Bishop Yeung speaks at installation Mass Homily of the Most Reverend at the Eucharistic Celebration on the Commencement of his Episcopal Ministry as Bishop of Do Not Be Afraid accompany with love those in need, staying especially close to Arise and Let Us Go Forth From Here! the poor and the sick, the lone- (cf. Matthew 17:7 and John 14:31) ly and the elderly, the disenfran- chised and the marginalised, The Your Eminences Cardinal Tong and Cardinal Zen Last, the Least and the Lost. Your Excellency Bishop Lee from Macau Pastors must be so close to their My brother Bishop Ha flock that, in the words of Francis, they become 'shepherds Monsignor Javier Herrera Corona with the smell of sheep'r My brother priests and deacons Members of Religious and Lay Organisations Allow me, then, to share with you Distinguished Guests just afew thoughts regarding some pastoral priorities Dear Brothers and Sisters is first and foremost the age of the in Christ Cross... "t There is an insidious form of In short, the way of glory pass- : poverty called relational poverty thankthe Holy Father Pope es through the Cross. As Pope . which has rapidly spread and is Francis for entrusting me with Francis says in his first homily often, but not necessarily linked Ithe office of the Bishop of the after becoming Pope, "When we with other forms of poverty-spir- Roman Catholic Diocese of Hong walk without the Cross, when we itual, physical, material, economic Kong in succession to Your Emi- build without the Cross and when or intellectual. nence Cardinal Tong. we proclaim Christ without the Relational poverty consists not On my own behalf and that of Cross, we are not disciples of the simply in a lack of resources, but the Diocese, I thank Your Emi- Lord. in a lack of recourse to relational nences Cardinal Tong and Car- "We are worldly. We may be support and love and in the pain, dinal Zen for having so selflessly bishops, priests, cardinals, , loneliness, hopelessness and sense devoted your lives in faithful and all of this, but we are not disciples of alienation that are often associ- fruitful service to the Church. of the Lord."2 ated with a lack of or a breakdown May I also say how deeply I in loving or meaningful relation- appreciate and share the ecumeni- So I ask myself as a Pastor: ships. cal spirit shown by the presence 'How can I truly be a here today of our distinguished disciple of the Lord?' Relationships are at the guests and friends from other heart of everything' Churches, and I sincerely ask all I must listen to the Father's of you to pray to the Lord our God voice as heard at the Transfigura- They include our relationships to have mercy on me, unworthy tion and have the faith that drives The official photograph of Bishop Yeung as the eighth bishop with God, with one another and servant as I am. out fear, taking courage from what of the diocese of Hong Kong. with all of Nature. Indeed the Chi- The Feast of the Transfigura- Jesus says: 'Rise, do not be afraid' nese term for ethics (ftjQJ:1Il.) means tion is an important Feast which (Matthew 17:7). I link those words Bishop Yeung's coat of arms with its motto, the principles of relationships. is celebrated not only by Roman to what He says after the Last Sup- Arise and let us go forth from here! They impact on human ecolo- Catholics but also by Anglicans, per which I have adopted as my gy as well as the body politics and Lutherans, Orthodox and many episcopal motto: 'Arise, let us go the unity or harmony of 'Heaven, other Christians. forth from here!' (John 14:31). Earth and Man'. If good or mean- In the Gospel reading, the St. Matthew tells us that upon ingful relationships are lacking or opening words 'After six days' are hearing the voice from Heaven, : break down, all sorts of problems pointing to the sixth day after Peter, James and John were 'very . abound. Peter has confessed Jesus' divinity afraid', but that 'Jesus came and on the Day of Atonement (Leviti- touched them' (Matthew 17:7). The pastoral priorities 0/ the cus 23:27,34). This is the saving touch of the Diocese include ministry in the Jesus and the apostles travel Word made flesh. In the words of healing of relationships, particu- south for six days before reaching St. John's Gospel, He has 'pitched larly with regard to problems Mount Tabor, with the Transfigu- his tent among us' (John 1:14). affecting families, the broken and ration occurring during the Feast He continues to accompany us the wounded. of Tabernacles (Matthew 16:13). with compassion, giving Himself ' Apostolic Exhor- During the Feast, the people to us in the Holy Eucharist and tation, The Joy of Love (Amor- live in tents to recall the time of sending the Holy Spirit to dwell in is Laetitia), challenges pastors to Israel in the desert and to look for- the tabernacles of our hearts. start