
Volume © XLVIII, Number 5 January 23, 1981 18 Shevat, 5741

WHAT TO DO HAROLD FISCH TO RETURN BEFORE THE DOCTOR ARRIVES TO KEHILATH JESHURUN AS SUBJECT OF MEN'S CLUB PANEL SECOND SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE ON SHABBAT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13-14 FEBRUARY 4 Ladies Invited The Men's Club of the Congregation is Famiiy Dinner To Be Held Friday Evening presenting a panel of distinguished physi¬ The second Scholar in Residence Shabbat cians who will discuss Self-evaluation of and Friday Evening Family Dinner will be Medical Problems: WHAT TO THINK held on the Shabbat of February 13 and 14. AND DO BEFORE THE PHYSICIAN ARRIVES - IF YOU NEED ONE Dr. Harold Fisch, who spoke so eloquently AT ALL. from our pulpit last year, will make three The program was announced by Mr. presentations to the congregation. Follow¬ Norman Bulow, President of the Men's Club. ing kabbalat Shabbat services and a Friday Evening Family Dinner, Professor Fisch Moderating the panel will be Men's Club Vice will speak on: THE LIMITS OF President, Dr. Norman Javitt, who is Professor of Medicine SCIENCE. Recognizing Judaism's open¬ and Chief of the ness to new knowledge, he will question Division of Hepatic Diseases at the New York whether science need not be subject to Hospital -Cornell Medical Center. moral controls. This question has become The panel includes Dr. Harvey Klein, Associate Clinical Professor of particularly urgent in an age of genetic Professor Fisch's writings have been Medicine, also at New York engineering, nuclear science and depth mainly in the field of literary criticism. He Hosptial - Cornell Medical Center; our esteemed member, Dr. psychology. is also known as an eloquent spokesman for On David Woldenberg, Assistant Clinical Pro¬ Saturday morning, Professor Fisch religious Zionism and his articles on Jewish will fessor of Medicine at the Mount Sinai speak from the pulpit during Shabbat themes and 's current problems have School of Medicine and morning services on: THE LIMITS OF appeared in periodicals throughout the attending Physi¬ cian in Medicine and LEADERSHIP. Recognizing the as Jewish world. Cardiology at Beth a recent model in Jewish Israel Hospital; and our devoted member, leadership, Dr. Dr. Fisch has just published a new book, Dr. Fisch questions the validity of that leader¬ THE ZIONIST REVOLUTION: A NEW Joseph Markenson, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the ship today and ponders the Rabbi's role in PERSPECTIVE. Here, Professor Fisch Hospital for the future. Special argues that over the years, the real spiritual Surgery of the Cornell Medical Center. Between mincha (4:30 pm) and maariv and religious motives of Zionism have been services on The Saturday afternoon, Professor (continued on page four) panel will be reviewing a wide variety Fisch will speak on the topic: THE LIMITS of topics, including fever, headaches, RESERVATIONS FOR OF ART. Observing that the tabernacle in breathlessness and choking, chest discom¬ FRIDAY the wilderness was conceived as a supreme EVENING DINNER fort, trauma, sports medicine, stress work of art, but that the testing, taxi vs. ambulance, medications golden calf was The several Friday Evening Family and useful books the also a great popular success, Dr. Fisch for layman. Dinners, held throughout the year, have challenges our ability to discriminate. He The program will be held in the KJ Social become a very popular part of the Hall on acknowledges that today we see all art and Wednesday evening, February 4. synagogue calendar. is a time to It share All poetry treated as sacred, even when men and women of the congregation they in the traditions and festivities of the have become subversive. Professor Fisch and friends and guests of the community Sabbath, including the joyful singing of examines our text's treatment of this are invited. ques¬ Shabbos zmirot. At our last such occa¬ tion. Panelists will accept questions from the sion, in November, we were over¬ audience and refreshments will be served. subscribed and, unfortunately, many HAROLD FISCH people who wished to join us could not full payment must accompany your A Oxford graduate of University, and liv¬ be accommodated. We, therefore, urge reservation. Use the reservation form on ing in Israel since 1956, Dr. Fisch has been you to make your reservations im¬ page 4. Professor of at English Bar Ilan University mediately, so that you may share in the Reservations will be honored as long since 1957 and is head of the Institute for family spirit of the entire evening. as space permits, but only through Judaism and Contemporary Thought. In The cost for adults is $8.50, and for February 3. Due to space limitations, 1977 he attended the thirty-second United children, including full-time students only those attending the Friday Evening Nations General Assembly as a member of through university level, is $4. For your Dinner can be accommodated for the the Israeli delegation. reservations to be honored a check in lecture. Page Two KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN


