Nomination of Raoul L. Carroll to Be President of the Government National Mortgage Association March 13, 1991
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Mar. 13 / Administration of George Bush, 1991 served as principal officer at the U.S. Em- in 1966. bassy in Bukavu, Zaire, 1970–1972; political Mr. Seitz graduated from Yale University officer in Nairobi, Kenya, and vice consul (B.A., 1963). He was born December 8, to the Seychelles, 1968–1970; and as con- 1940, in Honolulu, HI. Mr. Seitz is married, sular officer in Montreal, Canada, 1966– has three children, and resides in Wash- 1968. Mr. Seitz joined the Foreign Service ington, DC. Nomination of Raoul L. Carroll To Be President of the Government National Mortgage Association March 13, 1991 The President today announced his inten- to this Mr. Carroll served as a partner with tion to nominate Raoul Lord Carroll, of Bishop, Cook, Purcell & Reynolds in Wash- the District of Columbia, to be President ington, DC, 1986–1989. of the Government National Mortgage As- Mr. Carroll graduated from Morgan State sociation at the Department of Housing and College (B.S., 1972) and St. John’s Univer- Urban Development in Washington, DC. sity School of Law (J.D., 1975). He was He would succeed Arthur J. Hill. born March 16, 1950, in Washington, DC. Since 1989, Mr. Carroll has served as Mr. Carroll served in the U.S. Army, 1975– General Counsel for the Department of 1979. He is married, has two children, and Veterans Affairs in Washington, DC. Prior resides in Washington, DC. Remarks by the President and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada at the Air Quality Agreement Signing Ceremony in Ottawa March 13, 1991 The Prime Minister. Mr. President, distin- diplomatic solution was again rejected, guished guests: I’m very pleased to welcome President Bush provided the strength and President Bush to Canada on his first for- the decisiveness required for the successful eign trip since the end of the Gulf war. prosecution of war. He comes to Canada today as a President I’m not entirely certain how history will who is greatly admired at home and widely interpret the expression ‘‘defining mo- respected abroad, and one whose skill and ment,’’ which appears to be pretty much resolve provided the international commu- en vogue in certain quarters these days. nity with a stunning success in a war over But I assume it means the crystallization Iraq. of great need and wise, confident leadership In my many meetings and conversations with President Bush since August 2d I have in a manner that indelibly affects suc- been struck both by his grasp of the issues ceeding generations. In that regard, the and by the breadth of his vision in regard conduct of the Gulf crisis and the war, from to this remarkable problem. He instinctively its uncertain beginnings to its triumphant chose to work within the United Nations. end, was in fact, a defining moment for He painstakingly constructed and nurtured the United Nations, the United States, and a great and disparate coalition of sovereign the world. And for this extraordinary nations. He provided the perspective and achievement the name George Bush will the patience required for successful live proudly in the history of free men and statecraft. And when, at the 11th hour, a women. 254 VerDate May 04 2004 10:00 May 27, 2004 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00266 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\91PAP1\91PAP1.004 APPS10 PsN: 91PAP1 Administration of George Bush, 1991 / Mar. 13 In fact, this Presidency in my judgment With this agreement and with the control will always be remembered for the uncom- programs now in effect in both countries, mon courage and the strong leadership that we are confident that the acid rain menace President George Bush of the United States will be eliminated by the year 2000. of America demonstrated throughout an ex- I would like to take this opportunity— ceptionally challenging and potentially ex- there are many people who deserve to be plosive period in world history. thanked today. Davie Fulton from the IJC, Canada and the United States are close and I mentioned Allan. And so many others: friends and trusted allies. And the President John Fraser, who is the Speaker of the of the United States is always most welcome House of Commons, Mr. President, but in in our country. And, Mr. President, I bid his previous incarnation was Minister of the you on behalf of everyone a most warm Environment, and a most successful one. welcome here today. And I see Bill Reilly, who is here from I have noticed that President Bush has the United States; and Robert De Cotret; acquired along the way a 91-percent ap- and David MacDonald, who is Chairman proval rating. [Laughter] Because of our of the Environment Committee