03.02 Bibliography & Digital Dérive
GRADUATION RESEARCH PROJECT BIBIOGRAPHY & DIGITAL DÉRIVE MASTER ART EDUCATION, PIET ZWART INSTITUTE, WILLEM DE KOONING ACADEMY fig. 03.02 Invisible Tracks and Short Cuts GRADUATION RESEARCH PROJECT Angiama, S., Butcher, C., Documenta 14 Laufmappe. Available at: Cramer, F., What is Post - digital?. Available at: http:// http://www.documenta14.de/en/public-education/25631/ www.aprja.net/what-is-post-digital/?pdf=1318 [Accessed April 16, laufmappe [Accessed April 16, 2018] 2018] Cranford Teague, Jason. (2011) ‘Program or be Programmed: The Barnes, B., (2001). "The Macro/Micro Problem and the Problem of Structure and Agency." pp. 339-352 in Handbook of Social Theory, GeekDad Interview With Douglas Rushkoff’. Wired Magazine, 29 edited by George Ritzer and Barry Smart. London: SAGE July 2011. Available at: https:/www.wired.com/2011/07/douglas- Publications. rushkoff/ [Accessed: 21 Nov 2017]. Burckhardt, L. (1996). Strollological Observations on Perception of Dawes, B., (2006). Analog In, Digital Out: Brendan Dawes on the Environment and the Tasks Facing Our Generation.( 2012). Interaction Design. New Riders. Burrington, I., Networked Land. Available at: http://lifewinning.com/ Dawes, B., (2012). Find Something Else: Brendan Dawes at projects/networks-land/ [Accessed April 16, 2018] TEDxManchester Available at: http://brendandawes.com/projects/ Burrington, I., Seeing Networks. Available at: http:// tedxmanchester [Accessed: 01 June 2018]. seeingnetworks.in/nyc/#cameras [Accessed April 16, 2018] Debord, G. (1958). Theory of the Dérive, Les Lèvres Nues #9 Burrington, I., (2016). Networks of New York. Melville House (November 1956) reprinted in Internationale Situationniste #2 Publishing. New York. (December 1958) Translated by Ken Knabb. Corner, J., (1999). The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention.
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