNE formed: Gay, Gay Power and Come Out! Ad- Since 1933, the Ogunquit Playhouse has ditionally, two gay activist organizations were given generations of theatergoers the oppor- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS founded right here in New York—the Gay Lib- tunity to enjoy the finest plays and brightest OF NEW YORK eration Front and the Gay Activists Alliance. stars and professional actors, bringing Broad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Within a few years, gay rights organizations way to the Beach. Their acclaim has contin- were founded in several cities across the na- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 ued over the decades. Most recently, they tion and the world. June 28, 1970 marked the were recently recognized with prestigious Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to first Gay Pride marches in Los Angeles, Chi- Moss Hart Awards for Best Professional Pro- pay tribute and honor Mr. David Shelborne. cago, and New York, established to com- duction and Outstanding Achievement as a Mr. Shelborne’s passion for electronics led memorate the anniversary of the riots. Theater Company. In addition, the New Eng- him to become a technician for the Savin Cor- In honor of Stonewall, many gay pride land Theatre Conference has recognized the poration in Manhattan. His many awards dur- events and celebrations are now held annually Ogunquit Playhouse with their Award for Out- ing his tenure there led to his recruitment to during the month of June throughout the standing Achievement in American Theatre, Alco Standards Corporation, a Fortune 500 world, including New York City’s Gay Pride acknowledging the Playhouse as one of the company, in a Senior Specialist position. Week. These celebrations include pride pa- most important cultural landmarks in New There he was responsible for managing the rades, picnics, concerts and parties; and at- England. entire New York and New Jersey Regions of tract millions of global participants. Memorials I am proud of the Playhouse’s commitment the company. for those LGBT members who have lost their to developing and expanding theater activity in Mr. Shelborne has been a dedicated mem- lives to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS are also held New England on the educational, community ber of the African American Benevolent Soci- during this month. and professional levels. They have created an ety since 1990, has held many esteemed posi- While the fight for justice regardless of sex- extensive school performance and outreach tions in the organization, and now serves as ual orientation or gender identity continues to program as well as partnerships with dozens its president. be a crucial one, we have indeed made signifi- of social service agencies throughout the re- Mr.Shelborne currently works for the Depart- cant strides. Let this month remind us of the gion to bring underserved children and fami- ment of Sanitation where he is currently as- society we all strive for, one in which lesbian, lies to the Playhouse to enjoy live theater. signed to the Supervised Sick Leave Unit— gay, bisexual, and transgender people enjoy They believe—and I believe—that the arts Medical Division, having been a dedicated the constitutional rights of equality, personal are essential to the quality of life for everyone. member of the department since 1990. autonomy, and freedom of expression. No As Maine’s creative economy grows and re- Mr. Shelborne is a child of God and an ac- LGBT person should experience discrimination ceives national attention, America’s Foremost tive member of the St. John Baptist Church, in in housing, employment, or public spaces. We Summer Theatre serves as a shining example Arverne, NY. He currently resides in Far Rock- need to continue fighting until everyone has of success. away, New York with his wife, Lisa. Together, the equal opportunity to participate fully in civil f they have five children. society. Mr. Shelbourne is currently looking forward Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my col- TRIBUTE TO ZACHARY DAVID to being a volunteer for the United States Civil leagues join me in commemorating the anni- BENJAMIN Air Patrol (Parent in Partnership) with his versary of the Stonewall riots, supporting the youngest son, Tahj. ongoing fight for gay liberation, and cele- HON. TOM LATHAM Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize David brating the legacy of LGBT community mem- OF IOWA Shelborne for his loyalty and dedication to bers whose place in our Nation’s history can- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES civic duty in his professional and private life. not be overlooked. LGBT Americans have Tuesday, June 19, 2012 f strengthened our country, helped create awareness and garner support for equality. IN RECOGNITION OF LESBIAN, Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f recognize and congratulate Zachary Benjamin GAY, BISEXUAL, AND of Fort Dodge, Iowa for achieving the rank of TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH A TRIBUTE TO TREMAINE Eagle Scout. ANTOINE PRICE The Eagle Scout rank is the highest ad- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL vancement rank in scouting. Only about 5 per- OF NEW YORK HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS cent of Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK Award. The award is a performance-based IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES achievement with high standards that have Tuesday, June 19, 2012 been well-maintained over the past century. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, it is with great Tuesday, June 19, 2012 To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout honor and pride that I rise today to recognize Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to is obligated to pass specific tests that are or- the significance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, pay tribute and to honor Tremaine Antoine ganized by requirements and merit badges, as and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. The Price, an artist, minister, and man of commu- well as completing an Eagle Project to benefit purpose of this honorable month is to recog- nity. Tremaine Price is currently a Community the community. Zachary’s project involved cre- nize the vast influence lesbian, gay, bisexual, Relations Coordinator at Success Academy ating a rock and rain garden at Kennedy Park and transgender men and women have had Charter Schools serving the Harlem commu- in Webster County. Zachary completed this not only on our nation’s history, but on local nity in several ways including Family Aca- project while going above and beyond the re- and international levels as well. demic Events, tutoring for scholars, parent quired merit badges. The work ethic Zachary Today, we regard LGBT Pride Month as an counseling, and fundraising initiatives. has shown in his Eagle Project, and every opportunity to pay tribute to the 1969 Stone- Tremaine Price, born and raised in Brook- other project leading up to his Eagle Scout wall riots, a major tipping point for the Gay lyn, was a burgeoning young artist, performing rank, speaks volumes of his commitment to Liberation Movement in the U.S. Over 40 in plays, music groups, glee clubs, choirs, and serving a cause greater than himself and as- years ago a group of New Yorkers took a praise groups. He received The Brooklyn Old sisting his community. stand against a discriminatory police raid at Timers, the Brooklyn Links, the Congressional

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.064 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 Black Caucus, and the Posse Foundation tic violence. The mission of Serenity House is When Bob started work at ABCD in 1964, Merit Leadership scholarships to pave the way to offer survivors and their minor children, who the organization was only two years old and it for his collegiate studies at Vanderbilt Univer- have exceeded their maximum length of stay had a tiny staff. Today, it has 1,000 employ- sity. There he participated in and led several in an emergency shelter, a safe but temporary ees and carries out a wide array of programs student organizations and honed his theatrical refuge from domestic violence. focused on meeting the needs of the poor and skills, highlighted by directing a student Mr. Okebiyi, in addition to his accomplish- disadvantaged in the City of Boston. version of Ntozake Shange’s play, ‘‘for colored ments, has volunteered with Food Bank and Recognizing that education provides the girls who have considered suicide when the Children’s Literacy programs. He maintains a best way for young people to, in his words, rainbow is enuf’’ and founding The Black Arts volunteer teaching schedule; tutoring several ‘‘make it in this world,’’ Bob started two high Series at Vanderbilt University. undergraduate and post-graduate students in schools for at-risk youth at ABCD, in collabo- Tremaine Price is a drama minister and his free time, one hundred percent of whom ration with the Boston Public Schools. playwright, his original play is titled ‘‘For Chris- have gone on to receive their Bachelor’s and/ ABCD has been called the unsung hero of tian Girls’’ and it debuted in August 2011. He or Master’s degrees. Boston. For 50 years ABCD has saved lives strives to incorporate performance art into Mr. Okebiyi has been the recipient of many and made dreams come true, and while ABCD worship, which not only means acting out awards for public service. Most recently was in is at the heart of Boston’s communities, it was skits, but also revealing the truths of our tri- 2011, when he was the recipient of the pres- the heart of Bob Coard that pushed ABCD to umphs, fears, suffering, and joys through the tigious ‘‘Man of the Year’’ award presented by the national model it is today, and John Christian faith. He is a member of the Young the Brooklyn Branch of Key Women of Amer- Drew’s amazing leadership that keeps that Adult Ministry (Praise Team), the Berean ica, Inc. at its annual gala. heart beating strong. Brotherhood, and the servant leader for the Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Mat- From providing heating assistance for those Spiritual Expressions