Dr.Rupnathji( Dr.Rupak Nath )
NOTICES OF SANSKRIT MSS. No. 1362. Substance, Palm leaf, 14J X IT inches. Folia, 65. Lines, 4 on a page. Extent, 1,186 slokas. Character, Uriya. Date, ? Place of deposit, of India another Babu Calcutta, Government ; copy, Calcutta, Kajendralala Mitra. Appearance, old. Verse. Generally correct. Kapila Sanhitd. A legendary account of the sacred places, tem- ples, pools and groves of Orissa. By Kapila. The work is probably the most ancient of the several which treat of the holy places of Orissa. It opens in the usual Puranic form with an enquiry from Satyajit, in reply to whom Kapila recites what he had heard from Bharadvaja in reply to a similar question from an assembly of sages at the sacred pool of Pushkara. Judging from the places described, the work cannot date from an earlier age than the 8th century, nor is it likely to be later than the llth century. The author evinces no marked sectarian ten- his are on the whole distributed dency, and praises very fairly ; though the fact of his placing Bhuvanes'vara at the end would imply that at heart he was a Yaishnava. He has nothing to say about tjie orgies of the in the Tantric ritual, andDR.RUPNATHJI(leaning is, DR.RUPAKwhenever noticeable, NATH ) favour of Yishnu. Contents: Chapter I. Introduction. II. The merits of Utkala, and a detail of the circumstances which led the river Ganges to appear in Ill IV. sacred of Yishnu in that country. The places Utkala^ ; the of and his a for story Indradyumna ; building temple Jagannatha. Y. The minor temples and pools of Puri.
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