Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES)
Towards an Integrated Marine Good Environmental Status (GES) Assessment for Montenegro Assessment of the MarineLogos Environment en anglais, avec versions courtes des and the Sustainabilitylogos ONU Environnem ent et PAM of Ecosystem Values La version longue des logos ONU Environnem ent et PAM doit être utilisée dans les docum ents ou juridiques. L a v ersion cour te des logos est destin e tous les produits de com m unication tourn s vers le public. Compiled and edited: Ana Štrbenac (lead) Marina Marković, Carlos Guitart, Anis Zarrouk, Ivan Sekovski Authors: EO1 and EO2: Ana Štrbenac – lead author Vesna Mačić, Slavica Petović; Mirko Đurović, Dragana Drakulović, Branka Pestorić, Darko Saveljić, Ivana Stojanović, Milena Bataković, Anis Zarrouk EO5: Robert Precali – lead author Danijela Šuković EO7: Branka Grbec EO8: Željka Čurović EO9: Carlos Guitart – lead author Danijela Šuković, Aleksandra Ivanović, Darinka Joksimović, Ivana Stojanović, Ivan Sekovski, Marina Marković EO10: Milica Mandić – lead expert Editing: Cover design: Graphic design: Old School S.P. Proofreading: N. Yonow Cover photograph: Ghost nets in Montenegro; M. Mandić The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This study was prepared by PAP/RAC, SPA/RAC, UNEP/MAP, and the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism of Montenegro within the GEF Adriatic Project and supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
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