Obato ofOoaBMrw relating to Sailing and re SM« of iM Vattwl iuim lny (Mm laltaw iMmoBAinn akd thus Thbatmbnt..We print, bujrg platform, which is the same thing. Eon. their mMi litwhiiMi la m»» of Koeato. It «M tin NEW YORK HERA1J). V*>k. voted that a fifwnt tbobld on nfllmt to the ona*. ttprocal trade, 4c. The fltt on feonfd the Prinse- to-day, several documents relative to affaire Salmon P. Chore is the leading democratic aui4u of the St Loul gallant ton at Halifax ia describeJ as been a tuoat We know not what may have given rise to Proi Foreati »m l»vt»*d by tba w JAMBS GORDON BBINITT, Laving which have created some excitement in free roller of Ohio. Hon. John P. Hale, the letters of committee to dm up nchtrckt afUir, and radicates that however tattle the credited rumor some nropoted eoefr*»ua>to« ud a programme 1'KOPRIETOH AND EDITOR. generally prevalent this city generally among oor foreign popula¬ after having run to the end of his tether of u»e intended publie maaife»«*ttoaa, tb* mm to to maj be the feelings of the Yank*s and colonial in the circles of thin metro¬ su'emitied to Uh approb»«loo of the Hit of tb* days ago monetary tion Grave chargen have been in New Hampshire, has cat loose, an>l located MumftM. Tbe « tb» meeting errice k. w. ccr?:eji op ypiao> (LSD kassao str. the American and British naval particularly. hope lu'er'erenee of the Ameri¬ dshennen, officers, polis. that the Secretary of the Treasury had made the masters of the bimpelf the of Wall bat can government la the pol tm«l affairs of will bu her civil functionaries, are de¬ against immigrant among lawyers street; expressed Europe TtLtLMH ««ai 1m iMoMt. including Majesty's concluded the purchase of a building in Wall ho sticks to free therein u mar ships George Canning and Constellation. A sol, Notwithstanding he failed 1' T-i also iwolved tba» a g»and ua of tin* m /iUr bxmald iwair" r termined that uo event shall, possible, tho for the it .'emeeree* meeting n» WMMKLT mHALD (MTV rfa&Asj at «V nta street neighboring the Custom House, frantic at the to ran into the on that frknds univei'al choald take plaee at on friendship ettetlni between them. mother, Iocs of her child, wbicb, presidency issue last early rhe da> 01 tnu m |>r «r 18 >tr mmm; di gitr»p*tuk riiH» M m personal of its converted into an Assay day. Ka'herlng mot fixed li M| sort «/ 9r«at SHtefe wi W to - th* i2i of September, th« tk« OMtM wt H 'rrr'n Ih ¦.f II j> Office, to the of a rccent the as aro to lead anniversary r.f the firs* Fiench 'evolution. fOt,oTVT4JI / co*«jj.*i'umJ5ncb and important matter to-day's inside pages contain conformably provisions roughness incidental to the steerage, charges events, they off, appropriate the The committee «w o* «yi« l:» Conuroi graphic by Liquor they may something. to tlvo t«iepath to tbeir call to ib« universal ItlTI » »UTWIiLA»LT (UDMTO IIAl ALL t-KT- of the Palace I confirmed nor contradicted, and the is tho ilemocraoy. TUI .» 44illin(lniT HI Survey Department Crystal ; Ate public water and bad food. The circumstances in We commend question to the spec'al atten¬ Hc&pra. WlDdmulloi. K.ll.-er ». d Beiancourt were can- *11 ££ TVHR8 ay ww*i i^r StbtcHptioni. or witJk JkAmr- New« from Oregon and Territories The therefore left to mere as to its vera¬ the other r.equently «mpow»red »« tak* «»ch steps a* tteymight; .» »»!< tlfrf Washington ; conjecture case were similar. But the Com¬ tion of Mr. Church. ^oil jkuJ v LW iriU «< UduetU jrtm of Mr. on a for¬ derm proper towards The Anwicin demieratic societies, Testimony Drury and his sen in the alleged city or falseness. We have, however, missioners of and to invito one or two of their member* to NUMUKO'WIWi Emigration examined the af¬ associate cafe of was . with the committee r> Mr TMt'.ti. Forgery againat Justice Boyd ; Commercial, mer occasion asserted our belief that there fair. and their Which doer he choose? Tho report is before the people. Washington At ten o'clock the adjourned Sitie 'J,«. jnvtt/ TlVKHP.yTS mu**,i tr*ry day Political and Miscellaneous Intelligence, Ac. no real foundation for the statement. We were, of the reunion of tho demo¬ meeting JOB PtWiTtSQ »McuUa jrtxt <*>uin.u. t/U*p*4m, **d It is all very well as far as it goes ; and we Union, speaking IV Herald and Its Dtatio and still remain, of that even cratic ireesoilers and hunkers of this ac¬ Hportlo* I«»elilgei»ee. opinion Secretary think that, if the shipmasters were blame¬ State, Iflt dc la Huh* of ll*v»n* aa4 the Dtario is too to the of 1850. and liHKAT HATCH GAME OP I KICKET BETWBEN ALt» VaiMM harm done by the little breeze cording arrangements '51, CANADA AND ALL NKW TOKK.BROTHER .IONA* OOctal of . Scxho. and a financier to expend over was '52, : THAN A LRNUTH AHKAD. AUrSiJIZNTl THIS 1V1IIING. prudent which stirred up. It will induce a little says We are afraid our Ameri¬ . Thoie vh that Spanish- half a million out of the nation's treasury the more on the of And now we aflirm that the Argus and those de¬ quite a larne gathering of gentlemen inter- vigilance part