www.nbcrfl i.org.za 1st EDITION 2014

THE ROLE OF COUNCIL: A REMINDER Who are we? The Administration section of the National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI) ensures compliance with the Collective Agreements which the parties to the Council agree to during industry negotiations. These Collective Agreements consist of the conditions of employment between employers and employees within the road freight and logistics industry. We help ensure stability in the road freight and logistics industry by providing services related to the Collective Agreements outlined below.

What we do for you? The parties to Council (party trade unions and employer organisations) provide members with a number of value-added service offerings, including: • Setting minimum standards and conditions of employment, which are included in the Collective Agreements. • Ensuring all employers and employees who fall within the scope of the NBCRFLI obey the conditions set through education about and enforcement of the Collective Agreements. • Facilitating the resolution of disputes between employers and employees in the Industry through our Dispute Resolution function where CCMA accredited commissioners mediate and arbitrate disputes. • Administering the industry’s annual, sick leave and holiday bonus funds. • Providing wellness services to the industry, such as Trucking Wellness and the Wellness Fund Health Plan, through appointed service providers.

How to keep in contact with us Should you have any questions regarding your annual, sick leave or holiday bonus or the wellness services, please speak to your HR or payroll department. Should you wish to contact us directly, we have listed some useful contact numbers on the back page of this newsletter. There is also useful information about our services on our website at, www.nbcrfl i.org.za.

2014 FIFA World Cup For advertising sales and rates, please contact Brazil Fixtures Inside Mrs Fikile Mchunu at newsletter@nbcrfi .co.za Go to our website – www.nbcrfl i.org.za – to view photos of the winners of last edition’s competitions.

GP VISITS = 5 (3 correct entries) SPOT iFLOP ASK BATHO • Kabelo Moleko R2000 Grand Prize Winner: • [email protected] • Jerome Moodley Sello Ephraim Mahlatsi • Rhulani Silas Mashava • Sipho Maduna • Larry Devenish Consolation prizes – hampers: • Thabo Khumalo • Nduduzo Ndaba • Peter Mashikinya • Anna Mashapa • Sipho Mahlaba • Darren Marais • Tony Mpisane • Cristopher Kleyn COMPETITION RULES & WINNER SELECTION 1. To enter, the person must SMS their Name, Surname, ID Number and Answer in 8. The winner will be drawn randomly from the correct entries. 16. The company shall also not be responsible for entries that are damaged, that order. Only ONE SMS entry will be accepted. 9. The duration of the competition will be determined by the company. incompletely received, late, lost, misdirected, garbled or for any reason as a 2. Entrants must be 18 years and older to enter. 10. The company reserves the right to amend the competition end date at any time. result of hardware, software, browser or network failure of any kind or lost or 3. This competition is open to members of the National Bargaining Council of the 11. If you have been selected as the winner, you will be notifi ed telephonically and/ unavailable network connections. Road Freight and Logistics Industry, drivers, warehouse staff and their employers. or by SMS and the winner will be published in our next edition of Ziwaphi On the 17. The company reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. 4. There is no purchase requirement to enter this competition except the cost of the Road. 18. The company will endeavour to announce the winner within one week after the SMS. 12. If you have been notifi ed that you are the winner, you will be given a total of 5 closing date of the competition and distribute the prize within one week after the 5. Rate of R1.50 per SMS will apply and where applicable, data charges may also (fi ve) working days to submit your banking details and copy of your ID. winner has been announced. be charged. 13. By entering the competition, the winner agrees to participate in any promotional 19. The prize is not transferable. 6. A limited number of correct entries will win during this competition. activity and material as the company deems fi t. 20. Distribution of prizes will be done via courier or personal delivery. No cash will be 7. In the event of a dispute regarding the rules, conduct and results relating to this 14. Incorrect entries will be disqualifi ed. handed to the winner under any circumstances. competition, the company shall make a fi nal decision and no correspondence or 15. The company accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damages occurring as

CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS! OUR TO discussion shall be entered into. a result of participation in the competition or as a result of the use of the prize. WINNERS MenziM Ngubane is a South African actor best known for his role as Sibusiso Dlomo, oro Ngamla, on Generations.

PROFESSIONAL CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • 1987: Menzi showcased his talent to South Africa in the local television series Kwa Khala Nyonini 1. The second series followed in 1988, making his character Cijimpi a household name. • He acted in the television show uBambolwami, and he received an Avanti Award nomination in the category “Best Actor in a Drama”. • He played the role of Jerome on the TV series Gaz’lam. He was voted Most Stylish Actor in a drama for Gaz’lam, for which he received an Elle/Sunday Times Magazine Award. • 1990: He acted in a production of Street Sisters which was performed at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown and at overseas venues. • 1991: He was involved in a theatre production called “A 100-year Celebration of the South African National Anthem,” and Kamieng. • He was also in Seazar, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Caesar, which was shown both locally and in England. • 2004: Menzi starred in the movie Country of my Skull alongside Samuel L. Jackson. • 2008: He won the Star of Mzansi award and the R1-million cash prize. • Menzi has also acted in Yizo Yizo and Soul City.

