2018 PORTFOLIO REVIEW (#3) ACTIVITY REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: December 2016- December 2017 ACTIVITY NAME: Marginalized Population Support Program / PPMG


Activity Purpose: . Individuals and CSOs representing underrepresented groups are constructively engaged in civic/political issues, will ensure that the government recognizes them as necessary and respectable partners in policy development.

The Development Hypothesis: . Constructive engagement in civic/political issues of individuals and CSOs representing underrepresented groups will be achieved by supporting the activities of groups of local organizations that advocate for the rights and dignity of underrepresented groups, building capacities of local NGOs and USAID implementing partners and providing grants to local CSOs that provide services to beneficiaries.

Implementing Partner: . Institute for Youth Development KULT

Activity Website: . Yes; url: www.ppmg.ba

Activity Facebook page: . Yes, url: https://www.facebook.com/ppmg.ba/

COR/AOR: Elvira Challenger

COP Name: Jasmin Bešić

Key Partners/Other Donors: NGO & BA d.o.o.

Start /End Date: February, 2015 / February, 2020

Total Estimated Cost: 3,4 mil. USD

Obligated Amount: 3,178,044.67 USD



The Activity’s highest-level result statement:  Increased citizen’s participation in governance.

Contribution to Project log frame indicators (list the log frame indicators that this activity is contributing to, the targets, and the FY17 Results):

Indicator Activity Targets for FY17 Activity Results for FY17* Number of underrepresented people assisted by a 3000 4580 USG funded intervention providing services to beneficiaries Number of advocacy initiatives focused on 60 98 improving the status of youth, women, Roma, disabled, or LGBTI in public and political life in BiH Number of human rights organization trained and 100 107 supported Number of organizations representing 8 6 marginalized population which receive minimum 12 hours of training and counseling on OCA dimensions Number of representatives of government 25 30 institutions in BiH trained to increase their organizational capacities.

* If all results for FY17 are not available, provide data available and indicate the dates they cover.


Results achieved since last Review (Briefly summarize achievements made since December 2016):

 Grants: o Signed grant agreements with 11 organizations; 1. Association “ Open Centre - SOC” (Sarajevo); o Work with providers of public services and public companies to raise awareness of the importance of recognizing the specificity of LGBTI persons in while exercising their rights. . This project was supported through a LGBTI RFA announced in June 2016. o SOC collaborated with the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Displaced Persons and Refugees of Canton Sarajevo on a new Plan of measures for equality of LGBTI people in Canton Sarajevo. Also, the Prosecutor’s Office of Canton Sarajevo supported activities aimed at reducing stigma and prejudice towards LGBTI people and providing more detailed information about their rights and concerns in Canton Sarajevo. More than 30 prosecutors took part in trainings designed to familiarize them with the problems of LGBTI people who are victims of violence, abuse, and whose rights are violated. Prosecutor’s Office of Canton Sarajevo entitled one prosecutor as contact for all gender-based crimes against LGBTI persons in this region.

2. Association “Helsinki Committee for Human Rights” (); o developed a set of measures to improve the position of LGBTI people in 6 local communities (, , Sarajevo, , Bijeljina, ). The process of advocating for the incorporation of these measures into local action plans regarding gender equality and human rights is in progress. Local Gender Commissions accepted these measures and local CSOs and Commissions’ representatives advocate for the adoption of these measures by local assemblies. o Helsinki Committee for Human Rights also provided 6 small grants to local CSOs who will advocate and implement LGBTI-related activities and campaigns in their local communities. o Also, on December 28th in Bijeljina will be announced winner of the competition for the best report/story on LGBTI issues in B&H “Feather of respect”. o This project was supported through a LGBTI RFA announced in June 2016.