agents and inspec¬ mocrats for wbom it assumes to were either ested in field athNiue BOWERY THEATR4, 8o»«r» Liv.n aib t>ROw Tat can friends are losing their temper. It is a sum said to have been . for a of pro¬ speak, sports and games At the Bod . Dbbam it Ma* Tom Cribulb, paid piece tors. The English law provides that each steer¬ in iW'h to all these arrangements as bad and leaves a door open for sus- at is not. in the estimation parties good House, Harlem, yesterday. *h»-n the flr»t dsy's play of sign- ugly perty which present age shall be with a contract they occurred, or else that the Argu.», and those the talked of match between tho Canadian BROADWAY TUEATRB, Brotdwa^-YAiKBB is Tim.. of misconduct and foul to in. passenger provided for whon It to accede in long and No* Xavt a»d Onnniii IB A Pbiplix b<; I' ¦ bdi jambit. pioions play creep of men. worth more than half that speaks, by refusing Y good oik experienced ticket, which stipulates that each passen¬ faith to those did Itself without cricketers took place, avwding to appolatment. . mi Duui. It has the additional misfortune of a in the course of a arrangements, plttse rendering amount and which, few years, ger shall be served by the master with at the pale of the democratic party and organization Tho match hoe been on tb« taj/is for mom ¦Maths, and HIVlOf, Brc»dw*y I, a Fobtvbb -Feats ob Pbri- man thoroughly uncomfortable for the time will become of less value. We in New York. The Argus may select just which of tho beit men were selected trom the Canada, St. MlU* IiADBBB- BaO'C Pi LJA considerably least three quarts of water per diem, and a the two Geoff*^ being. We are sure, for Instance, that the will state our reasons for the truth of horns of the dilemma it chooses. Sew York and Newark clubs. Thoy had all boon la doubting allowance of thus : . JTIiTW'! THEATRE. Cbembirt im«i. Capital editor of the Diario de la Marina, or His hx- weekly provisions, 2i Which horn does the Jlrgus take ? Will it Vrc practice for some weeks, with tbe tingle exception of . rumor BatvH- lUISllllu MilfifTRBl.- TvBB OvT CH.^XkA the that the purchase had been completed lbs. of bread or not who came from Company. General Cancdo. loi be biecuit, Inferior to good enough to take a horn? Coreery, Syracuse expressly, and had _____ cellcncy they may on these terms, or, if it had been, for questioning biscuit 1 lb. of wheaten flour 5 only two day* for preparation But, as we shall se« NATIONAL THEATRE, Cb*th«m etrtti.C»ou Tom's as one and the same haa heavy ; ; Cabin. regarded person. the wisdom of the Secretary of the Treasury in lbs. of oatmeal 2 lbs. of rice 1 lb. of The Destruction of the Pearl Street House anon, he was by no means unequal to tho work required much less ofmind he be¬ ; 5 sugar ; of him. BTT CHARLES Ohabhavb.t>«LB enjoyed peace since making such a bargain. This hotel, which was fire on Tues¬ THEATRE, Bowiry- 2 ozs. of tea, or 1 ozs. of cocoa or roasted coffee; destroyed by The was a fine on*.tbe Cbotimbt. Nodes v or Fb abhioi. t. gan to be angry with us. The wrath which It is conceded on all sides, day night, the site in Pearl street of what day thermometer standing at generally 2 ozs. of salt. This in addition to the pro¬ occupied 70 dog. 1'ahrenhelt.the inn bed been boiled over in the articles we a few {s in from 1816 to 1625.an accommodatingly AMIR I C SV MCBBUB- Riauibcs bt tub Boob Familt copied days and does not admit of argument, that was, part, formerly.say veiled, and there was a fl-.e, . Baid IITJl TUB UlLAIBO PaiL-Ra;M.\<;8 ABB TAELE visions they bring of themselves. The law aIbo jurhaps somewhat to<| MMibba. ago, must have eeyouely interfered with hie Wall street has seen its beat that extensive and popular boarding house, kept by fresh, breeze from tbe southwest days. provides that an officer appointed for the pur¬ Graham. About 1825 it became and his A . Joseph the Pearl At eleven o'clock tho wickets were BABTSON AVENUB.AWere«c» ii i digestion by day repose by night. its star has culminated that trade has over¬ pitched and the Etciubr-Fkab- pose shall inspect the provisions, and that no Street and was soon as a house of en¬ Mai'e Colomai. Hippo dromc. recourse to furious vituperation, and violent flown its and found new and more House, popular forces organized. The following turned gentlemen ap. ntargins. master shall have his clearance papers until tertainment for merchant*. John It. as for tbe abuse of the Herald, could afford but a tempo¬ and that ite country Peters, peared champions Canada clube Heesrtr. CHRISTY 3 AMERICAN OPERA HOt SE, 472 Brcsdwkj commodious channels, henceforth the has article to for the owner of tho Partons. ri . Armor iab HxiiOQisfl it Christy') Utiia Troupb. inspector pronounced every Esq., was, many years, property. llfywoid, Napier, D-oa-., Bradbury, jkerinj; rary relief from the symptoms evinced, secre¬ must almost be in a . progress necessarily be sound and of good quality. Even with all It was destroyed at the great fire in December, 1835, iallwey, Farmer,.Philpotts, Keaue, and Stanley. Umpir^ WOOD'S MINSTRELS Wood s McsicAl Ha11. M4 Broid- tion was obviously proceeding pari patnu with direction. It is no a matter Mr. H. edi^r ot the Toronto Ethiofjai Minsrnjt'.LAV. retrograde longer these wise enactments, we have no doubt that when the lower part of the city was laid in ruins. George Barber, Utraid. Th« iM|y. evacuation. Had the power of the angry of absolnte that banks should be situ¬ Canadians were all line, rugged louking and it necessity contractors frequently run in damaged arti¬ The building which has now been destroyed was fellows, BDCBLEY'S OPERA BOUSE, MS B.