PERSONAL LIFE In 2011, Menzi was admitted to hospital after both his kidneys failed due to high blood pressure. Menzi is on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. In the meantime, he has had to change his lifestyle; he has quit drinking, smoking and has changed his diet. Menzi is forever grateful to his wife, who he says became “his rock” after he got sick.

CELEBRITY SPOTLIGHT ON SIBUSISO DLOMO “Sibusiso and Menzi are two different people, but there is a small difference between the two. When I walk into the SABC, I become Sibusiso. I walk, talk and think like him. The minute I take off his costumes and walk out of the SABC, I become Menzi. When I am out with my family, people see Sibusiso and not Menzi. For this reason, I must always switch between the two. Fans will be fans so I play along with them, but I must always make sure that I differentiate between my life and that of Sibusiso.”


In order for us to send you the latest NBCRFLI information on a regular basis, we require your most up-to-date contact details. SMS us your: Name, ID number, Cellphone number, Email address (if you have one), AN ADDITIONAL EMPLOYER ASSOCIATION JOINS THE NBCRFLI Who told you about the competition? (their name, surname and ID number) As of January 2014, the National Employers Association of South Africa (NEASA) to 39485 and win an exciting NBCRFLI prize! has been admitted as a party to the National Bargaining Council for the Road By telling your friends to send us their details, you stand Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI). Based on NEASA’s membership fi gures, a chance of winning more prizes. So the more people they are entitled to have one seat on the Council’s board. you tell - the more prizes you win! Winners will be announced in the next edition of Ziwaphi. NEASA is one of South Africa’s employer associations which represents employers within the road freight and logistics industry. “We welcome NEASA as a new party to the Council and trust that their ideas and knowledge will promote orderly collective bargaining,” says Tersia Ströh, Acting National Secretary of the NBCRFLI. TRANSLATION OF MAIN COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT INTO AMENDMENTS TO THE MAIN COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT AFRIKAANS, ISIXHOSA, ISIZULU AND SESOTHO The Minister of Labour has approved two amendments to the provisions of the Main The National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry Collective Agreement: (NBCRFLI) is proud to announce that the existing legal version of the Main Collective 1. Any contribution paid to a benefi t fund which is not claimed or otherwise legally Agreement is in the process of being translated into 4 of the 11 offi cial languages; disposed of within fi ve years of receipt thereof, will be forfeited to the reserve namely Afrikaans, isiXhosa, isiZulu and seSotho. funds of the benefi t fund concerned. The Main Collective Agreement, which has only been available in English, regulates 2. From 1 February 2014 onwards, trade union subscriptions deducted from the the terms and conditions of employment or any other matters of mutual interest wages of party union members must be paid directly from the employer to the concluded between employee and employer representatives in the road freight and respective trade unions. These fees will no longer be collected by the Council. logistics industry. In the long term, the Council plans to translate the Main Collective Agreement EXTENSION TO THE EXEMPTIONS AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION into the other offi cial languages, which will go a long way to ensuring that all its COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT members are aware of the conditions set out in the Main Collective Agreement. The On 28 May 2013, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration English version will, however, remain the offi cial version. This marks yet another (CCMA) accredited the NBCRFLI to conduct conciliations and arbitrations (including way in which the NBCRFLI is striving to provide a high level of service to both its pre-dismissal arbitrations) from 1 June 2013 to 29 February 2016. This decision employer and employee members. was taken following the high quality of dispute resolution services provided by the The Main Collective Agreement, and the different translations thereof, will be NBCRFLI. available for viewing on the NBCRFLI website and mobi app at the end of June 2014 In January 2014, the Minister of Labour extended the provisions of the Exemptions – www.nbcrfl i.org.za or the Council’s mobi app, which can be downloaded on your and Disputes Resolutions Agreement to the 28 February 2016 in order to align the smartphone on www.nbcrfl i.mobi/install. Please follow the step-by-step instructions Agreement to the accreditation period granted to the Council by the CCMA. and choose the required download for your iPhone, Blackberry or Android phone. 2 HOW TO RESOLVE DISPUTES QUICKLY & EFFICIENTLY One of the core functions of the NBCRFLI, in terms of the Labour Relations Act, is to prevent and resolve labour disputes within the road freight and logistics industry as per its mandate to administer and enforce the conditions of employment between industry employers and employees. In order to resolve unfair dismissal and disputes of a similar nature, the NBCRFLI is accredited by the CCMA to perform dispute resolution by using CCMA accredited commissioners. These commissioners are also used to arbitrate enforcement disputes.

