2 • February 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA INTRODUCTION A closer look at the state of our Union By William S. Morris III Total federal spending Accumulated gross federal debt Trillions of dollars America is at a crossroads. From fiscal year 1792 to fiscal year 2020 We face as many fundamen- 2000 $1.79 tal and fateful decisions as we 120 2001 $1.86 have in more than a century. 2002 $2.01 What kind of country are 100 we? What kind of government 2003 $2.16 should we have – and how 2004 $2.29 much should it do for us? What 80 is the nature of our relationship 2005 $2.47 to our government, and to each 2006 $2.66 other? What is America’s role 60 2007 $2.73 in the world? An alarming number of 2008 $2.98 Americans have become 40 2009 $3.52 ominously dependent on the

Percent of gross domestic product domestic gross of Percent 2010 government financially. It’s $3.46 20 unfortunate for those trapped 2011 $3.60 by hardship – making it dif- 2012 $3.54 ficult for them to realize their 0 potential as human beings – 1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2013 $3.46 and wholly unsustainable for Source: usgovernmentspending.com 2014 $3.51 the country. rorism inadequate to achieve tunes, and our sacred Honor.” 2015 These are some of the many Shares of total victory. It is that spirit with which we $3.69 profound challenges we ad- federal spending, 2016 How did we get here? must come together as Ameri- 2016 $3.95 dress in this special publication Somewhere along the way, cans to renew our republic. Source: Oce of Management and Budget we’re calling “Crossroads for Defense All other we went down the wrong road. We desperately need to re- America.” activities Lured by the siren song of turn to those guiding principles Through neglect, dispute and 15% socialism since the days of Wil- that made this the greatest With a new president and shortsightedness, this coun- 31% son and Roosevelt, we’ve trav- nation on Earth. We need to Congress, we have a historic try has allowed our federal eled innumerable miles from rein in our runaway federal opportunity to address these government to swell in size and 24% our Founders’ wisdom. We’ve government, reduce the current and other challenges facing scope, and our national debt lost sight of the constitutional confiscatory rate of taxation, the nation. President Trump to explode, even as our public 6% and Judeo-Christian principles remove the yoke of government has promised to do so, and we infrastructure, economic foot- Social that guided us for some 200 from our economy, reduce our should hold him to it. 15% 9% Interest ing and national security have Security years: limited government, dependence on it, restore our We must, as John F. Kennedy all suffered mightily. individual sovereignty and military, secure our border and implored us, ask not what our Medicaid Our national debt is $20 tril- Medicare , rights granted by God, reclaim our place of preemi- country can do for us, but what lion and rising, and our future Source: Oce of Management and Budget and more. nence among nations. we can do for our country. unfunded expenditures for Today’s public dialogue also We must first understand And we must resolve, as Medicare, Medicaid and Social perilously from the states to the falls woefully short of the spirit and appreciate the nature of Abraham Lincoln put it, that Security exceed $100 trillion. federal government, and from of our Founders when they America, and what makes it “government of the people, by Yet, year after year we go on the legislative branch to the concluded the Declaration of exceptional in the pantheon of the people, for the people, shall living beyond our means and executive. Independence with the words, history. Then we must rededi- not perish from the earth.” burdening future generations Our southern border is “with a firm reliance on the cate ourselves to those prin- Crossroads indeed. with our debt – which is pa- nearly lawless, our immigration protection of Divine Provi- ciples and practices that have tently immoral. All the while, system dangerously chaotic dence, we mutually pledge to been proven to work over the William S. Morris III is chairman the balance of power shifts and progress in the war on ter- each other our Lives, our For- 241-year American Experiment. of Morris Communications LLC. ABOUTa ‘Crossro ds for America’ IEND X

This is a special publication about our government, our country, our Capitalism 3 Law and Order 10 China 18 people and our future. ‘Crossroads for America’ is not attached to an National Debt 4 Separation of Powers 11 Cybersecurity 19 election, a campaign, a movement, a specific group of people or a Entitlements 5 Three Branches 12, 13 Energy 20 cause. It is a factual, comprehensive report about where the United States of America stands. Taxation/Tax Policy 6 Founding Principles 14 Civility 21 ‘Crossroads for America’ is produced by Morris Publishing Group, Economy/Jobs 7 Immigration 15 Role of Media 22 which owns and operates 11 daily newspapers as well as non-daily newspapers, city magazines and free community publications in the Health Care 8 America’s Role 16 Civics 23 Southeast, Midwest, Southwest and Alaska. Government Dependence 9 Foreign Policy 17 America’s Identity 24 Cross Roads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 3

Capitalism Markets, like the nation, must be free

By Michael Ryan might hate Americans, but they serve us well and they do so voluntarily. The There’s a lot of buying and selling bottom line motivation for the coopera- that goes on in the free market. Yet the tion is people are in it for themselves.” one thing the free market can’t seem to In other words, enlightened self-inter- sell these days is itself. est drives the free market – and drives As demonstrated dramatically in the essential products to your door. odd and chaotic “Occupy” movement of “It is not from the benevolence of the a few years ago, a lot of folks just aren’t butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that buying the benefits of capitalism these we expect our dinner,” the legendary days. economist Smith wrote, “but from their Young people in particular are a regard to their own interest.” tough sell – even as they hold a Star- A website listing the supposed pros bucks latte in one hand while they tweet and cons of capitalism included, as one their anti-capitalist rage on their smart- of the free market’s shortcomings, that phone. No irony there. it ignores social benefits. Far from it! The free market – which is insepa- Capitalism actually produces a mind- rable from freedom itself – simply needs boggling number of social benefits. to sell itself better. We need to tell its “By pursuing his own interest,” Smith story and celebrate it. We need our wrote, a business person “frequently young to buy into it. promotes that of the society more ef- Strangely, and ominously, we don’t fectually than when he really intends to seem to tell the story very well. Con- promote it.” sider: Junior Achievement, which No other economic system has risen introduces youths to the principles of so many up out of poverty. Even capital- the free market, has to rely on donations Associated Press ism’s own opponents in the Harvard – and the permission of bureaucrats – to E nlightened self-interest drives a free market and brings products to consumers. poll were hard-pressed to come up with get into the schools. a better alternative. Astonishingly, a Harvard University of communism. In addition, the media simple system of natural liberty’.” Indeed, besides all the other benefits poll last year found that a majority of do a much better job of highlighting Citing such an outwardly simple thing of capitalism – including economic Americans ages 18 to 29 don’t even sup- capitalism’s occasional outrages, such as how a can of tuna gets to your store freedom, life-sustaining products and port capitalism: 51 percent oppose it, as Enron, than all that the free market shelf, columnist and economist Walter services, growing the economic pie while 42 percent support it. does for humanity. Williams calls capitalism an “economic (rather than just cutting it up), and put- Amazing. Frightening. This is the This is a crisis of confidence. And it’s miracle.” ting a premium on efficiency – it’s argu- heart of American life. It’s the very key insane. Again, the free market is part From sea to shelf, he writes, “It is not able that one of the main byproducts of to economic freedom and vitality. And and parcel of freedom. a stretch of the imagination to sug- capitalism is happiness: Polls show the yet, it’s a tough sell among our young? “Capitalism is what people do if you gest that millions of inputs and people happiest people on Earth live primarily We’d better wake up and address this. leave them alone,” is how an econom- cooperate with one another to get in capitalistic, democratic countries. It isn’t just the very young that need ics professor at the London School of canned tuna to your supermarket.” And, Most of the best-fed folks, too. to hear it, either. Of the Harvard poll, Economics once put it. he notes, “The average well-stocked It’s crazy, and dangerous, that such ‘The Washington Post’ wrote, “Only Writes Robert Hessen, senior re- supermarket carries over 60,000 differ- large portions of our youths would lose among respondents at least 50 years old search fellow at Stanford University’s ent items.” sight of all this. was the majority in support of capital- Hoover Institution, “Capitalism, a term So why do the producers, processors, It’s essential for our future that we ism.” of disparagement coined by socialists in truck drivers, stores and all the others make it clearer to them. One of our problems may be that the mid-19th century, is a misnomer for involved in feeding you do it? “Most of post-Cold-War youths have been ‘economic individualism,’ which Adam them don’t give a hoot about you and Michael Ryan is the editorial page editor of brought up outside the looming shadow Smith earlier called ‘the obvious and me,” Williams writes. “Some of them ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Looking back Cah llenges O pportunities Adam The main challenge to our free market is that With the nation’s first pure businessman as president, Smith’s classic our young don’t seem to comprehend its value there’s an opportunity to bring about a revival of appreciation work, ‘A Wealth and principles: over half of millennials in one 42% for all the free market has done, and can do, for the world. of Nations’, survey even oppose capitalism. A study of East Germany vs. West Germany, and North explained the Our schools appear not to be teaching it, and Americ ans Korea and South Korea, would illustrate the difference benefits of the nonprofit Junior Achievement – which does – has between 18-29 between statism and capitalism. Invisible Hand to pass the hat in order to get its free-market We also need to understand the nature of failure. Wendy in guiding a free curriculum into schools. who support Milling, writing in ‘Forbes’, noted that “Statists believe that the market system. The media accentuate capitalism’s warts, capitalism failure of individuals within a capitalist system amounts to a such as Enron, but don’t tell the free market’s S ource: Harvard University poll moral claim (against) those who have not failed. They believe success as they should. these failures are an indictment of capitalism itself.” 4 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

I NAT ONAL DEBT Nation’s cash flow worse than advertised

By Mike Clark tive, however. Grover Norquist, Federal spending as a share of gross domestic product in his book ‘End the IRS,’ American households under- 15% Entitlements writes about the anti-spending stand debt. Defense 13.5% revolt of the tea party that fol- Too much of it can put you in Nondefense discretionary lowed the presidential election the poorhouse. Net interest in 2008. After 30 years of fight- On a national scale, however, 10% ing for limited government, debt is less easy to understand. he was both “surprised and Can’t the nation just print more delighted.” money? Taxes or economic growth Even on a national scale, 5% won’t work as solutions, Meek- however, too much debt can 3.4% er writes. The only realistic hurt America. 3.2% solution is to cut spending on Mortgaging the future: Like entitlements. a homeowner using credit for 0 1.3% The responsible course is groceries, debt ought to be used 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 to announce a plan and phase for big national projects with Source: Oce of Management and Budget in spending cuts so as not to a multi-generational payoff shock the economy. Bipartisan like roads and bridges. With- plans to deal with the debt have out those investments, quality • The crisis factor: When inflation rates combined with Walker says that Americans been floated in recent years slowly declines. the next major recession a poor economy — the worst of are hungry for truth and lead- but there has been a deficit of America is the greatest na- hits and the nation needs to both worlds. ership. leadership to enact them. tion in modern history because increase government spend- Those in the financial world That is where President Don- “Only God knows when we the private market has been ing to stimulate the economy, understand that the nation’s ald Trump comes in. He is bold, might have a debt crisis and free to operate at superior that will be stifled. That balance sheet is in crisis. he isn’t worried about political God’s not telling us,” Walker levels. means the economic crisis will David Walker, former comp- correctness and he certainly said. “But what we do know is If government stifles that be worse than it should be. troller general of the United isn’t playing the Washington we’re not exempt from the laws private market, then the entire Though the nation’s annual States, has been spreading the spin game. of prudent finance. You can’t foundation of America is at budget deficit has declined in word about the debt crisis. Mary Meeker, one of Amer- spend $1 trillion plus or more risk. recent years – thanks to budget “Our nation’s financial ica’s most influential financial each year than you take in.” Here are ways that debt hurts cuts forced by a sequester – the condition is worse than adver- analysts, produced a book- To quote an editorial in the America: debt continues to rise. tised,” he said. length report on the state of the ‘Economist’, a British publica- • Cuts in benefits: When The ratio of federal debt as Walker is concerned about American economy titled ‘USA tion: “The country’s long-term debt is used as a substitute for a percentage of gross domestic mounting liabilities and Inc.’ fiscal problems are immense. It a stagnant economy, something product has climbed to levels unfunded commitments. Her conclusion: There are taxes like a small government has to give, which means cuts not seen since World War II. Politicians are great at making huge warning signs. country but it spends like a big in programs. Liberals downplay the is- promises that future genera- • America’s cash flow is government one. Eventually • Higher interest rates: sue, referring to “debt scolds” tions must keep. deeply in the red. demography – and the huge When the government borrows and pointing out that some Americans generally don’t • Net worth is negative and tribe of retiring baby boom- too much, it squeezes private nations like Japan have been save enough, the government deteriorating largely due to ers who expect pensions and equity markets. That pushes up living with high levels of debt overspends and debt is being unfunded entitlements. health care – will bankrupt the interest rates for everyone. for years. But Japan also has used to cover it all. “In effect, USA Inc. is max- country.” • Higher taxes: At current been suffering with a stagnant But the worst deficit is one of ing out its credit card,” Meeker We know what needs to be trends, by about 2040 all of the economy. leadership, Walker says. writes. “It has fallen into a done. Now we need leaders to government’s tax revenues will Can’t we print money? Yes, “We need leaders who will pattern of spending more than take action. be eaten up by entitlements Americans old enough to face the facts, speak the truth, it earns and is issuing debt at and interest on the debt. This remember President Jimmy work together and make tough every turn. Mike Clark is the editorial page editor of simply cannot happen. Carter recall “stagflation,” high choices,” he said. The outlook is not all nega- ‘The Florida Times-Union’ in . Challenges Opp ortunities Our out-of-control national debt risks ever-higher tax rates Cutting government spending, instituting pro-growth policies and interest rates, slows growth and cripples investment and $61,537 and balancing the budget are essential. Now. innovation. House Speaker Paul Ryan, a deficit hawk, and businessman Our debt is an immoral surcharge on our children and President Donald Trump should be able to come together to steer grandchildren — a bill we are leaving them. Each American’s portion the nation toward a balanced budget. The national debt also endangers our ability to react to future of the National Debt as Higher economic growth could help federal revenues — as it economic crises. Washington is nearly out of tricks to cover over did in the 1980s, when pro-growth policies led to a doubling of the dreadful financial picture. of Jan. 23, 2017 revenues. S ources: U.S. Treasury, U.S. Census Cross Roads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 5