with people, in their present ward to the age of the Messiah. So realities, and to go forth from when Peter suggests making three The watchword/or pas- there, accompanying them step by tents, he is expressing the fulfil- toral action is therefore step, with discernment and com- ment of the messianic expectation. accompaniment-compas- passion, towards the fullness of Pope Benedict points out that sionate accompaniment life and helping them to experi- "it is only as they go down from ence the merciful love and tender the mountain that Peter has to I must therefore walk with healing touch of the Lord. learn once again the messianic age the Lord, take up the Cross and The Exhortation forms part of It would be a sad day for Hong Kong if it were true to say that people here cared only for economic growth. Hong Kong's well-being calls for a wide range of values to be fostered, including education and appropriate action, to strive for integral human development the Diocese's continuing cateche- I must listen to the sis in Catholic Social Teaching on such topics as human life and dig- Father's voice as nity, marriage and family, human rights and civic responsibilities heard at the Transfig- (including the rights of the child, uration and have the the disabled and the aged) and human ecology." faith that drives out The Gospel of the Family must be both faithfully proclaimed and fear, taking courage truly lived. from what Jesus says: So when we speak of taber- : nacles, let us also remember the . Rise, do not be afraid people who still live in tiny cubi- : cles, often no bigger than a cof- : fin, or even worse conditions in : Hong Kong. time drawn attention to many live- They include many elderly peo- : lihood and other important issues, pie in this rapidly-ageing city." including political reform, affect- Their relational health is of : ing Hong Kong's well-being which particular concern. They need, : still need to be addressed. apart from practical help, that gen- : Where necessary it will in tie loving touch from caregivers, : appropriate ways continue to call especially family members. . for action, although the Church is Alas, many caregivers, such as : not-and sees its role differently spouses, are themselves elderly ~ from that of-a political party.s and lack relational and other sup- : It would be a sad day for Hong port. . Kong if it were true to say that I therefore welcome the news : people here cared only for eco- that the Government will be con- : nomic growth. sidering various initiatives to pro- ~ Hong Kong's well-being calls vide, among other things, more for a wide range of values to be flexible home care and day care : fostered, including education and centre services, including "elder- : appropriate action, to strive for ly sitter services" to allow more . integral human development." elderly people to age in place? At the same time I have 'Do not be afraid, Arise and observed from real examples in As regards young people 'Lord, give me a listening heart' let us go forth from here!' my pastoral experience that many in Hong Kong (1 Kings 3:9) of the elderly, despite their age, are May the Good Shepherd who still physically fit, energetic and The Diocese has been intensi- Without discernment, one can- gave Peter the mandate to feed active, are eager to receive recog- : fying its Youth programmes and not really get to and help tackle His lambs and care for His sheep nition as still being needed and are : has already started to involve them the root causes of the frustrations, (John 21:51-18) teach us how to willing to share their invaluable : in preparing for the Synod gather- discontent, helplessness, distrust look after the more vulnerable experience, including any relevant ing next October in Rome on the of authority and even anger expe- members of the flock first with- expertise they may have with the theme: Young People, Faith and rienced by many of our young peo- out excluding others from our love younger generation. Vocational Discernment. ple, or other problems which are and care. It would be ideal if we could But much more is required, often not of their own making. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, encourage and provide platforms including engaging them in heart- who became the Lord's living Tab- for them to do so. The digital- : to-heart dialogues and face-to- Trust takes time, and sincerity ernacle and Ark of the New Cov- Facebook, Twitter, Skype-is no face encounters, not restricted to on all sides, to build or rebuild enant'? at the Incarnation, pray for substitute for personal contact and Catholics. us and accompany us! sharing in human companionship. The Diocese has from time to And may the Peace and Joy of the Risen Lord be with you all! I Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth, vol, 1,315.