-wKlw»y. Bvce- editor equalled his rage, this paper might have ated in this once exclusive mart of commerce. erected Mr. the seemed as if It would bo a lotg time before the great i but and by Peters directly after great Are of Bt'l At >uop ab Opbba Tbovpb. cles; immigrant agents ship-masters ew of man would bo»l or them out. ' or th4 been demolished, and in contemplation of our offices, and insurance and 1835. A white marble block was inserted in the my any Brokerage buildings should be particular in their scrutiny;.the in¬ New York oWe Messrs Blackburn SBOEAKA, "9t Br:>vi-»i«j Pabcrama of thb Holt ruin, peace might once more have shone en institutions of kiud. have front wall, on which was the Eharp, Ujekery, Babd. commercial every spector may frequently hurry over his work, engraved following:. WHght, Marsh, Waller, FU>tcher, Comery, WUson, Bur¬ his disturbed mind. But unfortunately this since the of their pros¬ Beirtrojed 18U5 and Mr Samuel Nichols. HOPS CH4P1L, 71fi Bxi»ii*»j-Fa a j 's Pa- long proved possibility and thereby produce illnesn and death. It is la the conflegru'loa IP- 17 Pes. nett, Cnyp. Umptie. Tkl aopNia«aba. was not the case, and the result it. not 040 were eaiuumdd New Yerkors looked well, an»d seomed in only practical perous existence outside of ^nd only to us that should have bnild'nftB, eonfalntig merchandise in high spirits. of his was to convince his readers, important immigrants one night lotH. 20 000 000 of dollar* In tbie game, bo stake exespi 'he laurel of ACADEMY HALL, ft8 Pro»d*aj.Anr^r OT Mott onslaught has Wall street itselt this natural Rebuilt on of superioritf experienced good treatment on their voyage. will 18it5, tonndation Urge stone, for Jor-t R. ever but tuia in despite of himself, that we had wounded him reaction, but the streets from it, and They Perns played for. upon matter there were a BHBKISH GALLERY, <>63 BfOKiwAy-Di.y And KtiaIdk radiating then land here with health and strength for the Li rbrit, Ba.nia. Mason; NUory. large lumber of ouUido bets. Last week tho odili ww® in a tender a Architect; Cirpen'.er. point. formi' g a confined district, within which, labor which shall earn their The was t«n to eight in favor ot the Ca- adians. These odds roe# His we to find, has been by they bread. building considered, when finished, one Wcw YotB, TbntMUy, Arupx*it 1H53. example, regret short time ago. was concentrated the great will become citizens and welcome of the finest public housed in the city. It has been at high as two to one, and there were several bets made followed the of Santa Anna, Dictator They good tho rate ot to by organ focus ol trade in this metropolis, have for some workers in the of kept by a succession of popular landlords. The de¬ on tho ground at twenty five. The .Vcwii< of Mexico. undertakes the demo¬ glorious temple republican¬ Tho Now Yorkers won tbe r»#s and taemselves lot He, too, year« past been exhibiting symptoms of the ism. whose cline of Pearl street and locations as first put Special attention is directed to the official corres¬ ioundations extend from the lakes adjoining The was rtoady ana effective. Tho bowlis of lition of the Hsbaj.d. and commences the same in ac¬ class ftands for the wholesale and the con¬ play g we elsewhere publish, between Lord John decay. Property Exchange place to the gulf, and from ocean to ocean. With bad business, Uettrs and IVrsons deserves eimmeo* pondence task in a style equally pregnant and for less than it live transfer of hotels for the accommodation o1 Napier, Biadbuiy Bondl and Minister Cramptcn respecting the pro¬ tually sells to-day brought treatment and bad provisions, upon sequent dation, while tie ste-dj osmUig of Sharp, 9am Wright, If haid words were bullets, o- they step merchant-! to the of the Park and for a tri partite in order to guarantee vigorous. pistol years ago, and rents lor not more thau tw our shore and country vicinity Blackburn, Marsb and Docierj called forth the appUoiW position treaty, we should have since from these ill, discontented, lazy, unhappy, the North had affected the fortunes of to Spain the continued possession of the island of long passed thirds of what it th n did. The same is true of Some to the demon of river, or amateurs and prof*s»i^n»U The soore of the Ne^ troubled scenes of life. There is no of desperate. fly intempe¬ the Pearl Street House. Mr. Peters some time Yorkers, fiist innings is as tolU.wj:. Cuba. The truly American