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Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

4-15-2004 Arbiter, April 15 Students of Boise State University

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VOL.2 NFL DRAFT PREVIEW CAMPAIGN or ROClt Tarantiono spills This crop of The Presidents run 'Bill' from head receivers is tall, for a second term to screen not wide SPORTS- 9 SPORTS-8 A&E-6

FIRST COPY FREE <7 136BSU students face military deployment

Homophobic slurs, swastil'as are not considered hate crimes under Idaho law

BY MONICA PRICE NewsReporter Taylor Newbold sits back in his chair. His face doesn't show much emotion. There is a familiarity in his voice as he recounts events, as if this is just one more story for the file. Newbold's picture was defaced sometime during the first weekend ofApril. Swastikas and the word "fag" were drawn over a picture of Bobbie Brady with Newbold's name above. Officeworkers had created a bulletin board facing the stairwellnear the student activities office door with a Brady Bunch theme; every character had an employee's name next to it. He was the first person to see the vandalism/hate crime when he opened up the office that morning. At first Newbold shrugged it off, "It's something you get used to after years of high school," he said. "We [student activities] are always trying to put on a good reflection of the student body here and if something like [this] happens. it's hard not to react to it ... the people who did this are in the minority," Newbold said. That's not to say Boise is openly ac- ,"I think that in cepting of gays. "I think that in gen- general there eral there is some- what of a hap- hazard disregard is somewhat for other people's beliefs." , of a haphazard As 'Newbold's co-workers arrived disregard for and 'heard about the vandalism, other people's their strong reac- tions to the image beliefs." made Newbold -Taylor Newbold change his mind. He pulled the pic- ture from the trash; a report was later filed with the Sheriffs office. "I don't want special treatment because I'm gay. but I'd like to see stiffer punishment for the person _ who did this, if they are ever caught," said New- bold. • According to Sergeant Alan Olsen at Campus Se- curity, swastikas and the word "fag" written on a picture of a gaymale do not qualify as a hate crime in Idaho. Hate crimes are specificallyagainst people of a minority race; sexual preference does not quali- PHOTO BY STANLEY BREWST£R/THE AABIITR fy under Idaho code. Olsen said that if the swastikas had been scratched into the car of a black student, Soldiers of the 116" Calvary Brigade are processed for deployment at Gowen Aeld. In the next 13 days 2.600 soldiers will be processed, at 8 rate of 200 8 day. The Brigade wi!!stand that would be a hate crime. An information report by, waiting for orders to deploy with two weeks notice. ' was filed. ASBSUSecretary Debby Flores, was dismayed by the class beyond the withdrawal within two weeks. She said the classmates accept- the vandalism. "It's just so sad. Taylor is one of the deadline without penalty. nicest people 1know," she said. Provost saysunivers~ty The Board of Education policy ed the military students as group members, though they would not "I'm upset only because I don't want to think, also states, "One-hundred per- there would be people who want to do that," said cent of thepaid tuition and/or be able to complete their group task. ' Flores. "The Sheriffs department says its just van- ltvill wor}( with students fees for the ,current term will be' dalism, but to me it's more, I can't understand why refunded." Dean of Enrollment Mark Wheeler said that BSUfollowsand it's not considered a hate crime," ' An email from BSUProvost and Jones said there is no' opposi- "To me hate is hate, regardless of what group of BY CHARLIE CLAYfON VicePresident ofAcademic Affairs tion to the e-mail, adding that exceeds the State Board Policy for NewsReporter all students adversely affected by people you're pointing it at," said Stephanie Neigh- Daryl Jones to all faculty and staff . the professors are sympathetic bors. student activities administrative assistant. "It relayed the Idaho State Board -of to the situation of students in the the activation. In late February, many military "The spouse or other family makes no sense to me how people can be so hate- students at BSU were informed Education policy on military ac- military. members, if they present compel- ful," tivation. "Last year Boise State faculty "The officerwho wrote the report was almost em- that they might be called to active The policy states, "The board members made it possible for ling reasons, would receive the military duty in the near future. barrassed to say this didn't qualify as a hate crime," encourages its institutions to work one reservist to complete the two same treatment," Wheeler said. Military students of the 116'hCav- Wheeler stated that upon return said Neighbors. "What they called it was graffiti." with students who are called away classes he needed for graduation The staff has since put up a new bulletin board alry Brigade were told to be ready to active military duty during the while he was overseas," Jones said from active duty, military students for deployment at any moment. are abie to enroll without admin- with information about hate crime. "Wefiguredthat The day and location of deploy- course of an academic term and in the e-mail. istering the regular penalty of reg- would be the way to come back at it," said Neigh- provide solutions to best meet the Christ Suciu, management bors. ment, or mobilization orders, are student's current and future aca- professor, is implementing such istering after current students. withheld until necessary for secu- The 116th ,Cavalry Brigade is Jessie Strong, president of Bisexuals, Gays and demic needs." a plan for a pair of students who Alliesfor Diversity (BGLAD),will be hosting a voter rity purposes. According to policy, the student received their call to duty. expected to deploy to the Iraq/ 116'hCavalryLieutenant Colonel Afghanistan area' and remain registration booth on the Quad, April 22 from 6-7 has the' right to continue class The students will have their p.m. "BGLADwants to challenge this kind of nega- Tim Marsano said, of the 3500sol- work with the instructor's con- course work and final tests com- there for a year and a half. diers in the 116111,136are students tivity with a positive response while doing some- sent or be able to withdraw from pleted by Aprll27 and will deploy at BoiseState.

, . among victims to file com-, not releasing code of conduct BY ANDY BENSON plaints with the university and proceeding information to the Editor-in-chief law enforcement. community-at-large, making Accordingto a recent study by "Everyone who comes my it difficult for students to de- 'the United State's Department waydoesn'twanttoreport,nec- ,termine the nature of criminal , oflustlce, roughly three percent 'ei;saiily,~Wlfirr(jvrSaIa; adding;"'1icrivity'ad~cfr-ty;~u;,dioci-,-",':: " ofcollegewomen experience el- "Victims fear what the media . plinary system. However, after ther an attempted or completed is going to do with their names TheArbiterfiled a request under rape each year. Additiomilly,the and information." Idaho's Open Record Law.BSU I report found that collegeworn- Victim 'names •gathered by provided the names, 'charges en are three times more likely BSU's code of conduct - Boise and sanctions for-each case of .~ to experieQ.cean attempted or State's intemaldlsl;iplinary physical or sexual assault since completed rape than non-col- process - are considered educa- October 1998.The charges and lege women. tional records and protected by sanctions are listed on pagetwo. With numbers such as these, the Family Educational,'Rights Ofthe 18 incidents provided by one might expect sexual crimes and Privacy Act and protected BSU, only one wasexpUcitly would comprise a. significant from disclosure, However,'vic-, identified as a sex:offense. How- part of Boise State University's . ' . Incidents, listed as .forc- do, not tims ,lose "theii priVacy"when ever, at 'le,as! one case. though annual crime report and stu- !W0 ~exual cnmes were liste~ ible fondling, werere- provide an accurate picture. identified in court records. , , sexual in nature.was definedasntcase dent code of conduct cases: in the annual report. which. IS ported in 2001. ,', . "The statistics are all screwed ", Severalfactors appear toWork a physical assault Ateee j •----c-'---however,the numbers teU..adiLL~an~at~dll}' ~eClery AetWlth. ' 'Melissa WintroW.B,oiseState upt Wm, .tr~~aid. '..' .,' '!, in, uni,son, to ~e, sexual" atBSUdentin,yolving. Eric ,1'~er·I:1 '" ferent story, ' "' " ' " merntenl of edUcatingstudents .'.,Womcn's-Cemer-,;uotdinatot. . Wintrow sald1lle1OWnum~et'eIHn'tfug-Jlt BOI~t~te a sm • accused., ~,jLc-~-,.J ,qt.' 2 Betweenl99~ 'and 2003, only, about safety on campus,' Both ',said the, SCX\lal,;lSSjl~~~PPrts.{is likely,the '.result of hesitancy ".Boise State has 'a 'policy of .',SEEASSAULT,pago .,.·, .. 1 ,.>1 ~:3~'·"~ "

'EW8 THURSDAY,APRIL 15, 2004 , ": PAGE 2 "