Drama Ministry. He in- thew Okebiyi for his drive to succeed and in need during New England’s long, cold win- tends on pursuing higher education degrees in dedication to social justice. His unceasing ters to delivering job training to those who Theatre Education and hopes to one day commitment to the welfare of others is an in- need work, ABCD is the bridge from poverty grace the Broadway stage. spiration to us all. to self-sufficiency. The opportunities ABCD Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize f provides for low-income Boston residents to Tremaine Antoine Price for his leadership in HONORING ABCD AND ITS get back on their feet, live with dignity and the religious word and in his community. FOUNDER, BOB COARD achieve their full potential are building blocks f for the continued success of these commu- nities. PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY Today, ABCD’s assistance to people and OF MASSACHUSETTS communities has grown to all sectors of pov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ erty relief. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 OF ILLINOIS ABCD organizes Head Start programs for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, on Thursday, over 2,400 low-income children and families June 21, 2012, ABCD will celebrate and honor every year. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 its late founder, Bob Coard, by renaming its ABCD supplies fuel assistance to more than Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Boston headquarters in honor of this titan in 22,000 families a year. avoidably absent yesterday for votes in the the effort to enable upward mobility and a ABCD provides services for thousands of at- House Chamber. Had I been present, I would higher quality of life for all people, regardless risk youth through SummerWorks, career de- have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall votes 379 and of income or situation in life. I rise today to velopment and two alternative high schools, 380. commemorate and congratulate this incredible and health services and family planning for f community action program the nation’s leading more than 30,000 people every year through anti-poverty organization, and to salute my its Health Services Department. A TRIBUTE TO MATTHEW OKEBIYI great friend, the late, Bob Coard. From Bea- From the ABCD Foster Grandparents bring- con Hill to Capitol Hill, Bob was a consistent, ing love and security to disadvantaged chil- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS persistent and insistent force, working tire- dren, to programs that offer assistance in OF NEW YORK lessly to direct critical resources toward the asset development, tax assistance and finan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fight to eradicate poverty. cial education, ABCD offers stability, a sense of community and economic security to low-in- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Bob was an early, highly-effective general in the War on Poverty. He began his unmatched come families. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to service even before President Johnson urged In President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s honor and pay tribute to Mr. Matthew Okebiyi. communities to organize around the vision of second inaugural address, he famously de- Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Matthew Okebiyi spent a creating a Great Society free of poverty and clared that ‘‘The test of our progress is not most of his youth and formal schooling being abundant in opportunity for all Americans re- whether we add more to the abundance of shuttled between various parts of Africa, Eu- gardless of race, creed or income. And Bob those who have much; it is whether we pro- rope, and the Middle East. It was during those was still on the job when an extraordinary vide enough for those who have too little.’’ formative years that he witnessed firsthand the community organizer, President Obama, was That was Bob Coard’s definition of progress, effects of poverty, hunger, homelessness, and sworn in as our 44th president. For all those that is John Drew’s definition of progress, that human rights violations. Those incidents would years, ‘‘ABCD’’ didn’t just stand for ‘‘Action for is ABCD’s mission everyday. later have a profound impact upon his life. Boston Community Development.’’ It also It is with great pride that I congratulate Mr. Okebiyi immigrated to the United States stood for ‘‘Anything Bob Coard Desired.’’ ABCD for its 50 years of vital service to the in the early 1980s and settled in Brooklyn, When Bob called, it was because he need- community, and that I commemorate my friend New York, where he attended college on a ed action for Boston’s most vulnerable resi- Bob Coard as ABCD dedicates its Tremont full-time basis while working two jobs. He dents—more money for home heating assist- Street headquarters in his honor this Thursday earned a Bachelor’s degree in Communication ance, help with Medicaid funding, support for on Boston Common. Arts, pursued advanced studies and earned Head Start. It is fitting that Bob Coard’s building gazes two Master’s degrees: one in Urban Planning And we knew Bob was right because Bob out on the Common, a lush landscape where and the other in Political Science. He com- recognized that our great challenge here in Americans from every walk of life enjoy the pleted his Mental Health training at Hunter the United States is to bestow the world’s same open space, on equal footing. And just College School of Social Work in New York blessings on all of God’s children—to ensure, as the Common is part of the Emerald Neck- City. as President Kennedy said in his Inaugural lace of parks and parkways that extend out to Mr. Okebiyi is the founder of the African address, that ‘‘God’s work on earth must truly Franklin Park in Roxbury, Bob Coard and American Planning Commission, a New York be our own.’’ ABCD stitched together an array of programs City-based not-for-profit organization and cur- The son of a civil servant from Grenada, that, taken together, provide a safety net for rently serves as the Executive Director. He Bob Coard immigrated to this country to pur- lifting Bay State residents out of poverty and also worked to build the Serenity House Fam- sue the American Dream. Once here, he dedi- into a new life of self-sufficiency. ily Residence, a 40 unit, $5.5 million transi- cated his own life to helping others pursue Bob Coard and ABCD are American icons, tional homeless shelter for survivors of domes- that same dream. and I congratulate Bob’s wife Donna, John

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19JN8.013 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1085 Drew and the entire ABCD team for the in- advocate for Puerto Rican youth and women normalities. He has worked as a volunteer credible work that makes such a difference in in my district. It is with a heavy heart that I physician at Trinidad and Tobago Sports Med- the lives of so many Massachusetts residents. stand here today to memorialize her. icine. Dr. Swamy Naidu Sunkara received let- f Ms. Sanchez was a pioneer in El Barrio and ters of commendation in Jamaica, and Trini- I am honored to have partnered with her over dad and Tobago. A TRIBUTE TO DR. HEROLD SIMON the years to improve the lives of Puerto Rican Dr. Swamy Naidu Sunkara migrated to the youth and women. She dedicated herself for United States in 1988. He successfully com- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS over 50 years to the community, a community pleted the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and OF NEW YORK she was born and raised in. Ms. Sanchez Health, and a Master’s in Public Health with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES began her career as a community organizer double majors in International Health and and advocate in 1962, when she was asked to Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Emergency Medicine. He served as a pub- join the staff of Aspira; a non-profit organiza- lished Researcher, and volunteer in the Chil- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tion focused on educational advancement and dren’s Cancer Study Group in New York Med- pay tribute and honor Dr. Herold Simon. further development of Puerto Rican and His- ical College, and Westchester Medical Center Dr. Herold Simon is the Medical Director of panic youth. Ms. Sanchez never stopped at Valhalla, New York. He worked as a volun- the East New York Diagnostic and Treatment working for children, women and the Puerto teer Emergency Medical Technician in the Center (ENYDTC). His responsibilities include Rican community; she never took a day off Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corps and the policy-making, facility-wide planning, staff su- from her goals. Pleasantville Volunteer Ambulance Corps. He pervision and quality management; however, A graduate of City College and the Colum- received the Best Volunteer Award from West- he sees his most important role as a clinician bia University School of Social Work, Ms. San- chester County Executive and Best Volunteer and an advocate for the medically-under- chez continually sought out and worked in po- Award from the University of Medicine and served and the financially-challenged commu- sitions that maximized her positive impact on Dentistry of Newark, New Jersey in 1989. nities he serves. the community. These positions ranged from He has also faithfully served as one of the In 2002, Dr. Simon was instrumental in the Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Asso- Uncles for Foster Children of the Richard Allen creation of a kidney clinic at Kings County ciation for Community Affairs, to founding Center on Life in New York City. Hospital Center, where, initially, he was the member and later president of the National As a young student leader, he volunteered sole attendant, providing patient care and edu- Latina Caucus, to president of the East Har- in various natural disasters including one in cation to nephrologists in training. Dr. Simon lem Council for Human Services, to Director of Divi Andhra Predesh for several weeks directly holds an appointment as Assistant Professor CUNY’s