Sl.No. Area Project Village Vill-Address Khata-No Plot Nos
Employment Details for the Year 2018-19 (Jan'19 To March'19) Relation Name of Person offered with the Place of Posting Designati Sl.No. Area Project Village Vill‐Address Khata‐No Plot Nos. Block‐Name District F/H‐Name Empl.Ref. No. Empl‐Letter‐Date Employment Land‐ (Area) on Owner PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 1 Hazaribagh Kedla OC Kedla PO ‐ Kedla PS ‐ Mandu 15 951(P),955,959,960,962. Mandu Ramgarh Mohan Turi S/o Kamal Turi Self 02.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐428 (HQ)Ranchi PD/MP/Apptt/Land P&IR Deptt. 2 M&A Amrapali Binglat, Saradhu,Honhe PO ‐ Kasiyadih PS ‐ Tandwa 45,31,31,2,53,46 413,305,305,1422,222, 568 Tandwa Chatra Narsingh Saw S/o Iswari Saw Self 11.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐438 CCL,(HQ)Ranchi 344,345,354,376,389,472,689,842, PO ‐ Ganeshpur PS ‐Balumath & 973,1014,1422,22,25,28,56,58,185, Balumath & Latehar & PD/MP/Apptt/Land 3 M&A Magadh Ara, Kundi & Saradhu 132,4,4,254 Umesh Kumar S/o Keshwari Saw Self 11.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Tandwa 145,162,311,205,247,317,227,352, Tandwa Chatra Loser/L‐440 107,144(P),144(P),107,677. PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 4 Kuju Topa Orla & Topa PO ‐ Topa PS ‐Mandu 19,76,58,58,59,28. 58,1053/2,670/8,670/4,863, 29. Mandu Ramgarh Binod Karmali S/o Mahaveer Karmali Self 15.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐445 (HQ)Ranchi 36,91,176,178,282,327,342,355,362, 428,501,677,709,28,47,227,251,256, 267,326,358,376,399,400,429,502, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt.
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