WHAT IS A DISPUTE? WHAT IS THE COMMISSIONER’S ROLE DURING THE A dispute is any matter over which employer and employee members legally CONCILIATION HEARING? challenge each other, such as unfair dismissal and unfair labour practice or A commissioner helps both parties to resolve the dispute and reach an agreement a dispute about how the provisions of Council’s Collective Agreements are as soon as possible. The commissioner is independent and does not take sides; applied. it is the commissioner’s duty to be fair to both parties. The commissioner also plays an advisory role in terms of the Labour Relations Act. TYPES OF DISPUTES The following are the types of disputes the NBCRFLI facilitates: HOW LONG DO THE CONCILIATION HEARINGS TAKE? • Enforcement Dispute • When a conciliation hearing is scheduled, it is done so within 30 days This type of dispute relates to non-compliance/breaches of Collective of referral. Most conciliation hearings normally take 30 minutes to 1 hour. Agreements. • However, when a conciliation matter is unresolved the party can refer the • Unfair dismissal and Unfair Labour Practice disputes (LRA) matter to arbitration. This is a 60-day process. This type of dispute relates to unfair dismissals and unfair labour practices • It is important to note that the conciliation and arbitration processes need in the Road Freight and Logistics Industry. to be fi nalised within 90 days.

As a member of the road freight and logistics industry, you have the right WHAT IF I AM NOT AVAILABLE ON THE DATE OF THE to make sure that your dispute is heard and resolved. CONCILIATION? The matter will remain unresolved. We recently sat down with the NBCRFLI Disputes Resolution Manager who gave us more information on conciliation, a dispute resolution service offered WHAT IF THERE IS NO AGREEMENT AT THE CONCILIATION by Council. This is his explanation: HEARING? If the parties cannot reach an agreement at conciliation level, the matter remains WHAT IS CONCILIATION? unresolved and the dispute can be referred for arbitration. Conciliation is a process whereby CCMA accredited commissioners who are selected for the NBCRFLI panel of commissioners, meet with the employer and HOW DO I PREPARE FOR THE CONCILIATION HEARING? employee parties in dispute, and explore ways to resolve the dispute. No legal • Write down all the issues you want to discuss. representation is permitted in terms of the rules. This is a without prejudice and • All parties should be presentable and professional. an off the record process. • Be open-minded, well-mannered and willing to provide all the relevant facts. Being aggressive or stubborn will only make the process longer and more In order for the parties to reach an agreement, both parties need to be present diffi cult to resolve. at the conciliation hearing. If one of the parties fails to attend the conciliation • Make sure you commit to the date and time of the hearing. hearing, the matter will remain unresolved and may then only be resolved by arbitration or the Labour Court, depending on the type of dispute. WHAT DO I BRING TO THE HEARING? • Notice of set down given to you by the Council. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ATTENDING THE • A note on the history of the event, explaining the facts of the event. CONCILIATION HEARING? • It is also important to know your facts, why you are at the hearing • It is far more benefi cial for parties to resolve disputes at the lowest level and the result that you require. of resolution. By attending the hearing, both parties are able to avoid the unnecessary costs involved in the arbitration process. These costs are due WHO MAY REPRESENT ME AT THE CONCILIATION HEARING? to the length of the process, the possible attendance of witnesses, the time An employee may appear in person at any proceedings before a commissioner that the parties need to take from work to attend the arbitration and the extra or be represented by a member, offi cial or offi ce bearer of a registered trade administration involved. union that the employee was a member of at the time the dispute arose. • The conciliation process is private, confi dential, without prejudice and an off the record process. An attorney or a consultant may not represent you at conciliation. • It is less time consuming than arbitration. • The conciliation hearing is a process where a CCMA accredited commissioner, WHAT TYPES OF OUTCOMES ARE THERE AT CONCILIATION selected by the NBCRFLI, meets with the parties in dispute, separately and/ HEARINGS? or together, and explores ways to settle the dispute by agreement. • The NBCRFLI has 18 offi ces countrywide, thereby making it more convenient • There may be a variety of outcomes, but usually, they are as follows: for Council stakeholders to resolve their disputes through the conciliation - Resolved through a settlement or; process. . - Unresolved, where the referring party has the opportunity to escalate the dispute to arbitration. WHAT IS ARBITRATION? • The types of conciliation settlements include: fi nancial settlements and/or reinstatements. Arbitration is an escalation of the dispute resolution process in that it is a more formal process than conciliation. This process differs from the conciliation Should you require any additional information about the Council’s process as it does not promote negotiations. It is essential that the involved dispute resolution process, please refer to the Labour Relations Act or parties attend the arbitration. Failure of the referring party to attend the arbitration to our Disputes Resolution brochure which can be found on our website, process means a commissioner may www.nbcrfl i.org.za. You may also contact your local designated agent. (i) dismiss the matter by issuing a written ruling or; (ii) adjourn the proceedings. If the referring party only attends the arbitration proceedings, a default award may be issued by the commissioner in favour of the referring party. 3 Trucking Wellness is a service offered by the National Bargaining Council for the Road Freightht and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI) under the Wellness umbrella. Besides offering free primaryy health care services mainly to our members, such as testing for TB and high blood pressure, it also aims to create awareness around HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) amongst long-distance truck drivers, commercial sex workers and those at risk such as driver spouses and partners. The programme has 22 Wellness and 5 Mobile Wellness Centres across South Africa. OUR STAFF – OFFERING YOU A HELPING HAND What is your name? Paulos Lekhooana What is your qualifi cation? Professional Nurse How long have you been working for Trucking Wellness? 3 years Where do you work? At the Trucking Wellness Clinic in Villiers What do you love most about your job? “Educating the drivers about HIV and STIs and helping those who are ill. I also enjoy speaking to drivers about the services we provide at the Wellness Clinics.” What do you want to tell the truck drivers out there? “Come get your health checked regularly at the Trucking Wellness Clinics and ALWAYS use condoms during sex.” WELLNESS CENTRE CLINIC TIMES CLINIC MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYTTHURSDAY FRIDAY Alrode North 07h00 - 16h00 - -07h0 07h00 - 16h00 07h00 - 14h00 Alrode South - - 07h00 - 15h30 - - Beaufort West (N1) 16h00 - 22h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 16h00 - 22h00 10h00 - 16h00 Colesberg (N1) 16h30 - 22h30 16h30 - 22h30 16h30 - 22h30 16h30 - 22h30 16h30 - 22h30 East London (N2) 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 17h00 - 22h00 Epping (N1) 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 Hanover (N1) 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 Harrismith (N3) 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 Kokstad (N2) 10h00 - 16h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 10h00 - 16h00 Komatipoort (N4) 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 Marianhill (N3) 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 16h00 - 22h00 Mooiriver (N3) 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 17h00 - 23h00 Mthatha (N2) 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 Musina (N1) 09h00 - 16h00 09h00 - 16h00 09h00 - 16h00 09h00 - 16h00 09h00 - 16h00 Port Elizabeth (N2) 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 Roodekop 08h00 - 15h00 08h00 - 15h00 08h00 - 15h00 08h00 - 15h00 08h00 - 15h00 Tugela (N3) 19h00 - 01h00 (Sunday) 19h00 - 01h00 (Monday) 19h00 - 01h00 (Tuesday) 19h00 - 01h00 (Wednesday) 16h00 - 22h00 (Thursday) Ventersburg (N1) 17h00 - 23h00 13h00 - 19h00 13h00 - 19h00 17h00 - 23h00 13h00 - 19h00 Villiers (N3) 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 Wadeville - 07h00 - 15h30 - - - Warden (N3) 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 17h00 - 23h00 Zeerust (N4) 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00 18h00 - 24h00