Mazel tov to Laura and Dennis Barouch MY FAIR LADY upon the birth of their first child, Oren Saturday Evening Sunday Afternoon Joseph. Similar good wishes to the proud grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Morton April 4 April 5 Kanrerman, on this delightful event. Our warmest wishes too to Mrs. Helen Brody, the proud great-grandmother of the new ar¬ ANNUAL rival. We understand that Oren Joseph SISTERHOOD L UNCHEON bears the name of Mrs. Brody's father and MONOA V, APRIL 6, I9SI that he also was named after his great-great¬ NEB RAMA/ AUDITORIUM grandfather, the late Rabbi Jacob Joseph, Ophir Finkelthal 60 who was a leader in American Jewry. Laura East 7S Street and Dennis also had in mind our beloved Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Irmin NYC Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein in naming their Finkelthal on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Honoring first child. Rabbi Lookstein was the one Ophir, which will take place in our who MRS. EDGAR TRAUTMAN joined them in marriage. synagogue on Shabbat morning, February May Oren Joseph grow up to Torah, 14. Ophir, who is a student at the Rabbi for her many years of loyalty chupah and ma'asim tovim. Joseph^ H. Lookstein Upper School of and devoted service Ramaz, will chant the Haftorah at that to the Sisterhood and the Congregation time. ENGAGEMENTS PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT Mazel tov to our new member, Martin STOP IN AND SEE THE Markowitz, upon his engagement to marry We are proud that our member, Dr. Ruth Nadelbach, a Ramaz graduate of who Michael W. Sigall, who is now engaged full KJ RAMAZ is at present a member of the Ramaz facul¬ time in the practice of law, is about to JUDAICA SHOP ty. We are happy for both of these young return, on a part time basis, to the academic people and we hope that their wedding will world where he began as a Professor of WINTER HOURS: take place in joy and blessing. Political Science. He has been named Ad¬ Sunday Mazel tov to our devoted member, Stuart junct Associate Professor of Law at New I2:(X) PM - 3:(X) PM Sloame, upon his engagement to Ellen York Law School where he will be teaching Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Seeherman. Both the bride and groom are Legal Ethics. All good wishes to him and to attornies in New York. May the wedding his students for much satisfaction in this 12:(X) PM - 5:(X) PM lake place in happiness and blessing. new role. Tuesday (Beginning February 3) 7:(X) -9:(X) PM

COMMUNAL SERVICE Beautiful Items For Bar - Bat Mitzvah Iln Jffletnoriam Mazel tov to our esteemed member, Ira Gifts for Special Occasions Rennert, upon his election as President of A. Milton Brown Wonderful Book, Seforim & the Fifth Avenue Synagogue. We offer our Record Selection We mourn the best wishes to this sister religious institution passing of one of our finest. He was KJ LOBBY on its excellent choice. Secretary of the Congrega¬ May Ira and the All tion. He served as a Trustee of Kehilath proceeds from sales go to support the Fifth Avenue Synagogue both flourish in a Jeshurun and Ramaz. He was a KJ Youth Program and the Ramaz mutually rewarding relationship. leading benefactor of the synagogue and the After-School Programs. school.