answer of Mr. Everett, mincing Pearl. Hanover, Fine, Cedar, and W ter (streets, rance, and either swell the criminal calendar* toe late Secretary of State, to this the matter in the Diario Official. The Hkuat.d that there the deterioration of is since ceased to be the proprietor of the building; but Rtarp, b Napier 3 extraordinary only property or in an alms-house eat the bread earned for the hotel still continued to be the fivorite resort for Blackburn, b Braabury » proposition on the part of England and France, is branded as a hopeless paper, and our menda¬ more remarkable, as (irst-class stores in Pearl Dtwkery, c Deue. b Na>W " them by the hard hands of our own artisans. merchants having business in that section of the Wiight, b. radons 2Z forms the chief theme of Lord John's comments. city is stigmatised as quite notorious. Super¬ are now tor one-haifthe liar b. street, nearWall. renting The laws are as stand. All It is doubtful whether it will be rebuilt as a h, Napier * Mr. E., it will be recollected, declared that "the ficial observers wonder at the strongenough they city. Wal or, roil out, b. Par o may perhaps amount which was paid for them ten years ago. bnt this must on the United States would not see with indifference the dictator the trouble to refute the state¬ that wc desire is their firm execution. hotel, depend present relative Fletcher, b. ParM-i>a » taking These are the undeniable and unmistakeable value of rente fcr houpes and stores in the Comely, c. Farner, b Napier « island of Cuba fall into the possession of any other '. public Wilson, b. Parsons ® ments of so notorious a fabricator as our¬ of our assertion that trade is lower ofPearl street. It is a curious European government thin Spain." By way of re¬ proofs gradually The ProtestAyr Churches anu the Slavery part fact that Burnett, not, out selves : but it is not lor them or us to c. Eenn«, b. Pardons «JJ sponse, Lord John, while admitting the right of this question forsaking its once great centre, Wall street; Question Southern Presbyterian Move¬ rents of stores in that part of the city arc now fifty C>iyp, the motives of so inscrutable a as we to believe tent below the of 1835 and while country to reject the proposal, pointedly observes potentate and this beiDg so, find it difficult ment.. Since the division of the Methodist per prices 1830, 3J " * Santa Anna. have in the lower part of Broadway rents aro that Great Brita must at oncc resume her entire that the Secretary of the Treasury would Church upon the question, into the generally occasion Between the two-the Dictator on the one hand slavery more than three times the prices of that period. liberty, and, upon any that may callfor it, committed the imprudent step of expending Methodist Church North, opposed to Total W to or and the on the other. our slavery, When the Pearl Street House was cstablL3hed> After tho last wicket had do tva«rre *a9 an ad« be free act either singly in conjunction with Viceroy position is ench a sum of money for the mere sake of lo¬ aud the Methodist Church goae .vn, South, the were *- either powers, as to her may stem Does not this certainly very trying. Either of the pair .with the Office in Wall street, when, recognizing about 1625, following the leading public jouinirent to lun:h. Tbe a r.II o iro al^>re given WAS to cating Assay the institution, various other Protestant deno¬ houses in this viz.: lhocgbt to be tevere on tho .>,.« Yo-kers, and bets wer« tend confirm the report that England and Spain all the resources which rank, power and money for that amount, he a city, one-tifth might procure minations have bad their shaken The Adeupbj Hotel. Corner Brotdwty acJ Hewer «i. fjtcly made at tha lcr.g i^Sd- aixi\e uof.ic d. The number bad entered into an agreement, for the ultimate abo¬ afford him.would seem a formidable foe for a nationality better site for it in one of those streets to which JtrjKFR'g Uakpios Hoch«.3'J Br.sd-vay. ot persons on the ground .»» c increased^ lition of in Cuba < upon the same issue. An article recently pub¬ City Hotel.B>o*d«ra;. corner Ctdar s'Tt'et. .nsulerably slavery terrible must have beeu the dis¬ canae rail '»t a ail s jrts of -ingle journal ; trade is being transferred. National Horn,. 112 Tbty br »*-sgc. v»y vehicles, We some additional from Califor¬ gradually lished in the Tenth , of B-o»dw»y fiom a rulk u » 'vt give intelligence Legion Virginia, says . «s«gon ts .".¦u very fine play was down the Herai.i> came to their ears. Fortu¬ has so 4 *-»y. of K«a4e «tr*et. ffce borers in San Francisco have caught the striking in¬ what it been l.jng, still Secretary Guthrie the Park Place Horsr,*- Bro»d*»Y. eorter of P*-k -en. maie. bo«lu>g tf Co*.