ENTITLEMENTS Reform now, for day of reckoning coming

By Damon Cline Federal spending under current policies estimate. Central to all of Obamacare’s Financial advisors have long flaws is the requirement that You may not be around after told clients not to fully count people with pre-existing condi- 2033. But your children and as a share of gross domestic product on Social Security in retire- tions pay no higher premiums grandchildren probably will. 30.4% ment. than healthy people. That is And they likely will wish Other spending “Whenever I do a compre- why the unpopular individual you and your peers had done Health care hensive financial plan with mandate had to be included: to something to fix the nation’s Social Security clients, we automatically cut force the young and healthy to decades-old entitlement Interest 25.8% the future Social Security ben- buy something they don’t want programs – Social Security, 9.9% efits 25 percent to 30 percent,” or need. Medicare and Medicaid. 23.4% Rose Swanger, an advisor with And because the govern- Because by 2033, those 21.9% Knoxville, Tenn.-based Royal ment defines what qualifies as “insurance,” those who already programs – along with federal 8.8% Alliance Associates told invest- debt payments and America’s ment site ThinkAdvisor. “…If had coverage they liked found newest entitlement, Obamacare by the time they retire they are out – contrary to President – will consume every dollar of 17.6% still able to receive 100 percent Obama’s repeated assertions – 8.5% federal revenue. 12.5% benefits, good for them.” that they couldn’t keep it. Nothing left for national de- 8.0% Equally broken are Wash- No wonder Charles Bla- fense, transportation, scientific ington’s 52-year-old health hous, a former trustee of the research, space exploration or 8.3% 6.8% programs – Medicare, for those Medicare and Social Security the FBI. Nothing. 65 and older (and young people systems, calls Obamacare “the Today, the debt- and payroll with certain disabilities), and greatest act of fiscal irrespon- tax-funded entitlement pro- 5.6% Medicaid, a federal-state pro- sibility ever committed by grams already siphon off half 6.2% gram for the poor. federal legislators.” 4.9% of all federal revenue. The 3.1% Both are based on bureacrat- The health care programs, figure is closer to two-thirds if 6.1% ic central planning and unlim- much like Social Security, will means-tested federal welfare ited spending that guarantees not be fixed with simple tweaks 5.2% programs are factored in. 4.0% neither access to quality care that have enabled lawmakers to 4.7% “The country cannot and 6.3% nor incentives for price-based kick the can down the road. should not sustain the current 4.1% competition. Tough choices are ahead, and 2.6% course of excessive spending 2.2% 1.3% The 2010 passage of Obam- though politically unpopular, they are necessary to keep and borrowing,” writes The 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 acare only compounded the problem by adding 20 million future generations from paying Heritage Foundation in its 2017 Source: Congressional Budget O ce (2015) Blueprint for Reform policy more people to the govern- a debt they didn’t ask for and agenda. ment-run health care rolls. can’t afford. Social Security, the oldest Most enrollees were put into “Some people may have to of the entitlements, already Formation Counselors, Inc. recipient ratio is about 3-to-1. an expanded Medicaid pro- get their health care in dif- is bankrupt. Its trust funds notes in a recent report. The year 2033 also marks the gram, with the rest receiving ferent ways,” says Michael contain only IOUs – “a chit Each generation to date final year Social Security can subsidies to buy private insur- Tanner, a senior fellow at Cato in the drawer’ somewhere in has been promised more in pay full retirement benefits. ance through state exchanges, Institute. “And some, who Washington, D.C. that implies benefits than they contributed Sans reform, the Congressional which last year saw premiums can afford it, may have to pay the federal government owes in payroll taxes. That was fine Budget Office in December es- skyrocketed in 46 states by as more.” that money to Social Security in 1950, when 16.5 employees timated benefits would be cut much as 116 percent, according recipients,” Florida-based eco- funded every recipient, but not 31 percent in 2034 – 10 percent- to the Department of Health & Damon Cline is the business editor of nomic consulting firm Capital today, where the worker-to- age points higher than its 2014 Human Services. ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Lookn i g back Cansh lle ge O pportuniTIES A merica has always cared for its elderly and poor. Thomas Jefferson U nless changes are made, “entitlement” First things first: We must demand that Congress and Benjamin Franklin, in particular, wrote extensively on safety nets for spending will eat up every dollar of the federal stop raiding our Social Security retirement savings. If a people unable to provide for themselves because of their age or health. budget by 2040. business owner were diverting an employees’ pension But welfare services were a function of local Social Security — the one you pay into fund to operate the business, he or she would be in prison. governments, which enabled aid givers to know those your whole working life and therefore have an Payroll taxes should be reduced to allow individuals to they helped and prevented freeloading. unquestioned right to receive back – is already save more on their own for retirement and disability. The safety net was federalized and bureaucratized bankrupt, thanks to Congress “appropriating” Public policy groups recommend increasing retirement in the 20th century with the establishment of Social your retirement savings for ongoing federal ages to account for longer life and work expectancies Security, Medicare and Medicaid – programs that had operations. while transitioning to a means-tested benefit system. been in financial straits for decades by the time the Obama administration There used to be 16 workers for every Social Where practical, allowing for privatization of at least a and Democrat-controlled Congress exacerbated the problem by passing Security recipient; now there are only three — portion of young workers’ Social Security savings ought to Obamacare in 2010. even as benefits grow for each generation. be explored. 6 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

TAXATIOn Little is ‘fair’ in current income tax code

By Damon Cline pay,” notes Pew Research Cen- of funding essential govern- ter senior writer Drew DeSil- ment operations to a primary Almost half of federal revenues come Income taxes are one aspect ver. “It’s what other people tool for wealth redistribution. of federal law every American pay, or don’t pay, that bothers “The worst thing is that the from households making over $200,000 has dealt with personally. them.” income tax enabled the modern Total income and of all federal taxes by income group (2015, projected) The topic was no doubt on If a debate is to be had, welfare state,” he wrote in a the minds of voters in Novem- policymakers and the public 2013 commentary. “Before the $10k and under Share of income ber as they chose the candidate should be armed with the facts income tax, politicians had no 0.6% Share of all federal taxes who pledged to overhaul the about who pays taxes and who way to finance big government. 0.3% U.S. tax code – which many doesn’t. Their only significant pre-1913 $10k to $20k The federal government rightly criticize as being need- The share of Americans who sources of revenue were tariffs 2.4% relies on high-income pay no tax at all is rising, from and excise taxes.” lessly complex, difficult to 0.1% households for most of its administer and unjust in how it 21 percent in 1990 to 45 percent As for businesses, America’s $20k to $30k revenue. These households rewards and punishes econom- in 2015. Of those who do pay, corporate tax rate already is the earn a large share of all ic behaviors. the rich pay the most: The highest in the industrialized 4.0% 0.8% income but pay an ever “Our No. 1 priority is tax much-maligned top 1 percent of world, which policy analysts larger share of taxes. Most reform,” Treasury secretary wage earners, in fact, pay more say discourages foreign invest- $30k to $40k 4.4% low-income households nominee Steven Mnuchin told than the bottom 90 percent ment in the U.S., incentivizes face a much smaller tax CNBC. “This will be the largest combined. American companies to keep 1.8% burden on average. tax change since Reagan.” For example, well-off foreign profits overseas and $40k to $50k President Trump says he households making more than encourages business owners to 4.8% wants rate cuts for all taxpay- $1 million a year account for file as individuals. 2.7% ers. Under his plan, the top 13.7 percent of all U.S. income Corporate income taxes $50k to $75k individual rate would fall from but 21.6 percent of all taxes, made up 35.8 percent of federal 11.8% 39.6 percent (technically 43.4 according to an analysis by the revenue in 1945 but only 10.8 8.5% percent with the 3.8 percent nonpartisan Tax Foundation. percent today. Obamacare surtax) to 25 per- Middle-class households The greatest irony of the $75k to $100k cent, with lower rates gradu- earning less than $100,000, on previous administration was its 10.8% ated down to 10 percent. Corpo- the other hand, account for 38.8 belief that tax incentives work 9.1% rate taxes would be slashed percent of American income selectively, U.S. Chamber of $100k to $200k from 35 percent to 15 percent, but only 23.3 percent of the tax Commerce Chief Economist 26.7% and the small business rate burden. J.D. Foster wrote for The Heri- 27.5% would be set at 15 percent. Low-income households have tage Foundation in a 2012 com- $200k to $500k The cuts would reduce fed- even lower burdens, and may mentary. That’s how it could 15.8% eral revenue, but would pay for actually have “negative tax support hiking cigarette taxes 20.2% themselves over time through rates” – meaning they get more to discourage smoking but $500k to $1m economic growth. The exact money back from the govern- reject the notion income tax 5.0% price tag is open for debate: ment than they pay, thanks to cuts would spur new spending, 7.5% The Tax Policy Center esti- refundable credits such as the investment and job creation. mates Trump’s plan would cost Earned Income Tax Credit. “When it comes to the behav- $1m and over $9.5 trillion over a decade; the Factor in federal benefits, such iors that are truly relevant for 13.7% Tax Foundation says it’s more as food stamps and Medicaid, a strong economy,” he wrote. 21.6% like $2.6 trillion to $5.9 trillion. and some receive as much as $8 “President Obama and friends Note: Figures are projected. Income groups are not adjusted for household size. Regardless, analysts expect in federal benefits for every $1 turn a blind eye to incentives.” Percents may not add to 100 because of rounding. the political debate and media paid in taxes, the Tax Founda- The new administration Source: Sta of the Joint Committee on Taxation (2015) coverage to focus on the “fair- tion says. shouldn’t make the same mis- ness” of tax cuts for wealthy Cato Institute economist and take. individuals and big businesses. senior fellow Daniel J. Mitchell “Most Americans are OK argues the century-old income Damon Cline is the business editor of with the amount of tax they tax has evolved from a means ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Loo c king ba k Ch allenges Oppns ortu itie The The U.S. tax code is so complex, the Cato Institute noted in 2003, that Tax reform and simplification is one of the most important things this current “there are up to 1.2 million paid tax preparers in the country — six times more Congress and president can do. tax code than the number of troops in Iraq.” Alternatives to the income tax, including the Fair Tax, deserve a look. started at The tax code picks winners and losers – and nothing breeds special-interest “The United States hobbles itself in today’s international economy 400 pages lobbyists more quickly. by continuing to rely so heavily on income taxation,” writes Michael J. in 1913; “The income tax distorts financial planning and business investment,” says Graetz, professor of Law at Columbia University Law School. today it is over 74,000 pages. Cato, “and it encourages tax avoidance and evasion. Because the income tax is Graetz suggests a Fair Tax-style “broad-based tax on sales of goods built on an unworkable base of ‘income,’ the law is continually changing.” and services now used by more than 150 countries worldwide.” Cross Roads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 7

ECONOMY/JOBS Washington: Don’t tread on economy

By Damon Cline ton’s “help” has only accelerat- tion contractors pay “prevail- Increased federal regulatory ed joblessness through mush- ing” (i.e., union scale) wages. If the past eight years taught rooming welfare programs, and It was passed expressly to America anything about discouraged employers from protect Northern whites from Washington’s ability to cook up activity: spending and sta ng expanding and creating new competing with black workers economic growth, it’s that the FISCAL jobs because of a misguided from the South. Yet it remains best recipe is no recipe at all. DOLLARS (MILLIONS) YEAR FULL–TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYMENT obsession with minimum-wage on the books, despite inflating More jobs and wealth could $533 1960 57,109 hikes and costly employer federal project costs 10 percent, have been created after the mandates. because “labor unions still find $1,584 1970 90,275 Great Recession had Wash- Consider the burdensome it useful to limit competition ington done nothing. Instead, $7,303 1980 146,236 Affordable Care Act and Dodd- from non-union workers,” the misguided intervention helped $13,683 1990 152,687 Frank legislation, both passed Heritage Foundation writes. make the recession recovery $25,415 2000 175,836 in 2010. During the four years Americans don’t need more the longest since the 1960s. $53,875 2010 270,852 before their passage, average reasons not to work. Too many Attempts to spur consumer $59,100 2014 276,576 American wages increased 3.4 already have opted out of the spending and job creation percent. Four years after, wage workforce based on the latest $62,493 2015 277,266 through gimmicks (“cash for averages had fallen 1.1 percent. labor participation rate, a mea- clunkers”), large loan guar- $66,841 2016 280,544 The Competitive Enterprise sure of work-eligible people antees to dubious enterprises *Note: Figures are by fiscal year; figures for 2015 and 2016 are estimated Institute calculated that federal who are employed or are (solar energy firm Solyndra) Sources: Heritage.org; George Washington University; Washington University (St. Louis) regulation compliance costs actively seeking employment. and massive boondoggles (the American companies nearly $2 The rate fell to 62.7 percent American Recovery Act) were hand needs to be smacked Congress can do is to undo the trillion a year. Every dollar a in December – the lowest rate absolute failures with little to away before further damag- economy-strangling federal company spends on regulation since the Carter administra- show for the nearly $1 trillion ing America’s free enterprise bureaucracy. is one less dollar it has for em- tion. That means nearly four in they cost U.S. taxpayers. system, the greatest source The Heritage Foundation, in ployee pay, benefits, research 10 Americans don’t work and “Economic growth is not the of wealth creation in human its Blueprint for Reform 2017 and development, and more. have no plans to. consequence of some mas- history. policy agenda, notes the past No wonder companies are Aristotle spoke 2,500 years ter economic plan managed “Our government’s decades- decade’s false narrative: that trying to get by with as few ago on the concept of reward- by the government,” writes long, top-down approach to job unbridled capitalism caused full-time workers as possible: ing what you want to encour- Discovery Institute Senior Fel- creation has failed,” Charles the recession and that the “he- In December 2006, the number age and punishing what you low Jay Wesley Richards. “It Koch, chairman and CEO of roic application” of the Obama of American part-time workers seek to diminish. Based on how results from millions of people Koch Industries wrote in a administration’s bailouts, stim- seeking full-time employment the federal government treats individually seeking what is in ‘USA Today’ op-ed in 2014. ulus schemes and new regula- was 4.18 million. By December the private economy, what their own interests by provid- “Its policies have made our tions “saved America from an 2016, the number was 33 per- would the Greek philosopher ing what is in the interests problems worse, leaving tens even darker economic fate.” cent higher, at 5.58 million. and scientist say if he were of others. … This isn’t rocket of millions chronically un- or The reality is that govern- Some employment regula- alive today? science. It’s common sense, and underemployed, millions of ment meddling helped produce tions, such as workplace safety Would he see government as it’s been true for thousands of whom have given up ever find- the 2008 crash in the first rules, are necessary and justi- an economic invigorator? Or an years.” ing meaningful work.” place, with policies that ex- fied. But an equal number are impeder? Free-market advocates, Some economic policy tended home loans to millions not, such as the Great Depres- economists and business lead- groups say the best thing the who could not afford them. sion-era Davis-Bacon Act, a law Damon Cline is the business editor ers say government’s heavy Trump administration and new And since then, Washing- requiring that federal construc- of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia.

