RESTRICTED 6 December 1988 Special Distribution Trade

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RESTRICTED 6 December 1988 Special Distribution Trade MULTILATERAL TRADE NEGOTIATIONS THE URUGUAY ROUND RESTRICTED NEGOCIATIONS COMMERCIALES MULTILATERALES NEGOCIATIONNEGOCIATK S D'URUGUAY MTN. TNC/INF/4/Rev. 1 6 December 1988 NEGOCIACIONES COMERCIALES MULTILATERALES RONDA URUGUAY Special Distribution Trade Negotiations Committee at Ministerial Level, December 1988 Comité des Negotiations Commerciales à l'échelon ministériel, décembre 1988 Comité de Negociaciones Comerciales a nivel ministerial, Diciembre 1988 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES LISTE DES REPRESENTANTS LISTA DE REPRESENTANTES Chairman; Mr. Ricardo Zerbino Président: Ministro de Economia y Finanzas Présidente: de la Repûblica Oriental del Uruguay ALGERIE Représentant M. Amar Dahmouche Ministre, Représentant Permanent adjoint auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Representative Mr. Conrad F. Richard High Commissioner ARGENTINA Représentantes Sr. Bernardo Grinspun Secretario de Planificaciôn, Représentante Especial para Negociaciones Econômicas Internacionales Jefe de Delegaciôn Sr. Juan H. Ciminari Secretario de Industria y Comercio Exteri Sr. Ernesto J. Figueras Secretario de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Pesca GATT SECRETARIAT/SECRETARIAT DU GATT/SECRETA» A DEL GATT UR-88-06 90 MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev.l Page 2 ARGENTINA (cont.) Représentantes (cont.) S.E. Sr. Angel M. Oliveri Lopez Embajador, Subsecretario de Negociaciones Econômicas Internacionales Sr. Daniel Berdou Subsecretario de Intercambio Comercial Sr. Eduardo V. Manciana Subsecretaria de Economia Agraria S.E. Sr. Leopoldo H. Tettamanti Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra S.E. Sr. Oscar Fernandez Embajador en Ottawa Sr. Emilio R. Pardo Ministro, Director de Relaciones Econômicas Multilatérales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sr. Guillermo Gonzalez Ministro, Director del Servicio Agrario Internacional Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Pesca Sr. Hector Garcia Director Nacional del Sector Externo, Secretaria de Planificaciôn Sr. Nestor E. Stancanelli Ministro, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. Carlos Maria Correa Asesor del seftor Subsecretario de Ciencia y Técnica Sr. Alberto Dumont Consejero Econômico y Comercial, Secretaria de Industria y Comercio Exterior MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev.l Page 3 ARGENTINA (cont.) Representantes (cont.) Sr. Jorge A. Viganô Consejero Econômico y Comercial, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. Manuel A. Fernandez Secretario de Embajada, Ministerio de Relaciones Exterlores y Culto Sr. Daniel Chuburu Secretario de Embajada, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. Jorge Ruiz Secretario Econômico y Comercial, Secretaria de Industria y Comercio Exterior Sr. José L. Perez Gabilondo Secretario de Embajada en Ottawa Sr. Alejandro Meroniuc Secretario Econômico y Comercial, Consejeria Econômica en Ottawa Asesores Sr. He man Naveira Présidente, Banco Naciôn Argentina Sr. Guillermo Moresco Présidente de la Boisa de Céréales de Buenos Aires Contador Daniel Miro Boisa de Céréales de Buenos Aires Sr. Eduardo A.C. de Zavalia Représentante de la Sociedad Rural Argentina AUSTRALIA Representatives Hon. Mr. Michael J. Duffy, M.P. Minister for Trade Negotiations, Head of Delegation H.E. Mr. Robert S. Laurie High Commissioner, High Commission in Ottawa MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev.l Page 4 AUSTRALIA (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Peter Stewart Field Deputy Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Deputy Head of Delegation and Leader of Officials Mr. Geoffrey Miller Secretary, Department of Primary Industries and Energy H.E. Mr. Alan Robert Oxley Ambassador, Permanent Representative to GATT Mr. David Charles Hawes Principal Adviser, Multilateral Trade Division Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. G. Mark Emerson Senior Private Secretary, Minister for Trade Negotiations Mr. Peter William Gallagher Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Trade Division Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Peter A. Hussin Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. John Ellis Press Secretary, Minister for Trade Negotiations Mr. Patrick Charles Robertson Director, Multilateral Trade Division Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Stephen Deady Counsellor (Commercial), High Commission in Ottawa Mr. Milton Churche Multilateral Trade Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev Page 5 AUSTRALIA (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Malcolm Farrow Deputy Head, Policy and Corporate Services Division Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce Mr. John Allwright President, National Farmers' Federation