3. Association „Tračak nade“ Foča (grant #2, 24 months); o Through this grant we continued our support to 3rd Service Center for families of children and persons with disabilities in B&H. This SC in Foča run under same model as SC “Dajte nam šansu #1 & #2” in Sarajevo, SC “SOCI” in Tuzla and SC “Dajte nam šansu-Zvjezdice” in Banja Luka. Grant will be last up to November 30th, 2019, total amount is 40.000 USD.


o Beneficiaries of SC in Foča are children and PWDs and theirs families from 4 local communities: Foča, Čajniče, Kalinovik and Ustikolina. o Total number of direct (primary) beneficiaries (as of November 30th, 2017): 65 (number of families of PWDs from Foča, Ustikolina, Kalinovik and Čajniče). o Total number of services provided to beneficiaries (as of November 30th, 2017): 8675 services.

4. Association “Dajte nam šansu” (Sarajevo: o We continued our support to 1st and 2nd Service Center for families of children and persons with disabilities in B&H. o Second SC in Sarajevo (Municipality of Stari Grad) was opened on December 4th, 2017. o These 2 SCs in Sarajevo (Municipalities of Novi Grad and Stari Grad) run under same model as other SCs in Tuzla, Banja Luka and Foča. Our network of SCs now numbers 5 Service centers across B&H. Grant will be last up to November 30th, 2019, and total amount is 176.000 USD. o Beneficiaries of SCs in Sarajevo are children and PWDs and theirs families from all local communities in Sarajevo Canton: Hadžići, Ilidža, Ilijaš, Trnovo (FB&H), Vogošća, Stari Grad, , Novi Grad and Centar. o Total number of direct (primary) beneficiaries (as of November 30th, 2017): 390 (number of families of PWDs from Sarajevo Canton). o Total number of services provided to beneficiaries since August, 2015 (as of November 30th, 2017): 18.320 services.

5. Association “SOCI” (Tuzla): o Through this grant we supported establishment of 4th Service Center for families of children and persons with disabilities in B&H. This SC in Tuzla run under same model as other SCs in established in B&H. Grant will be last up to February 28th, 2018, total amount is 30.000 USD. o Beneficiaries of SC in Tuzla are children and PWDs and theirs families from . o Total number of direct (primary) beneficiaries (as of November 30th, 2017): 68 (number of families of PWDs from Tuzla region). o Total number of services provided to beneficiaries (as of November 30th, 2017): 3403 services.

6. Association “Dajte nam šansu-Zvjezdice” (Banja Luka): o Through this grant we againd supporteed our 5th Service Center for families of children and persons with disabilities in B&H. This SC in Banja Luka was our grantee for 12 months in 2015/2016 and now will be supported for 24 months. Aslo, this SC run under same model as other SCs. Grant will be last up to October 31st, 2019, and total amount is 44.000 USD.


o Beneficiaries of SC in Banja Luka are children and PWDs and theirs families from Banja Luka region (City of Banja Luka, Laktaši, Kotor Varoš, Gradiška etc.). o Total number of direct (primary) beneficiaries (as of November 30th, 2017): 110 (number of families of PWDs). o Total number of services provided to beneficiaries in 2017 (January 1st - November 30th, 2017): 6647 services.

7. Union of paraplegics and polio survivors of FB&H Sarajevo; o We supported organization of International Open Championship and 14th Paraplegicand Polio Games in B&H. o Grant amount: 10.285 USD. o Total number of beneficiaries (as of September 30th, 2017): 140 (PWDs from B&H and abroad).

8. Association „Srce puno osmijeha“ (Sarajevo); o This association implement smile-therapy workshops, sports workshops, music therapy sessions and traveling performances for children with developmental disorders in institution “Mjedenica” as well as partner CSOs across B&H. o Most of beneficiaries are children with developmental disorders in Institution “Mjedenica” (almost 200 PWDs), as well as families, members, youth, volunteers of this CSO.

9. Association “EDUS – Education for all” (Sarajevo); o The EDUS is a non-government, not-for-profit organization that offers advanced scientific methodology in care of children with autism. o EDUS will conduct scientific research and develop evidence-based tools for monitoring and screening for pediatricians and pediatric nurses that will help them learn how to monitor development and how to identify atypical development as early as possible and therefore help start the process of diagnostics and intervention. The research on the type of appropriate intervention will aid in designing protocols and clear guidelines on services need for the diagnosed children and support for later full inclusion. o Grant amount is up to 298.800,00 USD. o Period of implementation is August 1st, 2017 – March 31st, 2019.