CONDOLENCES He was all of this but much more. Retir¬ REMINDER We extend our heartfelt condolences to ing in nature, he nevertheless projected glowingly an image of what a modern Or¬ our devoted member, Dr. Joseph Litwins, Please be advised that Berger Meats and thodox Jew ought to be: pious and on the passing of his beloved sister, Sonny Poultry on 87th Street, just East of 3rd generous, kind and refined, gentle and Friedman. Avenue, is not under the supervision of the reverent. He understood obligations and We extend our sincere condolences to our Mid-Town Kashruth Board. Members'of accepted them readily. No task was too in¬ the new member, William Goldberg, uppn the community are urged to use butchers significant or too great for his attention. passing of his beloved mother, Bessie which are under the Board's supervision. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Goldberg. his dear wife, Lillian, who is herself a Wc extend our sincere condolences to our leading member of the Congregation and KEHILATH JESHURUN esteemed member, Murray M. Rosenberg, Sisterhood, to Benjamin Brown, Secretary BULLETIN on the passing of his beloved sister, Esther of Kehilath Jeshurun, to Warren Brown, Kuhn. Published Monthly except who grew up in our shul and is a leader in a July and August by We record with sorrow the passing of 1 ong Island congregation, and to all the Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Alfred Golding, beloved brother of our members of the bereaved family. 125 East 85th Street esteemed member, Helen Brody. May the family be comforted among all New York, New York 1(X)28 We pray all of these families will be com¬ of us who mourn for Milton Bl~own, as we Phone - 427-1000 EXT.264, 265 forted by all those who mourn for Zion and do for Zion and . USPS#292-06(X) Jerusalem. Page Three KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

ADULT EDUCATION SPRING SEMESTER TO B Outstanding Attendance Records Mark Fall Semester •Spring


RABBI SHMUEL GORDON, EVELYN BERGER AND MESHULAM MOSKOWITZ One of the particularly innovative pro¬ TO CONTINUE grams added to the catalogue of synagogue MR. ISRAEL D. ROSENBERG'S "TANYA" COURSE SHIFTS TO TUESDAY activities this year has been a very exciting