Ms. Denise Fleming Managing Director, Foresight Management Group, and Member, Trade Negotiations Advisory Group Mr. Peter Lavery Managing Director, Lavery International Pty Ltd, and Member, Trade Negotiations Advisory Group AUSTRIA Representatives Mr. Robert Graf Federal Minister of Economic Affairs, Head of Delegation Mr. Gerhard Waas Director-General, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs Alternate Head of Delegation H.E. Mr. Manfred Scheich Ambassador, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Franz Ceska Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Alfred Komaz Director, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Josef Mayer Director, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev.l Page 6 AUSTRIA (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Ernst Palisek Director, Federal Ministry of Finance Mr. Richard Hochbrtler Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Otto Ditz Counsellor of Embassy, Embassy in Ottawa Mr. Richard Voh Mr. Walter Kucera Mr. Walter Ertl Director General, Federal Economic Chamber BANGLADESH Representatives Mr. K.M. Rabbani Secretary, Ministry of Commerce Mr. A.N.M. Nuruzzaman High Commissioner, High Commission in Ottawa Mr. M. Ishaq Talukdar Economic Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. M. Shaheedullah First Secretary (Commercial), High Commission in Ottawa BARBADOS Representatives Hon. Mr. E. Evelyn Greaves Minister of Trade, Industry and Commerce Mr. Walter Burke Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Commerce MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev.l Page 7 BARBADOS (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Samuel Chandler Chief Economist and Head of the Economic and International Trade Section, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Commerce H.E. Mr. Rashid Orlando Marville Ambassador, Embassy to Belgium and the European Economic Community BELIZE Representative Mr. Harry J.F. Bloomfield Honorary Consul, Consulate in Montreal BENIN Représentants S.E. M. Girigissou Gado Ministre du Commerce, de l'Artisanat et du Tourisme, Chef de la délégation S.E. Mme Bernardine do Rego Ambassadeur, Ambassade à Ottawa M. Robert R. Akinde Directeur du Commerce Extérieur BRAZIL Représentât ive s H.E. Mr. Paulo Tarso Flécha de Lima Ambassador, Special Representative for Trade Negotiations Head of Delegation H.E. Mr. Rubens Ricupero Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Alternate Head of Delegation H.E. Mr. Sebastiâo do Rego Barros Neto Ambassador, Undersecretary General for Economie and Commercial Affairs Ministry of External Relations Alternate Head of Delegation Ms. Heloisa Camargo Moreira Executive Secretary, Customs Policy Commission Ministry of Finance Mr. Pedro Paulo Pinto Assumpçâo Minister, Coordinator for International Affairs Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Sergio Silva do Amaral Minister, Secretary for International Affairs Ministry of Finance Mr. Valdemar Carneiro Leâo Counsellor, Economic Adviser to the Secretary-General Ministry of External Relations Mr. José Alfredo Graça Lima Counsellor, Head of the Trade Policy Division Ministry of External Relations Ms. Renate Stille First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Piragibe dos Santos Tarragô First Secretary, Deputy Head of the Trade Policy Division Ministry of External Relations Ms. Maria da Graça Nunes Carrion First Secretary, Deputy Head of the Commodities Division Ministry of External Relations Mr. Manuel Edmilson do Nascimento Coordinator for International Affairs, National Institute for Industrial Property MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev.l Page 9 BRAZIL (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Luis Carlos de Brito Lourenço Deputy-Head of Export Promotion and Markets Department, Foreign Trade Bureau of Banco do Brazil Ms. Thais Eleonora Guerra Rego Secretary of Embassy, General Consulate in Montreal Mr. Antonio José Ferreira SimOes Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita Secretary of Embassy, Trade Policy Division Ministry of External Relations Mr. Carlos Marcio Bicalho Conzendey Secretary of Embassy, Trade Policy Division Ministry of External Relations BURKINA FASO Représentant S.E. M. Leandre D. Bassole Ambassadeur, Ambassade à Ottawa BURMA Representative H.E. U Myo Aung Ambassador, Embassy in Washington D.C. Alternate Representatives U Hla Pe Than Embassy in Ottawa U Soe Win Second Secretary, Embassy in Washington D.C. BURUNDI Représentants S.E. M. Bonaventure Kidwingira Ministre du Commerce et de l'Industrie S.E. M. Julien Nahayo Ambassadeur, Ambassade au Canada MTN.TNC/INF/4/Rev.l Page 10 BURUNDI (suite) Représentants (suite) Mme Victoire Ndikumana Directeur du Commerce Extérieur CAMEROUN Représentants S.E. M. François-Xavier Ngoubeyou Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Chef de la délégation M. Lazare
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