Loi o k ng back Chans lle ge Opportunities A merica has created more wealth and lifted During the past eight years, more than Taxes must be reduced, as well as government more people out of poverty than any other nation 20,000 new regulations costing more than 62.7% regulations. in history because, for most $108 billion have been put in place, almost 20 Repealing Obamacare will free up employers of its 241-year history, it let percent of which exceed the 1995 Unfunded from its mandates, and repealing Dodd-Frank’s free markets operate freely. Mandates Reform Act threshold of $100 million. NUmber of strangling restrictions on businesses and Just as the Founding Fathers America’s highest-in-the-industrialized- AMericans investments will help as well. Dodd-Frank has been intended. world corporate tax rate impedes investment, a small-bank and small-business killer, and has Thomas Jefferson, in his innovation and hiring, while Obamacare working or choked lenders with outlandish “compliance” costs. first inaugural address, said a “wise and frugal mandates discourage hiring more than 50 actiVely looking Every major federal agency regulation should government” shall leave citizens free “to regulate employees, and the hiring of full-time workers. for work be required to have congressional approval before their own pursuits of industry and improvement, “Last year alone,” the National Federation taking effect. and shall not take from the mouth of labor the of Independent Business wrote last fall, “43 Balance the federal budget. It will free up bread it has earned. This is the sum of good new major rules sucked more than $22 billion money for investment and growth in the private government.” out of the economy.” sector. 8 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

Health care Obamacare will not cure nation’s ills

By Mike Clark Health care costs per physicians and plans, just like capita (in U.S. dollars) Medicaid or just like that hated Americans live in an era of three-letter abbreviation, HMO United States per capita health care technological wonders that (Health Maintenance Organi- spending is more than twice the average couldn’t even be imagined gen- zation). erations ago. of other developing countries. Meanwhile, the choices that The increasing power of Italy American consumers have computers puts all of the $3,207 elsewhere in their lives are not world’s information in the palm available in health care. It’s of a hand. U.K. often too complicated. Nowhere are the changes $3,971 And there often aren’t more dramatic than in the enough primary care doctors medical field. Japan to help patients navigate the Heart operations are com- $4,152 health care system. There are a variety of good monplace. Australia Hip and knee replacements Republican plans in the mix are routine. $4,177 such as the Better Way plan Americans generally are liv- France from Rep. Paul Ryan or the ing longer with a better quality Michael Holahan/The Augusta Chronicle recently released plan from the of life. Technological innovations have made health care better so people $4,367 Republican Study Group. But few of these innovations are living longer, but paying for it is still stuck in the 20th century. Canada Here is what Americans can have touched the delivery of $4,506 expect from the Republican health care. It’s still conducted working Americans get their crisis exists. Until Obamacare, president and Congress: on a 20th century model that health insurance through their they paid high retail prices for Sweden • More choices. costs too much for no better employer, a model that origi- health care and were in danger $5,003 • Less government control. quality than other developed nated in World War II when of going into bankruptcy. • Access favored over guar- nations. wage and price controls pre- Obamacare changed every- Germany antees. So when President Barack vented employers from giving thing. First, the pluses that $5,119 • More individual responsi- Obama rammed through his wage increases. Most Ameri- even Republicans support: bility. Affordable Care Act without cans are satisfied with this • Allowing young people Switzerland • More simplicity, less com- a single Republican vote in model and few have left their to remain on their parents’ $6,787 plexity. Congress, it was doomed from employers for Obamacare. policies until age 26. Since the In the final analysis, as a the start. • The military model: This young generally aren’t sick, this United States former Mayo Clinic CEO in Even the supporters of affects active-duty military isn’t expensive. $9,024 Jacksonville said, with health Obamacare admit that it did through TriCare and veterans • No more prohibitions on care, you can’t have it all. OECD average too little to control costs. While through the VA. It’s entirely pre-existing conditions. This You can have two of the fol- access was increased for about government run. American can get expensive for insur- $3,620 lowing three: 20 million additional Ameri- Indians also receive health care ers unless there are enough Note: Data for 2014 or latest available. • Lower cost cans, the bill eventually would through the government. The healthy people to counter the Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and • High quality be too great. bureaucratic flaws, however, expenses or revenue elsewhere. Development, OECD Health Statistics 2016, June 2016 • Universal access Of course, this is a complicat- have been seen in the VA. • Insurers may no longer put Of these three, cost must ed issue. Health now accounts • The Medicare model: This caps on their yearly or lifetime come first, otherwise health for one-sixth of the economy. affects those 65 and older as coverage expenses for your es- enough young and healthy are care costs will squeeze the There is no single health care well as those on Social Security sential health benefits. People joining. There aren’t enough entire economy. system in America, but four of disability. Americans are gen- shouldn’t go bankrupt over choices for people. Major insur- Until costs are addressed, the them. T.R. Reid described them erally satisfied with this model. health care. ers are pulling out or pulling crisis will persist. in his book, ‘The Healing of • The cash model: For work- Nevertheless, Obamacare is back. America.’ ing people without health failing as insurance. In order to cut costs, insur- Mike Clark is the editorial page editor of • The employer model: Most insurance, this is where the Expenses are too high. Not ers are limiting choices of ‘The Florida Times-Union’ in Jacksonville.

Ch allenges Opp ortunities The Department of Health and Human Services announced $ With a Republican Congress and White House, alternatives to last October that insurance plans offered under Obamacare 6,400 Obamacare now have an opportunity to pass. would see premium increases of 25 percent on average – though While preserving popular facets of the law, such as coverage for the increases were much higher in some places, including Arizona TV he A ERAGE DEDUCTIBLE FOR pre-existing conditions, more market-based and patient-centered where the increase was a whopping 116 percent. approaches are bubbling up in Congress. News reports last year said a third of the country might be A FAMILY ON THE SILVER PLAN Republicans, who initially missed the health-care train leaving left with just one health insurer in their Obamacare exchange, as with Out-of-PockeT costs the station, now have an opportunity to put forth something that insurance companies bailed on the federal program. Source: New York Post not only expands access and controls costs but also works. Cross Roads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 9

GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCE War on Poverty’s collateral damage

By Damon Cline Number of federal or SNAP. policies always “center on what Washington-based conser- additional actions govern- CORPORATE WELFARE Are we winning the war yet? subsidy programs vative group The Heritage ment should take” rather than Is victory even possible? 1970 1,019 Foundation notes that the whether the programs should Individuals aren’t the only Those are questions about most rapid growth in SNAP end. ones addicted to government the ongoing “War on Poverty” 1975 1,009 recipients has been what the Even the left-leaning Brook- handouts. Americans should ask be- 1980 1,123 government terms “ABAWDs,” ings Institution says the best Washington this year is fore allowing Washington to or able-bodied adults without anti-poverty program is a set to waste more than $100 continue dumping money into 1985 1,013 dependents. An estimated 5 job. The Washington-based billion on “corporate welfare” welfare programs that simply million work-capable adults are group says Americans have a in the form of subsidies 1990 1,176 do not work. on the dole. 98 percent chance of avoiding and regulatory protections Aside from reducing pov- 1995 1,390 The Obama administration’s poverty by simply doing three for certain businesses and erty among the elderly, noth- removal of work requirements commonsense things: industries, according to Chris ing about America’s poor has 2000 1,425 enacted in the 1990s has caused 1) Graduate from high school Edwards, director of tax policy significantly changed in the 2005 1,645 total SNAP enrollment to 2) Get a full time job – any studies at Cato Institute, a 50 years that federal bureau- skyrocket from 17.2 million in job conservative public policy crats have burned through an 2010 2,001 2000 to 45.8 million in 2015, 3) Wait until marriage to research organization. The number of federal unconscionable $20 trillion in 2016 2,329 with costs swelling during the have children the name of compassion. same period from $20.7 billion Overgenerous unemploy- subsidy programs is mind- Many would argue there is Source: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance to $83.1 billion. ment benefits in recent years boggling: The Catalog of nothing compassionate about The nation’s $1 trillion-a-year have helped make joblessness a Federal Domestic Assistance confiscating from the public lysts say would reduce poverty, welfare machine not only in- viable lifestyle option. A group lists more than 2,300 an amount equivalent to the encourage self-sufficiency and centivizes people against work, of academic researchers and federal assistance programs national debt with nothing to preserve the nation’s precious but encourages out-of-wedlock the Institute for International spread across five cabinet show for it. safety net for those who truly births, a scenario that dispro- Economic Studies has conclud- departments. “We may have made the lives need it. portionately sets children up ed the Obama administration’s Many federal programs of the poor less uncomfortable, In the global context, Amer- for a life of poverty and non- expansion of jobless benefits — such as the Export- but we have failed to truly lift ica’s poor are extraordinarily productivity. In 1965, roughly to as much as 73 weeks in some Import Bank — and massive people out of poverty,” writes well-off: roughly half of poor 8 percent of children were states made the Great Reces- appropriations legislation — Michael Tanner and Charles households own a computer, 98 born to unmarried mothers. sion worse than if the unem- such as the federal “Farm Bill” Hughes with Cato Institute, a percent have a TV and two- Today, that number exceeds 40 ployment benefits had been left — are sustained by lawmakers libertarian think tank. “…Self- thirds have cars. And despite percent. at the historic 26-week period. influenced by corporations, sufficiency has hardly budged all the talk of “food insecurity,” Runaway welfare sends Milton Friedman said that lobbyists and special-interest since the 1960s. That’s because America’s low-income popula- mixed messages in other ways. “one of the great mistakes is to groups seeking benefits at most welfare programs are tion has disproportionate rates The federal Women, Infants, judge policies and programs taxpayers’ expense. designed simply to provide of adult and child obesity. and Children (WIC) program, by their intentions rather than The Ex-Im Bank, for material goods rather than to Wellesley College Professor for example, gives away mas- their results.” example, puts the public empower individuals.” Robert L. Paarlberg notes that sive quantities of “free” baby But it doesn’t take a Nobel on the hook for more More than 100 anti-poverty less than 1 percent of Ameri- formula at the same time the Prize-winning economist to than $140 billion worth of programs provide everything can households face “very low government advocates mothers understand that when it comes foreign loan guarantees for from food and housing to child food security” on a typical rely on breast milk. to social welfare policy, Amer- Boeing, General Electric and care and utility payments to day, yet 18 percent currently Despite their lack of success, ica has been making a great other giant multinational those deemed to qualify. Yet receive food stamps, a benefit Matt Grossman, a political mistake for a very long time. corporations that should be very few of the bureaucrat-run of the welfare program known scientist at Michigan State able to finance deals on their initiatives require recipients to officially as the Supplemental University, writes in ‘The Damon Cline is the business editor of own. work – something policy ana- Nutrition Assistance program, Washington Post’ that welfare ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia.