A selection of seven weekly "Lunch and Learn". Each Wednes¬ courses, offered in HEBREW is designed to prepare students two time day at 12:00 noon, members gather in the periods, will round out the for participation in synagogue services. ten synagogue library to lunch together and week spring semester that begins on One of the more unique courses offered then participate in one of four programs of¬ Tuesday evening, February 3. Classes are by the Institute is the HEBREW fered on a offered on rotating basis over each four every level of Judaic CALLIGRAPHY course, presented by week period. background and a record attendance is Meshulam Moskowitz. Both Ms. Berger In his week, Rabbi Haskel Lookstcin has again anticipated. and Mr. Moskowitz are members of the conducted a review and most interesting Ramaz faculty. discussion of a recent magazine article of The first class period runs from 7:30 pm to contemporary Jewish interest. Yiddish and 8:20 pm. A twenty minute "social and Two courses offered by Rabbi Shmuel Yiddish Folklore snack" break has been the topic of a precedes the second class Gordon are designed to bring the student a very warm and runs clear frequently nostalgic presen¬ period, which from 8:40 pm to 9:30 understanding of the ways of tation by Rabbi Mayer Moskowiz, Head¬ pm. Judaism. TOPICS IN JEWISH master of Judaic Studies in the Ramaz THOUGHT AND PRACTICE is a conti¬ Lower School. Robert J. Leifert, Executive Dr. Wyschogrod's course will discuss nuing seminar in the beliefs and obser¬ Director of the MARTIN BUBER'S congregation, has been interpretation of vances of Judaism. His other course, discussing the conditions and problems of Judaism, addressing contemporary issues in PRAYER, PRAY-ER AND PRAYER American Jews today, and how we face Jewish life. Dr. Wyschogrod is Professor of BOOR (SIDDUR) analyzes different them for tomorrow. His presentations on Philosophy and Chairman of the Depart¬ aspects of prayer, as well as the structure the "Jewishness of Jewish Leadership in ment at the Bernard Baruch College of the and meaning of the various services. Rabbi America" have been quite provocative and City University of New York. Gordon is also a member of the Ramaz controversial. Ramaz Music faculty. Director, Michael Berl, with the aid of his Rabbi Reiner's course in CLASSICAL accordian, has JEWISH HISTORY will brought the spirit of Jewish Music to highlight the The Tuesday evening program is a most the "Lunch and Learn" sessions, by Roman Period through the Islamic Era. Dr. enjoyable opportunity to learn with other teaching new songs and Reiner is an Assistant Professor of Jewish members of the reviewing old community as well as to favorites. History at Yeshiva University and at socialize during the between class break. To Lunch is at noon, the program follows Queens College of the City University of register for a course, either mail in your immediately thereafter and concludes at New York. registration form to: 1:30 pm. Please call the synagogue office to KJ INSTITUTE OF indicate your participation or Mr. Israel Rosenberg, Ritual Director of just come any CONTINUING EDUCATION Wednesday. the Congregation, will continue his ongoing 125 East 85 Street study of TANYA, one of the fundamental works of Hasidie philosophy. New York, New York 10028 or call our Executive Director, Robert RETURN OF MIDTOWN Evelyn Berger's course in BEGINNER'S Leifert, at the synagogue office: 427-1000. LUNCH AND TALMUD WARMLY RECEIVED HOLOCAUST LITERATURE SEMINAR CONTINUES A nice chevrah has developed amongst TO SPRING SEMESTER the participants of the Tuesday Midtown Lunch and Talmud course conducted by Led by Dr. Maurice Wohlgelernter, the Rabbi Haskel Lookstein. The shiur is learn¬ Seminar in Holocaust Literature continues the holocaust experience as described in its ing the Tractate of Megillah, described in to follow its schedule on Wednesday even¬ literature. greater detail under the listing of Rabbi ings from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. The schedule for the next four sessions is Lookstein's Saturday afternoon Talmud Rabbi approach not a Wohlgelernter's is as follows: shiur, presented elsewhere in this section. study of the holocaust itself, but rather an Each week, the class meets in the con¬ examination of the February 11: This Way For the Gas, Ladies literary responses to it. ference room of the office one and Gentlemen of of its Emphasis is on the themes of survival, members. Lunch is served from 12:00 to February 25: Child of the Holocaust testimony, resistance, evil and responsibili¬ 12:30 and the shiur runs from 12:30 to 1:30 March 11: meaning and as as Kingdom of the Jews ty, meaninglessness, well pm. Students are encouraged to join and the future of Jewish existence. Particular Choice April 1: Sophie's asked to call Rabbi Lookstein's office to emphasis is given to the ethical, The class is in the 8th floor Board Room. learn the midtown location of the next class philosophical and psychological aspects of Coffee and tea are served. meeting. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page Four