tency." 1btfoIlow1l11ln1ormllioA WI$ provided afttr TIlt AroIter 111111.! Assault Sexual crimes are request under ldabo's Open Reconl Law. Tbt chart describes from page 1 sometimes catego- th' cIlarps and sanctioos Imposed lor studlllts found . Idaho's nuclear watchdog celebrates rized as simple assault mponslbl,lor v10lellt crim" under BSU's Stud,nt Code of .. sleeping female's hand or battery, both by to masturbate himself law enforcement and Conduct. Ham" baY' baln withbeld b, 1btArbIter. on a' band trip, was Boise State's code of charged under the 25 years with symposium at ISU conduct . code of conduct for However, Wintrow physical assault. Ada hopes the numbers County prosecutors will become more ac- ues to threaten the Snake River plants across the country and charged Turner with curate in the future. BYJEREMYMAXAND .Aqulfer, Its most significant communities' efforts to protect battery in the criminal She recently pushed Specialto The Arbiter . recent victory was to join with themselves from their poIlu- justice system. the university to track the Natural Resources Defense tion. An activist from the Law- In addition to, crime third-party reporting Council, the Shoshone-Ban- renee-livermore National Lab definition issues, the of .incidents occur- ~~~:!'~Id~:~~ Nuclear Watch- nock Tribes, and Yakama Na- in Callforniawill describe allthe location where criml- ring off campus: The tion in Washington State to stop new nuclear weapons programs nal activity takes place change ·in reporting , dog,' will cel- ebrate its 25th an- the federal government's plan to the US government is undertak- ) also hinders efforts to policy took effect two ' abandon high-levelwaste above Ing, and in light of INEEL'srole , track sexual assault weeks ago, according , ,niversary with a nuclear activism crucial water ' in nuclear en- perpetrated against to Bob Selbolt, Boise supplies, in------...... - ergy research college students. Ac- State director of Cam- Tsymposium at BoiseState Uni- eluding the and develop- cording to the Depart- pus Security. Before versity Monday and Tuesday, ment of Justice study, the change, university April 19and 20. Snake River mil ment, a panel The symposium's title, "25 Aquifer. Six G'BTS of experts most sexual assaults employees were only states _ Idaho, I, '--and activists take place off campus. requlred to report in- Years of Nuclear Activism: Swimming Upstream to Protect Washington, will discuss, SinceBSUis a non-tra- cidents .that occurred Oregon,South APRIL 19 the future of ditional campus with' on campus. Now, Communities Downstream," is a fair description of the Alli- Carolina, New energy. Dr. relatively few campus- anytime a Boise State York, and 9:05 a.m, _ Beatrice Brailsford, "Idaho's Arjun Makhi- housing options, the employee is told of an ance's history. New Mexico Nuclear History" jani, who first I ratio of, off-campus assault, they must in- The Alliance was founded by . a handful of people who met _ support the came to this vs. on-campus as- form Campus Security. envlronmen- 10 am,- Susan Gordon, "Tho DOE country as a sault can be expected No complaint is filed on a park bench in Julia Davis tal groups' Complox: living In tho Shadows of student and Park after they learned that the to be higher than tra- with law enforcement, and Indian Death" whose - work Idaho National Engineering ditional universities but the reporting is nations,' posi- now includes and Environmental Labora- 11:15 a.m, - Marytia Kelley, "Anns . • d with ample residence intended to provide a th tion in the 9 Race Redux: Now Nuclear Weapons VI. trying to e- halls. Assaults that oc- better picture of sexual tory routinely injected hazard- moe rat i z e ous and radioactive waste into Circuit Court Non-proliferatlon" cur off-campus are not assault among Boise ofAppeals. science and included in the annual State students. the Snake RiverAquifer, which now provides drinking water for Next .week's 1:30' p.m. -AJjun Makhljanl and Bill use it to eval- safety report. PegBlake,vice presi- symposium Chisholm, forum on "The Future of uate govern- The issue is further 270,000 people and maintains dent of student affairs, includes a Energy" ment policy, I complicated by vic- said she was consid- one of Idaho's richest agricul- tural regions. panel discus- APRIL 2.0 will speak on tims who are unwilling ering a change to the sion involving democracy. to report assaults. The code of conduct pro- Through a quarter-century of responsible research, a broad activists from Monday eve- Justice Department gram that would ease across-the 9:05 a.m, - Chuck Geska, John Peayoy ning there will . study noted that less disclosure restrictions public education and outreach country dis- and Andy Guerra, forum on "living be a. special ' than five percent of in cases of violent as- program, and steadfast com- Downstream" h' f cussing how s owing 0 women report an as- sault, but wants more munity advocacy,· the Alliance to make social 11 am,_ AJjun Makhljanl on Dr. Strange- sault to law enforce- input before a decision has challenged the U.S. nuclear change hap- "Democracy" love. ment or university is made. weapons program here in Idaho officials, though two- and on the national stage. It has pen. There All pro- "I need to have a lot Will also be 1:30 p.m, - Uz Paul, Geoff Feltus, Susan grams with thirds report the attack a number of impressive vic- of folks around the an overview Gordon, Bob Schaeffer and Beatrice the exception to a friend, table," Blakesaid. "We tories to its credit. During the height of the ColdWar, it helped of Idaho's Brailsford, forum on "Tools of the ofthe Monday In addition, many need to have some vic- role in nuclear Movement How You Make a Difference" evening film the people of Idaho stop the women are reluctant tims there, we need weapons pro- are free. They to go through, the to have some people construction of three nuclear .ductlon and have been de- I criminal justice pro- who have been found weapons production facillties at INEEL.It helped block con- the Alliance's signed to give cess after experienc- responsible for violat- efforts to BSU students ing a traumatic attack. ing the code, we need struction of a plutonium incin- .challenge nuclear weapons pro- and others a clear-eyed view I Prosecutors arc often to have the university erator there. Workingwith allies across the country, the Alliance grams at INEEL,and a panel of of the nuclear picture in Idaho, reluctant to file sexual attorney there," Idahoans will relate their own future challenges this country assault charges if they highlighted secret shipments of "Youhave to have all experiences dealing with INEEL faces, and ways activists can en- think a judge or po- the different perspec- irradiated reactor fuel coming tential jury might be to INEELand helped limit those and their concerns about its gage their government to make , tives before you can effects - positive and negative meaningful policy changes. unsympathetic. really make a good de- shipments. It was one of the - on their future. The head of a "The weight is on cision. And even then, earliest and remains one of the -Ieremy Maxand Is tile executive the woman reporting," not everyone is going strongest advocates for. clean- nation-wide coalition of groups director of tile Snake River Alliance Wintrow said. "And to agree on it." ing up the substantial nuclear that work on nuclear weapons when she does, how pollution at INEELthat contin- issues will describe the weapons does the system treat her? There's no consis- PAGE 3 THURSDAY,APRIL 15,2004 NEWS OUTDOORS The FRATERNITY HOLDING week Is a nationwide effort PROMISE WALL PHIlAN- to promote recognition and THROPY FOR SEXUAL education for victims. All. FIFTH and IDAHO ASSAULT VICTIMS events are free and open to downtown bollt the public. A full schedule In lieu of April being national of presentations for the in week Is aimed at changing Front bloom Sexual Assault Awaren,ess Month, the men of Alpha community attitudes and Kappa Lambda Fraternity . views of victimization BY MICHELLE SELLS Gulch hoax. Gov. Lyons told miners (AKL)at BSU will be holding and abuse. Avariety of Outdoor Reporter of the Silver City area that diamonds a fund raiser benefiting local advocacy groups had been found in the gulch. The female victims of domestic and government agencies Governor's words started a mining will be in attendance to The Owyhee Front is that strip violence and sexual assault frenzy; however, no gems of value from Monday April 19 disburse Infdrmation and of land from the Snake River Ba- through Thursday April 22, understanding regarding a sin west to the Owyhee Mountain were ever found in the area. 2004. "These Hands Don't wide-range of problems and Range and includes the towns of The road to Silver City is located Hurt," the official name of services to combat them. Marsing, Murphy, Grand View and off of Highway 78 about 5 miles Come Surf With Us! the philanthropic event, will Highlights for the conference Bruneau. At first glance this area south of Murphy. While it is not Call for student and faculty discounts. Internet services be held in the Quad at BSU include: might appear a barren wasteland possible at this time of year to reach start at *$11.99 per month. FREEl Email & Web Space " April19, 10:40 a.m, ·1;!:30 starting at 9:00am every but, if you know where to look, this the famous ghost town, the road is Boise, 10 493·2400 or Toll Free 800·336-8892 day. Students, faculty, and p.m. "IdentifyingChildAbuse desert holds some big surprises. in good repair and provides some members of the community and Neglect,"presented by striking scenery. Currently, the road Del CraigDurrellofthe Ada The town of Marsing is a quiet ag- 'Additional Telephone charges will apply will be asked to add their is open to about 6000 feet and as "hand" to the "promise CountySheriffs Department riculture community that is situated wall" for a contribution of and Dena Hunt,directorofthe by the Snake River and lizard Butte. soon as the road clears there will be $1. By placing their "hand" CASA(CourtAppointedSpecial lizard Butte is a large basaltic out- a follow up story on the ghost town. on this wall they make a Advocate)program. crop that is shaped like a giant lizard The towns of Grand View and promise that their hand will " April19, 12:4!>-2:15p.rn. perched on the hilltop and over the Bruneau both owe their continued ~~~+ not be used to harm others. "Religionand Domestic years has become the town's icon. existence to the c.r. Strike Reservoir. The men of AKLanticipate Violence:The Roleofthe This community, due to the won- This reservoir supplies both com- Church," presented by Rev. ~!!!!!!~!!!!~+ this to be a big fundraiser, ders of irrigation, is full of vineyards munities with the water necessary and want men and women, DouglasYarbroughofGrace to support the farms and ranches EpiscopalChurch, and orchards, and in the spring the AIR NATIONAL GUARD both young and old, to make in the area. c.r. Strike Reservoir is " April20, 2:1!>-3:15p.rn, hillsides are in full bloom as the their contribution for this owned and operated by Idaho Pow- serious cause. "AssistingVictimsofSexual fruit trees prepare for summer. The Up to $3,000.00 Per Semester for Assault,"presented by extraordinary colors of blossoms er and covers 7,500 acres. c.r. Strike EARTH WEEK CyndeeCook,sexualassault against the bland volcanic back- was named for a former Idaho Pow- Full- Time Students !!! CELEBRATION coordinatorfor SaintAlphonsus ground provide visitors with a visual er president and construction of the ACTIVITIES AT BOISE RegionalMedicalCenter. dam was completed in 1953. treat. • Montgomery GI Bill " Montgomery GI Bill Kicker STATE, APRIL 19-23 " April21, 10:10.11:45 a.m. Marsing is one way to access the Fishing at c.r .Strike is excellent. "Drugs:Effectson the Family," Owyhee Front. Follow State High- There are 10 species of wild fish that " State Tuition Assistance " Cash Bonuses Celebrating global unity presented by SunnyReed, can be found here including, large- PIRC(Parentlnforrnation and way 78 south to Sommer Camp I and raising environmental mouth and smallmouth bass, stur- " Student Loan Repayment Program I ResourceCenters) program Road to find just one of the-Ow- awareness will be the theme geon, bluegill, pumpkinseed and of Earth Week at BSU, April coordinator. yhee's greatest secrets-gem fields. I • April21, 3:40.5 p.m, "Men These fields hold a great deal of two varieties of catfish. Fishing can Fud }our Fulllrc 19-23. Each day will feature For More information contact: special events including a WhoBaller:CulturalBarriers," unique rocks and minerals includ- be done from the shore or by boat. ~ -=-=-~ keynote address by Robert V. presented byOscar Arguello One of this reservoirs biggest draw is MSGT Gabe Usog ... ~r Nationa! Guard ing semi-precious opals and crystals 422-5927 or (800) 621·3909 I Bartlett on Wednesday and a and AngieMartinezofthe Idaho of a dizzying variety. Rock hunting the sturgeon. Sturgeons in the nine- screening of the film "Bara- MigrantCouncil. is simply a matter of arming oneself foot range are not uncommon in ka" on Thursday, as well as • April22, 10.11:45 a.m. these waters. As always please refer "'VictimImpact:APanel of with a resource book, a hammer, a representatives from local bucket and picking a site. Scratch- to Idaho Fish and Game regulations I and national environmental . Victims,"presented by Loretta whenever fishing Idaho waters. 1 Stadler ofMADD(Mothers ing around in the dirt and looking organizations. All events are In short, Owyhee County is a fas- COOL CONOOM GUY'S WeefCLYTIP I free and open to the public. AgainstDrunkDriving). for treasure is a lot more intriguing j cinating place with a wide variety of Following is a list of events • April22, 3:40.5 p.m. "Teen than it sounds and can be a great for the week: DatingViolence,"presented by deal of fun for the whole family. activities available. Now is the best "Monday, April 19: Water Sue Hollyofthe Women's and The land on which this gem field time to visit the area, the snow is and Air Quality, 10 a.m.-2 Children'sAlliance. sits is owned and operated by the mostly gone, the desert is green and "100~ Of OUR CUSTOMERS I . p.m. Representatives will • April23, 10.11:15 a.m. Bureau ofLand Management (BLM) wildflowers are blooming. To ap- AGREE THAT THEY PREfER "Personal SafetyforWomen," be on the Quad from Water and it serves many purposes. One preciate this area will require some CONOOMS OVER GONORRHEA" presented byTuckieShaver, and Air Quality, Nature such purpose is to provide a home effort on your part, it is not possible Conservancy, Idaho Rivers crime preventionspecialist for to do it justice in just one trip down United and United Water. the BoisePoliceDepartment. for Idaho's wild horse population. Scattered through out the front are the highway. Buy a map and a GPS Tom Scott Motors will unit, let a friend know where you are display hybrid cars. At noon: BOISE STATE OFFERS several small herds that depend Tree planting and ground FILM AND DISCUSSION on this free-range land. These ani- going and do some exploring of your breaking event kick-off. A ON HOLOCAUST mals are shy and secretive and few own. The more you put into this ex- pear tree will be planted visitors are blessed with a glimpse of perience, the more you will get out! in the memorial section of Boise State University will them, but one peek will make you a show a free screening of Important Informarion; the Science and Nursing return visitor for life. Complex. Steven Spielberg's World Bureau of Land Managemellt 373-4000 Through out the front, the BLM Gi,lens Hot Springs 495-2000 or "Tuesday, April 20: War 1\ Holocaust epic, has provided several recreational Energy, 10 a.m-Z p.m. "Schindler's List" (R; drama; opportunities. ATV trails crisscross Owyhee County Historical Museum 495-2319 Representatives will be on Liam Neeson and Ben Ida/to Power Company 388-2200 the Quad from Lafee Energy, Kingsley; 1993), at 7 p.m. the landscape and four-wheel drive a Kuna-based company, on Monday, April 19, in the trails are also abundant. The terrain and Tom Scott Motors. Also, Special Events Center. The is rocky and often steep. If you are enjoy a free. solar smoothie screening will be followed planning a trip make sure that your' made from the power of the by a discussion with Boise vehicle is in top condition and let a sun with Lafee Energy. State communication friend know where you are planning "Wednesday, April 21: professor Peter Wollhelm to go. This is not a place where you Transportation 10 a.m.-2 about the film's themes and events and its historical want to get stranded! p.m. Representatives will be Givens Hot Springs is located on on the Quad from Dirt Dart context. I Highway 78 just 11 miles southeast Mobile Bike Service and Tom Scott Motors. Noon-1 HAIR DONATIONS of Marsing. Pioneer Milford Givens J SOUGHT APRIL 17 settled the springs in 1881 and the p.m, Robert V. Bartlett will 1.\ deliver a keynote address on DURING 'LOCKS OF LOVE Givens family has owned it ever the role environmentalism CUTOFF' since. This historical site offers an plays in American indoor pool and private soaking democracy. The lecture Volunteers can donate their rooms. Camping and picnic sites takes place in the Hatch hair to benefit financially disadvantaged children are also available. This is an .old fa- Ballroom of the Student cility but the water is wonderful, so Union. Bartlett is a visiting who have suffered long- professor from Purdue term medical hair loss on enjoy. - University and is Boise Saturday, April 17, during The tiny town of Murphy is the State's first "Frank Church the third annual "Locks of next stop on this highway and pos- Distinguished Professor." Love Cutoff." The event is sibly the smallest county seat in "Thursday, April 22: sponsored by the Honors the country. What this town lacks Recycling 10 a,m.-2 p.m, Student Association at Boise in eize, it makes up for in informa- you never Representatives will be on State University. tion and history. Murphy was estab- The cutoff will be held from the Quad from Timberline lished in 1899 when the Boise, Nam- High School, Boise City 9 a.m. - 2 p.rn. at Boise Hair Company West In the pa and Owyhee Railroad reached expected Public Works and Tom the site. The railroad was developed Scott Motors. At 7 p.rn., the Shopko Plaza on Fairview' evocative and Inspirational Avenue and Milwaukee by Col. William Dewey to bring sup- taking. out film "Baraka" will be shown Street. Volunteers can either plies to and from the mines in the in the Liberal Arts Building, show up and wait for a area. While the railroad was never Room106. This film is a stylist or call Hanna Ferber, completed and Murphy was the end musical and visual montage HAScommunity services of the line, it did serve to make the a second of cultural responses chair, at 426-7220 to town and important center of com- schedule an appointment. to a swiftly changing merce for a time. Murphy has em- mortgage environment. Donated hair must be at least 10 inches in length braced its history and is the home of "Friday, April 23: the Owyhee County HistoricaiCom- Biodiversity 10 a.m-Z p.m. and bundled in a pony tail or plex and Museum. This facility tells Representatives will be on braid. Hair must be in good for only the Quad from Boise City condition with no bleach or the tale of Owyhee County history. Public Works, the Forest recent perms: dyed hair is Annually, the Owyhee County Service, Fish and Wildlife okay as long as it's healthy. Historical Museum hosts "Outpost one .class Service and Tom Scott The cutoff will benefit Days" on the first full weekend in Motors. The Biology Club Locks of Love, a non-profit rune. This celebration has been tak- will also have animals on organization that provides free, custom fitted hair ing place for the last thirty years and the quad in support of provides demonstrations in roping, maintaining biodiversity. prosthetics to disadvantaged children with medical hair saddle making and other old time crafts. If you are interested in Idaho BOISE STATE HOSTS loss. The hairpieces are VICTIMS' RIGHTS WEEK made entirely from donated history, this is an experience not to APRIL 19-23 human hair. be missed. The Honors Student A small side note, Highway 78 Boise State University Association at Boise State from Glenns Ferry to Homedale is will host Victims' Rights focuses on community the south alternate of the Oregon Week 2004, "Community service and environmental awareness. Its primary Trail. From one end of this trail to Survival: Resources For the other historical markers identify Rebuilding," April 19·23 In service is to promote and sponsor charitable and. unique pieces ofIdaho history. One the Lookout Room of the marker identifies the location of a Student Union. Sponsored educational events. More great Idaho hoax. Idaho Gov. Caleb by the criminal Justice information about Locks of department and Alpha Phi Love can be found on the Lyons perpetrated the Diamond Sigma honor society, the Web at