office of Puerto Rican programs. under Mother Theresa. She always had kind of Medicine at SUNY/University of Brooklyn at Ms. Sanchez was successful in playing a words about him when she visited that area. Downstate. In addition to his post as Vice key role in the creation of three critical institu- Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Dr. President for Downstate Enterprises, Inc. Dr. tions for the underserved in El Barrio. The Swamy Naidu Sunkara for his extraordinary Simon has steadily maintained a private prac- Taino Towers (section 8 housing), Boriken contributions to New York City’s medical com- tice in the Flatbush community since 1996, Health Center (primary care) and Casabe munity. providing care in Nephrology and Internal Houses (elderly housing) owe their existence f Medicine. partially to the tireless efforts of Ms. Sanchez. Dr. Simon had also served as a member of This year Ms. Sanchez received the first So- PERSONAL EXPLANATION the ADAP Clinical Subcommittee of the Advi- cial Work Trailblazer Award from the Silber- sory Council for the AIDS Institute and advisor man School of Social Work in honor and rec- HON. GEOFF DAVIS to the Collegiate Science and Technology Pro- ognition of her invaluable and tireless efforts OF KENTUCKY gram for the Borough of Manhattan Commu- made in the community. This award is an ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity College. In spite of his busy schedule, Dr. knowledgment of a true heroine, feminist and Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Simon continues to lecture on the molecular champion of the downtrodden. basis of hypertension and kidney disease as Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, on well as the promises and dilemmas of preven- to please join me in celebrating and remem- Monday, June 18, 2012, I was not present for tive health care. bering the life of a fierce advocate for children, the evening vote series. Had I been present, In 2008, Dr. Simon was able to pilot the cur- women and the disadvantaged. In her life, she I would have voted: rent New York City Health and Hospital Cor- truly made our community and thus the world On rollcall No. 379—‘‘yes’’—S. 684, A bill to poration (HHC) Diabetes Guidelines and re- a better place than how she found it. She will provide for the conveyance of certain parcels vealed that a treatment algorithm coupled with be missed by her loved ones, she will be of land to the town of Alta, Utah. nurse care-management can rapidly improve missed by the community, but her spirit will On rollcall No. 380—‘‘yes’’—S. 404, A bill to diabetes care. As a result the HHC leadership carry on through philanthropy and in the spirit modify a land grant patent issued by the Sec- mandated the use of the guidelines by all of others just like her. retary of the Interior. HHC facilities. Dr. Simon was a leading figure f f in the implementation of Managed Care and Rapid HIV Testing within HHC. A TRIBUTE TO SWAMY NAIDU A TRIBUTE TO MR. MISBA ABDIN Following the January 12, 2010 earthquake SUNKARA in Haiti, he traveled there to provide medical HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS care to the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF NEW YORK He continues to be very active in planning for OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the immediate and long-term medical needs of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Haiti. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Dr. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Simon for his extraordinary contributions to Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and honor Mr. Misba Abdin. our Brooklyn community. pay tribute and honor Dr. Swamy Naidu A second-generation Bangladeshi-American, f Sunkara. Misba Abdin came to the United States in Dr. Swamy Naidu Sunkara served as a sur- 1982. He was born in 1969 in Beani Bazar of IN RECOGNITION AND CELEBRA- geon, and then trained as an anesthesiologist the Sylhet District in Bangladesh. His family TION OF THE LIFE OF YOLANDA in Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. He led the way for others who migrated to the SANCHEZ completed a post graduate diploma in anes- United States of America very early from the thesiology from the University of West Indies. Sylhet region. Currently a businessman by HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL He served as a Social Worker at St. James In- profession, he is the product of the New York OF NEW YORK firmary in Montego Bay, Jamaica from 1979 to City Public School system where he went from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1981. He also served at the Prince Elizabeth P.S. 214K to M.S./I.S. 171 and graduated Hospital for destitute children in Port of Spain, from Frank K. Lane High School. He went on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Trinidad from 1981 to 1987. He gave free an- to study Business Management at Hunter Col- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to esthesia for surgeries to children with cleft pal- lege of the City University of New York. He is mourn the loss of Yolanda Sanchez, a fierce ates and club-feet, and other congenital ab- well read and can tell you the history of almost