*i j was artistie and very New School Presbyterian Church, which pi etfictive. as will be teeo tie .c «e. lie hloa* fection which was so in these nately for ue. American newspapers are not so would have made bad terms for the nation Nirlo's Ba*k ObFVB HuCfB.la Plue street, corner of b/ surpasiied lately prevalent quar- very met at Buffalo, a number of the ministers of WilHjin. »«if on this ccea ion U- c .C.jutor. Cutp. saoa.d not an silenced or It some be lor toe iocuI's of lila are ters, and have demanded increase of thei> wages, easily destroyed. requires in to pay half a million of dollars for Tomtos Co>riR IIoi bje - Corner of Wall and W.ter forgotten, tbougti pay not offering that persuasion, in the of have to ralLfcbU on 'tferniCH »o /-core his bo wafl in most cafes six and seven dollars a to time to build up a : but when there Synod Virginia, itrcetx. yet nicg from day popular journal the property said to have been selected the resolutions, and New Yohil Hotsl- Vos 162 and 104 G'femic,i st e»t. no kss tiltetlre nii'J Mr 1 'ic Tiie ftruth of the^e com-- were tn signed following proposed will «e mine and ten, and tb' #wn The the edifice is it can stand an for The itself is .Northern Hotel'.Certlmdt street, corner oi VVe-Jt. pitments te apoar^nt *c«-n cay ihat the Cm»»- tuceutful. complete, many the Assay Office. building to . or those lanJs the them the other Southern Synods for adop¬ Walton Boc's. 328 Kta-l street. diacs had iLaOe but. tigat m *k i 'atea of the^r w'.cite5a .quarters, claiming by nnteuable assault and many a foe. When it were all down C me ooo j>eople unfit for the to which would . and >. defy totally purposes tion : . f'oiiMi-T.ciAi Hotel Broai ftieet. cady by y oyCuy right of possession, ara giving the officers of the lal«. Po u goen auo her wicket. considerable trouble in California, and in sone Presbyteries .. their experience gives there no reason to donljt to erect a new one. T1k-u the covered helping States decline nuliing any to the known as or hotels. There were no Biaro 1 Comny I" Jibe l«o(.ie iwgin to .« hede often repeated without an Office of commodious size it would PearJ Street House was established. He made seveml siiieuc i0 bt'-4 ai.d his s'&nd seemed in* making the next .. arm's. But law has gained its ascendancy in As«ay Assembly. vincible. Coaery t l>-a * l sorts of doC(tes, ' bat it the new and thata is va¬ single proselyte. Th'.s will be the be to extend it into Pine street. But The third resolution that if there is reemed in vain,. hjwnvor. turn oama Stite, every thing at invariably requisite proposes Talk on 'Change (lDaliy, Pickering's riance with and all who must case if are made in and the of street front arid Comoiy bowled h m "t.t v. hsa there was a great it, oppose it, give way they angry language, purchase Pine would Involve any unreasonable intermeddling with the sub¬ Thm wr.e some better feel ing in oot*on, with sales of hbtutaOiODg ihe New Y >k«. h Ti>en ihe odds were in tb to its supreme majesty, or consent to be governed accompanied by every symptom of ill-temper. an additional of two or three hundred of in the that measures about l,lC0a 1 2^0 bales. Owltgto a break In the air favor. Then tbo> »>k»0 eve'j bodv to moltten la- outlay ject slavery Assembly, etn»l, #»i out »irh all its influence. In another we Santa Arm and Canedo to know fijur were dis«»imina'ely. T.ne'htig Caflidi fir by controlling place ought thousand dollars ; although if the entire pro¬ shall be taken with a view to a separate organ¬ tte receipt* of light. The article continued tbis innlsgs, and at bnlt f'>ur the last of tbe eleven havespoien of the quicktrip which his just been per¬ enough of the world to be aware that coarse perty was put into the market at the present ization of the New School Church firm, with sal* a of common State brand) V, (5 12. Wh«at was run out, and bosiwi by Cimeiy. Here is the noore i formed between San Francisco and this the short¬ Presbyterian wkp in good <' e m*td and free. Bales «ere mi«ie to ar <%tada. fiist inniugs city , epithets and furious diatribes would weaken moment it would not over four hundred in the Southern States. Ileywaid, b ® est half a which we have bring rive, nitbout material filiation in prices. 6u?*rs can 1'ar b by nearly day yet.recorded. the best cause, and that If wish thou- and dollar*. if the has Thus we The end will be that oLf, Coibery :.® There is another remarkable fact connected wit;* the they Therefore, bargain go. probably timed active, with nal«-s of about 2 000 hhds. Cuba Mug Napier, b Cnyp ® people to ltelieve that the Herald has maligned been concluded on the terms we must a few hcnce there will be no cc within the of a There Heme, b c. Uockery » late arrival, which is of mention. The reported, years brotherhood .xJo, chiefly range 4},' 6\c. .b. Ornery, worthy them, must the talsehood of our H«re also 300 boxes sold. Coffee advanced about Biadbuvy, Omiety Northern Light back anawers to the advices they prove say that Uncle Sam will have been raado to between any of the more popular Protestant tfc. Pickeiiig. b C'mery J brought and with eaies of about 1,504 bag* Kio beloie b. ® which left this on statements, not fly for refuge to senseles* rather dear for Lis whistle. churches North and South, while in per la., Oal)«»cy, bg wicket, Cuyp city the lifth ofJuly last, the time pay striking The Committee