Docsconverter License Table of Contents 1.1

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Docsconverter License Table of Contents 1.1 DocsConverter License table of contents 1.1. DocsConverter License 1.2. Font Types and Copyright Holders 1.3. Open Source Licenses used in DocsConverter 1.4. Customer Support and Product Info 1.1. DocsConverter License Hancom Inc. or subject developer reserves the copyrights and intellectual property rights for all programs and adjuncts included in DocsConverter. These rights are protected by the Copyright Act of Korea and international copyright treaties. You may not alter, modify or reproduce the included data files or documents without the prior written consent of Hancom Inc. Hancom Inc. does not guarantee fitness of the functions included in the Software to the user's particular requirements or needs, and is not liable for any and all outcomes derived from the use of the Software. All programs, data files, information booklets and content of the documents included in DocsConverter are protected by the Copyright Act of Korea and international copyright treaties. All programs, data and documents included in DocsConverter may not be resold after modifications or alternations for any purpose. 1.2. Font Types and Copyright Holders Fonts included in DocsConverter are copyright-protected and may only be used in conjunction with this product as per agreements between Hancom Inc. and the font copyright holders. Hancom Inc. shall not be held liable against claims arising from violations thereof. Please inquire directly with the concerned copyright holder if you intend to use copyrighted fonts with other products. More information regarding license of the fonts, or if you intend to distribute a converted PDF document that embeds copyrighted fonts, please inquire directly with the concerned copyright holders. To see the types of fonts included in DocsConverter and the respective copyright holders, refer to the font table shown below. Types of fonts included in DocsConverter and copyright holders Font name Font file name Copyright holder 휴먼명조 HMKMM.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼고딕 HMKMG.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼옛체 HMKMOLD.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼굵은팸체 HMKBP.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼가는팸체 HMKLP.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼중간팸체 HMKMP.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼굵은샘체 HMKBS.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼가는샘체 HMKLS.ttf Human Computers Ins. 휴먼중간샘체 HMKMS.ttf Human Computers Ins. 펜흘림 PENHL.ttf TAE System & Typefaces Co. Font name Font file name Copyright holder 태 나무 TAENMR.ttf TAE System & Typefaces Co. 굵은안상수체 ahn2016-B.ttf Sang-Su Ahn 가는안상수체 ahn2016-M .ttf Sang-Su Ahn 중간안상수체 ahn2016-L.ttf Sang-Su Ahn Yj BONMOKGAK Medium YBMG05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj CHMSOOT Bold YCHM08.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj DOOLGI Medium YDUG05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj DWMMOOGJO Medium YDWM05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj INITIALPOSITIVE Medium YINP05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj MAEHWA SemiBold YMAE07.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj SHANALL Medium YSHN05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj SOSEL Bold YSOS07.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj TEUNTEUN Bold YTTE08.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj WADAG Medium YWDA05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Baskerville BT ENBASKVL.ttf Bitstream Inc. BernhardFashion BT ENBERNF.ttf Bitstream Inc. Blippo Blk BT ENBLBK.ttf Bitstream Inc. Bodoni Bd BT ENBODB.ttf Bitstream Inc. Bodoni Bd BT(I) ENBODBI.ttf Bitstream Inc. Bodoni Bk BT ENBODBK.ttf Bitstream Inc. Bodoni Bk BT(I) ENBODBKI.ttf Bitstream Inc. BroadwayEngraved BT ENBRODWY.ttf Bitstream Inc. BrushScript BT ENBRUSH.ttf Bitstream Inc. Cooper Blk BT ENCOBK.ttf Bitstream Inc. Cooper Blk BT(I) ENCOBKI.ttf Bitstream Inc. CommercialScript BT ENCOSCPT.ttf Bitstream Inc. Courier10 BT Bold ENCR10B.ttf Bitstream Inc. Courier10 BT Bold(I) ENCR10BI.ttf Bitstream Inc. CentSchbook BT ENCSCH.ttf Bitstream Inc. CentSchbook BT(B) ENCSCHB.ttf Bitstream Inc. CentSchbook BT(BI) ENCSCHBI.ttf Bitstream Inc. CentSchbook BT(I) ENCSCHI.ttf Bitstream Inc. DomCasual BT ENDOMCA.ttf Bitstream Inc. Freehand591 BT ENFREEHD.ttf Bitstream Inc. Font name Font file name Copyright holder FuturaBlack BT ENFUTUBK.ttf Bitstream Inc. AmeriGarmnd BT ENGARM.ttf Bitstream Inc. AmeriGarmnd BT(B) ENGARMB.ttf Bitstream Inc. AmeriGarmnd BT(BI) ENGARMBI.ttf Bitstream Inc. AmeriGarmnd BT(I) ENGARMI.ttf Bitstream Inc. GoudyOlSt BT ENGDOS.ttf Bitstream Inc. GoudyOlSt BT(B) ENGDOSB.ttf Bitstream Inc. GoudyOlSt BT(BI) ENGDOSBI.ttf Bitstream Inc. GoudyOlSt BT(I) ENGDOSI.ttf Bitstream Inc. Hobo BT ENHOBO.ttf Bitstream Inc. Newtext Bk BT ENITCNBK.ttf Bitstream Inc. Liberty BT ENLIBRTY.ttf Bitstream Inc. MurrayHill Bd BT ENMUHB.ttf Bitstream Inc. OCR-A BT ENOCRA.ttf Bitstream Inc. OCR-B-10 BT ENOCRB10.ttf Bitstream Inc. Orator 10 BT ENORAT10.ttf Bitstream Inc. Orbit-B BT ENORBITB.ttf Bitstream Inc. ParkAvenue BT ENPKAV.ttf Bitstream Inc. Swis721 BT(I) ENS721LI.ttf Bitstream Inc. Stencil BT ENSTEN.ttf Bitstream Inc. Swis721 BT ENSW721L.ttf Bitstream Inc. Haansoft Batang HBATANG.