Princess Musical Fiesta Lovin' Who You Are" Chorus) HEARD…That Ugly Video, Which Es, It's Happening This Saturday, February Prasad
Tuesday 8th February, 2011 3 with Ivan Alvis Star Track Album inger Joey Lewis is a happy with this organization. man. Or, let's say, he is excited, "I can almost hear the chorus Sthrilled and delighted! of the song ringing out in the With the World Cup about to com- stadiums as Murali, the great mence, and Colombo being one of the man, plays his final games venues, Joey's song, "Murali 800 (The and takes more wickets," King Of Spin)" is being made avail- said Joey in an exclu- able to cricket fans in Sri Lanka as a sive chit-chat with ringtone download from Mobitel. "Star Track." According to reports coming our Explaining way,all the profits from the download how it all came will be channelled to 'The about, Joey Foundation of Goodness', which, went on to say says Joey, is a brilliant organization. that the Both Murali and his manager, Kushil recording of Gunesekera, are closely associated the song was initi- ated by Johann Jayasinha (SNNI), when he met him last year in Australia. "Johann is an Joey Lewis amazing media man and photographer and we chatted a lot, especially about cricket. When we Gunasekera, who was also mp3 download and on iTunes), and Born This Way found out that we were both impressed with it. Murali liked it, there is "Murali 800 (The King Of passionate about the game. too, and here we are. Spin)" the original version by Joey. I told Johann about the "I think your original article on "We wanted to do something Lady Gaga cricket songs I had written, the song gave it a lot of momentum, good and positive with the song and and mentioned to him It doesn't matter if you love Subway kid, rejoice your truth too." our goals have been achieved," said about the song for Murali.
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