of the Cirn handed over Fnnmer, b. Cuyp 2 slanders. Let them show how. and the an Exchange not oat occupied in going and returning being but tittle oter where, If, however, matter still remains contrast the Catholics will stand undisturbed to the New Orleans Relief the Hbe- PbllpottH, ® when we have done them yesterday Committee, Stanley, b. Comoiy ® Facts, ' forty-eight days, or some fourteen days less than the injury. pro¬ open question, we would counsel the Secre- by the slavery agitation, from Maine to Santa ral eontriVrion of t2,128, wlu'eh wits duly remittee to Keane. run out, o. Cotcery 5 same round was ever beforp and oc¬ perly authenticated, might possibly prove us to of the to think well on it be¬ Fe. at least, arc in the Howard Association. trip performed in, lary Treasury They wise, having nothing Byes ? cupying but a little mow time than was required have been in error, and go a ccrtain way to¬ fore he consents to close it at these terms. to do with the abolition movements of the day. CUpt. Nye, o I tba Facifl:, wa» on 'Change yesterday, JJ and received the of his on ac¬ ¦lour years ago to mate t*e passage from me city to wards rehabilitating their character in the Wall street we have lost much The also, has thus far stood coagratulVioas fneads, Total has, said, Episcopal church, count of hU with one wheel of hU fine At five o'clock tie eU**n of Ne^ York and Newark toe other. of the world ; but mere abuse, which is speedyepassage went in for their »econrt Messrs. eyes of its prestige, ami continues losing that alool from the agitations of the negro question, He stated for the first three i he had a ludtogs Wright and Our last advices from tbe West Indies are dated abip. thit day Black burn'n battli g *4 i.la er >uHowe«l by four runs, theirs can never efface the wc Imve fast¬ th's l as as a witness, of of bia shaft ou the fourth and brought do vd Oie co»d .n s phnut of appkaure. Sw*- Jamaica aull remained at a dead its stigma years metropolis grown wonderfully, quirer they the North have in breaking day. (threedays Wiicbt susUinod bi» lock; legislative ened their names. boors a/.er his depa-tore he made 230 miles repu stion We wtie no1; so well w so much out of that no up and just as streets and avenues were opened up good faith abided by the compromise measures, twenty ) p'pjx d with Ptckerir g's rv. .1 a» we expecte«¦<» was daily expected, and hopes were entcrtiined that readily They may forgiven ness expanded out of the narrow places in which a pity that other Protestant denominations the accidert not he would certainty ever, Fletcher of Voik.deserve great cue who, after the best of his occurred, or«dit for ^kil) uttb wblch dl#- after be convoked the House of A.-sembly, things spending years it had been heretofore confined; large mercan¬ have flown the track. Their dissensions upon have reached New York on Fildiy evening, or early on charged tb«ir Ixaportant du'ie*. In fact, the playing would go on more evenly. Me-oibers, however, were life in straggling to conquer a position in the tile establishments nourished above the can result in but morning. N thought the shaft was wts all cajiltal; and we e.ilJ be which [mckery, b. B'aobury. o N*oier every day which passes over must hasten his in the last few on streets north of themselves. can have no other choice. was seen ashore on Kaut?sket Shoals. So.ne tho ught it Wright, runout, b P'ckem 12 Some farther information will be found on another years Trinity They \Ur> b. snd c. !'lok»i- i i decline and success further from his was the Genr.ania, while others considered that h, « relative to the of Gibson place Church, attest the great chunge which has Waller, b. atil c page persecution Captain . it night be a coasting or government steamer. It vraa J gra?p who, after spending all his energies, ex¬ taken and are an on Highly Important. there is to db a 2 and bis mate, of the schooner Flirt, by the Dutch place, elegant commentary Yes, acknowledged to be the mo*t dangerous pUoe oa the l^g byes 1 resource, and to . authorities of Sumatra. The political state of the hausting every resorting every the decay which is overtakyigWall street and tiio Whig State Convention. We clip the follow¬ coast. S ourreats set over the and vessels conceivable device to avert, ruin long shoals, Total Netherlands dependency of Jambie is represented impending marts ofbus'nees in its immediate neighborhood. ing from the Albany Register of yesterd.y, the gettlig on tb em were but solium saved. Ia cise a gale And fror wivlet to go do**) as much some Dutch meets with defeat after were dashed to and in a Uius it will be reeo tha'. th«. New Yorkers l?ad tho be:ng very disturbed, and defeat, disappointment The Lest position for the Assay Office would same notice appearing also in the Evening arofe, tbey pieces disappeared CeiPsdlsDs a* some since with the forty>ix r>inn a^ov'y Toe m»tc.b will be desertion . troops bad arrived there in consequence. after disappointment, after desertion b* decidedly in the neighborhood of the Park, Journal : siegie mght, happened years finished today. If the .iw.'b-r mtmits. T.iere will b* Ivachoe, whiah on them, with all on forre ' tall" at The telegraphic reports respecting the awf.il rava¬ and is driven tc acknowledge ui last, that, how¬ about which trade is now A Cam. of tiik State Convention..Most of the facie*, ship pari'hed ti'a> itg ti>« ft <1 lloute to-day, and w® centralizing. boa;d. tbe of the loca'iun. some ner sdviite a l admirers ot the game to sea it. " Wheq ges of tbe yellow fever in the South, warn ua of the ever however unwea¬ members of the Ftate Committee were in mcp- Bncwing fatality " confcientioushi«endeavors, temporary bulldiDg should be rented for three Whig chants sincere that J when Citek j jlns Cries, eto sapid spread of the disease, and should invite our xion in this city on MondXy. We understood tlut expressed rogiet Cu.pt udkine, ried his exertions, the prime elements cf success or five to serve until a eite could have to ca'l the cta*e Can*e*tlou at be saw 'he "teamer In suci a fea-fal local authorities to use the re¬ years, proper tbey resolved ashoro, poniioo, every precaution, by were not in him and that the utmost human on tho fifth of October. wiere a few hoars decide the fate of a niai \Villlnt i > 'h- en" ranee power p ostpone thereon. Beykmau street, which is now being Wednesday, day Now, Vfivrnpilit&n Plioing of the epidemic to this city. Should it onrn weather bung did not lower bis boat aad nrxl Moulding Mtlin, b*i' t>gii>i{ '<> Mnt.ir* Ha^eey At Co., f his coming failure. Such a man as this.look¬ widened, will Ik-, extended Into Park gentlemen, proceed to organize. Call up the (the tine), and o^cap.e j -y Mr 0 Bn>bwil, of Vo 20 "f*«au gain a lotbold amongst us, nothing but cold weather perhaps, ifLd to her, with Instructions t > gather putlauUrs, and N*ar n'.rwt, aad frost will ing on his exhausted brain and wearied nerves and thence the of Co¬ Seward people, c.kil up the Fillmore men, the Yofk. »Hiia*ed at ttffu t,.f 8-»otb Frirth rraat, successfully eradicate it. Over three place, through grounds a ce.iiin » tether he oonldrener as supposed b^ea the Paofflj, the eourm-j (lifhftJ lumber, b U |tg r^i.t i'j rlmd a>nl t, »o <1 veil¬ hoTife*. wjn emu - n.( -d The Are leans on Toesd and at the belief that the which he has been un¬ Committee, and let us do for the re¬ %oulJ not have been b mse tie ing fl> o/l*lnate«h fuel la tho far- every person possibly so, leaving those and less intrinsic merit, his rivals. i>e measure two hundred Let hoar theologians Courier. in on a by may which would feet Ai»b a have Even use*, cot^tqhn of oiafc of air bavuitf hc«a ad- pi a res. There wore seven fatal cases of fever at Mo¬ are ? And mlgbt accorpVibed. suipotlogtt *o suif»d Into a back lluu. excused if he vent hiB in foolish . Where Robert wh<~re disappointment each siOe would form an excellent situa¬ they Macaire, bate occn the lie.n ania. sbe, too, ba 1 a ouui Mr of l»m va>l jxH )c«>k» <>'' individuals as near a* ean b» bile on the 18th instant. ? \ re all K.gt and words. VVLo could hc,ve the heart to he you Make aK#r'»ii.. c-< K *1 Hr i.icui' ;iant . Jovernor. tamper, th'> sinking journalist w'th bitterness to¬ found desirable to move tho courts of law rappel Organize! stopped p lu,,^ OKI; Colaurn, to nscer'sln in what »rs «; was 13*0 Mr llu bB»ll, l» n-»«".hi«-e v, iinck an! fixture*, wards hi« more State Convention at cno-'dh reality ..« A despatch from C >1 imbufl states that severV. fortunat«\coropciitors? Charity higher up town; :vnd the City Hall, ttlus ert- ganize! Whig Syracuse £-ue also $10 100.io-nr*i for *4 0W, J-« R*l»»ill, ijfl; a noan jertora thought the uad"r «rttors were in Ni"» Y > 1 tia« a < M »v<> »o *'.* 100 in dre^aa tbouf-an J bids us smile and on. bo converted on the fifth day of October! Let the despond¬ , lto,beT; persons assembled yesterday for the pur¬ pa=s cuated. might to the use of those l>rrm(.*iirc)B covattrmasdiof th«ir et .odt-ion t) Nu> aid Mr. Nmb nr. tb« o*iuy ti .>' on tf Lh-i hoitses, But Sarta who have been the « f njO. Dune if tie »uaiiv-r w*. to-trod pose of listening to a discussion between a Massa¬ At*ia and Canedo have no such other public purposes Or, at ai! eve. its, the1 ing whl^s thinking wh'g t nr.] t h'jalrt tb&tit »o;ild b -ve ^ir rieot at l^fisti a i'oihhhh . P-e f chusetts l ip ie of the Mains laiv and a Ml idleto wo ?.xcuf-p. We ire not p.ware that the F a" o on dead- lot them now to bv.e <>«pa cht l on« e'eamer, with FuNraut rr real r.f Rjnj imtn Po if halt rail of dollarg to be given tor the party apparatus, aai W- It f«»r tii a ;» '»' .u>-« hi »lia First . men ard, tiok th^reo!. \t Bid fiircwe'l to »«d iTovidonn in aid of th* . opponent tbe conclusion of the arga- has ever interfered with their prosjjects in Wall street property would mure than suflioo ^v.ry Tr\rt steamer in distrees place fru.i lil 1 1 >'0 ..» Hr4' <»iMt jc- metit, a vote was taken, and resulted 'nam^'jrity life or that their annual revenue has been re¬ wipe weeping eyes. ev»ry tin ,,erll of the c» e j n)f»nln,: -Aoa I JUaijine ><1 fit to purchase a large, suitable, ar.d conv ni'mt The is not A foreign Ifi- lUt*JUlH>t. of three to one against law. to a whig party dead yet. Tho State brtMn, engaged jeiy i. the aiMpni»nt of duced non»tnal figare by the appearance Gi sife on for both a-.l r< -t fl«mr to Kr sUtad Wn. PpronJ a mh»* of ongina .No 10» column will -ie Broadway, Assay u giai d, tb»t tbe oocioU ut of eh .v. . In another found an official docu¬ more rival.'