10. Association “ Rock School”; o Mostar Rock School (MoRS) is an idea and a program that attracts and encourages young people from different ethnic/religious backgrounds with similar interests in cooperation, teamwork and joint creativity, using music as a language of communication. MoRS wants to practically demonstrate what can be accomplished when people they use different aspects of the experience for the same goal.


o We provided core grant to this CSO and period of implementation is: May, 2017 – March, 2020. o Grant amount is: 100.000,00 USD. This amount is partial participation in total project budget which is up to 200.000,00 USD. Other half of total fund obtained Swedish Development Agency (SIDA). o Total number of beneficiaries (enrolled students to this school year) is: 125 youth from Mostar and region.

11. Association “Footbal Club Birač” (Milići); o Football Club „Birač“ from place called Derventa near Milići (Republic of Srpska) is local football club that gathers children and youth members of both nationalities, Serbs and Bosniak – returnees in this region. They are bright example of an organization that included a significant effort to enable children of different nationalities to participate in sports and put their political and national differences aside. Club facilities are the stadium and the nearby house which is not completely finished but the club use it as changing/locker room and administration office. Since there is no heat system over the winter months it is very cold inside and we funded installation of thermo façade on the part of the house used by the football club (changing rooms). o For this purposes they need 1.142 $ to buy 300 square meters of Styrofoam material (insulation material), adhesive for adhesion styropol, mesh, molding. o Duration of this in-kind grant is 4 months (completed in October, 2017). o Total number of beneficiaries is 92 club members in all categories (pioneers, cadets, juniors, seniors). They are competing in fourth league in Birač region. o Women's Entrepreneurship Support Fund for marginalized groups; . During 2016 we signed 9 grants agreements with 9 local communities (cities and municipalities) within the initiative Support Activity for Marginalized Groups of Women in Developing Businesses and establishing Entrepreneurial Fund for Women; . In all 9 local communities were held a preparatory workshops on writing business plans for potential applicants for public calls from local stakeholders. These workshops were attended by 200 women from marginalized groups. . 135 women from marginalized groups so far have applied to public calls in all local communities. . The Fund supported a total of 100 businesses owned by marginalized women.



 Prepared Annual Training Plan for grantees in 2017/2018

 Prepared Annual Training Plan for USAID partners in 2017/2018

 12 trainings for USAID’s grantee, partner organizations and institutions held in reporting period: o 5 trainings for USAID’s partner organizations 2016/2017 training cycle; . Topics: . Legal and Organizational Structures (x 2) . Project Cycle Management (x 2); . Strategic Planning; . The training session on gender equality was conducted on most training sessions. o 5 trainings for our grantees; . Topics: . Strategic Planning; . Project Cycle Management; . Financial Management; . Public Advocacy; . Administration & Human Resources; . The training session on gender equality was conducted on most training sessions. o 2 trainings delivered for Youth Council of Federation of B&H; . Topics: . Strategic Planning; . Legal and Organizational Structures

 9 trainings delivered for interested beneficiaries of Women's Entrepreneurship Support Fund for marginalized groups. Trainings were held in: . Municipality of ; . Municipality of Kalinovik; . Municipality of ; . Municipality of ; . Municipality of ; . Municipality of Teslić; . Municipality of Tešanj; . City of Prijedor; . City of .

 Meetings: o Implementation of Memorandum on cooperation and understanding on employment of youth without parental care in Una-Sana Canton; . 12 representatives of institutions and key stakeholders took part on this meeting;


 Round tables: o Problems and difficulties of PWDs when using banking services; . 30 representatives of CSOs of PWDs took part on this Round Table;

o Social Sector Reform, Joint Action and New Strategy for PWDs in FB&H 2016-2021; . 24 representatives of CSOs of PWDs took part on this Round Table;

 Events: o Organized important events: . #MožemoViše / Celebrate Human Rights Event (NGO Fair) – held in Sarajevo, hotel Holiday on May 18th, 2017; . Post-Award Conferences held in repoprting period: Association EDUS & Association “Mostar Rock School”, Association SOCI, Association “Tračak nade” (grant #2), Association “SOC” & Association “Helsinki Committee for Human Rights”; . Opening ceremonies of Service centers: SC Foča, SC Tuzla, SC Sarajevo #2

 Review of USAID/BiH Unsolicited Proposals – o Total number of proposals received and responded in the reporting period: 37 (months: December 2016, January, February and March in 2017); . Since April 2017 PPMG do not review unsolicited proposals due to changes in Task Order #1 (Modification in May 2017).

