EM112 Gumeracha Eucalypt Climate Change Trials
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EEMM111122 GGuummeerraacchhaa EEuuccaallyypptt CClliimmaattee CChhaannggee TTrriiaallss 22000077 IInntteerriimm RReeppoorrtt 3 2 4 9 10 1 8 6 5 7 Prepared by Brett Williams and Tina Besednjak Cover Photography: 1-EM112C trial from Adelaide-Mannum Road, 2-E. cladocalyx from Wirrabara F.R., 3- Looking through the canopy of E. globulus ssp. bicostata, 4-E. globulus EM112B trial , 5- Juvenile leaves of C. maculata, 6- E. regnans EM112A, 7- E. rubida, Niangla District, 8- Various species EM112A, 9- Fruit of C. maculata, 10- Bark of E. macrorhyncha Table of Contents 1.0 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 CLIMATE CHANGE........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 Temperature Change............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.2 Rainfall Change..................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 The Future Climate of Australia............................................................................................................ 6 2.1.4 Impacts on Local Flora ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.5 Impacts on Australia’s Forests and Forest Industry ............................................................................. 6 2.2 EUCALYPTS IN AUSTRALIA ............................................................................................................ 7 2.2.1 Eucalypt species and their response to climatic conditions .................................................................. 8 2.2.2 Trial rainfall data.................................................................................................................................. 9 3.0 OBJECTIVES/AIMS ........................................................................................................................ 11 4.0 KEY SPECIES ................................................................................................................................. 12 5.0 TRIAL DESIGN................................................................................................................................16 5.1 DESIGN OF EM112A TRIAL (WIDE SPACED PLANTATION REGIME) .................................................... 16 5.2 DESIGN OF EM112B TRIAL (CLOSE SPACED PLANTATION REGIME)................................................. 17 5.3 DESIGN OF EM112C TRIAL (CLOSE SPACED PLANTATION REGIME) ................................................. 18 5.4 MEASUREMENT SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................ 19 6.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................................ 20 6.1 RESULTS FOR EM112A ................................................................................................................. 20 6.2 RESULTS FOR EM112B AND EM112C ........................................................................................... 22 7.0 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................. 26 7.1 KEY FINDINGS FOR EM112A.............................................................................................................. 26 7.2 KEY FINDINGS FOR EM112BC ........................................................................................................... 27 8.0 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................. 29 9.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................31 Gumeracha Climate Change Trials 1 List of Figures Figure 1: Locality map of EM112 Climate Change trials......................................................................... 4 Figure 2: EM112A trial site looking south-west pre-establishment. ........................................................ 4 Figure 3: Annual rainfall distribution for Australia.................................................................................... 8 Figure 4: Rain gauge locations used for data collection in EM112 Climate Change trials ..................... 9 Figure 5: Rainfall data for Gumeracha, Millbrook, Kersbrook and Checker Hill 1986-2006 ................. 10 Figure 6: Seed sources of species planted in EM112 Climate Change trials ....................................... 15 Figure 7: EM112A group plot design..................................................................................................... 16 Figure 8: EM112A trial layout showing plot numbers............................................................................ 16 Figure 9: EM112A trial site age 21 months displaying plot arrangement.............................................. 17 Figure 10: EM112B trial layout showing plot numbers.......................................................................... 17 Figure 11: EM112B 21 months after establishment illustrating distinctive species and plots............... 18 Figure 12: EM112C trial layout showing Plot Numbers......................................................................... 18 Figure 13: EM112C trial aged 21 months after establishment with species and plots outlined............ 19 Figure 14: Most productive seed sources from age 14 standing volume per hectare, EM112A trial. .. 21 Figure 15: Predominant Height of ten tallest seed sources at age 14, EM112A trial. .......................... 21 Figure 16: Most productive seed sources at 1.5m spacing, from age 14 standing volume per hectare, EM112BC trial .......................................................................................................................... 24 Figure 17: Predominant Height of ten tallest seed sources at age 14, 1.5 metre spacing, EM112BC trial............................................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 18: All seed sources at 3.0m spacing, from age 14 standing volume per hectare, EM112BC trial .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 19: Predominant Height of all seed sources at age 14, 3.0 metre spacing, EM112BC trial...... 25 Figure 20: Eucalyptus globulus sourced from Cape Barron Island age 14 years, EM112A trial .......... 28 List of Tables Table 1: EM112 trial information including plot size and spacing dimensions........................................ 3 Table 2: Overview of ecological traits that differ between two Eucalypt genera..................................... 7 Table 3: Overview of species planted Gumeracha Climate Change trials including comments.......... 12 Table 4: Operation history for EM112 Climate Change trials................................................................ 19 Table 5: Overview of EM112A including seed source, plot No., origin and replicates.......................... 20 Table 6: EM112BC trials listing seed source numbers, source of data, and spacing of plots .............. 23 Gumeracha Climate Change Trials 2 1.0 BACKGROUND ForestrySA was commissioned by PIRSA Forestry to write the interim report on three Eucalypt seed source trials which were established in the Mount Lofty Ranges of South Australia in 1992. The trials were established in order to determine the species suitability for forestry and also to assess these species tolerance of the effects of climate change. Two genera were represented in the trials sourced from Eucalyptus and Corymbia, of the Eucalypt genus two subgenera Monocalyptus and Symphyomyrtus were used. Seed source trials of the selected species were incorporated to determine the overall species response and to test the best seed source. Seed source trials were considered necessary as it has been shown that genetic variation exists between populations of the same species, meaning that the selection of a suitable seed source can be advantageous as it is likely to increase the value of the final product (Hillis & Brown 1984). It has been demonstrated that the characteristics likely to differ between seed sources include growth rate, form, resistance to frost and drought and tolerance to various soil conditions (Hillis & Brown 1984). The first seed source trial was set up under a wide spaced plantation regime. This trial has been measured on five occasions and has undergone two thinning operations. The remaining two trials were established under a close spaced plantation regime. To date, these trials have been measured on three occasions and have been thinned once. The trials were established at the locality of Bennetts, Mt Crawford Forest Reserve in the Mount Lofty Ranges. Bennetts is located near Gumeracha, a small town located 36 km north-east of Adelaide and 340-360 metres above sea level in the heart of the Adelaide Hills. The town receives an average annual rainfall of approximately 800mm; estimates