The Shabbat Morning Beginners' Service EIGHT SHIURIM OFFERED BY which was inaugurated on Saturday morn¬ LOOKSTEIN AND BIELER AND DR. GILBERT KAHN ing, January 10, was received with con¬ siderable interest and enthusiasm. A program of eight shiurim continues to Intended for those wishing to improve be offered throughout the week. their understanding of the Shabbat morn¬ SUNDAY SUPPER LECTURE Prior to regular Shabbat morning ser¬ ing service, and geared to those with little or vices, Rabbi Jack Bieler offers a Talmud no background, more than twenty people shiur at 8:00 am in the Jess Ward Library. Rabbi Israel of Salant: attended the opening session. Emphasis is This on the structure of the service and an ex¬ particular shiur is designed to expose The Religious Struggle for the planation of its various prayers. is participants to variegated topics that Ethical Perfection The aim appear in a typical Talmudic chapter. One for participants to improve their familiarity presented by with "amud" (side of the page) is covered per the service, leading toward increased Rabbi Haskel Lookstein session. participation in the main congregation. On Saturday afternoon, Rabbi Haskel As a result of the first session, the par¬ Sunday, March 8, 1981 Adults -$7.50 Lookstein conducts a Talmud shiur one ticipants decided to meet every other week, 6:00 pm Students-$4 hour before mincha. The class studies the instead of the once a month that was Tractate of Megillah, including the laws, previously planned. The service begins history and religious principles of the Purint promptly at 9:30 am, and meets in the 8th festival. This Tractate also discusses the in¬ AM HASEFER floor Board Room. The Beginners' Service stitution of Torah reading, the selections next meets this coming Shabbat, January BOOKREADING CLUB that are read at various times during the 24. Next month, it will meet on February 7 year, and many other principles involved in SUNDAY EVENING, and 21. synagogue worship. The class is conducted FEBRUARY 1 Scholar in Residence in English, and is available for students of (continued from page one) different backgrounds. The text of the Following the rather spirited discussion obscured. During the earlier years of State Talmud is studied together with analysis of led by Dr. Nathalie Friedman at the first building, the secularist views largely the Rishonim and Codes. This Tractate is session of the Am Hasefer Bookreading prevailed. For many, the magic of Jewish also discussed in Rabbi Look- Club, participants are anxiously looking independence was sufficient in itself, and stein's Tuesday Midtown Lunch and forward to session number two on Sunday Israel was thought of as a state like other Talmud program, discussed elsewhere in evening, February I. states. But these attitudes are now being this section. At that time, Nancy Gallin will be leading widely questioned, not least by recent im¬ Following the regular daily ntinyan on a discussion of the book, When Memory migrants, who are looking for a spiritual, Sunday mornings, Dr. Gilbert Kahn also Comes, by Saul Friedlander. and not just a physical, liberation. In these teaches a Talmud shiur, beginning at 9:15 The book is described as a moving and circumstances, Dr. Fisch what am. contends, is The class is studying Tractate disturbing memoir - the intellectual and required is a reformulation of Israel's Berachot, using the El Am edition of the emotional pilgrimage of a Jewish orphan religious destiny and of the basic terms in Talmud. It is anticipated that the Tractate studying to be a Catholic priest in Nazi oc¬ which this destiny is conceived, namely the will be completed by the class towards the cupied France, who later became a pro¬ Covenant between God and Israel, as set end of this year. Breakfast is served. fessor of history at Tel Aviv is University. It forth in the scriptures. Mondays find Rabbi Bieler teaching a conflict of cultures and identities in a Professor Fisch's three presentations shiurim both in the morning and in the post-emancipation world. follow the very warm and most enthusiastic evening. At 9:15 am in the new Ramaz The gathering will be held at the home of reception he received as Rabbi Lookstein's School building at 60 East 78 Street, is a Israel and Nathalie Friedman, 451 West guest when he spoke from the pulpit last class in Parshat Hashavua. It is an in depth End Avenue, at 81st Street. The apartment year. We are pleased to welcome him back analysis of a significant theme associated is 5D. New participants are welcome to join to Kehilath Jeshurun. with the Torah reading of the coming Shab¬ the group, and are asked to call the bat. The subject for the evening class is synagogue office: 427-HXX), and tell Robert RESERVATION FORM Chumash and Commentaries, which is Leifert of your intention to participate. taught at the Bielers' home, 1641 Third Subsequent sessions of Am Hasefer will Please reserve .adult places at $8.5()| Avenue, at 91st Street. It is a traditionally discuss The Agunah by Chaim Grade on per person, and child/student places at| oriented learning session, focused on March 29, and Culture unci Committment $4 per person for the dinner. Leviticus XIX, Parshat Kidoshim. The -The New Relationships Between the Total amount enclosed $ Commentaries of Rashi, Ibn Ezra and Generations in the I970's by Margaret | Rantban are translated and discussed in Mead on May 17. NAME I their entirety. Also at home is a shiur The third course taught the Bielers' taught at the Bielers' ADDRESS on Talmud and Rishonim on Tuesday even¬ home is offered on alternate Friday even¬ ings. It is a traditional shiur concentrating ings. The subject is the Parshat Hashavua upon the 9th chapter of Bava Kama, with a discussion of a second theme of the "HaGozel Eitzim". on week's Torah Emphasis is placed reading, one other than that HOME PHONE gaining familiarity with Talmudic ter¬ which was discussed in the Monday morn¬ minology as well as the classification of the ing class. The presentation includes BUSINESS PHONE. intemretations of Rashi and Tosaphoth. Talmudic and Midrashic interpretations. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page Five ONEG SHABBAT YOUTH NEWS THIS FRIDAY EVENING, TEEN MINYAN SCHEDULE JANUARY 23 9:30 AM Music Room -706 KJ Teens to Perform The January Oneg Shabbat of our KJ January 24 Teens will be held this South Pacific Purim Night Friday evening, February 6 January 23. Hosts will be our former Youth February 14 PRODUCTION A MITZVAH Directors, Ricki and David Bernstein. It February 21 will begin at 8:00 pm at their home, 425 East Rabbi Bieler's Shiur The teenagers of the congregation are 86 Street, between First and York concludes this now preparing for a spectacular theatrical Avenues. service, production of South Pacific, to be perform¬ All teenagers of the community are in¬ open to all teenagers of the congregation vited ed following the reading of the Megillah on to participate. and the community Purim night, Thursday, March 19. The per¬ formance will be held in the Kamber THE ADULT EDUCATION WEEK Auditorium and tickets are available now from the synagogue office ~ AT A GLANCE Adults: $4 Children (through high school) $2 Under the direction of Mrs. Daniele MONDAY Lassner, our high school students are busy 9:15 - 10:15 AM PARSHAT - Rabbi reciting, memorizing, singing and painting HASHAVUA Jack Bieler 8:30 - 10:00 PM CHUMASH AND COMMENTARIES - Rabbi Jack Bieler scenery, in order to ensure the show's suc¬ cess. Why are they working so hard? It is all for the performance of an impor¬ TUESDAY tant mitzvah. Over the past year, several