. -. ., - . Acampaign 1he 5~nd'llEDGEISSUE... shocks me, and cars , tick me off

BYTRAVIS ESTVOLD Columnist So, yeah, it's election year - again. Time for complaining, time for whining and time for us to hear how God-awful our --- president is and how much God- worse his opponent would be. Many people can't stand Repub- licans; others dislike Democrats. I, myself, am a moderate. That of course means I don't like to hear what anyone has to say. But with campaigns heating up, slander- ous ads keep jabblng me in the eye and they always seem to want to counter one another. "This guy's a moron"; "No, the other guy's a moron: "Nub uh. Really, it's that guy." "Whatever, moron." That's all I hear any- more. Itseems absurd. Imagine my surprise when I found an advertisement recently that completely embodies my preconceived notions on how a presidential race should be run and of all places, Ifound it in my own wallet! I'm not sure how he did it, or exactly how much it cost him, but John KerryIs now appear- ing on the twenty-dollar bill. I know, I know, I'm crazy right? Kerry isn't on the twenty, but seriously-go look. I mean, I erican values and Iraq think the artist must have taken some creative license because his hair and eyebrows are a little Their technical prescriptions had monster. But the war, unfortunately, Rice of Stanford. out of control, but it Is definitely BY SEBASTIAN MAllABY been right, but they had often failed enjoys little legitimacy. We are not John -Kerry. The only part I'm The Washington Post We all know the fate of Kennedy's back in the Vietnam era, when dem- hubris In the military sphere. It led because they'd been viewed as ille- confused on now Is why does gitimate. McNamara's ambitious rural onstrating students enthusiastically It says "Jackson" under his por- WASHINGTON--.After the Cuban to Vietnam, a war that was right in waved posters of America's enemy, Ho the sense that the Iraq war Is right: It development projects looked good trait? My guess is it's some sort revolution, in 1959, the United States on paper, but the bank failed to win Chi Minh. But there's a sense that the of nickname. He probably loved infused defense and foreign aid with was about standing up to a dictatorial Iraq war violated the principles Amer- regime with a threatening anti-Ameri- peasants' support for the new Irriga- Michael Jackson in the 80s and a new vigor. John F. Kennedy cam- tion systems and feeder roads, so both ica is admired for. This country stands wore a white glove to his Con- paigned in 1960 as a cold warrior, and i can ideology. But the Vietnam War for the rule of law, but the Bush pol- was simultaneously wrong. It was per- decayed for lack of maintenance. It gressional sessions. That would the following year he proclaimed a was the same story with structural. ad- icy of unilateral preemption appears explain It. "development decade" in a speech In ceived as illegitimate--by Vietnamese lawless. This country stands for the nationalists, by America's allies and justment. The bank and its allies were I suppose, in retrospect, it's front of the United Nations. His as- right to tell democratic conviction that a broad not that unusual for a politician sertiveness was compounded by the ultimately countries cacophony of voices must be heard, by Ameri- to have his picture appear on economic exuberance of the times. to cut their however much that slows the wheels cans. a memorabilia. A former president Cars sported extravagant tail fins; As There's a sense that the Iraq war budget defi- of government. But in the lead-up to result, it was (George H.W. Bush) has his own McDonald's was reinventing restau- cits and allow Iraq, the Bush team treated interna- unwinnable. rants; American entrepreneurs and violated the principles America is ad- their curren- tional opinion contemptuously. And The fate of Intellectuals were the world's smart- cies to fall to in assembling the provisional author- Kennedy's est. Of course Kennedy's whiz kids mired for. This country stands for a competitive ity in Iraq, It thought it could sideline I'm not sure how ambition could contain communist expansion . level. But Lat- awkward but powerful voices such as in foreign Of course they could triumph over the rule of law, but the Bush policy in Americans that of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani. .he did it, or exactly aid is less global poverty. and Africans This was a mistake. The lesson the well-known of unilateral preemption The echoes of our time are unrnis- did not view aid people learned applies to global . how much it cost but just as takable--and, in an unexpected way, prescriptions strategy as well: Legitimacy is crucial. interesting. appears lawless. revealing. from Wash- Precisely because American Ideals him, but John Kerry Over the After al-Qaida's attacks, in 2001, ington as have triumphed and authoritarian- next three George W. Bush Infused defense and politically legitimate. As a result, they ism has been dlscredited--precisely is now appearing on foreign aid with an equally fresh vigor. decades, aid bureaucrats escalated because no demonstrating students the battle" against poverty, applying were frequently not implemented. He became an anti-terror warrior, and So the aid folk-oat least, the thought- wave posters of Saddam--America the twenty-dollar bill. the following year he promised a huge the same technocratic rationalism needs broad popular consent for its that led America to underestimate the ful ones--dlscarded their hubris. They jump in aid on the eve of a United Na- accepted that you can't ram develop- actions. tions summit. His assertiveness was Importance of legitimacy in Vietnam. Everyone should pray for American baseball card. Oklahoma Sen. ment ideas down people's throats, compounded by economic exuber- The paralletwas no coincidence: A key success in Iraq, and it's too early to Steve Largent had a football however right and rational those ideas ance, too: Despite the Internet bust, architect of the buildup was McNa- pronounce success impossible. But card and Minn. Gov. Jesse, "the are. This Is why the Bush adminis- a decade of extraordinary technology- mara, who left the Pentagon in 1968 our troubles there are paradoxically most bizarre celebrity to ever get tration's expanded aid program--the fueled growth had enlarged America's to preside over the World Bank, where the product of our success. America elected," Ventura even appeared one announced on the eve of the U.N. idea of what was possible. Like Ken- he spent more than a decade. During won the contest against communism on the cover ofWWF magazine. summit two years ago--will be spent nedy before him, Bush surrounded the McNamara 1970s, the bank's lend- because its ambition Is not to rule the So, anyway, that's all I have on In a few countries where sensible himself with brilliant and unhumble ing tripled and the scope of Its efforts world but to create a world of rules; it the subject. Seriously, I'm trying policies have been adopted already lieutenants. For Robert McNamara, expanded at an imperialistic rate. In is not simply to be right but to stand to stick to one topic per column and enjoy popular support. The aid the charismatic CEO who ran Kenne- the 1980s the bank tried to fix the poor up for the rights of others. You cannot these days, but it's difficult. I get people have grasped the Importance dy's Pentagon, substitute chief execu- world with the package of technocrat: win the Cold War on the strength of frustrated at things. So I have to ie economic prescriptions known as of legitimacy. tive Donald Rumsfeld. For McGeorge Which brings us to Iraq. In a tech- these Ideals, then expect to win in Iraq tell people. Bundy, the Harvard dean who served structural adjustment. I was driving home from my nocratic sense, the war was right: Sad- by Ignoring them. as Kennedy's national security ad- In the 1990s, however, the World girlfriend's house and I dam Hussein was an America-hating was viser, substitute provost Condoleezza Bank and other agencies woke up. nearly killed. A motorist flicked a cigarette out of his window as I was passing him. It bounced twice, then collided with the front of my car. I wanted to run him off the road or choke him, LET1-'ERS or something along those lines. Outdoor Rec Center should hold open auctions So if anyone sees a little blue car TO THE (that's not my Honda), do me a "win" an item. I'm not a busi- costly items is that It removes tional auction). In the future favor and flick anything you can Dear Editor, ness major, but I would think the true/competitive nature I would like to recommend find at it. to the ORC that they conduct that the more money the ORC EDITOR Lastly, I asked my girlfriend I wanted to write and ex- of an auction. A person can a traditional auction where can generate through these the other day, "If I was a car, press my displeasure with wait until there Is a very small people are aloud to bid on an auctions the better for them what kind of car do you think the way the Outdoor Recre- amount of time left (e.g, 10 We encourage readers to IIOIa their opln- object until they have reached and us (i.e, beautiful new gear I would be?" Now this is a guy ation Center (ORC) sold Its seconds) and then sign their lons[or publication. Pleas. submit lerten to their own personal spending available to rent). Just my two the editor to [email protected] and question. Of course the typical old rafts and The pro- name on the form (not al- kayaks, limits. It would generate more cents. Include name. contact number and standing guy would love to hear that he is gram sold its old equipment lowing for additional bids) at Boise Srate Unlverstty. Letters may be sub- money for the ORC (so they something fast, or sporty, or big. through a silent auction with and get an item for a great ject to editing. The ArbIter cannot verify the could buy better boats for Sincerely, made In ro Anything somewhat cool will do. a time deadline. The problem price (a much lower price accuracyo/staremenu teuen the next season) and it would also JOHN HARRELL editor; they reflect the opinion o[the writer. Here is the response I received: with conducting a silent auc- than what would have been Readers may also post their comments at give a buyer a fair chance to "a rental car: Sigh. Ihavenoth- tion on highly desirable and generated through a tradi- Ing further.