2 www.catholicworldreport.comI2013103114/full-text-pope-francis

3 www.newsmax.comINewsfrontlpope-francis-chrism-massI2013I031281idl4968061

4Everything is interconnected, as explained by Pope Francis in his Encyclical Laudato Si' (24 May 2015).

5 See, for example, Cardinal 's Pastoral Letters of21.9.14 (on "Proclaiming and Living the Gospel of the Fam- ily") and 29.7.15("Human Ecology and the Family: Strengthen Marriage, Not Redefine it !")

6 Reported available statistics show that in 2016 the number of residents aged 65 and above rose to 16% of the population from 10.3 % in 1997. It is estimated to reach 24% by 2025: SCMP, 10July 2017

7 SCMP, 10 July 2017.

8 See, for example, John Cardinal Tong Hon's Pastoral Letter of30.5.2015 on "Electoral Reform and the Well-being of Hong Kong" and previous Pastoral Letters and public statements referred to therein.

9 This would also call for family life and civic education, and development of civil society and all other necessary conditions, including the political dimension.

10 cf: Luke 1:35,Ex 40:34-5 and Litany of Loreto. With an eye for a Church of the poor

HONG KONG (SE): Bishop ...he stated that he will Michael Yeung Ming-cheung spoke with a simplicity and hon- speak when human esty about his new position in his dignity is at stake first meeting with the media as bishop of the city on August 2. or on matters that In a prepared statement, he threaten the welfare thanked his predecessor, John Car- of people in the terri- dinal Tong Hon, for his half a cen- tury of service to the people of tory Hong Kong then quietly outlined care for the last, the least and the whose pain still lingers in the lost as his major pastoral priority souls of people and that he has pro- for the coming years. found respect for the students who But as bishop, he will lead a made the sacrifice in the hope of a Church that by self-definition does better life for all. not exist for its own benefit, but to In a similar way, he said he serve the world and, consequently greatly admires , who has responsibilities both to its own spoke for what he believed in and members and towards the whole of paid a high price for his honesty society in terms of its social out- but, as with calls for the vindica- reach and clearly proclaiming its tion of those who died in Tianan- teachings and beliefs, which are l7ltMo.w Rei. HkhmoJ };' men his cause has hit a brick wall, representative of a significant per- li:JItyIt!lj'-t'lMt. but the world must embrace the centage of the population. sacrifices of yesteryear and contin- In his statement, Bishop Yeung Bishop Michael Yeung at his introduction to the media as bishop of Hong Kong on August 2. ue the search for what can be done spoke of himself as a leader of a in the present. Church of the poor, saying that help resource them to reorient be scolded. However, she respond, "Our elderly people need to He also expressed a personal he would continue where his pre- their lives. ed quite differently, simply saying feel dignified and valued," he hope that the barriers that stand in decessors have left off in reach- Born in in 1945, that it was time for dinner and in explained. "We must also care the way of a free election for the ing out to the marginalised and Bishop Yeung fled with his family that way,allowed young Yeung the about our younger generation ... chief executive of Hong Kong will the neglected, as well as place to Hong Kong when he was four- space to get his head together a bit. Not all of them want to fight the be done away with and the way great emphasis on addressing years-old. He confessed that as a In this context, he said that one government, they just need to paved for universal suffrage in the what he termed relational poverty, young child just beginning school of his dreams would be to find express their discontent and those special administrative region. an emerging form of deprivation he could not get his head around ways to create this type of space in power have to listen." While a few ghosts from the common to all modern, sprawling his studies, instead spending his in Hong Kong for people that are But while his predecessor, Car- past were brought up, Bishop cities of the world. time at play. harrowed and hassled, as in this dinal Tong, had made much of the Yeung admitted