Ch aLLENGEs O ppORTunities The welfare state, which has its roots in President Wilson’s progressivism, R einstituting work requirements for welfare could reduce welfare rolls and boost employament: exploded with FDR’s “New Deal” and Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.” Now they Maine Gov. Paul LePage, for example, reduced the number of able-bodied people without dependents and other “mandated” social spending take up two-thirds of the federal budget and getting food stamps by 80 percent just three months after instituting work requirements in 2014. are growing. President Trump has much fat to cut from bureaucracies that administer the failing programs: In Welfare programs with no limits turn safety nets into hammocks, and make it 2012 they spent the equivalent of $20,610 for every poor person in America. The Catalog of Federal difficult to inspire self-reliance. Domestic Assistance lists more than 2,300 federal assistance programs spread across five cabinet After adding work requirements for able-bodied recipients in 1996, “Welfare departments. Over a three-year period, ‘USA Today’ reported in 2013, “the Government Accountability rolls dropped by half, and the poverty rate for black children reached its lowest Office found 162 areas where agencies are duplicating efforts.” level in history in the years following,” writes one of welfare reform’s authors, There’s plenty of corporate welfare to be cut as well. Washington this year is set to waste more than Robert Rector. But in 2012, the Obama administration waived work requirements, $100 billion on subsidies and regulatory protections for certain businesses and industries, according to and welfare rolls and costs have skyrocketed since. Chris Edwards, director of tax policy studies at the Cato Institute. 10 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

R LAW AND ORDE At the intersection of Black and Blue Lives

By Michael Ryan prevent the vast majority of these conflagrations. Don’t Law and order is among the break the law. Don’t flee from most popular genres on televi- police. Obey lawful police sion. orders. In real life, it’s not so popular Body cameras, which grow- these days. ing numbers of police agencies There was arguably a war on are adding, also encourage law enforcement the past year, officers to be responsible. fueled by a particular hand- Media outlets also could ful of killings of black men by help, by resisting the tempta- police in the past three years. tion to sensationalize confron- Several of the killings were tations between blacks and clear outrages – including the “blues,” especially before all one of a fleeing pedestrian shot the pertinent facts are in. in the back by an officer in The Ferguson case is Ex- North Charleston, S.C., in 2015 hibit A: The media portrayed and the 16-bullet gunning down Michael Brown as an innocent of an admittedly bizarre-acting, victim with a “Hands up, don’t but not imminently threaten- shoot” approach. Instead, as ing, man in Chicago in 2014. even the Obama Department of The flashpoints, which trace Justice found, Brown was the back to 2014’s shooting in Fer- Associated Press aggressor. guson, Mo., and the reaction to Members of an honor guard carry the flag-draped casket holding slain Dallas Police officer Michael Law enforcement officers them – in some cases the over- Krol, one of five police officers killed by a lone gunman during a protest in Dallas last summer. and their supporters are also reaction to them – caused 2016 looking to President Trump to be the worst year for race anti-police protesters. a decline in gun arrests and This can’t go on. It must stop for help. He received endorse- relations since the 1960s. Critics faulted the Obama ad- gun confiscations of 37 and 35 here and now. ments from such groups before And it was the worst year- ministration for failing to quell percent, respectively.” A competing “Blue Lives the election, and one pre-elec- plus for law enforcement in the racial unrest or adequately Similar concerns about Matter” movement has sprung tion survey found 84 percent memory. Officers have been supporting law enforcement. police pullbacks arose in up to support police and pro- of working officers planned to targeted for several years for “It’s a war on cops,” the ex- Baltimore after the death of mote better law enforcement vote for him. abuse and violence: In 2015, ecutive director of the National Freddie Gray in a police van. PR. The website bluelivesmat- Mr. Trump and his Depart- Black Lives Matter protesters Association of Police Organi- Public officials there fanned ter.blue – “founded and run en- ment of Justice can, and should, chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry zations said after the Dallas the anti-police flames – though tirely by active and retired law set a much more pro-law en- ’em like bacon.” And in 2016, massacre. “And the Obama ultimately, none of the six of- enforcement officers” – argues forcement tone. some 64 officers were gunned administration is the Neville ficers charged was convicted that “political leadership and It’s ultimately up to all of us down. Chamberlain of this war.” for a single crime. mass media are failing to stand to cool the temperatures of the The violence against police The increased danger and Heather MacDonald of the for truth.” last few years, though. With was never worse than on July decrease in moral support ap- Manhattan Institute noted that It also says, “In today’s the immediacy of the Internet, 7, 2016, in Dallas, where Micah peared to lead to less assertive Los Angeles officers “are advis- evolving society, an increasing it’s easy to overreact to cases Xavier Johnson shot down five policing in various big cities. ing one another that it’s crazy number of citizens fail to ac- we know little about. police officers in cold blood One report on the first half to get out of their cars, unless cept responsibility for their ac- As all those law-and-order and wounded another nine, as of 2016 indicated, according it’s a 911 call.” tions and attempt to escape the TV shows illustrate, there are well as two civilians. to Fox News, that “proactive Not surprisingly, many be- consequences through outward always unexpected plot twists. The sinister sniper attack stops in Chicago were down 80 lieve civilian-on-civilian shoot- blame.” took place, ironically enough, percent from the year before ings have increased as a result We couldn’t agree more. Michael Ryan is editorial page editor while police were protecting and that the Second City saw of the anti-police climate. Individual responsibility would of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Challenges Opp ortunities A series of shootings of black men by police over several years With a new year and new presidential administration, support for law enforcement should surge in 2017. led to an anti-law-enforcement movement and climate in 2016. Across the country, although police have been unfairly maligned, agencies are looking at what they can do to Law enforcement officers have felt under siege – and, in fact, improve community relations – including outreach to youths, community education programs and increased training. have been ambushed and killed in frightening numbers – perhaps As reported by ‘USA Today’: causing them to police less aggressively and giving criminals more • Law enforcement departments such as in Phoenix are doubling minority recruiting. leeway. • “Atlanta’s Police Foundation raises money to give officers an incentive to live in refurbished homes in Atlanta at A few of the shootings in question appear unjustified, but others no cost for two years.” were justified. Nonetheless, the reaction to them – in many cases • Started by a former Cleveland Browns football player, a community outreach group there “is dispatched to overreaction – has led to a sharp deterioration in race relations. provide crisis prevention to calm things down.” Cross Roads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 11

Separation of POwers Checks and balances is law of land

By Michael Ryan of an uber presidency unchecked by the other two branches.” Have you ever thought about how absolutely crucial Even those who support the policies should shrink certain constitutional provisions are to your own life? from seeing a president ram them through unilaterally, We often take freedom of speech and religion for Turley says. granted, though they are always under assault. And “It is often more important how we do something everyone knows, by now, our constitutional pro- than what we do. Priorities and policies (and presi- tections against unreasonable search and seizure, dents) change. What cannot change is the system self-incrimination and more. upon which we all depend for our rights and What would you say if we told you that the representation.” Separation of Powers is right up there with our Turley adds: “There’s no question that previ- most important constitutional principles? ous presidents abused their power, but what “When James Madison shaped a new we’re seeing with the Obama administration constitutional system for the United States,” is really a systemic circumvention of Con- argues George Washington University Law gress, and remarkably, he’s doing that with School professor Jonathan Turley, “he and the applause of his own party, members of his fellow framers had one overriding fear: the legislative branch.” tyranny. The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously “They wanted to divide power between ruled Mr. Obama violated the Separation of three branches and create lines of separation Powers by circumventing the Senate on ap- that prevented the concentration of power pointments to the National Labor Relations in any single branch. The framers based their Board. And the courts have occasionally put the ideas on an understanding of human nature brakes on other rogue executive actions. But in – and human weakness. They tried to create a general, the courts have been loath to step in and system in which ambition would check ambition. restore the Separation of Powers. “To this day, many Americans misunderstand the “The danger of this concentration of authority,” separation of powers as simply a division of author- Turley cautions, “is made more acute by the failure of ity between three branches of government. In fact, it federal courts to perform their vital function in con- was intended as a protection not of institutional but of fining the branches to their constitutional spaces.” individual rights, by preventing any branch from as- Rivkin and Foley suggest Congress amend the law suming enough power to become tyrannical. to require congressional approval of major executive- “No branch is supposed to have enough power to branch regulations. They also argue Congress should govern alone.” DREAM Act to change immigration laws to protect make it clear that federal agencies can’t simply Yet, that’s precisely where we’ve been headed in potentially millions of deportable individuals,” Turley interpret laws however they wish. Congress, they say, recent years – with innumerable executive orders that writes, “he simply ordered the very same measures should also strengthen its power to hold maverick circumvent the deliberations of our elected members on his own authority. The same unilateral measures agencies and officials in contempt. of Congress and take a torch to the Separation of Pow- were ordered in health care, drug enforcement, online And, in the wake of the Obama administration’s uni- ers. gambling and other areas. … lateral and highly dangerous Iran nuclear agreement, It’s rule by fiat – precisely what the nation’s Framers “Under this approach, Congress is being reduced to Congress should require such international treaties sought to avoid. an almost decorative element in governance – free to be treated as treaties – which, under the Constitution, “The worst legacy of the Obama administration,” approve but not to block presidential demands.” must be approved by the Senate. write constitutional scholars David B. Rivkin Jr. and That’s rule by fiat, by whim – the fickle, auto- Moreover, the next president should be duly respect- Elizabeth Price Foley in the ‘Wall Street Journal,’ “may cratic rule of man, not the rule of law this nation was ful of the Separation of Powers. be disdain for the Constitution’s separation of pow- founded on. “It should be the highest priority of the Trump ad- ers.” Turley, who has made it clear he voted for Obama ministration and Congress,” Rivkin and Foley write. The Obama administration, they write, “has rewrit- and supports many of his policies – and who rightly It’s utterly fundamental, and paramount, to our sys- ten laws, disregarding its constitutional duty to faith- notes that the alarming growth of presidential power tem of self-governance and our way of life. fully execute them.” predates Obama – nonetheless warned: “The United “When Congress recently refused to pass the States is at a constitutional tipping point: The rise Michael Ryan is editorial page editor of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’.

Challenges O pportunities Presidents cannot be allowed to use executive orders to circumvent The president and Congress must rededicate their respective branches to their respective roles under the our lawmaking body, which is Congress. That is rule by fiat. Constitution. Law is written by Congress, executed by the Executive Branch and interpreted and applied to The courts have occasionally trimmed the Executive Branch’s sails, circumstances by the Judicial Branch. The appointment of Supreme Court justices who respect and enforce the but the courts are poorly equipped to act swiftly enough to blunt the Separation of Powers is paramount. executive’s overreaches. “The first step toward restoring the structural integrity of the Constitution,” writes constitutional expert The Constitution depends on an Executive Branch that respects the Matthew Spalding, “is for Congress to reassert its legislative authority (and power of the purse) and, as much as checks and balances and responsibilities of the other two branches. possible, to cease delegating what amounts to the power to make laws to administrative agencies. … Congress needs to relearn the art of lawmaking.” 12 • February 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 13 OUR GOVERNMENT THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION

Council of Economic Advisers Oce of National Drug Control Administrative Oce of United States Court of the United States Courts Appeals for Veterans Claims Council of Environmental Quality Council of Science and Technology Policy Federal Judicial Center United States District Courts Territorial Courts United States Court of Federal Claims Architect of the Capitol Government Printing Oce National Security Council Oce of The United States Trade Representative LEGISLATIVE BRANCH EXECUTIVE BRANCH United States Courts of Appeals JUDICIAL BRANCH United States Court of International Trade Congressional Budget Oce The Congress Library of Congress Oce of Administration The President Oce of The Vice President United States Court of Appeals The Supreme Court Senate House The Vice President for the Armed Forces of the United States United States Sentencing Commission Government Accountability Oce United States Botanical Garden Oce of Management and Budget Executive Oce of the President White House Oce United States Tax Court



A SAMPLING OF MAJOR INDEPENDENT AGENCIES, ENTITIES AND GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS Administrative Conference of the United States Farm Credit Administration General Services Administration National Transportation Safety Board Railroad Retirement Board African Development Foundation Federal Communications Commission Inter-American Foundation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Securities and Exchange Commission Broadcasting Board of Governors Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Merit Systems Protection Board Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Selective Service System Central Intelligence Agency Federal Election Commission National Aeronautics and Space Administration Oce of the Director of National Intelligence Small Business Administration Commodity Futures Trading Commission Federal Housing Finance Agency National Archives and Records Administration Oce of Government Ethics Social Security Administration Consumer Financial Protection Board Federal Labor Relations Authority National Capital Planning Commission Oce of Personal Management Tennessee Valley Authority Consumer Product Safety Commission Federal Maritime Commission National Credit Union Administration Oce of Special Counsel Trade and Development Agency Corporation for National and Community Service Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Overseas Private Investment Corporation United States Agency for International Development Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission National Labor Relations Board Peace Corps United States Commission on Civil Rights Environmental Protection Agency Federal Reserve System National Mediation Board Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation United States International Trade Commission Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) Postal Regulatory Commission United States Postal Service Export-Import Bank of the United States Federal Trade Commission National Science Foundation

Source: presidentialtransition.sites.usa.gov 14 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

