Open Source License Report on the Product

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Open Source License Report on the Product OPEN SOURCE LICENSE REPORT ON THE PRODUCT The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPLv2, GPLv3, gSOAP Public License, jQuery, PHP License 3.01, FTL, BSD 3-Clause License, Public Domain, MIT License, OpenSSL Combined License, Apache 2.0 License, zlib/libpng License, , . You may obtain the complete corresponding source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by sending email to: [email protected] If you want to obtain the complete corresponding source code with a physical medium such as CD-ROM, the cost of physically performing source distribution might be charged. For more details about Open Source Software, refer to eneo website at, the product CD and manuals. GPLv2: u-Boot 2013.07, Linux Kernel 3.10.55, busybox 1.20.2, ethtool 3.10, e2fsprogs 1.41.14, mtd-utils 1.5.2, lzo 2.05, nfs-utils 1.2.7, cryptsetup 1.6.1, udhcpd 0.9.9 GPLv3: pwstrength 2.0.4 gSOAP Public License: gSOAP 2.8.10 jQuery License: JQuery 2.1.1, JQuery UI 1.10.4 PHP: PHP 5.4.4 FTL (FreeType License): freetype 2.4.10 BSD: libtirpc 0.2.3, rpcbind 0.2.0, lighttpd 1.4.32, hdparm 9,45, hostpad 2, wpa_supplicant 2, jsbn 1.4 Public Domain: sqlite 3.7.17 zlib: zlib 1.2.5 MIT:pwstrength 2.0.4, ezxml 0.8.6, bootstrap 3.3.4, jquery-fullscreen 1.1.5, jeditable 1.7.1, jQuery jqGrid 4.6.0, fullcalendar 2.2.0, datetimepicker 4.17.42, clockpicker 0.0.7, dataTables 1.0.2, dropzone 3.8.7, iCheck 1.0.2, ionRangeSlider 2.0.13, metisMenu 2.0.2, slimscroll 1.3.6, sweetalert 2015.11, Transitionize 0.0.2 , switchery 0.0.2, toastr 2.1.0, animate 3.5.0, font-awesome 4.3.0, Modernizr 2.7.1 pace 1.0.0 OpenSSL Combined: openssl 1.0.1h Apache license 2.0: datepicker 1.4.0, mDNSResponder 379.32.1 wish), that you receive source reflect on the original authors' GNU GENERAL PUBLIC code or can get it if you want it, reputations. LICENSE that you can change the software Finally, any free program is Version 2, June 1991 or use pieces of it in new free threatened constantly by software programs; and that you know you patents. We wish to avoid the Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free can do these things. danger that redistributors of a free Software Foundation, Inc. To protect your rights, we need to program will individually obtain 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, make restrictions that forbid patent licenses, in effect making Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA anyone to deny you these rights or the program proprietary. To to ask you to surrender the rights. prevent this, we have made it Everyone is permitted to copy and These restrictions translate to clear that any patent must be distribute verbatim copies certain responsibilities for you if licensed for everyone's free use or of this license document, but you distribute copies of the not licensed at all. changing it is not allowed. software, or if you modify it. The precise terms and conditions Preamble For example, if you distribute for copying, distribution and The licenses for most software are copies of such a program, whether modification follow. designed to take away your gratis or for a fee, you must give TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR freedom to share and change it. the recipients all the rights that COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND By contrast, the GNU General you have. You must make sure MODIFICATION Public License is intended to that they, too, receive or can get guarantee your freedom to share the source code. And you must 0. This License applies to any and change free software--to show them these terms so they program or other work which make sure the software is free for know their rights. contains a notice placed by the all its users. This General Public We protect your rights with two copyright holder saying it may be License applies to most of the Free steps: (1) copyright the software, distributed under the terms of this Software Foundation's software and (2) offer you this license General Public License. The and to any other program whose which gives you legal permission "Program", below, refers to any authors commit to using it. (Some to copy, distribute and/or modify such program or work, and a other Free Software Foundation the software. "work based on the Program" software is covered by the GNU Also, for each author's protection means either the Program or any Lesser General Public License and ours, we want to make certain derivative work under copyright instead.) You can apply it to your that everyone understands that law: that is to say, a work programs, too. there is no warranty for this free containing the Program or a When we speak of free software, software. If the software is portion of it, either verbatim or we are referring to freedom, not modified by someone else and with modifications and/or price. Our General Public Licenses passed on, we want its recipients translated into another language. are designed to make sure that to know that what they have is not (Hereinafter, translation is you have the freedom to distribute the original, so that any problems included without limitation in the copies of free software (and introduced by others will not term "modification".) Each licensee charge for this service if you is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, does not normally print such an allowed only for noncommercial distribution and modification are announcement, your work based distribution and only if you not covered by this License; they on the Program is not required to received the program in object are outside its scope. The act of print an announcement.) code or executable form with such running the Program is not These requirements apply to the an offer, in accord with Subsection restricted, and the output from the modified work as a whole. If b above.) Program is covered only if its identifiable sections of that work The source code for a work means contents constitute a work based are not derived from the Program, the preferred form of the work for on the Program (independent of and can be reasonably considered making modifications to it. For an having been made by running the independent and separate works executable work, complete source Program). Whether that is true in themselves, then this License, code means all the source code for depends on what the Program and its terms, do not apply to all modules it contains, plus any does. those sections when you distribute associated interface definition them as separate works. But when files, plus the scripts used to 1. You may copy and distribute you distribute the same sections control compilation and installation verbatim copies of the Program's as part of a whole which is a work of the executable. However, as a source code as you receive it, in based on the Program, the special exception, the source code any medium, provided that you distribution of the whole must be distributed need not include conspicuously and appropriately on the terms of this License, anything that is normally publish on each copy an whose permissions for other distributed (in either source or appropriate copyright notice and licensees extend to the entire binary form) with the major disclaimer of warranty; keep intact whole, and thus to each and every components (compiler, kernel, and all the notices that refer to this part regardless of who wrote it. so on) of the operating system on License and to the absence of any Thus, it is not the intent of this which the executable runs, unless warranty; and give any other section to claim rights or contest that component itself accompanies recipients of the Program a copy of your rights to work written entirely the executable. this License along with the by you; rather, the intent is to If distribution of executable or Program. exercise the right to control the object code is made by offering You may charge a fee for the distribution of derivative or access to copy from a designated physical act of transferring a copy, collective works based on the place, then offering equivalent and you may at your option offer Program. access to copy the source code warranty protection in exchange In addition, mere aggregation of from the same place counts as for a fee. another work not based on the distribution of the source code, Program with the Program (or with even though third parties are not 2. You may modify your copy or a work based on the Program) on compelled to copy the source copies of the Program or any a volume of a storage or along with the object code. portion of it, thus forming a work distribution medium does not based on the Program, and copy bring the other work under the 4. You may not copy, modify, and distribute such modifications scope of this License. sublicense, or distribute the or work under the terms of Section Program except as expressly 1 above, provided that you also 3. You may copy and distribute the provided under this License. Any meet all of these conditions: Program (or a work based on it, attempt otherwise to copy, under Section 2) in object code or modify, sublicense or distribute a) You must cause the modified executable form under the terms the Program is void, and will files to carry prominent notices of Sections 1 and 2 above automatically terminate your stating that you changed the files provided that you also do one of rights under this License.
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