12:00 - Jewish families have been fleeing from 1:30 PM M1DTOWN LUNCH AND TALMUD - Iran. The present international crisis makes Rabbi Haskel Lookstein it quite difficult for anyone from Iran to 7:30 - 8:20 PM TANYA - Mr. Israel Rosenberg receive an exit visa. As a result, many CLASSICAL JEWISH HISTORY - Dr. Jacob Reiner families have been split up with mothers, PRAYER, PRAY-ER AND THE PRAYER BOOK (SIDDUR) fathers, sisters and brothers being - Rabbi Shmuel Gordon separated. Many of the Iranians now in the BEGINNERS' HEBREW - Evelyn Berger.

United States find themselves in dire finan¬ 8:30 - 10:00 PM TALMUD AND RISHONIM - Rabbi Jack Bieler

8:40 - 9:30 PM THE cial straights. RELIGIOUS THOUGHT OF MARTIN BUBER - Our high school youth have decided to Dr. Michael Wyschogrod donate all proceeds from the production to TOPICS OF JEWISH THOUGHT AND PRACTICE - scholarships to aid these Iranian Jewish Rabbi Shmuel Gordon youth. These funds will allow several of HEBREW CALLIGRAPHY - Meshulam Moskowitz their Iranian teenage counterparts to attend WEDNESDAY school for Jewish learning. 12:00 Noon LUNCH AND LEARN - Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Rabbi We are proud of our teenagers and their Mayer Moskowitz, Rorbert J. Leifert, Michael Berl commitment to the performance of such a 7:30 - 9:30 PM SEMINAR IN HOLOCAUST LITERATURE - mitzvah and their dedication to the princi¬ Dr. Maurice Wohlgelernter. See schedule. ple that "All Israel is responsible, one for another." FRIDAY