Editor-in-Chief Business Manager BEN MARTIN x117 ANDY BENSON xlOS [email protected] The Arbiter Advertising Manager Sports Editor General Manager Advisor . BRAD ARENDT xlOl BRADYNlXONxl08 . DR. DAN MORRIS xl07 ANDREA TRUJILLO xl03 CELEBRATING 70 YEARS [email protected] "Production Manager Asst. Advertising Manager Managing Editor A&EEdltor MIKE ROCHE xl 11 - TERRI STENKAMP xl09 The Arbiter is the official JFBSlCA ADAMS xl06 CRYSTAL THOMAS xl04 dMnions@arbiterooliMcm1 1910 University Drive independent student newspaper of Asst. Production Manager Office Man8ger IDLARY ROBERTS Boise, ID 83725 Boise State University. Its mission Photo Edltor DAVID HABBEN xl11 MARY DAWSON x121 Phone: 345-8204 is to provide a forum for the "~' ...Fax: 426.;;3198 ,- --discussionof-wues affecting the--~.- -p~--"---- BSU community. The Arbiter's . Mandt Dancer REPORTERS stanley Browstet Jo5onq,1 0a.~J!0!~ .~ budget consists of fees paid by the EmlIyDesler Michelle Sells .student body and advertising sales. COWMNISlS DanWtM Distributed Mondays & MonIca PrIce JamesOn' AD REPS lIIus1rlltor . The firstcopy is free. Additional Ivnb

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emember The Presidents of the United States of America? They were the guys who got teenyboppers dancing nearly a decade ago with such hits Up as "Lump" and "Peaches.' Maybe you thought they went AWOL, but they are back and they are going cra- Coming zy promoting a new to be released in July. The Presidents packed the Big Easy on Friday night. Local rockers, Exit 51, started the night by opening for the band. In true Big Easy-style, the show started an hour late and there was a lot of standing ·s around between bands. But when The Presidents jumped on stage they immedi- WHAT: The SuicideMachines were formed In March of 1991. ately livened the place up. The Presidents reminded the crowd The band has done extensive of their great sense of humor. They told U.S.touring since 1995and has jokes and bounced around the stage like done several tours of Japan, kids who'd missed a dose of Ritalin. There Canada, the UK, and Europe was no dull moment with these guys; they as well. In 2002the band saw even incorporated Boise into a song about the addition of bassist Rich an old man on his porch. Tschirhart. InJune 2003the They covered "Video Killed the Radio SuicideMachines released Star" and had the crowd singing along, their 5th full-length, "A Match but the whole crowd went electric when And Some Gasoline·, on they began "Peaches." SldeOneDummyrecords. Throughout the show, the band seemed "We continue to tour as much to be united. They kept eye contact with as possible around the world each other and gave the impression that and try to make the best they were having a good time together as records and put on the best well as with the au- liveperformances we possibly dience. The drum- can." mer, , WDEBE: BigEasy There was no dull demonstrated a WDEN: Thursday, April 15 at " variety of . facial Bp.m. moment with expressions the Cost is$12 at Ticketweb. entire night as he dug into his drum these guys; they kit. , the lead singer, even incorporated had huge leg kicks while Dave De- WIlAT: Featuring Piso Boise into a song derer performed Majado, Red Rocket a multitude of fun Red Rocket, Me about an old man solos on his guitar. and my Ego, They introduced The Mongoloids on his porch. their' new stuff, and The Art of which sounds Colonoscopy. much like the style WDEBE: they are known" for. It is still that same The Neurolux fun, bouncy technique that we all fell In 'VDEN: love with in middle school. Sunday, They encored with a song off their April 18 at 6 new album called "." p.rn. (from left to right) By the end of the song, one oftheirgui- Lead singer Chris Entryisfree. tars ended up in the crowd and all the Ballew, Guitarist Dave kids up front were pawing for a chance Dederer, Drummer i Jason Ann. to get a strum in before the guitarist The Presidents of yanked his instrument back on stage. the United States of The Presidents drew a diverse crowd, America are making a from hip teens to older happy-go-lucky \ come back. The band played to a sold-out listeners and a bunch of twenty-some- crowd at the Big Easy thing's in between. The Presidents Friday night along with themselves are no spring chickens, but local grunge rockers they had a youthful vibrant presence. Exit 51. They had a lot of energy and still looked pretty young. The Presidents of the United States 1/ of America are back and they are the ,: I real deal. They are on a cross-(:ountry WBAT: Paradigm's female tour bringing back that carefree sensa- lead sets the band apart tion that they are most famous for. in a genre dominated by male-fronted bands. Curtis' I gripping vocals immediately draw listeners in. Incontrast to the dark or angry voices

I often found in music,paradigm's lyricsrelate i familiar yet thought-provoking I stories that reflect hope amidst .1 the melancholy and pain of real life. Drawing on influences umpingPortland up a notch like Sarah McLachlan,Counting he lanet he: Crows,U2and ColdPlay- Paradigm weave their carefully crafted melodic tales through BYDAN MCNEESE The unique sound isn't some- thing of a surprise coming I a tapestry of layered guitars, A&EWriter effects, samples, driving drums, from P Town, but it's not ste- reotypical either. They consist and tight bass lines. Sponsored CD Review by the Student Programs of a guitarist, a drummer and a Board-come check it out and A friend of mine once said, keyboardist and while any band enjoy some free food while "There are two kinds of people: with a keyboard is downright awful, TPT Is, in all fairness, an you're at itl Portland people and exception. , WDEBE: Student Union people. You can like both cities, but you have to favor one. And Their new album, Pllysical 't Patio (or the Braval Stage for whether you hate both cites you Angel, is- a surprise to have in I bad weather). the stack of promo CDs at The WDEN: Tuesday, April 20, 11 still have to choose one." I thought about this. Natural- Arbiter and is one of the better a.m.-1 p.rn. ly, I am a Seattle person; I was this year. born there. But I thought about A cross between Ween and the It and weighed the options. I've soundtrack to Super Marlo Bros lived In both cites so I know how may not sound like a listenable to compare the two on a few lev- end result, but It's where The els. They're both known for rain Planet The is at on physical and distinctive underground Angel, a 10-track promo highly music scenes. They both cater enjoyable with experimental to bad drug problems and high riffs and subculture beats. A WDAT: Join the Student suicide rates. Although Portland . murky tone trademarks some Programs Board and ten local lives in the shadow of Seattle's of the songs as a product of the bands as they rock out to the limelight of the early 90s grunge Northwest. It's like Devo was eighth bi-annual Face Off: sound, it makes up for itself by slammed into by the Suicidal Portland band The Planet The released their new album Physical Angel. Communion ofthe bands. Two Tendencies' tour van. featuring styles that are just as The and Von Hummer would be vinyl. stages, ten bands, five hours unique as its competition. One The lyrics are few and far be- with (for those familiar with the The Planet The is currently on a good show. of music. thing is certain, great music has tween with little audibility. But Public Access circuit, Von Hum- a cross-country tour but will be it doesn't matter because The mer is an inane street perform- physical Angel ends with WDEBE: Student Union been spawned from both cities. rapping up with a date in Boise Planet The was meant to be a er with his own language who the sound of a record needle Jordan Ba'lIroom The band The Planet The scratching off vinyl. This does on May 5 at the Neurolux in (TPT) is one example of Port- jam band and whatever they are wears lobsters on his head. He downtown Boise. If you can't WDEN: Wednesday, Aprii21, doing works for them. The lyrics has a public access show based seem pointless to put on a CD, 7 p.m. -12 a.rn. land's underrated musical yet it's a cry for recognition that wait that long, check out Physi- styles. They are a trio of awk- they do encompass into their out of Portland, so there might cal Angel at www.fiftyfourfortyo Entry isfree music sound like something be some influence there). A this album would be one of the' ward sounding musicians that few that might sound better on rfight;com. are well worth checking out. Von Hummer would come up double header with The Planet