of the close relationship and because this is a spe- House of Commons; and so many parlia- cial day—George Bush and I have been mentarians who are with us today who friends for many years—I know that the played a key role. President will want to pool his ratings with But I would like to thank Michael Phil- mine. [Laughter] We can then, George, di- lips, of External Affairs, and Bob Slater, vide by two, and we both come out ahead. of Environment Canada, our negotiators, [Laughter] for a job well-done. And I would like to But it’s a particular pleasure for us to thank their American counterparts and the welcome you, Mr. President, on this visit scores of people on both sides, many of to sign the Canada-United States Air Qual- whom are present this afternoon, for work- ity Accord. This agreement has had a long ing so hard to make this happy day possible. and sometimes difficult history. It has in- Mr. President, this agreement is very im- volved three United States administrations portant to Canadians. Our national soul and five successive Canadian governments. takes its breath from the forests and lakes You and I, Mr. President, have worked on and mountains and prairies that give life this issue since the days when you were to our country. The aboriginal peoples of still Vice President. And I see Allan Gottlieb Canada have taught us that we hold this here today—when Alan was our Ambas- magnificent land, as you do yours, in trust sador in the United States, and so many for future generations. And so, today’s others who have played an important role agreement will help us correct many of the in it. But no one has played a more critical errors of the past. role than you. You have demonstrated sensitivity to Ca- With this agreement we are guaranteeing nadian interests in your proceeding with do- our children that air quality will never again mestic clean air legislation and in signing be taken for granted on this continent. The this agreement today. It commits the Gov- sensitivity and idealism of children on both ernments of both countries, this arrange- sides of the border are our environment’s ment today, to a series of targets and sched- best hope. ules, and requires both to make public the Mr. President, your colleagues from the progress that is achieved. The agreement administration, Governor Sununu and Gen- also provides a framework for cooperation eral Scowcroft, and your colleagues, Ambas- to solve other transboundary air pollution sador Ney: on behalf of Canadians young problems. and old, I would like to express our appre- ciation for your cooperation. [At this point, a telephone rang.] There is someone here, Stan Darling, Mr. That’s Gallup calling, Mr. President. President, who is right over there, who, as [Laughter] I expected a push, but not this he says, is a member of the Conservative fast. [Laughter] Caucus, soon to be 80 years young, as he 255 VerDate May 04 2004 10:00 May 27, 2004 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00267 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\91PAP1\91PAP1.004 APPS10 PsN: 91PAP1 Mar. 13 / Administration of George Bush, 1991 says every Wednesday. He was one of the to add my name along with our country’s often unmentioned guiding lights who commitment to an agreement of great envi- fought the fight over many long and difficult ronmental importance. I, too, would like years to make this possible. And while you to pay my respects to Mr. Darling. I can’t and I get to sign it today, Mr. President, say I have felt his lash or his determination what we sign is a tribute to Stan Darling as much as others in this Parliament have and so many Members of Parliament and felt—[laughter]—but I would like to assure Members of Congress and members of the him that while he was fighting the domestic administration on both sides who deserve battles here, sensitizing Canadians—and this tribute today. sometimes it spilled over to sensitizing those So, I would like to express our apprecia- south of the border here—Ambassadors tion for your cooperation, and I want to Gottlieb and Burney were no paper tigers. thank you for your vital contribution to pre- They were on us like ugly on an ape, I’ll serving the common environment we both tell you. [Laughter] And they stayed on us, hold in trust for future generations. I’m and appropriately so, because I think be- aware, Mr. President, of the pressures on cause of their leadership they had brought you. There are actually some pressures on many in the United States Congress and us in the same ways up here in Canada. many in the administration to understand And to have moved as you did the environ- just how important a priority this was to mental question so quickly within your own the Prime Minister and to the Members borders, so far and to such heights, is a here.