The Fontawesome5 Package∗

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The Fontawesome5 Package∗ The fontawesome5 package∗ Font Awesome†(The font) Marcel Kr¨uger‡(The LATEX package) June 4, 2021 This package provides LATEX support for the Font Awesome 5 icons. To use Font Awesome 5 icons in your document, include the package with \usepackage{fontawesome5} Alternatively you can add the fixed option to get fixed-width icons: \usepackage[fixed]{fontawesome5} For every icon a macro is provided: Just use the official icon names converted to CamelCase with the prefix \fa. For example to use the hand-point-up icon, use \faHandPointUp. For icons ending with -alt, append a * instead. An optional ar- gument can be added to select the style (solid or regular). The default style is solid, it can be changed with \faStyle{...} Every icon can also be accessed using the official icon name. To do this, you canuse \faIcon{the-icon-name} or \faIcon[style]{the-icon-name}. A list of all included icons with their respective commands can be found at the end of this document. Example ... \usepackage{fontawesome5} ... \begin{document} ... A simple icon: \faHandPointUp\\ Multiple versions of the file icon: \faFile~ ∗This document corresponds to fontawesome5 version 5.15.3, dated 2021/06/04 †More information at ‡E-Mail: [email protected] 1 \faFile*~ \faFile[regular]~ \faFile*[regular].\\ Alternative syntax: \faIcon{file}~ \faIcon*{file}~ \faIcon[regular]{file}~ \faIcon*[regular]{file}. ... \end{document} A simple icon: ­ Multiple versions of the file icon: @A @A. Alternative syntax: @A @A. Font Awesome Pro Font Awesome 5 is available in a Free and a Pro version. This package uses the free version by default. If you own a Pro license and have the Font Awesome 5 Pro desktop fonts installed in your system font path, you can use Pro instead. For this, load the package with the [pro] option: \usepackage[pro]{fontawesome5} Now additional icons, the duotone and the light style can be used. The second color for duotone icons can be set though \faDuotoneSetSecondary: \faDuotoneSetSecondary{green}% From here on, the secondary layer % will be green. Pro is only supported with X LE ATEX and LuaLATEX. Updates This package corresponds to Font Awesome 5.15.3. In case there is a newer version available on the Font Awesome homepage, check for updates on pkg/fontawesome5. Should there be no corresponding update on CTAN, you can write a mail to [email protected]. If you use X LE ATEX or LuaLATEX, you can also directly download the new Desktop Fonts from into your TEX tree. If you save them with the filenames FontAwesome5Brands-Regular-400.otf FontAwesome5Free-Regular-400.otf FontAwesome5Free-Solid-900.otf the package will start using the new version right away. Bugs For bug reports and feature requests, write to [email protected]. 