Cheese ••D elicious meabs, lebbuce, ckles, bomabo and C?hips. ver 30 satiisfying $20 Adjustment for BSU dwiches and salads Students & Employees. r lunch, dinner,.picnics We also work w/student health insurance. and partiies. ,

-r's~\ecific Chiropractic correction he,Ips ~" .,., , 'wit\ your pain problemand.a1£9-Z-J1!iJ..!It:.._~ , ". ~-r-P'£~ iJroves the overallfiJ~ction of your ~~::'R;:'Tf" b y. Millions have experienced the \,UlK\JrJ1l\\,U\; nefits of optimum health under CaU389.222 , hiropractic care .•you can too. '025 Lincoln, Boise ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY, APRIL 15,2004 ·,PAGE6.·, Campus Affairs ~ BOOKS W STONES ~ JEWELRY ~CANDLES ret Tarantino spills 'Bill' PUBUC INVl'rED TO HEAR TWO H G SPEAKERS IN BOISE STATE AN- E Crone's cup60ara I THROPOLOGY SERIES R lor a£l tliinossac~tf r!/, wise~ F The community Is invited to hear two , anthropology speakers at Boise state. from head to screen B T Universitythis month. DavidWilkens S ~ CELEBRATE SPRING ... S willaddress "Ongoing Research Into BYRACHEL ABRAMOwrrz 36010T,.,,{anlg1j'. the Geomorphic Historyof the Coral Los Angeles Times ~ '.Bain, Id4Iia 8J'{O$ WITH EGGS- TRA ~ Pink Sand Dunes, Kan County, Utah" 2O&.JJJ..O&Jl at 3 p.m, Thursday, April 15. Aram HOLLYWOOD ,- Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, ~ SAVINGS! ~ Yengoyan willspeak on "Slmmel www.cronrs-cvp6oan!CDlll the 41-year old maestro of Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fic- and Mann on the Tragedy of Modem non and the coming Kill Bill: Vol. 2, is perched illthe C Culture: Anthropological Reflections T A on German Thought, 1880's - 1930s" family room of his Mulholland· mansion, popping SPEND.12S OIl },fORE AND strange Japanese cheese munchies Inhis mouth A R at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April21. RECEIVE AN EGG wmt A FRIS GIFT Both speakers willbe Inthe Student and trying to explain that Kill Bill, which seemed like R OR SPECIAL DlSCOUNJ'iNSIDE D Union Brink Room. There Is no a chick revenge movie in Vol. I, actually turns out to o S charge. be a love story In Vol. 2. A twisted, cracked love story, to 3loltrs: 9t/Da-Sllt.lOa.. -Tp., Su.t1>1111. - JprI Wilkenswillpresent his research be sure, but "a legitimate love story, all right," Tarantino T on the evolution and nature of the says. ~ F~IRIES ret DRAGONS ~ INCENSE 11MUSIC ~ Coral Pink Sand Dune In southern "You're dealing with men and women and rela- Utah. He willlook at underlying tionsWps in thls weird alternate universe," controls Inthe dune-field formation using ground-penetrating radar, as Indeed, the Bride and Bill, played by Uma well as changes In dune activityover Thurman and David Carra dine, are the very the past few centuries based on embodiment of the adage "Can't live with 'em; radiocarbOn and dendrochonologlcal can't live without 'em," and the stakes are data. Wilkens Is as assistant Wgh because both parties are trained killers. professor of geosciences at Boise Tarantino thinks that this Is part of the film State. His talk is presented by the __as opposed to the fleets of ninja killers, the Friends of A.,thropology. teenage girl psychopath and redneck assassins Yengoyan willexplore the general __that the audience will actually identify with. sense of disenchantment and Mobile Video disillusionment that developed in He himself got choked up while shooting the European Intellectual circles in the last gasping moments of the finale -- paradoxi- late 19"' and early 20"' centuries. cally, for a self-conscious action film, a 40-min- System Using the writings of phllosopher/ ute talk scene -- where Bill, as the title demands, • 7" pull-down monitor sociologist George Simmelllnd gets his just desserts. novelist Thomas Mann, Yengoyan "I think it's sad because these two kinda be- • DVD Player willlook at the relationship between long together. And because of this and that • 2 Wireless headphones Ideas of culture and criticism, and the other, they're not. It's not too different politics and aesthetics, and from Othello, if you think of it that way," Many culture and civilizationIn German Intellectual culture. YengoyanIs people might miss this allusion, but they're not a professor at the Universityof Tarantino. California, Davis. His talk Is part His demeanor Is sweet and weirdiy Indefati- of the Department of Anthropology gable as he nears the end of his ll-year saga Lecture Series. with the Bride and Bill, the central characters driving the narrative in both volumes of Kill IDAHO DANCE THEATRE PRES- Bill. They 'were first hatched on the set of ENTS NEW PERFORMANCES 1994's Pulp Fiction with Thurman, sent into cold storage until he ran Into the actress at a Idaho Dance Theatre willpresent six days of performance, Incorporating Mlrainax Oscar party In 2000. Thurman asked three separate programs that whatever happened to their creation. He went showcase six new and re-staged home that night, dug out the 30 pages he'd written, works. Performances willbe held In and worked on it for the next four years, writing a 222-. the Boise State UniversitySpecial page script -- divided up and titled in 10 chapters like a Events Center at 8 p.m. April15-17, novel; shooting for a marathon 155 days across Japan, China, 23-24 and 3 p.m, April25. Mexico and LA.; editing one film; selling it across the globe; Admission Is $10 for military and then, like a page from Groundhog Day, editing a whole personnel, seniors and students, $20 for preferred seating and $30 separate film, which debuts Friday. The sum of that effort -- all million or so feet of film -- now for director seating. Tickets may be "Killing can work purchased at the door; however, as a metaphor lor stands like his own private army inthe family room. advance purchase Is recommended human relationships. if The division of Kill Bill into two films was officially sug- and available by calling 331-9592. that makos any sense." gested by.Mlramax head Harvey Weinstein, and as a business Three different programs willbe - Quentin Tarantino decision looks provident -- the shooting cost $55 million, and presented. Program AIs presented LOS ANGELES TIMES PHOTO the first installment alone has earned $170 million at the box office. April 15, 17, and 24; Program B, BY BRYAN CHAN April 16 and 23; Program C, April 25. Works to be performed Include Marla Hansen's "Chakra," a powerful, athletic 'ensemble work In six movements and Carl Rowe's "Thorns Bring on the boys - boy bands, that is and Roses," a visually stimulating work Incorporating the poetic style of modem Asian martial arts films. BY DAVID HILTBRAND space boy Lance Bass' work one with light hair, someone on "Hollywood Squares"-the with medium hair. You need at There willbe several as yet untitled Knight Ridder Newspapers solo and ensemble works that are "N Sync guys say they'll begin least three strong lead singers. currently under production. Musical writing songs for a new CD this And they have to be young and There are those who say the accompaniment for the performances summer. clean-cut, parent-friendiy." golden era of boy bands is features selections by Eva Cassidy, The hurdie all these groups On top of that, Bums adds, Sheila Chandra and Paul Giger. over, swept away by a flood of lawsuits, solo ambitions and face is that it's exceedingly dif- "you have the really cute one, ficult for pop performers who the one who's not so cute, the Where did FRENCH.fJORN ARTIST PRESENTS changing teen tastes. SLIDE LECTURE AT BOISE STATE "You'll never see trading had teen appeal to reconnect shy one, and the goofy one." UNIVERSITY cards and cute boys in matchy- with their audiences. If the makeup of these bands "The typical is predictable, so is their shelf snowboarding begin? matchy outfits doing fancy cho- The Art Department at Boise State reography again," says Zena fan was 12 years old In 2000. life. "It's a five-year run, on UniversityIs sponsoring a visit by Bums, music editor for Teen Now they're 16," notes Tom average," Pearlman says. "The Get answers. Anytime. Anywhere. French-born artist Jehanne-Marle People. "It's morphed into boys Vickers, a music consultant and bands get to the point where Gavarln!.Gavarlni willgive an artist former Capitol and' Mercury they have a lot of money and talk and meet with art students for who play their own Instruments in bands like Good Charlotte Records executive. "Are they they become more lndepen- studio critiques. going to have the same reac- dent. Or else there's a falling Born and raised in France, Jehanne- and Simple Plan." al1SWeli Marie Gavarlnl has exhibited her work But If the boy band Is extinct, tion? "Oh, Brian (Littrell) Is so out and someone wants to go in solo and group shows nationally somebody forgot to tell the cute!' No. Now they're Into the solo." Strokes or the White Stripes." A few singers have discovered and Internationally, Includingvenues boys. The hope, of course, Is that that the best escape from the Real-time answers from real librarians such as the Delaware Center for "Penny & Me," from a forth- Contemporary Arts, Art Concept coming CD by "90s sibling sen- maturing fans will see that their boy-band ghetto is to marry Accurate, up-to-date information International Art Festival in Sankt sations Hanson, just debuted old faves have matured, too. well. , formerly of Petersburg, Russia; San Francisco The Hansons release their , has gotten far more 24 hours a day, 7 days a week In the No.2 position on the will Art-Commission Gallery, Urban new disc, Underneath, April 20 attention as Mr. Jessica Slmp- Multimedia Arts Festival In Belfort, Billboard Hot 100 singles-sales And, it's all free! on their own 3CG Records. "We son on MTV's "Newlyweds" France; the Centre de recherche chart. Former New Kids on the d'echange et de diffusion pour I'art Block singer has played an acoustic show a few than he did for his recent CD contemporaln in Ivry-sur-5elne, a new set of NKOTB material, days ago, getting ready for the "SoulO." And Bryan McFadden full tour this summer," says just left Westlife, the United France, as well as Gallery 128 In N. including remixes of "80s hits Y.She is a recipient of several awards such as "Step by Step" and lead singer and middie brother, Kingdom's most popular boy Includingthe Bronx Council on the Taylor, now 21, married, and band, to pursue 1V projects Arts In N. Y., Pennsylvania Council on "Cover Girl." And another New Kids alum, heartthrob Joey the father of a 16-month-old with his wife, Kerry, the for- the Arts and the Centre de recherche son. mer Atomic Kitten singer who McIntyre, is set to release his d'echange et de diffusion pour I'art "It's been four years since our sprang to fame as winner of the contemporain In Ivry-sur-5eine. album 8:09 on April 27 . % In the last ten years, Jehanne-Marle The management of Menu- last album and seven since our British version of "I'm a Celeb- Gavarlnl's sculptures and Installations do, the group that launched first one, and the fans are dif- rity ... Get Me Out of Here!" 10 DISOOUNT with BSU ill ferent than they were ...They're Yes, things may be ugly in the have dealt with gender, as well as , - recently an- representations and constructions of nounced that it would audition in college and getting on with shallow end of the pop music (disooUllt valid 2-6prn MOll-Frt . All day Sat & SUll) fantasies and sexuality. 10 to 14-year-olds in New York their lives. But they're still - pool the work is grueling, the Whilewe are spreading our virtual this summer for a revival of singing along and waving their chance of success slim, the wings and travel in cyberspace, our hands." management usually rapa- the Latino boy band with the bodies are stili, sometimes painfully, The Henry Ford of boy bands clous. But there's never a lack 2.•~ Try ~UJ: ".ome-made: grounded In material reality. Jehanne- revolving-door policy. When '3.i.. is Lou Pearlman, a former air of talented kids clamoring to . i!§t;'; . barmh desse,rts Marie Gavarinl holds a Master of Fine a member- got too tall, or his J,"-" , .. 'lo.~ ;:r Arts from the Universityof California voice changed, or he turned charter owner and cousin of Art dive in. RIVER- CITY .SOUp ·saoowiohe,s Davisand a Bachelor of Arts from 16-whichever came first-he Garfunkel. A remarkable fleet That's why it may be prema- the Universityof California Berkeley. was summarily replaced. of groups-Backstreet Boys, ture to trumpet the end of the BAG E L & B A K E R Y SPEDIALIT COFFEE She currently lives In Boston and Is After a four-year layoff and "N Sync, LFO, Take 5, C Note, boy-band era. ~ '.::'..,;'?" d<····· ...-' • • <.~..:..1J""'~.,'C:;;;...... Pu 1(\&an e,s resso an Associate Professor/Foundation endiess litigation, the Back- O-Town, Natural and others- "I'll tell you exactly when it'll 10Cll1l9 OWlt.d all:! ojX!liltffi. Coordinator at the Universityof -have rolled off Ws Orlando, be over," Pearlman says. "When rp p Massachusetts Lowell. street Boys are back in the studio. And despite the solo Fla., assembly line. God stops making little girls. 908 Iv. Main St. D01PntOll'l1 Boise Ph: 338-1299 The formula Is rudimentary, Until then, we'll keep going." Hours: Mon,Fri 6:30am,6pm I Sat 7:30am-3:30pm ISun 8:30am-2:30pm Wednesday, April21, 6:00 PM, BSU careers of JC Chasez and Justin Multi-Purpose Building,Room 101 Timberlake-and occasional Pearlman says: "You need film roles by Joey Fatone and someone with dark hair, some- ,,~_"~ '~~ ,. "' "_ .~_ ~-- - : ~ • _ ~ \"" ~ i:,

