Maidstone Borough Council

Freedom of Information Act Request

Ref: FOI5487

Date: 24 August 2016

Request and Response

Please can the council confirm or not if they are aware of kennels previously situated at Cathros Lithos?

We were aware of the block of kennels to the north of the property as a result of visits regarding the noise complaints. The Council’s planning team were made aware of Kennels at the land in 2005 however this is the only record the Council has in planning terms

Please can the council confirm if they were aware of breeding activities previously at the premises Cathros Lithos at any point prior to July 2015.

We have no recorded breeding activity at the site.

Please can the council confirm who any correspondence was between regarding any aspects of dog ownership and or noise concerns prior to July 2015

We cannot disclose any details regarding those who complained about the noise. The council spoke with the previous owner of the property regarding the complaints made.

Please can the council confirm if Cathros Lithos has previously been investigated about Noise pollution ? And if so what was the outcome of the investigation (dates will be crucial) prior to July 2015

Catharos Lithos has been investigated for noise historically. Exact dates cannot be confirmed as the system used is no longer available and the file copies were destroyed on 28/03/2014 as they were more than 7 years old. It is believed that a notice was served on the previous owner although there is no physical record of the notice. However, complaints regarding noise since have resulted in diary sheets being sent to complainants but no further action had been taken until July 2016.

Please can the council substantiate which Government guidelines the term change of use and the councils interpretation of this.

The planning department use the following statutes and the associated guidance:

 The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)  Town and County Planning (General Permitted Development)() Order 2015 (as amended)  The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended)

Please can the council confirm how many Licence breeding kennels currently exist and any links that can give direction to these kennels would be helpful.


Greenway Forstal Farmhouse Greenway Forstal ME17 1QA

Schnauzer House Bimbury Lane Kent ME9 7QX

No websites available

Please can the council confirm how many boarding kennels are currently licensed?


All substantiated material would be highly beneficial. N/A

East Dean Kennels East Dean Farm Smarden Road Kent TN27 9HP

Ashdown Cattery Gravelly Bottom Road Kingswood Kent ME17 3NT

Highlands Boarding Kennels Chartway Street Kent ME17 3JB

RiverView, Cat Lodge 9 Flume End Kent ME15 6FW

Beaux Aires Kennels and Cattery Beaux Aires House Bimbury Lane Stockbury Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7QX

Cuckoo Farm Wilsons Lane Maidstone Kent ME15 0LU

Kaos Kennels Woodside Cottage Old Road Lidsing Gillingham Kent ME7 3NH

Barham Boarding Cattery Hazel Cottage Malling Road Kent ME18 5BH

Catnap Boarding Cattery Elspeth Blind Lane Kent ME7 3JR

Little Dene Cattery Heath Road Lenham Heath Kent ME17 2BS

Whiskers Lodge Cattery 1 Willis Cottages Dunn Street Road Bredhurst Gillingham Kent ME7 3NA

Caring for Cats Cattery Further Fields Caring Lane Leeds Kent ME17 1TJ

Dell Cattery (The) Park Lane Kent ME9 0UA

Old Forge Cattery (The) 1 Forge Cottages Claygate Road Maidstone Kent ME18 6BJ

Lanes End Kennels Faversham Road Sittingbourne Kent ME9 0DP

Stilebridge Kennels And Cattery White House Farm Stilebridge Lane Linton Maidstone Kent ME17 4DE

Avenue Boarding Cattery 38 Plains Avenue Maidstone Kent ME15 7AU

Chart Sutton Kennels Norton Road Maidstone Kent ME17 3RT

Inkstand Cattery Headcorn Road Lenham Kent ME17 2HT

Please can the council confirm how many licensed dog training centres are currently active and or processed.