FOUNDIng PRINCIPles Nation’s ideals built upon God’s laws

By Heather Martin to the place where they can make them a reality. Challenges I hear a lot of talk about the disunity The revival of interest in Natural Law Our founding principles are what bind the of the American people. is the freeing of the American mind, nation — yet, they have fallen out of fashion The election cycle we just went and the revival of the American spirit. in many circles. Our founding documents through, and the reaction to the out- Want all ships to rise with the tide? This were written centuries ago, critics say — and come, just keeps sending that point is the way. the Founders aren’t in vogue. home. But we should not despair. I see signs T he revival of Nationalism that many Americans are returning to Many people think nationalism is Oornispp tu tie our foundational ideals. These powerful a dangerous symptom of oncoming Our schools, elected leaders and media and liberating ideas are being revived, tyranny, but nationalism is not the seed need to change the current fashion – by and they are good for individual Ameri- that must blossom into war, genocide, rising above political correctness and cans and the republic of the United or xenophobia. Nationalism, balanced recognizing the uplifting and universal States. by Natural Law, is necessary for the principles this nation was founded upon. perpetuation of the United States of They include: T he revival of Natural Law America. • Individual Liberty “Natural Law” is the great gem of In fact, nationalism is necessary to • Federalism (the delegation of limited Western civilization, and a specific create and maintain any country. Part powers to the federal government “while interpretation of it through the lens of of Natural Law is the Imago Dei, which the states and the people retain those Christianity is the beating heart of the says that humans are made in the “im- powers not delegated.”) republic of the United States. age of God.” Our differences are part of • Limited Government (“The philosophy that Where do humanity’s rights and the sacred gift of being human; how- the national government has only those freedoms come from, according to the ever, we are not the same. We are equal powers given to it in the Constitution.”) Founding Fathers? It’s written right in worth, but not in attributes, attitudes, • Representative Government (A republican in the beginning of the Declaration of thoughts and abilities. system where the people select Independence: “the Laws of Nature and People who share values create na- representatives to represent their interests Nature’s God.” tions and governments to preserve as they make and carry out laws.”) The American revolutionaries were them, because, as Madison wrote, “If • Private Property (“A system where appealing to the Natural Law and the men were angels, no government would individuals have the right to obtain and Law Giver. The Natural Law gives free- be necessary.” control possessions, as well as the fruits of dom, individual rights and responsibili- Governments will not exist for long their own labor.”) ties, and punishment for transgression if they do not represent the people who • “All Men Are Created Equal” (“The of the law. Natural Law applies equally have given them legitimate power, un- understanding that there is no natural class to everyone, and governments are creat- less they resort to tyranny and oppres- Associated Press of rulers among people, and that all are ed to protect the rights and the freedom sion. produces things that sustain the life of born with the same unalienable rights to granted by the Natural Law Giver. A nationalist who uses Natural Law a man, but he must remove these things life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”) When governments cease to do this, as a guide ensures the future of his from nature to use them. • Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances “it is the Right of the People to alter or country, with no need of dehumanizing The action of the man physically (A system of distinct powers to prevent an to abolish it, and to institute new Gov- those outside it. We must make choices removing the object is “labor.” The accumulation of power in one branch, and ernment.” that preserve our civilization. To ensure man’s labor attaches his ownership to in order to ensure each branch can stop the God grants rights, responsibilities, the perpetuation of representative the object. others from growing too powerful.”) and freedom to individuals; people government, we must breed and educate Work literally creates private owner- — www.billofrightsinstitute.org create governments to protect them. citizens who uphold our Constitution ship. Labor creates value. This is where we get the idea of “lim- and understand the things that preserve We do not live in a hunter-gatherer are central to our survival as a nation. ited government.” We don’t want the and destroy our republic. society, and our wealth is not measured And they are making a comeback – government to do things for us; we want in stored provisions, but in money. The notably in much-maligned “new media”: the government to make a space for us T he revival of Property Rights principle still applies. What right does podcasts, the internet and social media. to do things for ourselves. Marxism, collectivism, wealth redis- anyone have to separate people from These new-style patriots talk about Has the United States completely tribution – whatever you want to call their property, when the individual at- freedom of speech, upholding the Sec- upheld the tenets of the Natural Law? it, the idealized notion of state control tached it to himself through his labor? ond Amendment, and entrepreneurship. Sadly, no. Has any civilization? Any in- of property has seduced even many Increasingly, Americans are realizing The new American rebel is the same dividual? No. But it is our gold standard. Americans. they would rather be master of their as the old: an America-loving individual Natural Law nurtures creativity and But when we embrace Natural Law property, rather than turning it over to who speaks up for our founding prin- independence. It emphasizes the incred- and take advantage of the divine gift of a wasteful and capricious government ciples. It’s an uphill battle, but one we ible gift and power that individuals American citizenship, private owner- only to have it apportioned out by politi- must wage. have over their own lives. That is why ship sounds better and better. cal expedience. The freedom we have in America is inventors and entrepreneurs flock to John Locke, in the fifth chapter of We cannot be truly free if the fruits precious. Cherish it. America. People with ideas and vision ‘The Second Treatise On Civil Govern- of our labor are not ours to apportion as come here because people with aspira- ment,’ writes that God gave the Earth we see fit. Heather Martin is founder of the tions, goals and dreams want to come to mankind in common. The earth These and other founding principles Federalist Club of Columbia County, Ga. Cross Roads FOR AMERICA FeBruary 5, 2017 • 15

IMMIGRATION/BORDER SECURITY Skilled workforce needs immigration reform

By Mike Clark flipped so that about 70 percent 500 companies in the U.S. were Total immigrants by decade of immigrants are family mem- started by immigrants or the America is a nation of im- This chart shows, by decade, the number of legal immigrants who bers. children of immigrants. migrants. We also are a nation came to America from 1820 through 2009. There are too few slots for The number of businesses of laws. immigrants with high skills, es- started by native-born Ameri- 128,502 The estimated 11 million im- 1820s pecially graduates of America’s cans declined between 1996 migrants who are here outside 1830s 538,381 world class universities. and 2011, but the business the legal immigration system is 1840s 1,427,337 Mitt Romney had the right start-up rate soared by 50 per- a challenge to everything this 1850s 2,814,554 idea when he said that all im- cent among immigrants, Bush nation stands for. migrant college graduates in wrote. 1860s 2,081,261 Yes, many of these immi- 2,742,137 so-called STEM fields – Sci- “In a world where these grants do hard work that is 1870s ence, Technology, Engineer- brains have more options than needed by employers. 1880s 5,248,568 ing and Math – ought to have ever in Asia and Europe, we Yes, the Obama administra- 1890s 3,694,294 Green Cards attached to their drive them away at our eco- nomic peril,” ‘The Wall Street tion has deported record num- 1900s 8,202,388 diplomas. bers of illegal immigrants. Too often, these talented Journal’ noted. Yet the fact remains, the 1910s 6,347,380 immigrants must leave the As Mark Krikorian, execu- nation must deal with this 1920s 4,295,510 country. As a result, Canada is tive director of the Center for historic wave of immigration 1930s 699,375 advertising for college grads Immigration Studies, said in that hasn’t been seen at this 1940s 856,608 in Silicon Valley and Chile has ‘Time’ magazine, there is a level since the dawn of the 20th 2,499,268 set up an enclave for talented middle way between mass century. 1950s American college graduates. amnesty and mass roundups, 3,213,749 Because the situation is 1960s Even though Canada has 10 attrition through enforcement. complex and because it affects 1970s 4,248,203 percent of the population of “Instead of allowing the il- many lives, it has been difficult 1980s 6,244,379 the U.S., it issues more employ- legal population to grow every to arrive at a solution. 9,775,398 ment-based visas than the U.S. year, we start enforcing the law 1990s Yet many conservatives have 10,299,430 Foreign entrepreneurs can inside the country,” he said. offered realistic plans, espe- 2000s obtain a visa in Chile in a few A reformed immigration cially those in states with large Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security weeks. As a result, 500 new system would include two es- numbers of undocumented companies were started there sential elements of efficiency: residents. cowardice, he writes. to complete community service in just two years. certainty and predictability, Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush Bush insists that borders and then would become eligible “Many of those who flocked Bush writes. wrote a book with Clint Bolick must be secured before any re- to earn permanent legal resi- to Chilecon Valley, as it has Another possibility is a titled ‘Immigration Wars: Forg- forms are considered. Whether dency, but this would not lead been dubbed, would rather “touchback” system in which ing an American Solution.’ that includes a wall, a fence or to citizenship have gone to America, but an illegal immigrant returns to “We believe that our nation’s other means depends largely Hidden within this contro- couldn’t face a decade of im- his home country and re-enters immigration policy is a disaster on the topography. versy is the fact that the cur- migration humiliation,” reports the U.S. under supervision. but one that can be successfully Public opinion surveys show rent immigration system is bro- the ‘Economist.’ America, like most of the fixed through a combination of that about 2 in 3 Americans ken with not enough attention What a waste of talent – all developed world, is aging. political leadership, bipartisan support a process by which given to skilled immigrants because the U.S. immigration Immigrants are needed in consensus and – as with most immigrants can obtain lawful who offer more value and will system is broken. the work force but this must be difficult issues facing our na- status so long as they speak create jobs and provide essen- Data show that for every 100 done legally. tion – recourse to basic Ameri- English, pass background tial services. foreign-born technology and America must repair its bro- can values,” Bush wrote. checks and pay restitution. In 1970, work-based immigra- engineering workers there are ken immigration system. Solutions have been under- Under the Bush plan, once tion accounted for 70 percent 260 jobs created for native- mined by ideological rancor, these requirements are com- of all newcomers to the United born workers. Mike Clark is the editorial page editor of demagoguery and political pleted, immigrants would have States. In recent years that has Also, 40 percent of Fortune ‘The Florida Times-Union’ in Jacksonville. Looking back Challenges Opp oRTUnities

Give me your tired, your poor, Decades of neglect of our southern border has led to millions of illegal Securing the border would cripple the flow of illegal Your huddled masses, immigrants. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform: immigrants and drugs flowing over the border, and would yearning to breathe free, Illegal immigration “costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the reduce the risk to immigrants who might otherwise risk their The wretched refuse of federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs – some $84 billion – are lives to come to the United States illegally. your teeming shore, absorbed by state and local governments.” Getting ahold of our immigration system will allow the U.S. to Send these, the “Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest admit only immigrants capable of prospering and assimilating. homeless, tempest-tost cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion.” Ending illegal immigration could help America’s poor the to me, “At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax most. Writes ‘The Wall Street Journal’: “Harvard immigration I lift my lamp beside the collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of specialist George Borjas finds that during the 1980s and 1990s, golden door. less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is low-skilled immigration reduced the wages of U.S. born high- Author: Emma Lazarus recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.” school dropouts by about 10 percent.” 16 • FeBrUARy 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

America’s Role in tHe world U.S. foreign policy tied to military power

By Dr. Craig Douglas Albert feared, but if one cannot be if crossed, public displays of both, the latter is more prudent. retaliation must be severe, to The United States is an Under the Obama Doctrine, paraphrase Machiavelli. exceptional country – imagined however, the world saw the To be clear, under Trump the from philosophical republics of collapse of American global U.S. should not pursue war or theoretical history. dominance. seek to globally put boots on It was designed as the exem- President Obama sought to the ground. But it must once plar republic: a shining city on make the U.S. more respected again seek a foreign policy that the hill of hope in the midst of by remaking its image into is a maintenance of American decaying regimes in the “grave- an actor that sought global power and influence. yard of history.” fairness and multilateralism, According to realist inter- A cursory glance at its his- combined with a cosmopolitan national theory, great pow- tory shows a foreign policy and identity. He apologized for the ers seek naturally to balance military prowess that allowed unilateralism and aggressive great powers – especially the its ascendency to global leader- foreign policy of decades past. supreme powers. This will ship after WWII. But it has This could be seen as a noble always happen. The Obama not always been this way, and endeavor, but as Machiavelli administration saw the loss isn’t now. Perhaps a President and even Thucydides makes of U.S. power from its foreign Trump will position the U.S. clear, bad actors mistake virtue policy as acceptable in the again at the forefront of global for weakness. As a result, name of global friendship. But primacy. America is not respected and it can be argued that President America started as an iso- no longer feared. Obama misunderstood man’s lated republic, trying to keep Whereas rogue states knew nature. He sees humanity as free of global entanglements. what would happen to their naturally good, where the The Founding Fathers argued regimes if they sought to coun- Obama Doctrine makes sense. fiercely over its international terbalance American power too It has proven, however, to be posture. much under the Bush presiden- otherwise. George Washington wanted cy, these same actors have posi- To survive and thrive in a to steer clear of the wars of Eu- tioned themselves brilliantly in Hobbesian state of nature – and rope – but he directed domestic the age of American virtue. by all honest accounts, this is actions with an aggressive North Korea persists; Iran is the global reality – a leviathan policy of homeland security. playing a meticulous game of must rise and lead, creating Jefferson, too, was often wary nuclear chess; red lines were hierarchy and order out of of power politics, but silently crossed without serious repri- anarchy and chaos. ordered the incursion to sals; and Russia – under the Under a Trump administra- Tripoli, solidifying U.S. power exceptional Machiavellian re- tion and well into the future, over the seas. alpolitik of Vladimir Putin – is the United States, in the name Hamilton made no bones embarrassing the U.S. around of global order and American about it: America ought to Associated Press the world, and expanding its self-interest, ought to behave be the global military leader, Three F/A-18C Hornets fly in formation over the aircraft carrier USS regional hegemony toward once again as that shining city though there is some debate on Kitty Hawk during the second Gulf War. Europe and the Middle East. on a hill, that no rouge ac- whether he was sincere in seek- The world is edging ever tor, whether a nation-state or ing American glory. with the fall of the Soviet But even those actors suf- closer to global anarchy – terrorist group, would dare to Regardless of early debate, Union. It went virtually un- fered mightily at the hands of where, to paraphrase Hobbes, it challenge. the U.S. defeated fascism and challenged until 9 /11, though the American behemoth. could become a war of every- If it cannot be respected communism, and is the defend- even after that tragedy, no With the presidency of man against each. To prevent and feared, it must at least be ing champion of two World nation-state has dared to chal- George W. Bush, the world this global anarchy from feared. Wars. lenge us openly, and only rogue may not have respected the re-emerging, the United States Our country rose to unchal- actors and terrorists, fighting U.S., but they certainly feared must once again assert itself as Craig Douglas Albert, Ph.D., is assistant lenged global preeminence, unconventionally, dared to test it. According to Machiavelli, the dominant global leader. professor of political science at Augusta becoming the sole superpower the awakened tiger. it is better to be respected and Lines must be drawn and, University. Loo king back Cha llenges Opp ortunities I do solemnly About half of Americans believe the country has been made weaker in the • Increase the size of the U.S. Army to 540,000 active-duty soldiers, swear that I past eight years. which the Army Chief of Staff says he needs to execute current missions. will support The Obama administration’s decision to release billions to the Iranians • R ebuild the U.S. Navy toward a goal of 350 ships, as the bipartisan and defend the “will only increase their funding of terrorist activities in the Middle East and National Defense Panel has recommended. Constitution beyond,” writes Richard A. Epstein at Hoover.org. “The resulting political • Provide the U.S. Air Force with the 1,200 fighter aircraft they need. of the United States against all instability will only exacerbate the human migration tragedy that is taking • Expand the U.S. Marine Corps to 36 battalions. enemies, foreign and domestic... place today.” • Invest in a serious missile defense system to meet growing threats. U.S. military enlistment oath America has ceded its leadership and influence to Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Source: www.donaldjtrump.com CrossRoads FOR AMERICA FeBruary 5, 2017 • 17