. Committee have resolved upon Whig St kto iK'ht »k »? tba >1 .. K 1 r i.irth nUrnl vattar yout'iful We have, ou tho contra¬ We that Mr. weights on Hie ot&er aide wrra b'^ooui sen u'Ound, a dMtaucf rea°ou for that their or ant t;. it aBovenetit sr»» t^lk d of o of thirty '<©f, ttii J *v vh fci' n claiming the ratification of a convention between ry, every )cllev!ng out¬ has not committed, wilt not commit, the anioug exporMra lui-lj jmtil, burst Of p. u- '.>, fa»or of puWulig fl jj.- oj =ri'.;tit at the ttme of ship spleen gainst e entered u i f >r tbe jus the pw i-.es that reported to havo b?en«^ne1udo,jin i.n to ho n third in tho (iehl for our Stato yfatiftUy, painty . he a'liiqnof'a' rnr) 11 »taUoa ftou-e, b < of th"h' a;id their an¬ Ornisf mid ihn ICos7.t« .W» 11 <1 1*" settlen nt of all 'Is'ms tbe citizens of ne employee#, nttural to the building in Wall street. We have too officers this fall. We learn from the Syracn >,e Foreign iscy b.,r)j of Willis Wi y e>l 40 >n*r», na'ivly i>r>»"n»n *r . the otl r, and wh h nr ut detection. A batter course to on fair* r- 1. t:n »¦ 1 i« a^io .l»xy. Tiim da« eouutr; may hn.vetip«-ri noyance mr.ch r»!iance his -hrewdnes* and good Chronicle that H w. S. and Hon. John r ?.! w *,<<1 t t'j If.. P.jChase Mxrmo oi ,h : commhtbb to pki;«15np a TBirnio- | Arum, opjml'/* K.il'/ta from trausn -tioes of a date .Obsequent to the 2 1 >f (iitrMte would have been to s< t themselves wo to believo ho would c abl <,r >1. P. Halo l.avo consented to bo at tho iri'lVff t>v 10I1. u )..iii>"I/ if 1111 S*0 >nd virl, at in understood tbe>*> present MAI, QV F.fll RBM TO COHM^rr '. IMtJKAHa*. n mi 12 1; (111 T ¦».»!, j «.i«. »i llu >ai| on Vl» December, 1814. It that ch to work »o p*oveul tho recurrence in error of duo fil» »i h hix honestly mitting inch iudgment. Fr< Democratic" State Cwiventloi to b Ysitetd fuint at, n'oWNk a row m^#f f*t-t t.«»iii^ tb" ^u'.ier Toa i>»r. are from /raerV,an and v ye eight Ill « l t'l Wr. P>» » II >1" n 11 prindpn'ly citizens, t W of 4 ID*'*0 , t)!d bit (>J» h Id in f at on the 31st inst. It ;s the M'Bntt'e" laUc Judge Upham, htive evinced more wisdom had he re-i Fr,r « ?ARA.. ( »pt. (¦».> o* , . roec a o« i:i"ly Fopu of that convention to raowrtnait c.ndidai s HuUl, to* Itjilsce at No. Ill Uontfi! iNfiidf aafi or I' . s'i-rt tini.t b« ote. tia *»# who bns been app u,ted the oomrnls lone on t. -r ilfvi »li» i found b- * .1 . 1I1 'i to ft *1 'im i'UlJo ; 'il. !r«it «<.»'»/,)vf 'in ' twe o-eut: -Oi behalf of undertaken put slop to the \vc trade, vd Tif fol I g p " - \lr of '"T <. The ge»tr«;»n 1 »r . c'i » .) k I of tfi- Untie.' it/M. is . for St StatoCormnltteo" who Ubl s*mi I* foiir.il ibt*. ''»t h "*ai part aire idy io Loodoo, r tUfj*, Ihm h,.) ,u ltrl,4fflw Vl t*e l'n»a|f, shCOn't >tPd Po Mrs V.iKp ,«n *<».".. Faat Aw* V;d he fcn< "d poremp: ry order « are OIupI* A Wheat liob.'r t «ati"d >.» « ii' j»! !>.a d.i« a .< d-uci uiu wl*e»e the rj »to m»«t,and is ao Joylt Ti)«Tl. N. It U>6 tifl tr: n,r if tlMcii cull it n, R. Ray- A-b 1 a'lans. (e sirl o.-e i. n 11 iiliir ixii H'jaj,' ft»M Oohnct iit) m Lady forth* of '»> ¦ » , , , ,, 1 1.', Fliram E. 1 pared the duties of lus office. .rj'ith* ad, Barney, 8. Chnrch (j. p. I re. cb M'ltlt Har''»i»eb« 0*u pd.ica (. i'iim . 1 aiJT I'li 'ii) r.Y > ~r»i s Dhiviu i* illOiD VAT "-Yov e< o would 'iave >o ilmoi At everything n tbe shape ©f r)c«a from >he mpeei*. By doing, they clear¬ trim ."».» Rin o 17 ,,i. tb« Oni on* o' V'1 'to. L. I.i. Soulo, fcl. Marks. 8. J'o-ter. a'i t R«)to>er Ou t*»* ¦*«! <" c« J o find a v-, laiflay i» ¦[ n-. t at *». Jf«"r Y » k ed themse'vc* m Rot (.I'm in f « I.l> . f J».)| . , . \ 48 »rt»ra. a ai- is row rent ittoo is aboii- tJi^r; )i.."t po t »tiil aloC'liif 11 1 1 m|4 o/«r of ,1. | . m, , < ¦> by o«log to»n rvrn hB k ro M *,< hm f. r,\ pfi ?. ^ 'r, * > if r .i 1 t >. -i i m ksve t S;iy devoted cun»:demh'e ppa< e to an ao tlx ir character, and would h-ive secured iru.iu I onhi'fl -hln'l a §.f Hi 'w 1. y a imp 11 arb ¦" ,h' ion toi'je iiiiihi and tho v.tuio ticket ol tho 1 Bi« U 1, .. " n 'Th », dbtoo a 1.1 ft >. ¦ O' 11'. I" a> I1' 1 #' ,t rner.(tnciou 1 '".-¦ualron ;,ity a '<1 n. H ». _ 'insole"'., I', i) n < *>o '' «,| > v .1 j >Ak,n',od ti»»'a>?l-» .> f>ie )rt .... »d ' M' i \ U x ,4ti<'a \%So. <1 the of the Eu pMHflpN 1 ik . ;.»?( i i ,ic 1 d m ,1 »¦« totht&qnarter, report Jvbn's {S F.) "calumniating," bnt dreaded ttv mii/*»« or J tkod. «a» ft ?!? S3 the t!d Buffalo or the late . &MM(a it a/>u «e .mi for 1, iu». ,» «, 1, fhmly upen Pitt* Sujiit, ap iogr*U^ a, ooKkcrpar, .«jj , ] >jjji i j .t.trn of