Norm Friesen, PhD 2015 (January) C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E N O R M A N F R I E S E N Associate Professor Boise State University College of Education Department of Educational Technology 1910 University Dr. Boise ID, 83725
[email protected] Citizenship: Canadian S U M M A R Y O F A C H I E V E M E N T S Teaching and Supervision: 6 PhD students graduated; 1 EdD student (ABD); 8 MEd theses/projects (8 completed); 8 course designs, 7 workshop designs developed and delivered at institutions internationally (pp. 2-6) Peer-reviewed publication: 3 solo-authored academic monographs, 1 monograph edited/translated, 2 solo-authored textbooks, 7 co-edited collections/special issues, 80 articles and chapters (largely solo-authored; pp. 9-18) Research and Development funding: Over $2,000,000 received since 2003; $1,600,000 received as principal investigator (pp. 7-8) Presentations, Panels, etc.: Over 200 presentations in 5 continents (pp. 25-42) Affiliation/Memberships: Head of Canadian Delegation - ISO/IEC SC36 WG2 & SWG; Member of Canadian Delegation SC36; Editor for Phenomenology & Practice; Associate Editor for the Journal of Curriculum Studies (pp. 42-45) R E S E A R C H A N D T E A C H I N G I N T E R E S T S • Philosophy and critical theory of technology, media and education • Traditional and new media and technologies in education • Theories of learning and their history (including theories and histories internationally) • Qualitative research methods (for investigating teaching practices) • Web 2.0 and social media in education • Information systems for instruction and data management, and their interoperability • Open educational resources, open technology and policy Curriculum Vita Norm Friesen, PhD 2 of 44 E D U C A T I O N Ph.D.