LY FOReiGN PO IC Time to leave ‘lead from behind’ in past

“I am very optimistic about tration shamefully abstained Iraq. I mean, this could be one and let an anti-Semitic United of the great achievements of this Nations rebuke Israel for its administration.” West Bank settlements, the – Vice President Joe Biden, Trump administration should in 2010 now reaffirm America’s com- mitment to our close ally and By Michael Ryan only democratic nation in the region. In Iraq and in Syria, as in • As a related matter, the Libya, where the unofficial Trump administration and Obama Doctrine was writ- Congress should consider ten – “leading from behind” whether to defund the United – America’s foreign policy is in Nations unless and until it re- tatters today. vokes its most recent anti-Israel Iraq’s descent into chaos led resolution. to the rise of ISIS, an even more • Considering that our close savage incarnation of al-Qaida, allies in Britain have voted to and whose real and reputed leave the European Union and acts of terror have reached go it alone – rightly seizing across Europe and the Atlantic. back their sovereignty, their Libya’s devolution – and the laws and their immigration fu- decision to leave our consulate ture – we should make it abun- there poorly guarded on Sept. Associated Press dantly clear that the United 11, 2012 – led to the deaths of An Iraqi flag waves on the rubble of the destroyed Mosque of The Prophet Jonah, as Mosul City is seen Kingdom has a friend and trad- four Americans and the biggest in the background. The revered Muslim shrine was destroyed in 2014 by Islamic State militants who ing partner in America. scandal of the Obama adminis- overran the city and imposed their harsh interpretation of Islamic law. The mosque was built on an • Likewise, while insisting tration. archaeological site dating back to 8th century BC, and is said to be the burial place of the prophet. on full financial and manpower Elsewhere, Russia has an- participation from member nexed Crimea and has cast a made islands in the disputed point to an overall weaken- Some of our most pressing states, we should reaffirm our lengthening shadow across Scarborough Shoal. By declar- ing of American power on the foreign policy challenges, and commitment to NATO – one of Ukraine, the Baltics and East- ing this area, which is home world stage and an eroding of what should be done: the most important alliances in ern Europe. to important international key alliances.” • ISIS must be obliterated. It’s history. Our “leading from behind” in shipping lanes, part of China’s Under “lead from behind,” amazing that the world’s most • While more carefully Syria – and Mr. Obama’s failure sphere of influence, China is America – like the character powerful nation has been hav- screening immigrants and to enforce his own “red line” threatening both its neighbors George Bailey in the movie ‘It’s ing such a hard time doing it. refugees, we must also take the against Syria’s use of chemical and international trade.” a Wonderful Life’ – has been President Trump must rally the fight to the terrorists – and, weapons against its own people And while North Korean given the chance to see what free world to get the job done once again, muster the cour- – created a power vacuum leader Kim Jong-un is viewed the world would be like with- once and for all. age to recognize the enemy as in the Mideast that Vladi- here as little more than a farci- out it. And it’s not pretty. • While the Obama adminis- “Islamic radical terrorists.” mir Putin gladly and quickly cal irritation, the irritants in This is no time for America tration entered into an unrati- Leading from behind and filled. The roiling violence and his arsenal now include nuclear to lead from behind. fied, and dangerous, nuclear carefully parsing words hasn’t anarchy there led to a Muslim weapons. America must reassert itself treaty with Iran – and paid the gotten America anywhere – and migration crisis that has con- “I can’t really think of any – not just militarily, though terror-supporting regime at it’s gotten much of the world in sumed Europe in turmoil. concrete success that Presi- that must be done after the least $11.9 billion, and perhaps an atrocious mess. Meanwhile, China has been dent Obama’s had in terms of draconian downsizing of our three times that – the Trump It’s time to lead from the “asserting itself in the South foreign policy,” Nile Gardiner, Armed Forces, sustained in the administration should tear up front. China Sea,” writes M.G. Oprea a foreign affairs analyst at the so-called “sequestration” cuts. the deal and take steps to curb at TheFederalist.com, “most Heritage Foundation, told ‘The The world needs American val- Tehran’s regional ambitions. Michael Ryan is editorial page editor notably by constructing man- Washington Times’. “You can ues, influence and leadership. • After the Obama adminis- of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Challenges Opp ortunities A misguided receding of American power and influence has left American power and values bring order to the world. The new administration, the Mideast in flames, Europe awash in migrants and Russia and 3.5% mindful of the need to avoid unnecessary military entanglements, must not be shy China on the move. in using American power and influence in the name of order, peace and justice. America’s pullback from the war on terror has allowed the OF America’s Gross With the help of international partners and the world Islamic community, the Islamic State far too much time and space with which to project Domestic PRODUCT Islamic State and all other terror networks must be destroyed. terror in Europe and America. The U.N.’s outrage against Israel should inspire Congress and the president to With all the terror and turmoil in the world, the United Nations iS SPENT ON determine whether the world body’s questionable priorities and actions are worthy took time to censor Israel for building homes, of all things. NATIONAL DEFENSE of American values and funding. 18 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

CHINA China keeps tight grip on trade imbalance By Damon Cline Top foreign creditors President Donald Trump Japan $1108.6* has said that China’s economic treatment of America is akin to China, Mainland $1049.3 personal assault. Ireland $275.2 “We can’t continue to allow China’s practice of purchasing U.S. Treasuries Cayman Islands $260.6 China to rape our country,” he to keep its currency, the yuan, pegged to the told an Indiana crowd in May. Brazil $258.3 U.S. dollar, has made it the No. 1 holder of “That’s what they’re doing. It’s U.S. debt for years. It was only recently Switzerland $229.5 the greatest theft in the history overtaken by the historic No. 2, Japan. of the world.” Luxembourg $221 Although U.S. consumers have benefitted from an abun- United Kingdom $211.9 dance of cheap Chinese-made Hong Kong $185.5 *in billions of dollars for month goods, the trade relationship ending November 2016 with the world’s second-largest Taiwan $183.1 Source: Treasury Department economy has been mostly “take” and very little “give” – as Associated Press evidenced by the U.S.-China percent. exports remain cheap and are full of loans that cannot list, where China trails only the trade deficit, which hit a record l China has two sets of America’s exports remain be repaid and are being rolled U.S. in the number of corpora- $367 billion in 2015, up from rules: Chinese firms investing expensive by purchasing U.S. over and are not written off.” tions. $343 billion the previous year. in the U.S. benefit from Ameri- Treasury notes to prop up All this imbalance comes America’s trade deficits are Some of the imbalance with can rule of law and consistent the dollar when it loses value with a cost: America’s debt not new – the U.S. has had one the world’s most populous regulation. American compa- against the yuan. The constant to China – $1.115 trillion – is every year since 1975. But the nation stems from its low nies investing in China have buying has made China Amer- 29 percent of all our foreign- growing imbalance with China standard of living, in which its testified they faced corruption, ica’s largest foreign lender for owned public debt. In other since its entry into the World huge population serves as the hostile regulation and needless years (though it recently lost words, nearly one-third of Trade Organization in 2001 world’s low-price workshop. bureaucratic delays. the distinction to longtime No. America’s financial obligations poses a national security risk But the communist nation also l China has no respect for 2, Japan). are to a non-ally seeking to that must be addressed by the manipulates free-market prin- intellectual property: The l China’s economic data become the world’s dominant new administration. ciples – up to and including the United States Trade Represen- are untrustworthy: Statistics superpower. Scissors, an expert on China deliberate undervaluation of tative ranks the People’s Re- on unemployment, inflation There also is a price to be trade relations, said inter- its own currency – to give it an public of China as consistently and per-capita income are paid for getting 90 percent of mediaries such as the World unfair advantage. among the worst intellectual controlled by the Communist our laptops, 70 percent of cell- Trade Organization cannot be Government data illustrate property offenders, and a 2013 Party. phones and 40 percent of our counted on to bring China into the situation: bipartisan commission report Chinese corporations apparel from China: domestic compliance. Bold, but strategic, l Trade is mostly one-way: estimates the nation’s theft of propped up by state-owned jobs. U.S. manufacturing jobs policymaking by the Trump The United States receives 18 American technology and inno- banks are essentially “zom- declined 34 percent between administration is the only solu- percent of all Chinese exports, vation costs the U.S. economy bie companies” according to 1998 and 2010 as companies tion. but China gets just 7 percent of $300 billion a year. Capital Formation Counselors, who couldn’t compete ei- “We’re not going to get the American exports. “Their whole telecom indus- Inc., a Florida-based economic ther went out of business or Chinese to change by talking l China has high barri- try is built on theft,” notes Der- consulting firm. outsourced jobs to lower-cost to them. There is 20 years of ers: America is slapped with ek Scissors, a resident scholar “(China’s) prosperity may markets – including China. evidence that shows that does Chinese tariffs of 9.7 percent at the American Enterprise have been primarily funded by China’s unabashed mercan- not work,” he said. “They can’t and 5 percent on agricultural Institute. “That high-speed untraceable internal debt, as tilism has enabled state-con- be talked into anything; they and non-agricultural goods, rail industry they’re bragging one financial entity funds an- trolled steel and coal industries have to be shoved into it.” respectively. But when Chinese about? It’s all based on theft.” other without a valid external to supply half the world’s con- goods enter the U.S., the tariffs l China manipulates its audit,” the firm said in a recent sumption. Perhaps most telling Damon Cline is business editor of are just 2.5 percent and 2.9 currency: China ensures its report. “…Many banks in China is the latest Fortune Global 500 ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Ca h llenges Opp ortunities The reform-minded China that the Clinton and Bush Derek Scissors advocates chipping away at Beijing’s domestic administrations helped welcome into the World Trade Organization 29% industry subsidies and focusing on its most egregious trade in 2001 is worlds apart from modern-day Beijing. violation: intellectual property theft. “They stopped reforming in 2002 when they changed their of u.S. Foreign- Targeted measures, as opposed to blanket tariffs, would ensure government,” says Derek Scissors, a resident scholar at the owned pUblic debt that only Chinese firms that break the law are punished, he said. American Enterprise Institute. “We were dealing with one group Scissors said the administration should press international of people and we ended up with a different group of people. That is owned by ChinA institutions, such as the World Bank, to adopt a two-tier system turned out to be the biggest mistake of U.S. trade policy, maybe giving countries that provide transparent economic data more ever.” consideration than those that do not. Cross Roads FOR AMERICA FeBruary 5, 2017 • 19

CYBERseCUritY Computers, networks are next battlefield

By Michael Ryan 1. “Insufficient attention and insuf- ficient strategic thought has been given Pearl Harbor and the 9 /11 attacks to cyber and cybersecurity for years,” were actual assaults on our homeland, Kellermann says. “I think the time acts of war in which thousands of has come to recognize cybersecurity people died. as a national- and economic-security But while nothing can hold a candle imperative. We should recognize and to the physical devastation wrought by appreciate that we are being colonized enemy bombs and hijacked airliners, the in cyberspace. fact is we are under cyberattack every “It’s an absolute imperative that day in this country – in fact, by some (President Trump) take this issue more estimates, as many as 500,000 times seriously and begin to invest in the each day, at a potential cost of $2 trillion cybersecurity of the United States of by the year 2019. America.” Cyberattacks, as a primer by the Uni- Indeed, President Donald Trump has versity of Maryland University College named former New York Mayor Rudy puts it, are unwanted and unauthorized File/Associated Press Giuliani – who brilliantly shepherded intrusions on people’s and institutions’ A cybersecurity analyst protects the nation’s power, water and chemical plants, that city through the aftermath of 9 /11 – “computers, networks, programs, and electrical grid and other facilities from cyber attacks. the chairman of a White House cyberse- data.” curity task force. They could’ve included “appliances.” that Russia is believed to have hacked 2. Clapper also recommends separat- Even refrigerators come with internet- Cyber incidents the Democratic National Committee in ing U.S. Cyber Command from the Na- capable Wi-Fi these days. an alleged attempt to influence the 2016 tional Security Agency and putting two In short, our governments, our busi- 2006 U.S. election. different people in charge of them. 5,503 INCIDENTS REPORTED nesses and our homes and personal 2007 “We also see cyberthreats chal- 3. Kellermann also suggests Internet- electronic devices are under constant 11,911 BY FEDERAL AGENCIES lenging public trust and confidence in connectable device manufacturers make attack from countries, organizations 2008 16,843 BY FISCAL YEAR information services and institutions,” it a higher priority to secure their prod- and criminals – and the United States 2009 29,990 Director of National Intelligence James ucts and to teach users to do the same. and nearly every one of its citizens are Clapper told a Senate Armed Services One other key to securing the nation vulnerable. 2010 41,778 Committee hearing recently. is increased partnerships between the “We’re dealing with a cyber-insur- 2011 42,854 Even Iran and North Korea are government and private sector com- gency – a cyberinsurgency that began 2012 48,562 improving their ability to launch puter experts. It’s something the city of about 20 years ago through orchestrated “disruptive or destructive” cyberat- Augusta, Augusta University and the efforts by both the Chinese and Russian 2013 61,214 tacks, Clapper said – ominously adding state of Georgia are on the forefront governments,” Strategic Cyber Ventures 2014 67,168 that “nonstate actors” such as terror- of, with a planned $50 million Georgia CEO Tom Kellermann told Fox News’ ist groups are also making increasing Cyber Innovation and Training Center Bret Baier recently. “What’s changed is, 2015 77,163 incursions into cyberspace. in Augusta, and with the nation’s Army now hackers from around the world are Source: GAO analysis of U.S. Computer Emergency Our computers – and our phones and Cyber Command moving to nearby Fort colonizing U.S. cyberspace.” Readiness Team and Oce of Management and Budget perhaps someday our toasters – are the Gordon. The bad actors, both government and new global battleground. Cyber has “The center will be a state-owned data by the GAO private, are basically breaking in to bur- become a leading – if not the leading – cyber range,” says Gov. Nathan Deal’s glarize or stalk you, Kellermann says. government, exposed personnel and national security threat. office, “that brings together academia, It’s particularly problematic for security clearance information on mil- “Clearly,” Clapper said, “cyber will be private industry and government to ordinary citizens, Kellermann notes, lions of federal employees and contrac- a challenge for the U.S., the intelligence establish cybersecurity standards across “because most individuals do not know tors, and compromised many of their community and our national security state and local agencies to develop and how to secure their homes, their devices families’ privacy. for the foreseeable future. And we need practice protocols for responding to or their corporate networks.” “Officials said the breaches rank to be prepared for that.” cyber threats.” It’s even worse for the federal govern- among the most potentially damaging This country doesn’t seem to have We’d better all come together. We’re ment. cyber heists in U.S. government history a broad strategic plan for combatting all under attack. A 2014 breach of computer files at because of the abundant detail in the cyberattacks. the U.S. Office of Personnel Manage- files,” wrote ‘The Washington Post’. We’d better get our act together, and Michael Ryan is editorial page editor of ment, which was traced to the Chinese And, of course, everyone now knows quickly. To wit: ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Challenges Opp ortunities All of us with internet-connected devices – which is to say nearly all of us – are Recognition of the breadth and depth of the threat to our homes, businesses and country is vulnerable to computer-based attacks. the first step. America’s enemies are in a constant state of cyberwarfare with us – yet we have been Training, training, training! Education, education, education! Our schools must react to the slow to produce a comprehensive counter-strategy. emergence of cyber threats the way we responded to Sputnik. A 2014 breach of federal government computers exposed millions of federal New alliances and partnerships must form. The federal government, state of Georgia and employees and contractors and even their families to foreign hacking and espionage. Augusta University have joined for the education and training of tomorrow’s cyber warriors. 20 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