 Visibility o Designed and produced promotional materials for trainings; o Designed and produced facts sheets for new grantees; o Produced 10 video stories (10 videos); o Produced 1 video about Institution “Mjedenica” and their beneficiary (“Nisvet”); o Produced 1 video about employment of PWDs and ProReha’s project results; o Website of the Activity in function and daily updated; o Online Resource Center for partners and grantees in function and updated (www.obuka.pmg.ba) o Updated Online database of knowledge with publications relevant to target groups (http://ppmg.ba/ba/resursi/publikacije)

 Publications: o Fact Sheets for new grantees (7 new grantees); o As an overview of all activities held in the period from December, 2016 to December, 2017, we produced regular monthly newsletters and published on the official website of PPMG – www.ppmg.ba; o We published 3 Success stories: . From a self-taught artisan to a potential exporter – the story of Dragana Stojinić, the only artisan making wooden tool handles in BiH  Dragana Stojinić, Prijedor


. Childhood Passion Turned Into Business: Silvana’s Cakes on Tables all Across BiH . Silvana Vidović, Livno

. Story From a Forgotten Town: From an Unemployed Woman to an Entrepreneur . Vesna Badnjar, Kalinovik

o Newsletters and success stories are available on: . http://www.ppmg.ba/en/resources/ppmg-publications

 One-on-One Capacity Building Support to Grantees: o PPMG provided one-on-one coaching to: . Association “Srce puno osmijeha” . Association “EDUS”; . Association “Tračak nade”; . Associations “Dajte nam šansu-Zvjezdice” and “SOCI”

 Supported announcement of 9 Requests for Applications/Business plans in 9 local communities: o We assisted in preparation and promotion of 9 public RFAs under Women's Entrepreneurship Support Fund for marginalized groups; . 135 women from marginalized groups so far have applied to public calls in all local communities. . The Fund supported a total of 100 businesses owned by marginalized women.

 Pre-award assessment conducted in 5 following organizations: o Association “SOCI” Tuzla; o Association “Dajte nam šansu-Zvjezdice” Banja Luka; o Association “EDUS” Sarajevo; o Association “Mostar Rock School” Mostar; o Association “Naša realnost” Sarajevo;

 Mid-term and Post-award assessment conducted in 6 following organizations: o Association “SOCI” Tuzla – Mid-term assessment; o Association “Dajte nam šansu” Sarajevo – Mid-term assessment; o Association “Tračak nade” Foča – Mid-term assessment; o Association “Srce puno osmijeha” Sarajevo – Mid-term assessment; o Association “Sarajevo Open Centre” Sarajevo – Mid-term assessment; o Association “Helsinki Committee for Human Rights” Bijeljina – Mid-term assessment



Identify any significant “lessons learned” from monitoring, evaluations, or other sources of evidence during the reporting period: . The Model of Support to Entrepreneurship of Women from Marginalized Groups predicts that the first local communities pay its funds to the Beneficiaries of the Women's Entrepreneurship Support Fund for marginalized groups and after these funds are justified PPMG has paid its funds. o This approach proved to be justified because local communities were more seriously approaching the payment of their funds to beneficiaries and we had better control that beneficiaries really received funds after signing the contract. . The lesson learned through this Model is that local communities need more time to justify funds because the dynamics of budget execution differ from each local community. Some local communities are trying to make budgetary commitments as soon as possible while others are saving and waiting for the last few months of the year to carry out their obligations or transfer them to the next year due to lack of funds (although they have been budgeted).