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN the Council and the Provident Fund It is important to note that the Road Freight and Logistics Industry’s Provident Should you have any queries regarding your Provident Fund contributions, Fund is an independent legal entity, separate and distinct from the Council please contact one of the relevant Road Freight and Logistics Industry Provident and is not owned by any stakeholder or party, such as the National Bargaining Fund contact numbers below: Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI), or employer organisations and trade unions who are parties to the Council. All Provident Fund contributions are made directly to the Fund and not to the Council. RFLIPF Call Centre Email Employers 0860 111 489 info@rfl ipf-sanlam.co.za Although there is a Provident Fund service centre in the Council’s Johannesburg branch, this is purely for the convenience of the Council’s members. Members / Claims 086 173 5473 members@rfl ipf-sanlam.co.za No Provident Fund queries or payments are received or handled by the Council itself, as stipulated above. Disclaimer: The above were the details provided at the time of sending out this newsletter.

4 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Thursday, 12 June Sunday, 22 June Group A Group H Brazil 22:00 Croatia Arena de Sao Paulo Belgium 18:00 Russia Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho

Friday, 13 June Korea Algeria Group H Republic 21:00 Estadio Beira-Rio Group A Mexico 18:00 Cameroon Estadio das Dunas Group G USA 00:00 Portugal Arena Amazonia Group B Spain 21:00 Netherlands Arena Fonte Nova Monday, 23 June Group B Group B Chile 00:00 Australia Arena Pantanal Netherlands 18:00 Chile Arena de Sao Paulo Saturday, 14 June Group B Australia 18:00 Spain Arena da Baixada Colombia 18:00 Greece Group C Estadio Mineirao Cameroon Group A 22:00 Brazil Estadio Nacional Group D Uruguay 21:00 Costa Rica Estadio Castelao Group A Croatia 22:00 Mexico Arena Pernambuco Group D England 00:00 Italy Arena Amazonia Tuesday, 24 June

Côte d’Ivoire Group C Group D 03:00 Japan Arena Pernambuco Italy 18:00 Uruguay Estadio das Dunas Sunday, 15 June Group D Costa Rica 18:00 England Estadio Mineirao Group E Switzerland 18:00 Ecuador Estadio Nacional Group C Japan 22:00 Colombia Arena Pantanal France Group E 21:00 Honduras Estadio Beira-Rio Group C Greece 22:00 Côte d’Ivoire Estadio Castelao Bosnia and Group F Argentina 00:00 Herzegovina Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho Wednesday, 25 June Monday, 16 June Group F Nigeria 18:00 Argentina Estadio Beira-Rio Germany 18:00 Portugal Group G Arena Fonte Nova Bosnia and Iran Group F Herzegovina 18:00 Arena Fonte Nova Group F Iran 21:00 Nigeria Arena da Baixada Honduras Group E 22:00 Switzerland Arena Amazonia Group G Ghana 00:00 USA Estadio das Dunas Group E Ecuador 22:00 France Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho Tuesday, 17 June Thursday, 26 June Group H Belgium 18:00 Algeria Estadio Mineirao Group G Portugal 18:00 Ghana Estadio Nacional Group A Brazil 21:00 Mexico Estadio Castelao Group G USA 18:00 Germany Arena Pernambuco Korea Group H Russia 00:00 Republic Arena Pantanal Korea Belgium Group H Republic 22:00 Arena de Sao Paulo Wednesday, 18 June Group H Group B Algeria 22:00 Russia Arena da Baixada Australia 18:00 Netherlands Estadio Beira-Rio Group B Spain 21:00 Chile Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho

Group A Second Round 1 Second Round 5 Cameroon 00:00 Croatia Arena Amazonia 28 Jun 29 Jun Thursday, 19 June 18:00 18:00 Winner A Quarter Final 1 Quarter Final 3 Winner B Colombia Côte d’Ivoire Group C vs vs 18:00 Estadio Nacional Runner-up B 04 Jul 05 Jul Runner-up A 22:00 PLAYOFFS 22:00 Group D Uruguay 21:00 England Second Round 2 Winner SR1 Winner SR5 Second Round 6 Arena de Sao Paulo vs vs 28 Jun Winner SR2 Winner SR6 29 Jun Group C Japan 00:00 Greece 22:00 Semi Final 1 Semi Final 2 22:00 Estadio das Dunas Winner C FINAL Winner D Friday, 20 June vs 08 Jul 13 Jul 09 Jul vs Runner-up D 22:00 21:00 22:00 Runner-up C Group D Winner QF1 Winner SF1 Winner QF3 Italy 18:00 Costa Rica Arena Pernambuco Second Round 3 vs vs vs Second Round 7 Winner QF2 Winner SF2 Winner QF4 30 Jun 01 Jul Switzerland Group E 21:00 France Arena Fonte Nova 18:00 18:00 Winner E Quarter Final 2 Quarter Final 4 Winner F vs rd vs Group E 04 Jul 3 Place Playoff 05 Jul Honduras 00:00 Ecuador Arena da Baixada Runner-up F Runner-up E 18:00 12 Jul 18:00 Saturday, 21 June Second Round 4 Winner SR3 22:00 Winner SR7 Second Round 8 vs Loser SF1 vs Group F 30 Jun Winner SR4 vs Winner SR8 01 Jul Argentina 18:00 Iran Estadio Mineirao 22:00 Loser SF2 22:00 Winner G Winner H Group G vs vs Germany 21:00 Ghana Estadio Castelao Runner-up H Runner-up G Bosnia and Group F Nigeria 00:00 Herzegovina Arena Pantanal Use our Fraud Hot-line and Be Heard! Crime negatively impacts on the profi ts, salaries and infrastructure of the road freight and logistics industry, as well as the country at large. As Call us on members of this industry, we need to work together to prevent crime which includes, but is not limited to, unlawful, dishonest and unethical 0800 000 904 (Toll Free) behaviour such as fraud and non-compliance. Or SMS us on 44666 We urge you to join in the fi ght against fraud and corruption in our industry by contacting our “Be Heard” disclosure service to report Or send us an email on any crime that you see or suspect in the workplace. You may also nbcrfl [email protected] phone this hotline if there is any operator you know or suspect is NOT Please note that our fraud hot-line is completely independent REGISTERED or NOT COMPLIANT with the NBCRFLI Collective and anonymous, and we will not reveal your identity to anyone. Agreements. 5 The NBCRFLI launched the Wellness Fund Health Plan in July 2011 in order HIV Management through the CareWorks programme. If you or your spouse to look after the health and well-being of its employee members. The improved are HIV positive, contact CareWorks on 0800 212 768 to enrol for treatment benefi ts introduced from 1 July 2013 are as follows: and medication.