that he may have Bishop Yeung said that he It reached a stage where his pressure cooker society there is role of Hong Kong as a bridge to watch his choice of words more believes that the Church has a teacher was so worried about him, precious little room for people to Church between China and the carefully in the future, as at least responsibility to offer space she come to visit his parents. move in. universal Church, Bishop Yeung one example he used in the past in which those who are lost or He related that he was aware his He spoke of some of the social said that currently he sees this regarding the same-sex attracted depressed can find the freedom mother knew he was embarrassed problems that emerge from this as extremely difficult, as political was clumsy and led to him being to search for their true selves and and angry, and that he expected to tension, saying that he believes tension calls for great care in tak- misrepresented. that broken families and those in ing a step, but nevertheless, "We Reservations about his com- their sunset years struggle to find are willing to be a bridge and I ments on the tragedy of the remov- ( an insertion point in society, but always think that building bridg- al of crosses were also expressed he believes the Church is capable es is much more important than by some pastors in Zhejiang, judg- of providing platforms from which building fences. If there is any way ing them to be too ambivalent. they can eventually recover their we can help to maintain a dialogue, But in the area the eyes of the dignity and even become wounded we will be willing to do so." world have been turned on, the healers for others. However, he noted that Hong appointment of bishops in Chi- Bishop Yeung said that he Kong has been excluded from the na, after a bit of a chicken and believes this especially affects the current talks between the Holy See the egg discussion regarding who older echelons of the community and Beijing and in reality there is should choose and who should and he hopes that as bishop, he often precious little that a bishop propose, Bishop Yeung proposed can facilitate parishes in setting can do beyond making statements. that Beijing suggesting and the up platforms to elevate the sta- However, if given the opportu- Vatican appointing is the only one tus of the aging in a way that can nity he will act. of the two options acceptable to reinforce their dignity as valuable He also gave recognition to sep- the Church. assets in the community that really aration of Church and state in say- As a 72-year-old coming into do have something to contribute. ing that endorsing or blacklisting the job who has been receiving He added that the young people any candidate in a civic election is medical treatment, Bishop Yeung of the city are caught in much the not the business of the Church, but said he is quietly confident that his same situation, as they are facing that commenting on various poli- health is good, as treatment has problems over employment, social cies put forward and encouraging been effective and, although he mobility and housing, all of which people to study the platforms of runs an 8.00am to 8.00pm work- he described as unresolved issues candidates, then voting according day, he manages well. in society that are not of their own to their conscience, is. But as the best laid plans of making. As the media probed Bishop mice and men often go awry, the His hope is that the Church Yeung for his opinions on various future is an unknown and only can be involved in creating ways issues in Hong Kong, he stated time will reveal what will tran- to give them an outlet for their that he will speak when human spire during the years this bishop hatred, discontent and disappoint- dignity is at stake or on matters remains in his position. ment and, his even bigger hope is that threaten the welfare of people However, the straight honesty that the government may find in in the territory. Bishop Yeung showed suggests itself the ability to listen to their On specific issues, he describ- that whatever else, he will call it voice and understand what lies ed the 4 June 1989 massacre in as he sees it and what you see is behind their discontent. Tiananmen Square as a tragedy what you'll get. To speak or remain silent? A bishop's dilemma