Key Implementation Challenges (please note strategic, political, sectoral, management, design, financial, and/or other implementation challenges that are affecting performance):  The political organization of FBiH, with the municipal, cantonal and federal levels, is problematic because jurisdiction in many problems is divided between cantonal and federal government or it is under cantonal government jurisdiction even if we have federal ministry for specific area. o This problem was obvious in EDUS’s research project when this CSO had many problems to obtain permits from every canton in FB&H to access children with Autism in Health Centers and kindergartens in cantons. Health care and education are under jurisdiction of cantonal ministries even EDUS obtained support letter of federal ministries of education and health. o We passed this problem now but it took much more effort and time due to this specific political organization in FB&H. o In Republic of Srpska EDUS obtained support and permits of ministries of education and health and is allowed to access in kindergartens and Health Centers and conduct their research in this entity.  Lack of coordination between different levels of government and communication between this levels; o Initiative for employment children without parental care in Una-Sana Canton showed us that local authorities could done many activities without PPMG. But, PPMG and grantee organization “Demokratska organizacija mladih” had to be engaged to implement all activities necessary to employ 3 more children without parental care in this region. . This is same issue that we had last year. Again, this year we had to prepare meeting of all stakeholders to motivate them to provide resources to employ these youth.

Identify any opportunities to adapt the activity or its implementation (as a result of learning and/or contextual changes):

 None.



Identify any potential procurement/contractual issues: . None


Briefly describe how activity has addressed the following cross-cutting initiatives in FY17 and describe any significant interventions planned for FY18:

a.) Anti-corruption: . The model of support for businesses of women from marginalized groups has predicted that all funds of the Fund will be allocated on the basis of public calls. Additionally, the PPMG representatives and representatives of local community businessmen were members of Commissions for selecting the best business plans. In this way, the possibility of manipulation of funds and the allocation of funds to persons who are eligible only for the representatives of the administrative bodies is significantly diminished. We have developed this kind of selection and assignment model to reduce the likelihood of corruption when allocating funds from the Fund.

b.) Reconciliation . Our contribution to reconciliation is reflected in supported activities in the area of Milići municipality.  We supported the sports club (Football Club “Birač” from Derventa, Milići), which brings together Serb and Bosniak children, and through sport teaches them coexistence and reconciliation. Sport is very important for suppressing prejudice, stigma and hate in parts that have been particularly affected by war (persecutions, crimes, etc.). Through football, children are taught to work on achieving common goals through co-operation regardless of nationality.

c.) Countering Russian Influence . USAID through the PPMG was significantly visible in the media, and in all the events and media outlets it is a message that USAID is very active in BiH and supports pro-Western values. In this way, we believe that we have indirectly influenced the reduction of the Russian influence in BiH. . USAID visibility is very important in Republic of Srpska and in this entity we had many grantees. Also, we have very good cooperation with authorities in Foča and Banja Luka. Foča supported our Service Center “Tračak nade” with large amount for next two years. City of Banja Luka continued to support our SC “Dajte nam šansu-Zvjezdice” on yearly basis.

d.) Women’s Empowerment: . Marginalized Populations Support Activity (PPMG) started a Fund for supporting businesses owned by marginalized women, which contains funds provided by USAID and 9 local communities (Prijedor, Livno, Konjic, Kalinovik, Visoko, Tešanj, Teslić, Zvornik and Rudo). The total amount in this Fund


