Open Source License Report on the Product
OPEN SOURCE LICENSE REPORT ON THE PRODUCT The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPLv2, GPLv3, gSOAP Public License, jQuery, PHP License 3.01, FTL, BSD 3-Clause License, Public Domain, MIT License, OpenSSL Combined License, Apache 2.0 License, zlib/libpng License, , . You may obtain the complete corresponding source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by sending email to: If you want to obtain the complete corresponding source code with a physical medium such as CD-ROM, the cost of physically performing source distribution might be charged. For more details about Open Source Software, refer to eneo website at, the product CD and manuals. GPLv2: u-Boot 2013.07, Linux Kernel 3.10.55, busybox 1.20.2, ethtool 3.10, e2fsprogs 1.41.14, mtd-utils 1.5.2, lzo 2.05, nfs-utils 1.2.7, cryptsetup 1.6.1, udhcpd 0.9.9 GPLv3: pwstrength 2.0.4 gSOAP Public License: gSOAP 2.8.10 jQuery License: JQuery 2.1.1, JQuery UI 1.10.4 PHP: PHP 5.4.4 FTL (FreeType License): freetype 2.4.10 BSD: libtirpc 0.2.3, rpcbind 0.2.0, lighttpd 1.4.32, hdparm 9,45, hostpad 2, wpa_supplicant 2, jsbn 1.4 Public Domain: sqlite 3.7.17 zlib: zlib 1.2.5 MIT:pwstrength 2.0.4, ezxml 0.8.6, bootstrap 3.3.4, jquery-fullscreen 1.1.5, jeditable 1.7.1, jQuery jqGrid 4.6.0, fullcalendar 2.2.0, datetimepicker 4.17.42, clockpicker 0.0.7, dataTables 1.0.2, dropzone 3.8.7, iCheck 1.0.2, ionRangeSlider 2.0.13, metisMenu 2.0.2, slimscroll 1.3.6, sweetalert 2015.11, Transitionize 0.0.2 , switchery 0.0.2, toastr 2.1.0, animate 3.5.0, font-awesome 4.3.0, Modernizr 2.7.1 pace 1.0.0 OpenSSL Combined: openssl 1.0.1h Apache license 2.0: datepicker 1.4.0, mDNSResponder 379.32.1 wish), that you receive source reflect on the original authors' GNU GENERAL PUBLIC code or can get it if you want it, reputations.
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