- ....~"");;,.,...'.~:i:" ....;t , ;:::::;-:::::);5'0. PRO-TRANSMISSION'S '>


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PHOTO COURTESY Of MARIACHI VIIRGJoS EXTRAVAGANZA A mariachi ensemble from San Antonlo'l Fox Tech High Sc~ool perfonns at lest year'1 Mariachi Varps Extravaganza, held In San Antonio. Nowhere has the mariachi em craze caught on more than In South Texas; and especially San Alltonlo, where more than 40 pereant of the population IIof Mexican origin. '~. .' :~ "'T~:O ":Plta'1'1_ . Mexican music catches on in U.S. schools '1/.,. •••. ",--' • "';0fiiEitr_~i:;'-ijM~r '. : 746 W. Main Sf ..... 388-1900 their short embroidered jackets, are popping up in other parts of For now, students and direc- WE DEUVERI . BY KARIN BRULLIARD wide-brimmed hats and flashy the nation. And nowhere has tors say, mariachi connects Special to The Washington Post neck scarves - which lend ca- the mariachi arts craze caught many Mexican-American and chet to the music, students Don't surrender on more than in South Texas, other Hispanic students to a SAN ANTONIO, Texas-An- say, and allow them to skirt the to HUNGER!!! and especially San Antonio, heritage, and even a language, astasia Willdns calls herself a "band nerd" label. where more than 40 percent of that is often only dimly farnl1- Counter-attack with a "typical teen-ager." Her bed- "The music is so cool," said the population is of Mexican iar. delicious PITA!!! room, Its walls painted In pink Jeff Nevin, a music profes- origin. At least' 50 schools in The other afternoon, a few and white stripes, Is strewn with sor and mariachi instructor at $1.00 OFF or San Antonio and 250 others in members of Fox Tech's maria- clothes. She runs on her high Southwestern College in Chula Texas offer mariachi programs, chi ensemble took a break after FREE DELIVERY school's track team and wears Vista, Calif. "Your image of a kid said Cynthia Munoz, a public practicing for an upcoming a retainer. When she listens to getting on the bus and carrying relations executive whose firm competition in the South Texas Open 11-3a.m. Mon-Thurs, 11-4a.m. Fr/ISot a music, It Is likely to be oldies or a violin case and getting teased- organizes the Mariachi Vargas town of Alice. The ensemble Noon-3a.m. Sunday country and western. -it isn't really true If he's got a Extravaganza. -- eight violin players, three Deliveries stop 30 minutes before closing For nearly a decade, though, mariachi suit." Mariachi is so big in Texas trumpet players, one guitar, two Must mention coupon when ordering the bright-eyed 17-year-old has Teaching mariachi in schools that from San Antonio south to vihuelas and one oversize bass directed her passion toward is a purely American concept. the border, schools with ma- guitar called a gultarron - prac- singing and playing violin and South of the border, mariachi riachi ensembles outnumber tices during one class period vihuela--a small five-string is rooted in folk music of rural those with jazz bands, music and for an hour each day after guitar-dn school mariachi en- western Mexico and passed sembles. Last November, on educators say. Drawn to mao school. m Need .. ., "I didn't expect to be able to from generation to generation, an evening she said she hoped rlachi for its festive rhythms and learn or hear mariachi here," its notes and lyrics rarely writ- would never end, her dedica- melodic songs about homeland, said violin player Marcelino ten down or studied formally. II tion to mariachi paid off: At liquor and love, the students Castillo, 18, who immigrated to But mariachi's reputation as Instant Cash I the largest national competi- learn music theory and can be- Texas from Mexico nine years cheesy cantina music may be tion for school mariachi en- come accomplished singers and ago and began learning maria- its chief barrier to the main- sembles and singers, members instrumentalists. I stream. Despite mariachi's firm "I hate the word 'mariachi" chi as a sixth-grader in San An- for Winter? of Mariachi Vargas, Mexico's foothold in Texas schools and I tonio. The senior also plays in a preerninent.Lmariachi; group, used to describe the players, Donate Plasma at professional ensemble that per- the growth of regional contests, crowned Wilkins best vocal- said David Zamarripa, mariachi forms in a local Mexican restau- there is no mariachi category in BiomatUSA I ist in the United States for her instructor at downtown San An- major statewide music compe- II tonio's Fox Tech High School. "I rant on weekends. "It makes me throaty performance of a song tltIons. Those are reserved for want them to be 'musiclans." keep in touch with my roots," Earn $50 the first week called "No Puedo Olvidarte," or jazz bands, orchestras, concert "I Cannot Forget You." Most mariachi students are he said. I and $150 per month. Another violinist, Desarae Ro- bands and. choirs. "I know that I'm singing cor- Mexican-Americans or other driguez, shrugged when asked Wilkins said she thinks maria- Tue-Sat: 9:00 - 5:30 !I rectly when I see people cry," Hispanics, although mariachi chi deserves more respect, but I about her ancestry. "I don't said Wilkins,- a second-genera- educators say the music attracts know what I'm reading all the she's not sure regulated compe- tion Mexican-American whose students of all kinds. Some GRIFOlS I \ time," Rodriguez, 17, said of the tition is the answer. 4017 Overland Rd Spanish is so-patchy that her think mariachi may be on the Biomat USA, Inc. lyrics. "But I grew to love it," "Then you wouldn't have as II Spanish teacher translates song verge of a breakthrough to the Boise, ID 83705 Other students take up maria- much freedom:' she said. "And caring for people'S health lyrics for her.- mainstream, much as jazz once that's what's fun about maria- transcended its southern black chi for its timeless song topics m Eft m In the Southwest, mariacfif chi." iSM • roots to seize the imagination of and trajes de charro - the flam- school programs have exploded . boyant mariachi uniforms, with over the past 30 years, and they the nation.

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Not a Division-. athlete? I• .. You can still shine at BSU 1...... BY JEREMY RASMUSSEN .. Sports reporter .." The Club Sports Program at Boise State is highly overlooked by most : students despite the program's several opportunities for students to get ~ involved in athletics on campus, and even to compete against other : universities and clubs. ~ Students are also given the opportunity to start their own club sport. ~ Current sports clubs offered include: ice hockey, men's and women's .. lacrosse, baseball, softball, rodeo, indoor soccer, bowling, kayak, ~ snowboard/ski and men's volleyball, as well as four types of martial arts, : clubs. ' • The basic idea behind most of the club sports on campus is to pro- ~ mote the sport to BSU students. The ice hockey team is among the : many that serve to promote their sport on campus. The team travels. : around the Northwest and into Canada, competing against such colleges and universities as Montana State, Western Washington and Columbia Basin College to 'name a few. The season begins at I \ the beginning of October and continues through the winter to the end of February. The men's lacrosse team was organized in the spring 00995. The goal of the team is to promote the sport of lacrosse to Idaho and compete yearly in the Rocky Mountain In- tercollegiate Lacrosse League. The team practices and scrimmages year-round and the season is played from late February to the end of April. The Rocky Mountain Conference playoffs begin on April 30 this year in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Conference Finals follow on May 1. Women's Lacrosse is basically the same story. They practice all year, and the season is played at the same time as the men's team. The baseball club has been recognized at Boise State since 1981 and was awarded Sports Club of the Year twice in the mid-90s. Baseball season is also played out in the spring from the end of February to the first of May. The final games ' of the season this year will be played on May 1 and 2 in Moscow against U 0fI, fol- lowed by the Big Sky playoffs, which will be held on May 8 and 9. If the team qualifies, they" will then travel to Bellingham, Wash. to compete " in the Northwest Regional Playoffs. As for the Softball -

Club, they joined with the hope' of making softball a. n future varsity sport. The BSU rodeo club serves to help prepare interested students for Regional and National competition. They , also sponsor a N,I.R.A. approved rodeo each spring. The rodeo club also has been awarded two Sports Club " of the Year awards. Theirs came in 1988 and 1989. The bowling club is another that competes with other colleges and universities' in tournaments throughout the Northwest. Destinations include Idaho State, Wash- ' ington State and Las Vegas. The club sends the top five women bowlers and the top five men bowlers to the tour- naments. They have a league that meets every Tuesday - night at 4:30. The Men's Volleyball Club competes in the Mountain West " Volleyball Conference as well as against teams throughout the Northwest. The team relies solely on fundraising and donations as well as all other Club Sports. There is a team practice being held tonight at Bronco Gym at 8:30. Other club sports focus on development of .r abilities in their specific sport. The martial arts clubs are: kodokan judo, aikido, shotokan karate and taekwondo. These, along with the kayak club and " snowboard/ski club, were all developed to get stu- ' dents involved in things they are interested in and - develop their abilities. So even if you're not Division-I quality, even "

if you can't throw a football an amazing I distance or raise up and dunk a basketball _ there is a place for you in club sports at BSU. More information on club sports can be found online at • recreation Iclubsportsl index.asp. '