ENERGY America ties destiny to natural resources By Damon Cline will remain a small component Where does electricity of the overall electric genera- America’s preeminence in come from in U.S.? tion industry, which depends the world is partly because of on traditional hydroelectric, its plentiful natural resources – 2015 totals 1% fossil fuels and nuclear energy and its ability to use them. 7% to meet baseload and peak But never in American his- 6% demands. tory has an administration Nuclear, a powerful but made it so onerous and politi- 33% politically maligned source of cally unpopular to tap its own carbon-free electricity, is in wealth. 20% the early stages of a comeback Under President Obama, the as new reactors are under federal government fenced off construction near Augusta, Ga., vast swaths of the 28 percent and north of Columbia, S.C. of America’s land it owns 33% Last year, federal regulators from mining and exploration, greenlighted two more near regardless of its desolation or Gaffney, S.C. remoteness. Coal Hydropower But hamstringing nuclear’s Meanwhile, his administra- Natural gas Other renewables expansion is Washington’s fail- Associated Press tion’s unrelenting pursuit of Nuclear Petroleum ure to deliver on a permanent punitive regulations, high taxes President Donald Trump signs an executive order in January Source: U.S. Energy Information Association repository for spent fuel, which and overzealous environmen- advancing the development of the Keystone XL pipeline. remains highly radioactive for talism slowed America’s ability The EIA estimates shale millennia. to achieve energy self-suffi- energy reserves right here in Russia’s and Saudi Arabia’s. gas will supply nearly half of The Obama administration, ciency, forcing it to continue America,” the White House Imports today account for America’s natural gas by 2035. without citing technical or relying on foreign nations – website says. a quarter of U.S. petroleum, Cheap natural gas and strident safety issues, halted construc- including terrorist-supporting His administration is correct down from 60 percent in 2006. federal clean air regulations tion on the Yucca Mountain countries – for its fuel and in its usage of “vast.” America’s Imports could fall to zero by have caused American power repository in Nevada in 2009, mineral needs. oil- and natural gas-rich shale 2028, the U.S. Energy Informa- producers to shift to cleaner forcing nuclear plants to Even with America’s “en- deposits could contain as tion Administration says. burning natural gas, which continue storing waste in deep ergy renaissance” – driven by much as 264 billion barrels – The U.S. already is a net helped U.S. carbon dioxide pools and above-ground casks. advances in drilling and extrac- an amount larger than Saudi exporter of natural gas. Start- emissions drop to their lowest The Nuclear Energy Institute tion – the U.S. remains a net Arabia, Venezuela or Russia, ing with the Barnett Shale play level in 20 years in 2012. notes taxpayers have paid more importer of petroleum prod- according to a report issued in Texas in 1997, the industry But coal, which also is used than $5 billion in damages to ucts, as it has been since 1953. last year by an independent has grown from just 1 percent to make cement and steel, utility companies for Wash- The Trump administra- Norwegian consulting firm, of domestic production in 2000 isn’t going away anytime ington’s failure to abide by the tion says it is “committed to Rystad Energy. to more than 25 percent today, soon. Many power plants have Nuclear Waste Policy Act of eliminating harmful and un- When the U.S. controls its notes Kaznacheev, a been outfitted with expensive 1982, which required a reposi- necessary policies” such as the energy destiny, consumers win. managing partner for London- “scrubbers” to strip carbon tory to be open by 1998. Climate Action Plan – Presi- The consumer price index based Khaznah Strategies Ltd., from emissions, and the U.S. “Damages could reach more dent Obama’s “global warm- has risen 12 percent since 2009, in a policy analysis for Cato still has nearly one-third of the than $29 billion by 2022 and up ing” treatise – and the Envi- but gasoline and electricity are Institute. world’s reserves. to $500 million annually after ronmental Protection Agency’s 43 percent and 31 percent lower, A similar “shale revolution” Coal is declining as an elec- 2022,” the trade group said. “Waters of the United States” respectively. Instead of ration- is happening in Canada’s oil tricity source, but is still used It’s time for a declaration of rule, which gives the agency ing and price spikes of the sands, he said, further under- nine times more than heavily energy independence in Amer- authority over virtually all riv- 1970s and ’80s, today’s consum- mining the influence of the subsidized power from solar ica. We’ve got the power. Now ers, lakes and streams. ers benefit from a rapid drop in Organization of the Petroleum and wind plants. we just need the willpower. “Sound energy policy begins prices that began in 2014 when Exporting Countries, the global Federal forecasts show an with the recognition that we U.S. production matched – and, cartel whose members include increase in renewable energy Damon Cline is business editor have vast untapped domestic for a few months, exceeded – Iran, Venezuela and Libya. in the coming decades, but they of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Augusta, Ga.

Challenges Oppru o t nities More than half of land in the 11 resource-rich Western states is owned by the federal government, A side from Russia – which has twice the land mass – no other country is blessed which has had a hands-off policy for mining and exploration under the Obama administration. with more land wealth than the U.S. Concerns over carbon emissions – based primarily on long-term forecasts of models that have In addition to being a top five nation for natural gas, gold and copper, America failed to accurately predict temperatures over the past two decades – have been more alarmist than has the most timber-producing acreage and nearly a third of the world’s coal. It also reasonable, leading to dubious public policy, such as the obstruction of the Canada-to-U.S. Keystone has major petroleum fields and sizable deposits of silver, aluminum ore, phosphates, XL pipeline project. potash, uranium and molybdenum. We’ve tried the central government approach, and it hasn’t worked: Of $10.7 billion doled out to Other than opening up federal lands to energy development, administrative and 5,098 businesses for 31,540 renewable energy projects under the Obama administration, about 40 legislative actions should focus on repealing harmful executive orders and laws percent of the funding, $4.3 billion, went to 36 wind farms – and ‘The Wall Street Journal’ could only while depoliticizing federal agencies that declared bureaucratic warfare on certain confirm about 7,200 jobs created, far short of the 100,000-plus claimed. industries during the previous administration. Cross Roads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 21

CIVILITY Listen my children and you shall hear

By Michael Ryan – have lost influence over children, while society’s waves of boorish- In this very special ness have washed over them. 24-page section, Our schools have been left which is about to try to pick up the pieces. renewing our What can be done? republic, we’re ex- First, we must rec- ploring the biggest ognize the problem challenges facing with incivility, and the America today. gravity of it. It has, in ef- But none might fect, become a national be bigger than security issue because it, civility – or the lack more than any external thereof. force, is capable of tearing If we can’t treat each us apart as a nation. other with respect, dignity Our political leaders should and civility, after all, then lead us in a discussion on the how are we going to even discuss critical need for civility – and should all our challenges and oppor- lead by example as well. Viewers tunities? should turn away from pro- Yet, increasingly, it tacks could not – which is to tear at the ity cost $12 million a year.” grams, particularly news or seems we can’t. very fabric this nation is stitched with. What has caused all this? A perfect political ones, that offer rank On the internet, on the streets, on This is Job 1, folks. We’ve got to learn storm of circumstances. incivility. Media companies the political stage, on television and how to live together as Americans After decades of mostly one-party should make civility a priority. Families, even at the entertainment industry’s again. rule in Washington, the two parties churches, businesses and schools should award shows, America is simply tear- It’s not just our politics, either. Writ- have traded pre-eminence in recent teach it. Cisco embarked on a “global ing itself apart with its political and ing in the ‘Harvard Business Review’, decades – paving the way for added workplace civility program,” realizing it social disputes. We boycott companies professors Christine Porath and Chris- friction. New ideas and ways of think- was in the company’s best interest. and even whole states. Performers and tine Pearson note that, “Over the past 14 ing have bubbled up through the More important, we need to under- designers blackballed the incoming first years we’ve polled thousands of workers internet and other alternative media. stand that it’s in the nation’s best inter- family. First daughter Ivanka Trump about how they’re treated on the job, An unfortunate consumer ethic – that est as well. was verbally assaulted on an airplane. and 98 percent have reported experienc- the customer is always right – has been America is not by ethnicity, Some of us threaten to move to another ing uncivil behavior.” hammered into our heads. as most every other nation on Earth is. country because our presidential candi- Incivility can hurt a business’s bottom Moreover, with our technological We’re tied together by our relationship date didn’t win. Some stores and clerks line, they say, through the lower produc- ability to share every single one of our to each other, by our shared ideas and refuse to serve those of other political tivity of dispirited or indignant work- opinions with the world at any given ideals. That relationship, the fabric of persuasions. Friendships are lost over ers, turnover and damage to customer moment, we’ve heated up the public de- America, is fraying. social media posts. relations. bate – and in many cases we’ve forgot- If America dies from its own self- It’s gotten way out of hand. “Companies we’ve worked with,” the ten ourselves, as the British might say: inflicted wounds, future generations With mere intolerance of each other two wrote, “calculate that the tab for in- We’ve thrown manners out the door and won’t be all that selective in whom they and coarse acrimony toward each other, civility can run into the millions. Some convinced ourselves that, for instance, blame. we seem to be doing what a Civil War, years back Cisco put together a detailed we know something about basketball We will have all been present. two World Wars, the tumultuous 1960s’ estimate of what incivility was costing that Michael Jordan does not. racial strife and assassinations and Viet- the company. … Even in this exemplary Mostly, the institutions that used to Michael Ryan is editorial page editor nam protests, and even the Sept. 11 at- workplace, it was estimated that incivil- instill civility – the family, the church of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia.

Challenges Oppn ortu ities We seem to have overdone self-esteem in our children and underdone Civility needs to be taught in homes and schools again. respect in many others. “Having a grown man scream into your face about 95% Adults need to model civility for youths and children. not accepting expired coupons when you’re at the age of 17 really makes Programs and organizations have been created to encourage you take stock in civilization,” one citizen wrote about civility. OF all Americans civility, including the National Institute for Civil Discourse at the The fact that our two political parties are near-equal in power, and that say civility is a University of Arizona – founded after the Tucson shooting that killed there are so many careerists in Congress, makes for a combative national six and wounded 13, including then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The NICD political scene. problem, with 74% works toward: Traditional media get ratings and make money off two people arguing saying IT declined • Elected officials who are capable of working to solve the big issues with each other. Meanwhile, in social media, everyone else gets in on it. in REcent years facing our country. Poor parenting – largely a result of family breakdown and the church’s • A public that demands civil discourse as well as government that decreased role in civic life – also contributes to coarseness. 2016 Civility in America Survey works in the best interests of the country as a whole. • Media that inform citizens in a fair and responsible way. 22 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