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. Haansoft Dotum HDOTUM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYbsrB HYBSRB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYcysM HYCYSM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYmprL HYMPRL.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYporM HYPORM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYsnrL HYSNRL.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. 해서 UNI_HSR.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. MDAlong Along.ttf MorrisDesign Co., Ltd. Font name Font file name Copyright holder MDArt Art.ttf MorrisDesign Co., Ltd. MDEasop Easop.ttf MorrisDesign Co., Ltd. MDGaesung Gaesung.ttf MorrisDesign Co., Ltd. MDSol Sol.ttf MorrisDesign Co., Ltd. Yj GOTGAE Medium YGGE05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj NANCHO Medium YNCH05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj BELLA Medium YBLA05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj BACDOO Bold YDOO08.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj GABI Bold YGBI08.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj BUTGOT Light YBUU02.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj BLOCK B YBLO05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. Yj INJANG Medium YINJ05.ttf YANG JAE MEDIA CORP. HYgsrB HYGSRB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYgtrE HYGTRE.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYgprM HYGPRM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYmjrE HYMJRE.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. 굴림 굴림.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. 굴림체 굴림체.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. 궁서 궁서.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. 궁서체 궁서체.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. 바탕체 바탕체.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. 돋움체 돋움체.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYkanB HYKANB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYkanM HYKANM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYsupB HYSUPB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYsupM HYSUPM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. Font name Font file name Copyright holder HYwulB HYWULB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYwulM HYWULM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYtbrB HYTBRB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYdnkB HYDNKB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYdnkM HYDNKM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYnamB HYNAMB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYnamL HYNAML.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYnamM HYNAMM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYsanB HYSANB.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYbdaL HYBDAL.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYbdaM HYBDAM.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. HYhwpEQ (Equation) HYHWPEQ.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. Wingdings wingdings.ttf Hanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd. Haansoft Batang Ext FZSong_Super.ttf Founder MHunmin MH.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MGungJeong MJ.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MGungHeulim MM.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MDotum MG.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MBatang MT.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MSugiJeong MN.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MSugiHeulim MP.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MJemokGothic MK.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism MJemokBatang MB.ttf Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 안상수 2006 굵은 ahn-b.ttf Sang-Su Ahn 안상수 2007 가는 ahn-l.ttf Sang-Su Ahn 안상수 2008 중간 ahn-m.ttf Sang-Su Ahn HCR Batang HANBatang.ttf Hancom Inc. Font name Font file name Copyright holder HCR Batang Bold HANBatangB.ttf Hancom Inc. HCR Batang Ext HANBatangExt.ttf Hancom Inc. HCR Dotum HANDotum.ttf Hancom Inc. HCR Dotum Bold HANDotumB.ttf Hancom Inc. HCR Dotum Ext HANDotumExt.ttf Hancom Inc. Haan Sale B HANSaleB.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Sale M HANSaleM.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Baekje B HANBaekB.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Baekje M HANBaekM.ttf Yoondesign Group Hancom Somang B HANSomaB.ttf Yoondesign Group Hancom Somang M HANSomaM.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Sollip B HANSolB.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Sollip M HANSolM.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan YGodic 230 HANYGO23.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan YGodic 240 HANYGO24.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan YGodic 250 HANYGO25.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan YHead B HANYheadB.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan YHead L HANYheadL.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan YHead M HANYheadM.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Cooljazz B HANCooljazzB.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Cooljazz L HANCooljazzL.ttf Yoondesign Group Haan Cooljazz M HANCooljazzM.ttf
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