ILLUSTRATION BY QA',10 HABBEWTHE ARBI1IR Broncos get ready to hargers on the clock: It

i , could be time for anning ,: ar SYlUCK GOSSEUN hattle in 'Border The Dallas Morning News (KRT) " the Challenge. Forest Braden, American triple jumper Kenny BYTREVOR HORN Robin Wemple and Becky Johnson will not compete for The San Diego Chargers have been on the clock since Sports reporter Ward will be heading down to the Broncos in the event, but he Dec. 28, when a 4-12 record earned them the frrstoverall " The Boise State track and the Mt. Sac Invitational. will run the IOO-meter dash for pick of the 2004 NFL draft. The Chargers have a pressing field team will head to Pull- "It's the best place to run the strength training. Also running need at quarterback _ and the quarterback at the top of man this weekend to partake distance," Maynard said. the 100 is Andre Summers, the draft board is a can't-miss prospect: Eli Manning of in the Washington State Cup But the Broncos will still who has come up big for the Mississippi. Challenge on Saturday. A have a boatload of athletes Broncos as of late in that race, But there are three potential franchise quarterbacks week after the team was split that will try to get themselves and the men's 4xlOO relay. in this draft _ Manning, Philip Rivers of North Carolina at two different events, nearly ready for the NCAA regionals "Andre Summers has shown State and Ben Roethlisberger of Miami (Ohio). The Char- the entire team will be on tap next month. Maynard has high he can step up," Maynard gers can trade down, add a couple picks and still come for the Idaho versus Washing- expectations for the women's stated. away with a future at the position in either Rivers or Ro- ton competition. Washington side of the squad. Everyone Summers, along with TJ. ethlisberger. State, Washington and Eastern has been paying attention to Tolman, Antonie Echols and The Giants have already called, askingthe cost of mov- Washington will take on BSU, Abbey Elsberry when it comes Ray Ardill, the relay team will ing up from fourth overall to first. So it's too early to proj- Idaho and Idaho State. to the throwing events for the be trying obtain an NCAA ect the first player, much less the first team, in this draft. : Boise State head coach Mike Broncos. But he pointed out regional qualifying mark this Keep an eye on the wide receivers. There are eight with : Maynard and Washington State that there are two other ladies weekend. first-round value, but the draft record is only six in the • head coach Rick Sloan created that are stepping up very well. The great state ofIdaho won first round. So elite wide outs will be available into the .: the idea for a state challenge Charlene Hawthorne, who fin- the Challenge Cup last season, second round. Here's Round 1 of the mock draft: ~ last year. ished 9th in the women's shot and Maynard and the entire: "A novel concept that would put last weekend at the Sun squad will be looking forward ' have a little competition to the Angel Invitational, and senior to another win. And he stated [plck{Team/P1ayer/Pos,/School) : meet," stated Maynard. Kathryn Mount. at there is not a trophy or an ac- ' 1. SenDIego Eli ManningQBMlsslsslppl19.MillnesolaMarcusTubbsDTTexas : The Mt. Sac Invitational in "I have some good expecta- tual cup to present to the win- 2. OaklandRoyWlIliamsWR Texas 20.MlamlShawnAndrews OTMansos : Southern California is running tions for those girls," stated ning state - but he wants to buy ;: ~~:~~~~ ~:. ~~s;:nd StevenJackson HB : this weekend and there are Maynard. one soon. 5.Wash.KellenWinslowrt Mlaml-f 22.CowboysChrisPenyHBMlchlpn ~ very few coaches in the West Another star on the women's "I want to buy a silver cup, 6.oetrottSeanTaylorSMlaml-f 23.SeaWeRIcardoColcioughCBTus- d Region that actually want a team that has stepped up as of or something like that in the 7.Cleveland DeAngtlloHallCBVllilnla culum .. scoring event during the same late is Stacy Bolstad. Without future," stated Maynard. Tech . 24.ClnclnnallJonathanVilmaLBMlaml-f : ., 400 h dl . Th Chall '11 b 8.AUantaTommieHarrisDTOklahoma 25.GreenBay Ben Troupen: Rorlda d weekend as a major invita- a -meter ur es event me. enge WI e . 9.JacksonvilleKen.chlUdezeDE 26.Stl.oulsBenRoeIhllsberierQB M~ :

tional, SOthe two came up with indoor competition, Bolstad back in Boise next season, so Southern Cal amJ.O " d what Sloan dubbed the 'BQrder has come out of the gates Bronco fans will have to actu- 10.HoustonWinSmithDEOhioStale 27.TennesseeJasooBabinDEWestern : ._o.~"~WM~'~_-,-~.. . _.runrJng so Jarhl the outdOO!. ally cheer for the Vandals in U.PItlsburghPhIlIpRlvenQBN.CStateMlchfpn. ' KRT.:...I'HOIOGRN'H~~~&iBYYli8lWliiNiGJLOPEJV~~""--+-1 "It's not Boise State versus·· season.-Sliewon"two 'tat'weeks~mlffiCO-Sradiuni-:::"-we'tlser---al h th t . ~ ~~~~;;~n.-,_. State.3Ill'lilla

Weekly ~pecials

Pittsburgh's Larry Fitzaerald as low as $94 ! (1) celebrates his fourth period " score with Matt Morpn (751 'I " 455-2359 4412 AViation Way 'I agall\stTemple last season. (208 " CeldwelL 10 83605

Sunday Worship Service •@ 10:45 am I~~iwho ate spiritually we~ty and seck teSt; ~II who moum and long for comfort; in the Lookout Room, . ~,.' to all.who struggle ctn4 desire vldot)'; Student Union Bldg to all who sin and nee

Career Center Services BYDANPOMPEI Reggie Williams (Washington), '\ , The Sporting News 6-2 Michael Clayton (Louisiana State), 6-2 RoyWilliams (Texas) • Job Listings ..... ( : A skyscraping class of receiv- and 6-2 Rashaun Woods (Okla- ...... ers -- seven could go in the first homa State). • Career Planning. round -- will dominate the 2004 Height is an attractive com- receivers is the fact that there , . NFL draft April 24-25. There's modity for several reasons. also are many very good receiv- • Job Search Advising also a' quarterback or three Foremost, big receivers create ers of average size or smaller in available, and the 3-4 trend will matchup problems in a league this crop. I full of 5-10 cornerbacks. Falcons general manager Rich • Interview Training I affect the pursuit of D-Ilnemen. I Buck up, draftniks, it's time to McKay says he never has seen I anything like this group of re- ",I go picking. • Internship Information Trainers around the NFL "This seems ceivers. A third-round receiver should start preparing for a new this season might have been a • Major Exploration " phenomenon .-- cornerbacks first in another year. ·i with stiff necks. The condition tobea The availability,of all the big •.. i Is inevitable because those de- boys also puts normal-sized re- • Resume & Cover Letter Assistance . .. i fenders will be craning their larger and ceivers, such as 5-11 Lee Evans .. necks to keep their eyes on the (Wisconsin), in a slightly dif- skyscraping group' of receivers more physical ferent light. In fact, players like -or- from the 2004draft class. Evans might be unfairly deval- ."Maybe it's the water or ued; Some front-office men are something," Ravens Coach group across being careful about taking that Brian Billicksaid: "This seems into account. to be a larger and more physical the board." "It helps to have extra size," group across the board." BillsG.M.Tom Donahoe says. Largely speaking, this' is the "But there are all kinds of re- ceivers who play in the league. largest group of large receivers They are better targets than ever. At the hotel that houses Santana Moss had a great year ~t;;;".;~-'~~rVi;al\) smaller receivers. They can take with the Jets (74 catches for draft prospects for the NFL more punishment and are ef- Combine, 25 receivers who are 1,105yards). He's a little guy (5- fective third -down and red zone 10). They come in all different 6-foot-1 or taller had their feet weapons. dangling off the ends of their packages. Probably the worst ~"t~UrVlvor Style!."," An offense that adds a big thing we do in scouting is we get beds. That doesn't Include 6-5 receiver adds a dimension, so ...... ·~'~:,;;·~~,c-:.=;,~~_";;,_,..'"'''~,.,.",...·,··J,·,''· ....·,··....., Mike Williams, the sophomore so hung up 011 measurables that ' many coaches are pining for we don't study the player and from Southern California who one. It becomes a matter of, Presented by entered the draft late. see what kind of football skills keeping up. with the [oneses, and.abilities he has. Not saying , International Association of As many as seven tallreceiv- like Jerry and Stephen of the ers have a chance to be first- those things aren't important, Administrative Professionals® Cowboys. They traded 5-11 but there is more to playing round picks: the aforemen- Joey Gallowayfor 6-4 Keyshawn tioned Williams, 6-4 Michael football than that." Johnson this off-season. \ Kathy O'Brien Kathy. O'Brienbecam.e the 14th member Jenkins (Ohio State), 6-3 Larry Lost in the grab for the XXXL Fitzgerald (Pittsburgh), 6-3 to be voted off the island after sU!Viving .o» CBS, February 38 daysl, Kathy will share" how she 28/ 2002, the world conquered back-room politics, formed watched 'as 16 alliances,andstniggled with dishonesty C-USAmoves closer to picking 12th team ,strangers were while finding the strength to overcome the difficult and harsh environment. Learn with 12 schools, and athletic ".'..stranded On the' how these survival techniques can be BYALANSCHMADTKE , wrinkles. i remote island of UTEPis the favored candidate directors are expected to follow applied to your workplace! The Orlando Sentinel his lead. A league al- , Nuku Hiva, part of (KRT) among a list that includes Loui- siana Tech and North Texas but lows for divisional play in sev- the Marquesas • Overcome challenges .ORLANDO,Fla. _ After two no longer Includes Temple, To- eral sports and also will permit C-USAto have a football cham- •.'islands, a distant • Adapt to the unfamiliar days of meetings In Texas, Con- ledo and Miami of Ohio. Tern- pionship game. I ference USA athletic directors pie's interest In C-USA is for Despite the lack of a for- ~,:.'neighbor of Tahiti in II Tackle your fear adjourned Tuesday with no of- football only, and the league is ~the South Pacific. ficlal recommendation on ex- pondering only all-sports mem- mal announcement Tuesday, • Maintain a clear perspective panslon. but that should change . bers. Mid-American Conference Banowskywas pleased. There, they. worked "I think we took some big • Getting along with difficult people soon. members Toledo, and Miami, •. together to survive, Although the group had hoped once on C-USA's expansion steps forward get to some con- • Team building sensus," he said. "Wedon't have I while eliminating to have its membership puzzle radar, on Tuesday reaffirmed solved by Wednesday, pieces their commitment to staying In a consensus yet, but we're mak- each' other one by • Working under stress will fit In time for .an April 30 the MAC,and the MACissued a Ing progress:' Banowsky said one reason discussion by league presidents, statement ofits "solidarity:' one every three Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 UCFADSteveOrsini said. . C-USA has a roster of 11 league leaders are taking their days. "That's our job. We'll come up schools. for 2005-06, when the time with the expansion evalua- Location: DoubleTree Riverside, with one," Orsini said. bulk of conference realignment tion is that the conference, after this decision, does not foresee .Kathy O'Brien has C-USA presidents have the happens around the country. 2900 Chinden Blvd., Garden City final vote on exPansion, Athletic Although C-USACommissioner any more membership changes returned as an "All directors wiUhave one or more Britton' Banowsky said staying in the near future. .~~a.r·SurVivor" .qirlng 'I'izne: 1-4p.m. Fee: $35per person conterencescalls over the next at 11"is still a viable option," he on CBS beginning in two weeks,toiro!1 o~t expansion' .•is on record as wanting a league Pay with your credit ~ard at FebJ;Uary2.00~. ·fF;;·. (. .'. \ .' . - . - - . , .Kathy:WiUalSoS1lare ..·b~hind-the-scenes secietsandwillbe available ....for .'ait~ographs·.·.·:and ." Space is Limited - Tickets will not be . sold at"the door. Questions? Please call Rebecca Winston at f~ii'~~';208-433.8800 ext. 246. ,I '!