2 Full icon list for FontAwesome 5 Free All icons marked with ™ are brand icons. All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa. Please do not use brand logos for any purpose except to represent the company, product, or service to which they refer. ™ nfaIconf500pxg nfaIconf500pxg ™ nfaAccessibleIcon nfaIconfaccessible-icong ™ nfaAccusoft nfaIconfaccusoftg ™ nfaAcquisitionsIncorporated nfaIconfacquisitions-incorporatedg ­ nfaAd nfaIconfadg nfaAddressBook nfaIconfaddress-bookg nfaAddressBook[regular] nfaIcon[regular]faddress-bookg nfaAddressCard nfaIconfaddress-cardg nfaAddressCard[regular] nfaIcon[regular]faddress-cardg nfaAdjust nfaIconfadjustg ™ nfaAdn nfaIconfadng ™ nfaAdversal nfaIconfadversalg ™ nfaAffiliatetheme nfaIconfaffiliatethemeg ™ nfaAirbnb nfaIconfairbnbg nfaAirFreshener nfaIconfair-freshenerg ™ nfaAlgolia nfaIconfalgoliag nfaAlignCenter nfaIconfalign-centerg nfaAlignJustify nfaIconfalign-justifyg nfaAlignLeft nfaIconfalign-leftg nfaAlignRight nfaIconfalign-rightg ™ nfaAlipay nfaIconfalipayg nfaAllergies nfaIconfallergiesg ™ nfaAmazon nfaIconfamazong ™ nfaAmazonPay nfaIconfamazon-payg nfaAmbulance nfaIconfambulanceg nfaAmericanSignLanguageInterpreting nfaIconfamerican-sign-language-interpretingg ™ nfaAmilia nfaIconfamiliag nfaAnchor nfaIconfanchorg ™ nfaAndroid nfaIconfandroidg ™ nfaAngellist nfaIconfangellistg nfaAngleDoubleDown nfaIconfangle-double-downg nfaAngleDoubleLeft nfaIconfangle-double-leftg nfaAngleDoubleRight nfaIconfangle-double-rightg nfaAngleDoubleUp nfaIconfangle-double-upg nfaAngleDown nfaIconfangle-downg 3 nfaAngleLeft nfaIconfangle-leftg nfaAngleRight nfaIconfangle-rightg nfaAngleUp nfaIconfangle-upg nfaAngry nfaIconfangryg nfaAngry[regular] nfaIcon[regular]fangryg ™ nfaAngrycreative nfaIconfangrycreativeg ™ nfaAngular nfaIconfangularg nfaAnkh nfaIconfankhg ™ nfaApper nfaIconfapperg ™ nfaApple nfaIconfappleg nfaApple* nfaIconfapple-altg ™ nfaApplePay nfaIconfapple-payg ™ nfaAppStore nfaIconfapp-storeg ™ nfaAppStoreIos nfaIconfapp-store-iosg nfaArchive nfaIconfarchiveg nfaArchway nfaIconfarchwayg nfaArrowAltCircleDown nfaIconfarrow-alt-circle-downg nfaArrowAltCircleDown[regular] nfaIcon[regular]farrow-alt-circle-downg nfaArrowAltCircleLeft nfaIconfarrow-alt-circle-leftg nfaArrowAltCircleLeft[regular] nfaIcon[regular]farrow-alt-circle-leftg nfaArrowAltCircleRight nfaIconfarrow-alt-circle-rightg nfaArrowAltCircleRight[regular] nfaIcon[regular]farrow-alt-circle-rightg nfaArrowAltCircleUp nfaIconfarrow-alt-circle-upg nfaArrowAltCircleUp[regular] nfaIcon[regular]farrow-alt-circle-upg nfaArrowCircleDown nfaIconfarrow-circle-downg nfaArrowCircleLeft nfaIconfarrow-circle-leftg nfaArrowCircleRight nfaIconfarrow-circle-rightg ! nfaArrowCircleUp nfaIconfarrow-circle-upg " nfaArrowDown nfaIconfarrow-downg # nfaArrowLeft nfaIconfarrow-leftg $ nfaArrowRight nfaIconfarrow-rightg % nfaArrows* nfaIconfarrows-altg & nfaArrowsAltH nfaIconfarrows-alt-hg ' nfaArrowsAltV nfaIconfarrows-alt-vg ( nfaArrowUp nfaIconfarrow-upg ™ nfaArtstation nfaIconfartstationg ) nfaAssistiveListeningSystems nfaIconfassistive-listening-systemsg * nfaAsterisk nfaIconfasteriskg ™ nfaAsymmetrik nfaIconfasymmetrikg @ nfaAt nfaIconfatg , nfaAtlas nfaIconfatlasg ™ nfaAtlassian nfaIconfatlassiang - nfaAtom nfaIconfatomg 4 ™ nfaAudible nfaIconfaudibleg . nfaAudioDescription nfaIconfaudio-descriptiong ™ nfaAutoprefixer nfaIconfautoprefixerg ™ nfaAvianex nfaIconfavianexg ™ nfaAviato nfaIconfaviatog / nfaAward nfaIconfawardg ™ nfaAws nfaIconfawsg 0 nfaBaby