PRINCIPAL MEMBER & ELIGIBLE SPOUSE BENEFITS ELIGIBLE CHILDREN BENEFITS 5 Universal Network GP/Doctor visits a year. Phone the Universal Call An eligible child is defi ned as a child, including a legally adopted child Centre on 0861 872 333 to fi nd the Universal Network doctor closest to you. It or step-child, who is not yet 21.This age may be extended to 25 in respect of an is important to remember that the cost of your doctor visit will ONLY be covered unmarried child who is a full-time student. There is no age restriction for children if the GP is a Universal Network GP. who are either mentally ill or physically unable to look after themselves, and are wholly dependent on the principal member for support and maintenance. In-hospital patient cover for up to R50 000 per incident if the injury you Eligible children are entitled to the following benefi ts: have is due to an accident. In the event of an unavoidable private hospital • 24 hour ER24 access stabilisation due to emergency before transfer to a public hospital, the benefi t • In-hospital patient cover for up to R50 000 per incident if the injury is limited to R15 000. is due to an accident. • R10 000 accidental injury benefi t for injuries caused by an accident. R10 000 accidental injury benefi t for injuries caused by an accident. • Repatriation benefi t (part of ER24 benefi t). If your child is involved This excludes medical emergencies. The benefi t includes cover for accidental in a fatal accident away from home, his/her body will be transported back injury and treatments in a hospital emergency room. NOTE: Treatment in the home free of charge. emergency room/casualty due to illness is not covered. IMPORTANT FACTS TO REMEMBER The following benefi ts remain the same: • The Health Plan does not pay immediately for your stay in hospital - you have Acute Medication, limited to R 500 per person per year. The Universal to pay the account fi rst and then claim back. Network GP should prescribe your acute medication. You can either get your • Keep your Health Plan Membership Card with you at all times. You and medication directly from the GP or from a Universal Network Pharmacy. Clicks, your eligible spouse will ALWAYS need to present the Membership Card Dischem, Medirite and Hyperpharm pharmacies are part of the Universal when visiting a Universal Network Provider (general practitioner, dentist, Network. optometrist and pharmacy), a hospital casualty facility or when you require an ambulance. Unlimited Chronic Medication for the following chronic conditions: blood pressure, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes or hyperlipidaemia (high cholesterol & fat If you don’t have a membership card or have lost your card, you can call in the blood stream). You need to register the conditions with Universal in order Universal on 0861 872 333 or email them at nbcrfl [email protected] and they to get medication for the diagnosed condition. Approved medication is available will fax or email a membership certifi cate (in 24 work hours) to your workplace. from a Universal Network Pharmacy. You can then can go and see a doctor immediately.

What is an accident? Radiology (x-rays) and Pathology (blood tests) that covers black and white An accident means bodily injury caused by violent accidental and external x-rays, specifi cally for your chest and limbs. The Universal GP has a list of physical means. x-rays and blood tests you can be sent for. NOTE: If a doctor wants to take blood tests, fi rst check whether the tests are in fact covered by the Health Some examples include: Plan. • Motor vehicle accident. • Breaking a leg. One eye test per year at the optometrist. The Health Plan offers optometry • Being a victim of a crime, e.g. shooting. benefi ts, namely an annual eye test and one set of glasses every 2 years. • Drowning. You need to go to a Universal Optometrist to have these benefi ts covered in full without any co-payment. You can get a new pair of glasses, including the The Health Plan does not pay immediately for your stay in hospital. You have frames and clear plastic lenses, once every two years. This benefi t will not cost to pay the account fi rst and then claim back. you anything. What is a medical emergency? A R1000 dental visit once every two years. The benefi t includes approved A medical emergency means the sudden and, at times, unexpected onset of a dental procedures such as examinations, fi llings and extractions. It is important health condition that requires immediate medical or surgical treatment. Failure to fi rst get a quote from the dentist before you let him do any procedures to to provide treatment would place the member’s life in danger. make sure you don’t have to pay in any money. Some examples include: 24 hour ER24 access. This benefi t allows you to access ambulance/helicopter transport in the case of an emergency and/or accident. It includes treatment and • Heart attack. stabilisation at the scene of an accident, as well as transportation to the closest, • Stroke. most appropriate medical facility. The 24-hour medical advice line gives you • Burst appendix. free medical information and crisis counselling. To use any of these services, phone 084 124. For further information about the Health Plan, please refer to our website at www.nbcrfl i.org.za or www.nbcrfl i-health.co.za. Repatriation benefi t (part of ER24 benefi t). If you or your spouse is involved in a fatal accident away from home, your body will be transported back to your home free of charge.


The Road Freight Employers’ Association (RFA) Block E1, Isando Business Park, Gewel Street (corner of Hulley Road), Isando Tel: (011) 974 4399 Fax: (011) 974 4903 Email: [email protected] www.rfa.co.za