Barten:len TraiJiees F roomrnatene~ed to BasebaU Queen pillow top Needed. $250/day CRUlSIt LINE SHIPS . Men'. mattress set. Brand new, share 4 bed I bath house Onboard positions available, league looking for Potential. Local still in plastic. Must sell for summer ($330) or SHAW seasonal or year-round, Call players ages28+.lf . Positions. 1·800-293- interested, email Duke at .2091 Ford Escape XLT $159. Can deliver. w/one year lease ($310). MOUN IN 1·941·906-4880 3985 ext 223 [email protected] 4X4 Blue. Fully loaded. 866-7476 Call 208-284-5361 HEIGHTS Mell'. BasebaUICll&Ue 60,000 miles. $15,000. 208·724·8191 Mattress Set, Full Size looking for players ages Brand New in package. Roommate Needed to ~'\()VI IN SPICI;\LS 18+. If interested, email Brand New 2002 Honda Sacrifice $99. Call share 2411 Kootenai EXTRA jesusjlll'[email protected] 1&2 Bedrooml2 Bath I. Iookllll for -rptlc, VTX1800 Retrow/Spoke 866-7476 $200/mo. + Util, Includes INCOME, .. If motIYetId 1ndMd to ' l\SBSU prov i de s 1975 245 DL Volvo wheels. Candy Red, Apartment Homes add to our outside - Brand new, never been Cable/Internet 384-0168 FREE ATTORNEY Station Wagon. $500. ext. warranty 4oomiles. Qu~e DowntownSetting o fired Savage 30-06. We're hiring outgoing llRfAT COMMIIIlONI .... CpNSULTATIONS 377-1659 $11399 Call 887·9874 and articulate students Wooden stock. Comes Roommate needed to Near St.Lukes and o IOHIISU' 426-.1440, , to work 20-40 with 3 x 9 scope, $380. o fUXlWHOUIlS 1980 Chevy Pickup. 3/4 2003 Silver Yamaha R6 share 4 bedroom 2 bath FoothillTrails, houl'll per week. with a local Call Bryce at 429-1615 house. $300/mo. + 1/4 . • ADVAltCEMEMT ton. Needs paint. $1250 Adult ridden and garage DESIGN YOUR OWN private lawyer for obo, 658-0628 kept. Never down. 5800 util, Available mid May. OPPOlrlllNmES moat legal prob18lllll 2001 Micron PC plus' MAppliances Including: SCHEDULE I miles. Asking $6900 obo. I TRAlNINO AND 8UPPO/lT PAOVIOED you JIl&y have, monitor and printer. Call 841-3083 WasherlDryer EVENING and WEEKEND including 442·6962 HOURS AVAILABLE 1980 Volvo GL SedaD, $100.377-1659 Microwave/Gabie CALL MIKE FOR AN INTERVIEW divorce/tamily law w/CD, looks great. • Paid traIning llllldlord problfillllJ Entire apartment fun of $I,OOO/obo. BridesmaidIFormal • Casual envlronment child custody and furniture for sale. From . CALL 343·1242 208-794-1714 371-1488 Skirts MARIPOSA-New o Flexible schedule child I\IIlPO%'t couch and bed to dishes w/tags $39 all Sizes- collection and debt and lamps. Call 724-6806 IMMEDIATELY HIRING problfillllJ 1985 Volkswagon Beautiful! LAVENDER $8.001 hour w/Organza Overlay Also- Join our fun face SALESPEOPLEl Hermit perlOMl injury and Vanagon. Good interior S-Plece Cherry , insurance and runs good. $1500. RED Satin! 440-0388 stimulating pre-school! Hut; Hot new concept Bedroom set. Brand-new FREE UTILITIESI Please call for cart in Boise Town 'lIOrkmim' a c~atiOl1 377-1659 FREE CABLE TVI day care, taughtby a more Inlonnallon claims in box. Retail $1450, 30 Ft. 1977 NU-WA 5th Square. Competitive pay, WI/criminal sacrifice $395. Call wheel. $2500/0bo. Hitch licensed elementary hourly + commission .. 1993 Honda Goldwiog 888·1464 teacher. lCCP, 658-4888 call ASBSU for an 1500SE 2 tone teal. good -included. 338-6540 Full & Part Time. Must appointment Attorneysl condition, Less than 60K References, yard. West be very outgoing and Cherry sleigh bed Prlvate Uvlng Areas & Bsth Margaret Lezllllliz and Free Black Jersey Boise. Vonda 672-0984 dependable. original miles, Loaded. Solid wood. New-in-box. Shared Common Amenities Joim SChroeder $8499 887-9874 Wooly rabbit. or $30 with 208-332·4636 Value $850, sacrifice cage and accessories. EVERGREEN SUITES 384-1600 Teach English In $295. Call 888-1464 409-7952 Do You Need Financial Aid? Taiwan Single girls Are You InNeed Of Debt Consolidation, ~(ll'IlusinessUxwJs? Kayaks for sale! and couples needed. BroncoJobs Italian leather couch HOME EQJIDOR RE-FINANCEI Pyranha Prozone, $375 18K. RT airfare. 4Imij"'S·'imQ"i""i and loves cat for sale! Fast Approvals, Regardless Of Your Credit History! Liquid Logic Sessions, Free housing. darin_ $10.50 Base-Appt Bad Credit & Bankruptcy Accepted! Brand new. still in plastic. $425. Various paddles, Affordable [email protected] Lookingfor Jobs The Boykin Group Is Here To HELP! No Upfront Fees! Retail $2450. sacrifice also. Call Mike @ Downtown PI in Cust Sales/Service Call Us Toll_Free @ (877)536-8986! $899. Call 888·1464 331-8241 Living while you are a Flexible Schedules •.":.;."...",.•'c....""""'.,.:w"'·'''''~·1 I NewlyBuilt student, Career King size pillow top I' I No Exp~Necessal'f 1&2Bedrooms Opportunities, or mattress set Brand new in ·'Ient···:it·'.····l lotuspayLrohool,1f1lWerau- ,",' .. ,) ." '. 1 ,",39 ckrjs aye


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THING5 ARE MOVING MAYBE I SHOULD SELL I5A1O TOO FA5TI I'VE L05T ! A GOOD REAL THIS HOUSE AND GET @ MAYBE. CONTROL OF THE 'I Ii A NEWER ONE. E5TATE AGENT PROCE551 DOE5N'T KNOW \I PACK YOUR I THE MEANING \ 5TUFF. WAFFLER, OF THAT WORD. rJ.·.'·.•·.·..·.··.·.. @.r) E5CROW CL05E5 "!:xcuse me, Ms, Migley.., v Nil! S 3 £) V IIV S Today is an 7 - It's not a good day to lot more with the help of a creative 60 Gangster's gal 21 Kind 01 plum Today is a 7 - You're a voracious 61 Standards 23 Yeah, that's real S 3 >1'1 N S 3 1 .1 .1 Vl:l_ travel or to send out resumes or an- partner. You need a couple of crazy reader, especially now. This is good, 62 Shed Iikelyl S 1 3 8 Vllllllllllll33 N ~I S 3 a nouncements. Rethink your proposed ideas. Pick out the one that's most 25 Caron Ii1m ' 3111 I because your flight to success starts 63 Make a devout v S H S a 8 3 NIIiIIa N 3 action and try to find the words you likely to work. request 26 Took it on the I :>3 13_3 01 with a library card. Find out what :> l:lJ. SO might later wish you'd said. 64 Uke Gatsby? lam _S J.N I l:lldl:l3 E)N 1:J others have already discovered so that 65 Salty seven . 27 Skye of "Say libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) NO S I V I 1.'1 3l:l V_ Today is a 7 - Another person is doing you don't reinvent the wheel. Anything ...• . Taums (APm 20·May 20) DOWN 28 Silent assBnlS " 0 N 10M 0 H S most of the talking, but that doesn't . 1 Stone and 29 Confederate I£.~.!! Today isa7 - A friend may surprise J.NIV l:Il:lV.lSI~NYA Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) you with a suggestion you'd never - mean you don't count. You're putting Stallone soldier V 3 a I 3 I 1 N n I N 3 1 Today is a 7 - Information you're have come up with yourself. That's in most of the work at this point. Make 2 Jacob's first wife 32 Powerful stink 3 1 V d H:> 3 3 a M v 1 S dredging up could threaten the estab- 3 AD part 33 Man or Dogs , one of the things friends are for, so let . sure you get credit for it. lishment. That's why it's best to keep 4 Moves back and 34 ·AUntie Mame' ; them lmowwhat you need. forth co-slar Peggy 45 Perplexing 52 Taxi charge ,~, Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) it to yourself until you're sure condi- 5 Harder at work 37 Coming in. puzzle '..~ 53 Gin flavor, "" ~{Moy.2-l-June21).."'::. .._~_TodayJs.a7..-.Agiftf9J.JLl~.!l.Q!le .i~_' _1!!'!1s.!Ue ~~t. And ~~t now, th:!,_. _---6J3JJartt~.~_~ __ ~ Wll9..e.'!_~_ .48 Most reasQnabie54 Ms... :: 7 La\. IIst-el'lder 4 fln an angry ~7-croSIl~~~·· - '"FIl%glIraW' ~"-i-I-- Today IS a 6. Don't take on an as- good way to express your true feelmgs. aren't i1glit. - - ~. 8 Geometric fig. manner 48 Lalticework . 550011. entrance slgnment that will cause friction with You're experiencing a lot of frustration . '...... 9-Fetnale, '. 43 Fragrant plant 49 String quartet hurdles' someone you love. That's not a: nice· at work. Being kind always helps. '(cl 2004._TRIBuNE MEDIA SERVIcEs INC. , protagonists resins member' 58 Afr.nation· surprise to dump on a person who's Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune been therefor you. Information Services .

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