nfaIconfbabyg 1 nfaBabyCarriage nfaIconfbaby-carriageg 2 nfaBackspace nfaIconfbackspaceg 3 nfaBackward nfaIconfbackwardg 4 nfaBacon nfaIconfbacong 5 nfaBacteria nfaIconfbacteriag 6 nfaBacterium nfaIconfbacteriumg 7 nfaBahai nfaIconfbahaig 8 nfaBalanceScale nfaIconfbalance-scaleg 9 nfaBalanceScaleLeft nfaIconfbalance-scale-leftg : nfaBalanceScaleRight nfaIconfbalance-scale-rightg ; nfaBan nfaIconfbang < nfaBandAid nfaIconfband-aidg ™ nfaBandcamp nfaIconfbandcampg = nfaBarcode nfaIconfbarcodeg > nfaBars nfaIconfbarsg ? nfaBaseballBall nfaIconfbaseball-ballg @ nfaBasketballBall nfaIconfbasketball-ballg A nfaBath nfaIconfbathg B nfaBatteryEmpty nfaIconfbattery-emptyg C nfaBatteryFull nfaIconfbattery-fullg D nfaBatteryHalf nfaIconfbattery-halfg E nfaBatteryQuarter nfaIconfbattery-quarterg F nfaBatteryThreeQuarters nfaIconfbattery-three-quartersg ™ nfaBattleNet nfaIconfbattle-netg í nfaBed nfaIconfbedg H nfaBeer nfaIconfbeerg ™ nfaBehance nfaIconfbehanceg ™ ! nfaBehanceSquare nfaIconfbehance-squareg I nfaBell nfaIconfbellg I nfaBell[regular] nfaIcon[regular]fbellg J nfaBellSlash nfaIconfbell-slashg J nfaBellSlash[regular] nfaIcon[regular]fbell-slashg K nfaBezierCurve nfaIconfbezier-curveg L nfaBible nfaIconfbibleg M nfaBicycle nfaIconfbicycleg 5 N nfaBiking nfaIconfbikingg ™ " nfaBimobject nfaIconfbimobjectg O nfaBinoculars nfaIconfbinocularsg P nfaBiohazard nfaIconfbiohazardg Q nfaBirthdayCake nfaIconfbirthday-cakeg ™ # nfaBitbucket nfaIconfbitbucketg ™ $ nfaBitcoin nfaIconfbitcoing ™ % nfaBity nfaIconfbityg ™ & nfaBlackberry nfaIconfblackberryg ™ ' nfaBlackTie nfaIconfblack-tieg R nfaBlender nfaIconfblenderg S nfaBlenderPhone nfaIconfblender-phoneg T nfaBlind nfaIconfblindg U nfaBlog nfaIconfblogg ™ ( nfaBlogger nfaIconfbloggerg ™ ) nfaBloggerB nfaIconfblogger-bg ™ * nfaBluetooth nfaIconfbluetoothg ™ + nfaBluetoothB nfaIconfbluetooth-bg V nfaBold nfaIconfboldg W nfaBolt nfaIconfboltg X nfaBomb nfaIconfbombg Y nfaBone nfaIconfboneg Z nfaBong nfaIconfbongg [ nfaBook nfaIconfbookg \ nfaBookDead nfaIconfbook-deadg ] nfaBookmark nfaIconfbookmarkg ] nfaBookmark[regular] nfaIcon[regular]fbookmarkg ^ nfaBookMedical nfaIconfbook-medicalg _ nfaBookOpen nfaIconfbook-openg ` nfaBookReader nfaIconfbook-readerg ™ , nfaBootstrap nfaIconfbootstrapg a nfaBorderAll nfaIconfborder-allg b nfaBorderNone nfaIconfborder-noneg c nfaBorderStyle nfaIconfborder-styleg d nfaBowlingBall nfaIconfbowling-ballg e nfaBox nfaIconfboxg f nfaBoxes nfaIconfboxesg g nfaBoxOpen nfaIconfbox-openg h nfaBoxTissue nfaIconfbox-tissueg i nfaBraille nfaIconfbrailleg j nfaBrain nfaIconfbraing k nfaBreadSlice nfaIconfbread-sliceg l nfaBriefcase nfaIconfbriefcaseg 6 m nfaBriefcaseMedical nfaIconfbriefcase-medicalg n nfaBroadcastTower nfaIconfbroadcast-towerg o nfaBroom nfaIconfbroomg p nfaBrush nfaIconfbrushg ™ - nfaBtc nfaIconfbtcg ™ . nfaBuffer nfaIconfbufferg q nfaBug nfaIconfbugg r nfaBuilding nfaIconfbuildingg r nfaBuilding[regular] nfaIcon[regular]fbuildingg s nfaBullhorn nfaIconfbullhorng ◎ nfaBullseye nfaIconfbullseyeg u nfaBurn nfaIconfburng ™ / nfaBuromobelexperte nfaIconfburomobelexperteg v nfaBus nfaIconfbusg
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