HONG KONG (SE): At his instal- lation Mass as bishop of Hong Kong on 23 September 2002, Joseph Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun said that one of his biggest challenges was to know when to speak and when to remain silent. Although much has been made of the myriad moments that the garrulous bishop chose speak, the sound of his silence is more dif- ficult to discern, as the dilem- ma was a distinctly personal one for the newly appointed bishop to grapple with. The time leading up to the selection of a new bishop is one of intense speculation, as commenta- tors and interest groups weigh the pros and cons of the possibles. Bishop Yeung, left, greeting acting-chief executive, Matthew Cheung, The conversation does not just at a cocktail party at Caritas Community Hall on August 7. run around Church circles, as in a city like Hong Kong a bishop takes on a far wider persona, as . . •. . We can work together ti I . f th BIshop Yeung at hIS introduction to the media on August 2. the vast educa rona empire 0 e diocese, coupled with the magni- •••Kevin Rudd once in which Lam parades her Catho- HONG KONG (SE): "This gath- This gathering today tude of social and medical servic- . Iic faith. ering today is a testimony that we es provided through Caritas leave wrote that he would Some of his examples may can all work together for the bet- is a testimony that we terment of our society by show- the Church and the government be worried if his gov- seem a bit passe, as a new chief can all work together lying very much cheek by jowl in t t t executive visiting their old school ing love, forgiveness and charity the same bed. ernlnen was 110 a or thanking fellowparishioners for across the boundaries of all reli- forthebeuermelltof But while in some senses the odds with the Church praying for them is hardly out in gions and cultures," the newly two may be equitable bed mates, h . b left field. installed bishop of Hong Kong, our society ... of late they have not always slept over somet 'lIg, ut Even a Facebook post assuring Michael Yeung Ming-cheung, told so well, as often radical differenc- his worry would be people she had gone to Mass on guests at a cocktail party held in the Caritas Community Hall on He stressed that this is not only es over po~itical ~t~ucture; social for the Church... a da~ ~hen she had been see~ on and education policies; as well as television at St. John's Anglican August 7. a matter of charity, but also a mat- economic and labour laws have to address that drift and what he Cathedral may be just caution, as In addressing the gathering of ter of justice, as peace and harmo- seen the two readying to draw pis- terms the Caritas clique, which tongues can wag around parishes government dignitaries led by the ny in any society must be pinned tols at dawn. included Bishop Yeung as its chief with as much venom as in political acting chief executive, Matthew onjustice to be legitimate and long But when the mystery of iden- executive, echoed its silence on commentaries. Cheung Kin-chung, guests from lasting. tity of the new bishop is already issues that others in. the Church, Whether Mok sees this as a the China Liaison Office, in addi- The newly appointed bishop of known, as in the case of a coad- including bishops, spoke out about. political or a religious issue is not tion to representatives from oth- Hong Kong then expressed the jutor like Bishop Michael Yeung However, he pinpoints the clear either, but he does wonder er Christian denominations and hope that those who hold power in Ming-cheung, it shifts the specula- opening of the Caritas Bazaar in whether the fact that Bishop Yeung faiths, consuls general and mem- the region will use it in that man- tion from the who to the how like 2015 as ushering in a new era. and Lam have had a long profes- bers of the business and social ner and work to create a society a racing car driver slipping from A somewhat controversial issue sional association as the chief exec- services communities, Bishop that truly places itself at the ser- second to third gear. at the time, the then number two utive of Caritas and the secretary Yeung expressed the confidence vice of others and embraces all its The speculation becomes in the administration, ofthe WelfareDepartment will put that cooperation on many fronts members as neighbours. more personally oriented and the Cheng Yuet-ngor, reckoned she the Church uncomfortably close to is possible, even though relations Bishop Yeung acknowledged archives are raked for clues as to had a spot booked in heaven under the state or not. may be strained at times and disa- that the people of Hong Kong how the new person at the top may the banner of the eighth beatitude, While he does not provide any greements emerge. enjoy many types of freedom, but operate. "Blessed are those persecuted for answers, Mok's question is fair He then thanked his predeces- he went on to say that with free- The sound of Bishop Yeung's justice sake..." enough, as a healthy distance, even sor, John Cardinal Tong Hon, for dom comes responsibility, espe- past silence has been well combed, Then addressing his guest of if equitable, is the beginning of his half-a-century of service to the cially in the area of fostering an but without much rationale for the honour, John Cardinal Tong Hon shaping constructive Church-state people of the city as a priest, as atmosphere within which life whys of his circumstance. said of her, "She has persevered relations. well as his 21years as a bishop and reaches towards eternity. Nevertheless, wonder is the and never given up... She set a But harmony is a different finally his eight years as the leader He then assured the gather- spice of commentary and a good good example for us." question. One of the last theologi- of the diocese. ing that represented many differ- question that evades an answer is While the religious quips would cally literate world leaders, Aus- The new bishop quoted Jesus ent echelons of life in the territory the stuff of human interest. in all probability not be taken too tralia's Kevin Rudd, once wrote as saying that everyone is our that the Catholic community looks John Mok Chit-wai, who teach- seriously, political scientist, Ivan that he would be worried if his neighbour, but to make that a real- forward to working together with es government and public admin- Choy Chi-keung, says the politics government was not at odds with ity demands work and effort and them all in shouldering its share istration at the Chinese University probably would be. the Church over something,but his the challenge to our society is to of the responsibility in creating a of Hong Kong, notes in an arti- Choy said her quip may well worry would be for the Church, as be pro-active in reaching out to peaceful and harmonious society cle published by UCAN that after have backfired on her, as it invited it would mean it was not fulfilling numerous groups of people who where justice is the Iynchpin of all the 1997 handover of Hong Kong comparison with other ministers its mission in society. are excluded in some way and human relations and in its life real- from British to Chinese sovereign- and religion can be a sticky topic Bishop Yeung may well hold embracing them as a neighbour. ly does reach out towards eternity. ty there was a shift in govern- in Hong Kong political life. the same concern about the gov- ment policy, which tended to leave However, what Mok does not ernment if there is a time when Christian charities outside of the make clear in asking the ques- his Church is not at odds with bed chamber. tion, "What way will Church-state it about something, but when to Mok claims that the Church, relations turn in Hong Kong?" is speak and when to remain silent especially its giant social service whether his concern lies in Bishop remains a personal dilemma only provider, Caritas, has been keen Yeung's past silence or the manner he can grapple with. New bishop installed