South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU) 2010-2011 & 2011-2012 TREBLE WINNERS 117 De Korte Street, 1995 CAF CHAMPIONS LEAGUE WINNERS SATAWU House, Braamfontein, Club Orlando Pirates Johannesburg Nicknames Buccaneers, Ezimnyama Ngenkani, Happy People, Sea Robbers, and Amabhakabhaka Tel: (011) 403 2077/117 Formed 1937 Fax: (011) 403 2021 Club Headquarters 2nd Floor, Oakhurst Building, 11 St Andrews Road, Parktown Email: [email protected] Home Ground Orlando Stadium, Capacity: 35 000 [email protected] Home Colours Black, white and red www.satawu.org.za Away Colours Red and white Chairman Dr Irvin Khoza National Employers’ Association of SA (NEASA) Coach Vladimir Vermezović Brooklyn Bridge Offi ce Park, Famous Former Orlando Pirates Players Include Albert ”Bashin” Mahlangu, Patson Banda, Jerry Steven House, 3rd Floor, Skosana, Marks Maponyane, Helmen Makhelele, Steve Lekoelea, Benedict Vilakazi and Gift Leremi 570 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0181 HONOURS Tel: (012) 622 8971 : 2000-01, 2002-03, 2010-11, MTN 8: 1972, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1993, 1996, 2000, Fax: (012) 332 4347 2011-12 2010, 2011 National Soccer League: 1994 Castle Challenge: 1992 Email: [email protected] National Premier Soccer League: 1971, 1973, 1975, Sales House Cup: 1972, 1975, 1977, 1983 www.neasa.co.za 1976 CAF Champions League: 1995 : 1973, 1974, 1975, 1980, 1988, 1996, CAF Super Cup: 1996 Motor Transport Workers Union 2011, 2014 PSL Reserve League: 2007 (MTWU) : 2011 Carling Black Label Cup: 2011, 2012 6th Floor, Samro House, 20 de Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg Tel: (011) 403 1619 Fax: (011) 403 1852 KNOW YOUR TEAM COMPETITION Email: [email protected] Stand a chance to win an exciting NBCRFLI prize by answering the following questions: www.mtwu.co.za 3. Which former Orlando Piratesfi rst treble coach during 1. In which year did Orlando Pirates beat guided the team to their the 2010/2011 season? Professional Transport and Allied ASEC Mimosa to win the CAF Champions Workers Union of SA (PTAWU) League? (a) Augusto Palacios Elephant House, (a) 1996 (b) Rudi Krol 107 Market Street, (b) 1995 (c) Ted Dimitru Johannesburg (c) 1997 Tel: (011) 333 0904/1743 4. Which Orlando Pirates player holds the Fax: (011) 333 1448 2. Who is the Orlando Pirates kit sponsor? record for “most goals in a season” after scoring 23 goals during the 1999/2000 Email: headoffi [email protected] (a) Adidas season? [email protected] (b) Puma www.ptawu.co.za (c) Nike (a) Joseph Makhanya (b) Teko Modise , Surname, (c) Dennis Lota Transport and Allied Workers Name Union of South Africa (TAWU) with your fi elder wears SMS 39485 5. Which Orlando Pirates mid 14 New Street South, jersey number 20 and is known as “Ace”? 5th Floor, Bono House, ID Number and your answers to stand a Johannesburg chance to win an NBCRFLI hamper. (a) Daine Klate Please note that entrants who send in all requested (b) Andile Jali Name Surname Tel: (011) 838 3848/9/52 information are eligible to win a prize. Winners are chosen (c) Oupa Manyisa Fax: (011) 838 4452 on a random basis. Example of competition submission: Email: headoffi [email protected] 560217 5256 087 c b a a b [email protected]


One of our goals for 2014 is to further improve the quality of our website content. In addition to providing our readers with updated circulars, press releases and NBCRFLI publications on our site, we have also uploaded a new page with information about our conciliation and arbitration process, an events page detailing recent functions held by the Council, extraordinary exemptions awards, the contact information of all the Parties to Council as well as our members’ Letters of Good Standing.

We are also extremely proud of our new automated query function which enables us to provide you with answers to any Council-related queries you may have in just 3 working days. To make use of this helpful service, log a query under “Contact us – I have a query” on our website. 7 AT&T 12:34 PMM