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.068 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 any book that has been on the best seller list Detective Merriweather was a dedicated and L.I.F.E., Inc., a charitable organization founded over the last 20 years. effective undercover detective, performing with the purpose of aiding, educating and as- In 1984, Mr. Abdin, along with his three dangerous work on a daily basis. On numer- sisting individuals citywide, who are experi- brothers and five cousins, and the support of ous occasions, Detective Merriweather can- encing difficulties while living with Lupus. Leo the people of the neighborhood, started the celled scheduled vacation days so that he enjoys travelling, jazz, and trying out the di- first soccer tournament in Ozone Park, could make undercover buys crucial to the verse cuisines available all over Brooklyn. He Queens, for Bangladeshi youth. The tour- progress of ongoing cases. Detective is married to Leora Marie Morris, and is the nament became very popular as it was the Merriweather’s life and safety have been proud father of three children, Michelle, Leah, first in the Bengali community and, was an ex- placed in jeopardy on numerous occasions by and Natasha and a proud grandfather to ample followed by Bangladeshi youth living in the unpredictability of the undercover work he Raphael, Damiere, Morgan, and Ryann. the other cities. In the early 1990s Mr. Abdin did. On July 9, 2009, he completed 20 years Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Mr. spearheaded the formation of the Bangladesh with the NYPD and retired as a Detective 1st Leo A. Morris for his successful career and Football Federation, mainly with the view to grade. continued work in community service. provide the Bengali Community in New York Tommy has worked with the Boy Scouts f with an opportunity to gather and celebrate since 2009 and is the first African-American A TRIBUTE TO DR. RAMANATHAN through soccer games. Following the success Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 43 and of the RAJU of this organization, many Bangladeshi-Amer- Sagitokos District. He enjoys volunteering his ican socio-cultural organizations were later time to work with the Scouts and helping them formed by others. The Bangladesh Football advance to become Eagle Scouts or be a part HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF NEW YORK Federation was renamed as Bangladesh of the Order of Arrow. His troop enjoys out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sports Council in 2001. And, in 2005, Mr. door camping. Tommy is always preparing for Abdin was appointed General Secretary of the upcoming events and makes sure that every- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Sports Council, a position he still holds today. one he talks to knows the good work being Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to As a Pioneer Community Activist in the Ben- done by the Troop and Suffolk County Council pay tribute and to honor Ramanathan (Ram) gali Community, Mr. Abdin’s main focus is de- of Boy Scouts. Raju, MD, MBA, FACS, FACHE. He is the veloping Bangladeshi youth and sports Mr. Speaker I would like to recognize Chief Executive Officer for the Cook County through his organizing skills and vibrant youth Tommy Merriweather for his extraordinary Health & Hospital System (CCHHS) in Chi- programs. As President and CEO of the contributions to the Brooklyn community. cago, Illinois. CCHHS is the 3rd largest public Bangladeshi American Community Develop- f health system in the country which oversees a ment and Youth Sports, BACDYS, his main comprehensive, integrated system with several objective is to focus exclusively on low income PERSONAL EXPLANATION parts; an acute care hospital with a Level 1 housing, education, youth programs and family Trauma Center and a Community Hospital; a entertainment. He is a Board member of the HON. DAVID P. ROE Regional Outpatient Center; a Correctional Highland Park Local Development Corp., the OF TENNESSEE Healthcare Facility; an Outpatient Infectious 75th Precinct Community Council and a mem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Disease Center specializing in the treatment of HIV/AIDS; 16 community clinics and a public ber of the program committee of the North Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Brooklyn YMCA, to name a few. health department. Mr. Abdin is a product of a retail family. His Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I was Prior to accepting the role of CEO of Cook father was a successful retail businessman not present for votes on June 18, 2012 be- County Health & Hospital System (CCHHS), and growing up he worked in his father’s store cause I was attending a funeral. Had I been Dr. Raju served as the New York City Health after school and on weekends. After spending present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall and Hospital Corporation’s (HHC) Executive a couple of years in Bangladesh he returned votes No. 379 and No. 380. Vice President, Corporate Chief Operating Of- to the United States to manage the family Key f ficer and Chief Medical Officer since 2006. Food Supermarket, which to this day, he still During his tenure in health care spanning over A TRIBUTE TO LEO A. MORRIS manages. 