MEDIA Nation needs media to heed founders’ call

“Were it left to me to decide in print, television and radio whether we should have a gov- – to get their act together. The ernment without newspapers, or media’s credibility, and their newspapers without a govern- lens through which we view ment, I should not hesitate a the world, has a direct impact moment to prefer the latter.” on the public’s trust of society’s – Thomas Jefferson other institutions, particularly our government. By Michael Ryan Today’s widespread lack of trust and increasing cynicism Our Founders knew the in our institutions endangers critical importance of a free our nation’s very future. press to a free people. That’s National media organiza- why, through the First Amend- tions should make it their high- ment, they protected the press est priority in the coming years from government intervention. to restore trust in them, and in “In addition to educating and the institutions they cover – by reporting, the press serves as covering them without pride the public’s independent watch- or prejudice, and by focusing dog, charged with keeping on the most important issues governments, businesses and Associated Press facing the nation, rather than other organizations in check,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer used his first media briefing to berate the mainstream media. on the shiny object or the flash- Caroline Little, then the CEO in-the-pan trivial story that and president of the Newspaper States – the land of the First porters looking for a scapegoat constantly distracts us. Association of America, wrote Amendment – last year ranked for her loss. But Donald Trump That requires having a game in 2013. just 41st in the world in press also recently lashed out at what plan – and taking stock of what “Thanks to diligent report- freedom, according to an index 74% he called fake news. those important issues are, ing,” she added, “citizens are by the international orga- So, while some fake news such as those in this section. empowered to take a stance on nization Reporters Without OFt US Adul s think really is fake, there’s another For example: While our critical issues, enact change Borders. news Media tend to category of fake news: that mushrooming national debt and demand the best from their Nor are the media regarded which a politician or partisan has become a national security leaders.” well today: Gallup announced favor one side simply doesn’t like. issue – thanks to our leaders’ “First Amendment freedoms last year that “Americans’ when covering Another reason for the abject inability or unwilling- like speech and press are es- trust and confidence in the social issues decline in trust of the media is ness to balance our budget and sential rights. Self-government mass media ‘to report the news bias. There’s a reason Republi- live within our means – it was is impossible without them,” fully, accurately and fairly’ has Source: Pew Research Center can trust in the media plum- hardly mentioned in the omni- notes BillofRightsInstitute. dropped to its lowest level in meted last year, during the present, multi-year presiden- org. “The Founders saw press Gallup polling history, with election, from 32 percent: They tial campaign just ended. Our freedom as a bulwark of liberty 32 percent saying they have perceive, rightly so in many leaders and prospective leaders and a means of assuring justice a great deal or fair amount of majority of which don’t include cases, that so-called main- might not have wanted to talk in government.” trust in the media.” trained journalists – and some stream media outlets are in the about it, but the press and the Scottish social commentator Republicans were especially of which not only have an tank for Democrats. Even some people should’ve insisted on it. Thomas Carlyle once wrote of tough on the media in the Gal- agenda but also spread false in the mainstream media have We in the traditional media the British government, “Burke lup poll last year, with only 14 information (sometimes know- acknowledged it at times. must set ourselves apart from said there were Three Estates percent saying they trust the ingly). With the explosion of the ambient noise with quality, in Parliament (clergy, nobil- media. With Democrats, it was As a result, “fake-news” be- agenda-driven and largely thoughtful and objective cover- ity and commoners); but, in 51 percent. came a big issue toward the end unaccountable media and age of the challenges facing the Reporters’ Gallery yonder, Why is this happening? A of 2016 – though it must be said social media outlets, it’s never America. there sat a Fourth Estate more number of reasons. much of the fake news angst been more imperative for the important far than they all…” First, there’s been an explo- might have come from disap- traditional media – those well- Michael Ryan is editorial page editor Yet, consider: The United sion of media outlets, the vast pointed Hillary Clinton sup- known, time-honored brands of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Looking back Cag h llen es O pportunities “Congress shall make no law • Trust in media is at an all-time low 1. Increased civic and media literacy, which schools and media could teach respecting an establishment of • An explosion in media outlets dilutes 2. Better social media policies on news vs. fake news religion, or prohibiting the free accountability 3. Better fact-checking and more trustworthy fact-checkers exercise thereof; or abridging • Real and perceived bias taints traditional outlets 4. Resurgence of traditional journalistic practices the freedom of speech, or of • T here’s no discernible plan for staying focused on 5. More government transparency the press; or the right of the major issues Source: “5 Steps Toward Rebuilding Trust in the Media,” www.aspeninstitute.org/blog-posts/five-steps-toward- people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the rebuilding-trust-media/ Government for a redress of grievances.” Cross Roads FOR AMERICA February 5, 2017 • 23

CIVICS Citizenship is the small cost of freedom

“Most of us don’t understand the idea Metaxas. of self-government enough to be properly There are some things we must do as astonished by it.” a country, too, to ensure that “govern- — Eric Metaxas, author ment of the people, by the people, for of ‘If You Can Keep It’ the people, shall not perish from the earth.” By Michael Ryan Civics – the inspiring, exhilarating, page-turning kind Michael Douglas was We absolutely need to be astonished talking about – must be taught in every by the idea of self-government – or we school. might soon lose it. Our young simply must be taught to Frighteningly, the evidence points to appreciate our unique and blessed his- our losing it: Roughly 75 to 80 percent of tory – especially as it compares to the high school students fail on basic tests unfortunate and desperate history of the of civics and history. Some 70 percent rest of the world from the very begin- of adults fail, too. Many local elections ning. have turnouts in the low teens, if not Our public and private leaders should worse. And have you seen those person- lead us in a national dialogue about on-the-street interviews where folks character, brotherhood, citizenship can’t answer fundamental questions – and the seat of the self-governance about America or its leaders? stool: responsibility. What happens to a self-governed na- Houses of worship have been made to tion when so many of the “selves” have believe they must be silent on matters tuned out? of governance. Poppycock. The spiritual We need to always remember that we underpinning of our founding, embod- have two lives: a private one and a pub- cially when you consider the alternative: It all begins with character. ied by the “Great Awakening” is undeni- lic one – the latter being the attention Well over 95 percent of everyone else “Our Constitution was made only able and inseparable from our destiny. we pay to, and the amount of involve- who has ever lived on this planet has for a moral and religious people,” John Far from prohibiting churches from ment we have in, the important events toiled under a king, dictator, junta or Adams eloquently pointed out. “It is participating in our national dialogue, and issues in our communities, country some other heavy-handed and absolute wholly inadequate to the government of they must understand that they are es- and world. authority. any other.” sential to it. Most of us are blessed with rich, full, This is the first nation in history In short, to work on the country, we It would help, too, if the nation’s even overindulged private lives. How’s where the founding documents de- need to work on ourselves. businesses promoted civics and good your public life? clare, in writing, that the individual is Second, get involved as much as you citizenship much as they advocate for And shame on anyone who tries to sovereign over his or her own life. We can – in both public and private civic the United Way. And would a more tell you that civics and citizenship are are the freest people in history. And we endeavors: local government, political energized, active citizenry not benefit boring. had darn well better be astonished by it campaigns, nonprofits and more. Keep businesses as much as it does the na- Indeed, in the movie ‘The American if we want it to endure. up on the news. tion? President’, Michael Douglas plays a What can we do to keep the Statue of Write your elected leaders and news- Most important, get excited! Allow president of the U.S. who is trying to get Liberty’s torch lit? Plenty. paper editors. Run for office or support yourself to be astonished by this coun- his young daughter excited about civ- First, let’s pump up our public lives. the candidate of your choice. If you’ve try and the unprecedented liberty we’ve ics class. He has her read the first few Let’s dedicate ourselves to these three never experienced an election night as been bequeathed. phrases of the Constitution: “We the things: a campaign supporter, you don’t know And with a soaring sense of gratitude, People of the United States, in order to • Character what you’re missing! but sober responsibility too, let’s “mutu- form a more perfect union…” • Brotherhood A self-governed nation is only as good ally pledge to each other our Lives, our “See?” Douglas’ character says. • Citizenship as the quality and attentiveness of its Fortunes, and our sacred Honor” to “Grabs you right off the bat. It’s a page- These are the three legs of the self- citizens. keep freedom’s fire blazing. turner!” governance stool – the qualities and vir- “That is the wonderful, spectacular He’s absolutely right. This self-gov- tues that make self-governance possible genius of it all – and the terrible, sober- Michael Ryan is editorial page editor ernment thing is exciting stuff – espe- to begin with. ing danger of it all, too,” writes Eric of ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Loo king back Challenges Opp ortunities The National Some 75-80 percent of American youths fail on tests Luckily, the opportunities for civic involvement are limitless. Join a civic club, Archives and Records of basic civics. Adults also fail at a rate of 71 percent. volunteer for a political candidate, attend government meetings, write your leaders Administration was A nation of free people cannot govern themselves if and newspaper editors and more. formed in 1934 they’ve lost the blueprint for that self-governance. We simply must do a better job of teaching the basics of American history, and is charged We have private and public lives. We’ve indulged, American government and civics in our schools. Our new presidential administration with preserving the nation’s historical often over-indulged, our private lives, yet have could lead a push for it, and the First Lady could even make it her cause. documents. America’s charters neglected our public lives – by failing to vote faithfully, There are myriad books and other sources of information on the unique nature of freedom are on display in its stay up on the news and newsmakers and pitch in in our of this republic we love. One of our favorites is the book ‘If You Can Keep It’, by Eric Washington headquarters. communities. Metaxas. 24 • FeBruary 5, 2017 CrossRoads FOR AMERICA

America’s Identity And to the Republic, for which it stands...

By Michael Ryan politically stable regions of the world, it seems as though democracy is in a state We should be amazed at the rise of of serious disrepair.” Bernie Sanders. So many people seem to believe We should also be alarmed. America is just a location where we A plug on Amazon.com for his book happen to have a lot of stuff and a lot ‘Our Revolution’ recalls that the presi- of freedom. And the American Dream dential candidate was “just an Indepen- seems to be all about consumerism. dent senator from a small state with America is much more than that. It’s little name recognition. His campaign a set of ideas and ideals – most impor- had no money, no political organization, tantly, the principles that our rights and it was taking on the entire Demo- come from God and that the individual cratic Party establishment.” is sovereign. Yet, despite all that – and despite be- We need to remind ourselves – and ing a self-avowed socialist – his revo- our children need to be taught – how lution nearly took hold: He earned 43 special and unique that is. Yet, we percent of the vote in the 2016 Demo- talked recently with a group of eighth cratic primary. graders – who, the teacher confirmed, Sanders talked openly about changing National Archives probably never had even heard the term the nature and identity of the country “American exceptionalism.” – not even Barack Obama was so open The U.S. Constitution was signed and adopted in September 1787, setting up Everything needs periodic renewal, about “fundamentally transforming” America’s form of government as a republic limiting the power of government. and our republic is no different. But to America – and nearly won a major party renew our republic, we need to under- primary. democracy is “an almost sacred value. would be a good thing or a very good stand how extraordinary and one-of-a- The bottom line is, America’s identity When asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 thing was 1 in 16 in 1995. It was up to 1 in kind it is. as a republic with a limited government how ‘essential’ it is for them ‘to live in 6 in 2014. And how fragile. and hardy, self-reliant individuals free a democracy,’ 72 percent of those born “While those who hold this view “Freedom is never more than one to chart their own destinies is no longer before World War II check “10,” the remain in the minority,” Mounk and Foa generation away from extinction,” assured or even agreed-upon. highest value.” write, “they can no longer be dismissed President Ronald Reagan once said. America has a full-blown identity In contrast, 26 percent of millenni- as a small , especially since there “We didn’t pass it to our children in crisis. als say it’s not even important to select have been similar increases in the num- the bloodstream. It must be fought for, In a story headlined “How stable are leaders in free elections. ber of those who favor a ‘strong leader protected, and handed on for them to do democracies? ‘Warning signs are flash- “What we find is deeply concern- who doesn’t have to bother with parlia- the same, or one day we will spend our ing red,’ ” the ‘New York Times’ writes: ing,” Mounk and Foa write. “Citizens in ment and elections’…” sunset years telling our children and “Across numerous countries, includ- a number of supposedly consolidated We clearly can’t afford to be compla- our children’s children what it was once ing Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, democracies in North America and cent about this, just hoping youths will like in the United States where men New Zealand, Sweden and the United Western Europe have not only grown come around. were free.” States, the percentage of people who say more critical of their political leaders. Note Mounk and Foa: We don’t need a revolution. We need it is ‘essential’ to live in a democracy Rather, they have also become more “Three decades ago, most scholars a renaissance – a recommitment to the has plummeted, and it is especially low cynical about the value of democracy simply assumed that the Soviet Union ideas, ideals and principles that make among younger generations.” as a political system, less hopeful that would remain stable. This assump- this republic the greatest nation on In fact, according to researchers anything they do might influence public tion was suddenly proven false. Today, Earth. Yascha Mounk and Roberto Stefan Foa, policy, and more willing to express sup- we have even greater confidence in For that, we don’t need a charismatic only about 30 percent of millennials say port for authoritarian alternatives.” the durability of the world’s affluent, leader. We need an educated and en- it’s “essential” to live in a democracy. That’s scary – especially the part consolidated democracies. But do we gaged electorate. In their paper last July in the ‘Journal about supporting an authoritarian have good grounds for our democratic of Democracy,’ Mounk and Foa write regime. In particular: the number of self-confidence? … Michael Ryan is the editorial page editor of that, to older Americans, living in a Americans who think “army rule” “Even in some of the richest and most ‘The Augusta Chronicle’ in Georgia. Looking back Cah llenges O pportunities “We the People of the United States, in Order A startling 45 percent of 18-to-34-year-olds believe that international A number of organizations have risen up to promote and to form a more perfect law should supersede the U.S. Constitution. educate young Americans on our nation’s history and our founding Union, establish Justice, A Harris Interactive National Survey found, as ‘The Washington Times’ principles. They have created patriot curricula available for insure domestic Tranquility, put it, that “American society is increasingly polarized and divided - and schools, churches and other organizations throughout the nation. provide for the common that knowledge of the nation’s common heritage and ideals is eroding.” One such organization is the nonprofit Values Through History defence, promote the Adds ‘The Washington Times’: “63 percent maintain that American (www.valuesthroughhistory.com), which has a curriculum and general Welfare, and secure national identity is growing weaker; 24 percent state that Americans are interactive program called “Why America is Free.” the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our already so divided we can no longer sustain a common identity. Most We need to ramp up early-American history education, and Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution alarming is the result among younger respondents: Those below age 35 the U.S. Department of Education needs to pave the way for such for the United States of America.” are more likely to declare that there is no national identity.” curricula to get into every school in America.