8:00 - 9:00 AM - Saturday Evening, February 7 TALMUD Rabbi Jack Bieler 9:30 AM BEGINNERS' MINYAN - David Bernstein A limited number of tickets are available (Alternate weeks) for a showdown basketball game between Saturday After¬ TALMUD - Rabbi Haskel Lookstein our local teams, the New York Knicks and noon One hour the New Jersey Nets. The game will be held before Mineha in Madison Square Garden on Saturday evening, February 7. We will be leaving as a SUNDAY group from KJ at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $5 9:15 - 10:30 AM TALMUD - Dr. Gilbert Kahn each. Contact the Synagogue Office: 427-1000, Ext. 264, or Jamie Lassner 86th and PARK (860-3467) for reservations. LIPSTADT MEMORIAL One Bedroom Co-op for Side COMPANY An ideal second apartmen! for changing SUNDAY AFTERNOON family needs Monuments CARTOONS 370 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Price: $104,500 Jerry Rumain NEW YORK 24, N.Y. SNOOPY COMES HOME is the feature Maint: $247/mo. Licensed Real Estate TR 3-6843 cartoon at the program to be held Sunday Agent 50% cash 877-5686 Closed Saturdays Open Sundays afternoon, February 8. It will begin at 1:00 required pm in the KJ Social Hall. Admission is $2. Page Six KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN CANDLE LIGHTING MOnument 2-7081 Phone Orders The Day Before Friday Evening To Assure Morniny Deliveries January 23 4:43 pm JONAS STERN & SONS January 30 4:51 pm

Glatl February 6 5:00 pm

Under the supervision February 13 5:08 pm Midtown Board of Kashruth February 20 5:16 pm Prune Meals— Poultry February 27 5:25 pm Delicatessen—C 'uteriny SABBATH SERVICES Special Attention to Freezer Orders Friday Evening 229 W est 100th Street

(Corner Broadway) January 23 4:50 pm New York, N.) 10025 January 30 5:00 pm February 6 5:10 pm February 13 5:20 pm February 20 5:30 pm February 27 5:30 pm Saturday Morning

Shacharit 9:00 am

Teen Minyan 9:30 am Beginners' Service 9:30 am AN IRIS LEVITSKY EXCLUSIVE (Alternate weeks) The most charming new personalized Junior Congregation 10:30 am to come on the pad market! Toddlers 10:45 am Selling like wild fire! Nursery - Grade 1 10:45 am Sold only by Iris in New York City Call for sample Saturday Afternoon Bar-Bat Mitzvah, January 24 4:50 pm Wedding Invitations January 31 5:00 pm The most unique, elegant invitations February 7 5:10 pm Custom designed for you. February 14 4:30 pm Hebrew - English February 21 5:30 pm Iris Levitsky Enterprises February 28 5:30 pm 353 East 83rd Street Conclusion of Sabbath New York, City 628-2380 744-3538 Saturday Evening January 24 5:42 pm January 31 5:50 pm KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN February 7 5:57 pm CONGREGATION Weekly Portion February 14 6:06 pm KEHILATH JESHURUN January 24 February 21 6:14 pm 125 East 85th Street Weekly Portion: February 28 6:21 pm New York, N.Y. 10028 Haftorah: Isaiah 6 Weekday Services HA 7-1000 January 31 Mornings 7:30 am Synagogue Officials Weekly Portion: Sunday Morning 8:30 am Joseph H. Lookstein ... .SeniorRabbi Haftorah: Jeremiah 34 Evenings through Jan. 29. 1923-1979 February 7 4:50 pm Weekly Portion: Terumah Feb. 1 - Feb. 5 5:00 pm Dr. Haskel Lookstein Rabbi Haftorah: I Kings 5 Avrum Davis Cantor Feb. 8-Feb. 12 5:10pm Israel D. Rosenberg Ritual Director February 14 Feb. 15-Feb. 19 5:20pm Robert J. Leifert Executive Director Weekly Portion: Tetzava Feb. 22-Feb. 26 5:30 pm Officers of the Congregation Haftorah: Ezekiel 43 Harry W. Baumgarten Hon. President Rosh Chodesh AdarI Max J. Etra Hon. President February 21 Nathan Salzman Hon. President will be on Wednesday, February 4 and Samuel M. Eisenstat President Weekly Portion: Keetissa Thursday, February 5. Joseph Lorch Vice-President Haftorah: I Kings 18 Irwin B. Robins Treasurer Rosh Chodesh Adar II Benjamin Brown . .. Secretary February 28 Mrs. David Weisselberger Pres. Sist'd. will be on Friday, March 6 and Satur¬ Norman Bulow Pres. Men's Club Weekly Portion: Vayakhel Stephen J. Kule Pres. Couples' Club Haftorah: I Kings 6 day, March 7.