30 years, Dr. Raju served in various leader- Mr. Abdin is married to Farida Yeasmin, and ship positions in not for profit and public hos- they are blessed with two daughters and two HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS pital systems in New York. He served as the sons. He attends the Al-Aman Mosque that OF NEW YORK Chief Operating Officer and Chief Medical offi- was founded by his father, Abdul Sattar, on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cer at Coney Island Hospital and Senior Vice President and Director of Medical Education at Forbell Street in Brooklyn. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleges to join me Lutheran Health System. in recognizing the important achievements and Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Dr. Raju began his professional career in dedication to community of Mr. Misba Abdin. pay tribute and to honor Leo A. Morris for his India. He attended Madras Medical College to track record in public service and his commit- earn his medical diploma and subsequently f ment to charity. did a residency in Surgery culminating in a A TRIBUTE TO TOMMY Leo Morris was born in Colon, Panama to Master of Surgery degree. He underwent fur- MERRIWEATHER Louise and Irving Morris and is now a resident ther training in England and was elected as a of Brooklyn. He is the only son in his family Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. He HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS and has four sisters. He migrated to the served in various capacities in England and OF NEW YORK United States in 1959. Leo was educated at subsequently underwent surgical training in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eastern District High School, Staten Island the United States. Dr. Raju also did a fellow- Community College (AA, 1975), and Barnard ship in Vascular Surgery. He is Board Certified Tuesday, June 19, 2012 College (BBA, 1978). He began his career in in Surgery and is a fellow of the American Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the housing sector with the United States College of Surgeons. He has held the position pay tribute and honor Tommy Merriweather. Trust Company after completing his studies. of Clinical Professor in multiple Medical Mr. Merriweather is a public servant that has He went on to serve the City of New York’s Schools. He has been actively involved in dedicated his life to protecting the community. Department of Housing Preservation and De- teaching residents and medical students for Tommy enlisted in the U.S Army after high velopment in various offices within the agency many years, and won the Best Teacher award school where from 1982 to 1988 he served in for 30 years. During his tenure, he was a Real many times throughout his career. He is an the Infantry division. During his eight year mili- Property Manager in the Tenant Interim Lease avid researcher and has published many arti- tary career he traveled the world and he Program, a Community Coordinator/Unit Chief cles in peer review journals. Dr. Raju is also earned many awards. in the Division of Relocation, and Deputy Di- a physician executive, having obtained an On July 5, 1989, he joined the New York rector for Field Operations in the Emergency MBA from the University of Tennessee and City Police Department. He was a committed Housing Services Bureau. Leo was recognized CPE from the American College of Physician employee and enjoyed working for the NYPD as a dedicated and loyal employee, retiring in Executives. He currently serves as an adjunct for twenty years. In December 1992, Officer 2010. professor in Business Management at the Uni- Merriweather was promoted to the rank of De- Leo is a dedicated volunteer and finds time versity of Tennessee. He has held many posi- tective. to enjoy life. He is Vice Chair of Tashia’s tions in Healthcare Organizations, including

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.071 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1087 Director of Surgery, Director of Trauma, Direc- 2008, United Way began a 10-year initiative to ruch College to obtain her second Master’s tor of Surgical Research, and Director of Med- cut these staggering statistics in half. United Degree in Public Administration. ical Education. He has also served on various Way continues to look into the future, search- Monica Thomas was called to action. After local and state wide committees including the ing diligently for solutions that will benefit realizing the devastating impacts of drug ad- American Hospital Association Region 2 Gov- these families in the long-term. diction she sought a career in Addiction Coun- ernance Board and on the President’s Forum: United Way has impacted our community in seling. In her first job she counseled homeless The Acute Post Acute Hospital