HONG KONG (SE): "It would be a sad day for Hong Kong if it were true to say that people here cared only for economic growth. Hong Kong's well-being calls for a wide range of values to be fostered, including education and appro- priate action to strive for inte- gral human development," Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung said Installation on August 5 at his installation as the eighth bishop of Hong Kong, Mass since it was recognised as a dio- cese in 1946. The Cathedral of the Immac- time, and sincerity on all sides, to ulate Conception was packed to build or rebuild." welcome the new bishop on a hot Bishop Yeung put great stress summer afternoon, which came at on being inclusive in the pasto- the culmination of what had been ral outreach of his diocese and a busy week for him. embracing people of all ages in As the coadjutor, he official- its life, giving particular stress to ly succeeded John Cardinal the young, whom he said must be Tong Hon when his retirement included in all consultation and was accepted by the Holy See on planning, as well as those in their August 1. Then, a day later, he sunset years whom he noted have faced the media at his introductory much to give, but are often ignored. press conference. Calling on his long experience Bishop Yeung stressed that as the chief executive of Caritas, the cross stands at the centre of he expressed the intention to be the Christian life, as "without the very much on about strengthening cross we are not disciples of the the outreach of the diocese to what Lord," and he resolved that as he described as the most alienated bishop, he would lead a diocese of groups in society. compassion dedicated to accompa- But to the list of the physical- nying the marginalised of society, ly poor he added the frustrated whom he described as being the and those marginalised by age, last, the least and the lost. both old and young, as well as Bishop Yeung in his episcopal seat at his installation Mass on August 5. He also spoke of the need for those affected by what he called an healing and pinpointed the young Bishop Yeung tives from the clergy, religious, emerging form of poverty known and the old as two areas of out- laity and significantly the young as relational poverty. reach that would be highlighted stressed that the cross people of the diocese pledged their "Relationships are at the heart in the pastoral outreach of the stands at the centre fidelity to him during his time of everything. They include our diocese. in the bishop's seat of the See of relationships with God, with one Bishop Yeung was led into of the Christian life, Hong Kong. another and with all of Nature. his cathedral by representatives The broad representation of Indeed the Chinese term for ethics of religious and laity, as well as as (without the cross young or youngish people prefig- means the principles of relation- around 100 priests and deacons, we are not disciples of ured his wide-ranging homily (full ships," Bishop Yeung said. including two former bishops of text see page 8), where he reiter- In this context he spoke of bro- the diocese, Joseph Cardinal Zen the Lord' ated his pastoral priorities for his ken family relationships, as well Ze-kiun and John Cardinal John episcopate. as the broken relationships caused Tong Hon; in addition to his auxil- accompanied by the financial sec- "Without discernment, one can- by physical poverty and frustra- iary, Bishop Chi-shing; retary, Paul Chan Mo-po; and not really get to and help tackle tion with systems that leave people followed by the current ordinary the secretary for food and health, the root causes of the frustrations, with no room to move forward or of Macau, Bishop Sophia Chan Siu-chee. discontent, helplessness, distrust to have hope in the future. Bun-sang, with whom he had been Cardinal Tong thanked the peo- of authority and even anger expe- On a personal level, he shared ordained three years ago; and rep- ple of the diocese as he stepped rienced by many of our young that his prayer as a bishop is for a resentatives of other Christian down from the top job, before ush- people, or other problems which listening ear, as all leadership is denominations. ering his successor to the episco- are often not of their own making," pinned on the ability to reflect the The government of the spe- pal seat of the See of Hong Kong. the new bishop of the diocese said. thoughts, aspirations and ambi- cial administrative region was Bishop Yeung then accepted He then added, "Trust takes tions of the people. represented by the chief execu- the commission he has received "Lord, give me a listening heart" tive, Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor; from the Vatican and representa- (I Kings 3:9), he concluded.