Western Europe
Western Europe GREAT BRITAIN q PERIOD from July 1, 1954, through June 30, 1955, was an eventful one JL in Great Britain. It saw the dissolution of Parliament, accompanied by the retirement of Sir Winston Churchill and his replacement as prime min- ister by Sir Anthony Eden. Matters of special concern to British Jews were, internationally, Great Britain's relations with the Arab states, the trials of Rumanian Zionists, and the rearmament of Germany. On the domestic front, British Jewry combatted a parliamentary campaign against Shechita, the Jewish method of slaughter. In the general election of May 1955 the Conservative party increased its majority from seventeen to sixty. It polled 906,000 votes more than Labor, obtaining successes even in Lancashire where foreign competition in the textile industry was causing considerable anxiety. Of the seventeen Com- munist candidates, none were elected; fifteen lost their deposits by not se- curing one-eighth of the total votes cast in the constituencies in which they ran. Of the fifty-six Jewish candidates, thirty-nine were Labor, ten Conserva- tive, five Liberal, and two Communist. All the sixteen Jewish members in the last House of Commons were re-elected. There were now seventeen Jewish Labor members and one Conservative. The government had two Jewish members, both in the House of Lords—the Marquess of Reading, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, and Lord Mancroft, Undersecretary at the Home Office. The only anti-Jewish incident during the election was the painting of some slogans on walls in the Aston Division of Birmingham where there was a Jewish candidate, Julius Silverman.
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