Continuum, a New York’s 15th congressional district in pro- men, who also suffered from addiction prob- Member of the National Quality Forum steer- found ways. For as long as I can remember, lems and mental illness, and eventually rising ing Committee ‘‘National Voluntary Consensus its New York City chapter has been dedicated to Assistant Program Director. She sought to Standards for emergency Care—Phase II Hos- to helping low-income families in terms of their learn more about the populations she served pital based Emergency and Research Com- health, education, and financial stability. From and received a ‘‘JFK Jr. Fellowship’’ scholar- mittee. Dr. Raju’s professional society mem- restoring child care and after-school funding, ship to pursue undergraduate studies at Em- berships include the American College of Phy- to helping over 3 million people make healthier pire State College in 1996 where she focused sician Executives and the American College of choices by making fresh fruits and vegetables in Social Administration and Addiction Studies Surgeons. He was recently selected as one of more affordable and available. United Way and received New York State Certification in the top 25 minority health care executives in sees no issue as unimportant and continues to Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment. the country by Modern Health care Magazine. display altruism at the highest level. Dr. Raju married a fellow resident he met at In these tough economic times, when many In 1999, Monica Thomas attended Hunter Madras Medical College, urologist Samanthi people are facing daily struggles that push College School of Social Work for a Master’s Raju. They have a son and a daughter. Dr. them to the brink of pure exhaustion, the work in Social Work with a Specialty in Aging Raju lives in Chicago’s South Loop. United Way does serves as a beacon of hope Health. She developed and implemented a Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join for those in need. We are truly blessed to substance abuse treatment model specifically me in recognizing Dr. Raju for his successful have such an amazing and crucial organiza- for the elderly population and was promoted to career and his dedication to community health. tion within our community. I would like to per- Program Director of the Elder Care Unit at Od- f sonally praise the leadership of United Way yssey House. Additionally, she was nominated Worldwide President & CEO Brian Gallagher, and received the New York State CASAC of HONORING THE 125TH UNITED WAY New York’s United Way CEO Gordon Camp- the Year Award, the highest award bestowed ANNIVERSARY bell, and every staffer and volunteer who dili- upon individuals who hold a New York State gently works behind the scenes. Their work Alcohol and Substance Abuse Certification. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL does not go unnoticed. Mr. Speaker, again, I Monica received her New York State Social OF NEW YORK would like to congratulate United Way on their Work Certification immediately completing her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 125th anniversary and I wish them the best in graduate studies in 2003. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 their future endeavors. Monica then worked in an executive man- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in f agement position overseeing residential serv- recognition of United Way as they proudly cel- A TRIBUTE TO MONICA THOMAS ices for an agency that focused on assisting ebrate their 125th anniversary serving our pregnant women recover from addiction, and communities both here at home and abroad. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS subsequently was appointed Vice President of In 1887, three visionaries saw the need to Clinical Operations for a drug treatment orga- OF NEW YORK nization in Fairfield, Connecticut. In her var- help their community and to address the wel- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fare issues their city faced. Thus, the first ious roles, she designed and developed sys- United Way campaign was born, collecting Tuesday, June 19, 2012 tems and policies that met the growing needs over $21,700 for local charitable organizations. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the population while simultaneously engag- Today, United Way exists in 1,800 commu- pay tribute and to honor Monica Thomas, a ing with the community to gain support for the nities and 41 countries, raising nearly $5 bil- model servant of the needs of the public, a programs under her leadership. lion every year to increase opportunities for a person dedicated to the importance of family, Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Ms. better life worldwide. and native New Yorker. She is Division Direc- Monica Thomas for her efforts advocating for Forty million Americans are working in low- tor of Homeless Services at Volunteers of the well-being of our disenfranchised fellow income jobs with little or no health benefits. In America and currently enrolled at Bernard Ba- citizens.

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