Pastoral Theology
LIBRARY The PASTORAL THEOLOGY. PRINTED BV MURRAY AND GIBB, FOR T. & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH. LONDON, HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. DUBLIN, JOHN ROBERTSON AND CO. NEW YORK, .... SCRIBNER, WELFORD, AND ARMSTRONG. PASTORAL THEOLOGY A TREA TISE ON THE OFFICE AND DUTIES OF THE CHRISTIAN PASTOR. BY THE LATE PATRICK^AIRBAIRN, D.D., ' PRINCIPAL OF THE FREE CHURCH COLLEGE, GLASGOW ; AUTHOR OF TYPOLOGY OF SCRIPTURE,' 'commentary ON THE PASTORAL EPISTLES,' ETC. ETC. amitfj a Biograpfjical ^hctcfj of tfjc ^utfjor fig REV. JAMES DODDS, EDINBURGH: T. & T. CLARK, 38 GEORGE STREET. 1875. ; PREFACE. THE lamented Author of this treatise lived to prepare it for the press. It seems to have been originally written in its present form, though it was repeatedly delivered to his class as a course of lectures. There can also be little doubt that it was intended to be a sequel or companion volume to his recently published work on the Pastoral Epistles. As such it may safely be accepted by the public for the sound judgment, lofty aim, and evangelical spirit that characterize the work on the Epistles will not be found wanting in the present performance. Though probably not free from the defects almost inseparable from posthumous publications, the following pages will, it is hoped, amply sustain the high character of Principal Fairbairn as a theological professor. They relate to a subject which in these days is of growing importance, and which has by no means been exhausted, though several good practical works connected with it have of late made their appearance. Principal Fairbairn left instructions that no extended memoir of him should be published by any of his friends.
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