Head Offi ce Switchboard number: 011 703 7000 Contact pay outs department: Palesa Madumo Direct phone number: 011 703 7000 ext 2028 PROVIDENT FUND Email address: payouts1@nbcrfi .co.za Supervisor: Esmarelda Fortuin I worked for a company from 28 November 2007 to 15 August 2012. When the company dismissed me, I was told that my Provident Fund Email address: esmarelda.fortuin@nbcrfi .co.za would be paid to me after a few months. I have not yet received Gauteng anything. How can I deal with this matter? PB Komanyane Payouts (leave, sick & absence, Call centre number: 0861 777 996 holiday bonus) Contact supervisor: Bryson Wagner This is a question we get a lot from our members. As of 1 June 2013, Transfer of allocated funds into Direct phone number: 011 703 7000 ext 2051 Sanlam took over the front offi ce functions of the Provident Fund. This employee bank accounts on Email address: bryson.wagner@nbcrfi .co.za means that Sanlam is now responsible for the collection of withdrawal application. forms, death or funeral claims, Provident Fund contribution enquiries and KZN withdrawal and payment enquiries. Switchboard number: 031 307 6077 Contact supervisor: Geetha Reddy Even though Sanlam has taken over the front offi ce functions of the Direct phone number: 031 703 6077 ext 3114 Provident Fund, your Provident Fund benefi ts still stay exactly the same. Email address: geetha.reddy@nbcrfi .co.za To resolve your Provident Fund query, please contact Sanlam directly on 0861 735 473 or go to www.rfl ipf-sanlam.co.za. CT Switchboard number: 021 930 7720 LEAVE PAY FUND Contact: Edwin Carolus Phone number: 021 930 7720 ext 4107 I would like to know how the leave days are calculated. Email address: edwin.carolus@nbcrfi .co.za What do I need to do in order to claim the leave money due to me? A Masekoameng Head Offi ce Switchboard number: 011 703 7000 Claiming your leave pay is a process and the amount of leave pay you Contact Cashier department: Sizwe Ndlovu receive depends on how long you have been working at your company. Direct phone number: 011 703 7000 ext 1017/1018 • First you need to submit your leave application to your employer. Email address: cashierjhb@nbcrfi .co.za • Your employer will combine all employees’ submitted annual leave on Supervisor: Esmarelda Fortuin the NBCRFLI annual leave application form, either online or manually, Email address: esmarelda.fortuin@nbcrfi .co.za and submit to the Council. Gauteng • The NBCRFLI will process your application based on the following Call centre number: 0861 777 996 calculation: Returns processing Contact supervisor: Sabelo Motha i. Less than 5 years completed service: a contribution based on (leave, holiday bonus, levies) Direct phone number: 011 703 7026 25% of your weekly wage will be made by the employer on your Email address: sabelo.motha@nbcrfi .co.za behalf. Employees qualify for 15 leave days. If the employee has Allocation of employer payments into not accumulated 15 days, the Council will only pay out the number the individual accounts of employees. KZN of leave days available at the date of application. Switchboard number: 031 307 6077/70 ii. Between 5 and 10 years completed continuous service: Contact supervisor: Geetha Reddy a contribution based on 28.34% of your weekly wage will be made Direct phone number: 031 307 6077 by the employer on your behalf. Employees qualify for 17 leave Email address: geetha.reddy@nbcrfi .co.za days,. If the employee has not accumulated 17 days, the Council will only pay out the number of leave days available at the date of CT application. Switchboard number: 021 930 7720 iii. 10 Years completed service and longer: a contribution based on Contact: Edwin Carolus 33.3% of your weekly wage will be made by the employer on your Phone number: 021 930 7720 ext 4107 behalf. Employees qualify for 20 leave days. If the employee has Email address: edwin.carolus@nbcrfi .co.za not accumulated 20 days, the Council will only pay out the number of leave days available at the date of application. Head Offi ce Switchboard number: 011 703 7000 SICK LEAVE BONUS Contact supervisor: Hanli Strydom Direct phone number: 011 703 7071 I am not sure how the sick leave works. I have been a member of the NBCRFLI for two years, how many years does it take before you can Email address: hanli.strydom@nbcrfi .co.za qualify for sick leave bonus? Gauteng RS Mashava Call centre number: 0861 777 996 It is important to remember that as an employee you qualify for a sick Contact supervisor: Adelaide Dumazweni / Amy Brooks leave bonus payment after you complete your 3 year sick leave cycle, Direct phone number: 011 703 7000 ext 1114 provided you have sick fund credits available. Your sick leave bonus will only be paid out as follows: Contact supervisor: Mhlengi Mdladla Returns control Direct phone number: 011 703 7000 ext 1064 • On completion of the 3 year sick leave cycle after starting work or from the date that the previous sick leave cycle expires, this means that the Email address: mhlengi.mdladla@nbcrfi .co.za Compliance order processes. date you started working will determine the year during which you can KZN expect a bonus payment. Switchboard number: 031 307 6077 • The NBCRFLI will pay a sick leave bonus, based on contributions Contact: Henrietta Brass received less sick leave benefi ts paid to an employee during the Direct phone number: 031 307 6077 ext 3112 preceding 3 year cycle. Email address: henrietta.brass@nbcrfi .co.za If you have used all your sick leave benefi ts, you will not qualify for any sick leave bonus payments at the end of your sick leave cycle. CT Switchboard number: 021 930 7720 Contact: Edwin Carolus NIGHT SHIFT ALLOWANCE Phone number: 021 930 7720 ext 4107 Some of my drivers spend a lot of nights on the road; they are Email address: edwin.carolus@nbcrfi .co.za very good at their jobs. Please can you explain how the night shift allowance works? Please help me because I would like to pay them Employers: the correct amount. Provident Fund returns Call Centre number: 0860 111 489 L de Villiers processing Email address: info@rfl ipf-sanlam.co.za Allocation of Provident Fund lump sum The night shift allowance starts after the driver has worked for 1 hour. payments into the individual accounts Members / Claims: This means that should your driver work from 18h00 to 21h00 at night, he of employees. Call Centre number: 086 173 5473 will receive R6.08 for the period between 19h00 and 20h00 and a further R1.22 for every completed hour after that. However, please note, that if a Email address: members@rfl ipf-sanlam.co.za driver receives a subsistence allowance, then he/she does not qualify for a night out allowance. Health Plan National contact numbers Universal Call Centre: 086 187 2333 The NBCRFLI Wellness Fund Health Plan entitles eligible principal 24-hour Emergency Contact: 084 124 members, together with one eligible Hospital Cash Back Plan: 086 122 7282 spouse, to primary healthcare benefi ts, Email address: nbcrfl [email protected] Should you wish to ask Batho a question, please send him an email on 24-hour emergency assistance through Fax: 086 586 2161 askbatho@nbcrfi .co.za. If you send an email to Batho, you stand a chance ER24 and a Hospital Cash Back Plan Website: www.nbcrfl i-health.co.za to win an NBCRFLI hamper.

Gauteng Call Centre Call centre number: 0861 777 996 (General enquiries)