exceeds USD 400,000. Municipalities match every USD 1 from USAID with USD 1 of municipal funds, all of which is paid into the Fund for a particular local community. o The Fund supported a total of 100 businesses owned by marginalized women. Several of these women were victims of gender-based violence or are potential victims because they come from dysfunctional families where the husband/partner is violent. e.) Youth: . The Marginalized Populations Support Activity (PPMG) assisted our partner CSO - Democratic Youth Organization (Velika Kladuša) in employing 3 more young people without parental care after they graduated from high school (and 5 persons were employed last year). . Also, PPMG supported the activities of our grantees who worked on youth development. The Association “NARKO-NE”, Association “Srce puno osmijeha”, Humanitarian Association “Zemlja djece u BiH” and 4 service centers worked on improving the skills of their volunteers through trainings on different topics and mentoring programs. The Association “NARKO-NE” trained volunteers to work with foster children and children who work on the streets. Association “Srce puno osmijeha” trained their volunteers to work with children with disabilities. The Association “Zemlja djece u BiH” trained their group of volunteers (Man Up Club) to work with Roma children, children who work on the streets and their peers. . Our service centers in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Foča and Tuzla trained their volunteers to work with children with disabilities. Also, the SC “Dajte nam šansu” in Sarajevo is authorized by the Ministry of Education of Sarajevo Canton to train in-class assistants (young student volunteers) who work with children with disabilities. . Also, the Association “Rock School Mostar” enrolled 125 new young students in their rock music school program, which is very popular in the Herzegovina region. f.) Protection of marginalized communities (including disabled persons, Roma, and LGBTI): . During FY 2017, Marginalized Populations Support Activity (PPMG) supported two LGBTI related projects in B&H and we also provided support to LGBTI rights on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT). USAID through a PPMG-supported three-day festival held in Banja Luka. . Marginalized Populations Support Activity supported grants for a large number of non-governmental organizations in BiH dealing with people with disabilities. A total of 9 organizations received financial support for their projects in dealing with the issue of people with disabilities. . In the area of Prevention of Trafficking in Persons (primarily the Roma population, but not exclusively), the results are explained below. o During project implementation in Bijeljina and Tuzla, 5 potential human trafficking victims were identified. o Working groups on child protection were formed in Brčko District and Živinice, and the activities of the Working group on child protection in Bijeljina were supported. A functional Protocol for handling violations of children’s rights or human trafficking was established in Bijeljina, Živinice and Brčko, for children living in the street (potential victims of human trafficking). Also, a functional referral mechanism for dealing with cases of trafficking in persons was established in Tuzla Canton. This mechanism involves Cantonal Ministries of Health and Education, Social Work Center, schools and the Daily Care Center in Tuzla.


Interventions planned in 2018:

. We will support our Service centers activities related to their recognition in local laws. Together with 5 service centers we are developing standards for service centers that will have to be met if any other CSO or company wanted to establish service center in their local community. On this way we will obtain minimum quality and palette of services for beneficiaries in future service centers. . Also, we will support paraplegics games in 2018. . We expect to sign second grant with Association SOCI from Tuzla and support this Service center for next 2 years. . We will provide few in-kind grants to Association related to Roma population as well as Sport club teaching swimming children with PWDs.


Identify at least one specific achievement or milestone to be accomplished in the next six months:  Signed one grant agreement with CSO from Tuzla that established Service center in this area;  Trainings conducted in accordance with the annual plan for grantees and partners: o 2 trainings for partners; o 5 trainings for grantees;  Meetings and round tables with stakeholders to start new or facilitate new initiatives to improve social status of members of marginalized groups (women, Roma, children without parental care);  Conduct organizational capacity assessments for all grantees that sign a Grant Agreement in the future;

Upcoming interventions, milestones, and events that the Mission Director should know about: . Grant agreement with SC SOCI from Tuzla; . Media campaign launched by network of service centers (all 5 SCs will be enrolled)

Consider areas in which the Mission Director or Embassy could intervene to help accomplish the activity’s objectives: . USAID and the Embassy has disability action plan. The activity will share different issues or actions to be supported either through public speeches or blogs.



Lessons learned from outreach over the past year: . We had very good media support during the last year. Our strategy is to be partner with media and keep almost friendly relations to media representatives so they would keep focus on stories and results. . Many partners and organizations received first information about PPMG through media reports and social media posts. We will keep this praxis to reach as much as possible persons and organizations. . In reporting period we had more than 260 important media appearances in newspapers, TV shows, web sites, radio shows etc.

Date and topic of latest USAID Facebook post: . December 4th, 2017; . Topic: Opening of the 5th Service center for families of children and PWDs in Municipality of Stari Grad, Sarajevo. o US Ambassador to B&H Ms Maureen Cormack opened this SC, together with Municipality Mayor Mr Ibrahim Hadžibajrić.

Date and subject of last success story:

. From a self-taught artisan to a potential exporter – the story of Dragana Stojinić, the only artisan making wooden tool handles in BiH o Published: December 26th, 2017. o Published on: Klix.ba news web portal